
GSiE (4): A Dashing New Coat. (Oh god, I suck at puns)

Jul 17th, 2012
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  1. Chapter 4 :
  2. >You and M are walking around the town, getting a better idea of where things are, and how things operate.
  3. >As far as you can tell, its somewhat like a town on earth, but with p0nies, and nothing is similar in the slightest bit.
  4. >”So Anon.” M breaks the silence
  5. >”Yeah?”
  6. >”You bought a bar.”
  7. >”You're mighty good with the obvious there, M.” you chuckle.
  8. >”Are you sure this was a good idea?”
  9. >You look towards him with a questioning look.
  10. >”M, when have I ever had a ba-” he cuts you off
  11. >”Don't ask something you ain't ready to hear the answer to.” M smiles.
  12. >Your horse is cracking jokes at your expense, and you can't do anything but smile.
  13. >Well, smile and wonder if there was anything funny about that cactus fruit you ate before robbing that corrupted, pathetic excuse of a town.
  15. >”Pretty crazy situation we got ourselves into, eh?” you nudge his side
  16. >”You got that right, part'.” M mumbles.
  17. >”What do you think of the town so far?” Your switch from pleasantries to business is quick.
  18. >”Seems nice enough. Then again, so did that one girl you were trying to win over.” he looks at the buildings you're passing by.
  19. >”Are you talking about that girl in El Paso?” you turn your head to look him in the eye.
  20. >”Yup” He continues to stare straight ahead, the corners of his mouth rising slightly.
  21. >”I had all but forgotten about her. Why'd you have to bring her up?” You say with a slight chuckle.
  22. >”Because I ended up getting stabbed cause of her” He looks at you with angry eyes.
  23. >”Oh hush, you were stabbed in the flank with a fork.”
  24. >”The sharpest fork I have ever been stabbed by” his voice trails off.
  25. >”M, that's the only fork you've ever been stabbed by.”
  26. >”Doesn't make it any less true.”
  27. >The two of you laugh at the memory of a happier time.
  28. >After a moment, the laughter dies.
  29. >”She really was something else, wasn't she?” a sad smile reaches your lips
  30. >”Yup, she really was...” M looks away.
  32. >This is your third pass through the town.
  33. >You know where most everything is now, and you know of some escape routes just in case things go south.
  34. >Ironically, none of the routes you mapped out go south.
  35. >You don't want to end up in that forest again.
  36. >”Hey Anon. Can I ask you a question?”
  37. >”What's on your mind, pal?”
  38. >”Why'd you buy the bar? You are already ridiculously rich by their standards.”
  39. >”Yes, I may have some money, but those silver coins are going to wear down eventually. Besides, that bar will provide me with something far more valuable than any amount of silver and gold.”
  40. >M shoots you a strange look.
  41. >”Anon, it may be a dive, but I don't think its *that* kind of bar...” his eyes dart nervously side to side.
  42. >”No, not that you fool. Information. The bar will get me information about the night life far faster than if I just followed some suspicious looking folk around.”
  43. >You stop to remove your hat, running a hand through your jet black hair.
  44. >Your hair feels gritty like gunpowder and clay.
  45. >Oh right, you got exploded by a stick of dynamite.
  46. >Surprising you even have a hat anymore. Or any of your limbs on your right side.
  47. >You look at your scorched sleeve. The seam burned completely off.
  48. >”Hey M?”
  49. >He turns to you.
  50. >”How are we alive?” You try to dust off your coat sleeve, but the scorch is something you can't just wipe off.
  51. >”I don't rightly know Anon,” A grey mare with wings and blonde hair walks past M, smiling. ”but I sure am glad we are.”
  52. >He watches her walk past, letting out a simple smile as she trots off.
  53. >”If I can take you away from your mare watching for a minute, I think I need new coat.” You dust the sleeve harder, only to have it fall off.
  54. >Yeah. Definitely need a new coat.
  56. >Picking up your fallen sleeve, you ask a cyan winged pony where you could find a tailor.
  57. >”Tailor? As in clothes-maker? My good friend Rarity is pretty awesome at making clothes. Follow that path straight down, make your first right, and walk into a carousel looking building. You literally can't miss it, unless you're blind or something.”
  58. >What a terrible fate for a gunslinger such as yourself.
  59. >”Thank you very much, ma'am.” you tip your hat to her
  60. >”No problem, bro”
  61. >Strange. Very strange, because last you checked, you aren't related to horses.
  62. >Hold on. This voice sounds familiar. Very familiar.
  63. >Her voice is the one that told that bartender to give you whiskey
  64. >She told someone to give you alcohol.
  65. >If'n you had a posse, that alone would earn her a promotion.
  66. >”You're that woma- mare from the bar who helped me get a drink. Thanks.”
  67. >”No problem, man. I would be upset if I was refused service because of how I look.”
  68. >”And here I thought my winning smile and courteous nature would win the hearts of the townsfolk.” You say with a grin.
  69. >”Man, the p0nies in this town have some serious issues with meeting new p0nies,” she chuckles “As long as you don't hurt anyp0ny, you should be fine. Just give em a few days to warm up to you.”
  70. >”Well, thanks for helping me, both then and now. Name's Anon.” you hold out your hand to her.
  71. >She extends a hoof, and you grasp it a bit awkwardly. Your smile doesn't give way as you shake her hoof.
  72. >”Name's Rainbow Dash, fastest flier in Equestria!” She pulls her hoof back and strikes a heroic pose. “But my friends just call me Dash.”
  73. >M interjects for a moment.
  74. >”I'm M. My friends call me M.” He says with a goofy smile.
  75. >You let out a chuckle at his silly display.
  76. >”Well, Dash. Is it alright if I call you Dash?” She nods “It's been a pleasure. Next time we meet, drinks are on me.”
  77. >She lets out a smile and dashes off.
  79. >After slapping yourself in the face for your terrible pun, you walk in the direction Dash pointed out to you.
  80. >Sure enough, there is a building there very ornately decorated, and although you don't know what a carousel is, you know that this is the clothier's place of business.
  81. >Before you can get into the building, you hear the sounds of arguing voices
  82. >Oh boy, here we go.
  83. >You wait by the door for a second to listen in, hand resting on your revolver.
  84. >You can't hear a single thing through the door.
  85. >Focusing a bit harder, you close your eyes and place your ear against the door.
  86. >”Get out you uncouth ruffian! And do NOT come back into this shop!”
  87. >”Fine, I dont need your glorified rags, you harlot!”
  88. >You back your head off the door just in time for it to swing open inwards.
  89. >”G'day” You tip your hat towards the black maned pone.
  90. >”Buzz off, freak.” he bumps into your leg with force.
  91. >The temptation to trip him up is strong, but you resist.
  92. >”Howdy partner.” M says behind you.
  93. >”Hmph”
  94. >Walking further into the building, you try to take in as many details as you can.
  95. >An elegant sounding voice interrupts your thoughts.
  96. >”Hello! I am terribly sorry you had to witness that unpleasant display.” She says through a smile that seems a bit forced.
  97. >”Don't worry about it ma'am. I'm sure your actions were justified.” you say through a grin of your own.
  98. >You are all smiles today, Anon. Feeling good?
  99. >Yep, I sure am. Besides, is smiling not allowed now, brain?
  100. >No, it is, as long as you never forget...
  101. >Seriously right now, brain?
  102. >You told me to never let you forget. Don't be mad at me for doing what you told me.
  104. >*Ahem* “Are you alright? You zoned out for a minute there.” the white mare looks at you with genuine concern.
  105. >”Yes'm. Just remembered something not quite pleasant.”
  106. >”Does it have to do with that sad excuse of a coat you're wearing?” she gives your once stylish jacket a disgusted look.
  107. >”Surprisingly, it does.” you lie.
  108. >”I heard from a friend that you are the best tailor in all of town, and I am in need of a skilled tailor. “ You hold your right sleeve in your hand as further proof.
  109. >”I see. Well, stand right in front of that mirror, and I'll get the measuring tape. What happened to your coat that left it in such rough condition?”
  110. >”It's a long story. I remember me being lit on fire, and there being an explosion. After that, I woke up in a forest south of this here town.”
  111. >Her expression goes from one of disgust to pure shock.
  112. >”You woke up in the middle of the Everfree Forest?! How are you still in one piece?”
  113. >”I try to be as kind as I can, but this dog will fight if you rattle his cage” You lovingly pat your revolver.
  114. >She looks at your revolver, eyes full of curiosity.
  115. >”I'm sure whatever actions you took were justified,” She says with a smile”Well, as rude as it may be, we really must get back to business.”
  116. >”I understand ma'am.” Tailors are busy folks, they have a large number of things to sew, and very little time to sew them.
  117. >Or at least that's how it was in your world.
  118. >No one really wears clothing here, except that Applejack girl.
  119. >Mare?
  120. >Whatever
  122. >A warm blue aura wraps around your coat, and begins to tug on it.
  123. >You extend your arms behind you, and the coat floats off.
  124. >”Ma'am, if'n you don't mind, I'd like to ask you a couple questions.”
  125. >”Sure, sure. What do you want to know, darling?” she is focused on her tape that's wrapping around your waist.
  126. >”Well, how are you doing this?”
  127. >She loses interest in her tape, and looks you in the eye.
  128. >”What do you mean 'this'?” her voice is monotone.
  129. >”Well, how are you making things float? “
  130. >She stares for a moment before letting out a chuckle.
  131. >”Oh darling, you really aren't from around here, are you?”
  132. >You shake your head.
  133. >”Well, I'm a unicorn. See this?” She points a hoof at the horn on her head. “That's what lets me use magic.”
  134. >Magic?
  135. >You shot a magician once.
  136. >Nice enough guy. Put on a hell of a show.
  137. >You accidentally bumped into him at the bar as he was making off with some drunk's money clip.
  138. >So you stopped him.
  139. >With a bullet.
  140. >The drunk thanked you, and even bought you a drink.
  141. >That was a good night.
  142. >You snap back to the present, and see that the white pony has begun measuring you again.
  144. >”Darling, that shirt is in deplorable condition too. It's quite a mystery as to how you can get around wearing such rags all the time.”
  145. >You look down at your scorched, dirty, and slightly bloody shirt.
  146. >”Whats wrong with my shirt?”
  147. >She looks at you as if you're a stupid child.
  148. >”I admit, it's a bit dirty, but I love this shirt. When it isn't covered in dust, it's quite comfortable.”
  149. >She's still staring at you.
  150. >”You aren't going to stop staring until I ask for a new shirt, huh?”
  151. >Her simple nods stirs a sigh from you.
  152. >”Fine, I guess I'll be getting a shirt too. Nothing too fancy, please.” you say as you look at the gem encrusted mannequins that surround you.
  153. >You hope she ends up being a scoundrel, cause if you robbed this place, you would be richer than the good Lord himself.
  154. >But judging by her demeanor, she is as clean as her coat.
  155. >Hm... clean coat...
  156. >”Excuse me, miss, I hate to impose, but do you per chance have a washroom?”
  157. >”Yes, down the hall to the left. If you'd like, you can use the shower as well. It may be a bit small for someone of your... stature... but it should serve its purpose. Leave your clothes outside the door.”
  158. >”Much obliged” You say as you walk past her.
  159. >You were only going in there to wash your hands and face.
  160. >She's letting you use her shower though. That's really generous of her.
  161. >What's a shower?
  163. >Oh sweet merciful Jesus.
  164. >This shower thing is literally the greatest thing you've ever experienced.
  165. >Well, there was that one Mexican girl you had a fling with...
  166. >This shower thing literally the second greatest thing you've ever experienced.
  167. >You exit with a towel around your waist.
  168. >These towels were the right size for you, so they must be a bit large for these here p0ny-folk.
  169. >You grab your hat and red bandanna off the counter, placing the hat on your head and the bandanna around your neck before opening the door.
  170. >You opted to leave your gun belt on the counter.
  171. >No point in wearing a belt if you don't have pants.
  172. >”Ah, there you are. I just finished... your...”
  173. >She seems to be frozen in place.
  174. >”Uhm... miss Rarity?” M nudged her with his head
  175. >She looks you up and down, her mouth agape.
  176. >”Miss, is everything alright?” You say, kneeling to get to her eye level.
  177. >”Yes... Its's uncommon to see such a fit form with so many scars.”
  178. >Right. Scars. Those were always unsettling for people.
  179. >You quickly turn and walk back into the bathroom, closing the door behind you.
  181. >”Oh dear, I hope I didn't offend you!” the concerned tone is back.
  182. >”It's fine, ma'am. If'n you don't mind, I don't care much for being nude,” You turn on your charm “especially around a lady of such class and elegance as yourself.”
  183. >You swear you can hear her blushing.
  184. >”Such a gentlecolt!”
  185. >”Yup, always the gentleman. Especially to the pretty ones, ain't that right, Anon?” M chuckles
  186. >”Hey, why don'tcha hug a cactus, M?” you say through a closed door.
  187. >”You're clothing will be done in a moment, darling,”She says through a chuckle “I'll leave it outside the door when it is”
  188. >”Much appreciated.” You look yourself over in the mirror, stroking your goatee as you look yourself over.
  189. >Scars decorate your entire body like splattered paint on a tanned canvas.
  190. >A large burn scar covers your left shoulder and several small circular wounds over your chest, upper arms and abs.
  191. >Your back has multiple small scars from shrapnel hitting you. A very large scar stretches across from your right shoulder all the way down to your left hip.
  192. >There is also a thin line of a scar around your neck, but that's covered by your bandanna.
  193. >A voice interrupts your thoughts
  194. >”Okay, your new outfit is right outside the door. Get yourself dressed, and tell me what you think.”
  195. >You crack the door, grab the clothing, and pull it in, hastily getting dressed.
  197. >Walking out of the bathroom, you adjust your new shirt a little bit.
  198. >It's a simple shirt. Black, with a thin gold trim along the shoulders.
  199. >The jeans are simple as well, a dark blue with a fleur de les on each back pocket.
  200. >Your new coat is a lighter brown than the one you wore earlier. It has just as many pockets along the inside. The bottom of the coat rests a couple inches below your kneecaps.
  201. >Not to mention that it's soft as a pillow.
  202. >”Ma'am, you really outdid yourself on this. This is amazing. How much do I owe you?” You ask as you approach where your old jacket rests.
  203. >”I won't accept payment from you.” she says, an indignant look apparent.
  204. >”And why is that, ma'am?” You say with questioning eyes.
  205. >”Well, the coat you brought in is designed in a way I have never seen. I'm working on a new fashion line for winter season, but the styles were falling flat. Your coat design is just the boost it needs!” she claps her hooves together.
  206. >”I appreciate this immensely ma'am. If'n you ever need anything from me or my friend here, let us know, and we'll be glad to assist you.”
  207. >”Yup.”
  208. >”It's been a pleasure ma'am, and again, I can't thank you enough for everything you've done.” You take off your hat and bow slightly.
  209. >”Darling, don't mention it. The pleasure was all mine. Have a nice day.”
  210. >”Goodbye Miss Rarity.” M picks up her hoof and kisses it
  211. >The white mare's face turns pink
  212. >”Goodbye M. I do hope we will see each other again soon.” she says with a smile.
  213. >God damnit M.
  215. >You open the door to the shop and start to walk back to the bar
  216. >On the way there, you bump into a p0ny.
  217. >”Sorry” you mumble as you walk past him.
  218. >”Don't touch me, freak!” a familiar voice states
  219. >Wait a second.
  220. >You turn your head to see a familiar black maned pony.
  221. >”I said I'm sorry. There's no need for name calling, sir.” you say as calmly as you can.
  222. >Being called a freak is a new experience for you, but you don't really take offense to it.
  223. >”Getting smart with me, creep?” He turns to look at you angrily.
  224. >”No sir. I was just apologizing for bumping into you.”
  225. >”Watch your step, freak.”
  226. >You walk a little further before you hear M.
  227. >”Howdy mister.”
  228. >”Buck off!”
  229. >”Have a nice day.”
  230. >”Seriously?!” the angry voice yells into the distance
  231. >M walks up next to you, smile wide as ever.
  232. >Your questioning eye reaches his gaze
  233. >”Like you always say, kill 'em with kindness.” his smile doesn't falter
  234. >”Helps that the tailor girl back there took an interest in you, huh?”
  235. >”Yup”
  236. >You chuckle softly.
  237. >”So where are we heading, Anon?”
  238. >”Back to the bar. I need a drink.”
  239. >You readjust your hat, and head towards the bar, playing over that p0ny's words over and over
  240. >'Watch your step'
  241. >Why do those words rustle you so?
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