

May 4th, 2019
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text 696.31 KB | None | 0 0
  1. coalesced.eng
  3. 4⁄ˇˇˇ$EngineDir$/Localization/ENG/Core.eng ≤ˇˇˇ[SystemDialogs]
  4. Yes=Yes
  5. No=No
  6. OK=OK
  7. Load=Load
  8. Save=Save
  9. Delete=Delete
  10. “ˇˇˇ$EngineDir$/Localization/ENG/Descriptions.eng t⁄ˇˇ; -
  11. ; Descriptions
  12. ; -
  13. ; Strings that are used in place of the class name.
  14. ; Returned by calling UClass::GetDescription
  15. ; -
  16. [Objects]
  17. ; -
  18. ; Sound
  19. ; -
  20. SoundNodeAttenuation="Attenuation"
  21. SoundNodeDelay="Delay"
  22. SoundNodeConcatenator="Concatenator"
  23. SoundNodeDistanceCrossFade="Distance CrossFade"
  24. SoundNodeLooping="Looping"
  25. SoundNodeMature="Sound Node Mature"
  26. SoundNodeMixer="Mixer"
  27. SoundNodeModulator="Modulator"
  28. SoundNodeModulatorContinuous="Continuous Modulator"
  29. SoundNodeOscillator="Oscillator"
  30. SoundNodeRandom="Random"
  32. ; -
  33. ; -
  34. ; Particles
  35. ; -
  36. ; -
  37. ; Base modules
  38. ; -
  39. ParticleModuleAccelerationBase="Acceleration"
  40. ParticleModuleAttractorBase="Attraction"
  41. ParticleModuleBeamBase="Beam"
  42. ParticleModuleCollisionBase="Collision"
  43. ParticleModuleColorBase="Color"
  44. ParticleModuleEventBase="Event"
  45. ParticleModuleForceFieldBase="Force Field"
  46. ParticleModuleFXLightBase="FX Light"
  47. ParticleModuleKillBase="Kill"
  48. ParticleModuleLifetimeBase="Lifetime"
  49. ParticleModuleLocationBase="Location"
  50. ParticleModuleMaterialBase="Material"
  51. ParticleModuleOrbitBase="Orbit"
  52. ParticleModuleRotationBase="Rotation"
  53. ParticleModuleRotationRateBase="RotationRate"
  54. ParticleModuleSizeBase="Size"
  55. ParticleModuleSubUVBase="SubUV"
  56. ParticleModuleSpawnBase="Spawn"
  57. ParticleModuleVelocityBase="Velocity"
  58. ; -
  59. ; Implemented modules
  60. ; -
  61. ParticleModuleAcceleration="Acceleration"
  62. ParticleModuleAccelerationOverLifetime="Acceleration/Life"
  63. ParticleModuleAccelerationBrownian="Acceleration Brownian"
  64. ParticleModuleAttractorParticle="Particle Attractor"
  65. ParticleModuleAttractorPoint="Point Attractor"
  66. ParticleModuleAttractorLine="Line Attractor"
  67. ParticleModuleBeamMultiTarget="MultiTarget"
  68. ParticleModuleBeamNoise="Noise"
  69. ParticleModuleBeamSource="Source"
  70. ParticleModuleBeamTarget="Target"
  71. ParticleModuleCollision="Collision"
  72. ParticleModuleCollisionDecalSpawner="Decal Spawner"
  73. ParticleModuleColor="Initial Color"
  74. ParticleModuleColorOverLife="Color Over Life"
  75. ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife="Scale Color/Life
  76. ParticleModuleEventGenerator="Event Generator"
  77. ParticleModuleEventReceiverSpawn="EventRcvr Spawn"
  78. ParticleModuleForceField="Force Field"
  79. ParticleModuleKillBox="Kill Box"
  80. ParticleModuleKillHeight="Kill Height"
  81. ParticleModuleKillSphere="Kill Sphere"
  82. ParticleModuleLifetime="Lifetime"
  83. ParticleModuleLocalForceField="Local Force Field"
  84. ParticleModuleLocation="Initial Location"
  85. ParticleModuleLocationWrap="Wrap Location"
  86. ParticleModuleLocationDirect="Direct Location"
  87. ParticleModuleLocationEmitter="Emitter InitLoc"
  88. ParticleModuleLocationEmitterDirect="Emitter DirectLoc"
  89. ParticleModuleLocationPrimitiveCylinder="Cylinder"
  90. ParticleModuleLocationPrimitiveSphere="Sphere"
  91. ParticleModuleLocationSpline="Spline Location"
  92. ParticleModuleMaterialVector="Material Vector"
  93. ParticleModuleMeshRotation="Init Mesh Rotation"
  94. ParticleModuleMeshRotationOverLifetime="Mesh Rotation/Life"
  95. ParticleModuleMeshRotationRate="Init Mesh Rot Rate"
  96. ParticleModuleMeshRotationRateMultiplyLife="Mesh Rot Rate/Life"
  97. ParticleModuleOrbit="Orbit"
  98. ParticleModuleOrientationBase="Orientation"
  99. ParticleModuleOrientationAxisLock="Lock Axis"
  100. ParticleModuleParameterBase="Parameter"
  101. ParticleModuleParameterInitialColor="Init Color (param)"
  102. ParticleModulePerParticleTriggerEvent="Per Particle Trigger"
  103. ParticleModulePushExternalCollision="Push External Collision"
  104. ParticleModuleRequired="Required"
  105. ParticleModuleRotation="Init Rotation"
  106. ParticleModuleRotationOverLifetime="Rotation/Life"
  107. ParticleModuleRotationRate="Init Rot Rate"
  108. ParticleModuleRotationRateMultiplyLife="Rot Rate/Life"
  109. ParticleModuleSize="Initial Size"
  110. ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife="Size By Life"
  111. ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyVelocity="Size By Velocity"
  112. ParticleModuleSizeScale="Size Scale"
  113. ParticleModuleSpawn="Spawn"
  114. ParticleModuleSpawnPerFrame="Spawn Per Frame"
  115. ParticleModuleSpawnPerUnit="Spawn Per Unit"
  116. ParticleModuleSpawnFromPointCache="Spawn From Cache"
  117. ParticleModuleSubUV="SubImage Index"
  118. ParticleModuleSubUVSelect="SubUV Select"
  119. ParticleModuleTypeDataBeam2="Beam Data"
  120. ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh="Mesh Data"
  121. ParticleModuleTypeDataRibbon="Ribbon Data"
  122. ParticleModuleTypeDataGPU="GPU Sprite"
  123. ParticleModuleVelocity="Initial Velocity"
  124. ParticleModuleVelocityInheritParent="Inherit Parent Vel."
  125. ParticleModuleVelocityOverLifetime="Velocity/Life"
  126. ParticleModuleVelocityDrag="Velocity Drag"
  127. ParticleModuleMKFloorCollision="MK Floor Collision"
  128. ParticleModuleMKSoundReqOnEmit="Play Sound On Event"
  129. ParticleModuleFXLight="FX Light"
  130. ParticleModuleRigidBodyPhysics="Rigid Body Physics"
  131. ParticleModuleCurlNoise="Curl Noise"
  132. ParticleModuleLocationFromMesh="Location From Mesh"
  133. ; -
  134. ; -
  135. ;InterpTracks
  136. ; -
  137. InterpTrackDirector="Director Track"
  138. InterpTrackEvent="Event Track"
  139. InterpTrackFloatProp="Float Property Track"
  140. InterpTrackVectorProp="Vector Property Track"
  141. InterpTrackLinearColorProp="Linear Color Property Track"
  142. InterpTrackMove="Movement Track"
  143. InterpTrackSlomo="Slomo Track"
  144. InterpTrackFXSlomo="FX Slomo Track"
  145. InterpTrackAnimControl="Anim Control Track"
  146. InterpTrackSound="Sound Track"
  147. InterpTrackAudioGameSync="Audio Game Sync"
  148. InterpTrackFloatParticleParam="Float Particle Param Track"
  149. InterpTrackVectorParticleParam="Vector Particle Param Track"
  150. InterpTrackFloatMaterialParam="Float Material Param Track"
  151. InterpTrackVectorMaterialParam="Vector Material Param Track"
  152. InterpTrackFadeAmount="Fade Amount"
  153. InterpTrackFadeColor="Fade Color"
  154. InterpTrackColorScale="Color Scale"
  155. InterpTrackToggle="Toggle Track"
  156. InterpTrackQuicktimeEvent="Quicktime Event"
  157. InterpTrackRootBoneCorrection="RootBone Correction Track"
  158. InterpTrackMirrorMaterial="Mirror Material Track"
  160. ; -
  161. ; User Interface
  162. ; -
  163. UILabel="Label"
  164. UIButton="Button"
  165. UILabelButton="Label Button"
  166. UICheckbox="Checkbox"
  168. UIStyle_Text="Text"
  169. UIStyle_Image="Image"
  170. UIStyle_Combo="Combo"
  172. UIState_Enabled="Enabled"
  173. UIState_Disabled="Disabled"
  174. UIState_Focused="Focused"
  175. UIState_Active="Active"
  176. UIState_Pressed="Pressed"
  178. ; -
  180. ; -
  181. ;CinemaTracks
  182. ; -
  183. CinemaTrackAttachment="Attachment Track"
  184. CinemaTrackMove="Move Track"
  185. CinemaTrackBlendAnim="Blend Anim Track"
  186. CinemaTrackCameraAnim="Camera Anim Track"
  187. CinemaTrackCameraMove="Camera Move Track"
  188. CinemaTrackIK="IK Track"
  189. CinemaTrackFocalLength="Focal Length Track"
  190. CinemaTrackColorProp="Color Property Track"
  191. CinemaTrackLightColor="Light Color Track"
  192. CinemaTrackForcedLodOverride="LOD Override Track"
  193. CinemaTrackScreenCapture="Screen Capture Track"
  194. CinemaTrackEnvironmentCapture="Environment Capture Track"
  195. CinemaTrackCameraShakeControl="Camera Shake Track"
  196. CinemaTrackApplyCharDamage="Character Damage Track"
  197. CinemaTrackCharDismemberment="Character Dismemberment Track"
  198. CinemaTrackCharDecalClear="Decal Clear Track"
  199. CinemaTrackPlayerMaterials="Player Materials Track"
  200. CinemaTrackScaleMITVTiming="Scale MITV Timing Track"
  201. CinemaTrackHideMaterials="Hide Materials Track"
  202. CinemaTrackMaterialOverride="Character Material Track"
  203. CinemaTrackCharFX="Character Effects Track"
  204. CinemaTrackDrawScale3D="DrawScale3D Track"
  205. CinemaTrackBgndPostFx="Background Post FX Track"
  206. CinemaTrackGameCamBlend="Game Cam Blend Track"
  207. CinemaTrackMaterialScalarProperties="Scalar Material Properties Track"
  208. CinemaTrackHideActor="Visibility Track"
  209. CinemaTrackPhysics="Physics Track"
  210. CinemaTrackPhysicsSubtrackableBlendWeight="Physics Blend Weight"
  211. CinemaTrackCloth="Cloth Track"
  212. CinemaTrackClothSubtrackableBlendWeight="Cloth Blend Weight"
  213. CinemaTrackClothSlowMotion="Cloth Slow Motion"
  214. CinemaTrackMorph="Character Morph Track"
  215. CinemaTrackQTE="Quicktime Track"
  216. CinemaTrackIKRetargeting="IK Retargeting Track"
  217. CinemaTrackLevelFade="Level Fade Track"
  218. CinemaTrackLevelDesaturation="Level Desaturation Track"
  219. CinemaTrackShadowToggle="Shadow Toggle Track"
  220. CinemaTrackGameSyncParameter="Audio Game Sync Parameter"
  221. CinemaTrackGlobalGameSyncParameter="Audio Game Sync Parameter"
  222. CinemaTrackWPOUpdateMode="WPO Update Mode Track"
  223. CinemaTrackRotateBonesAdditively="Rotate Bones Additively Track"
  224. ; -
  225. ÿˇˇˇ$EngineDir$/Localization/ENG/Engine.eng ‰ˇˇ[Public]
  226. ;Object=(Name=Engine.Console,Class=Class,MetaClass=Engine.Console)
  227. Object=(Name=Engine.ServerCommandlet,Class=Class,MetaClass=Core.Commandlet)
  228. Object=(Name=Engine.MasterMD5Commandlet,Class=Class,MetaClass=Core.Commandlet)
  230. [Errors]
  231. NetOpen=Error opening file
  232. NetWrite=Error writing to file
  233. NetRefused=Server refused to send '%s'
  234. NetClose=Error closing file
  235. NetSize=File size mismatch
  236. NetMove=Error moving file
  237. NetInvalid=Received invalid file request
  238. NoDownload=Package '%s' is not downloadable
  239. DownloadFailed=Downloading package '%s' failed: %s
  240. RequestDenied=Server requested file from pending level: Denied
  241. ConnectionFailed=Connection failed
  242. ChAllocate=Couldn't allocate channel
  243. NetAlready=Already networking
  244. NetListen=Listen failed: No linker context available
  245. LoadEntry=Can't load Entry: %s
  246. InvalidUrl=Invalid URL: %s
  247. InvalidLink=Invalid Link: %s
  248. Listen=Listen failed: %s
  249. AbortToEntry=Failed; returning to Entry
  250. ServerOpen=Servers can't open network URLs
  251. ServerListen=Dedicated server can't listen: %s
  252. Pending=Pending connect to '%s' failed; %s
  253. LoadPlayerClass=Failed to load player class
  254. ServerOutdated=Server's version is outdated
  255. FailedMapload_NotFound=The map specified on the commandline '%s' could not be found. Would you like to load the default map instead?
  257. [Progress]
  258. CancelledConnect=Cancelled Connect Attempt
  259. RunningNet=%s: %s (%i players)
  260. NetReceiving=Receiving '%s': %i/%i
  261. NetReceiveOk=Successfully received '%s'
  262. NetSend=Sending '%s'
  263. NetSending=Sending '%s': %i/%i
  264. Connecting=Connecting...
  265. Listening=Listening for clients...
  266. Loading=Loading
  267. Saving=Saving
  268. Paused=Paused by %s
  269. ReceiveFile=Receiving '%s' (F10 Cancels)
  270. ReceiveOptionalFile=Receiving optional file '%s' (Press F10 to Skip)
  271. ReceiveSize=Size %iK, Complete %3.1f%%
  272. ConnectingText=Connecting (F10 Cancels):
  273. ConnectingURL=unreal://%s/%s
  275. [Console]
  276. ClassCaption=Standard Unreal Console
  278. [General]
  279. Upgrade=To enter this server, you need the latest free update to Unreal available from Epic's Web site:
  280. UpgradeURL=http://www.unreal.com/upgrade
  281. UpgradeQuestion=Do you want to launch your web browser and go to the upgrade page now?
  282. Version=Version %i
  284. [Menu]
  285. HelpMessage=
  286. MenuList=
  287. LeftString=Left
  288. RightString=Right
  289. CenterString=Center
  290. EnabledString=Enabled
  291. DisabledString=Disabled
  292. HelpMessage[1]=This menu has not yet been implemented.
  293. YesString=yes
  294. NoString=no
  296. [HUD]
  297. LoadingMessage=LOADING
  298. SavingMessage=SAVING
  299. ConnectingMessage=CONNECTING
  301. [LevelInfo]
  302. Title=Untitled
  304. [TeamInfo]
  305. TeamName=Team
  307. [Weapon]
  308. ItemName=Weapon
  310. [GameMessage]
  311. SwitchLevelMessage=Switching Levels
  312. LeftMessage=" left the game."
  313. FailedTeamMessage=Could not find team for player
  314. FailedPlaceMessage=Could not find a starting spot
  315. FailedSpawnMessage=Could not spawn player
  316. EnteredMessage=" entered the game."
  317. MaxedOutMessage=Server is already at capacity.
  318. ArbitrationMessage=Arbitration Message (c.f. GameInfo.uc)
  319. OvertimeMessage=Score tied at the end of regulation. Sudden Death Overtime!!!
  320. GlobalNameChange=changed name to
  321. NewTeamMessage=is now on
  322. NoNameChange=Name is already in use.
  323. VoteStarted=started a vote.
  324. VotePassed=Vote passed.
  325. MustHaveStats=Must have stats enabled to join this server.
  326. CantBeSpectator=Sorry, you cannot become a spectator at this time.
  327. CantBePlayer=Sorry, you cannot become an active player at this time.
  328. BecameSpectator=became a spectator.
  329. NewPlayerMessage=A new player entered the game.
  330. NewSpecMessage=A spectator entered the game/
  331. SpecEnteredMessage=" joined as a spectator."
  333. [DmgType_Fell]
  334. DeathString=%k pushed %o over the edge.
  335. FemaleSuicide=%o left a small crater
  336. MaleSuicide=%o left a small crater
  338. [AccessControl]
  339. IPBanned=Your IP address has been banned on this server.
  340. WrongPassword=The password you entered is incorrect.
  341. NeedPassword=You need to enter a password to join this game.
  342. SessionBanned=Your IP address has been banned from the current game session.
  343. KickedMsg=You have been forcibly removed from the game.
  344. DefaultKickReason=None specified
  345. IdleKickReason=Kicked for idling.
  346. ACDisplayText[0]=Game Password
  347. ACDisplayText[1]=Access Policies
  348. ACDisplayText[2]=Admin Password
  349. ACDescText[0]=If this password is set, players will have to enter it to join this server.
  350. ACDescText[1]=Specifies IP addresses or address ranges which have been banned.
  351. ACDescText[2]=Password required to login with administrator privileges on this server.
  353. [UIStyle]
  354. StyleName=Default Style
  356. [UIStyle_Text]
  357. StyleName=Default Text Style
  359. [UIStyle_Image]
  360. StyleName=Default Image Style
  362. [ConsoleTextStyle]
  363. StyleName=Console Text Style
  365. [ConsoleImageStyle]
  366. StyleName=Console Border Style
  368. [ConsoleStyle]
  369. StyleName=Console Combo Style
  371. [ConsoleBufferTextStyle]
  372. StyleName=Console Buffer Text Style
  374. [ConsoleBufferTextImageStyle]
  375. StyleName=Console Buffer Background Style
  377. [ConsoleBufferStyle]
  378. StyleName=Console Buffer Combo Style
  380. [CursorImageStyle]
  381. StyleName=Cursor Style
  383. [ExampleGameMenu]
  384. CancelButtonText=Return To Game
  385. RespawnButtonText=Respawn Player
  386. ReloadButtonText=Reload Map
  387. InlineFontSampleText=These words are small... <Fonts:EngineFonts.LargeFont>these words are big,<Fonts:/> and these words are back to normal.
  388. InlineStyleSampleText=These words are normal... <Styles:ConsoleStyle>these words are green<Styles:/> and these words are normal too.
  389. SplitscreenButtonText=Splitscreen Test Scene
  391. [TestMenuStrings]
  392. ButtonTestText=The button has been clicked <SceneData:ButtonClickCount> times.
  393. PlayerIndexText=The propagated PlayerIndex is: <SceneData:PlayerIndex>.
  395. [OnlineProfileSettings]
  396. OwnerMappings[0]=(Name="None")
  397. OwnerMappings[1]=(Name="Online Service Setting")
  398. OwnerMappings[2]=(Name="Game Setting")
  399. ProfileMappings[0]=(ValueMappings=((Name="Off"),(Name="On")))
  400. ProfileMappings[1]=(ValueMappings=((Name="Off"),(Name="On")))
  401. ProfileMappings[2]=(ValueMappings=((Name="No"),(Name="Yes")))
  402. ProfileMappings[3]=(ValueMappings=((Name="Off"),(Name="On"),(Name="Both")))
  403. ProfileMappings[5]=(ValueMappings=((Name="Normal"),(Name="Easy"),(Name="Hard")))
  404. ProfileMappings[6]=(ValueMappings=((Name="Medium"),(Name="Low"),(Name="High")))
  405. ProfileMappings[7]=(ValueMappings=((Name="None"),(Name="Black"),(Name="White"),(Name="Yellow"),(Name="Orange"),(Name="Pink"),(Name="Red"),(Name="Purple"),(Name="Blue"),(Name="Green"),(Name="Brown"),(Name="Silver")))
  406. ProfileMappings[8]=(ValueMappings=((Name="None"),(Name="Black"),(Name="White"),(Name="Yellow"),(Name="Orange"),(Name="Pink"),(Name="Red"),(Name="Purple"),(Name="Blue"),(Name="Green"),(Name="Brown"),(Name="Silver")))
  407. ProfileMappings[9]=(ValueMappings=((Name="Off"),(Name="On")))
  408. ProfileMappings[10]=(ValueMappings=((Name="Off"),(Name="On")))
  409. ProfileMappings[11]=(ValueMappings=((Name="Left Thumbstick"),(Name="Right Thumbstick")))
  410. ProfileMappings[12]=(ValueMappings=((Name="Auto"),(Name="Manual")))
  411. ProfileMappings[13]=(ValueMappings=((Name="Behind"),(Name="Front"),(Name="Inside")))
  412. ProfileMappings[14]=(ValueMappings=((Name="Trigger"),(Name="Button")))
  413. ProfileMappings[15]=(ValueMappings=((Name="Trigger"),(Name="Button")))
  415. ÷ˇˇˇ$EngineDir$/Localization/ENG/UnrealEd.eng ã_˙ˇ[UnrealEd]
  416. &Apply=&Apply
  417. &Cancel=&Cancel
  418. &CancelAll="&Cancel All"
  419. &Export=&Export
  420. &Favorites=&Favorites
  421. &Import=&Import
  422. &New=&New
  423. &NewE=&New...
  424. NewEnvironment=New Environment
  425. &OK=&OK
  426. &OpenE=&Open...
  427. &OpenEWithHotkey=&Open...\tCtrl+O
  428. &Recent=&Recent
  429. &SaveCurrentLevel=&Save Current Level
  430. &SaveCurrentLevelWithHotkey=&Save Current Level\tCtrl+S
  431. &Window=&Window
  432. None = -None -
  433. ...=...
  434. /=/
  435. 0=0
  436. 100Pct=100%
  437. 1024=1024
  438. 1024x1024=1024x1024
  439. 1080=1080
  440. 10DOPX=10DOP X simplified collision
  441. 10DOPY=10DOP Y simplified collision
  442. 10DOPZ=10DOP Z simplified collision
  443. 10Pct=10%
  444. 10Percent=10%
  445. 10Speed=10%
  446. 1280=1280
  447. 128=128
  448. 128x128=128x128
  449. 16=16
  450. 18DOP=18DOP simplified collision
  451. 1920=1920
  452. 1=1
  453. 1Percent=1%
  454. 1Speed=1%
  455. 1x1Split=1x1 Split
  456. 1x1SplitH=1x1 Horizontal Split
  457. 1x1SplitV=1x1 Vertical Split
  458. 1x2Split=1x2 Split
  459. 200Pct=200%
  460. 22Degrees=22 Degrees
  461. 240=240
  462. 256=256
  463. 256x256=256x256
  464. 25Percent=25%
  465. 25Speed=25%
  466. 25pct=25%
  467. 26DOP=26DOP simplified collision
  468. 2=2
  469. 2Degrees=2 Degrees
  470. 2Percent=2%
  471. 2x2Split=2x2 Split
  472. 300Pct=300%
  473. 320=320
  474. 32=32
  475. 360=360
  476. 45=45
  477. 45Degrees=45 Degrees
  478. 480=480
  479. 4=4
  480. 50Pct=50%
  481. 50Percent=50%
  482. 50Speed=50%
  483. 512=512
  484. 512x512=512x512
  485. 5Degrees=5 Degrees
  486. 5Percent=5%
  487. 640=640
  488. 64=64
  489. 64x64=64x64
  490. 6DOP=6DOP simplified collision
  491. 720=720
  492. 768=768
  493. 8=8
  494. 90=90
  495. 90Degrees=90 Degrees
  496. AACT_AdditiveName=Additive Animation Name
  497. AACT_AnimationFirstFrame=Animation First Frame
  498. AACT_AnimationScaled=Animation Scaled
  499. AACT_CreateAdditiveAnimation=Create Additive Animation
  500. AACT_LoopingAnim=Looping Animation
  501. AACT_PickAnimation=Pick Animation
  502. AACT_PickBaseAnimation=Pick Base Animation
  503. AACT_PickSkelType=Skeleton Type
  504. AACT_ReferencePose=Reference Pose
  505. AACT_SelectBuildMethod=Select Build Method
  506. AAD_AddAdditiveAnimation=Add Additive Animation
  507. AAD_DestinationAnimationName=Destination Animation Name
  508. AAD_ScaleAdditiveToSource=Scale Additive Animation To Source
  509. AAD_ScaleSourceToAdditive=Scale Source To Additive Animation
  510. AAD_SelectAdditiveAnimation=Select Additive Animation
  511. AAD_SubtractAdditiveAnimation=Subtract Additive Animation
  512. AIPaths=AI Paths
  513. AOE_DelAreYouSure=Are you sure you want to delete the profile '`~'?
  514. AOE_DuplicateProfileName=Profile with that name already exists.
  515. AOE_EnterNewProfileName=Enter New Profile Name
  516. AOE_NoProfileName=Invalid Profile Name
  517. AOE_ProfileName=Profile Name
  518. AVIRender=AVI Render
  519. AboutCinema=About Cinema...
  520. AboutToCompressAnimations_F=About to compress `~ animations. -Proceed?
  521. AcceptCore=Accept Core
  522. AcceptsDynamicLights=Accepts Dynamic Lights
  523. AcceptsLights=Accepts Lights
  524. ActivateAllOveridesOnMaterialInstances=Activate All Parameter Overrides on Material Instances
  525. Actor=Actor
  526. ActorBrowser_ToolTip=Show the actor classes browser
  527. ActorBrowser_ViewMenu=Actor Classes
  528. ActorClasses=Actor Classes
  529. ActorFactory=Actor Factory
  530. ActorFactoryNotForUseByKismetF=`~ cannot be used in UnrealKismet.
  531. ActorFactoryNotForUseByProjectileFactoryF=`~ cannot be used in ProjectileFactory.
  532. ActorMovement=Actor Movement
  533. ActorProperties=Actor Properties
  534. ActorProperties_AddToLODParent=Use '`~' as LOD Replacement
  535. ActorProperties_CreateMeshProxy=Merge/Remerge/Unmerge Meshes...
  536. ActorProperties_LODSubMenu=LOD Operations
  537. ActorProperties_RemoveFromLODParent=Clear LOD Replacement
  538. ActorProperties_ResimplifyMesh=Resimplify Mesh...
  539. ActorProperties_SetLODParent=Set as Active LOD Parent
  540. ActorProperties_SimplifyMesh=Simplify Mesh...
  541. ActorProperties_SimplifySelectedMeshes=Simplify Meshes for All Selected Actors...
  542. ActorSearchGoto=ActorSearchDlg: Goto Actors
  543. ActorSearchSelectActors=ActorSearchDlg: Select Actors
  544. ActorSelected=`~.`~ Selected (`~ Tris, `~ Verts, `~ Sections)
  545. ActorTagsSF=Actor Tags
  546. Actors=Actors
  547. ActorsClassSelected=%i %ss Selected
  548. ActorsReferencedByKismet=Actors Referenced By UnrealKismet
  549. ActorsSelected=%i Actors Selected
  550. Add=Add
  551. AddActor=Add Actor
  552. AddAdditiveToSequence=Add Additive Animation to selected sequence(s)
  553. AddBlendControlSubtrack=Add Blend Control Subtrack
  554. AddBoolVar=Add BOOL Variable
  555. AddBox=Add Box
  556. AddChildMesh=Add Child
  557. AddChildSlot=Add Blank Child Slot
  558. AddClothControlSubtrack=Add Cloth Control Subtrack
  559. AddCore=Add Core
  560. AddCurve_Alpha=Add Alpha
  561. AddCurve_AxisScaling=Add Axis Scaling
  562. AddCurve_Color=Add Color
  563. AddCurve_DistMap_Alpha=Add DistMap Alpha
  564. AddCurve_DistMap_Color=Add DistMap Color
  565. AddCurve_DistMap_Scale=Add DistMap Scale
  566. AddCurve_MaterialIndex=Add Material Index
  567. AddCurve_Offset=Add Offset
  568. AddCurve_Rotation=Add Rotation
  569. AddCurve_Scaling=Add Scaling
  570. AddCurve_ScreenPercentageMap=Add ScreenPercentageMap
  571. AddCylinderComp=Add Cylinder Component
  572. AddE=Add...
  573. AddF=Add `~
  574. AddFloatVar=Add FLOAT Variable
  575. AddFreeCameraGroup=Add Free Camera Group
  576. AddHereF=Add `~ Here
  577. AddInput=Add Input
  578. AddIntVar=Add INT Variable
  579. AddKey=Add Key
  580. AddLinksToCoverGroup=CoverGroup: Add Links
  581. AddLookAtCameraGroup=Add Look At Camera Group
  582. AddLookAtGroup=Add Look At Group
  583. AddNavPointsToRoute=Route: Add NavPoints
  584. AddNewAIGroup=Add New AI Group
  585. AddNewBody=Add New Body
  586. AddNewCameraGroup=Add New Camera Group
  587. AddNewDirectorGroup=Add New Director Group
  588. AddNewEmptyGroup=Add New Empty Group
  589. AddNewGroup=Add New Group
  590. AddNewLightingGroup=Add New Lighting Group
  591. AddNewMaterialExpression=Add new material expression
  592. AddNewParticleGroup=Add New Particle Group
  593. AddNewPrimitive=Add New Primitive
  594. AddNewSkeletalMeshGroup=Add New Skeletal Mesh Group
  595. AddNewSpline=Add New Spline
  596. AddNewSplineSystem=Add New Spline System
  597. AddNewSuperGroup=Add New Super Group
  598. AddNew_F=Add New `~
  599. AddParticleComp=Add Particle Component
  600. AddPointLightComp=Add PointLight Component
  601. AddPrefabF=Add Prefab: `~
  602. AddPrimitiveIgnore=Add primitive to light ignore list
  603. AddRadImpulseComp=Add RadialImpulse Component
  604. AddRecent=Add Recent
  605. AddSelectedActors=Add Selected Actors
  606. AddSelectedActorsGroup=Add Selected Actors to Group
  607. AddSelectedActorsLayer=Add Selected Actors to Layer
  608. AddSkelControlChain=Add SkelControl Chain
  609. AddSkelMeshComp=Add SkeletalMesh Component
  610. AddSkeletalActorGroup=Add Skeletal Actor Group
  611. AddSpawnedActorGroup=Add Dynamically Spawned Actor Group
  612. AddSphere=Add Sphere
  613. AddSphyl=Add Sphyl
  614. AddStaticActorGroup=Add Static Actor Group
  615. AddStaticMeshComp=Add StaticMesh Component
  616. AddStaticMeshCompVar=Add STATICMESHCOMPONENT Variable
  617. AddStreamingVolumes=Add Streaming Volumes
  618. AddSubSkel=Add
  619. AddSwitchConnector=Add Switch
  620. AddTag=Set Content Tag
  621. AddToFavorites=Add to favorites
  622. AddToMeshList=Add
  623. AddToSuperGroup=Add to Super Group
  624. AddVectorVar=Add VECTOR Variable
  625. AddVolume=Add Volume (right click for options)
  626. AddVolumePopUp=Add Volume
  627. AddVolumePopup=Add Volume
  628. Add_CheckOut_DLG_Button_Cancel=Cancel
  629. Add_CheckOut_DLG_Button_Select=Check Out/Mark for Add
  630. Add_CheckOut_DLG_Button_Skip=Skip this Step
  631. Add_CheckOut_DLG_Prompt=Files are not in Perforce or must be checked out\nSelect the files you want to mark for add/check out.\n\nNote:\nDeselecting any files under "Mark Files for Add" will require adding them\nmanually to Perforce
  632. Add_CheckOut_DLG_Title=Check Out Files/Mark Files for Add
  633. Add_CheckOut_DLG_ToolTip_Cancel=Stops the save operation as well as the Perforce step
  634. Add_CheckOut_DLG_ToolTip_Select=Checks out files from Perforce or marks files for add within Perforce
  635. Add_CheckOut_DLG_ToolTip_Skip=Skips the check out/mark for add step and proceeds to saving files.\nNote: selecting this will prevent this dialog from appearing for the files listed. You will have to manually add those files to Perforce.
  636. AddingBrushToWorld=Adding brush to world
  637. AddingForcedSpecs=Adding Forced Specs
  638. Additive=Additive
  639. AdditiveCameraDSA=Additive Camera DSA Group
  640. AdditiveGeom=Additive
  641. AddsSolids=Adds/Solids
  642. AdjacentCoplanars=Adjacent Coplanars
  643. AdjacentFloors=Adjacent Floors
  644. AdjacentSlants=Adjacent Slants
  645. AdjacentWalls=Adjacent Walls
  646. AdjustCore=Adjust Core
  647. AdjustKey_F=ADJUST KEY `~
  648. AdjustingBrush=Adjusting brush
  649. Advanced=Advanced Options
  650. AffectWidgetOnlyQ=Affect Widget Only?
  651. Align=Align
  652. AlignBrushVertices=Align Brush Vertices
  653. AlignCameras=Align Cameras
  654. AlignPivotToFloor=Align Pivot to Floor
  655. AlignToFloor=Align To Floor
  656. Alignment=Alignment
  657. AllAdjacents=All Adjacents
  658. AllE=All...
  659. AllFiles=All Files|-.-
  660. AllLevels=All Levels
  661. AllRefsTooltip="All Referenced"
  662. AllTemplates=All Templates
  663. AllowSplits=Allow Splits
  664. AltBoneWeightingMenu=Alt. Bone Weighting
  665. AmbientOcclusionSF=Ambient Occlusion
  666. Amount=Amount
  667. AnalyzeAnimSet=Analyze AnimSet
  668. AndWithMemory=And With Memory
  669. AngularAcceleration=Angular Acceleration
  670. AngularVelocity=Angular Velocity
  671. Anim2=Anim 2:
  672. Anim3=Anim 3:
  673. Anim=Anim
  674. AnimFrameComparison_Error_InvalidPreviewSkelMesh=ERROR: Invalid Preview Skeleton Mesh!
  675. AnimFrameComparison_Error_NoOtherAnimationSequence=ERROR: No Other Animation Sequence!
  676. AnimFrameComparison_Error_NoSelectedAnimSequence=ERROR: There is no Selected Animation Sequence!
  677. AnimFrameComparison_IgnoreHipRotation=Ignore Hip Rotation
  678. AnimFrameComparison_IgnoreHipTranslation=Ignore Hip Translation
  679. AnimFrameComparison_OtherAnimLabel=OtherAnim:
  680. AnimFrameComparison_OtherSequence=Sequence:
  681. AnimFrameComparison_OtherSet=Set:
  682. AnimFrameComparison_RotationTolerance=Rotation Tolerance
  683. AnimFrameComparison_SelectedAnimMesh=SelectedMesh:
  684. AnimFrameComparison_SelectedAnimSequence=SelectedAnim:
  685. AnimFrameComparison_ShowIgnoreRotationBoneList=Ignore Rotation Bone List
  686. AnimFrameComparison_ShowIgnoreTranslationBoneList=Ignore Translation Bone List
  687. AnimFrameComparison_TranslationTolerance=Translation Tolerance
  688. AnimNotify_Trails_MissingSocketNames=Missing socket names.
  689. AnimNotify_Trails_MissingSocketOnSkelMesh=Missing socket `~ on skeletal mesh
  690. AnimNotify_Trails_SampleDataError=Samples animation data will be incorrect due to:
  691. AnimNotify_Trails_SkippingError=Skipping Trails sampling of animation data due to:
  692. AnimPreview=Anim Preview
  693. AnimPreview_F=Anim Preview: %s
  694. AnimProperties=Animation Properties
  695. AnimSeqNone=AnimSeq: None
  696. AnimSeq_F=AnimSeq: %s Len: %4.2fs Mem: %.2fKB/%.2fKB Comp: %7.2f:1
  697. AnimSequence=AnimSequence
  698. AnimSequenceAlreadyAdditive=AnimSequence `~ is already an Additive Animation.
  699. AnimSequencePlayer=AnimSequence Player
  700. AnimSet=AnimSet
  701. AnimSetCaption_F=Anim: %s
  702. AnimSetCopy=Copy and Paste between Anim Sets
  703. AnimSetEditor=AnimSet Editor
  704. AnimSetEditor_ActiveListen=Actively listen for file system changes
  705. AnimSetEditor_AutoReimportTitle=Auto Import
  706. AnimSetEditor_F=Unreal AnimSet Editor: `~
  707. AnimSetNone=AnimSet: None
  708. AnimSetNotFound=Destination AnimSet named '`~' not found.
  709. AnimSetPlugins=Plugins
  710. AnimSetSampleNewMesh=Sequence `~: The currently selected Mesh (`~) is different from the sampled Mesh (`~). -Do you want to use the selected Mesh instead for data sampling?
  711. AnimSetSelectedIsSourceAnimSet=AnimSet selected in Browser is the same as the source AnimSet!
  712. AnimSetViewer=AnimSet Viewer
  713. AnimSetViewer_ChunksAll=All
  714. AnimSetViewer_ChunksLabel=Chunks:
  715. AnimSetViewer_DeleteMorphTracksContent=Delete Morph Tracks From AnimSet
  716. AnimSetViewer_DeleteMorphTracksTitle=Delete Morph Tracks
  717. AnimSetViewer_ExportMeshWithAnim=Save Skeletal Mesh?
  718. AnimSetViewer_ExportMeshWithAnimPrompt=Would you like to export the current skeletal mesh with the animation?
  719. AnimSetViewer_LoadAllAnimSets=Load All
  720. AnimSetViewer_LoadAllAnimSetsPrompt=Unloaded anim sets and anim sequences will not show up in the list. Do you want to load all anim sets?
  721. AnimSetViewer_SectionsAll=All
  722. AnimSetViewer_SectionsLabel=Sections:
  723. AnimSetViewer_ShowAllSequences=Show All Anim Sequences
  724. AnimSetViewer_ShowUVIndex=UV set `~
  725. AnimSetViewer_ShowUVs=Show UVs
  726. AnimSetViewer_UnrealColumnOrder=Unreal Column Order
  727. AnimSetViewer_MeshSpace=Mesh Space
  728. AnimSetViewer_UseLoadedAnimSetsOnly=Use Loaded
  729. AnimSet_F=AnimSet: %s Mem: %.2fMB/%.2fMB Comp: %7.2f:1
  730. AnimTreeCopy=Copy
  731. AnimTreeDuplicate=Duplicate
  732. AnimTreeEdComboAnimSet_F=AnimSet: `~
  733. AnimTreeEdComboMesh_F=Mesh: `~
  734. AnimTreeEdComboSocket_F=Socket: `~
  735. AnimTreeEdPreviewAnimSet=Preview AnimSet
  736. AnimTreeEditor=AnimTree Editor
  737. AnimTreeEditor_F=Unreal AnimTree Editor: `~
  738. AnimTreePaste=Paste
  739. AnimationCompression=Animation Compression
  740. AnimationCompressionSettings=Animation Compression Settings
  741. AnimationSequences=Animation Sequences
  742. AnimationSourceMeshManager=Animation Source Mesh Manager
  743. AnimsList=Anims List
  744. AnisotropicDirection=Anisotropic Direction
  745. AnyWeight=Any Weight
  746. Appearance=Appearance
  747. AppendAnimSet=Append AnimSet...
  748. AppendAnimsetError_WrongTracks=Error: Source AnimSet track mapping doesn't match destination AnimSet!
  749. AppendPasteKeysIntoSubtrackMenu=Paste Into Subtrack
  750. AppendToSpline=Append To End Of Spline
  751. Apply=Apply
  752. ApplyBrushTransform=Apply Brush Transform
  753. ApplyCommentStyle=Apply Comment Style
  754. ApplyFocalAnim=Apply Animation Data For Focal Length
  755. ApplyMaterial=Apply Material
  756. ApplyMaterialF=Apply Material : `~
  757. ApplyMaterialToPBFaceF=Apply Material (`~) To Face
  758. ApplyPBRulesetToFaceF=Apply Ruleset (`~) To Face
  759. ApplyPhysicalAssetMaterial=Apply Selected Physical Material to All Bodies
  760. ApplyPhysicalAssetMaterialF=Apply `~ to All Bodies
  761. ApplyPhysicalAssetMaterial_HelpText=Applies the physical material currently selected in the content browser to all bodies.
  762. ApplyRotation=Apply Rotation
  763. ApplyToSequence=Apply To Sequence
  764. ApplyToSet=Apply To Set
  765. ApplyingDetailBrushF=Applying detail brush `~ of `~
  766. ApplyingStructuralBrushF=Applying structural brush `~ of `~
  767. ApproxSize_F=Approx Size: `~x`~x`~
  768. Archetype_Create=Create Archetype
  769. Archetype_Update=Update Archetype from this instance
  770. AreYouSureYouWantDefaults=Are you sure you want to reset to defaults?
  771. Argument=Argument...
  772. ArgumentNumber=Argument Number
  773. ArrayPropertyHeader=...
  774. ArtTool=ArtTool
  775. ArtTool_HotloadMap=Hotload Map
  776. ArtTool_Setup=Setup ArtTool Session
  777. AsTexture=As Texture
  778. AsVector=As Vector
  779. Asset=Asset
  780. AssignLinkReference=Assign Link Reference
  781. AssignMaterial=Assign From Content Browser
  782. AssignToEvents_F=Assign `~ To Event(s)
  783. AssignToObjectVars_F=Assign `~ To Object Variable(s)
  784. Attach=Attach
  785. AttachActors=Attach Actors
  786. AttachComponent=Attach Component
  787. AttachEdAddActor=Add Selected Actors
  788. AttachEdAttach=Attach Actors (Alt B)
  789. AttachEdAttachToActor=Attach to Actor
  790. AttachEdAutoArrange=Auto Arrange Graphs
  791. AttachEdBaseToBe=Base to Be
  792. AttachEdBreakAndRemove=Break All Attachments of Selected and Remove
  793. AttachEdBreakParent=Break To Parent
  794. AttachEdClear=Clear
  795. AttachEdRefresh=Refresh View
  796. AttachEdRemoveGraph=Remove Attachment Graph
  797. AttachEdSkelMeshMenuBones=Bones
  798. AttachEdSkelMeshMenuSockets=Sockets
  799. AttachSelectedMesh=Attach
  800. AttachedMeshes=Attached Meshes
  801. AttachmentBase=Attachment Base
  802. AttachmentEditor_ToolTip=Show the attachment editor
  803. AudioActorsSF=Audio Actors
  804. AudioRadiusSF=Audio Radius
  805. AutoAdjustQ=Auto Adjust?
  806. AutoConvexCollision=Auto Convex Collision
  807. AutoExposure=Auto Exposure
  808. AutoFocus=Auto Focus?
  809. AutoMirrorMultiMatch=Multiple Matches For Bone '`~'.
  810. AutoMirrorNoMatch=No Match For Bone '`~'.
  811. AutoMirrorProblemCount=Mirror Table Created. There Were `~ Problems.
  812. AutoMirrorTable=Build Mirror Table...
  813. AutoPosition=Auto Position
  814. AutoSaveContent=Autosave Content Packages
  815. AutoSaveInterval1=1
  816. AutoSaveInterval2=5
  817. AutoSaveInterval3=10
  818. AutoSaveInterval4=15
  819. AutoSaveInterval5=30
  820. AutoSaveInterval=AutoSave Interval
  821. AutoSaveMaps=Autosave Maps
  822. AutoSavePackageTypes=Package Types To Autosave
  823. AutoSelect=Auto Select?
  824. AutomatedBuild_AutomaticSubmission=[Automatic Submission]
  825. AutomatedBuild_Error_AutomatedBuildAborted=Automated build aborted.
  826. AutomatedBuild_Error_BuildFailed=The map build failed or was canceled.
  827. AutomatedBuild_Error_FilesFailedCheckout=The following packages failed to checkout of source control and cannot be submitted:\n`~
  828. AutomatedBuild_Error_FilesFailedSave=The following packages failed to save and cannot be submitted:\n\n`~
  829. AutomatedBuild_Error_MapErrors=Map errors occurred while building.
  830. AutomatedBuild_Error_NoCLDesc=A changelist description must be provided; automated build aborted.
  831. AutomatedBuild_Error_NoValidLevels=None of the current levels are valid for submission; automated build aborted.
  832. AutomatedBuild_Error_SCCError=Cannot connect to source control; automated build aborted.
  833. AutomatedBuild_Error_SCCSupportNotCompiledIn=Source control support not compiled into the build; automated build aborted.
  834. AutomatedBuild_Error_UnsaveableFiles=The following packages cannot be checked out of source control (or are read only) and cannot be submitted:\n\n`~
  835. AutomatedBuild_Error_UnsavedMap=The following levels have never been saved before and cannot be submitted:\n\n`~
  836. AutomatedBuild_Prompt_Cancel=Cancel
  837. AutomatedBuild_Prompt_Proceed=Proceed
  838. AutomatedBuild_Prompt_Title=Automated Build Problem
  839. Automatic=Automatic
  840. Autosave_Disabled=Autosaving of maps is DISABLED
  841. Autosave_Enabled=Autosaving of maps is ENABLED (Next: %i:%02i min)
  842. Autosave_Soon=Autosave will occur in: `~ second(s)
  843. Axis=Axis
  844. BSPSF=BSP\tQ
  845. BSPSelect_DifferentResolutionsSelected=Different selected resolutions.\nCan only select matching for a single resolution.
  846. BSPSplitSF=BSP Split
  847. BackgroundColor=Background Color
  848. BackgroundMusicSetting=Background Music Settings
  849. BackgroundMusicSetting_Tooltip=Select the sound bank and music tracks used for editor previewing
  850. BakeDisplacementMapQ=Bake DisplacementMap?
  851. BakePivot=Save Pivot to PrePivot
  852. BatchProcess=Batch Process
  853. Bezier=Bezier
  854. Bind=Bind
  855. BindEditorHotkeys=Configure Keyboard Shortcuts...
  856. BlockAll=Block All
  857. BlockNone=No Collision
  858. BlockWeapons=Block Weapons
  859. BlockingVolumeAutoConvex=Auto Convex Collision...
  860. BlockingVolumeBBox=Bounding Box
  861. BlockingVolumeColumnX=Column (X Axis)
  862. BlockingVolumeColumnY=Column (Y Axis)
  863. BlockingVolumeColumnZ=Column (Z Axis)
  864. BlockingVolumeConvexHeavy=Heavy Convex Volume
  865. BlockingVolumeConvexLight=Light Convex Volume
  866. BlockingVolumeConvexNormal=Normal Convex Volume
  867. BlockingVolumeConvexRough=Rough Convex Volume
  868. BlockingVolumeCreation=Create Blocking Volume
  869. Blur=Blur
  870. BodiesConstraints_F=%d BODIES, %d CONSTRAINTS
  871. BodyMissingFromSkelMesh=The following Bones are in the PhysicsAsset, but not in the SkeletalMesh.\nThey should probably be removed from the PhysicsAsset:\n\n`~
  872. Bold="Bold"
  873. BoneList = Bone List
  874. BoneMissingFromSkelMesh=The SkeletalMesh is missing bone '`~' needed by this PhysicsAsset.
  875. BoneName=Bone Name
  876. BoundingBoxQ=Draw Bounding Box?
  877. Bounds=Bounds
  878. BoundsSF=Bounds
  879. Box=Box
  880. BreakAllLink=Break All Links
  881. BreakAllLinks=Break All Links
  882. BreakAllOpLinks=Break All Links To Object(s)\tB
  883. BreakEventLinks=Break Event Links
  884. BreakLink=Break Link
  885. BreakLinkTo=Break Link To
  886. BreakParentLink=Detach From Parent
  887. Browser=Browser
  888. BrowserCaption_F=Browser: `~
  889. BrowserWindows=Browser Windows
  890. Brush=Brush
  891. BrushBuilder=Brush Builder
  892. BrushBuilderCaption=Brush Builder `~
  893. BrushBuilderName_Cone=Cone
  894. BrushBuilderName_Cube=Cube
  895. BrushBuilderName_CurvedStair=Curved Staircase
  896. BrushBuilderName_Cylinder=Cylinder
  897. BrushBuilderName_Generic=Generic Builder
  898. BrushBuilderName_LinearStair=Linear Staircase
  899. BrushBuilderName_Sheet=Sheet
  900. BrushBuilderName_SpiralStair=Spiral Staircase
  901. BrushBuilderName_Tetrahedron=Tetrahedron (Sphere)
  902. BrushBuilderName_Volumetric=Cards
  903. BrushButtonGroupLabel=Brushes
  904. BrushClip=Brush Clip
  905. BrushMarkerPolys=Brush Marker Polys
  906. BrushSet=Brush Set
  907. BufferVisualization=Buffer Visualization
  908. BufferVisualization_ShadowSubMenu=Shadows
  909. BufferVisualization_BaseColor=BaseColor
  910. BufferVisualization_BaseColor_Help=Show fullscreen BaseColor buffer.
  911. BufferVisualization_BaseColorValidation=BaseColor Validation
  912. BufferVisualization_BaseColorValidation_Help=Show fullscreen BaseColor Validation buffer.
  913. BufferVisualization_MaterialAO=MaterialAO
  914. BufferVisualization_MaterialAO_Help=Show fullscreen MaterialAO buffer.
  915. BufferVisualization_Metallic=Metallic
  916. BufferVisualization_Metallic_Help=Show fullscreen Metallic buffer.
  917. BufferVisualization_None=None
  918. BufferVisualization_None_Help=Disable buffer visualization.
  919. BufferVisualization_Enable=Enable User VRT
  920. BufferVisualization_Enable_Help=Allows this viewport to use VRT
  921. BufferVisualization_Overview=Overview
  922. BufferVisualization_Overview_Help=Show all buffers in a grid display.
  923. BufferVisualization_Roughness=Roughness
  924. BufferVisualization_Roughness_Help=Show fullscreen Roughness buffer.
  925. BufferVisualization_ShadingComplexity=Shading Complexity
  926. BufferVisualization_ShadingComplexity_Help=Show Shading Complexity buffer.
  927. BufferVisualization_Normal=World Normal
  928. BufferVisualization_Normal_Help=Show World Normal buffer.
  929. BufferVisualization_StaticShadowUsage=Static Shadows On
  930. BufferVisualization_StaticShadowUsage_Help=Identify pixels using Static Shadows
  931. BufferVisualization_ContactShadows=Visualize Contact Shadows
  932. BufferVisualization_ContactShadows_Help=Indentify pixels that have contact shadows applied.
  933. BufferVisualization_ASV_TopLeft=Top Left View
  934. BufferVisualization_ASV_TopRight=Top Right View
  935. BufferVisualization_ASV_BottomRight=Bottom Right View
  936. BufferVisualization_ASV_BottomLeft=Bottom Left View
  937. Build=Build
  938. BuildActorsWithToggleTracksOnly=Build actors with toggle tracks only
  939. BuildAll=Build All
  940. BuildAllAndSubmit=Build All and Submit To Source Control
  941. BuildAllAndSubmit_ToolTip=Build All and Submit to Source Control
  942. BuildAllSelectedPaths=Build All (Selected AI Paths)
  943. BuildAnimatedActorsOnly=Build animated actors only
  944. BuildCombatZones=Build Combat Zones
  945. BuildCover=Build Cover
  946. BuildCoverAdjustingCoverSlots=Build Cover: Adjusting Cover Slots
  947. BuildCoverBuildingFireLinksF=Build Cover: Building Fire Links (`~/`~)
  948. BuildCoverBuildingInfluenceLinksF=Build Cover: Building Influence Links (%d/%d)
  949. BuildCoverBuildingOtherLinksF=Build Cover: Building Other Links (`~/`~)
  950. BuildCoverBuildingShortCutsF=Build Cover: Building short cuts (%d/%d)
  951. BuildDismemberMirror=Build dismemberment mirror table
  952. BuildFailed_VisibilityOnlyButVisibilityDisabled='Build Only Visibility' option was enabled but precomputed visibility is disabled! -Aborting build.
  953. BuildFromDismembermentRegions=Build From Dismemberment Regions
  954. BuildFromFilePath=Build From File Path
  955. BuildLightActorsOnly=Build light actors only
  956. BuildLightAndAnimatedActors=Build light and animated actors
  957. BuildOnlySelectedPylons=Build only selected Pylons?
  958. BuildPathsAddingForcedSpecsFE=Build Paths: Adding Forced Specs (Nav Point `~) ...
  959. BuildPathsAddingLongRangeReachspecs=Build Paths: Adding Long Range Reachspecs
  960. BuildPathsAddingReachspecs=Build Paths: Adding Reachspecs
  961. BuildPathsCheckingActorsForErrors=Build Paths: Checking actors for errors
  962. BuildPathsDefining=Build Paths: Defining
  963. BuildPathsNavigationPointsOnBases=Build Paths: Navigation Points on Bases
  964. BuildPathsResettingActors=Build Paths: Resetting Actors
  965. BuildPlay_Custom=Custom
  966. BuildPlay_Default=Default
  967. BuildPlay_Features=Features
  968. BuildPlay_Landscape=Landscape
  969. BuildPlay_Multiply=x
  970. BuildPlay_Orientation=Orientation
  971. BuildPlay_PS3=PS3
  972. BuildPlay_PSVita=PS Vita
  973. BuildPlay_Portrait=Portrait
  974. BuildPlay_Resolution=Resolution
  975. BuildPlay_XBOX_360=Xbox360
  976. BuildPlay_iPad2=iPad 2
  977. BuildPlay_iPad3=iPad 3
  978. BuildPlay_iPad4=iPad (4th generation)
  979. BuildPlay_iPad=iPad
  980. BuildPlay_iPadMini=iPad Mini
  981. BuildPlay_iPhone3GS=iPhone 3GS
  982. BuildPlay_iPhone4=iPhone 4
  983. BuildPlay_iPhone4S=iPhone 4S
  984. BuildPlay_iPhone5=iPhone 5
  985. BuildPlay_iPodTouch4=iPod touch (4th generation)
  986. BuildPlay_iPodTouch5=iPod touch (5th generation)
  987. BuildProgress=Build Progress
  988. BuildStatus=Build Status
  989. BuildSubmitWindow_Title=Build All And Submit
  990. BuildVisibleGeometry=Geometry for Visible Levels
  991. BuildVisibleGeometry_HelpText=Builds geometry for all visible levels.
  992. BuildWarningsAndErrorsString=`~ criticals \ `~ errors \ `~ warnings
  993. BuilderBrushSF=Builder Brush\tB
  994. BuildingBSP=Building BSP
  995. BuildingCover=Building Cover
  996. BuildingMesh=Building Mesh
  997. BuildingStatsBrowser_CombinedStats=Combined Total
  998. BuildingStatsBrowser_ItemActivated=Item Activated
  999. BuildingStatsBrowser_LODDiffuseMemBytes=LODDiffuseMemBytes
  1000. BuildingStatsBrowser_LODLightingMemBytes=LODLightingMemBytes
  1001. BuildingStatsBrowser_LightmapMemBytes=LightmapMem
  1002. BuildingStatsBrowser_Name=Name
  1003. BuildingStatsBrowser_NumInstancedStaticMeshComps=InstancedStaticMeshComps
  1004. BuildingStatsBrowser_NumInstancedTris=InstancedTris
  1005. BuildingStatsBrowser_NumStaticMeshComps=StaticMeshComps
  1006. BuildingStatsBrowser_Ruleset=Ruleset
  1007. BuildingStatsBrowser_ShadowmapMemBytes=ShadowmapMem
  1008. BuildingStatsBrowser_ToolTip=Show the building stats browser
  1009. BulkExportE=Bulk Export...
  1010. BulkExport_FilteredWarning=Asset types are currently filtered within the Content Browser. Only objects of the filtered types will be exported.
  1011. BulkExport_FilteredWarning_Title=Asset Filter in Effect
  1012. BulkImportE=Bulk Import...
  1013. BulkImport_Cancelled=The bulk import process was cancelled.
  1014. BulkImport_CouldNotImportFile=Could not import file '`~'.
  1015. BulkImport_FileCancelled=Importing '`~' cancelled.
  1016. BulkImport_InvalidFileSymbol=The file '`~' could not be imported. -Reason: `~.
  1017. BulkImport_InvalidGroupSymbol=The group '`~' could not be created. -Reason: `~.
  1018. BulkImport_InvalidPackageSymbol=The package '`~' could not be created. -Reason: `~.
  1019. BulkImport_NoValidFactory=Unable to import file: '`~'. -Could not find an appropriate actor factory for this filetype.
  1020. BulkImport_SomeFilesNotImported=Some files could not be imported. -Check the log for details.
  1021. BulkImport_Success=Bulk import completed successfully.
  1022. ButtonBarGroups_Brushes=Brushes
  1023. ButtonBarGroups_EditMode=Modes
  1024. ButtonBarGroups_OtherBrushes=Other Brushes
  1025. ButtonBarGroups_Selection=Select
  1026. ButtonBarGroups_Tools=Tools
  1027. ButtonBarGroups_Views=Views
  1028. ButtonBarGroups_Volumes=Volumes
  1029. CAPFXLibraryEditor_AttachPoint=Attach Point:
  1030. CAPFXLibraryEditor_EditAttachPoint=Edit Attach Point...
  1031. CAPFXLibraryEditor_EditAttachPointWarning=Preview Mesh must be set to edit the Attach Point!
  1032. CAPFXLibraryEditor_SelectAttachPoint=Select AttachPoint from `~
  1033. CAPFXLibraryEditor_Title=`~ Properties
  1034. CASCADE_CancelSoloing=Disable soloing to perform the following:
  1035. CASC_ModuleConvertToSeeded=Convert to seeded
  1036. CASC_ModuleSetRandomSeed=Set RandomSeed
  1037. CHN=Simplified Chinese (CHN)
  1038. CO_AVI=AVI
  1039. CO_CaptureOptions=Capture Options
  1040. CO_CaptureType = CaptureType
  1041. CO_CinematicMode=Turn on Cinematic Mode
  1042. CO_CinematicModeDisableInput=Disable Input
  1043. CO_CinematicModeDisableMovement=Disable Movement
  1044. CO_CinematicModeDisableTurning=Disable Turning
  1045. CO_CinematicModeHideHud=Hide HUD
  1046. CO_CinematicModeHidePlayer=Hide Player
  1047. CO_CinematicModeSettings=Cinematic Mode Settings
  1048. CO_CinematicModeTitle=Cinematic Mode
  1049. CO_CloseEditor=Close the editor when the capture starts
  1050. CO_Compress=Compress Capture
  1051. CO_FPS=FPS:
  1052. CO_Name=Name:
  1053. CO_ScreenShots=Screen Shots
  1054. CSG=CSG
  1055. CSGAdd=CSG : Add
  1056. CSGButtonGroupLabel=CSG
  1057. CSGDeintersect=CSG : Deintersect
  1058. CSGIntersect=CSG : Intersect
  1059. CSGSubtract=CSG : Subtract
  1060. CZE=Czech (CZE)
  1061. CachingDecoLayerLighting=Caching DecoLayer lighting
  1062. CachingDecoLayerLightingF=Caching DecoLayer lighting (`~ of `~)
  1063. CalculateBoneBreaks=Calculate Bone Break Vert Weightings
  1064. CalculateBoneBreaks_1=Default
  1065. CalculateBoneBreaks_2=Auto Detect Rigid
  1066. CalculateBoneBreaks_3=Rigid Body Preferred
  1067. CalculateMorph=Calculate Morph
  1068. CameraFrustumsSF=Camera Frustums
  1069. CameraMode=Camera Mode
  1070. CameraSf=Cameras
  1071. Cancel=Cancel
  1072. CancelAll="Cancel All"
  1073. CancelCore=Cancel Core
  1074. CannotDeleteList=Cannot delete: \n`~
  1075. CannotDeleteSpecialActor=Cannot delete special actor `~
  1076. CannotDuplicateList=Cannot duplicate object: '`~'\n`~
  1077. CannotOpenPIEMapsForEditing=Cannot open "Play in Editor" maps for editing
  1078. CannotRemoveFirstMoveKey=Cannot delete first key of a Relative To Initial track.
  1079. CaptureAudio=Capture Audio
  1080. CaptureAudioSection=Capture Audio Section
  1081. CaptureGroup=`~CG
  1082. CaptureResolution=Capture Resolution:
  1083. CaptureTrack=`~CT
  1084. Casc_RefreshModule=Refresh Module
  1085. Casc_SetFixedBounds=Set fixed bounds?
  1086. Casc_SyncMaterial=Sync material
  1087. Casc_ToggleGrid=Toggle Grid
  1088. Casc_Unshare=Unshare module
  1089. Casc_UseMaterial=Use selected material
  1090. CascadeCantDeleteLOD=Can't delete %s
  1091. CascadeCaption_F=UnrealCascade: `~
  1092. CascadeChangeDetailMode=Change the Detail Mode
  1093. CascadeHighLODModuleWarning=UnrealCascade: Attempting to `~ module while not on highest LOD
  1094. CascadeLODAdd=Add LOD
  1095. CascadeLODAddAfter=Add LOD After Current
  1096. CascadeLODAddBefore=Add LOD Before Current
  1097. CascadeLODAddError=Attempting to create module while not on highest LOD (0)
  1098. CascadeLODCopyError=Attempting to copy module while not on highest LOD (0)
  1099. CascadeLODDelete=Delete LOD
  1100. CascadeLODHigh=Jump to highest LOD level
  1101. CascadeLODHigher=Jump to higher LOD level
  1102. CascadeLODLabel=LOD
  1103. CascadeLODLow=Jump to lowest LOD Level
  1104. CascadeLODLower=Jump to lower LOD level
  1105. CascadeLODMoveError=Attempting to move module while not on highest LOD (0)
  1106. CascadeLODPasteError=Attempting to paste module while not on highest LOD (0)
  1107. CascadeLODRegenerate=Regenerate lowest LOD
  1108. CascadeLODRegenerateDuplicate=Regenerate lowest LOD duplicating the highest LOD
  1109. CascadeParticlePerfSetupTitle=Performance Setup: `~
  1110. CascadePerfCheck=Performance Check
  1111. CascadeRegenLowLODWarningLine1= WARNING
  1112. CascadeRegenLowLODWarningLine2=Regenerating the lowest LOD level will delete
  1113. CascadeRegenLowLODWarningLine3=all other LOD levels from the particle system!
  1114. CascadeRegenLowLODWarningLine4=Are you sure you want to do so?
  1115. CascadeRegenLowestLOD=Regenerate lowest LOD
  1116. CascadeSaveObject=Save Object
  1117. CascadeSaveObjectAs=Save Object As...
  1118. CascadeToggleSystemMovement=Toggle Movement of the Particle System
  1119. CascadeToggleWireSphere=Toggle Wireframe Sphere
  1120. CascadeTooManyLODs=Max LOD levels (8) already present
  1121. Cascade_InterpolationMethodLODWarning=Unable to change InterpolationMethod due to LOD level 0 setting.
  1122. Cascade_ModuleDeleteLODWarning=Cascade: Attempting to delete module while not on highest LOD (0)
  1123. Cascade_NoDeleteRequiredOrSpawn=The Required and Spawn modules may not be deleted.
  1124. Cascade_ReplaceTypeDataModule=Replace the existing type data module?
  1125. Cascade_ShowBloom=Show Bloom
  1126. Cascade_ShowDOF= Show DOF
  1127. Cascade_ShowMotionBlur=Show MotionBlur
  1128. Cascade_ShowPPVolumeMaterial=Show PPVolume Material
  1129. Cascade_ViewGeometryProperties=View Geometry Properties
  1130. ChangeBone=Change Bone
  1131. ChangeDescriptionMaterialDepChanges=Updating changed materials.
  1132. ChangeLightClassification=Change Light Classification
  1133. ChangeMesh=Change Mesh
  1134. ChangeRBCorrectionBones=Change Bones Driving Root Bone Correction
  1135. ChangeRetargetBones=Change Retarget Bones
  1136. ChangeSkelMesh=Change Default SkeletalMesh
  1137. ChangeViewMode=Change view mode
  1138. Changelist=Changelist
  1139. CharacterMorphing=Character Morphing
  1140. CharacterSoundSetting=Character Sound Settings
  1141. CharacterSoundSetting_Tooltip=Select the sound banks associated with character sound tracks used for editor previewing
  1142. CheckAll=Check All
  1143. CheckBoxListWindow_CheckAll=Select All
  1144. CheckBoxListWindow_UncheckAll=Unselect All
  1145. CheckBoxListWindow_UserEditsOnly=User Edits Only
  1146. CheckForErrorsE=Check for errors...
  1147. CheckInE=Check In...
  1148. CheckLogWindow=\nPlease see log window for complete listing.\n
  1149. CheckMapForErrorsE=Check map for errors...
  1150. CheckMirrorTable=Check Mirror Table
  1151. CheckOut=Check Out
  1152. CheckOutDlg_AskMeLater=Ask Me Later
  1153. CheckOutDlg_AskMeLaterToolTip=Don't ask again until this package is saved
  1154. CheckOutDlg_CancelTooltip=Cancel Request
  1155. CheckOutDlg_CheckOutButton=Check Out Selected
  1156. CheckOutDlg_CheckOutTooltip=Attempt to Check Out Checked Packages
  1157. CheckOutDlg_CheckedOutByOtherTip=Checked out by other
  1158. CheckOutDlg_MakeWritableButton=Make Writable
  1159. CheckOutDlg_MakeWritableTooltip=Makes selected files writiable on disk
  1160. CheckOutDlg_MarkAsDirty=Mark as Dirty
  1161. CheckOutDlg_MarkAsDirtyTip=Keeps the packages marked dirty so they can be saved later
  1162. CheckOutDlg_MarkAsNotDirty=Cancel
  1163. CheckOutDlg_MarkAsNotDirtyTip=Not saving these packages will result in slow startup times
  1164. CheckOutDlg_MaterialDependencyChangeMessage=The following packages contain materials that were automatically updated due to parent\nMaterial or Material Function changes. Please resave and submit to ensure fast load times.
  1165. CheckOutDlg_MaterialDependencyTitle=Updating Changed Materials
  1166. CheckOutDlg_Message=Select the objects that you wish you check out.
  1167. CheckOutDlg_NotCheckedOutTip=Not checked out
  1168. CheckOutDlg_NotCurrentTip=Not at head revision
  1169. CheckOutDlg_Reconnect=Reconnect
  1170. CheckOutDlg_ReconnectTooltip=Reconnect to source control
  1171. CheckOutDlg_ResaveAndCheckin=Resave and Submit
  1172. CheckOutDlg_ResaveAndCheckinTip=Saves locally and submits to source control
  1173. CheckOutDlg_Title=Check Out Objects From Source Control?
  1174. CheckingForUnnecessaryPathNodes=Checking for unnecessary PathNodes
  1175. CheckingMap=Checking map
  1176. CheckoutAssetsQ=Checkout Assets?
  1177. CheckoutPerforce='`~' is marked read only. -Should I try to check it out of Perforce?
  1178. ChooseADirectory=Choose A Directory
  1179. ChooseAnimSlot=Choose Anim Slot
  1180. ChooseAppendSet=Choose AnimSet to Append
  1181. ChooseFont=Choose Font
  1182. ChooseFracturedMesh=Choose Fractured Mesh
  1183. ChooseLODLevel=Choose LOD Level
  1184. ChooseNewSourceDirectory=Select New Source Directory
  1185. ChooseNotifyType=Choose Notify Type
  1186. ChooseParentNode=Choose Parent Node
  1187. ChooseProjectDirectory=Select Project Directory
  1188. ChooseProperty=Choose Property
  1189. ChooseToggleAction=Choose Toggle Action
  1190. ChooseUVIndex=Choose UV Index To Generate For
  1191. Choppingizing=Choppingizing
  1192. ChunkOptions=Chunk Options
  1193. ChunkSelection=Chunk Selection
  1194. ChunkShape=Chunk Shape
  1195. Cinema=Cinema
  1196. CinemaBlendAnimChangeAnim=Change Animation
  1197. CinemaBlendAnimChangeSubtrack=Switch Subtrack
  1198. CinemaCopyKeys=Copy Selected Keys
  1199. CinemaDumpFrames=Render scene to frames
  1200. CinemaEnableChildBone=Enable Child Bone
  1201. CinemaGroupSpawnedActor=Other DSA
  1202. CinemaGroupSpawnedAnimatedCamera=Animated Camera DSA Group
  1203. CinemaGroupSpawnedCamera=Camera DSA Group
  1204. CinemaGroupSpawnedEmitter=Emitter DSA Group
  1205. CinemaGroupSpawnedLight=Light DSA Group
  1206. CinemaGroupSpawnedPawn=Character DSA Group
  1207. CinemaGroupSpawnedSkel=Skeletal DSA Group
  1208. CinemaGroupSpawnedStatic=Static DSA Group
  1209. CinemaGuides=Guides
  1210. CinemaOutputToMovie=Render scene to AVI
  1211. CinemaPasteKeys=Paste Selected Keys
  1212. CinemaPreviewMirrored=Mirrored Preview
  1213. CinemaPreviewOnConsole=Preview this Cinema sequence on your %s
  1214. CinemaPreviewPhysics=Preview Physics Simulation
  1215. CinemaRecordPhysics=Record Physics Data
  1216. CinemaRotation=Ignore Rotation
  1217. CinemaRotationOffset=Ignore Offset Rotation
  1218. CinemaScreenshotFolder=Open the screenshots folder
  1219. AnimSetToGroups=Add Selected AnimSet from Content Browser to all Skeletal and Camera Groups
  1220. CinemaSetImportedStartFrame=Set Imported Start Frame
  1221. CinemaSnapTo=Snap To
  1222. CinemaSwitchKeyVisibility=Switch Visibility
  1223. CinemaTimeCode=Frame Label Style
  1224. CinemaTimeCodeFrames=Frames
  1225. CinemaTimeCodeMinutesSeconds=Minutes:Seconds
  1226. CinemaTimeCodeMinutesSecondsFrames=Minutes:Seconds:Frames
  1227. CinemaTrimAnimEnd=Trim Animation End
  1228. CinemaTrimAnimStart=Trim Animation Start
  1229. CinemaSplitAnim=Split Animation
  1230. CinemaVersion=Cinema Version
  1231. CinemaZoomToScrub=Zoom Relative to the Time Slider
  1232. Cinema_Launch_Setup=Cinema Launch Setup
  1233. Class=Class
  1234. CleanBSPMaterials=Clean BSP Materials
  1235. CleanBSPMaterialsReportF=Cleared `~ BSP material references. -Check log window for further details.
  1236. CleanUpKismet=Cleanup Kismet
  1237. CleaningUpE=Cleaning up...
  1238. ClearFaceVariationAssignments=Clear Face Variation Assignments
  1239. ClearForcedPaths=Clear Forced Paths
  1240. ClearGroupLookup=Clear Transform Lookup Group
  1241. ClearGroupLookup_F=Clear Transform Lookup Group (`~)
  1242. ClearIgnore=Clear light ignore list
  1243. ClearKismetBreakpoints=Clear All Breakpoints
  1244. ClearLinksFromCoverGroup=CoverGroup: Clear Links
  1245. ClearNavPointsFromRoute=Route: Clear NavPoints
  1246. ClearObjectVars=Clear Object Variable(s)
  1247. ClearPBMaterialFaceAssignments=Clear Material Face Assignments
  1248. ClearPreviews=Clear Previews
  1249. ClearProscribedPaths=Clear Proscribed Paths
  1250. ClearQ=Clear
  1251. ClearStreamingBounds=Clear Streaming Bounds
  1252. ClearStreamingVolumes=Clear Streaming Volumes
  1253. ClickToMoveBehind=Click to move the selected white strip behind the blue strip.
  1254. ClickToMoveInFront=Click to move the selected white strip in front of the blue strip.
  1255. ClickToSelectSortStrip=Click the mesh to select the strip for which you wish to change the drawing order.
  1256. ClimbUp=Climb Up
  1257. ClipPadSaveAs="Save To Clip Pad"
  1258. ClipPadSelect="Paste From Clip Pad"
  1259. CloneBrowser=Clone Browser
  1260. Close=Close
  1261. ClothBoneEditor=Cloth Bone Editor
  1262. ClothEditor= Cloth Editor
  1263. ClothEditorCaption_F=Cloth Setup: %s
  1264. Cluster=Cluster
  1265. ClusterSounds=Cluster Sounds
  1266. ClusterSoundsWithAttenuation=Cluster Sounds With Attenuation
  1267. CollapseAll=Collapse all
  1268. CollapseAllCategories=Collapse All Categories
  1269. CollectionHelper_AddAssetsFailed=Collection Helper failed to add assets to collection `~.
  1270. CollectionHelper_ClearCollectionFailed=Collection Helper failed to destroy collection `~.
  1271. CollectionHelper_CreateCollectionFailed=Collection Helper failed to create collection `~.
  1272. CollectionHelper_NotInitialized=Collection Helper is not initialized.
  1273. CollectionHelper_QueryCollectionFailed=Collection Helper failed to query assets for collection `~.
  1274. CollectionHelper_ReadOnly=Collection Helper unable to access database.
  1275. CollectionHelper_RemoveAssetsFailed=Collection Helper failed to remove assets from collection `~.
  1276. CollectionHelper_SetCollectionClearFailed=Collection Helper failed to clear assets for collection `~.
  1277. Collision=Collision
  1278. CollisionGeometry=Collision Geometry
  1279. CollisionModes=Collision Modes
  1280. CollisionSF=Collision\tC
  1281. ColorPicker_Title=Select a Color
  1282. ColorScale=Color Scale
  1283. CommentText=Comment Text:
  1284. CommentToBack=Move Comment To Back
  1285. CommentToFront=Move Comment To Front
  1286. CommentsNames=Comments/Names
  1287. CompareAnimFrames=Compare Animation Frames
  1288. CompleteCopyToClipboard=Complete Copy To Clipboard (Contains editline objects)
  1289. ComplexPathOptions=Complex Options
  1290. ComponentMenu=Component
  1291. ComponentName=Component Name
  1292. Compress=Compress
  1293. CompressedAnimSeq_F=AnimSequence compressed successfully\nUncompressed size: %7.2fK\nPrevious size: %7.2fK New size: %7.2fK Saving: %7.2fK\nCompression ratio: %7.2f:1
  1294. CompressedAnimSet_F=Compressed AnimSet\nUncompressed size: %7.2fMB\nPrevious size: %7.2fMB New size: %7.2fMB Saving: %7.2fMB\nCompression ratio: %7.2MB:1
  1295. CompressingLightMapsF=(`~) compressing mip (`~ of `~)
  1296. CompressingTexture=Compressing `~ mip (`~ of `~)
  1297. CompressionAlgorithms=Compression Algorithms
  1298. CompressionPercent=Compression Percent
  1299. ConfirmBreakAllLinks=Are you sure you want to break all links?
  1300. ConfirmClearStreamingVolumesDlgMsg=Are you sure you want to clear streaming volumes?
  1301. ConfirmClosingWithMissingNodes=There are unlinked nodes. They will be lost. Are you sure you want to close?
  1302. ConnectToFunctionOutput=Connect to Function Output "`~"
  1303. ConnectToMaterialInput=Connect to "`~"
  1304. ConsolidateAssetsCriticalFailureDlg_Msg=CRITICAL FAILURE:\nOne or more assets were partially consolidated, yet still cannot be deleted for some reason. It is highly recommended that you restart the editor without saving any of the assets or packages.\n\nAffected Assets:\n`~\n\nPotentially Affected Packages:\n`~
  1305. ConsolidateAssetsCriticalFailureDlg_Title=Critical Failure to Consolidate Assets
  1306. ConsolidateAssetsFailureDlg_Msg=The assets below were unable to be consolidated. This is likely because they are referenced by the object to consolidate to.\n\n
  1307. ConsolidateAssetsFailureDlg_Title=Failed to Consolidate Assets
  1308. ConsolidateAssetsRootSetDlg_Msg=The assets below were in the root set and we must remove that flag in order to proceed. -Being in the root set means that this was loaded at startup and is meant to remain in memory during gameplay. -For most assets this should be fine. -If, for some reason, there is an error, you will be notified. -Would you like to remove this flag?\n\n
  1309. ConsolidateAssetsRootSetDlg_Title=Root Set Objects Detected
  1310. ConsolidateAssetsUpdate_CheckAssetValidity=Determining Validity of Assets...
  1311. ConsolidateAssetsUpdate_Consolidating=Consolidating Assets...
  1312. ConsolidateAssetsUpdate_DeletingObjects=Deleting Assets...
  1313. ConsolidateAssetsUpdate_FindingReferences=Finding Asset References...
  1314. ConsolidateAssetsUpdate_ReplacingReferences=Replacing Asset References...
  1315. ConsolidateAssetsUpdate_RootSetCheck=Checking Assets for Root Set...
  1316. ConsolidateWindow_Title=Consolidate Assets
  1317. Constant=Constant
  1318. ConstraintsSF=Constraints
  1319. Containing=Containing
  1320. Content=Content
  1321. ContentBrowserContext_ResimplifyMesh=Resimplify Mesh...
  1322. ContentBrowserContext_SimplifyMesh=Simplify Mesh...
  1323. ContentBrowser_AutoLoadPackages_Add=Add to auto load startup list
  1324. ContentBrowser_AutoLoadPackages_Clear=Clear auto load startup list
  1325. ContentBrowser_AutoLoadPackages_Remove=Remove from auto load startup list
  1326. ContentBrowser_AutoLoadPackages_Toggle=Toggle states in auto load startup list
  1327. ContentBrowser_Caption_ToolTip=Show the content browser
  1328. ContentBrowser_OpenPackageDialogCaption=Open Package File
  1329. ContentBrowser_PackageTreeContext_RemoveFromFolder=Remove From Folder...
  1330. ContentBrowser_SetMaterialPreviewBackgroundColor=Set Material Preview Background Color...
  1331. ContentBrowser_SetTranslucentMaterialPreviewBackgroundColor=Set Translucent Material Preview Background Color...
  1332. ContentBrowser_ToolTip=Show the content browser
  1333. ContentBrowser_ViewMenu=Content
  1334. Continue=Continue
  1335. ContinueQ=Continue?
  1336. ContinueRealtimeDebugging=Continue (Alt+F8)
  1337. ContinueWithBuildAllQ=These levels will not be rebuilt; also, leaving them hidden may invalidate what is built in other levels. -Continue with build?
  1338. ConvertBoxCollision=Convert Boxes to Convex
  1339. ConvertBoxCollisionFailedPrompt=Failed to convert box collision to convex
  1340. ConvertBoxCollisionPrompt=Are you sure you want to convert all box collision?
  1341. ConvertCollisionModelToBrush=Convert Collision Model To Brush
  1342. ConvertFSMAToStaticMesh=Convert Fractured to StaticMeshActor
  1343. ConvertFoliageToStaticMesh=Convert InteractiveFoliageActor to StaticMeshActor
  1344. ConvertKActorToMover=Convert KActors to Mover
  1345. ConvertKActorToStaticMesh=Convert KActor to StaticMeshActor
  1346. ConvertLights=Convert Light
  1347. ConvertLightsToDominant=Convert to Dominant
  1348. ConvertLightsToMovable=Convert to Movable
  1349. ConvertLightsToToggleable=Convert to Toggleable
  1350. ConvertMenu=Convert
  1351. ConvertMeshes=Convert Meshes
  1352. ConvertMoverToKActor=Convert Mover To KActor
  1353. ConvertMoverToStaticMesh=Convert Mover To StaticMeshActor
  1354. ConvertProcBuilding=Convert to ProcBuilding
  1355. ConvertSkeletalMesh=Convert Skeletal Mesh
  1356. ConvertSkeletalMeshKismetRefSkipped=Skipped converting `~ because it is referenced by Kismet.
  1357. ConvertStaticMesh=Convert to Static Mesh
  1358. ConvertStaticMeshToFSMA=Convert StaticMeshActor To Fractured
  1359. ConvertStaticMeshToFoliage=Convert StaticMeshActor To InteractiveFoliageActor
  1360. ConvertStaticMeshToKActor=Convert StaticMeshActor To KActor
  1361. ConvertStaticMeshToMover=Convert StaticMeshActor To Mover
  1362. ConvertStaticMeshToNavMesh=Convert StaticMeshActor To NavMesh
  1363. ConvertStaticMeshToNavMesh_NoMeshAssignedToStaticMeshActor=Cannot convert the selected mesh '`~' to a NavMesh because it doesn't have a StaticMesh assigned.
  1364. ConvertStaticMeshToStaticMeshBasedOnExtremeContent=Convert StaticMeshActor To SM Based on ExtremeContent
  1365. ConvertTerrainE=Convert All Terrains to Landscapes
  1366. ConvertToAdd=Convert To Add
  1367. ConvertToBallAndSocket=Convert To Ball And Socket
  1368. ConvertToBlendAnimTrack=Convert to BlendAnim Track
  1369. ConvertToBlockingVolume=Convert To Blocking Volume
  1370. ConvertToClamp=Convert To Clamp
  1371. ConvertToConstant=Convert To Constant
  1372. ConvertToCubemap=Convert to Cubemap...
  1373. ConvertToDiv=Convert To Divide
  1374. ConvertToHinge=Convert To Hinge
  1375. ConvertToMul=Convert To Multiply
  1376. ConvertToPanoramic=Convert to Panoramic image...
  1377. ConvertToParameter=Convert To Parameter
  1378. ConvertToPrismatic=Convert To Prismatic
  1379. ConvertToSeeded=Convert to seeded modules
  1380. ConvertToSkeletal=Convert To Skeletal
  1381. ConvertToSub=Convert To Subtract
  1382. ConvertToTextureObject=Convert To Texture Object
  1383. ConvertToVolume=Convert To Volume
  1384. ConvertingLights=Converting Lights
  1385. ConvertingPVRTextures=Converting texture `~ of `~ (`~) to PVRTC
  1386. ConvertingSkeletalMeshes=Converting Skeletal Meshes
  1387. ConvexDecomposition=Convex Decomposition
  1388. CookingSound=Cooking Sound
  1389. CookingSoundf=Cooking Sound `~ of `~ (`~)
  1390. Copy=Copy
  1391. CopyA=Copy\tCtrl C
  1392. CopyBoneNameToClipBoard=Copy Bone Name Selection To Clipboard
  1393. CopyBoneNamesToClipboard=Copy Bone Names To Clipboard
  1394. CopyConnections=Copy Connections
  1395. CopyConstraint=Copy Constraint
  1396. CopyGroup=Copy Group
  1397. CopyJointSettingsToAll=Copy Joint Settings To All
  1398. CopyMirrorTableFromMesh=Copy Mirror Table From Selected SkelMesh
  1399. CopyMirrorTableToClipboard=Copy Mirror Table To Clipboard
  1400. CopyModule=Copy Module
  1401. CopyNotifies=Copy Notifies
  1402. CopyPasteAnimSet=Copy and Paste Between Anim Sets
  1403. CopyPropertiesTo=Copy Properties To.. [C]
  1404. CopyReference=Copy Reference\tCtrl+C
  1405. CopySelectedActorsInNonCurrentLevel=Some selected actors are not in the current level and will not be copied.
  1406. CopySequence=Copy Sequence(s) to selected or current AnimSet
  1407. CopySequenceName=Copy Sequence Name To Clipboard
  1408. CopySequenceNameList=Copy Sequence Name List To Clipboard
  1409. PrefabSequenceRenameError=Renaming the Prefabs sequence is not allowed.
  1410. CopySockets=Copy Sockets
  1411. CopySocketsA=Copy Sockets\tCtrl C
  1412. CopyToAllJoints=Copy Joint Settings To All Joints
  1413. CopyToAllJointsWarning=This will set all joints in the PhysicsAsset to the same settings as the selected one.\nAre you sure?
  1414. CopyToClipboard=Copy To Clipboard
  1415. CopyAllToClipboard=Copy All to Clipboard
  1416. CopySelectedToClipboard=Copy Selected to Clipboard
  1417. CopyTrack=Copy Track
  1418. CopyTrack=Copy Track
  1419. CopyTranslationBoneNames=Copy TranslationBoneNames to Selected AnimSets
  1420. CopyWeightedBoneNamesToClipboard=Copy Weighted Bone Names To Clipboard
  1421. Core=Core
  1422. CouldNotCreateAnyCues=Could not create any Sound Cues. -Sound Nodes can only be clustered if they have a common name delimited by a number.
  1423. CouldNotCreateTheFollowingCuesNamesInUse=Couldn't create the following cues because their names are already in use:
  1424. Cover=Cover
  1425. Coverslip=Cover Slip
  1426. Create=Create
  1427. CreateACopy=Create a Copy...
  1428. CreateANewObject=Create A New Object
  1429. CreateBodyForAllBones=Create Body For All Bones
  1430. CreateCameraActorAtCurrentCameraLocation=Create DSA Camera Actor at Current Camera Location
  1431. CreateClassMoveInfo=Create Class Relocation Info
  1432. CreateCompoundExpression=Create compound expression
  1433. CreateCubemapAssetFromActor=Create Cubemap asset from Capture Actor
  1434. CreateFunctionFromSelection=Create material function from selection
  1435. CreateGroupTab_Caption=Group Tab Name:
  1436. CreateGroupTab_Title=Create Group Tab
  1437. CreateHipshiftingPreset=Create Hipshifting Preset
  1438. CreateImageInputE=Create Substance Image Input
  1439. CreateInstanceE=Create New Substance Graph Instance
  1440. CreateJoints=Create Joints
  1441. CreateMICsForActors=Create MIC Destination For Selected Actors
  1442. CreateMaterialInstanceConstant=Create New InstanceConstant
  1443. CreateMaterialInstanceTimeVarying=Create New InstanceTimeVarying
  1444. CreateNewEntryFromCurrentSelection=Create New Entry From Current Selection
  1445. CreateNewEvent_F=Create New `~ Event
  1446. CreateNewGroupTab=Create New Group Tab...
  1447. CreateNewMaterial=Create New Material
  1448. CreateNewMaterialInstanceConstant=Create New Material Instance Constant
  1449. CreateNewMaterialInstanceTimeVarying=Create New Material Instance Time Varying
  1450. CreateNewPhysicsAsset=Create New Physics Asset
  1451. CreateNewSequence=Create New Sequence
  1452. CreateNewVar_F=Create New `~ Variable
  1453. CreatePresetParticleEmitter=Create Preset Particle Emitter
  1454. CreateSeqObj=New Sequence Object
  1455. CreateSeqObj_Category=Category
  1456. CreateSeqObj_Name=Name
  1457. CreateSeqObj_Type=Type
  1458. CreateStaticTextureE=Create Static Texture...
  1459. CreateTab=Create Tab
  1460. CreateValidStageMarkGroup=Would you like to create new group for stage mark? You need to connect valid actor to it.
  1461. CreatedNCues=Created `~ cues.
  1462. CreatingNewMeshSections=Creating New Mesh Sections
  1463. CreatingStaticMeshE=Creating static mesh...
  1464. CropAnimationKey=Crop Animation Key
  1465. CropBeginningFrames=Crop Beginning Frames
  1466. CropEndFrames=Crop End Frames
  1467. CtrlPointColor=Control Point Color
  1468. CtrlVertColor=Control Vertex Color
  1469. Current=Current
  1470. CurrentLevel=Current Level
  1471. CurrentSequence=Current Sequence
  1472. Curve=Curve
  1473. CurveAuto=Curve (Auto)
  1474. CurveAutoClamped=Curve (Auto/Clamped)
  1475. CurveBreak=Curve (Break)
  1476. CurveEdPresetCaption=CurveEd Preset Selection `~
  1477. CurveEdPreset_CurveName=Curve
  1478. CurveEdPreset_EndValue=End Value
  1479. CurveEdPreset_Frequency=Frequency
  1480. CurveEdPreset_HighValue=High Value
  1481. CurveEdPreset_InvalidSetting=Invalid setting on preset for\n`~
  1482. CurveEdPreset_LowValue=Low Value
  1483. CurveEdPreset_NumSamples=# Samples
  1484. CurveEdPreset_Scale=Scale
  1485. CurveEdPreset_StartValue=Start Value
  1486. CurveEdPreset_X2_Red2_X Min=X2/Red2/X Min
  1487. CurveEdPreset_X_Red_X Max=X/Red/X Max
  1488. CurveEdPreset_Y2_Green2_Y Min=Y2/Green2/Y Min
  1489. CurveEdPreset_Y_Green_Y Max=Y/Green/Y Max
  1490. CurveEdPreset_Z2_Blue2_Z Min=Z2/Blue2/Z Min
  1491. CurveEdPreset_Z_Blue_Z Max=Z/Blue/Z Max
  1492. CurveEd_CurveLabelContext_UpgradeInterpMethod=Upgrade Curve Tangents
  1493. CurveEd_KeyContext_DeleteSelected=Delete
  1494. CurveEd_TabComboBox_Desc=Use this to filter curves such that only the selected tab set of curves is visible.
  1495. CurveEd_ToolBar_FitViewToAll=Fit View To All
  1496. CurveEd_ToolBar_FitViewToSelected=Fit View To Selected
  1497. CurveEd_ToolBar_ShowAllCurveTangents=Show All Curve Tangents
  1498. CurveEdit=Curve Edit
  1499. CurveEditor=Curve Editor
  1500. CurveEditorCaption_F=Unreal Curve Editor: `~
  1501. CurveTabCreate=Create Curve Tab
  1502. CurveTabDelete=Delete Curve Tab
  1503. CurveUser=Curve (User)
  1504. CurvesMenu=Curves
  1505. Custom=Custom
  1506. CustomLighting=Custom Lighting
  1507. CustomLightingDiffuse=Custom Lighting Diffuse
  1508. CustomRefsTooltip="Custom Depth"
  1509. Cut=Cut
  1510. CutA=Cut\tCtrl X
  1511. CutConnections=Cut Connections
  1512. CutGroup=Cut Group
  1513. CutToGroup=Cut To Group
  1514. CutTrack=Cut Track
  1515. DEU=German (DEU)
  1516. DamageRegions=Damage Regions
  1517. Debug=Debug
  1518. DebugMenu_LoadUserSettings=Load User Settings
  1519. DebugMenu_SaveUserSettings=Save User Settings
  1520. DebugMenu_TestAutoSave=AutoSave
  1521. DebugMenu_TestCrashCatcher=Crash
  1522. DebugMenu_TestGarbageCollection=GC
  1523. DebugMenu_ToggleSystemBeep=System Beeps (TECH 3234)
  1524. DecalInfoSF=Decal Info
  1525. Decals=Decals
  1526. DecalsSF=Decals\tE
  1527. Default=Default
  1528. DefaultMaterialE=Create Material
  1529. DefaultShowFlags=Default Show Flags
  1530. DefaultSkelMeshNotFound=AnimSequence `~ doesn't have a default skeleletal mesh set. Aborting conversion to additive animation.
  1531. DefaultTabCannotBeDeleted=Default tab can not be deleted!
  1532. Defaults=Defaults
  1533. DefiningPaths=Defining Paths
  1534. Deintersect=Deintersect
  1535. DeintersectingBrushWithWorld=Deintersecting brush with world
  1536. Delete=Delete
  1537. DeleteA=Delete
  1538. DeleteActors=Delete Actors
  1539. DeleteAll=Delete All
  1540. DeleteBody=Delete Body
  1541. DeleteBodyBelow=Delete All Bodies Below..
  1542. DeleteBoneBreaks=Delete Bone Break Vert Weightings of Selected Bones
  1543. DeleteCoverSlots=Delete Cover Slots
  1544. DeleteCurrentConstraint=Delete Current Constraint
  1545. DeleteCurrentPrimitive=Delete Current Primitive [DEL]
  1546. DeleteEmitter=Delete Emitter
  1547. DeleteFolder=Delete Folder
  1548. DeleteFolderAndGroup=Delete Folder and Group
  1549. DeleteGroup=Delete Group
  1550. DeleteGroupTab=Delete Group Tab
  1551. DeleteInput=Delete Input
  1552. DeleteLayer=Delete Layer
  1553. DeleteMirrorTable=Delete Mirror Table
  1554. DeleteModule=Delete Module
  1555. DeleteMorph=Delete Morph Target
  1556. DeletePrimitive=Delete Primitive
  1557. DeleteSection=Delete Section
  1558. DeleteSelected=Delete Selected
  1559. DeleteSelectedActorsGroup=Delete Selected Actors from Group
  1560. DeleteSelectedActorsLayer=Delete Selected Actors from Layer
  1561. DeleteSelectedClasses=Delete Selected Sound Class(es)
  1562. DeleteSelectedItem=Delete Selected Item
  1563. DeleteSelectedItems=Delete Selected Items
  1564. DeleteSelectedKeys=Delete Selected Keys
  1565. DeleteSelectedNodes=Delete Selected Node(s)
  1566. DeleteSequence=Delete Sequence
  1567. DeleteSequenceConfirm=Are you sure you want to deleted the selected sequence(s)?
  1568. DeleteSkelControlChain=Delete SkelControl Chain
  1569. DeleteSocket=Delete Socket
  1570. DeleteSubSkel=Delete
  1571. DeleteTrack=Delete Track
  1572. DeleteWithReferences=Delete With References
  1573. Deleting=Deleting
  1574. Deletingf=Deleting (`~ of `~)
  1575. Delta=Delta
  1576. DemoteSplineCtrlPoint=Remove Control Point
  1577. DensityRenderingOptions=Density Rendering Options
  1578. Depth=Depth
  1579. DepthMode=Depth Mode
  1580. DepthOfFieldSF=Depth Of Field
  1581. DeselectActors=Deselect Actors
  1582. DeselectAllLevels=Deselect All
  1583. DeselectLevels=Deselect Levels
  1584. DestAndSrcSeqsMatch=Source and destination sequences are the same.
  1585. DestAnimSequenceName=Destination sequence name:
  1586. DestSeqAlreadyContainsMetadataMergeQ=The destination sequence already contains `~ metadata. -Delete these before copying?
  1587. DestSeqAlreadyContainsNotifiesMergeQ=The destination sequence already contains `~ notifies. -Delete these before copying?
  1588. DestSeqNotFoundF=Destination sequence named '`~' not found.
  1589. Destroyable=Destroyable
  1590. DestroyableChunks=Destroyable Chunks
  1591. Detach=Detach
  1592. DetachSelectedMesh=Detach
  1593. DetailLighting=Detail Lighting
  1594. DetailMode=Detail Mode
  1595. Diffuse=Diffuse
  1596. DirectRefsTooltip="Directly Referenced Only"
  1597. DirectorGroup=Director Group
  1598. DirtyPackageDialog_Cancel=Cancel
  1599. DirtyPackageDialog_Cancel_Tooltip=Cancel all saving and return to the Unreal Editor
  1600. DirtyPackageDialog_Message=These packages have been changed and need to be saved.\nPackages that are not fully loaded will be fully loaded as a result of the save.\nSelect the packages you would like to save.
  1601. DirtyPackageDialog_SaveNone=Don't Save
  1602. DirtyPackageDialog_SaveNone_Tooltip=Do not save any files
  1603. DirtyPackageDialog_SaveSelected=Save Selected
  1604. DirtyPackageDialog_SaveSelected_Tooltip=Fully load and save the selected packages
  1605. DirtyPackageDialog_Title=Save Changes
  1606. Disable=Disable
  1607. DisableCollision=DISABLE COLLISION...
  1608. DisableCollisionWith=Disable Collision With...
  1609. DisableSceneOffsetAfterCurrentTime=Disable Gameplay Scene Offset After Current Time
  1610. DismembermentPreset=Character Dismemberment Preset
  1611. DismembermentRegions=Dismemberment Regions
  1612. Distortion=Distortion
  1613. DlgBindHotkeys_Title=Configure Keyboard Shortcuts
  1614. DlgBuildProgressTitle=Building Map...
  1615. DlgCaptionAttachmentActorNames=Attach to actor:
  1616. DlgCaptionAttachmentBoneNames=Attach to bone:
  1617. DlgCaptionAttachmentChildBoneNames=Child Attach Bone:
  1618. DlgCaptionCinemaAVIRenderHeight=Height
  1619. DlgCaptionCinemaAVIRenderPreset=Preset AVI Render Spec
  1620. DlgCaptionCinemaAVIRenderWidth=Width
  1621. DlgCaptionCinemaAnimation=Animation:
  1622. DlgCaptionCinemaAttachmentGroupNames=Attach to group:
  1623. DlgCaptionCinemaClothAction=Cloth Action:
  1624. DlgCaptionCinemaHideMaterials=Material Slot Key:
  1625. DlgCaptionCinemaNewStartFrame=New Imported Start Frame
  1626. DlgCaptionCinemaNewTimeInFrames=New Time (In Frames)
  1627. DlgCaptionCinemaSetAttachOfsLoc=Relative Location Offsets
  1628. DlgCaptionCinemaSetAttachOfsPitch=Pitch
  1629. DlgCaptionCinemaSetAttachOfsRoll=Roll
  1630. DlgCaptionCinemaSetAttachOfsRot=Relative Rotation Offsets
  1631. DlgCaptionCinemaSetAttachOfsX=X
  1632. DlgCaptionCinemaSetAttachOfsY=Y
  1633. DlgCaptionCinemaSetAttachOfsYaw=Yaw
  1634. DlgCaptionCinemaSetAttachOfsZ=Z
  1635. DlgCaptionCinemaSetForcedLod=Forced LOD Model ( 1 for default)
  1636. DlgCaptionCinemaTrack=Subtrack:
  1637. DlgCaptionCinemaTranslateSceneXOffset=X Offset
  1638. DlgCaptionCinemaTranslateSceneYOffset=Y Offset
  1639. DlgCaptionCinemaTranslateSceneZOffset=Z Offset
  1640. DlgCaptionGroupName=Group Name
  1641. DlgCaptionIKAttachNames=Attach Point:
  1642. DlgCaptionIKAttachTypes=Attach Type:
  1643. DlgCaptionIKStrategyType=IK Strategy Type:
  1644. DlgCaptionIKTargetGroupNames=Target Group:
  1645. DlgCaptionIKUseTargetRotation=Use Target Rotation
  1646. DlgCaptionMixerState=Mixer State
  1647. DlgCaptionSelectActor=Select Actor
  1648. DlgCaptionShotLabel=Shot Label
  1649. DlgDSAChangeWarningCheckBoxLabel=Don't show this message again.
  1650. DlgDSAChangeWarningMessage=Making changes to a Cinema spawned actor (DSA) from the Actor Properties\nwindow will not actually affect the actor. -Changes must be made to the\nactor factory in Track Properties.
  1651. DlgDSAChangeWarningTitle=Notice
  1652. DlgGeometryToolsTitle=Geometry Tools
  1653. DlgInterpEditorFullInterval=Full Interval:
  1654. DlgInterpEditorIntervalEnd=Interval End:
  1655. DlgInterpEditorIntervalStart=Interval Start:
  1656. DlgInterpEditorKeyReductionTitle=Key Reduction Options
  1657. DlgInterpEditorKeyReductionTolerancePercent=Tolerance (percent):
  1658. DlgInterpEditorNormalizeVelocityTitle=Normalize Velocity
  1659. DlgIssueReporterDescription=Description
  1660. DlgListCinemaAVIRenderPreset=Custom
  1661. DlgListCinemaAVIRenderPresetCustom=Custom
  1662. DlgListCinemaAVIRenderPresetHD=HD (16:9) (1280:720)
  1663. DlgListCinemaAVIRenderPresetHDHalf=HD Half (16:9) (640x360)
  1664. DlgListCinemaAVIRenderPresetHDLarge=HD (16:9) (1920x1080)
  1665. DlgListCinemaAVIRenderPresetSD=SD (4:3) (640x480)
  1666. DlgListCinemaAVIRenderPresetSDHalf=SD Half (4:3) (320x240)
  1667. DlgListCinemaAVIRenderPresetSDLarge=SD Large (4:3) (1024x768)
  1668. DlgProgressTitle=Please Wait...
  1669. DlgSoundNodeWaveOptions=Compression Preview Window
  1670. DlgStaticMeshToolsTitle=Static Mesh Tools
  1671. DlgTipOfTheDay_HelpText_TipOfTheDay=Shows the tip of the day dialog.
  1672. DlgTipOfTheDay_NextTip=Next Tip
  1673. DlgTipOfTheDay_ShowTipsAtStartup=Show tips at startup
  1674. DlgTipOfTheDay_TipOfTheDay=Tip of the Day
  1675. DlgTipOfTheDay_Title=Tip of the Day
  1676. DlgTitleAddToSuperGroup=Add to Super Group
  1677. DlgTitleCinemaAVIRender=AVI Render
  1678. DlgTitleCinemaBackgroundMusicSettings=Background Music Settings
  1679. DlgTitleCinemaBlendAnimChangeAnim=Change Animation
  1680. DlgTitleCinemaCharacterSoundSettings=Character Sound Settings
  1681. DlgTitleCinemaHideMaterials=Hide Materials
  1682. DlgTitleCinemaNewAttachmentKey=Attachment Properties
  1683. DlgTitleCinemaNewBlendAnimKey=New Blend Animation
  1684. DlgTitleCinemaNewCameraAnimKey=New Camera Animation
  1685. DlgTitleCinemaNewClothKey=New Cloth Key
  1686. DlgTitleCinemaNewIKKey=IKTrack Targets Properties
  1687. DlgTitleCinemaNewImportedStartFrame=New Imported Start Frame
  1688. DlgTitleCinemaNewTimeInFrames=New Time (In Frames)
  1689. DlgTitleCinemaRenderSettings=Render Settings
  1690. DlgTitleCinemaSetForcedLod=Set Forced LOD Model
  1691. DlgTitleCinemaTranslateScene=Translate Scene
  1692. DlgTitleNewShotLabel=New Shot Label
  1693. DlgTitleNewStaticActorAttachment=New Actor Attachment
  1694. DlgTitleNewSuperGroup=New Super Group
  1695. DlgTitleSelectActor=Select Actor
  1696. DlgTitleSetEditorMixerState=Set Current Editor Mixer State
  1697. DoContinueSaveWithBadArt=\nArt asset errors have been detected, please see the log window for more information.\n\nWould you like to continue the save?\n
  1698. Docked=Docked
  1699. Docking=Docking
  1700. DominantWeight=Dominant Weight
  1701. DoubleSidedShadowTriangles_F=Double Sided Shadow Triangles: -`~
  1702. Drag3DCurveHandle=Drag 3D Curve Handle
  1703. Drag3DTrajectoryHandle=Drag 3D Trajectory Handle
  1704. DragDropContextMenu_DropApplyMaterialToActor=Apply Drop as Material to Actor
  1705. DragDropContextMenu_DropApplyMaterialToSurface=Apply Drop as Material to Surface
  1706. DragDropContextMenu_DropApplyRulesetToProcBuildingActor=Apply Drop as Ruleset to ProcBuilding Actor
  1707. DragDropContextMenu_DropAsPrefabInstance=Drop as Prefab Instance
  1708. DragDropContextMenu_DropReplaceSelected=Replace Selected Actors with Actors
  1709. DragDrop_Error_PrefabNotPlaceable=Cannot drop asset as prefab instance as it contains no placeable objects!
  1710. DragDrop_Transaction_ApplyMaterialToActor=Apply Material to Actor
  1711. DragDrop_Transaction_ApplyMaterialToSurface=Apply Material to Surface
  1712. DragDrop_Transaction_ApplyRulesetToProcBuildingActor=Apply Ruleset to ProcBuilding Actor
  1713. DragGrid=Drag Grid
  1714. DrawGroundBox=Draw Ground Box
  1715. DropTarget_UndoReplaceActor=Replace Actor With Asset (Drag and Drop)
  1716. DropTarget_UndoSetActorMaterial=Assign Material (Drag and Drop)
  1717. DropTarget_UndoSetBSPMaterial=Assign Material (Drag and Drop)
  1718. DumpSequenceDataToFile=Dump Sequence Data To File
  1719. Duplicate=Duplicate
  1720. DuplicateA=Duplicate\tCtrl+D
  1721. DuplicateActors=Duplicate Actors
  1722. DuplicateCurrentPrimitive=Duplicate Current Primitive
  1723. DuplicateEmitter=Duplicate Emitter
  1724. DuplicateFromHigher=Duplicate next higher LOD
  1725. DuplicateFromHighest=Duplicate highest LOD
  1726. DuplicateGroup=Duplicate Group
  1727. DuplicateSelectedItem=Duplicate Selected Item\tCtrl+W
  1728. DuplicateSelectedItems=Duplicate Selected Items\tCtrl+W
  1729. DuplicateSelectedKeys=Duplicate Selected Keys
  1730. DuplicateShareEmitter=Duplicate + Share Emitter
  1731. DuplicateWithReferences=Duplicate With References
  1732. DynLightComplexity=Dynamic Light Complexity
  1733. DynShadowComplexity=Dynamic Shadow Complexity
  1734. DynamicShadowsSF=Dynamic Shadows
  1735. E&xit=E&xit
  1736. ESM=Latin American Spanish (ESM)
  1737. ESN=European Spanish (ESN)
  1738. Edge=Edge
  1739. Edit=Edit
  1740. EditAttachmentLabel = Edit Attachment
  1741. EditBodyProperties=Edit Body Properties
  1742. EditComment=Change Comment
  1743. EditConstraintProperties=Edit Constraint Properties
  1744. EditIKTrackTargets=Edit IK Track Targets
  1745. EditInlineNewAreYouSure=This operation will destroy any exiting object(s). -Are you sure?
  1746. EditLinkedObj=Edit LinkedObj
  1747. EditNodesE=Edit Nodes...
  1748. EditNotify=Edit Notify
  1749. EditPlayWorldURLDlg_PlayUsingURL=Play
  1750. EditPlayWorldURLDlg_Save=Save Settings
  1751. EditPlayWorldURLDlg_Title=Launch Options
  1752. EditPlayWorldURLDlg_URLLabel=Commandline
  1753. EditPlayWorldURL_MapNameError=The map name of a PIE commandline cannot be different from the loaded map. -The map name will be reset.
  1754. EditPlayWorldURL_MapNameErrorTitle=Map Name Error
  1755. EditProperties=Edit Properties
  1756. EditSplineInVal=Edit Min/Max of Spline's InVals
  1757. EditingDisabledWhenMirrored=Editing active skeleton properties disabled while mirrored
  1758. EditingDisabledWhenMirrored_Cinema=No Edit (mirrored)
  1759. EditorCascade=Editor (Cascade)
  1760. EditorFrame_AutoApexReimport_Alert=Apex Asset Automatic Reimport
  1761. EditorFrame_AutoTextureReimport=`~ reimported from `~
  1762. EditorFrame_AutoTextureReimport_Alert=Texture Automatic Reimport
  1763. EditorFrame_Tools_WidgetSettings=Widget Settings
  1764. EditorLanguageChangeDlg_Title=Editor Language Change
  1765. EditorLanguageChangeDlg_Warning=Language change will not go into effect until the editor is restarted.
  1766. EditorLensFlare=LensFlare Editor
  1767. EditorLighting=Lit Previs
  1768. EditorModeButtonBar_MeshPaint=Mesh Paint Mode | Shift+6
  1769. EditorMode_Mobile=Mobile
  1770. EditorMode_UDK=UDK
  1771. EditorPreferences=Editor Preferences
  1772. EditorPreferences_RenderMode=Switch Renderer
  1773. EditorPreferences_RenderMode_DX11=DirectX 11
  1774. EditorPreferences_RenderMode_DX9=DirectX 9
  1775. Effects=Effects
  1776. ElementsWithZeroTriangles=`~ element(s) with zero triangles in static mesh '`~'.
  1777. Emissive=Emissive
  1778. Emitter=Emitter
  1779. EmitterAutoPopulate=Auto populate
  1780. EmitterDeleteCollapsed=Can not delete a collapsed emitter.\nExpand it and then delete.
  1781. EmitterDeleteConfirm=Emitter state is different in other LOD levels.\nAre you sure you want to delete it?
  1782. EmitterPopupMenu=Emitter Options
  1783. EmitterReset=Reset
  1784. EmitterSF=Debug Emitter
  1785. EmptyBodyFound=Bodies was found with no primitives!\nThey have been reset to have a box.
  1786. Enable=Enable
  1787. EnableAllEmitters=Enable All Emitters
  1788. VisibleAllEmitters=Make All Emitters Editor Visible
  1789. MatchVisibleToEnabled=Set Editor Visibility To Enabled State
  1790. EnableClothAndIKPlugins=Enable Cloth and IK Plugins
  1791. EnableCollision=ENABLE COLLISION...
  1792. EnableCollisionWith=Enable Collision With...
  1793. EnableExposure=Enable Exposure
  1794. EnableModule=Enable Module
  1795. EnableNameSuffixQ=Name Suffix?
  1796. EnableSceneOffsetAfterCurrentTime=Enable Gameplay Scene Offset After Current Time
  1797. SetDefaultCurveType=Set Default Curve Type
  1798. EnableThisEmitterOnly=Enable This Emitter Only
  1799. VisibleThisEmitterOnly=Make Only This Emitter Editor Visible
  1800. EnableTranslucency=Enable Translucency
  1801. EnabledQ=Enabled?
  1802. EncodingAOMapF=Encoding AO map (`~ of `~)
  1803. EncodingLightMapsF=Encoding light maps (`~ of `~)
  1804. EncodingShadowMapsF=Encoding shadow maps (`~ of `~)
  1805. EndSplineLink=End New Spline Link
  1806. EngineVersion=Engine Version
  1807. EnsureNotInMode=The requested operation cannot be performed in the current editor mode.
  1808. EnterLocalizationID=Enter Localization ID:
  1809. EnterMaterialInstanceName=Enter Material Instance Name
  1810. EnterNewEventName=Enter New Event Name
  1811. EnterNewName=Enter name:
  1812. EnterScalar=Enter Scale Factor
  1813. EnvironmentCubeMap=Environment Cubemaps (All)
  1814. EnvironmentCubeMapSelected=Environment Cubemaps (Selected)
  1815. Error=Error
  1816. ErrorCheck=Error Check
  1817. ErrorColorationSF=Error Coloration
  1818. ErrorListItemType=Type
  1819. Error_48=ASE Importer Error : Did you forget to include geometry AND materials in the export?\n\nFaces : `~, Texture Coordinates : `~
  1820. Error_49=ASE Importer Warning : This object has no material reference (current texture will be applied to object).
  1821. Error_ASEImportVertexPercentageWarning=Generated/imported vertex count ratio (`~/`~) exceeds expected percentage (`~ -expected).
  1822. Error_ASEImporterError=ASE Importer Error : Did you forget to include geometry AND materials in the export?\n\nFaces : `~, Texture Coordinates(channel `~) : `~
  1823. Error_ActorComponentDestroyedWithoutRemoval=Actor component destroyed without being removed from the scene: `~
  1824. Error_ActorConversionLevelMismatch=Actor was converted into a different level.
  1825. Error_ActorNotInSequenceLevel=Actor is not in the same Level as the Matinee's Kismet Sequence.
  1826. Error_AnimInvalid=Invalid MK anim data!
  1827. Error_AnimMismatch=The copied AnimSet doesn't match the track info for this AnimSet!
  1828. Error_AnimSetCantBePlayedOnSM=AnimSet (`~) cannot be played on Skeletal Mesh (`~).
  1829. Error_AnimSetCouldNotBePlayed=This `~ could not be played on any loaded SkeletalMesh.\nImport failed.
  1830. Error_AnimTreeAlreadyBeingEdited=AnimTree is already being edited.
  1831. Error_AnimTreeInvalidNodeIndex=This connection would attach an anim node to a connection other than the main child of the tree, which is not allowed.
  1832. Error_AnimTreeLoopDetected=This connection would form a loop in your AnimTree, which is not allowed.
  1833. Error_BodySetupWithNoPrimitives=Body Setup with No Primitives!
  1834. Error_BoolPropertyAlreadyControlled=Already a BoolProp track controlling this property.
  1835. Error_BrushClipViewportNotOrthographic=The focus needs to be in an orthographic viewport for brush clipping to work.
  1836. Error_CanOnlyWeldParentChildPairs=You can only weld parent/child pairs.
  1837. Error_CannotCreateTexture2D=Cannot create texture, dimensions must be a power of two!
  1838. Error_CannotMoveProxy=Static Mesh Proxies cannot be moved outside of their original group.\nMove the whole group instead.
  1839. Error_CantCreateMaterialExpressionCompound=Can't create material expression compound.
  1840. Error_CantExportNameToFile=Can't export `~ to file `~
  1841. Error_CantFindEditPackage=Can't find edit package '`~'
  1842. Error_CantHaveEmptyGroupName=You must name the group.
  1843. Error_CantMakeNewBonePhysical=You cannot make a new bone physical if it has physical children.
  1844. Error_CantSaveMapViaCascade=Can't save map files via UnrealCascade. Not saving '`~'.
  1845. Error_CantSaveMapViaGB=Can't save map files via the browser. Not saving '`~'.
  1846. Error_CantSaveMapViaSplineEd=Can't save map files via Spline Editor. Not saving '%s'.
  1847. Error_ChangeFactory=Cannot Change the Factory Type
  1848. Error_CinemaActionMustHaveData=Cinema action must have Matinee Data attached before being edited.
  1849. Error_CinemaAnimSeqNotFound=The selected animation sequence does not exist in loaded animsets.
  1850. Error_CinemaExistingAnimTrack=Cannot add Blend Anim track when Anim Control track already exists.
  1851. Error_CinemaExistingBlendAnimTrack=Cannot add Anim Control track when Blend Anim track already exists.
  1852. Error_CinemaExistingFOVAngleTrack=Cannot add Focal Length track when a FOVAngle float property track already exists.
  1853. Error_CinemaExistingFocalLengthTrack=Cannot add FOVAngle float property track when a Focal Length track already exists.
  1854. Error_CinemaExistingLightColorTrack=Cannot add Light Color track when one already exists.
  1855. Error_CinemaExistingMoveTrack=Cannot add Movement track when a Move track already exists.
  1856. Error_CinemaExistingMovementTrack=Cannot add Move track when a Movement track already exists.
  1857. Error_CinemaExistingScaleMITVTiming=Cannot add ScaleMITVTiming track when a ScaleMITVTiming track already exists.
  1858. Error_CinemaFocalLengthRequiresCamera=Focal Length tracks require a camera actor.
  1859. Error_CinemaKeyExistsAtTime=A key already existing at the new time.
  1860. Error_CinemaLightHelperRequiresLight=Cannot add Light Color track without a Light actor.
  1861. Error_CinemaOpenWhileModifyingKismetLinks=Modifying Matinee/Cinema related Kismet variable links while Matinee or Cinema is open can result in data corruption. Please close your Matinee or Cinema window first.
  1862. Error_CinemaPlayerMaterialsRequiresSkeletalMeshActor=Player materials requires a skeletal mesh actor.
  1863. Error_CinemaScaleMITVTimingRequiresCamera=Focal Length tracks require a camera actor.
  1864. Error_CinemaScaleMITVTimingRequiresSkeletalMeshActor=MITV Scale requires a skeletal mesh actor.
  1865. Error_CinemaSubSkeletonHasBeenDeleted=The subskeleton has been deleted for the current blend track. The current sub skeleton track will now turn into a custom set of bones. If the sub skeleton is recreated the track will return to its previous state.
  1866. Error_CircularFunctionDependency=Can't use that material function as it would cause a circular dependency.
  1867. Error_ClipUnableToComputeNormal=Unable to compute normal! -Try moving the clip markers further apart.
  1868. Error_CollisionModelImportFailed=Collision model import failed due to a polygon or set of coplanar polygons with too many vertices or an unclosed collision volume. -Please correct your collision model.
  1869. Error_ColorPropertyAlreadyControlled=Already a Color Property track controlling this property.
  1870. Error_CouldNotBuildValidSkeleton=Could not create a valid skeleton from the import data that matches the given Skeletal Mesh. -Check the bone names of both the Skeletal Mesh for this AnimSet and the animation data you are trying to import.
  1871. Error_CouldNotCreateActor=Could not create Actor.
  1872. Error_CouldNotCreateActor_AbstrctActorClass=NewActorClass is abstract.
  1873. Error_CouldNotCreateActor_AlreadyADominantDirectionalLight=Can't create dominant directional light, there's already one in the level. -There can only be one dominant directional light.
  1874. Error_CouldNotCreateActor_DeprecatedActorClass=NewActorClass is deprecated.
  1875. Error_CouldNotCreateActor_FractureStaticMesh=Using standard static mesh factory to create a fractured static mesh is not allowed.
  1876. Error_CouldNotCreateActor_FromAssetOnly=Could not create actor from asset.
  1877. Error_CouldNotCreateActor_InvalidActorClass=Invalid NewActorClass.
  1878. Error_CouldNotCreateActor_InvalidCurrentLevel=Invalid current level.
  1879. Error_CouldNotCreateActor_InvalidWorld=Invalid world.
  1880. Error_CouldNotCreateActor_NoArchetype=No archetype was specified.
  1881. Error_CouldNotCreateActor_NoAssetAssigned=No valid asset was specified.
  1882. Error_CouldNotCreateActor_NoDecalMaterial=No decal material was specified (if a material is selected, make sure 'Used With Decals' is set on it).
  1883. Error_CouldNotCreateActor_NoDestructibleAsset=No destructible asset was specified.
  1884. Error_CouldNotCreateActor_NoExplosionContent=No explosion content was specified.
  1885. Error_CouldNotCreateActor_NoForceField=No force field was specified.
  1886. Error_CouldNotCreateActor_NoInteractableMesh=No interactable mesh was specified
  1887. Error_CouldNotCreateActor_NoLensFlare=No lens flare was specified.
  1888. Error_CouldNotCreateActor_NoMaterial=No material was specified.
  1889. Error_CouldNotCreateActor_NoNavigationPoints=No navigation points were found.
  1890. Error_CouldNotCreateActor_NoParticleSystem=No particle system specified.
  1891. Error_CouldNotCreateActor_NoPhysicsAsset=No physics asset was specified.
  1892. Error_CouldNotCreateActor_NoRigidBodySetup=No rigid body setup on the specified static mesh.
  1893. Error_CouldNotCreateActor_NoSkeletalMesh=No skeletal mesh was specified.
  1894. Error_CouldNotCreateActor_NoSkellMesh=No skeletal mesh was specified.
  1895. Error_CouldNotCreateActor_NoSoundCue=No sound cue was specified.
  1896. Error_CouldNotCreateActor_NoSoundWave=No sound wave was specified.
  1897. Error_CouldNotCreateActor_NoSpeedTree=No SpeedTree was specified.
  1898. Error_CouldNotCreateActor_NoStaticMesh=No static mesh was specified.
  1899. Error_CouldNotCreateActor_NoPrefab=No Prefab was specified.
  1900. Error_CouldNotCreateActor_NotAnActorSubclass=NewActorClass is not a subclass of AActor.
  1901. Error_CouldNotCreateActor_SelectedItemIsNotFogVolumeMaterial=No fog volume material was specified (if a material is selected, make sure 'Used with Fog Volumes' is set on it).
  1902. Error_CouldNotCreateActor_StaticClass=NewActorClass is bStatic
  1903. Error_CouldNotFindFbxTrack=Could not find needed track (`~) for this AnimSet.\nImport failed.
  1904. Error_CouldNotFindPatchBone=Could not find bone (`~) in selected SkeletalMesh to patch animation from.\nImport failed.\nMaybe delete Track from AnimSet?
  1905. Error_CouldNotFindTrack=Could not find needed track (`~) for this AnimSet.\nWould you like to use the selected SkeletalMesh reference pose to create the track?
  1906. Error_Couldn'tSpawnActor=Couldn't spawn actor. Please check the log.
  1907. Error_CouldntFindSMForAnimSet=Could not find SkeletalMesh to play this AnimSet on.
  1908. Error_CouldntRenameLevelF=Couldn't rename '`~'. Level name already use for '`~'. Please choose a different name.\n
  1909. Error_CouldntRenameObjectF=Couldn't rename '`~'.\n
  1910. Error_CouldntSaveObject=Couldn't save object '%s'. Check log window for further details.
  1911. Error_CouldntSavePackage=Couldn't save package '%s'. Check log window for further details.
  1912. Error_CouldntSpawnPlayer=Couldn't spawn player: `~
  1913. Error_CouldntWriteToFile=Couldn't write to file. Maybe file is read only?
  1914. Error_CouldntWriteToFile_F=Couldn't write to file '`~'. Maybe file is read only?
  1915. Error_DSACannotUseActorFactory=The actor factory '%s' cannot be used for Cinema dynamically spawned actors.
  1916. Error_DirGroupMustExist=Director group must exist.
  1917. Error_DisallowedLinkDependencies='%s' has dependencies linked from an invalid location: '%s'
  1918. Error_DuplicateBoneName=Error, Could not import `~.\nDuplicate bone name found ('`~'). Each bone must have a unique name.
  1919. Error_DynamicParameterModuleAlreadyPresent=A DynamicParameter module is already present.\nPlease remove it first.
  1920. Error_ErrorOpeningAnimFile=Error opening animation file `~
  1921. Error_ErrorReadingAnimFile=Error reading animation file `~
  1922. Error_Error_ExpectingDigitGotCharacter=Expecting digit, got character %i
  1923. Error_EventGeneratorModuleAlreadyPresent=An EventGenerator module is already present.\nPlease remove it first.
  1924. Error_EventNameInUse=Sorry Event name already in use.
  1925. Error_ExpectingDigitGotCharacter=Expecting digit, got character `~
  1926. Error_ExportEmitterLODDiscrepancy=Cannot export emitter due to LOD Level discrepancy
  1927. Error_ExporterNotSpecified=Exporter not specified
  1928. Error_ExpressionAlreadyBelongsToCompound_F=%s: expression belongs to compound %s.
  1929. Error_ExpressionCompoundsCantContainOtherCompounds_F=%s: compound expressions cannot contain other compounds.
  1930. Error_ExpressionHasRefs=Expression has references. -Cannot delete.
  1931. Error_ExtraInfoInAnimFile=Extra track (`~) found in animation file but not in AnimSet.\nWould you like to add this track to all existing animations using the selected SkeletalMesh reference pose?
  1932. Error_ExtraInfoInPSA=Extra track (%s) found in PSA but not in AnimSet.\nWould you like to add this track to all existing animations using the selected SkeletalMesh reference pose?
  1933. Error_FBXFailedImport=Error: Failed to import FBX file: %s! -Check log window for more information.
  1934. Error_FailedCreateEditorPreviewWorld=Failed to create editor preview world.
  1935. Error_FailedLoadingMips=Failed loading mips for texture `~
  1936. Error_FailedToBeginTransaction="CASCADE> Failed to begin transaction "
  1937. Error_FailedToConverToUberModule=Failed to convert to uber module
  1938. Error_FailedToCopy=Failed to copy `~ to `~
  1939. Error_FailedToCreateNewAnimSetAsset=Failed to create new AnimSet Asset.
  1940. Error_FailedToCreateNewClothSet=Failed to create new MK Cloth Set Asset.
  1941. Error_FailedToCreateNewPhysAsset=Failed to create new Physics Asset.
  1942. Error_FailedToCreatePhysAssetFromSM=Failed to create Physics Asset '`~' from Skeletal Mesh '`~'.
  1943. Error_FailedToEndTransaction="CASCADE> Failed to end transaction "
  1944. Error_FailedToFindClosingComment=Failed to find closing '-/'
  1945. Error_FailedToFindTool=FEdMode::FindTool failed to find tool `~
  1946. Error_FailedToFindUberModule=Failed to find appropriate uber module
  1947. Error_FailedToLoadPackage=Couldn't load package `~
  1948. Error_FailedToMakeDirectory=Failed to make directory `~
  1949. Error_FavoritesFileDoesNotExist=File does not exist: '`~'. It will be removed from the Favorites list.
  1950. Error_FileDoesNotExist=File does not exist : '`~'. -It will be removed from the MRU list.
  1951. Error_FileExtensionNotSpecified=File extension not specified
  1952. Error_FilenameContainsSpaces=The filename you specified has one or more spaces in it. -Unreal filenames cannot contain spaces.
  1953. Error_FilenameDisallowed=Filename '`~' is disallowed.
  1954. Error_FilenameIsTooLongForCooking=Filename '`~' is too long; this may interfere with cooking for consoles. -Unreal filenames should be no longer than `~ characters.
  1955. Error_FilterLeafBadLocs=FilterLeaf: Bad Locs
  1956. Error_FinalizeNormalizationFailed=FPoly::Finalize: Normalization failed, verts=`~, size=`~
  1957. Error_FindPropertyWindowFailed=FindPropertyWindow failed
  1958. Error_FracturedStaticMeshInvalidStaticMesh=Couldn't set StaticMesh, the selected asset is not a FracturedStaticMesh.
  1959. Error_GroupAlreadyAssocWithActor=There is already a Group associated with this Actor.
  1960. Error_HighlightNonZeroLength=You must highlight a non zero length section before stretching it.
  1961. Error_ImportFailed=Import failed. See Log Browser for details.
  1962. Error_ImportFailed_f="Import failed for `~"
  1963. Error_ImportTrueTypeFont_CharsFile=Both CharsFileWildcard and CharsFilePath should be either set or empty at the same time
  1964. Error_ImportTrueTypeFont_NoFileFound=Could not find any files that matched CharsFileWildcard at CharsFilePath
  1965. Error_InUse=`~ is in use.\n\n‚¨‚¨ \nRunning the editor with ' NoLoadStartupPackages' may help if the object is loaded at startup.\n‚¨‚¨ \n\n`~
  1966. Error_InputNamesMustBeUnique=Function input names must be unique
  1967. Error_InvalidActorSelectedForCameraGroupCreation=This group can only be bound to a camera actor.
  1968. Error_InvalidActorSelectedForLookAtGroupCreation=This group can only be bound to a look at widget actor.
  1969. Error_InvalidActorSelectedForSkeletalActorGroupCreation=This group can only be bound to a skeletal actor.
  1970. Error_InvalidActorSelectedForStaticActorGroupCreation=This group can be bound to any actor except a camera actor.
  1971. Error_InvalidCursorPosition=Invalid cursor position
  1972. Error_InvalidInput=Invalid input.
  1973. Error_InvalidMoveOfLocalizedObject=Attempting to move localized sound `~ into non localized package or package with different localization.\n
  1974. Error_LandscapeMoveToLevel=Landscape (`~) is distributed to other levels, so it will not be moved to current level.
  1975. Error_LensFlareEditor_CantAddBeforeSource=Unable to add before source element.
  1976. Error_LevelImportFromExternal=Importing external sublevels is not allowed. Move the level files into the standard content directory and try again.\nAfter moving the level(s), restart the editor.
  1977. Error_MapExtUndefined=MapExt needs to be defined in .ini!
  1978. Error_MaterialEditorFogVolumeMaterialNotSetup=To be used with Fog Volumes the material must have an emissive input and then be marked with bUsedWithFogVolumes.
  1979. Error_MaterialEditor_CantPreviewOnSkelMesh=Can't preview on the specified skeletal mesh because the material has not been compiled with bUsedWithSkeletalMesh.
  1980. Error_MatineeActionMustHaveData=Matinee action must have Matinee Data attached before being edited.
  1981. Error_MissingLBraceAfterCpptext=`~: Missing '{' after cpptext.
  1982. Error_Modifier=Modifier (`~) : `~
  1983. Error_ModuleCanOnlyBeUsedInEmitterOnce=A Module can only be used in each Emitter once.
  1984. Error_MoreEmitterTypesThanSlots=ERROR!\nThere are more emitter types than available menu slots!
  1985. Error_MoreThanOneEmitterSelected=Too many files selected. Select one Preset Emitter.
  1986. Error_MorphImport_AlreadyExists=A MorphTarget with that name already exists.
  1987. Error_MorphImport_CantLoadFile=Could not read the data file (`~)
  1988. Error_MorphImport_InvalidLODIndex=Invalid LOD index. LOD indices must match the base mesh LOD indices.
  1989. Error_MorphImport_InvalidMeshFormat=The MorphTarget mesh data was invalid
  1990. Error_MorphImport_MismatchBaseMesh=Mismatch between the base mesh and the MorphTarget mesh.
  1991. Error_MorphImport_MissingMorphTarget=Invalid morph target. Please select an existing morph target.
  1992. Error_MorphImport_ReimportBaseMesh=The base mesh is missing data that is needed to support morph target blending. Please re import the base mesh.
  1993. Error_MultipleInterpsReferToSameActor=Multiple SeqAct_Cinemas refer to the same Actor (`~) for path building.
  1994. Error_MustSelectActorsToCreateGroup=You must have some actors selected to create a new group.
  1995. Error_MustSelectActorsToCreateLayer=You must have some actors selected to create a new layer.
  1996. Error_MustSelectEmitter=You must select an emitter
  1997. Error_MustSpecifyNewAnimSetName=Must specify new AnimSet name and package.
  1998. Error_MustSpecifyNewMorphDataName=Please specify a name for the Character Morph Data.
  1999. Error_MustSpecifyNewMorphSetName=Must specify new MorphTargetSet name and package.
  2000. Error_MustSpecifyNewPresetParticleEmitterName=Must specify new Preset Particle Emitter name and package.
  2001. Error_MustSpecifyValidSeqName=Must specify valid sequence name and package.
  2002. Error_NameAlreadyExists=Name already exists please choose a unique name for this Group.
  2003. Error_NameDoesntExist=Super Group does not exist, please choose an existing Super Group
  2004. Error_NewStaticMeshHasBadLightMapUVSet_F=Warning: The light map UV set for static mesh [`~] appears to have layout problems. -Either the triangle UVs are overlapping one another or the UV are out of bounds (0.0 1.0 range.)
  2005. Error_NoActorForThisGroup=No Actor for this group
  2006. Error_NoActorWithStaticMesh=No Actor found with a StaticMesh.
  2007. Error_NoAnimChannelsLeft=This Actor Has No AnimControl Channels Left.
  2008. Error_NoCameraGroupAvaliable=There are no camera groups bound to the specified camera actor.
  2009. Error_NoEmitterSelectedForExport=No emitter selected for export
  2010. Error_NoFilesInDirectory=No files exist in directory `~.
  2011. Error_NoGroupActor=There is no actor associated with this group
  2012. Error_NoLevelsForRescan=No levels found during rescan.
  2013. Error_NoParentNode=This Actor Has No AnimControl Slots.
  2014. Error_NoPlayIfInterpOpen=Sorry, Dave. I can't do that. You'll need to close your Cinema or Matinee window first.
  2015. Error_NoTargetGroup=There is no target group for this track
  2016. Error_NoTargetGroupActor=There is no actor associated with target group
  2017. Error_NoValidActorCouldBeFound=There are no actors in the current level which can be bound to group '%s'.
  2018. Error_NoValidGroupAvailable=No group is available for Stage Mark. Please create empty group and connect valid actor.
  2019. Error_NotEnoughClipMarkers=You don't have enough ClipMarkers to perform this operation.
  2020. Error_NumTrianglesInvalid=Triangles(i).NumUVs invalid for `~!
  2021. Error_ObjectHasNoMaterialRef=Importer Warning : This object has no material reference (default texture will be applied to object).
  2022. Error_ObjectNameAlreadyExists=An object named '`~' already exists.\n(If you renamed a Prefab there may be other objects causing the name conflict, like one of the archetypes.)\n
  2023. Error_ObjectNameIsIllegal=The object name '`~' contains illegal characters.
  2024. Error_ObjectNameNotSpecified=Object name not specified
  2025. Error_OnlyAddSoundNodeWaveOnce=Can only add a particular SoundNodeWave to a SoundCue once.
  2026. Error_OnlyOneTrackTypePerGroup=Only allowed one of this track type per group.
  2027. Error_OperationDisallowedOnLockedLevel=The requested operation could not be completed because the level is locked.
  2028. Error_OutputNamesMustBeUnique=Function output names must be unique
  2029. Error_PBLoopDetected=Cannot create connection will result in a loop.
  2030. Error_PBRulesetAlreadyBeingEdited=Ruleset is already being edited.
  2031. Error_PIEObjectStillReferenced=Object '`~' from PIE level still referenced.\n\nShortest route from root:\n`~
  2032. Error_PSACouldNotBePlayed=This PSA could not be played on any loaded SkeletalMesh.\nImport failed.
  2033. Error_PackageAlreadyExists=A package named `~ already exists. -Package names must be unique.
  2034. Error_PackageExtUndefined=PackageExt needs to be defined in .ini!
  2035. Error_PackageFileNotSpecified=Package file not specified
  2036. Error_PackageNameExists=A package with that name already exists. Please choose another name.
  2037. Error_PackageStatusChanged=Package can't be checked out status has changed!
  2038. Error_ParentAndChildAreUnlinked=CleanupNodes: Parent and child are unlinked
  2039. Error_ParseFBXFailed="Failed to parse FBX file: `~"
  2040. Error_PhysicalMaterialCycleInHierarchy=Setting the parent to that PhysicalMaterial would cause a cycle in the hierarchy. -It has not been set.
  2041. Error_PhysicsAssetHasNoSkelMesh=Warning: Physics Asset has no default SkeletalMesh assigned! -For now, a simple default skeletal mesh (`~) will be used. -You should repair the DefaultSkeletalMesh using UnrealPhAT (Edit -> Change Default SkeletalMesh) before saving this asset.
  2042. Error_PolygonsOnEdgeToTurnMustBeTriangles=The polygons on each side of the edge you want to turn must be triangles.
  2043. Error_PropertyAlreadyControlled=Already a FloatProp track controlling this property.
  2044. Error_ReflectionTextureDoesntMatch=The specified reflection texture doesn't match the properties of an existing reflection texture on '`~'! -All reflection textures on all image reflections must match size, texture group, format, etc. -The new reflection texture will not render correctly.
  2045. Error_ReflectionTextureInvalid=The specified image reflection texture was not in the image based reflection texture group, which is required.
  2046. Error_Reimport_ApexGenericAssetFactory_FileOlderThanCurrentWarning=The Physics asset you are about to reimport was created before the one currently loaded.\nName: `~ \n\nWould you like to continue?
  2047. Error_Reimport_FileOlderThanCurrentTitle=Force Import
  2048. Error_Reimport_GfxMovieFactory_FileOlderThanCurrentWarning=The Movie asset you are about to reimport was created before the one currently loaded.\nName: `~ \n\nWould you like to continue?
  2049. Error_Reimport_SkeletalMeshFactory_FileOlderThanCurrentWarning=The Skeletal Mesh asset you are about to reimport was created before the one currently loaded.\nName: `~ \n\nWould you like to continue?
  2050. Error_Reimport_SoundFactory_FileOlderThanCurrentWarning=The Sound asset you are about to reimport was created before the one currently loaded.\nName: `~ \n\nWould you like to continue?
  2051. Error_Reimport_StaticMeshFactory_FileOlderThanCurrentWarning=The Static Mesh you are about to reimport was created before the one currently loaded.\nName: `~ \n\nWould you like to continue?
  2052. Error_Reimport_TextureFactory_FileOlderThanCurrentWarning=The Texture asset you are about to reimport was created before the one currently loaded.\nName: `~ \n\nWould you like to continue?
  2053. Error_RenameFailedGroupAlreadyExists=Group already exists; enter another name.
  2054. Error_RenameFailedLayerAlreadyExists=Layer already exists; enter another name.
  2055. Error_RequiresTwoSelectedVertices=Requires 2 selected vertices.
  2056. Error_ReservedSupergroupName=The supergroup names that start and end with '<' and '>' have been reserved.
  2057. Error_ScriptClassSizeMismatch=C++/ Script class size mismatch
  2058. Error_SelectAnimSetForExport=Please select an AnimSet for exporting a to an `~ file.
  2059. Error_SelectAnimSetForImport=Please select an AnimSet for importing a PSA file in to.
  2060. Error_SelectMorphSetForImport=Please select a MorphTargetSet for importing MorphTarget(s) in to.
  2061. Error_SelectOneActor=Please select just one Actor with a StaticMesh.
  2062. Error_SelectedEdgeMustBelongToSelectedPoly=The edge used for splitting must be part of the selected polygon.
  2063. Error_SelectedEdgesMustBelongToSamePoly=The selected edges must belong to the same polygon.
  2064. Error_SelectedEmitterMustContainModule=The selected emitter must contain the selected module for deletion
  2065. Error_SelectedVerticesMustBelongToSamePoly=The selected vertices must belong to the same polygon.
  2066. Error_SelectedVerticesMustBelongToSelectedPoly=The vertices used for splitting must be part of the selected polygon.
  2067. Error_SkeletalMeshHasBadChunkBoneMapping=Skeletal Mesh [`~] has bad bone mappings. -This mesh may not render properly.
  2068. Error_SkeletalMeshHasBadSections=Skeletal Mesh [`~] has a section with no triangles. -This mesh may not render properly.
  2069. Error_SkeletalMeshHasMissingBoneMapping=Skeletal Mesh [`~] has missing bone mappings. This mesh may not render properly.
  2070. Error_SkeletalMeshHasMissingBoneSlots=Skeletal Mesh [`~] was unable to remap bone indices. -This mesh may not render properly.
  2071. Error_Skip_AnimsetPatching=Do you want to skip patching of animset with missing tracks?
  2072. Error_SoftBodyMeshNotGenerated=Could not generate soft body mesh.
  2073. Error_SoftBodyMeshSimplifiedTooMuch=Could not generate soft body mesh because mesh simplified to zero triangle.\nTry increasing the detail level or subdivision properties.
  2074. Error_SoftBodyNoBonesDefined=Could not generate soft body mesh because there are no bones to reference.\nYou must add bone names to SoftBodyBones or SoftBodySpecialBones
  2075. Error_SplitInHalfVertices=FPoly::SplitInHalf: `~ Vertices
  2076. Error_SplitWithPlaneVertexOverflow=FPoly::SplitWithPlane: Vertex overflow
  2077. Error_StaticMeshAttach=Unable to attach to a static mesh
  2078. Error_StaticMeshHasBadElements=Static Mesh [`~] has an element with no triangles. -This mesh may not render properly.
  2079. Error_TriedToExecDeprecatedCmd=Tried to executed deprecated command: `~
  2080. Error_TypeDataModuleAlreadyPresent=A TypeData module is already present.\nPlease remove it first.
  2081. Error_UniqueModuleAlreadyPresent=Only one of this module type is allowed per emitter.
  2082. Error_UnknownInterpolationType=Unknown Interpolation Type!
  2083. Error_VectorPropertyAlreadyControlled=Already a VectorProp track controlling this property.
  2084. Error_ViewportNotNULL=Viewport != NULL in FEditorLevelViewportClient destructor.
  2085. Error_WorldGeometryMustBlock=World geometry must block actors if they have collision. Change bCollideActors if you want to turn collision off.
  2086. EventName=Event Name:
  2087. ExistingKeyConflict=A key already exists at this location
  2088. ExistingLODLevel:=Existing LOD Level:
  2089. ExistingNamedVariableInLevel_F=Existing Variable named in `~
  2090. ExistingNamedVariableInOtherLevels=Named Variables in Other Levels
  2091. ExistingNamedVariableInPersistentLevel=Named Variables in Persistent Level
  2092. ExistingVarFromPMap=Existing PMap Named Var
  2093. Exit=Exit
  2094. ExitCinema=Exit Cinema
  2095. ExitMatinee=Exit Matinee
  2096. ExpandAll=Expand all
  2097. ExpandAllCategories=Expand All Categories
  2098. Export=Export
  2099. ExportActorToFBX=Export (.FBX)...
  2100. ExportAll=Export All
  2101. ExportAllEmitters=Export all emitters to Content Browser selected systems
  2102. ExportAllScripts=Export All Scripts
  2103. ExportAnimTrack=Export (.FBX)
  2104. ExportCameraAnim=Export To CameraAnim
  2105. ExportCameraAnim_Desc=Saves the active group as a CameraAnim
  2106. ExportCharacters=Export Unicode Ranges...
  2107. ExportE=Export...
  2108. ExportEmitter=Export Emitter to Content Browser selected systems
  2109. ExportFbxAnim=Export FBX Animation...
  2110. ExportFileE=Export to File...
  2111. ExportMatineeAnimTrack=Export UnrealMatinee Animation Track
  2112. ExportMatineeSequence=Export Matinee Sequence
  2113. ExportSelectedTracksToFBX=Export Selected Groups To FBX
  2114. ExportSequenceToPackage=Export Sequence To Package
  2115. ExportSequence_F=Export Sequence `~
  2116. ExportToFXA=Export to .FXA...
  2117. Exporter=Exporter
  2118. Exporter_Error_SourceDataUnavailable=No source data available for some objects. -See the log for details.
  2119. Exporting=Exporting
  2120. ExportingBrush=Exporting brush
  2121. ExportingLevelToFBX=Exporting Level To FBX
  2122. ExportingLevelToOBJ=Exporting Level To OBJ
  2123. ExportingMap_F=Exporting map: `~...
  2124. ExportingScripts=Exporting scripts
  2125. Exportingf=Exporting (`~ of `~)
  2126. ExporttoFBX=Export to FBX
  2127. ExposeOutput=Expose Output
  2128. ExposeVariable=Expose Variable
  2129. ExternalReferencers=External Referencers
  2130. ExtraMesh1=Extra Mesh 1
  2131. ExtraMesh2=Extra Mesh 2
  2132. ExtraMesh3=Extra Mesh 3
  2133. Extrude=Extrude
  2134. ExtrudeToBevel=Extrude to Bevel
  2135. ExtrudeToPoint=Extrude to Point
  2136. FOVReset=FOV Reset
  2137. FRA=European French (FRA)
  2138. F_ObjectsFound=%d objects found.
  2139. FacadeRepplyRuleset=Reapply Ruleset
  2140. Facade_BreakConnection=Break Connection
  2141. Facade_ConnectRules=Connect Rules
  2142. Facade_ConnectToRoot=Connect to Root
  2143. Facade_CreateNewRule=Create New Rule
  2144. Facade_DeleteSelectedRules=Delete Selected Rules
  2145. Facade_DragComment=Drag Comment
  2146. Facade_DuplicateSelectedRules=Duplicate Selected Rules
  2147. Facade_F=Facade: `~
  2148. Facade_PasteRule=Paste Rule
  2149. Face=Face
  2150. FacialAminAudioPreviewSettings= Facial Animation Audio Preview Settings
  2151. FacialAudioPreview=Facial Audio Preview
  2152. Factory=Factory
  2153. FactoryImport_Error_InvalidFormat=Factory import failed due to invalid format: `~
  2154. FactoryImport_Error_UnableToLoadFile=Factory import failed due to inability to load file `~
  2155. FailedCheckOutDlg_Message=The following packages could not be successfully checked out from source control:
  2156. FailedCheckOutDlg_Title=Unable to Check Out From Source Control!
  2157. FailedMakingWritableDlg_Message=The following packages could not be made writable:
  2158. FailedMakingWritableDlg_Title=Unable to make packages writable
  2159. FailedRestoreSortingForSectionNumber=Unable to restore triangle sort setting "`~" for section `~ as the new mesh does not contain that many sections. Please find the matching section and apply manually.
  2160. FailedRestoreSortingNoSectionMatch=Unable to restore triangle sort setting "`~" for section number `~ in the old mesh, as a matching section could not be found in the new mesh. The custom sorting information has been lost.
  2161. FailedSavePrompt_Message=The following objects failed to save correctly:\n
  2162. FailedSavePrompt_Title=Objects Failed To Save
  2163. File=File
  2164. FileIsNotAMap='`~' is not a valid map file!
  2165. FileSize=File Size
  2166. File_Utils_Warning_FailedToSaveAssets=The following files will not be saved because they are read only:
  2167. Filter=Filter
  2168. FilteringBrush=Filtering brush
  2169. FilteringWorld=Filtering world
  2170. FindDefinition_F=Find Definition Of `~
  2171. FindInExplorer=Find in Explorer...
  2172. FindKismetF=Find %s In Kismet
  2173. FindUses_F=Find Uses Of `~
  2174. Fit=Fit
  2175. FitHorizontally=Fit Horizontally
  2176. FitVertically=Fit Vertically
  2177. FixBody=Fix Body
  2178. FixBodyBelow=Fix All Bodies Below..
  2179. FixedKismetParentSequences= `~ incorrect ParentSequence pointers found and fixed. (see log for details)
  2180. FixingMismatchedIndicesOnStaticMesh=Fixing up mismatched indices on `~.
  2181. FixupBoneMaps=Fixing Up Bone Maps
  2182. FixupBoneNames=Fixup Bone Names
  2183. Flags=Flags
  2184. Flatten=Flatten
  2185. FlattenTangentsToAxis=Flatten Tangents To Axis
  2186. Flip=Flip
  2187. FlipToggle=Flip Toggle
  2188. FlipU=Flip U
  2189. FlipV=Flip V
  2190. Floating=Floating
  2191. FloatingViewportWindowTitle_F=UnrealEd Floating Viewport `~
  2192. Fluids=Fluids
  2193. Fog=Fog
  2194. FogSF=Fog\tCtrl F
  2195. DistanceFogSF=DistanceFog\tCtrl F
  2196. VolumetricFogSF=VolumetricFog\tCtrl F
  2197. FoliageMode=Foliage Mode
  2198. FoliageMode_ChangeStaticMeshTransaction=Foliage Editing: Change StaticMesh
  2199. FoliageMode_DeleteMesh=Are you sure you want to remove all `~ instances of `~ from this level?
  2200. FoliageMode_EditTransaction=Foliage Editing
  2201. FoliageMode_NotSharedSettingsObject=(not using shared settings)
  2202. FoliageMode_RemoveMeshTransaction=Foliage Editing: Remove Mesh
  2203. FoliageMode_ReplaceMesh=Are you sure you want to replace all `~ instances of `~ with `~?
  2204. FoliageMode_ReplaceMeshMerge=Are you sure you want to merge all `~ instances of `~ into `~?
  2205. FoliageMode_SettingsObjectTransaction=Foliage Editing: Settings Object
  2206. FoliageSF=Foliage
  2207. FontFactory_ImportingTrueTypeFont=Importing TrueType Font...
  2208. FontPages=Font Pages
  2209. FontPreview_BackgroundButton=Background
  2210. FontPreview_CloseButton=Close
  2211. FontPreview_DefaultText=The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
  2212. FontPreview_ForegroundButton=Foreground
  2213. FontPreview_PreviewBorder=Preview
  2214. FontPreview_WindowCaption=Font Preview
  2215. FontProperties=Font Properties
  2216. FontProperties_SelectedTextureProperties=Selected Texture Properties
  2217. ForceCanCoverSlip_Left=Force Can Coverslip Left
  2218. ForceCanCoverSlip_Right=Force Can Coverslip Right
  2219. ForceCanPopUp=Force Can Pop Up
  2220. ForceFireEvent=Force Fire Event
  2221. ForceKeyframesDlg=This will round keyframes to %d Hz. -Continue?
  2222. ForceKeyframesFullFrames=Force Keyframes to Full Frames
  2223. SetAllCamerasForPreRenderDOF=Setup All Cameras with Pre Rendered DOF
  2224. SetAllCamerasForPreRenderDOFWithTracks=Setup All Cameras with Pre Rendered DOF and Add Tracks
  2225. ForceLOD30hz=Force 30hz LOD
  2226. ForceLOD60hz=Force 60hz LOD
  2227. ForceLODBaseMesh=Force LOD Base Mesh
  2228. ForceLODCinematic=Force Cinematic LOD
  2229. ForceLODGI=Force GI LOD
  2230. ForceLightmap=Force Lightmap
  2231. ForcePaths=Force Paths
  2232. FracMeshInfo_F=Mesh: `~ Chunks, `~ Tris Drawn
  2233. FracToolInfo_F=Tool: `~ Chunks
  2234. FractureCoreHasInvalidUVs=The core mesh does not appear to have valid lightmap UVs (LightmapCoordinateIndex is 0 or only 1 set of texcoords), texture lightmaps will be wrong! (`~)
  2235. FractureFailedInvalidLOD=The fracture tool currently only supports operating on static meshes with a base LOD only.
  2236. FractureTool=Fracture Tool
  2237. FracturedStaticMesh=FracturedStaticMesh
  2238. FracturingMesh=Fracturing Mesh
  2239. Frames=Frames
  2240. FreezeAllGroups =Make All Groups Frozen
  2241. FreezeRenderingSF=Freeze Rendering
  2242. FromBrush=From Brush
  2243. Front=Front
  2244. Frozen=Frozen
  2245. FullName=Full Name
  2246. FullSequence=Full Sequence
  2247. FullSpeed=100%
  2248. Fullscreen=Fullscreen
  2249. FullyLoadCheckedOutPackages=Auto load checked out packages
  2250. FullyLoadE=Fully Load
  2251. FullyLoadEWithHotkey=Fully Load\tL
  2252. FullyLoadingPackages=Fully loading packages
  2253. GBSelectedTotalF=`~ Selected, `~ Total
  2254. GameAssetDatabase_CannotWriteToReadOnlyDatabase=The journal server isn't currently available so new tags cannot be added at this time.
  2255. GameAssetDatabase_CheckPointFile_SnoozeOneDay=Wait a Day
  2256. GameAssetDatabase_CheckPointFile_SnoozeOneWeek=Wait a Week
  2257. GameAssetDatabase_CheckPointFile_SnoozeUntilNextRun=Next Run
  2258. GameAssetDatabase_CheckPointFile_UnverifiedAssetCleanseRequest=Unreal Editor hasn't updated the game's asset checkpoint file in a while. -Updating the asset database will optimize Content Browser performance and verify assets. -Is now a good time?
  2259. GameAssetDatabase_CheckPointFile_UnverifiedAssetCleanseTitle=Asset Database Maintenance
  2260. GameAssetDatabase_CheckPointFile_UpdateNow=Check Now
  2261. GameAssetDatabase_CheckPointFile_VerifyIntegrityProgressBar=Processing
  2262. GameAssetDatabase_CheckPointFile_VerifyIntegrityProgressBarDetail=Processing : `~
  2263. GameAssetDatabase_ErrorConnectingToJournalServer_F=Unable to connect to the journal server (Server: `~, Database: `~).\n\nException details:\n\n`~
  2264. GameAssetDatabase_ErrorDisconnectingFromJournalServer_F=Error encountered while disconnecting from the journal server.\n\nException details:\n\n`~
  2265. GameAssetDatabase_ErrorExecutingSQLCommand_F=The game asset database encountered an error while trying to execute a SQL server command.\n\nException details:\n\n`~
  2266. GameAssetDatabase_ErrorLoadingCheckpointFile_F=Unable to either open the checkpoint file for reading or load it's contents from disk.\n\nCheckpoint file name: -`~\n\nException details:\n\n`~
  2267. GameAssetDatabase_ErrorWritingCheckpointFile_F=Unable to either create the checkpoint file or write data to the file on disk. -Please make sure the file is writable.\n\nCheckpoint file name: -`~\n\nException details:\n\n`~
  2268. GameAssetDatabase_InvalidJournalFile=Journal file appears to be corrupt and cannot be loaded.
  2269. GameAssetDatabase_JournalFileNotWritable=Unable to open the journal file for writing. -The file might be read only on disk, or another application may be using the file.
  2270. GameAssetDatabase_JournalLoginNotSpecified=Unable to connect to the journal server because the login credentials were not specified in the configuration file.
  2271. GameAssetDatabase_JournalServerNotSpecified=Unable to connect to the journal server because the server name was not specified in the configuration file.
  2272. GameAssetDatabase_NoBranchNameSpecified=A branch name was not specified in the configuration file. -A globally unique name for this branch must be configured in order for the journaling system to function correctly. -This should usually be configured by the administrator of the development branch that you're working with.
  2273. GameStatsVisualizer_AddQuery=Add Query
  2274. GameStatsVisualizer_CreateReport=Generate Report
  2275. GameStatsVisualizer_DateFilterLast3Days=Last 3 Days
  2276. GameStatsVisualizer_DateFilterLastWeek=Last Week
  2277. GameStatsVisualizer_DateFilterToday=Today
  2278. GameStatsVisualizer_Enabled=Enabled
  2279. GameStatsVisualizer_EndTime=End Time
  2280. GameStatsVisualizer_EventCount=Count
  2281. GameStatsVisualizer_EventID=ID
  2282. GameStatsVisualizer_EventName=Name
  2283. GameStatsVisualizer_GameplaySessionDuration=Duration
  2284. GameStatsVisualizer_GameplaySessionID=Session ID
  2285. GameStatsVisualizer_GameplaySessionTimestamp=Date Played
  2286. GameStatsVisualizer_IsBot=Bot
  2287. GameStatsVisualizer_Language=Language
  2288. GameStatsVisualizer_MainToolBar=Game Stats Visualizer
  2289. GameStatsVisualizer_MapName=Map Name
  2290. GameStatsVisualizer_MapURL=Map URL
  2291. GameStatsVisualizer_MultiplayerReport=Multiplayer Match
  2292. GameStatsVisualizer_Name=Player Name
  2293. GameStatsVisualizer_Options=Options
  2294. GameStatsVisualizer_PlatformType=Platform
  2295. GameStatsVisualizer_PopulatingDatabase=Populating Game Stats Database
  2296. GameStatsVisualizer_RemoveQuery=Remove Query
  2297. GameStatsVisualizer_StartTime=Start Time
  2298. GameStatsVisualizer_Status=Status
  2299. GameStatsVisualizer_TeamName=Team Name
  2300. GameStatsVisualizer_TeamNum=Team Number
  2301. GameStatsVisualizer_TimeRange=Time Range
  2302. GameStatsVisualizer_TitleBar=Game Stats Visualizer
  2303. GameStatsVisualizer_TitleID=Title ID
  2304. GameStatsVisualizer_UploadFile=Upload to database
  2305. GameStatsVisualizer_VisType=Visualizer Type
  2306. GasketViewport=Gasket Viewport
  2307. GenNavMesh=Generating NavMesh
  2308. GenNavMesh_Markers=Adding Nav Markers
  2309. Generate=Generate
  2310. GenerateAllProcBuildingLODTex=Generate All Buildings LOD Textures
  2311. GenerateBuildingLODTex=Generate Building LOD Textures
  2312. GenerateChunks=Generate Chunks
  2313. GenerateLOD=Generate LOD...
  2314. GenerateLOD_Error_NoSourceDataAvailable=Unable to generate an LOD for this mesh because the mesh's source data has been stripped.
  2315. GenerateSelProcBuildingLODTex=Generate Selected Buildings LOD Textures
  2316. GenerateUVs=Generate Unique UVs...
  2317. GenerateUVsProgressText=Generating unique UVs...
  2318. GenerateUVsTitle=Generate UVs
  2319. GenerateUVs_Error_NoSourceDataAvailable=Unable to generate UVs for this mesh because the mesh's source data has been stripped.
  2320. GenerateUniqueUVs_Apply=Apply
  2321. GenerateUniqueUVs_BorderSpacingPercentText=Border spacing (0 100 percent)
  2322. GenerateUniqueUVs_CreateNewText=Create New
  2323. GenerateUniqueUVs_LayoutText=Layout using 0 channel
  2324. GenerateUniqueUVs_MaxChartsText=Limit maximum number of charts
  2325. GenerateUniqueUVs_MinChartSpacingPercentText=Spacing between charts (0 100 percent)
  2326. GenerateUniqueUVs_ModeText=Creation Mode
  2327. GenerateUniqueUVs_SelectChartingMethod=Select generation method:
  2328. GenerateUniqueUVs_UVGenerationFailed=Failed to generate UVs; Try adjusting increasing the max charts/stretch
  2329. GenerateUniqueUVs_UVGenerationSuccessful=Finished generating UVs; Charts: `~; Largest stretch: `.2~
  2330. GenerateUniqueUVs_WindowTitle=Generate Unique UVs
  2331. GenericDialog_Cancel=&Cancel
  2332. GenericDialog_Continue=C&ontinue
  2333. GenericDialog_No=&No
  2334. GenericDialog_NotoAll=N&o to All
  2335. GenericDialog_OK=&OK
  2336. GenericDialog_Retry=&Retry
  2337. GenericDialog_WindowTitle=Message
  2338. GenericDialog_Yes=&Yes
  2339. GenericDialog_YestoAll=Yes to &All
  2340. GeomModifierPen_Warning_AddingVertexInWrongViewport=Vertices can only be added to one viewport at a time.
  2341. Geometry=Geometry for Current Level
  2342. GeometryMode=Geometry Mode
  2343. GeometryModifiers=Geometry Modifiers
  2344. GetPositionFromAnotherGroup=Select Transform Lookup Group...
  2345. GoTo=Go To
  2346. GoToActor=Go to Actor
  2347. GoToActorButtonGroupLabel=Go to
  2348. GoToBuilderBrush=Go to Builder Brush
  2349. GrayscaleScale=Grayscale Scale
  2350. GridSF=Grid
  2351. Group=Group
  2352. GroupBrowser_ToolTip=Show the group browser
  2353. GroupBrowser_ViewMenu=Groups
  2354. GroupBuildings=Group Buildings
  2355. GroupDelete=Group Delete
  2356. GroupOnNonInterpActor_F=WARNING: Tracks [`~] in Group `~ are associated with Actor `~ whose Physics mode is not set to PHYS_Interpolating. -This object may not animate correctly in game! -Consider changing the physics type to PHYS_Interpolating.\n
  2357. GroupOnStaticActor=WARNING: The Group %s have a Move Track acting on a Static Actor %s this is probably incorrect!
  2358. GroupOnStaticActor_F=WARNING: Tracks [`~] in Group `~ require a dynamic actor but are instead acting on a Static Actor `~ this is probably incorrect!\n
  2359. Group_Add=Add Actors to Group
  2360. Group_CantCreateGroupMultipleLevels=Can't group the selected actors because they are in different levels.
  2361. Group_ContainsMultipleProxies=Multiple proxies are present in the current selection.\nGrouping them will force a remerge of them based on current proxy dialog settings.\nAre you sure?
  2362. Group_ContainsProxyDelete=One or more of the actors that are being deleted is a proxy.\nDo you want to revert proxy `~ back to it's component meshes?
  2363. Group_ContainsProxyRemove=One or more of the actors that are being removed is a proxy.\nDo you want to revert proxy `~ back to it's component meshes?
  2364. Group_ContainsProxyUngroup=One or more of the groups that are being ungrouped contains a proxy.\nDo you want to revert the proxy from group `~ back to it's component meshes?
  2365. Group_Create=Create Group
  2366. Group_Disband=Disband Group
  2367. Group_F=Group`~
  2368. Group_Lock=Lock Groups
  2369. Group_ProxiesUnsupported1=One or more of the actors loaded are an unsupported proxy.\nSaving will prevent the proxy from being reverted, see log for details.
  2370. Group_ProxiesUnsupported2=One or more of the actors loaded are an unsupported proxy.\nThey have been reverted back to their base meshes, see log for details.
  2371. Group_Regroup=Regroup\tCtrl+G
  2372. Group_Remove=Remove from Group
  2373. Group_Selection=Group
  2374. Group_SelectionTopLevelMenu=Group Actors\tCtrl+G
  2375. Group_Ungroup=Ungroup\tShift+G
  2376. Group_Unlock=Unlock Groups
  2377. Groups=Groups
  2378. GrowSelection=Grow Selection
  2379. HUN=Hungarian (HUN)
  2380. HasLightmapUVs=Has Lightmap UVs
  2381. HavokCompress=Havok Compress...
  2382. HeatmapVisualizer_HeatRadius=Heat Bleed Radius
  2383. HeatmapVisualizer_MaxDensity=Max Density Scale
  2384. HeatmapVisualizer_MinDensity=Min Density Scale
  2385. HeatmapVisualizer_PixelDensity=Heatmap Pixel Density
  2386. HeatmapVisualizer_TakeScreenshot=Screenshot
  2387. HeatmapVisualizer_TitleBar=Heatmap Visualizer Options
  2388. HeightMapOnlyQ=HeightMap Only?
  2389. Heightmap=Heightmap
  2390. Help=Help
  2391. HiddenLevelDialogMakeVisible=Make All Visible
  2392. HiddenLevelDialogTitle=Hidden Level Warning
  2393. HiddenLevelsContinueWithBuildQ=\nThese levels will not be rebuilt. -Also, leaving them hidden may invalidate what is built in other levels. -Continue with build?
  2394. Hide3DTracks=Hide 3D Tracks
  2395. HideAll=Hide All
  2396. HideAllLevels = Hide All Levels
  2397. HideAllLevels=Hide All
  2398. HideBones=Hide Bone Selection
  2399. HideChildBones=Hide Child Bone Selection
  2400. HideDetails=Hide Details
  2401. HideOutput=Hide Output
  2402. HideSelected=Hide Selected
  2403. HideSelectedActors=Hide Selected Actors
  2404. HideSelectedAtStartup=Hide Selected at Editor Startup
  2405. HideSelectedLevels=Hide
  2406. HideUnselected=Hide Unselected
  2407. HideUnusedConnectors=Hide Unused Connectors
  2408. High=High
  2409. HitProxiesSF=Hit Proxies
  2410. HLODClusterColorationSF=HLOD Cluster Coloration
  2411. HotLoadTargetRequired=Failed to HotLoad. -Please select a console target with a running game from the dropdown menus.
  2412. INT=American English (INT)
  2413. ITA=Italian (ITA)
  2414. IdealDensity=Ideal Density
  2415. IgnoreKismetReferencedActors=Ignore UnrealKismet referenced actors
  2416. IlluminatingActors=Illuminating actors
  2417. IlluminatingActorsF=Illuminating actors (`~ of `~)
  2418. IlluminatingBSP=Illuminating BSP
  2419. IlluminatingBSPF=Illuminating BSP (`~ of `~)
  2420. ImageGrainSF=Image Grain
  2421. ImageReflection=Image Reflection
  2422. ImageReflectionsSF=Image Reflections
  2423. Import=Import
  2424. ImportAnimDialog_AnimatorPrompt="Animator:"
  2425. ImportAnimDialog_EnterInitials="Enter initials"
  2426. ImportBrush=Import Brush
  2427. ImportColorsWindow_WindowTitle=Import Vertex Colors From TGA
  2428. ImportE=Import...
  2429. ImportEWithHotkey=Import...\tCtrl+I
  2430. ImportError_TooManyDamageRegions=Import Failed: Having more than 32 Damage regions is not supported
  2431. ImportError_TooManyDismembermentRegions=Import Failed: Having more than 32 Dismemberment regions is not supported
  2432. ImportError_TooManyMaterialSlots=Import Failed: Having more than 9 material slots is not supported
  2433. ImportEx=Import...
  2434. ImportExport=Import/Export
  2435. ImportFbxAnim=Import &FBX Animation\tCtrl+F
  2436. ImportFbxAnimUsingMetaData=Import FBX Animation With MetaData
  2437. ImportFbx_Anim_File=Import AnimSet From Fbx File
  2438. ImportFileE=Import from File...
  2439. ImportFromFXA=Import from .FXA...
  2440. ImportHavokHKX=Import from Havok HKX...
  2441. ImportLevelE=Import Level...
  2442. ImportMatineeSequence=Import Matinee Sequence
  2443. ImportMatineeSequence_MissingCameras=Create all cameras not in the current UE3 scene but present in the file?
  2444. ImportMeshLOD=Import Mesh LOD...
  2445. ImportMeshWeightUsage0=Partial Weight Swap (Gore)
  2446. ImportMeshWeightUsage1=Full Weight Swap
  2447. ImportMeshWeightUsage=Weight Usage Type:
  2448. ImportMeshWeightUsageTitle=Select a mesh weight usage
  2449. ImportMeshWeights=Import Mesh Weights...
  2450. ImportMeshWeightsFilename=Mesh Weights Filename
  2451. ImportMeshWeightsFilenameBase=Mesh Base Filename
  2452. ImportMeshWeightsMismatch=Importing weights: Mismatched mesh data. Cannot import mesh weights.
  2453. ImportMeshWeightsSuccessful=Mesh Weights For LOD `~ Imported Successfully!
  2454. ImportMeshWeightsTitle=Import Mesh Weights
  2455. ImportMorphTarget=Import MorphTarget
  2456. ImportMorphTargetLOD=Import MorphTarget LOD...
  2457. ImportMorphTargets=Import MorphTarget using Import File Name
  2458. ImportMorphTargetsLOD=Import MorphTarget LOD using Import File Name
  2459. ImportPSA=Import PSA...
  2460. ImportPSAFile=Import PSA File
  2461. ImportScaleformFolderE=Import Scaleform Folder...
  2462. ImportSequence=Import Sequence
  2463. ImportSequence_F=Import sequence `~
  2464. Import_SourceFileNotFound=Source File Not Found. -Browse to source file.
  2465. Import_TextureHasBeenPaintedInEditor=The texture '`~' has been painted on by the Mesh Paint tool.\nReimporting it will override any changes.\nWould you like to continue?
  2466. ImportedFileAlreadyExists_Title=Overwrite existing file?
  2467. ImportedSoundAlreadyExists_F=You are about to import '`~' over an existing sound. Would you like to overwrite the existing settings?\n\nYes or Yes to All: Overwrite the existing settings.\nNo or No to All: Preserve the existing settings.\nCancel: Abort the operation.
  2468. ImportedTextureAlreadyExists_CancelImport=Cancel
  2469. ImportedTextureAlreadyExists_DiscardSettings=Replace
  2470. ImportedTextureAlreadyExists_DiscardSettingsAll=Replace All
  2471. ImportedTextureAlreadyExists_F=The specified texture already exists and will be overwritten. -Do you want to keep the existing texture's settings?
  2472. ImportedTextureAlreadyExists_PreserveSettings=Keep
  2473. ImportedTextureAlreadyExists_PreserveSettingsAll=Keep All
  2474. Importing=Importing
  2475. ImportingActors=Importing actors
  2476. ImportingBrush=Importing brush
  2477. ImportingFbxAnimations=Importing FBX animations
  2478. ImportingMap_F=Importing map: `~...
  2479. ImportingSkeletalMeshFile=Importing Skeletal Mesh File
  2480. Importingf=Importing (`~ of `~)
  2481. InEditor=In Editor
  2482. Info=Info
  2483. InputDelayText=Delay:
  2484. InsertTime=Insert Time (as a whole number of frames)
  2485. InsertTimeCurrent=Insert Time At Current
  2486. InsertToObjectListVars_F=Insert `~ Into Object List
  2487. InsideOf=Inside Of
  2488. InstanceProps=Instance Properties [I]
  2489. InstancedStaticMeshesSF=Instanced Static Meshes
  2490. InterpCountLabel=Interp Count:
  2491. InterpEdCollapseAllGroups=Collapse All
  2492. InterpEdCollapseAllGroups_Desc=Collapse the entire heirarchy of folders, groups and tracks in UnrealMatinee's track window
  2493. InterpEdCurveEditor=UnrealMatinee Curve Editor
  2494. InterpEdExpandAllGroups=Expand All
  2495. InterpEdExpandAllGroups_Desc=Expand the entire heirarchy of folders, groups and tracks in UnrealMatinee's track window
  2496. InterpEdTrackEditor=UnrealMatinee Track Editor
  2497. InterpEdWarningList_F=UnrealMatinee detected the following warnings:\n\n`~
  2498. InterpEd_AddNewFolder=Add New Folder
  2499. InterpEd_AllowKeyframeBarSelection=Allow Keyframe Bar Selection
  2500. InterpEd_AllowKeyframeTextSelection=Allow Keyframe Text Selection
  2501. InterpEd_ChangeGroupFolder=Change Group Folder
  2502. InterpEd_Copy_GroupDesc=Copy the selected group to the UnrealMatinee clipboard.
  2503. InterpEd_Copy_NeedToSelectGroup=No selected tracks or groups to copy. -Please highlight a track or group to copy by clicking on the track or group's name to the left.
  2504. InterpEd_Copy_TrackDesc=Copy the selected track to the UnrealMatinee clipboard.
  2505. InterpEd_CreateCameraActorAtCurrentCameraLocation=Create Camera Actor at Current Camera Location
  2506. InterpEd_Cut_GroupDesc=Cut the selected group to the UnrealMatinee clipboard.
  2507. InterpEd_Cut_SelectedTrackOrGroup=Cut Selected Track Or Group
  2508. InterpEd_Cut_TrackDesc=Cut the selected track to the UnrealMatinee clipboard.
  2509. InterpEd_DeleteSelectedFolder=Are you sure you want to delete folder (`~)? -Any groups that are attached to this folder will be detached first (but not deleted)!
  2510. InterpEd_Duplicate_NoGroup=Must Select A Group Before Duplicating
  2511. InterpEd_EditMenu_DeleteSelectedKeys=Delete Selected Keys
  2512. InterpEd_EditingGridMenu_Size=`~ x `~
  2513. InterpEd_ExportSoundCueInfoDialogTitle=Export Sound Cue Info
  2514. InterpEd_FileMenu_ExportAll=Export All...
  2515. InterpEd_FileMenu_ExportAnimInfo=Export Animation Track Info...
  2516. InterpEd_FileMenu_ExportBakeTransforms=Bake Transforms on Export
  2517. InterpEd_FileMenu_ExportSoundCueInfo=Export Sound Cue Info...
  2518. InterpEd_FileMenu_Import=Import...
  2519. InterpEd_FixedTimeStepPlayback_Desc=Fixed Time Step Playback | Locks the playback rate to the frame rate specified in the Snap Size setting
  2520. InterpEd_FrameRate_120_fps=120 fps
  2521. InterpEd_FrameRate_15_fps=15 fps
  2522. InterpEd_FrameRate_24_fps=24 fps (film)
  2523. InterpEd_FrameRate_25_fps=25 fps (PAL/25)
  2524. InterpEd_FrameRate_29_97_fps=29.97 fps (NTSC/30)
  2525. InterpEd_FrameRate_30_fps=30 fps
  2526. InterpEd_FrameRate_50_fps=50 fps (PAL/50)
  2527. InterpEd_FrameRate_59_94_fps=59.94 fps (NTSC/60)
  2528. InterpEd_FrameRate_60_fps=60 fps
  2529. InterpEd_HeadTrackingActionDialogText=HeadTracking Action
  2530. InterpEd_HeadTrackingActionDialogTitle=Choose HeadTracking
  2531. InterpEd_HierachyRepairsNotification=Warning: -Problems were detected with the organizational data in this Matinee sequence and repairs have been made. -Some groups may have been removed from the folders they were previously in. -No changes were made to the actual Matinee sequence data. -You should resave the level to make these repairs permanent.
  2532. InterpEd_InitialInterpModeComboBox_Desc=Initial Interp Mode | Selects the curve interpolation mode for newly created keys
  2533. InterpEd_KeyContext_ConditionMenu=Active Condition
  2534. InterpEd_KeyContext_DeleteSelected=Delete
  2535. InterpEd_KeyContext_SetCondition_Always=Always Active
  2536. InterpEd_KeyContext_SetCondition_GoreDisabled=Active if Gore is Disabled
  2537. InterpEd_KeyContext_SetCondition_GoreEnabled=Active if Gore is Enabled
  2538. InterpEd_KeyContext_SetMasterPitch=Set Master Pitch
  2539. InterpEd_KeyContext_SetMasterVolume=Set Master Volume
  2540. InterpEd_KeyContext_SyncContentBrowserToSoundCue_F=Find `~ in Content Browser...
  2541. InterpEd_LaunchDirectorWindow=Launch Director Window
  2542. InterpEd_LaunchRecordingWindow_Tooltip=Launch Recording Window for Matinee
  2543. InterpEd_MatineeDirector_Title=Matinee Director
  2544. InterpEd_MatineeRecordMode_Tooltip=Recording Mode for Matinee
  2545. InterpEd_MatineeRecord_Title=Matinee Track Recorder
  2546. InterpEd_MoveActiveGroupToFolder=Move Group Into Folder
  2547. InterpEd_MoveGroupToActiveFolder=Move Group Into This Folder
  2548. InterpEd_MoveToBeginning=Move To The Sequence Beginning
  2549. InterpEd_MoveToCurrentPosition=Move To Current Timeline Position
  2550. InterpEd_MoveToEnd=Move To Sequence End
  2551. InterpEd_MoveToEndOfLongestTrack=Move To Longest Track Endpoint
  2552. InterpEd_MoveToEndOfSelectedTrack=Move To Longest Selected Track Endpoint
  2553. InterpEd_Move_SelectedTrackOrGroup=Move Selected Track Or Group
  2554. InterpEd_MovementTrackContext_HideAll3DTracjectories=Hide All Trajectories
  2555. InterpEd_MovementTrackContext_NormalizeVelocity=Normalize Velocity
  2556. InterpEd_MovementTrackContext_Show3DTracjectory=Show 3D Trajectory
  2557. InterpEd_MovementTrackContext_ShowAll3DTracjectories=Show Trajectories for All Tracks
  2558. InterpEd_MovementTrackContext_SplitMovementTrack=Split translation and rotation
  2559. InterpEd_NoKeyframesSelected=No Keyframes Were Selected
  2560. InterpEd_ParticleReplayKeyContext_SetClipIDNumber=Select Particle Replay Clip ID
  2561. InterpEd_ParticleReplayKeyContext_SetDuration=Set Particle Clip Duration
  2562. InterpEd_ParticleReplayTrackContext_StartRecording=Start Recording Particles
  2563. InterpEd_ParticleReplayTrackContext_StopRecording=Stop Recording Particles
  2564. InterpEd_Paste_GroupDesc=Paste previously copied group from the UnrealMatinee clipboard.
  2565. InterpEd_Paste_GroupOrTrackDesc=Paste previously copied group or track from the UnrealMatinee clipboard.
  2566. InterpEd_Paste_NeedToSelectGroup=No selected groups to paste into. -Please highlight a group to copy by clicking on the group's name to the left.
  2567. InterpEd_Paste_OneGroup=Can only have one group selected when pasting.
  2568. InterpEd_Paste_SelectedTrackOrGroup=Paste Selected Track Or Group.
  2569. InterpEd_RecordMenu_CameraMovementScheme=Camera Movement
  2570. InterpEd_RecordMenu_CameraMovementScheme_FreeCam=Free Camera
  2571. InterpEd_RecordMenu_CameraMovementScheme_PlanarCam=Planar Camera
  2572. InterpEd_RecordMenu_InvertXAxis=Invert X Axis
  2573. InterpEd_RecordMenu_InvertYAxis=Invert Y Axis
  2574. InterpEd_RecordMenu_PitchSmoothing=Pitch Smoothing
  2575. InterpEd_RecordMenu_RecordMode=Record Mode
  2576. InterpEd_RecordMenu_RollSmoothing=Roll Smoothing
  2577. InterpEd_RecordMenu_RotationSpeedMultiplier=Rotation Speed
  2578. InterpEd_RecordMenu_TranslationSpeedMultiplier=Translation Speed
  2579. InterpEd_RecordMenu_Trim=Trim
  2580. InterpEd_RecordMenu_ZoomDistance=Zoom Distance
  2581. InterpEd_RecordMenu_ZoomSpeedMultiplier=Zoom Speed
  2582. InterpEd_RecordMode_CameraGroupName=CameraGroup
  2583. InterpEd_RecordMode_DuplicateTracksMode=Duplicate Selected Tracks
  2584. InterpEd_RecordMode_NewCameraAttachedMode=New Attached Camera Mode
  2585. InterpEd_RecordMode_NewCameraMode=New Camera Mode
  2586. InterpEd_RecordMode_ReplaceTracksMode=Replace Selected Tracks
  2587. InterpEd_RecordingStateActive=Recording `~ / `~
  2588. InterpEd_RecordingStateGetReadyPause=Recording will begin in `~
  2589. InterpEd_RecordingWindowTitle=Matinee Recording Window
  2590. InterpEd_RemoveFromGroupFolder=Remove From Folder
  2591. InterpEd_Rename_Track=Rename Track
  2592. InterpEd_SetParticleReplayKeyClipIDNumber_DialogCaption=New clip ID
  2593. InterpEd_SetParticleReplayKeyClipIDNumber_DialogTitle=Set Particle Clip ID Number
  2594. InterpEd_SetParticleReplayKeyDuration_DialogCaption=New duration (in seconds)
  2595. InterpEd_SetParticleReplayKeyDuration_DialogTitle=Set Particle Clip Duration
  2596. InterpEd_SnapComboBox_Desc=Snap Size | Selects the timeline granularity for snapping and visualization purposes
  2597. InterpEd_Snap_Keys=Snap to Keys
  2598. InterpEd_TimelineInfo_Frames=frames
  2599. InterpEd_TimelineInfo_Seconds=seconds
  2600. InterpEd_ToggleGorePreview=Enable Gore in Editor Preview
  2601. InterpEd_ToggleMatineeRecord_Tooltip=Start Recording Tracks.
  2602. InterpEd_ToggleSnapTimeToFrames_Desc=Snap Time to Frames | Snaps the timeline cursor to the frame rate specified in the Snap Size setting
  2603. InterpEd_ToggleTrackOnNonToggleableLight_F=WARNING: Toggle tracks [`~] in Group `~ are bound to a non toggleable light actor `~ this light will be not be toggled by UnrealMatinee! -Consider changing the light to an appropriate toggleable light class.\n
  2604. InterpEd_ToolBar_CreateMovie_Desc=Create a Movie
  2605. InterpEd_ToolBar_PlayReverse_Desc=Play in Reverse | Plays the Matinee sequence backwards, starting from the time cursor's position
  2606. InterpEd_TrackKeyAffectedByForceStartPosition_F=WARNING: bForceStartPos is enabled but a `~ Track in Group '`~' has a key frame before ForceStartPosition time of `02~. -(Key frame will be IGNORED when sequence is played back in game!)\n
  2607. InterpEd_Track_TooManySelected=Only 1 track can be selected for this operation.
  2608. InterpEd_Undo_ShowOrHideAllTrajectories=Show or Hide All Trajectories
  2609. InterpEd_Undo_SplitTranslationAndRotation=Split translation and rotation
  2610. InterpEd_Undo_ToggleTrackEnabled=Enable/Disable Track
  2611. InterpEd_Undo_ToggleTrajectory=Toggle 3D Trajectory for Track
  2612. InterpEd_ViewMenu_EditingCrosshair=Display Crosshair in Viewport
  2613. InterpEd_ViewMenu_EditingGrid=Viewport Editing Grid
  2614. InterpEd_ViewMenu_EnableEditingGrid=Enable Editing Grid
  2615. InterpEd_ViewMenu_FixedTimeStepPlayback=Fixed Time Step Playback
  2616. InterpEd_ViewMenu_PreferFrameNumbers=Show Frames Numbers in Anim Tracks
  2617. InterpEd_ViewMenu_Show3DTrajectories=Draw 3D Trajectories
  2618. InterpEd_ViewMenu_ShowTimeCursorPosForAllKeys=Show Cursor Position for All Anim Keys
  2619. InterpEd_ViewMenu_SnapTimeToFrames=Snap Time to Frames
  2620. InterpEd_ViewMenu_ToggleSnap=Snap Keys
  2621. InterpEd_ViewMenu_ViewportFrameStats=Display Frame Stats in Viewport
  2622. InterpEd_ViewMenu_ZoomToTimeCursorPosition=Zoom to Time Cursor Position
  2623. InterpEd_VisibilityActionDialogText=Visibility Action
  2624. InterpEd_VisibilityActionDialogTitle=Choose Visibility Action
  2625. InterpEdit=InterpEdit
  2626. InterpMode=Interp Mode
  2627. InterpPointColor=Interp Point Color
  2628. Intersect=Intersect
  2629. IntersectingBrushWithWorld=Intersecting brush with world
  2630. IntoExistingMapE=Into Existing Map...
  2631. IntoNewMapE=Into New Map...
  2632. InvalidAnimSequence=Invalid animation sequence.
  2633. InvalidSkeletalMesh=No valid skeletal mesh.
  2634. Inventory=Inventory
  2635. InvertLevelSelection=Invert Level Selection
  2636. InvertSelection=Invert Selection
  2637. InvertSelections=Invert Selections
  2638. Invisible=Invisible
  2639. IssueReporter=Report an Issue
  2640. Italic="Italic"
  2641. JPN=Japanese (JPN)
  2642. JournalUpdate=GAD Update on Restart
  2643. JumpPathBuildingPositions=Jump To Path Building Positions
  2644. KOR=Korean (KOR)
  2645. KeepExistingUVText=Pack UVs only (keep existing charts)
  2646. KeyAlreadyBound=The key combination entered is already bound to a command:\n`~\n\nIf you continue, this command will be unbound. -Continue binding?
  2647. KeyFrames=Keys
  2648. Key_F=KEY `~
  2649. Keypoints=Keypoints
  2650. Kismet=Kismet
  2651. KismetBookmark_InvalidSequence=The requested bookmark is set to an invalid sequence and has been deleted!
  2652. KismetCantHaveCrossLevelReferences_F=UnrealKismet operation failed: can't have cross level reference from `~ to `~
  2653. KismetCaption_F=UnrealKismet: `~
  2654. KismetClassSearch_Action=Action
  2655. KismetClassSearch_Condition=Condition
  2656. KismetClassSearch_Event=Event
  2657. KismetClassSearch_Variable=Variable
  2658. KismetClearBreakpoint=Clear Breakpoint
  2659. KismetPopup=UnrealKismet
  2660. KismetPropertyValue=Property Values
  2661. KismetRealtimeDebuggingCallstackCopy=Copy Callstack to Clipboard
  2662. KismetReferencesSF=Kismet References\tK
  2663. KismetSearch=Kismet Search
  2664. KismetSetBreakpoint=Set Breakpoint
  2665. KismetUndo_UpdateMultiple=Update Sequence Objects
  2666. KismetUndo_Update_f=Update Sequence Object '`~'
  2667. KismetUpdate=Kismet Update
  2668. KismetWithHotkey=Kismet\tCtrl+K
  2669. Kismet_InvalidEmitter=ParticleEvent: Not a valid emitter actor.
  2670. Kismet_InvalidPSysTemplate=ParticleEvent: `~ has no particle system template.
  2671. Kismet_NavHistory_NodesSelected=`~ Nodes Selected
  2672. Kismet_NoEmittersInPSysTemplate=ParticleEvent: `~ has no emitters in the particle system.
  2673. LBI_TotalTexelMemoryLabel=Total Non BSP Texel Mem:
  2674. LBI_TotalUnmappedTexelMemoryLabel=Total Non BSP Unmapped Mem:
  2675. LBO_BuildBSP=Build BSP
  2676. LBO_BuildLightProbes=Build Light Probes
  2677. LBO_BuildOnlyChangedLighting=Build Only Changed Lighting
  2678. LBO_BuildOnlyCurrentLevel=Build Only Current Level
  2679. LBO_BuildOnlySelected=Build Only Selected
  2680. LBO_BuildOnlySelectedActors=Build Only Selected Actors
  2681. LBO_BuildOnlySelectedBakeVolumes=Build Only Within Selected Bake Volumes
  2682. LBO_BuildOnlySelectedLevels=Build Only Levels Selected in the Level Browser
  2683. LBO_BuildOnlyVisibility=Build Only Visibility
  2684. LBO_BuildOnlyVisibleLevels=Build Only Visible Levels
  2685. LBO_BuildStaticMeshes=Build Static Meshes
  2686. LBO_CantFindLevelBrowser=Can't find Level Browser, lighting build aborted.
  2687. LBO_FullQualityBuild=Perform full quality build
  2688. LBO_ImportTexturesAsSRGB=Import Lightmap Textures as SRGB
  2689. LBO_LightingBuildOptions=Lighting Build Options
  2690. LMRatioAdjust_NoLevelsToProcess=No levels to process.
  2691. LMRatioAdjust_NoPrimitivesSelected=No primitive type selected.
  2692. LMSI_Minimum=Enter minimum resolution required for applying adjustment
  2693. LMSI_Ratio=Enter ratio to apply
  2694. LODALLImportSuccessful=All mesh LODs were imported successfully!
  2695. LODBoneDoesNotMatch=Bone '`~' not found in base SkeletalMesh '`~'.\nImport failed.
  2696. LODBoneHasIncorrectParent=Bone '`~' in LOD has parent '`~' instead of '`~'
  2697. LODChooseText=Mesh LOD to generate UVs for
  2698. LODGenerationSuccessful=LOD Generation Successful.\nThe new triangle count may not exactly match the requested triangle count.
  2699. LODHighest=LOD Highest
  2700. LODImportFail=Failed to import mesh for LOD `~!
  2701. LODImportSuccessful=Mesh for LOD `~ imported successfully!
  2702. LODImportUnsuccessful=Mesh for LOD `~ import failed!
  2703. LODLabel=LOD:
  2704. LODLevel:=LOD Level:
  2705. LODLowest=LOD Lowest
  2706. LODMissingSocketBone=This LOD is missing bone '`~' used by socket '`~'.\nAborting import.
  2707. LODRootNameIncorrect=Root bone in LOD is '`~' instead of '`~'.\nImport failed.
  2708. LODSF=LOD Parenting
  2709. LODTriCount=New Triangle Count:
  2710. LODUnset=LOD Unset
  2711. LSMI_GetResolutionTitle=Enter Lightmap Resolution (will round to power of two)
  2712. LSMI_IncludeBSP=Convert all BSP as well?
  2713. Landscape=Landscape
  2714. LandscapeExport_HeightmapFilename=Choose filename for Heightmap Export
  2715. LandscapeExport_LayerFilename=Choose filename for Layer `~ Export
  2716. LandscapeExport_Warning=Landscape has large number(`~) of components, so it will use large amount memory to copy it to the clipboard. Do you want to proceed?
  2717. LandscapeGizmoExport_Warning=Landscape Gizmo has no copyed data. You need to choose proper targets and copy it to Gizmo.
  2718. LandscapeGizmoImport_Warning=Landscape Gizmo is about to import large amount data (`~MB) from the clipboard, which will take some time. Do you want to proceed?
  2719. LandscapeImport_BadHeightmapSize=File size does not match
  2720. LandscapeImport_BadLayerName=You must enter a name for the layer being imported from `~.
  2721. LandscapeImport_BadLayerSize=Layer `~ file size does not match the heightmap resolution.
  2722. LandscapeImport_Warning=Landscape is about to import large amount memory (`~MB) from the clipboard, which will take some time. Do you want to proceed?
  2723. LandscapeLayerInfo_Warning=LandscapeLayerInfoObject (`~) is in the same package as the Landscape Actor. To support streaming levels, you must move the LandscapeLayerInfoObject to another package.
  2724. LandscapeMaterial_Warning=Selected Landscape components' Materials are in the same package as the Landscape Component. To support streaming levels, you must move the Material to another package.
  2725. LandscapeMode=Landscape Mode
  2726. LandscapeMode_AddComponent=Add new Landscape Component
  2727. LandscapeMode_AddLayerDuplicate=There is already a layer named `~.
  2728. LandscapeMode_AddLayerEnterName=Please enter a valid layer name.
  2729. LandscapeMode_Brush_Alpha=Alpha
  2730. LandscapeMode_Brush_Circle=Circle
  2731. LandscapeMode_Brush_Component=Component
  2732. LandscapeMode_Brush_Falloff_Linear=Linear falloff
  2733. LandscapeMode_Brush_Falloff_Smooth=Smooth falloff
  2734. LandscapeMode_Brush_Falloff_Spherical=Spherical falloff
  2735. LandscapeMode_Brush_Falloff_Tip=Tip falloff
  2736. LandscapeMode_Brush_Gizmo=Gizmo
  2737. LandscapeMode_Brush_PatternAlpha=Pattern Alpha
  2738. LandscapeMode_Copy=Copy
  2739. LandscapeMode_DeleteComponent=Delete Landscape Components
  2740. LandscapeMode_EditTransaction=Landscape Editing: `~
  2741. LandscapeMode_Erosion=Erosion
  2742. LandscapeMode_Flatten=Flatten
  2743. LandscapeMode_HydraErosion=Hydraulic Erosion
  2744. LandscapeMode_Mask=Region Selection
  2745. LandscapeMode_MoveToLevel=Move to Streaming Level
  2746. LandscapeMode_Noise=Noise
  2747. LandscapeMode_Paint=Paint
  2748. LandscapeMode_Paste=Paste
  2749. LandscapeMode_Region=Region Copy/Paste
  2750. LandscapeMode_RemoveLayer=Are you sure you want to delete the layer `~? All painted information for this layer will be lost.
  2751. LandscapeMode_Selection=Component Selection
  2752. LandscapeMode_Smooth=Smooth
  2753. LandscapeMode_Visibility=Visibility
  2754. LandscapeMoveToStreamingLevel_RenameFailed=Move To Streaming Level did not succeed because shared resources could not be moved to a new package.
  2755. LandscapeMoveToStreamingLevel_SharedResources=The following items must be moved out of the persistent level and into a package that can be shared between multiple levels:\n\n`~
  2756. LandscapeMoveToStreamingLevel_Warning=The Move to Level feature is only available when the Landscape Actor is placed in the persistent level.
  2757. LandscapePhyMaterial_Warning=Landscape's DefaultPhysMaterial is in the same package as the Landscape Actor. To support streaming levels, you must move the PhysicalMaterial to another package.
  2758. LandscapeReImport_BadFileName=Reimport Source Filename is invalid
  2759. LandscapeReImport_BadFileSize=`~'s filesize does not match with current Landscape extent
  2760. LargeVerticesSF=Large Vertices
  2761. Lathe=Lathe
  2762. LaunchBudgetViewer=Budget Viewer
  2763. LaunchKodle=Kodle
  2764. LaunchMatrixHUB=MatrixHUB
  2765. LaunchDismembermentEd=Dismemberment Editor
  2766. LaunchUnrealConsole=UnrealKonsole
  2767. LaunchWwiseImporter=Wwise Importer
  2768. LaunchWwiseHashLookup=Wwise Hash Lookup
  2769. LaunchFacialExporter=Facial Cinema Exporter
  2770. Layer=Layer
  2771. LayerBrowser_ViewMenu=Layers
  2772. LayerDesc_F=`~ (`~ actors)
  2773. LayerSetUp=Layer Set Up
  2774. Layer_F=Layer`~
  2775. Layers=Layers
  2776. LayersBrowser_ToolTip=Show the layer browser
  2777. LeanLeft=Lean Left
  2778. LeanRight=Lean Right
  2779. LensFlareEditorCaption_F=Unreal LensFlare Editor: `~
  2780. LensFlareEditor_DeleteElement=Delete element
  2781. LensFlareEditor_DisableElement=Disable element
  2782. LensFlareEditor_ElementAdd=Add element
  2783. LensFlareEditor_ElementAddAfter=Add element after
  2784. LensFlareEditor_ElementAddBefore=Add element before
  2785. LensFlareEditor_ElementDuplicate=Duplicate element
  2786. LensFlareEditor_EnableElement=Enable element
  2787. LensFlareEditor_ResetElement=Reset element
  2788. LensFlareEditor_SavePackage=Save package
  2789. LensFlareEditor_SelectLensFlare=Select lens flare
  2790. LensFlareSF=Lens Flares
  2791. LensFlares=Lens Flares
  2792. Level/Package=Level/Package
  2793. Level=Level
  2794. LevelAlreadyExistsInWorld=Cannot load level "%s" because it has already been loaded.
  2795. LevelBrowserMenu_AutoUpdateLevelsForChangedActors=Auto Update Actors in Level Grids
  2796. LevelBrowserMenu_AutoUpdateLevelsForChangedActors_Help=Toggles whether or not actors in grid volume levels are automatically moved to their "best" level after most operations
  2797. LevelBrowserMenu_UpdateLevelsForAllActors=Update All Actors in Level Grids
  2798. LevelBrowserMenu_UpdateLevelsForAllActors_Help=Checks for any actors that reside in grid volume levels and moves them to the "best" level if necessary (based on spatial overlap, etc.)
  2799. LevelBrowser_AssignKeywords=Assign Keywords...
  2800. LevelBrowser_CurrentLevel= -CURRENT LEVEL -
  2801. LevelBrowser_CurrentLevelGridVolume= -CURRENT GRID -
  2802. LevelBrowser_KeywordDialog_Cancel=Cancel
  2803. LevelBrowser_KeywordDialog_Cancel_Tooltip=Cancel the assignment of new keywords to selected levels
  2804. LevelBrowser_KeywordDialog_Message=Selected Keywords to associate with the selected levels
  2805. LevelBrowser_KeywordDialog_SaveKeywords=Save
  2806. LevelBrowser_KeywordDialog_SaveKeywords_Tooltop=Assigns keywords to selected levels
  2807. LevelBrowser_KeywordDialog_Title=Level Keywords
  2808. LevelBrowser_KeywordFilter_NoFilterStringsButton=No keywords specified. -Click for information.
  2809. LevelBrowser_KeywordFilter_NoFilterStringsDetail=Add [LevelBrowser.Keywords]"+Keywords=..." to DefaultEditor.ini to Filter Levels
  2810. LevelBrowser_KeywordFilter_Title=Filter by keyword
  2811. LevelBrowser_KeywordFilter_ToggleFilterWindowVisibility=Toggle Filter Window
  2812. LevelBrowser_KeywordFilter_UncheckAll=All Levels
  2813. LevelBrowser_LevelVisible_Tooltip=Toggle Level Visibility
  2814. LevelBrowser_LightMapsMemory=Lightmaps
  2815. LevelBrowser_LockLevel_Tooltip=Lock Level
  2816. LevelBrowser_MakeCurrentMoveActorsToThisLevel=Make Level Current & Move Selected Actors To It
  2817. LevelBrowser_Menu_LevelMemorySizeData=Level Memory/Size Data
  2818. LevelBrowser_MoveActorsToThisLevel=Move Selected Actors To This Level
  2819. LevelBrowser_Properties=Level Properties...
  2820. LevelBrowser_RemovingDirtyLevelFromWorld=You are about to remove dirty levels from the world and your changes to these levels will be lost. -Proceed?
  2821. LevelBrowser_ShadowMapsMemory=Shadowmaps
  2822. LevelBrowser_ToolTip=Show the level browser
  2823. LevelBrowser_ViewMenu=Level
  2824. LevelColorationSF=Level Coloration
  2825. LevelLightingDirtyTooltip=Lighting Needs to be Rebuilt (Click to rebuild!)
  2826. LevelLightingNotDirtyTooltip=Lighting is Up to Date
  2827. LevelOperationProgress_MoveActorsToLevel=Moving Actors Between Levels...
  2828. LevelViewportColorPicker_Title=Select a Color
  2829. LevelViewportContext_AssignMaterial=Assign from Content Browser
  2830. LevelViewportContext_AssignMaterialMultiple=Assign from Content Browser (All Components of Actors)
  2831. LevelViewportContext_Bookmarks=Bookmarks
  2832. LevelViewportContext_ClearCurrentLevelGridVolume=Clear Current Level Grid Volume
  2833. LevelViewportContext_Copy=Copy\tCtrl+C
  2834. LevelViewportContext_CopyMaterialPath=Copy Material Path to Clipboard
  2835. LevelViewportContext_Cut=Cut\tCtrl+X
  2836. LevelViewportContext_EditMaterialInterface=Edit Material...
  2837. LevelViewportContext_FindKismetF=Find `~ in UnrealKismet...\tCtrl+K
  2838. LevelViewportContext_FindStreamingVolumeLevelsInLevelBrowser=Find Streaming Volume Levels in Level Browser...
  2839. LevelViewportContext_FindStreamingVolumeLevelsInLevelBrowser_Help=Opens the Level Browser and selects all levels associated with the currently selected streaming volume or level grid volume
  2840. LevelViewportContext_ForcePlayFromHere=Force Play From Here (no startup kismet)
  2841. LevelViewportContext_ForcePlayFromHere_Desc=Check if we want to force PIE to start in exact place, suppressing kismet. It forces all levels to be streamed in, skips all level begin events and sets all matinees to be skipable.
  2842. LevelViewportContext_JumpToBookmark=Jump To Bookmark
  2843. LevelViewportContext_JumpToBookmarkNum=`~
  2844. LevelViewportContext_JumpToRestoreBookmark=Jump To Bookmark (Restore)
  2845. LevelViewportContext_JumpToRestoreBookmarkNum=`~
  2846. LevelViewportContext_LevelMenu=Level
  2847. LevelViewportContext_LockActorMovement=Lock Actor Movement
  2848. LevelViewportContext_MakeLevelGridVolumeCurrent=Make Level Grid Volume Current
  2849. LevelViewportContext_MoveCamerasToActor=Go to Actor\tHome
  2850. LevelViewportContext_Paste=Paste\tCtrl+V
  2851. LevelViewportContext_PasteHere=Paste Here
  2852. LevelViewportContext_PlayFromHere=Play from Here
  2853. LevelViewportContext_PlayFromHereInViewport=Play from Here in Viewport
  2854. LevelViewportContext_PlayFromHereInViewport_Desc=Play at this location in this editor viewport. Holding Control will start in spectator mode.
  2855. LevelViewportContext_PlayFromHereInViewport_VisibleOnly=Play from Here in Viewport (visible levels)
  2856. LevelViewportContext_PlayFromHere_Desc=Play at this location in an editor window. Holding Control will start in spectator mode.
  2857. LevelViewportContext_PlayFromHere_VisibleOnly=Play from Here (visible levels)
  2858. LevelViewportContext_PlayLevelMenu=Play Level
  2859. LevelViewportContext_PlayOnF=Play on `~
  2860. LevelViewportContext_PlayOn_Desc=Play at the current location on `~. Holding Control will start in spectator mode.
  2861. LevelViewportContext_PropertiesF=`~ Properties...\tF4
  2862. LevelViewportContext_Properties_MultipleF=`~ Properties (`~ Selected)...\tF4
  2863. LevelViewportContext_Reverse=Reverse\tShift+Q
  2864. LevelViewportContext_SaveBrushAsCollision=Set Collision from Builder Brush...
  2865. LevelViewportContext_SelectAllActorsOfTypeF=Select All `~ Actors
  2866. LevelViewportContext_SelectAllActorsOfTypeFWithArchetype=Select All `~ Actors with Archetype `~
  2867. LevelViewportContext_SelectAllBrushes=Select All Brushes
  2868. LevelViewportContext_SelectAllBrushesOfTypeF=Select All `~s
  2869. LevelViewportContext_SelectAllSurfaces=Select All Surfaces\tShift+S
  2870. LevelViewportContext_SelectBasedActors=Select Attached Actors
  2871. LevelViewportContext_SelectMenu=Select
  2872. LevelViewportContext_SetBookmark=Set Bookmark
  2873. LevelViewportContext_SetBookmarkNum=`~\tCtrl+`~
  2874. LevelViewportContext_SnapOriginToGrid=Snap Origin to Grid\tCtrl+End
  2875. LevelViewportContext_SnapVerticesToGrid=Snap Vertices to Grid
  2876. LevelViewportContext_SurfaceProperties=Surface Properties...\tF5
  2877. LevelViewportContext_SurfaceProperties_MultipleF=Surface Properties (`~ Selected)...
  2878. LevelViewportContext_SyncBaseMaterial=Find Base Material in Content Browser...\tCtrl+Shift+B
  2879. LevelViewportContext_SyncContentBrowser=Find in Content Browser...\tCtrl+B
  2880. LevelViewportContext_SyncMaterial=Find Material in Content Browser...\tCtrl+Shift+B
  2881. LevelViewportContext_SyncMaterialInstance=Find Instance in Content Browser...
  2882. LevelViewportContext_SyncTexture=Find Texture in Content Browser...
  2883. LevelViewportOptions_DefaultShowFlags=Reset to Default
  2884. LevelViewportOptions_DetailLighting=Detail Lighting\tAlt+4
  2885. LevelViewportOptions_LightComplexity=Light Complexity\tAlt+7
  2886. LevelViewportOptions_LightMapDensity=LightMap Density
  2887. LevelViewportOptions_LightingOnly=Lighting Only\tAlt+5
  2888. LevelViewportOptions_Lit=Lit\tAlt+3
  2889. LevelViewportOptions_LitLightmapDensity=Lighting Only with Texel Density
  2890. LevelViewportOptions_Reflections=Image Reflections Only
  2891. LevelViewportOptions_ShaderComplexity=Shader Complexity
  2892. LevelViewportOptions_TextureDensity=Texture Density\tAlt+6
  2893. LevelViewportOptions_Unlit=Unlit\tAlt+2
  2894. LevelViewportOptions_Wireframe=Wireframe\tAlt+1
  2895. LevelViewportToolBar_OptionsButton_ToolTip=Viewport Options Right Click for Show Flags Quick Menu
  2896. LevelViewportToolBar_RealTime=Real Time | Ctrl+R
  2897. LevelViewportToolBar_ToggleGameView_ToolTip=Enables 'Game View' mode which displays a more accurate preview of the game's graphics | G
  2898. LevelViewportToolbar_DetailLighting=Detail Lighting | Alt+4
  2899. LevelViewportToolbar_LightComplexity=Light Complexity | Alt+7
  2900. LevelViewportToolbar_LightMapDensity=LightMap Density
  2901. LevelViewportToolbar_LightingOnly=Lighting Only | Alt+5
  2902. LevelViewportToolbar_Lit=Lit | Alt+3
  2903. LevelViewportToolbar_LitLightmapDensity=Lighting Only with Texel Density
  2904. LevelViewportToolbar_PlayInViewportStart=Play in Viewport -Alt+F8
  2905. LevelViewportToolbar_PlayInViewportStop=Stop the current Play in Editor world.
  2906. LevelViewportToolbar_ShaderComplexity=Shader Complexity
  2907. LevelViewportToolbar_TextureDensity=Texture Density | Alt+6
  2908. LevelViewportToolbar_Unlit=Unlit | Alt+2
  2909. LevelViewportToolbar_Wireframe=Wireframe | Alt+1
  2910. Levels=Levels
  2911. LightComplexity=Light Complexity
  2912. LightDiffuseSF=Diffuse Lighting
  2913. LightDirectSF=Direct Lighting
  2914. LightEmissiveSF=Emissive Lighting
  2915. LightFiveColor="Light Five"
  2916. LightFourColor="Light Four"
  2917. LightFunctionsSF=Light Functions
  2918. LightIndirectSF=Indirect Lighting
  2919. LightInfluencesSF=Light Influences
  2920. LightMapDensity=LightMap Density
  2921. LightMapDensityRenderingOptions=LightMap Density Rendering Options
  2922. LightMapDensityRenderingOptionsToolTip=Shows the LightMap Density Rendering view mode options
  2923. LightMapExportData=Export Light Map to Background Folder
  2924. LightMapPopupMenu=Lightmap Options
  2925. LightMapRatioAdjust=Lightmap Resolution Adjustment
  2926. LightMapRatioAdjustToolTip=Shows the LightMap Resolution Adjustment window
  2927. LightMapResolution=Lightmap Resolution
  2928. LightOneColor="Light One"
  2929. LightPicker1_Title=Light One Details
  2930. LightPicker2_Title=Light Two Details
  2931. LightPicker3_Title=Light Three Details
  2932. LightPicker4_Title=Light Four Details
  2933. LightPicker5_Title=Light Five Details
  2934. LightQuality=Build Quality:
  2935. LightQuality_High=High
  2936. LightQuality_Medium=Medium
  2937. LightQuality_Preview=Preview
  2938. LightQuality_Production=Production
  2939. LightRadiusSF=Light Radius\tR
  2940. LightSSRSF=Screen Space Reflections
  2941. LightShaftsSF=Light Shafts
  2942. LightSpecularSF=Specular Lighting
  2943. LightThreeColor="Light Three"
  2944. LightTwoColor="Light Two"
  2945. Lighting=Lighting
  2946. LightingBuildInfo=Lighting Build Info
  2947. LightingBuildInfoToolTip=Shows the timings and unmapped texels of the last lighting build
  2948. LightingBuildOptions_ShowLightingBuildInfo=Show lighting stats after build completes
  2949. LightingChannels=Lighting Channels
  2950. LightingInfo=Lighting Info
  2951. LightingOnly=Lighting Only
  2952. LightingResults=Lighting Results
  2953. LightingResultsToolTip=Shows the results of the last lighting build
  2954. LightingStaticMeshInfo=Lighting StaticMesh Info
  2955. LightingStaticMeshInfoToolTip=Shows the lighting information for StaticMeshes
  2956. LightingTimings=Lighting Timings
  2957. LightingTimingsToolTip=Shows the timings of the last lighting build
  2958. LightingTools=Lighting Tools
  2959. LightingToolsTip=Shows the Lighting Tools window
  2960. LightingToolsWindow_WindowTitle=Lighting Tools
  2961. LightmapResRatioWindow_WindowTitle=Lightmap Resolution Ratio
  2962. LightmapResolution=Lightmap Resolution
  2963. LightmapResolutionSF=Lightmap Resolution
  2964. LightmassSettings=Lightmass Settings
  2965. LikeToKeepExistingCollision=Would You Like To Keep Existing Collision Data?\nAnswering 'No' Will Replace Existing Data With Data From Imported Mesh.
  2966. Linear=Linear
  2967. LinearAcceleration=Linear Acceleration
  2968. LinearVelocity=Linear Velocity
  2969. LinkCrowdDestinations=Link Crowd Destinations\tCtrl+Shift+L
  2970. LinkEditInvalF=Set new InVal for this link's endpoint. -Range is [%.3f, %.3f].
  2971. LinkEvent=Link Event
  2972. LinkObject=Link Object
  2973. LinkedObjEditor_NavHistory_BackTooltip=Navigate Back
  2974. LinkedObjEditor_NavHistory_ForceRemoveNavDataWarning=The history you have attempted to navigate to contains references to data that are no longer valid and has been discarded.
  2975. LinkedObjEditor_NavHistory_ForwardTooltip=Navigate Forward
  2976. LinkedObjEditor_NavHistory_PulldownTooltip=Navigation History
  2977. LinkedObjectModify=LinkedObject Modify
  2978. List=List
  2979. Lit=Lit
  2980. LitLightmapDensity=Lighting Only w/ Texel Density
  2981. LoDChooseText=Choose LOD
  2982. Load=Load
  2983. LoadAssetF=Load `~
  2984. LoadConfig=Load Config
  2985. LoadErrorMsg=The following resources were not found when loading the map. -Any references to them were set to NULL.\nWARNING : If you save the map now, these references will be saved as NULL.
  2986. LoadErrors=Load Errors
  2987. LoadKeyConfig=Load Key Configuration
  2988. LoadedPresets= All Presets
  2989. LoadingMapStatus_CleaningUp=(Clearing existing world)
  2990. LoadingMapStatus_Initializing=(Initializing world)
  2991. LoadingMap_F=Loading map: `~...
  2992. LoadingPackage=Loading package
  2993. LoadingPackagef=Loading package `~
  2994. Local=Local
  2995. LocalStandalone=Local Standalone
  2996. LocalizationID=Localization ID
  2997. Location=Location
  2998. Lock=LOCK
  2999. LockAllLevels=Lock All
  3000. LockCamera=Lock Camera
  3001. LockFramePlayback=Lock Frame Playback
  3002. LockReadOnlyLevels=Lock read only levels
  3003. LockSelectedActorsQ=Lock Selected Actors?
  3004. LockSelectedLevels=Lock Selected Levels
  3005. LockedQ=Locked?
  3006. Log=Log
  3007. LogBrowser_ToolTip=Show the log browser
  3008. LogBrowser_ViewMenu=Log
  3009. LoopSection=Loop Section
  3010. LoopSimulation=Loop Simulation
  3011. LoopSound=Loop Sound
  3012. Low=Low
  3013. LvlMakeCurrent=Make Current
  3014. LvlToggleBoundingBox=Bounding Box
  3015. LvlToggleVis=Visibility
  3016. MKAnimationTool=MK Animation Tool
  3017. MKBoneMatchViewer=MK Bone Match Viewer
  3018. MKBoneMatcher=MK Bone Matcher
  3019. MKMapErrorHelpURL=http://twiki/bin/view/MK/MKMapCheckWarningAndErrorInfo
  3020. MORE=\nMORE...Please see log window for complete listing.\n
  3021. MP3SoundCueMissing=The Sound Cue is not defined for the "`~" Kismet node
  3022. MRU=MRU
  3023. MWY_SetTeamTag=Set Team Tag
  3024. MainBrushMenu_CSGAdd=CSG Add\tCtrl+A
  3025. MainBrushMenu_CSGDeintersect=CSG Deintersect\tCtrl+D
  3026. MainBrushMenu_CSGIntersect=CSG Intersect\tCtrl+I
  3027. MainBrushMenu_CSGSubtract=CSG Subtract\tCtrl+S
  3028. MainBuildMenu_Lighting=Lighting\tCtrl+Shift+;
  3029. MainEditMenu_SelectAll=Select All
  3030. MainEditMenu_SelectBuilderBrush=Select Builder Brush\tF2
  3031. MainEditMenu_SelectNone=Select None
  3032. MainFileMenu_NewLevel=New Level...
  3033. MainFileMenu_SaveModified=Save Modified...
  3034. MainMenu_AddAVolume_ToolTip=Add a `~
  3035. MainMenu_AdjustDragGridSize_ToolTip=Adjust the Drag Grid size
  3036. MainMenu_AdjustRotationGridAngle_ToolTip=Adjust the Rotation Grid angle
  3037. MainMenu_AdjustScaleGridSize_ToolTip=Adjust the Scale Grid size
  3038. MainMenu_AlwaysOptimizeContentForMobile=Always Optimize Content for Mobile
  3039. MainMenu_AlwaysOptimizeContentForMobile_ToolTip=When enabled, additional optimizations will be applied to levels and assets in the editor to prepare them for mobile devices
  3040. MainMenu_AlwaysRemapKeysToFlightCamera=Use WASD for Camera Controls
  3041. MainMenu_AlwaysRemapKeysToFlightCamera_Desc=When enabled, the WASD keys will be used to pilot the perspective camera around. -Additionaly, the Z and C keys may be used to zoom in and out, and the Q and E keys will move the camera up and down.
  3042. MainMenu_AspectRatioAxisConstraint=Aspect Ratio Constraint
  3043. MainMenu_AspectRatioAxisConstraint_MaintainXFOV=Maintain X Axis FOV
  3044. MainMenu_AspectRatioAxisConstraint_MaintainYFOV=Maintain Y Axis FOV
  3045. MainMenu_AspectRatioAxisConstraint_MajorAxisFOV=Maintain Major Axis FOV
  3046. MainMenu_AutoAddNewSaves=Auto Add New Saves to Perforce
  3047. MainMenu_AutoAddNewSaves_ToolTip=Automatically adds files to the default changelist when saved (and they are no revisions of them)
  3048. MainMenu_AutoLoadMap=Auto load Map
  3049. MainMenu_AutoLoadMap_ToolTip=Select which map to auto load on editor startup
  3050. MainMenu_AutoLoadPackages=Auto load JSON Files...
  3051. MainMenu_AutoLoadPackages_ToolTip=Select which packages to be fully loaded on editor startup
  3052. MainMenu_AutoOpenPackages=Auto open JSON Files...
  3053. MainMenu_AutoOpenPackages_ToolTip=Select which packages to be opened in their editors on editor startup
  3054. MainMenu_AutoReimportTextures=Auto Reimport Textures
  3055. MainMenu_AutoReimportTextures_Desc=Automatically reimport textures when the source texture changes
  3056. MainMenu_AutoRestartReimportedFlashMovies=Apply GFx Movie Changes to Play In Editor
  3057. MainMenu_AutoRestartReimportedFlashMovies_Desc=Apply GFx Movie Changes to Play In Editor
  3058. MainMenu_AutoRestartReimportedFlashMovies_ToolTip=When enabled, changes to GFx movies will be propagated to currently playing instances in PIE
  3059. MainMenu_AutoUpdatingBSP=Auto Updating BSP Visualization
  3060. MainMenu_AutoUpdatingBSP_ToolTip=If selected, BSP will auto update when a brush actor is modified. -Ctrl+Alt+U can be used to toggle this option. -WARNING: Geometry still needs to be manually rebuild prior to playing a level.
  3061. MainMenu_AutosaveContent_ToolTip=Toggle the auto saving of content packages on/off
  3062. MainMenu_AutosaveMaps_ToolTip=Toggle the auto saving of map packages on/off
  3063. MainMenu_CenterZoomAroundCursor=Zoom to Cursor Position
  3064. MainMenu_CenterZoomAroundCursor_ToolTip=Zooming will be centered around the cursor. -If off, it will center on the viewport's center.
  3065. MainMenu_ChangeAutoSaveInterval_ToolTip=Change the auto save interval
  3066. MainMenu_ChangeLanguage_ToolTip=Change the language used by the editor to `~ (requires editor restart)
  3067. MainMenu_CleanBSPMaterials_ToolTip=Clear material references from stray BSP
  3068. MainMenu_ClickBSPSelectsBrush=Clicking BSP Selects Brush
  3069. MainMenu_ClickBSPSelectsBrush_ToolTip=If selected, clicking on a BSP surface selects the brush and Ctrl+Shift+Click selects the surface. -Otherwise, Ctrl+Shift+Click selects the brush and clicking selects the surface
  3070. MainMenu_ConvertTerrainToLandscapes_ToolTip=Convert legacy terrains into new landscapes
  3071. MainMenu_DefaultToRealtimeMode=Perspective Viewports Default to Real Time
  3072. MainMenu_DefaultToRealtimeMode_ToolTip=Default to Real Time Mode for Perspective Views
  3073. MainMenu_DistributionToggle=Use Curves for Distributions
  3074. MainMenu_EmulateMobileFeatures=Emulate Mobile Features
  3075. MainMenu_EmulateMobileFeatures_ToolTip=Toggles emulation of mobile input and rendering on PC (enables touch based input, disables gamma correction, certain post processes, directional light maps, etc.)
  3076. MainMenu_EnableD3D11=Enable DirectX 11 Rendering
  3077. MainMenu_EnableD3D11_ToolTip=Enables the DirectX 11 rendering path
  3078. MainMenu_FindActors=Find Actors...
  3079. MainMenu_FindActors_Desc=Search for actors in the scene
  3080. MainMenu_Help_OnlineHelp=Online Help...
  3081. MainMenu_Help_OnlineHelp_ToolTip=Go to online UDN help site
  3082. MainMenu_Help_SearchUDN=Search UDN...
  3083. MainMenu_Help_SearchUDN_ToolTip=Search UDN for information
  3084. MainMenu_Help_StartupTip=Display Startup Tip...
  3085. MainMenu_Help_StartupTip_ToolTip=Displays the Startup Tip dialog window with helpful information about using the editor
  3086. MainMenu_Help_UDKForums=UDK Forums...
  3087. MainMenu_Help_UDKForums_ToolTip=Go to the online UDK forums lots of help and advice is available here from other users
  3088. MainMenu_Help_WelcomeScreen=Show Welcome Screen...
  3089. MainMenu_Help_WelcomeScreen_ToolTip=Summon the Welcome Screen
  3090. MainMenu_HighlightWithBrackets=Highlight Selected Objects with Brackets
  3091. MainMenu_HighlightWithBrackets_ToolTip=When enabled, selected objects will be highlighted by brackets in all modes.
  3092. MainMenu_JournalUpdate_ToolTip=Schedule asset database update for next offline restart.
  3093. MainMenu_LinkedOrthographicViewports=Link Orthographic Viewport Movement
  3094. MainMenu_LinkedOrthographicViewports_ToolTip=If checked all orthographic viewports are linked to the same position and move together.
  3095. MainMenu_LoadSimpleLevelAtStartup=Load Simple Level At Startup
  3096. MainMenu_LoadSimpleLevelAtStartup_Tooltip=Loads a sample level when the editor starts
  3097. MainMenu_LockReadOnlyLevels_ToolTip=Prevent modifications to read only levels
  3098. MainMenu_MatQualityToggle=Use low quality materials
  3099. MainMenu_NeverRemapKeysToFlightCamera=Never Use WASD for Camera Controls
  3100. MainMenu_NeverRemapKeysToFlightCamera_Desc=Disables WASD camera controls, freeing up those buttons for other uses
  3101. MainMenu_OpenEditorPreferences=UnrealEd Preferences...
  3102. MainMenu_OpenEditorPreferences_ToolTip=Opens a window for configuring various UnrealEd settings and preferences
  3103. MainMenu_OpenMatinee=UnrealMatinee
  3104. MainMenu_OpenMatinee_Desc=Open UnrealMatinee
  3105. MainMenu_PIEVisibleOnly=Only Load Visible Levels in PIE
  3106. MainMenu_PIEVisibleOnly_ToolTip=When enabled, only currently visibles will be loaded in PIE
  3107. MainMenu_PSysLODRealtimeToggle=Enable Particle System LOD
  3108. MainMenu_PanMovesCanvas=Grab and Drag to Scroll Ortho Cameras
  3109. MainMenu_PanMovesCanvas_ToolTip=Click and drag will translate the camera in an orthographic view or canvas window, one to one with the mouse cursor movement. -If off, it will translate the camera freely.
  3110. MainMenu_Preferences=Preferences
  3111. MainMenu_Preferences_FlightCameraOptions=Flight Camera Controls
  3112. MainMenu_Preferences_Language=Editor Language
  3113. MainMenu_PromptSCCOnPackageModification=Prompt for Checkout on Package Modification
  3114. MainMenu_PromptSCCOnPackageModification_Desc=When enabled, any time a package under source control is modified, a prompt will appear asking to check it out.
  3115. MainMenu_PsysHelperToggle=Enable ParticleSystem Helpers
  3116. MainMenu_RegenAllProcBuildingLODTex_ToolTip=Regenerate all Procedural Building render to textures
  3117. MainMenu_RegenAllProcBuildings_ToolTip=Rebuild all Procedural Buildings
  3118. MainMenu_RegenSelectedProcBuildingLODText_ToolTip=Regenerate selected Procedural Building render to textures
  3119. MainMenu_RegenSelectedProcBuildings_ToolTip=Rebuild selected Procedural Buildings
  3120. MainMenu_RemapKeysToFlightCameraWithRMB=Use WASD Only When Right Mouse Button is Held
  3121. MainMenu_RemapKeysToFlightCameraWithRMB_Desc=When enabled, WASD camera controls will only be active while the right mouse button is held down
  3122. MainMenu_RemoveSpatialGrid=Remove Spatial Grid
  3123. MainMenu_RemoveSpatialGridToolTip=Deletes the Spatial Grid from the level
  3124. MainMenu_ReplaceRespectsScale=Preserve Actor Scale on Replace
  3125. MainMenu_ReplaceRespectsScale_ToolTip=If on, replacing an actor respects scale. If off, replacing an actor sets the new actor's scale to 1.0
  3126. MainMenu_ReplaceSkeletalMeshActors_ToolTip=Replace all Skeletal Mesh actors
  3127. MainMenu_ResetSuppressibleDialogs=Reset All Suppressible Dialog Boxes to Show
  3128. MainMenu_ResetSuppressibleDialogs_ToolTip=Reset all suppressible dialog boxes so that they show their warning
  3129. MainMenu_SelectBuilderBrush_ToolTip=Select the Builder Brush
  3130. MainMenu_SelectTranslucent=Allow Translucent Selection
  3131. MainMenu_SelectTranslucent_ToolTip=Enables selection of translucent objects in perspective viewports
  3132. MainMenu_SetFileListeners_ToolTip=Select which directories to monitor changes in
  3133. MainMenu_ShowSocketNames=Show Socket Names
  3134. MainMenu_SnapAngleType_ToolTip=Change the Snap Angle type
  3135. MainMenu_ToggleLODLocking=LOD View Locking
  3136. MainMenu_ToggleQuickProcBuilding=Enable Quick ProcBuilding Mode
  3137. MainMenu_ToggleSocketSnapping=Enable Socket Snapping
  3138. MainMenu_ToggleSpatialGridDrawing=Toggle SpatialGrid Drawing
  3139. MainMenu_ToggleSpatialGridDrawing_ToolTip=Toggle the drawing of the Spatial Grid
  3140. MainMenu_ToggleTranslucentSelection=Allow Translucent Selection
  3141. MainMenu_ToggleTranslucentSelection_ToolTip=When enabled, allows translucent objects to be selected.
  3142. MainMenu_UnlockReadOnlyLevels_ToolTip=Permit modifications to read only levels
  3143. MainMenu_UseStrictBoxSelection=Use Strict Box Selection in Ortho Viewports
  3144. MainMenu_UseStrictBoxSelection_Desc=When enabled, an object must be entirely encompassed by the selection box to be selected.
  3145. MainMenu_UseWireframeHalos=Enable Wireframe Halos (Perspective Views)
  3146. MainMenu_UseWireframeHalos_Desc=Enable wireframe halo post processing
  3147. MainMenu_ViewportCameraToUpdateFromPIV=Use Camera Location from Play In Viewport
  3148. MainMenu_ViewportCameraToUpdateFromPIV_ToolTip=Sets the viewport camera location and rotation to match that of Play in Viewport upon exiting
  3149. MainMenu_ViewportHoverFeedback=Highlight Objects Under Mouse Cursor
  3150. MainMenu_ViewportHoverFeedback_ToolTip=When enabled, objects will be highlighted in level viewports while hovering over them with the mouse cursor.
  3151. MainStatusBar_CurrentLevelF=Current Level: -`~
  3152. MainStatusBar_CurrentLevelGridVolumeF=Current Grid: -`~ -(Level: `~)
  3153. MainToolBar_ContentBrowser=Open the Content Browser | Ctrl+Shift+F
  3154. MainToolBar_FavoritesButton_ToolTip=Toggle Map File as Favorite
  3155. MainToolBar_MatineeListDropDown=Open UnrealMatinee | -Opens an existing UnrealMatinee sequence for editing
  3156. MainToolBar_MatineeListDropDown_NoMatineeExists=No UnrealMatinee sequences exist yet. -You can create a new sequence by opening UnrealKismet, right clicking on the canvas and selecting, 'New Matinee'.
  3157. MainToolBar_OpenRecentLevel=Open a recent level. -Shows a list of recently loaded levels to choose from.
  3158. MainToolBar_PIEVisibleOnly_ToolTip=Only Load Visible Levels in PIE
  3159. MainToolBar_PlayInEditorPlay_ToolTip=Play this level in an editor window. Right click to edit URL. Holding Control will start in spectator mode -F8
  3160. MainToolBar_PlayInEditorStop_ToolTip=Stop the current Play in Editor world.
  3161. MainToolBar_RealTimeAudio=Toggle Real Time Audio. Right click to adjust volume
  3162. MainToolBar_SelectTranslucent_ToolTip=Allow Translucent Selection
  3163. MainToolsMenu_NewProject=New Project...
  3164. MainViewMenu_Fullscreen=Fullscreen\tF11
  3165. MakeActorLevelCurrentF=Make Current Level: `~\tM
  3166. MakeActorLevelCurrentMultiple=Make Current Level: <multiple levels>
  3167. MakeActorLevelGridVolumeCurrentF=Make Current Level Grid Volume: `~
  3168. MakeActorLevelGridVolumeCurrentMultiple=Make Current Level Grid Volume
  3169. MakeAllGroupsInvisible=Make All Groups Invisible
  3170. MakeAllGroupsVisible=Make All Groups Visible
  3171. MakeAllLayersVisible=Make All Layers Visible
  3172. MakeCurrent=Make Current
  3173. Explore=Explore...
  3174. MakeLogicConnection=Make Logic Connection
  3175. MakeNewBody=MAKE NEW BODY... (DblClick in TreeControl)
  3176. MakeSequencesAdditive=Create Additive Sequence
  3177. Mantle=Mantle
  3178. MapCheck=Check for errors
  3179. MapCheckGoto=MapCheckDlg: Goto Actors
  3180. MapCheck_Button_Check_Again = Check Again(F5)
  3181. MapCheck_Column_CriticalError=Critical Error
  3182. MapCheck_Column_Error=Error
  3183. MapCheck_Column_Info=Info
  3184. MapCheck_Column_Note=Note
  3185. MapCheck_Column_PerformanceWarning=Performance Warning
  3186. MapCheck_Column_Warning=Warning
  3187. MapCheck_DeleteActor=Delete Actor from World
  3188. MapCheck_DeleteAll=Delete All Actors from World
  3189. MapCheck_Filter_CriticalError=Show Critical Errors
  3190. MapCheck_Filter_Error=Show Errors
  3191. MapCheck_Filter_Info=Show Info
  3192. MapCheck_Filter_Kismet=Show Kismet Warnings
  3193. MapCheck_Filter_MobilePlatform=Show Mobile Platform Warnings
  3194. MapCheck_Filter_Note=Show Notes
  3195. MapCheck_Filter_PerformanceWarning=Show Performance Warnings
  3196. MapCheck_Filter_Warning=Show Warnings
  3197. MapCheck_Group_Kismet=Kismet
  3198. MapCheck_Group_MobilePlatform=Mobile Platform
  3199. MapCheck_Message_AbstractClass=`~::`~ is obsolete and must be removed (Class is abstract)
  3200. MapCheck_Message_ActorInSameLocation='`~' in same location as '`~'
  3201. MapCheck_Message_ActorIsObselete_Abstract=`~ : Obsolete and must be removed! (Class is abstract)
  3202. MapCheck_Message_ActorIsObselete_Deprecated=`~ : Obsolete and must be removed! (Class is deprecated)
  3203. MapCheck_Message_ActorLargeShadowCaster=`~ : Large actor casts a shadow and will cause an extreme performance hit unless bUseBooleanEnvironmentShadowing is set to TRUE
  3204. MapCheck_Message_AttachedNodeDoesntExistInAllLODSkeletalMesh=`~ : InterpActor is attached to a node which doesn't exist in all LODs of the skeletal mesh
  3205. MapCheck_Message_AudioComponentNull=`~ : Ambient sound actor has NULL AudioComponent property please delete
  3206. MapCheck_Message_BadDepthPriorityGroup=Actor is in Editor depth priority group
  3207. MapCheck_Message_BlockRigidBodyWithRigidBody=`~ : InterpActor's StaticMeshComponent has BlockRigidBody but is based on an actor with PHYS_RigidBody
  3208. MapCheck_Message_BothConstraintsNull=`~ : both of RB_ConstraintActor's ConstraintActors are NULL
  3209. MapCheck_Message_BothConstraintsStatic=`~ : both of RB_ConstraintActor's ConstraintActors are static
  3210. MapCheck_Message_BrushComponentNull=`~ : Brush has NULL BrushComponent property please delete
  3211. MapCheck_Message_BrushRotationFixed=`~ : Brush rotation fixed
  3212. MapCheck_Message_BrushZeroPolygons=`~ : Brush has zero polygons please delete
  3213. MapCheck_Message_CameraAspectRatioIsZero=Camera has AspectRatio=0 please set this to something non zero
  3214. MapCheck_Message_CantLoadHiresMesh=Unable to load high res source mesh '`~' for simplified mesh '`~'
  3215. MapCheck_Message_CleanBSPMaterials=Run 'Clean BSP Materials' to clear `~ unnecessary materal references
  3216. MapCheck_Message_ConstraintInstanceNull=`~ : RB_ConstraintActor actor has NULL ConstraintInstance property please delete
  3217. MapCheck_Message_ConstraintSetupNull=`~ : RB_ConstraintActor actor has NULL ConstraintSetup property please delete
  3218. MapCheck_Message_ContainsUnloadedStreamingLevel=Contains streaming level '`~' which isn't loaded
  3219. MapCheck_Message_CylinderComponentNull=`~ : NavigationPoint has NULL CylinderComponent please delete
  3220. MapCheck_Message_DecalComponentNoReceivers=`~ : Decal actor does not have any overlapping actors
  3221. MapCheck_Message_DecalComponentNull=`~ : Decal actor has NULL Decal property please delete
  3222. MapCheck_Message_DecalMaterialInstanceStaticMesh=`~::`~ : Material instance '`~' refers to a decal material '`~' but is applied to a static mesh
  3223. MapCheck_Message_DecalMaterialNULL=`~::`~ : Decal's material is NULL
  3224. MapCheck_Message_DecalMaterialStaticMesh=`~::`~ : Decal material '`~' is applied to a static mesh
  3225. MapCheck_Message_DeprecatedClass=`~::`~ is obsolete and must be removed (Class is deprecated)
  3226. MapCheck_Message_DoorMarkerNoDoor=`~ : DoorMarker with no door
  3227. MapCheck_Message_DuplicateLevelInfo=Duplicate level info
  3228. MapCheck_Message_DynamicBVNotPlayerButRB=`~ : DynamicBlockingVolume does not block players but does block ragdolls (BlockRigidBody is TRUE)
  3229. MapCheck_Message_DynamicPylonGenerator=Dynamic pylon should use Recast generator when there are other Recast pylons on level.
  3230. MapCheck_Message_DynamicStaticMeshComponent=`~ : DynamicSMActor has NULL StaticMeshComponent property please delete
  3231. MapCheck_Message_DynamicStaticMeshNull=`~ : DynamicSMActor has a StaticMeshComponent with NULL StaticMesh property
  3232. MapCheck_Message_ElementsWithZeroTriangles=`~ element(s) with zero triangles in static mesh '`~'
  3233. MapCheck_Message_ExtraCostZero=Extra Cost cannot be less than zero
  3234. MapCheck_Message_FSNotForProduction=FS Commands should not be used for production. -This is for prototyping only '`~' (Originator)
  3235. MapCheck_Message_FilenameIsTooLongForCooking=Filename '`~' is too long this may interfere with cooking for consoles. -Unreal filenames should be no longer than `~ characters.
  3236. MapCheck_Message_FixedUpDeletedLayerWeightmap=`~ : Fixed up deleted layer weightmap
  3237. MapCheck_Message_FixedUpIncorrectLayerWeightmap=`~ : Fixed up incorrect layer weightmap texture index
  3238. MapCheck_Message_FixedUpSharedLayerWeightmap=Fixed up shared weightmap texture for layer `~ in component '`~' (shares with '`~')
  3239. MapCheck_Message_FogVolumeMaterialNotSetupCorrectly=FogVolumeActor's Material is not setup to be used with Fog Volumes
  3240. MapCheck_Message_FracturedCompVertLightMaps=Fractured component '`~' using vertex lightmaps so will waste a lot of memory use texture lightmaps instead
  3241. MapCheck_Message_FracturedSMNeedsReslicing=`~ : Fractured Static Mesh needs to be resliced
  3242. MapCheck_Message_HiddenInterpActorUsingDefaultCube=`~ : Hidden InterpActor that is using a 'default' cube mesh and has a DLE which is enabled. -If this mesh is never made visible: the DLE should be DISABLED and bAcceptsLights should be set to FALSE (`~)
  3243. MapCheck_Message_InstancedStaticMesh_Texture_Size=The lightmap needed for a cluster of instanced meshes is larger than 4096x4096. You should reduce LightMapResolution for static mesh '`~' from `~, or reduce the number of instances per cluster (currently `~).
  3244. MapCheck_Message_InvalidActorAtRouteListIndex=`~ : RouteList Index `~ Has Invalid Actor
  3245. MapCheck_Message_InvalidDrawscale=`~ : Invalid DrawScale/DrawScale3D
  3246. MapCheck_Message_InvalidSceneCaptureComponent=`~ : No or invalid scene capture component please delete
  3247. MapCheck_Message_JumpCannotBeMade=Jump to '`~' cannot be successfully made
  3248. MapCheck_Message_JumpPads=`~ : Jumppads not allowed in zero or positive gravity volumes
  3249. MapCheck_Message_KActorWithNoBlockRigidBodyAndNoJoints=`~ : KActor has BlockRigidBody set to FALSE and no joints
  3250. MapCheck_Message_KAssetPhysicsAssetNull=`~ : KAsset actor has a SkeletalMeshComponent with a NULL physics asset
  3251. MapCheck_Message_KAssetSkeletalComponentNull=`~ : KAsset actor has NULL SkeletalMeshComponent property please delete
  3252. MapCheck_Message_KAssetSkeletalMeshNull=`~ : KAsset actor has a SkeletalMeshComponent with a NULL skeletal mesh
  3253. MapCheck_Message_KismetAutoAdjustEnabled=`~ : Modify Cover: Auto Adjust is enabled. -This is very expensive. -Autoadjust will soon be removed, use toggle to avoid breakage
  3254. MapCheck_Message_KismetDeprecatedPropLinkedVar=Kismet object `~ has a deprecated property `~ referenced by a linked variable: `~
  3255. MapCheck_Message_KismetFailToModify=Kismet object `~ will fail to modify Actor referenced through a linked variable: `~
  3256. MapCheck_Message_KismetSeqVarCharObsolete=`~ is obsolete! Replace it with a player variable and an Assign Player Slot action
  3257. MapCheck_Message_KismetStaticActorRef=Static actor referenced by kismet object `~ (Originator)
  3258. MapCheck_Message_KismetStreamInTexturesInvalidDuration=`~ : StreamInTextures using an invalid duration. -Please specify a positive number of seconds
  3259. MapCheck_Message_LandscapeCollisionPostLoad_Warning=Landscape (`~) has overlapping collision components at (`~, `~).
  3260. MapCheck_Message_LandscapeComponentPostLoad_Warning=Landscape (`~) has overlapping render components at location (`~, `~).
  3261. MapCheck_Message_LandscapeLayerInfo_CollisionWarning=LandscapeLayerInfoObject (`~) collides with a previous object with LayerName (`~). The newer one will not be used in Landscape edit mode.
  3262. MapCheck_Message_LandscapeNoLandscapeInfo_Warning=Landscape (`~) has no valid LandscapeInfo, so it cannot be edited. If this level is a part of a streaming level set, open the the persistent level and sublevels, and resave them.
  3263. MapCheck_Message_LandscapePostLoad_Warning=Landscape (`~) was originally created as a persistient level. Adding this as a sublevel when there are other components from the same Landscape in other streaming levels could cause problems.
  3264. MapCheck_Message_Landscape_Warning_MobileSupport=Landscape is currently unsupported on Mobile Platforms
  3265. MapCheck_Message_LegacySpeedTree=`~ : SpeedTreeActor has legacy USpeedTree resource! Please overwrite `~ with a new Speedtree 5.0
  3266. MapCheck_Message_LensFlareComponentNull=`~ : LensFlareSource actor has NULL LensFlareComponent property please delete
  3267. MapCheck_Message_LevelGridVolumes=LevelGridVolumes are only allowed in the persistent level
  3268. MapCheck_Message_LevelStreamingVolume=`~ : LevelStreamingVolume is not in the persistent level please delete
  3269. MapCheck_Message_LightComponentNull=`~ : Light actor has NULL LightComponent property please delete
  3270. MapCheck_Message_MassiveLODParenting=LOD Parent does not have MassiveLODDistance set
  3271. MapCheck_Message_MatchingLightGUID='`~' has same light GUID as '`~' (Duplicate and replace the orig with the new one)
  3272. MapCheck_Message_MeshSimplificationNeeded=High res source mesh '`~' for simplified mesh '`~' appears to have changed. -You should use the Mesh Simplification tool to update the simplified mesh
  3273. MapCheck_Message_ModifyPropertyPrototypingOnly=`~ : 'Modify Property' is for prototyping only and should be removed
  3274. MapCheck_Message_MoreMaterialThanReferenced=More overriden materials (`~) on static mesh component than referenced (`~) for source mesh '`~'
  3275. MapCheck_Message_MoreMaterialsThanElements=More overriden materials (`~) on static mesh component than LODInfo elements (`~) in source mesh '`~'
  3276. MapCheck_Message_MoreMaterialsThanReferenced=More overriden materials (`~) on static mesh component than are referenced (`~) in source mesh '`~'
  3277. MapCheck_Message_MultipleDominantDirectionalLights=Multiple DominantDirectionalLights detected please delete all but one
  3278. MapCheck_Message_MultipleDominantLights=Maps have multiple dominant lights affecting one primitive, these will show up red in lighting complexity and render incorrectly on consoles
  3279. MapCheck_Message_NavMeshOutOfDate=Navigation Mesh Data was generated with a version of the engine which is too old rebuild pathing
  3280. MapCheck_Message_NavPointAboveStallZ=NavigationPoint is above level's StallZ
  3281. MapCheck_Message_NavPointBadBase=`~ : Navigation point not on valid base or too close to steep slope
  3282. MapCheck_Message_NavPointLocationInvalid=`~ : This type of NavigationPoint cannot be based on '`~'
  3283. MapCheck_Message_NavPointTooClose=`~ : May be too close to other navigation points
  3284. MapCheck_Message_NavPointTouchesJumpPad=`~ : NavigationPoints must not touch jumppads
  3285. MapCheck_Message_NeedInterpActorBase=`~ : LiftCenter not based on an InterpActor
  3286. MapCheck_Message_NeedMorePlayerstarts=Only `~ PlayerStarts in this level (need at least `~)
  3287. MapCheck_Message_NegativeOrZeroDistance=Negative or zero distance to '`~'
  3288. MapCheck_Message_NoDamageType=`~ : Causes damage but has no DamageType defined
  3289. MapCheck_Message_NoFixedUpDeletedLayerWeightmap=`~ : No LayerInfo is available, need to add LayerInfos properly.
  3290. MapCheck_Message_NoJumpTarget=`~ : No JumpTarget set for this JumpPad
  3291. MapCheck_Message_NoLadderVolume=`~ : Ladder is not in a LadderVolume
  3292. MapCheck_Message_NoLevelsAssociatedWithStreamingVolume=`~ : No levels are associated with streaming volume.
  3293. MapCheck_Message_NoLiftCenter=`~ : No LiftCenter associated with this LiftExit
  3294. MapCheck_Message_NoLiftExit=`~ : No LiftExits associated with this LiftCenter
  3295. MapCheck_Message_NoLightingChannels=Actor has bAcceptsLights set but does not have bAcceptsDynamicLights, bAcceptsStaticLights or bAcceptsXRayLights set
  3296. MapCheck_Message_NoNavigationPoints=No navigation point list. -Paths define needed
  3297. MapCheck_Message_NoNeedDynamicNavPoint=`~ : No need for dynamic NavigationPoint when base is non static `~
  3298. MapCheck_Message_NoPathsFromPoint=`~ : has no paths, and is not inside the navmesh! (If this is a destination or something for players only set bDestinationonly=TRUE
  3299. MapCheck_Message_NoSisterPortal=`~ : No SisterPortal
  3300. MapCheck_Message_NoSlotsWithWave=`~::`~ : AmbientSoundNonLoop has no Slots containing a Wave
  3301. MapCheck_Message_NoSounds=`~::`~ : Ambient sound's AmbientProperties has a NULL Wave
  3302. MapCheck_Message_NonAmbientSoundNonLoopInstance=`~::`~ : AmbientSoundNonLoop has a non USoundNodeAmbientNonLoop SoundNodeInstance
  3303. MapCheck_Message_NonApprovedRuleset=Using non approved ruleset '`~'
  3304. MapCheck_Message_NonCoPlanarPolys=`~ : Brush has non coplanar polygons
  3305. MapCheck_Message_NotPlaceable=`~ : Not placeable and should be removed
  3306. MapCheck_Message_NotReachableFromAll=Cannot reach '`~' from this node
  3307. MapCheck_Message_NotUsingALightEnv=Skeletal Mesh component '`~' not using a light environment or custom lighting channels this will be inefficient and have incorrect lighting
  3308. MapCheck_Message_NullAmbientProperties=`~::`~ : Ambient sound has NULL AmbientProperties
  3309. MapCheck_Message_NullSoundNodeInstance=`~::`~ : Ambient sound has NULL SoundNodeInstance
  3310. MapCheck_Message_ObjectiveCollidingComponentWithNonUniformScaling=`~ : Objective with colliding component using non uniform scaling
  3311. MapCheck_Message_OnlySpecialPathsFromPoint=Only special action path to world: `~
  3312. MapCheck_Message_PSysCompErrorBadActorRef=PSysComp has a potentially bad parameter actor reference (not replicated?) at index `~ (`~)
  3313. MapCheck_Message_PSysCompErrorEmptyActorRef=PSysComp has an empty parameter actor reference at index `~ (`~)
  3314. MapCheck_Message_PSysCompErrorEmptyMaterialRef=PSysComp has an empty parameter material reference at index `~ (`~)
  3315. MapCheck_Message_ParticleSystemComponentNull=`~ : Emitter actor has NULL ParticleSystemComponent property please delete
  3316. MapCheck_Message_PathNodeInvalidGUID=Nav '`~' has an invalid GUID. -You may need to rebuild paths
  3317. MapCheck_Message_PhysRigidBodyNoCollisionComp=`~ : Set to PHYS_RigidBody but has no CollisionComponent
  3318. MapCheck_Message_PlanarBrush=`~ : Brush is planar
  3319. MapCheck_Message_PlayerStartInvalid=`~ : PlayerStart is not useable
  3320. MapCheck_Message_PortalMarkerFailed=`~ : Failed to add PortalMarker
  3321. MapCheck_Message_ProductionLighting=Maps not built with production lighting
  3322. MapCheck_Message_PylonGroundPosOutsideBounds=Pylon's ground position is outside its expansion bounds this pylon will not build paths
  3323. MapCheck_Message_PylonNoGeom=Unable to find collision geometry within expansion bounds this pylon will not build paths
  3324. MapCheck_Message_PylonNoGroundPos=Could not find ground position for pylon this pylon will not build paths
  3325. MapCheck_Message_PylonOutsideBounds=Pylon is outside its expansion bounds this pylon will not build paths
  3326. MapCheck_Message_PylonsInsideEachOther='`~.`~' and '`~.`~' are inside each other's bounds! One pylon can be in another's bounds, but not both
  3327. MapCheck_Message_RebuildLighting=Maps need lighting rebuilt
  3328. MapCheck_Message_RebuildPaths=Paths need to be rebuilt
  3329. MapCheck_Message_ReferencesLinksInDifferentNavNetwork=`~ : Contains references to links in different navigation networks
  3330. MapCheck_Message_RepairedPaintedVertexColors=`~ : Repaired painted vertex colors
  3331. MapCheck_Message_SameLocation=`~ is in the same location as `~
  3332. MapCheck_Message_SamePathNodeGUID=Nav '`~' shares GUID with '`~'
  3333. MapCheck_Message_SavedWithNewerVersion=Package '`~' has been saved with engine version newer than current and therefore won't be possible to save. -CurrEngineVersion: `~ -VersionSavedWith: `~
  3334. MapCheck_Message_SceneCaptureNull=`~ : SceneCaptureActor has NULL SceneCapture property please delete
  3335. MapCheck_Message_ShadowCasterUsingBoundsScale=Actor casts dynamic shadows and has a BoundsScale greater than 1! This will have a large performance hit
  3336. MapCheck_Message_SharesQueuePoint=Shares a QueuePoint '`~' with '`~'
  3337. MapCheck_Message_SimpleCollisionButNonUniformScale='`~' has simple collision but is being scaled non uniformly collision creation will fail
  3338. MapCheck_Message_SimpleLightmapModTextureButIncorrectCompression='`~' has a simple lightmap modifiaction texture assigned, but the texture's compression settings are incorrect (should be TC_SimpleLightmapModification)
  3339. MapCheck_Message_SingleStaticActor=`~ : RB_ConstraintActor actor is connected to a single static actor
  3340. MapCheck_Message_SkelMeshActorAnimTreeTemplateAssigned=`~ : SkeletalMeshActor, and subclasses (except SkeletalMeshActorMAT) should have its AnimTreeTemplate set to None
  3341. MapCheck_Message_SkelMeshActorAnimationsAssignedIncorrectly=`~ : SkeletalMeshActor and subclasses (except SkeletalMeshActorMAT) should have their Animations set to something other than an AnimNodeSequence
  3342. MapCheck_Message_SkelMeshActorMATAnimTreeTemplateNotAssigned=`~ : SkeletalMeshActorMAT (Matinee Anim Tree) should have an AnimTreeTemplate assigned
  3343. MapCheck_Message_SkelMeshActorMATAnimationsAssigned=`~ : SkeletalMeshActorMAT (Matinee Anim Tree) should have Animations set to None
  3344. MapCheck_Message_SkelMeshActorNoPhysAsset=SkeletalMeshActor '`~' casts shadow but has no PhysicsAsset assigned. -The shadow will be low res and inefficient
  3345. MapCheck_Message_SkeletalMeshComponent=`~ : Skeletal mesh actor has NULL SkeletalMeshComponent property
  3346. MapCheck_Message_SkeletalMeshNull=`~ : Skeletal mesh actor has NULL SkeletalMesh property
  3347. MapCheck_Message_SlotFailedAlignToSurface=`~ : Slot `~ failed to align to surface
  3348. MapCheck_Message_SlotNoCoverType=`~ : Slot `~ has no CoverType
  3349. MapCheck_Message_SoundCueNull=`~ : Ambient sound actor's AudioComponent has a NULL SoundCue property
  3350. MapCheck_Message_StaticFalse=`~ : bStatic false but is true by default map will fail in netplay
  3351. MapCheck_Message_StaticMeshComponent=`~ : Static mesh actor has NULL StaticMeshComponent property please delete
  3352. MapCheck_Message_StaticMeshNull=`~ : Static mesh actor has NULL StaticMesh property
  3353. MapCheck_Message_StaticMeshWithNullBodySetup=`~ : KActor has a StaticMeshComponent whose StaticMesh's BodySetup is NULL
  3354. MapCheck_Message_StaticPhysNone=`~ : bStatic true, but has Physics set to something other than PHYS_None
  3355. MapCheck_Message_TerrainErrorInvalidMaterialIndex=Terrain: Invalid MaterialIndex `2~ `~
  3356. MapCheck_Message_TerrainErrorMaterialParameterName=TERRAIN MATERIAL: Texture parameter name duplication `~
  3357. MapCheck_Message_TerrainErrorMaterialTextureCount=TERRAIN MATERIAL: Total Texture Count = `2~ on `~
  3358. MapCheck_Message_TerrainErrorMissingShaderMap=TERRAIN MATERIAL: Missing shader map `~
  3359. MapCheck_Message_TerrainErrorNormalMapLayer=Terrain NormalMapLayer index `2~ outside of Layers count `2~ for terrain `~
  3360. MapCheck_Message_TerrainWarningLayerMissingSetup=`~ : Layer missing setup at index `~
  3361. MapCheck_Message_TerrainWarningMobileSupport=Terrain is currently unsupported on Mobile Platforms
  3362. MapCheck_Message_TrashcanReference='`~' references trashcan object '`~' ('`~' > -'`~')
  3363. MapCheck_Message_UnfilteredSkeletalMeshDecal=`~::`~ : Movable Decal is attached to a SkeletalMesh but has no Filter set. -This will result in a significant performance penalty
  3364. MapCheck_Message_UselessPathNode=`~ is unnecessary and should be removed
  3365. MapCheck_Message_UsingExternalObject=`~ : Externally referenced
  3366. MapCheck_Message_VertexColorsNotMatchOriginalMesh=`~ (LOD `~) has hand painted vertex colors that no longer match the original StaticMesh (`~)
  3367. MapCheck_Message_VolumeActorCollisionComponentNULL=`~ : Volume actor has NULL collision component please delete
  3368. MapCheck_Message_VolumeActorZeroRadius=`~ : Volume actor has a collision component with 0 radius please delete
  3369. MapCheck_ToolTip_Copy=Copies this list to the clipboard
  3370. MapCheck_ToolTip_Delete=Removes the selected actor from the current level
  3371. MapCheck_ToolTip_DeleteAll=Removes all actors from the current level whose errors are best solved by deleting the actor
  3372. MapCheck_ToolTip_Goto=Goes to the physical location of the actor within the level. If the asset is not an actor, open its editor window instead
  3373. MapSaved=Map Saved
  3374. MapScaling=Map scaling
  3375. MappingType=Current Type
  3376. MatchingBrush=Matching Brush
  3377. MatchingGroups=Matching Groups
  3378. MatchingItems=Matching Items
  3379. MatchingResolution=Matching Lightmap Resolution
  3380. MatchingResolution_Current=Matching Resolution (Current level)
  3381. MatchingTexture=Matching Texture
  3382. Material=Material
  3383. MaterialBoneManager=Material Bone Manager
  3384. MaterialEditor=Material Editor
  3385. MaterialEditorBreakAllConnections=Material Editor: Break All Connections
  3386. MaterialEditorBreakConnection=Material Editor: Break Connection
  3387. MaterialEditorCaption_F=Unreal Material Editor: `~
  3388. MaterialEditorCleanUnusedExpressions=Material Editor: Clean Unused Expressions
  3389. MaterialEditorConvert=Material Editor Convert Operation
  3390. MaterialEditorDelete=Material Editor: Delete
  3391. MaterialEditorEditProperties=Material Editor: Edit Properties
  3392. MaterialEditorMakeConnection=Material Editor: Make Connection
  3393. MaterialEditorMoveConnections=Material Editor: Move Connections
  3394. MaterialEditorNewComment=Material Editor: New Comment
  3395. MaterialEditorNewCompound=Material Editor: New Compound
  3396. MaterialEditorNewExpression=Material Editor: New Expression
  3397. MaterialEditorNoMaterialFunctionSelected=No Material Function was selected in the Content Browser
  3398. MaterialEditorPaste=Material Editor: Paste
  3399. MaterialEditorResizeComment=Material Editor: Resize Comment
  3400. MaterialEditorTogglePreview=Material Editor: Toggle Preview
  3401. MaterialEditor_HideInactiveNodes=Hide Inactive Material Nodes
  3402. MaterialEditor_PreviewNodeStart=Preview Node On Mesh
  3403. MaterialEditor_PreviewNodeStop=Stop Previewing Node
  3404. MaterialExpressions=Material Expressions
  3405. MaterialFunctions=Material Functions
  3406. MaterialInstanceConstantEditor=Edit Existing InstanceConstant
  3407. MaterialInstanceEditor=Material Instance Editor
  3408. MaterialInstanceEditorCaption_F=Unreal Material Instance Editor: `~
  3409. MaterialInstanceFloatValue_F= (`~)
  3410. MaterialInstanceFontValue_F= (Font=`~ Page=`~)
  3411. MaterialInstanceNameTaken_F=The material instance name you specified is already taken: `~
  3412. MaterialInstanceParent=Material Instance Parents
  3413. MaterialInstanceParent_F=Material Instance Parents: `~
  3414. MaterialInstanceTextureValue_F= (`~)
  3415. MaterialInstanceTimeVaryingEditor=Edit Existing InstanceTimeVarying
  3416. MaterialInstanceVectorValue_F= (R=`~, G=`~, B=`~, A=`~)
  3417. MaterialInstance_F=Material Instance `~
  3418. MaterialNodes=Material Nodes
  3419. MaterialNodeCategory_Label=Category:
  3420. MaterialNodeCategory_All=All
  3421. MaterialNodeCategory_Expressions=Expressions
  3422. MaterialNodeCategory_Functions=Functions
  3423. Materials=Materials
  3424. MaterialsMenu=Materials
  3425. MaterialsSubMenu=Materials...
  3426. Matinee=Matinee
  3427. MatineeActionAlreadyOpen=Selected Matinee Action Is Being Edited Please Close Before Doing This.
  3428. MatineeCamAnimMode=UnrealMatinee (CameraAnim mode)
  3429. MaxHullVerts=Max Hull Verts
  3430. MaxInVal=MaxInVal
  3431. MaxUVStretchingText=Max UV Stretching
  3432. Maximize_Viewport=Maximize Viewport
  3433. MaximumDensity=Maximum Density
  3434. Medium=Medium
  3435. MemorizeSet=Memorize Set
  3436. Memory=Memory
  3437. MenuAssignMaterialToActor=Assign Material to Selected Actor
  3438. MenuAssignMaterialToMultipleActors=Assign Material to Selected Actors
  3439. Merge=Merge
  3440. MergeFacesQ=Merge Faces?
  3441. MergeMaterialSuccess=Success\nMerged From `~ Materials To `~.
  3442. MergePolys=Merge polys
  3443. MergeScale=Merge Scale
  3444. MergeStaticMesh=Merge StaticMesh (Add Core)
  3445. MergeVisibleLevels=Merge Levels into New Level
  3446. MergeVisibleLevelsPromptCancelMerge=Cancel Merge
  3447. MergeVisibleLevelsPromptDiscardHidden=Discard Hidden
  3448. MergeVisibleLevelsPromptKeepHidden=Keep Hidden
  3449. MergeVisibleLevelsPromptMessage=This operation will merge all levels into a single new level. -Some of the levels are currently hidden. -Discard the hidden levels?
  3450. Merging=Merging
  3451. Mesh=Mesh
  3452. MeshHasDifferentRoot=Root Bone is '`~' instead of '`~'.\nDiscarding existing LODs.
  3453. MeshImport=Static Mesh Import
  3454. MeshList=Mesh List
  3455. MeshMenu=Mesh
  3456. MeshNone=Mesh: None
  3457. MeshPaintMode_TexturePaint_Commit=Committing Texture Paint Changes: `~
  3458. MeshPaintMode_TexturePaint_Transaction=Texture Paint
  3459. MeshPaintMode_Warning_Commit=You have uncommitted texture paint changes.\nWould you like to commit them now?
  3460. MeshPaintWindow_WindowTitle=Mesh Paint
  3461. MeshParticlesSF=Mesh Particles
  3462. MeshPreset=Mesh Preset:
  3463. MeshProperties=Mesh Properties
  3464. MeshProxy_ActorsMustBeInSameLevel=All actors must belong to the same level to create a proxy mesh.
  3465. MeshProxy_Create=Create Mesh Proxy
  3466. MeshProxy_CreatingMaterial=Creating material for mesh proxy...
  3467. MeshProxy_CreatingProxy=Creating mesh proxy...
  3468. MeshProxy_Destroy=Destroy Mesh Proxy
  3469. MeshProxy_DestroyingProxy=Destroying mesh proxy...
  3470. MeshProxy_GroupNotFound=Group Not Found
  3471. MeshProxy_IgnoreVertexColorsLabel=Ignore Vertex Colors
  3472. MeshProxy_MaterialTypeLabel=Material Type
  3473. MeshProxy_Merge=Merge
  3474. MeshProxy_MultipleActorsSelected=Multiple Actors Selected
  3475. MeshProxy_MultipleGroupsSelected=Multiple Groups Selected
  3476. MeshProxy_NoGroupSelected=No Group Selected
  3477. MeshProxy_NoGroupSelection=Group Selection Disabled
  3478. MeshProxy_NotEnoughStaticMeshesInGroup=Not Enough Static Meshes In Group
  3479. MeshProxy_OnScreenSizeLabel=On Screen Size (pixels)
  3480. MeshProxy_PreserveOriginalSettings=Do you wish to remerge using the original settings?\n`~
  3481. MeshProxy_Recreate=Recreate Mesh Proxy
  3482. MeshProxy_RecreatingProxy=Recreating mesh proxy...
  3483. MeshProxy_Remerge=Remerge
  3484. MeshProxy_TextureSizeLabel=Texture Resolution
  3485. MeshProxy_Unmerge=Unmerge
  3486. MeshSimp_BoneLodSettings=Skeleton Simplification
  3487. MeshSimp_BoneTargetPercentage=Number of Bones (%)
  3488. MeshSimp_DesiredQuality=Desired Quality
  3489. MeshSimp_GenerateLODFailed_F=An error occurred while simplifying the geometry for mesh '`~'. -Consider adjusting simplification parameters and re simplifying the mesh.
  3490. MeshSimp_GeneratingLOD_F=Generating LOD`~ for `~...
  3491. MeshSimp_HighImportance=High
  3492. MeshSimp_HighestImportance=Highest
  3493. MeshSimp_ImportanceOff=Off
  3494. MeshSimp_LODVertexInfluenceWarning=LOD`~ of `~ has alternate bone weightings. Simplification will cause these weightings to be lost.
  3495. MeshSimp_LicenseRequired_F=The mesh `~ has been simplified. A Simplygon license is required but the Simplygon library is not present. The mesh has been reverted to its original state.
  3496. MeshSimp_LowImportance=Low
  3497. MeshSimp_LowestImportance=Lowest
  3498. MeshSimp_MaxBonesPerVertex=Max Bones Per Vertex
  3499. MeshSimp_NoMeshAssignedToStaticMeshActor_F=Cannot simplify the selected mesh '`~' because it doesn't have a StaticMesh assigned.
  3500. MeshSimp_NoRawTriangles_F=Source triangles are not available for `~. Normals must be recomputed.
  3501. MeshSimp_NormalImportance=Normal
  3502. MeshSimp_NormalMode=Normals
  3503. MeshSimp_NormalsThreshold=Hard Edge Angle Threshold
  3504. MeshSimp_NumberOfTriangles=Number of Triangles (%)
  3505. MeshSimp_OrigMeshStatsGroup=Original Mesh
  3506. MeshSimp_PixelError=Allowed Pixel Error
  3507. MeshSimp_PreserveSmoothingGroups=Preserve Smoothing Groups
  3508. MeshSimp_QualityDeviation= Max Deviation
  3509. MeshSimp_QualityReductionMethod=Simplification Type
  3510. MeshSimp_RecomputeNormals=Recompute Normals
  3511. MeshSimp_RecomputeNormalsHard=Recompute Normals (Hard)
  3512. MeshSimp_RecomputeNormalsSmooth=Recompute Normals (Smooth)
  3513. MeshSimp_RepairOptions=Repair Options
  3514. MeshSimp_ShadingImportance=Shading
  3515. MeshSimp_SilhouetteImportance=Silhouette
  3516. MeshSimp_Simplify=Simplify
  3517. MeshSimp_SimplifyAllSelectedDialogTitle=Simplify Meshes
  3518. MeshSimp_SimplifyLOD_F=Simplify LOD`~
  3519. MeshSimp_SimplifyingMesh_F=Simplifying LOD`~ of `~...
  3520. MeshSimp_SimplifyingMeshes=Simplifying meshes...
  3521. MeshSimp_SkinningImportance=Animation
  3522. MeshSimp_SrcVertexInfluenceWarning=The source model for `~ has alternate bone weightings. The simplified mesh will not have those weightings.
  3523. MeshSimp_TextureImportance=Texture
  3524. MeshSimp_TriangleCount_F=Triangles: `~
  3525. MeshSimp_VertexCount_F=Vertices: `~
  3526. MeshSimp_ViewDistance=View Distance
  3527. MeshSimp_WeldingThreshold=Welding Threshold
  3528. MeshSimp_WindowTitle=Mesh Simplification
  3529. MeshTrisBones_F=Mesh: `~ -Tris: `~ -Bones: `~
  3530. Message=Message
  3531. MessageList=Message List
  3532. Message_ASEImportVertexPercentageResults=Generated `~ vertices from `~ imported (`~ increase).
  3533. MidLevel=Mid Level
  3534. MinInVal=MinInVal
  3535. MinimumBoneSize=Minimum Bone Size
  3536. Mirror=Mirror
  3537. MirrorAnimation=Mirror Animation
  3538. MirrorAttachLoc=Mirror Attachment Location
  3539. MirrorTable:=Mirror Table:
  3540. MirrorTableBad=Mirror Table Bad.\n\nProblem Bones:\n`~
  3541. MirrorTableOK=Mirror Table OK
  3542. MirrorXAxis=Mirror X Axis
  3543. MirrorYAxis=Mirror Y Axis
  3544. MirrorZAxis=Mirror Z Axis
  3545. MirroringActors=Mirroring Actors
  3546. Misc=Misc
  3547. MissingCollisionSF=Missing Collision
  3548. MissingFilename=Missing filename
  3549. MissingFiles=Missing Files
  3550. MissingObjects=Missing Objects
  3551. MissingScaleFactor=Missing scale factor
  3552. MixMatchSockets=Cannot copy/paste sockets as they are incompatible (skeletal vs. static mesh)
  3553. MixerSetting=Editor Mixer State Setting
  3554. MobileMP3FileCapitalizationDoesNotMatch=The capitalization for the file "`~.mp3" does not match between the `~ music resources.
  3555. MobileMP3FileMissing=The file "`~.mp3" is missing from the `~ music resources.
  3556. MobileMP3FilenameEmpty=The mp3 filename is empty for the "`~" Kismet node
  3557. MobilePreview=Mobile Previewer
  3558. ModeButtonGroupLabel=Modes
  3559. ModeWidgetsSF=Mode Widgets
  3560. Modifier_F=Modifier [`~]
  3561. Modifiers=Modifiers
  3562. ModifyBackgroundMusic=Modify Background Music Track
  3563. ModifyBlendControl=Modify Blend Control Subtrack
  3564. ModifyCameraShakeControl=Modify Camera Shake Control
  3565. ModifyCharFX=Modify Character Effects
  3566. ModifyCharacterSound=Modify Character Sound
  3567. ModifyClothControl=Modify Cloth Control Subtrack
  3568. ModifyDamageRegions=Modify Damage Regions
  3569. ModifyDismembermentRegions=Modify Dismemberment Regions
  3570. ModifyGameCamBlendKey=Modify Blend Key
  3571. ModifyMeshInList=Modify
  3572. ModifyPoints=Modify Points
  3573. ModuleDeleteConfirm=Module state is different in other LOD levels.\nAre you sure you want to delete it?
  3574. ModuleDump=Module Dump
  3575. Module_ColorScaleOverLife_SetupParticleParam=Set up particle parameter
  3576. Module_LocationBoneSocket_AutoFill=Auto fill Bone/Socket Names
  3577. Module_LocationBoneSocket_EditorMeshNoBones=Editor mesh has no bones.
  3578. Module_LocationBoneSocket_EditorMeshNoSockets=Editor mesh has no sockets.
  3579. Module_LocationBoneSocket_NoEditorMesh=No editor mesh is set.
  3580. Module_LocationVertSurface_AutoFill=Auto fill Bone Names
  3581. Modules=Modules
  3582. MoreMaterialThanReferenced=More overriden materials (`~) on static mesh component than referenced (`~) for source mesh '`~'.
  3583. MoreMaterialsThanElements=More overriden materials (`~) on static mesh component than LODInfo elements (`~) in source mesh '`~'.
  3584. Morph=Morph
  3585. MorphNodePose=Morph Pose
  3586. MorphSet=MorphSet
  3587. MorphTarget=MorphTarget
  3588. MorphTargetSet=MorphTargetSet
  3589. MorphTargets=MorphTargets
  3590. MotionBlurSF=Motion Blur
  3591. MotionRadius=Motion Radius
  3592. Motorise=Enable Motor
  3593. MotoriseBelow=Enable Motors Below..
  3594. MoveActiveTrackOrGroup=Move Active Track Or Group
  3595. MoveActorToGrid=Move Actors To Grid
  3596. MoveAnimDown=Move Anim Sequence Down In List
  3597. MoveAnimUp=Move Anim Sequence Up In List
  3598. MoveCameraToInvisLevelActor_Message=Attempted to move camera to actors whose levels are currently not visible:\n`~
  3599. MoveCameraToInvisLevelActor_Title=Hidden Actors
  3600. MoveCameraToPoint=Teleport to Point\tCtrl+T+Click
  3601. MoveCenterSelection=Move to Center of Selection
  3602. MoveConstraint=Move Constraint
  3603. MoveDownSuperGroup=Move Super Group Down
  3604. MoveElement=Move Element
  3605. MoveEmitter=Move Emitter
  3606. MoveEndMarker=Move End Marker
  3607. MoveHere=Move Here
  3608. MoveHereSnapped=Move Here (snapped)
  3609. MoveLoopEndMarker=Move Loop End Marker
  3610. MoveLoopStartMarker=Move Loop Start Marker
  3611. MoveOrRenameLevel=Move or Rename Level
  3612. MoveSelectedActorsToCurrentLevel=Move Selected Actors To Current Level
  3613. MoveSelectedActorsToCurrentLevelGridVolume=Move Selected Actors to Current Level Grid Volume
  3614. MoveSelectedKeys=Move Selected Keys
  3615. MoveSequence=Move Sequence(s) to selected AnimSet
  3616. MoveToFaces=Move To Faces
  3617. MoveToTrashE=Move To Trash
  3618. MoveUpSuperGroup=Move Super Group Up
  3619. MoveWithReferences=Move With References
  3620. MoveWithReferencesQ= Move With References?
  3621. Multiple=Multiple
  3622. MultipleCopy=Copy\Paste Dialog
  3623. MultipleFilesSelectedForLOD=You May Only Select One File For LOD
  3624. MultipleHKXRigidBodies=Multiple rigid bodies found in HKX file
  3625. MultiplePropertyValues=<multiple values>
  3626. MustBeAtLeastOneCollisionBody=A mesh must contain at least 1 collision primitive.
  3627. MwyUIGFxReImport=Re Import Scaleform Movie
  3628. NRSAudioLanguageMenu=Set NRSAudio Language
  3629. Name=Name
  3630. NameInput=Name Input
  3631. NameSequence=Name Sequence
  3632. NameSuffix=Name Suffix
  3633. NamedVariable=Named Variable
  3634. NamedVariableUse=Named Variable Use
  3635. NamesCantBeingWithSpace=Name properties can't contain spaces. -Trimming leading spaces.
  3636. NamesCantBeingWithUnderscore=Name properties can't begin with an underscore. -Trimming leading underscores.
  3637. Navigation=Navigation
  3638. NavigationNodesSF=Navigation Nodes\tN
  3639. NeedSimpCollisionForFracture=This mesh requires a collision model to make a fractured mesh.
  3640. NeedsSlicing=, NEEDS SLICING
  3641. NeedsToCloseMatineeQ=This command must close UnrealMatinee. -Continue?
  3642. NeedsToFullyLoadPackageF=Package `~ is not fully loaded. Do you want to fully load it? Not doing so will abort the '`~' operation.
  3643. New=New
  3644. NewAction=New Action
  3645. NewAnimNode=New Animation Node
  3646. NewAnimOffset=New Anim Offset
  3647. NewAnimRate=New Anim Rate
  3648. NewAnimSequence=New Animation Sequence
  3649. NewAnimSet=New AnimSet
  3650. NewBone=New Bone
  3651. NewCinema=New Cinema
  3652. NewClassName=New Class Name
  3653. NewComment=New Comment
  3654. NewCommentWithHotkey=New Comment\tC
  3655. NewComponentName=New Component Name
  3656. NewCondition=New Condition
  3657. NewConsoleEvent=New Console Event
  3658. NewControlBase=New Skeletal Control
  3659. NewCut=New Cut
  3660. NewE=New...
  3661. NewEmitter=New Emitter
  3662. NewEmitterLeft=New Emitter Before
  3663. NewEmitterRight=New Emitter After
  3664. NewEvent=New Event
  3665. NewEventKey=New Event Key
  3666. NewEventName=New Event Name
  3667. NewEventUsing_F=New Event Using `~
  3668. NewEventsUsing_F=New Events Using `~,...
  3669. NewF=New `~
  3670. NewFHelp=New `~\t`~
  3671. NewFolderName=New Folder Name
  3672. NewFromFileE=New From File...
  3673. NewGroup=New Group
  3674. NewGroupName=New Group Name
  3675. NewKeyTime=New Key Time
  3676. NewKeyValue=New Key Value
  3677. NewLayer=New Layer
  3678. NewLength=New Length
  3679. NewLevel=New Level...
  3680. NewLevelDlg=New Level
  3681. NewLevelE=New Level...
  3682. NewLevelFromSelectedActors=New Level From Selected Actors
  3683. NewMapScreen_Title=New Map
  3684. NewMaterialName=New Material Name:
  3685. NewMeshMissingBoneFromLOD=New mesh is missing bone '`~' required by an LOD. LOD will be removed.
  3686. NewMorphNode=New Morph Node
  3687. NewMorphTargetName=New MorphTarget Name
  3688. NewMorphTargetSet=New MorphTargetSet
  3689. NewName=New Name
  3690. NewNotify=New Notify
  3691. NewObject=New Object
  3692. NewObjectInvalidLocation=This is not a valid location for a new Sequence Object.
  3693. NewObjectVarUsing_F=New Object Var Using `~
  3694. NewObjectVarsUsing_F=New Object Vars Using `~,...
  3695. NewOffset=New Offset
  3696. NewOverride=New Name
  3697. NewPhysicsAsset=New Physics Asset
  3698. NewProjectWindow_Title=New Project Wizard
  3699. NewProject_Error_BuildScript=Failed to build scripts for new project.
  3700. NewProject_Error_CopyFile=Failed to copy file.
  3701. NewProject_Error_CreateDir=Failed to create install directory.
  3702. NewProject_Error_DiskSpace=Failed to find sufficient disk space.
  3703. NewProject_Error_FindTemplate=Failed to find project template folder.
  3704. NewProject_Error_InstallDir=Invalid install directory.
  3705. NewProject_Error_LaunchProj=Failed to launch new project editor.
  3706. NewProject_Error_Manifest=Invalid manifest file.
  3707. NewProject_Error_NoError=No error.
  3708. NewProject_Error_ProjName=Invalid project name.
  3709. NewProject_Error_ReadFile=Failed to read file.
  3710. NewProject_Error_ShortName=Invalid short project name. -Please ensure that the short name starts with a letter and only contains a combination of letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores. -Spaces and other special characters are not allowed.
  3711. NewProject_Error_SourceDir=Invalid source directory.
  3712. NewProject_Error_WriteFile=Failed to write file.
  3713. NewRemoteEvent=New Remote Event
  3714. NewSeqKey=New Sequence
  3715. NewSequence=New Sequence
  3716. NewSequenceName=New Sequence Name
  3717. NewSkelControlChain=New SkelControl Chain
  3718. NewSocket=New Socket
  3719. NewSoundClass=New Sound Class
  3720. NewTerrainE=New Terrain...
  3721. NewTerrainWizard=New Terrain Wizard
  3722. NewTime=New Time
  3723. NewTrack=NewTrack
  3724. NewTrackName=New Track Name
  3725. NewTransitionTime=New Transition Time
  3726. NewValue=New Value
  3727. NewVar=New Var
  3728. NewVarName=New Variable Name
  3729. NewVariable=New Variable
  3730. NewVolume=New Volume
  3731. NewWrappedComment=New Comment (Wrap)
  3732. New_F=New `~
  3733. NextRealtimeDebugging=Run to Next Action (Alt+F10) (Right click for options)
  3734. NextRealtimeDebuggingAny=Any
  3735. NextRealtimeDebuggingBreakpoint=Downstream
  3736. NextRealtimeDebuggingSelected=Selected
  3737. No=No
  3738. NoActiveTrack=No active track selected. Highlight a track from the list on the left side of the window before adding a keyframe.
  3739. NoAnimSeqsFound=No AnimSequences Found. Have You Added Some AnimSets To The Group's AnimSets Array?
  3740. NoCustomSortSections=No sections in the mesh are TRISORT_Custom. See the mesh's LODInfo properties.
  3741. NoDestinationAnimSetSelected=No destination AnimSet selected in Browser.
  3742. NoFileSelectedForLOD=No .PSK File Selected For LOD
  3743. NoFractureInfo=Before slicing, please click the Generate button to create the chunk splits for this mesh.
  3744. NoGroupToDuplicate=Must Select A Group Before Duplicating
  3745. NoHKXPhysicsData=No physics data found in HKX file
  3746. NoLODToRemove=No LODs To Remove!
  3747. NoLevelsAssociatedWithStreamingVolume=No levels are associated with streaming volume.
  3748. NoMaterialFoundCreate=The currently assigned material instance cannot be edited. -Do you want to create a new material instance?
  3749. NoMorphDataLabel=No Morph data present for this mesh.
  3750. NoPhysChunk=Spawn No Physics
  3751. NoPhysChunks=No Physics Chunks
  3752. NoPropagation=No Propagation
  3753. NoResults=No Results
  3754. NoSkelMeshSelected=No SkeletalMesh Selected.\nSelect the SkeletalMesh in the Content Browser that you want to use as the new Default SkeletalMesh for this PhysicsAsset.
  3755. NoSocketSetsInMesh=No socket sets in mesh!
  3756. NoSocketsToPaste=No Sockets in Clipboard to Paste.
  3757. NoSoundCueSelected=Cannot Add Sound. No SoundCue or Audio Event Selected In Browser.
  3758. NoSourceSkelMeshSelected=No SkeletalMesh selected in Browser.
  3759. NoToAll=No to All
  3760. NonDSA=Non DSA Group
  3761. NonSolid=Non Solid
  3762. NonSolidMesh=Nonsolid (contains gaps or holes)
  3763. NonSolids=Non Solids
  3764. NonZeroExtent=Non Zero Extent
  3765. None=None
  3766. Normal=Normal
  3767. NotAnHKXFile=This is not a valid Havok HKX file
  3768. NotBound=(Not Bound)
  3769. Notes=Notes
  3770. NothingToKeyframe=Nothing to keyframe, or selected object can't be keyframed on this type of track.\nFor example, you can't move a StaticMesh, you must instead use a Mover.
  3771. Notifies=Notifies
  3772. NotifyDisableAllPSys=Disable All PSys Previews
  3773. NotifyEnableAllPSys=Enable All PSys Previews
  3774. NotifyRefreshAllData=Refresh all Notifier Data
  3775. NotifyRefreshAllDataHelp=Reloads all data associated with Notifiers, such as Anim Trail Data.
  3776. NotifyType=Notify Type
  3777. NumChunks=Num Chunks
  3778. NumLightMapLights=Num LightMap Lights
  3779. NumPrimitives_F=Num Primitives: -`~
  3780. NumShadowMapLights=Num ShadowMap Lights
  3781. OK=OK
  3782. OKToAll=OK To All
  3783. Object=Object
  3784. ObjectAssignmentsFailed=Failed to assign `~ to the `~ property, see log for details.
  3785. ObjectContext_ApplySkeletonTypePreset=Apply Skeleton Based INI Preset Values
  3786. ObjectContext_BulkExport=Bulk Export to Folder...
  3787. ObjectContext_CaptureThumbnailsFromPlayInEditorViewport=Capture Thumbnail from PIE Viewport
  3788. ObjectContext_CaptureThumbnailsFromViewport=Capture Thumbnail from Active Viewport
  3789. ObjectContext_ClearCustomThumbnails=Clear Custom Thumbnail
  3790. ObjectContext_ClearProtoSuppressWarnings=Clear prototype flag suppressing warnings
  3791. ObjectContext_CompareSkeletons=Compare Skeletons...
  3792. ObjectContext_CompileForPlatform=Compile material for:
  3793. ObjectContext_CompressTexturesNow_F=Compressing `~ Textures that have Defer Compression set
  3794. ObjectContext_ConsolidateObjs=Consolidate...
  3795. ObjectContext_ConvertToCubemap=Convert to Cubemap...
  3796. ObjectContext_ConvertToPanoramic=Convert to Panoramic image...
  3797. ObjectContext_ConvertToSeeded=Convert to seeded modules
  3798. ObjectContext_CopyMaterialParametersToClipboard=Copy parameters to clipboard
  3799. ObjectContext_CopyParametersToClipboard=Copy parameters to clipboard.
  3800. ObjectContext_CopyParticleParameters=Copy Parameters to Clipboard
  3801. ObjectContext_CopyReferencesToClipboard=Copy Full Name to Clipboard
  3802. ObjectContext_CopyTextureAdjustments=Copy Color Adjustments to Clipboard
  3803. ObjectContext_CreateClothSet=Create New Cloth Set from Mesh...
  3804. ObjectContext_CreateNewAnimSetFromMesh=Create New AnimSet from Mesh...
  3805. ObjectContext_CreateNewApexEmitter=Create New Apex Emitter
  3806. ObjectContext_CreateNewBasicIos=Create New Apex Basic IOS
  3807. ObjectContext_CreateNewFluidIos=Create New Apex Fluid IOS
  3808. ObjectContext_CreateNewGroundEmitter=Create New Apex Ground Emitter
  3809. ObjectContext_CreateNewImpactEmitter=Create New Apex Impact Emitter
  3810. ObjectContext_CreateNewIofx=Create New Apex IOFX
  3811. ObjectContext_CreateNewMaterial=Create New Material...
  3812. ObjectContext_CreateNewMaterialInstanceConstant=Create New Material Instance (Constant)...
  3813. ObjectContext_CreateNewMaterialInstanceTimeVarying=Create New Material Instance (Time Varying)...
  3814. ObjectContext_CreateNewPhysicsAsset=Create New Physics Asset...
  3815. ObjectContext_CreateHipshiftPresetFromMesh=Create Hipshifting Preset from Mesh...
  3816. ObjectContext_CreateStaticTexture=Create New Static Texture...
  3817. ObjectContext_CreateSubArchetype=Create Sub Archetype...
  3818. ObjectContext_Delete=Delete
  3819. ObjectContext_Duplicate=Create a Copy...
  3820. ObjectContext_EditCurves=Edit Force Field...
  3821. ObjectContext_EditProperties=Properties...
  3822. ObjectContext_EditSoundCueNodes=Properties and Sound Attenuation Nodes...
  3823. ObjectContext_EditSoundWaveNodes=Sound Wave Node Properties...
  3824. ObjectContext_EditUsingAITreeEditor=Edit Using AITree Editor...
  3825. ObjectContext_EditUsingAnimSetViewer=Edit Using Anim Set Viewer...
  3826. ObjectContext_EditUsingAnimTreeEditor=Edit Using AnimTree Editor...
  3827. ObjectContext_EditUsingApexEditorWidgets=Edit Using Apex Widgets Editor
  3828. ObjectContext_EditUsingBlendGridProfileEditor=Edit Using Blend Grid Profile Editor...
  3829. ObjectContext_EditUsingCascade=Edit Using UnrealCascade...
  3830. ObjectContext_EditUsingCurveEditor=Edit Using Curve Editor...
  3831. ObjectContext_EditUsingFontEditor=Edit Using Font Editor...
  3832. ObjectContext_EditUsingGasket=Edit Using Gasket...
  3833. ObjectContext_EditUsingLensFlareEditor=Edit Using Lens Flare Editor...
  3834. ObjectContext_EditUsingMaterialEditor=Edit Using Material Editor...
  3835. ObjectContext_EditUsingMaterialInstanceEditor=Edit Using Material Instance Editor...
  3836. ObjectContext_EditUsingMatinee=Edit Using Matinee...
  3837. ObjectContext_EditUsingPhAT=Edit Using Physics Asset Tool...
  3838. ObjectContext_EditUsingPostProcessEditor=Edit Using PostProcess Editor...
  3839. ObjectContext_EditUsingRulesetEditor=Edit Using Facade...
  3840. ObjectContext_EditUsingSoundClassEditor=Edit Using Sound Class Editor...
  3841. ObjectContext_EditUsingSoundCueEditor=Edit Using Sound Cue Editor...
  3842. ObjectContext_EditUsingSoundPreviewer=Edit Using Sound Previewer...
  3843. ObjectContext_EditUsingSpeedTreeEditor=Edit Using Speed Tree Editor...
  3844. ObjectContext_EditUsingSplineEditor=Edit Using Spline Editor...
  3845. ObjectContext_EditUsingStaticMeshEditor=Edit Using Static Mesh Editor...
  3846. ObjectContext_EditUsingTextureViewer=Edit Using Texture Viewer...
  3847. ObjectContext_EditUsingUIEditor=Edit Using UI Editor...
  3848. ObjectContext_EditUsingUISkinEditor=Edit Using Skin Editor...
  3849. ObjectContext_ExportLightMapMeshes=Export Light Map Meshes (.OBJ)...
  3850. ObjectContext_ExportToFile=Export to File...
  3851. ObjectContext_FilterObjectTypesInAllTypes=Show Only `~ (in All Types)\t(Alt+DblClick)
  3852. ObjectContext_FilterSelectedObjectTypes=Show Only `~\t(Alt+DblClick)
  3853. ObjectContext_FindMaterialsUsingFunction=Find loaded Materials using this Function...
  3854. ObjectContext_FindParentMaterial=Find Parent Material in Content Browser...
  3855. ObjectContext_FlattenMaterialPalette=Flatten Material Palette to textures...
  3856. ObjectContext_ForceDelete=Delete (force)
  3857. ObjectContext_ForceRebuild=Force Rebuild
  3858. ObjectContext_ForceReimport=Force Reimport
  3859. ObjectContext_HotLoad=HotLoad
  3860. ObjectContext_ImportLightMapMeshes=Import Light Map Meshes (.ASE)...
  3861. ObjectContext_InsertMatureDialog=Insert Mature Dialog
  3862. ObjectContext_MarkAsProtoSuppressWarnings=Mark as prototype suppressing warnings
  3863. ObjectContext_Rename=Rename...
  3864. ObjectContext_BulkMoveRename=Bulk Move or Rename...
  3865. ObjectContext_PasteTextureAdjustments=Paste Color Adjustments
  3866. ObjectContext_PasteTextureAdjustments_Applying_F=Applying color adjustments to `~ Textures
  3867. ObjectContext_PasteTextureAdjustments_Undo=Paste Color Adjustments
  3868. ObjectContext_PlaySound=Play Sound
  3869. ObjectContext_RecompileMaterial=Recompile Material
  3870. ObjectContext_ReimportApexAsset=Reimport Apex Asset
  3871. ObjectContext_ReimportCAPItem=Reimport CAP Item Presets
  3872. ObjectContext_ReimportClothAsset=Reimport Cloth Asset
  3873. ObjectContext_ReimportDismembermentAsset=Reimport Dismemberment Asset
  3874. ObjectContext_ReimportFont=Reimport Font
  3875. ObjectContext_ReimportMuscleSet=Reimport Muscle Set
  3876. ObjectContext_ReimportRagdollAsset=Reimport Ragdoll Asset
  3877. ObjectContext_ReimportRigidBodyAsset=Reimport RigidBody Asset
  3878. ObjectContext_ReimportSkeletalMesh=Reimport Skeletal Mesh
  3879. ObjectContext_ReimportSoundNodeWave=Reimport Sound Node Wave
  3880. ObjectContext_ReimportStaticMesh=Reimport Static Mesh
  3881. ObjectContext_ReimportTexture=Reimport Texture
  3882. ObjectContext_ReimportAnimSet=Reimport Anim Set
  3883. ObjectContext_RebuildAnimSet=Rebuild Anim Set
  3884. ObjectContext_ReimportVectorField=Reimport Vector Field
  3885. ObjectContext_ResimplifyMesh=Resimplify Mesh...
  3886. ObjectContext_ResliceFracturedMeshes=Reslice Fractured Meshes
  3887. ObjectContext_ResourceCollection=Make Collection with Referenced Objects
  3888. ObjectContext_SelectActorsUsingThis=Select Level Actors Using this Object
  3889. ObjectContext_ShowAllReferencers=List All Referencers
  3890. ObjectContext_ShowReferenceGraph=Show Reference Tree
  3891. ObjectContext_ShowReferences=List Referenced Objects
  3892. ObjectContext_SimplifyMesh=Simplify Mesh for Level...
  3893. ObjectContext_StopSound=Stop Sound
  3894. ObjectContext_SwizzleRB=Swap R and B Values on Texture
  3895. ObjectContext_UpdateHipshiftPresetFromMesh=Update Selected Hipshifting Preset from Selected Mesh...
  3896. ObjectContext_ViewCAPItem=View CAP Item Presets...
  3897. ObjectContext_ViewCAPMaterialItem=View CAP Material Data...
  3898. ObjectEditor_AnimBlendGrid=Anim Blend Grid Editor
  3899. ObjectEditor_ColorPalette_F=Color Palette: `~
  3900. ObjectEditor_MaterialPalette_F=Material Palette: `~
  3901. ObjectEditor_MouseDelta_MoveF=Move Delta: (X: `.2~, Y: `.2~)
  3902. ObjectEditor_MouseDelta_RotationF=Rotation Delta: `.2~`~
  3903. ObjectEditor_MouseDelta_SizeF=Size Delta: (X: `.2~, Y: `.2~)
  3904. ObjectEditor_SkelMeshInteractablet_F=Skeletal Mesh Interactable: `~
  3905. ObjectNoReferences=Object '`~' doesn't refer to any non ignored objects.
  3906. ObjectNone=Object: None
  3907. ObjectNotReferenced=Object '`~' Is Not Referenced
  3908. ObjectStatus_F=Object: [`~] -Status: `~
  3909. ObjectTools_ExportObjects=Export Objects
  3910. ObjectTools_ExportObjects_CancelRemaining=Would you like to cancel exporting the next `~ files as well?
  3911. ObjectType=Object Type
  3912. Object_F=Object: [`~]
  3913. ObjectsSelectedF=Num of objects selected %i
  3914. OnF=On `~
  3915. OnlineHelp=Online Help...
  3916. OnlyLayoutUVText=Layout using 0 channel (fast lightmap)
  3917. OnlyReadOnlySocketSetsInMesh=This mesh only contains read only socket sets
  3918. Opacity=Opacity
  3919. OpacityMask=Op.Mask
  3920. Open2DShape=Open 2D Shape
  3921. Open=Open
  3922. OpenCinema=Open Cinema
  3923. OpenE=Open...
  3924. OpenEWithHotkey=Open...\tCtrl+O
  3925. OpenEdges=Open Edges
  3926. OpenEdges_F=Open Edges: `~
  3927. OpenInExternalEditor=Open in External Editor...
  3928. OpenInPhATNow=Open In PhAT Now
  3929. OpenMatinee=Open Matinee
  3930. OpenNewFloatingViewport=New Floating Viewport
  3931. OpenNewFloatingViewport_Error=Failed while trying to create a new floating viewport window.
  3932. OpenNewFloatingViewport_OrthoXY=Orthographic Top (XY)
  3933. OpenNewFloatingViewport_OrthoXY_Desc=Opens a new detached orthographic top (XY) window that can be freely moved and resized.
  3934. OpenNewFloatingViewport_OrthoXZ=Orthographic Side (XZ)
  3935. OpenNewFloatingViewport_OrthoXZ_Desc=Opens a new detached orthographic side (XZ) window that can be freely moved and resized.
  3936. OpenNewFloatingViewport_OrthoYZ=Orthographic Front (YZ)
  3937. OpenNewFloatingViewport_OrthoYZ_Desc=Opens a new detached orthographic front (YZ) window that can be freely moved and resized.
  3938. OpenNewFloatingViewport_Perspective=Perspective
  3939. OpenNewFloatingViewport_Perspective_Desc=Opens a new detached perspective window that can be freely moved and resized.
  3940. OpenNewKismetWindow=Open New Window
  3941. OpenObjectEditorAreYouSure_F="Are you sure you want to open `~ resource editors?"
  3942. OpenPackage=Open Package
  3943. OpenPackages=Open Packages
  3944. OpenPackagesE=Open Packages...
  3945. OpenParentSequence=Open Parent Sequence
  3946. OpenSentinel=Open Sentinel
  3947. OpenSequence=Open Sequence
  3948. OpenTheFile_F=Open the file : '`~'
  3949. OpenWithSelectedMesh=Open Anims With Source Mesh
  3950. Optimize=Optimize
  3951. Options=Options
  3952. OrWithMemory=Or With Memory
  3953. Order=Order
  3954. OrientAlongBone=Orient Along Bone
  3955. OriginalLocation=Original Location
  3956. OutputDelayText=Delay:
  3957. OverrideTextureChannel=Override Texture Channel
  3958. OverrideTextureMip=Import Custom Mip
  3959. Overriding=Overriding
  3960. OverwriteCollisionData=Overwrite Existing Collision Data?\nAnswering 'Yes' Will Replace Existing Data With Data From Imported Mesh.
  3961. OverwriteDuplicates=The following assets already exist. Overwrite these objects?\n\n`~
  3962. OverwriteLinksInCoverGroup=CoverGroup: Overwrite Links
  3963. OverwriteNavPointsInRoute=Route: Overwrite NavPoints
  3964. PIENeedsToCloseMatineeQ='Play in Editor' must close UnrealMatinee. -Continue?
  3965. POL=Polish (POL)
  3966. PSys=Particle System
  3967. PSysComp_Error_BadActorRef=PSysComp has a potentially bad parameter actor reference (not replicated?) at index `~ (`~)
  3968. PSysComp_Error_EmptyActorRef=PSysComp has an empty parameter actor reference at index `~ (`~)
  3969. PSysComp_Error_EmptyMaterialRef=PSysComp has an empty parameter material reference at index `~ (`~)
  3970. PSysRealTime=PSys Real time Thumbs
  3971. PTB=Brazilian Portuguese (PTB)
  3972. PVRTCCompression_CompressingTextures=Compressing textures to PVRTC for mobile devices.
  3973. PVRTCCompression_CompressingTexturesF=Compressing textures to PVRTC for mobile devices: `~ of `~
  3974. Package=Package
  3975. PackageAndName=Package & Name
  3976. PackageBackup_MaintenanceWarning=Performing maintenance on package backup folder...
  3977. PackageBackup_ValidityWarning=Determining package backup validity...
  3978. PackageBackup_Warning=Backing up package...
  3979. PackageBundleE=Package To Bundle To...
  3980. PackageContext_BakeCloth=Generate Cloth Animation
  3981. PackageContext_BatchProcess=Batch Process
  3982. PackageContext_ClusterSounds=Cluster Sounds
  3983. PackageContext_ClusterSoundsWithAtt=Cluster Sounds with Attenuation
  3984. PackageContext_InsertRadioChirp=Insert Radio Chirp
  3985. PackageFileIsReadOnly=Unable to save package to `~ because the file is read only!
  3986. Packages=Packages
  3987. Pan=Pan
  3988. PanMode=Pan Mode
  3989. PanU=Pan U
  3990. PanV=Pan V
  3991. ParamName=Name
  3992. ParamValue=Value
  3993. Parent=Parent
  3994. ParentNode=Parent Node
  3995. Parent_F=Parent: `~
  3996. ParticleCopyParameters=Copy parameters to clipboard
  3997. ParticlesSF=Sprite Particles
  3998. Paste=Paste
  3999. PasteA=Paste\tCtrl V
  4000. PasteAsChild=Paste As Child
  4001. PasteAsChildA=Paste As Child\tCtrl B
  4002. PasteConnections=Paste Connections
  4003. PasteFrom:="Paste From:"
  4004. PasteGroup=Paste Group
  4005. PasteGroupOrTrack=Paste Group/Track
  4006. PasteHere=Paste Here
  4007. PasteModule=Paste Module
  4008. PasteSockets=Paste Sockets
  4009. PasteSocketsA=Paste Sockets\tCtrl V
  4010. PasteTextureToSurface=Paste Texture to Surface
  4011. PasteToWorldOrigin=Paste To World Origin
  4012. PasteTrack=Paste Track
  4013. Patches=Patches
  4014. Path=Path
  4015. PathName=Path Name
  4016. PathOptions=Path Options
  4017. PathsDirtyTooltip=Paths Need to be Rebuilt (Click to rebuild!)
  4018. PathsNotDirtyTooltip=Paths are Up to Date
  4019. PathsSF=Paths\tP
  4020. Pause=Pause
  4021. PauseAnimTree=Pause AnimTree
  4022. PauseRealtimeDebugging=Pause (Alt+F7)
  4023. Pawns=Pawns
  4024. Pen=Pen
  4025. PerToolQ=Per Tool?
  4026. PerViewLayerHideAll=Hide All
  4027. PerViewLayerHideNone=Show All
  4028. PerViewLayerHiding=Show Layers
  4029. PercentageOfLightingTime=% Lighting Time
  4030. PercentageOfUnmappedTexels=% Unmapped Texels
  4031. PerforceLoginTitle=Perforce Login
  4032. PerforceLogin_Error_UnableToConnectToServer=Unable to find server. -Please try again.
  4033. PerformanceColorationSF=Performance Coloration
  4034. PerformanceVisualizer_TitleBar=Heatmap Visualizer Options
  4035. PerformingCSGOperation=Performing CSG operation
  4036. PersistentLevel=Persistent Level
  4037. Perspective=Perspective
  4038. PhAT=UnrealPhAT
  4039. PhATPlayAnim=Play Anim
  4040. PhysicalMaterial=Physical Material
  4041. Physics=Physics
  4042. PhysicsAssetEditor=Physics Asset Editor (PhAT)
  4043. Pitch=Pitch
  4044. PitchValue=Pitch
  4045. Pivot=Pivot
  4046. PlaceableClassesOnlyQ=Placeable Classes Only?
  4047. Planar=Planar
  4048. PlanarFloor=Planar Floor
  4049. PlanarWall=Planar Wall
  4050. PlaneBias=Plane Bias
  4051. Platform=Platform
  4052. Play=Play
  4053. PlayAnimOnAsset=Play Anim
  4054. PlayInActiveViewport=Play in Active Viewport\tAlt+F8
  4055. PlayInEditor_F=`~ Editor Preview
  4056. PlayInEditor_RHI_F=`~ Editor Preview (`~ bit, `~)
  4057. PlayLevel=Play Level (Ctrl spectates)
  4058. PlayOnSelectedMesh=Play Anims On Selected Mesh By Default
  4059. PlayOnSourceMesh=Play Anims On Source Mesh By Default
  4060. PlayRate=Play Rate
  4061. PlaySelectedNode=Play Selected Node
  4062. PlaySound=Play Sound
  4063. PlaySoundCue=Play SoundCue
  4064. PlaySoundsOrMusicTrack=Play Sound(s)/Music Track
  4065. PlayerOnly=Player Only
  4066. PlayerStart=Player Start
  4067. PleaseEnterValue=Please Enter Value
  4068. Poly=Poly
  4069. Polygons=Polygons
  4070. PopUpNavError=Unable navigate to URL.\nClick OK to close window.
  4071. PopUpTitle=Unreal Browser Pop Up
  4072. Popup=Pop Up
  4073. Portal=Portal
  4074. PortalsSF=Portals
  4075. PostProcess=Post Process
  4076. PostProcessAASF=Post Process Anti Aliasing
  4077. PostProcessAutoExposureSF=AutoExposure
  4078. PostProcessBloomSF=Bloom
  4079. PostProcessDOFSF=DOF
  4080. PostProcessEditor=PostProcess Editor
  4081. PostProcessEditor_F=Unreal Post process Editor: `~
  4082. PostProcessExposureSF=Exposure
  4083. PostProcessLUTSF=LUT
  4084. PostProcessMaterialSF=Material
  4085. PostProcessSF=PostProcess All
  4086. PostProcessToneMappingSF=ToneMapping
  4087. PostProcessFilmGrainSF=Film Grain
  4088. PostProcessTemporalAASF=Temporal AntiAliasing
  4089. PrecomputedShadows=Precomputed Shadows (All)
  4090. PrecomputedShadowsSelected=Precomputed Shadows (Selected)
  4091. PrefabSequenceRenameError=Renaming the Prefabs sequence is not allowed.
  4092. Prefab_Create=Create Prefab...
  4093. Prefab_DeletePrefabMembersPrompt="PrefabInstance '`~' is being deleted. -Should all actors contained in this prefab be removed as well?"
  4094. Prefab_FoundSeq=Found UnrealKismet Sequence '`~' for this Prefab. Is this correct?\n\nYes: Make Sequence '`~' part of prefab.\nNo: Don't add any Sequence to the Prefab.\nCancel: Abandon prefab creation.
  4095. Prefab_FoundSeqYesNo=Found UnrealKismet Sequence '`~' for this Prefab. Is this correct?\n\nYes: Add Sequence '`~' to prefab.\nNo: Don't add any Sequence to the Prefab.
  4096. Prefab_MissingArchetypes="The archetype for '`~' couldn't be loaded removing member from PrefabInstance `~"
  4097. Prefab_MissingSourcePrefabs="The source Prefabs for some PrefabInstances could not be loaded so they were removed from the map:\\n\\n`~"
  4098. Prefab_MustHaveSameOutermost=All objects must have same Outermost (Package). Prefab operation failed.
  4099. Prefab_OldPrefabInstancesUpdated=Instances of the following Prefabs were updated in the loaded map:\n\n`~
  4100. Prefab_OpenInstanceSequence=Open Sequence For PrefabInstance In UnrealKismet
  4101. Prefab_ReplaceCurrentActors=Would you like to replace these Actors with an instance of the new Prefab?
  4102. Prefab_ResetFromPrefab=Reset Instance From Prefab '`~'
  4103. Prefab_ResetInvalidPrefab="Some prefabs could not be loaded correctly and were reset. -See the log for details"
  4104. Prefab_ResetPrefabAreYouSure=Are You Sure You Want To Reset This Instance?
  4105. Prefab_SelectActors=Select All Actors In Prefab(s)
  4106. Prefab_SequenceRefsOutsidePrefab=Sequence '`~' contains references to objects outside the Prefab:\n\n
  4107. Prefab_ToNormalActors=Convert PrefabInstance To Normal Actors
  4108. Prefab_UndoTag_AddPrefab=Add Prefab
  4109. Prefab_UndoTag_ResetPrefab="Reset PrefabInstance"
  4110. Prefab_UndoTag_UpdatePrefab=Update Prefab
  4111. Prefab_UpdateFromInstance=Update Prefab '`~' From This Instance
  4112. Prefab_UpdatePrefabAreYouSure=Are You Sure You Want To Update Prefab '`~'?
  4113. Prefabs=Prefabs
  4114. PreferLeanOverPopup=PreferLean
  4115. Preferences=Preferences
  4116. PrefixToRemove=Prefix to remove
  4117. PrependToSpline=Prepend To Beginning Of Spline
  4118. PresetCurve=Preset Curve
  4119. PresetCurves=Preset Curves
  4120. PressBorFToSort=Hold down B to move the selected strip behind, or hold F to move move it in front of another strip.
  4121. PressKeysToBind=Press hotkey combo to bind to (Escape Cancels)
  4122. Preview=Preview
  4123. PreviewCaption_F=Preview: `~
  4124. PreviewControls=Preview Controls
  4125. PreviewMip=Preview Mip:
  4126. PreviewMotion=Preview Motion
  4127. PreviewOptions=Preview Options
  4128. PreviewPos_F=Preview Pos: `3.3~fs
  4129. PreviewSelectedNode=Preview Selected Node
  4130. PrimitiveStatsBroswer_ItemActivated=Item Activated
  4131. PrimitiveStatsBrowser_CombinedStats=Combined Total
  4132. PrimitiveStatsBrowser_Count=Count
  4133. PrimitiveStatsBrowser_InstTriangles=Inst. Triangles
  4134. PrimitiveStatsBrowser_InstVertexColorMem=Inst Vertex Colors(KByte)
  4135. PrimitiveStatsBrowser_LMSMResolution=LM Res
  4136. PrimitiveStatsBrowser_LightMapData=Lightmap (KByte)
  4137. PrimitiveStatsBrowser_Name=Name
  4138. PrimitiveStatsBrowser_RadiusAvg=Radius (avg)
  4139. PrimitiveStatsBrowser_RadiusMax=Radius (max)
  4140. PrimitiveStatsBrowser_RadiusMin=Radius (min)
  4141. PrimitiveStatsBrowser_ResourceSize=Resource Size (KByte)
  4142. PrimitiveStatsBrowser_Sections=Sections
  4143. PrimitiveStatsBrowser_ShadowMapData=Shadowmap (KByte)
  4144. PrimitiveStatsBrowser_ToolTip=Show the primitive stats browser
  4145. PrimitiveStatsBrowser_TriangleCost=Triangle cost
  4146. PrimitiveStatsBrowser_Triangles=Triangles
  4147. PrimitiveStatsBrowser_SumTriangles=SumTriangles
  4148. PrimitiveStatsBrowser_Type=Type
  4149. PrimitiveStatsBrowser_VertexColorMem=Vertex Colors (KByte)
  4150. PrimitiveStatsBrowser_ViewMenu=Primitive Stats
  4151. ProcBuildingOptions=ProcBuilding
  4152. ProcBuildingResourceInfo=Resource Info
  4153. ProcBuildingRuleset_F=ProcBuilding Ruleset: `~
  4154. ProcessingChunks=Processing Chunks
  4155. ProcessingFBXAnimationsDueToSkelChange=Processing FBX animations due to a target skeleton change
  4156. ProcessingSections=Processing Sections
  4157. ProcessingSkeletalTriangles=Processing Mesh Triangles
  4158. Progress=Progress
  4159. PromoteSplineInterpPoint=Promote To Control Point
  4160. PromoteSplineInterpVertex=Promote To Control Point At Nearest Vertex
  4161. PromptSomeActorsAreReferencedByKismet=Some actors are referenced by an UnrealKismet sequence. -Proceed?
  4162. Prompt_10=Could not create geometry.
  4163. Prompt_12=This will completely replace the current asset.\nAre you sure?
  4164. Prompt_13=This will completely replace the current bone collision.\nAre you sure?
  4165. Prompt_14=Are you sure you want to weld '`~' to '`~' ?
  4166. Prompt_15=This will completely remove this bone, and any constraints to it.\nAre you sure you want to do this?
  4167. Prompt_17=The package '`~' (`~) has changed and needs to be saved. -Save over the existing package?\n\nYes: -Overwrite '`~'.\nNo: -Skip saving this package only.\nCancel: -Stop saving packages and return to the editor.
  4168. Prompt_18=This option will export all classes to text .uc files which can later be rebuilt. Do you want to do this?
  4169. Prompt_19=Export classes to -.uc files
  4170. Prompt_1=Are you sure you want to completely reset the selected AnimSet?
  4171. Prompt_20=Do you want to save the changes to `~?
  4172. Prompt_21=You must exit Interpolation Editing mode before saving level.\nDo you wish to do this now and continue?
  4173. Prompt_22=Failed to create entry point. Try another location, or you may have to rebuild your level.
  4174. Prompt_23=Your ini files are outdated. Do you want to automatically update them? Not doing so might cause crashes!
  4175. Prompt_24=Static Mesh already has a collision model. \nDo you want to replace it with Builder Brush?
  4176. Prompt_25=This will replace the existing AnimSequence (`~).\nAre you sure?
  4177. Prompt_26=The package '`~' (`~) failed to save.\n\nCancel: Stop saving all packages and return to the editor.\nRetry: Attempt to save the package again.\nContinue: Skip saving this package only.
  4178. Prompt_27=Are you sure you want to delete the selected MorphTarget? \n`~
  4179. Prompt_28=A MorphTarget with that name (`~) already exists in this MorphSet.
  4180. Prompt_29=A MorphTarget with that name already exists. Would you like to replace it?
  4181. Prompt_2=An AnimSequence with that name (`~) already exists in this AnimSet.\n Do you want to replace it?
  4182. Prompt_30=Some selected Actors are referenced by a Route.\nAre you sure you want to continue?
  4183. Prompt_31=Some selected Actors are referenced by a CoverGroup.\nAre you sure you want to continue?
  4184. Prompt_32=Are you sure you want to move the selected AnimSequence(s) (`~) to this AnimSet (`~)?
  4185. Prompt_33=Are you sure you want to convert the selected AnimSequence(s) (`~) to Additive Animations?
  4186. Prompt_34=Are you sure you want to copy the selected AnimSequence(s) (`~) to this AnimSet (`~)?
  4187. Prompt_35=This operation will overwrite the morph target if same name exists. -Proceed?
  4188. Prompt_36=Base Mesh has been modified since last time morph target was processed. Would you like to update all morph targets?
  4189. Prompt_37=This operation updates base mesh information for this morph target set. Would you like to proceed?
  4190. Prompt_38=All morph targets have been updated.
  4191. Prompt_39=Same name exists.
  4192. Prompt_3=Are you sure you want to delete the selected AnimSequence(s) (`~)?
  4193. Prompt_3DDrawModeOptions=3DDrawMode Options Menu!
  4194. Prompt_40=`~:Track(`~) Source Key isn't valid. Copying from reference pose.
  4195. Prompt_4=`~ support coming soon.
  4196. Prompt_5=No selected module!
  4197. Prompt_6=Duplicate Module on Same Emitter?
  4198. Prompt_7=3DDrawMode Options Menu!
  4199. Prompt_8=Static Mesh already has a collision model. \nDo you want to replace it?
  4200. Prompt_9=Static Mesh already has physics collision geometry.\n\nAre you sure you want replace it?
  4201. Prompt_AboutToBulkExportNItems_F=About to bulk export `~ items. -Proceed?
  4202. Prompt_AboutToBulkImportNItems_F=About to bulk import `~ items. -Proceed?
  4203. Prompt_AboutToCluserSoundsQ=About to cluster `~ sounds. -Continue?
  4204. Prompt_AboutToEditStartupPackage="`~ is a startup package. -Startup packages are fully cooked and loaded when on consoles. ALL CONTENT IN THIS PACKAGE WILL ALWAYS USE MEMORY. Are you sure you want to save it?"
  4205. Prompt_AboutToEditStartupPackage_Title=Warning: Save Over Startup Packages?
  4206. Prompt_CantCopyAdditiveSequence=Additive AnimSequences and AnimSequences that are related to additive sequences should not be moved into different packages. -AnimSequence(s) :`~will not be moved into AnimSet (`~).
  4207. Prompt_ConfirmDeleteAnimSeq=Are you sure you want to delete the selected AnimSequence (%s)?
  4208. Prompt_ConfirmDeleteMultipleAnimSeqs=Are you sure you want to delete the selected AnimSequence(s)?
  4209. Prompt_ConfirmDestroyInterpGroup=This will destroy InterpGroup (%s) and all Track data within it. Are you sure?
  4210. Prompt_ConfirmRemoveBone=This will completely remove this bone, and any constraints to it.\nAre you sure you want to do this?
  4211. Prompt_ConfirmReplaceAnimSeq=An AnimSequence with that name (%s) already exists in this AnimSet.\n Do you want to replace it?
  4212. Prompt_ConfirmReplaceExistingAnimSeq=This will replace the existing AnimSequence (%s).\nAre you sure?
  4213. Prompt_ConfirmReplaceStaticMeshColModel=Static Mesh already has a collision model. \nDo you want to replace it with Builder Brush?
  4214. Prompt_ConfirmResetAnimSet=Are you sure you want to completely reset the selected AnimSet?
  4215. Prompt_ConfirmSaveChanges=Do you want to save the changes to %s?
  4216. Prompt_ConfirmWeld=Are you sure you want to weld '%s' to '%s' ?
  4217. Prompt_CouldNotCreateGeometry=Could not create geometry.
  4218. Prompt_DuplicateEmitterModule=Duplicate Module on Same Emitter?
  4219. Prompt_ExitInterpolationBeforeCompilingMaterial=You must exit Interpolation Editing mode before compiling a material.\nDo you wish to do this now and continue?
  4220. Prompt_ExitInterpolationBeforeLoadingExistingPackage=Package already loaded.\nYou must exit Interpolation Editing mode before loading package.\nDo you wish to do this now and continue?
  4221. Prompt_ExitInterpolationBeforeRemoving=You must exit Interpolation Editing mode before removing a level.\nDo you wish to do this now and continue?
  4222. Prompt_ExitInterpolationBeforeSaving=You must exit Interpolation Editing mode before saving level.\nDo you wish to do this now and continue?
  4223. Prompt_ExportGroupsAsSubDirs=Export groups to their own subdirectories?
  4224. Prompt_ExportToSinglePackage=Export each package to a single file?
  4225. Prompt_ExportUCToRebuild=This option will export all classes to text .uc files which can later be rebuilt. Do you want to do this?
  4226. Prompt_ExportUCs=Export classes to -.uc files
  4227. Prompt_FBXImportBonesMissingFromBindPose=Warning: The following bones are missing from the bind pose. -If they are not in the correct orientation after importing, please set the "Use T0 as ref pose" option or add them to the bind pose and reimport the skeletal mesh \n\n`~
  4228. Prompt_FirstOneFbxMeshUsed=More than one FBX skeletal mesh was found. -Only the first one will be imported.
  4229. Prompt_InvalidLODIndex=Invalid mesh LOD index `~, as no prior LOD index exists!
  4230. Prompt_InvalidMorphLODIndex=There are multiple FBX meshes with the same morph LOD level for same morph target, please reassign!
  4231. Prompt_MaterialEditorClose=Would you like to apply changes to the original material?\n(No will lose all changes!)
  4232. Prompt_MaterialEditorDirtyHotload=Would you like to apply changes to the original material?\n(No will hotload without changes!)
  4233. Prompt_MaterialEditorDeleteFunctionInputs=Delete function inputs or outputs "`~"?\nAny materials which use this function will lose their connections to these function inputs or outputs once deleted.
  4234. Prompt_MergeTerrain=Merge Terrains?
  4235. Prompt_MoreThanOneTarget=Multiple meshes were found. -Would you like to use the first one?
  4236. Prompt_MoveOrDeleteAdditiveSequence=AnimSequences that are related to additive sequences should not be moved to another package or deleted, or the reference will be lost. -\n\nWould you like to still move or delete (`~)? \n\nAdditive AnimSequence(s) that are referring this animation:`~
  4237. Prompt_NoFbxSkelMeshFound=No FBX skeletal mesh was found. -The import process can not be completed.
  4238. Prompt_NoIdentityScaleForBone=Warning: No identity scale factor was found for skeleton (skeleton root name: `~).\n The FBX importer always ignores the scale factor, so the imported bone will be incorrect. -Please use identity scale for all skeletons in the original scene.
  4239. Prompt_NoMeshFound=No meshes were found in file.
  4240. Prompt_NoModuleSelected=No selected module!
  4241. Prompt_NoSmoothgroupForFBXScene=Warning: No smoothing group information was found in this FBX scene. -Please make sure to enable the 'Export Smoothing Groups' option in the FBX Exporter plug in before exporting the file. -Even for tools that don't support smoothing groups, the FBX Exporter will generate appropriate smoothing data at export time so that correct vertex normals can be inferred while importing.
  4242. Prompt_NoTangentForFBXScene=Warning: No Tangents and Binormals found in this FBX scene and they will be generated upon import. -This will cause lighting and reflection artifacts. -Please check your Maya export options under Geometry -> Tangents and Binormals.
  4243. Prompt_NoUVsForFBXMesh=Import Error: At least one UVSet is required for each imported mesh. Please see log for additional details.
  4244. Prompt_OBJExportWithBMP=Would you like to export the materials as images (slower)?
  4245. Prompt_ObjectChangedSave='%s' (%s) has been changed and needs to be saved. Save over existing object?\n(To save to a different file, select Cancel and select Save... in the Browser window.)\n\nYes: Overwrite '%s'.\nNo: Skip saving this object only.\nCancel: Stop saving all objects and return to the editor.
  4246. Prompt_ObjectChangedSaveWithReason='%s' (%s) has been changed and needs to be saved. \n\n %s\n\n Save over existing object?\n(To save to a different file, select Cancel and select Save... in the Browser window.)\n\nYes: Overwrite '%s'.\nNo: Skip saving this object only.\nCancel: Stop saving all objects and return to the editor.
  4247. Prompt_ObjectCreatedSave='%s' (%s) is a new object and needs to be saved. Save now?\nYes: Save '%s'.\nNo: Skip saving this object only.\nCancel: Stop saving all objects and return to the editor.
  4248. Prompt_ObjectFailedToSave='%s' (%s) failed to save.\n\nCancel: Stop saving everything and return to the editor.\nRetry: Attempt to save again.\nContinue: Skip saving this only.
  4249. Prompt_PIEDisableMobileEmulation="Mobile emulation is enabled... Disable and run PIE?\n(For mobile previewing use the 'Mobile Previewer'.)"
  4250. Prompt_ReplaceBoneCollision=This will completely replace the current bone collision.\nAre you sure?
  4251. Prompt_ReplaceCurrentAsset=This will completely replace the current asset.\nAre you sure?
  4252. Prompt_ReplaceStaticMeshWithPhysics=Static Mesh already has physics collision geometry.\n\nAre you sure you want replace it?
  4253. Prompt_SomeActorsRefByKismet=Some selected Actors are referenced by a Kismet sequence.\nAre you sure you want to continue?
  4254. Prompt_SplitTerrain=Split Terrain?
  4255. Prompt_SupportComing=%s support coming soon.
  4256. Prompt_ThisActionWillTerminatePIEContinue=This action will terminate your Play In Editor session. -Continue?
  4257. Prompt_TooManyVertices=This mesh has more than 65535 vertices and cannot be imported.
  4258. Prompt_UnloadingPackagesCasuesChangesToBeLostQ=Unloading a package containing unsaved changes will cause those changes to be lost. -Continue?
  4259. PropagateToFallback=Propagate Changes to Fallback Material
  4260. Properties=Properties
  4261. PropertiesCaption=Properties: <Multiple Values>
  4262. PropertiesCaption_F=Properties: `~
  4263. PropertiesE=Properties...
  4264. PropertiesSelectedF=%s Properties (%i Selected)
  4265. PropertyColorationSF=Property Coloration
  4266. PropertyName=Property Name
  4267. PropertyWindowEditProperties=PW: Edit Properties
  4268. PropertyWindowMenu=Property Window Options
  4269. PropertyWindow_AddNewItem=Add a new item
  4270. PropertyWindow_CancelSearch=Cancel Search
  4271. PropertyWindow_ClearAllText=Clear text
  4272. PropertyWindow_CollapseAllCategories=Collapse All Categories
  4273. PropertyWindow_CompleteCopyToClipboard=Complete Copy To Clipboard (Contains editline objects)
  4274. PropertyWindow_CopySelectedProperties=Copy Selected Properties to Clipboard
  4275. PropertyWindow_CopyToClipboard=Copy To Clipboard
  4276. PropertyWindow_CreateANewObject=Create a new object
  4277. PropertyWindow_DeleteItem=Remove this item
  4278. PropertyWindow_DuplicateThisItem=Create a copy of this item
  4279. PropertyWindow_Error_ArrayClampInvalidInMultiSelect=Array Clamping isn't supported in multi select (Param Name: `~)
  4280. PropertyWindow_Error_ArrayClampPropertyIsNotAnArray=The property (`~) passed for array clamping use is not an array. -Clamp will only ensure greater than zero.
  4281. PropertyWindow_Error_ArrayClampPropertyNotFound=The property (`~) passed for array clamping was not found. -Clamp will only ensure greater than zero.
  4282. PropertyWindow_ExpandAllCategories=Expand All Categories
  4283. PropertyWindow_FavoritesTitle=Favorites
  4284. PropertyWindow_FilterTitle=Filter:
  4285. PropertyWindow_FindObjectInContentBrowser='Click' to find object in Content Browser.\n'Ctrl + Click' to open object in its editor.
  4286. PropertyWindow_InsertNewItemHere=Insert a new item before this item
  4287. PropertyWindow_LockSelectedActorsQ=Lock Selected Actors
  4288. PropertyWindow_MoveDown=Shifts the selected favorite property node down.
  4289. PropertyWindow_MoveUp=Shifts the selected favorite property node up.
  4290. PropertyWindow_Options=Options
  4291. PropertyWindow_PasteProperties=Paste Properties from Clipboard
  4292. PropertyWindow_RemoveAllItemsFromArray=Remove all items from this array
  4293. PropertyWindow_ResetToDefault=Reset To Default
  4294. PropertyWindow_Search=Search
  4295. PropertyWindow_SearchFor=Type here to search
  4296. PropertyWindow_ShowAllPropertyItemButtons=Show All Property Item Buttons
  4297. PropertyWindow_ShowDifferingProperties=Show Only Differing Properties
  4298. PropertyWindow_ShowFriendlyPropertyNames=Show Friendly Property Names
  4299. PropertyWindow_ShowHiddenProperties=Show All Hidden Properties
  4300. PropertyWindow_ShowHorizontalDividers=Show Horizontal Dividers
  4301. PropertyWindow_ShowModifiedProperties=Show Only Modified Properties
  4302. PropertyWindow_TextBox=Click to show editing text box
  4303. PropertyWindow_ToggleFavoritesWindow=Toggle Favorties Window Visibility
  4304. PropertyWindow_ToggleOffsetWindow=Toggle manipulating objects by an offset
  4305. PropertyWindow_ToolTip_ShowAllPropertyItemButtons=Toggles whether or not items within a property window show their available action buttons regardless of selection state.
  4306. PropertyWindow_ToolTip_ShowDifferingProperties=When multiple objects are selected, shows only properties where they differ.
  4307. PropertyWindow_ToolTip_ShowFriendlyPropertyNames=Toggles whether or not display space delimited, friendlier names or use the properties default name.
  4308. PropertyWindow_ToolTip_ShowHiddenProperties=Toggles whether or not hidden properties are displayed in the property window
  4309. PropertyWindow_ToolTip_ShowHorizontalDividers=Toggles whether or not horizontal dividers are displayed between properties in the property window
  4310. PropertyWindow_ToolTip_ShowModifiedProperties=Toggle a filter within all property windows for displaying properties that have been modified.
  4311. PropertyWindow_UseCurrentSelectionInBrowser_Or_ChooseFromList=Use selected object in Content Browser
  4312. PropertyWindow_UseMouseToPickActorFromViewport=Choose an actor by clicking the actor in a viewport window
  4313. PropertyWindow_UseMouseToPickColorFromViewport=Choose a new color by clicking a color in a viewport window
  4314. PropertyWindow_UsePropertyOrder=Use Natural Property Order
  4315. ProscribePaths=Proscribe Paths
  4316. PruningReachspecs=Pruning reachspecs
  4317. Publish_SaveDirtyPackagesQ=Packages must be saved before they can be published. -Save packages before publishing?\n\nYes: Save packages, then publish.\nNo: Publish without saving packages.\nCancel: Abort the publish and return to the editor.
  4318. Puppet=Puppet
  4319. PushInstanceVertexColorsPrompt_Cancel=Cancel
  4320. PushInstanceVertexColorsPrompt_Message=Copying the instance vertex colors to the source mesh will replace any of the source mesh's pre existing vertex colors and affect every instance of the source mesh.\n\nWould you like to continue?
  4321. PushInstanceVertexColorsPrompt_Ok=Copy colors
  4322. PushInstanceVertexColorsPrompt_Title=Copy instance vertex colors to source mesh?
  4323. PythonConsole="Python"
  4324. PythonHelp="Python Help"
  4325. PythonHelp_ToolTip="Open Integrated Python Help File"
  4326. PythonInterrupt="Interrupt Python"
  4327. PythonReset="Reset Python Interpreter"
  4328. QuitKismet=Quit Kismet
  4329. RUS=Russian (RUS)
  4330. Radius=Radius
  4331. Random=Random
  4332. Randomize=Randomize
  4333. RaytracingTerrain=Raytracing terrain
  4334. RaytracingTerrainF=Raytracing terrain (`~ of `~)
  4335. ReImportAllSelectedE=Re Import All Selected
  4336. ReImportSkeletalMesh=Re Import Skeletal Mesh
  4337. ReZeroCurrentPosition=ReZero On Current Position
  4338. Ready=Ready
  4339. RealtimeDebuggingCallstack=Callstack
  4340. RebuildAdditiveAnimation=Rebuild Additive Animation(s)
  4341. RebuildBSPBuildingPolygons=Rebuild BSP: Building polygons
  4342. RebuildBSPBuildingVisibilityZones=Rebuild BSP: Building visibility zones
  4343. RebuildBSPMergingPlanars=Rebuild BSP: Merging planars
  4344. RebuildBSPOptimizingGeometry=Rebuild BSP: Optimizing geometry
  4345. RebuildBSPPartitioning=Rebuild BSP: Partitioning
  4346. RebuildCSGBuildingBoundingVolumes=Rebuild CSG: Building Bounding Volumes
  4347. RebuildCSGOptimizingSubBSPs=Rebuild CSG: Optimizing Sub BSPs
  4348. RebuildCSGRebuildingDynamicBrushBSPs=Rebuild CSG: Rebuilding Dynamic Brush BSPs
  4349. RebuildSelectedPaths=Rebuild Selected Path(s)
  4350. RebuildingBSP=Rebuilding BSP
  4351. RebuildingGeometry=Rebuilding geometry
  4352. RebuildingMap=Rebuilding map
  4353. RebuildingStaticMeshes=Rebuilding static meshes
  4354. RecallMemory=Recall Memory
  4355. RecastSplinePoint=Recast To Nearest Point
  4356. RecastSplineVertex=Recast To Nearest Vertex
  4357. Recent=Recent
  4358. ReconnectToSourceControl=Reconnect to Source Control...
  4359. RecordTracks=Record Tracks
  4360. Redo=Redo
  4361. RedoA=Redo\tCtrl Y
  4362. RedoLastAction=Redo the last action
  4363. Redo_F=Redo `~
  4364. Redo_FA=Redo `~\tCtrl+Y
  4365. EditorPreferences=&Preferences\tCtrl+P
  4366. ReduceKeys=Reduce Keys
  4367. RefPoseSequenceName=Reference pose animation name:
  4368. ReferenceDepth="Reference Depth"
  4369. ReferenceFilter="Calculating Reference Filters"
  4370. ReferenceGraphTreeText="Reference Graph"
  4371. ReferenceGraphs="Rebuilding Reference Graphs"
  4372. ReferenceMode=Reference Mode
  4373. ReferenceTreeDialog_CollapseAll=Collapse All
  4374. ReferenceTreeDialog_ExpandAll=Expand All
  4375. ReferenceTreeDialog_NoRefs=No Referencers
  4376. ReferenceTreeDialog_OpenEditor=Open Editor
  4377. ReferenceTreeDialog_OptionsMenu=Options
  4378. ReferenceTreeDialog_RebuildTree=Rebuild Tree
  4379. ReferenceTreeDialog_SelectActor=Select Actor
  4380. ReferenceTreeDialog_ShowInCB=Show in Content Browser
  4381. ReferenceTreeDialog_ShowScriptRefs=Show Script References
  4382. ReferenceTreeDialog_Title=Reference Tree
  4383. ReferenceTreeDialog_ViewMenu=View
  4384. ReferenceTreeDialog_ViewProps=View Properties
  4385. ReferencedAssetBrowser_ToolTip=Show the referenced assets browser
  4386. ReferencedAssetBrowser_ViewMenu=Referenced Assets
  4387. ReferencedAssets=Referenced Assets
  4388. ReferencedObjectName=Referenced Object Name
  4389. Referencers=Referencers
  4390. References=References
  4391. ReferencesRemoteEvent=Remote Event References
  4392. ReflectionsCubeSF=CubeMap Reflections
  4393. ReflectionsFloorSF=Floor Reflections
  4394. Refresh=Refresh
  4395. RefreshF5=Refresh (F5)
  4396. RefreshWithHotkey=Refresh\tF5
  4397. RefreshingAssetBrowser="Refreshing Referenced Asset Browser"
  4398. RegenAllProcBuildings=Regenerate All ProcBuildings
  4399. RegenSelProcBuildings=Regenerate Selected ProcBuildings
  4400. RegenerateAutoFallback=Regenerate Automatic Fallback
  4401. RegenerateImageReflectionTextures=Regenerate Image Reflection Textures
  4402. RegenerateProcBuildingTextures=Regenerate Building Textures
  4403. Reimport=Reimport
  4404. ReimportAssetCurrent= Reimport aborted: Asset is already up to date.
  4405. ReimportAttemptingAtomicReimport= Source file on disk exists and is newer; Attempting atomic reimport of `~
  4406. ReimportFailed= Reimport failed. See Log Browser for details.
  4407. ReimportFailedNoSourcePath= Cannot reimport: No source path is currently saved for the asset.
  4408. ReimportFailedSourceFileNotFound= Cannot reimport: Source file cannot be found.
  4409. ReimportFailedSourcePathExtensionMismatch= Cannot reimport: Source path specifies an invalid file extension.
  4410. ReimportMuscleSet=Re Import Muscle Set
  4411. ReimportStaticMesh=Re Import Static Mesh
  4412. ReimportSuccessful= Reimported successfully.
  4413. ReimportTexture=Re Import Texture
  4414. ReimportingAssetF=Reimporting asset (`~ of `~)
  4415. ReimportingAssets=Reimporting assets
  4416. Relative=Relative
  4417. RelativeGroup=Relative To Group
  4418. RelativeInitial=Relative To Initial
  4419. RelativeQ=Relative?
  4420. RemainingSpace=Remaining Space
  4421. RemoteEvents=Remote Events
  4422. Remove=Remove
  4423. RemoveAfterCurrentPosition=Remove After Current Position
  4424. RemoveAllCurves=Remove All Curves
  4425. RemoveAllCurves=Remove All Curves
  4426. RemoveAllCurvesPrompt=Are you sure you want to 'Remove All Curves'?
  4427. RemoveAllNotifies=Remove All Notifies
  4428. RemoveAllOtherCurves=Remove All Other Curves
  4429. RemoveBeforeCurrentPosition=Remove Before Current Position
  4430. RemoveBlendControl=Remove Blend Control Subtrack
  4431. RemoveBrowser=Remove Browser
  4432. RemoveClothControl=Remove Cloth Control Subtrack
  4433. RemoveCollision=Remove Collision
  4434. RemoveCollisionPrompt=Are you sure you want to remove the collision mesh?
  4435. RemoveComponent=Remove Component
  4436. RemoveCore=Remove Core
  4437. RemoveCropping=Remove Cropping
  4438. RemoveCurve=Remove Curve
  4439. RemoveCustomMip=Remove Custom Mip
  4440. RemoveDuplicateModules=Remove Duplicate Modules
  4441. RemoveEverySecondKey=Remove Every Second Key
  4442. RemoveFromFavorites=Remove from favorites
  4443. RemoveFromGroupTab=Remove From Selected Group Tab
  4444. RemoveFromObjectListVars_F=Remove `~ From Object List
  4445. RemoveLOD=Remove a LOD
  4446. RemoveLevelFromWorld=Remove Level From World
  4447. RemoveLinksFromCoverGroup=CoverGroup: Remove Links
  4448. RemoveMeshFromList=Remove
  4449. RemoveNavPointsFromRoute=Route: Remove NavPoints
  4450. RemovePrefixFromSelectedSequences=Remove Prefix From Selected Sequences
  4451. RemovePrimitiveIgnore=Remove primitive from light ignore list
  4452. RemoveRedundantKeys=Remove Redundant Keys
  4453. RemoveSelectedActors=Remove Selected Actors
  4454. RemoveSpline=Remove Spline
  4455. RemoveSplineLink=Remove Spline Link
  4456. RemoveSwitchConnector=Remove Switch
  4457. RemoveTrivialKeys=Remove Trivial Keys
  4458. RemoveVar=Remove Variable
  4459. RemoveZeroTriangleElements=Remove elements with zero triangles
  4460. RemoveZeroTriangleElements_FracturedMeshNotSupported=Remove zero triangle elements for Fractured Static Meshes not supported.
  4461. RemovingElementsFormatString_NoTriangles=`~: No triangles
  4462. RemovingElementsPrompt=Removing elements:
  4463. RemovingElementsPrompt_Confirm=Are you sure?\n(This will require updating overriden material\nsettings in placed instances of the mesh.)
  4464. Rename=Rename
  4465. RenameAnimSequence=Rename AnimSequence
  4466. RenameCameraShot=Rename
  4467. RenameCameraShotBox=Set Camera Shot Number
  4468. RenameE=Rename...
  4469. RenameElement=Rename Element
  4470. RenameEmitter=Rename Emitter
  4471. RenameEvent=Rename Event
  4472. RenameFolder=Rename Folder
  4473. RenameFolderAndGroup=Rename Folder and Group
  4474. RenameGroup=Rename Group
  4475. RenameLayer=Rename Layer
  4476. RenameLoc=Rename (with language variants)
  4477. RenameMorph=Rename Morph Target
  4478. RenameNoCreateRedirect=Do not create an object redirect. (This can break references to this object!)
  4479. RenameSelectedSequence=Rename Selected Sequence
  4480. RenameSequence=Rename Sequence
  4481. RenameSocket=Rename Socket
  4482. RenameTrack=Rename Track
  4483. RenderBlendWeights=Render Blend Weights
  4484. RenderGeometry=Use render geometry
  4485. RenderGrayscale=Render Grayscale
  4486. RenderStats=Render Stats
  4487. RenderTier = Render Tier
  4488. ReorderingBoneWeights=Reordering Bone Weights
  4489. ReplaceExistingObjectDuringDuplication_F=`~ of the `~ objects being duplicated already exist. If you continue, `~ existing objects will be overwritten. Do you want to continue?\n\n`~ -
  4490. ReplaceExistingObjectDuringDuplication_Temporary_Skip_Message_F=`~ of the `~ objects being duplicated already exist. Only going to duplicate `~ objects. Do you want to continue?\n\n`~
  4491. ReplaceSelectedBrushActors=Replace Selected Brush Actors
  4492. ReplaceSelectedNonBrusActors=Replace Selected Non Brush Actors
  4493. ReplaceSkeletalMeshActors=Replace SkeletalMeshActors
  4494. ReplaceWithActorFactory=Replace With
  4495. ReplaceWithclass=Replace With `~
  4496. Report an Issue=Report an Issue
  4497. RescanAllLevels=Rescan all levels
  4498. RescanCurrentLevel=Rescan current level
  4499. RescanSelectedLevels=Rescan selected levels
  4500. Reset=Reset
  4501. ResetActors=Reset Actors
  4502. ResetAnimSet=Reset AnimSet
  4503. ResetBoneBreaks=Reset All Bone Break Vert Weightings
  4504. ResetConstraintReference=Reset Constraint Reference
  4505. ResetEntireAsset=Reset Entire Asset
  4506. ResetInLevel=Reset in level
  4507. ResetModule=Reset Module
  4508. ResetMorphTargetPreview=Clear Morph Overrides
  4509. RefreshFromAnim=Refresh From Anim
  4510. ResetPeakCounts=Reset Peak Counts
  4511. ResetSelectedBoneCollision=Reset Selected Bone Collision
  4512. ResetToDefault=Reset To Default
  4513. ResetToDefaults=Reset To Defaults
  4514. ResetUndoBufferForObjectDeletionPrompt=The only reference to this object is the undo history. -In order to delete this object, you must clear all undo history would you like to clear undo history?
  4515. ResizeTopAndBottomViewportsTogether=Resize Top And Bottom Viewports Together
  4516. ResliceFracturedMeshes=Reslice Fractured Meshes
  4517. ResliceFracturedMeshesE=Reslice Fractured Meshes
  4518. ResourceCollection=New Collection for Referenced Objects
  4519. ResourceCollectionName=Collection Name
  4520. ResourceSizeK=Resource Size (KB)
  4521. Resources=Resources
  4522. RespawnDSA=Respawn Dynamically Spawned Actor
  4523. SetupPrerenderDOF=Setup Camera with DOF
  4524. SetupPrerenderDOFWithTracks = Setup Camera with DOF and Add Tracks
  4525. RestartEditorPrompt_Cancel=No
  4526. RestartEditorPrompt_Message=This rendering change will not take effect until the editor is restarted. -Would you like to restart the editor now?
  4527. RestartEditorPrompt_Ok=Yes
  4528. RestartEditorPrompt_SwitchEditorMode_Message=To switch to this mode, the editor will need to restart. Would you like to restart now?
  4529. RestartEditorPrompt_SwitchEditorMode_Title=Switch Editor Mode
  4530. RestartEditorPrompt_Title=Switch Rendering Method
  4531. RestartInLevel=Restart in level
  4532. RestartSim=Restart Sim
  4533. RestoreSortingMismatchedStripsForSection=While restoring "`~" sort order for section `~, `~ of `~ strips could not be matched to the new data.
  4534. Restore_Viewport=Restore Viewport
  4535. Results=Results
  4536. Reverse=Reverse
  4537. ReverseDirection=Reverse Direction of Spline
  4538. Revert=Revert
  4539. ReviewingPaths=Reviewing paths
  4540. ReviewingPathsE=Reviewing paths...
  4541. RevisionHistoryE=Revision History...
  4542. Revolve=Revolve
  4543. RigidBody=Rigid Body
  4544. Roll=Roll
  4545. Root=Root
  4546. RootChunk=Support Chunk
  4547. RotPanScale=Rot/Pan/Scale
  4548. Rotate=Rotate
  4549. RotateAnimSequence=Rotate AnimSequence
  4550. RotateAnimation=Rotate Animation
  4551. RotateDegrees=Rotate Degrees
  4552. RotateSocket=Rotate Socket
  4553. Rotation=Rotation
  4554. RotationAmount=Rotation Amount (Degrees):
  4555. RotationGrid=Rotation Grid
  4556. RotationYawLabel=Rotation Yaw:
  4557. RotationPitchLabel=Pitch:
  4558. RotationRollLabel=Roll:
  4559. RotationMode=Rotation Mode [E]
  4560. RunUnitTests=Run Unit Tests...
  4561. RunningUnitTest=Running Unit Test `~ of `~: `~...
  4562. RunningUnitTests=Running Unit Tests...
  4563. SCC_Checkin_Aborted=Check in aborted as a result of save failure.
  4565. SLO=Slovakian (SLO)
  4566. SMLIResolution=Resolution
  4567. SMMergeFracMeshAlreadyHasCore=This FracturedStaticMesh already has a Core mesh.
  4568. SMMergeFracMeshCoreNoCollision=Core mesh for FracturedStaticMesh needs collision model.
  4569. SMMergeInvalidLightmapUVs=The selected core mesh does not appear to have valid lightmap UVs (LightmapCoordinateIndex is 0 or only 1 set of texcoords), texture lightmaps will be wrong. -Use this core mesh anyway? (`~)
  4570. SMMergeNoMeshSelected=Couldn't merge, no valid static mesh is selected in the Content Browser.
  4571. SMMergeSelectedMeshSourceDataIsStripped=The selected static mesh can't be used as a fracture core because its source geometry has been stripped out.
  4572. SNAP_AngleSnapType=Angle Snap Type
  4573. SNAP_AngleSnapType_Angle=Angle (Degrees)
  4574. SNAP_AngleSnapType_Per360=Number of Snaps per 360 Degrees
  4575. SNAP_AngleSnapType_Per90=Number of Snaps per 90 Degrees
  4576. SNAP_Angle_1024=5.63 degrees
  4577. SNAP_Angle_16384=90 degrees
  4578. SNAP_Angle_2048=11.25 degrees
  4579. SNAP_Angle_4096=22.5 degrees
  4580. SNAP_Angle_512=2.81 degrees
  4581. SNAP_Angle_8192=45 degrees
  4582. SNAP_Per360_1024=64 snaps per 360 degrees
  4583. SNAP_Per360_16384=4 snaps per 360 degrees
  4584. SNAP_Per360_2048=32 snaps per 360 degrees
  4585. SNAP_Per360_4096=16 snaps per 360 degrees
  4586. SNAP_Per360_512=128 snaps per 360 degrees
  4587. SNAP_Per360_8192=8 snaps per 360 degrees
  4588. SNAP_Per90_1024=16 snaps per 90 degrees
  4589. SNAP_Per90_16384=1 snap per 90 degrees
  4590. SNAP_Per90_2048=8 snaps per 90 degrees
  4591. SNAP_Per90_4096=4 snaps per 90 degrees
  4592. SNAP_Per90_512=32 snaps per 90 degrees
  4593. SNAP_Per90_8192=2 snaps per 90 degrees
  4594. SSAOSF=Screen Space Ambient Occlusion
  4595. Save&AsE=Save &As...
  4596. Save=Save
  4597. SaveAll=Save All
  4598. SaveAllLevels=Save All Levels
  4599. SaveAllWritable=Save All Writable
  4600. SaveAs=Save As
  4601. SaveAsE=Save As...
  4602. SaveAssetQ=Save Asset?
  4603. SaveBrushAsCollision=Save Brush As Collision
  4604. SaveCamPosition=Save Cam Position
  4605. SaveCameraPosition=Save Camera Position
  4606. SaveCapturedAudioTo=Save Captured Audio To...
  4607. SaveConfig=Save Config
  4608. SaveCurrentLevel=Save Current Level
  4609. SaveDirtyPackagesNotFullyLoadedQ=The package '`~' has been changed and needs to be saved, but is not fully loaded. -Do you want to fully load it?\n\nYes: Fully load the package and save it.\nNo: Skip saving this package only.\nCancel: Stop saving all packages and return to the editor.
  4610. SaveE=Save...
  4611. SaveEWithHotkey=Save...\tCtrl+S
  4612. SaveKeyConfig=Save Key Configuration
  4613. SaveLevelAs_PromptToRenameStreamingLevels_F=Would you like to update references to streaming levels and rename those as well?\n\nIf you select Yes, references to streaming levels in `~ will be renamed to `~ (including Kismet level name references.) -You should also do this for each of your streaming level maps.\n\nIf you select No, the level will be saved with the specified name and no other changes will be made.
  4614. SaveObjPrompt_BodyText=Select Objects to Save.
  4615. SaveObjPrompt_CancelButton=Cancel
  4616. SaveObjPrompt_CancelButtonTooltip=Do not save any objects and cancel the current operation
  4617. SaveObjPrompt_DontSaveButton=Don't Save
  4618. SaveObjPrompt_DontSaveButtonTooltip=Do not save any objects
  4619. SaveObjPrompt_SaveButton=Save Selected
  4620. SaveObjPrompt_SaveButtonTooltip=Attempt to save the selected objects
  4621. SaveObjPrompt_SkipAllButton=Skip
  4622. SaveObjPrompt_SkipAllButtonTooltip=Do not save any objects, but continue with the current operation
  4623. SaveObjPrompt_Title=Save Objects
  4624. SaveObject=Save Object
  4625. SaveObjectAs=Save Object As...
  4626. SavePackage=Save Package
  4627. SavePathBuildingPositions=Save As Path Building Positions
  4628. SavePresetCurve=Save Preset Curve
  4629. SavePresetEmitter=Create A Preset Emitter
  4630. SaveRemainingDlg_CancelTooltip=Cancel Request
  4631. SaveRemainingDlg_CheckOutButton=Save Selected
  4632. SaveRemainingDlg_CheckOutTooltip=Attempt to Save Checked Objects
  4633. SaveRemainingDlg_Message=Would you still like to save the following objects?
  4634. SaveRemainingDlg_Message=Would you still like to save the following objects?
  4635. SaveRemainingDlg_ReadOnly=File is read only
  4636. SaveRemainingDlg_Title=Save Remaining Objects?
  4637. SaveRemainingDlg_Title=Save Remaining Objects?
  4638. SaveSelectedLevel=Save Selected Level\tCtrl+S
  4639. SaveSelectedLevels=Save
  4640. SaveThumbnailAngle=Save Thumbnail Angle
  4641. Save_F=Save: `~
  4642. Saving=Saving
  4643. SavingMapStatus_CachingPhysStaticMeshes=(Building collision data)
  4644. SavingMapStatus_CollectingGarbage=(Collecting garbage)
  4645. SavingMap_F=Saving map: `~...
  4646. SavingObject=Saving object
  4647. SavingObjectE=Saving object...
  4648. SavingObjectf=Saving object `~
  4649. SavingPackage=Saving package
  4650. SavingPackageE=Saving package...
  4651. SavingPackage_CompressingCubemapMips=Compressing mips for Cubemap: -`~
  4652. SavingPackage_CompressingSourceArt=Compressing source art for texture: -`~
  4653. SavingPackage_CompressingTexture=Compressing texture: -`~
  4654. SavingPackage_GeneratingCubemapMips=Generating mips for Cubemap: -`~
  4655. SavingPackage_GeneratingThumbnails=Generating thumbnails...
  4656. SavingPackagef=Saving package `~
  4657. Scale=Scale
  4658. ScaleAmount=Scale Amount
  4659. ScaleEmitter=Scale Emitter
  4660. ScaleEmitterDistance=Scale Emitter Distance
  4661. ScaleEmitterTime=Scale Emitter Time
  4662. ScaleGrid=Scale Grid
  4663. ScaleNonUniform=Scale Non Uniform
  4664. ScaleSystemDistance=Scale System Distance
  4665. ScaleSystemTime=Scale System Time
  4666. ScaleTime=Scale Time
  4667. ScaleTimes=Scale Times
  4668. ScaleTimesPrompt=Scale times by:
  4669. ScaleTimes_ToolTip=Scale time values by a given scalar
  4670. ScaleValues=Scale Values
  4671. ScaleValuesPrompt=Scale values by:
  4672. ScaleValues_ToolTip=Scale values by a given scalar
  4673. Scaling=Scaling
  4674. ScalingMode=Scaling Mode [R]
  4675. SceneCapture=Scene Capture
  4676. SceneCaptureUpdatesSF=Update Scene Captures
  4677. SceneInfo=Scene Info
  4678. SceneManager_FilterQ=Filter
  4679. SceneManager_FilterT=Filter Type
  4680. SceneManager_Focus=Focus on Selected Actor
  4681. SceneManager_ToolTip=Show the scene manager browser
  4682. Script=Script
  4683. Search=Search
  4684. SearchE=Search...
  4685. SearchFor=Search For
  4686. SearchForActors=Search For Actors
  4687. SearchForObjectType=Find All Uses of Type: `~
  4688. SearchQ=Search:
  4689. SearchRemoteEvents=Search For Matching Events
  4690. SearchScope=Search Scope
  4691. SearchTool=Search Tool
  4692. SearchType=Search Type
  4693. Search_FindNext=Find Next
  4694. Search_FindPrev=Find Previous
  4695. Seconds=Seconds
  4696. Select=Select
  4697. SelectActors=Select Actors
  4698. SelectActorsByGroup=Select Actors By Group
  4699. SelectActorsByLayer=Select Actors By Layer
  4700. SelectAll=Select All
  4701. SelectAllActors=Select All Actors
  4702. SelectAllActorsInCurrentLevel=Select All Actors in Current Level
  4703. SelectAllAfterTimeCursor=Select All After Time Cursor
  4704. SelectAllBeforeTimeCursor=Select All Before Time Cursor
  4705. SelectAllF=Select all %s
  4706. SelectAllLevels=Select All
  4707. SelectAllLights=Select All Lights
  4708. SelectAllLightsWithSameClassification=Select Lights Matching Classification
  4709. SelectAllMatching=Select All Matching
  4710. SelectAllMenu=Select All
  4711. SelectAllRendered=Select Currently Rendered Actors
  4712. SelectAllSurface=Select All Surface
  4713. SelectAllVisibleLevels=Select All Visible Levels
  4714. SelectAllWithMatchingMaterial=Select All With Matching Material
  4715. SelectAssigned_F=Select `~ in Level
  4716. SelectAssociatedStreamingVolumes=Select Associated Streaming Volumes
  4717. SelectBaseBuilding=Select Base Building
  4718. SelectBottom=Select Bottom
  4719. SelectBuilderBrush=Select Builder Brush
  4720. SelectByProperty=Select By Property
  4721. SelectByPropertyF=Select by Property (`~ with `~: `~)
  4722. SelectChildSocket=Child AttachPoint
  4723. SelectDeleted=Select Deleted
  4724. SelectDownstream=Select Downstream Nodes
  4725. SelectEventsActors=Select Event(s) Actor(s)
  4726. SelectExporter=Select Exporter
  4727. SelectGroup=Select Group
  4728. SelectGroupToLookupDataFrom=Lookup Group:
  4729. SelectHKXRigidBody=Select a rigid body
  4730. SelectImportFactory=Select Import Factory
  4731. SelectInside=Select Inside
  4732. SelectInvert=Select Invert
  4733. SelectKeysSection=Select Keys In Section
  4734. SelectKismetReferencedActors=Select Kismet Referenced Actors
  4735. SelectKismetReferencedActorsAll=Select Actors Referenced by UnrealKismet (All Levels)
  4736. SelectKismetUnreferencedActors=Select Kismet Unreferenced Actors
  4737. SelectKismetUnreferencedActorsAll=Select Actors Not Referenced by UnrealKismet (All Levels)
  4738. SelectLayer=Select Layer
  4739. SelectLevels=Select Levels
  4740. SelectLevelsOnly=Select Only These Levels
  4741. SelectMatchingEmitter=Select Matching Emitters
  4742. SelectMatchingProcBuildingsByRuleset=Select Proc Buildings With This Ruleset
  4743. SelectMatchingSkeletalMesh=Select Matching Skeletal Mesh
  4744. SelectMatchingSkeletalMeshesAllClasses=Select Matching Skeletal Meshes (All Classes)
  4745. SelectMatchingSkeletalMeshesThisClass=Select Matching Skeletal Meshes (This Class)
  4746. SelectMatchingSpeedTrees=Select Matching Speed Trees
  4747. SelectMatchingStaticMesh=Select Matching Static Mesh
  4748. SelectMatchingStaticMeshesAllClasses=Select Matching Static Meshes (All Classes)
  4749. SelectMatchingStaticMeshesThisClass=Select Matching Static Meshes (This Class)
  4750. SelectMatchingZone=Select All Actors in Matching Zone
  4751. SelectNavPointsFromRoute=Route: Select NavPoints
  4752. SelectNone=Select None
  4753. SelectOfClass=Select Of Class
  4754. SelectOfClassAndArchetype=Select of Class and Archetype
  4755. SelectParentMesh=Parent Mesh
  4756. SelectParentSocket=Parent AttachPoint
  4757. SelectParticleSystem=Select ParticleSystem
  4758. SelectPostProcessVolume=Select Current Post process Volume
  4759. SelectReferenceAnimSequence=Select animation to use as reference pose. First frame will be used.
  4760. SelectReferencersInLevel=Select referencers in level
  4761. SelectRelevantDominantLights=Select Dominant Lights relevant to Actor
  4762. SelectRelevantLights=Select Lights relevant to Actor
  4763. SelectShowRenderStats=Show Render Stats
  4764. SelectSkeletalMesh=Meshes:
  4765. SelectStageMarkGroup=Select Stage Mark Group
  4766. SelectStageMarkGroupToBasedOn=Select Stage Mark Group \r\nthis group is based on
  4767. SelectStreamingMethod=Select Streaming Method
  4768. SelectStripToMoveBehind=Move the mouse over the strip behind which you wish to move the selected (white) strip.
  4769. SelectStripToMoveInFrontOf=Move the mouse over the strip in front of which you wish to move the selected (white) strip.
  4770. SelectSubclassOfClass=Select Subclass Of Class
  4771. SelectSurfaces=Select Surfaces
  4772. SelectTop=Select Top
  4773. SelectUpstream=Select Upstream Nodes
  4774. SelectedAIPaths=Selected AI Paths
  4775. SelectedLevelsOnlyE=Selected Levels Only...
  4776. SelectedModule=Selected Module
  4777. SelectedOnlyE=Selected Only...
  4778. SelectedSeqHasNoNotifies=Nothing to do; the selected sequence contains no notifies.
  4779. SelectedSequence=Selected Sequence
  4780. Selecting=Selecting...
  4781. SelectingActors=Selecting Actors
  4782. SelectingBrushes=Selecting Brushes
  4783. SelectionMode=Selection Mode
  4784. SelectionSF=Selection
  4785. SelfContainedLighting=Self Contained Lighting
  4786. SemiSolid=Semi Solid
  4787. SemiSolids=Semi Solids
  4788. Send=Send
  4789. SendToDismemberment=Send Pose To Dismemberment Editor
  4790. SendToGroupTab=Add To Group Tab
  4791. Sentinel=Sentinel
  4792. SentinelConnectingToDatabase=Sentinel Connecting To Stats Database
  4793. SentinelDatabaseConnectionProblem=Problem Connecting To Stats Database.
  4794. SentinelStatsSF=Sentinel Stats
  4795. Separate=Separate
  4796. SeparatePolys=Separate polys
  4797. SeparateRawDataToTracks=Separate Raw Data To Tracks
  4798. SeqKeyName=AnimSequence:
  4799. SequenceName=Sequence Name
  4800. Sequences=Sequences
  4801. SetAVIRenderSpec=Set AVI Render Spec
  4802. SetActors=Set Actors
  4803. SetAnimLooping=Set Looping
  4804. SetAnimNoLooping=Set Non Looping
  4805. SetAssetDisableParams=Set Asset Disable Params
  4806. SetAssetPhysicalMaterial=Set Asset Physical Material
  4807. SetAttachRelativeOffsetLabel = Set Attach Offsets
  4808. SetBonesColor=Set Bone Selection Color
  4809. SetBrushProperties=Set Brush Properties
  4810. SetChildBonesColor=Set Child Bone Selection Color
  4811. SetCollision=Set Collision Type
  4812. SetColor=Set Color
  4813. SetDetailMode=Set Detail Mode
  4814. SetEndOffset=Set End Offset
  4815. SetFileListeners=Set Auto Reimport Asset Paths
  4816. SetFileListenersPrompt=Do you want to save this path relative to the executable?\nRelative: `~\nAbsolute: `~\n(Yes to save as Relative, No to save as Absolute)
  4817. SetFileListenersText=The editor supports listening for changes to source assets and automatically reimporting when a change has been detected.\nTo specify which: add or remove directories to the list above and select either the absolute or relative path.\nWhen this dialog is closed the active listeners will be saved and updated.
  4818. SetFolder=Set Folder...
  4819. SetInputDelay=Set Input Delay
  4820. SetLODAuto=Set LOD Auto
  4821. SetMotionRadius=Set Motion Radius
  4822. SetNewCameraShotNumber=Shot Number:
  4823. SetOutputDelay=Set Output Delay
  4824. SetOverrideName=Set Override Name
  4825. SetParentNodeName=Set Parent Node Name
  4826. SetPhysicalAssetMaterial=Set Physical Asset Material
  4827. SetPlayRate=Set Play Rate
  4828. SetProjectDirectory=Set Project Directory
  4829. SetShotLabel=Set Shot Label
  4830. SetSoundPitch=Set Sound Pitch
  4831. SetSoundVolume=Set Sound Volume
  4832. SetSpeed=Set sim speed
  4833. SetSplineLinkInVal=Set New Inval For Link Point
  4834. SetStartOffset=Set Start Offset
  4835. SetStreamingVolumes=Set Streaming Volumes
  4836. SetSystemMovementRadius=Set Movement Radius
  4837. SetTime=Set Time
  4838. SetToFalse=Set To False
  4839. SetToRatio=Set To Ratio...
  4840. SetToTextureMapping=Set To Texture
  4841. SetToTextureMappingEx=Set To Texture Ex...
  4842. SetToTrue=Set To True
  4843. SetToVertexMapping=Set To Vertex
  4844. SetTransitionTime=Set Transition Time
  4845. ToggleClothReset=Trigger Cloth Reset
  4846. SetValue=Set Value
  4847. ShaderComplexity=Shader Complexity
  4848. Shadow="Shadow"
  4849. ShadowFrustumsSF=Shadow Frustums
  4850. Shape=Shape
  4851. ShareWithHigher=Share next higher LOD
  4852. Sheet=Sheet
  4853. ShiftAnimSequence=Shift Anim Sequence
  4854. ShiftLevelInLevelBrowser=Shift level in Level Browser
  4855. ShiftNotifies=Shift Notifies
  4856. ShowAdditiveBase=Show Additive Base
  4857. ShowAll=Show All
  4858. ShowAllActors=Show All Actors
  4859. ShowAllAtStartup=Show All at Editor Startup
  4860. ShowAllConnectors=Show All Connectors
  4861. ShowAllLevels = Show All Levels
  4862. ShowAllLevels=Show All
  4863. ShowAllMeshVerts=Show All Mesh Vertices
  4864. ShowAllPackagesQ=Show All Packages?
  4865. ShowAllResourceTypes=Show All Resource Types
  4866. ShowAltBoneWeightingEdit=Alt. Bone Weighting Edit Mode
  4867. ShowAnimSkel=Show Animation Skeleton
  4868. ShowBinormals="Binormals"
  4869. ShowBoneNames=Show Bone Names
  4870. ShowBones=Show Bone Selection
  4871. ShowActorBoneTransforms=Show Actor Bone Transforms
  4872. ShowBounds=Show Bounds
  4873. ShowBrushes=Show Brushes?
  4874. ShowCategoriesQ=Show Categories
  4875. ShowCenterOfMass=Show Center Of Mass
  4876. ShowChildBones=Show Child Bone Selection
  4877. ShowClothMovementScale=Show Cloth Movement Scale
  4878. ShowCollision=Show Collision
  4879. ShowColorPicker=Open Color Picker
  4880. ShowContentBrowser=Show Content Browser
  4881. ShowContentBrowser_Or_OpenInEditor=Find Object in Content Browser
  4882. ShowCore=Show Core
  4883. ShowCuts=Show Cuts
  4884. ShowCutsSolid=Show Cuts Solid
  4885. ShowDefaultReferences="Include Assets Referenced By Defaults"
  4886. ShowDetails=Show Details
  4887. ShowFixed=Show Fixed Bodies
  4888. ShowFlagsWindow_Advanced=Advanced
  4889. ShowFlagsWindow_CollisionModes=Collision Modes
  4890. ShowFlagsWindow_Normal=Normal
  4891. ShowFlagsWindow_PostProcessing=Post Processing
  4892. ShowFloor=Show Floor
  4893. ShowGrid=Show Grid
  4894. ShowHideActors=Show/Hide Actors
  4895. ShowHideButtonGroupLabel=Select
  4896. ShowHideMesh=Show/Hide
  4897. ShowHideUnusedConnectors=Show/Hide Unused Connectors
  4898. ShowInside=Show Inside
  4899. ShowMemStats=Show Resource Memory Usage
  4900. ShowMenu_AdvancedFlags=Advanced
  4901. ShowMenu_NormalFlags=Normal Flags
  4902. ShowMenu_PostProcessFlags=Post processing
  4903. ShowMenu_ShowFlags=SHOW FLAGS
  4904. ShowMirror=Mirror entire scene
  4905. ShowModifiedProperties=Show Only Modified Properties
  4906. ShowMorphKeys=Show Morph Keys
  4907. ShowNodeWeight=Show Node Weights
  4908. ShowNormal=Show Normal
  4909. ShowNormals="Normals"
  4910. ShowNormalsQ=Show Normals?
  4911. ShowOnlySelectedLevels=Show Only Selected
  4912. ShowOnlyUnselectedLevels=Show Only Unselected
  4913. ShowOpenEdges="Open Edges"
  4914. ShowPivot="Pivot"
  4915. ShowRealtimeBoneData=Realtime Bone Data in Bone List
  4916. ShowRefAndLocatorBones=Show Ref and Locator Bones
  4917. ShowReferencePose=Show Reference Pose
  4918. ShowReferences=Show References
  4919. ShowScriptReferences="Include Assets Referenced By Script"
  4920. ShowSection=Show Material Section
  4921. ShowSelectedActors=Show Selected Actors Only
  4922. ShowSelectedAtStartup=Show Selected at Editor Startup
  4923. ShowSelectedBoneInfluences=Show Selected Bone Influences
  4924. ShowSelectedLevels=Show
  4925. ShowSelectedLevelsInContentBrowser=Find in Content Browser...
  4926. ShowSelectedLevelsInSceneManager=Find in Scene Manager...
  4927. ShowSelectedLevelsInSceneManagerWithHotkey=Find in Scene Manager...\tS
  4928. ShowSelectedOnly=Show Selected Only
  4929. ShowSimOptions=Show Sim Options
  4930. ShowSkeleton=Show Skeleton
  4931. ShowSockets=Show Sockets
  4932. ShowSoftBodyTetra=Show Soft Body Tetra
  4933. ShowSphereProxy=Show Sphere Proxy
  4934. ShowStreamingBounds=Show Streaming Bounds
  4935. ShowTangent=Show Tangent
  4936. ShowTangents="Tangents"
  4937. ShowUncompressedAnimation=Show Uncompressed Animation
  4938. ShowUnlit=Show Unlit
  4939. ShowVisibleCuts=Show Visible Cuts
  4940. ShowWidget=Show Widget
  4941. ShowWireframe=Show Wireframe
  4942. ShrinkSelection=Shrink Selection
  4943. Side=Side
  4944. Sim=SIM
  4945. Simple=Simple
  4946. Simplygon_DLLVersionMismatch_F=The Simplygon DLL at '`~' does not match the version compiled into the engine.
  4947. Simplygon_InitDLLFailed=Failed to initialize the Simplygon DLL.
  4948. Simplygon_InvalidLicense=Unable to initialize Simplygon: the license has expired.
  4949. Simplygon_LoadDLL=Loading Simplygon DLL...
  4950. Simplygon_LoadDLLFailed=Failed to find the Simplygon DLL.
  4951. Simplygon_NoLicenseFile_F=Simplygon license not found at `~
  4952. Simplygon_UnknownError=Unable to initialize Simplygon: error code `~
  4953. SinglePerspective=Perspective Only
  4954. Size=Size
  4955. SkelMesh=Mesh
  4956. SkelMeshImporter_MaxBonesExceededError=`~ mesh has exceeded the maximum allowed bone count of `~.
  4957. SkeletalMesh2=Skeletal Mesh 2
  4958. SkeletalMesh=Skeletal Mesh
  4959. SkeletalMeshesSF=Skeletal Meshes
  4960. Skeleton=Skeleton
  4961. SkeletonTreeCaption_F=Skeleton Tree: `~
  4962. Slice=Slice
  4963. SliceColorMode=Slice Color Mode
  4964. SlotName=Slot Name
  4965. SmoothStaticMeshes=Smooth static meshes
  4966. Snap=Snap [A]
  4967. SnapActorsToFloor=Snap Actors To Floor
  4968. SnapAllConstraintsToBone=Snap All Constraints To Bone
  4969. SnapConstraintToBone=Snap Constraint To Bone
  4970. SnapPivotToFloor=Snap Pivot to Floor
  4971. SnapScaling=Snap Scaling
  4972. SnapToFloor=Snap To Floor
  4973. SnapToGrid=Snap To Grid
  4974. SnapViewToActor=Snap View to Actor
  4975. SnapViewToCamera=Snap View to Camera
  4976. SocketAlreadyExists=Socket '%s' already exists in mesh!
  4977. SocketBoneNotFound=Bone '`~' for Socket '`~' not found.
  4978. SocketManager=Socket Manager
  4979. SocketName=Socket Name
  4980. SocketNameAlreadyExists= -Socket name already exists! -
  4981. SocketNameContainsSpaces= -Cannot create a socket that contains spaces! -
  4982. SocketNameIsEmpty= -Cannot create a socket with no name! -
  4983. SocketSetName=Socket Set Name
  4984. SocketSetNotFound=Socket set %s not found!
  4985. SocketSnapping_DialogCaption=Socket Snapping
  4986. SocketSnapping_SnapTransactionName=Snap Actor to Socket
  4987. SocketSnapping_SocketsBox=Sockets
  4988. Sockets=Sockets
  4989. SoftBodyGenerate=Generate Soft Body Tetrahedron Mesh
  4990. SoftBodyToggleSim=Toggle Soft Body Preview Simulation
  4991. SoftSelection=Soft Selection
  4992. Solid=Solid
  4993. SolidMesh=Solid mesh (continuous mesh, no gaps or holes)
  4994. Solidity=Solidity
  4995. SomeNotifiesWereNotCopiedF=Because the destination sequence was shorter, `~ notifies were not copied.
  4996. SomeNotifiesWillNotBeCopiedQ=Some notifies will not be copied because the destination sequence is not long enough. -Proceed?
  4997. SortNotifies=Sort Notifies
  4998. SoundAttenuationNodes=Sound Attenuation Nodes
  4999. SoundCaption_F=Sound `~
  5000. SoundClassEditorCaption=Unreal Sound Class Editor
  5001. SoundClasses=Sound Classes
  5002. SoundCueEditor=Sound Cue Editor
  5003. SoundCueEditorAddInput=Sound Cue Editor: Add Input
  5004. SoundCueEditorBreakLink=Sound Cue Editor: Break Link
  5005. SoundCueEditorCaption_F=Unreal SoundCue Editor: `~
  5006. SoundCueEditorDeleteSelectedNode=Sound Cue Editor: Delete Selected Node
  5007. SoundCueEditorMakeConnectionToConnector=Sound Cue Editor: Make Connection to Connector
  5008. SoundCueEditorNewRandom=Sound Cue Editor: New Random
  5009. SoundCueEditorNewSoundNode=Sound Cue Editor: New Sound Node
  5010. SoundCueEditorNewWave=Sound Cue Editor: New Wave
  5011. SoundCueEditorPaste=Sound Cue Editor: Paste
  5012. SoundCueMultiplePropertiesCaption=Sound Cue Properties (`~ Selected)
  5013. SoundCueNodeCaption=Sound Attenuation Node
  5014. SoundCueNodeMultipleCaption=Sound Attenuation Nodes (`~ Selected)
  5015. SoundCuePropertiesCaption=Sound Cue Properties `~
  5016. SoundGroups=Sound Groups
  5017. SoundNodeRandom_F=Random: `~
  5018. SoundNodeWavePreview=Sound Quality Previewer
  5019. SoundNodeWave_F=SoundNodeWave: `~
  5020. SoundPackage=Sound Package
  5021. SoundSizeCheck=Sound Size
  5022. Sounds=Sounds
  5023. Source=Source
  5024. SourceCaption_F=Source: `~
  5025. SourceControl=Source Control
  5026. SourceControlConnectionProblemsTooltip=Potential Connection Issues with Source Control
  5027. SourceControlDisabledTooltip=Not Connected to Source Control (Click to attempt connection!)
  5028. SourceControlEnabledTooltip=Connected to Source Control
  5029. SourceControlHistoryTitle=File History
  5030. SourceControlRevertTitle=Revert Files
  5031. SourceControlSubmitTitle=Submit Files
  5032. SourceControlSubmit_DescriptionValidityWarning=Changelist description is required to submit
  5033. SourceControl_Add=Adding file(s) to Source Control...
  5034. SourceControl_CheckIn=Checking file(s) into Source Control...
  5035. SourceControl_CheckOut=Checking file(s) out of Source Control...
  5036. SourceControl_Delete=Deleting file(s) from Source Control...
  5037. SourceControl_GetFileHistory=Fetching file history from Source Control...
  5038. SourceControl_GetModifiedFiles=Determining files modified from Source Control versions...
  5039. SourceControl_GetUnmodifiedFiles=Determing files unmodified from Source Control versions...
  5040. SourceControl_Move=Moving file(s) in Source Control...
  5041. SourceControl_Revert=Reverting file(s) in Source Control...
  5042. SourceControl_RevertUnchanged=Reverting unchanged file(s) in Source Control...
  5043. SourceControl_ServerUnresponsive=Source Control is unresponsive. Please check your connection and try again.
  5044. SourceControl_UpdateStatus=Updating Source Control file status...
  5045. SourceControl_GetFileAvailability=Determining if file is available for sync/integration...
  5046. Specular=Specular
  5047. SpecularPower=Sp.Power
  5048. SpeedTreeEditor=SpeedTree Editor
  5049. SpeedTreesSF=SpeedTrees
  5050. SphereRadius=Sphere Radius:
  5051. SphereSimplifiedCollision=Sphere Simplified Collision
  5052. SphylSphere=Sphyl/Sphere
  5053. SplashScreen_ArtToolVersionTextx64=%s Art Tool %s (x64)
  5054. SplashScreen_ArtToolVersionTextx86=%s Art Tool %s
  5055. SplashScreen_ConnectingToSourceControl=Connecting to source control server...
  5056. SplashScreen_DefaultLoading=Loading...
  5057. SplashScreen_DefaultText=Loading
  5058. SplashScreen_InitialStartupProgress=Loading...
  5059. SplashScreen_StartingUpGameAssetDatabase=Starting up the game asset database...
  5060. SplashScreen_TextAppendedSeconds=%s ( %.1f sec )
  5061. SplashScreen_TotalProgressText=Total time elapsed
  5062. SplashScreen_VersionInfo1_F=`~ (Version `~, Changelist `~)
  5063. SplashScreen_WaitingForLogin=Waiting for Perforce login confirmation...
  5064. SplineBreak=Break
  5065. SplineBreakAllLinks=Break All Links
  5066. SplineColor=Spline Color
  5067. SplineConnect=Connect/Flip
  5068. SplineEdCaption=SplineEditor
  5069. SplineEdCaption_F=SplineEditor: %s
  5070. SplineEditorOpen=Open in Spline Editor
  5071. SplineManipulation=SplineManipulation
  5072. SplinePopupMenu=Spline
  5073. SplineReverseAllDirections=Reverse All Directions
  5074. SplineSelectAllNode=Select All On Spline
  5075. SplineSetStraightTangents=Set Straight Tangents
  5076. SplineTestRoute=Test Route
  5077. SplineTestRouteFailed=Test Route Failed
  5078. Splines=Splines
  5079. SplinesSF=Splines
  5080. Split=Split
  5081. SplitEdges=Split Edges
  5082. SpriteCategoryVisibility=Show Sprites
  5083. SpritesSF=Sprites
  5084. SrcMeshNoMirrorTable=Selected SkeletalMesh does not have a mirroring table.
  5085. Standing=Standing
  5086. StartPage_Caption_ToolTip=Show the documentation
  5087. StartSplineLink=Start New Spline Link
  5088. StartingWith=Starting With
  5089. StartupTipDialog_NextTip=Next Tip
  5090. StartupTipDialog_ShowTipsAtStartup=Show tips at startup
  5091. StartupTipDialog_StartupTip=Startup Tip
  5092. StartupTipDialog_Title=Startup Tip
  5093. Startup_ES2NotSupportedInEditorMode=Ignoring -ES2 commandline parameter.\n\nThis option isn't supported in Editor mode
  5094. StatDrawSize=Draw Size
  5095. StatFilter=Stat Filter
  5096. StatGroup=Stat Group
  5097. StatName=Stat Name
  5098. StaticMesh=Static Mesh
  5099. StaticMeshEditor=Static Mesh Editor
  5100. StaticMeshEditorCaption_F=Unreal Static Mesh Editor: `~
  5101. StaticMeshEditor_AddNewLOD= (Add New)
  5102. StaticMeshEditor_Error_FractureMeshMissingSourceMeshData=Fractured Mesh `~ is missing source mesh data. -Please fracture from the original source art.
  5103. StaticMeshEditor_ExportLightmapMesh=Export Light Map Mesh (.OBJ)...
  5104. StaticMeshEditor_ExportLightmapMeshFBX=Export Light Map Mesh (.FBX)...
  5105. StaticMeshEditor_ExportToPromptTitle=Export to...
  5106. StaticMeshEditor_ImportLightmapMesh=Import Light Map Mesh (.ASE)...
  5107. StaticMeshEditor_ImportLightmapMeshFBX=Import Light Map Mesh (.FBX)...
  5108. StaticMeshEditor_ImportToPromptTitle=Import from...
  5109. StaticMeshEditor_InvalidLightMapCoordinateIndex=Lightmap Coordinate is out of bounds for '`~' with a value of `~
  5110. StaticMeshEditor_InvalidLightMapCoordinateIndexOnExport=Lightmap Coordinate is out of bounds for '`~' with a value of `~. -On import, a new set of textures coordinates will be added.
  5111. StaticMeshEditor_LightmapExportFailure=Some static meshes failed to export or provided warnings. -Please check the Log Window for details.
  5112. StaticMeshEditor_LightmapExportFewerTriangles=Fewer polygons have been exported than the raw triangle count. -This Lightmapped UV mesh may contain fewer triangles than the destination mesh on import.
  5113. StaticMeshEditor_LightmapImportFailure=Some static meshes failed to import or provided warnings. -Please check the Log Window for details.
  5114. StaticMeshEditor_LightmapImportFewerTriangles=The source mesh contains fewer triangles than that of the destination mesh '`~', but all source triangles have been successfully mapped to the destination mesh, do you still wish to import?
  5115. StaticMeshEditor_LightmapImportFileReadFailure=File failed to import '`~' LOD index `~
  5116. StaticMeshEditor_LightmapImportNewLightmapCoordinate=New Lightmap Coordinate added for '`~' with an index of `~
  5117. StaticMeshEditor_LightmapImportRemappedTriangleIndices=Raw triangles of the source mesh did not match those of the destination mesh '`~', but a mapping between the two sets has been found
  5118. StaticMeshEditor_LightmapImportTriangleMismatch=Triangle count does not match for '`~' LOD Index `~\nRemember to enable export of Texture Coordinates!
  5119. StaticMeshEditor_LightmapImportUsingDefualtLightmapCoordinate=Importing lightmap coordinates from index 0 of the source mesh
  5120. StaticMeshEditor_LightmapImportVertexMismatch=Vertex count does not match for '`~' LOD Index `~\nRemember to enable export of Texture Coordinates!
  5121. StaticMeshEditor_MultipleFilesSelectedForLOD=You may only select one file for the LOD
  5122. StaticMeshEditor_NoFileSelectedForLOD=No file was selected for the LOD
  5123. StaticMeshEditor_NoSourceDataForExport=Source data missing from model '`~'.
  5124. StaticMeshEditor_ReplaceLOD= (Replace)
  5125. StaticMeshEditor_ResourceSize_F=Resource Size: `.2~ [KB]
  5126. StaticMeshEditor_UnableToLoadFile=Unable to load static mesh from file
  5127. StaticMeshEditor_UnableToSaveFile=Unable to save static mesh to file
  5128. StaticMeshEditor_kDOPTreeSize_F=kDOP Tree Size: `.2~ [KB] `~
  5129. StaticMeshEditor_kDOP_NotStripped=not stripped
  5130. StaticMeshEditor_kDOP_Stripped=stripped
  5131. StaticMeshImport_TooManyVertices_FBX=The model has too many verticies; the maximum is 65535. -Consider splitting up the source mesh into smaller chunks.
  5132. StaticMeshLightingInfo=StaticMesh Lighting Info
  5133. StaticMeshLightingInfoGoto=DlgStaticMeshLightingInfo:GotoActors
  5134. StaticMeshLightingInfoRatio=DlgStaticMeshLightingInfo:Ratio
  5135. StaticMeshLightingInfoSet=DlgStaticMeshLightingInfo:Set
  5136. StaticMeshLightingInfoSwap=DlgStaticMeshLightingInfo:Swap
  5137. StaticMeshMode=Static Mesh Mode | Shift+7
  5138. StaticMeshesSF=Static Meshes\tW
  5139. Status=Status
  5140. StatusBarCameraSpeed_F=Camera Speed: `.1~
  5141. StatusBarMouseWorldspacePosition=Mouse: (`~, `~, `~)
  5142. StatusBarNoChange=( No Change )
  5143. StatusBarWidgetPosition=Position: (`.2~, `.2~, `.2~)
  5144. StatusBarWidgetRotation=Rotation: (`.2~`~, `.2~`~, `.2~`~)
  5145. StatusBarWidgetScale=Scale: (`.2~`~, `.2~`~, `.2~`~)
  5146. StatusBar_PackageCheckoutNeeded=Dirty packages not checked out to you
  5147. StatusBar_PackageCheckoutNotNeeded=No packages need checkout
  5148. StatusBar_SaveErrorMessage=Unsuccessful. -Check dialog for errors.
  5149. StatusBar_SaveOKMessage=Success. -0 errors warnings.
  5150. StepRealtimeDebugging=Step Through (Alt+F9)
  5151. StitchCover=Stitch Cover Links
  5152. Stop=Stop
  5153. StopBuild=Stop Build
  5154. StopMusicTrack=Stop Music Track
  5155. StopSound=Stop Sound
  5156. StoppingMapBuild=Stopping Map Build...
  5157. StraightenTangents=Straighten Tangents
  5158. StreamingBoundsSF=Streaming Bounds
  5159. StreamingMethod:=Streaming Method:
  5160. StrengthPct=Strength (%)
  5161. StretchSection=Stretch Section
  5162. StretchSelectedKeyframes=Stretch Selected Keyframes
  5163. Strikethrough="Strikethrough"
  5164. SubSkeletons=Sub Skeletons
  5165. SubsurfaceScatteringSF=Subsurface Scattering
  5166. Subtract=Subtract
  5167. SubtractAdditiveToSequence=Subtract Additive Animation to selected sequence(s)
  5168. SubtractingBrushFromWorld=Subtracting brush from world
  5169. Subtractive=Subtractive
  5170. SubtractiveGeom=Subtractive
  5171. Subtracts=Subtracts
  5172. SuperGroup = Super Group
  5173. SupportChunks=Support Chunks
  5174. SuppressableWarningDlg_DisableThisWarning=Disable this warning
  5175. SureChangeAssetSkelMesh=Are you sure you want to change the PhysicsAsset '`~' to use the SkeletalMesh '`~'?
  5176. SureCopyMirrorTable=This will replace any existing mirror table on the current SkeletalMesh.\nAre you sure?
  5177. SurfPropMsg=Hold SHIFT while clicking the above buttons to affect surfaces in the opposite direction.
  5178. SurfaceProperties=Surface Properties
  5179. SurfacePropertiesF=Surface Properties (%i Selected)
  5180. SurfaceProperties_EmptyTitle=No Surface Selected
  5181. SurfaceProperties_MultipleMaterials =Multiple Materials
  5182. SurfaceProperties_NoMaterial=No Material
  5183. SurfaceProperties_Title=`~ Surface(s) Selected : `~
  5184. Swap=Swap
  5185. SwapEx=Swap Ex...
  5186. SwapLODSections=Swap LOD Sections
  5187. SwatTurn=Swat Turn
  5188. Sync=Sync Browser
  5189. SyncContentBrowser=Sync to Content Browser
  5190. SyncNodeInBrowser=Sync to Browser
  5191. SystemMovementRadius=Movement Radius
  5192. SystemMovementSpeed=Movement Speed
  5193. TabNameInUse=Name '`~' already in use!
  5194. Tag=Tag
  5195. TargetGroup=Target Group
  5196. TargetPoint=Target Points
  5197. TaskBrowserCompleteTask_CancelButton=Cancel
  5198. TaskBrowserCompleteTask_ChangelistNumberLabel=Changelist
  5199. TaskBrowserCompleteTask_CommentsLabel=Comments
  5200. TaskBrowserCompleteTask_DialogCaption=Mark Task Complete
  5201. TaskBrowserCompleteTask_HoursToCompleteLabel=Time to complete (hours)
  5202. TaskBrowserCompleteTask_OKButton=OK
  5203. TaskBrowserCompleteTask_ResolutionTypeLabel=Resolution
  5204. TaskBrowserConfig_AutoConnectAtStartupLabel=Auto connect at startup
  5205. TaskBrowserConfig_CancelButton=Cancel
  5206. TaskBrowserConfig_ConnectionSettingsLabel=Connection
  5207. TaskBrowserConfig_DialogCaption=Task Browser Settings
  5208. TaskBrowserConfig_OKButton=OK
  5209. TaskBrowserConfig_PasswordLabel=Password
  5210. TaskBrowserConfig_PreferencesLabel=Preferences
  5211. TaskBrowserConfig_ProjectName=Project name
  5212. TaskBrowserConfig_ServerNameLabel=Server
  5213. TaskBrowserConfig_ServerPortLabel=Port
  5214. TaskBrowserConfig_UserNameLabel=Login
  5215. TaskBrowser_Caption_ToolTip=Show the task browser
  5216. TaskBrowser_ConnectButtonLabel=Connect
  5217. TaskBrowser_DatabaseFilterLabel=Database filter
  5218. TaskBrowser_DisconnectButtonLabel=Disconnect
  5219. TaskBrowser_DisplayFilterLabel=Display
  5220. TaskBrowser_Error_ConnectFailed_F=The Task Browser was unable to connect to the task database server. -The following error message was reported:\n\n`~\n\nPlease adjust your connection settings using the Settings button at the bottom of the Task Browser and try again by clicking Connect.
  5221. TaskBrowser_Error_DisconnectFailed_F=The Task Browser was unable to disconnect to the task database server. -The following error message was reported:\n\n`~
  5222. TaskBrowser_Error_MarkCompleteFailed_F=The Task Browser was unable to mark the specified task(s) as completed. -The following error message was reported:\n\n`~
  5223. TaskBrowser_Error_NeedValidConnectionSettings=In order for the Task Browser to connect to the database server, you'll need to supply valid settings for the server name/port, user name and password, as well as the project (database) name to connect to. -If you're not sure what settings to use then please ask a system administrator, or check the similar settings in desktop task management application's configuration.
  5224. TaskBrowser_Error_NeedValidDataToMarkComplete=Sorry, the task cannot be marked as complete until you've entered valid information for all of the fields. -Please complete the form before pressing the OK button.
  5225. TaskBrowser_Error_QueryFiltersFailed_F=The Task Browser encountered an error while querying a list of filters from the server. -The following error message was reported:\n\n`~
  5226. TaskBrowser_Error_QueryTaskDetailsFailed_F=The Task Browser encountered an error while querying details about a specific task from the server. -The following error message was reported:\n\n`~
  5227. TaskBrowser_Error_QueryTasksFailed_F=The Task Browser encountered an error while querying a list of filtered tasks from the server. -The following error message was reported:\n\n`~
  5228. TaskBrowser_Error_StartingConnect=The Task Browser encountered an uncommon error while trying to connect to the database. -Please adjust your connection settings using the Settings button at the bottom of the Task Browser and try again by clicking Connect.
  5229. TaskBrowser_Error_StartingDisconnect=The Task Browser encountered an uncommon error while trying to disconnect from the database.
  5230. TaskBrowser_Error_StartingFilterQuery=The Task Browser encountered an uncommon error while trying to query a list of filters from the database.
  5231. TaskBrowser_Error_StartingMarkAsComplete=The Task Browser encountered an uncommon error while trying to mark a task as complete.
  5232. TaskBrowser_Error_StartingQueryTaskDetails=The Task Browser encountered an uncommon error while trying to query details about a task.
  5233. TaskBrowser_Error_StartingQueryTasks=The Task Browser encountered an uncommon error while trying to query a list of tasks.
  5234. TaskBrowser_FilterAssignedToMeLabel=Assigned to me
  5235. TaskBrowser_FilterCreatedByMeLabel=Created by me
  5236. TaskBrowser_FilterCurrentMapLabel=Current map
  5237. TaskBrowser_FilterOnlyOpenLabel=Only open
  5238. TaskBrowser_FixButtonLabel=Mark Complete...
  5239. TaskBrowser_RefreshButtonLabel=Refresh View
  5240. TaskBrowser_ServerStatus_Connected=Connected to the task database.
  5241. TaskBrowser_ServerStatus_Connecting=Connecting to server and logging in...
  5242. TaskBrowser_ServerStatus_ConnectionFailed=Failed to connect to the task database. -Click the Connect button to try again.
  5243. TaskBrowser_ServerStatus_Disconnecting=Disconnecting...
  5244. TaskBrowser_ServerStatus_FailedToInit=Failed to initialize. -No task database providers are available.
  5245. TaskBrowser_ServerStatus_MarkingTaskComplete=Marking task as fixed...
  5246. TaskBrowser_ServerStatus_QueryingFilters=Retrieving filters...
  5247. TaskBrowser_ServerStatus_QueryingTaskDetails=Retrieving task information...
  5248. TaskBrowser_ServerStatus_QueryingTasks=Retrieving task list from server...
  5249. TaskBrowser_ServerStatus_ReadyToConnect=Not connected. -Click the Connect button to login to the task database.
  5250. TaskBrowser_SettingsButtonLabel=Settings...
  5251. TaskBrowser_TaskListColumnName_AssignedTo=Assigned To
  5252. TaskBrowser_TaskListColumnName_CreatedBy=Created By
  5253. TaskBrowser_TaskListColumnName_Name=Summary
  5254. TaskBrowser_TaskListColumnName_Number=Number
  5255. TaskBrowser_TaskListColumnName_Priority=Priority
  5256. TaskBrowser_TaskListColumnName_Status=Status
  5257. TaskBrowser_WaitingForDescription=\n(Downloading task details from server. -Please wait...)
  5258. TaskType=Task Type
  5259. Terrain=Terrain
  5260. TerrainBrowser=Terrain Layer Browser
  5261. TerrainBrowser_AddDecoLayer=AddDecoLayer
  5262. TerrainBrowser_AddDecoration=AddDecoration
  5263. TerrainBrowser_AddLayer=AddLayer
  5264. TerrainBrowser_AddMaterial=AddMaterial
  5265. TerrainBrowser_AddSelectedDecoration=Add Selected Decoration `~
  5266. TerrainBrowser_AddSelectedDisplacement=Add Selected Displacement `~
  5267. TerrainBrowser_AddSelectedLayer=Add Selected Layer `~
  5268. TerrainBrowser_AddSelectedMaterial=Add Selected Material `~
  5269. TerrainBrowser_ChangeColor=Change Color
  5270. TerrainBrowser_ConfirmDeletion=Delete `~?
  5271. TerrainBrowser_ConfirmRecache=Recache terrain shaders?
  5272. TerrainBrowser_CreateAfter= after this item
  5273. TerrainBrowser_CreateAutomatically= (auto create)
  5274. TerrainBrowser_CreateAutomaticallyFromMat= from material (auto create)
  5275. TerrainBrowser_CreateAutomaticallyFromMatSelectPackage= from material (select package)
  5276. TerrainBrowser_CreateBefore= before this item
  5277. TerrainBrowser_CreateNew=Create New
  5278. TerrainBrowser_CreateNewDecoLayer=New DecoLayer `~
  5279. TerrainBrowser_CreateNewDecoration=New Decoration `~
  5280. TerrainBrowser_CreateNewLayer=New Terrain Setup Layer `~
  5281. TerrainBrowser_CreateNewMaterial=New Terrain Material `~
  5282. TerrainBrowser_Delete=Delete
  5283. TerrainBrowser_InvalidTerrainMaterial=Invalid Terrain Material (NULL?)
  5284. TerrainBrowser_MoveLayerDown_ToolTip=Move the selected layer down
  5285. TerrainBrowser_MoveLayerUp_ToolTip=Move the selected layer up
  5286. TerrainBrowser_NoDecLayerSelected=No DecoLayer selceted
  5287. TerrainBrowser_NoLayerSelected=Layer not selected
  5288. TerrainBrowser_NoLayerSetup=Layer has no setup
  5289. TerrainBrowser_NoSelection=Nothing selected
  5290. TerrainBrowser_NoTerrainMaterial=No terrain material set
  5291. TerrainBrowser_NoTerrainMaterialSelected=Terrain material not selected
  5292. TerrainBrowser_RecacheMaterials_ToolTip=Recache Terrain Materials
  5293. TerrainBrowser_Rename=Rename
  5294. TerrainBrowser_ToolTip=Show the terrain browser
  5295. TerrainBrowser_UseSelected_ToolTip=Use the item currently selected in the Content Browser
  5296. TerrainBrowser_ViewMenu=Terrain
  5297. TerrainBrowser_WireframeColor=Wireframe Color
  5298. TerrainCollisionSF=Terrain Collision
  5299. TerrainEdit_ActiveToolLabel=Active Tool:
  5300. TerrainEdit_BakeDisplacementMap=Bake DisplacementMap?
  5301. TerrainEdit_BrushSizer=Brushes
  5302. TerrainEdit_CannotDecrease_AtMTLOne=Cannot decrease tessellation level below 1.
  5303. TerrainEdit_CannotDecrease_MTLPrevent=Cannot decrease num patches below MaxTessellationLevel.
  5304. TerrainEdit_CannotIncrease_MTLPrevent=Cannot increase num patches above 2048.
  5305. TerrainEdit_ColorLabel=Edit Color:
  5306. TerrainEdit_ConfirmDecrease=Tessellation decrease removes detail.\nAre you sure?\n(Check the log for terrain materials\nthat will require rescaling)
  5307. TerrainEdit_ConfirmIncrease=Tessellation increase adds vertices.\nAre you sure?\n(Check the log for terrain materials\nthat will require rescaling)
  5308. TerrainEdit_CreateButton=Create
  5309. TerrainEdit_CreatePackage=`~ does not exist.\nCreate it?
  5310. TerrainEdit_EnterPath=Enter path
  5311. TerrainEdit_PackageNameRequired=Path is required
  5312. TerrainEdit_CurrentLayerLabel=Layer:
  5313. TerrainEdit_CurrentSizer=Currently Editing
  5314. TerrainEdit_CurrentTerrainLabel=Terrain:
  5315. TerrainEdit_ExportButton=Export
  5316. TerrainEdit_FailedCreatePackage=Failed to create package see log for details.
  5317. TerrainEdit_FalloffLabel=Falloff:
  5318. TerrainEdit_FlattenAngle=Angle
  5319. TerrainEdit_FlattenHeight=Height
  5320. TerrainEdit_HeightMapOnly=Height Map Only?
  5321. TerrainEdit_HeightmapClassLabel=Class
  5322. TerrainEdit_ImportButton=Import
  5323. TerrainEdit_ImportExportSizer=Import/Export
  5324. TerrainEdit_NoTerrainSelected=No terrain selected.
  5325. TerrainEdit_RadiusLabel=Radius:
  5326. TerrainEdit_RetainCurrentTerrain=Into Current?
  5327. TerrainEdit_SettingSizer=Settings
  5328. TerrainEdit_SettingsConstrained=Constrained
  5329. TerrainEdit_SettingsPerTool=Per Tool?
  5330. TerrainEdit_SettingsSoftSelect=SoftSelect
  5331. TerrainEdit_StrengthLabel=Strength:
  5332. TerrainEdit_Title=Unreal TerrainEdit
  5333. TerrainEdit_ToolMirrorLabel=Mirror:
  5334. TerrainEdit_ToolScaleLabel=Scale:
  5335. TerrainEdit_ToolSizer=Tool
  5336. TerrainEdit_Tooltip_AddRemovePolys=Add/Remove Polys
  5337. TerrainEdit_Tooltip_AddRemoveSectors=Add/Remove Sectors
  5338. TerrainEdit_Tooltip_Average=Average
  5339. TerrainEdit_Tooltip_Custom=Custom
  5340. TerrainEdit_Tooltip_Flatten=Flatten
  5341. TerrainEdit_Tooltip_FlattenSpecific=Flatten Specific
  5342. TerrainEdit_Tooltip_ManualEdit=Manual Edit
  5343. TerrainEdit_Tooltip_MarkUnreachable=Mark Unreachable
  5344. TerrainEdit_Tooltip_Merge=Merge
  5345. TerrainEdit_Tooltip_Noise=Noise
  5346. TerrainEdit_Tooltip_Noisy1=Soft1
  5347. TerrainEdit_Tooltip_Noisy2=Soft2
  5348. TerrainEdit_Tooltip_Noisy3=Soft3
  5349. TerrainEdit_Tooltip_Noisy4=Soft4
  5350. TerrainEdit_Tooltip_Noisy5=Soft5
  5351. TerrainEdit_Tooltip_Orientation=Orientation Flip
  5352. TerrainEdit_Tooltip_Paint=Paint
  5353. TerrainEdit_Tooltip_PaintVertex=Paint Vertex
  5354. TerrainEdit_Tooltip_Smooth=Smooth
  5355. TerrainEdit_Tooltip_Solid1=Hard1
  5356. TerrainEdit_Tooltip_Solid2=Hard2
  5357. TerrainEdit_Tooltip_Solid3=Hard3
  5358. TerrainEdit_Tooltip_Solid4=Hard4
  5359. TerrainEdit_Tooltip_Solid5=Hard5
  5360. TerrainEdit_Tooltip_SplitX=Split X
  5361. TerrainEdit_Tooltip_SplitY=Split Y
  5362. TerrainEdit_Tooltip_TexturePan=Texture Pan
  5363. TerrainEdit_Tooltip_TextureRotate=Texture Rotate
  5364. TerrainEdit_Tooltip_TextureScale=Texture Scale
  5365. TerrainEdit_Tooltip_VertexLock=Vertex Lock
  5366. TerrainEdit_Tooltip_Visibility=Visibility
  5367. TerrainEditingMode=Terrain Editing Mode | Shift+3
  5368. TerrainEditor_ERROR_ShiftHeighMap=Height map can not be shifted.
  5369. TerrainLayerRetainAlpha=Retain Alpha?
  5370. TerrainMaterialResource_InvalidMaterial= INVALID MATERIAL
  5371. TerrainMaterialResource_NoMaterials=Empty resource (no materials).
  5372. TerrainPatchesSF=Terrain Patches
  5373. TerrainProp_Tooltip_AddDecoLayer=Add DecoLayer
  5374. TerrainProp_Tooltip_AddDecoration=Add Decoration
  5375. TerrainProp_Tooltip_AddLayer=Add Layer
  5376. TerrainProp_Tooltip_AddMaterial=Add Material
  5377. TerrainProp_Tooltip_DeleteSelected=Delete Selected
  5378. TerrainProp_Tooltip_Hide=Hide
  5379. TerrainProp_Tooltip_Lock=Lock
  5380. TerrainProp_Tooltip_SavePreset=Save Preset
  5381. TerrainProp_Tooltip_UseSelected=Use Selected
  5382. TerrainSF=Terrain\tT
  5383. TerrainTessellationDecrease=Decrease
  5384. TerrainTessellationIncrease=Increase
  5385. TerrainViewSettingsHideLabel=Hide
  5386. TerrainViewSettingsHide_ToolTip=Hide
  5387. TerrainViewSettingsLockLabel=Lock
  5388. TerrainViewSettingsLock_ToolTip=Lock
  5389. TerrainViewSettingsReachabilityLabel=Show Reachability
  5390. TerrainViewSettingsReachability_ToolTip=Toggle Showing Reachability
  5391. TerrainViewSettingsPropertiesLabel=Properties
  5392. TerrainViewSettingsSolidLabel=Solid
  5393. TerrainViewSettingsSolid_ToolTip=Solid
  5394. TerrainViewSettingsViewLabel=View
  5395. TerrainViewSettingsWireLabel=Toggle Wireframe on/off
  5396. TerrainViewSettingsWire_ToolTip=Toggle Wireframe on/off
  5397. Terrain_Error_InvalidMaterialIndex=Terrain: Invalid MaterialIndex `2~ `~!
  5398. Terrain_Error_MaterialParameterName=TERRAIN MATERIAL: Texture parameter name duplication -
  5399. Terrain_Error_MaterialTextureCount=TERRAIN MATERIAL: Total Texture Count = `2~ on `~
  5400. Terrain_Error_MissingShaderMap=TERRAIN MATERIAL: Missing shader map `~
  5401. Terrain_Error_NormalMapLayer=Terrain NormalMapLayer index `2~ outside of Layers count `2~ for terrain `~
  5402. PrefabEditingMode=Prefab Editing Mode
  5403. PrefabEdit_Title=PrefabEdit
  5404. TessellationSF=Tessellation
  5405. TestCrashCatcher=Test Crash Catcher
  5406. Texture=Texture
  5407. TextureAlignmentMode=Texture Alignment Mode
  5408. TextureContextMenu_CompressNow=Compress Texture Now
  5409. TextureContextMenu_ConvertToSbsImageInput=Create Substance Image Input
  5410. TextureContextMenu_FindAllMaterialsUsingThis=Find All Materials Using This Texture
  5411. TextureContextMenu_FindInTextureStatsBrowser=Find in Texture Stats Browser
  5412. TextureContextMenu_ReflattenTexture=Reflatten Texture
  5413. TextureDensity=Texture Density
  5414. TextureDisplay=Texture Display
  5415. TextureGroup=Texture Group
  5416. TextureGroups=Texture Groups
  5417. TextureManipulation=Texture Manipulation
  5418. TextureMenu=Textures
  5419. TexturePackage=Texture Package
  5420. TextureProperties=Texture Properties
  5421. TexturePropertiesCaption=Texture Properties %s ( %s )
  5422. TexturePropertiesFrame_Border_ToolTip=Toggle Preview Border (Right click for advanced options)
  5423. TexturePropertiesFrame_ChangeBackground_ToolTip=Change Preview Background Color
  5424. TexturePropertiesFrame_ChangeBorderColor=Change Texture Border Color...
  5425. TexturePropertiesFrame_ChangeCheckerboardColorOne=Change First Checkerboard Color...
  5426. TexturePropertiesFrame_ChangeCheckerboardColorTwo=Change Second Checkerboard Color...
  5427. TexturePropertiesFrame_CheckerNumPixels=Number of Pixels per Checker Tile
  5428. TexturePropertiesFrame_Checkerboard_ToolTip=Toggle Preview Checkerboard (Right click for advanced options)
  5429. TexturePropertiesFrame_ExpandToViewportFrame_ToolTip=Expand to Viewport Frame (Texture will scale up to fit the bounds of the viewport, if necessary)
  5430. TexturePropertiesFrame_PaddingX=Preview Padding: X:
  5431. TexturePropertiesFrame_PaddingY=Y:
  5432. TexturePropertiesFrame_Padding_ToolTip=Preview Window Padding/Offset
  5433. TexturePropertiesFrame_UseCheckerboardAsBG=Fill Background with Checkerboard
  5434. TextureProperties_CompressNow=Compress Now
  5435. TextureProperties_QuickInfoPaneLabel=Texture Info
  5436. TextureProperties_ReimportTexture=Reimport
  5437. TextureProperties_ReimportTexture_Tooltip=Reimport the texture while enabling Defer Compression
  5438. TextureProperties_ToggleAlpha=Toggle Alpha Channel
  5439. TextureProperties_ToggleBlue=Toggle Blue Channel
  5440. TextureProperties_ToggleDesaturation=Toggle Desaturation
  5441. TextureProperties_ToggleGreen=Toggle Green Channel
  5442. TextureProperties_ToggleRed=Toggle Red Channel
  5443. TextureQuickInfo360EffectiveRes=Xbox 360 In Game: `~ x `~
  5444. TextureQuickInfo360LODBias=Xbox 360 LOD Bias: `~
  5445. TextureQuickInfoDisplayedRes=Displayed: `~ x `~
  5446. TextureQuickInfoEffectiveRes=Max In Game: `~ x `~
  5447. TextureQuickInfoImportedRes=Imported: `~ x `~
  5448. TextureQuickInfoIsNotStreamed=Never Streamed
  5449. TextureQuickInfoIsStreamed=Streamed
  5450. TextureQuickInfoLODBias=Calculated LOD Bias: `~
  5451. TextureQuickInfoPS3EffectiveRes=PS3 In Game: `~ x `~
  5452. TextureQuickInfoPS3LODBias=PS3 LOD Bias: `~
  5453. TextureQuickInfoPixelFormat=Format: `~
  5454. TextureQuickInfoStreamedMethod=Method: `~
  5455. TextureShadowMap_Bytes=Texture ShadowMap (Bytes)
  5456. TextureStatsBrowser_CombinedStats=Combined (Current / Fully Loaded):
  5457. TextureStatsBrowser_ConsoleMenu=Console
  5458. TextureStatsBrowser_CurrentDim=Current Dimension
  5459. TextureStatsBrowser_CurrentKB="Current KB -"
  5460. TextureStatsBrowser_Desc="Max Dimension"
  5461. TextureStatsBrowser_Export=Export...
  5462. TextureStatsBrowser_Format="Format -"
  5463. TextureStatsBrowser_FullyLoadedKB=Fully Loaded KB
  5464. TextureStatsBrowser_Group="Group "
  5465. TextureStatsBrowser_HideSelection=Hide Selection
  5466. TextureStatsBrowser_HighResMipsKB=HighRes Mips KB
  5467. TextureStatsBrowser_ImportCookerData=Import Cooker Data
  5468. TextureStatsBrowser_InvertSelection=Invert Selection
  5469. TextureStatsBrowser_ItemActivated=Item Activated
  5470. TextureStatsBrowser_KB=KB
  5471. TextureStatsBrowser_LODBias=LODBias
  5472. TextureStatsBrowser_LastTimeRendered=Last Seen(sec)
  5473. TextureStatsBrowser_LowResMipsKB=LowRes Mips KB
  5474. TextureStatsBrowser_ModeAllLevels=All Streaming Levels
  5475. TextureStatsBrowser_ModeCookerStatistics=Cooker Statistics
  5476. TextureStatsBrowser_ModeCurrentLevel=Current Streaming Level
  5477. TextureStatsBrowser_ModeRemoteCapture=Remote Capture
  5478. TextureStatsBrowser_ModeSelectedActors=Selected Actor(s)
  5479. TextureStatsBrowser_ModeSelectedMaterials=Selected Material(s)
  5480. TextureStatsBrowser_Name="Name "
  5481. TextureStatsBrowser_NumUses="Uses -"
  5482. TextureStatsBrowser_Packages=Packages
  5483. TextureStatsBrowser_Path="Path -"
  5484. TextureStatsBrowser_RightClick_SyncToActors=Find Actors using this texture
  5485. TextureStatsBrowser_RightClick_SyncToMaterials=Find Materials using this texture in the Content Browser
  5486. TextureStatsBrowser_Streaming="Streaming"
  5487. TextureStatsBrowser_TexType="Type "
  5488. TextureStatsBrowser_TextureListModeLabel=Texture Listing Mode
  5489. TextureStatsBrowser_ToolTip=Show the texture stats browser
  5490. TextureStatsBrowser_UnhideAll=Unhide All
  5491. TextureViewer=Texture Viewer
  5492. TexutreLightMap_Bytes=Texture LightMap (Bytes)
  5493. TheFollowingLevelsAreHidden=The following levels are hidden:
  5494. TheFollowingStreamingLevelsAreHidden=The following streaming levels are hidden:\n
  5495. ThumbnailFormat=Thumbnail Format
  5496. Thumbnails=Thumbnails
  5497. TierColorationSF=Tier Coloration
  5498. SpatialGridColoration=Spatial Grid Coloration
  5499. Time=Time
  5500. TimeInSeconds=Time (Seconds)
  5501. TimeShift=Time Shift
  5502. ToBrush=To Brush
  5503. ToFirst=To First
  5504. ToLast=To Last
  5505. ToggleAction=Toggle Action
  5506. ToggleAutoKey=Toggle Automatic LookAt Keys
  5507. ToggleBounds=Toggle Bounds
  5508. ToggleCloth=Toggle Cloth
  5509. ToggleClothCollisions=Display Cloth Collisions
  5510. ToggleClothMeshes=Display Cloth Meshes
  5511. ToggleClothNormals=Display Cloth Normals
  5512. ToggleClothPhysicsAsset=Display Cloth Physics Asset
  5513. ToggleClothPlanes=Display Cloth Constrainment Planes
  5514. ToggleCounterDisplay=Toggle Counter Display
  5515. ToggleCurveEditor=Toggle Curve Editor
  5516. ToggleCurvedConnections=Toggle Curved Connections
  5517. ToggleEmitterEnabled=Toggle This Emitter On/Off
  5518. ToggleEnableEmitter=Toggle Enable Emitter
  5519. ToggleEmitterVisible=Toggle This Emitter Editor Visibility
  5520. ToggleFreezeCloth=Freeze Cloth
  5521. ToggleGraphicsHierarchy=Toggle Graphics Hierarchy
  5522. ToggleGroupingExpressions=Toggle Grouping Expressions
  5523. ToggleGroupsActive=Allow Group Selection\tCtrl+Shift+G
  5524. ToggleIK=Toggle IK
  5525. ToggleKDop=Toggle kDOP
  5526. ToggleLink=Toggle Link
  5527. ToggleLinkPIE=Toggle Link for PIE
  5528. ToggleLockLocations=Toggle Lock Locations
  5529. ToggleLoopSystem=Toggle Loop System
  5530. ToggleMassProperties=Toggle Mass Properties
  5531. ToggleMaterialUsageFlagsOff=Toggle material usage flags [OFF]
  5532. ToggleMaterialUsageFlagsOn=Toggle material usage flags [ON]
  5533. ToggleMeshWeights=Toggle Mesh Weights
  5534. ToggleMeshWeightsFull=Toggle Mesh Weights FULL
  5535. ToggleMotionMode=Toggle Motion
  5536. ToggleOffSRGBForTextures=Toggle Off sRGB flag for all Textures
  5537. ToggleOffUsedWithMeshParticles=Toggle Off bUsedWithInstancedMeshParticles
  5538. ToggleOffUsedWithSkeletalMesh=Toggle Off bUsedWithSkeletalMesh
  5539. ToggleOffUsedWithSpriteParticles=Toggle Off bUsedWithParticleSystem
  5540. ToggleOffUsedWithStaticMesh=Toggle Off bUsedWithStaticMesh
  5541. ToggleOnSRGBForTextures=Toggle On sRGB flag for all Textures
  5542. ToggleOnUsedWithMeshParticles=Toggle On bUsedWithInstancedMeshParticles
  5543. ToggleOnUsedWithSkeletalMesh=Toggle On bUsedWithSkeletalMesh
  5544. ToggleOnUsedWithSpriteParticles=Toggle On bUsedWithParticleSystem
  5545. ToggleOnUsedWithStaticMesh=Toggle On bUsedWithStaticMesh
  5546. ToggleOrbitMode=Toggle Orbit Mode
  5547. TogglePanInvert=Toggle Invert Panning
  5548. TogglePostProcess=Toggle Post process
  5549. TogglePrefabLock=Lock Prefabs from Selection
  5550. ToggleRealtime=Toggle Realtime
  5551. ToggleRealtimeDebugging=Enable Kismet Debugging
  5552. ToggleSnap=Toggle Snap
  5553. ToggleSurfaceFlags=Toggle Surface Flags
  5554. ToggleUVOverlayD=Disable UV Overlay
  5555. ToggleUVOverlayE=Enable UV Overlay
  5556. ToggleUVDrawAllSets=Draw all Material's UV Maps at once
  5557. ToggleViewContacts=Toggle View Contacts
  5558. ToggleViewLinks=Show Spline Links
  5559. ToggleWireframe=Toggle Wireframe
  5560. Tolerance=Tolerance
  5561. TolerancePromptTitle=Enter Tolerance for pruning linear keys:
  5562. TollTip_SquintMode=Toggle 'Squint Mode'
  5563. ToneMapHighRange=Exposure Level (EV100):
  5564. Tool=Tool
  5565. ToolTip_100=Invert the current selection
  5566. ToolTip_101=Show the actor classes browser
  5567. ToolTip_102=Show the group browser
  5568. ToolTip_103=Show the layer browser
  5569. ToolTip_105=Show the log browser
  5570. ToolTip_106=Show the content browser
  5571. ToolTip_107=Show UnrealKismet
  5572. ToolTip_108=Switch to the '`~' viewport configuration
  5573. ToolTip_109=Shows the actor properties window
  5574. ToolTip_10=Editing Mode [B]
  5575. ToolTip_110=Shows the surface properties window
  5576. ToolTip_111=Shows the world properties window
  5577. ToolTip_112=Toggle builder brush marker polys
  5578. ToolTip_113=Toggle fullscreen mode
  5579. ToolTip_114=Add to BSP
  5580. ToolTip_115=Subtract from BSP
  5581. ToolTip_116=Intersect with BSP
  5582. ToolTip_117=Deintersect from BSP
  5583. ToolTip_118=Add a mover
  5584. ToolTip_11=Movement Space
  5585. ToolTip_120=Add a special brush
  5586. ToolTip_121=Import a brush
  5587. ToolTip_122=Export builder brush
  5588. ToolTip_123=Rebuild geometry
  5589. ToolTip_124=Rebuild lighting
  5590. ToolTip_125=Rebuild AI pathing
  5591. ToolTip_126=Rebuild Cover
  5592. ToolTip_127=Rebuild everything
  5593. ToolTip_128=Play this level in an editor window. Holding Control will start in spectator mode.
  5594. ToolTip_129=Start this level on `~. Holding Control will start in spectator mode.
  5595. ToolTip_12=Toggle Simulation [S]
  5596. ToolTip_130=Play Level
  5597. ToolTip_131=2D Shape Editing Tool
  5598. ToolTip_132=Add A New Terrain
  5599. ToolTip_133=Check map for errors
  5600. ToolTip_134=Play this level in the active viewport. Holding Control will start in spectator mode.
  5601. ToolTip_138=Toggle the use of the drag grid
  5602. ToolTip_139=Toggle the use of the rotation grid
  5603. ToolTip_13=Cycle Mesh Rendering Mode [H]
  5604. ToolTip_140=Create a new layer
  5605. ToolTip_141=Rename the selected layer
  5606. ToolTip_142=Delete the selected layer
  5607. ToolTip_143=Add all selected actors to selected layers
  5608. ToolTip_144=Delete selected actors from selected layers
  5609. ToolTip_145=Select all the actors belonging to this layers
  5610. ToolTip_146=Deselect all the actors belonging to this layers
  5611. ToolTip_147=Refresh the window
  5612. ToolTip_148=Rebuild AI Pathing (for selected paths)
  5613. ToolTip_149=Rebuild Everything (but only selected paths)
  5614. ToolTip_14=Cycle Collision Rendering Mode [J]
  5615. ToolTip_153=Delete expression
  5616. ToolTip_154=Create a new shape
  5617. ToolTip_155=Open an existing shape
  5618. ToolTip_156=Save the shape
  5619. ToolTip_157=Save the shape with a new name
  5620. ToolTip_158=Paste data in the clipboard into the map at the clicked location
  5621. ToolTip_159=Lock Selected Actors to Camera
  5622. ToolTip_15=Cycle Constraint Rendering Mode [K]
  5623. ToolTip_160=Publish the loaded map by cooking (creates faster loading content, but is slower to publish)
  5624. ToolTip_161=Publish the loaded map by copying (creates slower loading content, but is faster to publish)
  5625. ToolTip_162=Create a new project
  5626. ToolTip_16=Toggle Drag Grid
  5627. ToolTip_17=Toggle Rotation Grid
  5628. ToolTip_18=Change Drag Grid
  5629. ToolTip_19=Change Rotation Grid
  5630. ToolTip_1=Use Selected AnimSet in Content Browser
  5631. ToolTip_20=Open a Recently Opened Map
  5632. ToolTip_21=Special Paste Options
  5633. ToolTip_22=Reference Coordinate System
  5634. ToolTip_23=Create a new level
  5635. ToolTip_24=Open an existing level file
  5636. ToolTip_26=Undo the last action | Ctrl+Z
  5637. ToolTip_27=Redo the previously undone action | Ctrl+Y
  5638. ToolTip_28=Slowest Camera Speed
  5639. ToolTip_29=Normal Camera Speed
  5640. ToolTip_2=Use Selected SkeletalMesh in Content Browser
  5641. ToolTip_2DShapeEditor=2D Shape Editing Tool
  5642. ToolTip_30=Fast Camera Speed
  5643. ToolTip_31=Transformation Widget | Enables 3D handles for translating, rotation or scaling selected actors
  5644. ToolTip_32=Translation Mode | Translate selected objects using the widget. (Right click to type in translation values)
  5645. ToolTip_33=Rotation Mode | Rotate selected objects using the widget. (Right click to type in rotation values)
  5646. ToolTip_34=Scaling Mode | Scale selected objects using the widget. (Right click to type in scaling values)
  5647. ToolTip_35=Non uniform Scaling Mode | Scale selected objects non uniformly using the widget. (Right click to type in scaling values)
  5648. ToolTip_36=Find Actors
  5649. ToolTip_37=Fullscreen Mode | F11
  5650. ToolTip_38=Cut | Cut out the selection and put it into the clipboard
  5651. ToolTip_39=Copy | Copy the selection and put it into the clipboard
  5652. ToolTip_3=Show Skeleton
  5653. ToolTip_40=Paste | Paste data in the clipboard into the map
  5654. ToolTip_41=Open Content Browser
  5655. ToolTip_42=Open UnrealKismet
  5656. ToolTip_43=Toggle Brush Polygons
  5657. ToolTip_44=Build Geometry for Visible Levels
  5658. ToolTip_45=Build Lighting | Ctrl+Shift+;
  5659. ToolTip_46=Build Paths (right click for partial build)
  5660. ToolTip_47=Build Cover Nodes
  5661. ToolTip_48=Build All
  5662. ToolTip_49=Where to propagate changes to that you make in the editor
  5663. ToolTip_4=Show Bone Names
  5664. ToolTip_50=Play this level in an editor window. Right click to edit URL. Holding Control will start in spectator mode.
  5665. ToolTip_50_F=Start this level on `~. Right click to edit URL. Holding Control will start in spectator mode. Holding Shift will launch via Unreal Frontend.
  5666. ToolTip_50_FP=Start this level on `~. Right click to edit URL. Holding Control will start in spectator mode.
  5667. ToolTip_51=Show Background?
  5668. ToolTip_52=Plane
  5669. ToolTip_53=Cylinder
  5670. ToolTip_54=Cube
  5671. ToolTip_55=Sphere
  5672. ToolTip_56=Home
  5673. ToolTip_58=Viewport Type
  5674. ToolTip_59=Scene View Mode
  5675. ToolTip_5=Cycle Mesh Rendering Mode
  5676. ToolTip_61=Group By Class
  5677. ToolTip_62=Sphere Primitive
  5678. ToolTip_63=Cube Primitive
  5679. ToolTip_64=Cylinder Primitive
  5680. ToolTip_65=Plane Primitive
  5681. ToolTip_66=Search By Name
  5682. ToolTip_67=Toggle Modifier Window
  5683. ToolTip_69=Show Wireframe
  5684. ToolTip_6=Socket Manager
  5685. ToolTip_70=Show Bounds
  5686. ToolTip_71=Show Collision
  5687. ToolTip_72=Lock Camera
  5688. ToolTip_73=Save Thumbnail Angle
  5689. ToolTip_74=Open shape
  5690. ToolTip_75=Save shape
  5691. ToolTip_76=Import file into an empty map
  5692. ToolTip_77=Merge the imported file with the currently loaded map
  5693. ToolTip_78=Export everything in the map
  5694. ToolTip_79=Export only the selected items
  5695. ToolTip_7=Selected lights ignore selected primitives
  5696. ToolTip_80=Create a new map
  5697. ToolTip_81=Open an existing map
  5698. ToolTip_82=Save current level
  5699. ToolTip_83=Save the map with a new name
  5700. ToolTip_84=Save all packages
  5701. ToolTip_85=Exits the editor
  5702. ToolTip_86=Undo the last action
  5703. ToolTip_87=Redo the previously undone action
  5704. ToolTip_88=Toggle display/use of the widget
  5705. ToolTip_89=Use the translation widget
  5706. ToolTip_8=Selected lights affect selected primitives
  5707. ToolTip_90=Use the rotation widget
  5708. ToolTip_91=Use the scaling widget
  5709. ToolTip_93=Cut out the selection and put it into the clipboard
  5710. ToolTip_94=Copy the selection and put it into the clipboard
  5711. ToolTip_95=Paste data in the clipboard into the map
  5712. ToolTip_96=Duplicate the selection
  5713. ToolTip_97=Delete the selection
  5714. ToolTip_98=Deselect everything
  5715. ToolTip_99=Select everything
  5716. ToolTip_9=Selected lights' ignore lists are cleared
  5717. ToolTip_ASV_BoneList_CollapseAllBones=Toggle Collapse All Bones
  5718. ToolTip_ASV_BoneList_DrawAllBoneLabels=Toggle Draw All Bone Labels
  5719. ToolTip_ASV_BoneList_RealtimeBoneData=Toggle Show All Bone Data
  5720. ToolTip_ASV_BoneList_DrawAllBoneTraces=Toggle Draw All Bone Animation Traces
  5721. ToolTip_AddBSP=Add to BSP
  5722. ToolTip_AddSelActorsToLayer=Add selected actors to this layer
  5723. ToolTip_AddSelectedActors=Add all selected actors to selected groups
  5724. ToolTip_ArtTool=In Editor
  5725. ToolTip_ArtToolConsole=Launch ArtTool on your %s.
  5726. ToolTip_ArtToolLaunchMenu=Launch ArtTool
  5727. ToolTip_ArtToolPC=Launch ArtTool on your PC.
  5728. ToolTip_ArtTool_HotloadMap=Recooks and Hotloads the Map
  5729. ToolTip_ArtTool_Options=Open the ArtTool setup dialog.
  5730. ToolTip_AtomicResourceImport=Re import resources in all selected packages
  5731. ToolTip_Autosave=Click to toggle Autosave
  5732. ToolTip_AutosaveMenu=Change Autosave Interval
  5733. ToolTip_Bookmarks=Set or Jump to different locations of the viewport
  5734. ToolTip_BuildAll=Build All
  5735. ToolTip_BuildLighting=Build Lighting
  5736. ToolTip_CameraSpeedSetting=Camera Movement Speed (Left click to cycle, right click for menu)
  5737. ToolTip_ChangeDragGrid=Change Drag Grid
  5738. ToolTip_ChangeRotationGrid=Change Rotation Grid
  5739. ToolTip_CheckMapErrors=Check map for errors
  5740. ToolTip_Cinem_Launch_Setup=Open the Cinema Launch setup dialog.
  5741. ToolTip_CinemaList=Open Cinema Sequence
  5742. ToolTip_CleanUnusedExpressions=Clean Unused Expressions
  5743. ToolTip_CopyData=Copy the selection and put it into the clipboard
  5744. ToolTip_CreateMap=Create a new map
  5745. ToolTip_CreateEnvironment=Generates a new map with default sublevels
  5746. ToolTip_CreateNewLayer=Create a new layer
  5747. ToolTip_CubePrimitive=Cube Primitive
  5748. ToolTip_CutData=Cut out the selection and put it into the clipboard
  5749. ToolTip_CycleCollision=Cycle Collision Rendering Mode [J]
  5750. ToolTip_CycleConstraint=Cycle Constraint Rendering Mode [K]
  5751. ToolTip_CycleMesh=Cycle Mesh Rendering Mode [H]
  5752. ToolTip_CylinderPrimitive=Cylinder Primitive
  5753. ToolTip_DebugMenu_LoadUserSettings=Force <gamename>UserSettings.ini to be reloaded (Will not repopulate settings that have been cached off)
  5754. ToolTip_DebugMenu_SaveUserSettings=Force <gamename>UserSettings.ini to be saved out
  5755. ToolTip_DebugMenu_TestAutoSave=Trigger an autosave
  5756. ToolTip_DebugMenu_TestCrashCatcher=Simulate a crash to confirm crash catcher is working
  5757. ToolTip_DebugMenu_TestGarbageCollection=Trigger a garbage collection <"obj gc">
  5758. ToolTip_DebugMenu_ToggleSystemBeep=Enable/Disable System Beeps from wxWindow objects
  5759. ToolTip_DeintersectBSP=Deintersect from BSP
  5760. ToolTip_DeleteCurrentLayer=Delete current layer
  5761. ToolTip_DeleteExpression=Delete expression
  5762. ToolTip_DeleteGroups=Delete the selected groups
  5763. ToolTip_DeleteSelectedActors=Delete selected actors from selected groups
  5764. ToolTip_DeleteSelection=Delete the selection
  5765. ToolTip_DeselectActorsThisGroup=Deselect all the actors belonging to this group
  5766. ToolTip_DeselectEverything=Deselect everything
  5767. ToolTip_DistributionToggle=Select to make Distributions use the curves, not the baked lookup tables.
  5768. ToolTip_DrawScale3DX=DrawScale3D X
  5769. ToolTip_DrawScale3DY=DrawScale3D Y
  5770. ToolTip_DrawScale3DZ=DrawScale3D Z
  5771. ToolTip_DrawScale=DrawScale
  5772. ToolTip_DuplicateSelection=Duplicate the selection
  5773. ToolTip_EditingMode=Editing Mode [B]
  5774. ToolTip_Exit=Exits the editor
  5775. ToolTip_ExportBrush=Export builder brush
  5776. ToolTip_ExportEverything=Export everything in the map
  5777. ToolTip_ExportSelectedItems=Export only the selected items
  5778. ToolTip_ExportSelectedLevels=Export everything in the selected levels
  5779. ToolTip_FarPlaneSlider=Distance to far clipping plane
  5780. ToolTip_FastestCamera=Fastest Camera Speed
  5781. ToolTip_FreezeAllGroups = Freeze selection for all groups
  5782. ToolTip_GameCameraSettings=Game camera settings
  5783. ToolTip_GenerateCollisionMesh=Generate Havok Collision Mesh
  5784. ToolTip_GenerateLODs=Generate LODs
  5785. ToolTip_GroupByClass=Group By Class
  5786. ToolTip_Home=Home
  5787. ToolTip_ImportBrush=Import a brush
  5788. ToolTip_ImportFileIntoEmptyMap=Import file into an empty map
  5789. ToolTip_InstallOnIOSDevice=Install on iOS device
  5790. ToolTip_InstallOnIOSDevice_ToolBar=Install on iOS device. -Right click to edit settings.
  5791. ToolTip_IntersectBSP=Intersect with BSP
  5792. ToolTip_InvertCurrentSelection=Invert the current selection
  5793. ToolTip_IssueReporter=Bring up form to report an editor issue
  5794. ToolTip_JumpToBookmark=Jumps to a previously bookmarked viewport location
  5795. ToolTip_JumpToRestoreBookmark=Also restores the levels visible at the time
  5796. ToolTip_LevelStreamingVolumePrevis=Level Streaming Volume Previs
  5797. ToolTip_LightingQuality=Lighting Quality Setting (right click to set)
  5798. ToolTip_LockSelectedActorsCamera=Lock Selected Actors To The Camera
  5799. ToolTip_MainMenu_File_CreateACopy=Create a deep copy of the map.
  5800. ToolTip_MainMenu_File_MoveOrRenameLevel=Change the package location or name of the current level.
  5801. ToolTip_MakeAllGroupsVisible = Make all groups visible
  5802. ToolTip_MatQualityToggle=Select to use low quality materials (for materials that have a Quality Switch expression)
  5803. ToolTip_MaterialEditorApply=Apply changes to original material and its use in the world.
  5804. ToolTip_MaterialEditorApplyInstances=Applying changes to material instances.
  5805. ToolTip_MaterialEditorHotload=Hotload the original material.
  5806. ToolTip_MaterialEditorFlatten=Flatten the material to a texture for mobile devices
  5807. ToolTip_MaterialEditorPropagateToFallback=Propagate changes to Fallback Material (This will overwrite the Fallback Material!)
  5808. ToolTip_MaterialEditorRegenerateAutoFallback=Regenerate Automatic Fallback (This will update the "Fallback Dropped Inputs")
  5809. ToolTip_MaterialEditorToggleStats=Toggle Material Statistics
  5810. ToolTip_MaterialEditorViewSource=View Source
  5811. ToolTip_MaterialEditor_Toolbar_Plane=Plane
  5812. ToolTip_MergeImportedFile=Merge the imported file with the currently loaded map
  5813. ToolTip_MouseLock=Prevent the mouse from being able to move/rotate/scale actors. -Only selection will be allowed.
  5814. ToolTip_MovementSpace=Movement Space
  5815. ToolTip_NewGroup=Create a new group
  5816. ToolTip_NewShape=Create a new shape
  5817. ToolTip_NonUniformScaleWidget=Use the non uniform scaling widget
  5818. ToolTip_NormalCamera=Normal Camera Speed
  5819. ToolTip_OnlineHelp=Goes to online UDN help site
  5820. ToolTip_OpenContentBrowser=Open the Content Browser window
  5821. ToolTip_OpenKismet=Open Kismet
  5822. ToolTip_OpenKismetForThisLevel=Open this level's Kismet
  5823. ToolTip_OpenMap=Open an existing map
  5824. ToolTip_OpenRecentMap=Open a Recently Opened Map
  5825. ToolTip_OpenShape=Open shape
  5826. ToolTip_PSysLODRealtimeToggle=Select to have ParticleSystem use distance LOD in the perspective viewport.
  5827. ToolTip_PasteData=Paste data in the clipboard into the map
  5828. ToolTip_PasteDataIntoMap=Paste data in the clipboard into the map at the clicked location
  5829. ToolTip_PerViewGroups=Toggle group visibility for this view only
  5830. ToolTip_PickColorForThisLevel=Pick color for this level
  5831. ToolTip_PlanePrimitive=Plane Primitive
  5832. ToolTip_PlayInEditorControlToSpectate=Play this level in an editor window. Holding Control will start in spectator mode.
  5833. ToolTip_PlayLevel=Play Level
  5834. ToolTip_PlayLevelInEditor=Play this level in an editor window.
  5835. ToolTip_PlayOnMobilePreviewerSettings=Edit mobile previewer settings
  5836. ToolTip_PostProcessVolumePrevis=Post Process Volume Previs
  5837. ToolTip_PropogateEditorChanges=Where to propagate changes to that you make in the editor
  5838. ToolTip_PsysHelperToggle=Select to have ParticleSystem helpers draw in the viewports.
  5839. ToolTip_RealTime=Real Time
  5840. ToolTip_RealtimeExpressionPreview=Toggle Expression Realtime Preview
  5841. ToolTip_RealtimeMaterialExpressions=Toggle Realtime Expression Viewport
  5842. ToolTip_RealtimeMaterialPreview=Toggle Realtime Material Viewport
  5843. ToolTip_RebuildAI=Rebuild AI pathing
  5844. ToolTip_RebuildEnvironmentCubeMap=Rebuild environment cubemap for all environment capture actors
  5845. ToolTip_RebuildEnvironmentCubeMapSelected=Rebuild environment cubemap for selected environment capture actors
  5846. ToolTip_RebuildEverything=Rebuild everything
  5847. ToolTip_RebuildGeometry=Rebuild geometry
  5848. ToolTip_RebuildLighting=Rebuild lighting
  5849. ToolTip_RebuildPrecomputedShadows=Rebuild precomputed shadows for ALL stationary lights
  5850. ToolTip_RebuildPrecomputedShadowsSelected=Rebuild precomputed shadows for selected stationary lights
  5851. ToolTip_Redo=Redo the previously undone action
  5852. ToolTip_EditorPreferences=Edit global editor preferences.
  5853. ToolTip_RefCoordinateSystem=Reference Coordinate System
  5854. ToolTip_RefreshWindow=Refresh the window
  5855. ToolTip_RemSelActorsFromLayer=Remove selected actors from this layer
  5856. ToolTip_RemoveSkeletalMeshCB=Remove the selected skeletal mesh from the dropdown combo box
  5857. ToolTip_RenameGroup=Rename the selected group
  5858. ToolTip_ResizeTopAndBottomViewportsTogether=Locks the vertical sash so that the top and bottom viewports share the same width.
  5859. ToolTip_RotationWidget=Use the rotation widget
  5860. ToolTip_RunUnitTests=Choose from a selection of valid unit tests to run.
  5861. ToolTip_SaveAllLevels=Save all levels
  5862. ToolTip_SaveAllMaps=Save all maps
  5863. ToolTip_SaveAllWritable=Saves all writable packages. -Will not prompt for checkout. Does not save new packages that are not on disk.
  5864. ToolTip_SaveAndMarkForAdd=Saves the current level and places it within a pending Perforce changelist.
  5865. ToolTip_SaveDlg=Opens a dialog with save options for packages and levels.
  5866. ToolTip_SaveLevel=Save Level
  5867. ToolTip_SaveMapAs=Save the map with a new name
  5868. ToolTip_SaveShape=Save shape
  5869. ToolTip_SaveShapeNewName=Save the shape with a new name
  5870. ToolTip_SaveThumbnailAngle=Save Thumbnail Angle
  5871. ToolTip_ScaleWidget=Use the scaling widget
  5872. ToolTip_SceneViewMode=Scene View Mode
  5873. ToolTip_ScreenCapture=Take a Screen Shot of this Viewport
  5874. ToolTip_SearchForActors=Search for actors
  5875. ToolTip_SearchName=Search By Name
  5876. ToolTip_SelLayerActors=Select the actors inside of this layer
  5877. ToolTip_SelectActorsThisGroup=Select all the actors belonging to this group
  5878. ToolTip_SelectByProperty=Select by property
  5879. ToolTip_SelectEverything=Select everything
  5880. ToolTip_SelectPostProcessVolume=Selects the post process volume currently affecting the perspective viewport
  5881. ToolTip_SelectPreviewMesh=Select Preview Mesh
  5882. ToolTip_SetAnimSeq=Set animation sequence based on current selection
  5883. ToolTip_SetBookmark=Bookmarks the current location of the viewport
  5884. ToolTip_SetPreviewEnvironmentSphere=Use Selected TextureCube or Environment Capture as Environment Sphere Texture
  5885. ToolTip_SetProjectDirectory=Set default directory for all file operations.
  5886. ToolTip_ShowActorClassesBrowser=Show the actor classes browser
  5887. ToolTip_ShowActorProperties=Shows the actor properties window
  5888. ToolTip_ShowBackground=Show Background?
  5889. ToolTip_ShowBinormals=Show Binormals
  5890. ToolTip_ShowBoneNames=Show Bone Names
  5891. ToolTip_ShowBounds=Show Bounds
  5892. ToolTip_ShowCollision=Show Collision
  5893. ToolTip_ShowContentBrowser=Show the content browser
  5894. ToolTip_ShowDirectLighting=Show Direct lighting
  5895. ToolTip_ShowEmissiveLighting=Show Emissive lighting
  5896. ToolTip_ShowGroupBrowser=Show the group browser
  5897. ToolTip_ShowIndirectLighting=Show Indirect lighting
  5898. ToolTip_ShowKismet=Show Kismet
  5899. ToolTip_ShowLayerBrowser=Show the layer browser
  5900. ToolTip_ShowLevelBrowser=Show the level browser
  5901. ToolTip_ShowLogBrowser=Show the log browser
  5902. ToolTip_ShowMaterialParams=Show all material parameters.
  5903. ToolTip_ShowModifiedProperties=Toggle a filter within all property windows for displaying properties that have been modified.
  5904. ToolTip_ShowNormals=Show Normals
  5905. ToolTip_ShowOpenEdges=Show Open Edges
  5906. ToolTip_ShowSkeleton=Show Skeleton
  5907. ToolTip_ShowSocketNames=Show/hide socket names
  5908. ToolTip_ShowSurfaceProperties=Shows the surface properties window
  5909. ToolTip_ShowTangents=Show Tangents
  5910. ToolTip_ShowTerrainBrowser=Show Terrain Layer Browser
  5911. ToolTip_ShowUnlit=Show Unlit
  5912. ToolTip_ShowWireframe=Show Wireframe
  5913. ToolTip_ShowWorldProperties=Shows the world properties window
  5914. ToolTip_SlowCamera=Slowest Camera Speed
  5915. ToolTip_SnapScaling=If enabled, all scaling operations will scale in increments of the selected percentage value.
  5916. ToolTip_SocketManager=Socket Manager
  5917. ToolTip_SpherePrimitive=Sphere Primitive
  5918. ToolTip_Spline=Toggle spline editing for multiple splines
  5919. ToolTip_StartLevelControlToSpectate=Start this level on your %s. Holding Control will start in spectator mode.
  5920. ToolTip_StartLevelOnYour=Start this level on your %s.
  5921. ToolTip_SubtractBSP=Subtract from BSP
  5922. ToolTip_SwitchViewportConfig=Switch to the '%s' viewport configuration
  5923. ToolTip_ToggleAutoExposure=Toggle Auto Exposure
  5924. ToolTip_ToggleBrushMarkerPolys=Toggle brush marker polys
  5925. ToolTip_ToggleBrushPolys=Toggle Brush Polys
  5926. ToolTip_ToggleDragGrid=Toggle the use of the drag grid
  5927. ToolTip_ToggleFullscreen=Toggle fullscreen mode
  5928. ToolTip_ToggleGrid=Toggle Grid
  5929. ToolTip_ToggleLODLocking=Toggle LOD Locking (same type viewports share camera location, ortho views use perspective LOD parenting distances)
  5930. ToolTip_ToggleMaterialTimeUpdates=Toggle Material Time Updates Globally
  5931. ToolTip_ToggleMayaMode=Toggle Maya Control Mode
  5932. ToolTip_ToggleModifierWindow=Toggle Modifier Window
  5933. ToolTip_TogglePreviewEnvironmentSphere=Toggle Preview Environment Sphere
  5934. ToolTip_ToggleQuickProcBuilding=Toggles quick ProcBuilding mode
  5935. ToolTip_ToggleRotationGrid=Toggle the use of the rotation grid
  5936. ToolTip_ToggleShowFlags=Toggle Show Flags
  5937. ToolTip_ToggleSimulation=Toggle Simulation [S]
  5938. ToolTip_ToggleSocketSnapping=Enable/disable socket snapping
  5939. ToolTip_ToggleWidget=Toggle display/use of the widget
  5940. ToolTip_TranslationRotationWidget=Use the combined translation/rotation widget
  5941. ToolTip_TranslationWidget=Use the translation widget
  5942. ToolTip_UVOverlay=Show UV Overlay
  5943. ToolTip_UnFreezeAllGroups = UnFreeze selection for all groups
  5944. ToolTip_Undo=Undo the last action
  5945. ToolTip_UnfreezeAll=Unfreeze All Actors for Selection
  5946. ToolTip_UnlitMovement=Unlit Movement
  5947. ToolTip_UsageFilter=Usage Filter: Display only referenced assets
  5948. ToolTip_UseAnimSetCB=Use Selected AnimSet in Content Browser
  5949. ToolTip_UseSelectedStaticMeshInCB=Use Selected Static or Skeletal Mesh in Content Browser
  5950. ToolTip_UseSkelCompareGB=Use Selected Skeleton in Generic Browser
  5951. ToolTip_UseSkeletalMeshCB=Use Selected SkeletalMesh in Content Browser
  5952. ToolTip_UseViewOcclusion=View Occlusion
  5953. ToolTip_VeryFastCameraSpeed=Very Fast Camera Speed
  5954. ToolTip_ViewportLocked=Lock Viewport
  5955. ToolTip_ViewportType=Viewport Type
  5956. ToolTip_ViewportTypeSetting=Viewport Type (Left click to cycle, right click for menu)
  5957. Tools=Tools
  5958. ToolsMove=Move Tool
  5959. ToolsMoveRotate=Combined Move Rotate Tool
  5960. ToolsRotate=Rotate Tool
  5961. ToolsScale=Scale Tool
  5962. ToolsScaleNonUniform=Non Uniform Scale Tool
  5963. ToolsSelect=Select Tool
  5964. Tooltip_StaticMeshEditor_ShowUV_Channel=Which UV channel to show
  5965. Top=Top
  5966. TossFlashCache=Toss Flash Cache
  5967. TossFlashCache_Tooltip=Throw out the cached Flash data for this texture
  5968. TotalTexelMemory=Total Texel Memory (kB)
  5969. TrackDelete=Track Delete
  5970. TrackProperties=Track Properties
  5971. TrackFavorites=Track Favorites
  5972. TransactionIsActive=Undo Transaction Is Active Cannot Open Matinee.
  5973. Transaction_ConvertToVolume=Convert to Volume: `~
  5974. Transform=Transform
  5975. Transforming=Transforming
  5976. Translate=Translate
  5977. TranslateAnimation=Translate Animation
  5978. TranslateRotate=Combined Translate Rotate
  5979. TranslateSceneByOffset=Translate Scene by Offset
  5980. TranslateSocket=Translate Socket
  5981. TranslationMode=Translation Mode [W]
  5982. TranslucencySF=Translucency
  5983. TransmissionColor=TMission Color
  5984. TransmissionMask=TMission Mask
  5985. Tree=Tree
  5986. TriangleSortBackface=Draw Backface For Strips
  5987. TriangleSortMode=Custom Triangle Sorting Mode
  5988. TriangleSortModeLR=Triangle Sorting Left/Right Selection
  5989. Triangles_F=Triangles: -`~
  5990. Triangulate=Triangulate
  5991. Triggers=Triggers
  5992. TrimSoundCueEnd=Trim Sound End
  5993. TrimSoundCueStart=Trim Sound Start
  5994. Turn=Turn
  5995. TwoFileMustBeSameFormat=Both mesh files must be the same file format: FBX or PSK
  5996. TwoSided=Two Sided
  5997. Type=Type
  5998. TypeData=TypeData
  5999. TypeOfGeometry=Geometry Style
  6000. U=U
  6001. UDKTitle=Unreal Development Kit
  6002. UDKTitle_RHI_F=Unreal Development Kit (`~ bit, `~)
  6003. UDNWarningErrorHelpF1=UDN Warning/Error Help (F1)
  6004. UEFError_FailedToCreateXML=Failed to create profile, an unknown error has occurred:\n`~
  6005. UEFError_FailedToFindMap=Failed to find current map for cooking, please ensure that it is saved:\n`~
  6006. UEFError_FailedToFindUFE=Failed to find UnrealFrontend, please verify that the file is present:\n`~
  6007. UEFError_FailedToLaunchUFE=Failed to launch UnreadFrontend, an unknown error has occurred.
  6008. UEFError_FailedToSave=Failed to save modified files, please verify that all modified files can be saved.
  6009. UEFError_UFEFailed=UnrealFrontend failed with error code:\n`~
  6010. UPanAmount=U Pan Amount:
  6011. UVChannelText=UV Channel
  6012. UVChannels_F=UV Channels: -`~
  6013. UVGenerationSuccessful=UV Generation Successful. -Charts Generated = , Max Stretch Generated = .2.
  6014. UVIndex=UV Index (From 0):
  6015. UVOverlay=UV Overlay
  6016. UVOverlay_F=Showing UV channel `~ for LOD `~
  6017. UVOverlay_SkelMesh_F=Showing UV channel `~ for material `~ for LOD `~
  6018. UVOverlay_SkelMesh_AllMaterials_F=Showing UV channel `~ for all materials for LOD `~
  6019. UberConvert=Uber Convert
  6020. UberModuleConvertConfirm=Convert emitter to Uber module?
  6021. UnBakePivot=Reset PrePivot
  6022. UnFreezeAllGroups =Make All Groups UnFrozen
  6023. UnHideAll=UnHide All
  6024. UnableToEditCinemaOfInvisibleLevel=Unable to edit a cinema in a level that is not visible. Please make '%s' visible and try again.
  6025. UnableToMoveToInvisibleLevel=Unable to move actors to levels that are invisible.
  6026. UnableToMoveToInvisibleOrLockedLevel=Unable to move actors to levels that are invisible or locked.
  6027. UnableToPasteGroupIntoCameraAnim=Unable to paste a group into a CameraAnim.
  6028. UnableToPasteOnlyOneDirectorGroup=Unable to complete paste operation. -You can only have 1 director group per UnrealMatinee.
  6029. UnableToSaveInvisibleLevels=Save aborted. -Levels must be made visible before they can be saved.
  6030. UnableToSaveLockedLevels=Save aborted. -Level must be unlocked before it can be saved.
  6031. UnableToSaveSomeInvisibleLevels_F=Some levels were invisible and could not be saved. -The following levels were not saved:\n\n`~
  6032. UnableToSaveSomeLockedLevels_F=Some levels were locked and could not be saved. -The following levels were not saved:\n\n`~
  6033. UncheckAll=Uncheck All
  6034. Undefining=Undefining
  6035. Underline="Underline"
  6036. Undo=Undo
  6037. UndoA=Undo\tCtrl Z
  6038. UndoLastAction=Undo the last action
  6039. Undo_F=Undo `~
  6040. Undo_FA=Undo `~\tCtrl+Z
  6041. Undo_SnapBrushOrigin=Snap Brush Origin
  6042. Undo_SnapBrushVertices=Snap Brush Vertices
  6043. UnfixBody=Unfix Body
  6044. UnfixBodyBelow=Unfix All Bodies Below..
  6045. UnfreezeAll=Unfreeze All Actors\tCtrl+U
  6046. UnitTest_Errors=Errors:
  6047. UnitTest_Fail=Fail
  6048. UnitTest_GenericImport_NoFilesFoundToImport=No files found in directory `~ to import.
  6049. UnitTest_LogItems=Log Items:
  6050. UnitTest_Results=Unit Test Results:\n
  6051. UnitTest_SimpleOutput=`~ Errors, `~ Warnings, `~ Log Items
  6052. UnitTest_SpecificTestNotRunDueToSlowTask=Cannot run test `~, as another slow task is already in progress.
  6053. UnitTest_Success=Success
  6054. UnitTest_TestNotFound=Test `~ does not exist and could not be run.
  6055. UnitTest_TestNotValid=Test `~ is not valid for the current application settings and could not be run.
  6056. UnitTest_TestsNotRunDueToSlowTask=Cannot run unit tests, as another slow task is already in progress.
  6057. UnitTest_Warnings=Warnings:
  6058. UnitTest_WindowTitle=Unit Tests
  6059. UnlinkCrowdDestinations=Unlink Crowd Destinations\tCtrl+Shift+U
  6060. Unlit=Unlit
  6061. Unload=Unload
  6062. UnloadDirtyObjectsList=The following objects have been modified and cannot be unloaded:
  6063. UnloadDirtyObjectsSave=Saving these objects will allow them to be unloaded.
  6064. UnloadE=Unload...
  6065. Unloading=Unloading
  6066. Unloadingf=Unloading `~...
  6067. UnlockAllLevels=Unlock All
  6068. UnlockReadOnlyLevels=Unlock read only levels
  6069. UnlockSelectedLevels=Unlock Selected Levels
  6070. UnmappedTexelsMemory=Unmapped Memory Cost (kB)
  6071. UnmirrorAnimation=Unmirror Animation
  6072. Unmotorise=Disable Motor
  6073. UnmotoriseBelow=Disable Motors Below..
  6074. UnrealEd=UnrealEd
  6075. UnrealEdCaption_F=`~ `~
  6076. UnrealEdStartup_GameAssetDatabaseStartupWarnings=Warning: -The editor's asset database encountered a problem while starting up, so some asset tagging and browsing features will be unavailable. -Usually, this is because the asset database SQL server isn't accessible. -Check the log file for details.\n\n(You can use the -NoGADWarning command line option to suppress this message, or you can switch to "offline mode" by editing your configuration files. -See UDN documentation for more info.)
  6077. UnrealEdTitle_F=Unreal Editor for `~
  6078. UnrealEdTitle_RHI_F=Unreal Editor for `~ (`~ bit, `~)
  6079. UnrealEdVersion=Version: `~ Changelist: `~
  6080. UnrealEdVersionTitle=`~\nCopyright © 1998 2013 -Epic Games, Inc.\nAll rights reserved.
  6081. UnsmoothStaticMeshes=Unsmooth static meshes
  6082. Untitled=Untitled
  6083. UnusedLightmapPercent_F=Estimated Unused Lightmap Percentage: `~
  6084. Update=Update
  6085. UpdateAll=Update All
  6086. UpdateBaseToProcBuilding=Update Base to Proc Building
  6087. UpdateBounds=Update Bounds
  6088. UpdateFromAnim=Update From Anim
  6089. UpdateKeyframe=Update Key Frame
  6090. UpdateLatest_F=Update '`~' to latest version
  6091. UpdateList=Update List
  6092. UpdateMorphTarget=Update Morph Targets
  6093. UpdatePrefabHiddenLevelsQ=Prefabs in hidden levels will not be updated. -Continue with prefab update?
  6094. UpdateReferencersQ=Update Referencers?
  6095. UpdateSceneCapture=Update Image Reflection Scene Capture
  6096. UsageFilterTypes[0]="Content Packages"
  6097. UsageFilterTypes[1]="Loaded Levels"
  6098. UsageFilterTypes[2]="Current Level"
  6099. UsageFilterTypes[3]="Visible Levels"
  6100. UseActorAsParentQ=Use 'Actor' As Parent?
  6101. UseContentBrowserSelection=Use Content Browser Selection
  6102. UseCurrentTexture=Use Current Texture
  6103. UseDragGrid=Use Drag Grid
  6104. UseErrorColoring=Use Error Coloring
  6105. UseGameplayStats=Use Gameplay Stats
  6106. UsePresetColors=Use Preset Colors
  6107. UseRotationGrid=Use Rotation Grid
  6108. UseSelectedMorphTargetSet=Use Selected MorphTargetSet in Content Browser
  6109. UseSelectedSkeletalMeshInBrowser=Use Selected SkeletalMesh In Browser
  6110. UseVertsWith=Use Verts With
  6111. UserProperty=User Property
  6112. UVOverlayChannelIdxLabel=Channel:
  6113. UVOverlaySectionIdxLabel=Material:
  6114. UVOverlayUVIdxLabel=UV:
  6115. V=V
  6116. VPanAmount=V Pan Amount:
  6117. VarMenu=Variable
  6118. Vertex=Vertex
  6119. VertexLightMap_Bytes=Vertex LightMap (Bytes)
  6120. VertexShadowMap_Bytes=Vertex ShadowMap (Bytes)
  6121. Vertices_F=Vertices: -`~
  6122. View=View
  6123. ViewAllBut=View All But
  6124. ViewAnimTree=View Animation Tree
  6125. ViewChunk=Show Chunks
  6126. ViewChunkMode=Show Mode
  6127. ViewEndOfTrack=Move to End of Track
  6128. ViewFitLoop=View Fit Loop
  6129. ViewFitLoopSequence=Fit View/Loop to Sequence
  6130. ViewFitSequence=View Fit Sequence
  6131. ViewFitToSelected=Fit View to Selected
  6132. ViewGraphically=View Graphically
  6133. ViewHorizontalGuides=Horizontal
  6134. ViewMode=View Mode
  6135. ViewModuleDump=View Module Dump
  6136. ViewOnly=View Only
  6137. ViewOriginAxes=View Origin Axes
  6138. ViewParticleCounts=View Particle Counts
  6139. ViewParticleEvents=View Particle Event Counts
  6140. ViewParticleGeometry=View Geometry
  6141. ViewParticleMemory=View Particle Memory
  6142. ViewParticlePerformanceMetrics=View Particle Performance Metrics
  6143. ViewParticleSizes=View Particle Sizes
  6144. ViewParticleTimes=View Particle Times
  6145. ViewParticleLifetime=View Estimated Particle System Lifetime
  6146. ViewPixelOverdrawDensity=View Pixel Overdraw Density
  6147. ViewReferencers=View What References This
  6148. ViewReferences=View What This References
  6149. ViewSource=View Source Code
  6150. ViewTextually= View Textually
  6151. ViewUVClipmapSaving=View UV Clipmap Savings
  6152. ViewUpTo=View Up To
  6153. ViewVerticalGuides=Vertical
  6154. Viewing=Viewing
  6155. ViewportConfiguration=Viewport Configuration
  6156. ViewportOptionsMenu_AllowMatineePreview=UnrealMatinee Preview
  6157. ViewportOptionsMenu_Show=Show
  6158. ViewportOptionsMenu_ShowFlagsQuickMenu=Show Flags Quick Menu
  6159. ViewportOptionsMenu_ToggleGameView=Game View\tG
  6160. ViewportOptionsMenu_ToggleRealTime=Real Time\tCtrl+R
  6161. ViewportOptionsMenu_Type=Viewport Type
  6162. ViewportOptionsMenu_UnlitMovement=Unlit Movement
  6163. ViewportOptions_AddCameraActor=Add camera actor here
  6164. ViewportOptions_AddCameraActor_ToolTip=Adds a camera actor at the current camera location/rotation
  6165. ViewportOptions_MakeViewOcclusionParent=View Culling/Occlusion
  6166. ViewportOptions_MakeViewOcclusionParent_ToolTip=Set this viewport to be the occlusion parent. -Use other viewports to view the occluded/culled scene.
  6167. ViewportOptions_ShowFPS=Show FPS\tShift+H
  6168. ViewportOptions_ShowFPS_ToolTip=Toggles display of frames per second (FPS) over real time viewports
  6169. ViewportOptions_ShowStats=Show Stats\tShift+L
  6170. ViewportOptions_ShowStats_ToolTip=Toggles display of stats over real time viewports
  6171. ViewportPresetSizes_Menu=Viewport Preset Sizes
  6172. ViewportShowFlagsMenu_VertexColorsSF=Vertex Colors
  6173. ViewportToolbar_ResizeToDevice=Resize to viewport to match device
  6174. ViewportToolbar_TearOffNewFloatingViewport=Tear Off Floating Copy
  6175. ViewsButtonBar_ToolTip_1x1Split=2x2 Split
  6176. ViewsButtonBar_ToolTip_1x2Split=2x2 Split
  6177. ViewsButtonBar_ToolTip_2x2Split=2x2 Split
  6178. ViewsButtonBar_ToolTip_SinglePerspectiveView=Single Perspective View
  6179. Visible=Visible
  6180. VisibleQ=Visible?
  6181. VisualizeDOFLayersSF=Visualize Depth of Field Layers
  6182. VisualizeSSAOSF=Visualize Screen Space Ambient Occlusion
  6183. Volume=Volume
  6184. VolumeActorNULLCollisionComponent=`~ : Volume actor has NULL collision component please delete!
  6185. VolumeActorVisibility=Show Volumes
  6186. VolumeActorZeroRadius=`~ : Volume actor has a collision component with 0 radius please delete!
  6187. VolumeButtonGroupLabel=Volumes
  6188. VolumesSF=Volumes\tO
  6189. WalkPastSmallBones=Walk Past Small Bones
  6190. WarnDialogFatTexture=\nThe following textures exceed the max limit of %.2f MB:\n\n
  6191. WarnDialogLODAssignment=\nThe following textures need their GroupLOD property assigned:\n\n
  6192. WarnDialogTextureResourceNull=Mesh component %s uses a material that refereneces a null, missing, or deleted texture.
  6193. WarnLogFatTexture=This texture (size=%.2f MB) exceeds the max size limit of %.2f MB.
  6194. WarnLogLODAssignment=This texture needs its GroupLOD property assigned: %s.
  6195. WarnLogStreamingTextureNotMarked=Texture should be marked with the bIsStreamingTexture flag, and can't be marked with bIsShared.
  6196. WarnNewMoveTrackOnStatic=WARNING: Creating Move Track on a Static Actor.\nAre you sure?
  6197. WarnTotalTexturesMaxed=\nThe accumulated texture limit of %.2f MB for this package has been exceeded by: %.2f MB\n
  6198. WarningLargePieceCount64k=The slice counts you have selected are likely to produce more than `~ pieces. -There is a 64k piece limit. -Select OK to continue, or Cancel to abort.
  6199. WarningLargePieceCount=The slice counts you have selected are likely to produce more than `~ pieces. -Select OK to continue, or Cancel to abort.
  6200. WarningLargePieceCount_Title=Large Piece Count Warning
  6201. WarningNoSkelInfluences=Warning skeletal mesh is has no vertex influences
  6202. Warning_CompileErrorsInMaterial=The Current Material has compilation errors.\nAre you sure you wish to continue?
  6203. Warning_CompileErrorsInMaterial_Title=Warning: Compilation errors in this Material
  6204. Warning_CouldNotAddToPerforce=There was an error attempting to mark this file for add!
  6205. Warning_ExternalPackageRef=The following packages have references to external packages: \n`~\nExternal packages won't be found when in a game and all references will be broken. -Proceed?
  6206. Warning_IncompatibleFBX_Title=Warning: Incompatible FBX version.
  6207. Warning_InterpActorAttachedToNodeWithLODConflicts='`~' : InterpActor is attached to a node which doesn't exist in all LOD of the skeletal mesh
  6208. Warning_LargeFileImport=Attempting to import a very large file, proceed?\nFile Size: `~ MB
  6209. Warning_LargeTextureImport=Attempting to import `~ x `~ texture, proceed?\nLargest supported texture size: `~ x `~
  6210. Warning_ManyActors=Warning: Many Actors
  6211. Warning_ManyActorsForDeselect=There are `~ selected actors. Are you sure you want to deselect them all?
  6212. Warning_ManyActorsForGroupSelect=There are `~ actors in the world. Are you sure you want to continue?
  6213. Warning_ManyActorsForInvertSelect=There are `~ actors in the world. Are you sure you want to invert selection on them all?
  6214. Warning_ManyActorsForSelect=There are `~ actors in the world. Are you sure you want to select them all?
  6215. Warning_ManyActorsToSelectOne=There are `~ selected actors. Selecting this actor will deselect them all. Are you sure?
  6216. Warning_MaterialEditorFallbackParameterMismatch=Warning: Some parameters in the Fallback Material do not also exist in the Base Material: -%s -\nMaterial Instances won't be able to access these parameters. -Do you want to continue anyway?
  6217. Warning_NPTTexture=The texture you are importing is not a power of two. -Non power of two textures are never streamed and have no mipmaps. Proceed?
  6218. Warning_NPTTextureNotAMultipleOfFour=Non power of two textures must be multiples of four. -DXT compress requires this.
  6219. Warning_NoNameSpecified=The file could not be added to Perforce because no file name was specified!
  6220. Warning_OutOfDateFBX=An out of date FBX has been detected.\nImporting different versions of FBX files than the SDK version can cause undesirable results.\n\nFile Version: `~\nSDK Version: `~
  6221. Warning_SkeletalMeshActorAnimTreeTemplateAssigned='`~' : SkeletalMeshActor, and subclasses (except SkeletalMeshActorMAT) should have its' AnimTreeTemplate set to None
  6222. Warning_SkeletalMeshActorAnimationsNotAssignedCorrectly='`~' : -SkeletalMeshActor, and subclasses (except SkeletalMeshActorMAT) should have their Animations set to something other than an AnimNodeSequence
  6223. Warning_SkeletalMeshActorMATAnimTreeTemplateNotAssigned='`~' : SkeletalMeshActorMAT (Matinee Anim Tree) should have an AnimTreeTemplate assigned
  6224. Warning_SkeletalMeshActorMATAnimationsAssigned='`~' : SkeletalMeshActorMAT (Matinee Anim Tree) should have Animations set to None
  6225. Warning_SwfArtImportErrors_Title=Import Errors.
  6226. Warning_TextureNotAPowerOfTwo=Cannot import texture with non power of two dimensions
  6227. Warning_UsingExternalObject=Externally referenced
  6228. Warning_UsingExternalPackage=This map is using externally referenced packages which won't be found when in a game and all references will be broken. Perform a map check for more details.\n\nWould you like to continue?
  6229. Warning_WarningHiddenLevelsBeforeRebuild=Lighting will only be built for visible levels, and these levels are not visible: `~. -Doing a partial rebuild.
  6230. Warning_WarningHiddenLevelsBeforeRebuildTitle=Hidden levels
  6231. Warning_WritableObjectsNotCheckedOut=The following objects are writable on disk but not checked out from source control:`~
  6232. Warning_WritableObjectsNotCheckedOutTitle=Writable objects Not Checked Out
  6233. WarningsAndErrors=Warnings/Errors
  6234. WelcomeScreen_Title=Welcome!
  6235. Weld=Weld
  6236. WeldBodies=Weld Bodies
  6237. WeldTo=WELD TO...
  6238. WeldToThisBody=Weld To This Body.. [D]
  6239. WidgetSettings_AbsoluteTranslation=Use Absolute Translation
  6240. WidgetSettings_AbsoluteTranslation_Tooltip=Use Absolute Translation
  6241. WidgetSettings_IncludeTranslateRotateZWidget=Enable Combined Translate/Rotate Widget
  6242. WidgetSettings_IncludeTranslateRotateZWidget_Tooltip=Include the multi purpose Translate/Rotate Z tool when cycling through widgets
  6243. WidgetSettings_Title=Widget Settings
  6244. Wind=Wind
  6245. Wire=Wire
  6246. Wireframe=Wireframe
  6247. WithReferences=With References
  6248. World=World
  6249. WorldFrame=World Frame
  6250. WorldOrigin=World Origin
  6251. WorldPositionOffset=World Position Offset
  6252. WorldProperties=World Properties
  6253. WxDlgFbxSceneInfo_Title=FBX Scene Info
  6254. WxDlgFbxStaticMeshLODImport_Title=Import LOD
  6255. WxDlgMorphFbxImport_LODGroupNames=Mesh to import:
  6256. WxDlgMorphLODFbxImport_Header=Select morph target for FBX morph (`~) on LOD level `~:
  6257. WxDlgMorphLODImport_Filename=Import from file:
  6258. WxDlgMorphLODImport_LODLevel=LOD Index
  6259. WxDlgMorphLODImport_MorphObject=Morph Target Object
  6260. WxDlgMorphLODImport_Title=Morph Target LOD Import
  6261. X=X
  6262. XAxis=X Axis
  6263. Xbox360FileSize=Xbox360 File Size (Bytes)
  6264. XorWithMemory=Xor With Memory
  6265. Y=Y
  6266. YAxis=Y Axis
  6267. Yaw=Yaw
  6268. Yes=Yes
  6269. YesToAll=Yes to All
  6270. Z=Z
  6271. ZAxis=Z Axis
  6272. ZeroExtent=Zero Extent
  6273. ZoneColorsSF=Zone Colors
  6274. Zoning=Zoning
  6275. ZoomMode=Zoom Mode
  6276. ZoomToFit=Zoom To Fit
  6277. ZoomToScrubPos=Zoom To Scrub Position
  6279. [Errors]
  6280. DDrawMode=DirectDraw was unable to set the requested video mode
  6281. Error_LightmapExportRequiresUnCompressed=Lightmap compression must be disabled for re importing Lightmaps.
  6282. Failed3D=3d hardware initialization failed
  6283. LoadWarningSuffix_circularredirection=" [circular redirection]"
  6284. LoadWarningSuffix_privateobject=" [private]"
  6285. LoadWarningSuffix_redirection=" [redirection]"
  6287. [CommandNames]
  6288. CurveEditor_ChangeInterpModeAUTO=Interp Mode AUTO
  6289. CurveEditor_ChangeInterpModeAUTO_Desc=Interp Mode AUTO
  6290. CurveEditor_ChangeInterpModeBREAK=Interp Mode BREAK
  6291. CurveEditor_ChangeInterpModeBREAK_Desc=Interp Mode BREAK
  6292. CurveEditor_ChangeInterpModeCONSTANT=Interp Mode CONSTANT
  6293. CurveEditor_ChangeInterpModeCONSTANT_Desc=Interp Mode CONSTANT
  6294. CurveEditor_ChangeInterpModeLINEAR=Interp Mode LINEAR
  6295. CurveEditor_ChangeInterpModeLINEAR_Desc=Interp Mode LINEAR
  6296. CurveEditor_ChangeInterpModeUSER=Interp Mode USER
  6297. CurveEditor_ChangeInterpModeUSER_Desc=Interp Mode USER
  6298. CurveEditor_FitViewHorizontally=Fit View Horizontally
  6299. CurveEditor_FitViewHorizontally_Desc=Zoom the view to fit all content horizontally
  6300. CurveEditor_FitViewToAll=Fit View to All
  6301. CurveEditor_FitViewToAll_Desc=Zoom the view to fit all content (horizontally and vertically)
  6302. CurveEditor_FitViewToSelected=Fit View to Selected
  6303. CurveEditor_FitViewToSelected_Desc=Zoom to fit the selected keys in view
  6304. CurveEditor_FitViewVertically=Fit View Vertically
  6305. CurveEditor_FitViewVertically_Desc=Zoom the view to fit all content vertically
  6306. Matinee_AddKey=Add New Key
  6307. Matinee_ChangeKeyInterpModeAUTO=Key Interp Mode AUTO
  6308. Matinee_ChangeKeyInterpModeAUTO_Desc=Key Interp Mode AUTO
  6309. Matinee_ChangeKeyInterpModeBREAK=Key Interp Mode BREAK
  6310. Matinee_ChangeKeyInterpModeBREAK_Desc=Key Interp Mode BREAK
  6311. Matinee_ChangeKeyInterpModeCONSTANT=Key Interp Mode CONSTANT
  6312. Matinee_ChangeKeyInterpModeCONSTANT_Desc=Key Interp Mode CONSTANT
  6313. Matinee_ChangeKeyInterpModeLINEAR=Key Interp Mode LINEAR
  6314. Matinee_ChangeKeyInterpModeLINEAR_Desc=Key Interp Mode LINEAR
  6315. Matinee_ChangeKeyInterpModeUSER=Key Interp Mode USER
  6316. Matinee_ChangeKeyInterpModeUSER_Desc=Key Interp Mode USER
  6317. Matinee_Copy=Copy Groups/Tracks
  6318. Matinee_CropAnimationBeginning=Crop Animation Beginning
  6319. Matinee_CropAnimationEnd=Crop Animation End
  6320. Matinee_Cut=Cut Groups/Tracks
  6321. Matinee_DecrementPosition=Decrement Interpolation Position
  6322. Matinee_DeleteSelection=Delete Selection
  6323. Matinee_DuplicateSelectedKeys=Duplicate Selected Keys
  6324. Matinee_IncrementPosition=Increment Interpolation Position
  6325. Matinee_MarkInSection=Mark Section IN
  6326. Matinee_MarkOutSection=Mark Section OUT
  6327. Matinee_MoveActiveDown=Select Next Track
  6328. Matinee_MoveActiveUp=Select Previous Track
  6329. Matinee_MoveToNextKey=Move To Next Key
  6330. Matinee_MoveToPrevKey=Move To Previous Key
  6331. Matinee_Paste=Paste Groups/Tracks
  6332. Matinee_PlayForward=Play Forward
  6333. Matinee_PlayReverse=Play Reverse
  6334. Matinee_Redo=Redo
  6335. Matinee_SplitAnimKey=Split Animation Key
  6336. Matinee_Stop=Stop Playback
  6337. Matinee_TogglePlayPause=Toggle Play/Pause
  6338. Matinee_ToggleSnap=Toggle Snap To Keys
  6339. Matinee_Undo=Undo
  6340. Matinee_ViewEndOfTrack=Move to End of Track
  6341. Matinee_ViewEndOfTrack_Desc=Moves the view to the end of the currently selected track(s)
  6342. Matinee_ViewFitLoop=Fit View to Loop
  6343. Matinee_ViewFitLoopSequence=Fit View/Loop to Sequence
  6344. Matinee_ViewFitLoopSequence_Desc=Resets the loop markers and zooms the view to fit the entire sequence
  6345. Matinee_ViewFitLoop_Desc=Zoom the view to fit the looping section
  6346. Matinee_ViewFitSequence=Fit View to Sequence
  6347. Matinee_ViewFitSequence_Desc=Zoom the view to fit the entire sequence
  6348. Matinee_ViewFitToSelected=Fit View to Selected
  6349. Matinee_ViewFitToSelected_Desc=Zoom the view to fit the selected keys
  6350. Matinee_ZoomIn=Zoom In
  6351. Matinee_ZoomInAlt=Zoom In (Alternate)
  6352. Matinee_ZoomOut=Zoom Out
  6353. Matinee_ZoomOutAlt=Zoom Out (Alternate)
  6355. [WxClient]
  6356. ClassCaption="WxWindows Manager"
  6358. [CommandCategoryNames]
  6359. Cascade=Cascade
  6360. CurveEditor=Curve Editor
  6361. Kismet=Kismet
  6362. LevelEditor=Level Editor
  6363. MaterialEditor=Material Editor
  6364. Matinee=Matinee
  6366. [Lightmass]
  6367. LightmassError_BadLightMapCoordinateIndex=StaticMesh has invalid LightMapCoordinateIndex.
  6368. LightmassError_BuildSelected=Building selected actors only, lightmap memory and quality will be sub optimal until the next full rebuild.
  6369. LightmassError_BuildSelectedNothingSelected=Building selected actors and BSP only, but no actors or BSP selected!
  6370. LightmassError_EmissiveFracturedMesh=A fractured static mesh had bUseEmissiveForStaticLighting=true, which is not supported on fractured static meshes due to their geometric complexity.
  6371. LightmassError_EmissiveMeshExtremelyHighPolyCount=Object did not create emissive lights even though it had bUseEmissiveForStaticLighting=true due to excessive polycount (more than 5000).
  6372. LightmassError_EmissiveMeshHighPolyCount=Object has bUseEmissiveForStaticLighting=true, but a large number of polygons (more than 3000) and will result in a long lighting build.
  6373. LightmassError_MissingImportanceVolume=No importance volume found lighting build will take a long time.
  6374. LightmassError_MissingPrecomputedVisibilityVolume=Level has bPrecomputeVisibility enabled but no Precomputed Visibility Volumes, precomputed visibility will not be effective.
  6375. LightmassError_ObjectMultipleDominantLights=Object is affected by multiple dominant lights, each primitive can only be affected by one dominant light at most.
  6376. LightmassError_ObjectOverlappedUVs=Object has overlapping UVs.
  6377. LightmassError_ObjectWrappedUVs=Object has wrapping UVs.
  6378. LightmassError_SupportFP=Lightmass requires a graphics card with support for floating point rendertargets. Aborting!
  6379. UseErrorColoringButton_Tooltip=Display objects with lighting errors in identifying colors rather than black (Lightmass only).
  6380. UseLightmassButton_Tooltip=Allows you to temporarily override the World Properties setting.
  6382. [PackageDirtyFlags]
  6383. CrossLevelRefsChanged=Cross level references have been modified in this map. These changes require that all modified maps be saved.
  6384. HasCriticalErrors=Warning, this package has critical errors. Please resolve them and save the package.
  6385. PostLoadFixUp=Changes to the object were made during loading.
  6386. StreamingVolumeCrossLevelRefsChanged=Streaming volume cross level references have been modified in this map. -Without the map save the streaming functionality may not work.
  6387. GUIDsRegeneratedOnLoad=File contains a copy of GUIDs from another file which must be regenerated. Resave the asset to fix this problem.
  6388. OutdatedLastSavePath=Object has been moved, renamed or copied outside of the editor and must be resaved.
  6389. SplineAutoReimport=Spline auto reimport occurred due to a source mesh change.
  6390. InvalidDueToMaterialParentageChange=Parent was invalidated and reset to the default material due to a cycle that was detected in the material parentage.
  6391. InvalidDueToMaterialFunctionChange=Must be resaved due to a change in a referenced material function.
  6392. InvalidDueToMaterialDecalChange=The material decal setup on a material used by the mesh has changed and the properties have been propogated to the skeletal mesh.
  6393. GenericDirty=Asset has been updated due to user content changes.
  6394. CurveEditorSetupChanges=Curve editor changes editor only data.
  6395. NewAsset=New Asset.
  6396. ReferencesMovedObject=Must be resaved because it contains references to moved objects.
  6398. [UIEditor]
  6399. DataSet=Data Set
  6400. DataSource=Data Source
  6401. DlgAddCalloutButton_Error_ExistingChild="There is already a button with that name. -Please choose another name for the new button."
  6402. DlgAddCalloutButton_Error_ExistingTag="There is already a button using that input alias. Please choose a different alias."
  6403. DlgAddCalloutButton_Label_ButtonClass="Choose Class:"
  6404. DlgAddCalloutButton_Label_InputAlias="Choose Alias:"
  6405. DlgAddCalloutButton_Label_WidgetTag="Widget Tag:"
  6406. DlgAddCalloutButton_Title="Add Callout Button"
  6407. DlgAddCalloutButton_ToolTip_ButtonClass="Choose the class to use for the new button."
  6408. DlgAddCalloutButton_ToolTip_InputAlias="Choose the button alias to associate with this button."
  6409. DlgAddCalloutButton_ToolTip_WidgetTag="Enter a unique name for this button. -This is the name that will appear in the scene browser tree."
  6410. DlgChooseNewKey_Title="Select Input Key"
  6411. DlgChooseTabPageClass_ComboCaption="Page Class:"
  6412. DlgChooseTabPageClass_Title="Choose the type of page to add"
  6413. DlgDiffStates_LayoutGroupCaption=Panel Layout
  6414. DlgDiffStates_Layout_Horizontal=Horizontal
  6415. DlgDiffStates_Layout_Vertical=Vertical
  6416. DlgDiffStates_Title_f="Comparing States of Style: `~ "
  6417. DlgDockingEditor_HelpText_DockFace="Choose which face from the target widget should be docked to."
  6418. DlgDockingEditor_HelpText_DockPadding="Choose the amount of padding for this face. -Positive values push the docked widget, while negative values pull the docked widget."
  6419. DlgDockingEditor_HelpText_DockPaddingType="Controls how the padding value is interpreted. -Percentage values must be between 0 and 1."
  6420. DlgDockingEditor_HelpText_DockTarget="Select the widget this face should be docked to."
  6421. DlgDockingEditor_Label_DockTarget="Left,Top,Right,Bottom"
  6422. DlgDockingEditor_Title="Docking Editor"
  6423. DlgDockingEditor_ToolTip_DockFace="Target Face"
  6424. DlgDockingEditor_ToolTip_DockPadding="Padding"
  6425. DlgDockingEditor_ToolTip_DockPaddingType="Padding Value Type"
  6426. DlgDockingEditor_ToolTip_DockTarget="Target Widget"
  6427. DlgEditStyle_Title_f="Editing Style: `~"
  6428. DlgEditStyle_Warning_ModifiedStateRevert=You have modified data for an unchecked state, leaving this state unchecked will cause it to be reverted to the parent style value.\n Do you want to lose the changes made to the unchecked states?
  6429. DlgEditStyle_Warning_Title=Unchecked States Revert
  6430. DlgNewSkin_Label_PackageName="Package Name:"
  6431. DlgNewSkin_Label_SkinName="Skin Name:"
  6432. DlgNewSkin_Title="Create New Skin"
  6433. DlgNewStyle_HelpText_StyleClass="Choose the type of style to create."
  6434. DlgNewStyle_HelpText_StyleName="This is the name that will appear in the style browser."
  6435. DlgNewStyle_HelpText_StyleTag="This name will be used to reference this style from unrealscript. -It cannot contain spaces."
  6436. DlgNewStyle_HelpText_StyleTemplate="Choose the style to base this style on. -Any changes made to the base style will be propagated to the new style."
  6437. DlgNewStyle_Label_StyleClass="Style Type"
  6438. DlgNewStyle_Label_StyleGroupName="Group Name:"
  6439. DlgNewStyle_Label_StyleGroupNameNoExist="Group '`~' doesn't exist. Do you want to create this group?"
  6440. DlgNewStyle_Label_StyleGroupName_ToolTip="Select existing group from list or enter name for new group and press Enter"
  6441. DlgNewStyle_Label_StyleName="Friendly Name:"
  6442. DlgNewStyle_Label_StyleTag="Unique Tag:"
  6443. DlgNewStyle_Label_StyleTemplate="Template:"
  6444. DlgNewStyle_Title="Create New Style"
  6445. DlgNewStyle_Tooltip_StyleClass="Type Of Style"
  6446. DlgNewStyle_Tooltip_StyleName="Style Name"
  6447. DlgNewStyle_Tooltip_StyleTag="Style Tag"
  6448. DlgNewStyle_Tooltip_StyleTemplate="Style Template"
  6449. DlgRemoveTabPage_ComboCaption="Page Number:"
  6450. DlgRemoveTabPage_Title="Choose the page to remove"
  6451. DlgRenameLayer_Error_EmptyName="You must specify a name for the layer."
  6452. DlgRenameLayer_Label="Enter the new tag for the Layer"
  6453. DlgRenameLayer_Title="Rename Layer"
  6454. DlgRenameScene_Error_EmptyName="You must specify a name for the scene."
  6455. DlgRenameScene_Error_NameInUse="That name is already in use by another scene within the same package."
  6456. DlgRenameScene_Label="Enter the new tag for the scene"
  6457. DlgRenameScene_Title="Rename Scene"
  6458. DlgRenameWidget_Error_EmptyName="You must specify a name for the widget."
  6459. DlgRenameWidget_Error_NameInUse="That name is already in use by another widget within the same parent"
  6460. DlgRenameWidget_Label="Enter the new tag for the widget"
  6461. DlgRenameWidget_Title="Rename Widget"
  6462. DlgSelectWidget_Label="Choose a widget from the list"
  6463. DlgSelectWidget_Title="Select Widget"
  6464. DlgUIAddSoundCue_Title="Add UISoundCue"
  6465. DlgUICreateConfigDataTag_DataStorePath="Data Store: `~"
  6466. DlgUICreateConfigDataTag_EditMode_Title="Edit Data Tag"
  6467. DlgUICreateConfigDataTag_Error="Error"
  6468. DlgUICreateConfigDataTag_NeedText="All of the text fields need to be filled out!"
  6469. DlgUICreateConfigDataTag_ReadOnlyError="'`~' is marked read only. -Unable to save changes."
  6470. DlgUICreateConfigDataTag_Section="Section"
  6471. DlgUICreateConfigDataTag_Tag="Tag"
  6472. DlgUICreateConfigDataTag_Title="Add Data Tag"
  6473. DlgUICreateConfigDataTag_Value="Value"
  6474. DlgUICursorEditor_CursorName="Cursor Name: `~"
  6475. DlgUICursorEditor_CursorStyle="Cursor Style"
  6476. DlgUICursorEditor_CursorTexture="Cursor Texture"
  6477. DlgUICursorEditor_Error="Error"
  6478. DlgUICursorEditor_InvalidStyle="Invalid style specified."
  6479. DlgUICursorEditor_InvalidTexture="Invalid texture specified."
  6480. DlgUICursorEditor_Title="Edit Cursor"
  6481. DlgUIEditSoundCue_Label="UI Sound Cue Parameters"
  6482. DlgUIEditSoundCue_MenuItem_ModifySoundCues="Modify Skin Sound Cues"
  6483. DlgUIEditSoundCue_Title="Edit UISoundCue"
  6484. DlgUIEditSoundCue_ToolTip_NameCombo="Choose the name to assign to this UI Sound Cue"
  6485. DlgUIEditSoundCue_ToolTip_SoundCueBrowse="Display the Content Browser"
  6486. DlgUIEditSoundCue_ToolTip_SoundCuePath="The path name for the SoundCue assigned to this UI Sound Cue"
  6487. DlgUIEditSoundCue_ToolTip_SoundCueUse="Assign the currently selected SoundCue to this UI Sound Cue"
  6488. DlgUIEventKeyBindings_AddKey_ExistingBindingsError='`~' is already bound to the following aliases for class `~:\n`~\n\nWould you like to continue and bind this key anyway (for example, if you are planning to use a different set of modifier keys)?
  6489. DlgUIEventKeyBindings_AvailableKeys="Available Keys"
  6490. DlgUIEventKeyBindings_BoundKeys="Bound Keys"
  6491. DlgUIEventKeyBindings_CloseDialog_ExistingBindingsError=The following input keys are currently bound to multiple input aliases (this message has also been written to the log). -Only the last input alias bound to the corresponding key will work correctly in the game:\n\n`~\n\nWould you like to continue anyway? -Select 'Yes' to save these bindings and continue or 'No' to return to the dialog.
  6492. DlgUIEventKeyBindings_ExcludedLabel="Excluded"
  6493. DlgUIEventKeyBindings_Key="Key"
  6494. DlgUIEventKeyBindings_MenuItem_NewKey="Bind New Input Key"
  6495. DlgUIEventKeyBindings_MenuItem_RemoveKey="Unbind Input Key"
  6496. DlgUIEventKeyBindings_ModifierLabel="Modifiers"
  6497. DlgUIEventKeyBindings_NewKeyLabel="New Key"
  6498. DlgUIEventKeyBindings_ReadOnlyError="'`~' is marked read only. -Unable to save changes."
  6499. DlgUIEventKeyBindings_RequiredLabel="Required"
  6500. DlgUIEventKeyBindings_StatesLabel="States"
  6501. DlgUIEventKeyBindings_Title="Bind UI Event Alias Key Defaults"
  6502. DlgUIEventKeyBindings_Tooltip_AvailableKeys="Press the desired key to select it, or hold Ctrl and left click to select a key using the mouse"
  6503. DlgUIEventKeyBindings_WidgetClass="Widget Class"
  6504. DlgUIEventKeyBindings_WidgetEvents="Supported Input Aliases"
  6505. DlgUIEvent_MetaObject_AvailableKeys="Available Keys"
  6506. DlgUIEvent_MetaObject_BoundKeys="Bound Keys"
  6507. DlgUIEvent_MetaObject_Event="Event"
  6508. DlgUIEvent_MetaObject_Key="Key"
  6509. DlgUIEvent_MetaObject_Title="Bind Event Keys"
  6510. DlgUIListEditor_ListGrid = "List Representation"
  6511. DlgUIListEditor_Title = "List Editor"
  6512. DlgUISkinEditor_CursorTexture = "Cursor Texture"
  6513. DlgUISkinEditor_Cursors = "Cursors"
  6514. DlgUISkinEditor_Error = "Error"
  6515. DlgUISkinEditor_ErrorCursorExists = "Cursor with the name '`~' already exists in this skin."
  6516. DlgUISkinEditor_Name = "Name"
  6517. DlgUISkinEditor_RenameCursor = "Enter a new name for the cursor: "
  6518. DlgUISkinEditor_Skin = "Skin"
  6519. DlgUISkinEditor_SoundCueSound="Sound"
  6520. DlgUISkinEditor_SoundCues=Sound Cues
  6521. DlgUISkinEditor_Style = "Style"
  6522. DlgUISkinEditor_StyleGroups="Groups"
  6523. DlgUISkinEditor_Styles = "Styles"
  6524. DlgUISkinEditor_Title = "Skin Editor"
  6525. DlgUIWidgetEvents_EnabledEvents="Enabled Event Aliases"
  6526. DlgUIWidgetEvents_ModifyEventDefaults="Modify Event Alias Defaults"
  6527. DlgUIWidgetEvents_Title="Enable/Disable Widget Event Aliases"
  6528. DlgUIWidgetEvents_WidgetF="Widget: `~"
  6529. Error_ChangeCalloutAlias_Multiple="You can only change the input alias for one button at a time."
  6530. ImageAlignmentCaption[0]="Horizontal"
  6531. ImageAlignmentCaption[1]="Vertical"
  6532. ImageAlignment_Label_Adjustment="Adjustment Type:"
  6533. ImageAlignment_Label_Alignment="Image Alignment:"
  6534. ImageAlignment_Label_Gutter[0]="Left Gutter:,Right Gutter:"
  6535. ImageAlignment_Label_Gutter[1]="Top Gutter:,Bottom Gutter:"
  6536. ImageCoordinates_Label[0]="Sample Position:"
  6537. ImageCoordinates_Label[1]="Sample Size:"
  6538. MultipleObjects=(multiple objects)
  6539. ProjWiz_TemplateDesc_Template1=An empty project with a single map. -More awesome descriptions about this project type will go here.
  6540. ProjWiz_TemplateName_Template1=Empty Project
  6541. SceneEditorTitle_f=Unreal UIScene Editor: `~
  6542. Sentinel=Sentinel
  6543. StatName=Stat Name
  6544. StyleBrowser_HelpText_SkinCombo="Changes the currently active skin. -This affects the appearance of styles assigned to widgets in the scene."
  6545. StyleBrowser_ToolTip_SkinButton="Load Skin"
  6546. StyleBrowser_ToolTip_SkinCombo="Active Skin"
  6547. StylePropertiesCombo_Caption="Combo Options"
  6548. StylePropertiesCombo_Label_ImageStyle="Image Style:"
  6549. StylePropertiesCombo_Label_TextStyle="Text Style:"
  6550. StylePropertiesCombo_RadioButton_Custom="Custom"
  6551. StylePropertiesCombo_RadioButton_Existing="Existing"
  6552. StylePropertiesCombo_ToolTip_ImageState="Choose the menu state to use from this style"
  6553. StylePropertiesCombo_ToolTip_ImageStyle="Choose an image style."
  6554. StylePropertiesCombo_ToolTip_TextState="Choose the menu state to use from this style"
  6555. StylePropertiesCombo_ToolTip_TextStyle="Choose a text style."
  6556. StylePropertiesCommon_Caption="Basic Options"
  6557. StylePropertiesCommon_HelpText_StyleColor="Click to choose a color for this style."
  6558. StylePropertiesCommon_Label_AlphaValue="Alpha Value:"
  6559. StylePropertiesCommon_Label_Padding="Padding:"
  6560. StylePropertiesCommon_Label_PaddingH="H:"
  6561. StylePropertiesCommon_Label_PaddingV="V:"
  6562. StylePropertiesCommon_Label_StyleColor="Style Color:"
  6563. StylePropertiesCommon_Label_StyleID="Style ID:"
  6564. StylePropertiesCommon_MenuDiffProperties="Compare Properties"
  6565. StylePropertiesCommon_ToolTip_PaddingH="Controls the amount of horizontal padding to apply (in pixels), assuming a resolution of 1024x768. -This value will be scaled by resolution."
  6566. StylePropertiesCommon_ToolTip_PaddingV="Controls the amount of vertical padding to apply (in pixels), assuming resolution of 1024x768. -This value will be scaled by resolution"
  6567. StylePropertiesCommon_ToolTip_StyleColor="Choose Color"
  6568. StylePropertiesCommon_ToolTip_StyleID="Unique Style Identifier"
  6569. StylePropertiesImage_Caption="Image Options"
  6570. StylePropertiesImage_Label_DefaultTexture="Default Texture:"
  6571. StylePropertiesText_Alignment[0]="Left,Center,Right"
  6572. StylePropertiesText_Alignment[1]="Top,Center,Bottom"
  6573. StylePropertiesText_AutoScaleMode_Options[0]="Disabled"
  6574. StylePropertiesText_AutoScaleMode_Options[1]="Normal"
  6575. StylePropertiesText_AutoScaleMode_Options[2]="Maintain Aspect Ratio"
  6576. StylePropertiesText_AutoScaleMode_Options[3]="Resolution Based"
  6577. StylePropertiesText_Caption="Text Options"
  6578. StylePropertiesText_Label_Alignment="Alignment:"
  6579. StylePropertiesText_Label_Attributes="Attributes:"
  6580. StylePropertiesText_Label_AutoScaleMode="Scale To Fit:"
  6581. StylePropertiesText_Label_ClipAlignment="Clipping Alignment:"
  6582. StylePropertiesText_Label_ClipMode="Clipping Mode:"
  6583. StylePropertiesText_Label_Font="Font:"
  6584. StylePropertiesText_Label_HorzAbbreviation="H:"
  6585. StylePropertiesText_Label_MinAutoScale="Minimum Scale:"
  6586. StylePropertiesText_Label_Scale="Scale:"
  6587. StylePropertiesText_Label_ScaleX="X:"
  6588. StylePropertiesText_Label_ScaleY="Y:"
  6589. StylePropertiesText_Label_SpacingAdjust="Spacing:"
  6590. StylePropertiesText_Label_SpacingAdjustX="Chars:"
  6591. StylePropertiesText_Label_SpacingAdjustY="Lines:"
  6592. StylePropertiesText_Label_VertAbbreviation="V:"
  6593. StylePropertiesText_ToolTip_Alignment[0]="Horizontal Alignment"
  6594. StylePropertiesText_ToolTip_Alignment[1]="Vertical Alignment"
  6595. StylePropertiesText_ToolTip_AutoScaleMode="Choose whether text should be automatically scaled to fit into the bounding region."
  6596. StylePropertiesText_ToolTip_ClipAlignment="Determines the origin used for clipping; left (normal) or right (start at the end)."
  6597. StylePropertiesText_ToolTip_ClipMode="Determines how text should be handled when the text overflows its bounds."
  6598. StylePropertiesText_ToolTip_MinAutoScale="When 'scale to fit' is enabled, this determines the minimum amount the text can be scaled. -Required if the text is wrapped or clipped."
  6599. StylePropertiesText_ToolTip_ScaleX="Configure how much the text should be scaled horizontally. -A value of 1.0 means no scaling."
  6600. StylePropertiesText_ToolTip_ScaleY="Configure how much the text should be scaled vertically. -A value of 1.0 means no scaling."
  6601. StylePropertiesText_ToolTip_SpacingAdjustX="Sets the amount of extra horizontal spacing between characters in a line of text (in pixels)."
  6602. StylePropertiesText_ToolTip_SpacingAdjustY="Sets the amount of extra vertical spacing between lines of wrapped text (in pixels)."
  6603. TransAddStyleGroup="Add Style Group"
  6604. TransAlignText="Change Text Alignment"
  6605. TransAssignStyle="Assign Style"
  6606. TransBindDataStore="Bind Data Store"
  6607. TransChangeCalloutAlias="Change Alias"
  6608. TransChangeParent="Change Parent"
  6609. TransChangeStyleGroup="Change Style Group"
  6610. TransClearDataStore="Clear Data Store"
  6611. TransClearSelection="Clear Selection"
  6612. TransConvertPosition="Convert Position"
  6613. TransCreateStyle="Create Style"
  6614. TransEditDocking="Modify Widget Docking"
  6615. TransEditEvents="Modify Widget Events"
  6616. TransEditModifyDisabledInputEvents="Modify Active Input Aliases"
  6617. TransEditModifyInputEvents="Modify Custom Input Events"
  6618. TransEditStyle="Edit Style"
  6619. TransInsertCalloutButton="Add Button"
  6620. TransInsertTabPage="Insert Tab Page"
  6621. TransModifyCellBindings="Modify List Cells"
  6622. TransModifyObj=Modify Object
  6623. TransModifyObj_f=Modify `~
  6624. TransModifyRenderOrder="Modify Render Order"
  6625. TransModifyScaleType="Change Scale Type"
  6626. TransMoveAnchor=Move Anchor
  6627. TransMoveWidget=Move Widget
  6628. TransRemoveCalloutButton="Remove Button"
  6629. TransRemoveStyleGroup="Remove Style Group"
  6630. TransRemoveTabPage="Remove Tab Page"
  6631. TransRenameStyleGroup="Rename Style Group"
  6632. TransRenameWidget=Rename Widget
  6633. TransReplaceStyle="Replace Style"
  6634. TransReplaceWidget="Replace Widget"
  6635. TransResizeCell="Resize List Cells"
  6636. TransResizeWidget=Resize Widget
  6637. TransRotateWidget=Rotate Widget
  6638. TransSaveAsResource="Save As Resource"
  6639. TransUpdateUIPrefabInstance="Update Prefab Instance"
  6640. UIEditor_AddDataProvider="Add Data Provider"
  6641. UIEditor_AddSection="Add Tag Section"
  6642. UIEditor_AddTag="Add Tag"
  6643. UIEditor_AlignToViewport=Align To Viewport
  6644. UIEditor_Align_Bottom=Bottom
  6645. UIEditor_Align_CenterHorizontally=Center Horizontally
  6646. UIEditor_Align_CenterVertically=Center Vertically
  6647. UIEditor_Align_Left=Left
  6648. UIEditor_Align_Right=Right
  6649. UIEditor_Align_Top=Top
  6650. UIEditor_AppendColumn="Append Column"
  6651. UIEditor_BindDataStore = "Bind selected widgets to datastore"
  6652. UIEditor_BindDataStoreA=Bind selected widgets to &datastore\tCtrl D
  6653. UIEditor_BindDataStore_F="Bind selected widgets to `~"
  6654. UIEditor_Children="Children"
  6655. UIEditor_ClearDataStore = "Clear datastore binding for selected widgets"
  6656. UIEditor_ColumnF="Column `~"
  6657. UIEditor_DataStoreBrowser_Apply=Apply Changes
  6658. UIEditor_DataStoreBrowser_Cancel=Cancel Changes
  6659. UIEditor_DataStoreBrowser_DataStoreTags="Data Store Tags"
  6660. UIEditor_DataStoreBrowser_Filter=Filter:
  6661. UIEditor_DataStoreBrowser_Markup="Markup"
  6662. UIEditor_DataStoreBrowser_Other=Other
  6663. UIEditor_DataStoreBrowser_Path="Path"
  6664. UIEditor_DataStoreBrowser_Strings=Strings
  6665. UIEditor_DataStoreBrowser_Tag="Tag"
  6666. UIEditor_DataStoreBrowser_Title="Data Store Browser"
  6667. UIEditor_DataStoreBrowser_Type="Type"
  6668. UIEditor_DataStoreBrowser_Value=Value
  6669. UIEditor_DataStores=Data Stores
  6670. UIEditor_DefaultTagValue=Default Value: Enter New Tag Value
  6671. UIEditor_DoYouWantToDeleteStyle="Do you want to delete this style?"
  6672. UIEditor_DoYouWantToReplaceStyle="Do you want to replace this style?"
  6673. UIEditor_DockTitle_Docking="Docking"
  6674. UIEditor_DockTitle_Positioning="Positioning"
  6675. UIEditor_DockTitle_Properties="Properties"
  6676. UIEditor_DockTitle_SceneTools="Scene Tools"
  6677. UIEditor_EditSelectedSkin="Edit Selected Skin"
  6678. UIEditor_EditTag="Edit Tag"
  6679. UIEditor_EditWidgetMode_Tool=Edit Widget Tool
  6680. UIEditor_Error_NestedPrefabUnsupported=`~ already belongs to a UI prefab or prefab instance. -Do you wish to continue?\n\nOK: Remove `~ from the prefab and continue.\nCancel: Abandon prefab creation.
  6681. UIEditor_Error_UnsupportedPrefabType=UI prefabs do not currently support `~ objects. -Do you wish to continue?\n\nOK: Remove `~ from the prefab and continue.\nCancel: Abandon prefab creation.
  6682. UIEditor_ExtentEvalType[0]="Pixels"
  6683. UIEditor_ExtentEvalType[1]="Percentage of Target"
  6684. UIEditor_ExtentEvalType[2]="Percentage of Owner"
  6685. UIEditor_ExtentEvalType[3]="Percentage of Scene"
  6686. UIEditor_ExtentEvalType[4]="Percentage of Viewport"
  6687. UIEditor_FaceString="`~ (Face: `~)"
  6688. UIEditor_FaceText[0]="Left"
  6689. UIEditor_FaceText[1]="Top"
  6690. UIEditor_FaceText[2]="Right"
  6691. UIEditor_FaceText[3]="Bottom"
  6692. UIEditor_FaceText[4]="None"
  6693. UIEditor_FaceValue=Face Value
  6694. UIEditor_Face_All="All"
  6695. UIEditor_Face_Bottom="Bottom"
  6696. UIEditor_Face_Left="Left"
  6697. UIEditor_Face_None="None"
  6698. UIEditor_Face_Right="Right"
  6699. UIEditor_Face_Top="Top"
  6700. UIEditor_GlobalSequence="Global Sequence"
  6701. UIEditor_Height=Height
  6702. UIEditor_HelpText_AlignToViewport_Bottom="Align selected widgets to viewport bottom."
  6703. UIEditor_HelpText_AlignToViewport_CenterHorizontally="Horizontally center selected widgets in the viewport."
  6704. UIEditor_HelpText_AlignToViewport_CenterVertically="Vertically center selected widgets in the viewport."
  6705. UIEditor_HelpText_AlignToViewport_Left="Align selected widgets to viewport left."
  6706. UIEditor_HelpText_AlignToViewport_Right="Align selected widgets to viewport right."
  6707. UIEditor_HelpText_AlignToViewport_Top="Align selected widgets to viewport top."
  6708. UIEditor_HelpText_BindUIEventKeys="Modify the default key bindings for UI event aliases."
  6709. UIEditor_HelpText_Button=A tool to create new button widgets.
  6710. UIEditor_HelpText_CenterOnSelection="Centers the viewport on the currently selected objects."
  6711. UIEditor_HelpText_Checkbox=A tool to create new check box widgets.
  6712. UIEditor_HelpText_Console=A tool to create new console widgets.
  6713. UIEditor_HelpText_CreateSkin="Create New Skin"
  6714. UIEditor_HelpText_DataStoreBrowser=Displays the Data Store Browser dialog.
  6715. UIEditor_HelpText_DeleteSelectedWidgets="Deletes the currently selected widgets"
  6716. UIEditor_HelpText_EditSelectedSkin="Displays the Skin Editor dialog for the current skin."
  6717. UIEditor_HelpText_EditWidgetMode=A tool for editing characteristics specific to the type of widget selected.
  6718. UIEditor_HelpText_Editbox=A tool to create new edit box widgets.
  6719. UIEditor_HelpText_FocusChain=A tool for editing focus chains for widgets.
  6720. UIEditor_HelpText_Image=A tool to create new image widgets.
  6721. UIEditor_HelpText_Label=A tool to create new label widgets.
  6722. UIEditor_HelpText_LabelButton=A tool to create new label button widgets.
  6723. UIEditor_HelpText_List=A tool to create new list widgets.
  6724. UIEditor_HelpText_LoadExistingSkin="Load Skin Package"
  6725. UIEditor_HelpText_Panel=A tool to create new panel widgets.
  6726. UIEditor_HelpText_PreviewPlatform="Choose the platform environment to simulate"
  6727. UIEditor_HelpText_RefreshScene="Force the scene to perform a full update (rebuild docking stack, resolve widget positions, reapply styles, etc.)"
  6728. UIEditor_HelpText_RenameSelectedWidgets="Displays a dialog to rename the currently selected widgets"
  6729. UIEditor_HelpText_SSPreviewMode="Choose the split screen layout to simulate"
  6730. UIEditor_HelpText_SaveSelectedSkin="Saves the current skin's package."
  6731. UIEditor_HelpText_SelectionTool=A tool for selecting and manipulating existing widgets.
  6732. UIEditor_HelpText_ShowDockHandles="Show dock handles on selected widgets"
  6733. UIEditor_HelpText_Slider=A tool to create new slider widgets.
  6734. UIEditor_HelpText_TextAlign_Bottom="Vertically align text to the bottom."
  6735. UIEditor_HelpText_TextAlign_Center="Horizontally center text."
  6736. UIEditor_HelpText_TextAlign_Left="Horizontally align text to the left."
  6737. UIEditor_HelpText_TextAlign_Middle="Vertically center text."
  6738. UIEditor_HelpText_TextAlign_Right="Horizontally align text to the right."
  6739. UIEditor_HelpText_TextAlign_Top="Vertically align text to the top."
  6740. UIEditor_HelpText_TitleSafeRegions="Draws the regions that UI widgets should be placed in to ensure they display properly on TVs."
  6741. UIEditor_HelpText_ToggleButton=A tool to create new toggle button widgets.
  6742. UIEditor_HelpText_ViewReset="Resets the viewport position and zoom to the default settings"
  6743. UIEditor_HelpText_ViewportGutter="The size in pixels of the gutter region that is displayed around the viewport window"
  6744. UIEditor_HelpText_ViewportSize="The viewport size to use for the scene"
  6745. UIEditor_HelpText_WidgetPreviewState="The preview state of the currently selected item"
  6746. UIEditor_InsertColumn="Insert Column"
  6747. UIEditor_LayerBrowser_DefaultLayerName="Layer"
  6748. UIEditor_Layers=Layers
  6749. UIEditor_MenuItem_AcceptDeletion="Are you sure you want to delete selected group '`~'"
  6750. UIEditor_MenuItem_AddCalloutButton="Add Button"
  6751. UIEditor_MenuItem_AddCursor="Add Cursor"
  6752. UIEditor_MenuItem_AddNewStyleGroup="Add New Group"
  6753. UIEditor_MenuItem_AddSoundCue="Add UI Sound Cue"
  6754. UIEditor_MenuItem_AskNewName="Enter New Name"
  6755. UIEditor_MenuItem_BindUIEventKeys=Modify Default UI Event Alias Key Bindings...\tF8
  6756. UIEditor_MenuItem_BreakAllDockLinks="Break &ALL Dock Links"
  6757. UIEditor_MenuItem_BreakAllFocusChainLinks="Remove ALL Override Focus Chain Links"
  6758. UIEditor_MenuItem_BreakDockLink="Break Dock Link"
  6759. UIEditor_MenuItem_BreakDockLinkTo="Break Dock Link to `~"
  6760. UIEditor_MenuItem_BreakFocusChainLink="Remove Override Focus Chain Link"
  6761. UIEditor_MenuItem_BreakFocusChainLinkTo="Remove Override Focus Chain to `~"
  6762. UIEditor_MenuItem_CenterOnSelection=Center On Selected Objects
  6763. UIEditor_MenuItem_ChangeCalloutAlias="Change Input Alias"
  6764. UIEditor_MenuItem_ChangeParent="Change Parent"
  6765. UIEditor_MenuItem_ClearBinding="Remove Cell"
  6766. UIEditor_MenuItem_ConnectDockLink="Connect Dock Link"
  6767. UIEditor_MenuItem_ConnectDockLinkTo="Connect Dock Link to `~"
  6768. UIEditor_MenuItem_ConnectFocusChainLink="Connect Focus Chain Link"
  6769. UIEditor_MenuItem_ConnectFocusChainLinkTo="Connect Focus Chain Link to `~"
  6770. UIEditor_MenuItem_ContainerOutline="&Container Outline"
  6771. UIEditor_MenuItem_ConvertPosition="Convert Position"
  6772. UIEditor_MenuItem_CreateSkin="Create New Skin"
  6773. UIEditor_MenuItem_CreateStyle="Create New Style"
  6774. UIEditor_MenuItem_CreateStyle_Selected="Create Style From Selected"
  6775. UIEditor_MenuItem_CreateStyle_Template="Create Style Using `~ As Template"
  6776. UIEditor_MenuItem_CreateStyle_TemplateF="Create Style Using `~ As Template"
  6777. UIEditor_MenuItem_DataStoreBrowser=Data Store Browser\tF7
  6778. UIEditor_MenuItem_DeleteCursor="Delete Cursor"
  6779. UIEditor_MenuItem_DeleteLayer="Delete Layer"
  6780. UIEditor_MenuItem_DeleteNewStyleGroup="Delete Selected Group"
  6781. UIEditor_MenuItem_DeleteSelectedWidgets=Delete Selected Widgets
  6782. UIEditor_MenuItem_DeleteSoundCue="Delete UI Sound Cue"
  6783. UIEditor_MenuItem_DeleteStyle="Delete Style"
  6784. UIEditor_MenuItem_DockingEditor="Docking Editor"
  6785. UIEditor_MenuItem_EditCursor="Edit Cursor"
  6786. UIEditor_MenuItem_EditEvents="Enable/Disable Widget Event Aliases"
  6787. UIEditor_MenuItem_EditSoundCue="Edit UI Sound Cue"
  6788. UIEditor_MenuItem_EditStyle="Edit Style"
  6789. UIEditor_MenuItem_InsertChildLayer="Insert Child Layer"
  6790. UIEditor_MenuItem_InsertLayer="Insert Layer"
  6791. UIEditor_MenuItem_InsertTabPage="Insert New Page"
  6792. UIEditor_MenuItem_InsertTabPageF="Insert Custom Page: `~"
  6793. UIEditor_MenuItem_KismetEditor="Unreal&Kismet Editor"
  6794. UIEditor_MenuItem_LoadSkin="Load Existing Skin"
  6795. UIEditor_MenuItem_MoveDown="Move Down"
  6796. UIEditor_MenuItem_MoveToBottom="Move To Bottom"
  6797. UIEditor_MenuItem_MoveToTop="Move To Top"
  6798. UIEditor_MenuItem_MoveUp="Move Up"
  6799. UIEditor_MenuItem_PlaceArchetypef="Place Archetype `~"
  6800. UIEditor_MenuItem_PlaceResource="Custom Widgets"
  6801. UIEditor_MenuItem_PlaceWidget="Place Widget"
  6802. UIEditor_MenuItem_RefreshScene=Refresh Scene\tF5
  6803. UIEditor_MenuItem_RemoveCalloutButton="Remove Button"
  6804. UIEditor_MenuItem_RemoveTabPage="Remove Page"
  6805. UIEditor_MenuItem_RenameCursor="Rename Cursor"
  6806. UIEditor_MenuItem_RenameLayer="Rename Layer"
  6807. UIEditor_MenuItem_RenameNewStyleGroup="Rename Selected Group"
  6808. UIEditor_MenuItem_RenameSelectedWidgets=Rename Selected Widgets\tCtrl R
  6809. UIEditor_MenuItem_ReorderWidget="Reorder Widget"
  6810. UIEditor_MenuItem_ReplaceStyle="Replace Selected Style In Current Skin"
  6811. UIEditor_MenuItem_ReplaceStyleF="Replace Style `~ In Current Skin"
  6812. UIEditor_MenuItem_SaveResource="Save As Resource"
  6813. UIEditor_MenuItem_SelectAllWidgetsInLayer="Select All Widgets"
  6814. UIEditor_MenuItem_SelectStyle="Select Style"
  6815. UIEditor_MenuItem_SelectionOutline="&Selection Outline"
  6816. UIEditor_MenuItem_SetAllFocusChainToNull="Set ALL Focus Chains to None"
  6817. UIEditor_MenuItem_SetFocusChainToNull="Set Focus Chain to None"
  6818. UIEditor_MenuItem_ShowDockHandles="Show Dock Handles"
  6819. UIEditor_MenuItem_SnapToGrid="Snap to Grid"
  6820. UIEditor_MenuItem_TitleSafeRegions="Draw &Title Safe Regions"
  6821. UIEditor_MenuItem_ViewDrawBkgnd="Draw &Background"
  6822. UIEditor_MenuItem_ViewDrawGrid="Draw &Grid"
  6823. UIEditor_MenuItem_ViewReset="&Reset View"
  6824. UIEditor_MenuItem_ViewShowWireframe="Draw &Wireframe"
  6825. UIEditor_MenuItem_ViewportOutline="&Viewport Outline"
  6826. UIEditor_MenuItem_ViewportSize="Viewport &Size"
  6827. UIEditor_MustFullyLoadPackages="You must fully load the following packages in order to complete the operation:"
  6828. UIEditor_OverrideSuffix=" OVERRIDE"
  6829. UIEditor_PositionEvalText[0]="None"
  6830. UIEditor_PositionEvalText[1]="Absolute Pixels"
  6831. UIEditor_PositionEvalText[2]="Pixels Relative to Scene"
  6832. UIEditor_PositionEvalText[3]="Pixels Relative to Owner"
  6833. UIEditor_PositionEvalText[4]="Percentage of Viewport"
  6834. UIEditor_PositionEvalText[5]="Percentage of Owner"
  6835. UIEditor_PositionEvalText[6]="Percentage of Scene"
  6836. UIEditor_Resources=Resources
  6837. UIEditor_SaveSelectedSkin="Save Selected Skin"
  6838. UIEditor_ScaleType=Scale Type
  6839. UIEditor_Scene=Scene
  6840. UIEditor_Skin = "Skin"
  6841. UIEditor_SlowTask_AddingProviderTags="Adding tags for data provider '`~'"
  6842. UIEditor_SlowTask_DataStoreBrowser="Loading data stores"
  6843. UIEditor_SlowTask_GeneratingTags="Generating tags for data provider '`~'"
  6844. UIEditor_Source="Source: `~"
  6845. UIEditor_StyleReferenced="Style '`~' is still referenced by the following resources:"
  6846. UIEditor_Styles=Styles
  6847. UIEditor_Target="Target: `~"
  6848. UIEditor_ToolTip_AlignToViewport_Bottom="Align to Viewport: Bottom"
  6849. UIEditor_ToolTip_AlignToViewport_CenterHorizontally="Align to Viewport: Center Horizontally"
  6850. UIEditor_ToolTip_AlignToViewport_CenterVertically="Align to Viewport: Center Vertically"
  6851. UIEditor_ToolTip_AlignToViewport_Left="Align to Viewport: Left"
  6852. UIEditor_ToolTip_AlignToViewport_Right="Align to Viewport: Right"
  6853. UIEditor_ToolTip_AlignToViewport_Top="Align to Viewport: Top"
  6854. UIEditor_ToolTip_ContainerOutline="Container Outline"
  6855. UIEditor_ToolTip_PreviewPlatform="Preview Platform"
  6856. UIEditor_ToolTip_SSPreviewMode="Splitscreen Layout"
  6857. UIEditor_ToolTip_SelectionHandles="Selection Handles"
  6858. UIEditor_ToolTip_SelectionOutline="Selection Outline"
  6859. UIEditor_ToolTip_SelectionOutlinePerWidget="Combine Multi Selection Outlines"
  6860. UIEditor_ToolTip_ShowDockHandles="Show Dock Handles"
  6861. UIEditor_ToolTip_SnapToGrid="Snap to Grid"
  6862. UIEditor_ToolTip_TextAlign_Bottom="Text Align: Bottom"
  6863. UIEditor_ToolTip_TextAlign_Center="Text Align: Center Horizontally"
  6864. UIEditor_ToolTip_TextAlign_Left="Text Align: Left"
  6865. UIEditor_ToolTip_TextAlign_Middle="Text Align: Center Vertically"
  6866. UIEditor_ToolTip_TextAlign_Right="Text Align: Right"
  6867. UIEditor_ToolTip_TextAlign_Top="Text Align: Top"
  6868. UIEditor_ToolTip_ToolModeButton[0]="Select"
  6869. UIEditor_ToolTip_ToolModeButton[1]="Place Button"
  6870. UIEditor_ToolTip_ToolModeButton[2]="Place Console"
  6871. UIEditor_ToolTip_ToolModeButton[3]="Place Image"
  6872. UIEditor_ToolTip_ToolModeButton[4]="Place Label"
  6873. UIEditor_ToolTip_ViewportGutter="Viewport Gutter"
  6874. UIEditor_ToolTip_ViewportOutline="Viewport Outline"
  6875. UIEditor_ToolTip_ViewportSize="Viewport Size"
  6876. UIEditor_ToolTip_WidgetPreviewState="Preview State"
  6877. UIEditor_UISequences="UI Sequences"
  6878. UIEditor_Value=Value
  6879. UIEditor_Widget_Button=Button
  6880. UIEditor_Widget_Checkbox=Check Box
  6881. UIEditor_Widget_Console=Console
  6882. UIEditor_Widget_Editbox=Edit Box
  6883. UIEditor_Widget_FocusChain=Focus Chain Tool
  6884. UIEditor_Widget_Image=Image
  6885. UIEditor_Widget_Label=Label
  6886. UIEditor_Widget_LabelButton=Label Button
  6887. UIEditor_Widget_List=List
  6888. UIEditor_Widget_Panel=Panel
  6889. UIEditor_Widget_SelectionTool=Selection Tool
  6890. UIEditor_Widget_Slider=Slider
  6891. UIEditor_Widget_ToggleButton=Toggle Button
  6892. UIEditor_WidgetsDifferentSelected="`~ widgets selected"
  6893. UIEditor_WidgetsNoneSelected="(No widgets selected)"
  6894. UIEditor_WidgetsSameSelected="`~ `~s selected"
  6895. UIEditor_Width=Width
  6896. UIKismet_MenuItem_AddCalloutButton="Add Callout Button"
  6897. UIKismet_MenuItem_ChangeCalloutAlias="Change Callout Alias `~"
  6898. UIKismet_MenuItem_RemoveCalloutButton="Remove Callout Button `~"
  6899. WidgetEditorTitle_f=`~ Editor: `~
  6900. WidgetProtectFromDelete=The selected widget is protected from deletion!
  6901. WidgetProtectParent=The parent of the selected widget is protected and can not be changed!
  6902. WidgetProtectRename=The selected widget is protected from renaming.
  6903. Prefab_Create=Create Prefab...
  6904. Prefab_SelectActors=Select All Actors In Prefab(s)
  6905. Prefab_ToNormalActors=Convert PrefabInstance To Normal Actors
  6906. Prefab_ReplaceCurrentActors=Would you like to replace these Actors with an instance of the new Prefab?
  6907. Prefab_DeletePrefabMembersPrompt="PrefabInstance '`~' is being deleted. -Should all actors contained in this prefab be removed as well?"
  6908. Prefab_MustHaveSameOutermost=All objects must have same Outermost (Package). Prefab operation failed.
  6909. Prefab_UpdateFromInstance=Update Prefab '`~' From This Instance
  6910. Prefab_ResetFromPrefab=Reset Instance From Prefab '`~'
  6911. Prefab_FoundSeq=Found UnrealKismet Sequence '`~' for this Prefab. Is this correct?\n\nYes: Make Sequence '`~' part of prefab.\nNo: Don't add any Sequence to the Prefab.\nCancel: Abandon prefab creation.
  6912. Prefab_FoundSeqYesNo=Found UnrealKismet Sequence '`~' for this Prefab. Is this correct?\n\nYes: Add Sequence '`~' to prefab.\nNo: Don't add any Sequence to the Prefab.
  6913. AddPrefabF=Add Prefab: `~
  6914. Prefab_OldPrefabInstancesUpdated=Instances of the following Prefabs were updated in the loaded map:\n\n`~
  6915. Prefab_MissingArchetypes="The archetype for '`~' couldn't be loaded removing member from PrefabInstance `~"
  6916. Prefab_ResetInvalidPrefab="Some prefabs could not be loaded correctly and were reset. -See the log for details"
  6917. Prefab_MissingSourcePrefabs="The source Prefabs for some PrefabInstances could not be loaded so they were removed from the map:\\n\\n`~"
  6918. Prefab_OpenInstanceSequence=Open Sequence For PrefabInstance In UnrealKismet
  6919. Prefab_SequenceRefsOutsidePrefab=Sequence '`~' contains references to objects outside the Prefab:\n\n
  6920. Prefab_UpdatePrefabAreYouSure=Are You Sure You Want To Update Prefab '`~'?
  6921. Prefab_ResetPrefabAreYouSure=Are You Sure You Want To Reset This Instance?
  6922. Prefab_UndoTag_ResetPrefab="Reset PrefabInstance"
  6923. Prefab_UndoTag_UpdatePrefab=Update Prefab
  6924. Prefab_UndoTag_AddPrefab=Add Prefab
  6926. [Public]
  6927. Class=(Class=UnrealEd.WxClient,SuperClass=Engine.Client)
  6929. [Caption]
  6930. ActorBrowser=Actor Classes
  6931. BuildingStatsBrowser=Building Stats
  6932. ContentBrowser=Content Browser
  6933. ContentBrowser_Caption=Content Browser
  6934. DynamicShadowStatsBrowser=Dynamic Shadow Stats
  6935. GameStatsVisualizer_Caption=Game Stats
  6936. ContentBrowser=Content
  6937. GroupBrowser=Groups
  6938. LayerBrowser=Layers
  6939. LevelBrowser=Level
  6940. LogBrowser=Log
  6941. PrimitiveStatsBrowser=Primitive Stats
  6942. ReferencedAssetBrowser=Referenced Assets
  6943. SceneManager=Scene Manager
  6944. StartPage_Caption=Documentation
  6945. TaskBrowser_Caption=Tasks
  6946. TextureStatsBrowser=Texture Stats
  6948. [General]
  6949. AdvancedOptions=Advanced Options
  6950. Color16=&16 bit color
  6951. Color32=&32 bit color
  6952. FrameWindow=Unreal Level Editor
  6953. ViewOther=Viewport
  6954. ViewPersp=Perspective map
  6955. ViewXY=Overhead map
  6956. ViewXZ=XZ map
  6957. ViewYZ=YZ map
  6959. [StaticMeshToolTips]
  6960. StaticMeshToolTip_CanBecomeDynamic=If true, this mesh can become dynamic when shot or otherwise given an impulse.
  6961. StaticMeshToolTip_LODDistanceRatio=LOD distance ratio for this mesh. -The default value of 1 means that each transition will happen at increments of LODMaxRange / NumLODs distance from the camera.
  6962. StaticMeshToolTip_LODMaxRangeRatio=Distance in world space units to the end of the LOD transitions
  6963. StaticMeshToolTip_LightMapCoordinateIndex=The light map coordinate index
  6964. StaticMeshToolTip_LightMapResolution=The light map resolution
  6965. StaticMeshToolTip_PartitionForEdgeGeometry=If true, this mesh can be processed by the Edge Geometry system on the Playstation 3.
  6966. StaticMeshToolTip_StreamingDistanceMultiplier=Allows adjusting the desired resolution of streaming textures that uses UV 0. -1.0 is the default, whereas a higher value increases the streamed in resolution.
  6967. StaticMeshToolTip_UseFullPrecisionUVs=If true, use full precision UVs
  6968. StaticMeshToolTip_UseMaximumStreamingTexelRatio=If true, use a less conservative method of mip LOD texture factor computation. -Requires mesh to be resaved to take effect as algorithm is applied on save
  6969. StaticMeshToolTip_UseSimpleBoxCollision=If true, use PhysicsAsset for extent (swept box) collision checks.
  6970. StaticMeshToolTip_UseSimpleLineCollision=If true, use PhysicsAsset for line collision checks.
  6971. StaticMeshToolTip_UseSimpleRigidBodyCollision=If true, use simple rigid body collision. FALSE only works on static actors.
  6972. StaticMeshToolTip_UsedForInstancing=If true, use the mesh for instancing
  6974. [EditorFrame]
  6975. Caption=UnrealEd
  6976. ‘ˇˇˇ$LocalizationDir$/Disk/eng/Descriptions.eng Ö˝ˇˇ; -
  6977. ; Game Specific Descriptions
  6978. ; -
  6980. [Objects]
  6981. InterpTrackTransition="Transition Track"
  6982. InterpTrackGameSpeech="Game Speech Audio Track"
  6983. InterpTrackFoleyGround="Foley Ground Track"
  6984. InterpTrackCharacterAudio="Character Audio Track"
  6985. NRSCinemaTrackQTE="NRSQuicktime Event"
  6986. InterpTrackFrameRateController="Frame Rate Controller"
  6987. InterpTrackRespawnRandomMesh="Spawn Random Mesh Track"
  6988. InterpTrackLevelVisibility="Level Visibility"
  6989. CinemaTrackCopyViewToGame="Copy View To Game"
  6990. “ˇˇˇ$LocalizationDir$/Disk/eng/MK11Billboards.eng ǡˇˇ[Billboards]
  6991. GuildJoinTitleServer=SERVER Guild
  6992. MultiverseTitleServer=SERVER Multiverse
  6993. DarkseidTitleServer=SERVER Darkseid ÿˇˇˇ$LocalizationDir$/Disk/eng/MK11Game.eng |´Úˇ[Agora]
  6994. Language=eng
  6996. [General]
  6997. DigitSeparator=,
  6998. NegativeSign=
  6999. PositiveSign=+
  7000. MultiplierSign=x
  7001. EmptyString=
  7002. RomanNumeral10=X
  7003. RomanNumeral9=IX
  7004. RomanNumeral5=V
  7005. RomanNumeral4=IV
  7006. RomanNumeral1=I
  7007. Thousands=k
  7008. Millions=m
  7009. Billions=B
  7011. [Loading]
  7013. NextOpponent=NEXT OPPONENT
  7014. NextBackground=NEXT BACKGROUND
  7015. PrevOpponent=PREVIOUS OPPONENT
  7016. PrevBackground=PREVIOUS BACKGROUND
  7019. [LoadScreenTextTips]
  7020. ControllerTitle=DEFAULT CONTROLS
  7022. ;General
  7023. TipsMessage59=Go to Character Kustomization to change the way your character looks and fights.
  7024. TipsMessage64=Augments can be socketed into gear.
  7025. TipsMessage65=Each piece of gear can hold 3 Augments.
  7026. TipsMessage68=Access the move list to see what your character can do.
  7027. TipsMessage69=Use Easy Fatalities if the inputs are giving you trouble.
  7029. ;Gear
  7031. ;Ai Battle
  7032. TipsMessage168=Adjust AI Attributes to kustomize the personality of your AI Loadouts. Combining komplimentary AI Attributes, Gear, and Abilities will make your team unstoppable!
  7034. ;Gameplay
  7035. TipsMessage181=Never forget. YOU SUCK!!
  7036. TipsMessage182=Receive HEARTS by performing FATALITIES and BRUTALITIES.
  7037. TipsMessage183=Use KOMBAT KOINS to unlock chests in the KRYPT.
  7038. TipsMessage184=Take your game to the next level by kompeting in the KOMBAT LEAGUE.
  7039. TipsMessage185=Unlock GEAR and SKINS in the TOWERS OF TIME.
  7040. TipsMessage186=
  7041. TipsMessage187=
  7042. TipsMessage188=
  7043. TipsMessage189=
  7044. TipsMessage190=
  7045. TipsMessage191=
  7046. TipsMessage192=
  7047. TipsMessage193=
  7048. TipsMessage195=
  7049. TipsMessage196=
  7050. TipsMessage197=
  7051. TipsMessage198=
  7052. TipsMessage199=
  7054. [FightingGame]
  7055. CassieCage_C_CharIntro_TextReceived={name:%s} Today {hours:%02d}:{minutes:%02d} {am_or_pm:%s}
  7057. [Practice]
  7058. HitHigh=HIGH
  7059. HitOverhead=OVERHEAD
  7060. HitLow=LOW
  7061. HitMid=MID
  7062. HitUnknown=???
  7063. HitNoBlock=UNBLOCKABLE
  7064. HitHorzHigh=HORIZONTAL HIGH
  7065. HitThrow=THROW
  7066. HitNoText=
  7067. HitVertHigh=VERTICAL HIGH
  7068. HitHorzLow=HORIZONTAL LOW
  7069. RecorderStop=STOP RECORDING
  7070. PlaybackStop=STOP PLAYBACK
  7071. AIOptionsNavButtons={acceptButton:%hs} ACCEPT -{cancelButton:%hs} CANCEL -{defaultButton:%hs} DEFAULT
  7072. RecordOptionsNavButtons={recordButton:%hs} RECORD -{deleteButton:%hs} DELETE -{playButton:%hs} PLAY -{backButton:%hs} BACK
  7073. RecordOptionsHelpText="You can record part of your practice session to review later or show off your own kombo."
  7075. [Challenge.Daily]
  7076. DismissConfirmation=Are you sure you want to dismiss this challenge?
  7077. PlayWithChar=Play {count:%u} matches with {character:%s}
  7078. PlayWithChar.Singular=Play {count:%u} match with {character:%s}
  7079. WinWithChar=Win {count:%u} matches with {character:%s}
  7080. WinWithChar.Singular=Win {count:%u} match with {character:%s}
  7082. [Challenge.Daily.Names]
  7083. Daily_Perform3SpecMove=Perform 3 special moves
  7084. Daily_Win_NoBlock=Win a match without blocking
  7086. [Challenge.Daily.Descriptions]
  7087. Daily_Perform3SpecMove=
  7088. Daily_Win_NoBlock=
  7090. [Challenge.Reward]
  7091. XP=XP
  7092. Koins=Gold
  7093. Background=Background
  7094. Icon=Icon
  7095. Border=Border
  7096. LadderPoints=Points
  7098. [Challenge.Desc]
  7099. RankedSeasonDailyChallenge=Play {count:%u} Kombat League matches a day
  7101. [Challenges.Stats.Desc.Singular]
  7102. TOTAL_PLAYS_RANKED=Play {count:%u} Ranked Match
  7103. TOTAL_WINS_RANKED=Win {count:%u} Ranked Match
  7104. TOTAL_PLAYS_PLAYER_MATCH=Play {count:%u} Kasual Match
  7105. TOTAL_WINS_PLAYER_MATCH=Win {count:%u} Kasual Match
  7106. TOTAL_PLAYS_KOTH=Play {count:%u} King of the Hill Match
  7107. TOTAL_WINS_KOTH=Win {count:%u} King of the Hill Match
  7108. TOTAL_SUPERMOVES=Perform {count:%u} Fatal Blows
  7109. TOTAL_FATALITIES=Perform {count:%u} Fatality
  7110. TOTAL_BRUTALITIES=Perform {count:%u} Brutality
  7111. TOTAL_UPPERCUTS=Perform {count:%u} uppercut
  7112. BLOOD_SPILT=Spill {count:%u} pint of blood
  7113. SPECIAL_MOVES_CONNECTED=Land {count:%u} Special Move
  7114. TOTAL_SPECIALS_USED=Use {count:%u} Special Move
  7115. TOTAL_SUPERMOVES_CONNECTED=Connect {count:%u} Special Move
  7116. TOTAL_SUPERMOVE_WINS=Win {count:%u} match with a Fatal Blow
  7117. JUMP_ATTACKS_CONNECTED=Connect {count:%u} jump attack
  7118. DUCK_ATTACKS_CONNECTED=Connect {count:%u} duck attack
  7119. SWEEPS_CONNECTED=Connect {count:%u} sweep attack
  7120. TOTAL_JUMPS=Jump {count:%u} time
  7121. UPPERCUTS_CONNECTED=Connect {count:%u} uppercut
  7122. TOTAL_WAKE_ATTACKS=Use {count:%u} getup attack
  7123. PORTAL_EVENTS_COMPLETED=Complete {count:%u} tower
  7124. TOTAL_KOINS=Collect {count:%u} Koin
  7125. BRUTALITY_HEARTS=Collect {count:%u} Heart
  7126. SOUL_FRAGMENTS=Collect {count:%u} Soul Fragment
  7127. TOTAL_KRYPT_CHESTS=Open {count:%u} Krypt Chest
  7128. TOTAL_KRYPT_BREAKABLES=Break {count:%u} Krypt Jar
  7129. TOTAL_MERCY_PERFORMED=Perform {count:%u} Mercy
  7130. INTERACTIONS_USED=Use {count:%u} Interactable
  7131. KRUSHING_BLOWS_PERFORMED=Perform {count:%u} Krushing Blow
  7132. FRONT_PUNCHES_CONNECTED=Connect {count:%u} Front Punch
  7133. BACK_PUNCHES_CONNECTED=Connect {count:%u} Back Punch
  7134. FRONT_KICKS_CONNECTED=Connect {count:%u} Front Kick
  7135. BACK_KICKS_CONNECTED=Connect {count:%u} Back Kick
  7136. TOTAL_THROWS=Connect {count:%u} throw
  7137. JUMPING_KICK_ATTACKS_CONNECTED=Connect {count:%u} jump kick
  7138. JUMPING_PUNCH_ATTACKS_CONNECTED=Connect {count:%u} jump punch
  7139. ENHANCED_SPECIAL_MOVES_CONNECTED=Land {count:%u} Amplified Special Move
  7140. TOTAL_DASHES=Dash {count:%u} time
  7142. [Challenges.Stats.Desc]
  7143. TOTAL_PLAYS_RANKED=Play {count:%u} Ranked Matches
  7144. TOTAL_WINS_RANKED=Win {count:%u} Ranked Matches
  7145. TOTAL_PLAYS_PLAYER_MATCH=Play {count:%u} Kasual Matches
  7146. TOTAL_WINS_PLAYER_MATCH=Win {count:%u} Kasual Matches
  7147. TOTAL_PLAYS_KOTH=Play {count:%u} King of the Hill Matches
  7148. TOTAL_WINS_KOTH=Win {count:%u} King of the Hill Matches
  7149. TOTAL_SUPERMOVES=Perform {count:%u} Fatal Blows
  7150. TOTAL_FATALITIES=Perform {count:%u} Fatalities
  7151. TOTAL_BRUTALITIES=Perform {count:%u} Brutalities
  7152. TOTAL_UPPERCUTS=Perform {count:%u} uppercuts
  7153. BLOOD_SPILT=Spill {count:%u} pints of blood
  7154. SPECIAL_MOVES_CONNECTED=Land {count:%u} Special Moves
  7155. TOTAL_SPECIALS_USED=Use {count:%u} Special Moves
  7156. TOTAL_SUPERMOVES_CONNECTED=Connect {count:%u} Special Moves
  7157. TOTAL_SUPERMOVE_WINS=Win {count:%u} matches with a Fatal Blow
  7158. JUMP_ATTACKS_CONNECTED=Connect {count:%u} jump attacks
  7159. DUCK_ATTACKS_CONNECTED=Connect {count:%u} duck attacks
  7160. SWEEPS_CONNECTED=Connect {count:%u} sweep attacks
  7161. TOTAL_JUMPS=Jump {count:%u} times
  7162. UPPERCUTS_CONNECTED=Connect {count:%u} uppercuts
  7163. TOTAL_WAKE_ATTACKS=Use {count:%u} getup attacks
  7164. PORTAL_EVENTS_COMPLETED=Complete {count:%u} towers
  7165. TOTAL_KOINS=Collect {count:%u} Koins
  7166. BRUTALITY_HEARTS=Collect {count:%u} Hearts
  7167. SOUL_FRAGMENTS=Collect {count:%u} Soul Fragments
  7168. TOTAL_KRYPT_CHESTS=Open {count:%u} Krypt Chests
  7169. TOTAL_KRYPT_BREAKABLES=Break {count:%u} Krypt Jars
  7170. TOTAL_MERCY_PERFORMED=Perform {count:%u} Mercies
  7171. INTERACTIONS_USED=Use {count:%u} Interactables
  7172. KRUSHING_BLOWS_PERFORMED=Perform {count:%u} Krushing Blows
  7173. FRONT_PUNCHES_CONNECTED=Connect {count:%u} Front Punches
  7174. BACK_PUNCHES_CONNECTED=Connect {count:%u} Back Punches
  7175. FRONT_KICKS_CONNECTED=Connect {count:%u} Front Kicks
  7176. BACK_KICKS_CONNECTED=Connect {count:%u} Back Kicks
  7177. TOTAL_THROWS=Connect {count:%u} throws
  7178. JUMPING_KICK_ATTACKS_CONNECTED=Connect {count:%u} jump kicks
  7179. JUMPING_PUNCH_ATTACKS_CONNECTED=Connect {count:%u} jump punches
  7180. ENHANCED_SPECIAL_MOVES_CONNECTED=Land {count:%u} Amplified Special Moves
  7181. TOTAL_DASHES=Dash {count:%u} times
  7183. [Bios]
  7184. ShowBio=SHOW BIO
  7185. ViewCharacter=HIDE BIO
  7186. Zoom=ZOOM
  7187. UpDown=UP/DOWN
  7188. Rotate=ROTATE
  7189. More=MORE
  7191. [Attract]
  7192. PressStartXB1=PRESS START
  7193. PressStartPS4=Press START button
  7194. PressAnyButton="PRESS ANY BUTTON"
  7195. PressAccept=PRESS THE {button:%hs} BUTTON
  7196. Background2=Shang Tsung's Island
  7197. Background1=Special Forces Base
  7199. [DifficultySelect]
  7200. DifficultySelectionTitle=CHOOSE YOUR DIFFICULTY
  7201. 0=VERY EASY
  7202. 1=EASY
  7203. 2=MEDIUM
  7204. 3=HARD
  7205. 4=VERY HARD
  7207. [PlayerSelect]
  7208. Bgnd_CharacterTest=Bgnd_CharacterTest
  7209. BGND_MainMenuBackground=BGND_MainMenuBackground
  7210. BGND_ShangTsungsIslandRuins=SHANG TSUNG'S ISLAND RUINS
  7211. BGND_BlackDragonFightClub=BLACK DRAGON FIGHT KLUB
  7212. BGND_BlackMarketAlley=BLACK MARKET ALLEY
  7213. BGND_CyberLinKueiAssembly=CYBER LIN KUEI ASSEMBLY
  7214. BGND_GorosLair=GORO'S LAIR
  7215. BGND_KharonsShip=KHARON'S SHIP
  7216. BGND_KoliseumBeastiary=KOLISEUM BEAST PEN
  7217. BGND_KotalsKoliseum=KOTAL'S KOLISEUM
  7219. BGND_SeaOfBlood=SEA OF BLOOD
  7220. BGND_ShinnoksBoneSepulcher=SHINNOK'S BONE TEMPLE
  7222. BGND_SpecialForcesDesertCommand=SPECIAL FORCES DESERT COMMAND
  7223. BGND_TankGarageBunker=TANK GARAGE BUNKER
  7224. BGND_TarkatanWarCamp=TARKATAN WAR KAMP
  7225. BGND_WuShiDragonGrotto=WU SHI DRAGON GROTTO
  7226. BGND_ShaolinTrapDungeon=SHAOLIN TRAP DUNGEON
  7227. BGND_KronikaHourGlass=KRONIKA'S HOURGLASS
  7228. BGND_KronikaHourGlassChoatian=CHOATIAN AGE
  7229. BGND_KronikaHourGlassPrehistoric=PREHISTORIC AGE
  7230. BGND_TournamentLevel=TOURNAMENT
  7231. BGND_EmptyMap=Empty_map
  7232. PressStartXB1=PRESS THE {startButton:%hs} BUTTON
  7233. PressStartPS4=PRESS THE {startButton:%hs} BUTTON
  7234. AcceptToBuyDLCChar="PRESS {button:%hs} TO PURCHASE {character:%s}"
  7235. AcceptToDownloadDLCChar="PRESS {button:%hs} TO DOWNLOAD {character:%s}"
  7236. AcceptToBuyDLCFighterPack="{button:%hs} Available now with the Fighter Pack"
  7237. AcceptToBuyDLCFighterPack1="{button:%hs} Available now with Fighter Pack 1"
  7238. AcceptToBuyDLCFighterPack2="{button:%hs} Available now with Fighter Pack 2"
  7239. AcceptToBuyDLCFighterPack3="{button:%hs} Available now with Fighter Pack 3"
  7240. AcceptToUnlockChar="PRESS {button:%hs} TO UNLOCK {character:%s}"
  7241. ComingSoonDLCChar="{character:%s} COMING SOON"
  7242. OpponentTypeButtonCallout={button:%hs} OPPONENT TYPE
  7243. SelectAnArena=SELECT AN ARENA
  7244. ChooseOpponentLevel=CHOOSE OPPONENT LEVEL
  7245. ChooseCharacterTutorial=CHOOSE CHARACTER TUTORIAL
  7246. RandomSelect=RANDOM SELECT
  7247. HiddenCursor=HIDDEN CURSOR
  7248. HiddenCursorCharName=(HIDDEN CURSOR)
  7249. HiddenCursorLoadoutName=???
  7250. EditGamepadPreset=CONTROLS
  7251. EditGamepadPreset.PS4=CONTROLS
  7252. EditGamepadPreset.XB1=CONTROLS
  7254. Locked=LOCKED
  7255. None=NONE
  7257. Options=OPTIONS
  7258. ChooseVariation=CHOOSE VARIATION
  7259. CHAR_Baraka=BARAKA
  7260. CHAR_Cassie=CASSIE CAGE
  7261. CHAR_Cetrion=CETRION
  7262. CHAR_CyberFrost=FROST
  7263. CHAR_DVorah=D'VORAH
  7264. CHAR_ErronBlack=ERRON BLACK
  7266. CHAR_Jade=JADE
  7269. CHAR_Kabal=KABAL
  7270. CHAR_Kano=KANO
  7271. CHAR_Kitana=KITANA
  7272. CHAR_Kotal=KOTAL KAHN
  7273. CHAR_Kollector=KOLLECTOR
  7274. CHAR_Kronika=KRONIKA
  7275. CHAR_KungLao=KUNG LAO
  7276. CHAR_LiuKang=LIU KANG
  7279. CHAR_Raiden=RAIDEN
  7280. CHAR_Scorpion=SCORPION
  7281. CHAR_ShaoKahn=SHAO KAHN
  7282. CHAR_Skarlet=SKARLET
  7283. CHAR_Sonya=SONYA
  7284. CHAR_SubZero=SUB ZERO
  7285. CHAR_Terminas=GERAS
  7286. CHAR_Sektor=SEKTOR
  7287. CHAR_Cyrax=CYRAX
  7289. GRL_ThroneRoom=THRONEROOM
  7290. GRL_Pit=PIT
  7292. NavMatchOptions=MATCH OPTIONS
  7293. ArenaSelectToggleMatchOptions=MATCH OPTIONS
  7294. ArenaContested=ARENA KONTESTED
  7295. MatchOptionsTitle=MATCH OPTIONS
  7296. MatchOptionsPlayerLeft=PLAYER 1
  7297. MatchOptionsPlayerRight=PLAYER 2
  7298. MatchOptionsSettingWarning=Match Options must be unanimous to change the default setting
  7299. MatchOptionsOn=ON
  7300. MatchOptionsOff=OFF
  7301. MatchOptionsCompetitiveModeTitle=KOMPETITIVE MODE
  7302. MatchOptionsCompetitiveModeDesc=Gear Stats, Augments, and Abilities are inactive.
  7303. MatchOptionsHandicapTitle=LEVEL HANDICAP
  7304. MatchOptionsHandicapDesc=Both fighter's levels are equalized
  7305. MatchOptionsInteractablesTitle=INTERACTIVE ENVIRONMENTS
  7306. MatchOptionsInteractablesDesc=Players can utilize the environment during the fight
  7307. MatchOptionsTransitionsTitle=ARENA TRANSITIONS
  7308. MatchOptionsTransitionsDesc=Players can knock fighters into other arenas
  7309. LoadoutLockMsgGeneral="This loadout is not allowed."
  7310. CharLockMsgGeneral="This character is not allowed."
  7312. 1ST=1st
  7313. 2ND=2nd
  7314. 3RD=3rd
  7316. AIFDefenseSave=Do you want to save your defending team?
  7318. Abilities=ABILITIES
  7319. Augments=AUGMENTS
  7320. Augment=AUGMENT
  7321. AIAttributes=AI ATTRIBUTES
  7322. AutoFighter=AUTO FIGHTER
  7323. NoAbilitiesEquipped=NO ABILITIES EQUIPPED
  7324. NoAugmentsEquipped=NO AUGMENTS EQUIPPED
  7325. On=ON
  7326. Off=OFF
  7328. [TeamSelect]
  7329. ScreenTitle=CHOOSE YOUR TEAM
  7330. LeftTeam=TEAM 1
  7331. RightTeam=TEAM 2
  7332. Slot0=Partner
  7333. Slot1=Begins Match
  7334. Slot2=Begins Match
  7335. Slot3=Partner
  7338. [GamepadPreset]
  7339. Label=GAMEPAD PRESET
  7340. Default=DEFAULT
  7342. [InstallProgress]
  7343. Installing=Estimated Time Until Available:
  7344. Hours=hours
  7345. Hour=hour
  7346. Minutes=minutes
  7347. Minute=minute
  7348. Seconds=seconds
  7349. Second=second
  7350. Unavailable=Unavailable
  7352. [MainMenu]
  7353. MainMenu=MAIN MENU
  7354. DefaultDescription=
  7355. Konquer=KONQUER
  7356. KonquerMainMenuDescription=Play Story Mode, Towers, or Unlock Rewards in the Krypt
  7357. Fight=FIGHT
  7358. FightMainMenuDescription=Get Right Into the Fight with Local or Online Matches
  7359. Kustomize=KUSTOMIZE
  7360. KustomizeMainMenuDescription=Personalize Your Characters and View the Items You've Kollected
  7361. Learn=LEARN
  7362. LearnMainMenuDescription=Become a Better Fighter and Keep Your Skills Sharp
  7363. Krypt=KRYPT
  7364. KryptMainMenuDescription=Explore the World of Mortal Kombat and Kollect Treasures
  7365. SecretCard=? ? ?
  7366. SecretCardMainMenuDescription=
  7367. LocalFight=LOCAL
  7368. LocalFightMainMenuDescription=Fight 1v1 Against a Human or CPU Opponent
  7369. Tournament=TOURNAMENT
  7370. TournamentMainMenuDescription=Fight a Human Opponent with Tournament Settings Enabled
  7371. TournamentSettings=TOURNAMENT SETTINGS
  7372. Online=ONLINE
  7373. OnlineMainMenuDescription=Battle Online Against Other Players
  7374. LiveBattles=AI BATTLE
  7375. LiveBattlesMainMenuDescription=Send Your Team of Kustomized AI Fighters to Battle Other Players' Teams
  7376. Characters=CHARACTERS
  7377. CharactersMainMenuDescription=Create Kustom Variations For Your Fighters
  7378. Inventory=KOLLECTION
  7379. InventoryMainMenuDescription=View the Treasures You've Kollected
  7380. Lessons=LESSONS
  7381. LessonsMainMenuDescription=Lessons Main Menu Description
  7382. DailyChallenges=DAILY CHALLENGES
  7383. SinglePlayer=SINGLE PLAYER
  7384. MultiPlayer=MULTIPLAYER
  7385. Versus=TWO PLAYER
  7386. SingleOrVersus=SINGLE OR VERSUS
  7387. SingleOrVersusMainMenuDescription=
  7388. NewStorySettings=NEW GAME SETTINGS
  7389. SingleFight=SINGLE PLAYER
  7390. AIFighter=AI BATTLE
  7391. AIFighterCustomizeCharacters=KUSTOMIZE AI CHARACTERS
  7392. AIFighterSetTeam=ASSIGN DEFENDERS
  7393. AIFighterFight=FIGHT
  7394. AIFighterFightFriends=SPAR WITH FRIENDS
  7395. AIFighterBattleLog=BATTLE LOG
  7396. AIFighterLeaderboards=LEADERBOARDS
  7397. AIFighterCustomizeCharactersDescription=Equip Gear and Assign Attributes for AI Use
  7398. AIFighterSetTeamDescription=Set Your Team of 3 Defenders for Others to Search and Battle
  7399. AIFighterFightDescription=Search for and Challenge Defenders Set by Other Players
  7400. AIFighterFightFriendsDescription=Search for and Spar Against Defenders Set by Friends
  7401. AIFighterBattleLogDescription=View Match Results and Watch Replays
  7402. AIFighterLeaderboardsDescription=Check Your Current Global Ranking
  7403. ExtrasMainMenuDescription=View Kombat Kard, Watch Replays, and Explore Additional Game Kontent
  7404. SingleMainMenuDescription=Play Offline Game Modes Designed for a Single Player
  7405. MultiMainMenuDescription=Play Game Modes Designed for Multiple Players
  7406. VersusMainMenuDescription=Battle Locally With Friends
  7407. CustomizeMainMenuDescription=Equip Gear and Create Loadouts for Your Characters
  7408. GuildMainMenuDescription=View Your Guild Page and Participate in Guild Specific Modes
  7409. LootMainMenuDescription=Decode Mother Boxes and Upgrade or Modify Kollected Gear
  7410. AiFighterMainMenuDescription=Create an AI Controlled Team and Challenge Other Players for Rewards
  7411. SignInProfileDescription=You must be signed in to access the Mortal Kombat†11 servers
  7412. KontentUnAvailable=This kontent is unavailable.
  7414. OptionsMainMenuDescription=Adjust Game Settings
  7415. ChatLobbiesMainMenuDescription=Meet Up With Other Players to Send or Receive Fight Requests
  7416. RankedMatchMainMenuDescription=Win/Losses Count Towards Your Global Standings
  7417. PlayerMatchMainMenuDescription=Unranked Match Against a Random Opponent
  7418. PrivateMatchMainMenuDescription=Unranked Match Against a Friend
  7419. SpecialEventMainMenuDescription=Special Events Description
  7420. OnlineAISet=AI ONLY
  7421. LeaderboardsMainMenuDescription=View Your Global Standings
  7422. HotSeatMainMenuDescription=Fight Consecutive Matches Against a Group of Opponents
  7423. StoryMainMenuDescription=Battle Your Way Through the Epic Story of Mortal Kombat 11
  7424. SingleFightMainMenuDescription=A One on One Match Against the AI
  7425. LadderMainMenuDescription=
  7426. PortalsMainMenuDescription=Konquer an Ever Changing Rotation of Challenging Towers
  7427. KlassicMainMenuDescription=Unlock Character Endings by Defeating Klassic Mortal Kombat Towers
  7428. Ps4ControllerConfigMainMenuDescription=Set Button Mapping on Your Wireless Controller
  7429. ControllerConfigMainMenuDescription=Set Button Mapping on Your Controller
  7430. AVSettingsMainMenuDescription=Adjust Volume and Audio Experience
  7431. VideoSettingsMainMenuDescription=Adjust the Visual Display
  7432. GameplaySettingsMainMenuDescription=Adjust Difficulty and Other In Game Settings
  7433. TournamentSettingsMainMenuDescription=Adjust Settings Used in Offline Multiplayer Tournaments
  7434. OnlineSettingsMainMenuDescription=Adjust Online Settings
  7435. MatchReplaysMainMenuDescription=View Replays of Recently Played Matches
  7436. KombatKardMainMenuDescription=View Your Player History and Kustomize Your Kombat Kard
  7437. CreditsVideoMainMenuDescription=View the Mortal Kombat†11 Credits
  7438. LinkToMobileMainMenuDescription=Earn Bonus Rewards by Linking to the Mortal Kombat Mobile Game
  7440. PracticeMainMenuDescription=Hone Your Skills Against a Programmable AI Opponent
  7441. OVersusMainMenuDescription=Search for an Unranked Match
  7442. OnlineKOTHKlassicMainMenuDescription=Search for a King of the Hill Match
  7443. OnlineKOTHHotSeatMainMenuDescription=Host Stays King
  7444. PVersusMainMenuDescription=Invite a Friend to a 1v1 Match
  7445. POnlineKOTHKlassicMainMenuDescription=Invite Friends to a King of the Hill Match
  7446. POnlineSurvivorMainMenuDescription=Invite Friends to a Survivor Match
  7447. POnlineKOTHHotSeatMainMenuDescription=Invite Friends to a Hot Seat Match
  7448. PPracticeMainMenuDescription=Invite a Friend to Practice Against
  7449. TutorialMainMenuDescription=Learn Basic and Advanced Tactics for Your Fighters
  7450. FatalityTutorialMainMenuDescription=Learn to Execute Fatalities
  7453. Guild=GUILDS
  7454. GuildCreate=CREATE GUILD
  7455. GuildCreateDesc=Create a new Guild
  7456. GuildJoin=JOIN GUILD
  7457. GuildJoinDesc=Join an existing Guild
  7458. GuildView=VIEW GUILD
  7459. GuildViewDesc=View your Guild's page
  7460. GuildEdit=EDIT GUILD
  7461. GuildEditDesc=Edit your Guild information
  7462. GuildLeave=LEAVE GUILD
  7463. GuildLeaveDesc=Leave your Guild
  7464. Online_Xbox=XBOX LIVE
  7465. RankedMatch=RANKED MATCH
  7466. PlayerMatch=KASUAL MATCH
  7467. PrivateMatch=PRIVATE MATCH
  7468. SpecialEvent=SPECIAL EVENTS
  7469. TournamentMatch=TOURNAMENT MATCH
  7470. Leaderboards=LEADERBOARDS
  7471. ChatLobbies=ROOMS
  7472. Online1v1=VERSUS
  7473. Online1v1.Comp=KOMPETITIVE VERSUS
  7474. OnlineKOTHKlassic=KING OF THE HILL
  7476. OnlineSurvivor=SURVIVOR
  7477. OnlineSurvivor.Comp=KOMPETITIVE SURVIVOR
  7478. OnlineKOTHHotSeat=HOT SEAT
  7480. OnlineGroupBattle=GROUP BATTLE
  7481. OnlineTagBattle=TAG BATTLE
  7482. OnlineSpecialEvents=SPECIAL EVENT
  7483. AsyncRaid=ASYNC RAID
  7484. AllForOne=ALL FOR ONE
  7486. Player1v1=PLAYER VS PLAYER
  7487. Portals=TOWERS OF TIME
  7488. Klassic=KLASSIC TOWERS
  7489. Practice=PRACTICE
  7490. Tutorial=TUTORIAL
  7491. FatalityTutorial=FATALITY TRAINING
  7492. TestYourLuck=TEST YOUR LUCK
  7493. TestYourMight=TEST YOUR MIGHT
  7494. TestYourStrike=TEST YOUR STRIKE
  7495. Settings=SETTINGS
  7496. AVSettings=AUDIO SETTINGS
  7497. VideoSettings=VIDEO SETTINGS
  7498. GameplaySettings=GAMEPLAY SETTINGS
  7499. TourmanentSettings=TOURNAMENT SETTINGS
  7500. OnlineSettings=ONLINE SETTINGS
  7501. Story=STORY
  7502. NewStory=NEW GAME
  7503. ContinueStory=KONTINUE
  7504. ChapterSelect=CHAPTERS
  7505. NewIndicator=NEW
  7506. KombatKardPopup=KOMBAT KARD POPUP
  7507. KombatKardLocal=LOCAL KOMBAT KARD
  7508. KombatKardOnline=ONLINE KOMBAT KARD
  7509. View=VIEW
  7510. Customize=KUSTOMIZE
  7511. Extras=EXTRAS
  7512. ControllerConfig=CONTROLS
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  7521. MatchReplays=MATCH REPLAYS
  7522. Options=OPTIONS
  7524. LootChests=BROTHER EYE VAULT
  7525. UpdatingGameData=Updating Game Data&
  7526. SwitchUser=CHANGE PROFILE
  7528. Store=STORE
  7529. Accept=ACCEPT
  7530. Back=BACK
  7531. Close=CLOSE
  7532. LinkToMobile=LINK TO MOBILE
  7533. LinkToMobileFailed=Failed to link to Mortal Kombat Mobile. Please try again later.
  7534. LinkToMobileSuccess=Enter code on Mortal Kombat Mobile to link:
  7535. BetaEULA=Beta EULA
  7536. InstallingOnline=The required kontent to enter online has not been installed
  7537. InstallingMode=The required kontent to enter this mode has not been installed
  7538. PortalExpires=<font color='#{fontColor:%hs}'>Expires {expires:%hs}</font>
  7539. DebugDateTimeDescription=(Up/Down) change number, (Left/Right) change options
  7540. DebugNavigationText=DEBUG MENU
  7541. OptionsNavigationText=OPTIONS
  7542. EULANavigationText=EULA
  7544. GameplayOptionsHeader=GAMEPLAY
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  7547. OnlineOptionsHeader=ONLINE
  7548. AudioOptionsHeader=AUDIO
  7549. VideoOptionsHeader=VIDEO
  7551. CapturingLoadout=CAPTURING LOADOUT. PLEASE WAIT.
  7552. RetrievingKryptProgression=RETRIEVING KRYPT DATA
  7555. [PlayerProfile]
  7556. PlayerProfile=KOMBAT KARD
  7558. Notifications=NOTIFICATIONS
  7559. KareerStats=KAREER STATS
  7561. ; These icon substitutions live in KombatKardLibIconSubstitutionMap.as
  7562. DailyChallenges=[Daily]DAILY CHALLENGES
  7563. TrackedGoals=[Goals]TRACKED GOALS
  7565. FinishIt=[FinishIt]FINISH IT
  7566. RaceAgainstTime=[Towers]RACE AGAINST TIME
  7568. TrackedGoalsFTUE=
  7569. AIFighterFTUE=
  7570. FinishItFTUE=
  7572. TowersBeat=TOWERS BEAT
  7573. TotalScore=TOTAL TOWER SCORE
  7574. EstimatedPlacement=ESTIMATED PLACEMENT
  7576. Top=TOP {num:%d}%
  7578. Attacking=ATTACKING
  7579. Defending=DEFENDING
  7581. Icons=ICONS
  7582. Backgrounds=BACKGROUNDS
  7584. EditHeroCard=EDIT KOMBAT KARD
  7585. SaveHeroCard=SAVE KOMBAT KARD
  7586. CancelHeroCard=CANCEL
  7588. NoNotifications=NO NOTIFICATIONS
  7591. Consume=CLAIM REWARD
  7593. Koin=Koins
  7594. Premium=Premium Currency
  7595. XPBoost=Gear XP Boosts
  7596. EasyFatality=Easy Fatalities
  7597. SkipFight=Skip Fights
  7598. Soul=Souls
  7599. Heart=Hearts
  7601. [KombatFeed]
  7602. KombatFeed=STORE
  7604. PremiumShop=PREMIUM SHOP
  7605. BattlePass=BATTLE PASS
  7606. News=NEWS
  7607. Store=STORE
  7609. Featured=FEATURED ITEMS
  7610. DailyItems=DAILY ITEMS
  7611. ConfirmPurchase=Are you sure you want to purchase {reward:%s} for {cost:%u} premium currency?
  7612. PurchaseInFlight=Please wait. Connecting to MK11 Servers.
  7613. InsufficientFunds=You must have {cost:%u} premium currency to buy {reward:%s}
  7614. PurchaseError=There was an error purchasing {reward:%s}
  7615. PurchaseHold=PURCHASE
  7618. DLC.XB1=Xbox Store
  7619. DLC=STORE
  7621. Accept=ACCEPT
  7622. Scroll=SCROLL
  7624. SortedBy=SORTED BY:
  7625. Redeem=REDEEM CODE
  7626. LinkToMobile=LINK TO MOBILE
  7628. AmountBlank=
  7629. Amount1=x1
  7630. Amount10=x10
  7631. BestValue=BEST VALUE
  7633. DismissNotification={button:%hs} Dismiss
  7635. [HUB]
  7636. GenericRowTitle=SOME ROW TITLE
  7637. GenericRowDesc=SOME ROW DESCRIPTION
  7639. GenericTile.Title=SOME TILE TITLE
  7640. GenericTile.Desc=SOME TILE DESCRIPTION
  7642. Locked=LOCKED
  7644. [Kollection]
  7645. Kollection=KOLLECTION
  7646. PlayPrompt={dbutton:%hs} PLAY
  7647. ToggleFullscreenPrompt={dbutton:%hs} TOGGLE FULLSCREEN
  7649. ; ROWS
  7650. ConceptArt.Title=CONCEPT ART
  7651. ConceptArt.Desc=
  7652. Extras.Title=EXTRAS
  7653. Extras.Desc=
  7655. ; TILES
  7656. Characters.Title=CHARACTERS
  7657. Characters.Desc=
  7658. Environments.Title=ENVIRONMENTS
  7659. Environments.Desc=
  7660. Story.Title=STORY
  7661. Story.Desc=
  7662. Endings.Title=ENDINGS
  7663. Endings.Desc=
  7664. Music.Title=MUSIC
  7665. Music.Desc=
  7666. Empty.Title=
  7667. Empty.Desc=
  7669. [Kollection.Galleries]
  7671. Characters.BAR=BARAKA
  7672. Characters.CAS=CASSIE CAGE
  7673. Characters.CET=CETRION
  7674. Characters.FRO=FROST
  7675. Characters.DVO=D'VORAH
  7676. Characters.ERR=ERRON BLACK
  7677. Characters.JAC=JACQUI
  7678. Characters.JAD=JADE
  7679. Characters.JOH=JOHNNY CAGE
  7680. Characters.JAX=JAX
  7681. Characters.KAB=KABAL
  7682. Characters.KAN=KANO
  7683. Characters.KIT=KITANA
  7684. Characters.KOL=KOLLECTOR
  7685. Characters.KOT=KOTAL KAHN
  7686. Characters.KRO=KRONIKA
  7687. Characters.KUN=KUNG LAO
  7688. Characters.LIU=LIU KANG
  7689. Characters.NOO=NOOB
  7690. Characters.RAI=RAIDEN
  7691. Characters.SCO=SCORPION
  7692. Characters.SHA=SHAO KAHN
  7693. Characters.SKA=SKARLET
  7694. Characters.SON=SONYA
  7695. Characters.SUB=SUB ZERO
  7696. Characters.TER=GERAS
  7699. Environments.BDR=BLACK DRAGON FIGHT KLUB
  7700. Environments.BLM=BLACK MARKET ALLEY
  7701. Environments.CLK=CYBER LIN KUEI ASSEMBLY
  7702. Environments.GRL=GORO'S LAIR
  7703. Environments.KHS=KHARON'S SHIP
  7704. Environments.KLB=KOLISEUM BEAST PEN
  7705. Environments.KRK=KRONIKA'S HOURGLASS
  7706. Environments.KRY=KRYPT ? (PLACEHOLDER)
  7707. Environments.KTL=KOTAL'S KOLISEUM
  7708. Environments.KYT=LOST HIVE OF THE KYTINN
  7709. Environments.MAM=MAIN MENU ? (PLACEHOLDER)
  7710. Environments.SHI=SHINNOK'S BONE TEMPLE
  7711. Environments.SHN=SHAOLIN TRAP DUNGEON
  7712. Environments.SOB=SEA OF BLOOD
  7714. Environments.SRR=SHIRAI RYU FIRE GARDEN
  7716. Environments.TGB=TANK GARAGE BUNKER
  7717. Environments.TRN=TOURNAMENT
  7718. Environments.TWC=TARKATAN WAR KAMP
  7719. Environments.WSG=WU SHI DRAGON GROTTO
  7722. Story.Environments=ENVIRONMENTS
  7723. Story.NPCs=NPCS
  7724. Story.PROPS=PROPS
  7730. Music.GRL=GORO'S LAIR
  7731. Music.KHS=KHARON'S SHIP
  7740. Music.SOB=SEA OF BLOOD
  7745. Music.TRN=TOURNAMENT
  7750. Endings.BAR=BARAKA
  7751. Endings.CAS=CASSIE CAGE
  7752. Endings.CET=CETRION
  7753. Endings.FRO=FROST
  7754. Endings.DVO=D'VORAH
  7755. Endings.ERR=ERRON BLACK
  7756. Endings.JAC=JACQUI
  7757. Endings.JAD=JADE
  7758. Endings.JOH=JOHNNY CAGE
  7759. Endings.JAX=JAX
  7760. Endings.KAB=KABAL
  7761. Endings.KAN=KANO
  7762. Endings.KIT=KITANA
  7763. Endings.KOL=KOLLECTOR
  7764. Endings.KOT=KOTAL KAHN
  7765. Endings.KRO=KRONIKA
  7766. Endings.KUN=KUNG LAO
  7767. Endings.LIU=LIU KANG
  7768. Endings.NOO=NOOB
  7769. Endings.RAI=RAIDEN
  7770. Endings.SCO=SCORPION
  7771. Endings.SEK=SEKTOR
  7772. Endings.SHA=SHAO KAHN
  7773. Endings.SKA=SKARLET
  7774. Endings.SON=SONYA
  7775. Endings.SUB=SUB ZERO
  7776. Endings.TER=GERAS
  7777. Endings.Credits=CREDITS
  7779. [Guilds]
  7780. CreateGuild=CREATE GUILD
  7781. JoinGuild=JOIN GUILD
  7782. EditGuild=EDIT GUILD
  7783. Memberlist=GUILD MEMBERS
  7784. NameHeader=GUILD NAME
  7785. TypeHeader=TYPE
  7786. SlotHeader=OPEN SLOTS
  7787. LevelHeader=LVL REQ
  7789. GuildPoints=GUILD POINTS
  7790. DailyPoints=YOUR DAILY
  7791. MemberPoints=YOUR TOTAL
  7792. TotalPoints=GUILD TOTAL
  7793. Blank=
  7794. InputDefault=
  7795. GuildName=ENTER GUILD NAME
  7796. GuildNameDescription=Enter a valid guild name
  7797. GuildTag=GUILD TAG
  7798. GuildTagDescription=Enter a valid guild tag
  7799. GuildMotto=GUILD MOTTO
  7800. GuildMottoDescription=Enter a valid guild motto
  7802. GuildMOTDDescription=Enter a valid guild message
  7803. PrivacyType=SELECT TYPE
  7804. Public=PUBLIC
  7805. Private=PRIVATE
  7806. Invite=INVITE ONLY
  7807. LvlRequire=LVL REQUIREMENT
  7808. 0=0
  7809. 5=5
  7810. 10=10
  7811. 15=15
  7812. 20=20
  7813. 25=25
  7814. 30=30
  7815. 35=35
  7816. 40=40
  7817. 45=45
  7818. 50=50
  7819. Confirm=CONFIRM
  7821. GenericErrorMsg=THERE WAS AN ERROR
  7823. [Pause]
  7824. PauseMenu=PAUSE MENU
  7825. Pause=PAUSE
  7826. DefaultDescription=
  7827. Paused=PAUSED
  7828. Resume=RESUME
  7829. Skip=SKIP
  7830. Movelist=MOVE LIST
  7831. GamepadPreset=CONTROLS
  7832. GamepadPreset.PS4=CONTROLS
  7833. GamepadPreset.XB1=CONTROLS
  7834. PlayerSelect=CHARACTER SELECT
  7835. LadderSelect=TOWER SELECT
  7836. ActiveModifers=ACTIVE MODIFIERS
  7837. Quit=QUIT
  7838. SkipFight=SKIP FIGHT [skipFight] 1
  7839. MainMenu=MAIN MENU
  7840. AIFighter=AI BATTLE
  7841. RestartMatch=RESTART MATCH
  7842. EndEndlessRun=FINISH TOWER
  7843. ToTheater=EXIT PRACTICE
  7844. ToReplay=RESTART REPLAY
  7845. ToggleTheaterView=TOGGLE THEATER VIEW
  7847. AIOptions=AI OPTIONS
  7848. PracticeOptions=PRACTICE OPTIONS
  7849. ButtonLog=BUTTON LOG:
  7850. ShowHUD=GAME HUD:
  7851. CollisionRegion=COLLISION REGION:
  7852. Tutorial.Skip=SKIP CURRENT TASK
  7853. Tutorial.Previous=RETURN TO PREVIOUS SECTION
  7854. Tutorial.Restart=RESTART CURRENT SECTION
  7855. Tutorial.HUB=TUTORIAL HUB
  7856. On=ON
  7857. Off=OFF
  7858. Full=FULL
  7859. Normal=NORMAL
  7860. Flawless=FLAWLESS
  7861. XenonCtlrPullMsg=Controller has been Disconnected
  7862. PS3CtlrPullMsg=
  7863. Passive=PASSIVE
  7864. AI=AI
  7865. Human=HUMAN
  7866. Custom=KUSTOM
  7867. Very easy=VERY EASY
  7868. Easy=EASY
  7869. Medium=MEDIUM
  7870. getup_Medium=MEDIUM
  7871. Very hard=VERY HARD
  7872. Hard=HARD
  7873. Auto=AUTO
  7874. All=ALL
  7875. Hold=STANCE HOLD
  7876. Stand=STAND
  7877. Duck=DUCK
  7878. Jump=JUMP
  7879. Hop=HOP
  7880. Random=RANDOM
  7881. Up=UP
  7882. Away=AWAY
  7883. Down=DOWN
  7884. Back=BACK
  7885. High=HIGH
  7886. Low=LOW
  7887. EnemyType=ENEMY TYPE:
  7888. AIDifficulty=AI DIFFICULTY:
  7889. BlockMode=BLOCK MODE:
  7890. BlockType=BLOCK TYPE:
  7891. MovementMode=MOVEMENT MODE:
  7892. RollMode=ROLL MODE:
  7893. GetupMode=DELAYED GETUP:
  7894. ReactionEscape=BREAKAWAY:
  7895. EndTraining=END TRAINING
  7896. SaveAndExit=SAVE AND EXIT
  7897. ExitWithoutSaving=EXIT WITHOUT SAVING
  7898. Confirm=CONFIRM
  7899. Cancel=CANCEL
  7900. OnLeft=(FACING RIGHT)
  7901. OnRight=(FACING LEFT)
  7902. Player=PLAYER
  7903. ConstrainedPause=GAME PAUSED
  7904. RandomAttack=RANDOM ATTACK
  7905. RandomCombo=RANDOM KOMBO
  7906. BlockAttackA=BlockAttackA
  7907. BlockAttackB=BlockAttackB
  7908. FatalityRetry=RETRY FATALITY
  7910. Versus=VS
  7911. RecordPlayback=RECORD/PLAYBACK
  7912. EmptyRecordSlot=EMPTY SLOT
  7913. ConfirmLoadMatch=This will load a new match. Do you wish to kontinue?
  7914. ConfirmUnableToPlaybackMove=Some of the kontent related to this recording has been deleted or no longer exists. Would you like to delete this recording?
  7915. ConfirmReplaceMove=This will overwrite the recorded data in this slot. Are you sure?
  7916. ConfirmDeleteMove=Are you sure you wish to delete this entry?
  7917. DeleteError=Unable to delete an active recording
  7918. Accept=ACCEPT
  7919. Exit=BACK
  7920. Default=DEFAULT
  7921. ReversalMode=REVERSAL MODE:
  7922. ReversalAttack=REVERSAL ATTACK:
  7923. WakeupMode=GETUP MODE:
  7924. WakeupAttack=GETUP ATTACK:
  7925. ClashMode=CLASH
  7926. BlockEscape=BLOCK ATTACK:
  7927. ThrowBreak=THROW BREAK:
  7928. Stance=STANCE
  7929. JumpForward=JUMP FORWARD
  7930. JumpBack=JUMP BACK
  7931. RecordAI=RECORD
  7932. Playback=PLAYBACK
  7933. ResetPlayback=RESET ON PLAYBACK:
  7934. PlaybackTrigger=PLAYBACK TRIGGER:
  7935. QuickAIOptions=QUICK AI OPTIONS:
  7936. RightStick.PS4=RIGHT STICK
  7937. RightStick.XB1=RIGHT STICK
  7938. RightStick=RIGHT STICK
  7939. DamageInfo=DAMAGE INFO:
  7940. SuperMeter=METER FILL BEHAVIOR:
  7941. SuperMeterBars=SUPER METER BARS:
  7942. Refill=REFILL
  7943. ResetPosition=RESET POSITION:
  7944. ResetDistance=RESET DISTANCE:
  7945. DefaultDistance=DEFAULT
  7946. FullScreen=FULL SCREEN
  7947. Close=CLOSE
  7948. Center=CENTER
  7949. Left=LEFT
  7950. Right=RIGHT
  7951. LifePercentage=P1 LIFE PERCENTAGE:
  7952. LifePercentageP2=P2 LIFE PERCENTAGE:
  7953. SameAsP1=SAME AS P1
  7954. ControlPlayer=P1 CONTROL PLAYER:
  7955. 10%=10%
  7956. 20%=20%
  7957. 30%=30%
  7958. 40%=40%
  7959. 50%=50%
  7960. 60%=60%
  7961. 70%=70%
  7962. 80%=80%
  7963. 90%=90%
  7964. 100%=100%
  7965. 0=0
  7966. 1=1
  7967. 2=2
  7968. 3=3
  7969. 4=4
  7970. RecordingSlot=RECORDING SLOT:
  7971. Tightrope=AREA:
  7972. P1Position=P1 POSITION:
  7973. InteractionZones=INTERACTION ZONES:
  7974. Show=SHOW
  7975. Hide=HIDE
  7976. InPlace=IN PLACE
  7977. SavedPosition=SAVED POSITION
  7978. UpdateSavedPosition=UPDATE SAVED POSITION
  7979. Record=RECORD
  7980. Delete=DELETE
  7981. Play=PLAY
  7982. EmptyMove=EMPTY MOVE
  7983. Short=SHORT
  7984. Long=LONG
  7985. P1=P1
  7986. P2=P2
  7987. Both=BOTH
  7988. FrameData=FRAME DATA
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  7998. PlatformProfileNamePC=Profile:
  7999. HydraStudio= HYDRA STATUS
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  8003. RealtimeEndPoint=RT SESSION:
  8004. ClientID=CLIENT ID:
  8005. DeviceID=DEVICE ID:
  8006. SessionID=SESSION ID:
  8007. TRUE=TRUE
  8009. NotAvailable=N/A
  8010. Empty=
  8012. [MatchReplay]
  8013. MatchReplay=MATCH REPLAYS
  8014. Recent=RECENT
  8015. Favorite=FAVORITE
  8016. RecentHeader=RECENT MATCHES
  8017. FavoriteHeader=FAVORITE SAVED MATCHES
  8018. Background=ARENA
  8019. Time=TIME
  8020. VS=VS
  8021. P1=PLAYER 1
  8022. P2=PLAYER 2
  8023. Mode=MODE
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  8025. Delete=DELETE
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  8032. HideFrameData=HIDE FRAME DATA
  8033. ShowFrameData=SHOW FRAME DATA
  8034. Pause=PAUSE PLAYBACK
  8035. Resume=RESUME PLAYBACK
  8036. 2x=FAST FORWARD [2X]
  8037. 4x=FAST FORWARD [4X]
  8038. Step=STEP FRAME
  8039. Half=SLOW MOTION
  8041. [CharacterModule]
  8042. Level=LVL
  8043. Strength=STR
  8044. Ability=ABL
  8045. Defense=DEF
  8046. Health=HP
  8048. [GearModule]
  8049. Strength=STRENGTH
  8050. Ability=ABILITY
  8051. Defense=DEFENSE
  8052. Health=HEALTH
  8053. XStat=AUGMENT
  8054. SetBonus=SET BONUS
  8055. SellDescriptionFormatted="SELL PRICE: {price:%s}"
  8056. SellPriceNotAvailable="VERIFYING PRICE"
  8058. [KombatKard]
  8059. Page_0=OVERVIEW
  8061. Page_2=ONLINE HISTORY
  8063. Page_4=OFFLINE HISTORY
  8064. Page_5=AI HISTORY
  8065. Page_6=MATCH REPLAYS
  8066. Page_7=MEDALLIONS
  8067. EnterPagePrompt={button:%hs} ENTER PAGE
  8068. KombatLeague=KOMBAT LEAGUE
  8069. KombatLeague.Points=KOMBAT POINTS
  8070. KombatLeague.Rank=KOMBATANT
  8071. OverallStats=OVERALL STATS
  8072. OverallStats.Hours=HOURS PLAYED
  8073. OverallStats.Blood=PINTS OF BLOOD SPILLED
  8074. OverallStats.Gear=GEAR KOLLECTED
  8075. OverallStats.Artifact=DAILY CHALLENGES
  8076. OverallStats.OnlineWin=ONLINE WIN RATE
  8077. OverallStats.OnlineStreak=ONLINE WIN STREAK
  8078. OverallStats.Fatalities=FATALITIES
  8079. OverallStats.Brutalities=BRUTALITIES
  8080. OverallStats.Mercies=MERCIES
  8081. OverallStats.Flawless=FLAWLESS ROUNDS
  8082. Offline.TowersOfTime=RACE AGAINST TIME
  8083. Offline.RATScore=CURRENT SCORE
  8084. Offline.RATTowers=TOWERS KOMPLETED
  8085. Offline.StatsHeader=OFFLINE STATS
  8086. Offline.TowerFights=ToT FIGHTS KOMPLETED
  8087. Offline.TowersCompleted=TOWERS KOMPLETED
  8088. Offline.PortalsCompleted=PORTALS KOMPLETED
  8089. Offline.CurrentStage=CURRENT GAUNTLET STAGE
  8090. Offline.StoryCompletion=STORY KOMPLETION
  8091. Offline.KryptChests=KRYPT CHESTS OPENED
  8092. Offline.KryptBodies=KRYPT BODIES DESTROYED
  8093. Offline.KryptPots=KRYPT POTS DESTROYED
  8094. Offline.TutorialsCompleted=TUTORIAL KOMPLETION
  8095. Offline.CharacterTutorials=CHARACTER TUTORIALS KOMPLETED
  8096. Medallions=MEDALLIONS
  8097. Medallion=MEDALLION
  8098. OnlineMedallions=ONLINE MEDALLIONS
  8099. OfflineMedallions=OFFLINE MEDALLIONS
  8100. AIMedallions=AI MEDALLIONS
  8101. TopMedallions=TOP MEDALLIONS
  8103. MostPlayed.Games=GAMES
  8104. MostPlayed.MainWinRatio=WIN RATIO
  8105. MostPlayed.WinRatio={num:%.1f}%
  8106. CharHistory.Character=CHARACTER
  8107. CharHistory.ItemCount=GEAR UNLOCKED
  8108. CharHistory.OnlineWL=ONLINE W/L
  8109. CharHistory.Usage=USAGE %
  8110. CharHistory.StatsPrompt={rbutton:%hs} CLOSE {up:%hs}/{down:%hs} PREVIOUS/NEXT CHARACTER
  8111. CharHistory.GridPrompt={dbutton:%hs} VIEW ONLINE KOMBAT STATS
  8112. CharHistory.Stats.AttackingHeader=ATTACKING AS
  8113. CharHistory.Stats.AttackingDescription=Damage DEALT from kombos starting with each attack type
  8114. CharHistory.Stats.DefendingHeader=DEFENDING AGAINST
  8115. CharHistory.Stats.DefendingDescription=Damage TAKEN from kombos starting with each attack type
  8116. CharHistory.Stats.Low=LOWS
  8117. CharHistory.Stats.Mid=MIDS
  8118. CharHistory.Stats.High=HIGHS
  8119. CharHistory.Stats.Overhead=OVERHEADS
  8120. CharHistory.Stats.SpecialMove=SPECIAL MOVES
  8121. CharHistory.Stats.Throw=THROWS
  8122. CharHistory.Stats.Interact=INTERACTS
  8123. CharHistory.Stats.Supermove=FATAL BLOWS
  8124. MatchReplays.YouHeader=PLAYER
  8125. MatchReplays.OpponentHeader=OPPONENT
  8126. MatchReplays.ModeHeader=MODE
  8127. MatchReplays.DateHeader=DATE
  8128. MatchReplays.ResultHeader=RESULT
  8129. MatchReplays.PopupPrompt={dbutton:%hs} VIEW OPTIONS
  8130. MatchReplays.EmptyPrompt=YOUR MATCH REPLAYS WILL SHOW UP HERE
  8131. MatchReplays.Won=<font color='#336633'>WON</font>
  8132. MatchReplays.Lost=<font color='#660000'>LOST</font>
  8133. MatchReplays.DNF=DNF
  8134. MatchReplays.Popup.ViewKombatKard=VIEW OPPONENT'S KOMBAT KARD
  8135. MatchReplays.Popup.ViewOpponentMesh=VIEW OPPONENT'S CHARACTER
  8136. MatchReplays.Popup.ViewYourMesh=VIEW PLAYER'S CHARACTER
  8137. MatchReplays.Popup.WatchReplay=WATCH REPLAY
  8138. MatchReplays.Popup.FavoriteReplay=FAVORITE REPLAY
  8139. MatchReplays.Popup.DeleteReplay=DELETE REPLAY
  8140. MatchReplays.Popup.ClosePrompt={rbutton:%hs} CLOSE
  8141. KombatLeague.SeriesHeader=SERIES
  8142. KombatLeague.RankHeader=RANK
  8143. KombatLeague.PointsHeader=KOMBAT POINTS
  8144. KombatLeague.CharacterHeader=MOST PLAYED
  8145. KombatLeague.ActiveHeader=CURRENT SERIES
  8146. Online.Standings=ONLINE GLOBAL STANDINGS
  8147. Online.Stats=ONLINE STATS
  8148. Online.KombatLeagueRank=RANKED SETS
  8149. Online.PlayerMatchRank=KASUAL MATCHES
  8150. Online.RankedSetsTotal=RANKED SETS PLAYED
  8151. Online.RankedSetsWins=RANKED SETS WON
  8152. Online.RankedSetsStreak=RANKED SETS LONGEST STREAK
  8153. Online.PlayerMatchesTotal=KASUAL MATCHES PLAYED
  8154. Online.PlayerMatchesWins=KASUAL MATCHES WON
  8155. Online.PlayerMatchesStreak=KASUAL MATCHES LONGEST STREAK
  8156. Online.KOTHWins=KOTH WINS
  8157. Online.KOTHDethrones=KINGS DETHRONED
  8159. Online.OnlineTime=TIME IN ONLINE MATCHES
  8161. AI.Header2=AI STATS
  8162. AI.BattleRank=AI BATTLE
  8163. AI.MatchRank=AI MATCHES
  8164. AI.TotalAIFights=TOTAL AI FIGHTS
  8165. AI.BattlesNumWins=AI BATTLES WON
  8166. AI.BattlesPlayed=AI BATTLES PLAYED
  8168. AI.BattlesSweeps=AI BATTLES SWEPT
  8169. AI.MatchesSetsWon=AI MATCHES WON
  8170. AI.MatchesSetsPlayed=AI MATCHES PLAYED
  8171. AI.MatchesSetsSwept=AI MATCHES SWEPT
  8172. AI.MatchesSetsStreak=AI MATCHES LONGEST STREAK
  8173. AI.TowersCompleted=TOWERS COMPLETED BY AI
  8174. Medal.Damage1.title=KRIPPLING KOMBO
  8175. Medal.Damage1.desc=Perform a Kombo that deals 200 or more total damage during a match.
  8176. Medal.Damage2.title=BRUTAL KOMBO
  8177. Medal.Damage2.desc=Perform a Kombo that deals 300 or more total damage during a match.
  8178. Medal.Damage3.title=DEADLY KOMBO
  8179. Medal.Damage3.desc=Perform a Kombo that deals 400 or more total damage during a match.
  8180. Medal.Blood1.title=BLOODBATH
  8181. Medal.Blood1.desc=Spill 25 or more Pints of Blood in a single match.
  8182. Medal.Blood2.title=MASSACRE
  8183. Medal.Blood2.desc=Spill 100 or more Pints of Blood in a single match.
  8184. Medal.Blood3.title=SLAUGHTER HOUSE
  8185. Medal.Blood3.desc=Spill 200 or more Pints of Blood in a single match.
  8186. Medal.Punish.title=PUNISHMENT
  8187. Medal.Punish.desc=Hit your oppnent while they're recovering from an attack during a match.
  8188. Medal.Reversal.title=REVERSAL
  8189. Medal.Reversal.desc=Perform a Reversal by inputting a Special Move after blocking an opponent's attack during a match.
  8190. Medal.AirEscape.title=ESCAPE ARTIST
  8191. Medal.AirEscape.desc=Perform a Breakaway while being juggled during a match.
  8192. Medal.FlawlessBlock.title=FLAWLESS BLOCK
  8193. Medal.FlawlessBlock.desc=Perform a Flawless Block by timing your block at the time of contact during a match.
  8194. Medal.Interact.title=ENVIRONMENTAL ADVANTAGE
  8195. Medal.Interact.desc=Use any background interactable during a match.
  8196. Medal.KrushingBlow.title=BONE BREAKER
  8197. Medal.KrushingBlow.desc=Perform a Krushing Blow during a match.
  8198. Medal.FatalBlow.title=SLAYER
  8199. Medal.FatalBlow.desc=Perform a Fatal Blow during a match.
  8200. Medal.Brutality.title=BRUTAL FINISH
  8201. Medal.Brutality.desc=Finish a match with a Brutality.
  8202. Medal.Fatality.title=FATALITY
  8203. Medal.Fatality.desc=Finish a match with a Fatality.
  8204. Medal.Mercy.title=MERCY
  8205. Medal.Mercy.desc=Grant Mercy to your opponent at the end of a match.
  8206. Medal.FlawlessMatch.title=FLAWLESS MATCH
  8207. Medal.FlawlessMatch.desc=Finish a match without taking any damage.
  8208. Medal.FlawlessRound.title=FLAWLESS ROUND
  8209. Medal.FlawlessRound.desc=Finish a round without taking any damage.
  8210. Medal.RankedSetSweep.title=STEAMROLLER
  8211. Medal.RankedSetSweep.desc=Win an Online Ranked Set without losing a match.
  8212. Medal.RankStreak5.title=UNSTOPPABLE
  8213. Medal.RankStreak5.desc=Win 5 Online Ranked Sets in a row.
  8214. Medal.RankStreak10.title=JUGGERNAUT
  8215. Medal.RankStreak10.desc=Win 10 Online Ranked Sets in a row.
  8216. Medal.RankStreak25.title=RELENTLESS
  8217. Medal.RankStreak25.desc=Win 25 Online Ranked Sets in a row.
  8218. Medal.RankStreak50.title=MANIAC
  8219. Medal.RankStreak50.desc=Win 50 Online Ranked Sets in a row.
  8220. Medal.KingDethrone.title=KING SLAYER
  8221. Medal.KingDethrone.desc=Dethrone a King in King of the Hill.
  8222. GamesPlayed={numberstr:%s}
  8223. EditBackground=Edit Background
  8224. EditIcon=Edit Icon
  8225. RetrievingStats=DOWNLOADING PROFILE STATS&
  8226. LoadingAssets=LOADING ASSETS&
  8228. EquipWarning=You cannot equip locked items
  8229. Rank=RANK
  8230. CharacterName=CHARACTER NAME
  8231. Wins=WINS
  8232. Losses=LOSSES
  8233. WinLoss=WIN / LOSS
  8234. WinPercent=WIN %
  8235. GuildId=GUILD
  8236. KombatKoins=KOMBAT KOINS
  8237. XP=XP
  8238. Matches=MATCHES
  8241. TimeOverWins=TIME OUT WINS
  8243. LongestWinStreak=LONGEST WIN STREAK
  8244. LongestLoseStreak=LONGEST LOSING STREAK
  8245. LongestCombo=LONGEST KOMBO
  8246. FavoriteCharacter=FAVORITE CHARACTER
  8247. TimePlayed=TIME PLAYED
  8250. GuildPoints=GUILD POINTS
  8251. Disconnects=DISCONNECTS
  8252. FavoriteMode=FAVORITE MODE
  8253. Nemesis=NEMESIS
  8254. InteractionsUsed=LEVEL INTERACTIONS USED
  8255. TeamWins=TEAM WINS
  8256. TeamLosses=TEAM LOSSES
  8257. RankRanked=RANKED SETS RANK
  8259. RankKoth=KING OF THE HILL RANK
  8260. RankSurvivor=SURVIVOR RANK
  8261. Rank1V1=1V1 RANK
  8262. RankKoin=KOIN KOMBAT RANK
  8263. KoinsWon=KOINS WON
  8264. KoinsLost=KOINS LOST
  8265. KoinsLargestPayout=BIGGEST KOIN PAYOUT
  8266. PracticeTime=PRACTICE TIME
  8267. LaddersCompleted=TOWERS KOMPLETED
  8268. TopLadderScore=TOP TOWER SCORE
  8269. StoryModeCompletion=STORY MODE KOMPLETION %
  8270. TutorialModeCompletion=TUTORIAL MODE KOMPLETION %
  8271. DifficultyCompleted=HARDEST DIFFICULTY KOMPLETED
  8272. TotalContinues=TOTAL KONTINUES
  8273. MostPlayedMode=MOST PLAYED MODE
  8274. OnlineMatches=MATCHES ONLINE
  8275. OnlineWins=WINS ONLINE
  8276. OnlineLosses=LOSSES ONLINE
  8278. OnlineTimeOverWins=TIME OUT WINS ONLINE
  8280. OnlineLongestWinStreak=LONGEST WIN STREAK ONLINE
  8281. OnlineFavoriteCharacter=FAVORITE CHARACTER ONLINE
  8282. OnlineTimePlayed=TIME PLAYED ONLINE
  8283. RespectPoints=RESPECT POINTS
  8284. KingsDethroned=KINGS DETHRONED
  8285. SurvivorsDethroned=SURVIVORS DETHRONED
  8286. HealthRecovered=HEALTH RECOVERED
  8287. NotAvailable=N/A
  8288. GamerCard={profileButton:%hs} GAMERCARD -{kombatHistoryButton:%hs} KOMBAT HISTORY
  8289. Profile={profileButton:%hs} PROFILE -{kombatHistoryButton:%hs} KOMBAT HISTORY
  8290. ViewInfo=View Info
  8291. HideInfo=Hide Info
  8292. EquipSet=Equip Set
  8293. PartOfSet=Part of Set
  8294. SupermovesConnected=FATAL BLOWS
  8295. PlayersHeaderChar=CHARACTER USED
  8296. PlayersHeaderCharLvl=CHARACTER LEVEL
  8297. PlayersHeaderDate=ENCOUNTERED
  8298. PlayersHeaderWinLose=WIN/LOSE
  8299. CurrencyEarned=CREDITS KOLLECTED
  8301. Connecting=Connecting to server&
  8302. KomingSoon=KOMING SOON
  8303. Koming=KOMING
  8304. Soon=SOON
  8306. [BigPopUp]
  8307. ButtonPromptClose={acceptButton:%hs} CLOSE
  8308. ButtonPromptNext={acceptButton:%hs} NEXT
  8310. [ProgressionRewards]
  8311. Koins=KOINS
  8312. XP=XP
  8313. Level=LEVEL
  8314. Completed=KOMPLETED
  8334. ChallengeHeader=CHALLENGE
  8335. RewardHeader=REWARD
  8337. [ProgressionRewards.Names]
  8359. [ProgressionRewards.Descriptions]
  8381. [GameModes]
  8399. GM_RANKED_ON_1V1=1V1
  8401. GM_PLAYER_MATCH_ON_1V1=1V1
  8416. [GameModesReplay]
  8437. [KombatKard.HeadingNames]
  8438. Overview=OVERVIEW
  8439. Ranked1V1=RANKED SETS
  8442. Offline=OFFLINE
  8443. Invasion=INVASION
  8445. OnlinePlayers=OPPONENTS
  8446. OnlinePlayersAdvancedFriends=FRIENDS
  8447. OnlinePlayersAdvancedRivals=RIVALS
  8448. PlayerProgression=PROGRESSION REWARDS
  8451. [KombatKard.OfflineHeadingNames]
  8452. Offline=OVERVIEW
  8453. OfflineAdvancedStory=STORY
  8454. OfflineAdvancedKombatReel=TEST YOUR LUCK
  8455. OfflineAdvanced1V1=PLAYER VS PLAYER
  8456. OfflineAdvancedLadders=TOWERS
  8458. PlayerProgression=PROGRESSION REWARDS
  8460. [KombatKard.PageNames]
  8461. Overview=OVERVIEW
  8462. Ranked=OVERVIEW
  8463. Ranked1V1=RANKED SETS
  8464. Player=OVERVIEW
  8467. Offline=OVERVIEW
  8468. OfflineAdvancedStory=STORY
  8469. OfflineAdvancedKombatReel=TEST YOUR LUCK
  8470. OfflineAdvanced1V1=PLAYER VS PLAYER
  8471. OfflineAdvancedLadders=TOWERS
  8472. OnlinePlayers=PLAYERS MET
  8473. OnlinePlayersAdvancedFriends=FRIENDS
  8474. OnlinePlayersAdvancedRivals=RIVALS
  8475. OnlinePlayersAdvancedGuildMembers=GUILD MEMBERS
  8476. History=""
  8477. PlayerProgression=PROGRESSION REWARDS
  8478. SelectIcon=ICON
  8479. SelectBackground=BACKGROUND
  8480. SelectBorder=BORDER
  8481. Empty=""
  8483. [KombatKardUnlocksDescriptions]
  8484. None=NONE
  8485. DefaultIcon=MORTAL KOMBAT 11
  8486. DefaultBgnd=MORTAL KOMBAT 11
  8487. ModuleFG_0=ModuleFG_0
  8488. ModuleFG_1=ModuleFG_1
  8489. ModuleBG_0=ModuleBG_0
  8490. ModuleBG_1=ModuleBG_1
  8492. [KombatKardUnlockNames]
  8493. None=NONE
  8494. DefaultIcon=MORTAL KOMBAT 11
  8495. DefaultBgnd=MORTAL KOMBAT 11
  8496. ModuleFG_0=ModuleFG_0
  8497. ModuleFG_1=ModuleFG_1
  8498. ModuleBG_0=ModuleBG_0
  8499. ModuleBG_1=ModuleBG_1
  8501. [Legal]
  8502. EULA_Default=Failed to download EULA documents. Please visit http://support.wbgames.com to view the EULA.
  8503. LegalLine1="MORTAL KOMBAT 11 software © 2019 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Developed by NetherRealm Studios. UnrealÆ Engine, © 1998 2019 Epic Games, Inc. Unreal, Unreal Technology and the Powered by Unreal Technology logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Epic Games, Inc Havok"!-© 1999 2019 Havok.com Inc. (and its Licensors). See www.havok.com for details. All Rights Reserved. Uses Oodle Data Compression © 1997 2019 by RAD Game Tools, Inc. 3D production and optimization powered by InstaLOD. InstaLOD ls a trademark of InstaLOD UG (haftungsbeschraenkt). Powered by Wwise © 2006 2019 Audiokinetic Inc. All rights reserved. Monotype is a trademark of Monotype Imaging Inc. registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. The Monotype Imaging logo is a trademark of Monotype Imaging Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions."
  8504. LegalLine2="WB GAMES LOGO, WBIE LOGO, WB SHIELD, NETHERREALM STUDIOS LOGO, MORTAL KOMBAT, THE DRAGON LOGO, and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.\n(s19)"
  8505. Beta.Agreement.Title=End User License Agreement
  8506. Beta.Agreement.Instructions=By selecting "Accept," I agree to the WB Games End User License Agreement and Terms of Service, and I acknowledge the Privacy Policy.
  8507. Agreement.NoInstructions=
  8508. Beta.Agreement.Checkbox.EULA=I have read and agree to the End User License Agreement and Terms of Service above.
  8509. Agreement.Checkbox.Privacy_PS4=I have read and agree to WB's Privacy Policy including game analytic activities and the transfer of my data (including my Online ID from PlayStation"! Network) to the US.
  8510. Agreement.Checkbox.Privacy_XB1=I have read and agree to WB's Privacy Policy including game analytic activities and the transfer of my data to the US.
  8511. Beta.Agreement.Button.Accept=ACCEPT
  8512. Beta.Agreement.Button.Privacy=PRIVACY POLICY
  8513. Beta.Agreement.Button.TOS=TERMS OF SERVICE
  8514. Beta.Agreement.ButtonPrompt={scrollButton:%hs} SCROLL -{acceptButton:%hs} SELECT
  8515. Beta.Agreement.MustAccept=You must agree to the End User License Agreement and Terms of Service to kontinue.
  8516. Beta.Agreement.MustAcceptNonUS=You must agree to the End User License Agreement, Terms of Service, and WB Privacy Policy to kontinue.
  8517. Privacy.URL=https://go.wbgames.com/privacy center console
  8518. Redirect.URL=https://policies.warnerbros.com
  8519. Beta.BetweenTechAndPreorder="The Mortal Kombat 11 Online Stress Test is no longer available.\n\nFor more information, Please go to MortalKombat.com/beta"
  8520. Beta.BetaEnded="Thank you for playing the Mortal Kombat 11 Closed Beta.\n\nMortal Kombat 11 available April 23 featuring\n∑ A Huge Roster of New and Returning Characters\n∑ The Epic Cinematic Story Mode\n∑ All New Custom Character Variations\n∑ Towers of Time\n∑ All New Online Modes\n∑ The Krypt"
  8521. Beta.KontentUnavailable="This kontent is unavailable in the beta"
  8522. Beta.BetaSoftwareMessageXB1="Pre Release Software. This game is in a pre release stage of development. This means that some parts of the game, including Xbox Live features (like chat and multiplayer), might not function as expected (or might not function at all). The game might even crash. Because this is a pre release game, Microsoft and the publisher do not commit to providing customer support for the game."
  8523. SeizureWarning="WARNING: READ BEFORE PLAYING\n\nA very small percentage of individuals may experience epileptic seizures when exposed to certain light patterns or flashing lights. Exposure to certain patterns or backgrounds on a computer screen, or while playing video games, may induce an epileptic seizure in these individuals. Certain conditions may induce previously undetected epileptic symptoms even in persons who have no history of prior seizures or epilepsy. -If you, or anyone in your family, have an epileptic condition, consult your physician prior to playing. -If you experience dizziness, altered vision, eye or muscle twitches, loss of awareness, disorientation, any involuntary movement, or convulsions while playing a video or computer game, IMMEDIATELY discontinue use and consult your physician before resuming play."
  8525. [Legal.Microsoft]
  8526. TOS.URL=https://go.wbgames.com/terms of use mk11 microsoft
  8528. [Legal.Sony]
  8529. TOS.URL=https://go.wbgames.com/terms of use mk11 sony
  8531. [Ladder]
  8532. Stage=LEVEL
  8533. LadderLoadScreen="NEXT OPPONENT:"
  8534. ThanksForPlaying="THANKS FOR PLAYING"
  8535. Beta.ThanksForPlayingTechBeta=Thank you for playing the MORTAL KOMBAT 11 Online Stress Test.
  8536. Beta.ThanksForPlayingPreorderBeta=Thank you for playing the MORTAL KOMBAT 11 Closed Beta.
  8537. Generic.ThanksIntro=Thank you for playing MORTAL KOMBAT 11.
  8538. Beta.ReleaseDate=Available April 23 featuring:
  8539. Beta.Features="∑A Huge Roster of New and Returning Characters\n∑The Epic Cinematic Story Mode\n∑All New Custom Character Variations\n∑Towers of Time\n∑All New Online Modes\n∑The Krypt"
  8540. [Ladder.Title]
  8541. Beta=MORTAL KOMBAT 11
  8542. Tutorial1=FIRST TUTORIAL
  8543. Tutorial2=SECOND TUTORIAL
  8544. Tutorial3=THIRD TUTORIAL
  8545. Tutorial4=FOURTH TUTORIAL
  8546. Default=Default Ladder Title
  8547. Default2=Default Ladder Title
  8548. Default3=Default Ladder Title
  8549. Default4=Default Ladder Title
  8550. Default5=Default Ladder Title
  8551. Default6=Default Ladder Title
  8552. Default7=Default Ladder Title
  8553. Default8=Default Ladder Title
  8554. ShowBuild=MORTAL KOMBAT 11
  8555. TagAssist=Tag Assist Title
  8556. TestOne=LADDER ONE
  8557. TestTwo=LADDER TWO
  8558. TestThree=LADDER THREE
  8559. Novice=NOVICE
  8560. Warrior=WARRIOR
  8561. Champion=CHAMPION
  8562. Survivor=SURVIVOR
  8563. Endless=ENDLESS
  8564. BurnBadSpecial=NOTHING SPECIAL
  8565. BurnLightningStrike=LIVE TO DESTROY
  8566. Debug=HYPE MODE 1000
  8567. DebugEndurance=HYPE MODE 2000
  8568. Test=TEST TOWER
  8569. DebugTagTeam_PlayerVsAITag=TEST BRO
  8570. DebugTagTeam_PlayerTagVsAI=SUPER TEST BRO
  8571. BarakaSideKickTower1=BLADED AND JADED
  8572. BarakaSideKickTower2=SMELL OF BLOOD
  8573. BarakaSideKickTower3=SURROUNDED BY DEATH
  8574. BarakaSideKickTower4=FEASTING ON FLESH
  8575. BarakaSideKickTower5=FINAL ENCOUNTER
  8576. CassieSideKickTower1=INFILTRATION UNIT
  8577. CassieSideKickTower2=COVERT OPS
  8578. CassieSideKickTower3=GUNG HO
  8579. CassieSideKickTower4=WORLD POLICE
  8580. CassieSideKickTower5=ANCIENT LINEAGE
  8581. CetrionSideKickTower1=GUARDIAN OF ELEMENTS
  8582. CetrionSideKickTower2=VENGEANCE OF STONE
  8583. CetrionSideKickTower3=LOCUS OF ELEMENTS
  8584. CetrionSideKickTower4=FOREST FIRE
  8585. CetrionSideKickTower5=TREE HUGGER
  8586. CyberFrostSideKickTower1=COLD SHOULDER
  8587. CyberFrostSideKickTower2=HEART OF ICE
  8588. CyberFrostSideKickTower3=FRIGID FRIEND
  8589. CyberFrostSideKickTower4=BLIZZARD
  8590. CyberFrostSideKickTower5=ICE AGE
  8591. DVorahSideKickTower1=THE SWARM
  8592. DVorahSideKickTower2=BUGGIN OUT
  8593. DVorahSideKickTower3=INFESTED
  8594. DVorahSideKickTower4=CREEPY CRAWLERS
  8595. DVorahSideKickTower5=SWATTED
  8596. ErronBlackSideKickTower1=OUTLAW GANG
  8597. ErronBlackSideKickTower2=OUTWORLD HEIST
  8598. ErronBlackSideKickTower3=HIGH NOON
  8599. ErronBlackSideKickTower4=QUICKDRAW
  8600. ErronBlackSideKickTower5=DEADEYE
  8601. JacquiSideKickTower1=WEAPONS AND TACTICS
  8602. JacquiSideKickTower2=EXPANDED ARMORY
  8603. JacquiSideKickTower3=HIGH CALIBER ROUNDS
  8604. JacquiSideKickTower4=EXPLOSIVES FETISH
  8605. JacquiSideKickTower5=BREACHING CHARGE
  8606. JadeSideKickTower1=BETRAYAL
  8607. JadeSideKickTower2=PROVEN WARRIOR
  8608. JadeSideKickTower3=ROYAL GUARD
  8609. JadeSideKickTower4=FATAL ATTRACTION
  8610. JadeSideKickTower5=EDENIAN RESISTANCE
  8611. JaxSideKickTower1=STING LIKE A BEE
  8612. JaxSideKickTower2=TRAINING PARTNER
  8613. JaxSideKickTower3=MACHINE GUN JABS
  8614. JaxSideKickTower4=HAYMAKER DUO
  8615. JaxSideKickTower5=HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMP
  8616. CageSideKickTower1=LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION!
  8617. CageSideKickTower2=STUNT DOUBLE
  8618. CageSideKickTower3=FIGHT COREOGRAPHY
  8619. CageSideKickTower4=COSTARS
  8620. CageSideKickTower5=SUMMER BLOCKBUSTER
  8621. KabalSideKickTower1=ROAD RAGE
  8622. KabalSideKickTower2=SPEED DEMON
  8623. KabalSideKickTower3=SOUND BARRIER
  8624. KabalSideKickTower4=BLACK DRAGON AGENTS
  8625. KabalSideKickTower5=LOW ROAD
  8626. KanoSideKickTower1=DIRTY CHEATERS
  8627. KanoSideKickTower2=RIGGED FIGHT
  8628. KanoSideKickTower3=RUMBLE DOWN UNDER
  8629. KanoSideKickTower4=KIWI KICKER
  8630. KanoSideKickTower5=DEVIL IN THE DETAILS
  8631. KitanaSideKickTower1=RESTORE THE MONARCHY
  8632. KitanaSideKickTower2=TWIN TEMPESTS
  8633. KitanaSideKickTower3=WARRIOR PRINCESS
  8634. KitanaSideKickTower4=REGAL BEARING
  8635. KitanaSideKickTower5=SYMBOL OF GRACE
  8636. KollectorSideKickTower1=AVATAR OF GREED
  8637. KollectorSideKickTower2=SHARED AVARICE
  8638. KollectorSideKickTower3=HOARDERS
  8639. KollectorSideKickTower4=KOLLECTED WEALTH
  8640. KollectorSideKickTower5=LETS MAKE A DEAL
  8641. KotalSideKickTower1=DIVINE ASSISTANCE
  8642. KotalSideKickTower2=BLOOD SACRIFICES
  8643. KotalSideKickTower3=WAR FOR THE WAR GOD
  8644. KotalSideKickTower4=SUNMARKED WARRIORS
  8645. KotalSideKickTower5=ETERNALLY IN GLORY
  8646. KungLaoSideKickTower1=DEFENDER'S ANCESTRY
  8647. KungLaoSideKickTower2=PEDIGREE OF COMBAT
  8648. KungLaoSideKickTower3=SHAOLIN DISCIPLE
  8649. KungLaoSideKickTower4=STEADY WARRIOR
  8650. KungLaoSideKickTower5=SPIRIT STRIKES
  8651. LiuKangSideKickTower1=DRAGON ALLY
  8652. LiuKangSideKickTower2=CHAMPION TAG TEAM
  8654. LiuKangSideKickTower4=COORDINATED STRIKES
  8655. LiuKangSideKickTower5=PURGING FIRESTORM
  8656. NoobSideKickTower1=UMBRAL CLOAK
  8657. NoobSideKickTower2=WALK ON THE DARK SIDE
  8658. NoobSideKickTower3=SWALLOWING SHADOWS
  8659. NoobSideKickTower4=MIRROR IMAGE
  8660. NoobSideKickTower5=COLLAPSING NIGHT
  8661. RaidenSideKickTower1=LIGHTNING STORM
  8662. RaidenSideKickTower2=ELECTRIC CURRENT
  8663. RaidenSideKickTower3=DEADLY STRIKE
  8664. RaidenSideKickTower4=ELECTROCUTED
  8665. RaidenSideKickTower5=SHOCKED
  8666. ScorpionSideKickTower1=FIRE PITS
  8667. ScorpionSideKickTower2=ETERNAL FLAME
  8668. ScorpionSideKickTower3=INFERNO
  8669. ScorpionSideKickTower4=WILD FIRE
  8670. ScorpionSideKickTower5=TURN TO ASH
  8671. ShaoKahnSideKickTower1=INVASION FORCE
  8672. ShaoKahnSideKickTower2=THRONEBREAKERS
  8673. ShaoKahnSideKickTower3=WEIGHT OF RULE
  8674. ShaoKahnSideKickTower4=LEAD FROM THE FRONT
  8675. ShaoKahnSideKickTower5=CROWN OF WAR
  8676. SkarletSideKickTower1=BLOOD TYPE MATCH
  8677. SkarletSideKickTower2=O POSITIVE
  8678. SkarletSideKickTower3=TRANSFUSED
  8679. SkarletSideKickTower4=SHARED RITUAL
  8680. SkarletSideKickTower5=BLOOD BOND
  8681. SonyaSideKickTower1=FORM UP
  8682. SonyaSideKickTower2=ASSAULT SQUAD
  8683. SonyaSideKickTower3=COMMANDER'S GUARD
  8684. SonyaSideKickTower4=CRUSH THE RESISTANCE
  8685. SonyaSideKickTower5=STRIKE BACK
  8686. SubZeroSideKickTower1=ENDLESS WINTER
  8687. SubZeroSideKickTower2=ARCTIC WARRIOR
  8688. SubZeroSideKickTower3=CHILLING OUT
  8689. SubZeroSideKickTower4=COLD LOGIC
  8690. SubZeroSideKickTower5=HEAT SINK
  8691. TerminasSideKickTower1=BEAT THE BUZZER
  8692. TerminasSideKickTower2=LAST SECOND
  8693. TerminasSideKickTower3=EPOCH
  8694. TerminasSideKickTower4=TIME BOMB
  8695. TerminasSideKickTower5=BIG BANG
  8696. BarakaSideKick2Tower1=BLOOD PRICE
  8697. BarakaSideKick2Tower2=WARBAND
  8698. BarakaSideKick2Tower3=FEAST OF FLESH
  8699. BarakaSideKick2Tower4=SPOILS OF WAR
  8700. BarakaSideKick2Tower5=BAND OF BROTHERS
  8701. CassieSideKick2Tower1=GROUP SELFIE
  8702. CassieSideKick2Tower2=ON FLEEK
  8703. CassieSideKick2Tower3=POWER COUPLE
  8704. CassieSideKick2Tower4=FAME AND FORTUNE
  8705. CassieSideKick2Tower5=CELEBRITY FIGHTER
  8706. CetrionSideKick2Tower1=NATURAL DISASTER
  8707. CetrionSideKick2Tower2=TYPHOON
  8708. CetrionSideKick2Tower3=TSUNAMI
  8709. CetrionSideKick2Tower4=EARTHQUAKE
  8710. CetrionSideKick2Tower5=EXTINCTION TOWER
  8711. CyberFrostSideKick2Tower1=DEEP FREEZE WARRIOR
  8712. CyberFrostSideKick2Tower2=KOLD KUTS
  8713. CyberFrostSideKick2Tower3=WALK IN FREEZER
  8714. CyberFrostSideKick2Tower4=PILLAR OF FROST
  8715. CyberFrostSideKick2Tower5=FROZEN TO THE CORE
  8716. DVorahSideKick2Tower1=WORKER DRONE
  8717. DVorahSideKick2Tower2=HIVE DEFENDER
  8718. DVorahSideKick2Tower3=EXOSKELETAL MOLTING
  8719. DVorahSideKick2Tower4=INFECTION HOST
  8720. DVorahSideKick2Tower5=QUEEN BEE
  8721. ErronBlackSideKick2Tower1=HUNTER OF MEN
  8722. ErronBlackSideKick2Tower2=THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME
  8723. ErronBlackSideKick2Tower3=SPOTTER
  8724. ErronBlackSideKick2Tower4=PRIME THE DETONATOR
  8725. ErronBlackSideKick2Tower5=TRICK SHOOTER
  8726. JacquiSideKick2Tower1=AMMO DUMP
  8727. JacquiSideKick2Tower2=QUARTERMASTER DEPLOYMENT
  8728. JacquiSideKick2Tower3=LOCK AND LOAD
  8729. JacquiSideKick2Tower4=SQUADMATES
  8730. JacquiSideKick2Tower5=REARMED
  8731. JadeSideKick2Tower1=ASSASSIN'S MISDIRECTION
  8732. JadeSideKick2Tower2=DEADLY GRACE
  8733. JadeSideKick2Tower3=GUARDIAN'S FURY
  8734. JadeSideKick2Tower4=LOYALTY BEYOND DEATH
  8735. JadeSideKick2Tower5=STRENGTH IN MOURNING
  8736. JaxSideKick2Tower1=VETERAN'S RUMBLE
  8737. JaxSideKick2Tower2=BOXER'S ROADWORK
  8738. JaxSideKick2Tower3=GOLDEN GLOVES
  8739. JaxSideKick2Tower4=BRIGGS KOMBO
  8740. JaxSideKick2Tower5=RIP AND TEAR
  8741. CageSideKick2Tower1=HITTING THE TOWN
  8742. CageSideKick2Tower2=CELEBRITY JOYRIDE
  8743. CageSideKick2Tower3=PAPARAZZO BREAKER
  8744. CageSideKick2Tower4=CHASE SCENE
  8745. CageSideKick2Tower5=THATS A WRAP
  8746. KabalSideKick2Tower1=SMOKE SCREEN
  8747. KabalSideKick2Tower2=SPEED LIMIT
  8748. KabalSideKick2Tower3=FULL TILT
  8749. KabalSideKick2Tower4=BURNOUT
  8750. KabalSideKick2Tower5=STEP ON IT
  8751. KanoSideKick2Tower1=BACKSTABBERS
  8752. KanoSideKick2Tower2=SELF PRESERVATION
  8753. KanoSideKick2Tower3=SADISTIC PLEASURES
  8754. KanoSideKick2Tower4=ARMS DEALING
  8755. KanoSideKick2Tower5=ILLEGAL WEAPONS TECH
  8756. KitanaSideKick2Tower1=ROYAL ARMORY
  8757. KitanaSideKick2Tower2=MEMORIES OF THE DEAD
  8758. KitanaSideKick2Tower3=RISING KINGDOM
  8759. KitanaSideKick2Tower4=ARCHIVE OF ROYALTY
  8760. KitanaSideKick2Tower5=RESTORE THE LINEAGE
  8761. KollectorSideKick2Tower1=TREASURE HUNTERS
  8762. KollectorSideKick2Tower2=LED TO RICHES
  8763. KollectorSideKick2Tower3=TOWER OF GOLD
  8764. KollectorSideKick2Tower4=SEALED VAULT
  8765. KollectorSideKick2Tower5=ENDLESS WEALTH
  8766. KotalSideKick2Tower1=WAR PARTY
  8767. KotalSideKick2Tower2=ACTS OF WORSHIP
  8768. KotalSideKick2Tower3=BLOOD RITES
  8769. KotalSideKick2Tower4=TOTEMIC EFFIGY
  8770. KotalSideKick2Tower5=OSH TEKK WARRIOR
  8771. KungLaoSideKick2Tower1=WAY OF THE LOTUS
  8772. KungLaoSideKick2Tower2=ANCESTOR'S REINFORCEMENT
  8773. KungLaoSideKick2Tower3=LOTUS STORM
  8774. KungLaoSideKick2Tower4=STOIC COMPANION
  8775. KungLaoSideKick2Tower5=MEDITATIVE BREATHING
  8776. LiuKangSideKick2Tower1=WEAVING STRIKES
  8777. LiuKangSideKick2Tower2=BROTHER IN ARMS
  8778. LiuKangSideKick2Tower3=EARTHREALM CHAMPION
  8779. LiuKangSideKick2Tower4=REWRITE FATE
  8780. LiuKangSideKick2Tower5=DRAGON GUARDIAN
  8781. NoobSideKick2Tower1=GRASP OF THE DEAD
  8782. NoobSideKick2Tower2=SHADOW SWARM
  8783. NoobSideKick2Tower3=DARK TWIN
  8784. NoobSideKick2Tower4=FALLEN SHINOBI
  8785. NoobSideKick2Tower5=OBJECT OF HATE
  8786. RaidenSideKick2Tower1=SHOUT TO THE HEAVENS
  8787. RaidenSideKick2Tower2=THUNDER BEAST
  8788. RaidenSideKick2Tower3=EYE OF THE STORM
  8789. RaidenSideKick2Tower4=CHARGED BREATHING
  8790. RaidenSideKick2Tower5=SPARK OF WISDOM
  8791. ScorpionSideKick2Tower1=CONQUER VENGEANCE
  8792. ScorpionSideKick2Tower2=LEGENDS OF THE CLAN
  8793. ScorpionSideKick2Tower3=WHISPER OF MEMORY
  8794. ScorpionSideKick2Tower4=BURNING WILL
  8795. ScorpionSideKick2Tower5=PAIN OF HISTORY
  8796. ShaoKahnSideKick2Tower1=THRONE OF SKULLS
  8797. ShaoKahnSideKick2Tower2=PUT THE HAMMER DOWN
  8798. ShaoKahnSideKick2Tower3=BRING ARMAGEDDON
  8799. ShaoKahnSideKick2Tower4=TAKE THE REALMS
  8800. ShaoKahnSideKick2Tower5=SERVE THE KAHN
  8801. SkarletSideKick2Tower1=BLOOD RUNS FREELY
  8802. SkarletSideKick2Tower2=PROFANE MAGICKS
  8803. SkarletSideKick2Tower3=ARTERIAL SPRAY
  8804. SkarletSideKick2Tower4=BATHED IN BLOOD
  8805. SkarletSideKick2Tower5=BLOOD MOON
  8806. SonyaSideKick2Tower1=WELL ARMED FORCES
  8807. SonyaSideKick2Tower2=MATRIARCH'S DISCIPLINE
  8808. SonyaSideKick2Tower3=CALL IN REINFORCEMENTS
  8809. SonyaSideKick2Tower4=SPECIALIZED TEAM
  8810. SonyaSideKick2Tower5=STRIKE FORCE
  8811. SubZeroSideKick2Tower1=KOLD SHOULDER
  8812. SubZeroSideKick2Tower2=ARCTIC BOON
  8813. SubZeroSideKick2Tower3=FLASH FREEZE
  8814. SubZeroSideKick2Tower4=EVERLASTING BLIZZARD
  8815. SubZeroSideKick2Tower5=GRANDMASTER'S GUIDANCE
  8816. TerminasSideKick2Tower1=TURNING POINT
  8817. TerminasSideKick2Tower2=TICK TOCK
  8818. TerminasSideKick2Tower3=COUNTDOWN
  8819. TerminasSideKick2Tower4=HINDSIGHT
  8820. TerminasSideKick2Tower5=LEARN FROM HISTORY
  8833. AirstrikeLevel1=FLY BY
  8834. AirstrikeLevel2=BOMBS AWAY
  8835. AirstrikeLevel3=BOOM
  8836. AirstrikeLevel4=TURNED TO RUBBLE
  8837. AirstrikeLevel5=CARPET BOMB
  8838. AirstrikeLevel6=CAN'T HIDE
  8839. AcidRainLevel1=BURNING FLESH
  8840. AcidRainLevel2=NASTY WEATHER
  8841. AcidRainLevel3=CLIMATE CHANGE
  8842. AcidRainLevel4=MELTING FLESH
  8843. AcidRainLevel5=DEATH CLOUDS
  8844. AcidRainLevel6=EATEN AWAY
  8845. ArmorLevel1=PROTECTED
  8846. ArmorLevel2=UNTOUCHABLE
  8847. ArmorLevel3=SHIELDED
  8848. ArmorLevel4=ARMORED
  8849. ArmorLevel5=BACK UP
  8850. ArmorLevel6=ALL POWERFUL
  8851. BadDuckingLevel1=STAND AND FIGHT
  8852. BadDuckingLevel2=HIGH RISE
  8853. BadDuckingLevel3=EYE TO EYE
  8854. BadDuckingLevel4=ON YOUR FEET
  8855. BadDuckingLevel5=CHEST POUNDING
  8856. BadDuckingLevel6=STARING CONTEST
  8857. BadJumpingLevel1=POISON SKY
  8858. BadJumpingLevel2=GROUNDED
  8859. BadJumpingLevel3=AIR DEFENSES
  8860. BadJumpingLevel4=STAND YOUR GROUND
  8861. BadJumpingLevel5=STABLE FOOTING
  8862. BadJumpingLevel6=NO FLY ZONE
  8863. CyraxBombsLevel1=ROBOTS RULE
  8864. CyraxBombsLevel2=ROLLING BOMBS
  8865. CyraxBombsLevel3=EXPLOSIVE OUTCOME
  8866. CyraxBombsLevel4=DANGER AHEAD
  8867. CyraxBombsLevel5=CYBER BOMB
  8868. CyraxBombsLevel6=ROLLING TROUBLE
  8869. CoordinatesReceivedLevel1=LOCK ON SYSTEMS
  8870. CoordinatesReceivedLevel2=HIGH ALTITUDE DEFENSE SYSTEM
  8871. CoordinatesReceivedLevel3=HEAVEN'S HAMMER
  8872. CoordinatesReceivedLevel4=PLANETARY DEFENSES
  8873. CoordinatesReceivedLevel5=LONG DISTANCE DELIVERY
  8874. CoordinatesReceivedLevel6=ARMS RACE
  8875. BuffedUpLevel1=MAXIMUM POWER
  8876. BuffedUpLevel2=VIM AND VIGOR
  8877. BuffedUpLevel3=TURNT UP
  8878. BuffedUpLevel4=ROID RAGE
  8879. BuffedUpLevel5=BULK UP
  8880. BuffedUpLevel6=MAXIMUM IMPACT
  8881. BlockingDisabledLevel1=BROKEN SHIELD
  8882. BlockingDisabledLevel2=BLIND TO PAIN
  8883. BlockingDisabledLevel3=COURAGE IN BATTLE
  8884. BlockingDisabledLevel4=CRUSHING STANCE
  8885. BlockingDisabledLevel5=LAME DEFENDER
  8886. BlockingDisabledLevel6=DEFENSELESS WARRIOR
  8887. BleedingLevel1=EXSANGUINATE
  8888. BleedingLevel2=THOUSAND CUTS
  8889. BleedingLevel3=SLOW DEATH
  8890. BleedingLevel4=DRAINING LIFEFORCE
  8891. BleedingLevel5=SPRUNG A LEAK
  8893. BadSpecialLevel1=CORE FUNDAMENTALS
  8894. BadSpecialLevel2=BASIC KATA
  8895. BadSpecialLevel3=BACK TO BASICS
  8896. BadSpecialLevel4=FIGHTER'S RHYTHM
  8897. BadSpecialLevel5=BARE BONES
  8898. BadSpecialLevel6=LEAN STYLE
  8899. BadLowGroundLevel1=TAKE THE HIGH GROUND
  8900. BadLowGroundLevel2=LOOKING DOWN
  8901. BadLowGroundLevel3=STAND ABOVE
  8902. BadLowGroundLevel4=SINKING FEELING
  8903. BadLowGroundLevel5=WEIGHT OF SIN
  8904. BadLowGroundLevel6=UPHILL BATTLE
  8906. AcidPoolLevel1=VAT OF CORROSION
  8907. AcidPoolLevel2=BURNING SWAMP
  8908. AcidPoolLevel3=FLESH MELTER
  8910. AcidPoolLevel5=CHEMICAL VOID
  8911. AcidPoolLevel6=CHEMICAL BURNS
  8912. FirePoolLevel1=MAGMA FLOES
  8913. FirePoolLevel2=WHIRLING INFERNO
  8914. FirePoolLevel3=SEA OF FLAMES
  8915. FirePoolLevel4=EMBER TIDES
  8916. FirePoolLevel5=ROARING WAVES
  8917. FirePoolLevel6=BURNING TSUNAMI
  8918. PillarsOfFlameLevel1=BURNING SPIRE
  8919. PillarsOfFlameLevel2=TOWERING INFERNO
  8920. PillarsOfFlameLevel3=BONFIRE
  8921. PillarsOfFlameLevel4=SPEARS OF IGNIS
  8922. PillarsOfFlameLevel5=MAGMA LANCE
  8923. PillarsOfFlameLevel6=HELLFIRE ERUPTION
  8924. PanningLasersLevel1=PHOTON EXCITER
  8925. PanningLasersLevel2=CONCENTRATED LASER FIRE
  8926. PanningLasersLevel3=LASER STRAFING
  8927. PanningLasersLevel4=FOCUSED DESTRUCTION
  8928. PanningLasersLevel5=ORBITAL DOOM
  8929. PanningLasersLevel6=FIRES OF HEAVEN
  8930. FallingBombsLevel1=BLARING SIRENS
  8931. FallingBombsLevel2=HIGH EXPLOSIVE RAIN
  8932. FallingBombsLevel3=DROPPING BOMBS
  8933. FallingBombsLevel4=HIGH ALTITUDE BOMBERS
  8934. FallingBombsLevel5=BUNKER BUSTERS
  8935. FallingBombsLevel6=REPEATED SHELLING
  8936. EarthquakeLevel1=EARLY RUMBLINGS
  8937. EarthquakeLevel2=EARTHLY SHIVER
  8938. EarthquakeLevel3=RICHTER SCALE BREAKER
  8939. EarthquakeLevel4=FISSURE IN STONE
  8940. EarthquakeLevel5=GREAT QUAKE
  8941. EarthquakeLevel6=CATACLYSMIC RESHAPING
  8942. DarkKombatLevel1=AFRAID OF THE DARK
  8943. DarkKombatLevel2=SUPERNATURAL TWILIGHT
  8944. DarkKombatLevel3=LIGHT STEALER
  8945. DarkKombatLevel4=SPUTTERING LIGHT
  8946. DarkKombatLevel5=DEATH OF HOPE
  8947. DarkKombatLevel6=FADE INTO NOTHING
  8948. PoisonAuraLevel1=CAUSTIC PRESENCE
  8949. PoisonAuraLevel2=DISSOLVING AIR
  8950. PoisonAuraLevel3=UNWASHED MASSES
  8951. PoisonAuraLevel4=MARK OF PLAGUE
  8952. PoisonAuraLevel5=CLOYING DECAY
  8953. PoisonAuraLevel6=PLAGUEBRINGER
  8954. ElectricAuraLevel1=SHOCKING REVELATION
  8955. ElectricAuraLevel2=CRACKLING CHARISMA
  8956. ElectricAuraLevel3=STATIC CLING
  8957. ElectricAuraLevel4=CHARGE BREACH
  8958. ElectricAuraLevel5=STORM WITHIN
  8959. ElectricAuraLevel6=HEART OF STORM
  8960. ChaosAuraLevel1=MASS OF MADNESS
  8961. ChaosAuraLevel2=LOCUS OF INSANITY
  8962. ChaosAuraLevel3=PLANAR BREACH
  8963. ChaosAuraLevel4=GIFT OF THE FORGOTTEN
  8964. ChaosAuraLevel5=MAW OF CHAOS
  8966. EnergyAuraLevel1=ENERGIZED PRESENCE
  8967. EnergyAuraLevel2=GLOW OF POWER
  8968. EnergyAuraLevel3=SHINING WARRIOR
  8969. EnergyAuraLevel4=BEACON OF ENERGY
  8970. EnergyAuraLevel5=BOUNDLESS CHARISMA
  8971. EnergyAuraLevel6=DOMINATING WILL
  8972. MagicAuraLevel1=ARCANIST'S GIFT
  8973. MagicAuraLevel2=ARCANE INITIATIVE
  8974. MagicAuraLevel3=SIGILS OF POWER
  8975. MagicAuraLevel4=ENCHANTED GARMENTS
  8976. MagicAuraLevel5=MYSTIC CONSTITUTION
  8977. MagicAuraLevel6=AUGER'S CONVOCATION
  8978. DarkAuraLevel1=STENCH OF DEATH
  8979. DarkAuraLevel2=EVIL INCARNATE
  8980. DarkAuraLevel3=VILE SPIRIT
  8981. DarkAuraLevel4=CRUSHING DESPAIR
  8982. DarkAuraLevel5=TENDRILS FROM BEYOND
  8983. DarkAuraLevel6=LIVING SHADOWS
  8984. BloodAuraLevel1=WHIRLING BLOOD
  8985. BloodAuraLevel2=BLOODY CASCADE
  8986. BloodAuraLevel3=SANGUINE SPIRIT
  8987. BloodAuraLevel4=TRANSFUSING STORM
  8988. BloodAuraLevel5=SPLATTER ZONE
  8989. BloodAuraLevel6=VISCERA MASTER
  8990. IceAuraLevel1=CHILLING PRESENCE
  8991. IceAuraLevel2=HARSH WINDS
  8992. IceAuraLevel3=CHILL TO THE BONE
  8993. IceAuraLevel4=POLAR VORTEX
  8994. IceAuraLevel5=SNAP FREEZE
  8995. IceAuraLevel6=BLACK ICE
  8996. FireAuraLevel1=CORE OF FLAME
  8997. FireAuraLevel2=HEART OF MAGMA
  8998. FireAuraLevel3=BACKDRAFT
  8999. FireAuraLevel4=ERUPTING SPIRIT
  9000. FireAuraLevel5=HELLFLAME TAINT
  9001. FireAuraLevel6=GIFT OF IGNIS
  9002. PoisonFloorLevel1=CORROSIVE PATH
  9003. PoisonFloorLevel2=DECAYING TRAIL
  9004. PoisonFloorLevel3=SWAMPWALKING
  9005. PoisonFloorLevel4=PATH OF PAIN
  9006. PoisonFloorLevel5=CONSUMING BOG
  9007. PoisonFloorLevel6=ACIDIC SWAMP
  9008. FireFloorLevel1=
  9009. FireFloorLevel2=
  9010. FireFloorLevel3=
  9011. FireFloorLevel4=
  9012. FireFloorLevel5=
  9013. FireFloorLevel6=
  9014. IceFloorLevel1=
  9015. IceFloorLevel2=
  9016. IceFloorLevel3=
  9017. IceFloorLevel4=
  9018. IceFloorLevel5=
  9019. IceFloorLevel6=
  9020. MagicFloorLevel1=
  9021. MagicFloorLevel2=
  9022. MagicFloorLevel3=
  9023. MagicFloorLevel4=
  9024. MagicFloorLevel5=
  9025. MagicFloorLevel6=
  9026. ChaosFloorLevel1=
  9027. ChaosFloorLevel2=
  9028. ChaosFloorLevel3=
  9029. ChaosFloorLevel4=
  9030. ChaosFloorLevel5=
  9031. ChaosFloorLevel6=
  9032. DarkFloorLevel1=
  9033. DarkFloorLevel2=
  9034. DarkFloorLevel3=
  9035. DarkFloorLevel4=
  9036. DarkFloorLevel5=
  9037. DarkFloorLevel6=
  9038. ElectricFloorLevel1=
  9039. ElectricFloorLevel2=
  9040. ElectricFloorLevel3=
  9041. ElectricFloorLevel4=
  9042. ElectricFloorLevel5=
  9043. ElectricFloorLevel6=
  9044. BloodFloorLevel1=
  9045. BloodFloorLevel2=
  9046. BloodFloorLevel3=
  9047. BloodFloorLevel4=
  9048. BloodFloorLevel5=
  9049. BloodFloorLevel6=
  9050. EnergyFloorLevel1=
  9051. EnergyFloorLevel2=
  9052. EnergyFloorLevel3=
  9053. EnergyFloorLevel4=
  9054. EnergyFloorLevel5=
  9055. EnergyFloorLevel6=
  9056. PoisonRocketsLevel1=
  9057. PoisonRocketsLevel2=
  9058. PoisonRocketsLevel3=
  9059. PoisonRocketsLevel4=
  9060. PoisonRocketsLevel5=
  9061. PoisonRocketsLevel6=
  9062. FireRocketsLevel1=
  9063. FireRocketsLevel2=
  9064. FireRocketsLevel3=
  9065. FireRocketsLevel4=
  9066. FireRocketsLevel5=
  9067. FireRocketsLevel6=
  9068. IceRocketsLevel1=
  9069. IceRocketsLevel2=
  9070. IceRocketsLevel3=
  9071. IceRocketsLevel4=
  9072. IceRocketsLevel5=
  9073. IceRocketsLevel6=
  9074. MagicRocketsLevel1=
  9075. MagicRocketsLevel2=
  9076. MagicRocketsLevel3=
  9077. MagicRocketsLevel4=
  9078. MagicRocketsLevel5=
  9079. MagicRocketsLevel6=
  9080. ChaosRocketsLevel1=
  9081. ChaosRocketsLevel2=
  9082. ChaosRocketsLevel3=
  9083. ChaosRocketsLevel4=
  9084. ChaosRocketsLevel5=
  9085. ChaosRocketsLevel6=
  9086. DarkRocketsLevel1=
  9087. DarkRocketsLevel2=
  9088. DarkRocketsLevel3=
  9089. DarkRocketsLevel4=
  9090. DarkRocketsLevel5=
  9091. DarkRocketsLevel6=
  9092. ElectricRocketsLevel1=
  9093. ElectricRocketsLevel2=
  9094. ElectricRocketsLevel3=
  9095. ElectricRocketsLevel4=
  9096. ElectricRocketsLevel5=
  9097. ElectricRocketsLevel6=
  9098. BloodRocketsLevel1=
  9099. BloodRocketsLevel2=
  9100. BloodRocketsLevel3=
  9101. BloodRocketsLevel4=
  9102. BloodRocketsLevel5=
  9103. BloodRocketsLevel6=
  9104. EnergyRocketsLevel1=
  9105. EnergyRocketsLevel2=
  9106. EnergyRocketsLevel3=
  9107. EnergyRocketsLevel4=
  9108. EnergyRocketsLevel5=
  9109. EnergyRocketsLevel6=
  9110. PoisonFistsLevel1=
  9111. PoisonFistsLevel2=
  9112. PoisonFistsLevel3=
  9113. PoisonFistsLevel4=
  9114. PoisonFistsLevel5=
  9115. PoisonFistsLevel6=
  9116. FireFistsLevel1=
  9117. FireFistsLevel2=
  9118. FireFistsLevel3=
  9119. FireFistsLevel4=
  9120. FireFistsLevel5=
  9121. FireFistsLevel6=
  9122. IceFistsLevel1=
  9123. IceFistsLevel2=
  9124. IceFistsLevel3=
  9125. IceFistsLevel4=
  9126. IceFistsLevel5=
  9127. IceFistsLevel6=
  9128. MagicFistsLevel1=
  9129. MagicFistsLevel2=
  9130. MagicFistsLevel3=
  9131. MagicFistsLevel4=
  9132. MagicFistsLevel5=
  9133. MagicFistsLevel6=
  9134. ChaosFistsLevel1=
  9135. ChaosFistsLevel2=
  9136. ChaosFistsLevel3=
  9137. ChaosFistsLevel4=
  9138. ChaosFistsLevel5=
  9139. ChaosFistsLevel6=
  9140. DarkFistsLevel1=
  9141. DarkFistsLevel2=
  9142. DarkFistsLevel3=
  9143. DarkFistsLevel4=
  9144. DarkFistsLevel5=
  9145. DarkFistsLevel6=
  9146. ElectricFistsLevel1=
  9147. ElectricFistsLevel2=
  9148. ElectricFistsLevel3=
  9149. ElectricFistsLevel4=
  9150. ElectricFistsLevel5=
  9151. ElectricFistsLevel6=
  9152. BloodFistsLevel1=
  9153. BloodFistsLevel2=
  9154. BloodFistsLevel3=
  9155. BloodFistsLevel4=
  9156. BloodFistsLevel5=
  9157. BloodFistsLevel6=
  9158. EnergyFistsLevel1=
  9159. EnergyFistsLevel2=
  9160. EnergyFistsLevel3=
  9161. EnergyFistsLevel4=
  9162. EnergyFistsLevel5=
  9163. EnergyFistsLevel6=
  9164. PoisonStormLevel1=
  9165. PoisonStormLevel2=
  9166. PoisonStormLevel3=
  9167. PoisonStormLevel4=
  9168. PoisonStormLevel5=
  9169. PoisonStormLevel6=
  9170. FireStormLevel1=
  9171. FireStormLevel2=
  9172. FireStormLevel3=
  9173. FireStormLevel4=
  9174. FireStormLevel5=
  9175. FireStormLevel6=
  9176. IceStormLevel1=
  9177. IceStormLevel2=
  9178. IceStormLevel3=
  9179. IceStormLevel4=
  9180. IceStormLevel5=
  9181. IceStormLevel6=
  9182. MagicStormLevel1=
  9183. MagicStormLevel2=
  9184. MagicStormLevel3=
  9185. MagicStormLevel4=
  9186. MagicStormLevel5=
  9187. MagicStormLevel6=
  9188. ChaosStormLevel1=
  9189. ChaosStormLevel2=
  9190. ChaosStormLevel3=
  9191. ChaosStormLevel4=
  9192. ChaosStormLevel5=
  9193. ChaosStormLevel6=
  9194. DarkStormLevel1=
  9195. DarkStormLevel2=
  9196. DarkStormLevel3=
  9197. DarkStormLevel4=
  9198. DarkStormLevel5=
  9199. DarkStormLevel6=
  9200. ElectricStormLevel1=
  9201. ElectricStormLevel2=
  9202. ElectricStormLevel3=
  9203. ElectricStormLevel4=
  9204. ElectricStormLevel5=
  9205. ElectricStormLevel6=
  9206. BloodStormLevel1=
  9207. BloodStormLevel2=
  9208. BloodStormLevel3=
  9209. BloodStormLevel4=
  9210. BloodStormLevel5=
  9211. BloodStormLevel6=
  9212. EnergyStormLevel1=
  9213. EnergyStormLevel2=
  9214. EnergyStormLevel3=
  9215. EnergyStormLevel4=
  9216. EnergyStormLevel5=
  9217. EnergyStormLevel6=
  9218. CyraxAssist2Level1=
  9219. CyraxAssist2Level2=
  9220. CyraxAssist2Level3=
  9221. CyraxAssist2Level4=
  9222. CyraxAssist2Level5=
  9223. CyraxAssist2Level6=
  9224. CyraxAssist2Level6=
  9225. CyraxAssistLevel1=
  9226. CyraxAssistLevel2=
  9227. CyraxAssistLevel3=
  9228. CyraxAssistLevel4=
  9229. CyraxAssistLevel5=
  9230. CyraxAssistLevel6=
  9231. CyraxAssistLevel6=
  9233. BoRaiChoAssistLevel1=
  9234. BoRaiChoAssistLevel2=
  9235. BoRaiChoAssistLevel3=
  9236. BoRaiChoAssistLevel4=
  9237. BoRaiChoAssistLevel5=
  9238. BoRaiChoAssistLevel6=
  9239. ShinnokAssistLevel1=
  9240. ShinnokAssistLevel2=
  9241. ShinnokAssistLevel3=
  9242. ShinnokAssistLevel4=
  9243. ShinnokAssistLevel5=
  9244. ShinnokAssistLevel6=
  9245. ReptileAssistLevel1=
  9246. ReptileAssistLevel2=
  9247. ReptileAssistLevel3=
  9248. ReptileAssistLevel4=
  9249. ReptileAssistLevel5=
  9250. ReptileAssistLevel6=
  9251. RainAssistLevel1=SICKLES AND PUDDLES
  9252. RainAssistLevel2=BUBBLING UP
  9253. RainAssistLevel3=ANGRY RAIN
  9254. RainAssistLevel4=FOR DRIZZLE
  9255. RainAssistLevel5=WASHED UP
  9256. RainAssistLevel6=CAN'T RAIN ALL THE TIME
  9257. ErmacAssistLevel1=
  9258. ErmacAssistLevel2=
  9259. ErmacAssistLevel3=
  9260. ErmacAssistLevel4=
  9261. ErmacAssistLevel5=
  9262. ErmacAssistLevel6=
  9263. HsuHaoAssistLevel1=
  9264. HsuHaoAssistLevel2=
  9265. HsuHaoAssistLevel3=
  9266. HsuHaoAssistLevel4=
  9267. HsuHaoAssistLevel5=
  9268. HsuHaoAssistLevel6=
  9269. KenshiAssistLevel1=ANCESTRAL STRENGTH
  9270. KenshiAssistLevel2=CALLING THE DEMON
  9271. KenshiAssistLevel3=FAMILY VALUES
  9272. KenshiAssistLevel4=CAPTURED SPIRIT
  9273. KenshiAssistLevel5=STRUGGLING
  9274. KenshiAssistLevel6=NO LONGER BLIND
  9275. HydroAssistLevel1=
  9276. HydroAssistLevel2=
  9277. HydroAssistLevel3=
  9278. HydroAssistLevel4=
  9279. HydroAssistLevel5=
  9280. HydroAssistLevel6=
  9281. KungJinAssistLevel1=
  9282. KungJinAssistLevel2=
  9283. KungJinAssistLevel3=
  9284. KungJinAssistLevel4=
  9285. KungJinAssistLevel5=
  9286. KungJinAssistLevel6=
  9287. MeatAssistLevel1=
  9288. MeatAssistLevel2=
  9289. MeatAssistLevel3=
  9290. MeatAssistLevel4=
  9291. MeatAssistLevel5=
  9292. MeatAssistLevel6=
  9293. MileenaAssistLevel1=
  9294. MileenaAssistLevel2=
  9295. MileenaAssistLevel3=
  9296. MileenaAssistLevel4=
  9297. MileenaAssistLevel5=
  9298. MileenaAssistLevel6=
  9299. NitaraAssistLevel1=
  9300. NitaraAssistLevel2=
  9301. NitaraAssistLevel3=
  9302. NitaraAssistLevel4=
  9303. NitaraAssistLevel5=
  9304. NitaraAssistLevel6=
  9305. OnyxAssistLevel1=
  9306. OnyxAssistLevel2=
  9307. OnyxAssistLevel3=
  9308. OnyxAssistLevel4=
  9309. OnyxAssistLevel5=
  9310. OnyxAssistLevel6=
  9311. QuanChiAssistLevel1=
  9312. QuanChiAssistLevel2=
  9313. QuanChiAssistLevel3=
  9314. QuanChiAssistLevel4=
  9315. QuanChiAssistLevel5=
  9316. QuanChiAssistLevel6=
  9317. ReikoAssistLevel1=
  9318. ReikoAssistLevel2=
  9319. ReikoAssistLevel3=
  9320. ReikoAssistLevel4=
  9321. ReikoAssistLevel5=
  9322. ReikoAssistLevel6=
  9323. SektorAssistLevel1=
  9324. SektorAssistLevel2=
  9325. SektorAssistLevel3=
  9326. SektorAssistLevel4=
  9327. SektorAssistLevel5=
  9328. SektorAssistLevel6=
  9329. SmokeAssistLevel1=
  9330. SmokeAssistLevel2=
  9331. SmokeAssistLevel3=
  9332. SmokeAssistLevel4=
  9333. SmokeAssistLevel5=
  9334. SmokeAssistLevel6=
  9335. TakedaAssistLevel1=
  9336. TakedaAssistLevel2=
  9337. TakedaAssistLevel3=
  9338. TakedaAssistLevel4=
  9339. TakedaAssistLevel5=
  9340. TakedaAssistLevel6=
  9341. TanyaAssistLevel1=
  9342. TanyaAssistLevel2=
  9343. TanyaAssistLevel3=
  9344. TanyaAssistLevel4=
  9345. TanyaAssistLevel5=
  9346. TanyaAssistLevel6=
  9347. TremorAssistLevel1=ROCK BUBBLES
  9348. TremorAssistLevel2=ROCK BOTTOM
  9349. TremorAssistLevel3=
  9350. TremorAssistLevel4=
  9351. TremorAssistLevel5=
  9352. TremorAssistLevel6=MOTHER NATURE'S WRATH
  9354. ShaolinLiuKang=FINDING MY PLACE
  9355. ShaolinKungLao=FOR THE SHAOLIN
  9356. ShaolinKungLiu1=TEAM UP
  9357. ShaolinKungLiu2=ARE YOU OKAY
  9360. EnduranceSonyaTower=AT EASE
  9361. AllForOneTestTowers=THE GAUNLET
  9362. SubScorpionEndurance=YOUR'E NEXT
  9363. CageFamilyEndurance=CAGE FAMILY
  9364. NitaraAssist=BLOOD BATS
  9365. MkDayScorpionTower=ARMORED UP
  9366. MkDayBarakaTower=BLOODY MESS
  9367. MkDaySubZeroTower=KOLD CHILL
  9368. MkDaySkarletTower=THE TASTE OF BLOOD
  9369. MkDayTerminasTower=TURNING BACK TIME
  9370. MkDayRaidenTower=STEP BEFORE A GOD
  9372. ;All For One Boss Fights
  9373. ScorpionBossAllForOne=
  9374. JadeBossAllForOne=
  9375. SubZeroBossAllForOne=
  9376. BarakaBossAllForOne=
  9377. CassieBossAllForOne=
  9378. DVorahBossAllForOne=
  9379. SkarletBossAllForOne=
  9380. RaidenBossAllForOne=
  9381. KungLaoBossAllForOne=
  9382. LiuKangBossAllForOne=
  9383. KabalBossAllForOne=
  9384. KanoBossAllForOne=
  9385. KronikaLadderBoss_BossOnly=
  9387. ;Generic All for One Bosses
  9388. ScorpionGenericAllForOne_1=ENGULF IN FLAMES
  9389. SubZeroGenericAllForOne_1=
  9390. SkarletGenericAllForOne_1=
  9391. RaidenGenericAllForOne_1=
  9392. BarakaGenericAllForOne_1=
  9393. CassieGenericAllForOne_1=
  9394. SonyaGenericAllForOne_1=
  9395. TerminasGenericAllForOne_1=
  9396. DvorahGenericAllForOne_1=
  9397. KabalGenericAllForOne_1=
  9399. [Ladder.Description]
  9400. Beta=A Klassic Mortal Kombat Tower against a series of random opponents.
  9401. Tutorial1=First tutorial tower description
  9402. Tutorial2=Second tutorial tower description
  9403. Tutorial3=Third tutorial tower description
  9404. Tutorial4=Fourth tutorial tower description
  9405. Default=Default Ladder Description
  9406. Default2=Default Ladder Description
  9407. Default3=Default Ladder Description
  9408. Default4=Default Ladder Description
  9409. Default5=Default Ladder Description
  9410. Default6=Default Ladder Description
  9411. Default7=Default Ladder Description
  9412. Default8=Default Ladder Description
  9413. ShowBuild=A Klassic Mortal Kombat Tower against a series of random opponents.
  9414. TagAssist=Tag Assist Description
  9415. TestOne=Ladder One Description
  9416. TestTwo=Ladder Two Description
  9417. TestThree=Ladder Three Description
  9418. Novice=Battle Against 5 Opponents.
  9419. Warrior=Battle Against 8 Opponents.
  9420. Champion=Battle Against 12 Opponents.
  9421. Survivor=Survive A Series Of Battles With Health Carrying Over From Each Match.
  9422. Endless=Defeat As Many Opponents In A Row Without A Loss.
  9423. BurnBadSpecial=She Is Trying To Keep You From Using Any Special Abilities.
  9424. BurnLightningStrike=
  9425. Debug=This is the exciting Debug Tower. Get Hype!!!
  9426. DebugTagTeam_PlayerVsAITag=This is the exciting Tag Debug Tower. Get Hype!!!
  9427. DebugTagTeam_PlayerTagVsAI=This is the exciting Super Tag Debug Tower. Get Hype!!!
  9428. DebugEndurance=This is the exciting Endurance Debug Tower. Get Hype!!!
  9429. BarakaSideKickTower1=Konsumables cannot be activated during the BLADED AND JADED Tower
  9430. BarakaSideKickTower2=Konsumables cannot be activated during the SMELL OF BLOOD Tower
  9431. BarakaSideKickTower3=Konsumables cannot be activated during the SURROUNDED BY DEATH Tower
  9432. BarakaSideKickTower4=Konsumables cannot be activated during the FEASTING ON FLESH Tower
  9433. BarakaSideKickTower5=Konsumables cannot be activated during the FINAL ENCOUNTER Tower
  9434. CassieSideKickTower1=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9435. CassieSideKickTower2=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9436. CassieSideKickTower3=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9437. CassieSideKickTower4=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9438. CassieSideKickTower5=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9439. CetrionSideKickTower1=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9440. CetrionSideKickTower2=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9441. CetrionSideKickTower3=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9442. CetrionSideKickTower4=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9443. CetrionSideKickTower5=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9444. CyberFrostSideKickTower1=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9445. CyberFrostSideKickTower2=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9446. CyberFrostSideKickTower3=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9447. CyberFrostSideKickTower4=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9448. CyberFrostSideKickTower5=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9449. DVorahSideKickTower1=Konsumables cannot be activated during the THE SWARM Tower
  9450. DVorahSideKickTower2=Konsumables cannot be activated during the BUGGIN OUT Tower
  9451. DVorahSideKickTower3=Konsumables cannot be activated during the INFESTED Tower
  9452. DVorahSideKickTower4=Konsumables cannot be activated during the CREEPY CRAWLERS Tower
  9453. DVorahSideKickTower5=Konsumables cannot be activated during the SWATTED Tower
  9454. ErronBlackSideKickTower1=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9455. ErronBlackSideKickTower2=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9456. ErronBlackSideKickTower3=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9457. ErronBlackSideKickTower4=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9458. ErronBlackSideKickTower5=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9459. JacquiSideKickTower1=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9460. JacquiSideKickTower2=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9461. JacquiSideKickTower3=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9462. JacquiSideKickTower4=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9463. JacquiSideKickTower5=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9464. JadeSideKickTower1=Konsumables cannot be activated during the BETRAYAL Tower
  9465. JadeSideKickTower2=Konsumables cannot be activated during the PROVEN WARRIOR Tower
  9466. JadeSideKickTower3=Konsumables cannot be activated during the ROYAL GUARD Tower
  9467. JadeSideKickTower4=Konsumables cannot be activated during the FATAL ATTRACTION Tower
  9468. JadeSideKickTower5=Konsumables cannot be activated during the EDENIAN RESISTANCE Tower
  9469. JaxSideKickTower1=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9470. JaxSideKickTower2=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9471. JaxSideKickTower3=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9472. JaxSideKickTower4=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9473. JaxSideKickTower5=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9474. CageSideKickTower1=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9475. CageSideKickTower2=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9476. CageSideKickTower3=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9477. CageSideKickTower4=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9478. CageSideKickTower5=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9479. KabalSideKickTower1=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9480. KabalSideKickTower2=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9481. KabalSideKickTower3=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9482. KabalSideKickTower4=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9483. KabalSideKickTower5=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9484. KanoSideKickTower1=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9485. KanoSideKickTower2=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9486. KanoSideKickTower3=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9487. KanoSideKickTower4=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9488. KanoSideKickTower5=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9489. KitanaSideKickTower1=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9490. KitanaSideKickTower2=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9491. KitanaSideKickTower3=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9492. KitanaSideKickTower4=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9493. KitanaSideKickTower5=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9494. KollectorSideKickTower1=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9495. KollectorSideKickTower2=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9496. KollectorSideKickTower3=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9497. KollectorSideKickTower4=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9498. KollectorSideKickTower5=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9499. KotalSideKickTower1=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9500. KotalSideKickTower2=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9501. KotalSideKickTower3=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9502. KotalSideKickTower4=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9503. KotalSideKickTower5=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9504. KungLaoSideKickTower1=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9505. KungLaoSideKickTower2=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9506. KungLaoSideKickTower3=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9507. KungLaoSideKickTower4=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9508. KungLaoSideKickTower5=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9509. LiuKangSideKickTower1=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9510. LiuKangSideKickTower2=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9511. LiuKangSideKickTower3=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9512. LiuKangSideKickTower4=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9513. LiuKangSideKickTower5=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9514. NoobSideKickTower1=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9515. NoobSideKickTower2=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9516. NoobSideKickTower3=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9517. NoobSideKickTower4=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9518. NoobSideKickTower5=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9519. RaidenSideKickTower1=Konsumables cannot be activated during the LIGHTNING STORM Tower
  9520. RaidenSideKickTower2=Konsumables cannot be activated during the ELECTRIC CURRENT Tower
  9521. RaidenSideKickTower3=Konsumables cannot be activated during the DEADLY STRIKE Tower
  9522. RaidenSideKickTower4=Konsumables cannot be activated during the ELECTROCUTED Tower
  9523. RaidenSideKickTower5=Konsumables cannot be activated during the SHOCKED Tower
  9524. ScorpionSideKickTower1=Konsumables cannot be activated during the FIRE PITS Tower
  9525. ScorpionSideKickTower2=Konsumables cannot be activated during the ETERNAL FLAME Tower
  9526. ScorpionSideKickTower3=Konsumables cannot be activated during the INFERNO Tower
  9527. ScorpionSideKickTower4=Konsumables cannot be activated during the WILD FIRE Tower
  9528. ScorpionSideKickTower5=Konsumables cannot be activated during the TURN TO ASH Tower
  9529. ShaoKahnSideKickTower1=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9530. ShaoKahnSideKickTower2=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9531. ShaoKahnSideKickTower3=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9532. ShaoKahnSideKickTower4=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9533. ShaoKahnSideKickTower5=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9534. SkarletSideKickTower1=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9535. SkarletSideKickTower2=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9536. SkarletSideKickTower3=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9537. SkarletSideKickTower4=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9538. SkarletSideKickTower5=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9539. SonyaSideKickTower1=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9540. SonyaSideKickTower2=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9541. SonyaSideKickTower3=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9542. SonyaSideKickTower4=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9543. SonyaSideKickTower5=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9544. SubZeroSideKickTower1=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9545. SubZeroSideKickTower2=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9546. SubZeroSideKickTower3=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9547. SubZeroSideKickTower4=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9548. SubZeroSideKickTower5=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9549. TerminasSideKickTower1=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9550. TerminasSideKickTower2=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9551. TerminasSideKickTower3=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9552. TerminasSideKickTower4=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9553. TerminasSideKickTower5=Konsumables cannot be activated during the XXXXXXXX Tower
  9554. AirstrikeLevel1=
  9555. AirstrikeLevel2=
  9556. AirstrikeLevel3=
  9557. AirstrikeLevel4=
  9558. AirstrikeLevel5=
  9559. AirstrikeLevel6=
  9560. AcidRainLevel1=
  9561. AcidRainLevel2=
  9562. AcidRainLevel3=
  9563. AcidRainLevel4=
  9564. AcidRainLevel5=
  9565. AcidRainLevel6=
  9566. ArmorLevel1=
  9567. ArmorLevel2=
  9568. ArmorLevel3=
  9569. ArmorLevel4=
  9570. ArmorLevel5=
  9571. ArmorLevel6=
  9572. BadDuckingLevel1=
  9573. BadDuckingLevel2=
  9574. BadDuckingLevel3=
  9575. BadDuckingLevel4=
  9576. BadDuckingLevel5=
  9577. BadDuckingLevel6=
  9578. BadJumpingLevel1=
  9579. BadJumpingLevel2=
  9580. BadJumpingLevel3=
  9581. BadJumpingLevel4=
  9582. BadJumpingLevel5=
  9583. BadJumpingLevel6=
  9584. CyraxBombsLevel1=
  9585. CyraxBombsLevel2=
  9586. CyraxBombsLevel3=
  9587. CyraxBombsLevel4=
  9588. CyraxBombsLevel5=
  9589. CyraxBombsLevel6=
  9590. CoordinatesReceivedLevel1=
  9591. CoordinatesReceivedLevel2=
  9592. CoordinatesReceivedLevel3=
  9593. CoordinatesReceivedLevel4=
  9594. CoordinatesReceivedLevel5=
  9595. CoordinatesReceivedLevel6=
  9596. BuffedUpLevel1=
  9597. BuffedUpLevel2=
  9598. BuffedUpLevel3=
  9599. BuffedUpLevel4=
  9600. BuffedUpLevel5=
  9601. BuffedUpLevel6=
  9602. BlockingDisabledLevel1=
  9603. BlockingDisabledLevel2=
  9604. BlockingDisabledLevel3=
  9605. BlockingDisabledLevel4=
  9606. BlockingDisabledLevel5=
  9607. BlockingDisabledLevel6=
  9608. BleedingLevel1=
  9609. BleedingLevel2=
  9610. BleedingLevel3=
  9611. BleedingLevel4=
  9612. BleedingLevel5=
  9613. BleedingLevel6=
  9614. BadSpecialLevel1=
  9615. BadSpecialLevel2=
  9616. BadSpecialLevel3=
  9617. BadSpecialLevel4=
  9618. BadSpecialLevel5=
  9619. BadSpecialLevel6=
  9620. BadLowGroundLevel1=
  9621. BadLowGroundLevel2=
  9622. BadLowGroundLevel3=
  9623. BadLowGroundLevel4=
  9624. BadLowGroundLevel5=
  9625. BadLowGroundLevel6=
  9626. AcidPoolLevel1=
  9627. AcidPoolLevel2=
  9628. AcidPoolLevel3=
  9629. AcidPoolLevel4=
  9630. AcidPoolLevel5=
  9631. AcidPoolLevel6=
  9632. FirePoolLevel1=
  9633. FirePoolLevel2=
  9634. FirePoolLevel3=
  9635. FirePoolLevel4=
  9636. FirePoolLevel5=
  9637. FirePoolLevel6=
  9638. PillarsOfFlameLevel1=
  9639. PillarsOfFlameLevel2=
  9640. PillarsOfFlameLevel3=
  9641. PillarsOfFlameLevel4=
  9642. PillarsOfFlameLevel5=
  9643. PillarsOfFlameLevel6=
  9644. PanningLasersLevel1=
  9645. PanningLasersLevel2=
  9646. PanningLasersLevel3=
  9647. PanningLasersLevel4=
  9648. PanningLasersLevel5=
  9649. PanningLasersLevel6=
  9650. FallingBombsLevel1=
  9651. FallingBombsLevel2=
  9652. FallingBombsLevel3=
  9653. FallingBombsLevel4=
  9654. FallingBombsLevel5=
  9655. FallingBombsLevel6=
  9656. EarthquakeLevel1=
  9657. EarthquakeLevel2=
  9658. EarthquakeLevel3=
  9659. EarthquakeLevel4=
  9660. EarthquakeLevel5=
  9661. EarthquakeLevel6=
  9662. DarkKombatLevel1=
  9663. DarkKombatLevel2=
  9664. DarkKombatLevel3=
  9665. DarkKombatLevel4=
  9666. DarkKombatLevel5=
  9667. DarkKombatLevel6=
  9668. PoisonAuraLevel1=
  9669. PoisonAuraLevel2=
  9670. PoisonAuraLevel3=
  9671. PoisonAuraLevel4=
  9672. PoisonAuraLevel5=
  9673. PoisonAuraLevel6=
  9674. ElectricAuraLevel1=
  9675. ElectricAuraLevel2=
  9676. ElectricAuraLevel3=
  9677. ElectricAuraLevel4=
  9678. ElectricAuraLevel5=
  9679. ElectricAuraLevel6=
  9680. ChaosAuraLevel1=
  9681. ChaosAuraLevel2=
  9682. ChaosAuraLevel3=
  9683. ChaosAuraLevel4=
  9684. ChaosAuraLevel5=
  9685. ChaosAuraLevel6=
  9686. EnergyAuraLevel1=
  9687. EnergyAuraLevel2=
  9688. EnergyAuraLevel3=
  9689. EnergyAuraLevel4=
  9690. EnergyAuraLevel5=
  9691. EnergyAuraLevel6=
  9692. MagicAuraLevel1=
  9693. MagicAuraLevel2=
  9694. MagicAuraLevel3=
  9695. MagicAuraLevel4=
  9696. MagicAuraLevel5=
  9697. MagicAuraLevel6=
  9698. DarkAuraLevel1=
  9699. DarkAuraLevel2=
  9700. DarkAuraLevel3=
  9701. DarkAuraLevel4=
  9702. DarkAuraLevel5=
  9703. DarkAuraLevel6=
  9704. BloodAuraLevel1=
  9705. BloodAuraLevel2=
  9706. BloodAuraLevel3=
  9707. BloodAuraLevel4=
  9708. BloodAuraLevel5=
  9709. BloodAuraLevel6=
  9710. IceAuraLevel1=
  9711. IceAuraLevel2=
  9712. IceAuraLevel3=
  9713. IceAuraLevel4=
  9714. IceAuraLevel5=
  9715. IceAuraLevel6=
  9716. FireAuraLevel1=
  9717. FireAuraLevel2=
  9718. FireAuraLevel3=
  9719. FireAuraLevel4=
  9720. FireAuraLevel5=
  9721. FireAuraLevel6=
  9722. PoisonFloorLevel1=
  9723. PoisonFloorLevel2=
  9724. PoisonFloorLevel3=
  9725. PoisonFloorLevel4=
  9726. PoisonFloorLevel5=
  9727. PoisonFloorLevel6=
  9728. FireFloorLevel1=
  9729. FireFloorLevel2=
  9730. FireFloorLevel3=
  9731. FireFloorLevel4=
  9732. FireFloorLevel5=
  9733. FireFloorLevel6=
  9734. IceFloorLevel1=
  9735. IceFloorLevel2=
  9736. IceFloorLevel3=
  9737. IceFloorLevel4=
  9738. IceFloorLevel5=
  9739. IceFloorLevel6=
  9740. MagicFloorLevel1=
  9741. MagicFloorLevel2=
  9742. MagicFloorLevel3=
  9743. MagicFloorLevel4=
  9744. MagicFloorLevel5=
  9745. MagicFloorLevel6=
  9746. ChaosFloorLevel1=
  9747. ChaosFloorLevel2=
  9748. ChaosFloorLevel3=
  9749. ChaosFloorLevel4=
  9750. ChaosFloorLevel5=
  9751. ChaosFloorLevel6=
  9752. DarkFloorLevel1=
  9753. DarkFloorLevel2=
  9754. DarkFloorLevel3=
  9755. DarkFloorLevel4=
  9756. DarkFloorLevel5=
  9757. DarkFloorLevel6=
  9758. ElectricFloorLevel1=
  9759. ElectricFloorLevel2=
  9760. ElectricFloorLevel3=
  9761. ElectricFloorLevel4=
  9762. ElectricFloorLevel5=
  9763. ElectricFloorLevel6=
  9764. BloodFloorLevel1=
  9765. BloodFloorLevel2=
  9766. BloodFloorLevel3=
  9767. BloodFloorLevel4=
  9768. BloodFloorLevel5=
  9769. BloodFloorLevel6=
  9770. EnergyFloorLevel1=
  9771. EnergyFloorLevel2=
  9772. EnergyFloorLevel3=
  9773. EnergyFloorLevel4=
  9774. EnergyFloorLevel5=
  9775. EnergyFloorLevel6=
  9776. PoisonRocketsLevel1=
  9777. PoisonRocketsLevel2=
  9778. PoisonRocketsLevel3=
  9779. PoisonRocketsLevel4=
  9780. PoisonRocketsLevel5=
  9781. PoisonRocketsLevel6=
  9782. FireRocketsLevel1=
  9783. FireRocketsLevel2=
  9784. FireRocketsLevel3=
  9785. FireRocketsLevel4=
  9786. FireRocketsLevel5=
  9787. FireRocketsLevel6=
  9788. IceRocketsLevel1=
  9789. IceRocketsLevel2=
  9790. IceRocketsLevel3=
  9791. IceRocketsLevel4=
  9792. IceRocketsLevel5=
  9793. IceRocketsLevel6=
  9794. MagicRocketsLevel1=
  9795. MagicRocketsLevel2=
  9796. MagicRocketsLevel3=
  9797. MagicRocketsLevel4=
  9798. MagicRocketsLevel5=
  9799. MagicRocketsLevel6=
  9800. ChaosRocketsLevel1=
  9801. ChaosRocketsLevel2=
  9802. ChaosRocketsLevel3=
  9803. ChaosRocketsLevel4=
  9804. ChaosRocketsLevel5=
  9805. ChaosRocketsLevel6=
  9806. DarkRocketsLevel1=
  9807. DarkRocketsLevel2=
  9808. DarkRocketsLevel3=
  9809. DarkRocketsLevel4=
  9810. DarkRocketsLevel5=
  9811. DarkRocketsLevel6=
  9812. ElectricRocketsLevel1=
  9813. ElectricRocketsLevel2=
  9814. ElectricRocketsLevel3=
  9815. ElectricRocketsLevel4=
  9816. ElectricRocketsLevel5=
  9817. ElectricRocketsLevel6=
  9818. BloodRocketsLevel1=
  9819. BloodRocketsLevel2=
  9820. BloodRocketsLevel3=
  9821. BloodRocketsLevel4=
  9822. BloodRocketsLevel5=
  9823. BloodRocketsLevel6=
  9824. EnergyRocketsLevel1=
  9825. EnergyRocketsLevel2=
  9826. EnergyRocketsLevel3=
  9827. EnergyRocketsLevel4=
  9828. EnergyRocketsLevel5=
  9829. EnergyRocketsLevel6=
  9830. PoisonFistsLevel1=
  9831. PoisonFistsLevel2=
  9832. PoisonFistsLevel3=
  9833. PoisonFistsLevel4=
  9834. PoisonFistsLevel5=
  9835. PoisonFistsLevel6=
  9836. FireFistsLevel1=
  9837. FireFistsLevel2=
  9838. FireFistsLevel3=
  9839. FireFistsLevel4=
  9840. FireFistsLevel5=
  9841. FireFistsLevel6=
  9842. IceFistsLevel1=
  9843. IceFistsLevel2=
  9844. IceFistsLevel3=
  9845. IceFistsLevel4=
  9846. IceFistsLevel5=
  9847. IceFistsLevel6=
  9848. MagicFistsLevel1=
  9849. MagicFistsLevel2=
  9850. MagicFistsLevel3=
  9851. MagicFistsLevel4=
  9852. MagicFistsLevel5=
  9853. MagicFistsLevel6=
  9854. ChaosFistsLevel1=
  9855. ChaosFistsLevel2=
  9856. ChaosFistsLevel3=
  9857. ChaosFistsLevel4=
  9858. ChaosFistsLevel5=
  9859. ChaosFistsLevel6=
  9860. DarkFistsLevel1=
  9861. DarkFistsLevel2=
  9862. DarkFistsLevel3=
  9863. DarkFistsLevel4=
  9864. DarkFistsLevel5=
  9865. DarkFistsLevel6=
  9866. ElectricFistsLevel1=
  9867. ElectricFistsLevel2=
  9868. ElectricFistsLevel3=
  9869. ElectricFistsLevel4=
  9870. ElectricFistsLevel5=
  9871. ElectricFistsLevel6=
  9872. BloodFistsLevel1=
  9873. BloodFistsLevel2=
  9874. BloodFistsLevel3=
  9875. BloodFistsLevel4=
  9876. BloodFistsLevel5=
  9877. BloodFistsLevel6=
  9878. EnergyFistsLevel1=
  9879. EnergyFistsLevel2=
  9880. EnergyFistsLevel3=
  9881. EnergyFistsLevel4=
  9882. EnergyFistsLevel5=
  9883. EnergyFistsLevel6=
  9884. PoisonStormLevel1=
  9885. PoisonStormLevel2=
  9886. PoisonStormLevel3=
  9887. PoisonStormLevel4=
  9888. PoisonStormLevel5=
  9889. PoisonStormLevel6=
  9890. FireStormLevel1=
  9891. FireStormLevel2=
  9892. FireStormLevel3=
  9893. FireStormLevel4=
  9894. FireStormLevel5=
  9895. FireStormLevel6=
  9896. IceStormLevel1=
  9897. IceStormLevel2=
  9898. IceStormLevel3=
  9899. IceStormLevel4=
  9900. IceStormLevel5=
  9901. IceStormLevel6=
  9902. MagicStormLevel1=
  9903. MagicStormLevel2=
  9904. MagicStormLevel3=
  9905. MagicStormLevel4=
  9906. MagicStormLevel5=
  9907. MagicStormLevel6=
  9908. ChaosStormLevel1=
  9909. ChaosStormLevel2=
  9910. ChaosStormLevel3=
  9911. ChaosStormLevel4=
  9912. ChaosStormLevel5=
  9913. ChaosStormLevel6=
  9914. DarkStormLevel1=
  9915. DarkStormLevel2=
  9916. DarkStormLevel3=
  9917. DarkStormLevel4=
  9918. DarkStormLevel5=
  9919. DarkStormLevel6=
  9920. ElectricStormLevel1=
  9921. ElectricStormLevel2=
  9922. ElectricStormLevel3=
  9923. ElectricStormLevel4=
  9924. ElectricStormLevel5=
  9925. ElectricStormLevel6=
  9926. BloodStormLevel1=
  9927. BloodStormLevel2=
  9928. BloodStormLevel3=
  9929. BloodStormLevel4=
  9930. BloodStormLevel5=
  9931. BloodStormLevel6=
  9932. EnergyStormLevel1=
  9933. EnergyStormLevel2=
  9934. EnergyStormLevel3=
  9935. EnergyStormLevel4=
  9936. EnergyStormLevel5=
  9937. EnergyStormLevel6=
  9938. CyraxAssist2Level1=
  9939. CyraxAssist2Level2=
  9940. CyraxAssist2Level3=
  9941. CyraxAssist2Level4=
  9942. CyraxAssist2Level5=
  9943. CyraxAssist2Level6=
  9945. CyraxAssistLevel1=
  9946. CyraxAssistLevel2=
  9947. CyraxAssistLevel3=
  9948. CyraxAssistLevel4=
  9949. CyraxAssistLevel5=
  9950. CyraxAssistLevel6=
  9951. BoRaiChoAssistLevel1=
  9952. BoRaiChoAssistLevel2=
  9953. BoRaiChoAssistLevel3=
  9954. BoRaiChoAssistLevel4=
  9955. BoRaiChoAssistLevel5=
  9956. BoRaiChoAssistLevel6=
  9957. ShinnokAssistLevel1=
  9958. ShinnokAssistLevel2=
  9959. ShinnokAssistLevel3=
  9960. ShinnokAssistLevel4=
  9961. ShinnokAssistLevel5=
  9962. ShinnokAssistLevel6=
  9963. ReptileAssistLevel1=
  9964. ReptileAssistLevel2=
  9965. ReptileAssistLevel3=
  9966. ReptileAssistLevel4=
  9967. ReptileAssistLevel5=
  9968. ReptileAssistLevel6=
  9969. RainAssistLevel1=
  9970. RainAssistLevel2=
  9971. RainAssistLevel3=
  9972. RainAssistLevel4=
  9973. RainAssistLevel5=
  9974. RainAssistLevel6=
  9975. ErmacAssistLevel1=
  9976. ErmacAssistLevel2=
  9977. ErmacAssistLevel3=
  9978. ErmacAssistLevel4=
  9979. ErmacAssistLevel5=
  9980. ErmacAssistLevel6=
  9981. HsuHaoAssistLevel1=
  9982. HsuHaoAssistLevel2=
  9983. HsuHaoAssistLevel3=
  9984. HsuHaoAssistLevel4=
  9985. HsuHaoAssistLevel5=
  9986. HsuHaoAssistLevel6=
  9987. KenshiAssistLevel1=
  9988. KenshiAssistLevel2=
  9989. KenshiAssistLevel3=
  9990. KenshiAssistLevel4=
  9991. KenshiAssistLevel5=
  9992. KenshiAssistLevel6=
  9993. HydroAssistLevel1=
  9994. HydroAssistLevel2=
  9995. HydroAssistLevel3=
  9996. HydroAssistLevel4=
  9997. HydroAssistLevel5=
  9998. HydroAssistLevel6=
  9999. KungJinAssistLevel1=
  10000. KungJinAssistLevel2=
  10001. KungJinAssistLevel3=
  10002. KungJinAssistLevel4=
  10003. KungJinAssistLevel5=
  10004. KungJinAssistLevel6=
  10005. MeatAssistLevel1=
  10006. MeatAssistLevel2=
  10007. MeatAssistLevel3=
  10008. MeatAssistLevel4=
  10009. MeatAssistLevel5=
  10010. MeatAssistLevel6=
  10011. MileenaAssistLevel1=
  10012. MileenaAssistLevel2=
  10013. MileenaAssistLevel3=
  10014. MileenaAssistLevel4=
  10015. MileenaAssistLevel5=
  10016. MileenaAssistLevel6=
  10017. NitaraAssistLevel1=
  10018. NitaraAssistLevel2=
  10019. NitaraAssistLevel3=
  10020. NitaraAssistLevel4=
  10021. NitaraAssistLevel5=
  10022. NitaraAssistLevel6=
  10023. OnyxAssistLevel1=
  10024. OnyxAssistLevel2=
  10025. OnyxAssistLevel3=
  10026. OnyxAssistLevel4=
  10027. OnyxAssistLevel5=
  10028. OnyxAssistLevel6=
  10029. QuanChiAssistLevel1=
  10030. QuanChiAssistLevel2=
  10031. QuanChiAssistLevel3=
  10032. QuanChiAssistLevel4=
  10033. QuanChiAssistLevel5=
  10034. QuanChiAssistLevel6=
  10035. ReikoAssistLevel1=
  10036. ReikoAssistLevel2=
  10037. ReikoAssistLevel3=
  10038. ReikoAssistLevel4=
  10039. ReikoAssistLevel5=
  10040. ReikoAssistLevel6=
  10041. SektorAssistLevel1=
  10042. SektorAssistLevel2=
  10043. SektorAssistLevel3=
  10044. SektorAssistLevel4=
  10045. SektorAssistLevel5=
  10046. SektorAssistLevel6=
  10047. SmokeAssistLevel1=
  10048. SmokeAssistLevel2=
  10049. SmokeAssistLevel3=
  10050. SmokeAssistLevel4=
  10051. SmokeAssistLevel5=
  10052. SmokeAssistLevel6=
  10053. TakedaAssistLevel1=
  10054. TakedaAssistLevel2=
  10055. TakedaAssistLevel3=
  10056. TakedaAssistLevel4=
  10057. TakedaAssistLevel5=
  10058. TakedaAssistLevel6=
  10059. TanyaAssistLevel1=
  10060. TanyaAssistLevel2=
  10061. TanyaAssistLevel3=
  10062. TanyaAssistLevel4=
  10063. TanyaAssistLevel5=
  10064. TanyaAssistLevel6=
  10065. TremorAssistLevel1=
  10066. TremorAssistLevel2=
  10067. TremorAssistLevel3=
  10068. TremorAssistLevel4=
  10069. TremorAssistLevel5=
  10070. TremorAssistLevel6=
  10072. ShaolinLiuKang=
  10073. ShaolinKungLao=
  10074. ShaolinKungLiu1=
  10075. ShaolinKungLiu2=
  10076. ShaolinKungLiu3=
  10078. EnduranceSonyaTower=
  10079. SubScorpionEndurance=Take on deadliest ninjas from the past and present.
  10080. CageFamilyEndurance=The Cage Family is here to f#ck you up.
  10081. NitaraAssist=Nitara has released life sucking Blood Bats into the realm.
  10083. MkDayScorpionTower="Each opponent has Armor and Increased Health."
  10084. MkDayBarakaTower="Vampiric Missiles spawn during the fight.\nNITARA'S GEMSTONE Konsumables can help."
  10085. MkDaySubZeroTower="Sub Zero will assist during this Tower.\nSome Konsumables are not usable."
  10086. MkDaySkarletTower="Blood Totems appear and drain Health.\nBreaking a Totem restores Health."
  10087. MkDayTerminasTower="A Klassic Mortal Kombat Tower against a series of random opponents."
  10088. MkDayRaidenTower="A series of battles featuring modifiers based on Klassic Mortal Kombat Characters."
  10090. ;All For One Boss Fights
  10091. ScorpionBossAllForOne=
  10092. JadeBossAllForOne=
  10093. SubZeroBossAllForOne=
  10094. BarakaBossAllForOne=
  10095. CassieBossAllForOne=
  10096. DVorahBossAllForOne=
  10097. SkarletBossAllForOne=
  10098. RaidenBossAllForOne=
  10099. KungLaoBossAllForOne=
  10100. LiuKangBossAllForOne=
  10101. KabalBossAllForOne=
  10102. KanoBossAllForOne=
  10103. KronikaLadderBoss_BossOnly=
  10105. ;Generic All for One Bosses
  10106. ScorpionGenericAllForOne_1=
  10107. SubZeroGenericAllForOne_1=
  10108. SkarletGenericAllForOne_1=
  10109. RaidenGenericAllForOne_1=
  10110. BarakaGenericAllForOne_1=
  10111. CassieGenericAllForOne_1=
  10112. SonyaGenericAllForOne_1=
  10113. TerminasGenericAllForOne_1=
  10114. DvorahGenericAllForOne_1=
  10115. KabalGenericAllForOne_1=
  10118. Test=yo yo yo this is test mon
  10133. [Tutorial.HUB]
  10134. Tutorial.Title=LEARN
  10135. LessonPrompt={dbutton:%hs} PLAY LESSON
  10136. ContinuePrompt="You currently have incomplete progress for this Lesson.\nWould you like to kontinue from the first incomplete Section?"
  10137. ContinueOption=KONTINUE
  10138. RestartOption=RESTART LESSON
  10139. RewardsWarning=You are currently not connected to the Mortal Kombat 11 servers. You may kontinue your progress, but you will not receive your rewards until you reconnect to the servers.
  10142. Basics.Title=BASICS
  10143. Basics.Desc="Players new to Mortal Kombat 11 should start\nhere to learn the fundamentals."
  10144. Advanced.Title=ADVANCED
  10145. Advanced.Desc="Once you understand the basics, explore advanced techniques\nand systems that give you more options in Kombat."
  10146. Strategy.Title=STRATEGY
  10147. Strategy.Desc="Build on techniques learned in previous lessons, examining\ntheir strengths, risks, and the best ways to use them."
  10148. Character.Title=CHARACTER
  10149. Character.Desc="An introduction to each of the Kombatants in Mortal Kombat 11.\nLearn about useful attacks, basic Kombos, and Special Moves."
  10150. CharacterDisabled.Title=CHARACTER
  10151. CharacterDisabled.Desc=KOMING SOON
  10154. Category.Basics.Title=BASIC TUTORIAL
  10155. Category.Basics.Desc=
  10156. Category.Adv_0.Title=ADVANCED OFFENSE
  10157. Category.Adv_0.Desc=
  10158. Category.Adv_1.Title=ADVANCED DEFENSE
  10159. Category.Adv_1.Desc=
  10160. Category.Adv_2.Title=FRAME DATA
  10161. Category.Adv_2.Desc=
  10162. Category.Str_0.Title=BUILDING KOMBOS
  10163. Category.Str_0.Desc=
  10164. Category.Str_1.Title=ADVANTAGE & PRESSURE
  10165. Category.Str_1.Desc=
  10166. Category.Str_2.Title=POSITIONING & RESOURCES
  10167. Category.Str_2.Desc=
  10168. Category.Character.Title=CHARACTER LESSONS
  10169. Category.Character.Desc=
  10170. Category.CharacterDisabled.Title=CHARACTER LESSONS
  10171. Category.CharacterDisabled.Desc=KOMING SOON
  10172. Empty.Title=
  10173. Empty.Desc=
  10176. BasicsMovementAndAttacks.title=BASIC MOVEMENT AND ATTACKS
  10177. BasicsMovementAndAttacks.desc=Learn the basics of moving and attacking.
  10179. BlockingAndThrows.title=BLOCKING AND THROWS
  10180. BlockingAndThrows.desc=Defend against strikes by Blocking. Throw to attack Blocking opponents.
  10182. BasicInteracts.title=ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION
  10183. BasicInteracts.desc=Use the environment to attack or evade your opponent.
  10185. SpecialMovesAndStrings.title=SPECIAL MOVES AND KOMBO ATTACKS
  10186. SpecialMovesAndStrings.desc=Execute a series of inputs to perform Special Moves and Kombo Attack Strings.
  10188. FatalBlowsAndJustFrames.title=FATAL BLOWS AND AMPLIFIED SPECIAL MOVES
  10189. FatalBlowsAndJustFrames.desc=Perform your character's most powerful attacks, at the cost of limited resources.
  10191. BasicCombos.title=BASIC KOMBOS
  10192. BasicCombos.desc=Combine different moves into a sequence of attacks to deal more damage.
  10194. SpecialCancel.title=SPECIAL MOVE CANCELS
  10195. SpecialCancel.desc=Kombo Basic Attacks into Special Moves to build longer Kombos with Special Move Cancels.
  10196. JumpIns.title=JUMP IN ATTACKS
  10197. JumpIns.desc=Use Jump In Attacks to start Kombos from the air.
  10198. Hops.title=QUICK JUMPS
  10199. Hops.desc=Use Quick Jumps to evade Low Attacks. Use Quick Jump Attack to perform a fast Overhead Attack.
  10200. DashCancel.title=DASH CANCELS
  10201. DashCancel.desc=Cut a Dash short with a Block, Attack, or Jump.
  10202. BlockDamage.title=BLOCK DAMAGE
  10203. BlockDamage.desc=Attacks cause a small amount of damage when Blocked.
  10204. KrushingBlows.title=KRUSHING BLOWS
  10205. KrushingBlows.desc=Meet specific konditions to perform more powerful versions of certain attacks.
  10207. AdvBlocking.title=ADVANCED BLOCKING
  10208. AdvBlocking.desc=Block a mix of fast Low Attacks and slower Overhead Attacks.
  10209. Reversal.title=REVERSAL ATTACKS
  10210. Reversal.desc=Perform a Special Move as a Reversal to start an attack immediately after you Block.
  10211. Wakeup.title=GETUP
  10212. Wakeup.desc=Use Getup Attacks, Getup Rolls, and Delayed Getup to avoid attacks as you recover from a Knockdown.
  10213. AdvInteracts.title=ADVANCED INTERACTION
  10214. AdvInteracts.desc=Modify Environment Interactions to change their behavior or add Armor.
  10215. PerfectBlock.title=FLAWLESS BLOCK
  10216. PerfectBlock.desc=Perfectly time a Block to reduce the Block Damage of an incoming attack.
  10217. BlockAttacks.title=BLOCK ATTACKS
  10218. BlockAttacks.desc=Perform powerful attacks to interrupt your opponent immediately after a Flawless Block.
  10219. AirEscapes.title=BREAKAWAYS
  10220. AirEscapes.desc=Spend your Defensive Gauge to Escape a Juggle Kombo.
  10222. CornerCombos.title=KORNER KOMBOS
  10223. CornerCombos.desc=Perform Kombos that are only possible when the opponent in is the Korner.
  10224. ComboLimitations.title=KOMBO LIMITATIONS
  10225. ComboLimitations.desc=Learn about systems that limit the length and damage of Kombos.
  10226. ExtendingCombos.title=EXTENDING KOMBOS
  10227. ExtendingCombos.desc=Extend the length of your Kombos with Juggles and Amplified attacks.
  10228. ComboStarters.title=KOMBO STARTS
  10229. ComboStarters.desc=Use different types of attacks to start the right Kombo in the right situation.
  10230. ComboEnders.title=KOMBO ENDERS
  10231. ComboEnders.desc=End Kombos with attacks that can give you a positional advantage or cause a Knockdown.
  10233. FrameDataIntro.title=INTRO TO FRAME DATA
  10234. FrameDataIntro.desc=An overview of the basic elements of Frame Data, including Start Up, Active, and Recovery Frames.
  10235. HitAdv.title=HIT ADVANTAGE
  10236. HitAdv.desc=Hit Advantage describes how soon each player can move after an attack Hits.
  10237. BlockAdv.title=BLOCK ADVANTAGE
  10238. BlockAdv.desc=Block Advantage describes how soon each player can move after an attack is Blocked.
  10239. UnsafeAttacks.title=UNSAFE ATTACKS
  10240. UnsafeAttacks.desc=Use Frame Data to determine which of your attacks leave you vulnerable if Blocked.
  10241. SafeAttacks.title=SAFE ATTACKS
  10242. SafeAttacks.desc=Use Frame Data to determine which of your attacks are safer to use if your opponent can Block.
  10243. Punishing.title=PUNISHING
  10244. Punishing.desc=Kounter attack your opponent when they perform an attack that is Unsafe on Block.
  10246. HitConfirming.title=HIT CONFIRMING
  10247. HitConfirming.desc=Safely use a Punishable attack in a Kombo by reacting when an opponent is hit by or Blocks a Kombo Attack.
  10248. WakeupOffense.title=GETUP OFFENSE
  10249. WakeupOffense.desc=Knockdown your opponent and attack as they get up when you have an advantage.
  10250. WakeupDefense.title=GETUP DEFENSE
  10251. WakeupDefense.desc=Learn options to defend yourself from an opponent that attacks as you get up after a Knockdown.
  10252. BlockPressure.title=BLOCK PRESSURE
  10253. BlockPressure.desc=Use knowledge of Frame Data to limit the opponent's options and keep them on defense when they Block your attacks.
  10254. HitPressure.title=HIT PRESSURE
  10255. HitPressure.desc=Use knowledge of Frame Data to apply Pressure after a successful hit.
  10256. PressureDefense.title=PRESSURE DEFENSE
  10257. PressureDefense.desc=Learn to defend and escape Pressure from an aggressive opponent.
  10259. Zoning.title=ZONING
  10260. Zoning.desc=Use Projectile Attacks to fight at long range and keep your opponent at a distance.
  10261. CounterZoning.title=FIGHTING ZONERS
  10262. CounterZoning.desc=Avoid Projectile Attacks and close in on Zoning opponents.
  10263. Neutral.title=GROUNDED NEUTRAL
  10264. Neutral.desc=Fight to control space with your attacks in Neutral situations, where no player has an immediate advantage.
  10265. AntiAir.title=ANTI AIR
  10266. AntiAir.desc=Interrupt opponents attempting to approach with a Jumping Attack.
  10267. MeterManagement.title=GAUGE MANAGEMENT
  10268. MeterManagement.desc=Spend your Offensive and Defensive Gauges wisely when facing a skilled opponent.
  10269. SuperManagement.title=FATAL BLOW MANAGEMENT
  10270. SuperManagement.desc=Use your Fatal Blow to help you win a match.
  10272. CHAR_Baraka.CategoryTitle=BARAKA TUTORIALS
  10273. BARAKA1.title=BLADE SPARK
  10274. BARAKA1.desc=
  10275. BARAKA2.title=BLADE CHARGE
  10276. BARAKA2.desc=
  10277. BARAKA3.title=WAR BANNER
  10278. BARAKA3.desc=
  10279. BARAKA4.title=OUTWORLD BASH
  10280. BARAKA4.desc=
  10281. BARAKA5.title=BLADE SWIPE
  10282. BARAKA5.desc=
  10283. BARAKA6.title=LEG CHOP
  10284. BARAKA6.desc=
  10285. BARAKA7.title=CUTTING LOSE
  10286. BARAKA7.desc=
  10288. BARAKA8.desc=
  10289. BARAKA9.title=KNEE LUNGE
  10290. BARAKA9.desc=
  10292. CHAR_Cage.CategoryTitle=JOHNNY CAGE TUTORIALS
  10293. Cage.title=Cage TITLE
  10294. Cage.desc=Cage DESCRIPTION
  10296. CHAR_Cassie.CategoryTitle=CASSIE TUTORIALS
  10297. Cassie.title=Cassie TITLE
  10298. Cassie.desc=Cassie DESCRIPTION
  10300. CHAR_Cetrion.CategoryTitle=CETRION TUTORIALS
  10301. Cetrion.title=Cetrion TITLE
  10302. Cetrion.desc=Cetrion DESCRIPTION
  10304. CHAR_CyberFrost.CategoryTitle=FROST TUTORIALS
  10305. CyberFrost.title=Frost TITLE
  10306. CyberFrost.desc=Frost DESCRIPTION
  10308. CHAR_DVorah.CategoryTitle=D'VORAH TUTORIALS
  10309. DVorah.title=D'Vorah TITLE
  10310. DVorah.desc=D'Vorah DESCRIPTION
  10312. CHAR_ErronBlack.CategoryTitle=ERRON BLACK TUTORIALS
  10313. ErronBlack.title=ErronBlack TITLE
  10314. ErronBlack.desc=ErronBlack DESCRIPTION
  10316. CHAR_Jacqui.CategoryTitle=JACQUI TUTORIALS
  10317. Jacqui.title=Jacqui TITLE
  10318. Jacqui.desc=Jacqui DESCRIPTION
  10320. CHAR_Jade.CategoryTitle=JADE TUTORIALS
  10321. Jade1.title=RAZOR RANG
  10322. Jade1.desc=
  10323. Jade2.title=BLAZING NITRO KICK
  10324. Jade2.desc=
  10325. Jade3.title=DEADLY BUTTERFLY
  10326. Jade3.desc=
  10327. Jade4.title=DODGING SHADOWS
  10328. Jade4.desc=
  10329. Jade5.title=TEMPTATION
  10330. Jade5.desc=
  10331. Jade6.title=WIGGLE STICK
  10332. Jade6.desc=
  10333. Jade7.title=POLE STRIKE
  10334. Jade7.desc=
  10335. Jade8.title=POLL DANCE
  10336. Jade8.desc=
  10337. Jade9.title=EDENIAN RUSH
  10338. Jade9.desc=
  10339. Jade10.title=SIDE KICK
  10340. Jade10.desc=
  10342. CHAR_Jax.CategoryTitle=JAX TUTORIALS
  10343. Jax1.title=GROUND POUND
  10344. Jax1.desc=
  10345. Jax2.title=THUMPER
  10346. Jax2.desc=
  10347. Jax3.title=ARM HEAT
  10348. Jax3.desc=
  10349. Jax4.title=GOTCHA GRAB
  10350. Jax4.desc=
  10351. Jax5.title=HEATING UP
  10352. Jax5.desc=
  10353. Jax6.title=HEAT MISSILE
  10354. Jax6.desc=
  10355. Jax7.title=AMBUSHED
  10356. Jax7.desc=
  10357. Jax8.title=SLEEP, BITCH
  10358. Jax8.desc=
  10359. Jax9.title=HEAD SLAMMER
  10360. Jax9.desc=
  10361. Jax10.title=GUR KNEE
  10362. Jax10.desc=
  10364. CHAR_Kabal.CategoryTitle=KABAL TUTORIALS
  10365. Kabal1.title=NOMAD DASH
  10366. Kabal1.desc=
  10367. Kabal2.title=BUZZSAW
  10368. Kabal2.desc=
  10369. Kabal3.title=HOOK SLAM
  10370. Kabal3.desc=
  10371. Kabal4.title=SWINGING HOOKS
  10372. Kabal4.desc=
  10373. Kabal5.title=SWEEPING HOOKS
  10374. Kabal5.desc=
  10375. Kabal6.title=HOOK SWIPE
  10376. Kabal6.desc=
  10377. Kabal7.title=MAIMED AND MANGLED
  10378. Kabal7.desc=
  10379. Kabal8.title=EXTERMINATION SQUAD
  10380. Kabal8.desc=
  10381. Kabal9.title=LEFT FOR DEAD
  10382. Kabal9.desc=
  10384. CHAR_Kano.CategoryTitle=KANO TUTORIALS
  10385. Kano1.title=BLADE TOSS
  10386. Kano1.desc=
  10387. Kano2.title=BLACK DRAGON BALL
  10388. Kano2.desc=
  10389. Kano3.title=DEADLY GRAZE
  10390. Kano3.desc=
  10391. Kano4.title=ENZIGURI
  10392. Kano4.desc=
  10393. Kano5.title=WHEEL KICK
  10394. Kano5.desc=
  10395. Kano6.title=TAKEDOWN
  10396. Kano6.desc=
  10397. Kano7.title=FIGJAM
  10398. Kano7.desc=
  10399. Kano8.title=FAIR SICK OF THE SAV
  10400. Kano8.desc=
  10402. CHAR_Kotal.CategoryTitle=KOTAL TUTORIALS
  10403. Kotal.title=Kotal TITLE
  10404. Kotal.desc=Kotal DESCRIPTION
  10406. CHAR_KungLao.CategoryTitle=KUNG LAO TUTORIALS
  10407. KungLao.title=KungLao TITLE
  10408. KungLao.desc=KungLao DESCRIPTION
  10410. CHAR_Kitana.CategoryTitle=KITANA TUTORIALS
  10411. Kitana.title=Kitana TITLE
  10412. Kitana.desc=Kitana DESCRIPTION
  10414. CHAR_Kollector.CategoryTitle=KOLLECTOR TUTORIALS
  10415. Kollector.title=Kollector TITLE
  10416. Kollector.desc=Kollector DESCRIPTION
  10418. CHAR_LiuKang.CategoryTitle=LIU KANG TUTORIALS
  10419. LiuKang.title=LiuKang TITLE
  10420. LiuKang.desc=LiuKang DESCRIPTION
  10422. CHAR_Noob.CategoryTitle=NOOB TUTORIALS
  10423. Noob.title=Noob TITLE
  10424. Noob.desc=Noob DESCRIPTION
  10426. CHAR_Raiden.CategoryTitle=RAIDEN TUTORIALS
  10427. Raiden1.title=LIGHTNING BOLT
  10428. Raiden1.desc=
  10429. Raiden2.title=SUMMON LIGHTNING
  10430. Raiden2.desc=
  10431. Raiden3.title=LIGHTNING STRIKE
  10432. Raiden3.desc=
  10433. Raiden4.title=ELECTRIC FLY
  10434. Raiden4.desc=
  10435. Raiden5.title=HAMMER FISTS
  10436. Raiden5.desc=
  10437. Raiden6.title=POWER DISCHARGE
  10438. Raiden6.desc=
  10439. Raiden7.title=MASSIVE DESTRUCTION
  10440. Raiden7.desc=
  10441. Raiden8.title=OVERLOAD
  10442. Raiden8.desc=
  10443. Raiden9.title=MIGHT OF MORDULUS
  10444. Raiden9.desc=
  10445. Raiden10.title=HEAVY STORM
  10446. Raiden10.desc=
  10447. Raiden11.title=THUNDER KNEE
  10448. Raiden11.desc=
  10450. CHAR_Scorpion.CategoryTitle=SCORPION TUTORIALS
  10451. Scorpion.title=Scorpion TITLE
  10452. Scorpion.desc=Scorpion DESCRIPTION
  10453. Scorpion1.title=HELL PORT
  10454. Scorpion1.desc=
  10455. Scorpion2.title=SPEAR
  10456. Scorpion2.desc=
  10457. Scorpion3.title=TORMENT
  10458. Scorpion3.desc=
  10459. Scorpion4.title=FALLING ASHES
  10460. Scorpion4.desc=
  10461. Scorpion5.title=GUT SLICE
  10462. Scorpion5.desc=
  10463. Scorpion6.title=DARK SOUL
  10464. Scorpion6.desc=
  10465. Scorpion7.title=FLIP KICK
  10466. Scorpion7.desc=
  10467. Scorpion8.title=RISING CUT
  10468. Scorpion8.desc=
  10469. Scorpion9.title=SOULLESS
  10470. Scorpion9.desc=
  10471. SCORPIONCOMBO1.title=TRIAL 1
  10472. SCORPIONCOMBO1.desc=
  10473. SCORPIONCOMBO2.title=TRIAL 2
  10474. SCORPIONCOMBO2.desc=
  10475. SCORPIONCOMBO3.title=TRIAL 3
  10476. SCORPIONCOMBO3.desc=
  10477. SCORPIONCOMBO4.title=TRIAL 4
  10478. SCORPIONCOMBO4.desc=
  10480. CHAR_ShaoKahn.CategoryTitle=SHAO KAHN TUTORIALS
  10481. ShaoKahn.title=ShaoKahn TITLE
  10482. ShaoKahn.desc=ShaoKahn DESCRIPTION
  10484. CHAR_Skarlet.CategoryTitle=SKARLET TUTORIALS
  10485. Skarlet1.title=BLOOD BALL
  10486. Skarlet1.desc=
  10487. Skarlet2.title=BLOODSHOT
  10488. Skarlet2.desc=
  10489. Skarlet3.title=BLOOD TENTACLE
  10490. Skarlet3.desc=
  10491. Skarlet4.title=BLOOD TRAIL
  10492. Skarlet4.desc=
  10493. Skarlet5.title=THE END IS NIGH
  10494. Skarlet5.desc=
  10495. Skarlet6.title=KOAGULATION
  10496. Skarlet6.desc=
  10497. Skarlet7.title=SCYTHE SLAM
  10498. Skarlet7.desc=
  10499. Skarlet8.title=REACHING WHIP
  10500. Skarlet8.desc=
  10501. Skarlet9.title=BLEEDING
  10502. Skarlet9.desc=
  10503. Skarlet10.title=SIMPLE SLAUGHTER
  10504. Skarlet10.desc=
  10505. Skarlet11.title=KRACK THE WHIP
  10506. Skarlet11.desc=
  10508. CHAR_Sonya.CategoryTitle=SONYA TUTORIALS
  10509. Sonya1.title=ENERGY RINGS
  10510. Sonya1.desc=
  10511. Sonya2.title=LEG BREAKER
  10512. Sonya2.desc=
  10513. Sonya3.title=AIR CONTROL
  10514. Sonya3.desc=
  10515. Sonya4.title=OVERWATCH
  10516. Sonya4.desc=
  10517. Sonya5.title=SHOOT AND SCOOT
  10518. Sonya5.desc=
  10519. Sonya6.title=HOOAH
  10520. Sonya6.desc=
  10521. Sonya7.title=UNDER SIEGE
  10522. Sonya7.desc=
  10523. Sonya8.title=LAST PATROL
  10524. Sonya8.desc=
  10525. Sonya9.title=VENDETTA
  10526. Sonya9.desc=
  10528. CHAR_Subzero.CategoryTitle=SUB ZERO TUTORIALS
  10529. Subzero1.title=SLIDE
  10530. Subzero1.desc=
  10531. Subzero2.title=ICEBALL
  10532. Subzero2.desc=
  10533. Subzero3.title=AXE BUSH
  10534. Subzero3.desc=
  10535. Subzero4.title=DOUBLE AXE SLAM
  10536. Subzero4.desc=
  10537. Subzero5.title=FROSTY
  10538. Subzero5.desc=
  10539. Subzero6.title=RISING AXE
  10540. Subzero6.desc=
  10541. Subzero7.title=BRUTAL KICK
  10542. Subzero7.desc=
  10544. CHAR_Terminas.CategoryTitle=GERAS TUTORIALS
  10545. Terminas1.title=TEMPORAL ADVANTAGE
  10546. Terminas1.desc=
  10547. Terminas2.title=SAND TRAP
  10548. Terminas2.desc=
  10549. Terminas3.title=BIG FIST
  10550. Terminas3.desc=
  10551. Terminas4.title=TITAN TACKLE
  10552. Terminas4.desc=
  10553. Terminas5.title=DANGEROUS CHRONOLOGY
  10554. Terminas5.desc=
  10555. Terminas6.title=MATTER OF TIME
  10556. Terminas6.desc=
  10557. Terminas7.title=SHOULDER CHARGE
  10558. Terminas7.desc=
  10559. Terminas8.title=RIPPLE IN TIME
  10560. Terminas8.desc=
  10561. Terminas9.title=OUT OF TIME
  10562. Terminas9.desc=
  10564. CHAR_Kollector.CategoryTitle=KOLLECTOR TUTORIALS
  10566. [Tutorial]
  10567. ; Available color tags are [YEL], [LBL], [BLU], [RED], [GRN]
  10570. DemoEnter={padButton:%hs} VIEW DEMO
  10571. DemoExit={padButton:%hs} EXIT DEMO
  10572. Windows.Hit=HIT
  10573. Windows.Miss=MISS
  10574. Windows.TimedOut="TOO\nLATE"
  10575. Windows.WrongButton="WRONG\nBUTTON"
  10576. Windows.TimeOut="TIMED\nOUT"
  10577. Windows.Description.TimeOut="One of the attacks in your Kombo Attack did not start. You either pressed the wrong button, or you did not press the correct button fast enough.\nPress [Select] to see the correct timing."
  10578. Windows.Description.Missed="You performed the Kombo Attack correctly, but you did not hit the opponent with each attack."
  10579. Windows.Description.SpecialTimeout="You performed the Kombo Attack correctly, but the Special Move did not start. When Canceling, you can start inputting the Special Move as soon as you finish inputting the previous attack."
  10580. Temp.Title=HERE'S A TITLE [FK][,][Away][+][FP][,][FP]
  10581. Temp.Description="Aaaaand here's a description\n[FK][,][Towards][+][FP][,][Away][+][BK]"
  10582. DebugDashForward=Dash [YEL]Forward[CLR]
  10583. DebugDashBackward=Dash [LBL]Backward[CLR]
  10584. DebugBlockString=[RED]Block[CLR] the string
  10585. DebugComboString=[RED]away2[CLR] > [BLU]df1 ice ball[CLR] > [YEL]Dash Forward[CLR] > [GRN]attack1_2[CLR]
  10586. DebugThinkingAI=No kondition to satisfy just fight the AI until you want to quit.
  10587. DebugLoopingAI=Testing the AI command looping without and with resets.
  10588. FatalityTutorialWelcome=Welcome to the Fatality Tutorial
  10589. FatalityTutorialYes=DISABLE FATALITY TIMEOUT
  10590. FatalityTutorialNo=ENABLE FATALITY TIMEOUT
  10592. SpecialCancel_Format={command1:%s}, then {command2:%s} before Cage finishes his first Attack
  10593. Tut_SpaceBreak=" -"
  10594. Tut_CommaSpaceBreak="[,] -"
  10595. Tut_CommaSpace="[,] "
  10596. Tut_Comma="[,]"
  10597. Tut_then=then
  10598. Tut_delay=delay
  10599. Tut_delayCap=Delay
  10600. Tut_DelayThen=delay, then
  10601. Tut_shortdelay=short delay
  10602. Tut_Cancel=Cancel
  10603. Tut_ThenSpecialMoveCancelInto=then Special Move Cancel into
  10604. Tut_SpecialMoveCancelInto=Special Move Cancel into
  10605. Tut_SpecialMoveCancel=Special Move Cancel
  10606. Tut_CancelInto=Cancel into
  10607. Tut_AfterLanding=after landing
  10608. Tut_HoldTowards=Hold [Towards]
  10609. Tut_HoldDown=Hold [Down]
  10610. Tut_ThenHoldDown=then Hold [Down]
  10611. Tut_HoldAway=Hold [Away]
  10612. Tut_Block="Hold [R2]"
  10613. Tut_LowBlock="Hold [Down] + [R2]"
  10614. Tut_BlockThen="Block[,] then"
  10615. Tut_ThenBlock=" then Hold [R2]"
  10616. Tut_ThenLowBlock="then Hold [Down] + [R2]"
  10617. Tut_JumpOver=[Up] or [TowardsUp]
  10618. Tut_Immediately=Immediately
  10619. Tut_Perform=Perform
  10620. Tut_Enhance=Amplify
  10621. Tut_WhileAirborne=while airborne
  10622. Tut_WhileAirborneOpponent=while the opponent is airborne
  10623. Tut_AsOpponentWakeup=as the opponent Gets Up.
  10624. Tut_BeforeOpponentWakeup=before the opponent Gets Up.
  10625. Tut_AsOpponentRolls=as the opponent Rolls.
  10626. Tut_AsWakeup=as you get up
  10627. Tut_AfterWakeup=immediately after getting up
  10628. Tut_AfterRecover=immediately after you Recover
  10630. Tut_PerformCombo_Desc=Perform the [YEL]Kombo[CLR].
  10631. Tut_PerformCombo=Perform the Kombo.
  10633. Basic_Movement_Desc="Welcome to [YEL]Mortal Kombat 11[CLR].\nLet's go over some basics before you enter the fight,\nstarting with movement."
  10634. Basic_Movement_1="Basic Movement"
  10635. Basic_Movement_2="Jump Movement"
  10636. Basic_Movement_3="Basic Attacks"
  10637. Basic_Movement_4="Duck Attacks"
  10638. Basic_Movement_5="Jump Attacks"
  10639. Basic_Movement_Input1=" "
  10641. Basic_Movement_Quest_WalkForward="Step Forward: [Towards]"
  10642. Basic_Movement_Quest_WalkBackward="Step Backward: [Away]"
  10643. Basic_Movement_Quest_DashForward="Dash Forward: [Towards][Towards]"
  10644. Basic_Movement_Quest_DashBackward="Dash Backward: [Away][Away]"
  10645. Basic_Movement_Quest_Duck="Duck: Hold [Down]"
  10647. Basic_Movement_Quest_JumpFwd="Jump Forward: [TowardsUp]"
  10648. Basic_Movement_Quest_JumpBwd="Jump Backward: [AwayUp]"
  10649. Basic_Movement_Quest_JumpUp="Jump Upward: Hold [Up]"
  10651. Basic_Attacks_Quest_FP="Front Punch: [FP]"
  10652. Basic_Attacks_Quest_BP="Back Punch: [BP]"
  10653. Basic_Attacks_Quest_FK="Front Kick: [FK]"
  10654. Basic_Attacks_Quest_BK="Back Kick: [BK]"
  10656. Basic_Attacks_Quest_Duck_FP="Duck Front Punch: [Down][+][FP]"
  10657. Basic_Attacks_Quest_Duck_BP="Duck Back Punch: [Down][+][BP]"
  10658. Basic_Attacks_Quest_Duck_FK="Duck Front Kick: [Down][+][FK]"
  10659. Basic_Attacks_Quest_Duck_BK="Duck Back Kick: [Down][+][BK]"
  10661. Basic_Attacks_Quest_Jump_FP="Jumping Front Punch: [TowardsUp], then [FP] while airborne."
  10662. Basic_Attacks_Quest_Jump_BP="Jumping Back Punch: [TowardsUp], then [BP] while airborne."
  10663. Basic_Attacks_Quest_Jump_Kick="Jumping Kick: [TowardsUp], then [FK] or [BK] while airborne."
  10665. Basic_Movement_WalkForward=Step Forward
  10666. Basic_Movement_WalkForward_Input="[Towards]"
  10667. Basic_Movement_WalkBackward=Step Backward
  10668. Basic_Movement_WalkBackward_Input="[Away]"
  10669. Basic_Movement_DashFwd=Dash Forward
  10670. Basic_Movement_DashFwd_Input="[Towards][Towards]"
  10671. Basic_Movement_DashBwd="Dash Backward"
  10672. Basic_Movement_DashBwd_Input="[Away][Away]"
  10673. Basic_Movement_Duck=Duck
  10674. Basic_Movement_Duck_Input="Hold [Down]"
  10676. Basic_Movement_JumpUp=Jump Upward
  10677. Basic_Movement_JumpUp_Input="Hold [Up]"
  10678. Basic_Movement_JumpFwd=Jump Forward
  10679. Basic_Movement_JumpFwd_Input="[TowardsUp]"
  10680. Basic_Movement_JumpBwd=Jump Backward
  10681. Basic_Movement_JumpBwd_Input="[AwayUp]"
  10683. Basic_Attacks_Desc="Next, familiarize yourself with your [YEL]Basic Attacks[CLR]."
  10684. Basic_Attacks_FP=Front Punch
  10685. Basic_Attacks_FP_Input="[FP]"
  10686. Basic_Attacks_BP=Back Punch
  10687. Basic_Attacks_BP_Input="[BP]"
  10688. Basic_Attacks_FK=Front Kick
  10689. Basic_Attacks_FK_Input="[FK]"
  10690. Basic_Attacks_BK=Back Kick
  10691. Basic_Attacks_BK_Input="[BK]"
  10693. Basic_Attacks_Duck_FP=Duck Front Punch
  10694. Basic_Attacks_Duck_Hold_FP_Input="Hold [Down][+][FP]"
  10695. Basic_Attacks_Duck_BP=Duck Back Punch
  10696. Basic_Attacks_Duck_Hold_BP_Input="Hold [Down][+][BP]"
  10697. Basic_Attacks_Duck_FK=Duck Front Kick
  10698. Basic_Attacks_Duck_Hold_FK_Input="Hold [Down][+][FK]"
  10699. Basic_Attacks_Duck_BK=Duck Back Kick
  10700. Basic_Attacks_Duck_Hold_BK_Input="Hold [Down][+][BK]"
  10701. Basic_Attacks_Duck_FP_Input="[Down][+][FP]"
  10702. Basic_Attacks_Duck_BP_Input="[Down][+][BP]"
  10703. Basic_Attacks_Duck_FK_Input="[Down][+][FK]"
  10704. Basic_Attacks_Duck_BK_Input="[Down][+][BK]"
  10706. Basic_Attacks_Jump_FP="Jumping Front Punch"
  10707. Basic_Attacks_Jump_FP_Input="[TowardsUp], then [FP] while airborne."
  10708. Basic_Attacks_Jump_BP="Jumping Back Punch"
  10709. Basic_Attacks_Jump_BP_Input="[TowardsUp], then [BP] while airborne."
  10710. Basic_Attacks_Jump_Kick="Jumping Kick"
  10711. Basic_Attacks_Jump_Kick_Input="[TowardsUp], then [FK] or [BK] while airborne."
  10713. Basic_Attacks_Jump_Hold_Up_FP_Input="Hold [Up][,] [FP]"
  10714. Basic_Attacks_Jump_Hold_Up_BP_Input="Hold [Up][,] [BP]"
  10716. Basic_Dir_Attack_Desc="Hold [Away] or [Towards] while executing some\n[YEL]Basic Attacks[CLR] to perform a wider range of attacks."
  10718. Basic_Blocking_Desc1="[YEL]Blocking[CLR] is your most basic defensive technique, significantly\nreducing the damage you take from the opponent's attacks."
  10719. Basic_Blocking_Desc2="[YEL]Mid Attacks[CLR] are the most common type of attack, targeting a character's midsection.\n[YEL]Mid Attacks[CLR] can be [YEL]Blocked[CLR] while [YEL]Standing[CLR] or [YEL]Ducking[CLR]."
  10720. Basic_Blocking_Desc3="[YEL]Low Attacks[CLR] target the feet or lower body, hitting [YEL]Standing[CLR] characters that are [YEL]Blocking[CLR].\nYou can only [YEL]Block[CLR] a [YEL]Low Attack[CLR] if you are [YEL]Ducking[CLR]."
  10721. Basic_Blocking_Desc4="[YEL]High Attacks[CLR] target the head or upper body.\nWhile [YEL]High Attacks[CLR] can be [YEL]Blocked[CLR] when [YEL]Standing[CLR] or [YEL]Ducking[CLR],\nthey can be evaded entirely by [YEL]Ducking[CLR] without [YEL]Blocking[CLR]."
  10722. Basic_Blocking_Desc5="[YEL]Overhead Attacks[CLR] strike downward from above to hit\n[YEL]Ducking[CLR] characters that are [YEL]Blocking[CLR]. You can only\n[YEL]Block[CLR] an [YEL]Overhead Attack[CLR] if you are [YEL]Standing[CLR]."
  10723. Basic_Blocking_Desc6="Your opponents will attempt to mix [YEL]Low Attacks[CLR]\nand [YEL]Overhead Attacks[CLR] to get past your defense."
  10724. Basic_Blocking_Desc7="If your opponent is [YEL]Blocking[CLR] your attacks while [YEL]Standing[CLR],\nhit them with a [YEL]Low Attack[CLR]."
  10725. Basic_Blocking_Desc8="If your opponent is [YEL]Blocking[CLR] your attacks while [YEL]Ducking[CLR],\nhit them with an [YEL]Overhead Attack[CLR]."
  10727. Basic_Blocking_1="Block the Opponent's Mid Attack"
  10728. Basic_Blocking_1_Input="Hold [R2] while Ducking or Standing"
  10730. Basic_Blocking_2="Block the Opponent's Low Attack while Ducking"
  10731. Basic_Blocking_2_Input="Hold [Down][+][R2]"
  10733. Basic_Blocking_3="Evade the Opponent's High Attack by Ducking without Blocking"
  10734. Basic_Blocking_3_Input="Hold [Down]"
  10736. Basic_Blocking_4="Block the Opponent's Overhead Attack while Standing"
  10737. Basic_Blocking_4_Input="Hold [R2] while Standing"
  10739. Basic_Blocking_5="Block 5 Overhead or Low Attacks"
  10740. Basic_Blocking_5_Input="Hold [R2] While Standing against Overhead Attacks, [Down] + [R2] against Low Attacks."
  10742. Basic_Blocking_6="Use a Low Attack to hit the Blocking Opponent"
  10743. Basic_Blocking_7="Use an Overhead Attack to hit the Blocking Opponent that's Ducking"
  10746. Basic_Throw_Desc1="[YEL]Throws[CLR] can hit a [YEL]Blocking[CLR] opponent that is [YEL]Standing[CLR] or [YEL]Ducking[CLR]. Use a [YEL]Throw[CLR] to\nattack an opponent that consistently defends against your other attacks."
  10747. Basic_Throw_Desc2="[YEL]Back Throws[CLR] will put the opponent behind you.\nHold [YEL]Forward[CLR] when performing a [YEL]Throw[CLR] to position opponent in front."
  10748. Basic_Throw_Desc3="While you cannot [YEL]Block[CLR] a [YEL]Throw[CLR], you have a brief\nwindow to perform a [YEL]Throw Escape[CLR] to break free."
  10749. Basic_Throw_Desc4="Now, perform a [YEL]Throw Escape[CLR] with proper timing."
  10750. Basic_Throw_Desc5="[YEL]Throws[CLR] can also be evaded by [YEL]Jumping[CLR] or [YEL]Ducking[CLR] without [YEL]Blocking[CLR]."
  10752. Basic_Throw_1=Perform a Back Throw to attack the Blocking Opponent
  10753. Basic_Throw_2=Perform a Forward Throw to attack the Blocking Opponent
  10754. Basic_Throw_3=Break free from a Back Throw with a Throw Escape
  10755. Basic_Throw_3_Input="Press [FP] or [FK] immediately after you have been hit by a Back Throw."
  10756. Basic_Throw_4=Break free from a Forward Throw with a Throw Escape
  10757. Basic_Throw_4_Input="Press [BP] or [BK] immediately after you have been hit by a Forward Throw."
  10759. Basic_Interact_Desc="Every arena contains different [YEL]Environment Interactions[CLR] that can\naid you in kombat. [YEL]Environment Interactions[CLR] cost half of your\n[YEL]Defensive Gauge[CLR] to perform, which will refill over time."
  10760. Basic_Interact_1=Use the Naginata Environment Interaction
  10761. Basic_Interact_1_Input=[R1] when inside the Interaction Region
  10762. Basic_Interact_1_Input_Alt=[R1] or [FP][+][BP] when inside the Interaction Region
  10764. Basic_Interact_2=Use the Wall Run Environment Interaction
  10765. Basic_Interact_3=Use the Bowl Environment Interaction
  10767. Basic_Special_Move_Desc="Each character has unique [YEL]Special Moves[CLR], which are executed\nby performing sequences of directional and button inputs."
  10769. Basic_String_Desc="Hitting the right combination of buttons in\nquick succession will unleash a [YEL]Kombo Attack[CLR]."
  10770. Basic_String_Exp=Execute the Kombo Attack String by pressing the attack buttons in quick succession.
  10771. Basic_String_1="[BP], [FP], [BP]."
  10772. Basic_String_2="[Away][+][BP], [BP]."
  10773. Basic_String_3="[Towards][+][FK], [FK]."
  10774. Basic_String_4="[Away][+][FP], [BK], [FK]."
  10775. Basic_String_5="[Away][+][FP], [BK], [FP]."
  10776. Basic_String_Desc_End="You can press [Start] and select [YEL]Move List[CLR] to view\nall of your character's [YEL]Kombo Attack[CLR] strings."
  10778. Basic_Just_Frame_Desc="You can [YEL]Amplify[CLR] some [YEL]Special Moves[CLR] by pressing [R2] at\nthe right time. Most [YEL]Amplified Special Moves[CLR] cost half\nof your [YEL]Offensive Gauge[CLR], which will refill over time."
  10779. Basic_Just_Frame_1="Amplify Scorpion's Spear Special Move"
  10780. Basic_Just_Frame_1_Input="as the opponent is pulled in."
  10781. Basic_Just_Frame_2="Amplify Scorpion's Hell Port Special Move"
  10782. Basic_Just_Frame_2_Input="as the opponent is hit."
  10784. Basic_Supermove_Desc="When your character's [YEL]Health[CLR] is below [RED]30%[CLR], you can perform\nyour character's most powerful attack, the [YEL]Fatal Blow[CLR]!"
  10785. Basic_Supermove_Desc2="You can only use your [YEL]Fatal Blow[CLR] once per match if it\nsuccessfully hits. If a [YEL]Fatal Blow[CLR] is [YEL]Blocked[CLR] or misses,\nyou will have to wait a short time before you can use it again."
  10787. Basic_Supermove_Exp=Hit your opponent with a Fatal Blow
  10789. Basic_Combo_Desc1="Some attacks will stun your opponent, giving\nyou an opportunity to hit with another attack\nbefore they [YEL]Recover[CLR] to start a [YEL]Kombo[CLR]."
  10790. Basic_Combo_Desc2="Combine [YEL]Special Moves[CLR] and [YEL]Kombo Attack Strings[CLR] for longer [YEL]Kombos[CLR]."
  10791. Basic_Combo_Desc3="Some attacks will launch your opponent into the air. Perform a\n[YEL]Juggle Kombo[CLR] by hitting an airborne opponent before they land."
  10793. Basic_Combo_1="Stun the opponent with Spear, then uppercut for a simple Kombo."
  10794. Basic_Combo_1_Input="before the opponent Recovers."
  10795. Basic_Combo_2="Stun the opponent with Spear, then perform a Kombo Attack String."
  10796. Basic_Combo_3="Launch the opponent with Amplified Hell Port, then perform a Juggle Kombo."
  10797. Basic_Combo_3_Input="before the opponent lands."
  10798. Basic_Combo_4="Launch the opponent with Amplified Hell Port, then perform a Kombo Attack String."
  10800. Basic_Sample_Fight1_Desc="Use what you have learned to defeat Sub Zero."
  10801. Basic_Sample_Fight1="Defeat Sub Zero"
  10803. Basic_Sample_Fight1_Quest1="Hit with a Low Attack: [Away][+][BK]"
  10804. Basic_Sample_Fight1_Quest2="Hit with an Overhead Attack: [Away][+][FK]"
  10805. Basic_Sample_Fight1_Quest3="Hit with a Throw: [L1]"
  10806. Basic_Sample_Fight1_Quest4="Defeat your opponent"
  10808. Basic_Sample_Fight2_Quest1="Use an Environment Interaction: [R1]"
  10809. Basic_Sample_Fight2_Quest2="Hit with a Special Move: [Down][Away][FK]"
  10810. Basic_Sample_Fight2_Quest3="Hit with a full Kombo Attack: [BP][,][FP][,][BP]"
  10812. Basic_Sample_Fight3_Quest1="Hit with a Fatal Blow [L2][+][R2]"
  10813. Basic_Sample_Fight3_Quest2="Amplify Spear: [Away][Towards][FP][,] [R2]"
  10814. Basic_Sample_Fight3_Quest3="Amplify Hell Port: [Down][Away][FK][,] [R2]"
  10816. Basic_Tutorial_Finished_DescA="Outstanding! You have kompleted the [LBL]Basic Tutorial[CLR].\nYou can explore the [LBL]Advanced[CLR], [LBL]Strategy[CLR], and [LBL]Character Tutorials[CLR]\nin the [LBL]Learn[CLR] menu, as well as free form [LBL]Practice[CLR]."
  10817. Basic_Tutorial_Finished_DescB="Outstanding! You have kompleted the [LBL]Basic Tutorial[CLR].\nYou can explore the [LBL]Advanced[CLR] and [LBL]Strategy[CLR] Tutorials[CLR]\nin the [LBL]Learn[CLR] menu, as well as free form [LBL]Practice[CLR]."
  10819. Adv_SpecialCancel_Desc1="LESSON: SPECIAL MOVE CANCELS\nIf you execute a [YEL]Special Move[CLR] just as a [YEL]Basic Attack[CLR] hits, you can\nend the [YEL]Basic Attack[CLR] early and start the [YEL]Special Move[CLR] immediately.\nThis technique is known as a [YEL]Special Move Cancel[CLR]."
  10820. Adv_SpecialCancel_Desc2="This technique is known as a [YEL]Special Move Cancel[CLR] because the end\nof your [YEL]Basic Attack's[CLR] animation is cut short, or "[YEL]Canceled[CLR].""
  10821. Adv_SpecialCancel_Desc3="Now, perform a [YEL]Special Cancel[CLR] with proper timing.\nRemember that you don't have to wait for the [YEL]Basic Attack[CLR]\nto finish before you start inputting your [YEL]Special Move[CLR]."
  10822. Adv_SpecialCancel_Desc4="A [YEL]Cancel[CLR] causes your [YEL]Special Move[CLR] to hit the opponent much earlier\nthan if you had waited for the [YEL]Basic Attack[CLR] to finish normally,\nallowing for moves to form a [YEL]Kombo[CLR] that otherwise could not."
  10823. Adv_SpecialCancel_Desc5="[YEL]Special Move Cancel[CLR] after the last attack in a\n[YEL]Kombo Attack Strings[CLR] to build longer, more damaging [YEL]Kombos[CLR]."
  10825. Adv_SpecialCancel_Desc_ReleaseCheck="If you frequently [YEL]Cancel[CLR] at the wrong time or into the wrong move,\ntry turning off [YEL]Release Check[CLR] in the [YEL]Controls[CLR] menu.\nInputting [YEL]Special Moves[CLR] will be less forgiving, but more precise."
  10827. Adv_SpecialCancel_1=Execute a Front Kick, then Special Move Cancel into Flippy Kick
  10828. Adv_SpecialCancel_Input1=before Cage finishes his first Attack
  10829. Adv_SpecialCancel_InputToolKnifeThrow=[Away][Towards] [FP]
  10830. Adv_SpecialCancel_InputToolBall=[Away][Towards] [FK]
  10831. Adv_SpecialCancel_InputToolDoubleStab=[Down][Away] [FK]
  10832. Adv_SpecialCancel_InputTool1Away=[Away][+] -[FP]
  10834. Adv_SpecialCancel_InputToolFlipKick=[Down][Away] [FK]
  10835. Adv_SpecialCancel_InputToolProjectile=[Away][Towards] [BP]
  10836. Adv_SpecialCancel_InputToolShadowKick=[Away][Towards] [BK]
  10837. Adv_SpecialCancel_InputTool4Towards=[Towards][+] -[BK]
  10840. Adv_SpecialCancel_2=Execute a Back Kick, then Special Move Cancel into Forceball
  10841. Adv_SpecialCancel_3=Execute a Directional Attack, then Special Move Cancel into Flippy Kick
  10842. Adv_SpecialCancel_4=Execute a Two Hit Kombo Attack String, then Special Move Cancel into Shadow Kick
  10843. Adv_SpecialCancel_5=Execute a Three Hit Kombo Attack String, then Special Move Cancel into Forceball
  10845. Adv_JumpIn_Desc1="LESSON: JUMP INS\nA [YEL]Jump In Attack[CLR] describes a [YEL]Jumping Attack[CLR] during a\n[YEL]Forward Jump[CLR] that targets a grounded opponent. [YEL]Jump In Attacks[CLR]\ncan be risky, but they're an effective way to go on the offence."
  10846. Adv_JumpIn_Desc2="A [YEL]Jump In[CLR] with a [YEL]Punch Attack[CLR] against a grounded\nopponent will always leave the opponent standing on hit,\nallowing you to start a [YEL]Kombo[CLR] with a grounded attack as you land."
  10847. Adv_JumpIn_Desc3="A [YEL]Jump In[CLR] with a [YEL]Kick Attack[CLR] will launch\nyour opponent into the air, allowing you to start a\n[YEL]Juggle Kombo[CLR] with the right follow up attack."
  10848. Adv_JumpIn_1="Perform a Jump In Attack with Back Punch"
  10849. Adv_JumpIn_2="Start a Kombo with a Jump In Attack"
  10850. Adv_JumpIn_3="Start a Juggle Kombo with a Jump In Attack"
  10851. Adv_JumpIn_Input1="[TowardsUp][,] then [BP][,] [FK]"
  10852. Adv_JumpIn_InputFP_then="[TowardsUp][,] then [FP]"
  10853. Adv_JumpIn_InputBP_then="[TowardsUp][,] then [BP]"
  10854. Adv_JumpIn_InputFP="[TowardsUp] [FP]"
  10855. Adv_JumpIn_InputBP="[TowardsUp] [BP]"
  10856. Adv_JumpIn_InputFK="[TowardsUp] [FK]"
  10857. Adv_JumpIn_InputBK="[TowardsUp] [BK]"
  10858. Adv_JumpIn_InputKick="[TowardsUp] [FK] or [BK]"
  10859. Adv_JumpIn_InputFKComma="[TowardsUp][,] [FK]"
  10861. Adv_Hop_Desc1="Briefly tap [Up] instead of holding [Up] to perform a\n[YEL]Quick Jump[CLR] instead of a normal [YEL]Upward Jump[CLR]."
  10862. Adv_Hop_Desc2=A [YEL]Quick Jump[CLR] is useful for evading [YEL]Low Attacks[CLR].
  10863. Adv_Hop_Desc3="Perform a [YEL]Quick Jumping Attack[CLR] for a fast [YEL]Overhead Attack[CLR]."
  10864. Adv_Hop_Desc4="[YEL]Quick Jumping Attacks[CLR] have limited range, but they\nallow you to attack an opponent while evading a [YEL]Low Attacks[CLR]."
  10866. Adv_Hop_1=Perform a Quick Jump
  10867. Adv_Hop_Input_1=Tap [Up]
  10868. Adv_Hop_2=Evade a Low Attack with a Quick Jump
  10869. Adv_Hop_Input_2=Tap [Up] as the opponent attacks
  10870. Adv_Hop_3=Perform a Punch Quick Jumping Attack
  10871. Adv_Hop_Input_3=Tap [Up][,] then [FP] or [BP]
  10872. Adv_Hop_4=Perform a Kick Quick Jumping Attack
  10873. Adv_Hop_Input_4=Tap [Up][,] then [FK] or [BK]
  10874. Adv_Hop_5=Perform a Quick Jumping Attack while Evading a Low Attack
  10875. Adv_Hop_Input_5=Tap [Up][,] then [FP] or [BP] as the opponent attacks
  10877. Adv_ChipDamage_Desc1="LESSON: BLOCK DAMAGE\nEven if an attack is [YEL]Blocked[CLR], it will still deal some damage to the\n[YEL]Blocking[CLR] character. While [YEL]Block Damage[CLR] from a single attack is small,\nmany [YEL]Blocked[CLR] attacks can add up to a significant amount of health."
  10878. Adv_ChipDamage_Desc2="Defeat the [YEL]Blocking[CLR] opponent with [YEL]Block Damage[CLR]."
  10879. Adv_ChipDamage1="Defeat the opponent using only Block Damage"
  10880. Adv_ChipDamage_Input1=Special Moves cause more Block Damage than Basic Attacks.
  10882. Adv_KrushingBlow_Desc1="LESSON: KRUSHING BLOWS\nA [YEL]Krushing Blow[CLR] is a more powerful version of an attack that is caused by meeting\nspecific conditions when the attack hits. Each character has several moves that\ncan cause a [YEL]Krushing Blow[CLR], but each one can only be used once per match."
  10883. Adv_KrushingBlow_Desc2="Every character can perform a [YEL]Krushing Blow[CLR] with [Down][+][BP] if the\nattack interrupts an opponent that is performing a [YEL]High Attack[CLR]."
  10884. Adv_KrushingBlow_Desc3="Some [YEL]Krushing Blows[CLR] will change the properties of an attack.\nUnlike a normal [Down] [+] [BP], the [YEL]Krushing Blow[CLR] version of\nthis attack can launch the opponent for a [YEL]Juggle Kombo[CLR]."
  10885. Adv_KrushingBlow_Desc4="If a character has [YEL]Krushing Blow[CLR] on one of their [YEL]Throws[CLR], it will be\nactivated if the opponent performs an incorrect [YEL]Throw Escape[CLR]."
  10886. Adv_KrushingBlow_Desc5="For Example, [YEL]Kabal's Back Throw[CLR] can be correctly [YEL]Escaped[CLR] by pressing [FP] or [FK]\njust after the [YEL]Throw[CLR] connects. If Scorpion presses [BP] or [BK] during the [YEL]Throw Escape[CLR]\nwindow, Kabal will perform a [YEL]Krushing Blow[CLR] that deals addition damage."
  10887. Adv_KrushingBlow_Desc6="Most characters have a [YEL]Krushing Blow[CLR] that is activated when an attack\nor [YEL]Kombo Attack String[CLR] interrupts the opponent during an attack."
  10888. Adv_KrushingBlow_Desc7="Scorpion can perform a [YEL]Special Move Cancel[CLR] after [LBL]Falling Ashes[CLR] to start an\n[YEL]Extended Kombo[CLR] if the attack causes a [YEL]Krushing Blow[CLR]. [LBL]Falling Ashes[CLR] cannot\nbe [YEL]Special Move Canceled[CLR] if it does not cause a Krushing Blow."
  10889. Adv_KrushingBlow_Desc8="Some characters have [YEL]Krushing Blows[CLR] that are activated by more\nunique conditions. Scorpion's [YEL]Amplified Spear[CLR] will activate a\n[YEL]Krushing Blow[CLR] if the [YEL]Projectile[CLR] hits the opponent at long range."
  10890. Adv_KrushingBlow_Desc9="Since each [YEL]Krushing Blow[CLR] is limited to one use per match,\nyou may want to save one for a later [YEL]Round[CLR] during a close match."
  10891. Adv_KrushingBlow_Desc10="By default, a [YEL]Krushing Blow[CLR] will automatically activate if you meet its conditions.\nYou can change your [YEL]Controls[CLR] to require a button to be held for a [YEL]Krushing Blow[CLR]\nto activate, giving you more control over when your [YEL]Krushing Blows[CLR] will occur."
  10892. Adv_KrushingBlow_Desc11="You can press [Start] and select [YEL]Move List[CLR] to view your character's\nattacks to see which can activate a [YEL]Krushing Blow[CLR]."
  10894. Adv_KrushingBlow_1="Duck under the opponent's High Attack and interrupt them with Rising Spear to perform a Krushing Blow."
  10895. Adv_KrushingBlow_2="Interrupt the opponent's High Attack with Rising Spear to start a Juggle Kombo with a Krushing Blow."
  10896. Adv_KrushingBlow_3="Kabal will perform a Krushing Blow if you attempt to Escape his Back Throw with an incorrect button."
  10897. Adv_KrushingBlow_4="Interrupt the opponent's attack with the Falling Ashes Kombo Attack String to perform a Krushing Blow."
  10898. Adv_KrushingBlow_5="Interrupt the opponent's attack with Falling Ashes to extend a Kombo with a Krushing Blow."
  10899. Adv_KrushingBlow_6="Hit the opponent at Long Range with an Amplified Spear to perform a Krushing Blow."
  10901. Adv_KrushingBlow_Input1="Hold [Down], then interrupt the opponent's attack with [Down][+][BP]"
  10902. Adv_KrushingBlow_Input2="Interrupt the opponent's attack with [Down][+][BP][,] then "
  10903. Adv_KrushingBlow_Input3="Press [BP] or [BK] immediately after you have been hit by a Forward Throw."
  10904. Adv_KrushingBlow_Input4="Interrupt the opponent's attack with"
  10906. Adv_Blocking_Desc1="LESSON: ADVANCED BLOCKING\nMany attacks will be too fast for you to correctly [YEL]Block[CLR]\nby reacting to your opponent's actions. To successfully defend,\nyou'll need to anticipate your opponent's most likely attacks."
  10907. Adv_Blocking_Desc2="If you're expecting an incoming attack, [YEL]Block[CLR] while\n[YEL]Ducking[CLR] to defend against [YEL]High[CLR], [YEL]Mid[CLR], and [YEL]Low Attacks[CLR].\nMost attacks fall into these three categories."
  10908. Adv_Blocking_Desc3="You won't be able to [YEL]Block[CLR] an [YEL]Overhead Attack[CLR] while\n[YEL]Ducking[CLR], but most [YEL]Overhead Attacks[CLR] are slow enough\nthat you can react and switch to a standing [YEL]Block[CLR]."
  10909. Adv_Blocking_Desc4="Your opponent will attempt to mix [YEL]Low[CLR] and [YEL]Overhead Attacks[CLR] to get past\nyour defense. Hold [Down] while [YEL]Blocking[CLR] to defend against faster [YEL]Low Attacks[CLR],\nbut be ready to stand when you see a slower [YEL]Overhead Attack[CLR] koming."
  10910. Adv_Blocking_Desc5="Watch out for sequences of attacks that mix [YEL]Low[CLR] and [YEL]Overhead Attacks[CLR].\nYou'll need to quickly switch between standing and [YEL]Ducking[CLR] to [YEL]Block[CLR] correctly."
  10912. Adv_Blocking_1=Block while Ducking to defend against High, Mid, and Low Attacks.
  10913. Adv_Blocking_Input1="Hold [Down][+][R2]"
  10915. Adv_Blocking_2=Block 5 Overhead or Low Attacks without Getting Hit
  10916. Adv_Blocking_Input2="Hold [Down][+][R2] for fast Low Attacks. Release [Down] to stand when you see an Overhead Attack."
  10918. Adv_Blocking_3=Block the attack sequence with a mix of Overhead and Low Attacks
  10919. Adv_Blocking_Input3=Stand, Duck, then Stand while holding [R2]
  10921. Adv_DashCancel_Desc1="LESSON: DASH CANCELING\nA [YEL]Dash[CLR] can be interrupted part way through by attacking or [YEL]Blocking[CLR].\nThis technique is known as [YEL]Dash Canceling[CLR]."
  10922. Adv_DashCancel_Desc2="[YEL]Canceling[CLR] a [YEL]Forward Dash[CLR] into an attack is a great way to\nsignificantly extend the attack's effective range. The later you\n[YEL]Cancel[CLR] the [YEL]Dash[CLR], the more range you'll add to the attack."
  10923. Adv_DashCancel_Desc3="[YEL]Canceling[CLR] a [YEL]Backward Dash[CLR] into an attack to quickly create space before attacking.\nThis can be used to evade an incoming attack, then quickly kounter attack."
  10924. Adv_DashCancel_Desc4="A [YEL]Forward Dash[CLR] can be [YEL]Canceled[CLR] into a [YEL]Forward Jump[CLR],\nbut not an [YEL]Upward[CLR] or [YEL]Backward Jump[CLR]."
  10925. Adv_DashCancel_Desc5="A [YEL]Backward Dash[CLR] can be [YEL]Canceled[CLR] into a [YEL]Backward Jump[CLR],\nbut not an [YEL]Upward[CLR] or [YEL]Foward Jump[CLR]."
  10927. Adv_DashCancel_1=Dash Cancel a Forward Dash into an Attack
  10928. Adv_DashCancel_2=Dash Cancel a Forward Dash to extend the range of your attack
  10929. Adv_DashCancel_3=Dash Cancel a Backward Dash into an Attack
  10930. Adv_DashCancel_4=Dash Cancel a Forward Dash into a Forward Jump
  10931. Adv_DashCancel_5=Dash Cancel a Backward Dash into a Backward Jump
  10933. Adv_PerfectBlock_Desc1="LESSON: FLAWLESS BLOCK\nIf you start [YEL]Blocking[CLR] at the exact moment that an\nopponent's attack connects, you'll perform a [YEL]Flawless Block[CLR]."
  10934. Adv_PerfectBlock_Desc2="A [YEL]Flawless Block[CLR] is difficult to execute, but will significantly reduce\nthe amount of [YEL]Block Damage[CLR] that you take from an attack."
  10935. Adv_PerfectBlock_Desc3="Now, perform a [YEL]Flawless Block[CLR] with proper timing. A "[YEL]Flawless Block[CLR]"\nmessage will appear when you've timed your [YEL]Block[CLR] correctly."
  10936. Adv_PerfectBlock_Desc4="There is a brief window after a [YEL]Flawless Block[CLR] in which\nyou will take reduced [YEL]Block Damage[CLR] from any additional attacks."
  10937. Adv_PerfectBlock_Desc5="The brief window for this defensive bonus will be extended if you [YEL]Block[CLR]\nmore attacks before it expires. This means you'll take reduce [YEL]Block Damage[CLR]\nfrom a sequence of rapid attacks if you [YEL]Flawless Block[CLR] the first hit."
  10939. Adv_PerfectBlock_1=Flawless Block the opponent's attack
  10940. Adv_PerfectBlock_2=Flawless Block the opponent's Low Attack
  10941. Adv_PerfectBlock_3=Flawless Block the opponent's Overhead Attack
  10942. Adv_PerfectBlock_4=Flawless Block the first attack, then Normal Block the second attack
  10943. Adv_PerfectBlock_5=Flawless Block the first attack, then Normal Block the remaining attacks
  10945. Adv_PerfectBlock_Input1=[R2] just as the incoming attack hits
  10946. Adv_PerfectBlock_Input1_then=[R2] just as the incoming attack hits, then
  10947. Adv_PerfectBlock_Input2=[Down][+][R2] just as the incoming attack hits
  10948. Adv_PerfectBlock_Input3=Press [R2] just as the first attack hits, then kontinue to hold [R2]
  10950. Adv_WakeupAttack_Desc1="LESSON: GETUP\nYou're in a dangerous situation if your opponent [YEL]Knocks You Down[CLR],\nas they're free to move and start attacks until you get back up.\nFortunately, you have a few options to get back to your feet safely."
  10951. Adv_WakeupAttack_Desc2="A [YEL]Getup Attack[CLR] is a defensive move that can only be performed\nas your character is getting up after being [YEL]Knocked Down[CLR].\n[YEL]Getup Attacks[CLR] cost half of your [YEL]Offensive[CLR] and [YEL]Defensive Gauge[CLR]."
  10952. Adv_WakeupAttack_Desc3="A [YEL]Getup Attack[CLR] will start at the earliest possible moment after you get up,\nwhich can help you hit an opponent that's trying to attack as you stand."
  10953. Adv_WakeupAttack_Desc4="Now, perform a [YEL]Getup Attack[CLR] with proper timing. A [YEL]Getup[CLR] message\nwill appear when you input your [YEL]Getup Attack[CLR] at the correct time."
  10954. Adv_WakeupAttack_Desc5="[YEL]Getup Attacks[CLR] performed with [Up][+][FK] are briefly [YEL]Invulnerable[CLR] as the attack begins.\nUse this to hit an overly aggressive opponent that attacks as you get back up."
  10955. Adv_WakeupAttack_Desc6="[YEL]Getup Attacks[CLR] performed with [Up][+][BP] can launch the opponent for\na [YEL]Juggle Kombo[CLR]. While this [YEL]Getup Attack[CLR] cannot be hit by [YEL]Throws[CLR]\nand [YEL]Jumping Attacks[CLR], it is vulnerable to all other types of attacks."
  10957. Adv_WakeupAttack_1=Execute a Getup Attack
  10958. Adv_WakeupAttack_Input1=while rising from a knockdown
  10960. Adv_WakeupAttack_2=Execute an Invulnerable Getup Attack
  10961. Adv_WakeupAttack_3=Execute a Juggle Kombo after a Getup Attack
  10963. Adv_WakeupRoll_Desc1="A [YEL]Getup Attack[CLR] can be risky, as you're vulnerable if you miss or the opponent\n[YEL]Blocks[CLR]. Instead of attacking, you can spend half of your [YEL]Defensive Gauge[CLR]\nto perform a [YEL]Getup Roll[CLR] as you get up to create space and evade attacks."
  10964. Adv_WakeupRoll_Desc2="You're [YEL]Invulnerable[CLR] to all attacks except [YEL]Throws[CLR] during the beginning of a\n[YEL]Getup Roll[CLR], though you are briefly vulnerable to attack as the roll ends."
  10965. Adv_WakeupRoll_Desc3="Use a [YEL]Backward Getup Roll[CLR] to evade an opponent\nthat attempts to attack as you get up."
  10966. Adv_WakeupRoll_Desc4="A [YEL]Forward Getup Roll[CLR] can switch sides with an opponent.\nThis is particularly effective when you're in the [YEL]Korner[CLR]\nand an opponent is attacking as you get up."
  10968. Adv_WakeupRoll_1=Perform A Backward Getup Roll
  10969. Adv_WakeupRoll_2=Perform A Forward Getup Roll
  10970. Adv_WakeupRoll_3=Perform A Backward Getup Roll to evade an attack
  10971. Adv_WakeupRoll_4=Perform A Backward Getup Roll to evade an attack and switch sides
  10973. Adv_WakeupRoll_Input1=[Away][+][L2] while rising from a knockdown
  10974. Adv_WakeupRoll_Input2=[Towards][+][L2] while rising from a knockdown
  10976. Adv_DelayedWakeup_Desc1="Sometimes, waiting is the best option when you've been [YEL]Knocked Down[CLR].\nPerform a [YEL]Delayed Getup[CLR] to stay on the ground longer and\navoid well timed attacks from your opponent as you get up."
  10977. Adv_DelayedWakeup_Desc2="A [YEL]Delayed Getup[CLR] can throw off the timing of your opponent, but you\ncannot perform a [YEL]Getup Attack[CLR] or [YEL]Getup Roll[CLR] after a [YEL]Delayed Getup[CLR]."
  10978. Adv_DelayedWakeup_1=Execute a Delayed Getup
  10979. Adv_DelayedWakeup_1_Input=Hold [L2] After being knocked down
  10980. Adv_DelayedWakeup_2=Use a Delayed Getup to avoid the opponent's second attack
  10981. Adv_DelayedWakeup_3_Input="Hold [L2] After being knocked down, then Hold [R2] as you get up"
  10983. Adv_Reversal_Desc1="LESSON: REVERSAL ATTACKS\nA [YEL]Reversal Attack[CLR] is a [YEL]Special Move[CLR] that's performed\nas soon as you recover from a [YEL]Blocked Attack[CLR]."
  10984. Adv_Reversal_Desc2="A [YEL]Reversal Attack[CLR] ensures that your next attack starts at\nthe earliest possible moment after you [YEL]Block[CLR], and can help\nyou gain the upper hand on an offensive opponent."
  10985. Adv_Reversal_Desc3="Now, perform a [YEL]Reversal Attack[CLR] with proper timing.\nA "[YEL]Reversal[CLR]" message will appear when you\ninput your [YEL]Special Move[CLR] at the correct time."
  10986. Adv_Reversal_Desc4="You can also perform a [YEL]Back Dash[CLR] as a [YEL]Reversal[CLR] to move away\nfrom your opponent immediately after you recover from a [YEL]Block[CLR]."
  10987. Adv_Reversal_Desc5="When [YEL]Blocking[CLR] a series of attacks, it's possible to interrupt your opponent\nbetween certain moves with a fast attack. [YEL]Reversal Attacks[CLR] make\nit much easier to correctly time a kounter attack in these situations."
  10989. Adv_Reversal_1=Execute Electric Burst as a Reversal Attack
  10990. Adv_Reversal_2=Execute a Reversal Back Dash
  10991. Adv_Reversal_3=Execute Electric Burst as a Reversal Attack between your opponent's attacks
  10993. Adv_Reversal_Input1=Block the opponent's attack, then
  10994. Adv_Reversal_Input2=immediately after Blocking
  10995. Adv_Reversal_Input3=Block the opponent's first attack, then
  10997. Adv_Reversal_1_Pause=There is a brief window for a Reveral Attack after a Block
  10999. Adv_BlockAttacks_Desc1="LESSON: FLAWLESS BLOCK ATTACKS\nAfter you [YEL]Flawless Block[CLR] an incoming attack, you can perform a\n[YEL]Flawless Block Attack[CLR] to immediately kounter attack your opponent."
  11000. Adv_BlockAttacks_Desc2="[YEL]Flawless Block Attacks[CLR] start sooner than any of your other attacks after performing\na [YEL]Flawless Block[CLR], but they cost half of your [YEL]Offensive[CLR] and [YEL]Defensive Gauge[CLR]."
  11001. Adv_BlockAttacks_Desc3="Now, perform a [YEL]Flawless Block Attack[CLR] with proper timing.\nA "[YEL]Block Attack[CLR]" message will appear when you've timed\nyour attack correctly after a [YEL]Flawless Block[CLR]."
  11002. Adv_BlockAttacks_Desc4="[YEL]Flawless Block Attacks[CLR] performed with [Up] [+] [FK] are briefly\n[YEL]Invulnerable[CLR] as the attack begins. Use this to interrupt a\nseries of rapid attacks after you perform a [YEL]Flawless Block[CLR]."
  11003. Adv_BlockAttacks_Desc5="[YEL]Flawless Block Attacks[CLR] performed with [Up] [+] [BP] lack [YEL]Invulnerability[CLR],\nbut launch the opponent for a [YEL]Juggle Kombo[CLR] on hit."
  11005. Adv_BlockAttacks_1=Flawless Block, then Perform a Flawless Block Attack
  11006. Adv_BlockAttacks_2=Interrupt the opponent with a Flawless Block Attack
  11007. Adv_BlockAttacks_3=Execute a Juggle Kombo after a Flawless Block Attack
  11009. Adv_Interacts_Desc1="LESSON: ADVANCED INTERACTION\n[YEL]Environment Interactions[CLR] can be modified with\nadditional inputs to change the behavior of the attack."
  11010. Adv_Interacts_Desc2="Most [YEL]Projectile Interactions[CLR] can be aimed downward by holding [Down]\nduring the start of the attack. This can help you hit an opponent\nthat may be missed by the [YEL]Projectile's[CLR] normal trajectory."
  11011. Adv_Interacts_Desc3="You can perform a [YEL]Wall Run[CLR] or [YEL]Sledgehammer Interaction[CLR] when\nyou are in the right [YEL]Korner[CLR] of the [LBL]Black Dragon Fight Club[CLR]."
  11012. Adv_Interacts_Desc4="Most [YEL]Wall Run Interactions[CLR] can be modified\nto perform an attack instead of an evasive jump."
  11013. Adv_Interacts_Desc5A="A normal [YEL]Environment Interaction[CLR] requires half of your [YEL]Defensive Gauge[CLR]\nto perform. You can spend half of your [YEL]Offensive Gauge[CLR] to [YEL]Amplify[CLR] any\n[YEL]Environment Interaction[CLR] to add [YEL]Armor[CLR] that can absorb an incoming attack."
  11014. Adv_Interacts_Desc5B="A normal [YEL]Environment Interaction[CLR] requires half of your [YEL]Defensive Gauge[CLR]\nto perform. You can spend all of your [YEL]Offensive Gauge[CLR] to [YEL]Amplify[CLR] any\n[YEL]Environment Interaction[CLR] to add [YEL]Armor[CLR] that can absorb an incoming attack."
  11015. Adv_Interacts_Desc6="An [YEL]Amplified Environment Interaction[CLR] is an expensive\noption. Be careful when absorbing attacks with [YEL]Armor[CLR],\nyou will still take damage from any attacks that hit you."
  11016. Adv_Interacts_Desc7="Each Stage has a wide range of unique [YEL]Environment Interactions[CLR].\nExperiment to learn how each of them behave so you can take\nadvantage of the right [YEL]Interaction[CLR] in the right moment."
  11018. Adv_Interacts_1=Amplify the Chainsaw Interaction to Armor through the incoming attack
  11019. Adv_Interacts_2=Perform the Chainsaw Projectile Interaction
  11020. Adv_Interacts_3=Aim the Chainsaw Projectile Interaction downward
  11021. Adv_Interacts_4=Perform the Wall Run Interaction
  11022. Adv_Interacts_5=Perform the Sledgehammer Interaction
  11023. Adv_Interacts_6=Perform a Dive Kick during the Wall Run Interaction
  11025. Adv_Interacts_Input0=[R1] or [FP][+][BP] when inside the Interaction Region
  11026. Adv_Interacts_Input1=[R1][,] Hold [Down]
  11027. Adv_Interacts_Input2=[R1][,] then [FK] Immediately
  11028. Adv_Interacts_Input3=[R1][+][Down]
  11029. Adv_Interacts_Input4=[R1][+][R2]
  11031. Adv_AirEscapes_Desc1="LESSON: BREAKAWAY\nIf the opponent has you in a [YEL]Juggle Kombo[CLR],\nit's possible to escape using a [YEL]Breakaway[CLR]."
  11032. Adv_AirEscapes_Desc2="Now, perform a [YEL]Breakaway[CLR] with proper timing.\nExecute the input for the Breakaway just after your\ncharacter reaches the peak of their arc in the air."
  11033. Adv_AirEscapes_Desc3="Your character will fall faster and briefly gain [YEL]Armor[CLR] during a [YEL]Breakaway[CLR],\nmaking it much harder for your opponent to kontinue a [YEL]Juggle Kombo[CLR].\n[YEL]Breakaways[CLR] cost all of your [YEL]Defensive Gauge[CLR], so use them carefully."
  11035. Adv_AirEscapes_1=Perform a Breakaway
  11036. Adv_AirEscapes_2=Perform a Breakaway after 3 hits of the opponent's Juggle Kombo
  11037. Adv_AirEscapes_Input1=[Down][+][R2] when launched into the airs
  11039. Adv_AirEscapes_Hint="Tip: Perform the input for the Breakaway just after\nyour character reaches the peak of their arc in the air."
  11041. Adv_CornerCombo_Desc1="LESSON: KORNER KOMBOS\nA [YEL]Korner Kombo[CLR] describes a [YEL]Kombo[CLR] that can only be performed\nwhen the victim's back is touching the [YEL]Korner of the Stage[CLR]."
  11042. Adv_CornerCombo_Desc2="Since the opponent cannot be pushed back by hits when their\nback is against [YEL]Korner[CLR], it's possible to [YEL]Kombo[CLR] with moves that\nwould otherwise miss. This is especially true with [YEL]Juggle Kombos[CLR]."
  11043. Adv_CornerCombo_Desc3="Whenever possible, take advantage of the [YEL]Korner[CLR] to\nmaximize your [YEL]Kombo[CLR] damage. Experiment in [YEL]Practice Mode[CLR]\nto find unique and powerful [YEL]Korner Kombos[CLR] with each character."
  11045. Adv_CornerCombo_1=Perform the Korner Kombo
  11047. Adv_DamageScaling_Desc1="LESSON: KOMBO LIMITATIONS\nThere are several systems that affect [YEL]Kombos[CLR] in [LBL]Mortal Kombat[CLR].\nSome systems limit the damage and length of a [YEL]Kombo[CLR],\nwhile others give you opportunities to extend a [YEL]Kombo[CLR]."
  11048. Adv_DamageScaling_Desc2="After the first hit in a [YEL]Kombo[CLR], each additional hit will deal slightly less damage.\nThis damage penalty will slowly grow as you add more hits to the [YEL]Kombo[CLR].\nThis is known as [YEL]Damage Scaling[CLR]."
  11049. Adv_DamageScaling_Desc3="Perform a [YEL]Kombo[CLR] repeating the same attack and\nobserve that damage decreases each time the move hits."
  11050. Adv_DamageScaling_Desc4="[YEL]Damage Scaling[CLR] means longer [YEL]Kombos[CLR] have diminishing returns as you add more hits.\nMaster shorter, easier to execute [YEL]Kombos[CLR] before moving on to long, challenging [YEL]Kombos[CLR]."
  11052. Adv_DamageScaling_1="Perform the Kombo and observe that the opponent takes less damage when an attack is repeated"
  11054. Adv_GravityScaling_Desc1="After the opponent has been launched for a [YEL]Juggle Kombo[CLR],\nthe opponent will fall slightly faster after each additional hit.\nThis is known as [YEL]Gravity Scaling[CLR]."
  11055. Adv_GravityScaling_Desc2="Perform a [YEL]Juggle Kombo[CLR] repeating the same attack and observe that\nthe opponent is launched lower into the air with each hit."
  11056. Adv_GravityScaling_Desc3="[YEL]Gravity Scaling[CLR] causes the opponent to\neventually fall out of any [YEL]Juggle Kombo[CLR]."
  11058. Adv_GravityScaling_1=Perform the Juggle Kombo and observe how fast the opponent falls after each hit
  11060. Adv_ExtendingCombos_Desc1="LESSON: EXTENDING KOMBOS\nEach character has attacks that allow them to extend [YEL]Kombos[CLR], typically at the\ncost of their [YEL]Offensive Gauge[CLR]. Try some of Raiden's [YEL]Kombo[CLR] extending attacks."
  11061. Adv_ExtendingCombos_Desc2="All [YEL]Kombo[CLR] extending attacks have some limit to how many times you can use\nthem in one [YEL]Kombo[CLR], either through [YEL]Gravity Scaling[CLR] or move specific limitations."
  11062. Adv_ExtendingCombos_Desc3="Observe that Raiden's [LBL]Jo Push[CLR] causes a different\nreaction when used twice in the same [YEL]Kombo[CLR]."
  11063. Adv_ExtendingCombos_Desc4="Learn the limitations of each of your [YEL]Kombo[CLR] extending\nmoves to discover more efficient, damaging [YEL]Kombos[CLR]."
  11065. Adv_ExtendingCombos_1=Use an Amplified Special Move to Extend your Kombo
  11066. Adv_ExtendingCombos_2=Observe that Jo Push causes a different reaction when used twice in the same Kombo
  11068. Adv_FrameData_Desc1="LESSON: INTRODUCTION TO FRAME DATA\nEvery attack can be broken down into three different parts: a [YEL]Beginning[CLR], a [YEL]Middle[CLR], and an [YEL]End[CLR].\n[YEL]Frame Data[CLR] is a way to measure the length of time that each part of an attack will last."
  11069. Adv_FrameData_Desc2="While [YEL]Frame Data[CLR] can be intimidating to newer players, it's easier\nto understand when you learn that a [YEL]Frame[CLR] is just a measurement of time.\nRemember: [YEL]60 Frames[CLR] = [YEL]1 Second[CLR]!"
  11071. Adv_FrameData_Quest_Title1="Attacks with Short Start Up"
  11072. Adv_FrameData_Quest_Title2="Attacks with Long Start Up"
  11073. Adv_FrameData_Quest_Title3="Short Active Attacks"
  11074. Adv_FrameData_Quest_Title4="Long Active Attacks"
  11075. Adv_FrameData_Quest_Title5="Attacks with Short Recovery"
  11076. Adv_FrameData_Quest_Title6="Attacks with Long Recovery"
  11078. Adv_FrameData_Startup_Desc1="The [YEL]Beginning[CLR] of an attack is known as its [YEL]Start Up[CLR], which describes\nthe amount of time (in [YEL]Frames[CLR]) before an attack can hit the opponent."
  11079. Adv_FrameData_Startup_Desc2="Perform 3 attacks that have a fast [YEL]Start Up[CLR] time.\nThe [YEL]Start Up[CLR] portion of each attack will be highlighted in [BLU]Blue[CLR]."
  11080. Adv_FrameData_Startup_Desc3="Now, perform 3 attacks that have a longer [YEL]Start Up[CLR] time.\nThe [YEL]Start Up[CLR] portion of each attack will be highlighted in [BLU]Blue[CLR]."
  11081. Adv_FrameData_Startup_Desc4="[YEL]Start Up[CLR] is one of the most significant attributes of any\nattack. In general, attacks with fast [YEL]Start Up[CLR] are effective\nbecause they're good at interrupting slower attacks."
  11083. Adv_FrameData_Startup_1=[FP] takes 7 Frames to Start Up
  11084. Adv_FrameData_Startup_2=[Down][+][FP] takes 7 Frames to Start Up
  11085. Adv_FrameData_Startup_3=[BP] takes 9 Frames to Start Up
  11087. Adv_FrameData_Startup_4=[Away][+][FK] takes 27 Frames to Start Up
  11088. Adv_FrameData_Startup_5=[Towards][+][BK] takes 16 Frames to Start Up
  11089. Adv_FrameData_Startup_6=[Down][Away][FK] takes 23 Frames to Start Up
  11091. Adv_FrameData_Active_Desc1="The [YEL]Middle[CLR] of an attack is known as its [YEL]Active Frames[CLR], which describes\nthe period of time (in [YEL]Frames[CLR]) when the attack can hit the opponent."
  11092. Adv_FrameData_Active_Desc2="Perform 3 attacks that have a short [YEL]Active[CLR] time.\nThe [YEL]Active[CLR] portion of each attack will be highlighted in [RED]Red[CLR]."
  11093. Adv_FrameData_Active_Desc3="Now, perform 3 attacks that have a longer [YEL]Active[CLR] time.\nThe [YEL]Active[CLR] portion of each attack will be highlighted in [RED]Red[CLR]."
  11094. Adv_FrameData_Active_Desc4="Most attacks have short [YEL]Active Frames[CLR].\nAttacks with long [YEL]Active Frames[CLR] can be good\nat controlling space or hitting mobile opponents."
  11096. Adv_FrameData_Active_1=[BP] is Active for 1 Frame
  11097. Adv_FrameData_Active_2=[FP] is Active for 2 Frames
  11098. Adv_FrameData_Active_3=[BK] is Active for 2 Frames
  11100. Adv_FrameData_Active_4=[Away][+][FK] is Active for 3 Frames
  11101. Adv_FrameData_Active_5=[Down][+][BK] is Active for 3 Frames
  11102. Adv_FrameData_Active_6=[Down][+][BP] is Active for 4 Frames
  11104. Adv_FrameData_Recovery_Desc1="The [YEL]End[CLR] of an attack is known as its [YEL]Recovery[CLR].\n[YEL]Recovery[CLR] is the period of time (in [YEL]Frames[CLR]) after an attack can hit the\nopponent, but before the character returns to neutral and can move again."
  11105. Adv_FrameData_Recovery_Desc2="Perform 3 attacks that have a short [YEL]Recovery[CLR] time.\nThe [YEL]Recovery[CLR] portion of each attack will be highlighted in [GRN]Green[CLR].\nNote that [YEL]Recovery Frames[CLR] can be different on hit, miss, or [YEL]Block[CLR]."
  11106. Adv_FrameData_Recovery_Desc3="Now, perform 3 attacks that have a longer [YEL]Recovery[CLR] time.\nThe [YEL]Recovery[CLR] portion of each attack will be highlighted in [GRN]Green[CLR]."
  11107. Adv_FrameData_Recovery_Desc4="Be careful when using attacks with longer [YEL]Recovery[CLR],\nas they leave you vulnerable if you miss."
  11108. Adv_FrameData_Recovery_Desc5="[YEL]Frame Data[CLR] is essential to learning the strengths and weaknesses\nof different attacks when kompeting at a high level. You can press [Start]\nand select [YEL]Move List[CLR] to view [YEL]Frame Data[CLR] for each of your moves."
  11110. Adv_FrameData_Recovery_1=[BP] takes 13 Frames to Recover on Miss
  11111. Adv_FrameData_Recovery_2=[Down][+][FK] takes 14 Frames to Recover on Miss
  11112. Adv_FrameData_Recovery_3=[FP] takes 17 Frames to Recover on Miss
  11114. Adv_FrameData_Recovery_4=[Away][+][BK] takes 23 Frames to Recover on Miss
  11115. Adv_FrameData_Recovery_5=[Away][+][FP] takes 29 Frames to Recover on Miss
  11116. Adv_FrameData_Recovery_6=[Away][+][BP] takes 41 Frames to Recover on Miss
  11118. Adv_FrameData_Cancel_Desc1="The [YEL]Cancel Frame[CLR] is the end of the [YEL]Window[CLR] to input a [YEL]Special Move Cancel[CLR],\n[YEL]Meter Burn[CLR], or [YEL]Kombo Attack String[CLR]. Attacks with N/A under [YEL]Cancel[CLR]\nin their [YEL]Frame Data[CLR] cannot be [YEL]Canceled[CLR] or [YEL]Meter Burned[CLR]."
  11119. Adv_FrameData_Cancel_Desc2="Input the [YEL]Special Move Cancel[CLR] before the [YEL]Cancel Frame[CLR].\nThe [YEL]Cancel Window[CLR] will be highlighted in white."
  11121. Adv_FrameData_HitAdv_Desc1="LESSON: HIT ADVANTAGE\n[YEL]Hit Advantage[CLR] compares the [YEL]Recovery[CLR] times\nof both players after an attack hits."
  11122. Adv_FrameData_HitAdv_Desc2="For example, if you hit an opponent with an attack that has a [YEL]Hit Advantage[CLR]\nof 9 [YEL]Frames[CLR], you can move 9 [YEL]Frames[CLR] before the opponent can."
  11123. Adv_FrameData_HitAdv_Desc3="Perform the following attacks with high [YEL]Hit Advantage[CLR],\nand observe how much earlier you recover than the opponent.\nThe [YEL]Recovery[CLR] of the faster character will be highlighted in [GRN]Green[CLR]."
  11124. Adv_FrameData_HitAdv_Desc4="Having "[YEL]Advantage[CLR]" after a hit gives you the upper hand for a short time,\nas you're free to move and attack while the opponent can only wait and [YEL]Block[CLR]."
  11125. Adv_FrameData_HitAdv_Desc5="Attacks that [YEL]Knock Down[CLR] the opponent are useful because they typically have\nmuch higher [YEL]Hit Advantage[CLR] than attacks that leave the opponent standing on hit."
  11127. Adv_FrameData_HitAdv_1=Hit the opponent and observe how much earlier you recover
  11128. Adv_FrameData_HitAdv_2=Knock Down the opponent and observe how much earlier you recover
  11130. Adv_FrameData_HitAdv_Input1=[FP] has 9 Frames of Advantage on Hit
  11131. Adv_FrameData_HitAdv_Input2=[BP] has 17 Frames of Advantage on Hit
  11132. Adv_FrameData_HitAdv_Input3=[BK] has 18 Frames of Advantage on Hit
  11133. Adv_FrameData_HitAdv_Input4=[Away][+][BK] has 26 Frames of Advantage on Hit
  11134. Adv_FrameData_HitAdv_Input5=[Away][+][FK] has 61 Frames of Advantage on Hit
  11136. Adv_FrameData_BlockAdv_Desc1="LESSON: BLOCK ADVANTAGE\n[YEL]Block Advantage[CLR] is much like [YEL]Hit Advantage[CLR], comparing the\n[YEL]Recovery[CLR] times of both players after an attack is [YEL]Blocked[CLR].\nMost attacks have less [YEL]Advantage[CLR] on [YEL]Block[CLR] than hit."
  11137. Adv_FrameData_BlockAdv_Desc2="Perform the following attacks with high [YEL]Block Advantage[CLR],\nand observe how much earlier you recover than the opponent.\nThe [YEL]Recovery[CLR] of the faster character will be highlighted in [GRN]Green[CLR]."
  11138. Adv_FrameData_BlockAdv_Desc3="If an attack has a [YEL]Block Advantage[CLR] of 0, both characters will\nrecover at the same time. This is known as being "[YEL]Neutral[CLR]" on [YEL]Block[CLR]."
  11139. Adv_FrameData_BlockAdv_Desc4="If your attack has [YEL]Negative Block Advantage[CLR], the opponent will [YEL]Recover[CLR]\nbefore you do. This attack would have "[YEL]Frame Disadvantage[CLR]" on [YEL]Block[CLR],\ngiving your opponent the upper hand to move first."
  11140. Adv_FrameData_BlockAdv_Desc5="Several lessons will use [YEL]Frame Data[CLR] to examine\nthe strengths and risks of different types of attacks."
  11142. Adv_FrameData_BlockAdv_1=Attack the Blocking opponent and observe how much earlier you recover
  11143. Adv_FrameData_BlockAdv_2=Attack the Blocking opponent and observe that you recover at the same time
  11144. Adv_FrameData_BlockAdv_3=Attack the Blocking opponent and observe how much later you recover
  11146. Adv_FrameData_BlockAdv_Input1=[BP] has 3 Frames of Advantage on Block
  11147. Adv_FrameData_BlockAdv_Input2=[Away][+][FK] has 3 Frames of Advantage on Block
  11148. Adv_FrameData_BlockAdv_Input3=The last hit of [BP][,][FP][,][BP] Has 7 Frames of Advantage on Block
  11149. Adv_FrameData_BlockAdv_Input4=[FK] has 0 Frames of Advantage on Block
  11150. Adv_FrameData_BlockAdv_Input5=[Away][+][FP] has -14 Frames of Advantage on Block
  11151. Adv_FrameData_BlockAdv_Input6=[Down][Away][FK] has -20 Frames of Advantage on Block
  11153. Str_ComboStarters_Desc1="LESSON: KOMBO STARTERS\nYour highest damage [YEL]Kombo[CLR] may not always be the best choice. Use a variety of\nattacks with different properties to build the right [YEL]Kombo[CLR] for the right situation."
  11154. Str_ComboStarters_Desc2="Your opponent will have a harder time [YEL]Blocking[CLR] if you use\na mix of [YEL]Low[CLR] and [YEL]Overhead Attacks[CLR]. Learn [YEL]Kombos[CLR] that start\nwith both types to increase the chance of successful hit."
  11155. Str_ComboStarters_Desc3="Vary your [YEL]Kombo Attack Strings[CLR] to force your opponent\nto [YEL]Block Low[CLR] or [YEL]Overhead[CLR] at different parts of a [YEL]Kombo[CLR]."
  11156. Str_ComboStarters_Desc4="Your fastest attacks may not be the most damaging [YEL]Kombo[CLR] starters,\nbut they can be great for interrupting slower attacks and [YEL]Punishing[CLR]\nan opponent's mistakes when they leave themselves open."
  11157. Str_ComboStarters_Desc5="You'll also want to learn [YEL]Kombos[CLR] that start with\nfar reaching attacks that can cover more space."
  11158. Str_ComboStarters_Desc6="Many characters have long range attacks that can [YEL]Stun[CLR] the opponent to start a\n[YEL]Kombo[CLR], such as Sub Zero's [LBL]Ice Ball[CLR]. Note that Increased [YEL]Damage Scaling[CLR] from\nthese types of attacks usually limits the total damage of a follow up [YEL]Kombo[CLR]."
  11160. Str_ComboStarters_1=Perform a Kombo that starts with a Low Attack
  11161. Str_ComboStarters_2=Perform a Kombo that starts with an Overhead Attack
  11162. Str_ComboStarters_3=Add a Low Attack to a Kombo
  11163. Str_ComboStarters_4=Perform a Kombo with an Overhead and Low Attack
  11164. Str_ComboStarters_5="Perform a Kombo that starts with a fast attack:\nStraight Chop is a High Attack that Starts Up in 8 Frames."
  11165. Str_ComboStarters_6=Perform a Kombo that starts with a far reaching attack
  11166. Str_ComboStarters_7=Perform a Kombo that starts with a long range Stun attack
  11168. Str_ComboEnders_Desc1="LESSON: KOMBO ENDERS\nPositioning can be more useful than maximizing damage. Try performing\n[YEL]Kombos[CLR] that move the opponent closer to the [YEL]Korner[CLR], where you can limit\nyour opponent's movement options or perform damaging [YEL]Korner Kombos[CLR]."
  11169. Str_ComboEnders_Desc2="You can take advantage of side switching attacks in a [YEL]Kombo[CLR]\nto place your opponent in a [YEL]Korner[CLR] that's behind you."
  11170. Str_ComboEnders_Desc3="You can put yourself in an advantageous position by ending a [YEL]Kombo[CLR]\nwith an attack that [YEL]Knock Down[CLR] the opponent for a long time. You'll be able\nto move and prepare your next attack as the opponent is waiting to get up."
  11171. Str_ComboEnders_Desc4="Some attacks that normally knock your opponent away can lead to a\nlong [YEL]Knockdown[CLR] that keeps you close to your opponent in the [YEL]Korner[CLR],\nplacing you in the perfect position to attack as they get up."
  11172. Str_ComboEnders_Desc5="End your [YEL]Kombo[CLR] with an attack that keeps your opponent close if you\nwant to attack your opponent with another [YEL]Kombo[CLR] as they get back up."
  11173. Str_ComboEnders_Desc6="End your [YEL]Kombo[CLR] with an attack that creates space\nbetween you and your opponent if you want to keep them\nat a distance and follow up with [YEL]Projectiles Attacks[CLR]."
  11175. Str_ComboEnders_1=Perform the Kombo to put the opponent into the Korner
  11176. Str_ComboEnders_2=Perform the Side Switching Kombo to put the opponent into the Korner
  11177. Str_ComboEnders_3="Perform a Kombo that puts the opponent into a\nlong Knockdown, then Dash in before they get up."
  11178. Str_ComboEnders_4=Perform a Kombo that puts the opponent into a long Knockdown in the Korner
  11179. Str_ComboEnders_5=Perform a Kombo that keeps the opponent close
  11180. Str_ComboEnders_6=Perform a Kombo that pushes the opponent away
  11183. Str_Unsafe_Desc1="LESSON: UNSAFE ATTACKS\nAn attack's [YEL]Frame Data[CLR] can tell you if it's safe\nor risky to use in certain situations."
  11184. Str_Unsafe_Desc2="If the opponent [YEL]Blocks[CLR] one of your attacks and they are able to hit you\nbefore you [YEL]Recover[CLR] from that attack, then the attack is [YEL]Unsafe on Block[CLR]."
  11185. Str_Unsafe_Desc3="A skilled opponent will be able to consistently [YEL]Punish[CLR] you with a\nkounter attack if they [YEL]Block[CLR] an attack that is [YEL]Unsafe on Block[CLR]."
  11186. Str_Unsafe_Desc4="You can tell if an attack is [YEL]Unsafe on Block[CLR] if it has a high [YEL]Block Disadvantage[CLR]\n([YEL]Negative Block Adv[CLR]). Any of the opponent's attacks with a fast enough\n[YEL]Start Up[CLR] time will be able to hit your [YEL]Blocked[CLR] attack before it [YEL]Recovers[CLR]."
  11187. Str_Unsafe_Desc5="Be sure to know which of your character's attacks are [YEL]Unsafe on Block[CLR].\nAvoid recklessly using these attacks when your opponent is likely to [YEL]Block[CLR]."
  11188. Str_Unsafe_Desc6="[YEL]Unsafe Attacks[CLR] are generally best used in [YEL]Kombos[CLR], or for\ninterrupting an opponent that's committed to a movement or an attack."
  11190. Str_Unsafe_1="Observe that Skarlet's Scythe Slam attack is Unsafe if it's Blocked"
  11191. Str_Unsafe_2="Observe that you can be Punished if an Unsafe Attack is Blocked:\nSkarlet's Reaching Whip attack has a Block Adv of -17"
  11192. Str_Unsafe_3="Observe that you can be Punished if an Unsafe Attack is Blocked:\nSkarlet's Blood Splatter Special Move has a Block Adv of -14"
  11193. Str_Unsafe_4="Observe that you can be Punished if an Unsafe Attack is Blocked:\nSkarlet's Spear Stab attack has a Block Adv of -12"
  11194. Str_Unsafe_5="Observe that you can be Punished if an Unsafe Attack is Blocked:\nSkarlet's Blood Tentacle Special Move has a Block Adv of -19"
  11196. Str_Safe_Desc1="LESSON: SAFE ATTACKS\nIf the opponent [YEL]Blocks[CLR] one of your attacks, and they\nhave no attack that can hit you before you [YEL]Recover[CLR],\nthen your attack is considered [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR]."
  11197. Str_Safe_Desc2="An attack that has a [YEL]Block Advantage[CLR] of 0\nor more will always be [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR]."
  11198. Str_Safe_Desc3="Some attacks with [YEL]Block Disadvantage[CLR] ([YEL]Negative Block Adv[CLR]) can be [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR]. The\nopponent can move first after the attack is [YEL]Blocked[CLR], but you'll have enough time to [YEL]Block[CLR]\nany kounter attack that has a slower [YEL]Start Up[CLR] than your attack's [YEL]Block Disadvantage[CLR]."
  11199. Str_Safe_Desc4="For example, Sub Zero's [LBL]Sweep[CLR] has a [YEL]Block Adv[CLR] of -4, but Kano\ndoesn't have any attacks with a [YEL]Start Up[CLR] that's faster than 4 [YEL]Frames[CLR],\nso Sub Zero will always be able to [YEL]Block[CLR] a follow up attack from Kano."
  11200. Str_Safe_Desc5="It's better to use attacks that are [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR] if your opponent has\na good chance of [YEL]Blocking[CLR]. Be aware that an attack that is [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR]\ncan still be risky if you miss entirely, especially if it has a long [YEL]Recovery[CLR]."
  11201. Str_Safe_Desc6="Some attacks can have different [YEL]Block Advantage[CLR] depending on the\ndistance at which your opponent [YEL]Blocks[CLR] the attack. These types of attacks\ncan be [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR] at one distance, but [YEL]Unsafe on Block[CLR] at another."
  11203. Str_Safe_1=Observe that Sub Zero's Roundhouse attack is Safe if it is Blocked.
  11204. Str_Safe_2="Block after the opponent Blocks your Safe Attack:\nSub Zero's Lin Kuei Kick attack has a Block Adv of 2."
  11205. Str_Safe_3="Block after the opponent Blocks your Safe Attack:\nSub Zero's Chilled Sweep attack has a Block Adv of -4."
  11206. Str_Safe_4="Block after the opponent Blocks your Safe Attack:\nSub Zero's Frosty Kombo Attack String has a Block Adv of -5."
  11207. Str_Safe_5=Sub Zero's Ice Ball Projectile is Unsafe on Block at Close Range.
  11208. Str_Safe_6=Sub Zero's Ice Ball Projectile is Safe on Block at Longer Range.
  11209. Str_Safe_7=Attack the Blocking Opponent, then Block their Reversal Attack
  11211. Str_Punish_Desc1="LESSON: PUNISHING\nA [YEL]Punish[CLR] describes a kounter attack that can hit an\n[YEL]Unsafe[CLR] attack as it [YEL]Recovers[CLR]. If performed correctly, a proper\n[YEL]Punish[CLR] cannot be [YEL]Blocked[CLR] by the [YEL]Recovering[CLR] character."
  11212. Str_Punish_Desc2="Generally, attacks with longer [YEL]Recovery[CLR] can be [YEL]Punished[CLR]\nby attacks with faster [YEL]Start Up[CLR] when [YEL]Blocked[CLR]."
  11213. Str_Punish_Desc3="If the [YEL]Start Up Frames[CLR] of your attack are lower than the [YEL]Block Disadvantage[CLR]\n([YEL]Negative Block Adv[CLR]) of the opponent's attack, then you can always\n[YEL]Punish[CLR] the opponent if you're in range and you time your attack correctly."
  11214. Str_Punish_Desc4="You can tell if your kounter attack has successfully\n[YEL]Punished[CLR] an [YEL]Unsafe[CLR] move if a "[YEL]Punish[CLR]" message\nappears when you hit the opponent as they're [YEL]Recovering[CLR]."
  11215. Str_Punish_Desc5="Attacks with fast [YEL]Start Up[CLR] that can also start [YEL]Kombos[CLR] are often the best\nattacks to [YEL]Punish[CLR] your opponent. A [YEL]Punish[CLR] is one of your best opportunities\nto deal significant [YEL]Damage[CLR] to your opponent, so make the most of it!"
  11216. Str_Punish_Desc6="It's important to pay attention to spacing when [YEL]Punishing[CLR] an attack.\nSome of your opponent's [YEL]Unsafe[CLR] attacks can push you farther\nback on [YEL]Block[CLR], out of the reach of your fastest attacks."
  11217. Str_Punish_Desc7="In these cases, you can use an attack with longer\nrange to [YEL]Punish[CLR] an opponent that's farther away."
  11218. Str_Punish_Desc8="It can be difficult to time a [YEL]Punish[CLR] with a [YEL]Basic Attack[CLR] if its\n[YEL]Start Up[CLR] is barely fast enough to hit an [YEL]Unsafe Attack[CLR]."
  11219. Str_Punish_Desc9="A [YEL]Reversal Attack[CLR] can make [YEL]Punishing[CLR] easier in some situations,\nsince it always starts on the very first [YEL]Frame[CLR] that you [YEL]Recover[CLR]."
  11221. Str_Punish_1="Block Skarlet's Unsafe attack, then Punish with your own attack."
  11222. Str_Punish_2="Sub Zero's Sweep (Start Up 12) can Punish Skarlet's Blood Splatter (Block Adv -14)."
  11223. Str_Punish_3="Block Skarlet's Unsafe Attack, then Punish with your own Kombo Attack."
  11224. Str_Punish_4="Block the Unsafe Attack, then Punish Skarlet with a far reaching attack."
  11225. Str_Punish_5="Punish Skarlet's Unsafe Attack with a Reversal Slide."
  11227. Str_HitConfirm_Desc1="LESSON: HIT CONFIRMING\n[YEL]Hit Confirming[CLR] is a method to safely use\nan attack in a [YEL]Kombo[CLR] that is [YEL]Unsafe on Block[CLR]."
  11228. Str_HitConfirm_Desc2="First, start a [YEL]Kombo[CLR] with a [YEL]Kombo Attack String[CLR] that's [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR]."
  11229. Str_HitConfirm_Desc3="Once you've seen that the opponent has been [YEL]Hit[CLR] by the first\nattack in your [YEL]Kombo[CLR], you'll have enough time to react and\nadd an [YEL]Unsafe Attack[CLR] to extend your [YEL]Kombo[CLR] without risk."
  11230. Str_HitConfirm_Desc4="If the opponent [YEL]Blocks[CLR] the first attack in your [YEL]Kombo[CLR], you'll have\nenough time to react and end the [YEL]Kombo[CLR] early without the [YEL]Unsafe Attack[CLR],\nallowing you to [YEL]Block[CLR] a kounter attack from the opponent."
  11231. Str_HitConfirm_Desc5="Now, observe the opponent's behavior and only finish\nthe [YEL]Kombo[CLR] if he is hit by the first attack in your [YEL]Kombo[CLR]."
  11232. Str_HitConfirm_Desc6="[YEL]Hit Confirming[CLR] is crucial when kompeting with highly skilled opponents,\nas this technique gives you the benefits of using [YEL]Unsafe Attacks[CLR] in\n[YEL]Kombos[CLR] without the risk of the opponent [YEL]Punishing[CLR] a [YEL]Blocked Attack[CLR]."
  11234. Adv_HitConfirm_1="Baraka's Mangled Kombo Attack is Safe on Block (Block Adv 1)"
  11235. Adv_HitConfirm_2="Extend your Kombo with an Unsafe Attack"
  11236. Adv_HitConfirm_3="End your Kombo early and Block the Opponent's Kounter Attack"
  11237. Adv_HitConfirm_4="The opponent will randomly Block and kounter attack.\nOnly Finish your Kombo if the Opponent is Hit."
  11238. Adv_HitConfirm_5="Perform 2 Attacks then Block if the opponent Blocks.\nFinish the Kombo if the Opponent is Hit."
  11239. Adv_HitConfirm_6="Perform 3 Attacks then Block if the opponent Blocks.\nFinish the Kombo if the Opponent is Hit."
  11241. Str_WakeupOffense_Desc1="LESSON: GETUP OFFENSE\n[YEL]Getup[CLR] describes scenarios in which one player is getting up from a\n[YEL]Knockdown[CLR], while the other is standing and free to start an attack."
  11242. Str_WakeupOffense_Desc2="[YEL]Knocking Down[CLR] the opponent gives you control over the pace of the match.\nIt's important to know which of your attacks knock the opponent down the longest,\ngiving you more time to move in and attack before the opponent can get up again."
  11243. Str_WakeupOffense_Desc3="A longer [YEL]Knockdown[CLR] can give you a significant [YEL]Frame Advantage[CLR] as the opponent gets up.\nYou can use this head start to time your attacks to hit right after the opponent stands,\nconnecting well before the [YEL]Active Frames[CLR] of any of their attacks can start."
  11244. Str_WakeupOffense_Desc4="It's even possible to time your attack so its [YEL]Active Frames[CLR] hit the\nopponent on the very first frame after they get up. This is much\neasier to execute when your attack has more [YEL]Active Frames[CLR]."
  11245. Str_WakeupOffense_Desc5="A [YEL]Knockdown[CLR] is a great chance to force the opponent to deal with an [YEL]Overhead[CLR] /\n[YEL]Low Mix Up[CLR], especially if you can time your attacks to hit right after they get up."
  11246. Str_WakeupOffense_Desc6="If you're consistently timing your attacks to hit just as the opponent [YEL]Gets Up[CLR],\nyou can scare them into playing defensively and [YEL]Blocking[CLR]. If they [YEL]Block[CLR]\ntoo frequently, you have a perfect opportunity to attack with a [YEL]Throw[CLR]."
  11247. Str_WakeupOffense_Desc7="If you use a mix of well timed [YEL]Overhead Attacks[CLR], [YEL]Low Attacks[CLR], and [YEL]Throw[CLR]\neach time your opponent [YEL]Gets Up[CLR] from a [YEL]Knockdown[CLR], you can create a hard\nto predict guessing game where the odds are stacked in your favor."
  11248. Str_WakeupOffense_Desc8="One powerful tool available to your [YEL]Knocked Down[CLR] opponent is an\n[YEL]Invulnerable Getup Attack[CLR]. The opponent can use this to interrupt\nyour well timed offense if you attack too predictably as they [YEL]Getup[CLR]."
  11249. Str_WakeupOffense_Desc9="[YEL]Invulnerable Getup Attacks[CLR] are very effective at interrupting grounded attackers, but\nthey're less effective at hitting [YEL]Jumping[CLR] characters. Use a well timed [YEL]Jump[CLR] to evade the\nopponent's [YEL]Invulnerable Getup Attack[CLR], then [YEL]Punish[CLR] them with a [YEL]Jumping Attack[CLR]."
  11250. Str_WakeupOffense_Desc10="Your opponent may perform a [YEL]Launching Getup Attack[CLR] if they anticipates\nthat you will [YEL]Jump[CLR] as they [YEL]Get Up[CLR]. [YEL]Launching Getup Attacks[CLR] cannot be hit\nby [YEL]Jumping Attacks[CLR], but they are almost always [YEL]Unsafe on Block[CLR]."
  11251. Str_WakeupOffense_Desc10A="[YEL]Block[CLR] and [YEL]Punish[CLR] the opponent when you anticipate a risky\n[YEL]Launching Getup Attack[CLR]. Consistently [YEL]Punish Getup Attacks[CLR]\nto scare your opponent into avoiding these powerful option."
  11252. Str_WakeupOffense_Desc11="Your opponent can also [YEL]Backward Getup Roll[CLR] to gain temporary [YEL]Invulnerability[CLR] and\ncreate space when they [YEL]Getup[CLR]. You can use a well timed far reaching attack to chase down\nand hit the opponent if you predict they will perform a [YEL]Backward Getup Roll[CLR]."
  11253. Str_WakeupOffense_Desc12="Some [YEL]Attacks[CLR] or [YEL]Kombo Attack Stings[CLR] will carry you forward on hit\nor miss. When timed correctly, this can be an effective option to catch\nopponents that may or may not perform a [YEL]Backward Getup Roll[CLR]."
  11254. Str_WakeupOffense_Desc13="The opponent can also perform a [YEL]Forward Getup Roll[CLR], which can switch sides\nif you're trying to hit a [YEL]Backward Getup Roll[CLR] with an advancing attack."
  11255. Str_WakeupOffense_Desc14="If you anticipate a [YEL]Forward Getup Roll[CLR], you can hit your opponent with a\n[YEL]Throw[CLR] at any point during the [YEL]Roll[CLR]. Throws can also hit [YEL]Backwards Getup Rolls[CLR],\nthough the timing and spacing can be more difficult."
  11256. Str_WakeupOffense_Desc15="Your opponent can interfere with the timing of your attacks as they\n[YEL]Getup[CLR] by performing a [YEL]Delayed Getup[CLR]. Adjust the timing of your\nattacks to hit slightly later if you anticipate a [YEL]Delayed Getup[CLR]."
  11257. Str_WakeupOffense_Desc16="Some [YEL]Kombo Attack Strings[CLR] can be timed to hit as your opponent\nas they getup with normal timing or with [YEL]Delayed Getup[CLR]."
  11259. Str_WakeupOffense_0="Knock down the opponent."
  11260. Str_WakeupOffense_1="Knock down the opponent, then Dash Forward before they get up."
  11261. Str_WakeupOffense_2="Knock down the opponent, then Dash Forward twice before they get up."
  11262. Str_WakeupOffense_3="Knock down the opponent, then hit them just after they Getup."
  11263. Str_WakeupOffense_4="Knock down the opponent, then hit them on the first Frame they Getup."
  11264. Str_WakeupOffense_5="Knock down the opponent, then hit them with a Low Attack just after they Getup."
  11265. Str_WakeupOffense_6="Knock down the opponent, then hit them with an Overhead Attack just after they Getup."
  11266. Str_WakeupOffense_7="Knock down the opponent, then Throw them just after they Getup."
  11267. Str_WakeupOffense_8="Knock down the opponent, then attempt to Hit the opponent\nduring the start of their Invulnerable Getup Attack."
  11268. Str_WakeupOffense_9A="Knock down the opponent, then Jump and Punish their Invulnerable Getup Attack."
  11269. Str_WakeupOffense_9B="Knock down the opponent, then Block\nand Punish their Launching Getup Attack."
  11270. Str_WakeupOffense_10="Knock down the opponent, then Hit them\nduring the recovery of their Backward Getup Roll."
  11271. Str_WakeupOffense_11="Knock down the opponent, then hit them with the first hit of Rising Cut just as they Getup."
  11272. Str_WakeupOffense_12="Knock down the opponent, then hit them with the second hit of Rising Cut just as they Getup."
  11273. Str_WakeupOffense_13="Knock down the opponent, then attempt to Hit the opponent\nduring the start of their Forward Getup Roll."
  11274. Str_WakeupOffense_14="Knock down the opponent, then Throw them during their Forward Getup Roll."
  11275. Str_WakeupOffense_15="Knock down the opponent, then hit them just after they perform a Delayed Getup."
  11276. Str_WakeupOffense_16="Knock down the opponent, then hit them with the first hit of The Killing just after Getup."
  11277. Str_WakeupOffense_17="Knock down the opponent, then hit them with the third hit of The Killing just after they perform a Delayed Getup."
  11279. Str_WakeupDefense_Desc1="LESSON: GETUP DEFENSE\nIt can be difficult or impossible to react to all of your opponent's\npossible attacks when you're [YEL]Waking Up[CLR] from a [YEL]Knockdown[CLR], so you'll\nusually have to guess the best course of action to defend yourself."
  11280. Str_WakeupDefense_Desc2="The opponent has the advantage when you're [YEL]Waking Up[CLR] because\nthey can start their attacks before you can, so they can consistently interrupt\nyou during the [YEL]Start Up Frames[CLR] of your attack if they time theirs correctly."
  11281. Str_WakeupDefense_Desc3="Since the opponent can interrupt most of your attacks,\none of your best [YEL]Getup[CLR] options is to simply [YEL]Block[CLR]."
  11282. Str_WakeupDefense_Desc4="[YEL]Blocking[CLR] on [YEL]Getup[CLR] has its disadvantages. You'll take\nsome [YEL]Block Damage[CLR], and the opponent is free to [YEL]Mix Up\nOverhead[CLR] and [YEL]Low Attacks[CLR] to make [YEL]Blocking[CLR] more difficult."
  11283. Str_WakeupDefense_Desc5="The opponent can also [YEL]Throw[CLR] you as you [YEL]Getup[CLR], consistently beating\nyour attempt to [YEL]Block[CLR]. If you're confident the opponent will [YEL]Throw[CLR] as\nyou [YEL]Getup[CLR], [YEL]Quick Jump[CLR] and [YEL]Punish[CLR] them with a [YEL]Quick Jump Attack[CLR]."
  11284. Str_WakeupDefense_Desc5B="When getting up, you'll have more options when you have [YEL]OD Gauge[CLR] to spend.\nA [YEL]Launching Getup Attack[CLR] cannot be hit by [YEL]Throw Attacks[CLR], and will launch the\nopponent for a [YEL]Juggle Kombo[CLR] on hit. You will still be vulnerable to most other attacks."
  11285. Str_WakeupDefense_Desc6="You have other [YEL]Getup[CLR] options besides [YEL]Blocking[CLR] or [YEL]Jumping[CLR],\nbut each of them come with their own advantages and risks."
  11286. Str_WakeupDefense_Desc7="One alternative to [YEL]Blocking[CLR] is to spend [YEL]Defensive Gauge[CLR] on a\n[YEL]Backward Getup Roll[CLR], which can evade your opponent's attacks,\nthrow off their attack timing, and create some space as you get up."
  11287. Str_WakeupDefense_Desc8="Your character is [YEL]Invulnerable[CLR] to most attacks during the start of a [YEL]Backward Getup Roll[CLR].\nIt will always start on the earliest possible moment after you get up, avoiding\nmost attacks that are timed to hit you immediately after [YEL]Getup[CLR]."
  11288. Str_WakeupDefense_Desc9="Remember that the a [YEL]Backward Getup Roll[CLR] can be hit by [YEL]Throws[CLR] at any point,\nand it's briefly vulnerable to all attacks before it fully [YEL]Recovers[CLR]. Your opponent can still\nhit you with a well timed, far reaching attack if they predict that you'll [YEL]Roll Backwards[CLR]."
  11289. Str_WakeupDefense_Desc10="Be aware of your surroundings when using a [YEL]Backward Getup Roll[CLR].\nYou can't move backward when you're in a [YEL]Korner[CLR], making it easier for your\nopponent to [YEL]Throw[CLR] or hit you as you recover from a [YEL]Backwards Roll[CLR]."
  11290. Str_WakeupDefense_Desc11="A [YEL]Forward Getup Roll[CLR] is a riskier option than a [YEL]Backwards Roll[CLR] in\nmost cases since it advances toward your opponent, making it easier\nfor them to kounter with a [YEL]Throw[CLR] or hit you as the [YEL]Roll Recovers[CLR]."
  11291. Str_WakeupDefense_Desc12="A [YEL]Forward Getup Roll[CLR] can switch sides with a nearby opponent,\nso it becomes a more effective option if you're trapped in\nthe [YEL]Korner[CLR] and an opponent attacks as you [YEL]Getup[CLR]."
  11292. Str_WakeupDefense_Desc13="You can also use a [YEL]Forward Getup Roll[CLR] if your opponent\nanticipates that you'll perform a [YEL]Backward Getup Roll[CLR]\nand attempts to [YEL]Punish[CLR] it with an advancing attack."
  11293. Str_WakeupDefense_Desc14="Every character has a [YEL]Getup Attack[CLR] that is briefly [YEL]Invulnerable[CLR] to all attacks\nduring its [YEL]Start Up Frames[CLR]. This can be a very effective option if you have enough\n[YEL]Gauge[CLR] and you're confident the opponent will attack as you [YEL]Getup[CLR]."
  11294. Str_WakeupDefense_Desc15="[YEL]Invulnerable Getup Attacks[CLR] are [YEL]Unsafe on Block[CLR] in most situations,\nmaking them an extremely risky option against a skilled opponent.\nDon't use them too predictably!"
  11295. Str_WakeupDefense_Desc16="Even when you don't use it, your [YEL]Invulnerable Getup Attack[CLR] can have an\neffect on your opponent's behavior. They can't attack recklessly as you\n[YEL]Getup[CLR] without some risk of getting hit if you have enough [YEL]Gauge[CLR]."
  11296. Str_WakeupDefense_Desc17="If your opponent [YEL]Blocks[CLR] as you [YEL]Getup[CLR] because they\nanticipating that you will perform a [YEL]Getup Attack[CLR], you\nhave an opportunity to attack them with a [YEL]Throw[CLR] instead."
  11297. Str_WakeupDefense_Desc17B="Most [YEL]Invulnerable Getup Attacks[CLR] can be evaded by [YEL]Jumping[CLR],\nleaving you vulnerable to a [YEL]Punish[CLR] from a [YEL]Jumping Attack[CLR]."
  11298. Str_WakeupDefense_Desc17C="[YEL]Launching Getup Attacks[CLR] hit an area above your character and cannot\nbe hit by [YEL]Jumping Attacks[CLR]. Use this to option when an opponent\nattempts to evade an [YEL]Invulnerable Getup Attack[CLR] by [YEL]Jumping[CLR]."
  11299. Str_WakeupDefense_Desc18="A [YEL]Delayed Getup[CLR] is another effective option to throw off the opponent's\nattack timing as you [YEL]Getup[CLR]. You'll have to stay in the same positon until you\nget up, but it can't be [YEL]Punished[CLR] like [YEL]Getup Attacks[CLR] or [YEL]Getup Rolls[CLR]."
  11300. Str_WakeupDefense_Desc19="Remember that you can't perform a [YEL]Getup Roll[CLR] or a [YEL]Getup Attack[CLR]\nafter a [YEL]Delayed Getup[CLR], so you'll have less options to escape your opponent's\noffense if they anticipate your [YEL]Delayed Getup[CLR] and time their attack to hit later."
  11302. Str_WakeupDefense_1="Attempt to attack with Straight Jab as soon as you Getup"
  11303. Str_WakeupDefense_2="Block the opponent's Attack as soon as you get up"
  11304. Str_WakeupDefense_3="Block the opponent's Kombo that starts with a Low Attack as soon as you Getup"
  11305. Str_WakeupDefense_4="Block the opponent's Kombo that starts with an Overhead Attack as soon as you Getup"
  11306. Str_WakeupDefense_5="Punish the opponent's Throw with a Quick Jump Attack as soon as you Getup"
  11307. Str_WakeupDefense_5B="Interrupt the opponent's Throw with a Launching Getup Attack as you Getup"
  11308. Str_WakeupDefense_6="Evade the opponent's Attacks with a Backwards Getup Roll"
  11309. Str_WakeupDefense_7="Attempt to evade the opponent's Attacks with a Backwards Getup Roll"
  11310. Str_WakeupDefense_8="Evade the opponent's Attacks and escape the Korner with a Forward Getup Roll"
  11311. Str_WakeupDefense_9="Evade the opponent's advancing Attacks with a Forward Getup Roll"
  11312. Str_WakeupDefense_10="Interrupt the attacking opponent with an Invulnerable Getup Attack as you Getup"
  11313. Str_WakeupDefense_11="Throw the Blocking opponent as soon as you Getup"
  11314. Str_WakeupDefense_12="Perform a Delayed Getup to avoid the opponent's follow up attack"
  11315. Str_WakeupDefense_13="Perform a Delayed Getup, then Block\nthe opponent's delayed follow up attack"
  11316. Str_WakeupDefense_14="Interrupt the opponent's Jumping Attack with a Launching Getup Attack as you Getup"
  11318. Str_BlockPressure_Desc1="LESSON: BLOCK PRESSURE\n[YEL]Pressure[CLR] describes the tactic of attacking an opponent\nin a way that limits their options and forces them to stay on\nthe defense, usually through the use of [YEL]Frame Advantage[CLR]."
  11319. Str_BlockPressure_Desc2="One of the best ways to create [YEL]Pressure[CLR] is with [YEL]Block Advantage[CLR].\nSince your character is able to [YEL]Recover[CLR] first when you have\n[YEL]Block Advantage[CLR], the [YEL]Start Up[CLR] of your attacks can have a head start."
  11320. Str_BlockPressure_Desc3="For example, Jade's [LBL]Blazing Nitro Kick[CLR] ([YEL]Start Up[CLR] 12) is faster\nthan Baraka's [LBL]Leg Chop[CLR] ([YEL]Start Up[CLR] 14), but Baraka's slower attack\ncan consistently interrupt the faster attack if it's performed immediately\nafter Jade [YEL]Blocks[CLR] Baraka's [LBL]Big Leg[CLR] ([YEL]Block Adv[CLR] 4)."
  11321. Str_BlockPressure_Desc4="This technique becomes more effective and easier to execute\nwhen you use a faster attack after you have [YEL]Frame Advantage[CLR]."
  11322. Str_BlockPressure_Desc5="Follow [LBL]Big Leg[CLR] ([YEL]Block Adv[CLR] 4) with [LBL]Straight Shank[CLR] ([YEL]Start Up[CLR] 8).\nWhen timed correctly, the second attack will connect around 4\n[YEL]Frames[CLR] after Jade [YEL]Recovers[CLR] from [YEL]Blocking[CLR] the first attack."
  11323. Str_BlockPressure_Desc6="None of Jade's attacks can start faster than 4 [YEL]Frames[CLR], so any\nattempt to attack after [YEL]Blocking[CLR] will be consistently interrupted by\nyour second attack. This technique is known as a [YEL]Frame Trap[CLR]."
  11324. Str_BlockPressure_Desc7="[YEL]Frame Traps[CLR] are a highly effective way to force the opponent to [YEL]Block[CLR]\ninstead of attack. Once the opponent is afraid to attack, you can create\n[YEL]Pressure[CLR] by ending your [YEL]Frame Traps[CLR] with [YEL]Kombo Attack Strings[CLR]."
  11325. Str_BlockPressure_Desc8="Baraka's [LBL]Bloody Mess[CLR] has a [YEL]Block Adv[CLR] of 6, allowing for\na [YEL]Frame Trap[CLR] after a [YEL]Kombo Attack Strings[CLR]."
  11326. Str_BlockPressure_Desc9="Combine multiple [YEL]Frame Traps[CLR] into the same\nsequence of attacks to create extended [YEL]Block Pressure[CLR]."
  11327. Str_BlockPressure_Desc10="If you can scared your opponent into consistently [YEL]Blocking[CLR]\nwhen you perform a [YEL]Frame Trap[CLR], you have an opportunity\nto surprise your opponent with an [YEL]Unblockable Throw[CLR]."
  11328. Str_BlockPressure_Desc11="Experiment with different attacks to learn new [YEL]Frame Traps[CLR]. They are\neffective at controlling the pace of the match, dealing [YEL]Block Damage[CLR],\nand they can create opportunities to [YEL]Mix Up[CLR] the opponent."
  11330. Str_BlockPressure_1="After Jade Blocks Big Leg,\nInterrupt her Blazing Nitro Kick with Leg Chop."
  11331. Str_BlockPressure_2="After Jade Blocks Big Leg,\nInterrupt her Blazing Nitro Kick with Straight Shank."
  11332. Str_BlockPressure_3="After Jade Blocks Big Leg,\nInterrupt her Blazing Nitro Kick."
  11333. Str_BlockPressure_4="Perform the Frame Trap against the Blocking opponent."
  11334. Str_BlockPressure_5="Throw Jade immediately after she Blocks Big Leg."
  11336. Str_BlockPressure_Input1=", briefly step forward, then [L1] immediately after you Recover"
  11339. Str_HitPressure_Desc1="LESSON: HIT PRESSURE\nGenerally, when you finish an attack that hits the\nopponent and leaves them standing, they won't be able\nto do anything but [YEL]Block[CLR] until they've kompletely recovered."
  11340. Str_HitPressure_Desc2="This means that you can create a [YEL]Frame Trap[CLR] after attacks with [YEL]Hit Advantage[CLR] that\ndon't knock down. Perform [LBL]Knee Lunge[CLR] ([YEL]Start Up[CLR] 12) immediately after [LBL]Low Stab[CLR]\n([YEL]Hit Adv[CLR] 10) for a [YEL]Frame Trap[CLR] with a gap as small as 4 [YEL]Frames[CLR] between these attacks."
  11341. Str_HitPressure_Desc3="If your second attack has a [YEL]Start Up[CLR] that's faster than\nthe [YEL]Hit Advantage[CLR] of your first attack, your second\nattack can connect while the opponent is still [YEL]Recovering[CLR]."
  11342. Str_HitPressure_Desc4="For example, Baraka can force the opponent to [YEL]Block[CLR]\n[LBL]Spiked Cross[CLR] ([YEL]Start Up[CLR] 7) if he performs it\nimmediately after hitting with [LBL]Low Poke[CLR] ([YEL]Hit Adv[CLR] 14)."
  11343. Str_HitPressure_Desc5="This technique is known as [YEL]Jailing[CLR], since you're kompletely safe to attack\nand the opponent cannot perform any action except [YEL]Block[CLR]. Most characters can\nhit with [Down][+][FP] or [Down][+][FK] to [YEL]Jail[CLR] the opponent and create [YEL]Pressure[CLR]."
  11344. Str_HitPressure_Desc6="If you've [YEL]Jailed[CLR] your opponent and attack them with a [YEL]High Attack[CLR] before\nthey can fully [YEL]Recover[CLR], they won't be able to evade the attack by [YEL]Ducking[CLR]."
  11345. Str_HitPressure_Desc7="Baraka has [YEL]Kombo Attack Strings[CLR] like [LBL]Bloodthirsty[CLR] ([YEL]Hit Adv[CLR] 12)\nare useful for creating [YEL]Frame Traps[CLR] or [YEL]Jailing[CLR] the opponent."
  11346. Str_HitPressure_Desc8="After [YEL]Jailing[CLR] your opponent with a hit, follow up with attacks that have high\n[YEL]Block Advantage[CLR] to create additional [YEL]Frame Traps[CLR]. This kind of sustained [YEL]Pressure[CLR]\nis great for dealing [YEL]Block Damage[CLR] and keeping your opponent on the defense."
  11348. Str_HitPressure_1="After Hitting with Low Stab (Hit Adv 10),\nPerform Knee Lunge (Start Up 12) immediately to create a Frame Trap."
  11349. Str_HitPressure_2="After Hitting with Low Poke (Hit Adv 14),\nPerform Spiked Cross (Start Up 7) immediately to Jail the opponent."
  11350. Str_HitPressure_3="After Hitting with Low Poke (Hit Adv 14),\nPerform Mangled (Start Up 7) immediately to Jail the opponent."
  11351. Str_HitPressure_4="After Hitting with Big Leg (Hit Adv 15),\nLeg Chop (Start Up 14) immediately to Jail the opponent."
  11352. Str_HitPressure_5="After Hitting with Low Poke (Hit Adv 11),\nPerform Splintered (Start Up 9) immediately to Jail the opponent."
  11353. Str_HitPressure_6="After Hitting with Foot Stomp (Hit Adv 14),\nPerform Bloody Mess (Start Up 7) immediately to Jail the opponent."
  11354. Str_HitPressure_7="After Hitting with Bloodthirsty (Hit Adv 12),\nPerform Low Shank (Start Up 8) immediately to Jail the opponent."
  11355. Str_HitPressure_8="After Hitting with Bloodthirsty (Hit Adv 12),\nKutting Loose (Start Up 14) immediately to create a Frame Trap."
  11356. Str_HitPressure_9="Hit with Low Poke (Hit Adv 14),\nthen immediately attack the Blocking Opponent."
  11357. Str_HitPressure_10="Hit with Foot Stomp (Hit Adv 14),\nthen immediately attack the Blocking Opponent."
  11359. Str_PressureDef_Desc1="LESSON: PRESSURE DEFENSE\nWhen kompeting with a skilled opponent, you'll inevitably be in situations\nwhere the opponent has an advantage and is applying offensive [YEL]Pressure[CLR]."
  11360. Str_PressureDef_Desc2="There are several options to escape [YEL]Pressure[CLR], but\nyou'll need to know when and how to use each effectively."
  11361. Str_PressureDef_Desc3="If your opponent hits you with an attack that has enough\n[YEL]Hit Advantage[CLR] to [YEL]Jail[CLR] you, your only option is to [YEL]Block[CLR] until you fully [YEL]Recover[CLR]."
  11362. Str_PressureDef_Desc4="If you [YEL]Block[CLR] an attack that has [YEL]Block Advantage[CLR], it's very risky to attack\nafterward because the opponent can easily put you in a [YEL]Frame Trap[CLR] and\ninterrupt you with their faster attacks. Your safest option is usually to [YEL]Block[CLR]."
  11363. Str_PressureDef_Desc5="[YEL]Blocking[CLR] has its risks, though. You're potentially vulnerable to\n[YEL]Throws[CLR] and [YEL]Overhead[CLR] / [YEL]Low Mix Ups[CLR], and your opponent will\ngradually inflict [YEL]Block Damage[CLR] with each attack."
  11364. Str_PressureDef_Desc6="Watch for opportunities to escape when your opponent is applying [YEL]Block Pressure[CLR].\nWhen you see them perform an attack that has [YEL]Block Disadvantage[CLR], you have a\nchance to start your own offensive [YEL]Block Pressure[CLR] with one of your faster attacks."
  11365. Str_PressureDef_Desc7="If your opponent risks using an attack that's [YEL]Unsafe on Block[CLR], be sure to capitalize on\nthe opportunity to [YEL]Punish[CLR] with a [YEL]Kombo[CLR]. Consistently [YEL]Punishing Unsafe Attacks[CLR]\ncan scare your opponent into avoiding some of their most powerful tools."
  11366. Str_PressureDef_Desc8="There are some opportunities to attack when your opponent has [YEL]Frame Advantage[CLR],\nthough it can be risky unless your opponent is behaving predictably."
  11367. Str_PressureDef_Desc9="Watch to see if your opponent uses [YEL]High Attacks[CLR] to create a\n[YEL]Frame Trap[CLR]. You can [YEL]Duck[CLR] under their [YEL]High Attack[CLR] if you're not\n[YEL]Blocking[CLR] and interrupt them with a [YEL]Ducking Attack[CLR]."
  11368. Str_PressureDef_Desc10="Your opponent won't always perform a [YEL]Frame Trap[CLR] when they have [YEL]Block Advantage[CLR],\nthey may choose a slower attack to create an [YEL]Overhead[CLR] / [YEL]Low Mix Up[CLR]."
  11369. Str_PressureDef_Desc11="If you can predict your opponent will perform a slower attack\nwhen you're at a [YEL]Frame Disadvantage[CLR], you have a\nchance to interrupt them with one of your fastest attacks."
  11370. Str_PressureDef_Desc12="A [YEL]Flawless Block[CLR] can significantly reduce the [YEL]Block Damage[CLR] you take when the\nopponent is applying [YEL]Block Pressure[CLR]. You will kontinue to take reduced [YEL]Block Damage[CLR]\nafter a single [YEL]Flawless Block[CLR] if your opponent kontinues to rapidly attack."
  11371. Str_PressureDef_Desc13="When [YEL]Blocked[CLR], some [YEL]Kombo Attack Strings[CLR] have brief [YEL]Gaps[CLR] between the\nattacks, during which you [YEL]Recover[CLR] and have control of your character."
  11372. Str_PressureDef_Desc14="You can perform a [YEL]Flawless Block[CLR] during a [YEL]Kombo Attack String[CLR] if there's a long\nenough [YEL]Gap[CLR] between attacks. Performing a [YEL]Flawless Block[CLR] can be easier during a [YEL]String[CLR]\nsince the timing of the opponent's attacks is more consistent than a [YEL]Frame Trap[CLR]."
  11373. Str_PressureDef_Desc15="If you can [YEL]Flawless Block[CLR] the first attack in a [YEL]Kombo Attack String[CLR]\nafter a [YEL]Frame Trap[CLR], you can perform an [YEL]Invulnerable Block Attack[CLR]\nby inputting [Up][+][FK] to interrupt the opponent's [YEL]Block Pressure[CLR]."
  11374. Str_PressureDef_Desc16="Input [Up][+][BP] after a [YEL]Flawless Block[CLR] to perform a [YEL]Block Attack[CLR] that lacks\n[YEL]Invulnerability[CLR] but can start a [YEL]Juggle Kombo[CLR]. You can use this to interrupt your\nopponent during their [YEL]Block Pressure[CLR] if there's a big enough [YEL]Gap[CLR] between attacks."
  11375. Str_PressureDef_Desc17="If you're low on [YEL]Health[CLR], you can perform a [YEL]Fatal Blow[CLR] when your opponent is on the\noffense. A [YEL]Fatal Blow[CLR] has [YEL]Armor[CLR] that can absorb attacks during its [YEL]Start Up Frames[CLR],\nwhich can push through an opponent's [YEL]Frame Trap[CLR] when used as a [YEL]Reversal[CLR]."
  11376. Str_PressureDef_Desc18="A [YEL]Fatal Blow[CLR] has [YEL]Armor[CLR] that can absorb attacks during its [YEL]Start Up Frames[CLR],\nwhich can push through an opponent's [YEL]Frame Trap[CLR] when used as a [YEL]Reversal[CLR]."
  11377. Str_PressureDef_Desc19="A [YEL]Fatal Blow[CLR] can armor through small [YEL]Gaps[CLR] when [YEL]Blocking[CLR] some [YEL]Kombo Attack String[CLR].\nUse your [YEL]Fatal Blow[CLR] carefully, it's a wasteful option if the attack fails to hit and you\nwill still take damage from any incoming attacks that hit while you have [YEL]Armor[CLR]."
  11378. Str_PressureDef_Desc20="The foundation of an effective defense against [YEL]Pressure[CLR] is knowledge\nof the strengths and weaknesses of your opponent's attacks."
  11379. Str_PressureDef_Desc21="Even if you don't know the exact [YEL]Frame Data[CLR] for each of your opponent's attacks,\nit helps to learn which of their common attacks have [YEL]Block Advantage[CLR], which have\n[YEL]Block Disadvantage[CLR], which are [YEL]Unsafe on Block[CLR], and which can [YEL]Jail on Hit[CLR]."
  11381. Str_PressureDef_1="Block after you're hit and Jailed by\nBaraka's Big Leg (Hit Adv 15)"
  11382. Str_PressureDef_2="Block all attacks"
  11383. Str_PressureDef_3="Block the Frame Trap, then attack the\nBlocking opponent after he finishes Doom Kicks (Block Adv -7)"
  11384. Str_PressureDef_4="Block the opponent's Frame Trap,\nthen Punish Blade Spark (Block Adv -18)"
  11385. Str_PressureDef_5="Block the start of the opponent's Frame Trap, then\ninterrupt Spiked Cross (High Attack) with a Ducking Attack"
  11386. Str_PressureDef_6="Block the first Kombo Attack String, then\ninterrupt Lunging Blades (Start Up 28) with a fast Attack"
  11387. Str_PressureDef_7="Flawless Block the third attack of the opponent's Frame Trap"
  11388. Str_PressureDef_8="Flawless Block the third attack of the opponent's Kombo Attack String"
  11389. Str_PressureDef_9="Flawless Block the third attack of the opponent's Frame Trap,\nthen interrupt them with an Invulnerable Block Attack"
  11390. Str_PressureDef_10="Flawless Block the third attack of the opponent's Kombo Attack String,\nthen interrupt them with a Launching Block Attack"
  11391. Str_PressureDef_11="Block the start of the opponent's Frame Trap, then\ninterrupt their third attack with a Reversal Fatal Blow"
  11392. Str_PressureDef_12="Interrupt the opponent with a Reversal Fatal Blow\nduring a Gap in their Kombo Attack String"
  11394. Str_PressureDef_Input1="Block after getting hit once."
  11395. Str_PressureDef_Input2="Block all attacks."
  11396. Str_PressureDef_Input3="Block five hits, then [FP][,][BP][,][BK] immediately after you Recover."
  11397. Str_PressureDef_Input4="Block five hits, then [BK][,][BK] immediately after you Recover."
  11398. Str_PressureDef_Input5="Block two hits, then [Down][+][FP] immediately after you Recover."
  11399. Str_PressureDef_Input6="Block three hits, then [Down][+][BP] immediately after you Recover."
  11400. Str_PressureDef_Input7="Block two hits, then Press [R2] just as the third attack connects, then kontinue to Block."
  11401. Str_PressureDef_Input8="Block two hits, [R2] just as the third attack connects, [Up][+][FK] immediately."
  11402. Str_PressureDef_Input9="Block two hits, [R2] just as the third attack connects, [Up][+][BP] immediately."
  11403. Str_PressureDef_Input10="Block two hits, then [L2][+][R2] just as you Recover."
  11405. Str_Zoning_Desc1="LESSON: ZONING\n[YEL]Zoning[CLR] describes the strategy of keeping the opponent at a specific range in which\nyou have the advantage, limiting their options and controlling the pace of the match.\nThis typically involves keeping the opponent at long range with [YEL]Projectile Attacks[CLR]."
  11406. Str_Zoning_Desc2="The foundation of your [YEL]Zoning[CLR] game will be your\n[YEL]Projectile Special Moves[CLR]. [LBL]Lightning Bolt[CLR] is a good attack for [YEL]Zoning[CLR]\nsince it travels at high speed and is [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR] at most ranges."
  11407. Str_Zoning_Desc3="The opponent must take an action like [YEL]Duck[CLR], [YEL]Block[CLR], or [YEL]Jump[CLR]\nto deal with a [YEL]Projectile Attack[CLR], preventing them from freely\nwalking forward and helping you control the pace of the match."
  11408. Str_Zoning_Desc4="Learn to time your [YEL]Projectile Attacks[CLR] to fire them as quickly as possible,\ncreating an obstacle course of attacks for your opponent to deal with."
  11409. Str_Zoning_Desc5="Several [YEL]Blocked Projectiles[CLR] can be more effective than a\nsuccessful hit. Each [YEL]Blocked Special Move[CLR] deals a meaningful\namount of [YEL]Block Damage[CLR] and pushes the opponent back slightly."
  11410. Str_Zoning_Desc6="Most [YEL]Projectile Attacks[CLR] are [YEL]High Attacks[CLR], so your opponent can [YEL]Duck[CLR] to avoid them\nwithout taking damage. If you throw your [YEL]Projectiles[CLR] too predictably, the opponent\ncan easily [YEL]Duck[CLR] and walk forward to evade your attacks and safely close distance."
  11411. Str_Zoning_Desc7="Adjust the timing and frequency of your [YEL]Projectiles[CLR] as\nthe opponent advances to make them more difficult to predict."
  11412. Str_Zoning_Desc8="The opponent can also evade [YEL]Projectiles[CLR] by [YEL]Jumping[CLR] over\nthem. While this can be effective, it's also risky since\nthey're committing to the [YEL]Jump[CLR] for a period and can't [YEL]Block[CLR]."
  11413. Str_Zoning_Desc9="Adjust the timing of your [LBL]Lightning Bolt[CLR] to\nhit the opponent out of the air as they land."
  11414. Str_Zoning_Desc10="If you anticipate that the opponent will commit to a [YEL]Jump[CLR], you can use an [YEL]Anti Air[CLR]\nattack to hit them out of the air more easily. This can be risky if you guess wrong,\nsince the opponent can advance more easily or hit you with their own attack."
  11415. Str_Zoning_Desc11="You'll need to maintain distance to keep your [YEL]Zoning[CLR] game going.\n[YEL]Walking[CLR], [YEL]Jumping[CLR], or [YEL]Dashing[CLR] backward while throwing [YEL]Projectiles[CLR] can\nbe good ways to create space if you have plenty of room behind you."
  11416. Str_Zoning_Desc12="The space behind you is a valuable but limited resource when\n[YEL]Zoning[CLR]. Retreat too frequently and you can put yourself in\nthe [YEL]Korner[CLR] where your opponent can easily close in."
  11417. Str_Zoning_Desc13="Before you get close to the [YEL]Korner[CLR], look for opportunities to\nswitch sides with the opponent, giving yourself more room to retreat.\nA [YEL]Kombo[CLR] can give you a safe opportunity to switch sides."
  11418. Str_Zoning_Desc14="When [YEL]Zoning[CLR], be aware of all the long range tools available to your character.\nMixing a variety of attacks makes them more difficult for your opponent to\nevade without taking damage from hits or [YEL]Blocking[CLR]."
  11419. Str_Zoning_Desc15="Raiden can [YEL]Knockdown[CLR] and push back his opponent by [YEL]Amplifying[CLR] his\n[LBL]Lightning Bolt[CLR]. A [YEL]Knockdown[CLR] is very effective when [YEL]Zoning[CLR] since it prevents your\nopponent from moving for a time, giving you a chance to create more space."
  11420. Str_Zoning_Desc16="[YEL]Amplify[CLR] [LBL]Lightning Bolt[CLR] for a [YEL]Mid Attack[CLR] that can't be evaded by [YEL]Ducking[CLR].\nEven when [YEL]Blocked[CLR], it causes good [YEL]Block Damage[CLR], pushes back the opponent,\nand it has more [YEL]Block Advantage[CLR] to give you time to retreat or [YEL]Block[CLR]."
  11421. Str_Zoning_Desc17="[LBL]Electric Current[CLR] is slower than Raiden's [LBL]Lightning Bolt[CLR] [YEL]Projectile[CLR],\nbut is a [YEL]Low Attack[CLR] that can only be evaded by [YEL]Jumping[CLR]."
  11422. Str_Zoning_Desc18="[LBL]Lightning Strike[CLR] is an attack that must be aimed to hit an opponent at different\ndistances. While this attack does not cover the same horizontal space as a\ntraditional [YEL]Projectile[CLR], it's a [YEL]Mid Attack[CLR] that cannot be evading by [YEL]Ducking[CLR]."
  11423. Str_Zoning_Desc19="Many characters have attacks that are particularly\neffective at kountering [YEL]Zoning[CLR], like Scorpion's [LBL]Hell Port[CLR].\nBe careful of these types attacks when throwing [YEL]Projectiles[CLR]."
  11424. Str_Zoning_Desc20="While effective against [YEL]Projectiles[CLR], Scorpion's [LBL]Hell Port[CLR]\nis [YEL]Unsafe on Block[CLR]. Consistently [YEL]Block[CLR] and [YEL]Punish Projectile[CLR] \nkountering attacks to scare your opponent into avoiding them."
  11426. Str_Zoning_1=Perform a Projectile Attack.
  11427. Str_Zoning_2="Execute 3 Lightning Bolt Projectiles times as quickly as possible."
  11428. Str_Zoning_3="Fire four Projectiles at the Blocking\nopponent and observe the total Block Damage."
  11429. Str_Zoning_4="Hit the opponent with a Projectile when they walk forward."
  11430. Str_Zoning_5="Hit the opponent with a Projectile as they land."
  11431. Str_Zoning_6="Hit the opponent out of the air with Summon Lightning."
  11432. Str_Zoning_7="Hit the opponent out of the air with a Jumping Attack."
  11433. Str_Zoning_8="Quickly Dash Backward between throwing Projectile Attacks."
  11434. Str_Zoning_9="Perform the side switching Jump Attack Kombo to get out of the Korner."
  11435. Str_Zoning_9B="Switch Sides using Sparkport after a Kombo to get out of the Korner."
  11436. Str_Zoning_10="Amplify Lightning Bolt."
  11437. Str_Zoning_11="Perform an Amplified Lightning Bolt against a Blocking opponent, then Dash Backwards."
  11438. Str_Zoning_12="Perform Electric Current for a Low Projectile."
  11439. Str_Zoning_13="Perform Lightning Strike for a Mid Projectile."
  11440. Str_Zoning_14="Attempt to hit Scorpion with a Lightning Bolt when he performs Hell Port"
  11441. Str_Zoning_15="Block and Punish Hell Port with a Kombo."
  11443. Str_Zoning_Input2="Execute [Away][Towards][FP] 3 times quickly."
  11445. Str_CounterZoning_Desc1="LESSON: FIGHTING ZONERS\nCertain characters excel at long range kombat and [YEL]Zoning[CLR]. These kinds of\nopponents will attempt to keep you at a distance to maintain an advantage,\nbut you have several options to close the gap and gain the upper hand."
  11446. Str_CounterZoning_Desc2="Though necessary at times, you'll want to minimize\nthe number of [YEL]Projectile[CLR] attacks that you [YEL]Block[CLR]."
  11447. Str_CounterZoning_Desc3="Each [YEL]Blocked Projectile[CLR] deals a meaningful amount of [YEL]Block Damage[CLR]\nand pushes you back slightly to keep you at a distance. Several\n[YEL]Blocked Projectiles[CLR] can be just as effective as a successful hit."
  11448. Str_CounterZoning_Desc4="Instead of [YEL]Blocking[CLR], do your best to evade the opponent's attacks at range.\nMost [YEL]Projectile Attacks[CLR] are [YEL]High Attacks[CLR], which means you can\nsafely [YEL]Duck[CLR] without [YEL]Blocking[CLR] to avoid them without taking any damage."
  11449. Str_CounterZoning_Desc5="Typically your most reliable way to approach a [YEL]Zoning[CLR] opponent is\nto [YEL]Duck[CLR] under their [YEL]High Projectiles[CLR], then patiently walk forward."
  11450. Str_CounterZoning_Desc6="You can also jump over most [YEL]Projectiles[CLR], giving you an option\nto approach while avoiding the attack at the same time."
  11451. Str_CounterZoning_Desc7="Don't jump over [YEL]Projectiles[CLR] too predictably, as you can't [YEL]Block[CLR] while [YEL]Jumping[CLR]. The\nopponent can adjust the timing of [YEL]Projectiles[CLR] to hit you as you're landing, and some\ncharacters have airborne [YEL]Projectile Attacks[CLR] that can easily hit a poorly timed jump."
  11452. Str_CounterZoning_Desc8="Watch for [YEL]Projectiles[CLR] that are [YEL]Mid[CLR] or [YEL]Low Attacks[CLR] that can't be\n[YEL]Ducked[CLR] under. These attacks must be [YEL]Blocked[CLR] or evaded by [YEL]Jumping[CLR]."
  11453. Str_CounterZoning_Desc9="Be aware of the weaknesses of your opponent's [YEL]Mid[CLR] and\n[YEL]Low Projectile Attacks[CLR]. Most cost [YEL]Gauge[CLR] to perform, or have longer\n[YEL]Start Up[CLR] or [YEL]Recovery[CLR] periods that make them risky to use frequently."
  11454. Str_CounterZoning_Desc10="Liu Kang's [LBL]Low Fireball[CLR] has a slower [YEL]Start Up[CLR] and\n[YEL]Recovery[CLR] than his [LBL]Fireball[CLR], giving you more time to [YEL]Jump[CLR]\nover the [YEL]Low Projectile[CLR], then [YEL]Duck[CLR] a second [YEL]High Projectile[CLR]."
  11455. Str_CounterZoning_Desc11="You can also use a well timed [YEL]Quick Jump[CLR] to evade a [YEL]Low Projectiles[CLR]. You can't\nadvance during a [YEL]Quick Jump[CLR] but you'll recover earlier than a normal [YEL]Jump[CLR], giving\nyou more time to [YEL]Walk[CLR] or [YEL]Dash Forward[CLR] before your opponent starts their next attack."
  11456. Str_CounterZoning_Desc12="Some attacks such as Sub Zero's [LBL]Slide[CLR] let you advance while [YEL]Ducking[CLR]\nunder [YEL]High Projectiles[CLR]. While this attack is vulnerable if [YEL]Blocked[CLR], it can be\neffective if your opponent is using [YEL]High Projectiles[CLR] too predictably."
  11457. Str_CounterZoning_Desc13="Once you've closed in on a [YEL]Zoning[CLR] opponent, watch for opportunities\nto [YEL]Duck[CLR] and [YEL]Punish[CLR] their [YEL]Projectile[CLR] with a far reaching attack."
  11458. Str_CounterZoning_Desc14="A [YEL]Jump In Attack[CLR] can also be a good option if the\nopponent commits to a [YEL]Projectile[CLR] attack when too close."
  11459. Str_CounterZoning_Desc15="Most [YEL]Zoners[CLR] will try to retreat to maintain their ideal kombat distance.\nYou can use this to your advantage by slowly backing them into a [YEL]Korner[CLR].\nA [YEL]Kornered[CLR] opponent has no more room to back up and keep you at a distance."
  11460. Str_CounterZoning_Desc16="You'll inevitably take some hits from a [YEL]Zoning[CLR] opponent. Do your best to not\nget frustrated when this happens. Play patiently, focus on avoiding more damage,\nand wait for opportunities to move into a range where you can fight back."
  11461. Str_CounterZoning_Desc17="If you're [YEL]Knocked Down[CLR] by a [YEL]Zoner[CLR], you can use a [YEL]Forward Getup Roll[CLR]\nto regain some ground. You'll be [YEL]Invulnerable[CLR] to all incoming\nattacks except [YEL]Throws[CLR] during the beginning of the [YEL]Getup Rolls[CLR]."
  11462. Str_CounterZoning_Desc18="Remember that you're briefly vulnerable to attack at the end of a [YEL]Getup Roll[CLR]. If the\nopponent predicts your [YEL]Getup Roll[CLR], they can [YEL]Punish[CLR] you with a well timed attack."
  11463. Str_CounterZoning_Desc19="When two characters perform [YEL]Projectile Attacks[CLR] at the same time,\nthey will usually [YEL]Trade[CLR] hits and both characters will take damage.\nThese types of [YEL]Trades[CLR] typically favor the character with the most health."
  11464. Str_CounterZoning_Desc20="You can use [YEL]Trades[CLR] to your advantage if your character has a [YEL]Projectile[CLR] that\ncan start a [YEL]Kombo[CLR] after a [YEL]Trade[CLR]. You may take some damage from the incoming\n[YEL]Projectile[CLR], but you can deal significantly more damage to your opponent."
  11466. Str_CounterZoning_1="Block 3 Projectile Attacks and observe the total Block Damage you receive."
  11467. Str_CounterZoning_2="Duck to evade the opponent's Projectile Attack."
  11468. Str_CounterZoning_3="Walk forward while ducking under the opponent's Projectile attacks."
  11469. Str_CounterZoning_4="Jump to evade the opponent's Projectile Attack."
  11470. Str_CounterZoning_5="Block the Low Projectile Attack."
  11471. Str_CounterZoning_6="Jump to evade the opponent's Low Projectile Attack."
  11472. Str_CounterZoning_7="Forward Jump the Low Projectile Attack, then Duck under the High Projectile Attack"
  11473. Str_CounterZoning_8="Quick Jump over the Low Projectile Attack, Dash Forward, then Duck under the High Projectile Attack"
  11474. Str_CounterZoning_9="Perform a Slide to attack while Ducking under the High Projectile Attack"
  11475. Str_CounterZoning_10="Duck under the High Projectile Attack, then Punish with a far reaching attack."
  11476. Str_CounterZoning_11="Jump over the Projectile Attack\nand Punish with a Jump Attack Kombo"
  11477. Str_CounterZoning_12="Walk forward while ducking under the Projectile\nattacks to back the opponent into the Korner."
  11478. Str_CounterZoning_13="Use a Forward Getup Roll after being Knocked Down to close in on your opponent."
  11479. Str_CounterZoning_14="Executing a Kombo after Trading Hits using Ice Ball"
  11481. Str_CounterZoning_Input1="[Towards], then [Down] under Projectiles."
  11483. Str_Neutral_Desc1="LESSON: GROUNDED NEUTRAL\nThe [YEL]Neutral Game[CLR] describes scenarios where no player has an\nimmediate advantage, and both players are free to attack, [YEL]Block[CLR], or move."
  11484. Str_Neutral_Desc2="When playing the [YEL]Neutral Game[CLR], your goal is to land successful\nattacks while avoiding your opponent's, and put yourself in a situation\nwhere you have a positional advantage or [YEL]Frame Advantage[CLR]."
  11485. Str_Neutral_Desc3="Knowing the ranges of your different attacks is very important in [YEL]Neutral[CLR] situations.\nWhen the opponent is in a space that you can hit, it becomes more dangerous for\nthem to take an action, since you can interrupt them with an attack at any moment."
  11486. Str_Neutral_Desc4="Use the threat of your attacks to limit your opponent's options when they're\nin range. You don't necessarily need a hit, since some [YEL]Blocked[CLR] attacks have\n[YEL]Frame Advantage[CLR] that can lead to [YEL]Pressure[CLR] and an offensive advantage."
  11487. Str_Neutral_Desc5="Your faster attacks are more difficult for the opponent to react\nto and can interrupt their actions more easily, while longer ranged\nattacks can threaten and control more space in front of you."
  11488. Str_Neutral_Desc6="Your opponent will also attempt to control space by threatening you\nwith their attacks. You'll be more successful in the [YEL]Neutral Game[CLR] if you\nlearn the ranges of the opponent's best mid and long range attacks."
  11489. Str_Neutral_Desc7="A character's farthest reaching attacks will often move the character forward to\ncover more space. This can be very effective in neutral situations to close the gap for\na [YEL]Kombo[CLR] or [YEL]Pressure[CLR], but it can be risky if this kind of attack misses entirely."
  11490. Str_Neutral_Desc8="A character is vulnerable to a [YEL]Punish[CLR] if they miss their attack in the [YEL]Neutral[CLR], especially\nif the attack moves forward or has longer [YEL]Recovery[CLR]. Stay just outside the range\nof the opponent's attacks, [YEL]Punishing[CLR] them during their [YEL]Recovery[CLR] if they miss."
  11491. Str_Neutral_Desc9="The opponent will not move into the range of your attacks if they\nuse a stationary attack, but you can use a well timed advancing\nattack to [YEL]Punish[CLR] them if you're just outside of their range."
  11492. Str_Neutral_Desc10="Some characters can use weapons to extend their attack range beyond their body.\nThis kind of attack is effective at controlling space in [YEL]Neutral[CLR] situations since you\ncan attack with less risk of getting hit by an opponent that may attack at the same time."
  11493. Str_Neutral_Desc11="It's even possible to hit the extended limbs of an opponent if you can anticipate\nwhen they'll attack. When timed correctly, this allows your attack to connect\nwith an opponent that's standing well beyond the move's normal range."
  11494. Str_Neutral_Desc12="Your far reaching attacks can threaten a significantly larger space if you\n[YEL]Punish[CLR] the opponent after they've miss with an advancing attack."
  11495. Str_Neutral_Desc13="In [YEL]Neutral[CLR] play, you'll want to stay outside the range of the opponent's\nbest attacks, while keeping the opponent inside the range of your\nbest attacks. You'll need to stay mobile to maintain your ideal spacing."
  11496. Str_Neutral_Desc14="When you're just within range of an opponent's attack,\nyou can walk backwards just as they strike to make\nthem miss, giving you an opportunity to [YEL]Punish[CLR]."
  11497. Str_Neutral_Desc15="You can't move and [YEL]Block[CLR] at the same time. Evading an attack instead of [YEL]Blocking[CLR]\ncan create opportunities to [YEL]Punish[CLR] a miss, but it comes with some risk of taking a hit\nif you misjudge your distance, timing, or which attack the opponent will perform."
  11498. Str_Neutral_Desc16="If you're confident that a nearby opponent will use a [YEL]High Attack[CLR] in a [YEL]Neutral[CLR]\nsituation, you can evade by [YEL]Ducking[CLR] and interrupt them with a [YEL]Ducking Attack[CLR].\nRemember that you're still vulnerable to other types of attacks while [YEL]Ducking[CLR]."
  11499. Str_Neutral_Desc17="If you're confident that a nearby opponent will use a [YEL]Low Attack[CLR] in a [YEL]Neutral[CLR]\nsituation, you can evade and kounter their attack with a [YEL]Quick Jump Attack[CLR]."
  11501. Str_Neutral_Input0="Use a long range Basic Attack to interrupt the opponent's action."
  11502. Str_Neutral_Input1="Observe the range of your attacks:\nStraight Punch has a 7 Frame Start Up."
  11503. Str_Neutral_Input2="Observe the range of your attacks:\nSide Strike has an 8 Frame Start Up."
  11504. Str_Neutral_Input3="Observe the range of your attacks:\nLow Jab has a 7 Frame Start Up."
  11505. Str_Neutral_Input4="Observe the range of your attacks:\nStep Kick has a 11 Frame Start Up."
  11506. Str_Neutral_Input5="Observe the range of your attacks:\nSweep has a 13 Frame Start Up."
  11507. Str_Neutral_Input6="Observe the range of your attacks:\nShin Strike has a 16 Frame Start Up."
  11508. Str_Neutral_Input7="Observe the range of your attacks:\nQuick Kick has a 11 Frame Start Up."
  11509. Str_Neutral_Input8="Observe the range of your attacks:\nGut Slice has a 14 Frame Start Up."
  11510. Str_Neutral_Input9="Observe the range of your attacks:\nFlick Kick has a 13 Frame Start Up."
  11511. Str_Neutral_Input10="Observe the range of your attacks:\nFlip Kick has a 27 Frame Start Up."
  11512. Str_Neutral_Input11="Observe the range of your attacks:\nRising Cut has a 15 Frame Start Up."
  11513. Str_Neutral_Input12="Observe the range of the opponent's attacks and Block."
  11514. Str_Neutral_Input13="Punish the opponent during the Recovery\nof their advancing attack after they move into range."
  11515. Str_Neutral_Input14="Punish the opponent during the Recovery\nof their attack with a forward advancing attack."
  11516. Str_Neutral_Input15="Punish the opponent during the Recovery\nof their attack with a weapon attack."
  11517. Str_Neutral_Input16="Hit the opponent's extended limb during the Recovery of their attack."
  11518. Str_Neutral_Input16B="Hit the opponent's extended limb during their attack."
  11519. Str_Neutral_Input17="Walk backwards to evade the opponent's attack,\nthen Punish during their Recovery."
  11520. Str_Neutral_Input18="Evade and Punish a High Attack with a Ducking Attack."
  11521. Str_Neutral_Input19="Evade and Punish a Low Attack with a Quick Hop Attack."
  11523. Str_AntiAir_Desc1="LESSON: ANTI AIR\nWatch out for [YEL]Jump In Attacks[CLR] from your opponent. They're an effective\nway to avoid many of your moves while advancing and attacking,\nand they can be used to start an offensive [YEL]Kombo[CLR] on hit or [YEL]Block[CLR]."
  11524. Str_AntiAir_Desc2="Though effective, [YEL]Jump Ins[CLR] are vulnerable to attack since a character\ncannot [YEL]Block[CLR] while [YEL]Jumping[CLR]. Several of your moves are effective [YEL]Anti Air Attacks[CLR]\nthat can reliably hit the opponent during a [YEL]Jump Attack[CLR] if timed correctly."
  11525. Str_AntiAir_Desc3="Most characters can use [Down][+][BP] as an effective [YEL]Anti Air Attack[CLR]\nbecause it hits an area above and in front of the character. Its fast [YEL]Start Up[CLR]\ngives you enough time to react and attack after you see the opponent jump."
  11526. Str_AntiAir_Desc4="Watch out for far reaching [YEL]Jump In Attacks[CLR] that can cover a wide area,\nlike Kabal's [LBL]Blade Punch[CLR]. These types of attacks can be more difficult\nto kounter with a grounded [YEL]Basic Attack[CLR] without getting hit."
  11527. Str_AntiAir_Desc5="Experiment with other attacks that can act as effective\n[YEL]Anti Air Attacks[CLR]. Look for attacks that can hit above the\ncharacter, have short [YEL]Start Up Frames[CLR], or have long [YEL]Active Frames[CLR]."
  11528. Str_AntiAir_Desc6="Some characters have [YEL]Anti Air Projectile Attacks[CLR] that can cover a wide area and hit [YEL]Jumping[CLR]\ncharacters from a distance. They usually have longer [YEL]Start Up[CLR], so you'll have a harder time\nusing them on reaction. You may have to anticipate when your opponent will [YEL]Jump[CLR]."
  11529. Str_AntiAir_Desc7="The upward angle of [YEL]Anti Air Projectile Attacks[CLR] can leave you open to\nattacks from the ground, so be careful not to use them recklessly."
  11530. Str_AntiAir_Desc8="One of the best ways to kounter a [YEL]Jump In[CLR] is with your own [YEL]Jumping Attack[CLR].\nMany characters have a [YEL]Jumping Attack[CLR] with fast [YEL]Start Up[CLR] and longer [YEL]Active Frames[CLR],\nmaking them good for catching opponents that are jumping forward."
  11531. Str_AntiAir_Desc9="A [YEL]Jumping Attack[CLR] from a forward [YEL]Jump[CLR] can cover a wider area\nthan an attack from an upward [YEL]Jump[CLR], but you'll be easier to hit if your\nopponent anticipates your [YEL]Jump[CLR] and uses their own [YEL]Anti Air Attack[CLR]."
  11532. Str_AntiAir_Desc10="Some [YEL]Anti Air Attacks[CLR] can lead to a [YEL]Kombo[CLR] after a\nsuccessful hit. Consistently [YEL]Punish[CLR] your opponent's [YEL]Jump Ins[CLR] with a\n[YEL]Kombo[CLR] to scare them into using this useful option less frequently."
  11533. Str_AntiAir_Desc11="If a character performs a [YEL]Jumping Attack[CLR] and misses, they'll have a brief\n[YEL]Recovery[CLR] period after they land during which they cannot move, attack, or [YEL]Block[CLR]."
  11534. Str_AntiAir_Desc12="If your opponent performs a [YEL]Jumping Attack[CLR] from their maximum range, you can\nwalk backwards to make them miss, then [YEL]Punish[CLR] them as they [YEL]Recover[CLR] after landing."
  11536. Str_AntiAir_1="Block the opponent's Kombo from a Jump In Attack."
  11537. Str_AntiAir_2="Hit the opponent out of the air during their Jump In Attack."
  11538. Str_AntiAir_3="Hit the opponent out of the air using a Anti Air Projectile Attack."
  11539. Str_AntiAir_4="Hit the opponent out of the air with a Upward Jump Attack."
  11540. Str_AntiAir_5="Hit the opponent out of the air with a Forward Jump Attack."
  11541. Str_AntiAir_6="Hit the opponent out of the air during their\nJump In Attack, then follow up with a Juggle Kombo."
  11542. Str_AntiAir_7="Walk Backwards to cause the opponent's Jump In Attack to miss,\nthen Punish with Sweeping Storm after they land."
  11544. Str_AntiAir_Input1="[Away], then [Down][+][BK] as the opponent lands."
  11546. Str_MeterManagement_Desc1="LESSON: GAUGE MANAGEMENT\nYour [YEL]OD Gauge[CLR] is a vital resource that you'll need to carefully manage when\nfacing a skilled opponent. Even if you have less health than your opponent,\nyour [YEL]Gauge[CLR] can help you gain the upper hand when used effectively."
  11547. Str_MeterManagement_Desc2="Your [YEL]Gauge[CLR] will recover over time after it's been spent. Generally, spending\n[YEL]Gauge[CLR] less frequently means you'll have more of your abilities available to you more\noften. Try to save your [YEL]Gauge[CLR] for opportunities that will get you the most benefit."
  11548. Str_MeterManagement_Desc3="Rapidly spending your [YEL]Gauge[CLR] means you won't have access to important options as you wait for your [YEL]Gauge[CLR] to recover. Try not to over extend yourself by kompletely draining your Offensive or Defensive [YEL]Gauge[CLR] unless there's a substantial reward for doing so."
  11549. Str_MeterManagement_Desc4="Your [YEL]Offensive Gauge[CLR] is valuable for extending [YEL]Kombos[CLR], but it's usually efficient to\n[YEL]Amplify[CLR] only one [YEL]Special Move[CLR] per [YEL]Kombo[CLR]. [YEL]Amplifying[CLR] a second will add significantly\nless damage to the [YEL]Kombo[CLR] than the first due to [YEL]Damage[CLR] and [YEL]Gravity Scaling[CLR]."
  11550. Str_MeterManagement_Desc4B="While it can be less efficient to spend your entire [YEL]Offensive Gauge[CLR]\non a single [YEL]Kombo[CLR], it can a good choice in cases where\nthe additional damage is critical to win a round."
  11551. Str_MeterManagement_Desc5="[YEL]Offensive Gauge[CLR] is useful for more than just extending [YEL]Kombos[CLR]. Some [YEL]Special Moves[CLR]\ncan be [YEL]Amplified[CLR] to make an attack [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR] or deal additional [YEL]Block Damage[CLR]\nthat can be difficult or impossible for the opponent to avoid."
  11552. Str_MeterManagement_Desc6="Most abilities only require half of your [YEL]Offensive Gauge[CLR].\nSpending half to [YEL]Amplify[CLR] a single [YEL]Special Move[CLR] when your [YEL]Gauge[CLR]\nis full will not prevent you from using other [YEL]Gauge[CLR] abilities."
  11553. Str_MeterManagement_Desc7="Which [YEL]Special Move[CLR] you [YEL]Amplify[CLR] can affect the rate at which your [YEL]Gauge[CLR]\nrecovers. Generally, [YEL]Amplifying[CLR] a [YEL]Special Moves[CLR] that allow for a [YEL]Kombo[CLR]\nfollow up will cause your [YEL]Gauge[CLR] to recover more slowly afterwards."
  11554. Str_MeterManagement_Desc8="[YEL]Getup Attacks[CLR] are valuable for turning the tables on an aggressive opponent when\nyou've been [YEL]Knocked Down[CLR]. They cost half of your [YEL]Offensive[CLR] and [YEL]Defensive Gauge[CLR],\npreventing [YEL]Breakaways[CLR] but allowing other [YEL]Gauge[CLR] abilities until you fully recovers."
  11555. Str_MeterManagement_Desc8B="[YEL]Getup Rolls[CLR] are an alternative to [YEL]Getup Attacks[CLR] if you've spent your\n[YEL]Offensive Gauge[CLR], but still have half of your [YEL]Defensive Gauge[CLR]. You can\neven [YEL]Punish[CLR] an opponent if they commit to a slower attack as you [YEL]Getup[CLR]."
  11556. Str_MeterManagement_Desc9="It's valuable to have [YEL]Gauge[CLR] available, even when you don't use it. The possibility of a\n[YEL]Getup Attack[CLR] makes it riskier for your opponent to attack you after a [YEL]Knockdown[CLR]. If you\ndon't have [YEL]Gauge[CLR], it's safer for your opponent to aggressively attack as you get up."
  11557. Str_MeterManagement_Desc10="[YEL]Block Attacks[CLR] are the most difficult to use [YEL]Gauge[CLR] ability since they require a\n[YEL]Flawless Block[CLR] and precisely timed inputs to perform. When used correctly, they're\nhighly effective at turning the tide on an opponent that's applying [YEL]Block Pressure[CLR]."
  11558. Str_MeterManagement_Desc11="Like [YEL]Getup Attacks[CLR], a [YEL]Block Attack[CLR] costs half of your\n[YEL]Offensive[CLR] and [YEL]Defensive Gauge[CLR], preventing [YEL]Breakaways[CLR] but\nallowing other [YEL]Gauge[CLR] abilities until you fully recovers."
  11559. Str_MeterManagement_Desc12="The possibility of a [YEL]Block Attack[CLR] makes it riskier for your opponent to apply\n[YEL]Block Pressure[CLR]. If you don't have [YEL]Gauge[CLR] available when [YEL]Blocking[CLR], your\nopponent can attack more aggressively and keep you on the defense."
  11560. Str_MeterManagement_Desc13="An [YEL]Breakaway[CLR] is your only ability that can get you out of a [YEL]Kombo[CLR] that's already started,\nbut it will cost all of your [YEL]Defensive Gauge[CLR]. Your defensive options will be limited for\nsome time after an [YEL]Breakaway[CLR], but you'll still be able to [YEL]Amplified Special Moves[CLR]."
  11561. Str_MeterManagement_Desc14="The high cost of an [YEL]Breakaway[CLR] means you should only\nuse one when it will avoid a significant amount of [YEL]Damage[CLR]."
  11562. Str_MeterManagement_Desc15="A [YEL]Getup Roll[CLR] spends half of your [YEL]Defensive Gauge[CLR], only preventing [YEL]Breakaways[CLR] until your [YEL]Gauge[CLR] fully recovers. Using this option too frequently will limit your defensive options for some time, making it easier for your opponent to play more aggressively."
  11564. Str_MeterManagement_1="Extend a Kombo by Amplifying a Special Move"
  11565. Str_MeterManagement_1B="Extend a Kombo by Amplifying a Special Move Twice"
  11566. Str_MeterManagement_2="Amplifying a Blade Spark to make your Block Pressure Safe"
  11567. Str_MeterManagement_3="Interrupt the attacking opponent with an Invulnerable Getup Attack as you Getup"
  11568. Str_MeterManagement_3B="Perform a Forward Getup Roll, then Pinish the opponent"
  11569. Str_MeterManagement_4="Without Gauge, you must Block\nthe opponent's Attack as you get up"
  11570. Str_MeterManagement_5="Flawless Block the second attack of the opponent's\nBlock Pressure, then interrupt them with a Block Attack"
  11571. Str_MeterManagement_6="Without Gauge, you must Block all of the opponent's attacks"
  11572. Str_MeterManagement_7="Perform a Breakaway after 3 hits of the opponent's Juggle Kombo"
  11574. Str_MeterManagement_Input="then rapidly press [FK]\n[R2][,] short delay [R2]."
  11575. Str_MeterManagement_Input1="Block one attack, [Down][+][R2] just as the second attack connects, [Up][+][BP] immediately."
  11576. Str_MeterManagement_Input2="[Down][+][R2] when launched into the air."
  11577. Str_MeterManagement_Input3=[Towards][+][L2] while rising from a knockdown, then
  11579. Str_SuperManagement_Desc1="LESSON: FATAL BLOW MANAGEMENT\nYour [YEL]Fatal Blow[CLR] is a powerful attack that's only available when you're low on health,\nbut it can't be used again for the entire match if it successfully hits."
  11580. Str_SuperManagement_Desc2="A successful hit from a [YEL]Fatal Blow[CLR] will cause very\nhigh damage, making useful as a [YEL]Kombo[CLR] ender."
  11581. Str_SuperManagement_Desc3="Since a [YEL]Fatal Blow[CLR] does not cost [YEL]OD Gauge[CLR], you can use it in the\nsame [YEL]Kombo[CLR] as an [YEL]Amplified Special Move[CLR] to deal significant damage."
  11582. Str_SuperManagement_Desc4="The [YEL]Fatal Blow's Armor[CLR] makes it an effective and easy to use\n[YEL]Reversal Attack[CLR] that can interrupt the opponent's [YEL]Block Pressure[CLR]."
  11583. Str_SuperManagement_Desc5="Avoid using your [YEL]Fatal Blow[CLR] recklessly. If you spend your\n[YEL]Fatal Blow[CLR] during first [YEL]Round[CLR] of a match but lose that [YEL]Round[CLR],\nyou'll be at a disadvantage in the second and third [YEL]Rounds[CLR]."
  11584. Str_SuperManagement_Desc6="Try to save your [YEL]Fatal Blow[CLR] for when you need it most.\n[YEL]Fatal Blows[CLR] are most effective when used to finish off\nan opponent during a close [YEL]Round[CLR]."
  11586. Str_SuperManagement_1="End a Kombo with your Fatal Blow"
  11587. Str_SuperManagement_2="End a Korner Kombo with your Fatal Blow"
  11588. Str_SuperManagement_3="Interrupt the opponent with a Reversal Fatal Blow\nduring a Gap in their Block Pressure"
  11590. Str_SuperManagement_Input1="Block two hits, then [L2][+][R2] just as you Recover."
  11592. Blocking_Hint1=Tip: Try holding Down to Block the faster Low Attacks, then react and stand when you see a slower Overhead Attack start.
  11593. JustFram_Hint1="Tip: Amplify timing can vary with each Special Move. View the Demo if you're not sure when to press the button."
  11594. ComboStarter_Hint1=Straight Chop is a High Attack that Starts Up in 8 Frames.
  11595. SpecialCancel_Hint1="Tip: If you're having trouble Special Canceling, you may need to finish inputting the Special Move sooner. Don't wait for the first attack to hit."
  11596. SpecialCancel_Hint2="Tip: You don't need to wait for your Kombo Attack String to finish when Canceling, you can start inputting the Special Move as soon as you finish pressing the previous buttons."
  11597. ReleaseCheck_Hint1="Tip: If you're Canceling at the wrong time or into the wrong move, try turning off RELEASE CHECK in your CONTROLS. Inputting Special Moves will be less forgiving, but more precise."
  11598. Reversal_Hint1="Tip: When performing a Special Move as a Reversal Attack, the timing of the final button press is most important."
  11599. Reversal_Hint2="Tip: When performing a Back Dash as a Reversal Attack, the timing of the final input is most important."
  11600. Reversal_Hint3="Tip: A "Reversal" message will appear if you successfully time a Special Move to start on the first possible moment after Blocking an Attack."
  11601. Reversal_Hint4="Tip: A "Reversal" message will appear if you successfully time a Supermove to start on the first possible moment after Blocking an Attack."
  11602. AirEscapes_Hint1="Tip: Perform the input for the Breakaway\njust after your character reaches the peak\nof their arc in the air."
  11603. FrameTrap_Hint1="Tip: Execute the Kombo Attack String as soon as you Recover from your first attack. Don't leave a big enough gap for the opponent to kounter attack."
  11604. FrameTrap_Hint2="Tip: Execute the attacks in the Block Pressure sequence as quickly as possible. Don't leave a big enough gap for the opponent to kounter attack."
  11605. FrameTrap_Hint3="Tip: Execute the attacks in the Pressure sequence as quickly as possible. Don't leave a big enough gap for the opponent to kounter attack."
  11606. Jail_Hint1="Tip: The timing is specific, you must connect with the second attack before the opponent recovers from the first attack."
  11607. DefensePressure_Hint2="Tip: A Reversal message will appear below your health bar when you've timed your Reversal Back Dash correctly."
  11608. MeterManagement_Hint1="Tip: Punishing the opponent with Baraka's Outworld Bash will activate a Krushing Blow that can start a Juggle Kombo."
  11609. JumpIn_Hint1="Tip: To Kombo a Jumping Punch into a grounded Kombo Attack, you should start inputting your Kombo Attack BEFORE your character lands."
  11610. JumpIn_Hint2="Tip: To Kombo a Jumping Kick into a grounded Basic Attack, you should finish inputting your grounded Basic Attack AFTER your character lands."
  11611. JumpIn_Hint3="Tip: To Kombo a Jumping Punch into a grounded attack, you should start inputting your grounded attack BEFORE your character lands."
  11612. Punish_Hint1="Tip: A "Punish" message will appear if you\nsuccessfully hit the opponent as they're\nRecovering from an attack."
  11613. FlawlessBlock_Hint1="Tip: A Flawless Block can be challenging to perform. You must press the Block button just as the opponent's attack connects."
  11614. FlawlessBlock_Hint2="Tip: A Flawless Block can be challenging to perform. You must press the Block button at the exact moment that the opponent's attack connects."
  11615. BlockAttack_Hint1="Tip: A Block Attack can only be performed immediately after a Flawless Block."
  11616. Adv_WakeupAttack_1_Hint="There is a brief window as you getup from a knockdown to perform a Getup Attack. View the Demo if you are having trouble with the timing."
  11617. Adv_WakeupRoll_1_Hint="There is a brief window as you getup from a knockdown to perform a Getup Roll. View the Demo if you are having trouble with the timing."
  11619. FrameAdv_Hint1="Tip: To progress, wait for both characters to finish Recovering from the attack."
  11621. Tut_Baraka_Intro="Baraka has a variety mid range attacks with surprisingly\nfast [YEL]Start Up[CLR] that can [YEL]Mix Up[CLR] the opponent or control\nthe space in front of him during [YEL]Neutral[CLR] play."
  11622. Tut_Baraka_Desc1A="[LBL]Blade Spark[CLR] is a [YEL]Projectile[CLR] with fast [YEL]Start Up[CLR] that becomes [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR]\nif it connects when the opponent is farther than close range."
  11623. Tut_Baraka_Desc1B="[YEL]Amplify[CLR] [LBL]Blade Spark[CLR] to fire a second [YEL]Projectile[CLR] that hits [YEL]Mid[CLR]. You can\nadd extra [YEL]Block Damage[CLR] to the end of a [YEL]Kombo Attack String[CLR] if the\nopponent is pushed back far enough to make this attack [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR]."
  11624. Tut_Baraka_Desc2A="[LBL]Blade Charge[CLR] is [YEL]Unsafe on Block[CLR], but it has a fast [YEL]Start Up[CLR] and can hit a significant area\nin front of Baraka. This attack can be difficult to react to in [YEL]Neutral[CLR] situations, so you can\nuse the threat of it to scare the opponent into [YEL]Blocking[CLR] instead of moving or attacking."
  11625. Tut_Baraka_Desc2B="Hold [Away] after a successful hit with [LBL]Blade Charge[CLR]\nto position the opponent behind you."
  11626. Tut_Baraka_Desc3="[LBL]War Banner[CLR] increases the damage of all of Baraka's attacks\nfor a short time. A successful hit from Baraka's [YEL]Fatal Blow[CLR] will\nalso plant the [LBL]War Banner[CLR], providing the same damage bonus."
  11627. Tut_Baraka_Desc4A="[LBL]Blade Swipe[CLR] has fantastic [YEL]Start Up[CLR] speed for an attack with its range. While this\nattack is [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR], it's a [YEL]High Attack[CLR] that can be evaded by [YEL]Ducking[CLR]."
  11628. Tut_Baraka_Desc4B="Kontinue [LBL]Blade Swipe[CLR] into [LBL]Bloody Mess[CLR] for a [YEL]Kombo Attack String[CLR]\nthat covers more ground and has [YEL]Frame Advantage[CLR] on [YEL]Block[CLR]."
  11629. Tut_Baraka_Desc5="[LBL]Leg Chop[CLR] is a [YEL]Low Attack[CLR] with great range, fast [YEL]Start Up[CLR] and [YEL]Recovery[CLR],\nand it's [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR]. Use this attack to keep mobile opponents in check."
  11630. Tut_Baraka_Desc6="The first hit of [LBL]Cutting Lose[CLR] is a [YEL]Low Attack[CLR] with decent range and speed.\nEach hit of this [YEL]Kombo Attack String[CLR] is [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR] in most situations."
  11631. Tut_Baraka_Desc7="[LBL]Lunging Blades[CLR] is a slower [YEL]Overhead Attack[CLR], but it has fantastic\nrange and it's [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR]. Use this attack to keep [YEL]Ducking[CLR] opponents\ntheir toes when they're expecting one of your faster [YEL]Low Attacks[CLR]."
  11632. Tut_Baraka_Desc8="[LBL]Knee Lunge[CLR] is an advancing [YEL]Mid Attack[CLR] with great range.\nThe [LBL]Doom Kicks[CLR] [YEL]Attack String[CLR] can quickly extend the\nknee's range, and both attacks are [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR]."
  11633. Tut_Baraka_Desc9="[LBL]Outworld Bash[CLR] starts with a quick [YEL]High Attack[CLR] and ends with an [YEL]Overhead[CLR] that is\n[YEL]Safe on Block[CLR]. If this [YEL]Kombo Attack String[CLR] interrupts the opponent during an\nattack, it will trigger a [YEL]Krushing Blow[CLR] that will launch for a [YEL]Kombo[CLR]."
  11635. Tut_Baraka_2B="Throw the opponent behind you after Blade Charge"
  11637. Tut_Cage_Intro="Cage Intro"
  11638. Tut_Cage_Desc1="Cage Desc 1"
  11640. Tut_Cassie_Intro="Cassie Intro"
  11641. Tut_Cassie_Desc1="Cassie Desc 1"
  11643. Tut_Cetrion_Intro="Cetrion Intro"
  11644. Tut_Cetrion_Desc1="Cetrion Desc 1"
  11646. Tut_CyberFrost_Intro="Frost Intro"
  11647. Tut_CyberFrost_Desc1="Frost Desc 1"
  11649. Tut_DVorah_Intro="D'Vorah Intro"
  11650. Tut_DVorah_Desc1="D'Vorah Desc 1"
  11652. Tut_ErronBlack_Intro="ErronBlack Intro"
  11653. Tut_ErronBlack_Desc1="ErronBlack Desc 1"
  11655. Tut_Jacqui_Intro="Jacqui Intro"
  11656. Tut_Jacqui_Desc1="Jacqui Desc 1"
  11658. Tut_Jade_Intro="Jade is well equipped to limit the opponent's options depending on the\nsituation they're in. She has access to a variety of mid range staff attacks,\nspace controlling [LBL]Razor Rangs[CLR], and [YEL]Projectile[CLR] countering [YEL]Special Moves[CLR]."
  11659. Tut_Jade_Desc1A="While it takes some time for [LBL]Razor Rang[CLR] to travel forward, Jade can begin to\nmove while the attack is still [YEL]Active[CLR] and controlling space. If this attack connects\noutside of close range, it will lead to significant [YEL]Hit[CLR] or [YEL]Block Advantage[CLR]."
  11660. Tut_Jade_Desc1B="Jade can follow up with a second [YEL]Projectile[CLR] by [YEL]Amplifying[CLR] [LBL]Razor Rang[CLR]."
  11661. Tut_Jade_Desc2A="Jade's [LBL]Blazing Nitro Kick[CLR] is an advancing attack with quick [YEL]Start Up[CLR] that is\n[YEL]Unsafe on Block[CLR]. Its range and speed makes it useful for [YEL]Punishing[CLR] missed\nattacks. This is a [YEL]High Attack[CLR], so it can be evaded by a [YEL]Ducking[CLR] opponent."
  11662. Tut_Jade_Desc2B="[YEL]Amplify[CLR] [LBL]Blazing Nitro Kick[CLR] to add an additional\nattack that switches sides with the opponent."
  11663. Tut_Jade_Desc3="While [LBL]Deadly Butterfly[CLR] is [YEL]Unsafe on Block[CLR], it is useful as a\n[YEL]Kombo[CLR] ender. If this attack hits in the [YEL]Korner[CLR], it can start\na [YEL]Juggle Kombo[CLR] if Jade follows up with a fast attack."
  11664. Tut_Jade_Desc4="[LBL]Dodging Shadows[CLR] gives Jade temporary [YEL]Immunity[CLR] to [YEL]Projectiles[CLR]. This move will\nseverely limit the opponent's [YEL]Zoning[CLR] options, making it easier for Jade to\nmaintain her ideal spacing. Jade will lose her [YEL]Immunity[CLR] if she is hit an attack."
  11665. Tut_Jade_Desc5A="[LBL]Temptation[CLR] allows Jade to [YEL]Parry[CLR] and counter attack an\nopponent that performs a [YEL]High[CLR], [YEL]Mid[CLR], or [YEL]Overhead Attack[CLR]\n[LBL]Temptation[CLR] can still be hit by [YEL]Low[CLR] or [YEL]Jumping Attacks[CLR]."
  11666. Tut_Jade_Desc5B="[YEL]Amplify[CLR] [LBL]Temptation[CLR] to deal significantly more damage,\nswitch sides with the opponent, and knock them down."
  11667. Tut_Jade_Desc6="[LBL]Wiggle Stick[CLR] a multi hitting [YEL]High Attack[CLR] with fast [YEL]Start Up[CLR]. Its excellent for controlling\nspace at mid range, and can be [YEL]Hit Confirmed[CLR] into [YEL]Special Moves[CLR] for a longer [YEL]Kombo[CLR].\nThis attack is [YEL]Unsafe on Block[CLR], and can be evaded by [YEL]Ducking[CLR] opponents."
  11668. Tut_Jade_Desc7="[LBL]Pole Strike[CLR] is a quick [YEL]Mid Attack[CLR] with good range that can be kontinued into [YEL]Teaser[CLR] for\nan [YEL]Overhead Attack[CLR]. While both attacks are [YEL]Unsafe on Block[CLR], the opponent must risk\nbeing hit by [LBL]Teaser[CLR] if they want to [YEL]Punish[CLR] Jade for using [LBL]Pole Strike[CLR] as a single hit poke."
  11669. Tut_Jade_Desc8="[LBL]Poll Dance[CLR] consists of two [YEL]Overhead Attacks[CLR] with slower [YEL]Start Up[CLR], but\nfantastic range. While both attacks are [YEL]Unsafe on Block[CLR], the second hit\ncan be more difficult to [YEL]Punish[CLR] if it connects at its maximum range."
  11670. Tut_Jade_Desc9="The first hit of [LBL]Edenian Rush[CLR] is a [YEL]Low Attack[CLR] that lacks\nthe range of Jade's staff attacks, but it's followed by\ntwo advancing [YEL]Mid Attacks[CLR] that are [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR]."
  11671. Tut_Jade_Desc10A="[LBL]Side Kick[CLR] is a fast [YEL]Mid Attack[CLR] that is [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR].\nUse this attack to catch opponents that are [YEL]Ducking[CLR]\nwithout [YEL]Blocking[CLR] to avoid Jade's many [YEL]High Attacks[CLR]."
  11672. Tut_Jade_Desc10B="The last attack of [LBL]Fatal Attraction[CLR] has [YEL]Frame Advantage[CLR]\nif [YEL]Blocked[CLR], but there is a big enough [YEL]Gap[CLR] that a skilled\nopponent can [YEL]Perfect Block[CLR] and [YEL]Punish[CLR] Jade with a [YEL]Block Attack[CLR]."
  11674. Tut_Jade_5A="Parry the opponent's attack with Temptation"
  11675. Tut_Jade_5B="Parry the opponent's attack with Temptation, then Amplify"
  11678. Tut_Jax_Intro="Jax is a devastating grappler and brawler if he can get in close to his opponent,\nespecially if he can gain offensive momentum to build his [YEL]Arm Heat[CLR]. He also has\naccess to several long range attacks like his [LBL]Thumper[CLR] and [LBL]Ground Pound[CLR]."
  11679. Tut_Jax_Desc1A="Jaxs classic [LBL]Ground Pound[CLR] is an [YEL]Unblockable[CLR] attack\nthat can hit an opponent at any range. This attack has\nslower [YEL]Start Up[CLR] and can be evaded by [YEL]Jumping[CLR]."
  11680. Tut_Jax_Desc1B="[YEL]Amplify[CLR] [LBL]Ground Pound[CLR] for a second [YEL]Unblockable[CLR],\nlong range attack that can be difficult to evade by [YEL]Jumping[CLR]."
  11681. Tut_Jax_Desc2A="[LBL]Thumper[CLR] fires an arcing [YEL]Mid Projectile[CLR] that [YEL]Knocks Down[CLR]\non hit. This attack cannot be evaded by [YEL]Ducking[CLR] at mid range,\nbut it can be evaded by [YEL]Jumping[CLR]."
  11682. Tut_Jax_Desc2B="Hold [Up] during the [YEL]Start Up[CLR] of [LBL]Thumper[CLR] to fire a\n[YEL]Projectile[CLR] with a higher arc that is effective at hitting\n[YEL]Jumping[CLR] opponents, but can be evaded by [YEL]Ducking[CLR]."
  11683. Tut_Jax_Desc3="Jaxs metal arms will [YEL]Heat Up[CLR] every time he hits his opponent with a punch. If he\nbuilds up enough [YEL]Heat[CLR], his punch and grapple attacks will deal additional damage.\nJaxs arms will slowly cool off if he does not land additional punches."
  11684. Tut_Jax_Desc4A="[LBL]Gotcha Grab[CLR] is a close range [YEL]Mid Attack[CLR] that is [YEL]Unsafe on Block[CLR], but great for\nending [YEL]Kombos[CLR]. If Jax sucessful hits with [LBL]Gotcha Grab[CLR], he will have an\nopportunity to hit the opponent with a series of follow up attacks."
  11685. Tut_Jax_Desc4B="Jax can use [LBL]Pound Town[CLR] to quickly punch the opponent during\n[LBL]Gotcha Grab[CLR]. Repeatedly attack with [LBL]Pound Town[CLR] to deal\nsignificant damage and rapidly build Jaxs [YEL]Arm Heat[CLR]."
  11686. Tut_Jax_Desc4C="[LBL]Gut Buster[CLR] lets Jax carry his opponent towards the [YEL]Korner[CLR] while\npunching them in the gut during a [LBL]Gotacha Grab[CLR]. [LBL]Gut Buster[CLR]\ncan be repeated, but not as many times as [LBL]Pound Town[CLR]."
  11687. Tut_Jax_Desc4D="[LBL]Lay Down[CLR] will perform a slam that switch sides with the opponent without\nending [LBL]Gotcha Grab[CLR]. This attack can be combined with other [LBL]Gotcha Grab[CLR] attacks\nto deal addition damage or move the opponent towards the nearest [YEL]Korner[CLR]."
  11688. Tut_Jax_Desc4E="[LBL]Get Outta My Face[CLR] will end [LBL]Gotcha Grab[CLR] early, dealing less damage but throwing\nthe opponent farther away. If Jax throws the opponent into a nearby [YEL]Korner[CLR],\nthey will bounce back and remain standing with [YEL]Frame Disadvantage[CLR]."
  11689. Tut_Jax_Desc5A="Jax can use [LBL]Heat Missile[CLR] to spend a portion of his\n[YEL]Arm Heat[CLR] to fire a quick [YEL]High Projectile[CLR]."
  11690. Tut_Jax_Desc5B="Jax can perform [LBL]Double Heat Missile[CLR] to fire a second\n[YEL]Mid Projectile[CLR] if he has additional [YEL]Heat[CLR] to spend."
  11691. Tut_Jax_Desc6A="[LBL]Heating Up[CLR] lets Jax build a small amount of [YEL]Arm Heat[CLR] without needing to\nhit the opponent. Jax can use this move to maintain his [YEL]Heat[CLR] level if the\nopponent is trying to stay outside the range of his punches and grabs."
  11692. Tut_Jax_Desc6B="Jax can [YEL]Amplify[CLR] [LBL]Heating Up[CLR] to gain significantly more [YEL]Arm Heat[CLR].\nIn exchange for half of his [YEL]Offensive Gauge[CLR], Jax will gain enough\n[YEL]Arm Heat[CLR] to increase his damage and have access to [LBL]Heat Missile[CLR]."
  11693. Tut_Jax_Desc7A="[LBL]Ambushed[CLR] starts with a quick, advancing\n[YEL]Mid Attack[CLR], followed by an [YEL]Overhead Attack[CLR]."
  11694. Tut_Jax_Desc7B="Jax can use [LBL]?[CLR] to substitute the [YEL]Overhead[CLR] in [LBL]Ambushed[CLR] with a [YEL]Low Attack[CLR] that [YEL]Knocks Down[CLR], creating a [YEL]Mix Up[CLR] opportunity."
  11695. Tut_Jax_Desc8="[LBL]Sleep Bitch[CLR] is a [YEL]Kombo Attack[CLR] that starts with a mid range [YEL]Low Attack[CLR] and ends with a side switching [YEL]Mid Attack[CLR] that is [YEL]? on Block[CLR]."
  11696. Tut_Jax_Desc9A="[LBL]Head Slammer[CLR] is a fast [YEL]Overhead Attack[CLR] with limited range. This attack is difficult for the opponent to react to, but it is [YEL]Unsafe on Block[CLR]."
  11697. Tut_Jax_Desc9B="Jax can delay the start of [LBL]Head Slammer[CLR] to increase its range, make the attack [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR], and [YEL]Knock Down[CLR] the opponent on hit. If this attack is delayed long enough, it can be [YEL]Special Canceled[CLR] to start a [YEL]Kombo[CLR]."
  11698. Tut_Jax_Desc10="[LBL]Gur Knee[CLR] is an advancing [YEL]Mid Attack[CLR] thats [YEL]? on Block[CLR]. Follow up with [LBL]Get Outta Here[CLR] for a powerful punch attack that [YEL]Knocks Down[CLR] the opponent and give Jax significant [YEL]Frame Advantage[CLR] on hit."
  11700. Tut_Jax_3="Punch the opponent until Jax is at maximum Arm Heat"
  11701. Tut_Jax_3_Input="Perform any Punch Attack"
  11702. Tut_Jax_4="Perform the Gotcha Grab Kombo"
  11703. Tut_Jax_4A_Input="then repeatedly press [FP]"
  11704. Tut_Jax_4E="Perform the Gotcha Grab Kombo\nto bounce the opponent in the Korner"
  11707. Tut_Kabal_Intro="Kabal's hooks swords, [LBL]Buzzsaws[CLR], and [LBL]Nomad Dash[CLR]\nmake him a dangerous fighter at mid and long range."
  11708. Tut_Kabal_Desc1="Kabal's signature [LBL]Nomad Dash[CLR] is a high speed attack that can stun the\nopponent for an extended [YEL]Kombo[CLR], both in the [YEL]Neutral[CLR] or from a [YEL]Special Cancel[CLR].\nThis attack is vulnerable to a [YEL]Punish[CLR] if [YEL]Blocked[CLR], so use it cautiously."
  11709. Tut_Kabal_Desc2A="[LBL]Buzzsaw[CLR] is a [YEL]High Projectile[CLR] that is [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR] at most ranges.\nThis attack will knock down on hit, giving Kabal significant\n[YEL]Frame Advantage[CLR] to reposition or setup another attack."
  11710. Tut_Kabal_Desc2B="[YEL]Amplify[CLR] [LBL]Buzzsaw[CLR] to make this attack briefly\n[YEL]Juggle[CLR] the opponent on hit. Kabal can [YEL]Kombo[CLR]\nthis attack into [LBL]Nomad Dash[CLR] at long range."
  11711. Tut_Kabal_Desc2C="Kabal can throw a [LBL]Buzzsaw[CLR] in mid air. This [YEL]Projectile[CLR] is a [YEL]Mid Attack[CLR]\nthat travels downward toward the ground. You can use this attack\nto control space or cover your retreat while [YEL]Jumping[CLR] backwards."
  11712. Tut_Kabal_Desc2D="[YEL]Amplify[CLR] a mid air [LBL]Buzzsaw[CLR] to land faster, significantly\nreducing the [YEL]Recovery[CLR] of the attack."
  11713. Tut_Kabal_Desc3="[LBL]Hook Slam[CLR] is a side switching [YEL]Mid Attack[CLR] that is [YEL]Unsafe on Block[CLR].\nIf [LBL]Hook Slam[CLR] interrupts an opponent's attack, it can trigger a\n[YEL]Krushing Blow[CLR] that can lead to a damaging [YEL]Juggle Kombo[CLR]."
  11714. Tut_Kabal_Desc4="[LBL]Swinging Hooks[CLR] is an advancing [YEL]Mid Attack[CLR] that\nleads to a [YEL]Knockdown[CLR] on hit. If [YEL]Blocked[CLR], Kabal will\nhave significant [YEL]Frame Advantage[CLR]."
  11715. Tut_Kabal_Desc5="[LBL]Sweeping Hooks[CLR] is a [YEL]Low Attack[CLR] with quick [YEL]Start Up[CLR] and great range.\nWhile it is [YEL]Unsafe on Block[CLR], it can be difficult for most characters\nto [YEL]Punish[CLR] this attack if it's [YEL]Blocked[CLR] at its maximum range."
  11716. Tut_Kabal_Desc6="[LBL]Hook Swipe[CLR] has fantastic range for a fast, [YEL]Low Attack[CLR] that is\n[YEL]Safe on Block[CLR]. You can use this attack to poke at your opponent\nwhile [YEL]Ducking[CLR] under [YEL]High Attacks[CLR] and [YEL]Projectiles[CLR]."
  11717. Tut_Kabal_Desc7="[LBL]Maimed And Mangled[CLR] starts with a quick [YEL]Mid Attack[CLR] and ends with an [YEL]Overhead[CLR]\nthat is [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR]. If Kabal equips an [YEL]Ability[CLR] that gives him a [YEL]Low Special Move[CLR],\nhe can create a [YEL]Mix Up[CLR] by [YEL]Special Canceling[CLR] after the second attack in this [YEL]String[CLR]."
  11718. Tut_Kabal_Desc8="The first attack in [LBL]Extermination Squad[CLR] is a [YEL]Mid[CLR] with great range.\nThe second attack in an [YEL]Overhead[CLR] that can be [YEL]Special Canceled[CLR] into\n[LBL]Nomad Dash[CLR] for an extended [YEL]Kombo[CLR]. The third attack is [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR]."
  11719. Tut_Kabal_Desc9="[LBL]Left For Dead[CLR] starts with a very fast [YEL]Mid Attack[CLR], followed by an\n[YEL]Overhead Attack[CLR] that is [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR]. If this [YEL]Kombo Attack[CLR] hits,\nit will knock the opponent back to long range."
  11721. Tut_Kabal_1="Perform a Kombo with Nomad Dash"
  11724. Tut_Kano_Intro="Kano has an arsenal of deadly knife and grapple attacks that make him dangerous\nup close. He can use [YEL]Special Moves[CLR] like [LBL]Blade Toss[CLR] and [LBL]Black Dragon Ball[CLR] to stay\ncompetitive at mid and long range while he looks for an opportunity to close in."
  11725. Tut_Kano_Desc1A="[LBL]Blade Toss[CLR] is a [YEL]Projectile[CLR] with quick [YEL]Start Up[CLR] that lets\nKano threaten the opponent outside of close range.\nThis is a [YEL]High Attack[CLR] that can be evaded by [YEL]Ducking[CLR]."
  11726. Tut_Kano_Desc1B="[YEL]Amplify[CLR] [LBL]Blade Toss[CLR] to throw an additional\n[YEL]Mid Projectile[CLR] that cannot be evaded by [YEL]Ducking[CLR]."
  11727. Tut_Kano_Desc2A="[LBL]Black Dragon Ball[CLR] is a fast moving attack with great range and\nquick [YEL]Start Up[CLR]. This attack is great for [YEL]Punishing[CLR] missed attacks\nin the [YEL]Neutral[CLR], but it's vulnerable to a [YEL]Punish[CLR] if [YEL]Blocked[CLR]."
  11728. Tut_Kano_Desc2B="[LBL]Black Dragon Ball[CLR] will hit twice at close range, dealing\nadditional damage. You can add even more damage by\n[YEL]Amplifying[CLR] [LBL]Black Dragon Ball[CLR] after a hit or [YEL]Block[CLR]."
  11729. Tut_Kano_Desc2C="[LBL]Black Dragon Ball[CLR] can also be performed in the air for a downward advancing\n[YEL]Mid Attack[CLR] with very fast [YEL]Start Up[CLR]. While this attack is great for catching an\naggressive opponent off guard, it's vulnerable to a [YEL]Punish[CLR] on [YEL]Block[CLR] or miss."
  11730. Tut_Kano_Desc2D="An airborne [LBL]Black Dragon Ball[CLR] can be [YEL]Amplified[CLR] on [YEL]Block[CLR], hit,\nor miss for a follow up attack that grants additional range and\ndamage. Kano will be very vulnerable if this attack does not hit."
  11731. Tut_Kano_Desc3="[LBL]Deadly Graze[CLR] is an advancing [YEL]Mid Attack[CLR] that's useful for hitting airborne opponents or controlling space in the [YEL]Neutral[CLR]. If this attack hits a [YEL]Kornered[CLR] opponent, you can [YEL]Special Cancel[CLR] this move into [LBL]Blade Toss[CLR] to start a [YEL]Juggle Kombo[CLR]."
  11732. Tut_Kano_Desc4="[LBL]Enziguri[CLR] is an advancing [YEL]Mid Attack[CLR] with fantastic range. This attack can cause a [YEL]Krushing Blow[CLR] if&???"
  11733. Tut_Kano_Desc5="[LBL]Wheel Kick[CLR] is an advancing [YEL]Overhead Attack[CLR] that can evade some [YEL]Low Attacks[CLR] during its [YEL]Start Up[CLR] and [YEL]Active Frames[CLR]. This attack can be [YEL]Unsafe if Block[CLR], but it's great for countering opponents that predictably perform [Down][+][FK] or [Down][+][BK] attacks."
  11734. Tut_Kano_Desc6A="[LBL]Takedown[CLR] is an advancing [YEL]Low Attack[CLR] that can be [YEL]Canceled[CLR] into [YEL]Special Moves[CLR] like [LBL]Black Dragon Ball[CLR] for an easy [YEL]Hit Confirm Kombo[CLR]."
  11735. Tut_Kano_Desc6B="After [LBL]Takedown[CLR], perform [LBL]????[CLR] to hit the grounded opponent with a side switching stomp attack."
  11736. Tut_Kano_Desc7A="[LBL]Figjam[CLR] starts with a quick [YEL]High Attack[CLR] with good range. The last hit is an [YEL]Overhead Attack[CLR] that is ??? on [YEL]Block[CLR]."
  11737. Tut_Kano_Desc7B="[LBL]Enough Yabber[CLR] starts with the same attack as [LBL]Figjam[CLR], but the second hit is a [YEL]Low Attack[CLR]. Use this [YEL]Kombo Attack[CLR] to [YEL]Mix Up[CLR] opponents that are standing to [YEL]Block[CLR] the last hit of [LBL]Figjam[CLR]."
  11738. Tut_Kano_Desc8="The first hit of [LBL]Fair Suck Of The Sav[CLR] is a fast advancing attack with great range. The second hit does not cause damage, but the last hit is an [YEL]Overhead Attack[CLR] that is ??? on [YEL]Block[CLR]."
  11741. Tut_Kitana_Intro="Kitana Intro"
  11742. Tut_Kitana_Desc1="Kitana Desc 1"
  11744. Tut_Kollector_Intro="Kollector Intro"
  11745. Tut_Kollector_Desc1="Kollector Desc 1"
  11747. Tut_Kotal_Intro="Kotal Intro"
  11748. Tut_Kotal_Desc1="Kotal Desc 1"
  11750. Tut_KungLao_Intro="KungLao Intro"
  11751. Tut_KungLao_Desc1="KungLao Desc 1"
  11753. Tut_LiuKang_Intro="LiuKang Intro"
  11754. Tut_LiuKang_Desc1="LiuKang Desc 1"
  11756. Tut_Noob_Intro="Noob Intro"
  11757. Tut_Noob_Desc1="Noob Desc 1"
  11759. Tut_Raiden_Intro="Raiden has a mix of fast advancing attacks and [YEL]Projectiles[CLR] that can threaten\nan opponent at mid and long range. His attacks are great at [YEL]Punishing[CLR]\nan opponent for missing an attack, even when they're at a distance."
  11760. Tut_Raiden_Desc1A="[LBL]Lightning Bolt[CLR] has a slower [YEL]Start Up[CLR] time than most [YEL]Projectiles[CLR],\nbut it travels at a very high speed once fired. This attack\nis generally [YEL]Safe[CLR] if it's [YEL]Blocked[CLR] at mid to long range."
  11761. Tut_Raiden_Desc1B="[YEL]Amplify[CLR] [LBL]Lightning Bolt[CLR] to fire a second [YEL]Mid Projectile[CLR] that is [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR]\nat any range. This attack is effective at dealing [YEL]Block Damage[CLR] or catching\nopponents that [YEL]Ducked[CLR] the first [LBL]Lightning Bolt[CLR] off guard."
  11762. Tut_Raiden_Desc2="[LBL]Summon Lightning[CLR] is a [YEL]Projectile[CLR] that travels toward Raiden from the sky, pushing\nairborne opponents into close range. If Raiden is close enough when this attack hits\nan airborne opponent, he can catch them out of the air to deal additional damage."
  11763. Tut_Raiden_Desc3="[LBL]Lightning Strike[CLR] is a [YEL]Mid Attack[CLR] that can be aimed to hit\nan opponent at different distances. This attack's longer\n[YEL]Recovery[CLR] can make it risky if used too frequently."
  11764. Tut_Raiden_Desc4A="[LBL]Electric Fly[CLR] is a fast moving attack that can be used on the ground or\nin the air to catch unsuspecting opponents and carry them to the [YEL]Korner[CLR].\nUse this attack wisely, as you're vulnerable if it's [YEL]Blocked[CLR]."
  11765. Tut_Raiden_Desc4B="You can delay the start of [LBL]Electric Fly[CLR] by holding [FK],\ngiving you more control to unleash this fast moving attack\nat the perfect time to interrupt your opponent's attacks."
  11766. Tut_Raiden_Desc4C="When delaying [LBL]Electric Fly[CLR], you can [YEL]Cancel[CLR] the attack if you\nthink your opponent will [YEL]Block[CLR]. [YEL]Canceling[CLR] [LBL]Electric Fly[CLR] will\ncost your entire [YEL]Defensive Gauge[CLR], so use the option carefully."
  11767. Tut_Raiden_Desc5="[LBL]Hammer Fists[CLR] is a two hit [YEL]Overhead Attack[CLR] that can be easily\n[YEL]Punished[CLR] if [YEL]Blocked[CLR]. If this attack [YEL]Punishes[CLR] a [YEL]Ducking Attack[CLR], it will\ncause a [YEL]Krushing Blow[CLR] that can lead to a devastating [YEL]Juggle Kombo[CLR]."
  11768. Tut_Raiden_Desc6="The first hit of [LBL]Power Discharge[CLR] is a fast, advancing\n[YEL]Mid Attack[CLR]. Kontinuing into the [YEL]Kombo Attack String[CLR]\nwill leave Raiden vulnerable to a [YEL]Punish[CLR] if [YEL]Blocked[CLR]."
  11769. Tut_Raiden_Desc7="The first hit of [LBL]Massive Destruction[CLR] is another fast, advancing [YEL]Mid Attack[CLR]. The second\nhit is an [YEL]Overhead Attack[CLR] that is [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR]. This [YEL]Kombo Attack[CLR] leads to a long\n[YEL]Knockdown[CLR] on hit, giving Raiden time to apply [YEL]Pressure[CLR] as the opponent gets up."
  11770. Tut_Raiden_Desc8="[LBL]Overload[CLR] is difficult to [YEL]Punish[CLR] on [YEL]Block[CLR] for most\ncharacters. The last hit can can [YEL]Launch[CLR] the opponent for\nan extended [YEL]Juggle Kombo[CLR] if the opponent is in the [YEL]Korner[CLR]."
  11771. Tut_Raiden_Desc9="[LBL]Might of Mordulus[CLR] is Raiden's only [YEL]Kombo Attack[CLR] that\nstarts with a [YEL]Low Attack[CLR]. Each attack is [YEL]Unsafe on Block[CLR]."
  11772. Tut_Raiden_Desc10="Raiden's [LBL]Heavy Storm[CLR] has fantastic range, is [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR], and can be\n[YEL]Special Canceled[CLR]. This attack is a [YEL]High Attack[CLR] that can be evaded by [YEL]Ducking[CLR]."
  11773. Tut_Raiden_Desc11="[LBL]Thunder Knee[CLR] has similar range and [YEL]Start Up[CLR] to [LBL]Heavy Storm[CLR], but it's [YEL]Unsafe on Block[CLR].\nThis is a [YEL]Mid Attack[CLR], which can be used to catch opponents that are [YEL]Ducking[CLR]\nbut not [YEL]Blocking[CLR] to evade [LBL]Heavy Storm[CLR] and [LBL]Lightning Bolt[CLR]."
  11775. Tut_Scorpion_2="Catch an airborne opponent with Summon Lightning"
  11776. Tut_Scorpion_2_input="Catch an airborne opponent with Summon Lightning"
  11779. Tut_Scorpion_Intro="Scorpion is a great character to play if you're a beginner at [LBL]Mortal Kombat[CLR].\nHe has good mid range attacks for controlling space in [YEL]Neutral[CLR] situations, and his\n[YEL]Special Moves[CLR] are great for extending [YEL]Kombos[CLR] and [YEL]Punishing[CLR] predictable opponents."
  11780. Tut_Scorpion_Desc1A="Scorpion's [LBL]Hell Port[CLR] is a surprise attack that hits the opponent from behind.\nWhile it doesn't deal much damage, it's great for [YEL]Punishing[CLR] predictable or slow\n[YEL]Projectile Attacks[CLR]. It's very [YEL]Unsafe on Blocked[CLR], so don't use this attack recklessly."
  11781. Tut_Scorpion_Desc1B="[YEL]Amplify[CLR] [LBL]Hell Port[CLR] to launch your opponent for a [YEL]Kombo[CLR], letting you\ndeal significantly more damage after a successful hit at the cost of your\n[YEL]Offensive Gauge[CLR]. [YEL]Amplified[CLR] [LBL]Hell Port[CLR] is also [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR]."
  11782. Tut_Scorpion_Desc1C="[LBL]Hell Port[CLR] can be used in mid air to increase Scorpion's mobility.\nYou can use this attack to kounter an opponent that's trying to\nhit you with an [YEL]Anti Air Attack[CLR] while you're jumping."
  11783. Tut_Scorpion_Desc1D="You can end [LBL]Hell Port[CLR] early to quickly retreat backwards or switch sides without\nattacking. This is useful when an opponent is attempting to [YEL]Block[CLR] and [YEL]Punish[CLR]\n[LBL]Hell Port[CLR]; you can recover early and surprise them with a different attack."
  11784. Tut_Scorpion_Desc2="If Scorpion's [YEL]Spear[CLR] hits, it will [YEL]Knock Down[CLR] and switch sides with your\nopponent after pulling them in. Use this attack carefully as its longer\n[YEL]Recovery[CLR] makes it vulnerable on [YEL]Miss[CLR] or [YEL]Block[CLR], especially up close."
  11785. Tut_Scorpion_Desc2A="[YEL]Amplifying[CLR] [LBL]Spear[CLR] will [YEL]Stun[CLR] your opponent long enough to perform\na [YEL]Kombo[CLR] follow up with a quick attack. Remember that you can't\nstart a [YEL]Kombo[CLR] if [LBL]Spear[CLR] is interrupted by another [YEL]Projectile[CLR]."
  11786. Tut_Scorpion_Desc3A="Gut Slice is a [YEL]Mid Attack[CLR] that's great for controlling space in [YEL]Neutral[CLR]\nsituations. Most characters will have a harder time [YEL]Punishing[CLR] this attack\nwith a damaging [YEL]Kombo[CLR] if it's [YEL]Blocked[CLR] at its maximum range."
  11787. Tut_Scorpion_Desc3B="[LBL]Haunted[CLR] is an advancing [YEL]Kombo Attack String[CLR] that has two [YEL]Low Attacks[CLR].\nScorpion can [YEL]Special Canceled[CLR] after the second hit to start an extended\n[YEL]Kombo[CLR] with [LBL]Gut Slice[CLR], or use the full [YEL]String[CLR] as a damaging [YEL]Kombo[CLR] ender."
  11788. Tut_Scorpion_Desc4A="[LBL]Banished[CLR] has slight [YEL]Block Advantage[CLR]. Immediately follow up with your\nfastest attacks to put [YEL]Pressure[CLR] on your opponent when this attack is [YEL]Blocked[CLR]."
  11789. Tut_Scorpion_Desc4B="[LBL]Dark Soul[CLR] has significant [YEL]Block Advantage[CLR], which can help you create [YEL]Frame Traps[CLR].\nThere's a large [YEL]Gap[CLR] between the second and third attack when [YEL]Blocked[CLR],\ngiving your opponent a chance to interrupt you with a fast attack."
  11790. Tut_Scorpion_Desc5="[LBL]Flip Kick[CLR] is an [YEL]Overhead Attack[CLR] that has slower [YEL]Start Up[CLR], but is [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR].\nOn [YEL]Hit[CLR], it [YEL]Knocks Down[CLR] your opponent long enough to [YEL]Dash Forward[CLR]\nand [YEL]Pressure[CLR] them with another attack as they get up."
  11791. Tut_Scorpion_Desc6="[LBL]Rising Cut[CLR] is a [YEL]Mid Attack[CLR] followed by an [YEL]Overhead Attack[CLR] that is\n[YEL]Unsafe on Block[CLR]. This atttack has the best reach of Scorpion's [YEL]Basic Attacks[CLR],\nmaking it great for [YEL]Punished[CLR] missed attacks at mid range."
  11792. Tut_Scorpion_Desc7A="[LBL]Soulless[CLR] is Scorpion's only [YEL]Kombo Attack String[CLR] that starts with a\n[YEL]Low Attack[CLR], but it can be risky since every hit is [YEL]Unsafe On Block[CLR]."
  11793. Tut_Scorpion_Desc8="[LBL]Torment[CLR] starts with a fast [YEL]High Attack[CLR] and ends with a [YEL]Knockdown[CLR]\nthe keeps the oppoent close and gives significant [YEL]Frame Advantage[CLR].\nEach attack in this [YEL]Kombo Attack String[CLR] is [YEL]Safe On Block[CLR]."
  11794. Tut_Scorpion_Desc9="[LBL]Falling Ashes[CLR] starts with a [YEL]Mid Attack[CLR] with good range, and both attacks\nare [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR]. This attack can trigger a [YEL]Krushing Blow[CLR] that can\nbe [YEL]Special Canceled[CLR] if it interrupts an opponent's attack."
  11796. Tut_Scorpion_2A="Perform a Kombo with Spear."
  11797. Tut_Scorpion_7B="Cancel Soulless early with Hell Port"
  11799. Tut_ShaoKahn_Intro="ShaoKahn Intro"
  11800. Tut_ShaoKahn_Desc1="ShaoKahn Desc 1"
  11802. Tut_Skarlet_Intro="Skarlet is most dangerous at mid to long range. She can use her\narsenal of vein and blood weapon attacks at their maximum\nrange to push opponents back to her ideal spacing."
  11803. Tut_Skarlet_Desc1="[LBL]Blood Ball[CLR] is a slower moving [YEL]Projectile[CLR] that's good for controlling space.\nThis attack has very high [YEL]Block Advantage[CLR] at longer range, giving you a\nchance to follow up with one of Skarlet's many other long range attacks."
  11804. Tut_Skarlet_Desc2A="[LBL]Bloodshot[CLR] is a faster moving [YEL]Projectile[CLR] that komplements her slower [LBL]Blood Ball[CLR]."
  11805. Tut_Skarlet_Desc2B="You can [YEL]Amplify[CLR] [LBL]Bloodshot[CLR] immediately after a successful hit to recover a\nsmall amount of health. This ability is useful during a long range [YEL]Projectile[CLR] battle\nor at the end of a [YEL]Kombo[CLR] when the opponent has more health than Skarlet."
  11806. Tut_Skarlet_Desc3="[LBL]Blood Tentacle[CLR] is a [YEL]Mid Attack[CLR] that can be directed to strike at different\ndistances. This attack is [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR], making it useful for causing\n[YEL]Block Damage[CLR] and pushing the opponent back to her ideal spacing."
  11807. Tut_Skarlet_Desc4="[LBL]Gore Glitch[CLR] is a [YEL]Low Projectile[CLR] that komplement Skarlet's other long range attacks.\nUse it to threaten opponents ducking under her [YEL]Blood Ball[CLR] and [YEL]Blood Strike[CLR]."
  11808. Tut_Skarlet_Desc5="[LBL]The End Is Nigh[CLR] can launch the opponent for an extended [YEL]Juggle Kombo[CLR] without\nspending any [YEL]Gauge[CLR]. The last attack is [YEL]Unsafe on Block[CLR], but the first two attacks are\n[YEL]Safe on Block[CLR]. You can [YEL]Hit Confirm[CLR] the last attack if you are careful with your inputs."
  11809. Tut_Skarlet_Desc6="The last hit of [LBL]Koagulation[CLR] has significant [YEL]Frame Advantage[CLR] on [YEL]Block[CLR]\nand pushes the opponent back. The first hit is a [YEL]High Attack[CLR] that can\nbe evaded by [YEL]Ducking[CLR], so don't use this attack too predictably."
  11810. Tut_Skarlet_Desc7="[LBL]Scythe Slam[CLR] is a Fast [YEL]Overhead Attack[CLR] with great range. While this\nattack is [YEL]Unsafe on Block[CLR] at close range, Skarlet cannot be [YEL]Punished[CLR]\nby most attacks if her scythe connects at its maximum range."
  11811. Tut_Skarlet_Desc8="[LBL]Reaching Whip[CLR] is a [YEL]Low Attack[CLR] with excellent range. Much like [LBL]Scythe Slam[CLR],\nthis attack is difficult to [YEL]Punish[CLR] when [YEL]Blocked[CLR] at its maximum range."
  11812. Tut_Skarlet_Desc9="[LBL]Bleeding[CLR] starts with an advancing [YEL]Mid Attack[CLR], followed by a\n[YEL]Low Attack[CLR] that is [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR]. You can [YEL]Special Cancel[CLR]\nthe last attack to extend a [YEL]Kombo[CLR] or add [YEL]Block Damage[CLR]."
  11813. Tut_Skarlet_Desc10="[LBL]Simple Slaughter[CLR] starts with a fast [YEL]Low Attack[CLR], followed by an attack\nthat is [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR]. If this [YEL]Kombo Attack String[CLR] hits when the\nopponent is in the [YEL]Korner[CLR], it can start a [YEL]Juggle Kombo[CLR]."
  11814. Tut_Skarlet_Desc11="[LBL]Krack the Whip[CLR] is a [YEL]High Attack[CLR] with great range that can [YEL]Knock Down[CLR]\non hit, or safely push back an opponent on [YEL]Block[CLR]. [YEL]Special Cancel[CLR] this\nattack into [YEL]Blood Tentacle[CLR] for extra [YEL]Block Damage[CLR] at max range."
  11816. Tut_Skarlet_2B="immediately after the projectile hits"
  11818. Tut_Sonya_Intro="Sonya is rewarded when she plays aggressively and gets in the opponent's face.\nShe has a many moves that let her [YEL]Mix Up[CLR] her opponent with [YEL]Overhead[CLR] and\n[YEL]Low Attacks[CLR] that can be risky, but lead to damaging [YEL]Kombo[CLR] opportunities."
  11819. Tut_Sonya_Desc1A="[LBL]Energy Rings[CLR] is a [YEL]High Projectile Attack[CLR] with fast [YEL]Start Up[CLR]\nthat is [YEL]Safe[CLR] if it's [YEL]Blocked[CLR] at mid to long range."
  11820. Tut_Sonya_Desc1B="[LBL]Energy Rings[CLR] can also be used in the air at attack an airborne opponent."
  11821. Tut_Sonya_Desc1C="[YEL]Amplify[CLR] [LBL]Energy Rings[CLR] to fire a second [YEL]Mid Projectile[CLR] that is [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR]\nagainst most characters. This attack is effective at dealing [YEL]Block Damage[CLR]\nand attack opponents that [YEL]Ducked[CLR] the first [YEL]Projectile[CLR]."
  11822. Tut_Sonya_Desc2A="[LBL]Leg Breaker[CLR] is a [YEL]Low Attack[CLR] that lets Sonya threaten her opponent\nwith a mix up any time she is in the [YEL]Neutral[CLR] or on the offense.\nThis attack is [YEL]Unsafe on Block[CLR], so don't use it too predictably."
  11823. Tut_Sonya_Desc2B="[YEL]Amplify[CLR] [LBL]Leg Breaker[CLR] to add extra damage and switch sides\nwith the opponent. If [LBL]Leg Breaker[CLR] hits an opponent that is\n[YEL]Blocking High[CLR], the [YEL]Amplified[CLR] attack will cause a [YEL]Krushing Blow[CLR]."
  11824. Tut_Sonya_Desc3A="[LBL]Air Control[CLR] is a very fast [YEL]Anti Air Attack[CLR] that's\neffective at hitting opponents directly above Sonya."
  11825. Tut_Sonya_Desc3B="[YEL]Amplify[CLR] [LBL]Air Control[CLR] to add significant damage to the attack. If [LBL]Air Control[CLR]\ninterrupts an opponent during a [YEL]Jumping Attack[CLR], the [YEL]Amplified[CLR] attack\nwill cause a [YEL]Krushing Blow[CLR] that can lead to a devastating [YEL]Juggle Kombo[CLR]."
  11826. Tut_Sonya_Desc4="[LBL]Overwatch[CLR] starts with a very fast advancing [YEL]High Attack[CLR] and ends with a [YEL]Launching[CLR]\nattack that can start a [YEL]Juggle Kombo[CLR] without using [YEL]Offensive Guage[CLR]. The second attack\nis an [YEL]Overhead[CLR], leading to mix up opportunities. Each attack is [YEL]Unsafe on Block[CLR]."
  11827. Tut_Sonya_Desc5="[LBL]Shoot And Scoot[CLR] substitutes the [YEL]Overhead Attack[CLR] in\n[LBL]Overwatch[CLR] with a [YEL]Safe[CLR], [YEL]Low Attack[CLR]. Use these two\n[YEL]Kombo Attacks[CLR] to keep a [YEL]Blocking[CLR] opponent guessing."
  11828. Tut_Sonya_Desc6="[LBL]HOOAH[CLR] starts with a fast [YEL]Mid Attack[CLR] and ends in a [YEL]Safe Overhead Attack[CLR]\nthat puts the opponent into a long [YEL]Knockdown[CLR], letting Sonya\n[YEL]Dash[CLR] in and apply [YEL]Pressure[CLR] as the opponent gets up."
  11829. Tut_Sonya_Desc7="Perform [LBL]Under Siege[CLR] to substitute the [YEL]Overhead Attack[CLR]\nin [LBL]HOOAH[CLR] with a [YEL]Low Attack[CLR] that can be difficult to react to.\nThis attack is easily [YEL]Punished[CLR] if [YEL]Blocked[CLR]."
  11830. Tut_Sonya_Desc8="[LBL]Last Patrol[CLR] is a [YEL]Kombo Attack[CLR] that starts with an advancing [YEL]Low Attack[CLR]\nwith great range. The last hit is a [YEL]Mid Attack[CLR] that is [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR]."
  11831. Tut_Sonya_Desc9="[LBL]Vendetta[CLR] is [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR] and starts with a very fast [YEL]Mid Attack[CLR]."
  11833. Tut_Terminas_Intro="Geras is a brawler that uses a mix of mid range strikes and\ngrapples to keep his opponents in check. Geras can equip\ndifferent [YEL]Abilities[CLR] to drastically change his playstyle."
  11834. Tut_Terminas_Desc1="[LBL]Temporal Advantage[CLR] locks the opponent in place for a short time,\nallowing Geras to [YEL]Kombo[CLR] into additional attacks. This attack costs half of\nyour [YEL]Offensive Guage[CLR] to perform, and cannot be [YEL]Special Canceled[CLR] into."
  11835. Tut_Terminas_Desc2="[LBL]Sand Trap[CLR] is a [YEL]Low Projectile[CLR] that can be aimed to hit different\ndistances, and is useful for attacking mobile opponents. This attack\nwill cause a [YEL]Krushing Blow[CLR] if it hits an opponent that is [YEL]Blocking High[CLR]."
  11836. Tut_Terminas_Desc3="[LBL]Big Fist[CLR] is a [YEL]High Attack[CLR] that is difficult to [YEL]Punish[CLR]\non [YEL]Block[CLR]. This attack will cause a [YEL]Krushing Blow[CLR]\nif it interrupts two attacks in a row."
  11837. Tut_Terminas_Desc4A="[LBL]Titan Tackle[CLR] is an [YEL]Unblockable Throw Attack[CLR] with\ngreat range. Hold [BP] to increase the distance that\nGeras carries to opponent toward the [YEL]Korner[CLR]."
  11838. Tut_Terminas_Desc4B="If Geras is close enough to the [YEL]Korner[CLR] while carrying\nthe opponent with [LBL]Titan Tackle[CLR], he will perform an\nadditional wall attack that deals extra damage."
  11839. Tut_Terminas_Desc5="[LBL]Dangerous Chronology[CLR] starts with a fast, advancing [YEL]Mid Attack[CLR], followed\nby a mid range [YEL]Projectile[CLR] that is difficult to [YEL]Punish[CLR]. If the second attack\nhits up close, Geras can kontinue into a damaging leg grab."
  11840. Tut_Terminas_Desc6="The last hit of [LBL]Matter of Time[CLR] is [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR], and will [YEL]Launch[CLR] the\nopponent for a [YEL]Juggle Kombo[CLR] if it hits an opponent in the [YEL]Korner[CLR]."
  11841. Tut_Terminas_Desc7A="[LBL]Shoulder Charge[CLR] is an [YEL]Advancing Mid Attack[CLR] with\ngreat range and quick [YEL]Start Up[CLR]. This attack is [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR]\nif it connects at its maximum range."
  11842. Tut_Terminas_Desc7B="Kontinue [LBL]Shoulder Charge[CLR] into [LBL]Xuid & Guid[CLR] to\n[YEL]Knock Down[CLR] and switch sides with your opponent. This\n[YEL]Kombo Attack[CLR] can be [YEL]Punished[CLR] by a [YEL]Blocking[CLR] opponent."
  11843. Tut_Terminas_Desc8="[LBL]Ripple in Time[CLR] starts with a fast, advancing\n[YEL]Mid Attack[CLR]. The second attack is [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR]."
  11844. Tut_Terminas_Desc9="[LBL]Out Of Time[CLR] is a damaging [YEL]Kombo Attack[CLR] that is difficult to\n[YEL]Punish on Block[CLR]. You can create a [YEL]Mix Up[CLR] by substituting the\nthird [YEL]Overhead Attack[CLR] for [LBL]Sand Trap[CLR] to hit [YEL]Low[CLR] instead."
  11846. Tut_Terminas_1="Perform a Kombo after locking the opponent with Temporal Advantage"
  11847. Tut_Terminas_4A="Carry your opponent the maximum distance with Titan Tackle"
  11848. Tut_Terminas_4B="Carry your opponent into the Korner with Titan Tackle"
  11849. Tut_Terminas_4B_Input="when the opponent in near the Korner"
  11851. Tut_Subzero_Intro="Sub Zero's signature [LBL]Iceball[CLR] and [LBL]Slide[CLR] give him answers to opponent\nattacking with [YEL]Projectiles[CLR] at a distance. Up close, he can [YEL]Mix Up[CLR]\n[YEL]Overhead[CLR] and [YEL]Low Attacks[CLR] that lead to a vortex of [YEL]Kombos[CLR]."
  11852. Tut_Subzero_Desc1A="[LBL]Slide[CLR] has a very fast [YEL]Start Up[CLR] and can pass under [YEL]High Attacks[CLR], allowing\nSub Zero to [YEL]Punish[CLR] opponent's that are predictably throwing [YEL]Projectiles[CLR].\nRemember that [LBL]Slide[CLR] can be easily [YEL]Punished[CLR] when [YEL]Blocked[CLR]."
  11853. Tut_Subzero_Desc1B="[YEL]Amplify[CLR] [LBL]Slide[CLR] to switch sides with your opponent and deal\nsignificantly more damage. The extra damage can be valuable when\n[LBL]Slide[CLR] hits on its own in [YEL]Neutral[CLR] situations or as part of a [YEL]Kombo[CLR]."
  11854. Tut_Subzero_Desc2A="[LBL]Ice Ball[CLR] can freeze opponents for a [YEL]Kombo[CLR] follow up, making it useful for\nattacking opponents a range or extending [YEL]Kombos[CLR] up close. Use [LBL]Iceball[CLR]\ncarefully in [YEL]Neutral[CLR] situations, it's slow [YEL]Start Up[CLR] can leave [YEL]Sub Zero[CLR] vulnerable."
  11855. Tut_Subzero_Desc2B="[LBL]Ice Ball[CLR] can start a [YEL]Kombo[CLR] after a [YEL]Tradeing[CLR] hits with an opponent's [YEL]Projectile[CLR].\nYou may take some damage from the incoming attack, but you can usually\ndeal significantly more damage to your opponent while they're frozen."
  11856. Tut_Subzero_Desc3A="[LBL]Axe Bash[CLR] has fast [YEL]Start Up[CLR], excellent range, and it's [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR],\nmaking it a powerful tool in [YEL]Neutral[CLR] situations. This move\nis a [YEL]High Attack[CLR], so it can be evaded by [YEL]Ducking[CLR]."
  11857. Tut_Subzero_Desc3B="The last hit of [LBL]Frozen Over[CLR] is [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR]. You can [YEL]Special Cancel[CLR]\nthe second hit into [LBL]Ice Ball[CLR] to start an extended [YEL]Kombo[CLR] at Mid Range."
  11858. Tut_Subzero_Desc4A="[LBL]Double Axe Slam[CLR] is an [YEL]Overhead Attack[CLR] that has fast [YEL]Start Up[CLR],\ngreat range, and is [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR]. [YEL]Special Canceled[CLR] this attack into [LBL]Ice Ball[CLR] to\nstart an extended [YEL]Kombo[CLR] with an [YEL]Overhead Attack[CLR]."
  11859. Tut_Subzero_Desc4B="Follow [LBL]Double Axe Slam[CLR] with [LBL]Final Draw[CLR] for a simple,\ndamaging [YEL]Kombo[CLR] that is [YEL]Unsafe on Block[CLR]."
  11860. Tut_Subzero_Desc5="[LBL]Frosty[CLR] is a [YEL]Kombo Attack String[CLR] that starts with a fast, advancing\n[YEL]Low Attack[CLR] and every hit is [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR]. Sub Zero can [YEL]Special Cancel[CLR]\ninto [LBL]Ice Ball[CLR] after the second hit for an extended [YEL]Kombo[CLR]."
  11861. Tut_Subzero_Desc6A="[LBL]Rising Axe[CLR] has good range, covers a wide area, and is [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR].\nThis [YEL]Mid Attack[CLR] is effective against grounded or airborne opponents."
  11862. Tut_Subzero_Desc6B="Kontinue [LBL]Rising Axe[CLR] into [LBL]Unchained[CLR] for an\nadditional advancing attack that is [YEL]Safe on Block[CLR]."
  11863. Tut_Subzero_Desc7="[LBL]Brutal Kick[CLR] is a [YEL]Mid Attack[CLR] with that starts with a run, giving\nthis attack fantastic range. This attack has [YEL]Frame Advantage[CLR]\non [YEL]Block[CLR] and will knock the opponent back on hit."
  11865. Tut_Subzero_1A="Use Slide to Attack the opponent while evading their Projectile."
  11866. Tut_Subzero_2A="Perform a Kombo with Iceball."
  11869. [Ladder.UI]
  11870. NA=N/A
  11871. Empty=
  11872. PointFormat={totalCount:%s} x {valuePerCount:%s} pts
  11873. PointsPostFix=" pts"
  11874. coinsPointPostFix=" koins"
  11875. EndlessChallengeGoalDesc={number:%s} WINS
  11876. NormalChallengeGoalDesc={number:%s} pts
  11877. TotalWins=WINS
  11878. TotalLosses=LOSSES
  11879. TotalSkips=SKIP FIGHTS
  11880. HealthRemaining=HEALTH REMAINING
  11881. TimeRemaining=TIME REMAINING
  11882. NoLosses=NO LOSSES
  11883. DifficultyMultiplier=DIFFICULTY MULTIPLIER
  11884. BrutalDifficultyMultiplier=BRUTAL DIFFICULTY BONUS
  11885. LadderKonsumableBonus=TOWER KONSUMABLE USED
  11886. MatchKonsumable=MATCH KONSUMABLES
  11887. Opponent=OPPONENT
  11888. Modifiers=MODIFIERS
  11889. Challenges=BONUS CHALLENGES
  11890. DragonChallenge=DRAGON CHALLENGE
  11891. DragonChallengeRewardPrompt=DRAGON CHALLENGE x {count:%u}
  11893. XRay=FATAL BLOWS
  11894. XRayWins=FATAL BLOW WINS
  11895. PerfectMatch=FLAWLESS VICTORIES
  11896. ChallengesCompleted=CHALLENGES KOMPLETED
  11897. SpeedBonus=SPEED BONUS
  11898. TotalGuildPoints=REWARDED GUILD POINTS
  11899. Fatalities=FATALITIES
  11900. Brutalities=BRUTALITIES
  11901. Mercies=MERCIES
  11902. AIFighterReduction=AUTO FIGHTER MULTIPLIER
  11903. SkipFightUsed=SKIP FIGHT USED
  11905. WinMatchSurvivorHealthMsg=WIN: +{value:%g}%% HEALTH
  11906. SupermoveSurvivorHealthMsg=FATAL BLOW: +{value:%g}%% HEALTH
  11907. LevelTransitionSurvivorHealthMsg=TRANSITION: +{value:%g}%% HEALTH
  11908. WinClashSurvivorHealthMsg=WIN CLASH: +{value:%g}%% HEALTH
  11909. UseAnInteractionSurvivorHealthMsg=INTERACTION: +{value:%g}%% HEALTH
  11910. ConnectAThrowSurvivorHealthMsg=THROW: +{value:%g}%% HEALTH
  11912. MultiverseTest=Words About Sonya Blade
  11913. BarakaSidekick="Baraka can be called in to assist during the battle.\nMove [RThumb] in any direction when the CHARACTER ICON is full."
  11914. MkDaySubZeroTower="Sub Zero will assist you throughout the tower. Move the [RThumb] in any direction to summon Sub Zero."
  11917. [Ladder.Challenges.Names]
  11918. SMC_NO_SPEC=No SPECIAL MOVES for the whole match
  11924. SMC_1SUPER=Land 1 FATAL BLOW
  11925. SMC_2SUPER=Land 2 FATAL BLOWS
  11926. SMC_1DASHROLL=Perform 1 ROLL ESCAPE
  11929. SMC_NO_JUMPATK=Win without using any JUMP ATTACKS
  11930. SMC_NO_EVADES=Win without using any ESCAPES
  11931. SMC_NO_LIGHTATK=Win without using any LIGHT ATTACKS
  11932. SMC_NO_MEDIUMATK=Win without using any MEDIUM ATTACKS
  11933. SMC_NO_HARDATK=Win without using any HARD ATTACKS
  11934. SMC_NO_GIMMICK=Win without using your CHARACTER POWER
  11937. SMC_NO_DASH=Win without DASHING
  11938. SMC_NO_SUPERMOVE=Don't perform a FATAL BLOW
  11940. SMC_1SPEC=Land 1 SPECIAL MOVE
  11949. SMC_10SPEC=Land 10 SPECIAL MOVES
  11966. SMC_10SWEEP=Land 10 SWEEP ATTACKS
  11967. SMC_1UPPER=Land 1 UPPERCUT
  11968. SMC_2UPPER=Land 2 UPPERCUTS
  11969. SMC_3UPPER=Land 3 UPPERCUTS
  11970. SMC_4UPPER=Land 4 UPPERCUTS
  11971. SMC_5UPPER=Land 5 UPPERCUTS
  11999. SMC_1THRW=Land 1 THROW
  12000. SMC_2THRW=Land 2 THROWS
  12001. SMC_3THRW=Land 3 THROWS
  12002. SMC_4THRW=Land 4 THROWS
  12003. SMC_5THRW=Land 5 THROWS
  12024. SMC_80USEC=Win the match in UNDER 120 SECONDS
  12025. SMC_70USEC=Win the match in UNDER 110 SECONDS
  12026. SMC_60USEC=Win the match in UNDER 100 SECONDS
  12027. SMC_50USEC=Win the match in UNDER 90 SECONDS
  12028. SMC_40USEC=Win the match in UNDER 80 SECONDS
  12029. SMC_30USEC=Win the match in UNDER 70 SECONDS
  12030. SMC_1GIMMICK=Use your CHARACTER POWER 1 time
  12031. SMC_2GIMMICK=Use your CHARACTER POWER 2 times
  12032. SMC_3GIMMICK=Use your CHARACTER POWER 3 times
  12040. SMC_1WAKEUP=Perform 1 GETUP ATTACK
  12041. SMC_2WAKEUP=Perform 2 GETUP ATTACKS
  12047. SMC_NO_BLK=Don't BLOCK
  12048. SMC_NO_JUMP=Don't JUMP
  12049. SMC_NO_DUCK=Don't DUCK
  12050. SMC_NO_UPPER=Don't perform an UPPERCUT
  12051. SMC_NO_METER=Don't spend any METER
  12053. [TestYourLuck]
  12054. ScreenTitle=TEST YOUR LUCK
  12055. ConfirmOpponent=CONFIRM OPPONENT
  12056. ConfirmMod=CONFIRM MODIFIER
  12057. ConfirmMods=CONFIRM MODIFIERS
  12058. ConfirmReward=CONFIRM REWARD
  12059. PipNone=""
  12060. PipP1=P1
  12061. PipP2=P2
  12062. PipAll=ALL
  12064. [Training]
  12065. StepForward=Test
  12067. [ModifierTypeName]
  12068. None=NONE
  12069. Blood=BLOOD
  12070. Chaos=CHAOS
  12071. Dark=DARK
  12072. Electric=ELECTRIC
  12073. Energy=ENERGY
  12074. Fire=FIRE
  12075. Ice=ICE
  12076. Magic=MAGIC
  12077. Physical=PHYSICAL
  12078. Poison=POISON
  12080. [Modifier.Title]
  12081. AcidRain=ACID RAIN
  12083. Alive=ALIVE
  12084. Armor=ARMORED
  12085. BadDucking=BAD DUCKING
  12086. BadJumping=BAD JUMPING
  12087. BadLowGround=BAD LOW GROUND
  12088. BadSpecial=BAD SPECIAL
  12089. BagOfTricks=BAG OF TRICKS
  12090. BeachBall=BEACH BALL
  12091. Bleeding=BLEEDING
  12092. BlockingDisabled=BLOCKING DISABLED
  12093. Bloodbath=BLOODBATH
  12094. BloodFloor=BLOOD FLOOR
  12095. BloodStorm=BLOOD STORM
  12096. BreakersDisabled=BREAKERS DISABLED
  12097. BrutalityKombat=BRUTALITY KOMBAT
  12098. BuffedUp=GROWING STRONGER
  12099. ChaosStorm=CHAOS STORM
  12100. Confused=CONFUSED
  12101. CoordinatesReceived=LEX SATELLITES
  12102. CurseOfDeath=CURSE OF DEATH
  12103. CurseOfSloth=CURSE OF SLOTH
  12104. Danger=LOW HEALTH
  12105. DarkKombat=IN THE DARK
  12106. DarkAura=DARK AURA
  12107. DarkStorm=DARK STORM
  12108. DeadHands=GRUNDY ASSIST
  12109. DeflectedGlaive=DEFLECTED GLAIVES
  12110. Disoriented=DISORIENTED
  12111. DoubleDamage=DOUBLE DAMAGE
  12112. Earthshaker=EARTHSHAKER
  12113. Earthquake=WORLD ENGINE
  12114. EasilyWounded=EASILY WOUNDED
  12115. ElectricFists=ELECTRIC GUANTLETS
  12116. ElectricFloor=ELECTRIC FLOORS
  12117. ElectricRockets=LEX ROCKETS E12
  12118. ElectricStorm=ELECTRIC STORM
  12119. EnergyFists=ENERGY FISTS
  12120. EnergyFloor=ENERGY FLOOR
  12121. EnergyStorm=ENERGY STORM
  12122. FallingBombs=FALLING BOMBS
  12123. Fire=COMBUSTION
  12124. FireFists=FIRE GUANTLETS
  12125. FireRockets=LEX ROCKETS F171
  12126. FireStorm=FIRE STORM
  12127. FleetFooted=FLEET FOOTED
  12128. FloorOfFlame=FIRE PILLARS
  12129. Frostbite=FROSTBITE
  12130. FrostTouch=ICE GUANTLETS
  12131. FullArmor=FULL ARMOR
  12132. FullReflectArmor=REFLECT ARMOR (FULL)
  12133. GiftOfArmor=GIFT OF ARMOR
  12134. GiftOfDeath=GIFT OF DEATH
  12135. GiftOfEnergy=GIFT OF ENERGY
  12136. GiftOfHaste=GIFT OF HASTE
  12137. GiftOfHealth=GIFT OF HEALTH
  12138. GiftOfRandom=GIFT OF RANDOM
  12139. GiftOfSloth=GIFT OF SLOTH
  12140. GiftOfSuper=GIFT OF SUPER
  12141. GodFists=GOD FISTS
  12142. GroundSpikes=GROUND SPIKES
  12143. GroundBlade=GROUND BLADE
  12145. HandToHandKombat=HAND TO HAND KOMBAT
  12146. HealthDegen=HEALTH DEGENERATION
  12147. HealthRegen=HEALTH REGENERATION
  12148. HeavyHitter=HEAVY HITTER
  12149. HighGround=HIGH GROUND
  12150. HydroAssist=HYDRO ASSIST
  12151. HyperKombat=HYPER KOMBAT
  12152. IceRockets=ICE ROCKETS
  12153. IceFists=ICE FISTS
  12154. IceFloor=ICE FLOOR
  12155. IceStorm=ICE STORM
  12156. InfiniteSuperMeter=INFINITE SUPER METER
  12157. InfiniteTimer=INFINITE TIMER
  12158. InstantHealth=INSTANT HEALTH
  12159. InstantSloth=INSTANT SLOTH
  12160. InvertedBlocking=INVERTED BLOCKING
  12161. JuggleKombat=JUGGLE KOMBAT
  12162. JumpKombat=JUMP KOMBAT
  12163. CloseKombat=CLOSE KOMBAT
  12164. KoinKombat=KOIN KOMBAT
  12165. NoKombos=NO KOMBOS
  12166. Landmines=LANDMINES
  12167. LetTheBodiesHitFloor=LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR
  12168. BlueLightningStrikes=BLUE LIGHTNING STRIKES
  12169. RedLightningStrikes=RED LIGHTNING STRIKES
  12170. OrangeLightningStrikes=ORANGE LIGHTNING STRIKES
  12171. YellowLightningStrikes=YELLOW LIGHTNING STRIKES
  12172. BlackLightningStrikes=BLACK LIGHTNING STRIKES
  12173. LimitedTime_45=45 SECOND TIMER
  12174. LockOn=LOCK ON
  12175. MagicFists=MAGIC FISTS
  12176. MagicFloor=
  12177. MagicStorm=MAGIC STORM
  12178. MagneticFloor=MAGNETIC FLOOR
  12179. MeteorKombat=METEOR KOMBAT
  12180. Molasses=MOLASSES
  12181. HighJump=HIGH JUMP
  12182. Narcolepsy=NARCOLEPSY
  12183. NinjaKombat=NINJA KOMBAT
  12184. NoBlocking=NO BLOCKING
  12185. NoBreakers=NO BREAKERS
  12186. NoDashing=NO DASHING
  12187. NoEnhancedSpecials=NO AMPLIFIED SPECIALS
  12188. NoJumping=NO JUMPING
  12189. NoSpecials=NO SPECIALS
  12190. NoSuperMeter=NO SUPER METER
  12191. NoThrowing=NO THROWS
  12192. NoTurtles=NO TURTLES
  12193. NoXRays=NO FATAL BLOWS
  12194. Overpowered=OVERPOWERED
  12195. PanningLasers=PANNING LASERS
  12196. PeekABoo=PEEK A BOO
  12197. PillarsOfFlame=PILLARS OF FLAME
  12198. Poisoned=POISONED
  12199. PoisonFists=POISON FISTS
  12200. PoisonRockets=POISON ROCKETS
  12201. PoisonStorm=POISON STORM
  12202. PortalKombat=PORTAL KOMBAT
  12203. PowerfulInteracts=POWERFUL INTERACTS
  12204. PowerfulJumpKicks=POWERFUL JUMP KICKS
  12205. PowerStruggle=POWER STRUGGLE
  12206. Psychosis=PSYCHOSIS
  12207. QuickAboutIt=QUICK ABOUT IT
  12208. QuickUppercutRecovery=QUICK UPPERCUT RECOVERY
  12209. FallingIce=FALLING ICE
  12210. RainAssist=RAIN ASSIST
  12211. RainOfIce=RAIN OF ICE
  12212. ReptileAssist=REPTILE ASSIST
  12213. RayOfDeath=RAY OF DEATH
  12214. RayOfLife=RAY OF LIFE
  12215. RayOfSuper=RAY OF SUPER
  12216. ReflectArmorTemp=REFLECT ARMOR
  12217. SecurityLexOrbs=SECURITY ORBS
  12218. SFSecurityOrbs=SECURITY ORBS
  12219. SFSecurityTurrent=SECURITY TURRET
  12220. SFSecurityDrone=SECURITY DRONE
  12221. SlowMotion=SLOW MOTION
  12222. Solaris=SOLARIS
  12223. SuperDegen=SUPER DEGENERATION
  12224. SuperRegen=SUPER REGENERATION
  12225. TiltingWorld=TILTING WORLD
  12226. TimerDecrease=SHORT TIMER
  12227. TimerIncrease=LONG TIMER
  12228. TornadoKombat=TORNADO KOMBAT
  12229. ChipDamage=CHIP DAMAGE
  12230. Tornados=TORNADOS
  12231. TurboKombat=TURBO KOMBAT
  12232. UnblockableInteract=UNBLOCKABLE INTERACTS
  12233. VampireKombat=VAMPIRE KOMBAT
  12234. Weakened=WEAKENED
  12235. WetSpot=WET SPOT
  12236. Wrestling=WRESTLING
  12238. YouAreSpecial=YOU ARE SPECIAL
  12239. ZombieKombat=ZOMBIE KOMBAT
  12240. DvorahPoisonOvipositors=
  12241. DvorahSpiderFood=
  12242. LiuKangFlowLikeWater=
  12243. KabalHookBleed=
  12244. CyraxBombsAssist=CYBER BOMBS
  12245. BoRaiChoAssist=ELDER GAS
  12247. BloodTotem=BLOOD TOTEM
  12248. CyraxAssist=CYBER NET
  12249. ShinnokAssist=HAND OF THE ELDER GOD
  12250. TremorAssist=
  12251. TanyaAssist=
  12252. TakedaAssist=
  12253. SmokeAssist=
  12254. SektorAssist=
  12255. ReikoAssist=
  12256. QuanChiAssist=
  12257. OnyxAssist=
  12258. NitaraAssist=
  12259. MileenaAssist=
  12260. MeatAssist=
  12261. KungJinAssist=
  12262. HsuHaoAssist=
  12263. KenshiAssist=
  12264. ErmacAssist=
  12265. PoisonFloor=
  12266. DarkFloor=
  12267. ChaosFloor=
  12268. FireFloor=
  12269. BloodAura=
  12270. MagicAura=
  12271. EnergyAura=
  12272. PoisonAura=
  12273. ElectricAura=
  12274. ChaosAura=
  12275. FireAura=
  12276. IceAura=
  12278. MagicRockets=
  12279. EnergyRockets=
  12280. DarkRockets=
  12281. ChaosRockets=
  12282. BloodShield=
  12283. MagicShield=
  12284. EnergyShield=
  12285. PoisonShield=
  12286. DarkShield=
  12287. ElectricShield=
  12288. ChaosShield=
  12289. FireShield=
  12290. IceShield=
  12291. BloodFists=
  12292. DarkFists=
  12293. ChaosFists=
  12294. MagicTotem=
  12295. EnergyTotem=
  12296. PoisonTotem=
  12297. DarkTotem=
  12298. ElectricTotem=
  12299. ChaosTotem=
  12300. FireTotem=
  12302. FirePool=
  12303. AcidPool=
  12304. GroundMines=
  12306. Char_Baraka=Baraka
  12307. Char_Cassie=Cassie Cage
  12308. Char_Cetrion=Cetrion
  12309. Char_CyberFrost=Frost
  12310. Char_DVorah=D'Vorah
  12311. Char_ErronBlack=Erron Black
  12312. Char_Jacqui=Jacqui
  12313. Char_Jade=Jade
  12314. Char_Jax=Jax
  12315. Char_Cage=Johnny Cage
  12316. Char_Kabal=Kabal
  12317. Char_Kano=Kano
  12318. Char_Kitana=Kitana
  12319. Char_Kollector=Kollector
  12320. Char_Kotal=Kotal Kahn
  12321. Char_KungLao=Kung Lao
  12322. Char_LiuKang=Liu Kang
  12323. Char_Noob=Noob
  12324. Char_Raiden=Raiden
  12325. Char_Scorpion=Scorpion
  12326. Char_ShaoKahn=Shao Kahn
  12327. Char_Skarlet=Skarlet
  12328. Char_Sonya=Sonya
  12329. Char_SubZero=Sub Zero
  12330. Char_Terminas=Geras
  12331. Blank=???
  12333. [Modifier.Description]
  12334. AcidRain=Clouds form above the fightline raining acid down ot the kombatants during the match.
  12335. AirStrike=A Special Forces jet soars over the fightline dropping bombs on the Kombatants during the match.
  12336. Alive=Players Start With Low Health And Regens Overtime
  12337. Armor=Kombatants start the match with armor that must be broken.
  12338. BadDucking=Don't Duck
  12339. BadJumping=Don't Jump
  12340. BadLowGround=Bad Low Ground
  12341. BadSpecial=Bad Special
  12342. BagOfTricks=Bag of Tricks
  12343. BeachBall=Kombatants take increased damage while juggled.
  12344. Bleeding=Bleeding
  12345. BlockingDisabled=Blocking is Disabled
  12346. Bloodbath=Hits cause bleeding and damage over time.
  12347. BloodFloor=Blood Floor
  12348. BloodStorm=Blood Storm
  12349. BreakersDisabled=Breakers are Disabled
  12350. BuffedUp=Buffed Up
  12351. ChaosStorm=Chaos Storm
  12352. Confused=
  12353. CoordinatesReceived=
  12354. CurseOfDeath=Curse Of Death
  12355. CurseOfSloth=Curse Of Sloth
  12356. Danger=
  12357. DarkKombat=Darkness Constantly Konsumes The Earth
  12358. DarkAura=Dark Aura
  12359. DarkStorm=Dark Storm
  12360. DeadHands=Grundy Assist
  12361. DeflectedGlaive=Deflected Glaives
  12362. Disoriented=
  12363. DoubleDamage=Players Do Double Damage On All Attacks
  12364. Earthshaker=Earthshaker
  12365. Earthquake=The World Engine Has Started Terraforming Earth's Atmosphere
  12366. EasilyWounded=
  12367. ElectricFists=Electric Fists
  12368. ElectricFloor=Electric Floors
  12369. ElectricRockets=Electric Rockets
  12370. ElectricStorm=Electric Storm
  12371. EnergyFists=Energy Fists
  12372. EnergyFloor=Energy Floor
  12373. EnergyStorm=Energy Storm
  12374. FallingBombs=Falling Bombs
  12375. Fire=
  12376. FireFists=Fire Fists
  12377. FireRockets=Fire Rockets
  12378. FireStorm=Fire Storm
  12379. FleetFooted=Fleet Footed
  12380. FloorOfFlame=Floor of Flame
  12381. Frostbite=Frostbite
  12382. FrostTouch=Frost Touch
  12383. FullArmor=
  12384. FullReflectArmor=
  12385. GiftOfArmor=Gift of Armor
  12386. GiftOfDeath=Gift of Death
  12387. GiftOfEnergy=Gift of Energy
  12388. GiftOfHaste=Gift of Haste
  12389. GiftOfHealth=Gift of Health
  12390. GiftOfRandom=Gift of Random
  12391. GiftOfSloth=Gift of Sloth
  12392. GiftOfSuper=Gift of Super
  12393. GodFists=God Fists
  12394. GroundSpikes=Ground Spikes
  12395. GroundBlade=Ground Blade
  12396. GunAttacksUp=Armor Piercing Rounds
  12397. HandToHandKombat=
  12398. HealthDegen=
  12399. HealthRegen=
  12400. HeavyHitter=
  12401. HighGround=
  12402. HydroAssist=Hydro Assist
  12403. HyperKombat=
  12404. IceRockets=Ice Rockets
  12405. IceFists=Ice Fists
  12406. IceFloor=Ice Floor
  12407. IceStorm=Ice Storm
  12408. InfiniteSuperMeter=
  12409. InfiniteTimer=
  12410. InstantHealth=Instant Health
  12411. InstantSloth=Instant Sloth
  12412. InvertedBlocking=
  12413. JuggleKombat=
  12414. JumpKombat=
  12415. CloseKombat=
  12416. KoinKombat=
  12417. NoKombos=
  12418. Landmines=
  12419. LetTheBodiesHitFloor=
  12420. BlueLightningStrikes=Blue Lightning Strikes
  12421. RedLightningStrikes=Red Lightning Strikes
  12422. OrangeLightningStrikes=Orange Lightning Strikes
  12423. YellowLightningStrikes=Yellow Lightning Strikes
  12424. BlackLightningStrikes=Black Lightning Strikes
  12425. LimitedTime_45=
  12426. LockOn=
  12427. MagicFists=Magic Fists
  12428. MagicFloor=Magic Floor
  12429. MagicStorm=Magic Storm
  12430. MagneticFloor=
  12431. MeteorKombat=Meteor Kombat
  12432. Molasses=Slow your foe to a crawl temporarily.
  12433. HighJump=
  12434. Narcolepsy=
  12435. NinjaKombat=
  12436. NoBlocking=
  12437. NoBreakers=
  12438. NoDashing=
  12439. NoEnhancedSpecials=
  12440. NoJumping=
  12441. NoSpecials=
  12442. NoSuperMeter=
  12443. NoThrowing=
  12444. NoTurtles=
  12445. NoXRays=No Fatal Blows
  12446. Overpowered=
  12447. PanningLasers=Panning Lasers
  12448. PeekABoo=
  12449. PillarsOfFlame=Pillars Of Flame
  12450. Poisoned=Take increasing damage over time. Land a 3 hit kombo to reset this damage.
  12451. PoisonFists=
  12452. PoisonRockets=
  12453. PoisonStorm=Poison Storm
  12454. PortalKombat=
  12455. PowerfulInteracts=
  12456. PowerfulJumpKicks=
  12457. Psychosis=
  12458. QuickAboutIt=
  12459. QuickUppercutRecovery=
  12460. FallingIce=
  12461. RainAssist=Rain Assist
  12462. RainOfIce=Rain Of Ice
  12463. ReptileAssist=Reptile Assist
  12464. RayOfDeath=
  12465. RayOfLife=
  12466. RayOfSuper=
  12467. ReflectArmorTemp=
  12468. SecurityLexOrbs=Security Orbs
  12469. SFSecurityOrbs=Security Orbs
  12470. SFSecurityTurrent=Security Turret
  12471. SFSecurityDrone=Security Drone
  12472. SlowMotion=
  12473. Solaris=Solaris
  12474. SuperDegen=
  12475. SuperRegen=
  12476. TiltingWorld=
  12477. TimerDecrease=
  12478. TimerIncrease=
  12479. TornadoKombat=
  12480. ChipDamage=
  12481. Tornados=Tornados
  12482. TurboKombat=
  12483. UnblockableInteract=
  12484. VampireKombat=
  12485. Weakened=
  12486. WetSpot=
  12487. Wrestling=
  12488. XrayInstKill=Fatal Blow Instantly kill
  12489. YouAreSpecial=
  12490. ZombieKombat=
  12491. DvorahPoisonOvipositors=
  12492. DvorahSpiderFood=
  12493. LiuKangFlowLikeWater=
  12494. KabalHookBleed=
  12495. CyraxBombsAssist=
  12496. BloodTotem=A Blood Totem rises up from the ground, draining health from nearby kombatants during the fight. Destroying totems recovers health.
  12497. CyraxAssist=A Cyber Lin Kuei Net targets kombatants during the fight.
  12498. ShinnokAssist=A skeleton hand targets kombatants during the fight.
  12499. TremorAssist=
  12500. TanyaAssist=
  12501. TakedaAssist=
  12502. SmokeAssist=
  12503. SektorAssist=
  12504. ReikoAssist=
  12505. QuanChiAssist=
  12506. OnyxAssist=
  12507. NitaraAssist=
  12508. MileenaAssist=
  12509. MeatAssist=
  12510. KungJinAssist=
  12511. HsuHaoAssist=
  12512. KenshiAssist=
  12513. ErmacAssist=
  12514. BoRaiChoAssist=
  12516. PoisonFloor=
  12517. DarkFloor=
  12518. FireFloor=
  12519. BloodAura=
  12520. MagicAura=
  12521. EnergyAura=
  12522. PoisonAura=
  12523. ElectricAura=
  12524. ChaosAura=
  12525. FireAura=
  12526. IceAura=
  12527. BloodRockets=Vampiric Missiles target kombatants during the fight.
  12528. MagicRockets=
  12529. EnergyRockets=
  12530. DarkRockets=
  12531. ChaosRockets=
  12532. BloodShield=
  12533. MagicShield=
  12534. EnergyShield=
  12535. PoisonShield=
  12536. DarkShield=
  12537. ElectricShield=
  12538. ChaosShield=
  12539. FireShield=
  12540. IceShield=
  12541. BloodFists=
  12542. DarkFists=
  12543. ChaosFists=
  12544. ChaosFloor=
  12545. MagicTotem=
  12546. EnergyTotem=
  12547. PoisonTotem=
  12548. DarkTotem=
  12549. ElectricTotem=
  12550. ChaosTotem=
  12551. FireTotem=
  12552. FirePool=
  12553. AcidPool=
  12554. GroundMines=
  12556. Char_Baraka=Baraka
  12557. Char_Cassie=Cassie Cage
  12558. Char_Cetrion=Cetrion
  12559. Char_CyberFrost=Frost
  12560. Char_DVorah=D'Vorah
  12561. Char_ErronBlack=Erron Black
  12562. Char_Jacqui=Jacqui
  12563. Char_Jade=Jade
  12564. Char_Jax=Jax
  12565. Char_Cage=Johnny Cage
  12566. Char_Kabal=Kabal
  12567. Char_Kano=Kano
  12568. Char_Kitana=Kitana
  12569. Char_Kollector=Kollector
  12570. Char_Kotal=Kotal Kahn
  12571. Char_KungLao=Kung Lao
  12572. Char_LiuKang=Liu Kang
  12573. Char_Noob=Noob
  12574. Char_Raiden=Raiden
  12575. Char_Scorpion=Scorpion
  12576. Char_ShaoKahn=Shao Kahn
  12577. Char_Skarlet=Skarlet
  12578. Char_Sonya=Sonya
  12579. Char_SubZero=Sub Zero
  12580. Char_Terminas=Geras
  12584. [Portal.UI]
  12585. Requirements=REQUIREMENTS
  12586. Rewards=REWARDS
  12587. Bonuses=BONUS REWARDS
  12588. Locked=LOCKED
  12589. Unlocked=UNLOCKED
  12591. PortalRewards=PORTAL QUEST REWARDS
  12592. Unavaliable=UNAVAILABLE
  12593. Default=CLASSIC
  12594. Daily=DAILY
  12595. Hourly=HOURLY
  12596. Premier=PREMIER
  12597. PortalStageSubtitle={subtitle:%s} Stage {stageNum:%d}
  12598. PortalExpired=PORTAL {portal:%s} HAS EXPIRED
  12599. NextStage="CONGRATULATIONS!\nSTAGE {stageNum:%d} KOMPLETED"
  12600. CharacterStageCompleted="CONGRATULATIONS!\nSTAGE {stageNum:%d} KOMPLETED"
  12601. NoLeaderboardStanding=N/A
  12603. NoPortalsAvaliable=TOWERS OF TIME UNAVAILABLE
  12606. UnableToFindEvent=THE TOWER IS NO LONGER VALID
  12607. PortalSeasonExpired=PORTAL SEASON HAS FINISHED
  12608. PortalSeasonRewardTitle="CONGRATULATIONS YOU PLACED IN THE TOP {percentile:%d}% PERCENTILE\nFINAL RANK: {rank:%d}"
  12609. FirstTimeEnter="Welcome to the Towers of Time.\nEl Psy Congroo.\nTODO: Design update me. This shows up when you first enter towers of time"
  12610. FirstTutorialTowerPrompt="Welcome to the Towers of Time.\nAn ever changing environment with countless challenges and towers."
  12611. SecondTutorialTowerPrompt="This is the second tower.\nTODO: Design update me. This will show up after you complete the first tower and are highlighting the second tower."
  12612. ThirdTutorialTowerPrompt="This is the third tower.\nTODO: Design update me. This will show up after you complete the second tower and are highlighting the third tower."
  12613. FourthTutorialTowerPrompt="This is the fourth tower.\nIt is big and scary.\nTODO: Design update me. This will show up after you complete the third tower and are highlighting the fourth boss tower."
  12615. Endless="
  12616. Boss=
  12617. RetrievingPortals=RETRIEVING TOWERS OF TIME&
  12618. UnlockCharDescription={character:%s} REQUIRED
  12619. UnlockCharLevelDescriptionWithChar=LEVEL {levelNum:%d} {character:%s} REQUIRED
  12620. UnlockCharLevelDescriptionAnyChar=LEVEL {level:%d} CHARACTER REQUIRED
  12621. UnlockCharLevelCharacterReason=DOES NOT MEET LEVEL REQUIREMENT ({level:%d})
  12622. UnlockCharQualityDescriptionWithChar={goalCount:%d} {qualityDes:%s} GEAR ITEMS REQUIRED FOR {charName:%s}
  12623. UnlockCharQualityDescriptionAnyChar={goalCount:%d} {qualityDes:%s} GEAR ITEMS REQUIRED FOR A CHARACTER
  12624. UnlockCharQualityCharacterReason=NO LOADOUT HAS {goalCount:%d} {qualityDes:%s} GEAR ITEMS
  12625. UnlockCharQualityLoadoutReason=LOADOUT REQUIRES {goalCount:%d} {qualityDes:%s} GEAR ITEMS
  12626. UnlockEventCompleteEventDescription={eventName:%s} TOWER MUST BE KOMPLETED
  12627. UnlockAnyEventCompleteEventDescription=KOMPLETE {event1Name:%s} OR {event2Name:%s}
  12628. UnlockEventWithGoldDescription=SPEND {credits:%s} CREDITS TO MEET REQUIREMENT
  12629. UnlockEventWithGoldDescriptionAttempt=SPEND {credits:%s} CREDITS PER ATTEMPT
  12630. UnlockEventWithGold=SPEND {amount:%s} KOINS?
  12631. UnlockEventWithSoul=SPEND {amount:%s} SOUL FRAGMENTS?
  12632. UnlockEventWithHeart=SPEND {amount:%s} HEARTS?
  12633. UnlockEventDescriptionWithGold={currentNum:%s}/{goalNum:%s} KOINS TO MEET REQUIREMENT
  12634. UnlockEventDescriptionWithSoul={currentNum:%s}/{goalNum:%s} SOUL FRAGMENTS TO MEET REQUIREMENT
  12635. UnlockEventDescriptionWithHeart={currentNum:%s}/{goalNum:%s} HEARTS TO MEET REQUIREMENT
  12636. UnlockEventAttemptDescriptionWithGold=SPEND {currentNum:%s}/{goalNum:%s} KOINS PER ATTEMPT
  12637. UnlockEventAttemptDescriptionWithSoul=SPEND {currentNum:%s}/{goalNum:%s} SOUL FRAGMENTS PER ATTEMPT
  12638. UnlockEventAttemptDescriptionWithHeart=SPEND {currentNum:%s}/{goalNum:%s} HEARTS PER ATTEMPT
  12639. LockEventUponTooManyAttemptsDescription=TOWER CAN ONLY BE ATTEMPTED {attemptsTaken:%d}/{totalAttempts:%d} TIMES
  12640. LockEventUponTooManyCompletionsDescription=TOWER CAN ONLY BE KOMPLETED {timesCompleted:%d}/{totalAttempts:%d} TIMES
  12641. LockEventUponTooManyAttemptsDescriptionLocked=TOWER HAS BEEN ATTEMPTED {attemptsTaken:%d}/{totalAttempts:%d} TIMES
  12642. LockEventUponTooManyCompletionsDescriptionLocked=TOWER HAS BEEN KOMPLETED {timesCompleted:%d}/{totalAttempts:%d} TIMES
  12643. ChallengeCompletedUnLockInfo=LOCKS WHEN OBJECTIVE IS COMPLETED
  12644. ChallengeCompletedUnLockInfoLocked=OBJECTIVE HAS BEEN MET
  12645. GlobalFightingStatDescriptionFormat ={currentNum:%s}/{goalNum:%s} {statDescription:%s}
  12646. TOTAL_WINS=TOTAL WINS WITH {charName:%s}
  12648. GenericCharLockReasonWithChar={character:%s} REQUIRED
  12649. ;Custom Unlock Event Descriptions
  12650. UnlockEventXStatCountDescription={goalCount:%d} {description:%s} REQUIRED ON {characterName:%s}
  12651. UnlockEventXStatCountDescriptionAnyChar={goalCount:%d} {description:%s} REQUIRED ON A CHARACTER
  12652. UnlockEventXStatCountCharacterReason=NO LOADOUT HAS {goalCount:%d} {description:%s}
  12653. UnlockEventXStatCountLoadoutReason=LOADOUT REQUIRES {goalCount:%d} {description:%s}
  12654. UnlockEventXStatValueDescription={value:%g} {description:%s} REQUIRED ON {characterName:%s}
  12655. UnlockEventXStatValueDescriptionAnyChar={value:%g} {description:%s} REQUIRED ON A CHARACTER
  12656. UnlockEventXStatValueCharacterReason=NO LOADOUT HAS {value:%g} {description:%s}
  12657. UnlockEventXStatValueLoadoutReason=LOADOUT REQUIRES {value:%g} {description:%s}
  12658. UnlockEventXStatGoldBatarang=GOLD BATARANG STAT
  12659. UnlockEventXStatHealth=HEALTH
  12660. PerformanceHeader=PERFORMANCE
  12661. MatchResultsHeader=MATCH RESULTS
  12662. FinishersHeader=FINISHERS
  12663. ExtrasHeader=EXTRAS
  12664. PointsHeader=TOTAL POINTS
  12665. GoalsHeader=SCORE GOALS
  12666. AIFighter=AUTO FIGHTER
  12667. PerformanceRewardsHeader=PERFORMANCE REWARDS
  12668. SimplePoints={formattedPoints:%s} POINTS
  12669. MultiplePoints={formattedNum:%s} X {formattedPoints:%s} POINTS
  12671. EventResultsContinuePrompt={acceptButton:%hs} KONTINUE
  12672. MinimumCurrencyRequiredGold=NEED AT LEAST {amount:%s} KOINS TO CONTRIBUTE TOWARDS THIS TOWER
  12674. MinimumCurrencyRequiredHeart=YOU NEED AT LEAST {amount:%s} HEARTS TO CONTRIBUTE TOWARDS THIS TOWER
  12675. ToT.Title=TOWERS OF TIME
  12676. ToT.ReplacePrompt={dbutton:%hs} REPLACE PORTAL
  12677. ToT.ActivatePrompt={dbutton:%hs} ACTIVATE
  12678. ToT.UseKeyPrompt={dbutton:%hs} USE KEY
  12679. RAT.OpenPrompt={ubutton:%hs} RACE AGAINST TIME
  12680. RAT.Kompleted=TOWERS KOMPLETED
  12681. RAT.TotalScore=TOTAL SCORE
  12683. RAT.NewDescription=A new Race Against Time has begun! Compete against other players for the top Total Tower Score! Your Total Tower Score is the combined total of your highest scores for each tower you komplete.
  12684. RAT.NewPrompt={dbutton:%hs} GOT IT
  12685. RAT.WeeksRewards=REWARDS THIS WEEK
  12686. RAT.Placement=EST. PLACEMENT
  12687. RAT.TopPercent=TOP {percent:%i}%
  12690. RAT.LeaderboardPrompt={dbutton:%hs} KOMBAT KARD {lbutton:%hs} {gamercard:%s}
  12691. RAT.RankHeader=RANK
  12692. RAT.ScoreHeader=SCORE
  12693. RAT.PercentileFormat=Top {num:%u}%
  12694. Inventory.OpenPrompt={rtbutton:%hs} INVENTORY
  12695. ToT.KosmeticsPrompt={dbutton:%hs} KOSMETICS
  12696. TIP.CompletionRewards=KOMPLETION REWARDS
  12697. TIP.PerformanceRewards=PERFORMANCE REWARDS
  12698. TIP.OpponentsLabel=OPPONENTS
  12699. TIP.DifficultyLabel=DIFFICULTY
  12700. TIP.CharacterLabel=CHARACTER
  12701. TIP.BrutalTitle=BRUTAL DIFFICULTY
  12702. TIP.ModifiersHeader=MODIFIERS
  12703. TIP.ModifiersNone=NONE
  12704. TIP.HighScore=HIGH SCORE:
  12705. TIP.Rank=RANK:
  12706. TIP.NormalDifficulty=NORMAL
  12707. TIP.BrutalDifficulty=BRUTAL
  12708. TIP.Rewards=REWARDS
  12709. TIP.VeryEasy=VERY EASY
  12710. TIP.Easy=EASY
  12711. TIP.Medium=MEDIUM
  12712. TIP.Hard=HARD
  12713. TIP.VeryHard=VERY HARD
  12714. TIP.Invalid=
  12716. TOP.Rewards=REWARDS
  12717. TRP.Requirements=REQUIREMENTS
  12718. TPP.RecommendedTitle=RECOMMENDED
  12719. TPP.ItemCount=x{number:%d}
  12720. TPP.ConsumablePrompt={acceptButton:%hs} USE A KONSUMABLE
  12721. TEP.OpponentNumber=OPPONENT {number:%d}
  12722. TSP.DefaultSubtitle=CHARACTER TOWERS
  12723. TSP.UnlockTitle=COST TO UNLOCK
  12724. TSP.UnlockPrompt={acceptButton:%hs} PURCHASE
  12725. TSP.CannotUnlockPrompt=INSUFFICIENT RESOURCES
  12726. TSP.AvailableTitle=AVAILABLE
  12727. TSP.AvailablePrompt={acceptButton:%hs} SUMMON
  12728. TSP.ActiveTitle=ACTIVE
  12729. TSP.ClearedTitle=CLEARED!
  12730. LeaderboardInvalid=No leaderboard data available
  12732. [Character.Attribute]
  12733. Female=FEMALE
  12735. [Character.Attribute.Char]
  12736. Female=FEMALE CHARACTER
  12739. [PortalQuest]
  12740. PQCompleteQuestDesc=KOMPLETE {eventName:%s} TOWER
  12741. PQCharacterCompletionDesc=KOMPLETE {eventName:%s} TOWER WITH {character:%s}
  12742. PQFemaleCompletionDesc=KOMPLETE {eventName:%s} WITH A FEMALE CHARACTER
  12743. PQEquipmentQualityDesc1=KOMPLETE {event:%s} TOWER WITH {number:%d} {rarity:%s} GEAR
  12744. PQEquipmentQualityDesc2=KOMPLETE {event:%s} TOWER WITH {number:%d} {rarity:%s} GEAR, {number1:%d} {rarity1:%s} GEAR
  12745. PQEquipmentQualityDesc3=KOMPLETE {event:%s} TOWER WITH {number:%d} {rarity:%s} GEAR, {number1:%d} {rarity1:%s} GEAR, {number2:%d} {rarity2:%s} GEAR
  12747. [PortalDonationPopup]
  12748. SpendKoinsSubtitle=DONATE KOINS
  12749. KoinIcon=[koin]
  12750. KoinsLabel=KOINS
  12751. SpendSoulsSubtitle=SPEND SOULS
  12752. SoulIcon=[soul]
  12753. SoulsLabel=SOULS
  12754. SpendHeartsSubtitle=SPEND HEARTS
  12755. HeartIcon=[heart]
  12756. HeartsLabel=HEARTS
  12757. AcceptPrompt={acceptButton:%hs} CONFIRM
  12758. CancelPrompt={cancelButton:%hs} CANCEL
  12760. [LootTable]
  12761. CondenseLineFormat={name:%s} x{number:%d}
  12762. GenericSlotName=SLOT
  12763. Generic=RANDOM REWARD
  12764. GenericDebug=RANDOM REWARD BUG_ME
  12765. RandomeGear=RANDOM GEAR
  12766. RandomQualityAugment=RANDOM {quality:%s} AUGMENT
  12767. RandomAugment=RANDOM AUGMENT
  12768. RandomQualityGear=RANDOM {quality:%s} GEAR
  12769. RandomSlotGearWithQuality=RANDOM {quality:%s} {slotName:%s}
  12770. RandomSlotGear=RANDOM {slotName:%s}
  12771. RandomCharacterWithSlotGear=RANDOM {character:%s} {slotName:%s}
  12772. RandomCharacterWithSlotGearWithQuality={quality:%s} {character:%s} {slotName:%s}
  12773. RandomCharacterWithAugment=RANDOM {character:%s} AUGMENT
  12774. RandomCharacterWithAugmentWithQuality=RANDOM {quality:%s} {character:%s} AUGMENT
  12775. RandomPortalKey=RANDOM PORTAL KEY
  12776. RandomQualityPortalKey=RANDOM {quality:%s} PORTAL KEY
  12777. RandomSpendableItem=RANDOM KONSUMABLE
  12778. RandomQualitySpendableItem=RANDOM {quality:%s} KONSUMABLE
  12780. [Wallet]
  12785. [AsyncRaid]
  12786. Retry=RETRY
  12787. Ready=READY
  12788. NotReady=NOT READY
  12789. Restart=RESTART
  12791. Quit=QUIT
  12792. Empty=
  12794. [LootChest]
  12795. ChestTier1=CHEST TIER 1
  12796. ChestTier2=CHEST TIER 2
  12797. ChestTier3=CHEST TIER 3
  12798. ChestTier4=CHEST TIER 4
  12799. ChestTier5=CHEST TIER 5
  12800. GuildTier1=GUILD TIER 1
  12801. GuildTier2=GUILD TIER 2
  12802. GuildTier3=GUILD TIER 3
  12804. [AIFighter.UI]
  12805. Team=TEAM
  12806. Rank=SCORE
  12807. WinLoss=RANKED W/L
  12808. WinLossValue="{winValue:%d} / {lossValue:%d}"
  12809. SelectOpponentPrompt={challengeButton:%hs} CHALLENGE {refreshButton:%hs} REFRESH {backButton:%hs} BACK
  12810. ReturnToSelect=Do you want to return to opponent select?
  12811. PreviouslySelectedTeam=CURRENT DEFENDERS
  12812. DefendingTeamTitle=DEFENDING TEAM
  12813. SelectAttackingTeam=SELECT ATTACKING TEAM
  12814. OpponentsTeam=OPPONENT'S TEAM
  12815. HubDailyRewardTitle=DAILY REWARDS EARNED
  12816. SetDefendersHelp="Welcome to AI Battle.\n\nHere you will send your AI Fighters to challenge other players' teams, but first select which fighters will be on your defending team.\n\nThese fighters will defend you when you are challenged by other players."
  12817. LeaderboardButton={button:%hs} VIEW LEADERBOARD
  12818. EnterFight=Confirm attacking team selection and enter the fight?
  12819. UnsetPoints=All points must be allocated
  12820. Winner=WINNER
  12821. SelectOpponent=SELECT OPPONENT
  12822. BattleLog=BATTLE LOG
  12823. Defending=DEFENDING
  12824. Attacking=ATTACKING
  12825. Defenders=DEFENDERS
  12826. Attackers=ATTACKERS
  12827. Info=INFO
  12828. RevertChangesYes="KONTINUE WITHOUT SAVING"
  12829. RevertChangesNo="CANCEL"
  12830. Opponent=OPPONENT TEAM
  12831. YourTeam=YOUR TEAM
  12832. Rewards=REWARDS
  12833. Won=WON
  12834. Lost=LOST
  12835. ViewProfile=VIEW PROFILE
  12836. ViewProfile_Xbox=VIEW GAMERCARD
  12837. ViewHeroCard=VIEW KOMBAT KARD
  12838. ViewReplay=VIEW REPLAY
  12839. Favorite=FAVORITE
  12840. Unfavorite=UNFAVORITE
  12841. Delete=DELETE MATCH
  12842. NoMatchHistory=NO MATCH HISTORY
  12843. BattleLogTimeFormat={number:%d}{labelType:%s}
  12844. BattleLogTimeFormatShort=<1{labelType:%s}
  12845. BattleLogButtonPrompt_ButtonSpace=" "
  12846. BattleLogButtonPrompt_KombatKard={kombatKardButton:%hs} KOMBAT KARD
  12847. BattleLogButtonPrompt_profile={profileButton:%hs} PROFILE
  12848. BattleLogButtonPrompt_profile.XB1={profileButton:%hs} GAMERCARD
  12849. BattleLogButtonPrompt_replay={replayButton:%hs} VIEW REPLAY
  12850. BattleLogButtonPrompt_favorite={favButton:%hs} FAVORITE
  12851. BattleLogButtonPrompt_unfavorite={favButton:%hs} UNFAVORITE
  12852. BattleLogButtonPrompt_Back={backButton:%hs} BACK
  12853. BattleLogButtonPrompt_NoRecords={backButton:%hs} BACK
  12854. BattleLogBasePrompt={optionsButton:%hs} MATCH OPTIONS {backButton:%hs} BACK
  12855. BattleLogPopupPrompt={selectButton:%hs} SELECT {optionsButton:%hs} CLOSE OPTIONS
  12856. BattleLogEmptyPrompt={backButton:%hs} BACK
  12857. DownloadingResults=DOWNLOADING RESULTS
  12858. EnteringAIFighterMenu=RETRIEVING DATA
  12860. SearchingForOpponents=SEARCHING FOR OPPONENTS
  12861. NoOpponentsAvailable=COULD NOT FIND OPPONENTS
  12864. ChallengeResultSentFailed=COULD NOT SEND MATCH RESULTS
  12865. SendingMatchResults=SENDING MATCH RESULTS
  12866. DefensiveTeamUpdateFailed=FAILED TO UPDATE TEAM
  12867. DefensiveTeamUpdateSuccess=DEFENDING TEAM UPDATED
  12868. PersonalityPresets=PERSONALITY PRESETS
  12869. WellRounded=WELL ROUNDED
  12870. WellRoundedDescription=Stats are distributed for balanced play.
  12871. HardZoner=HARD ZONER
  12872. HardZonerDescription=Tries to keep distance from opponent and throw Projectiles.
  12873. Strategic=STRATEGIC
  12874. StrategicDescription=Tends to punish whiffed attacks and doesn't take risks.
  12875. Maniac=MANIAC
  12876. ManiacDescription=Tries to stay close to the opponent and constantly attack.
  12877. Empty=EMPTY
  12878. EmptyDescription=Reset all attributes back to zero.
  12879. ChestRewarded=CHEST REWARDED
  12880. AttackerReward=ATTACKER REWARD
  12881. DefenderReward=DEFENDER REWARD
  12882. Button={button:%hs}
  12883. FastForwardNone=DISABLE FAST FORWARD
  12884. FastForwardNormal=ENABLE FAST FORWARD [2X]
  12885. FastForwardFast=ENABLE FAST FORWARD [4X]
  12886. QuitToMainMenuConfirm=Exiting now will count as a loss and will not give any rewards.
  12887. SelectAttackingDescription=SELECT ATTACKING TEAM
  12888. SelectDefendingDescription=SELECT DEFENDING TEAM
  12889. OpponentDefendingDescription=CURRENT DEFENDING TEAM
  12890. NoMatchRecordsFound=NO BATTLE LOG RESULTS FOUND
  12891. BattleLogDefendingRewards=DEFENDING DAILY REWARDS
  12892. BattleLogAttackingRewards=ATTACKING DAILY REWARDS
  12893. AIFLockedMenuDescription=Assign Your Defenders to Access This Feature
  12894. UnlockUITitle=
  12896. [AIFighterHUB.UI]
  12897. Fight.Title=
  12898. Fight.Desc=
  12899. Manage.Title=
  12900. Manage.Desc=
  12902. Empty.Title=
  12903. Empty.Desc=
  12904. FightAnyone.Title=FIND A BATTLE
  12905. FightAnyone.Desc=
  12906. FightFriends.Title=SPAR WITH FRIENDS
  12907. FightFriends.Desc=
  12908. SetDefenders.Title=ASSIGN DEFENDERS
  12909. SetDefenders.Desc=
  12910. BattleLog.Title=BATTLE LOG
  12911. BattleLog.Desc=
  12913. [GroupBattle]
  12914. GroupBattle.Name=GROUP BATTLE
  12915. GroupBattle.Desc=CHOOSE YOUR FATE
  12916. TagBattle.Name=TAG BATTLE
  12917. TagBattle.Desc=CHOOSE YOUR FATE
  12918. SearchOption=SEARCH FOR PLAYERS
  12919. SearchOptionDesc=FIND ALLIES TO ASSIST YOU
  12920. InviteOption=INVITE PLAYERS
  12921. InviteOptionDesc=INVITE FRIENDS TO ASSIST YOU
  12922. SoloOption=SINGLE PLAYER
  12923. SoloOptionDesc=PROCEED ALONE
  12925. [GroupBattle.EventTitle]
  12926. Debug=DEBUG
  12927. DebugTag=DEBUG TAG
  12928. Scorpion_1=Lost to Vengeance
  12929. SubZero_1=Legacy of the Cryomancers
  12930. Skarlet_1=Forbidden Blood Rites
  12931. Raiden_1=Beast of Storms
  12932. Baraka_1=Tarkatan Raiding Party
  12933. Sonya_1=Special Training Session
  12934. Terminas_1=Out of Time
  12935. DVorah_1=Infestation Harbinger
  12936. Cassie_1=Graduation Exam
  12937. Jade_1=Honor Guard's Test
  12938. Kano_1=Rigged Fight
  12939. LiuKang_1=Champion's Challenge
  12940. KungLao_1=Ancestor's Test
  12941. Kabal_1=Black Dragon Apex Tech
  12942. ErronBlack_1=Bounty Hunter's Big Contract
  12943. CyberFrost_1=Cybernetic Assassin
  12944. KotalKahn_1=Bow Down
  12945. Kollector_1=Rare Goods
  12946. NoobSaibot_1=Consuming Night
  12947. Cetrion_1=Nature's Fury
  12948. JohnnyCage_1=Hands Off the Goods
  12949. ShaoKahn_1=Conquest Denied
  12950. Kitana_1=Coronation of the Queen
  12951. Jacqui_1=Special Weapons Testing
  12952. Jax_1=Sparring Match
  12953. Tag_Scorpion_1=Shirai Ryu Training
  12954. Tag_SubZero_1=Successor to the Lineage
  12955. Tag_Skarlet_1=Vile Blood Pits
  12956. Tag_Raiden_1=Lightning God's Training
  12957. Tag_Baraka_1=Blood Feast
  12958. Tag_Sonya_1=Rogue Commander
  12959. Tag_Terminas_1=Be Kind, Rewind
  12960. Tag_DVorah_1=Extermination Protocol
  12961. Tag_Cassie_1=Covert Infiltration
  12962. Tag_Jade_1=Assassin's Mourning
  12963. Tag_Kano_1=Smuggler's Karma
  12964. Tag_LiuKang_1=Shaolin Training
  12965. Tag_KungLao_1=Keeper of Order
  12966. Tag_Kabal_1=Road Rage
  12967. Tag_ErronBlack_1=Famous Outlaw
  12968. Tag_CyberFrost_1=Long Thaw
  12969. Tag_KotalKahn_1=Fruit of Sacrifice
  12970. Tag_Kollector_1=Valuable Antiques
  12971. Tag_NoobSaibot_1=Shadowy Assassin
  12972. Tag_Cetrion_1=Elemental Defilement
  12973. Tag_JohnnyCage_1=Academy Awards
  12974. Tag_ShaoKahn_1=Deposed Ruler
  12975. Tag_Kitana_1=Fallen Princess
  12976. Tag_Jacqui_1=Burst Fire
  12977. Tag_Jax_1=Cage Match
  12979. [GroupBattle.EventDescription]
  12980. Debug=DEBUG
  12981. DebugTag=DEBUG TAG
  12982. Scorpion_1=Scorpion has lost himself to his rage and vengeance. Cooperate with other fighters to defeat him!
  12983. SubZero_1=The blood of Cryomancers flows strong in Sub Zero's veins. Put an end to his lineage!
  12984. Skarlet_1=Skarlet is performing hideous and profane magicks. End her vile rituals!
  12985. Raiden_1=Raiden is consumed by his wrath. Join forces and put an end to his rampage.
  12986. Baraka_1=Baraka is leading a raiding party to savage Earthrealm. Defeat him and disband the invading force!
  12987. Sonya_1=Sonya has offered a special training session. Defeat her and show her what you've learned.
  12988. Terminas_1=Geras is contorting the flow of time. Put an end to his scheme!
  12989. DVorah_1=An unfathomably large swarm is closing in, led by D'Vorah. Disperse them by defeating her!
  12990. Cassie_1=Cassie believes she is ready to take on even more responsibility. Beat her down and send her back to school!
  12991. Jade_1=Jade is seeking members to fight by her side, protecting those she holds dear. Defeat her and show your worth!
  12992. Kano_1=Kano has rigged a fight and plans to use you to make a pretty penny. Team up and upset his plans!
  12993. LiuKang_1=Liu Kang is a champion of the Mortal Kombat tournament. Challenge him and defeat him!
  12994. KungLao_1=Kung Lao is trying to prove himself worthy of his namesake. Shatter his ambitions!
  12995. Kabal_1=Kabal has gotten some very dangerous upgrades. Beat him down and destroy them.
  12996. ErronBlack_1=Erron Black is out to collect a bounty on your head. Show him who he messed with!
  12997. CyberFrost_1=Frost is here to take you down. Fight back and shut down her assassination.
  12998. KotalKahn_1=Kotal has demanded that you bow down before him. Defy him and take him down a peg!
  12999. Kollector_1=The Kollector is here to take a memento from you for his collection. By force. Stop him!
  13000. NoobSaibot_1=Noob Saibot is on a rampage, bringing shadows and death in his wake. Put an end to this dark night!
  13001. Cetrion_1=Cetrion has come to bring vengeance for the planet. Stop her and protect the people of Earthrealm.
  13002. JohnnyCage_1=Hollywood stars and their egos always seem larger than life. Bring Johnny crashing back down to reality!
  13003. ShaoKahn_1=Shao Kahn has returned, and he will not let his conquest be stopped again. Stand against him!
  13004. Kitana_1=Kitana seeks to take control of the Netherrealm as its queen, attacking Earthrealm. Stop her!
  13005. Jacqui_1=New weapons and toys have arrived. Help Jacqui test them out in an all out brawl.
  13006. Jax_1=Help Jax knock the rust off in a brutal sparring match. Go all the way with a legend!
  13007. Tag_Scorpion_1=Endure Scorpion's harsh training and show him who the real master is!
  13008. Tag_SubZero_1=Fight together to help Sub Zero fully master the Cryomancer blood in his veins!
  13009. Tag_Skarlet_1=Skarlet has ambushed you to drain your blood for her rituals. Stop her!
  13010. Tag_Raiden_1=Raiden has come to test your might. Show him your power!
  13011. Tag_Baraka_1=Baraka is gorging on innocent victims of his Tarkatans. Put an end to his evil!
  13012. Tag_Sonya_1=Sonya has gone rogue! Beat some sense back into her!
  13013. Tag_Terminas_1=Geras is attempting to rewind time. Stop him before he begins!
  13014. Tag_DVorah_1=Carniverous Insects are swarming everywhere. Defeat D'Vorah to drive them back.
  13015. Tag_Cassie_1=Cassie has ambushed you on her infiltration mission. Send her packing!
  13016. Tag_Jade_1=Jade is mourning the loss of her loved ones. Kill her and reunite them!
  13017. Tag_Kano_1=Join a sting operation and put an end to Kano's weapon dealing.
  13018. Tag_LiuKang_1=Liu Kang has offered a training session with him. Show him what a true master looks like!
  13019. Tag_KungLao_1=Kung Lao is fighting to protect Order on Earthrealm. Defeat him and bring Chaos!
  13020. Tag_Kabal_1=Kabal is terrorizing the roads. Go after him and put the brakes on!
  13021. Tag_ErronBlack_1=You've tracked down Erron Black. Kill him and collect the bounty on his head!
  13022. Tag_CyberFrost_1=Frost has been sighted. Take down this cybernetic abomination!
  13023. Tag_KotalKahn_1=Kotal Kahn has gained incredible power from human sacrifice! Drive him back!
  13024. Tag_Kollector_1=Defeat the Kollector and take possession of some of his antiques!
  13025. Tag_NoobSaibot_1=Noob Saibot has been killing high profile people. Put an end to his reign of terror!
  13026. Tag_Cetrion_1=Cetrion is striking back! Defend yourself and defeat her!
  13027. Tag_JohnnyCage_1=Johnny is trashing an award party. Put him in his place!
  13028. Tag_ShaoKahn_1=Shao Kahn has come to exact vengeance for his defeat! Fight back and defeat him again.
  13029. Tag_Kitana_1=Kitana is trying to assert her position as the Edenian Princess. Make sure the kingdom stays fallen.
  13030. Tag_Jacqui_1=Jacqui has many powerful weapons. Kill her and claim them for yourself!
  13031. Tag_Jax_1=Jax is seeking revenge for his friends. Defeat him and escape from his trap!
  13033. [GroupBattle.Results]
  13034. Performance=PERFORMANCE
  13035. TeamResults=TEAM RESULTS
  13036. TotalResults=TOTAL
  13037. Victory=VICTORY
  13038. BossDamage=BOSS DAMAGE
  13039. Supermoves=FATAL BLOWS
  13041. MaxDamageCombo=MAX DAMAGE KOMBO
  13042. TimeFighting=TIME FIGHTING
  13043. ModifiersUsed=MODIFIERS USED
  13044. TotalBossDamage=TOTAL BOSS DAMAGE
  13045. TotalPoints=TOTAL POINTS
  13046. TotalModifiersUsed=TOTAL MODIFIERS USED
  13047. TotalTimeFighting=TOTAL TIME FIGHTING
  13048. TeamBossDamage=%hs BOSS DAMAGE
  13049. TeamPoints=%hs POINTS
  13051. [Movelist]
  13053. Style=STYLE MOVES LIST
  13054. Supers=FATAL BLOWS LIST
  13056. pickup="[R1] or [FP]+[BP]"
  13064. BasicMoves=BASIC ATTACKS
  13065. ComboMoves=KOMBO ATTACKS
  13066. FinishingMoves=FATALITIES
  13067. Gimmicks=POWER
  13068. Not Entered="NOT ENTERED"
  13069. Jump Attacks=JUMPING ATTACKS
  13070. Jump Up Attacks=QUICK JUMPING ATTACKS
  13071. Wake Up Attacks=GETUP ATTACKS
  13072. Throws=THROWS
  13073. BackDash=Dash Backwards
  13074. Block Attacks=FLAWLESS BLOCK ATTACKS
  13075. AirEscape=AIR ESCAPE
  13076. RollEscape=ROLL ESCAPES
  13078. MoveListHigh=High
  13079. MoveListMedium=Mid
  13080. MoveListLow=Low
  13081. MoveListUnblockable=Unblockable
  13082. MoveListThrow=Throw
  13083. MoveListOverhead=Overhead
  13084. MoveListNone=N/A
  13085. MoveListRollFwd=Getup Forward Roll
  13086. MoveListRollBwd=Getup Backward Roll
  13088. MLTitleType=MOVE TYPE:
  13089. MLTitleSU=START UP:
  13090. MLTitleActive=ACTIVE:
  13091. MLTitleRecover=RECOVERY:
  13092. MLTitleDamage=DAMAGE:
  13093. MLTitleBlockDamage=BLOCK DAMAGE:
  13094. MLTitleBlock=BLOCK ADV:
  13095. MLTitleHit=HIT ADV:
  13096. MLTitleCancel=CANCEL ADV:
  13097. MLTitlePerfectBlock=F/BLOCK ADV:
  13098. MLTitlePerfectBlockDamage=F/BLOCK DAMAGE:
  13099. InputCommands=I N P U T K O M M A N D S
  13100. MoveData=M O V E D A T A
  13101. FrameData=F R A M E D A T A
  13102. FrameDataHelpTitle1=
  13103. FrameDataHelpBody1=
  13104. FrameDataHelpTitle2=
  13105. FrameDataHelpBody2=
  13107. AbilityMove=Equipped Ability Move
  13108. MoveStrengthBuff=Move affected by STRENGTH stat
  13109. MoveAbilityBuff=Move affected by ABILITY stat
  13113. ;
  13114. ;[IsisMovesList]
  13115. ;
  13117. ;Basic Attacks
  13118. Meow="Meow"
  13121. attackAnyButton=[FP] or [BP] or [FK] or [BK]
  13122. ww_sp_down_away_1_shield=[Down][Away][FP], [FP],[BP],[FK],
  13124. sp_downaway_4=[AwayDown][+][BK]
  13125. sp_downtowards_4=[TowardsDown][+][BK]
  13127. throwdown="[Down][+][L1]"
  13128. throwfrd="[Towards][+][L1]"
  13129. throw="[L1]"
  13130. throwAway1="[L1] or [FP][+][FK]"
  13131. throwfrd1="[Towards][+][L1] or [Towards][+][FP][+][FK]"
  13132. throw1="[FP][+][FK]"
  13134. RIGHT_TRIGGER=[R2]
  13135. LEFT_TRIGGER=[L2]
  13136. XRAY_TRIGGER="[R2]+[L2]"
  13138. attack1=[FP]
  13139. attack1towards=[Towards][+][FP]
  13140. attack1away=[Away][+][FP]
  13141. attack1down=[Down][+][FP]
  13142. attack1up=[Up][+][FP]
  13144. attack2=[BP]
  13145. attack2towards=[Towards][+][BP]
  13146. attack2away=[Away][+][BP]
  13147. attack2down=[Down][+][BP]
  13148. attack2up=[Up][+][BP]
  13149. attack2towards_down=[Towards][+][BP][,][Down]
  13151. attack3=[FK]
  13152. attack3towards=[Towards][+][FK]
  13153. attack3away=[Away][+][FK]
  13154. attack3down=[Down][+][FK]
  13155. attack3up=[Up][+][FK]
  13156. sp_jump_punch=[FP] or [BP]
  13157. sp_jump_kick=[FK] or [BK]
  13158. sp_hop_jump_punch=[Up][,][FP] or [Up][,][BP]
  13159. sp_hop_jump_kick=[Up][,][FK] or [Up][,][BK]
  13160. forwardcancel=[Towards][Towards]
  13161. awaycancel=[Away][Away]
  13163. attack4=[BK]
  13164. attack4_up=[BK][,][Up]
  13165. attack4_down=[BK][,][Down]
  13166. attack4towards=[Towards][+][BK]
  13167. attack4away=[Away][+][BK]
  13168. attack4away_up=[Away][+][BK][,][Up]
  13169. attack4away_down=[Away][+][BK][,][Down]
  13170. attack4down=[Down][+][BK]
  13171. attack4up=[Up][+][BK]
  13173. attack1_1=[FP][,][FP]
  13174. attack1towards_1n3=[Towards][+][FP][,][FP][+][FK]
  13175. attack1towards_throw=[Towards][+][FP][,][FP][+][FK]
  13176. attack1towards_1n3_4=[Towards][+][FP][,][FP][+][FK][,][BK]
  13177. attack1towards_throw_4=[Towards][+][FP][,][FP][+][FK][,][BK]
  13178. attack1towards_1=[Towards][+][FP][,][FP]
  13179. attack1away_1=[Away][+][FP][,][FP]
  13180. attack1away_1n3=[Away][+][FP][,][FP][+][FK]
  13181. attack1away_1n3_2=[Away][+][FP][,][FP][+][FK][,][BP]
  13182. attack1away_throw_2=[Away][+][FP][,][FP][+][FK][,][BP]
  13183. attack1away_2n4=[Away][+][FP][,][BP][+][BK]
  13184. attack1away_throw=[Away][+][FP][,][FP][+][FK]
  13185. attack1down_1=[Down][+][FP][,][FP]
  13186. attack1up_1=[Up][+][FP][,][FP]
  13187. attack1_1towards=[FP][,][Towards][+][FP]
  13188. attack1_1away=[FP][,][Away][+][FP]
  13189. attack1_1down=[FP][,][Down][+][FP]
  13190. attack1_1up=[FP][,][Up][+][FP]
  13192. attack1_2=[FP][,][BP]
  13193. attack1towards_2=[Towards][+][FP][,][BP]
  13194. attack1away_2=[Away][+][FP][,][BP]
  13195. attack1away_2up=[Away][+][FP][,][BP][+][Up]
  13196. attack1away_3up=[Away][+][FP][,][FK][+][Up]
  13197. attack1down_2=[Down][+][FP][,][BP]
  13198. attack1up_2=[Up][+][FP][,][BP]
  13199. attack1_2towards=[FP][,][Towards][+][BP]
  13200. attack1_2away=[FP][,][Away][+][BP]
  13201. attack1_2down=[FP][,][Down][+][BP]
  13202. attack1_2up=[FP][,][Up][+][BP]
  13203. attack1towards_3down=[Towards][+][FP][,][Down][+][FK]
  13205. attack1_3=[FP][,][FK]
  13206. attack1towards_3=[Towards][+][FP][,][FK]
  13207. attack1away_3=[Away][+][FP][,][FK]
  13208. attack1away_3down=[Away][+][FP][,][FK][+][Down]
  13209. attack1down_3=[Down][+][FP][,][FK]
  13210. attack1down_2down=[Down][+][FP][,][Down][+][BP]
  13211. attack1down_2down_3down=[Down][+][FP][,][Down][+][BP][,][Down][+][FK]
  13212. attack1up_3=[Up][+][FP][,][FK]
  13213. attack1_3towards=[FP][,][Towards][+][FK]
  13214. attack1_3away=[FP][,][Away][+][FK]
  13215. attack1_3down=[FP][,][Down][+][FK]
  13216. attack1_3up=[FP][,][Up][+][FK]
  13218. attack1_4=[FP][,][BK]
  13219. attack1towards_4=[Towards][+][FP][,][BK]
  13220. attack1away_4=[Away][+][FP][,][BK]
  13221. attack1down_4=[Down][+][FP][,][BK]
  13222. attack1up_4=[Up][+][FP][,][BK]
  13223. attack1_4towards=[FP][,][Towards][+][BK]
  13224. attack1_4away=[FP][,][Away][+][BK]
  13225. attack1_4down=[FP][,][Down][+][BK]
  13226. attack1_4up=[FP][,][Up][+][BK]
  13228. attack2_1n3=[BP][,][FP][+][FK]
  13229. attack2_throw=[BP][,][FP][+][FK]
  13230. attack2_1=[BP][,][FP]
  13231. attack2towards_1=[Towards][+][BP][,][FP]
  13232. attack2away_1n3=[Away][+][BP][,][FP][+][FK]
  13233. attack2away_throw=[Away][+][BP][,][FP][+][FK]
  13234. attack2towards_throw=[Towards][+][BP][,][FP][+][FK]
  13235. attack2towards_1n3=[Towards][+][BP][,][FP][+][FK]
  13236. attack2towards_1n3_towards=[Towards][+][BP][,][FP][+][FK][,][Towards]
  13237. attack2away_1=[Away][+][BP][,][FP]
  13238. attack2down_1=[Down][+][BP][,][FP]
  13239. attack2down_1down=[Down][+][BP][,][Down][+][FP]
  13240. attack2up_1=[Up][+][BP][,][FP]
  13241. attack2_1towards=[BP][,][Towards][+][FP]
  13242. attack2_1away=[BP][,][Away][+][FP]
  13243. attack2_1down=[BP][,][Down][+][FP]
  13244. attack2_1up=[BP][,][Up][+][FP]
  13245. attack4towards_1n3=[Towards][+][BK][,][FP][+][FK]
  13246. attack4towards_throw=[Towards][+][BK][,][FP][+][FK]
  13247. attack4towards_throw_2=[Towards][+][BK][,][FP][+][FK][,][BP]
  13248. attack4towards_throw_2_2=[Towards][+][BK][,][FP][+][FK][,][BP][,][BP]
  13249. attack4towards_throw_2_2_2=[Towards][+][BK][,][FP][+][FK][,][BP][,][BP][,][BP]
  13250. attack4towards_throw_2_2_2_2=[Towards][+][BK][,][FP][+][FK][,][BP][,][BP][,][BP][,][BP]
  13251. attack4towards_1n3_2=[Towards][+][BK][,][FP][+][FK][,][BP]
  13252. attack4towards_1n3_2_2=[Towards][+][BK][,][FP][+][FK][,][BP][,][BP]
  13253. attack4towards_1n3_2_2_2=[Towards][+][BK][,][FP][+][FK][,][BP][,][BP][,][BP]
  13254. attack4towards_1n3_2_2_2_2=[Towards][+][BK][,][FP][+][FK][,][BP][,][BP][,][BP][,][BP]
  13257. attack2_2=[BP][,][BP]
  13258. attack2towards_2=[Towards][+][BP][,][BP]
  13259. attack2towards_2down=[Towards][+][BP][,][Down][,][BP]
  13261. attack2away_2=[Away][+][BP][,][BP]
  13262. attack2down_2=[Down][+][BP][,][BP]
  13263. attack2down_2down=[Down][+][BP][,][Down][+][BP]
  13264. attack2up_2=[Up][+][BP][,][BP]
  13265. attack2_2towards=[BP][,][Towards][+][BP]
  13266. attack2_2away=[BP][,][Away][+][BP]
  13267. attack2_2do
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