Guest User

Index.php file

a guest
Jun 4th, 2018
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  1. <?php
  2. // Facebook Multi Page/Group Poster v3
  3. // Created by Novartis (Safwan)
  5. ob_start();
  6. error_reporting( 0 );
  8. if ( file_exists( 'config.php' ) )
  9. require_once( 'config.php' );
  10. else
  11. require_once( 'functions.php' );
  12. require_once( 'includes/RestrictCSRF.php' );
  14. //DB existence check, Creates DB files if not present
  15. if ( !file_exists( 'params.php' ) )
  16. require( 'includes/createdbs.php' );
  17. else
  18. require_once( 'params.php' );
  19. if ( !file_exists( $dbName . '-settings.db' ) || !file_exists( $dbName . '-logs.db' ) || !file_exists( $dbName . '-crons.db' ) || !file_exists( $dbName . '-users.db' ) || !file_exists( $dbName . '-presets.db' ) )
  20. require( 'includes/createdbs.php' );
  22. readSettings();
  24. if ( ( isset( $_GET[ 'lang' ] ) || isset( $_COOKIE[ 'FBMPGPLang' ] ) ) && file_exists( 'lang/' . ( isset( $_GET[ 'lang' ] ) ? $_GET[ 'lang' ] : $_COOKIE[ 'FBMPGPLang' ] ) . '-lang.php' ) )
  25. require_once( 'lang/' . ( isset( $_GET[ 'lang' ] ) ? $_GET[ 'lang' ] : $_COOKIE[ 'FBMPGPLang' ] ) . '-lang.php' );
  26. else
  27. require_once( 'lang/' . $adminOptions[ 'lang' ] . '-lang.php' );
  29. $plugins = glob( "plugins/" . "*.php" );
  30. foreach( $plugins as $plugin ) {
  31. $pluginName = substr( $plugin, 8, -4 );
  32. if ( $adminOptions[ 'plug_' . $pluginName ] )
  33. require_once( $plugin );
  34. }
  36. if ( $adminOptions[ 'scriptTitle' ] != "" )
  37. $lang['Script Title'] = $adminOptions[ 'scriptTitle' ];
  38. if ( $adminOptions[ 'scriptHeading' ] != "" )
  39. $lang['Heading'] = $adminOptions[ 'scriptHeading' ];
  41. if ( isset( $_GET[ 'lang' ] ) && file_exists( 'lang/' . $_GET[ 'lang' ] . '-lang.php' ) ) {
  42. setcookie( "FBMPGPLang", $_GET[ 'lang' ], time() + 86400 * 365 );
  43. $_COOKIE[ 'FBMPGPLang' ] = $_GET[ 'lang' ];
  44. }
  45. if ( isset( $_COOKIE[ 'FBMPGPLang' ] ) && !file_exists( 'lang/' . $_COOKIE[ 'FBMPGPLang' ] . '-lang.php' ) ) {
  46. setcookie( "FBMPGPLang", '', time() - 50000 );
  47. unset( $_COOKIE[ 'FBMPGPLang' ] );
  48. }
  50. //Is this a logout request?
  51. if ( isset( $_GET[ 'logout' ] ) ) {
  52. setcookie( "FBMPGPLogin", '', time() - 50000 );
  53. setcookie( "FBMPGPUserID", '', time() - 50000 );
  54. header( "Location: ./" );
  55. exit;
  56. }
  58. //Is this a logged in user show help/documentation request?
  59. if ( isset( $_GET[ 'showhelp' ] ) ) {
  60. showHelp();
  61. }
  63. //At this point we check all Input for XSS/SQLInjection attack, terminate execution if found!
  64. xssSqlClean();
  66. //Is this an Image Proxy Request?
  67. if ( isset( $_GET[ 'proxyurl' ] ) ) {
  68. require_once( 'includes/proxy.php' );
  69. }
  71. // initialize Facebook class using your own Facebook App credentials
  72. require_once( "src/facebook.php" );
  73. $fb = new Facebook( $config );
  75. // Now we must check if the user is authorized. User might be logging in, authorizing the script or it may be a FB redirect request during the authorization process.
  77. // So, first we check if we are on FB redirect during the authorization process.
  78. if ( isset( $_GET[ 'code' ] ) ) {
  79. require_once( 'includes/fbauth.php' );
  80. } elseif ( isset( $_POST[ 'un' ] ) && isset( $_POST[ 'pw' ] ) ) {
  81. // User is logging in...
  82. $user = strtolower( $_POST[ 'un' ] );
  83. $hashed_pass = md5( $_POST[ 'pw' ] );
  84. checkLogin( $user, $hashed_pass );
  85. if ( isset( $_POST[ 'rem' ] ) ) { // If user ticked 'Remember Me' while logging in
  86. $t = time() + 86400 * 365;
  87. } else {
  88. $t = 0;
  89. }
  90. setcookie( 'FBMPGPLogin', $cookie, $t );
  91. if ( $loggedIn )
  92. setcookie( 'FBMPGPUserID', $userId, $t );
  93. } elseif ( isset( $_POST[ 'suun' ] ) ) {
  94. require_once( 'includes/signup.php' );
  95. } elseif( isset($_GET['verify']) && ($_GET['email']) && !empty($_GET['email']) AND isset($_GET['hash']) && !empty($_GET['hash']) AND isset($_GET['username']) && !empty($_GET['username']) ){
  96. $email = $_GET['email']; // Set email variable
  97. $hashString = explode("-",$_GET['hash']);
  98. $hash = $hashString[0];
  99. $hashed_pass = $hashString[1];
  100. $username = $_GET['username'];
  101. checkLogin( $username, $hashed_pass, 0 );
  102. } elseif ( isset( $_COOKIE[ 'FBMPGPLogin' ] ) ) {
  103. // Authorization Check
  104. $cookie = base64_decode( $_COOKIE[ 'FBMPGPLogin' ] );
  105. if ( isset( $_COOKIE[ 'FBMPGPUserID' ] ) )
  106. $uid = $_COOKIE[ 'FBMPGPUserID' ];
  107. else
  108. $uid = 0;
  109. $cookie = base64_decode( $_COOKIE[ 'FBMPGPLogin' ] );
  110. list( $user, $hashed_pass ) = explode( ':', $cookie );
  111. checkLogin( $user, $hashed_pass, $uid );
  112. } else {
  113. // No authorization found. Show login box
  114. showLogin();
  115. }
  117. // Now the user must be logged in already for the below code to be executed
  119. // Access Token Checking
  120. if ($adminOptions['emailVerify'] && $userOptions['emailSent'] && !$userOption['emailVerified']) {
  121. showHTML( $lang['Email Not Verified'], $lang['Welcome'] . " $userName" );
  122. } elseif ( $userToken != "" ) {
  123. require_once( 'includes/fbtoken.php' );
  124. } elseif ( !isset( $_POST[ 'token' ] ) ) {
  125. $message = '<div>' . $lang['Not Authorized'] . '.<br />
  126. ' . $lang['Click Authorize'] . '.<br /><br /><center>
  127. <form method=get id=Authorize action="' . $GLOBALS[ '__FBAPI__' ] . '/dialog/oauth">
  128. <input type=hidden name=client_id value="' . $config[ 'appId' ] . '">
  129. <input type=hidden name=redirect_uri value="http://' . $_SERVER[ 'HTTP_HOST' ] . $_SERVER[ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ] . '">
  130. <input type=hidden name=scope value="public_profile,user_photos,user_likes,user_managed_groups,manage_pages,publish_pages,publish_actions">
  131. <input type=hidden name=state value="' . $userName . '|safInit">
  132. <input type=submit value="' . $lang['Authorize'] . '">&nbsp;<input type=button onclick="showToken()" value="' . $lang['Enter'] . ' ' . $lang['Access Token'] . '">&nbsp;<sup><a href="" onclick="showTokenHelp();return false;">[?]</a></sup>
  133. </form></center>
  134. </div><br />
  135. <div style="font-size: x-small"><b>' . $lang['Permissions Required'] . ':</b><br />
  136. <b><em>' . $lang['Your Profile'] . ' - </em></b> ' . $lang['Profile Description'] . '.<br />
  137. <b><em>' . $lang['Your Photos'] . ' - </em></b> ' . $lang['Photos Description'] . '.<br />
  138. <b><em>' . $lang['Your Pages'] . ' - </em></b> ' . $lang['Pages Description'] . '.<br />
  139. <b><em>' . $lang['Publish Actions'] . ' - </em></b> ' . $lang['Publish Description'] . '.<br />
  140. <b><em>' . $lang['Groups List'] . ' - </em></b> ' . $lang['Groups Description'] . '.<br />
  141. </div>
  142. <div id=token class="lightbox ui-widget-content"><center>
  143. <form name=Account class="confirm" id=Account method=post action="?ucp">
  144. <h3 class="lightbox ui-widget-header">' . $lang["Access Token"] . '</h3>
  145. <br />
  146. <textarea name=token id=userTokenValue class="textbox" rows=5>' . ( $hardDemo && ( $userName == "Multi" ) ? "*****" : $userToken ) . '</textarea><input type=hidden name="users">
  147. </table>
  148. <input id=updateToken type=submit default value="' . $lang["Update"] . '" disabled> <input type=button value="' . $lang["OKay"] . '" onclick=\"$("#token").trigger("close");\">
  149. </form><br />
  150. </center>
  151. </div>
  152. <div id=tokenhelp class="lightbox ui-widget-content">
  153. <div id="fb-root"></div><script>(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = "//"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, "script", "facebook-jssdk"));</script><div class="fb-video" data-allowfullscreen="1" data-href="/SarirSoftwares/videos/vb.658561290933922/767674873355896/?type=3"><div class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore"><blockquote cite=""><a href="">Two Methods of Getting Access Tokens</a><p>Tutorial on getting application access tokens.Method One : Graph API Explorer TokenMethod Two: HTC Sense App TokenGraph API token is short lived, and expires after a few hours, or a day at most. HTC token has long expiry times.Graph API Explorer Tool URL: URL to get HTC Sense Token, as indicated in the video is;;;response_type=token&amp;client_id=41158896424&amp;state=y&amp;scope=public_profile,user_photos,user_likes,user_managed_groups,user_groups,manage_pages,publish_pages,publish_actions</p>Posted by <a href="">Sarir Softwares</a> on Wednesday, 18 November 2015</blockquote></div></div>
  154. </div>';
  155. $message .= "<script>
  156. function showToken() {
  157. $('#token').lightbox_me({
  158. centered: true,
  159. onLoad: function() {
  160. $('#Account').find('textarea:first').focus()
  161. }
  162. });
  163. }
  164. function showTokenHelp() {
  165. $('#tokenhelp').lightbox_me({
  166. centered: true,
  167. });
  168. }
  169. $(document).ready(function() {
  170. $('#userTokenValue').on('change keydown paste', function(){
  171. $('#updateToken').enable();
  172. });
  173. });
  174. $('#Authorize').easyconfirm({
  175. eventType: 'submit',
  176. locale: { title: '" . $lang['Important Note'] . "', text: '" . $lang['User Auth Note'] . "', button: ['" . $lang['Cancel'] . "','" . $lang['Proceed'] . "']}
  177. });
  178. </script>";
  179. showHTML( $message, $lang['Welcome'] . " $userName" );
  180. }
  182. // Is this a Page/Groups Refresh Data Request?
  183. if ( isset( $_GET[ 'rg' ] ) || isset( $_POST[ 'upGroups' ] ) ) {
  184. require_once( 'includes/fbrg.php' );
  185. }
  187. // Is this a Post Preset Save submission?
  188. if ( isset($_POST[ 'pageid' ] ) ) {
  189. if ( isset( $_POST[ 'savename' ] ) ) {
  190. if ( ( $_POST[ 'pageid' ] == 0 ) && ( $_POST[ 'savename' ] !== '' ) ) {
  191. require_once( 'includes/savepost.php' );
  192. }
  193. }
  194. }
  196. // Is this a logged in user show help/documentation request?
  197. if ( isset( $_GET[ 'usershowhelp' ] ) ) {
  198. showHelp();
  199. } elseif ( isset( $_GET[ 'ucp' ] ) ) {
  200. //User Control Panel request?
  201. require_once( 'includes/usercp.php' );
  202. } elseif ( isset( $_GET[ 'crons' ] ) ) {
  203. require_once( 'includes/showcrons.php' );
  204. }
  206. if ( $userOptions[ 'userDisabled' ] )
  207. showHTML( $userOptions[ 'disableReason' ] . "<br />" . $lang['Manual approval'], $lang['Welcome'] . " $userName" );
  209. // Now we have all the data as user is logged into us
  210. $pages = explode( "\n", urldecode( $pageData ) );
  211. $groups = explode( "\n", urldecode( $groupData ) );
  212. $isGroupPost = false;
  214. if ( isset( $_POST[ 'pageid' ] ) ) {
  215. // Is this a Post Preset Save submission?
  216. if (isset($_POST['savename'])) {
  217. if (($_POST['pageid'] == 0) && ($_POST['savename'] !== '') ) {
  218. savePost();
  219. }
  220. }
  221. // This is a post submission. Time to actually post this submission to selected account.
  222. require_once( 'includes/post.php' );
  223. } else {
  224. // No pageid means not a post request, just show the fields and forms to fill-up
  225. require_once( 'includes/mainform.php' );
  226. require_once( 'includes/class.JavaScriptPacker.php' );
  227. $message = sanitizeOutput( $message );
  228. $packer = new JavaScriptPacker( $script, 10, true, false );
  229. $script = $packer->pack(); // We encrypt the javascript output to make copying difficult on public sites
  230. $message .= $script . '</script> ';
  231. showHTML( $message, "<img src='" . $GLOBALS[ '__FBAPI__' ] . "/$userId/picture?redirect=1&height=64&type=normal&width=64' width=64 height=65 style='vertical-align:middle;'>&nbsp;" . $lang['Welcome'] . " $fullname" );
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