Guest User

FredBoat Bot Commands

a guest
Aug 20th, 2018
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  1. ;;play url Play music from the given URL. See supported sources below.
  2. ;;play words Search for a track on youtube and soundcloud.
  3. ;;queue Display the queue of the current tracks in the playlist.
  4. ;;nowplaying Display the currently playing track.
  5. ;;skip Remove the currently playing track from the queue.
  6. ;;voteskip Vote to skip the current track. Must have at least 50% of the votes.
  7. ;;stop Stop the player and clear the playlist. Reserved for moderators.
  8. ;;pause Pause the player.
  9. ;;resume Resume the player.
  10. ;;join Make FredBoat join your current voice channel.
  11. ;;leave Make FredBoat leave the current voice channel.
  12. ;;repeat Change the repeat mode. Run this command for more info.
  13. ;;shuffle Toggle shuffle mode.
  14. ;;reshuffle Reshuffle the queue.
  15. ;;fwd time Forward the track by the given amount of time.
  16. ;;rew time Rewind the track by the given amount of time.
  17. ;;seek time Set the position of the track to the given time.
  18. ;;restart Restart the currently playing track.
  19. ;;history Show history of recently played tracks.
  20. ;;export Export the current queue to hastebin.
  21. ;;split youtube-url Split a YouTube track into a tracklist based on its description.
  22. ;;help command Show advanced usage of a command
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