
Sa Awaret vs Lucien Voss

Oct 31st, 2018
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  1. 08:50] It's not often that Lucien strays so far from home. It is even less often that his hunts at this hour, especially in this locale, are fruitful. Perhaps it is boredom that drives him forwards, floating delicately with one boot just barely sliding against the ground. He's a ghost, travelling forth on pale crimson light, though his demeanor and presence is strange.
  3. Despite the light that follows him, despite the ethereal floating, and despite the massive, serrated arcanium blade that he holds within one hand- Much too big to swing around with a single hand, mind, but done so with ease- He doesn't appear to be a magi. It's almost as if his body is devoid of it entirely, as if he had no magical prowess.
  5. ..Yet how could that be?
  7. His nostrils flare, though the smirk upon his face never leaves. His head cants this way and that as if he were a feral predator, as if he were a shark who had caught wind of freshly spilled blood. His eyes glow crimson red, and stare with cause and determination at every slight movement. At the smell of mana.
  9. A horrid thing, to be caught in a monster's notice. A horrid thing for Sa, that she had been found, through one way or another, by the Bloody Baron. It would not be hard to figure out who he was, should she have ever heard of him- His attire, his hair, that awful, wicked smirk that never leaves his face?
  11. A monster.
  12. (Lucien Voss)
  13. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. [09:11] Hers was a light which did not cast shadows.
  17. Trudging through the muck, the mire, Sa was alert.
  19. Winds supported the petite woman as she stepped from stone to stone. Gaze scanning her surroundings.
  21. After all, these were the Dreadswamps.
  23. Today at least, they truly earnt their name. There was something prickling at the edge of Sa Awaret's senses. Something which made her skin crawl, and butterflies form at the pit of her stomach.
  25. Anticipation, of the worst kind.
  27. Yes, the dreadswamps. And she was hunting a monster.
  29. For a moment a smile graced her lips. Dimples and cheer, perhaps a fleeting moment of relief. Had she actually wanted to do her duty? To find Reveller and bring him to justice? Well, yes. But that didn't mean that it hadn't posed a certain amount of anxiety.
  31. "Ullih, traveller." Sa greeted Lucien, heart-shaped sceptre in hand. "You should be careful, there are--" Sa stopped, mid sentence. Eyes wide, pupils suddenly constricting to pin pricks.
  33. She'd been hunting a monster. Had she found one?
  34. (Sa Awaret)
  35. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  37. [09:21] It comes all at once, like a dreadful wave of horrid power. His head tilts upwards, canting towards one side as he offers Sa a dull grin as she stops her sentence short. His tongue rolls outwards, stained dull green- Likewise, green poisons seem to drip down his..
  39. ..Fangs? Two pointed teeth, coming to a razor sharp point, replacing his canines.
  41. The utterly massive arcanium blade is hefted upwards, far easier than any one man should have been able too. The weight of it alone sends a ripple through the very air, and would give Sa enough time to properly see the weapon itself. It glitters in a myriad of colors, with burning runes engraved into the gilded hilt, just below a ruby affixed to the center.
  43. Two simple words - 'Sorrow's Aria'.
  45. The edge has what seems like a thousand minor serrations, though the tip of the blade itself is dull. Clearly this weapon is not meant for stabbing or piercing, but for sawing and hacking through flesh. Ahorrid weapon for a horrid creature.
  47. "There are.. What? Monsters, in these swamps? Beasts that seek only bloodshed and murder, that would rip you apart if they were given the chance?"
  49. His freehand flexes, idly showing off the claw-like nails that extend from his digits. He exhales, slowly, rolling his neck about rather slowly, stretching himself out.
  51. "My name.. Is Lucien V. Voss. The Bloody Baron. The ruler of Baukdengrad. The leader of the Invictus Conclave. And you, Lover.. You are about to die. Get your introductions out of the way.
  53. There is no honor in a prize without a name."
  54. (Lucien Voss)
  55. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  57. [09:40] Wide eyed, fingers curling tighter around her now-sparkling scepter, Sa's gaze wandered as Lucien V. Voss spoke. From sword, to that horrific, fanged grin, back to the sword again.
  59. The Deseti Sultanah exhaled. One short little breath as if momentarily winded as Lucien flexed claws at her. Made his threats. Posturing, she would have thought.
  61. Except the Bloody Baron was.. infamous.
  63. "A little far from home, aren't you, iropmev?" Sa stated with deliberate firmness. If the woman's style of dress hadn't given it away, or her dark skin and amber eyes, she spoke with a heavy Sarradian accent -- peppering the end of her sentence with her native tongue.
  65. Vampire.
  67. Sa Awaret inhaled deeply. Exhaled. Her eyelashes fluttered, dipping down, almost cuddling her cheeks before opening.
  69. Anger.
  71. "What insult is this. O me Sa Awaret, Sultanah fu Deseti."
  73. The woman took a moment to point behind her, city walls visible just in the distance.
  75. "You would attack in sight of my city? How dare you."
  76. (Sa Awaret)
  77. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  79. [09:46] The way she speaks only causes Lucien's horrid smirk to increase in size, to stretch practically from ear to ear, before he hears a singular word.
  81. Desseti.
  83. Scarlet eyes wander off towards the distance, towards the walls she motioned too. His head craned, and he does something almost strange.
  85. He laughs.
  87. It's loud, and it echoes throughout the swamps for a few moments, before all at once does it stop. He exhales, slowly, wide eyed stare becoming almost psychotic in nature. He takes a half floating step backwards, gently kicking himself off the ground and remaining floating, before he moves his massive sword with ease, pointing the rounded tip towards her.
  89. A mock of what she had said to him, said in a tone that almost sounded childish. His eyes spark, murderous intent visible behind the visage of a beast, a horrid predator. A monster. A vampire.
  91. The Lord of Vampires.
  93. "When I am done with you, there will not be a soul who recognizes what was left here. I will leave your corpse to the demons. I will break you. I will make sure that whatever foolish sand God you worship knows to fear me. To fear the will of my people.
  95. To fear Apropriya."
  97. And at once is he upon her, all of that murderous intent directed within his weapon, aimed directly towards the Sultanah.
  98. (Lucien Voss)
  99. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  101. [10:01] Sa Awaret stiffened, skin flushing with colour as Lucien mocked her. Her breath momentarily caught in her throat as her gaze set with determination, tension in her limbs.
  103. I will break you, he said. And instead of fear, Sa's heart reacted with indignation. Normally kind, compassionate. Normally at least somewhat cautious. Sin still effected her mind -- more than she realised. And so it was that her want to stop Lucien became a NEED. And so it was that the shock that had decorated her delicate, elfin features shifted into indignation and righteous fury.
  105. They say that fear is the beginning of wisdom. Well. If that was so, it would seem that Sa Awaret refused to be wise!
  107. After all, hers was the light that banished the darkness.
  109. At least, something to that effect was what Sa repeated under her breath in her native tongue.
  111. Hope.
  113. Flames of righteous passion and beams of pure sunlight surrounded the Sarradian woman as she drew her scepter before her.
  115. "Bring it, you f--"
  117. A snappy retort was apparently not going to be afforded to the firebrand of Deseti as Lucien attacked her.
  119. "Sol!" Sa cried out to the heavens, stretching out her free hand as she sought to defend herself, defend her land, defend those she cared about. Blinding sunlight solidified at her fingertips.
  121. Ready to purify this monster from existence.
  122. (Sa Awaret)
  123. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  125. [10:04] Itori had absolutely no idea what was going on, but she knew it wasn't good. Jewewls of grey would narrow at what was clearly a vampire towering over the Sultanah of Deseti. The very sight of the creature brought back dreadful memories of her encounter with Malentine Invidia, and how she was quickly overwhelmed by him.
  127. "Sa! W-Watch out!"
  129. Itori knew that she herself was absolutely no match for a vampire, especially in the weakened state she was in. Not only was she suffering from permanent mana circuit damage, she was also still recovering from the scar Malentine gave her, though she wouldn't let that stop her. She couldn't!
  131. "Stop it right now!"
  133. Here she was once again getting involved in other people's business, but it wasn't something she could help. Regardless of the reasons she was required to assist not only her people, but her allies when they took up arms against their enemies. And that is exactly what she would do.
  135. Magical blade still in hand the girl would rush over towards Sa's side, both hands gripping the blade's handle as she prepared to assist her. Not before whispering to her though.
  140. (Itori)
  141. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  143. [10:05] Itori whispers something.
  144. [10:09]
  145. {LOAD GAME}
  147. [10:29] Fast. That's the only way to describe Lucien Voss-
  149. A blow that was meant to be straight for Sa is stopped short as another enters into the fray, causing him to temporarily stray off course. His arcanium blade shimmers, though within an instant he's a good twenty or so feet away from the two. He flicks his hand downwards, the utterly massive weapon following suit as if it were as light as a feather.
  151. His crimson eyes narrow over Itori, before his assault begins upon them, first. He's practically invisible when he's moving, his entire form simply disappearing in the shadow of the trees and swampland to reappear elsewhere, to strike with fervor and intent.
  153. Each of them are offered blows, and few of them are offered back in return. The blade strikes against flesh, though notably it is only the rounded tip of his sword that makes contact. It blunts against flesh and bone, likely leaving a few superficial bruises, though ultimately nothing severeor lethal.
  155. Yet.
  157. He strikes a final blow against Sa, before once more does he simply appear across the battlefield. His head is twisting from side to side, a dull and almost awful grin firmly etched upon his lips. Utterly unhinged, wide eyes stare directly upon the two.
  159. "A mistake. You- You made me make a mistake. Eheh. Ahahaha. Oh, no, no, no, no no. That won't do. That. Will. Not.
  161. Do.
  163. He inhales, slowly, staring straight upon both of them with the eyes of a monster. The trained eyes of a predator. Almost a feral beast.
  165. "I. Am going to kill. Both of you. And when I am done. I am going to kill. All. Of you. There is not a soul on this accursed land that will stop me.
  167. Not a soul."
  168. (Lucien Voss)
  169. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  171. [10:30]
  172. {LOAD GAME}
  174. [10:38]
  175. {LOAD GAME}
  177. [10:44] Struck, Sa Awaret cried out.
  179. "--hhk, ah!"
  181. His speed took her by surprise. The presence of a child? That chilled her. No. This was HER fight. An innocent would NOT suffer. No.
  183. "Run, child!" The Sarradian hissed, attempting to take position between Itori and the vampire.
  185. Soft curls tumbled about her shoulders. The flower crown wreathed in her hair shed petals with the acts of violence committed against her.
  187. At some point she'd bitten the inside of her mouth.
  189. Sa spat. Even that didn't rid the metalic taste from her mouth.
  191. "Monster. Were you even ever human."
  193. There was no doubt in her mind now that Lucien was playing with her. But perhaps that could be used to her advantage. Hope surged within her as she summoned the flames of her conviction to act as a shield.
  194. (Sa Awaret)
  195. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  197. [10:46] The battle commenced, and the vampire lord quickly got the upper hand, smacking both of them around during the entire fight. Her form began to maneuver back and forth at great speeds, using her time magic to try and outmaneuver the vampire, but it seemed to be futile. No, it was futile! Every step she made was countered, every punch she threw dodged and followed up with an attack of the vampires. She was outmatched completely. Even with the assistance of the Sultanah who was strong in her own right, they both stood absolutely no chance of beating him. Not by the way things were looking at least.
  199. Jewels of grey would look over towards Sa, the crafter mustering the strength she had left to bring herself back to her feet and over towards her ally.
  201. "No way in hell I'm leaving you. We are allies. It wouldn't be a good look if I just let the leader of our allies get killed by a vampire without even attempting to help. We are in this together."
  203. Several inhales and exhales would be heard from the child as she regained her footing, her hands being tightened on her blade. This fight wasn't over yet.
  204. (Itori)
  205. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  207. [10:50] ** Lucien Voss has inflicted an injury upon Sa Awaret. ("Permanent Injury", "Permanent Injury", "Permanent", "Severity: MODERATE (-20 Vit)") **
  208. [10:50] ** Lucien Voss has inflicted an injury upon Itori. ("Permanent Injury", "Permanent Injury", "Permanent", "Severity: MODERATE (-20 Vit)") **
  209. [11:04] The fight goes precisely as Lucien plans- To an extent. He falters near the end, barely able to keep pushing as the time and cosmic magic erupts into him. His wounds regenerate, his body heals, but it's almost not fast enough. His blade strikes true again and again, though when all is said and done..
  211. ..He bleeds. It's not a sight many get to see, the Baron's blood rolling down his armor and sleeves. It's tainted dull green, as if the Vampire's toxins were flooded within his body. It's a horrible thought, certainly.
  213. He grits his teeth, fangs piercing into his lip. He feels pain, but in return, all he can do is simply laugh and push again and again. He is ten, fifteen feet away from a moment-
  215. Before suddenly Itori would find him upon her. The baron twists himself, pulling his sword back with all of his might. The blade makes contact with Itori's chest, bones crackling and echoing throughout the swamps immediately. He holds her upon the blade as long as he can, the dull edge only serving to keep her steady for a few moments before it simply sends her flying across the swamps.
  217. He turns his gaze, then, upon Sa. His eyes flare bright red, his gaze turning horrid and awful. It's wicked, not the face that a normal man should ever make. Perhaps he's truly, in this moment, lost himself to madness?
  219. His boot touches the ground for a single moment afterwards, and then he is in front of Sa. The blade crashes into her as well, though this time the serrated edge finds her stomach. It cuts into her, though it doesn't leave anything lethal. Instead, the blade is used to keep her stuck against a tree, to pin her and keep her steady.
  221. It takes only one more swift motion for Lucien's jaws to find their way onto her throat. He does not bite, like one might expect a vampire to do, does not suck blood from her- But instead simply rends a large chunk of flesh off of her neck. Blood erupts from the wound, and Lucien takes no time to allow it to simply cover him entirely.
  223. He stands, loosening the blade's grip for a moment, pressing his hand over his mouth as he gnawed and licked at the blood now coating his entire form. In this moment he was not a man, but a distracted beast, a hunter who had found his prey.
  225. In this moment alone would the two manage to find their escape. A single question rolls through Lucien's mind as he finds himself absolved in the blood and gore.
  227. Were you ever even human?
  228. (Lucien Voss)
  230. [11:12] All was for naught it seemed.
  232. The two ladies made their best effort to defeat the man, and though they came extremely close they failed in the long run. Ethereal and cosmic magic were used in conjunction in an attempt to overwhelm the vampire lord and hopefully catch him off guard, but each attack of theirs was yet again met with an even stronger counter. Was there any way for someone to beat this man? Though Itori wasn't a fighter, she was still quite capable in her own right, injured or not. The Sultanah on the other hand was very powerful, though it was obvious she wasn't very experienced in battle. Still they were defeated.
  234. Blades would be heard clashing as Itori did her best efforts to keep up with Lucien though it was obvious who was the more experienced swordsman. Beads of sweat along with blood would roll down the girls face as she panted. She wasn't able to do this for much longer, she couldn't.
  236. "ACK!"
  238. In the blink of an eye the feeling of cold flesh would be felt tearing through the girls body, holding her there momentarily before launching her further into the forest, the sight of Sa being the last thing she sees before being tossed backwards.
  239. (Itori)
  240. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  242. [11:20] "NO!!" Sa screamed, her lungs BURNING as she threw herself forward. Attempting to stop Lucien from wounding Itori. But too slow. Too slow! The horrific -crunch- reverberated through the Sarradian's senses. She all but felt the blow. Not physically, but in her soul.
  244. How many children would be maimed because of her inability to protect them?
  246. It was then that the light surrounding her, that brilliant shield of hope, sputtered out.
  248. Cold. She was cold, as Lucien's red eyes stared into her soul.
  250. The diminuative Sarradian STARED back. Stunned. Caught, like some small prey animal before a swooping hawk.
  252. She parted her lips. Screamed again. One pure pitch of horror. Primal. The jagged edge of the blade found flesh. Then the scream was cut short, winded as she was pinned against a tree.
  254. Blood, like water, gushed forth from the wound at her neck.
  256. For a second, Sa Awaret thought she had died.
  258. And then a second later, she almost wished she had.
  260. The pain was blinding.
  262. Both hands instinctively reached for the wound, her neck. Blue ichor seeped through the gaps in her fingers. Wet and hot.
  264. Eyes wide, skin ashen, the Sarradian felt the overwhelming desire to LIVE surge through her. And so she struggled. Kicked out not at Lucien, but the massive blade he carried.
  266. Ran. Numb. Almost senseless. On instinct.
  268. And yet, even so, she managed to somehow find the strength to pick Itori up. To bend the air around them to speed their escape back to the safety of Deseti.
  270. Home.
  271. (Sa Awaret)
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