
The Piper

Jul 7th, 2015
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  1. Race: Demon
  3. Name: Arth'Zormarialla AKA The Piper
  5. Time since leaving hell: 100 years
  7. Appearance:
  8. Arth'Zormarialla stands out distinctively as a demon mainly due to his unnaturally grey skin and immodest beauty. Besides that he was lucky enough to leave hell without horns, tails, or hooves which work out pretty well for him as he usually tries to keep his status as a Demon Lord pretty low key.
  10. Standing pretty tall at 6'1, he has a slender baby like face with no hint of facial hair along with a petite nose and a small sly mouth. His eyes betray an almost oriental background due to them being slightly slanted which give him an almost coy or constantly playful look. His irises like his skin are gray, albeit slightly darker.
  12. Backstory:
  13. While Arth'Zormarialla once did have a human name, it's been long forgotten since his time in Hell and he instead only remembers and prefers to go by the title he earned for the constant sins he committed during his short life; The Piper.
  15. Back in life Arth was unfortunately born a sociopathic sadist who took joy in luring small children out into the woods via a flute where he then raped, killed, and ate them. While he currently can't remember how it specifically got to this point, he does recall being apart of a traveling band of performers who taught him how to dance, sing, and play the instrument which he used to carry out his addiction that ultimately led to him being tried and lynched.
  17. Due to the sheer amount of bodies that had piled up during his short spree as The Fiddler, Lucifer cursed him to carry a flute with him for all eternity that would stand as the physical embodiment of all his sins and would require the souls of young children to remain pacified else his sin itself would consume his body.
  19. This was fine for a while since The Fiddler liked kid souls and all but eventually he grew out of that phase and grew bored of the curse and eventually grew bored of staying in Hell after Lucy bounced. That culminated into him eventually bouncing out of Hell and heading out to hang with the mortal races where he's since made a habit of wandering between large events where he uses them to mask his presence and curse.
  21. While wandering and in cities he often joined small theaters and used his former skills as a performer to make a living!
  23. Equipment:
  24. Arth'Zormarialla tries not to carry anything important on him besides his flute since his transformation will usually lead to anything on or around him being utterly destroyed. When able, he likes to travel with musical books and learn new songs to play and sing although for the most part he simply travels with a change of clothes and small coin bag, leaving most of his gold in his various hide outs around the world.
  26. The flute itself is 5 ft long and is made of intricately carved demon steel and it's dullness and slight fading of carved characters suggest that it's quite old. While it's upper part is almost identical to most flutes, the rest of it's length is taken up by demonic runes, depictions of evil abominations, and scores of demonic text describing the end of all times and it's been known to drive mortals mad if they study it too closely.
  28. The end of the flute is carved into a curving pointed tip for maximum stabbage.
  30. Magical affinity (if any):
  31. Arth's two sources of magic are the runes he embedded into his flute and the curse that Lucifer bestowed upon him.
  33. Curse: Arth's sinful urges were stripped from his body and molded into a demonic flute that he's forced to carry with him for all eternity. In conjunction with him unable from parting with the flute for more than 30 seconds, he has to feast upon the soul of a child once per day to keep the flute pacified. If he consumes more than one child's soul or fails to consume one, the sinful urges will return to him and take over his body turning him into a child-devouring monster.
  35. In the case of under-eating, Arth will not have his body returned to him until the monster devours a child and in most cases it will seek out the nearest one and will rip through any threats in it's way. In the case of over-eating, the monster will proceed to consume children's souls over a 24 hour period before returning Arth his body.
  38. OverEating Form: The flute will melt down and force itself into Arth's body once a second child's soul is eaten and it will trigger his transformation into the flute's Over-Eating Form. While in this form, the monster is much less stable than it's UnderEating Form and will be prone to causing more destruction and death on it's way to eat up little kids. It also has a slight preference to little boys. When it does have a specific target in mind, it is prone. to stalking the prey silently before returning to it's rampage.
  40. Tripling his body mass within seconds, Arth's legs will elongate extensively and will become digitigrade limbs and will bulk up, then his arms will elongate along with his hands which would end up being tipped with durable and sharp precious steel-like nails able to unlock a window and snatch a child right out of it's bed. Skin covered spines stretch out alongside Arth's back and from his shoulders and from his head a snout grows and his facial features morph to more predatorily ones. Specifically, his nose becomes two slits down the snout and his eyes split apart into four parallel slits themselves.
  42. The monster is able to move incredibly fast thanks to it's incredibly jacked hind legs and for the most part, crosses distances quickly by leaping thanks to those hind legs. When trying to move slower distances he can short dash on all fours by using the knuckles of his upper arms. Along with that, it's able to easily scale walls as well as move quietly by moving on all fours as well.
  44. Besides that, the monster has an incredibly long prehensile barbed tongue which it uses to grab and whip niggas. There are bulbous growths that grow from it's knuckles which it uses to better move when traveling on all fours and also allows it to punch things uber hard and it's teeth are razor sharp for chomping on kids and shit. It's eyes can tell apart child souls from adult souls, it's ears and nose allow it to actually see shit, and it can use it's fingers and nails precisely.
  47. Demon Flute: Arth marked his cursed flute with runes to better help him survive out in the world and to pacify the flute's daily child soul needs. Arth needs to set criteria for those who hear the four different effects of the flute. It also will return to him if it's away from him for more than 30 seconds.
  49. Paralyze: After setting the criteria for who is effected by the paralyzing tone, those who meet the criteria will be momentarily stunned by a shrill screeching sound.
  51. Lure: After setting the criteria for who is effected by the luring tone, those who meet the criteria will be drawn towards the source of the luring tone.
  53. Mimic: After setting the criteria for who is effected by the mimic'd voice, those who meet the criteria will hear the voice and can follow it to the source.
  55. Puppeteer: After setting the criteria, the body that meets it is brought back alive and is controlled by Arth fully who is able to control the body completely as long as he has full view of it to give it the complex orders that require it to respond to the world around it.
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