
more eden bull shit

Aug 17th, 2015
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  1. can i ask who u are and why u tried pulling me?<--me
  2. xRagnarokxBeholderx:Can I invite you somewhere to talk? Please
  3. why and who are u?<---me
  4. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Please, I will explain everything then
  5. who are u and i might pull u to my room<---me
  6. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Look I have had shit all day from your ex daughter and I just want to get to the bottom, please
  7. im in my room<--me
  9. xRagnarokxBeholderx has joined the chat
  10. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Is your ex daughter HarleyQuinn?
  11. HarperRayneCreed: who are u?
  12. xRagnarokxBeholderx: A freind of hers
  13. HarperRayneCreed: and wot buiness is it to u
  14. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Please
  15. HarperRayneCreed: ??
  16. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Is she your ex daughter?
  17. HarperRayneCreed: why are u asking me if ur her friend?
  18. xRagnarokxBeholderx: To make sure I haven't been lied too
  19. HarperRayneCreed: why
  20. HarperRayneCreed: as i said why is it ur buiness
  21. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Look I have answered more than one of your questions, is she your e daughter
  22. HarperRayneCreed: idk u
  23. xRagnarokxBeholderx: *ex
  24. xRagnarokxBeholderx: I don't know you
  25. xRagnarokxBeholderx: And all your doing is making it stupidly hard to ask a simple question
  26. HarperRayneCreed: so wot does my buiness have to do with u
  27. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Not your business
  28. xRagnarokxBeholderx: It is ex busniess
  29. xRagnarokxBeholderx: *Business
  30. HarperRayneCreed: it is my buiness coz it to do with something that doesnt concern u only my family
  31. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Ex family
  32. HarperRayneCreed: i still have a family and i will not have ppl chating shit about anyone in it
  33. xRagnarokxBeholderx: OMG
  34. xRagnarokxBeholderx: I never said anything about your damn family
  35. xRagnarokxBeholderx: I asked if she was your ex daughter
  36. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Stop assuming shit and answer
  37. HarperRayneCreed: why does it matter if she is or isnt
  38. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Answer my question and I'll answer yours
  39. HarperRayneCreed: ur the one that wanted to talk to me so i have every right to ask question
  40. xRagnarokxBeholderx: And I have answered yours and you have not answered my single question
  41. AldenIceWolf has joined the chat
  42. HarperRayneCreed: no she isnt
  43. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Never has been?
  44. AldenIceWolf: why is even concern you any
  45. HarperRayneCreed: i answered now why does it matter
  46. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Well AldenIceWolf
  47. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Your the cause for this crap appernetly
  48. xRagnarokxBeholderx: *apparently
  49. AldenIceWolf: i give a flying sit how kid?
  50. AldenIceWolf: shit
  51. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Your the one acting the kid here
  52. AldenIceWolf: she caused whatever it was upon her own damn self]
  53. HarperRayneCreed: WHY DOES IT MATTER?
  54. xRagnarokxBeholderx: So you messaging her shit is her fault?
  55. AldenIceWolf: smfh how stupid are you
  56. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Let me guess "Very"
  57. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Well she's banned from here
  58. AldenIceWolf: is this all your lil bitch ass came for cuse it dont concern you any
  59. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Well it does in a respect
  60. HarperRayneCreed: WHY
  61. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Because I am the one who spent all day getting the crap you sent her
  62. HarperRayneCreed: why did u get it?
  63. xRagnarokxBeholderx: I was sat with her
  64. AldenIceWolf: of course
  65. AldenIceWolf: lol
  66. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Iam sat with her now
  67. xRagnarokxBeholderx: In my room
  68. xRagnarokxBeholderx: And to be honest, act your damn age, sending messages like that? Really?
  69. AldenIceWolf: make me bitch
  70. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Your 25 right?
  71. AldenIceWolf: i can do whatever i so damn plzz
  72. AldenIceWolf: or is your fathers cook shoved to far up your worthless ass to relize i do whatever i want and say whAtever i want
  73. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Well I don't care about your words cus it is meaningless
  74. xRagnarokxBeholderx: And act your age because if not, you'll be banned for using such "Indecent" language to minors
  75. AldenIceWolf: just as you are meaningless and is waisting not only my time but my womens time
  76. AldenIceWolf: i care?
  77. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Your woman? Wow, posseionism
  78. HarperRayneCreed: i say the same about him he's mine so im just as possive
  79. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Spell correctly your old enough
  80. HarperRayneCreed: i'll spell however i want to not everyone is perfect and how do u not know that i dont have dyslexia and cant spell
  81. xRagnarokxBeholderx: And I am supposed to have sympathy?
  82. HarperRayneCreed: am i ment to be bothered
  83. AldenIceWolf: smh
  84. HarperRayneCreed: thing is u dont know me so u cant judge me
  85. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Just stop with the messages and get over it
  86. xRagnarokxBeholderx: And you don't know me
  87. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Difference is
  88. xRagnarokxBeholderx: I have seen the messages from you both
  89. HarperRayneCreed: difference is i have done alot for eden and not ask for a damn thing back
  90. AldenIceWolf: well cya and gl with the brat you will need it lol
  91. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Brat?
  92. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Seriously?
  93. HarperRayneCreed: ohh by the way she owes me 5k
  94. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Just tell me why this shit is going on
  95. xRagnarokxBeholderx: She's told me nothing
  96. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Except the messages
  97. AldenIceWolf: you must not even know her well enugth no worrie it will come with time
  98. xRagnarokxBeholderx: And as much as I hate what you put, there has to be a reason
  99. HarperRayneCreed: thers always a reason try finding it out before u fight someone elses battles
  100. xRagnarokxBeholderx: I am not fighting anyonesbattles
  101. xRagnarokxBeholderx: *anyones battles
  102. HarperRayneCreed: then why this?
  103. xRagnarokxBeholderx: I am trying to find out why the hell it's all happened for such disgusting words to be said
  104. HarperRayneCreed: why does it concern u?
  105. xRagnarokxBeholderx: I am getting the after effects
  106. HarperRayneCreed: join the club
  107. xRagnarokxBeholderx: I have my own serious issues I am trying to deal with and getting this, takes the piss
  108. HarperRayneCreed: thats not our problem thats urs to take with eden as we also have our own stuff to deal with
  109. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Who the fuck is Eden?
  110. HarperRayneCreed: harleyquinn
  111. AldenIceWolf: you must not know her that well like iv said then
  112. xRagnarokxBeholderx: I do not know her well
  113. xRagnarokxBeholderx: I met her yesterday
  114. HarperRayneCreed: smdfh
  115. AldenIceWolf: she will always put her own problems upon others strangers even smh
  116. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Seriously, tell me what happened that made all this shit happen
  117. HarperRayneCreed: i dont make a habbit of telling compleat strangers my business
  118. xRagnarokxBeholderx: And I do not have a habbit of doing this, but when I get this shit, I do
  119. HarperRayneCreed: well that something you'll have to talk to harley about
  120. xRagnarokxBeholderx: So your telling me
  121. xRagnarokxBeholderx: This all happened
  122. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Because she wanted to leave the family?
  123. HarperRayneCreed: nope
  124. AldenIceWolf: lord no
  125. xRagnarokxBeholderx: That is what she's telling me, please tell me why this happened and I am gone for good
  126. AldenIceWolf: if she dont know her self what she caused this family then she has no place to know even her lil stranger friends
  127. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Something about being treated bad?
  128. AldenIceWolf: but get used to it if you remain by her cause you will always get the backend of it \
  129. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Cause?
  130. HarperRayneCreed: er and alden ave never seen eye to eye but no one has treated her badly if any thing i have drop alot to help her
  131. HarperRayneCreed: her*
  132. HarperRayneCreed: have*
  133. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Great... So now I came here to get the truth now after a mouthful of abuse off of both of you and find out she's lieing
  134. HarperRayneCreed: i havent giving u any abuse but i could have
  135. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Mhm
  136. HarperRayneCreed: im the one who had a hit on my head for her
  137. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Excuse me?
  138. HarperRayneCreed: someone that knew her put a hit out on me
  139. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Well
  140. HarperRayneCreed: because i stood up for her
  141. xRagnarokxBeholderx: That's childish
  142. HarperRayneCreed: mh
  143. HarperRayneCreed: mhm*
  144. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Well you held your end of the bargain, I will hold mine, you will never see me again unless you choose to
  145. AldenIceWolf: and aperintly she started it all her own self and wouldent even listen to us when we said block them and leave it be
  146. xRagnarokxBeholderx: Goodbye
  147. xRagnarokxBeholderx has left the chat
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