
Blogroll Theme #1 by Mufflinq

Mar 11th, 2015
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  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
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  8. Blogroll Theme x
  10. ------------------------------------------------------------------->
  12. <title>Blogs I Follow</title>
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  326. </style>
  327. </head>
  328. <body>
  329. <div id="tt1"></div>
  330. <div id="tt2">Follow these beautiful blogs down below!</div>
  331. <div id="title">Wonderful Blogs I follow</div>
  332. <div id="picy"><img src="http://41.media.tumblr.com/0761a59efe38d2653f8fa6b9eb459263/tumblr_n4epr5xCCD1rq163po1_500.png"></div>
  333. <div id="content">
  335. {block:Following}{block:Followed}<a href="{FollowedURL}" title="{FollowedName}"><img src="{FollowedPortraitURL-48}">{/block:Followed}{/block:Following}
  336. </div>
  337. <div id="link1"><div style="color:#fff"><a href="/" title="go back to my blog">Refresh</a></div></div>
  338. <div id="link2"><div style="color:#fff"><a href="/ask" title="shoot me a message!">Message</a></div></div>
  339. <div id="link3"><div style="color:#fff"><a href="/" title="navigate my blog!">links</a></div></div>
  340. <div id="link4"><div style="color:#fff"><a href="/" title="title">link</a></div></div>
  341. <div id="link5"><div style="color:#fff"><a href="/" title="title">link</a></div></div>
  342. <div id="link6"><div style="color:#fff"><a href="http://tumblr.com/dashboard" title="go to your dashboard!">Dash</a></div></div>
  343. <div id="pp"><img src="http://static.tumblr.com/7a259e2b45397f979261f6b8add9a137/hhll7ub/9LOna0ior/tumblr_static_8s3blwlvy0cokgcg4o80w84ok.png"></div>
  344. <div class="credit"><a href="http://mufflinq.tumblr.com" title="aj made this theme">bruhthemes</a></div>
  346. </body>
  347. </html>
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