
Apple Dream

Aug 17th, 2014
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  1. >"YOU have a crush on APPLEJACK?!" Rarity blurts out after a fit of giggles.
  2. "Hey you said you ain't gonna laugh!" And you give her a hard stare. So much for being open and honest about it.
  3. >"I'm terribly sorry Anon. It's just that you really had me surprised on that. You and Applejack?" She tries to stifle a giggle but she fails.
  4. "Hmpf. It's just a crush you know. Nothing to be giddy about it" You say as you cross your arms.
  5. >"Why stop on just that? Why don't you tell her how you feel?" She said as she gives you a warm smile.
  6. "What,admit AJ that I lo--" Yikes. You might have slipped on that one
  7. >Her eyes grow wide. "Aha! See? You DO love her!" And she erupts to another giggling fit.
  8. "Fine I do like her A LOT. But I got no plans on telling her that." Then you eye her warily. "You're not gonna tell her this,right?
  9. >" Your secret's safe with me Anon. Cross my heart" She assures you.
  10. "Pinkie promise?" You raise an eyebrow.
  11. >She rolls her eyes and finally say "Yes anon. Pinkie promise it is."
  12. " . . ."
  13. >"Something wrong Anon?"
  14. "You really think I should tell her how I feel?" You ask her
  15. >"Of course darling! How would you know her feelings for you if you don't open up on her?"
  16. "I'm not exactly sure how I ought to do it.."
  17. >She rolls her eyes "Anon you might be sweet and charming but you are completely HOPELESS."
  18. You look down and ponder a bit. "Will you help me then?" You ask expectantly.
  19. >"Of course! Now all we need is the perfect set of clothes for such an important occasion!" She says as she starts to take your measurements.
  20. "C'mon Rarity. I'm just gonna tell her my feelings--not ask her hoof for marriage!" You say as you push the measuring tape away.
  21. >She shakes her head. "As I said, you ARE hopeless"
  23. >Another day another dollar at the Apple Acres for you. You weren't accustomed to this kind of work so it wa s quite a bit of a rude shock for you.
  24. "How did I ever end up with this?" You mutter under your breath while lifting up a bucket of apples.
  25. >"Hm? Something wrong sugarcube?" Applejack asked you.
  26. "Nah. Just thinking about you know,stuff" You say as you load up the bucket to the cart
  27. >"Somethin' surely is eating you up. Aw c'mon Anon you can tell me" She tells you as she jabs you softly at your ribs.
  28. "No really AJ I'm fine. A bit homesick I guess" You bite your lip as you hope that she'll buy your excuse.
  29. >She breaks into a wide grin and slaps your back. "Why didn't ya say so! I got the prefect remedy for that little problem of yours". She takes you by the hand and makes you sit at the porch.
  30. >"Now you jus' sit there and wait. I'll be right back" She gives you a smile and walks inside.
  31. >Just kiss me and I'll be okay. Hah! as if AJ would really give you that.
  32. >"Okay Anon now close your eyes for a bit"
  33. You smile and close your eyes "Alright, alright my eyes are closed".
  34. >Holy shit! can it be?
  35. >"Ready?" She asks you.
  36. "Ready." You got a really big grin on your face right now.
  37. >"Open wide Anon!"
  38. >Hot damn she likes it sloppy! Come to papa!
  39. >...
  40. >...
  41. >You feel something warm going inside your mouth. Oh god she really has the hots for you!
  42. >Something clicks inside your brain. Well, you always have fantasized about her kisses to taste like apples. Something is off though. It tastes of..
  43. >Cherries.
  44. >...
  45. >wat?
  46. >You open your eyes too see AJ in front of you smiling.
  47. >"Real nice huh? I remember one time you said that your mom baked you cherry pie whenever you feel down." Then she rubs her mane "I'm not sure if I did it right since I'm not a cherry kind of pony" She sheepishly adds.
  48. >...
  49. >You just sit there, unmoving and with a grin still plastered in your face.
  50. >"Hey sugarcube you alright?" She looks at you worryingly.
  51. >Chew you bastard!
  52. "Wow this is great AJ! First time I got speechless after eating a pie!" Fuck so close!
  53. >"Phew! I thought you got sick or something" She smiles nervously at you. "So you okay now?"
  54. "Never felt this good you know. Thanks for cheering me up AJ"
  55. >"Anything for a friend partner" She adds while she tussles your hair.
  56. 'FRIEND'? Ouch!
  59. >"She baked you a cherry pie? Isn't that sweet!" Rarity says as she checks her list. Oh yeah, you also do deliveries every now and then. Being a farm hand in Sweet Apple Acres isn't enough to make ends meet.
  60. "Yeap. No need to be giddy about it yet though" You say as you stack the bolts of fabric you've just delivered to her.
  61. >She stops and looks at you intently then she puts a hoof on your chest. "Anon,when a mare puts extra effort to make somepony happy then it might be that she has feelings for that stallion."
  62. "MIGHT" You point out. "But yeah, its really nice if you think of it that way" You smile at her.
  63. >"Oh hush Anon! Of course everything would go along your way very well. Now all that is left is a bolt of lavender fabric." She says as she shows you the list
  64. "Lavender fabric gotcha" You run back to your cart to retrieve it. "Here ya go Rarity".
  65. >"Just put it by the table. Now about the two of you. Any more plans?" She inquires
  66. "She's been pretty busy with apple bucking since cider season is almost here. No time to do my move I think" You shrug
  67. >"Nonsense! You live in Apple Acres yet you can't make a move on her" She scoffs at your answer.
  68. "Well, I'm open for ideas. Got any?" You ask.
  69. >"Let's see. I got it!" She lights up as if she found a lode of gems. "Anon do you know how to play an instrument?"
  70. " Played the piano when I was a kid. Oh, and a bit of guitar too during high school" You shrug. "Don't tell me.."
  71. >"Yes Anon. You should serenade her!" She giggles. " Would give EVERYTHING to have somepony serenade me. Ooooh! Sooo romantic!" She says dreamily.
  72. "I guess..yeah, good idea" You smile at her.
  73. >"That settles things. Now off you go! you still got deliveries and you have to practice!" She pushes you out of the shop.
  74. "Alright. Hey Rarity"
  75. >"Yes Anon?"
  76. "Thanks a lot."
  79. >"60 bits for that one sir! Now you might ask why the price tag. Well bud, come closer and I'll tell ya why" The blue stallion motions you closer. "Now this one is special since Nat King Colt once used this at one of his gigs. 60 bits is nothing compared to the history behind this beauty!" He adds
  80. "60 bits for an old guitar? Give me a break!" You spat out while throwing your hands in the air. So much for grabbing an old guitar for a cheap price. The seller looked shifty anyways and his story reeks of BS.
  81. >"Listen bud, if you got no bits to spend then get the buck out from my stall" He says with a smug expression.
  82. "Whatever. I hope your dick falls off" You retort
  83. >The stall owner continues to barrage you with profanities even as you were walking away. Hah shrewd shopkeepers. Even Equestria has a couple of 'em
  84. >"Is everything alright Anon?" A mare behind you asks
  85. "Hm? Oh hi Twilight! Yeap no problems. Aside from that stink of a pony who asks too much for a beat up guitar" You jab a finger to point it out.
  86. >"A guitar? I never knew you were a music kind of guy" She asks you while she gives you a sideways look.
  87. "Well I never really was a music type of guy. I just need it for something important" You say sheepishly
  88. >"And what would that be?" She inquires.
  89. "Sorry Twi I'm bound to a secrecy agreement. You'll learn soon enough" You grin at her.
  90. >"Fine. I can help you with your guitar problem though. I know just the place." She beams at you.
  93. >"Oh,looks like we're here already!" Twilight smiles
  94. The shop looks fairly old. It's pretty small so if Twilight never brought you here, you wouldn't even know about this.
  95. >"Hello and welcome to Sweet Note. Oh,hi Twilight! How is my favorite unicorn doing these days?" An old mare greets the two of you
  96. >"Busy as always" Twilight giggles. "This is my friend Anon. He needs a guitar for 'something important' " She says as she raises an eyebrow on you.
  97. >"Ah the human? A pleasure to meet you at last." She smiles at you warmly. "A guitar you say? Come, I'll show you what I got on hand"
  98. >She shows you the guitars she has. She points out the good and bad qualities of each and patiently listens and answers your queries.
  99. >You finally made up your mind and opted for a simple brown one. It's the song that would do the talking so why bother going for a fancy one?
  100. "And how much for this one? I hope that the lovely young mare behind the register would give me a nice discount" You wink at her
  101. >"Oh you charmer! You make an old mare's heart melt" She giggles and finally says. "30 bits and the guitar's all yours"
  102. " Whoa thirty bits is a bit too lo--" You say but she cuts you off
  103. >"Oh hush! Being a friend of Twilight already warrants you a handsome discount. And your flattery of a frail old mare helped a bit too" She says with a sparkle on her eyes.
  104. "Well, thanks a lot. I really appreciate it" Well that was easy.
  105. >"And oh, once you learn how to play, would you partake the request of this old mare? It has been years since a gentlecolt sang for me" She says
  106. "Anything for a fine young mare" And you give her a curt nod.
  107. >"Always the sweetheart! And yes, take these too.." She takes something under the register and gives you an old instruction book. "Go on and make the mare that you desire have her heart flutter" She adds with a wink.
  110. >The week rolls past uneventfully for you. Aside from the yearly cider season you managed to sneak in a few hours to practice your piece. It takes awhile to reacquaint yourself again with a guitar. Now if you can just find the perfect song for this..
  111. >"Hey Anon dinner's done already!" Applejack hollers out for you from the house.
  112. "I'll pass. I'm not really feeling well tonight." Tonight is the night that you serenade her. You had butterflies in your stomach and the food might not agree with you.
  113. >"You sure Anon? you need something to make you feel better?" She looks at you worryingly.
  114. "Nah I think a little extra rest would do the trick. Well, goodnight AJ" You try to yawn to back up your alibi.
  115. >"Alright. Goodnight too Anon"
  116. >Hours pass by as you make sure that you got your song perfect. You were afraid that you'll forget some parts of it so you wrote it down for a good measure.
  117. >Do I really have to do this? What if she says no? If only there was an easy way for this.
  118. >You still have second thoughts about going with the plan. You stop and force those thoughts away when you realize you were already in front of her window
  119. "This is it. No turning back after this" you mutter under your breath.
  120. >...
  121. "Hello? Applejack?" you call out. "Hello?"
  122. >You stoop down to pick up a pebble. That ought to get her attention.
  123. >"Uh..Anon is that you?" Applejack asks sleepily as she opens her shutters. "What is i--"
  124. "Applejack, I've been meaning to tell you this for a long time. I can't muster up enough courage to tell you yet though. B-but I hope my song would explain everything to you!" You blurt out.
  126. >
  128. >Applejack silently listens while you pour out your feelings through your song.
  129. " Applejack I..I really like you a lot. Not just a friend but more" You stammer. You can already feel your legs wobble.
  130. >"Anon.." She's lost for words. "I..come to the kitchen now we need to talk" She looks at you gravely.
  131. >You steel yourself to face the inevitable. Even at this point you know where this is going.
  132. >You arrive at the kitchen and see Applejack already seated. It pains you to see her sad eyes.
  133. >"Hey, you skipped dinner tonight right? Here have some pie" She says as she slides a plate in front of you.
  134. >None of you talk after that. You just toy with the pastry with your fork. You steal glances at her and you notice that she's twiddling with her hooves. Then finally, she speaks up.
  135. >"Anon look, I'm happy and flattered and all. And I do admire your honesty to me but.." she stops
  136. >You already know her answer yet you still hope that this would turn out okay.
  137. >"But I see you only as a friend. I know that you're a good guy and you'd make a good coltfriend but..I'm not ready yet for a serious relationship"
  138. >There you go. Now you got the thing that you were waiting for. It didn't turn out as you hope it would but you can't help but to feel a wave of relief pass by you.
  139. "So it's a no then?" You ask with a smile. Only your soft eyes betraying your real emotion
  140. >She just sighs and looks at you with sad eyes.
  141. >"I hope there was an easier way to say this to you.."
  142. You perk up and smile at her "No worries Applejack. I think I understand now." Now you know how much emotional strength one needs to smile at this kind of situation. "So, friends?" you ask while holding your hand out.
  143. >She looks at you expectantly and nods. Finally a small smile forms on her lips.
  144. >"Yes Anon, friends." And she shakes your hand. She sees you stand up "Where are you going Anon?"
  145. "Just gonna go out for a little walk before I sleep" you say as you head for the door.
  146. >"I'm going to sleep now. See you tomorrow then?" She asks expectantly.
  147. "See you tomorrow. Goodnight Applejack"
  149. >...
  150. >So this is what it feels to be rejected huh?
  151. >You feel distraught and broken but on the other hand you feel at peace and..happy?
  152. >You feel happy even after this? Why? Is it because your consciousness is still denying what had happened a few minutes ago?
  153. >Or is it because you told her your feelings and now that weight in your chest has disappeared?
  154. >Such thoughts occupied your mind that you haven't realized up until now how far you've walked already. You're in the middle of the town plaza. You look around and see not a soul in sight. Just like your heart now.
  155. >"Anon? Is that you?"
  156. You turn around to see who it was. "Oh hey Rarity. What are you doing up so late?"
  157. >"We had a little party over at Twilight's house. I guess you can say that we had too much fun" She giggles as she walks beside you. "And you Anon? What are you doing up so late?" She inquires.
  158. "Nothing much. Just went out for s short walk and some fresh air" You say truthfully.
  159. >"Wait a minute. Did you tell her already? What did she say? Are the two of you an item now?" She asks eagerly.
  160. >No need to answer that. You look at her straight in the eyes. The pained look in your eyes is enough to tell her what happened
  161. >"Oh Anon, I'm sorry if I was a bit insensitive on tha--" You cut her off
  162. "I'm fine if that's what you're asking. I got over it already. No big deal" It takes inhuman strength to hold back your emotions now.
  163. >"Why don't we take a seat Anon" She motions you to one of the park benches. "I'm sure that would calm you down" She adds.
  164. >The two of you take a seat but neither of you wants to talk first. For the first time you felt how heavy the feeling of rejection was.
  165. >"Would you like to share what happened? Pouring it out is supposed to make you feel better afterwards. I understand if you don't want to" She says quietly.
  166. >You look up to her to tell her again that you're okay but this time your emotions betray you. Tears just drop freely. Rarity rubs your back while consoling you.
  167. >The two of you sit in silence for a few more minutes. You tears dried up already but the feeling of dread is still there.
  168. >"How are you feeling now Anon?" She asks you with a concerned look at her face.
  169. "I don't really know. I'm not even sure why I'm still sad about it. I just..I just want to go somewhere far and hope everything would go away. I'm not even sure what to do now" You say as your shoulders sag.
  170. >Rarity looks at you softly and she takes something from her bag."I think you need this more than I do" And she hands you an envelope.
  171. "Rarity wha- I don't need this. I just want to be.." You stop and rub your eyes.
  172. >"It's a ticket to Canterlot. Twilight gave it to me as a gift a few hours ago. Take it Anon. A new environment would patch you up" She says as she looks at you thoughtfully.
  173. "Rarity I can't take this. I owe you too much already" You plead at her as you give her the envelope back.
  174. >"But I insist that you take it." She says as she puts it back at your hand.
  175. "..."
  176. >"Anon look at me. Go on an adventure. Meet new ponies. Don't let this weigh you down" She smiles at you. "Now, do you feel better?"
  177. "..."
  178. "A bit." You say as you wipe your tears. You give her a weak smile
  179. >"That's the Anon I know. Now hurry back and pack up. It might be better for the both of you if you leave immediately." She still has her hoof on your hair.
  180. >You pull yourself together and you stand up. As you said before, There's no turning back now.
  181. >You say goodbye to Rarity and she hugs you. You know she's crying since you can feel your shoulder get wet. The two of you now separate ways.
  182. "Hey Rarity!" You holler out
  183. >She waves at you and shouts "What is it?"
  184. "Thanks again!" And you walk away.
  187. >It's already four in the morning by the time that you arrive at the farm. You can't help but to feel down again as you pass by Applejack's window while on your way to the barn.
  188. >If only you can turn back the time.
  189. "No turning back now." You mutter as you remind yourself.
  190. >You sit down at an upturned barrel to collect your thoughts. This barn has been your home for two years now. The Apple family was kind enough to allow you to use this until you can save enough for your own house but they have grown fond of you that they just asked you to stay there for good.So much memories inscribed on it's old walls. It would be too painful to stay here anymore.
  191. >You pick up your few personal belongings and neatly place them in your bag. You were already done with packing up when something catches your eye. It's a little oak box by the table. You stand up and take it; running your fingers slowly on it's sides as you decide if you should open it or not.
  192. >Inside is the bracelet Applejack gave you during your first anniversary of arrival in Equestria. You've kept it safe inside the box ever since. You feel another wave of emotion well up inside you.
  193. >No. No more crying.
  194. >You slowly take it out of the box and marvel at it's design. Applejack back then boasted that it took her a few tries before she got it right.
  195. >You bring the trinket you your lips and you close your eyes momentarily. You can't take this with you.
  196. >You stoop down and dig up a small hole and you place the bracelet inside carefully. You scoop up some dirt to fill the hole.
  197. >"Hey Anon.." You look behind to see Applejack by the door. "If this is your choice, I have no right to stop you. It's your life and the decisions are yours to make" She says with a tinge of sadness in her voice.
  198. >Still no words from you. You were afraid that your emotions would get the better of you again. You stand up and sling your bag. You also pick up your guitar.
  199. >She still stands by the door and she looks at you.
  200. >"I'm sorry Anon. If only I can will myself to love you. Our friendship--" She stops as she's starting to cry now.
  201. "Our friendship stays. Thanks for everything. Say hi to the girls for me" You assure her.
  202. >She just gives you a feeble smile then she turns around and walks away.
  203. >No goodbyes.
  205. >It has been a year since you moved here. You've made a name now in Canterlot by performing at small bars and cafes nightly.
  206. >The pay was good and you never had any problems with finding a companion for the night. Mares practically threw themselves at you.
  207. >But there was something missing..You sigh as another night performance ends. Your past experiences helped you draw out the emotions needed to make your songs truly sound genuine.
  208. >"All work and no play makes Anon a dull colt" The pony behind the bar chuckles.
  209. "No play? Barley please, I get more action in a week than you do in a year" You roll your eyes as you take a seat on one of the barstools.
  210. >"Always the wiseass" Barley quips as he walks near you. "The usual?" He asks.
  211. "Nah. Too tired. Well, gotta go" You say as you stand up.
  212. >"Alright. See you tomorrow then?"
  213. "Sure. Double pay?" You ask with a grin.
  214. >You step out of the bar after collecting your paycheck. It's well past midnight now and only but a few ponies are still outside. Some you don't know and ignore you while others,well, a mare or two recognizes you and gives you a giggle or a wave. You frown as you try to remember their names. Was it Minuette? Blossomforth? Whatever.
  215. >You reach your apartment after a few more minutes. You shed your coat as you enter.
  216. "Ach Lily,the pony of my dreams! How are you in this lovely evening mon cheri?" You say as you glide by the reception desk.
  217. >The mare rolls her eyes and giggles. "If Al catches you flirting with me again he'll really break your neck."
  218. "What a horrible thing to say! Is it a crime to admire a beautiful mare?" You say as you feign shock.
  219. >"Always the wooer" She says as she eyes you. "Ah I almost forgot. This arrived this morning." And she hands you a letter.
  220. "Bills already in the middle of the month?" you ask while as you take the letter from her.
  221. >"Looks too fancy to be a bill if you ask me" She says. "A wedding invitation? Maybe one of your harlots is hoping for a final hump with you before she gets the ring" She adds as she looks at you funny.
  222. "Hm. I hope not" A letter out of the blue? Interesting. "Thanks again Lily" You smile and wink at her.
  225. >You fiddle with the letter as you ride the lift. Who could have sent you this? A friend? A passing acquaintance? Or maybe just another odd wedding of somepony asking for a musician?
  226. "I could always use the extra bits." You mutter as you pocket the letter. You step out of the lift as it slows down to your floor.
  227. >You go inside your room and you lean your guitar by the wall. It's three in the morning already so you might just as well have an early breakfast. You fix yourself a cup of coffee and you saunter towards the sofa.
  228. "I forgot.." You say as you fish out the letter. You carefully open the flap and extract the folded note inside. I wonder..
  229. >The look of curiosity in your face suddenly goes away. You can feel your heart beat faster as you read it.
  231. "The Apple family is delighted to invite you at the union of Ms. Applejack and Mr. Notewo-"
  233. >You just had to stop. This is just too much. Your fingers tremble as you fold the letter. Then you notice something written at the back of it.
  235. "My fiance said that you were a really good guitar player. I hope you can attend our wedding next week - Noteworthy"
  237. >Loneliness leaves your body and you can feel the surge of anger inside you. This bastard is taunting you. Look pal, I got Applejack.
  238. >You crumple the invitation. You're uncontrollably shaking now.
  239. "YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!" You snarl out as you throw the paper away.
  241. >The next few days has been a wreck. Your drunkenness made you prone to outbursts of anger. Even Lily threatened to kick you out. Your clothes were disheveled and your eyes bloodshot. Barley told you to take the week off so you can sort yourself out. That pissed you off real bad. You already kicked a few tables and chairs and punched two patrons well before the bouncer hauled you outside.
  242. "Fine you fuckers!I HOPE YOU ALL DIE!" You shout as they throw you out.
  243. >"Anon look at you! You're a fucking train wreck buddy! If you don't want our help then fucking man up and deal with it" Barley shots back.
  244. "Fuck you Barley! I don't need you bastards. You're all the same, the lot of you" You mutter as you pick yourself up.
  245. >You were walking aimlessly for a few hours now. Ponies avoided you whenever you walk by. Even the ones that know you are acting as if they didn't.
  246. "I don't need you fuckers. Fucking arrogant animals." Your voice is slurred now. For some reason, you ended up at the roof of one of the high rise buildings in Canterlot. Cool air wraps around your body and the idea of going to the edge of the building suddenly sounded good for you. You walk towards it and you you sit down, letting your legs dangle.
  247. >End this now. After this Anon, there would be no more pain. Your will is breaking down now. All you want is to lean and let it all happen.
  249. >"The moon looks beautiful tonight, don't you agree?" Somepony behind you asks.
  250. You turn around to see a grey mare standing behind you. "Fuck the moon." You say as you glare at her.
  251. >She ignores your remark and she sits besides you. She pulls out a pack of cigarettes and offers you one but you decline.
  252. >The two of you sit in silence for a few minutes. You can feel the effects of liquor wear off.
  253. >"I go here whenever I need to be alone with my thoughts. I swear this city is slowly making me crazy" She says between puffs. "And you? you're not a tenant here right?"
  254. "The fuck do you care anyways" You retort .
  255. >"I can call the guards since you're trespassing you know" She says coolly. "Now, What's eating you?" We don't know each other anyways so no reason to be afraid of this being the rumor in town" She adds.
  256. >You just sit there silently. No use trying to tell her your story since you were confused yourself too.
  257. >"Scratch that. I think I know whet your problem is. Love, no? It has to be." She finally says. You nod on that.
  258. >"Psh. Such a small thing to be upset about." She says as she points a hoof on you. "It's not her loss if you commit suicide--it's you who gets the sour end of the bargain. Besides, I don't want to wake up with someone splattered on the road in front of my apartment"
  259. >Reasoning finally takes full reign over your emotions as you slowly realize what you're about to do. You feel disgusted when you think about what you were about to do a few minutes ago.
  260. >The gray pony takes a long drag on her cigarette and she starts to say " You know, whoever that mare is..or colt" She raises an eyebrow on that. "They don't deserve you. Move on." Than she smooths her hair. "Ugh I'm never good with this kind of stuff. But you get what I mean,I pesume?"
  261. >By now you have mellowed down a bit more. You start to bring up your legs.
  262. >"That's better" She nods and smiles at you. "I really thought you were gonna do it you know"
  263. "..."
  264. "I guess it's not that much of a reason to die for" You admit.
  265. >"I knew you would come to your senses." She smiles.
  266. "Thanks. I really needed that" You say as you lift your gaze to her
  267. >"And yeah, When you play the instrument, never ever play just for the sake of somepony." She says as she looks at you seriously. "Always play for the music and that only. There is a difference between a musician and a whiny colt with a guitar. It pains me to see such talent go to waste."
  268. You cock your head and raise an eyebrow on her. "Have you seen me play already?" You ask
  269. >"Yes. And you sound like a whiny colt with a guitar" She laughs. "You can always approach me if you want somepony to talk to you know. I hope next time you wouldn't have any suicidal tendencies."
  270. "Fine. Thanks for slapping some sense on me" You smile as you extend your hand. "This may seem like an awkward first impression but..I'm Anon"
  271. >"It's a pleasure." And she takes your hand. "Octavia."
  273. >The two of you have a few more minutes of conversation. You learn that she's a musician too albeit the more classy type. You excuse yourself and bid her goodbye.
  274. >Now for that other thing.
  275. >You walk back at the direction of Barley's tavern. You spot him having a cigarette just by the door.
  276. >"Look Anon, if you want trouble, I'll call up Roid again to whoop your ass" He says edgily.
  277. "Relax Barley,I just wanted to say sorry for the shit I caused a few moments ago. It's know, I let my feelings get the better of me" You say apologetically.
  278. >Barley just looks at you thoughtfully and motions you inside. "You look like shit Anon. Come inside and I'll fix us some coffee."
  279. "About those chairs I broke.." You start to say
  280. >"Let's just make bygones be bygones. We'll figure out something soon enough." He says as he waves at you.
  281. >You enter at the Tavern and see Roid sitting at one of the stools. The two of you got along very nicely back then. Well, he DID give you one hell of a beat up though.
  282. >"Hey Anon, Sorry alright? Just doing my job n'all" He stammers out.
  283. "Ey it was my fault. I'm the one who should say sorry. In fact, I owe you a round of drinks next time." You say as you sit beside him.
  284. "No more booze for the meantime Anon. You go full jackass when you're brimming with that stuff" Barley grins at you while he slides a mug of coffee over.
  285. You chuckle at that and you raise your mug. "To the broken hearted bastards." You murmur. Both Roid and Barley nod in agreement.
  288. >You were on your way back home now. Then you remember how pissed Lily was last night. You shudder at that thought. Then you spot a familiar looking pony sitting at a cafe.
  289. "Oh hey Octavia"
  290. >She looks up from the book she reads. "Good morning Anon. It's nice to see you alive and well." You both laugh at that little in-joke. "Breakfast done?" She asks.
  291. "Yeah. Gotta head home in a bit. I look so rough that ponies give me bits now"
  292. >"I never knew you had a sense of humor Anon." She smiles as she puts the book away. "Are you busy this evening?" She asks.
  293. You shrug "Got nothing to do later. My roof hanging schedule usually is just during saturdays"
  294. >"Would you like to see me perform? I could use the company. Also, stop mentioning that one. Past is past Anon." She says as she leans on her hoof.
  295. "Just trying to lighten up the mood. The invitation sounds nice though" You smile as you nervously rub your hair.
  296. >A pony passes you by and throws you a bit. Octavia sees it and tries her best not to laugh.
  297. You look at her glumly. "I told you I look like a bum."
  298. >"Then get cleaned up. 8 pm tonight alright? My place." She says as she whisks you away.
  300. >You arrive at her apartment early dressed in one of your more decent looking tuxedos Rarity made you.
  301. >"I need a few more minutes to prepare. Wait up for me,will you?" She asks.
  302. "Alright. It's a bit early anyways" You smile and assure her.
  303. >She emerges from the room wearing a black dress. The dress looked simple yet you can't help but feel the aura of sophistication emanating from her.
  304. >"Are you ready Anon?" She asks you.
  305. "Always am." You say as you take her hoof.
  306. >The two of you spend a pleasant night together. This pony really knows how to play her cello. The pony playing the piano was the center of the piece yet you find yourself looking at Octavia more. The piece took a few minutes to finish and you eagerly clap you hands on that.
  307. >"Well, how was it?" She asks you
  308. "Between handing out advice and that? This is infinitely better" You give her a wink.
  309. >"Please, if not for my advice you would be on a box already" She says as she rolls her eyes.
  310. >The food arrives and the two of you talk about your past lives, the things that you both like and your respective jobs.
  311. >You really find her as nice. You do actually enjoy her company. You both finish your meals and head back to her apartment.
  312. >"That was really fun. Thanks Anon" She beams at you.
  313. "..."
  314. >"Is something wrong?" she says as she looks at you worriedly
  315. "Thanks for everything Octavia. I mean, we've barely have known each other but you really make me feel that I'm someone. And I want to ask--" She cuts you of.
  316. >"Why I'm being so kind to you?" You nod. "I see my past self on you. Nopony was there when I needed somepony to talk to. Last night when I saw you about to jump..I don't know..I just..I knew I had to stop you..Look,I know how it feels to be rejected..It just felt wrong just to stand there and do nothing."
  317. >This pony just told you that she cared for you even if he barely knows you. You're lost in words now.
  318. You close your eyes and sigh. "And I can't tell how much grateful I am that I met you. You've completely turned my life around." You smile warmly at her
  319. >"What are your plans now Anon?" You notice that you're already at the front of her apartment.
  320. "I need to finish something. No other way around it." You conclude.
  321. >"Closure?" She asks and you nod.
  323. >"Last call for passengers bound for Ponyville!" The conductor shouts.
  324. >You stand up and collect your guitar. It's been awhile since you've been here yet it feels as if you've just walked here yesterday. You start to see familiar faces and they were more than happy to see you. A few more minutes of walking and you find yourself in front of Rarity's boutique.
  325. >"Hello and welcome to- oh Anon!" She looks at you very surprised.
  326. "Long time no see I guess" You say as you rub your hair.
  327. >"Long time indeed! Now come, we have a lot of catching up to do!" She says as she leads you to the sofa.
  328. >After a few minutes of chitchat, Rarity suddenly goes silent.
  329. >"Anon, have you heard of the news?" She says at you intently.
  330. "That's why I'm here. It would be rude if I decline my invite,right?" You say truthfully.
  331. >"Oh Anon.." She puts a hoof on your arm "Are you sure you're okay?"
  332. You give her a nod and a smile "I'm fine, really". The two of you pause as somepony enters the boutique.
  333. >"Rarity, these darn things dangling from my dress makes me trip! Can you adjust 'em or something--"
  334. "Hey AJ. Nice girly dress" You say while laughing.
  335. >"A-anon! You're.." She stammers
  336. "Back? I sure am! I wouldn't miss your wedding for everything in the world. Congratulations" You add as you give her a warm smile.
  337. >"Well, what are you waiting for? Get your butt over at the farm already! I'm sure they missed you a lot" Applejack says as she grins at you. "..Hey Anon?"
  338. "Yeah?"
  339. >"Welcome back. I missed ya a terrible lot"
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