Guest User


a guest
Sep 22nd, 2017
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  1. if ($1 == .vouch || $1 == .v) {
  2. if (!$auth($nick)) { notice $nick Bot is checking Q-Auth login, wait a few seconds and try again | who $nick n%nat,1 }
  3. else {
  4. var %u = $name($nick)
  5. // if ($hget(auths,%u) == NULL) { return }
  6. if (%gi) { return }
  7. if ($chan) { var %target = $chan }
  8. var %tu = $2
  9. if ($accessystem(%u,%tu).cmdvouch == 0) { describe %target You haven't access to3 .vouch command | return }
  10. if (!$3) { describe %target Usage: .vouch <qauth> <comment> | return }
  11. if ($matchtok($2, $chr(46), 0, 32) >= 1) { describe %target Invalid nick | return }
  12. if ($user(%tu).vouched) { describe %target Player $usercolor(%tu) is already vouched | return }
  13. if ($user(%u).voucherslots == 0) { describe %target You haven't free vouch slots | return }
  15. if ($hget(vouch,%tu)) {
  16. var %id = $user(%tu).id
  17. hadd vouch %tu %id %u $ctime 1 $3-
  18. noop $addslot(%u,%tu).vouch
  19. if ($user(%tu).div == 3) {
  20. var %expire = $calc($ctime + (336 * 3600))
  21. var %vtime = $asctime(%expire, $+ $chr(44) HH:nn)
  22. hadd trialcheck %tu 0 %expire
  23. describe %target Player $usercolor(%u) has been revouched3 Trial Player $usercolor(%tu) with comment:3 $3- $+ . Date of expire:3 %vtime 
  24. }
  25. else {
  27. hadd trialcheck %tu 1 $ctime
  28. describe %target Player $usercolor(%tu) has been revouched by $usercolor(%u) with comment:3 $3-
  29. }
  30. }
  31. else {
  32. hadd win %tu 0
  33. hadd lost %tu 0
  34. hadd draw %tu 0
  35. hadd streak %tu 0
  36. hadd rep %tu 50
  37. hadd points %tu 1000
  38. describe %target Player $usercolor(%u) has added3 Trial vouch to $usercolor(%tu) with comment:3 $3-  $+ . Date of expire:3 %vtime 
  40. }
  41. }
  42. }
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