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Apr 22nd, 2012
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  1. Lobster Larry: Crustacean Confrontations
  3. Larry walks into his favorite sandbar and cozies up next to the bar.
  4. "Sex on the beach, make it snappy " Larry says to the bartender. He doesn't care if the drink is usually reserved for women, he liked them. That make any less of a lobster? He didn't like to think so.
  5. Larry swirls the drink around a bit and goes to take a swig, but he hesitates. He notices something out the corner of his eye. Not something, some mollusc. He notices him clamming up. Was he afraid of Larry? He should be, Larry had one tough shell. That's a story for a different time though. No, what Larry noticed more then his bivalve friends apparent lack of a spine was his unusual appearance. The clam wore a tophat and a monocle with a pipe sticking out of his shell. He certainly didn't seem to be from around these seas at all. Finishing his drink, Larry slams it down on the bar and lets out a hearty laugh.
  6. He crawls over to the clam and says,
  7. "So what brings you all the way out here?"
  8. "N-, n-othing at all chap," responds the crab looking a bit shakey.
  9. "What's the matter? Got sand on your bottom?" Larry asks.
  10. All the clam can do is manage to mutter something like "No, sir...". Figures, larry says to himself. Nothing but a lowlifes in this bar. How is it he's still the manliest fish on six legs and claws here? What larry needed to do was get out of here and go to the livlier part of the sea.
  11. Larry steps out of the so aptly named "Lobster Pot" bar and heads out onto the street. He isn't exactly prepared for what he sees. Then again, that's nature of the game for a crustacean like him. Traps around every corner. What was waiting right in front of him was about a dozen of the local razer clam gang. Those bastards he thought to himself, what could they want?
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