

Jan 2nd, 2019
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  1. command /jail <player> <text>:
  2. permission: sk.command.jail
  3. permission message: §cYou do not have permission to execute this command!
  4. usage: /jail <Player> <Reason>
  5. trigger:
  6. if {%arg 1%.jail} is set:
  7. send "&4&lError &8&l» &c%arg 1%は既に投獄されています!"
  8. else:
  9. execute console command "tp %arg 1% -1095.5 4.0 -526.5"
  10. broadcast "&6&lJail &8&l» &c%arg 1%が%arg 2%の理由で投獄されました。"
  11. set {%arg 1%.reason} to arg-2
  12. set {%arg 1%.sender} to player
  13. send "&a&lHelp &8&l» &e/unjail <Player> <Reason>で出せます。"
  14. set {%arg 1%.jail} to 1
  16. on join:
  17. execute console command "tp %player% -1112.5 8.0 -507.5"
  18. execute console command "tp %player% -1112.5 8.0 -507.5"
  19. execute console command "tp %player% -1112.5 8.0 -507.5"
  20. execute console command "tp %player% -1112.5 8.0 -507.5"
  21. execute console command "tp %player% -1112.5 8.0 -507.5"
  22. execute console command "tp %player% -1112.5 8.0 -507.5"
  23. execute console command "tp %player% -1112.5 8.0 -507.5"
  24. execute console command "tp %player% -1112.5 8.0 -507.5"
  25. execute console command "tp %player% -1112.5 8.0 -507.5"
  26. execute console command "tp %player% -1112.5 8.0 -507.5"
  27. execute console command "tp %player% -1112.5 8.0 -507.5"
  28. execute console command "tp %player% -1112.5 8.0 -507.5"
  29. execute console command "tp %player% -1112.5 8.0 -507.5"
  30. if {%player%.jail} is set:
  31. wait a tick
  32. execute console command "tp %player% -1095.5 4.0 -526.5"
  33. send "&6&lJail &8&l» &cあなたは%{%player%.sender}%に%{%player%.reason}%の理由で投獄されているため、牢屋にテレポートしました。"
  35. command /unjail <player> <text>:
  36. permission: sk.command.unjail
  37. permission message: §cYou do not have permission to execute this command!
  38. usage: /unjail <Player> <Reason>
  39. trigger:
  40. if {%arg 1%.jail} is set:
  41. execute console command "tp %arg 1% -1112.5 8.0 -507.5"
  42. broadcast "&6&lJail &8&l» &c%arg 1%が%arg 2%の理由で出されました。"
  43. delete {%arg 1%.jail}
  44. delete {%arg 1%.reason}
  45. delete {%arg 1%.sender}
  46. else:
  47. send "&4&lError &8&l» &c%arg 1%は投獄されていません!"
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