
Alola Girls Ch. 38 (BBW, WG)

Dec 11th, 2020
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  1. Chapter 38
  3. Jack and Hilda made their way back to the villa to find Nessa and Rosa both feasting on a half-eaten chocolate-raspberry cake from room service.
  5. “Good afternoon, Jack.” Nessa said, gulping down a mouthful of the delicious dessert.
  7. “Good afternoon ladies.” Jack said. Rosa nodded, her cheeks still stuffed with cake and chewing laboriously.
  9. “So Nessa, Rosa...” Hilda began. “May I see your phones?”
  11. The girls both looked at Hilda and Jack, a little surprised. “Uh, yeah... What for?” Rosa asked, spitting bits of chocolate cake out of her mouth.
  13. Nessa eyed Rosa, then grabbed her phone from beside her plate and slid it over to Hilda.
  15. “I’m confiscating them temporarily.” Hilda said.
  17. “Why?” Rosa protested.
  19. “Because we’re going back to Melemele.” Jack said. “The plane leaves in about two hours.”
  21. Nessa shrugged, Rosa looked horrified. “Two hours?”
  23. Hilda nodded. “Phone.”
  25. Rosa looked down, the consequences of facing Oleana going through her head. “Oh no...” Rosa said, tears beginning to stream down her face. “I’m gonna get fired.”
  27. Hilda shook her head. “Not if you give me your phone. You’ll have it back once we return to the estate.” Hilda explained.
  29. “But with you back... I won’t be needed...” Rosa tried to reason.
  31. Hilda shook her head once more. “I have a feeling I’ll be a bit busy being a mom to do this job alone. I’ll need your help, especially as I get closer to my due date.”
  33. Rosa looked up. “R-really?”
  35. Hilda nodded, Jack came up to Rosa and put his hand on her back. “Promise, no consequences. You’ve been doing what you’re supposed to.” Jack said.
  37. “But what about Oleana?” Rosa asked.
  39. Jack shook his head. “I’m going to take care of her. She won’t be a problem after today.”
  41. Rosa gasped. “Are you going to...” Rosa put her index finger to her neck and made a cutting motion.
  43. “What? No...” Jack said. “But she’ll no longer be working for Cobal Industries, and none of us will ever have to answer to her again.”
  45. “Oh... okay...” Rosa said, still processing everything, but handing up her phone to Jack, who handed it to Hilda who turned it off and dropping it into her purse with Nessa’s turned off phone phone.
  47. “So she won’t be able to track us.” Hilda said.
  49. “So girls, go get packed.” Jack ordered. “We’re leaving in fifteen minutes.”
  51. Nessa looked down at the half eaten cake, then looked back up at Jack.
  53. “I’ll take care of that.” Hilda said, licking her lips and taking Rosa’s seat, scooping up the entire half of the cake and putting it in front of her. “Can you get me some juice?”
  55. Jack nodded, and sat at the table, watching Hilda force the rich dessert into her belly in record time.
  57. ***
  59. Getting through the airport felt like a blur. The group ended up at a restaurant in the terminal as they waited for their flight. Hilda was going on about the stories and various escapades the girls and Jack had done before Rosa and Nessa had shown up in Alola.
  61. “Is it true you were as skinny as I am when you showed up?” Rosa asked excitedly.
  63. Hilda nodded with a grin. “Yup... Skinnier actually. “I’m seeing your face has gotten a bit fuller since I saw you in Unova.”
  65. “Really? That quickly?” Rosa looked down at her body, unable to notice anything. “Well my clothes have started to get a little snug actually...”
  67. “That’s how it starts.” Hilda said. “And it just gets more problematic from there.”
  69. Nessa licked her lips. “Can’t wait...”
  71. Jack hardly said a word during the conversation, his mind stewed with the conversation he was about to have with Oleana. “She won’t be going down without a fight.” He thought to himself.
  73. An idea popped into his head, he’d hit up Leaf whiole on Akala, but she was busy doing classes and couldn’t leave Melemele. He whipped his phone out and sent her a text.
  75. Jack: You busy today?
  77. Leaf: No. What’s up?
  79. Jack: I think I’m going to need some help at my property. About to have a serious confrontation, and need a more in shape girl I can trust to make sure a certain someone doesn’t escape.
  81. Leaf: Sounds exciting! ...But I’m not in too great a shape these days.
  83. Jack: You’re skinnier than most of my staff. Could really use your help.
  85. Leaf: Okay.
  87. Jack: I’m flying to Melemele from Akala in a bit, will give you the proper time to be at my property when I land at the airport.
  89. ***
  91. The flight was quick, and as he got in his luxury SUV for the first time and saw the familiar sights of Hau’Oli, Jack felt butterflies in his stomach.
  93. “Want me to drive?” Hilda asked.
  95. Jack nodded, sending a text to Leaf about when she should show up.
  97. Leaf: I’ll have my Venusaur at the ready.
  99. Jack was lost in thought the whole trip up to the house, but they got there in no time. Hilda parked in the carport, and Jack gave a look at Hilda, and she leaned over to his chair and gave him a kiss.
  101. “Good luck, boss.”
  103. Jack nodded. He sent a text to Domino and Skyla as well, telling them to get ready.
  105. “Should we go to?” Nessa asked Hilda.
  107. “No, this is between him and Oleana.” Hilda said, and Jack threw his door shut. His stomach felt very uncomfortable, but he kept a hand on his belt with Poke Balls, his Swampert’s Poke Ball was at the ready. He opened his phone and found the audio clip Domino had sent to him and got it ready to play with one touch.
  109. He opened the door to his house, never feeling more like a stranger on his own property. He looked around, noticing the layout was mostly the same, and he didn’t hear any noise, so he made his way to the office. Upon arriving at the door, he noticed it was open, with a small yellow form in the middle of the doorway, causing a crease in the carpeting. He stepped over what was probably Nebby’s new evolved form, and then looked up at the office chair he heard snoring coming from. Oleana’s long, frazzled hair streamed from the sides of her chair.
  111. “Oleana?” Jack called out, a bit more anxiously than he’d anticipated.
  113. The snoring continued, so Jack crept over to her chair slowly. Her three Poke Balls rested on the desk in front of her, along with a lot of cookie bags, cans of soda, and candy wrappers. He could tell Oleana had developed quite a paunch.
  115. “Good job, Lillie.” He said wordlessly and grinned. He swiped her Poke Balls and took them outside of the office. He hid them underneath a footrest in the living room, then returned to the office doorway, and took a deep breath. He went up to her and tapped her shoulder, snapping her right awake.
  117. “Who the hell is waking me up-” Oleana spat before turning around and making eye contact. She smiled smugly. “Finally, the boy admits it’s over.”
  119. Jack shook his head. “It’s over, but not for me.”
  121. “Really, boy? Then why’d you come crawling back here?” She said, getting out of her chair. Jack noticed crumbs, stains littering her red dress.
  123. “Because I’m going to accept your resignation, here and now.” Jack said.
  125. Oleana scoffed. “As if, boy. I’m going to be one of the richest women in the world after you give me quite a settlement for shutting up about the depraved things you’ve been up to here. And if you don’t the board is going to keep you chained up in the company tower to keep your dick from knocking up any other brainless, fat, bimbos.”
  127. “The Board... funny you should mention them.” Jack said. “I called my board liaison, and they had no idea you were here, or why.”
  129. Oleana smiled. “And why would I tell them about a mess before I’ve cleaned it up? You really need to think these little maneuvers of yours through, brat.” Oleana paused. “It’s a good thing you’re back though, we can finally get to fixing all of these issues you’ve caused. I’ve got the number of a good abortion clinic.”
  131. Jack smiled. “You really don’t like Arthur Cobal’s descendants, don’t you?”
  133. Oleana’s grin curved wider. “Not necessarily.” She said, honey in her voice. “It’s just your rotten genes I’m trying to spare the world from.”
  135. Jack shook his head. “I know you looked into having me killed when I was younger.”
  137. Oleana’s jaw dropped for a moment, but her poker-face came back almost instantly. “Why in the world would you say that?”
  139. “Because two and a half years ago, you spoke to the Black Tulip about assassinating me.” Jack said, glaring into Oleana’s green, listless eyes.
  141. Oleana’s face showed no signs of breaking, but he could tell in her eyes he’d caught her. “That’s quite a claim to make, boy. One that will not be forgotten.”
  143. “Oh it wasn’t forgotten.” Jack said. “I’ve been in contact with the Black Tulip myself, recently.”
  145. Oleana scoffed once more. “And who is this Black Tulip you keep referring to?”
  147. “Don’t play dumb with me, Oleana.” Jack demanded calmly.
  149. Oleana smirked and shook her head. “Look, if you’re done making outlandish claims about me and some accursed flower, you can apologize to me and sign a settlement paper for me. You won’t even have to beg.”
  151. Jack then pulled out his phone, the sound was all the way up, and pressed the play button.
  153. The audio was a bit grain-y, but it was definitely Oleana’s voice speaking. “So Miss Black Tulip...” The audio began. “Arthur Cobal decided recently he was going to hand the whole company over to some bastard son of his when he dies.”
  155. There was a pause before Domino’s voice started on the audio. “And what’s that got to do with me, Miss, what’s the name... Olee-na?”
  157. “Ole-ana.” The voice corrected. “I’m his top assistant, don’t you know anything about Cobal industries?” She said harshly. “Anyways, I’m just curious... How much would it cost for you to... take care of this brat before he becomes my problem eventually?”
  159. Domino scoffed. “You’re not a subtle one, are you? I’m on a dummy phone, are you?”
  161. “No one’s fucking bugging my phone.” Oleana said. “Arthur still doesn’t have a girlfriend even, so I don’t have to worry. I’ll be the one bugging his phone when my seduction scheme finally works.”
  163. “It’ll be a lot... He’s the son of a very rich man. Security...” Domino said.
  165. “It hasn’t been made public yet, he’s fucking around in Hoenn failing at being a professional trainer. He doesn’t even know who his father is yet. Should be easy for someone like you to-”
  167. Jack cut the audio clip and glared at Oleana.
  169. Oleana’s face was frozen in shock. Her arms began to shiver.
  171. “That... That’s not me. That’s doctored.”
  173. Jack shook his head. “I can bring an expert in to verify it.” Jimym paused, then smiled triumphantly. “You stupid bitch, you tried to have me killed.”
  175. Oleana eyed the door, then reached for her Poke Balls that were not there. She looked beside her, realizing she’d grabbed nothing but air.
  177. “M-mister Cobal, there’s been a misunderstanding-” Oleana pleaded.
  179. Jack’s grin vanished, and a solemn look took over his face. “The woman known as the Black Tulip has been under your nose this whole time, Oleana.” He explained. “It’s Domino, the young woman Skyla’s been watching over here.”
  181. Oleana began to hyperventilate as she realized what was happening. “No... No it can’t be...”
  183. “You’re going to submit your resignation letter to the board, effective immediately.” Jack ordered calmly. “Or you’ll be tried in the Unova courts for attempted murder.”
  185. “That was just an innocent phone call.” Oleana said. “I can fight that-”
  187. “There are two other follow ups. You bitching about the Black Tulip being too late getting to Hoenn is the last one. That was just after I was named sole trustee to my father’s estate.”
  189. Oleana’s face quivered. “No, please Mr. Cobal, this can’t be happening...” She trailed off, her eyes widening. “This has to be a bad dream, just a bad dream...” She began to repeat feverishly.
  191. “Domino?” Jack called out, hearing footsteps come from the hallway. Sure enough, the 245 pound blonde beauty, Domino, and Skyla the voluptuous 230ish pound red-head appeared in the doorway.
  193. Domino opened her mouth. “I recorded all of my business dealings. Helped the police out a lot once I got captured. It’s over, you stupid cunt.”
  195. “And not a minute too soon.” Skyla said, handcuffs in her hands.
  197. “NOOOOOOOOOOO!” Oleana shrieked, getting out of her chair, clawing at Jack. Jack stepped back then lunged at her legs, taking her to the ground, her head hitting the office desk loudly, and Oleana’s consciousness faded.
  199. “Damn, nice tackle there, Jack.” Domino said.
  201. “Textbook.” Skyla said, walking up to Oleana’s passed out form and handcuffing her. “Can you help me drag her to her new quarters?” Skyla said, looking at Jack, who was getting up from the ground.
  203. “Sure thing.” He said.
  205. Jack and Skyla carried Oleana’s limp body through a few hallways until they got to Domino’s room, which had become like a prison cell since she’d been in captivity at the place. Jack grabbed his phone and gave Leaf the all clear, telling her to join the girls inside the house.
  207. “I’m not gonna miss this room, that’s for sure.” Domino said with a grin. “My new room is much bigger, right Mr. Cobal?”
  209. Jack nodded. “Definitely.” He said, placing Oleana on the bed, and Skyla began going to work cuffing Oleana’s arms to the metal bars behind the pillows on the bed.
  211. “Anything I can help with?” Jack asked Skyla.
  213. Sklya shook her head. “Go say hi to the girls. I’m sure they missed you.”
  215. Jack gave Skyla’s juicy rump a soft spank and a squeeze. Domino appeared next to him and put an arm around his waist. “So, I held up my part of our deal, and Oleana has been neutralized...”
  217. “Let’s do a quickie then.” Jack said, groping the 240 pound bombshell’s breasts. “It’s the least I can do.”
  219. “Oh you’re going to be giving me so much, Jack... Or should I say, master?” Domino teased.
  221. “Or daddy, seeing as holding up my end of the deal involves you getting pregnant.” Jack said, smiling lasciviously as they walked out of the room.
  223. “Getting pregnant multiple times, actually.” Domino said.
  225. “I remember.” Jack said, embracing her and pinning the plump young blonde against the wall.
  227. “Oh take me now... Daddy.” Domino moaned.
  229. In half a minute the two were on the floor, naked and Domino’s pussy was dripping. Suddenly the door opened and Skyla poked her head out of it. “Couldn’t even get a room?”
  231. Domino shook her head. “Nope. You’re about to hear every sound of Jack impregnating me.”
  233. Skyla blushed. “Fuck, I’m getting turned on... Can I call next?”
  235. Domino smiled. “I’m not leaving any-oh! Uh... leftovers.” Domino warned as Jack’s cock found it’s home inside her pussy.
  237. Jack heard the sound of the door shutting and began to thrust deep inside the criminal-turned concubine.
  239. “Fuuuuuuck I forgot... how big... you are...” Domino cooed.
  241. ***
  243. It didn’t take long before he pumped a couple loads in her, and she just laid back on the carpet in a pleasant daze.
  245. “I gotta go say hi to the other girls.” Jack said, giving her a quick peck on the cheek.
  247. “I’ll be here... Full of your baby batter.” Domino said.
  249. Jack was completely naked at this point, dick at half-chub as he heard Hilda and the girls celebrating, and he dashed from the hallway into the living room.
  251. “Jack!” May cried out gleefully.
  253. Misty, Zinnia, Lillie, and Leaf joined in the excitement, and Jack soon found the rotund women giving him a group hug.
  255. “It’s good to have you back.” Zinnia, the 375 pound Draconid said.
  257. “Yeah... Can’t wait to introduce you to Bea.” Misty said. Jack caught a glimpse of Misty’s ridiculous amount of flab, and concluded she probably weighed somewhere just north of 400 pounds.
  259. “The fitness trainer?” Jack asked.
  261. “Yes.” Lillie said, her fat, 440+ pound body wobbling with every movement. “She’s carbo loading in the kitchen with Mallow and Serena right now...”
  263. Jack was about to ask to go see them, but remembered Hilda, Nessa, and Rosa were in the car still.“Shit, can someone get Hilda and the other girls, tell ‘em were all clear?”
  265. “On it.” Misty said. “Been too long since I’ve seen her...” She said, waddling her enormous body to the carport.
  267. “And Leaf, didn’t end up needing you, but glad to have your help.” Jack said, acknowleding the thick, 177 pound girl he’d enlisted as backup.
  269. Leaf nodded. “You’re so welcome Mr. Cobal... Can I grab some food from the kitchen? I’m starving.”
  271. “Of course.” Jack said, pointing the way to the kitchen. Lillie took it upon herself to lead Leaf to the kitchen, slowly waddling with her massive bulk where he pointed.
  273. “Let’s order pizza to celebrate!” Jack called out.
  275. Zinnia smiled and gave him kiss. “And have an orgy while we’re at it.” Zinnia said, pressing the gut of her hefty 375 body into his throbbing crotch. “You owe a lot of ladies a lot of dick tonight...”
  277. Jack smiled. “Oh I’m ready for a marathon.” He said back lasciviously.
  279. Zinnia shook her head. “If you’re able to walk by the end, it’ll be a disappointment.” Jack then shoved the enormous Draconid onto the couch and began groping her nipples and making out.
  281. He heard some commotion from the entryway and heard Hilda’s voice.
  283. “Just in time.” She said happily. “Leaf, if you want a job here, you better give some great fucking head!” Hilda ordered. “And Nessa, Rosa? Go to the kitchen and get eating, you’ve got pounds to gain before in our harem.”
  285. Jack looked up at Hilda and smiled, she smiled proudly back at him.
  287. “Back home in paradise.” He said. “I’m never leaving this place for so long again.”
  289. “Less talking...” Zinnia moaned. “More fucking...”
  291. By the end of the night, he’d pleasured all of the harem members he’d been away from and cum more than he could count. His dreams were filled with bliss and the Alolan sun. Thoughts of the calamity were for another night.
  294. (So, there'll be a three month time skip allowing skinnier characters to make some gains and have some fun. Almost done with this long ride. Hope you enjoy, and thank you for reading!)
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