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Nov 2nd, 2023
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  1. Factor 0
  2. + keyed
  3. American weapons companies keep wars going to sell more weapons.
  4. Powerful people organize the world to favor themselves and suppress everyone else.
  5. Companies that focus on profit buy up and reduce the wages of companies that try to pay workers more.
  6. Capitalism fails to recognize people's inherent value, instead only caring about money.
  7. The stock market fails to punish powerful people for poor investments because people in power just get the government to bail them out using taxpayer money.
  8. Society seems to be turning into a sci-fi dystopia.
  9. It's unsustainable for the economy to keep growing.
  10. Upper-class designers often design things that harm the lower classes because they do not have personal experience with lower classes.
  11. Buildings these days are too bland compared to the past.
  12. The government unfairly dismisses medical problems to avoid paying the disability benefits it promises.
  13. Mobile phones have harmed society due to addiction.
  14. The finance industry is full of idiots.
  15. The government lacks adaptiveness and inventiveness.
  16. The stock market grows in times of war and trouble, profiting from people's suffering.
  17. We need more evidence that we would benefit before we charge ahead with futuristic technology that might irreversibly backfire.
  18. AI systems lack the ability to reason about the quality and impact of their output.
  19. The problem with technology is that more effort gets put into developing weapons than things which actually help people.
  20. Farmers should use organic methods like pest-eating beetles rather than chemical methods like pesticides to eliminate crop pests.
  21. Managers tend to control people too much.
  22. Chemicals used in farming are terrible for the environment.
  23. The west destabilizes democratic socialist countries in order to turn them capitalist.
  24. Most companies have terrible customer service.
  25. Anybody would accept bribes if the price is high enough, even trusted judges.
  26. Capitalists do bad stuff and declare success because it makes GDP go up.
  27. It is bad for lower-class people when cities install benches you can't sleep on in order to get rid of homeless people.
  28. Finance leads to a problematic amount of economic inequality.
  29. Tech companies spy on people in terrible ways.
  30. Society has too much respect for vain things like fashion and makeup.
  31. If AI becomes too advanced, it might decide to destroy humanity.
  32. Humanity will revolt once they see killer robots used by the army.
  33. Farming is harmful to the environment.
  34. Capitalism encourages farmers use short-sighted environmentally-damaging methods.
  35. It is depressing if AI can make as engaging writing as humans can.
  36. People are economically vulnerable today because there's only a few low-skilled jobs (e.g. drivers) that haven't been outsourced.
  37. The justice system is full of kangaroo courts that use fancy legal symbols to appear respectable.
  38. It is sad to see everyone competing to produce things with mass appeal, rather than lots of diverse creations for everyone's unique preferences.
  39. It's impossible for us to handle more garbage and pollution.
  40. If the military could replace human soldiers with robots, military generals could easily overthrow the government and become dictators.
  41. The government's bailouts and interventions into the financial system disproportionately benefit the wealthy.
  42. Big pharmaceutical companies push ineffective or counterproductive medicine to make money.
  43. Anxiety and depression is a natural reaction to the state of society.
  44. Pharmaceutical companies are biased in favor of treating disease with drugs because they earn money through selling drugs.
  45. A majority of the population enjoy finding enemies to direct their anger at the world towards.
  46. Companies make their customer service staff follow scripts that focus more on calming their customers than on solving their problems.
  47. Marketers often have a morally shady character, and might use manipulation or psychological tricks.
  48. Makeup is unethical because it is based on animal testing.
  49. Politicians often fail to meet even the lowest expectations people can have of them.
  50. Social media websites should be banned.
  51. A lot of marketing firms trick companies into wasting lots of money on useless campaigns.
  52. The finance sector makes investments focus on what is easy to measure, rather than what is good for the long term.
  53. Antibiotic use in factory farms leads to multiresistant bacteria that will soon wreck havoc on humans defending ourselves with antibiotics.
  54. A lot of drivers are reckless.
  55. To win at finance, investors develop monopolies, eliminating competition and allowing them to raise prices.
  56. Effective marketing was a big part of why Nazis and other extremists succeeded.
  57. Big organisations tend to get in the way of individuals who want to solve real problems.
  58. The government makes overly simplistic metrics for products, which companies focus on to the detriment of real quality.
  59. Construction companies avoid installing solar panels because they are too greedy to pay for them.
  60. Modern automation is preventing human contact.
  61. Society is too prone to treating old houses as disposable.
  62. Monopolies cut down customer service out of greed.
  63. Personal cars cause too much traffic.
  64. Plastic surgeons use targeted advertising to trick girls with poor body image into harmful treatments.
  65. Power corrupts.
  66. People denigrate scientists who have inconvenient facts.
  67. IT people tend to be arrogant, rude and dismissive.
  68. People are getting overly reliant on having computers thinking for them, rather than thinking for themselves.
  69. Public institutions often face problems with managers who steal resources for themselves.
  70. People who work in tech have poor social skills.
  71. Highly processed foods are toxic to human consumption.
  72. The simple things in life are overlooked and displaced by new technology.
  73. Carpenters have a sense of patience which clashes with the fast pace of modern life.
  74. Privacy is more important than security.
  75. We need to regulate technology because too much is changing too fast.
  76. People ought to buy from local organic farms to avoid the harms from industrial farms.
  77. Marketing is effective because people are too gullible and believe everything they hear.
  78. Marketers tend to be sexually promiscuous and use cocaine.
  79. Generative AI isn't creative; it just memorizes people's work or makes random guesses.
  80. Because AI is so new and untested, it might turn out to cause much more harm than predicted.
  81. Politicians use targeted advertising to trick passionate people into supporting them.
  82. Often journalists fail to properly investigate or report on the news.
  83. It would be healthier if people got more practice at not relying on electricity.
  84. Teachers get bogged down with too many responsibilities and restrictions.
  85. AI will likely cause many people to become unemployed.
  86. People who make provocative statements lack accurate information and instead just parrot ideas from the media and biased people.
  87. The animal abuse that typically occurs in factory farms is horrible.
  88. A lot of mental health problems comes from society expecting people to be beautiful and fashionable.
  89. It is difficult for people to keep track of accounts, money, debt, taxes, and other such financial things.
  90. Companies cut corners in automating their administration staff in order to more quickly reduce their costs.
  91. Finance people overestimate their ability to use math to predict economic shocks.
  92. The priority for building new housing should be to allow people to live with plenty of space, rather than being packed tightly like sardines.
  93. Society needs to encourage more people to be carpenters.
  94. It would be better if kids went outdoors instead of using technology so much.
  95. Lawyers often hurt society by acting biasedly in their own interests.
  96. High-end tech roles get respect and money, while basic IT jobs are often overlooked.
  97. Students who use AI end up avoiding the challenges that would make them learn a subject more properly.
  98. People need to find their own style rather than following changing fashions.
  99. Good aesthetics follow timeless principles, not the fashions of the moment.
  100. Carpentry is an art, as much as it is a trade.
  101. There are many challenges that make it difficult to have unbiased news; it's far from enough to simply avoid government censorship.
  102. Offices need to be quiet and give everyone personal space so people can work efficiently.
  103. Farming is the most important industry for society.
  104. The law is filled with stupid loopholes.
  105. There is a shortage of carpenters.
  106. Typically it is more effective to learn from hands-on or holistic experience than from lectures and textbooks.
  107. People often form opinions based on superficial "common sense" without bothering to investigate things more objectively.
  108. It is hard to find qualified, honest carpenters.
  109. Accounting is a good job for a smart, nerdy woman.
  110. - keyed
  111. The government has regulations that make financial markets work well and fairly.
  112. The government knows well how to balance costs and benefits.
  113. The finance industry is good at informing people about the risks involved with their investments.
  114. Society needs finance so people can invest to grow their wealth.
  115. Those who hate finance people for economic crashes are being overly harsh.
  116. The finance industry allows capital to go to worthwhile investments.
  117. The police are good at helping those who have been victims of sexual assault.
  118. It is a problem when people sell cheap pirated copies of designer products that people put lots of thought into.
  119. The army is critical for defending ourselves.
  120. Judges can be trusted to handle the law due to their great experience.
  121. Managers are important so workers know what to do.
  122. The government has special access to information and expertise that makes them offer great insights.
  123. Marketing is just a way for companies and customers to communicate, it's not some wild psychological trickery.
  124. Society can expand the roads to accommodate more traffic.
  125. Society generally respects lawmakers.
  126. Government agencies are neutral and objective, making them trustworthy.
  127. Economic stability leads to growth in the stock market.
  128. Taxi and rideshare companies should do surge pricing, where they increase prices when more people need rides.
  129. The general public is too tough on doctors who make incorrect diagnoses.
  130. Factor 1
  131. + keyed
  132. Academia has been taken over by a woke culture which suppresses dissent.
  133. Minority groups tend to be biased and favor wokeness over fairness.
  134. When woke people get angry at calm counterarguments, it is because the wokes are insane, dogmatic and fragile.
  135. These days, there's a lot of mental illness because people today are too fragile.
  136. Too much Diversity, Equality and Inclusion can lead to hiring crony managers.
  137. Diversity goals tend to lead to unfair reverse discrimination.
  138. A lot of people pretend to be mentally ill as an excuse for bad behavior.
  139. Schools should bring back a more conservative approach to classroom management, featuring sex segregation and school uniforms as a minimum.
  140. Art lacks originality nowadays.
  141. Electric cars massively overstate their driving range, often doubling it compared to what they could achieve in practice.
  142. Climate science is mostly bullshit.
  143. Men are innately more attracted to working with computers than women are.
  144. COVID-19 was a conspiracy.
  145. It is a bizarre conspiracy theory to think that society is full of oppression.
  146. You shouldn't just criticize things without coming up with a realistic replacement.
  147. Petrol/diesel cars are more durable than electric cars.
  148. The problem with customer service is that they don't have good enough social skills.
  149. Type 2 diabetes should be treated with diet and exercise, not anti-obesity drugs.
  150. Petrol/diesel cars are much more suitable for long car rides than electric cars.
  151. Almost everything now called art is mere entertainment.
  152. The military should be expanded to help ensure international stability.
  153. People who join the army learn to better appreciate their country.
  154. Christianity is the one true religion.
  155. We are headed for problems due to "Idiocracy" as dumb people have more kids and take over society.
  156. Math is the most important subject in school.
  157. White people are innately more intelligent than black people.
  158. Entering the military is a good way of learning discipline, which makes it an avenue for upward mobility.
  159. Ghosts are real.
  160. The number of civil servants is about an order of magnitude higher than it ought to be.
  161. We can't trust medical drugs to be safe and effective.
  162. The physical sciences are the only academic disciplines left that are reasonably uncorrupted.
  163. Petrol/diesel cars are more efficient than electric cars.
  164. Curing aging is bad because it would lead to problems with overpopulation.
  165. The best information about the Ukraine war comes from videos taken by soldier or drones rather than newspapers and analysts.
  166. People in power within the tech industry tend to go out of their way to hire and promote women.
  167. You always have to do your own research rather than trusting journalists.
  168. Lawyers' tendency to get guilty people off with crimes they committed puts people and society at risk.
  169. Medical researchers are too skeptical of alternative medicine.
  170. AI is going to take over the role of journalists, as it can provide a more objective answer to things.
  171. Lots of women have high-ranking, well-paid jobs in IT.
  172. There is far too much paperwork. Laws and regulations should be simplified to reduce paperwork.
  173. There is even greater beauty in abstract/technical subjects than there is in conventional art, as long as one has the math/logic skills to see it.
  174. People need to die of natural aging so they free up space for younger generations.
  175. Low self esteem is usually caused by being genuinely contemptible and is best treated by practising virtue rather than by therapy.
  176. Highly processed foods are created from artificial chemicals rather than biological farmed materials such as meat or vegetables.
  177. It would be cheaper for society if we stopped jumping headfirst into the latest technology, as usually shortly afterwards there will be better and cheaper things developed.
  178. Post-modern art is bad because it preaches that it's not worth trying great things.
  179. People conducting their own reporting on social media is a going to be a tough competitor for traditional news.
  180. Engineers often just adapt old products instead of creating new, proper solutions.
  181. It is important to allow things to flourish naturally, rather than to engineer some artificial solution.
  182. It is hard to find people in customer service who know how to solve the problems.
  183. The only reason we can easily store wealth over time is due to the financial sector.
  184. "Marketing should be honest" is not a reasonable political proposal, as it cannot be implemented through formal rules or incentives.
  185. There is a big problem of too many bad therapists.
  186. It is wrong to moralize about fashion and art.
  187. People should do effortful things to show that they are really trying and not just being lazy/obstructionistic.
  188. If we learn that some technology harms society in some way, we can just agree to stop using it that way.
  189. Society gets richer if we invest more in the military.
  190. Artists need to use flashy or exciting means for people to feel it's worth paying attention to the art.
  191. Society spends too many resources on medical treatment to save the lives of very old people.
  192. It's usually unfair to get angry when companies or professionals cause problems, because they usually mean well.
  193. Innovation depends more on being challenged than on sitting down to think carefully.
  194. Driving is very important for society.
  195. There's a big problem where journalists tend to be too politically biased.
  196. The government is good at defending its power against conspiracies.
  197. A lot of people would be happier if they were farmers living in rural villages.
  198. The logical "engineer" style of thinking is in tension with artistic creativity.
  199. Vaping is as bad as cigarettes.
  200. The education system needs to be focused on more practically useful skills.
  201. People often act overly dramatic about certain cultural phenomena, even though those phenomena exist in lots of places without causing trouble.
  202. Customer service is a good job for a woman.
  203. There's a need for more farming so we can solve world hunger.
  204. There is a problem of lawyers making obstructionistic, time-consuming arguments to exploit the system.
  205. - keyed
  206. You can see from the gender ratios in income and work areas that there's still tons of sexism around.
  207. The government marginalizes victims of sexual assault.
  208. When men design computer programs, that leads to those programs being biased in favor of men.
  209. Climate science is critically important due to global warming.
  210. IT/tech discriminates against women, giving them lower pay and lower rank.
  211. Buildings need to be rebuilt to be more climate friendly.
  212. Hospitals are underfunded.
  213. Art is helpful for understanding different cultures.
  214. It is abhorrent for the military to invade dictatorships and kill people there.
  215. Art is a good way to express oneself.
  216. Medical research is underfunded.
  217. People will drive less in order to save the environment.
  218. School not only teaches academic subjects, but also how to behave socially and understand life.
  219. When customer service doesn't fix the company's errors, it is abusive to get angry at them.
  220. It is good that modern work is cozy office jobs instead of tough manual labour.
  221. Factor 2
  222. + keyed
  223. It's hard to think out of the box and come up with creative solutions to things.
  224. Superhuman AI is sci-fi nonsense.
  225. - keyed
  226. One of the greatest benefits of art is that management can place it in workplaces to set a calming, productive tone.
  227. Brand reputation is the main way consumers know that products are safe and high-quality.
  228. People underestimate how much work goes into developing fashion designs.
  229. Fashion is a good way to build confidence.
  230. We should prioritize giving artists recognition for their work.
  231. Democratic elections are basically polls about who you trust to lead the country, so democratically elected leaders are considered especially trustworthy.
  232. Fashion is a good way to express one's individuality and values.
  233. Tech is a good job for people who want to help and improve society.
  234. Marketing is good because then people buy more things, thereby keeping the economy running.
  235. In the future, managers will try to be more inclusive and sensitive.
  236. Society generally respects lawyers.
  237. The importance of visual art is because it covers so many everyday things, such as shirts, walls, etc..
  238. Businesses should have marketing departments in order to sell as many products to as many people as possible.
  239. Art needs to be highly prioritized during economic downturns so people have somewhere to escape to.
  240. We know the world is getting better because statistics show how things are improving.
  241. You should always focus on praising people so they keep a positive attitude and you have a pleasant environment.
  242. An admiration of vigour and a desire for a full life is the most important thing for being healthy.
  243. Accountants tend to have a strong sense of ethics in how they deal with money.
  244. Therapy is healthy for everyone, even if they don't have a crisis to solve.
  245. AI is less biased than humans.
  246. Technological advances will give women more access to working in construction due to making it less physically demanding.
  247. Teachers tend to be passionate and caring.
  248. One should respect the beliefs and values of others without intruding or passing judgment.
  249. The increase in mental illness diagnoses reflects a great need for therapists.
  250. During the COVID pandemic, one could find lots of good information from lots of sources about what to do.
  251. Social science is as valuable as the other sciences.
  252. Construction workers are being screwed over by zoning, economic stagnation, and regulations that hold back construction projects.
  253. Some companies ought to only sell expensive products so people can recognize the brand as a luxury brand.
  254. Cynical, general critiques of large groups of people are just an attempt to drag down others.
  255. Often, all that is needed to prevent a troubled teen from going down a life of crime is talking to the right therapist.
  256. There is too much regulation of the medical industry.
  257. To become successful in IT, one has to be interested in learning coding skills.
  258. Art ought to be mysterious, niche, and challenging to enjoy.
  259. Excessive marketing is only necessary because local businesses need to stand out among a sea of foreign alternatives.
  260. If someone conspires against society, then people around them would notice and try to stop them.
  261. Most diseases are caused by aging.
  262. There needs to be a law that AI should be programmed to never harm humans.
  263. It is incredibly lucky that society people who are born with a special knack for IT, to create wonderful software for us.
  264. Social scientists should study how to keep peace from people who rebel against norms.
  265. People underestimate how much hard work gets performed by government bureaucrats.
  266. Schools need to teach based on what they predict will be needed in the future society.
  267. Carpentry is good for making different kinds of people meet and express their creativity.
  268. If people are in difficult circumstances, they should seek help from experts in the government.
  269. Art is inspirational and morally educational. It serves to concretise values and remind people of the highest potential in man.
  270. Driving cars gives you a lot of independence.
  271. Math is more properly used as an important tool than studied for its own sake.
  272. AI has already reached the point where it could be introduced to many important functions in society.
  273. Much of the importance of writing comes from its political and societal effects.
  274. Advertisements can be useful for alerting and informing customers about products of interest.
  275. The value of carpentry lies in its renewability and environmental sustainability.
  276. Some online advertising is a harmless way to fund free access to websites.
  277. It would be good if more women will start working as car mechanics.
  278. Car mechanics tend to have a straightforward focus on the car to repair, rather than on chit-chat or other things.
  279. Intelligence is the most important factor in societal progress.
  280. Nobody knows better how to handle a person's job than the person who is working in that job.
  281. Professional drivers have an awesome ability to concentrate on the road.
  282. Modern Japanese art benefits hugely from the fact that it draws on Western traditions of deep stories about human virtue and achievement.
  283. IT people get a lot of respect and money.
  284. There's a need for local communities to get to know their police officers personally, to develop trust and see that they care.
  285. People can better learn math if they are taught that there are multiple different valid ways of approaching it.
  286. Factor 3
  287. + keyed
  288. Teaching will need to start incorporating AI technology.
  289. Genetically modified organisms will make farming more effective in the future.
  290. We should develop lab-grown meat to get much greater efficiency and better animal welfare.
  291. AI and big data will be useful for better making scientific sense of society.
  292. AI is going to make office work much more efficient in the future.
  293. AI will soon contribute a lot to medical research.
  294. In the future, we are going to see AIs managing teams of people.
  295. In the future, houses will be 3D printed.
  296. AI will inevitably become better than humans at everything.
  297. Artificial intelligence will make it more accessible to work in finance.
  298. A lot of office jobs are just about shuffling through documents and following rules in ways that you could program a computer to do.
  299. Math education is not good enough.
  300. A lot of the civil service will be automated by AI.
  301. Autonomous drones will start replacing human fighters in the military.
  302. It is best to let computers rather than humans analyze datasets, as then they can be more objective and less biased.
  303. In the future, carpentry might be replaced by AI or 3D printing.
  304. The West needs to promote AI research so China doesn't gain an advantage.
  305. Self-driving vehicles will make drivers obsolete.
  306. Mathematical thinking can be applied to better understand almost everything in life.
  307. Accountants are getting outdated as it can be handled by computers.
  308. It's important for medical science to develop ways of curing or slowing aging.
  309. There is a need for more construction to solve housing shortages.
  310. It's silly for people to freak out and assume GMOs will lead to catastrophe, just because we can imagine some convoluted way it could happen.
  311. AI and robots might handle a lot of mechanics jobs in the future.
  312. Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin will be a big deal in the future.
  313. Technological surveillance will replace a lot of police work.
  314. Genetic research holds great promise for improving medicine.
  315. The world is full of good investment opportunities that need more capital.
  316. Genetically modified plants will be able to grow in places that climate change would otherwise have made inhospitable.
  317. Regulations limiting the construction of houses unfairly benefit those who own houses, whose market price increase.
  318. The electorate can pressure politicians to resign if they betray their values.
  319. Computers avoid human mistakes by avoiding getting emotional or nervous.
  320. It is wisest for companies to avoid marketing to people who require too much support or otherwise cause trouble.
  321. It doesn't make sense to ascribe a will/mind to AI, as it is just tools for people to use, so we shouldn't expect a robot uprising.
  322. Telemedicine will help ensure that people can get medical treatment wherever they need it.
  323. A good way for science to understand people's behavior is to correlate it to other variables.
  324. Objective measurement of behavior is important in science because people likely won't be honest with themselves.
  325. Capitalism requires infinite growth to not degenerate into misery and oppression.
  326. - keyed
  327. It is foolish to try to replace customer service with bots.
  328. AI will never be able to understand human emotions.
  329. AI cannot replace designers as computers lack creativity.
  330. It is inherently impossible for AI to ever match human abilities.
  331. Elon Musk's project of colonizing Mars is a useless vanity project.
  332. If robots take over constructing buildings, then the buildings will be completely boring with no exciting features.
  333. AI will never have a sense of morality.
  334. Aging should not be cured because it is a natural part of life.
  335. There's no need to build more houses as there are lots of empty houses that should be filled.
  336. It's going to be bad if AI starts taking over people's jobs.
  337. Computers cannot have any aesthetic sense.
  338. AI is inherently logical and cannot work with the subjectivities in English or similar.
  339. Genetic research is unethical.
  340. Science says to be careful about GMOs, artificial chemicals, and similar.
  341. It will take a long time before self-driving cars are generally feasible.
  342. Factor 4
  343. + keyed
  344. To save the environment, people should eat seasonal locally grown food instead of importing food from across the world.
  345. Claims that it's soon the end of the world are always hyperbolic and exaggerated.
  346. It is important that the news is run independent of the government so it can serve as a check on those in power.
  347. The military is good at helping when there are natural disasters.
  348. The benefits of science far outsize the downsides.
  349. Advertisements will become ever more tailored to the individual in the future.
  350. Construction companies need to be more respectful of local roads that they damage in their work.
  351. Buying counterfeit goods ends up funding criminal activities.
  352. Taking someone else's idea and passing it off as your own is wrong.
  353. We need to study better methods for outsmarting criminals.
  354. The government needs to regulate AI to make it safe.
  355. It's a bad idea to form opinions about what people in different jobs are like, because it varies too much to say generally.
  356. Society needs the police, as they stop murderers and other dangerous people.
  357. Medical treatment is an effective way to cure diseases.
  358. Society needs everyone to get a proper education.
  359. People should be willing to get basic over-the-counter medications themselves instead of wasting doctors' time.
  360. People need to be careful not to present their subjective opinion as if it's the objective truth.
  361. Laws ought to be strongly enforced.
  362. Poorly designed buildings would make cities look boring and uninteresting.
  363. AI and 3D printing will soon be combined to quickly and easily create all sorts of things.
  364. Medical researchers need to be patient and confident so they can stay motivated when they feel stuck.
  365. The more someone is affected by some political question, the more they will care about it.
  366. It is hard to find good IT teachers, because people who are skilled at tech can earn more money working for tech companies.
  367. Good product design (in terms of layout, etc.) makes a huge difference for usability.
  368. There's no need for art to be so serious, it's just about enjoying things.
  369. It is important to understand how society and culture has changed with time.
  370. School is one of the main ways that kids from disadvantaged backgrounds have to catch up.
  371. The most important aspect of writing is that it allows people to communicate and share knowledge.
  372. Society has too many conspiracy theories about the medical system.
  373. We need renewable and environmentally sustainable engineering.
  374. Writers ought to be curious and open-minded.
  375. Construction tends to attract resentment from rural communities as their green fields get replaced by buildings and roads.
  376. People who work in customer service need to be quick at coming up with solutions to novel problems.
  377. The state should hire better people for higher wages to be policemen, and hold them to much higher standards of presentation and conduct.
  378. It is critical that teachers don't exploit childrens' malleability to teach propaganda.
  379. There's problems with bias when ordinary people report newsworthy events on social media.
  380. It is important to memorize basic math rules to function in everyday life.
  381. Having a good manager makes a huge difference for an organization.
  382. Math is critically important for our high-tech society.
  383. Society needs journalists so people can be informed about what is happening.
  384. Farmers should protect their soil from erosion by planting trees/bushes to protect against the wind.
  385. Farmers should grow crops that use less water to avoid water shortages.
  386. People are too lazy to keep up with respectable news and instead go with random trashy news.
  387. Quickly changing fashions cause too much waste.
  388. It is financially difficult to be a writer, as there is tough competition.
  389. Antibiotics and vaccines are the greatest achievements of medical science.
  390. You can't stop technological progress.
  391. Research projects are generally useful even if their core goals are not achieved, simply because they cause other progress.
  392. It is superficial to focus on what clothes people wear.
  393. Paperwork requires people to apply a lot of focus and concentration.
  394. Throughout thousands of years of history, engineers have built us systems that make society comfortable and efficient.
  395. People who criticize really ought to give examples rather than making sweeping statements.
  396. Carpenters are good ordinary folk who make an honest living doing earnest work.
  397. People should contact their elected politicians about problems they face in their life.
  398. Engineers develop systems which make life simpler.
  399. Some shady companies use targeted advertising to search for people who are financially desperate and offer expensive loans.
  400. The progress of the internet has shown the world that IT is not just for geeks and introverts.
  401. When you want to help a community, it is more important to work together with the community's tacit knowledge than to bring in your own systems.
  402. When populists force the government to act too quickly, it can make catastrophic errors.
  403. We can expect medical science to discover lots of improved treatments in the future.
  404. The most effective ways for marketers to sell products is to identify what customers want and guide their companies to create this.
  405. Good entreprenuers should know their limits and stop growing their companies when they can't manage more.
  406. Car mechanics are critical to ensure that everyone is safe on the road.
  407. Accountants help businesses understand how they spend and earn their money.
  408. Tech companies should use algorithms to predict demand, and use this to automatically allocate resources to the more-demanded areas.
  409. Social science is good for understanding how society works and how we fit together.
  410. Carpenters are respected for their hard work and much needed skills.
  411. The construction sector is valuable because it provides jobs and contributes to the construction materials sector.
  412. Design should prioritize function over form.
  413. Social science needs to find ways to ensure that immigrants become properly integrated into our culture.
  414. Online shopping/food ordering is causing a great need for growth in the number of professional drivers.
  415. Car mechanics ought to take pride in their skills and achievements.
  416. The finance industry helps fund research, development and product improvement.
  417. Psychology is useful for removing thoughts that cause harm or distress.
  418. Farmers are constantly using new crop varieties that have higher yield and are more pest-resistant.
  419. If farmers think and work carefully, they can make sure to keep their farms environmentally sustainable.
  420. One needs to be careful in order to find good, honest car mechanics.
  421. Fashion will start using 3D printing.
  422. Society doesn't appreciate how tough medical research is.
  423. Paperwork is useful to keep things organized and ensure that everything keeps running smoothly.
  424. The police need to do more to get rid of bad officers.
  425. It's important that guidelines about what to do make space for exceptions and differences, rather than claiming to be generally applicable.
  426. Farming is a tough job with lots of manual labor in dirty conditions.
  427. Good engineers must have the discipline to reject favorite ideas because they are dead-ends that prevent excellent solutions.
  428. Good managers need to be outgoing and wise.
  429. Investors should put money into projects which generate the expected positive returns and avoid investing in projects which underperform.
  430. - keyed
  431. Princess Diana's death was an assassination, not an accident.
  432. The moon landing was faked.
  433. Fashion is a scourge that is best addressed by sumptuary laws that place restrictions on who can wear what, i.e. bring back funny hats for nobles.
  434. UFOs from outer space sometimes visit the earth.
  435. People end up working in tech because they are unconsciously drawn to the power it lets them have over society.
  436. People who work in tech tend to be annoyingly spineless.
  437. The USA is a nation founded by nerds who study law all day.
  438. No one can live without fashionable clothes.
  439. It is a good idea to invest in risky stocks and assets because you can win big.
  440. There's no reason to worry about AI risks yet because AI isn't very powerful.
  441. People who do a lot of math tend to be slightly boring and have niche interests.
  442. People are too harsh about whether those who work in the civil service have political biases.
  443. Horoscopes can tell the future.
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