
Royal Majestate 101

Nov 27th, 2020
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  1. [Hog Rider]
  2. "Praise the Padishah of Pearls, perfect and pure is his gift." reads Vitamir
  3. "Padishah is king or like a Tsara?"
  5. [Ratty]
  6. "That's... you are mixing your heraldic terms a bit, but that's alright."
  7. "A padishah, I think, is actually a lot like your Tsara: They are both head priests."
  9. [Hog Rider]
  10. "That makes more sense. "
  12. [Ratty]
  13. "A king, while they are supposed to be selected by divine right, is not a god's representative. But a Padishah is less."
  14. "A king is much more. He is derived from tradition. Gundehar calls himself a King but for all intents and purposes he is a Baron: Elected into power, ultimately, through connections."
  15. "Also, I think it's not normal for Tsars and Tsaras to be priest. Yours just happens to also be the head of a church."
  17. [Hog Rider]
  18. "So a High Priest of a to a water related god has a gift...Which I assume is in the water."
  19. "Fascinating. You sound quite educated Otto, I only have experience and vocal history from my village, but you blow me out of the water with what you know."
  21. [Ratty]
  22. "This is not actually very in depth. I am hazy on a lot of details."
  23. "But as the most important thing from this lecture, remember this: The literal meaning of 'regent' is 'stand-in'."
  24. "There should be someone who should be ruling the land but they do not, and so we regents step in and do it for them. That someone is, of course, the gods. Our bloodlines give us a tiny bit of legitimacy."
  25. "But at no point did Sera step forth and say with a voice, booming over Rheulgard: Otto von Podenstahl shall henceforth be the master of the realm's finances. I was given the position by a human, who was given it by another human."
  26. "At that point, who am I standing in for? What is legitimate?"
  27. "We must always ask ourselves, who are we really standing in for? In the big game, those you call kings are pawns. Stand-ins for larger powers."
  29. [Hog Rider]
  30. "I wonder, well makes me think Is the shadow world actually trying to challenge this right of ruler ship of the land itself?. Does it have the power to take away, or challenge the right of the gods to hold the land?"
  32. [Ratty]
  33. "I think so, yes. When we speak of the Twilight King, that is the sort of rulership we are talking about. Truly succeeding a god himself is a legitimacy of highest sort, after all."
  34. "That is why your Tsara, and the Padishah, are a bit less than a king. Being literal tools of a god extempts them from being equal with the gods in the right of rulership."
  35. "It's a bit difficult to explain, and I don't get it very well, but priest-rulers simply don't get much respect for that reason."
  36. "Well, until they start claiming that they themselves are an avatar of their deity, and are taken seriously until the deity smites them."
  38. [Hog Rider]
  39. "Its makes sense, but creates more questions."
  41. [Ratty]
  42. "Well, we are leaving Wilhelm waiting. What does that archway say, again?"
  44. [Chronische]
  45. (Or, in the case of the Golden Light... or Awnshegh such as the Gorgon, are in the process of becoming deities)
  47. [Hog Rider]
  48. (It does seem like the next logical step. If you have blood, you want to keep you bloodline strong so you can eventually create a God)
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