

Jul 30th, 2012
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  1. ====================== SYSTEM INFORMATION ===================
  2. Linux localhost 3.0.16-virtuous-S4-gfe7d01f-dirty #29 PREEMPT Fri Jul 27 08:40:32 CEST 2012 armv7l GNU/Linux
  3. [com.qc.hardware]: [true]
  4. [com.qc.hdmi_out]: [false]
  5. [dalvik.vm.dexopt-data-only]: [1]
  6. [dalvik.vm.dexopt-flags]: [m=y]
  7. [dalvik.vm.heapgrowthlimit]: [48m]
  8. [dalvik.vm.heapsize]: [64m]
  9. [dalvik.vm.heapstartsize]: [5m]
  10. [dalvik.vm.lockprof.threshold]: [500]
  11. [dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file]: [/data/anr/traces.txt]
  12. [debug.composition.type]: [c2d]
  13. [debug.fb.rgb565]: [0]
  14. [dev.bootcomplete]: [1]
  15. []: [1]
  16. []: [1]
  17. []: [true]
  18. []: [HSDPA:9]
  19. [gsm.nitz.time]: [1343668245008]
  20. [gsm.operator.alpha]: [TELUS]
  21. [gsm.operator.iso-country]: [ca]
  22. [gsm.operator.isroaming]: [false]
  23. [gsm.operator.numeric]: [302220]
  24. [gsm.sim.operator.alpha]: []
  25. [gsm.sim.operator.iso-country]: [ca]
  26. [gsm.sim.operator.numeric]: [302220]
  27. [gsm.sim.state]: [READY]
  28. [gsm.version.baseband]: [12.28b.60.140eU_26.03.02.26_M]
  29. []: [HTC-RIL 2.2.0018G (Mar 24 2011,20:20:09)]
  30. []: [0]
  31. []: [0]
  32. [init.svc.adbd]: [running]
  33. [init.svc.akmd]: [running]
  34. [init.svc.bluetoothd]: [running]
  35. [init.svc.bootanim]: [stopped]
  36. [init.svc.dbus]: [running]
  37. [init.svc.debuggerd]: [running]
  38. [init.svc.drm]: [running]
  39. [init.svc.hciattach]: [running]
  40. [init.svc.installd]: [running]
  41. [init.svc.keystore]: [running]
  42. []: [running]
  43. [init.svc.netd]: [running]
  44. []: [running]
  45. [init.svc.rmt_storage]: [running]
  46. [init.svc.servicemanager]: [running]
  47. [init.svc.surfaceflinger]: [running]
  48. [init.svc.userinit]: [stopped]
  49. [init.svc.vold]: [running]
  50. [init.svc.zygote]: [running]
  51. [keyguard.no_require_sim]: [true]
  52. [mobiledata.interfaces]: [gannet0,rmnet0,rmnet1,rmnet2]
  53. []: [Android]
  54. [net.change]: [net.dnschange]
  55. [net.dns1]: []
  56. [net.dns2]: []
  57. [net.dnschange]: [1]
  58. [net.hostname]: [android-74eb42adbd722b19]
  59. [net.qtaguid_enabled]: [1]
  60. [net.rmnet0.dns1]: []
  61. [net.rmnet0.dns2]: []
  62. []: []
  63. [net.tcp.buffersize.default]: [4096,87380,110208,4096,16384,110208]
  64. [net.tcp.buffersize.edge]: [4093,26280,35040,4096,16384,35040]
  65. [net.tcp.buffersize.gprs]: [4092,8760,11680,4096,8760,11680]
  66. [net.tcp.buffersize.hsdpa]: [4094,87380,393216,4096,16384,110208]
  67. [net.tcp.buffersize.hspa]: [4094,87380,262144,4096,16384,262144]
  68. [net.tcp.buffersize.lte]: [524288,1048576,2097152,262144,524288,1048576]
  69. [net.tcp.buffersize.umts]: [4094,87380,110208,4096,16384,110208]
  70. [net.tcp.buffersize.wifi]: [524288,1048576,2097152,262144,524288,1048576]
  71. [persist.service.adb.enable]: []
  72. []: [CA]
  73. [persist.sys.language]: [en]
  74. [persist.sys.localevar]: []
  75. [persist.sys.nobootanimation]: [0]
  76. [persist.sys.profiler_ms]: [0]
  77. [persist.sys.timezone]: [America/Edmonton]
  78. [persist.sys.usb.config]: [mass_storage,adb]
  79. [ril.booted]: [1]
  80. [ril.ecclist]: [112,911]
  81. [ril.reload.count]: [1]
  82. [rild.libpath]: [/system/lib/]
  83. [ro.allow.mock.location]: [0]
  84. [ro.baseband]: []
  85. [ro.board.platform]: [msm7x30]
  86. [ro.bootloader]: [0.85.2007]
  87. [ro.bootmode]: [normal]
  88. []: [/sys/module/board_spade/parameters/bdaddr]
  89. []: [default]
  90. []: [1342206106]
  91. []: [Fri Jul 13 15:01:46 EDT 2012]
  92. []: [yakju-user 4.0.4 IMM76I 330937 release-keys]
  93. []: [IMM76L]
  94. []: [google/yakju/maguro:4.0.4/IMM76I/330937:user/release-keys]
  95. []: [hp-linux]
  96. []: [IMM76L]
  97. []: [ace]
  98. []: [test-keys]
  99. []: [userdebug]
  100. []: [root]
  101. []: [AOSP]
  102. []: [eng.root.20120713.150013]
  103. []: []
  104. []: [15]
  105. [ro.carrier]: [TELUS]
  106. []: [false]
  107. []: [MM-dd-yyyy]
  108. []: [GoogleGuest]
  109. []: [android-google]
  110. []: [2.3_r3]
  111. []: [1]
  112. []: [1]
  113. [ro.config.alarm_alert]: [Alarm_Classic.ogg]
  114. [ro.config.notification_sound]: [pixiedust.ogg]
  115. [ro.config.ringtone]: [Ring_Synth_04.ogg]
  116. [ro.crypto.fs_flags]: [0x00000406]
  117. [ro.crypto.fs_mnt_point]: [/data]
  118. [ro.crypto.fs_options]: [noauto_da_alloc]
  119. [ro.crypto.fs_real_blkdev]: [/dev/block/mmcblk0p26]
  120. [ro.crypto.fs_type]: [ext4]
  121. [ro.crypto.state]: [unencrypted]
  122. [ro.crypto.tmpfs_options]: [size=128m,mode=0771,uid=1000,gid=1000]
  123. [ro.debuggable]: [1]
  124. [ro.factorytest]: [0]
  125. []: [existz]
  126. []: [aospx]
  127. []: [11]
  128. [ro.gsm.2nd_data_retry_config]: [max_retries=3, 2000, 2000, 2000]
  129. [ro.hardware]: [spade]
  130. [ro.max.fling_velocity]: [4000]
  131. [ro.modversion]: [aospX-1.0.0-BR4-DHD]
  132. [ro.opengles.version]: [131072]
  133. [ro.product.board]: [spade]
  134. [ro.product.brand]: [htc_wwe]
  135. [ro.product.cpu.abi2]: [armeabi]
  136. [ro.product.cpu.abi]: [armeabi-v7a]
  137. [ro.product.device]: [ace]
  138. [ro.product.locale.language]: [en]
  139. [ro.product.locale.region]: [US]
  140. [ro.product.manufacturer]: [HTC]
  141. [ro.product.model]: [Desire HD]
  142. []: [htc_ace]
  143. [ro.revision]: [129]
  144. []: [2]
  145. []: [23402,23410,23411]
  146. []: [1]
  147. []: [92,93,94]
  148. []: [999,112,997]
  149. []: [999]
  150. []: [1]
  151. []: [0]
  152. []: [1]
  153. []: [1]
  154. []: [0]
  155. []: [0]
  156. []: [1]
  157. []: [12]
  158. []: [10]
  159. []: [6]
  160. []: [2]
  161. []: [1]
  162. [ro.runtime.firstboot]: [1343668237095]
  163. []: [0]
  164. [ro.serialno]: [SH15KTZ03560]
  165. [ro.setupwizard.enable_bypass]: [1]
  166. [ro.setupwizard.enterprise_mode]: [1]
  167. [ro.sf.compbypass.enable]: [1]
  168. [ro.sf.lcd_density]: [240]
  169. [ro.telephony.default_network]: [0]
  170. []: [signalstrength]
  171. []: []
  172. []: []
  173. [ro.vendor.extension_library]: [/system/lib/]
  174. [ro.vold.umsdirtyratio]: [20]
  175. [ro.wifi.channels]: []
  176. [sys.boot_completed]: [1]
  177. [sys.cpufreq.restored]: [true]
  178. [sys.usb.config]: [mass_storage,adb]
  179. [sys.usb.state]: [mass_storage,adb]
  180. [system_init.startsurfaceflinger]: [0]
  181. [vold.post_fs_data_done]: [1]
  182. [wifi.interface]: [wlan0]
  183. [wifi.supplicant_scan_interval]: [100]
  184. [windowsmgr.max_events_per_sec]: [240]
  185. [wlan.driver.status]: [loading]
  186. ======================= SYSTEM LOG ===================
  187. 07-30 11:11:23.733 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_txmode 29 cur_aic_tx 29
  188. 07-30 11:11:23.733 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_powerdown
  189. 07-30 11:11:23.733 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl()
  190. 07-30 11:11:23.733 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047325 with arg 0
  191. 07-30 11:11:24.474 I/ActivityManager( 1510): No longer want (pid 2581): hidden #16
  192. 07-30 11:11:25.304 D/dalvikvm( 2682): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1055K, 27% free 6106K/8323K, paused 2ms+28ms
  193. 07-30 11:11:25.324 D/webviewglue( 2682): nativeDestroy view: 0xdd9a38
  194. 07-30 11:11:27.096 D/dalvikvm( 2682): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2108K, 36% free 5760K/8967K, paused 1ms+20ms
  195. 07-30 11:11:27.957 D/dalvikvm( 2682): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1319K, 42% free 5276K/8967K, paused 38ms
  196. 07-30 11:11:27.957 I/dalvikvm-heap( 2682): Grow heap (frag case) to 13.584MB for 229012-byte allocation
  197. 07-30 11:11:28.257 D/dalvikvm( 1510): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1557K, 37% free 6904K/10951K, paused 2ms+6ms
  198. 07-30 11:11:29.619 D/dalvikvm( 2682): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1179K, 37% free 5831K/9223K, paused 1ms+17ms
  199. 07-30 11:11:30.469 D/dalvikvm( 2682): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1251K, 44% free 5186K/9223K, paused 37ms
  200. 07-30 11:11:30.469 I/dalvikvm-heap( 2682): Grow heap (frag case) to 13.606MB for 343514-byte allocation
  201. 07-30 11:11:31.991 I/CheckinTask( 1652): Checkin success: (1 requests sent)
  202. 07-30 11:11:32.091 D/dalvikvm( 2682): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1056K, 39% free 5870K/9607K, paused 2ms+22ms
  203. 07-30 11:11:32.892 I/ActivityManager( 1510): Start proc for broadcast pid=2838 uid=10056 gids={3003, 1015, 1006, 3002}
  204. 07-30 11:11:33.072 I/ActivityThread( 2838): Pub
  205. 07-30 11:11:33.172 D/vclib:CallStateClient( 2838): startListening
  206. 07-30 11:11:33.242 I/ActivityManager( 1510): No longer want (pid 2379): hidden #16
  207. 07-30 11:11:33.502 D/Finsky ( 2216): [1] 5.onFinished: Installation state replication succeeded.
  208. 07-30 11:11:33.743 I/ActivityManager( 1510): Start proc for service pid=2860 uid=10043 gids={3003, 1015, 1007, 2001, 3006}
  209. 07-30 11:11:34.143 I/ActivityManager( 1510): No longer want (pid 2494): hidden #16
  210. 07-30 11:11:34.714 D/dalvikvm( 2682): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1484K, 37% free 6137K/9607K, paused 2ms+21ms
  211. 07-30 11:11:34.864 D/dalvikvm( 2682): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1033K, 47% free 5175K/9607K, paused 30ms
  212. 07-30 11:11:34.874 I/dalvikvm-heap( 2682): Grow heap (frag case) to 13.758MB for 515266-byte allocation
  213. 07-30 11:11:36.105 D/dalvikvm( 2682): GC_CONCURRENT freed 995K, 42% free 5904K/10119K, paused 2ms+13ms
  214. 07-30 11:11:38.147 D/dalvikvm( 2682): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1378K, 39% free 6244K/10119K, paused 1ms+22ms
  215. 07-30 11:11:38.688 D/Volley ( 2216): [99] BasicNetwork.logSlowRequests: HTTP response for request=<[ ] NORMAL 3> [lifetime=4676], [size=45], [rc=200], [retryCount=0]
  216. 07-30 11:11:38.698 D/Volley ( 2216): [1] Request.finish: 4690 ms: [ ] NORMAL 3
  217. 07-30 11:11:39.388 D/Volley ( 2216): [98] BasicNetwork.logSlowRequests: HTTP response for request=<[ ] NORMAL 2> [lifetime=5478], [size=45], [rc=200], [retryCount=0]
  218. 07-30 11:11:39.909 D/Volley ( 2216): [1] Request.finish: 6139 ms: [ ] NORMAL 2
  219. 07-30 11:11:40.139 D/dalvikvm( 2682): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1719K, 38% free 6279K/10119K, paused 2ms+29ms
  220. 07-30 11:11:41.370 D/dalvikvm( 2682): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1512K, 44% free 5750K/10119K, paused 44ms
  221. 07-30 11:11:41.380 I/dalvikvm-heap( 2682): Grow heap (frag case) to 14.566MB for 772894-byte allocation
  222. 07-30 11:11:42.321 D/dalvikvm( 2682): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1462K, 41% free 6877K/11463K, paused 2ms+12ms
  223. 07-30 11:11:43.652 W/Finsky ( 2216): [1] 1.onResponse: No document details for app: pkg=com.manor.currentwidget
  224. 07-30 11:11:43.802 D/Finsky ( 2216): [1] InstallerImpl.requestInstall: Request install of ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012 v=6 for auto_update
  225. 07-30 11:11:43.833 D/dalvikvm( 1510): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1740K, 38% free 6879K/10951K, paused 3ms+6ms
  226. 07-30 11:11:43.843 D/Finsky ( 2216): [1] InstallerImpl.kick: Installer kick ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012 - starting ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012
  227. 07-30 11:11:44.013 D/dalvikvm( 2598): GC_CONCURRENT freed 3194K, 52% free 4019K/8323K, paused 3ms+5ms
  228. 07-30 11:11:44.193 D/Finsky ( 2216): [1] DownloadImpl.setState: ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012 from null to UNQUEUED.
  229. 07-30 11:11:44.193 D/Finsky ( 2216): [1] DownloadQueueImpl.add: Download ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012 added to DownloadQueue
  230. 07-30 11:11:44.193 D/Finsky ( 2216): [1] DownloadImpl.setState: ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012 from UNQUEUED to QUEUED.
  231. 07-30 11:11:44.203 E/dalvikvm( 2216): Could not find class '', referenced from method
  232. 07-30 11:11:44.203 W/dalvikvm( 2216): VFY: unable to resolve check-cast 78 (Landroid/content/pm/ContainerEncryptionParams;) in Lcom/google/android/finsky/utils/PackageManagerUtils;
  233. 07-30 11:11:44.203 D/dalvikvm( 2216): VFY: replacing opcode 0x1f at 0x000a
  234. 07-30 11:11:44.203 E/dalvikvm( 2216): Could not find class '', referenced from method
  235. 07-30 11:11:44.203 W/dalvikvm( 2216): VFY: unable to resolve new-instance 78 (Landroid/content/pm/ContainerEncryptionParams;) in Lcom/google/android/finsky/utils/PackageManagerUtils;
  236. 07-30 11:11:44.203 D/dalvikvm( 2216): VFY: replacing opcode 0x22 at 0x01eb
  237. 07-30 11:11:44.203 D/dalvikvm( 2216): DexOpt: unable to opt direct call 0x0159 at 0x1ed in Lcom/google/android/finsky/utils/PackageManagerUtils;.generateEncryptionParams
  238. 07-30 11:11:44.223 I/installd( 1394): free_cache(13568977) avail 935735296
  239. 07-30 11:11:44.223 D/Finsky ( 2216): [1] DownloadQueueImpl.startDownload: Download ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012 starting
  240. 07-30 11:11:44.333 D/Finsky ( 2216): [107] Enqueued ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012 as content://downloads/my_downloads/92
  241. 07-30 11:11:44.333 D/Finsky ( 2216): [1] DownloadImpl.setState: ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012 from QUEUED to DOWNLOADING.
  242. 07-30 11:11:44.333 D/Finsky ( 2216): [1] DownloadQueueImpl.onStart: ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012: onStart
  243. 07-30 11:11:44.343 D/Finsky ( 2216): [1] DownloadQueueImpl.notifyProgress: ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012: onProgress 0/-1 Status: 190.
  244. 07-30 11:11:44.363 W/MediaScanner( 1622): Error opening directory '/mnt/sdcard/.android_secure/', skipping: Permission denied.
  245. 07-30 11:11:44.573 D/Finsky ( 2216): [1] DownloadQueueImpl.notifyProgress: ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012: onProgress 0/-1 Status: 192.
  246. 07-30 11:11:44.803 I/DownloadManager( 1622): Initiating request for download 92
  247. 07-30 11:11:45.514 D/dalvikvm( 1510): GC_EXPLICIT freed 95K, 38% free 6870K/10951K, paused 3ms+7ms
  248. 07-30 11:11:45.654 I/DownloadManager( 1622): Initiating request for download 92
  249. 07-30 11:11:46.966 D/dalvikvm( 1622): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2508K, 45% free 4660K/8323K, paused 2ms+5ms
  250. 07-30 11:11:48.617 W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 2682): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection
  251. 07-30 11:11:48.617 W/InputManagerService( 1510): Starting input on non-focused client$Stub$Proxy@40f15e78 (uid=10078 pid=2682)
  252. 07-30 11:11:48.687 I/Process ( 1510): Sending signal. PID: 1714 SIG: 3
  253. 07-30 11:11:48.687 I/dalvikvm( 1714): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  254. 07-30 11:11:48.717 I/dalvikvm( 1714): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  255. 07-30 11:11:49.028 D/dalvikvm( 1714): GC_CONCURRENT freed 501K, 23% free 9678K/12423K, paused 3ms+11ms
  256. 07-30 11:11:49.188 I/Process ( 1510): Sending signal. PID: 1714 SIG: 3
  257. 07-30 11:11:49.188 I/dalvikvm( 1714): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  258. 07-30 11:11:49.228 I/dalvikvm( 1714): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  259. 07-30 11:11:52.871 D/OpenGLRenderer( 1582): Flushing caches (mode 0)
  260. 07-30 11:11:52.911 W/InputManagerService( 1510): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@40f50eb0
  261. 07-30 11:11:53.962 I/ActivityManager( 1510): No longer want (pid 2510): hidden #16
  262. 07-30 11:11:54.012 D/dalvikvm( 1622): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1848K, 46% free 4534K/8323K, paused 3ms+9ms
  263. 07-30 11:11:57.166 I/ActivityManager( 1510): START {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000 bnds=[360,556][480,707]} from pid 1714
  264. 07-30 11:11:57.176 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  265. 07-30 11:11:57.176 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_rxmode 13 cur_aic_rx 29
  266. 07-30 11:11:57.176 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl()
  267. 07-30 11:11:57.176 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047313 with arg 13
  268. 07-30 11:11:57.176 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_txmode 29 cur_aic_tx 29
  269. 07-30 11:11:57.176 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): value of device and enable is 6 1 ALSA dev id:6
  270. 07-30 11:11:57.226 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): updateACDB: (11, 6, 0, 607)
  271. 07-30 11:11:57.226 I/HTC Acoustic( 1392): update ACDB id: (tx, rx, tx_acdb, rx_acdb) = (11, 6, 0, 607)
  272. 07-30 11:11:57.226 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): msm_route_stream(PCM_PLAY,5,6,1)
  273. 07-30 11:11:57.256 I/ActivityManager( 1510): Start proc for activity pid=2912 uid=10062 gids={3003, 3002, 3001, 1015}
  274. 07-30 11:11:57.326 I/dalvikvm( 2912): Turning on JNI app bug workarounds for target SDK version 4...
  275. 07-30 11:11:57.346 D/dalvikvm( 1390): GC_EXPLICIT freed 37K, 74% free 2175K/8323K, paused 3ms+2ms
  276. 07-30 11:11:57.366 D/OpenGLRenderer( 1714): Flushing caches (mode 1)
  277. 07-30 11:11:57.426 D/dalvikvm( 1390): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 74% free 2175K/8323K, paused 3ms+2ms
  278. 07-30 11:11:57.496 D/dalvikvm( 1390): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 74% free 2175K/8323K, paused 6ms+3ms
  279. 07-30 11:11:57.526 I/ActivityThread( 2912): Pub
  280. 07-30 11:11:57.536 D/OpenGLRenderer( 1714): Flushing caches (mode 0)
  281. 07-30 11:11:57.586 I/ActivityThread( 2912): Pub com.estrongs.files:
  282. 07-30 11:11:57.606 E/ObjectHelper( 2912): Can't find method:setCompatibilityInfo
  283. 07-30 11:11:57.706 I/GlobalLogger( 2912): RequestEventHandler:0 is waiting to pop request...
  284. 07-30 11:11:57.706 I/GlobalLogger( 2912): RequestEventHandler:1 is waiting to pop request...
  285. 07-30 11:11:57.706 I/GlobalLogger( 2912): RequestEventHandler:2 is waiting to pop request...
  286. 07-30 11:11:57.706 I/GlobalLogger( 2912): RequestEventHandler:3 is waiting to pop request...
  287. 07-30 11:11:57.836 I/Process ( 1510): Sending signal. PID: 2912 SIG: 3
  288. 07-30 11:11:57.836 I/dalvikvm( 2912): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  289. 07-30 11:11:57.866 I/dalvikvm( 2912): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  290. 07-30 11:11:58.337 I/Process ( 1510): Sending signal. PID: 2912 SIG: 3
  291. 07-30 11:11:58.337 I/dalvikvm( 2912): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  292. 07-30 11:11:58.377 I/dalvikvm( 2912): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  293. 07-30 11:11:58.397 D/dalvikvm( 2912): GC_CONCURRENT freed 949K, 25% free 6255K/8323K, paused 3ms+4ms
  294. 07-30 11:11:58.657 D/dalvikvm( 1510): GC_CONCURRENT freed 503K, 27% free 8084K/10951K, paused 4ms+9ms
  295. 07-30 11:11:58.837 I/Process ( 1510): Sending signal. PID: 2912 SIG: 3
  296. 07-30 11:11:58.837 I/dalvikvm( 2912): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  297. 07-30 11:11:58.857 I/dalvikvm( 2912): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  298. 07-30 11:11:59.127 W/PackageParser( 2912): Unknown element under <manifest>: skin at /sdcard/ Binary XML file line #6
  299. 07-30 11:11:59.177 V/PhoneStatusBar( 1582): setLightsOn(true)
  300. 07-30 11:11:59.208 W/PackageParser( 2912): Unknown element under <manifest>: skin at /sdcard/Gabbana_sense4_ver3.apk Binary XML file line #6
  301. 07-30 11:11:59.338 I/Process ( 1510): Sending signal. PID: 2912 SIG: 3
  302. 07-30 11:11:59.338 I/dalvikvm( 2912): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  303. 07-30 11:11:59.348 I/dalvikvm( 2912): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  304. 07-30 11:11:59.358 I/ActivityManager( 1510): Displayed +2s148ms
  305. 07-30 11:12:00.259 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): AudioStreamOutMSM72xx::standby()
  306. 07-30 11:12:00.259 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): Deroute pcm out stream
  307. 07-30 11:12:00.259 E/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): updateDeviceInfo: E rx_device 6 and tx_device 11
  308. 07-30 11:12:00.269 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): No active voicecall/playback, disabling cur_rx 6
  309. 07-30 11:12:00.269 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): value of device and enable is 6 0 ALSA dev id:6
  310. 07-30 11:12:00.269 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): No active voicecall/recording, disabling cur_tx 11
  311. 07-30 11:12:00.269 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): value of device and enable is 11 0 ALSA dev id:11
  312. 07-30 11:12:00.269 E/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): updateDeviceInfo: X cur_rx 6 cur_tx 11
  313. 07-30 11:12:00.269 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  314. 07-30 11:12:00.269 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_rxmode 29 cur_aic_rx 13
  315. 07-30 11:12:00.269 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl()
  316. 07-30 11:12:00.269 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047313 with arg 29
  317. 07-30 11:12:00.269 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_txmode 29 cur_aic_tx 29
  318. 07-30 11:12:00.269 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_powerdown
  319. 07-30 11:12:00.269 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl()
  320. 07-30 11:12:00.269 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047325 with arg 0
  321. 07-30 11:12:01.510 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  322. 07-30 11:12:01.510 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_rxmode 13 cur_aic_rx 29
  323. 07-30 11:12:01.510 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl()
  324. 07-30 11:12:01.510 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047313 with arg 13
  325. 07-30 11:12:01.510 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_txmode 29 cur_aic_tx 29
  326. 07-30 11:12:01.510 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): value of device and enable is 6 1 ALSA dev id:6
  327. 07-30 11:12:01.570 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): updateACDB: (11, 6, 0, 607)
  328. 07-30 11:12:01.570 I/HTC Acoustic( 1392): update ACDB id: (tx, rx, tx_acdb, rx_acdb) = (11, 6, 0, 607)
  329. 07-30 11:12:01.570 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): msm_route_stream(PCM_PLAY,5,6,1)
  330. 07-30 11:12:02.711 D/dalvikvm( 1622): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1704K, 46% free 4546K/8323K, paused 29ms+3ms
  331. 07-30 11:12:05.524 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): AudioStreamOutMSM72xx::standby()
  332. 07-30 11:12:05.524 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): Deroute pcm out stream
  333. 07-30 11:12:05.524 E/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): updateDeviceInfo: E rx_device 6 and tx_device 11
  334. 07-30 11:12:05.524 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): No active voicecall/playback, disabling cur_rx 6
  335. 07-30 11:12:05.524 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): value of device and enable is 6 0 ALSA dev id:6
  336. 07-30 11:12:05.534 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): No active voicecall/recording, disabling cur_tx 11
  337. 07-30 11:12:05.534 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): value of device and enable is 11 0 ALSA dev id:11
  338. 07-30 11:12:05.534 E/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): updateDeviceInfo: X cur_rx 6 cur_tx 11
  339. 07-30 11:12:05.534 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  340. 07-30 11:12:05.534 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_rxmode 29 cur_aic_rx 13
  341. 07-30 11:12:05.534 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl()
  342. 07-30 11:12:05.534 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047313 with arg 29
  343. 07-30 11:12:05.534 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_txmode 29 cur_aic_tx 29
  344. 07-30 11:12:05.534 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_powerdown
  345. 07-30 11:12:05.534 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl()
  346. 07-30 11:12:05.534 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047325 with arg 0
  347. 07-30 11:12:06.074 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  348. 07-30 11:12:06.074 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_rxmode 13 cur_aic_rx 29
  349. 07-30 11:12:06.074 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl()
  350. 07-30 11:12:06.074 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047313 with arg 13
  351. 07-30 11:12:06.074 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_txmode 29 cur_aic_tx 29
  352. 07-30 11:12:06.074 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): value of device and enable is 6 1 ALSA dev id:6
  353. 07-30 11:12:06.124 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): updateACDB: (11, 6, 0, 607)
  354. 07-30 11:12:06.124 I/HTC Acoustic( 1392): update ACDB id: (tx, rx, tx_acdb, rx_acdb) = (11, 6, 0, 607)
  355. 07-30 11:12:06.124 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): msm_route_stream(PCM_PLAY,5,6,1)
  356. 07-30 11:12:06.875 I/ActivityManager( 1510): Start proc com.manor.currentwidget for broadcast com.manor.currentwidget/.library.CurrentWidget: pid=2958 uid=10068 gids={1015}
  357. 07-30 11:12:06.995 I/ActivityManager( 1510): No longer want ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012 (pid 2621): hidden #16
  358. 07-30 11:12:07.986 I/ActivityManager( 1510): START { (has extras)} from pid 2912
  359. 07-30 11:12:08.136 V/PhoneStatusBar( 1582): setLightsOn(true)
  360. 07-30 11:12:08.236 I/ActivityManager( 1510): Displayed +212ms
  361. 07-30 11:12:09.488 I/ActivityManager( 1510): START {act=android.intent.action.VIEW cat=[android.intent.category.DEFAULT] dat=file:///sdcard/Android/data/com.GetLogs/files/data.txt typ=text/plain flg=0x10000000} from pid 2912
  362. 07-30 11:12:09.598 D/dalvikvm( 1510): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1559K, 36% free 7033K/10951K, paused 87ms
  363. 07-30 11:12:09.688 D/dalvikvm( 2912): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2069K, 35% free 5899K/9031K, paused 31ms
  364. 07-30 11:12:09.768 V/PhoneStatusBar( 1582): setLightsOn(true)
  365. 07-30 11:12:09.818 I/ActivityManager( 1510): Displayed +196ms
  366. 07-30 11:12:09.998 D/dalvikvm( 2912): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 255K, 23% free 7008K/9031K, paused 31ms
  367. 07-30 11:12:10.098 D/dalvikvm( 2912): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 953K, 26% free 7196K/9671K, paused 37ms
  368. 07-30 11:12:10.138 D/dalvikvm( 2912): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 553K, 25% free 7308K/9671K, paused 22ms
  369. 07-30 11:12:10.208 D/dalvikvm( 2912): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 866K, 27% free 7475K/10183K, paused 28ms
  370. 07-30 11:12:10.208 I/dalvikvm-heap( 2912): Grow heap (frag case) to 16.250MB for 772894-byte allocation
  371. 07-30 11:12:10.318 D/dalvikvm( 2912): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1376K, 33% free 8506K/12615K, paused 2ms+6ms
  372. 07-30 11:12:10.469 E/ActivityThread( 1683): Failed to find provider info for
  373. 07-30 11:12:10.529 E/BinaryDictionaryGetter( 1683): Could not find a dictionary pack
  374. 07-30 11:12:12.521 I/Ads ( 2682): AdLoader timed out after 60000ms while getting the URL.
  375. 07-30 11:12:12.541 D/webviewglue( 2682): nativeDestroy view: 0xe8e2e8
  376. 07-30 11:12:12.541 I/Ads ( 2682): onFailedToReceiveAd(A network error occurred.)
  377. 07-30 11:12:12.571 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): AudioStreamOutMSM72xx::standby()
  378. 07-30 11:12:12.571 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): Deroute pcm out stream
  379. 07-30 11:12:12.571 E/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): updateDeviceInfo: E rx_device 6 and tx_device 11
  380. 07-30 11:12:12.571 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): No active voicecall/playback, disabling cur_rx 6
  381. 07-30 11:12:12.571 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): value of device and enable is 6 0 ALSA dev id:6
  382. 07-30 11:12:12.581 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): No active voicecall/recording, disabling cur_tx 11
  383. 07-30 11:12:12.581 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): value of device and enable is 11 0 ALSA dev id:11
  384. 07-30 11:12:12.581 E/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): updateDeviceInfo: X cur_rx 6 cur_tx 11
  385. 07-30 11:12:12.581 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  386. 07-30 11:12:12.581 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_rxmode 29 cur_aic_rx 13
  387. 07-30 11:12:12.581 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl()
  388. 07-30 11:12:12.581 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047313 with arg 29
  389. 07-30 11:12:12.581 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_txmode 29 cur_aic_tx 29
  390. 07-30 11:12:12.581 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_powerdown
  391. 07-30 11:12:12.581 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl()
  392. 07-30 11:12:12.581 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047325 with arg 0
  393. 07-30 11:12:15.403 E/WifiStateMachine( 1510): DriverFailedState
  394. 07-30 11:12:15.523 E/WifiStateMachine( 1510): DriverFailedState
  395. 07-30 11:12:15.634 I/dalvikvm( 2665): Total arena pages for JIT: 18
  396. 07-30 11:12:16.805 D/dalvikvm( 1582): GC_CONCURRENT freed 3756K, 51% free 4759K/9607K, paused 2ms+5ms
  397. 07-30 11:12:19.788 D/dalvikvm( 2912): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1266K, 27% free 9229K/12615K, paused 3ms+5ms
  398. 07-30 11:12:28.576 D/dalvikvm( 2912): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2267K, 27% free 9262K/12615K, paused 2ms+3ms
  399. 07-30 11:12:30.078 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=true keyboard=NORMAL shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  400. 07-30 11:12:30.088 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(true): NORMAL > MANUAL_SHIFTED
  401. 07-30 11:12:30.088 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase: MANUAL_SHIFTED > AUTO_SHIFTED
  402. 07-30 11:12:30.918 D/dalvikvm( 1683): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2934K, 50% free 4226K/8323K, paused 2ms+6ms
  403. 07-30 11:12:31.949 D/dalvikvm( 1622): GC_CONCURRENT freed 3730K, 70% free 2535K/8323K, paused 2ms+15ms
  404. 07-30 11:12:33.411 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=true keyboard=AUTO_SHIFTED shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  405. 07-30 11:12:33.421 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(true): AUTO_SHIFTED > MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO
  406. 07-30 11:12:33.421 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase: MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO > AUTO_SHIFTED
  407. 07-30 11:12:36.694 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=true keyboard=AUTO_SHIFTED shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  408. 07-30 11:12:36.694 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(true): AUTO_SHIFTED > MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO
  409. 07-30 11:12:36.694 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase: MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO > AUTO_SHIFTED
  410. 07-30 11:12:37.064 D/dalvikvm( 2912): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2246K, 27% free 9272K/12615K, paused 2ms+3ms
  411. 07-30 11:12:37.895 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=true keyboard=AUTO_SHIFTED shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  412. 07-30 11:12:37.895 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(true): AUTO_SHIFTED > MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO
  413. 07-30 11:12:37.895 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase: MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO > AUTO_SHIFTED
  414. 07-30 11:12:38.796 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=true keyboard=AUTO_SHIFTED shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  415. 07-30 11:12:38.796 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(true): AUTO_SHIFTED > MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO
  416. 07-30 11:12:38.796 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase: MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO > AUTO_SHIFTED
  417. 07-30 11:12:40.107 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=true keyboard=AUTO_SHIFTED shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  418. 07-30 11:12:40.107 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(true): AUTO_SHIFTED > MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO
  419. 07-30 11:12:40.107 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase: MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO > AUTO_SHIFTED
  420. 07-30 11:12:43.811 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=true keyboard=AUTO_SHIFTED shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  421. 07-30 11:12:43.811 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(true): AUTO_SHIFTED > MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO
  422. 07-30 11:12:43.811 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase: MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO > AUTO_SHIFTED
  423. 07-30 11:12:44.442 D/dalvikvm( 2912): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2326K, 28% free 9280K/12743K, paused 5ms+4ms
  424. 07-30 11:12:45.463 D/dalvikvm( 1683): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1750K, 50% free 4202K/8323K, paused 2ms+2ms
  425. 07-30 11:12:49.146 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=true keyboard=AUTO_SHIFTED shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  426. 07-30 11:12:49.156 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(true): AUTO_SHIFTED > MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO
  427. 07-30 11:12:49.156 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase: MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO > AUTO_SHIFTED
  428. 07-30 11:12:51.368 D/dalvikvm( 2912): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2239K, 28% free 9302K/12743K, paused 35ms
  429. 07-30 11:12:51.459 D/dalvikvm( 2912): GC_CONCURRENT freed 97K, 27% free 9305K/12743K, paused 3ms+6ms
  430. 07-30 11:12:54.732 D/dalvikvm( 1510): GC_EXPLICIT freed 960K, 36% free 7061K/10951K, paused 4ms+10ms
  431. 07-30 11:12:55.012 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=true keyboard=AUTO_SHIFTED shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  432. 07-30 11:12:55.032 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(true): AUTO_SHIFTED > MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO
  433. 07-30 11:12:55.032 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase: MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO > AUTO_SHIFTED
  434. 07-30 11:12:57.164 D/dalvikvm( 2912): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2200K, 27% free 9311K/12743K, paused 32ms
  435. 07-30 11:12:58.676 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=false keyboard=AUTO_SHIFTED shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  436. 07-30 11:12:58.676 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(false): AUTO_SHIFTED > NORMAL
  437. 07-30 11:12:59.606 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=false keyboard=NORMAL shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  438. 07-30 11:12:59.616 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(false): NORMAL > NORMAL
  439. 07-30 11:12:59.737 D/dalvikvm( 1683): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1723K, 50% free 4200K/8323K, paused 2ms+3ms
  440. 07-30 11:13:00.417 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=true keyboard=NORMAL shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  441. 07-30 11:13:00.417 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(true): NORMAL > MANUAL_SHIFTED
  442. 07-30 11:13:00.417 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase: MANUAL_SHIFTED > AUTO_SHIFTED
  443. 07-30 11:13:01.068 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=true keyboard=AUTO_SHIFTED shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  444. 07-30 11:13:01.068 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(true): AUTO_SHIFTED > MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO
  445. 07-30 11:13:01.068 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase: MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO > AUTO_SHIFTED
  446. 07-30 11:13:03.050 D/dalvikvm( 2912): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2148K, 27% free 9316K/12743K, paused 29ms
  447. 07-30 11:13:06.763 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=true keyboard=AUTO_SHIFTED shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  448. 07-30 11:13:06.763 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(true): AUTO_SHIFTED > MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO
  449. 07-30 11:13:06.763 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase: MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO > AUTO_SHIFTED
  450. 07-30 11:13:07.144 D/dalvikvm( 2912): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2112K, 27% free 9321K/12743K, paused 34ms
  451. 07-30 11:13:08.825 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=true keyboard=AUTO_SHIFTED shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  452. 07-30 11:13:08.825 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(true): AUTO_SHIFTED > MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO
  453. 07-30 11:13:08.825 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase: MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO > AUTO_SHIFTED
  454. 07-30 11:13:10.417 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=true keyboard=AUTO_SHIFTED shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  455. 07-30 11:13:10.417 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(true): AUTO_SHIFTED > MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO
  456. 07-30 11:13:10.417 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase: MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO > AUTO_SHIFTED
  457. 07-30 11:13:10.547 D/dalvikvm( 2912): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2120K, 28% free 9332K/12807K, paused 36ms
  458. 07-30 11:13:11.578 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=true keyboard=AUTO_SHIFTED shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  459. 07-30 11:13:11.578 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(true): AUTO_SHIFTED > MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO
  460. 07-30 11:13:11.578 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase: MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO > AUTO_SHIFTED
  461. 07-30 11:13:12.749 D/dalvikvm( 2912): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2112K, 28% free 9328K/12807K, paused 27ms
  462. 07-30 11:13:13.190 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=false keyboard=AUTO_SHIFTED shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  463. 07-30 11:13:13.200 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(false): AUTO_SHIFTED > NORMAL
  464. 07-30 11:13:14.251 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=true keyboard=NORMAL shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  465. 07-30 11:13:14.251 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(true): NORMAL > MANUAL_SHIFTED
  466. 07-30 11:13:14.251 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase: MANUAL_SHIFTED > AUTO_SHIFTED
  467. 07-30 11:13:15.412 E/WifiStateMachine( 1510): DriverFailedState
  468. 07-30 11:13:15.582 E/WifiStateMachine( 1510): DriverFailedState
  469. 07-30 11:13:16.173 D/dalvikvm( 1622): GC_EXPLICIT freed 660K, 70% free 2562K/8323K, paused 2ms+5ms
  470. 07-30 11:13:16.223 D/dalvikvm( 2912): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2129K, 28% free 9331K/12807K, paused 36ms
  471. 07-30 11:13:16.223 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=true keyboard=AUTO_SHIFTED shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  472. 07-30 11:13:16.223 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(true): AUTO_SHIFTED > MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO
  473. 07-30 11:13:16.223 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase: MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO > AUTO_SHIFTED
  474. 07-30 11:13:19.156 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=false keyboard=AUTO_SHIFTED shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  475. 07-30 11:13:19.156 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(false): AUTO_SHIFTED > NORMAL
  476. 07-30 11:13:19.396 D/dalvikvm( 2912): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2138K, 28% free 9337K/12807K, paused 31ms
  477. 07-30 11:13:20.597 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=true keyboard=NORMAL shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  478. 07-30 11:13:20.597 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(true): NORMAL > MANUAL_SHIFTED
  479. 07-30 11:13:20.597 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase: MANUAL_SHIFTED > AUTO_SHIFTED
  480. 07-30 11:13:21.428 D/dalvikvm( 1683): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1718K, 50% free 4198K/8323K, paused 2ms+2ms
  481. 07-30 11:13:22.239 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=true keyboard=AUTO_SHIFTED shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  482. 07-30 11:13:22.239 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(true): AUTO_SHIFTED > MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO
  483. 07-30 11:13:22.239 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase: MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO > AUTO_SHIFTED
  484. 07-30 11:13:23.009 D/dalvikvm( 2912): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2135K, 28% free 9340K/12807K, paused 27ms
  485. 07-30 11:13:23.260 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=false keyboard=AUTO_SHIFTED shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  486. 07-30 11:13:23.260 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(false): AUTO_SHIFTED > NORMAL
  487. 07-30 11:13:23.840 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=true keyboard=NORMAL shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  488. 07-30 11:13:23.850 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(true): NORMAL > MANUAL_SHIFTED
  489. 07-30 11:13:23.850 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase: MANUAL_SHIFTED > AUTO_SHIFTED
  490. 07-30 11:13:24.571 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=true keyboard=AUTO_SHIFTED shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  491. 07-30 11:13:24.571 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(true): AUTO_SHIFTED > MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO
  492. 07-30 11:13:24.571 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase: MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO > AUTO_SHIFTED
  493. 07-30 11:13:25.101 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=true keyboard=AUTO_SHIFTED shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  494. 07-30 11:13:25.101 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(true): AUTO_SHIFTED > MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO
  495. 07-30 11:13:25.101 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase: MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO > AUTO_SHIFTED
  496. 07-30 11:13:25.382 D/dalvikvm( 2912): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2126K, 28% free 9347K/12807K, paused 30ms
  497. 07-30 11:13:27.944 D/dalvikvm( 2912): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2106K, 27% free 9350K/12807K, paused 29ms
  498. 07-30 11:13:30.547 D/dalvikvm( 2912): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2119K, 27% free 9355K/12807K, paused 27ms
  499. 07-30 11:13:33.209 D/dalvikvm( 2912): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2104K, 27% free 9360K/12807K, paused 30ms
  500. 07-30 11:13:35.011 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=true keyboard=AUTO_SHIFTED shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  501. 07-30 11:13:35.011 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(true): AUTO_SHIFTED > MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO
  502. 07-30 11:13:35.011 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase: MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO > AUTO_SHIFTED
  503. 07-30 11:13:35.341 D/dalvikvm( 2912): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2092K, 27% free 9366K/12807K, paused 28ms
  504. 07-30 11:13:36.593 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=true keyboard=AUTO_SHIFTED shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  505. 07-30 11:13:36.593 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(true): AUTO_SHIFTED > MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO
  506. 07-30 11:13:36.593 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase: MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO > AUTO_SHIFTED
  507. 07-30 11:13:36.653 D/dalvikvm( 1683): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1720K, 50% free 4200K/8323K, paused 2ms+2ms
  508. 07-30 11:13:37.313 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=true keyboard=AUTO_SHIFTED shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  509. 07-30 11:13:37.313 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(true): AUTO_SHIFTED > MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO
  510. 07-30 11:13:37.313 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase: MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO > AUTO_SHIFTED
  511. 07-30 11:13:38.084 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=true keyboard=AUTO_SHIFTED shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  512. 07-30 11:13:38.084 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(true): AUTO_SHIFTED > MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO
  513. 07-30 11:13:38.084 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase: MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO > AUTO_SHIFTED
  514. 07-30 11:13:38.765 D/dalvikvm( 2912): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2123K, 27% free 9371K/12807K, paused 38ms
  515. 07-30 11:13:39.605 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=true keyboard=AUTO_SHIFTED shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  516. 07-30 11:13:39.605 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(true): AUTO_SHIFTED > MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO
  517. 07-30 11:13:39.605 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase: MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO > AUTO_SHIFTED
  518. 07-30 11:13:41.617 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=true keyboard=AUTO_SHIFTED shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  519. 07-30 11:13:41.617 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(true): AUTO_SHIFTED > MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO
  520. 07-30 11:13:41.617 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase: MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO > AUTO_SHIFTED
  521. 07-30 11:13:42.468 D/dalvikvm( 2912): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2167K, 28% free 9375K/12871K, paused 35ms
  522. 07-30 11:13:43.119 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=false keyboard=AUTO_SHIFTED shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  523. 07-30 11:13:43.119 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(false): AUTO_SHIFTED > NORMAL
  524. 07-30 11:13:44.160 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=true keyboard=NORMAL shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  525. 07-30 11:13:44.170 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(true): NORMAL > MANUAL_SHIFTED
  526. 07-30 11:13:44.170 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase: MANUAL_SHIFTED > AUTO_SHIFTED
  527. 07-30 11:13:44.310 I/qtaguid ( 1622): Failed write_ctrl(u 70) res=-1 errno=22
  528. 07-30 11:13:44.310 I/qtaguid ( 1622): Untagging socket 70 failed errno=-22
  529. 07-30 11:13:44.310 W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 1622): untagSocket(70) failed with errno -22
  530. 07-30 11:13:44.690 D/Finsky ( 2216): [1] DownloadQueueImpl.notifyProgress: ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012: onProgress 13568977/13568977 Status: 200.
  531. 07-30 11:13:44.911 D/Finsky ( 2216): [1] DownloadBroadcastReceiver.onReceive: Intent received at DownloadBroadcastReceiver
  532. 07-30 11:13:45.381 D/Finsky ( 2216): [1] DownloadImpl.setState: ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012 from DOWNLOADING to SUCCESS.
  533. 07-30 11:13:45.381 D/Finsky ( 2216): [1] DownloadQueueImpl.onComplete: ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012: onComplete
  534. 07-30 11:13:45.381 D/Finsky ( 2216): [1] DownloadQueueImpl.remove: Download ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012 removed from DownloadQueue
  535. 07-30 11:13:45.401 I/installd( 1394): free_cache(0) avail 922071040
  536. 07-30 11:13:45.531 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=true keyboard=AUTO_SHIFTED shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  537. 07-30 11:13:45.531 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(true): AUTO_SHIFTED > MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO
  538. 07-30 11:13:45.531 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase: MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO > AUTO_SHIFTED
  539. 07-30 11:13:46.122 D/dalvikvm( 2912): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2171K, 28% free 9386K/12871K, paused 44ms
  540. 07-30 11:13:46.632 I/ActivityManager( 1510): No longer want com.london2012.results (pid 2640): hidden #16
  541. 07-30 11:13:46.883 I/ActivityManager( 1510): Start proc for service pid=3058 uid=10012 gids={1015, 2001}
  542. 07-30 11:13:47.663 W/ActivityManager( 1510): No content provider found for permission revoke: file:///data/data/
  543. 07-30 11:13:47.663 D/VoldCmdListener( 1385): asec list
  544. 07-30 11:13:47.994 I/PackageHelper( 3058): Size of container 21 MB
  545. 07-30 11:13:47.994 D/VoldCmdListener( 1385): asec create smdl2tmp1 21 fat {} 10012
  546. 07-30 11:13:48.955 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=false keyboard=AUTO_SHIFTED shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  547. 07-30 11:13:48.955 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(false): AUTO_SHIFTED > NORMAL
  548. 07-30 11:13:49.445 I//system/bin/newfs_msdos( 1385): /system/bin/newfs_msdos: warning, /dev/block/dm-2 is not a character device
  549. 07-30 11:13:49.445 I//system/bin/newfs_msdos( 1385): /system/bin/newfs_msdos: Skipping mount checks
  550. 07-30 11:13:49.445 I//system/bin/newfs_msdos( 1385): Bogus heads from kernel - setting sane value
  551. 07-30 11:13:49.445 I//system/bin/newfs_msdos( 1385): Bogus sectors from kernel - setting sane value
  552. 07-30 11:13:49.445 I//system/bin/newfs_msdos( 1385): /dev/block/dm-2: 43600 sectors in 5450 FAT32 clusters (4096 bytes/cluster)
  553. 07-30 11:13:49.445 I//system/bin/newfs_msdos( 1385): bps=512 spc=8 res=32 nft=2 sec=43722 mid=0xf0 spt=63 hds=64 hid=0 bspf=43 rdcl=2 infs=1 bkbs=2
  554. 07-30 11:13:49.565 I/Vold ( 1385): Filesystem formatted OK
  555. 07-30 11:13:49.595 D/VoldCmdListener( 1385): asec path smdl2tmp1
  556. 07-30 11:13:49.605 I/PackageHelper( 3058): Created secure container smdl2tmp1 at /mnt/asec/smdl2tmp1
  557. 07-30 11:13:49.615 I/DefContainer( 3058): Created container for smdl2tmp1 at path : /mnt/asec/smdl2tmp1
  558. 07-30 11:13:50.626 D/dalvikvm( 2912): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2187K, 28% free 9385K/12871K, paused 31ms
  559. 07-30 11:13:51.037 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=false keyboard=NORMAL shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  560. 07-30 11:13:51.037 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(false): NORMAL > NORMAL
  561. 07-30 11:13:53.109 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=false keyboard=NORMAL shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  562. 07-30 11:13:53.109 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(false): NORMAL > NORMAL
  563. 07-30 11:13:53.329 I/DefContainer( 3058): Copied /data/data/ to /mnt/asec/smdl2tmp1/pkg.apk
  564. 07-30 11:13:54.350 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=false keyboard=NORMAL shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  565. 07-30 11:13:54.350 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(false): NORMAL > NORMAL
  566. 07-30 11:13:55.901 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=true keyboard=NORMAL shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  567. 07-30 11:13:55.901 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(true): NORMAL > MANUAL_SHIFTED
  568. 07-30 11:13:55.901 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase: MANUAL_SHIFTED > AUTO_SHIFTED
  569. 07-30 11:13:56.142 D/dalvikvm( 2912): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2155K, 28% free 9388K/12871K, paused 29ms
  570. 07-30 11:13:58.284 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=true keyboard=AUTO_SHIFTED shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  571. 07-30 11:13:58.284 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(true): AUTO_SHIFTED > MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO
  572. 07-30 11:13:58.284 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase: MANUAL_SHIFTED_FROM_AUTO > AUTO_SHIFTED
  573. 07-30 11:13:58.414 D/VoldCmdListener( 1385): asec finalize smdl2tmp1
  574. 07-30 11:13:58.714 I/DefContainer( 3058): Finalized container smdl2tmp1
  575. 07-30 11:13:58.754 I/DefContainer( 3058): Unmounting smdl2tmp1 at path /mnt/asec/smdl2tmp1
  576. 07-30 11:13:59.014 D/dalvikvm( 3058): GC_EXPLICIT freed 57K, 74% free 2198K/8323K, paused 2ms+2ms
  577. 07-30 11:13:59.044 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=false keyboard=AUTO_SHIFTED shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  578. 07-30 11:13:59.044 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(false): AUTO_SHIFTED > NORMAL
  579. 07-30 11:13:59.125 D/dalvikvm( 1510): GC_EXPLICIT freed 864K, 36% free 7067K/10951K, paused 3ms+7ms
  580. 07-30 11:13:59.135 D/VoldCmdListener( 1385): asec unmount smdl2tmp1 force
  581. 07-30 11:13:59.285 W/ActivityManager( 1510): No content provider found for permission revoke: file:///data/data/
  582. 07-30 11:13:59.335 D/VoldCmdListener( 1385): asec mount smdl2tmp1 {} 1000
  583. 07-30 11:13:59.435 D/VoldCmdListener( 1385): asec path smdl2tmp1
  584. 07-30 11:14:00.206 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=true keyboard=NORMAL shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  585. 07-30 11:14:00.206 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(true): NORMAL > MANUAL_SHIFTED
  586. 07-30 11:14:00.206 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase: MANUAL_SHIFTED > AUTO_SHIFTED
  587. 07-30 11:14:00.326 I/dalvikvm( 1510): Jit: resizing JitTable from 8192 to 16384
  588. 07-30 11:14:01.036 D/dalvikvm( 1510): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1036K, 30% free 7703K/10951K, paused 155ms
  589. 07-30 11:14:01.146 D/dalvikvm( 2912): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2178K, 28% free 9393K/12871K, paused 62ms
  590. 07-30 11:14:01.337 D/dalvikvm( 1510): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 632K, 28% free 7956K/10951K, paused 179ms
  591. 07-30 11:14:01.827 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=false keyboard=AUTO_SHIFTED shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  592. 07-30 11:14:01.827 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(false): AUTO_SHIFTED > NORMAL
  593. 07-30 11:14:03.509 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=false keyboard=NORMAL shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  594. 07-30 11:14:03.509 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(false): NORMAL > NORMAL
  595. 07-30 11:14:03.779 D/dalvikvm( 1510): GC_CONCURRENT freed 895K, 20% free 8809K/10951K, paused 7ms+6ms
  596. 07-30 11:14:05.811 D/dalvikvm( 2912): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2158K, 28% free 9395K/12871K, paused 28ms
  597. 07-30 11:14:05.991 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=true keyboard=NORMAL shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  598. 07-30 11:14:06.001 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(true): NORMAL > MANUAL_SHIFTED
  599. 07-30 11:14:06.001 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase: MANUAL_SHIFTED > AUTO_SHIFTED
  600. 07-30 11:14:06.271 D/dalvikvm( 1510): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1370K, 21% free 9262K/11719K, paused 5ms+9ms
  601. 07-30 11:14:07.543 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=false keyboard=AUTO_SHIFTED shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  602. 07-30 11:14:07.543 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(false): AUTO_SHIFTED > NORMAL
  603. 07-30 11:14:07.673 D/dalvikvm( 1683): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1720K, 50% free 4200K/8323K, paused 4ms+3ms
  604. 07-30 11:14:08.654 D/dalvikvm( 1510): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1707K, 24% free 9280K/12167K, paused 235ms
  605. 07-30 11:14:10.175 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=false keyboard=NORMAL shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  606. 07-30 11:14:10.175 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(false): NORMAL > NORMAL
  607. 07-30 11:14:10.486 D/dalvikvm( 1510): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1676K, 24% free 9286K/12167K, paused 168ms
  608. 07-30 11:14:10.756 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=false keyboard=NORMAL shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  609. 07-30 11:14:10.756 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(false): NORMAL > NORMAL
  610. 07-30 11:14:11.146 D/dalvikvm( 2912): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2193K, 27% free 9400K/12871K, paused 31ms
  611. 07-30 11:14:11.326 D/dalvikvm( 1510): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1755K, 24% free 9298K/12231K, paused 118ms
  612. 07-30 11:14:11.507 V/PhoneStatusBar( 1582): setLightsOn(true)
  613. 07-30 11:14:12.177 D/dalvikvm( 1510): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1719K, 24% free 9312K/12231K, paused 2ms+6ms
  614. 07-30 11:14:12.778 D/dalvikvm( 1510): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1758K, 24% free 9321K/12231K, paused 3ms+6ms
  615. 07-30 11:14:13.489 D/dalvikvm( 1510): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1724K, 24% free 9339K/12231K, paused 3ms+10ms
  616. 07-30 11:14:13.979 D/dalvikvm( 1510): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1750K, 24% free 9341K/12231K, paused 4ms+6ms
  617. 07-30 11:14:14.730 D/dalvikvm( 1510): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1744K, 24% free 9364K/12231K, paused 3ms+7ms
  618. 07-30 11:14:15.420 E/WifiStateMachine( 1510): DriverFailedState
  619. 07-30 11:14:15.571 E/WifiStateMachine( 1510): DriverFailedState
  620. 07-30 11:14:16.361 D/dalvikvm( 1510): GC_EXPLICIT freed 1484K, 24% free 9369K/12231K, paused 3ms+45ms
  621. 07-30 11:14:16.361 D/VoldCmdListener( 1385): asec unmount smdl2tmp1 force
  622. 07-30 11:14:16.411 D/VoldCmdListener( 1385): asec rename smdl2tmp1 ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012-2
  623. 07-30 11:14:16.431 W/PackageManager( 1510): Mounting container ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012-2
  624. 07-30 11:14:16.431 D/VoldCmdListener( 1385): asec mount ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012-2 {} 1000
  625. 07-30 11:14:16.491 I/PackageManager( 1510): Succesfully renamed smdl2tmp1 to ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012-2 at new path: /mnt/asec/ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012-2
  626. 07-30 11:14:16.491 I/PackageManager( 1510): Removing non-system package:ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012
  627. 07-30 11:14:16.491 D/VoldCmdListener( 1385): asec path ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012-2
  628. 07-30 11:14:16.491 I/ActivityManager( 1510): Force stopping package ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012 uid=10077
  629. 07-30 11:14:16.642 I/PackageManager( 1510): Running dexopt on: ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012
  630. 07-30 11:14:16.642 I/PackageManager( 1510): Package ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012 codePath changed from /mnt/asec/ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012-1/pkg.apk to /mnt/asec/ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012-2/pkg.apk; Retaining data and using new
  631. 07-30 11:14:16.642 I/PackageManager( 1510): Linking native library dir for /mnt/asec/ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012-2/pkg.apk
  632. 07-30 11:14:18.063 D/dalvikvm( 3120): DexOpt: load 270ms, verify+opt 793ms
  633. 07-30 11:14:18.173 I/ActivityManager( 1510): Force stopping package ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012 uid=10077
  634. 07-30 11:14:18.173 W/PackageManager( 1510): Code path for pkg : ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012 changing from /mnt/asec/ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012-1/pkg.apk to /mnt/asec/ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012-2/pkg.apk
  635. 07-30 11:14:18.173 W/PackageManager( 1510): Resource path for pkg : ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012 changing from /mnt/asec/ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012-1/pkg.apk to /mnt/asec/ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012-2/pkg.apk
  636. 07-30 11:14:18.483 D/PackageManager( 1510): New package installed in /mnt/asec/ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012-2/pkg.apk
  637. 07-30 11:14:18.503 W/PackageManager( 1510): Unknown permission android.permission.ADD_SYSTEM_SERVICE in package
  638. 07-30 11:14:18.503 W/PackageManager( 1510): Unknown permission in package
  639. 07-30 11:14:18.503 W/PackageManager( 1510): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x9be45)
  640. 07-30 11:14:18.503 W/PackageManager( 1510): Unknown permission android.permission.READ_OWNER_DATA in package
  641. 07-30 11:14:18.503 W/PackageManager( 1510): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_OWNER_DATA in package
  642. 07-30 11:14:18.503 W/PackageManager( 1510): Unknown permission android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package
  643. 07-30 11:14:18.533 W/PackageManager( 1510): Unknown permission in package
  644. 07-30 11:14:18.533 W/PackageManager( 1510): Unknown permission in package
  645. 07-30 11:14:18.533 W/PackageManager( 1510): Unknown permission in package
  646. 07-30 11:14:18.533 W/PackageManager( 1510): Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS to package com.whatsapp (protectionLevel=3 flags=0xbe44)
  647. 07-30 11:14:18.533 W/PackageManager( 1510): Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS to package ro.weednet.contactssync (protectionLevel=3 flags=0x8be44)
  648. 07-30 11:14:18.563 W/PackageManager( 1510): Not granting permission to package (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x8be45)
  649. 07-30 11:14:18.594 W/PackageManager( 1510): Unknown permission android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package
  650. 07-30 11:14:18.594 W/PackageManager( 1510): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package (protectionLevel=2 flags=0xabec5)
  651. 07-30 11:14:18.594 W/PackageManager( 1510): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_SMS_NO_CONFIRMATION to package (protectionLevel=3 flags=0xabec5)
  652. 07-30 11:14:18.594 W/PackageManager( 1510): Not granting permission android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS to package (protectionLevel=3 flags=0xabec5)
  653. 07-30 11:14:18.594 W/PackageManager( 1510): Not granting permission android.permission.PACKAGE_VERIFICATION_AGENT to package (protectionLevel=3 flags=0xabec5)
  654. 07-30 11:14:18.594 W/PackageManager( 1510): Unknown permission in package
  655. 07-30 11:14:18.594 W/PackageManager( 1510): Unknown permission in package
  656. 07-30 11:14:18.594 W/PackageManager( 1510): Not granting permission android.permission.DEVICE_POWER to package (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x8be45)
  657. 07-30 11:14:18.594 W/PackageManager( 1510): Not granting permission android.permission.DEVICE_POWER to package (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x8be45)
  658. 07-30 11:14:18.924 I/ActivityManager( 1510): No longer want (pid 2447): hidden #16
  659. 07-30 11:14:18.994 I/ActivityManager( 1510): Force stopping package ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012 uid=10077
  660. 07-30 11:14:19.444 I/dalvikvm( 2912): Jit: resizing JitTable from 4096 to 8192
  661. 07-30 11:14:20.275 D/PackageManager( 1510): generateServicesMap(android.accounts.AccountAuthenticator): 7 services unchanged
  662. 07-30 11:14:20.335 D/PackageManager( 1510): generateServicesMap(android.content.SyncAdapter): 14 services unchanged
  663. 07-30 11:14:20.345 D/BackupManagerService( 1510): Received broadcast Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package:ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012 flg=0x10000010 (has extras) }
  664. 07-30 11:14:20.355 D/dalvikvm( 2714): GC_EXPLICIT freed 1117K, 69% free 2637K/8323K, paused 3ms+206ms
  665. 07-30 11:14:20.395 I/ActivityManager( 1510): Start proc for broadcast pid=3121 uid=1000 gids={1015, 3002, 3001, 3003, 3007}
  666. 07-30 11:14:20.605 D/dalvikvm( 1714): GC_EXPLICIT freed 2771K, 34% free 8477K/12679K, paused 63ms+125ms
  667. 07-30 11:14:20.615 D/PackageManager( 1510): generateServicesMap(android.accounts.AccountAuthenticator): 7 services unchanged
  668. 07-30 11:14:20.636 D/PackageManager( 1510): generateServicesMap(android.content.SyncAdapter): 14 services unchanged
  669. 07-30 11:14:20.706 D/BackupManagerService( 1510): Received broadcast Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012 flg=0x10000010 (has extras) }
  670. 07-30 11:14:20.706 V/BackupManagerService( 1510): updatePackageParticipantsLocked: #1
  671. 07-30 11:14:20.916 I/Launcher( 1714): setLoadOnResume
  672. 07-30 11:14:21.436 I/ActivityManager( 1510): Start proc com.tmobile.thememanager for broadcast com.tmobile.thememanager/.receiver.ThemePackageReceiver: pid=3137 uid=1300 gids={-1}
  673. 07-30 11:14:21.466 D/BackupManagerService( 1510): Received broadcast Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REPLACED dat=package:ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012 flg=0x10000010 (has extras) }
  674. 07-30 11:14:21.466 V/BackupManagerService( 1510): updatePackageParticipantsLocked: #1
  675. 07-30 11:14:21.476 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  676. 07-30 11:14:21.476 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_rxmode 13 cur_aic_rx 29
  677. 07-30 11:14:21.476 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl()
  678. 07-30 11:14:21.476 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047313 with arg 13
  679. 07-30 11:14:21.476 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_txmode 29 cur_aic_tx 29
  680. 07-30 11:14:21.476 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): value of device and enable is 6 1 ALSA dev id:6
  681. 07-30 11:14:21.526 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): updateACDB: (11, 6, 0, 607)
  682. 07-30 11:14:21.526 I/HTC Acoustic( 1392): update ACDB id: (tx, rx, tx_acdb, rx_acdb) = (11, 6, 0, 607)
  683. 07-30 11:14:21.526 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): msm_route_stream(PCM_PLAY,5,6,1)
  684. 07-30 11:14:21.707 I/ActivityThread( 3137): Pub com.tmobile.thememanager.themes: com.tmobile.thememanager.provider.ThemesProvider
  685. 07-30 11:14:21.737 I/ActivityThread( 3137): Pub com.tmobile.thememanager.packageresources: com.tmobile.thememanager.provider.PackageResourcesProvider
  686. 07-30 11:14:21.787 I/ActivityManager( 1510): Start proc for broadcast pid=3152 uid=10041 gids={3002}
  687. 07-30 11:14:21.787 I/ActivityManager( 1510): No longer want com.GetLogs (pid 2682): hidden #16
  688. 07-30 11:14:21.997 I/ActivityManager( 1510): Start proc for broadcast pid=3166 uid=10044 gids={3003, 1015}
  689. 07-30 11:14:21.997 I/ActivityManager( 1510): No longer want (pid 2745): hidden #16
  690. 07-30 11:14:22.247 I/ActivityThread( 3166): Pub
  691. 07-30 11:14:22.447 D/dalvikvm( 1510): GC_CONCURRENT freed 3958K, 42% free 7173K/12231K, paused 3ms+7ms
  692. 07-30 11:14:22.457 I/ActivityThread( 3166): Pub
  693. 07-30 11:14:22.527 I/ActivityManager( 1510): No longer want (pid 2124): hidden #16
  694. 07-30 11:14:22.848 D/UploadsManager( 3166): load newPhotoTracker: null
  695. 07-30 11:14:22.848 D/UploadsManager( 3166): load all accounts: null
  696. 07-30 11:14:22.848 D/UploadsManager( 3166): load all account-album pairs: null
  697. 07-30 11:14:22.848 V/PicasaContentProvider( 3166): querySettings: defaults: {sync_on_wifi_only=1, auto_upload_account_type=null, sync_on_battery=1, sync_picasa_on_wifi_only=1, auto_upload_enabled=0, video_upload_wifi_only=1, sync_on_roaming=0, auto_upload_account_name=null}
  698. 07-30 11:14:22.868 D/UploadsManager( 3166): settings not changed
  699. 07-30 11:14:22.878 I/ActivityManager( 1510): No longer want (pid 2790): hidden #16
  700. 07-30 11:14:22.928 D/PicasaSync( 3166): sync account database
  701. 07-30 11:14:22.958 I/ActivityManager( 1510): Start proc for broadcast pid=3183 uid=10066 gids={3003, 1015}
  702. 07-30 11:14:23.298 I/ActivityThread( 3183): Pub
  703. 07-30 11:14:23.408 I/ActivityThread( 3183): Pub
  704. 07-30 11:14:23.438 I/ActivityThread( 3183): Pub
  705. 07-30 11:14:23.478 I/ActivityThread( 3183): Pub
  706. 07-30 11:14:23.719 I/ThemeManager( 3137): VerifyInstalledThemesThread took 871 ms.
  707. 07-30 11:14:23.789 I/ActivityThread( 3183): Pub
  708. 07-30 11:14:23.789 I/ActivityThread( 3183): Pub
  709. 07-30 11:14:23.789 I/ActivityThread( 3183): Pub
  710. 07-30 11:14:23.789 I/ActivityThread( 3183): Pub
  711. 07-30 11:14:23.819 I/ActivityManager( 1510): No longer want (pid 2838): hidden #16
  712. 07-30 11:14:23.849 I/ActivityManager( 1510): Start proc com.svox.pico for broadcast com.svox.pico/.VoiceDataInstallerReceiver: pid=3201 uid=10030 gids={1015}
  713. 07-30 11:14:23.949 I/ActivityThread( 3201): Pub com.svox.pico.providers.SettingsProvider: com.svox.pico.providers.SettingsProvider
  714. 07-30 11:14:24.109 I/ActivityManager( 1510): Start proc for broadcast pid=3214 uid=10048 gids={3003}
  715. 07-30 11:14:24.109 I/ActivityManager( 1510): No longer want (pid 2860): hidden #16
  716. 07-30 11:14:24.189 I/ActivityThread( 3214): Pub
  717. 07-30 11:14:24.209 I/ActivityThread( 3214): Pub
  718. 07-30 11:14:24.419 I/ActivityManager( 1510): Start proc for broadcast pid=3229 uid=10035 gids={3003, 1015}
  719. 07-30 11:14:24.419 I/ActivityManager( 1510): No longer want (pid 2397): hidden #16
  720. 07-30 11:14:24.529 I/dalvikvm( 3229): Turning on JNI app bug workarounds for target SDK version 11...
  721. 07-30 11:14:24.659 I/ActivityThread( 3229): Pub
  722. 07-30 11:14:24.729 I/ActivityManager( 1510): Start proc for broadcast pid=3243 uid=10066 gids={3003, 1015}
  723. 07-30 11:14:24.729 I/ActivityManager( 1510): No longer want (pid 2350): hidden #16
  724. 07-30 11:14:24.830 D/dalvikvm( 1390): GC_EXPLICIT freed 37K, 74% free 2175K/8323K, paused 2ms+3ms
  725. 07-30 11:14:24.920 D/dalvikvm( 1390): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 74% free 2175K/8323K, paused 3ms+14ms
  726. 07-30 11:14:25.000 D/dalvikvm( 1390): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 74% free 2175K/8323K, paused 3ms+3ms
  727. 07-30 11:14:25.400 D/PicasaSync( 3166): accounts in DB=2
  728. 07-30 11:14:25.410 V/PicasaContentProvider( 3166): querySettings: defaults: {sync_on_wifi_only=1, auto_upload_account_type=null, sync_on_battery=1, sync_picasa_on_wifi_only=1, auto_upload_enabled=0, video_upload_wifi_only=1, sync_on_roaming=0, auto_upload_account_name=null}
  729. 07-30 11:14:25.430 D/PicasaSyncManager( 3166): active network: NetworkInfo: type: mobile[HSDPA], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: simLoaded, extra:, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true
  730. 07-30 11:14:25.430 D/PicasaSyncManager( 3166): background data: true
  731. 07-30 11:14:25.761 D/PicasaSyncManager( 3166): battery info: false
  732. 07-30 11:14:25.931 D/dalvikvm( 1510): GC_EXPLICIT freed 602K, 42% free 7192K/12231K, paused 50ms+85ms
  733. 07-30 11:14:26.061 D/dalvikvm( 1510): GC_EXPLICIT freed 71K, 42% free 7122K/12231K, paused 4ms+8ms
  734. 07-30 11:14:26.161 I/ActivityManager( 1510): Start proc for broadcast pid=3258 uid=10049 gids={3003}
  735. 07-30 11:14:26.161 I/ActivityManager( 1510): No longer want com.manor.currentwidget (pid 2958): hidden #16
  736. 07-30 11:14:26.251 I/ActivityThread( 3258): Pub
  737. 07-30 11:14:26.251 I/ActivityThread( 3258): Pub
  738. 07-30 11:14:26.451 I/ActivityManager( 1510): No longer want (pid 1622): hidden #16
  739. 07-30 11:14:26.491 E/WifiStateMachine( 1510): DriverFailedState
  740. 07-30 11:14:27.232 D/dalvikvm( 1510): GC_EXPLICIT freed 128K, 43% free 7080K/12231K, paused 58ms+5ms
  741. 07-30 11:14:27.232 D/VoldCmdListener( 1385): asec unmount ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012-1 force
  742. 07-30 11:14:27.272 I/PackageHelper( 1510): Forcibly destroying container ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012-1
  743. 07-30 11:14:27.452 D/dalvikvm( 1510): GC_EXPLICIT freed 20K, 43% free 7069K/12231K, paused 3ms+17ms
  744. 07-30 11:14:27.452 D/VoldCmdListener( 1385): asec destroy ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012-1 force
  745. 07-30 11:14:27.482 D/Finsky ( 2216): [91] 1.packageInstalled: Package install status for "ca.ctv.london2012.ctvolympicslondon2012" is 1
  746. 07-30 11:14:27.512 I/ActivityManager( 1510): Start proc for content provider pid=3280 uid=10015 gids={1015, 1023, 1024, 2001, 3003, 3007}
  747. 07-30 11:14:27.592 I/ActivityThread( 3280): Pub media:
  748. 07-30 11:14:27.742 E/WifiStateMachine( 1510): DriverFailedState
  749. 07-30 11:14:27.983 I/ActivityThread( 3280): Pub downloads:
  750. 07-30 11:14:27.993 I/ActivityThread( 3280): Pub drm:
  751. 07-30 11:14:28.003 I/DownloadManager( 3280): in removeSpuriousFiles
  752. 07-30 11:14:28.233 I/DownloadManager( 3280): in removeSpuriousFiles, preserving file /mnt/sdcard/Download/MediaDog0.8.2.apk
  753. 07-30 11:14:28.233 I/DownloadManager( 3280): in removeSpuriousFiles, preserving file /mnt/sdcard/Download/79176-HP-Scorecard.pdf
  754. 07-30 11:14:28.233 I/DownloadManager( 3280): in removeSpuriousFiles, preserving file /data/data/
  755. 07-30 11:14:28.233 I/DownloadManager( 3280): in removeSpuriousFiles, preserving file /mnt/sdcard/Download/
  756. 07-30 11:14:28.233 I/DownloadManager( 3280): in removeSpuriousFiles, preserving file /mnt/sdcard/Download/
  757. 07-30 11:14:28.233 I/DownloadManager( 3280): in removeSpuriousFiles, preserving file /mnt/sdcard/Download/GetLogs.apk
  758. 07-30 11:14:28.233 I/DownloadManager( 3280): in removeSpuriousFiles, preserving file /data/data/
  759. 07-30 11:14:28.353 I/DownloadManager( 3280): deleting spurious file /cache/4ext
  760. 07-30 11:14:28.884 I/ActivityManager( 1510): No longer want (pid 3058): hidden #16
  761. 07-30 11:14:29.474 D/dalvikvm( 2912): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1549K, 22% free 10121K/12871K, paused 44ms
  762. 07-30 11:14:29.624 D/dalvikvm( 2912): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 103K, 21% free 11017K/13831K, paused 36ms
  763. 07-30 11:14:30.065 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): AudioStreamOutMSM72xx::standby()
  764. 07-30 11:14:30.065 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): Deroute pcm out stream
  765. 07-30 11:14:30.065 E/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): updateDeviceInfo: E rx_device 6 and tx_device 11
  766. 07-30 11:14:30.065 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): No active voicecall/playback, disabling cur_rx 6
  767. 07-30 11:14:30.065 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): value of device and enable is 6 0 ALSA dev id:6
  768. 07-30 11:14:30.075 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): No active voicecall/recording, disabling cur_tx 11
  769. 07-30 11:14:30.075 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): value of device and enable is 11 0 ALSA dev id:11
  770. 07-30 11:14:30.075 E/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): updateDeviceInfo: X cur_rx 6 cur_tx 11
  771. 07-30 11:14:30.075 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  772. 07-30 11:14:30.075 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_rxmode 29 cur_aic_rx 13
  773. 07-30 11:14:30.075 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl()
  774. 07-30 11:14:30.075 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047313 with arg 29
  775. 07-30 11:14:30.075 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_txmode 29 cur_aic_tx 29
  776. 07-30 11:14:30.075 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_powerdown
  777. 07-30 11:14:30.075 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl()
  778. 07-30 11:14:30.075 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047325 with arg 0
  779. 07-30 11:14:31.306 I/ActivityManager( 1510): START { (has extras)} from pid 2912
  780. 07-30 11:14:31.316 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  781. 07-30 11:14:31.316 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_rxmode 13 cur_aic_rx 29
  782. 07-30 11:14:31.316 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl()
  783. 07-30 11:14:31.316 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047313 with arg 13
  784. 07-30 11:14:31.316 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_txmode 29 cur_aic_tx 29
  785. 07-30 11:14:31.316 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): value of device and enable is 6 1 ALSA dev id:6
  786. 07-30 11:14:31.366 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): updateACDB: (11, 6, 0, 607)
  787. 07-30 11:14:31.366 I/HTC Acoustic( 1392): update ACDB id: (tx, rx, tx_acdb, rx_acdb) = (11, 6, 0, 607)
  788. 07-30 11:14:31.366 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): msm_route_stream(PCM_PLAY,5,6,1)
  789. 07-30 11:14:31.586 V/PhoneStatusBar( 1582): setLightsOn(true)
  790. 07-30 11:14:31.696 I/ActivityManager( 1510): Displayed +335ms
  791. 07-30 11:14:34.229 D/dalvikvm( 1582): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1537K, 49% free 4946K/9607K, paused 5ms+8ms
  792. 07-30 11:14:34.409 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): AudioStreamOutMSM72xx::standby()
  793. 07-30 11:14:34.409 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): Deroute pcm out stream
  794. 07-30 11:14:34.409 E/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): updateDeviceInfo: E rx_device 6 and tx_device 11
  795. 07-30 11:14:34.409 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): No active voicecall/playback, disabling cur_rx 6
  796. 07-30 11:14:34.409 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): value of device and enable is 6 0 ALSA dev id:6
  797. 07-30 11:14:34.409 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): No active voicecall/recording, disabling cur_tx 11
  798. 07-30 11:14:34.409 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): value of device and enable is 11 0 ALSA dev id:11
  799. 07-30 11:14:34.419 E/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): updateDeviceInfo: X cur_rx 6 cur_tx 11
  800. 07-30 11:14:34.419 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  801. 07-30 11:14:34.419 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_rxmode 29 cur_aic_rx 13
  802. 07-30 11:14:34.419 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl()
  803. 07-30 11:14:34.419 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047313 with arg 29
  804. 07-30 11:14:34.419 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_txmode 29 cur_aic_tx 29
  805. 07-30 11:14:34.419 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_powerdown
  806. 07-30 11:14:34.419 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl()
  807. 07-30 11:14:34.419 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047325 with arg 0
  808. 07-30 11:14:34.629 V/PhoneStatusBar( 1582): setLightsOn(true)
  809. 07-30 11:14:37.852 D/dalvikvm( 1510): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 756K, 43% free 7039K/12231K, paused 68ms
  810. 07-30 11:14:37.942 W/InputManagerService( 1510): Starting input on non-focused client$Stub$Proxy@410ee240 (uid=10062 pid=2912)
  811. 07-30 11:14:38.223 I/ActivityManager( 1510): Start proc for service pid=3316 uid=10007 gids={3003}
  812. 07-30 11:14:38.383 I/ActivityThread( 3316): Pub
  813. 07-30 11:14:38.403 I/ActivityManager( 1510): Start proc for service pid=3330 uid=10071 gids={3003, 1015}
  814. 07-30 11:14:38.543 I/ActivityManager( 1510): Start proc for content provider pid=3346 uid=10008 gids={3003, 1015}
  815. 07-30 11:14:38.653 I/ActivityThread( 3346): Pub
  816. 07-30 11:14:38.673 I/ActivityThread( 3330): Pub gmail-ls:
  817. 07-30 11:14:38.733 I/ActivityManager( 1510): START { (has extras)} from pid 2912
  818. 07-30 11:14:38.753 I/ActivityThread( 3330): Pub
  819. 07-30 11:14:38.753 I/ActivityThread( 3330): Pub
  820. 07-30 11:14:38.963 W/InputManagerService( 1510): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@40f03170
  821. 07-30 11:14:39.164 I/ActivityManager( 1510): No longer want (pid 3121): hidden #16
  822. 07-30 11:14:39.594 I/Gmail ( 3330): calculateUnknownSyncRationalesAndPurgeInBackground: queueing
  823. 07-30 11:14:39.924 I/Gmail ( 3330): calculateUnknownSyncRationalesAndPurgeInBackground: queueing
  824. 07-30 11:14:40.145 I/CalendarProvider2( 3346): Sending notification intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED dat=content:// }
  825. 07-30 11:14:40.145 W/ContentResolver( 3346): Failed to get type for: content:// (Unknown URL content://
  826. 07-30 11:14:40.205 I/ActivityManager( 1510): No longer want (pid 3152): hidden #16
  827. 07-30 11:14:40.395 I/Gmail ( 3330): calculateUnknownSyncRationalesAndPurgeInBackground: running
  828. 07-30 11:14:40.395 I/Gmail ( 3330): calculateUnknownSyncRationalesAndPurgeInBackground: running
  829. 07-30 11:14:40.575 D/dalvikvm( 1714): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1837K, 32% free 8655K/12679K, paused 2ms+15ms
  830. 07-30 11:14:40.805 D/dalvikvm( 2216): GC_CONCURRENT freed 3643K, 58% free 3524K/8323K, paused 2ms+6ms
  831. 07-30 11:14:40.895 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  832. 07-30 11:14:40.895 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_rxmode 13 cur_aic_rx 29
  833. 07-30 11:14:40.895 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl()
  834. 07-30 11:14:40.895 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047313 with arg 13
  835. 07-30 11:14:40.895 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_txmode 29 cur_aic_tx 29
  836. 07-30 11:14:40.895 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): value of device and enable is 6 1 ALSA dev id:6
  837. 07-30 11:14:40.945 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): updateACDB: (11, 6, 0, 607)
  838. 07-30 11:14:40.945 I/HTC Acoustic( 1392): update ACDB id: (tx, rx, tx_acdb, rx_acdb) = (11, 6, 0, 607)
  839. 07-30 11:14:40.945 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): msm_route_stream(PCM_PLAY,5,6,1)
  840. 07-30 11:14:41.055 I/ActivityManager( 1510): Start proc for service pid=3379 uid=10043 gids={3003, 1015, 1007, 2001, 3006}
  841. 07-30 11:14:41.166 D/OpenGLRenderer( 1582): Flushing caches (mode 0)
  842. 07-30 11:14:41.216 W/InputManagerService( 1510): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@40ea6d40
  843. 07-30 11:14:41.296 I/ActivityManager( 1510): No longer want com.svox.pico (pid 3201): hidden #16
  844. 07-30 11:14:41.326 D/dalvikvm( 1652): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1717K, 60% free 3367K/8323K, paused 2ms+7ms
  845. 07-30 11:14:42.056 D/Finsky ( 2216): [1] 5.onFinished: Installation state replication succeeded.
  846. 07-30 11:14:43.978 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): AudioStreamOutMSM72xx::standby()
  847. 07-30 11:14:43.978 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): Deroute pcm out stream
  848. 07-30 11:14:43.978 E/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): updateDeviceInfo: E rx_device 6 and tx_device 11
  849. 07-30 11:14:43.978 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): No active voicecall/playback, disabling cur_rx 6
  850. 07-30 11:14:43.978 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): value of device and enable is 6 0 ALSA dev id:6
  851. 07-30 11:14:43.988 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): No active voicecall/recording, disabling cur_tx 11
  852. 07-30 11:14:43.988 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): value of device and enable is 11 0 ALSA dev id:11
  853. 07-30 11:14:43.988 E/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): updateDeviceInfo: X cur_rx 6 cur_tx 11
  854. 07-30 11:14:43.988 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  855. 07-30 11:14:43.988 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_rxmode 29 cur_aic_rx 13
  856. 07-30 11:14:43.988 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl()
  857. 07-30 11:14:43.988 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047313 with arg 29
  858. 07-30 11:14:43.988 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_txmode 29 cur_aic_tx 29
  859. 07-30 11:14:43.988 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_powerdown
  860. 07-30 11:14:43.988 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl()
  861. 07-30 11:14:43.988 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047325 with arg 0
  862. 07-30 11:14:45.370 I/ActivityManager( 1510): No longer want com.tmobile.thememanager (pid 3137): hidden #16
  863. 07-30 11:14:45.480 I/ActivityManager( 1510): No longer want (pid 3166): hidden #16
  864. 07-30 11:14:45.910 D/OpenGLRenderer( 1582): Flushing caches (mode 0)
  865. 07-30 11:14:45.940 W/InputManagerService( 1510): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@412ccb20
  866. 07-30 11:14:46.731 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  867. 07-30 11:14:46.731 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_rxmode 13 cur_aic_rx 29
  868. 07-30 11:14:46.731 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl()
  869. 07-30 11:14:46.731 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047313 with arg 13
  870. 07-30 11:14:46.741 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_txmode 29 cur_aic_tx 29
  871. 07-30 11:14:46.741 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): value of device and enable is 6 1 ALSA dev id:6
  872. 07-30 11:14:46.781 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): updateACDB: (11, 6, 0, 607)
  873. 07-30 11:14:46.781 I/HTC Acoustic( 1392): update ACDB id: (tx, rx, tx_acdb, rx_acdb) = (11, 6, 0, 607)
  874. 07-30 11:14:46.781 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): msm_route_stream(PCM_PLAY,5,6,1)
  875. 07-30 11:14:49.814 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): AudioStreamOutMSM72xx::standby()
  876. 07-30 11:14:49.814 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): Deroute pcm out stream
  877. 07-30 11:14:49.814 E/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): updateDeviceInfo: E rx_device 6 and tx_device 11
  878. 07-30 11:14:49.814 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): No active voicecall/playback, disabling cur_rx 6
  879. 07-30 11:14:49.814 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): value of device and enable is 6 0 ALSA dev id:6
  880. 07-30 11:14:49.824 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): No active voicecall/recording, disabling cur_tx 11
  881. 07-30 11:14:49.824 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): value of device and enable is 11 0 ALSA dev id:11
  882. 07-30 11:14:49.824 E/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): updateDeviceInfo: X cur_rx 6 cur_tx 11
  883. 07-30 11:14:49.824 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  884. 07-30 11:14:49.824 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_rxmode 29 cur_aic_rx 13
  885. 07-30 11:14:49.824 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl()
  886. 07-30 11:14:49.824 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047313 with arg 29
  887. 07-30 11:14:49.824 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_txmode 29 cur_aic_tx 29
  888. 07-30 11:14:49.824 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_powerdown
  889. 07-30 11:14:49.824 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl()
  890. 07-30 11:14:49.824 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047325 with arg 0
  891. 07-30 11:15:00.655 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  892. 07-30 11:15:00.655 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_rxmode 13 cur_aic_rx 29
  893. 07-30 11:15:00.655 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl()
  894. 07-30 11:15:00.655 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047313 with arg 13
  895. 07-30 11:15:00.655 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_txmode 29 cur_aic_tx 29
  896. 07-30 11:15:00.655 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): value of device and enable is 6 1 ALSA dev id:6
  897. 07-30 11:15:00.655 I/ActivityManager( 1510): START {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 bnds=[0,556][120,707]} from pid 1714
  898. 07-30 11:15:00.705 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): updateACDB: (11, 6, 0, 607)
  899. 07-30 11:15:00.705 I/HTC Acoustic( 1392): update ACDB id: (tx, rx, tx_acdb, rx_acdb) = (11, 6, 0, 607)
  900. 07-30 11:15:00.705 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): msm_route_stream(PCM_PLAY,5,6,1)
  901. 07-30 11:15:00.825 D/dalvikvm( 1510): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 871K, 44% free 6963K/12231K, paused 75ms
  902. 07-30 11:15:00.865 I/ActivityManager( 1510): Start proc for activity pid=3399 uid=10009 gids={1006, 1015}
  903. 07-30 11:15:00.905 D/OpenGLRenderer( 1714): Flushing caches (mode 1)
  904. 07-30 11:15:00.995 D/OpenGLRenderer( 1714): Flushing caches (mode 0)
  905. 07-30 11:15:01.065 I/CameraHAL( 1392): camera_get_camera_info: id:0 faceing:0 orientation: 90
  906. 07-30 11:15:01.065 V/CameraHolder( 3399): open camera 0
  907. 07-30 11:15:01.405 I/Process ( 1510): Sending signal. PID: 3399 SIG: 3
  908. 07-30 11:15:01.405 I/dalvikvm( 3399): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  909. 07-30 11:15:01.425 I/dalvikvm( 3399): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  910. 07-30 11:15:01.906 I/Process ( 1510): Sending signal. PID: 3399 SIG: 3
  911. 07-30 11:15:01.906 I/dalvikvm( 3399): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  912. 07-30 11:15:01.916 I/dalvikvm( 3399): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  913. 07-30 11:15:02.406 I/Process ( 1510): Sending signal. PID: 3399 SIG: 3
  914. 07-30 11:15:02.406 I/dalvikvm( 3399): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  915. 07-30 11:15:02.416 I/dalvikvm( 3399): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  916. 07-30 11:15:02.907 I/Process ( 1510): Sending signal. PID: 3399 SIG: 3
  917. 07-30 11:15:02.907 I/dalvikvm( 3399): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  918. 07-30 11:15:02.917 I/dalvikvm( 3399): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  919. 07-30 11:15:03.407 I/Process ( 1510): Sending signal. PID: 3399 SIG: 3
  920. 07-30 11:15:03.407 I/dalvikvm( 3399): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  921. 07-30 11:15:03.417 I/dalvikvm( 3399): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  922. 07-30 11:15:03.738 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): AudioStreamOutMSM72xx::standby()
  923. 07-30 11:15:03.738 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): Deroute pcm out stream
  924. 07-30 11:15:03.738 E/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): updateDeviceInfo: E rx_device 6 and tx_device 11
  925. 07-30 11:15:03.738 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): No active voicecall/playback, disabling cur_rx 6
  926. 07-30 11:15:03.738 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): value of device and enable is 6 0 ALSA dev id:6
  927. 07-30 11:15:03.748 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): No active voicecall/recording, disabling cur_tx 11
  928. 07-30 11:15:03.748 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): value of device and enable is 11 0 ALSA dev id:11
  929. 07-30 11:15:03.748 E/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): updateDeviceInfo: X cur_rx 6 cur_tx 11
  930. 07-30 11:15:03.758 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  931. 07-30 11:15:03.758 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_rxmode 29 cur_aic_rx 13
  932. 07-30 11:15:03.758 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl()
  933. 07-30 11:15:03.758 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047313 with arg 29
  934. 07-30 11:15:03.758 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_txmode 29 cur_aic_tx 29
  935. 07-30 11:15:03.758 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_powerdown
  936. 07-30 11:15:03.758 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl()
  937. 07-30 11:15:03.758 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047325 with arg 0
  938. 07-30 11:15:03.908 I/Process ( 1510): Sending signal. PID: 3399 SIG: 3
  939. 07-30 11:15:03.908 I/dalvikvm( 3399): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  940. 07-30 11:15:03.918 I/dalvikvm( 3399): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  941. 07-30 11:15:04.408 I/Process ( 1510): Sending signal. PID: 3399 SIG: 3
  942. 07-30 11:15:04.408 I/dalvikvm( 3399): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  943. 07-30 11:15:04.418 I/dalvikvm( 3399): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  944. 07-30 11:15:04.909 I/Process ( 1510): Sending signal. PID: 3399 SIG: 3
  945. 07-30 11:15:04.909 I/dalvikvm( 3399): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  946. 07-30 11:15:04.919 I/dalvikvm( 3399): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  947. 07-30 11:15:05.409 I/Process ( 1510): Sending signal. PID: 3399 SIG: 3
  948. 07-30 11:15:05.409 I/dalvikvm( 3399): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  949. 07-30 11:15:05.419 I/dalvikvm( 3399): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  950. 07-30 11:15:05.910 I/Process ( 1510): Sending signal. PID: 3399 SIG: 3
  951. 07-30 11:15:05.910 I/dalvikvm( 3399): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  952. 07-30 11:15:05.920 I/dalvikvm( 3399): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  953. 07-30 11:15:06.420 I/Process ( 1510): Sending signal. PID: 3399 SIG: 3
  954. 07-30 11:15:06.420 I/dalvikvm( 3399): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  955. 07-30 11:15:06.430 I/dalvikvm( 3399): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  956. 07-30 11:15:06.911 I/Process ( 1510): Sending signal. PID: 3399 SIG: 3
  957. 07-30 11:15:06.911 I/dalvikvm( 3399): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  958. 07-30 11:15:06.921 I/dalvikvm( 3399): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  959. 07-30 11:15:07.121 I/ActivityManager( 1510): Start proc com.manor.currentwidget for broadcast com.manor.currentwidget/.library.CurrentWidget: pid=3416 uid=10068 gids={1015}
  960. 07-30 11:15:07.211 I/ActivityManager( 1510): No longer want (pid 3214): hidden #16
  961. 07-30 11:15:07.411 I/Process ( 1510): Sending signal. PID: 3399 SIG: 3
  962. 07-30 11:15:07.411 I/dalvikvm( 3399): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  963. 07-30 11:15:07.421 I/dalvikvm( 3399): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  964. 07-30 11:15:07.912 I/Process ( 1510): Sending signal. PID: 3399 SIG: 3
  965. 07-30 11:15:07.912 I/dalvikvm( 3399): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  966. 07-30 11:15:07.922 I/dalvikvm( 3399): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  967. 07-30 11:15:08.412 I/Process ( 1510): Sending signal. PID: 3399 SIG: 3
  968. 07-30 11:15:08.412 I/dalvikvm( 3399): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  969. 07-30 11:15:08.422 I/dalvikvm( 3399): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  970. 07-30 11:15:08.913 I/Process ( 1510): Sending signal. PID: 3399 SIG: 3
  971. 07-30 11:15:08.913 I/dalvikvm( 3399): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  972. 07-30 11:15:08.923 I/dalvikvm( 3399): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  973. 07-30 11:15:09.413 I/Process ( 1510): Sending signal. PID: 3399 SIG: 3
  974. 07-30 11:15:09.413 I/dalvikvm( 3399): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  975. 07-30 11:15:09.423 I/dalvikvm( 3399): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  976. 07-30 11:15:09.904 I/Process ( 1510): Sending signal. PID: 3399 SIG: 3
  977. 07-30 11:15:09.904 I/dalvikvm( 3399): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  978. 07-30 11:15:09.914 I/dalvikvm( 3399): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  979. 07-30 11:15:10.414 I/Process ( 1510): Sending signal. PID: 3399 SIG: 3
  980. 07-30 11:15:10.414 I/dalvikvm( 3399): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  981. 07-30 11:15:10.414 I/dalvikvm( 3399): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  982. 07-30 11:15:10.834 W/ActivityManager( 1510): Launch timeout has expired, giving up wake lock!
  983. 07-30 11:15:10.915 I/Process ( 1510): Sending signal. PID: 3399 SIG: 3
  984. 07-30 11:15:10.915 I/dalvikvm( 3399): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  985. 07-30 11:15:10.915 I/dalvikvm( 3399): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  986. 07-30 11:15:10.925 W/ActivityManager( 1510): Activity idle timeout for ActivityRecord{414f22e0}
  987. 07-30 11:15:16.990 I/EventLogService( 1652): Aggregate from 1343668268592 (log), 1343666716769 (data)
  988. 07-30 11:15:17.051 I/ServiceDumpSys( 1652): dumping service [account]
  989. 07-30 11:15:17.941 I/InputDispatcher( 1510): Application is not responding: AppWindowToken{41329960 token=Token{414df390 ActivityRecord{414f22e0}}}. 5005.6ms since event, 5002.3ms since wait started
  990. 07-30 11:15:17.941 I/WindowManager( 1510): Input event dispatching timed out sending to application AppWindowToken{41329960 token=Token{414df390 ActivityRecord{414f22e0}}}
  991. 07-30 11:15:17.961 I/Process ( 1510): Sending signal. PID: 3399 SIG: 3
  992. 07-30 11:15:17.971 I/dalvikvm( 3399): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  993. 07-30 11:15:17.971 I/dalvikvm( 3399): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  994. 07-30 11:15:17.971 I/Process ( 1510): Sending signal. PID: 1510 SIG: 3
  995. 07-30 11:15:17.971 I/dalvikvm( 1510): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  996. 07-30 11:15:18.042 I/dalvikvm( 1510): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  997. 07-30 11:15:18.042 I/Process ( 1510): Sending signal. PID: 1582 SIG: 3
  998. 07-30 11:15:18.042 I/dalvikvm( 1582): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  999. 07-30 11:15:18.052 I/dalvikvm( 1582): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  1000. 07-30 11:15:18.052 I/Process ( 1510): Sending signal. PID: 1697 SIG: 3
  1001. 07-30 11:15:18.052 I/dalvikvm( 1697): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  1002. 07-30 11:15:18.072 I/dalvikvm( 1697): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  1003. 07-30 11:15:18.402 D/dalvikvm( 1510): GC_EXPLICIT freed 1153K, 40% free 7353K/12231K, paused 3ms+6ms
  1004. 07-30 11:15:18.972 I/Process ( 1510): Sending signal. PID: 1853 SIG: 3
  1005. 07-30 11:15:18.972 I/dalvikvm( 1853): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  1006. 07-30 11:15:18.982 I/dalvikvm( 1853): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  1007. 07-30 11:15:18.992 E/ActivityManager( 1510): ANR in (
  1008. 07-30 11:15:18.992 E/ActivityManager( 1510): Reason: keyDispatchingTimedOut
  1009. 07-30 11:15:18.992 E/ActivityManager( 1510): Load: 3.85 / 3.91 / 1.89
  1010. 07-30 11:15:18.992 E/ActivityManager( 1510): CPU usage from 5840ms to 3ms ago:
  1011. 07-30 11:15:18.992 E/ActivityManager( 1510): 2.3% 1510/system_server: 1.3% user + 1% kernel / faults: 25 minor
  1012. 07-30 11:15:18.992 E/ActivityManager( 1510): 2.2% 1396/akmd: 0.8% user + 1.3% kernel / faults: 75 minor
  1013. 07-30 11:15:18.992 E/ActivityManager( 1510): 0.4% 1652/ 0% user + 0.4% kernel / faults: 30 minor
  1014. 07-30 11:15:18.992 E/ActivityManager( 1510): 0.1% 1582/ 0.1% user + 0% kernel / faults: 5 minor
  1015. 07-30 11:15:18.992 E/ActivityManager( 1510): 0.3% 1697/ 0.3% user + 0% kernel / faults: 2 minor
  1016. 07-30 11:15:18.992 E/ActivityManager( 1510): 0.1% 4/kworker/0:0: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
  1017. 07-30 11:15:18.992 E/ActivityManager( 1510): 7.5% TOTAL: 2.5% user + 2.9% kernel + 2% iowait
  1018. 07-30 11:15:18.992 E/ActivityManager( 1510): CPU usage from 473ms to 989ms later:
  1019. 07-30 11:15:18.992 E/ActivityManager( 1510): 5.6% 1510/system_server: 1.8% user + 3.7% kernel / faults: 7 minor
  1020. 07-30 11:15:18.992 E/ActivityManager( 1510): 5.6% 1542/InputDispatcher: 0% user + 5.6% kernel
  1021. 07-30 11:15:18.992 E/ActivityManager( 1510): 1.8% 1674/Binder Thread #: 1.8% user + 0% kernel
  1022. 07-30 11:15:18.992 E/ActivityManager( 1510): 1.8% 1396/akmd: 0% user + 1.8% kernel / faults: 6 minor
  1023. 07-30 11:15:18.992 E/ActivityManager( 1510): 1.8% 1545/akmd: 1.8% user + 0% kernel
  1024. 07-30 11:15:18.992 E/ActivityManager( 1510): 1.3% 1853/ 1.3% user + 0% kernel / faults: 1 minor
  1025. 07-30 11:15:18.992 E/ActivityManager( 1510): 5.8% TOTAL: 5.8% user + 0% kernel
  1026. 07-30 11:15:19.083 D/dalvikvm( 1510): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 801K, 41% free 7297K/12231K, paused 64ms
  1027. 07-30 11:15:19.093 I/dalvikvm-heap( 1510): Grow heap (frag case) to 15.948MB for 635812-byte allocation
  1028. 07-30 11:15:21.435 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  1029. 07-30 11:15:21.435 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_rxmode 13 cur_aic_rx 29
  1030. 07-30 11:15:21.435 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl()
  1031. 07-30 11:15:21.435 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047313 with arg 13
  1032. 07-30 11:15:21.445 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_txmode 29 cur_aic_tx 29
  1033. 07-30 11:15:21.445 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): value of device and enable is 6 1 ALSA dev id:6
  1034. 07-30 11:15:21.495 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): updateACDB: (11, 6, 0, 607)
  1035. 07-30 11:15:21.495 I/HTC Acoustic( 1392): update ACDB id: (tx, rx, tx_acdb, rx_acdb) = (11, 6, 0, 607)
  1036. 07-30 11:15:21.495 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): msm_route_stream(PCM_PLAY,5,6,1)
  1037. 07-30 11:15:24.538 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): AudioStreamOutMSM72xx::standby()
  1038. 07-30 11:15:24.538 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): Deroute pcm out stream
  1039. 07-30 11:15:24.538 E/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): updateDeviceInfo: E rx_device 6 and tx_device 11
  1040. 07-30 11:15:24.538 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): No active voicecall/playback, disabling cur_rx 6
  1041. 07-30 11:15:24.538 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): value of device and enable is 6 0 ALSA dev id:6
  1042. 07-30 11:15:24.548 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): No active voicecall/recording, disabling cur_tx 11
  1043. 07-30 11:15:24.548 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): value of device and enable is 11 0 ALSA dev id:11
  1044. 07-30 11:15:24.548 E/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): updateDeviceInfo: X cur_rx 6 cur_tx 11
  1045. 07-30 11:15:24.548 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  1046. 07-30 11:15:24.558 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_rxmode 29 cur_aic_rx 13
  1047. 07-30 11:15:24.558 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl()
  1048. 07-30 11:15:24.558 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047313 with arg 29
  1049. 07-30 11:15:24.558 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_txmode 29 cur_aic_tx 29
  1050. 07-30 11:15:24.558 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_powerdown
  1051. 07-30 11:15:24.558 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl()
  1052. 07-30 11:15:24.558 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047325 with arg 0
  1053. 07-30 11:15:26.530 E/WifiStateMachine( 1510): DriverFailedState
  1054. 07-30 11:15:26.630 E/WifiStateMachine( 1510): DriverFailedState
  1055. 07-30 11:15:39.152 I/InputDispatcher( 1510): Application is not responding: AppWindowToken{41329960 token=Token{414df390 ActivityRecord{414f22e0}}}. 5005.2ms since event, 5004.2ms since wait started
  1056. 07-30 11:15:39.152 I/WindowManager( 1510): Input event dispatching timed out sending to application AppWindowToken{41329960 token=Token{414df390 ActivityRecord{414f22e0}}}
  1057. 07-30 11:15:39.172 I/Process ( 1510): Sending signal. PID: 3399 SIG: 3
  1058. 07-30 11:15:39.172 I/dalvikvm( 3399): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  1059. 07-30 11:15:39.172 I/dalvikvm( 3399): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  1060. 07-30 11:15:39.172 I/Process ( 1510): Sending signal. PID: 1510 SIG: 3
  1061. 07-30 11:15:39.172 I/dalvikvm( 1510): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  1062. 07-30 11:15:39.192 I/dalvikvm( 1510): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  1063. 07-30 11:15:39.192 I/Process ( 1510): Sending signal. PID: 1582 SIG: 3
  1064. 07-30 11:15:39.192 I/dalvikvm( 1582): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  1065. 07-30 11:15:39.192 I/dalvikvm( 1582): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  1066. 07-30 11:15:39.192 I/Process ( 1510): Sending signal. PID: 1697 SIG: 3
  1067. 07-30 11:15:39.192 I/dalvikvm( 1697): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  1068. 07-30 11:15:39.202 I/dalvikvm( 1697): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  1069. 07-30 11:15:39.532 D/dalvikvm( 1510): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1858K, 43% free 7367K/12871K, paused 3ms+7ms
  1070. 07-30 11:15:39.623 D/dalvikvm( 1510): GC_EXPLICIT freed 44K, 44% free 7322K/12871K, paused 3ms+6ms
  1071. 07-30 11:15:40.183 E/ActivityManager( 1510): ANR in (
  1072. 07-30 11:15:40.183 E/ActivityManager( 1510): Reason: keyDispatchingTimedOut
  1073. 07-30 11:15:40.183 E/ActivityManager( 1510): Load: 3.32 / 3.79 / 1.89
  1074. 07-30 11:15:40.183 E/ActivityManager( 1510): CPU usage from 7675ms to 0ms ago:
  1075. 07-30 11:15:40.183 E/ActivityManager( 1510): 1.9% 1396/akmd: 0.5% user + 1.4% kernel / faults: 99 minor
  1076. 07-30 11:15:40.183 E/ActivityManager( 1510): 1.3% 1510/system_server: 0.6% user + 0.6% kernel / faults: 22 minor
  1077. 07-30 11:15:40.183 E/ActivityManager( 1510): 0.6% 4/kworker/0:0: 0% user + 0.6% kernel
  1078. 07-30 11:15:40.183 E/ActivityManager( 1510): 0% 800/irq/168-atmel_q: 0% user + 0% kernel
  1079. 07-30 11:15:40.183 E/ActivityManager( 1510): 0.1% 1697/ 0.1% user + 0% kernel / faults: 7 minor
  1080. 07-30 11:15:40.183 E/ActivityManager( 1510): 3.1% TOTAL: 1.4% user + 1.6% kernel
  1081. 07-30 11:15:40.183 E/ActivityManager( 1510): CPU usage from 470ms to 985ms later:
  1082. 07-30 11:15:40.183 E/ActivityManager( 1510): 5.6% 1510/system_server: 3.7% user + 1.8% kernel / faults: 7 minor
  1083. 07-30 11:15:40.183 E/ActivityManager( 1510): 3.7% 1542/InputDispatcher: 1.8% user + 1.8% kernel
  1084. 07-30 11:15:40.183 E/ActivityManager( 1510): 1% 4/kworker/0:0: 0% user + 1% kernel
  1085. 07-30 11:15:40.183 E/ActivityManager( 1510): 1.1% 1396/akmd: 1.1% user + 0% kernel / faults: 11 minor
  1086. 07-30 11:15:40.183 E/ActivityManager( 1510): 2.3% 1545/akmd: 1.1% user + 1.1% kernel
  1087. 07-30 11:15:40.183 E/ActivityManager( 1510): 7.8% TOTAL: 3.9% user + 3.9% kernel
  1088. 07-30 11:15:43.026 W/ActivityManager( 1510): Force finishing activity
  1089. 07-30 11:15:43.036 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  1090. 07-30 11:15:43.036 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_rxmode 13 cur_aic_rx 29
  1091. 07-30 11:15:43.036 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl()
  1092. 07-30 11:15:43.036 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047313 with arg 13
  1093. 07-30 11:15:43.036 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_txmode 29 cur_aic_tx 29
  1094. 07-30 11:15:43.036 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): value of device and enable is 6 1 ALSA dev id:6
  1095. 07-30 11:15:43.046 I/ActivityManager( 1510): Killing ProcessRecord{40e86e00}: user's request
  1096. 07-30 11:15:43.056 I/ActivityManager( 1510): Process (pid 3399) has died.
  1097. 07-30 11:15:43.086 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): updateACDB: (11, 6, 0, 607)
  1098. 07-30 11:15:43.086 I/HTC Acoustic( 1392): update ACDB id: (tx, rx, tx_acdb, rx_acdb) = (11, 6, 0, 607)
  1099. 07-30 11:15:43.086 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): msm_route_stream(PCM_PLAY,5,6,1)
  1100. 07-30 11:15:43.146 W/InputManagerService( 1510): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@411f5a98
  1101. 07-30 11:15:46.119 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): AudioStreamOutMSM72xx::standby()
  1102. 07-30 11:15:46.119 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): Deroute pcm out stream
  1103. 07-30 11:15:46.119 E/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): updateDeviceInfo: E rx_device 6 and tx_device 11
  1104. 07-30 11:15:46.119 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): No active voicecall/playback, disabling cur_rx 6
  1105. 07-30 11:15:46.119 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): value of device and enable is 6 0 ALSA dev id:6
  1106. 07-30 11:15:46.129 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): No active voicecall/recording, disabling cur_tx 11
  1107. 07-30 11:15:46.129 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): value of device and enable is 11 0 ALSA dev id:11
  1108. 07-30 11:15:46.129 E/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): updateDeviceInfo: X cur_rx 6 cur_tx 11
  1109. 07-30 11:15:46.129 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  1110. 07-30 11:15:46.129 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_rxmode 29 cur_aic_rx 13
  1111. 07-30 11:15:46.129 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl()
  1112. 07-30 11:15:46.129 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047313 with arg 29
  1113. 07-30 11:15:46.129 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_txmode 29 cur_aic_tx 29
  1114. 07-30 11:15:46.129 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_powerdown
  1115. 07-30 11:15:46.129 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl()
  1116. 07-30 11:15:46.129 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047325 with arg 0
  1117. 07-30 11:15:46.349 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  1118. 07-30 11:15:46.349 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_rxmode 13 cur_aic_rx 29
  1119. 07-30 11:15:46.349 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl()
  1120. 07-30 11:15:46.349 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047313 with arg 13
  1121. 07-30 11:15:46.349 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_txmode 29 cur_aic_tx 29
  1122. 07-30 11:15:46.349 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): value of device and enable is 6 1 ALSA dev id:6
  1123. 07-30 11:15:46.389 D/dalvikvm( 1714): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1257K, 32% free 8727K/12679K, paused 48ms
  1124. 07-30 11:15:46.399 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): updateACDB: (11, 6, 0, 607)
  1125. 07-30 11:15:46.399 I/HTC Acoustic( 1392): update ACDB id: (tx, rx, tx_acdb, rx_acdb) = (11, 6, 0, 607)
  1126. 07-30 11:15:46.399 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): msm_route_stream(PCM_PLAY,5,6,1)
  1127. 07-30 11:15:46.429 I/dalvikvm-heap( 1714): Grow heap (frag case) to 17.620MB for 925072-byte allocation
  1128. 07-30 11:15:47.440 D/dalvikvm( 1714): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2685K, 39% free 8582K/13895K, paused 5ms+5ms
  1129. 07-30 11:15:47.720 D/dalvikvm( 1714): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1606K, 36% free 8997K/13895K, paused 3ms+3ms
  1130. 07-30 11:15:48.051 I/ActivityManager( 1510): START {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.GetLogs/.GetLogsActivity} from pid 1714
  1131. 07-30 11:15:48.181 D/dalvikvm( 1510): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1021K, 39% free 7881K/12871K, paused 89ms
  1132. 07-30 11:15:48.261 D/dalvikvm( 1510): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 27K, 38% free 8008K/12871K, paused 60ms
  1133. 07-30 11:15:48.261 I/dalvikvm-heap( 1510): Grow heap (frag case) to 17.036MB for 1048592-byte allocation
  1134. 07-30 11:15:48.321 I/ActivityManager( 1510): Start proc com.GetLogs for activity com.GetLogs/.GetLogsActivity: pid=3451 uid=10078 gids={3003, 1007, 1015}
  1135. 07-30 11:15:48.371 I/dalvikvm( 3451): Turning on JNI app bug workarounds for target SDK version 13...
  1136. 07-30 11:15:48.381 D/OpenGLRenderer( 1714): Flushing caches (mode 1)
  1137. 07-30 11:15:48.621 I/Ads ( 3451): To get test ads on this device, call adRequest.addTestDevice("31EE6900BB340E4C31025948C1B041FD");
  1138. 07-30 11:15:48.711 I/Ads ( 3451): adRequestUrlHtml: <html><head><script src=""></script><script>AFMA_buildAdURL({"preqs":0,"u_sd":1.5,"slotname":"a14f6b54026d1ef","u_w":320,"msid":"com.GetLogs","js":"afma-sdk-a-v4.3.1","mv":"","isu":"31EE6900BB340E4C31025948C1B041FD","cipa":0,"format":"320x50_mb","net":"ed","app_name":"","hl":"en","u_h":533,"u_audio":1});</script></head><body></body></html>
  1139. 07-30 11:15:48.882 I/Process ( 1510): Sending signal. PID: 3451 SIG: 3
  1140. 07-30 11:15:48.882 I/dalvikvm( 3451): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  1141. 07-30 11:15:48.892 I/dalvikvm( 3451): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  1142. 07-30 11:15:49.132 D/dalvikvm( 1510): GC_EXPLICIT freed 173K, 37% free 8926K/13959K, paused 3ms+13ms
  1143. 07-30 11:15:49.352 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShiftLocked(false): NORMAL > NORMAL
  1144. 07-30 11:15:49.352 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(false): NORMAL > NORMAL
  1145. 07-30 11:15:49.382 I/Process ( 1510): Sending signal. PID: 3451 SIG: 3
  1146. 07-30 11:15:49.382 I/dalvikvm( 3451): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  1147. 07-30 11:15:49.432 I/dalvikvm( 3451): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  1148. 07-30 11:15:49.512 I/ActivityManager( 1510): Displayed com.GetLogs/.GetLogsActivity: +1s225ms (total +1m10s772ms)
  1149. 07-30 11:15:49.532 D/OpenGLRenderer( 1714): Flushing caches (mode 0)
  1150. 07-30 11:15:49.542 D/KeyboardSwitcher( 1683): updateShiftState: autoCaps=false keyboard=NORMAL shiftKeyState=RELEASING isAlphabetMode=true isShiftLocked=false
  1151. 07-30 11:15:49.552 D/KeyboardShiftState( 1683): setShifted(false): NORMAL > NORMAL
  1152. 07-30 11:15:49.722 W/InputManagerService( 1510): Starting input on non-focused client$Stub$Proxy@40e928c0 (uid=10038 pid=1714)
  1153. 07-30 11:15:51.014 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): AudioStreamOutMSM72xx::standby()
  1154. 07-30 11:15:51.014 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): Deroute pcm out stream
  1155. 07-30 11:15:51.014 E/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): updateDeviceInfo: E rx_device 6 and tx_device 11
  1156. 07-30 11:15:51.014 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): No active voicecall/playback, disabling cur_rx 6
  1157. 07-30 11:15:51.014 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): value of device and enable is 6 0 ALSA dev id:6
  1158. 07-30 11:15:51.024 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): No active voicecall/recording, disabling cur_tx 11
  1159. 07-30 11:15:51.024 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): value of device and enable is 11 0 ALSA dev id:11
  1160. 07-30 11:15:51.024 E/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): updateDeviceInfo: X cur_rx 6 cur_tx 11
  1161. 07-30 11:15:51.034 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  1162. 07-30 11:15:51.034 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_rxmode 29 cur_aic_rx 13
  1163. 07-30 11:15:51.034 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl()
  1164. 07-30 11:15:51.034 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047313 with arg 29
  1165. 07-30 11:15:51.034 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_txmode 29 cur_aic_tx 29
  1166. 07-30 11:15:51.034 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_powerdown
  1167. 07-30 11:15:51.034 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl()
  1168. 07-30 11:15:51.034 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047325 with arg 0
  1169. 07-30 11:15:52.795 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  1170. 07-30 11:15:52.795 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_rxmode 13 cur_aic_rx 29
  1171. 07-30 11:15:52.795 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl()
  1172. 07-30 11:15:52.795 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: try ioctl 0x40047313 with arg 13
  1173. 07-30 11:15:52.805 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): aic3254_ioctl: new_aic_txmode 29 cur_aic_tx 29
  1174. 07-30 11:15:52.805 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): value of device and enable is 6 1 ALSA dev id:6
  1175. 07-30 11:15:52.825 V/PhoneStatusBar( 1582): setLightsOn(true)
  1176. 07-30 11:15:52.845 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): updateACDB: (11, 6, 0, 607)
  1177. 07-30 11:15:52.845 I/HTC Acoustic( 1392): update ACDB id: (tx, rx, tx_acdb, rx_acdb) = (11, 6, 0, 607)
  1178. 07-30 11:15:52.845 D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1392): msm_route_stream(PCM_PLAY,5,6,1)
  1179. 07-30 11:15:53.216 D/AndroidRuntime( 3484):
  1180. 07-30 11:15:53.216 D/AndroidRuntime( 3484): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<
  1181. 07-30 11:15:53.216 D/AndroidRuntime( 3484): CheckJNI is OFF
  1182. 07-30 11:15:53.516 D/AndroidRuntime( 3484): Calling main entry
  1183. 07-30 11:15:53.546 D/AndroidRuntime( 3484): Shutting down VM
  1184. 07-30 11:15:53.546 I/AndroidRuntime( 3484): NOTE: attach of thread 'Binder Thread #3' failed
  1185. 07-30 11:15:53.556 D/dalvikvm( 3484): GC_CONCURRENT freed 99K, 81% free 490K/2560K, paused 0ms+1ms
  1186. 07-30 11:15:53.766 D/su ( 3482): 10078 com.GetLogs executing 0 /system/bin/sh using shell /system/bin/sh : sh
  1187. ======================= RADIO LOG ===================
  1188. 07-30 11:10:47.589 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668247)<< +UPSC: 289\r\n0\r
  1189. 07-30 11:10:47.589 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668247)>> AT+UPSC\r
  1190. 07-30 11:10:47.589 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668247)<< +UPSC: 289\r\n0\r
  1191. 07-30 11:10:47.589 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668247)>> AT+CRSM=192,28613,0,0,15\r
  1192. 07-30 11:10:47.820 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668247)<< +CRSM: 144,0,62258205422100181483026FC5A509\r\n0\r
  1193. 07-30 11:10:47.830 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668247)>> AT+CRSM=178,28480,1,4,34\r
  1194. 07-30 11:10:48.230 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668248)<< +CRSM: 144,0,FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF07814130182666F9FFFFFFFFFFFF\r\n0\r
  1195. 07-30 11:10:48.230 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668248)>> AT+CRSM=178,28480,1,4,34\r
  1196. 07-30 11:10:48.320 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668248)<< +CRSM: 144,0,FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF07814130182666F9FFFFFFFFFFFF\r\n0\r
  1197. 07-30 11:10:48.320 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668248)>> AT+CRSM=178,28613,1,4,24\r
  1198. 07-30 11:10:48.731 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668248)<< +CRSM: 144,0,430685D422B33A05FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF\r\n0\r
  1199. 07-30 11:10:48.731 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668248)>> AT+CRSM=178,28613,2,4,24\r
  1200. 07-30 11:10:48.811 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668248)<< +CRSM: 144,0,FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF\r\n0\r
  1201. 07-30 11:10:48.811 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668248)>> AT+CRSM=178,28613,3,4,24\r
  1202. 07-30 11:10:49.001 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +CRSM: 144,0,FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF\r\n0\r
  1203. 07-30 11:10:49.001 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+CRSM=178,28613,4,4,24\r
  1204. 07-30 11:10:49.081 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +CRSM: 144,0,FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF\r\n0\r
  1205. 07-30 11:10:49.081 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+CRSM=178,28613,5,4,24\r
  1206. 07-30 11:10:49.081 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)XX +PB_READY\r\n
  1207. 07-30 11:10:49.101 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +CRSM: 144,0,FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF\r\n0\r
  1208. 07-30 11:10:49.101 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+CRSM=178,28613,6,4,24\r
  1209. 07-30 11:10:49.111 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +CRSM: 144,0,FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF\r\n0\r
  1210. 07-30 11:10:49.111 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+CRSM=178,28613,7,4,24\r
  1211. 07-30 11:10:49.121 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +CRSM: 144,0,FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF\r\n0\r
  1212. 07-30 11:10:49.121 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+CRSM=178,28613,8,4,24\r
  1213. 07-30 11:10:49.141 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +CRSM: 144,0,FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF\r\n0\r
  1214. 07-30 11:10:49.141 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+CRSM=178,28613,9,4,24\r
  1215. 07-30 11:10:49.161 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +CRSM: 144,0,FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF\r\n0\r
  1216. 07-30 11:10:49.161 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+CRSM=178,28613,10,4,24\r
  1217. 07-30 11:10:49.171 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +CRSM: 144,0,FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF\r\n0\r
  1218. 07-30 11:10:49.171 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+CRSM=178,28613,11,4,24\r
  1219. 07-30 11:10:49.181 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +CRSM: 144,0,FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF\r\n0\r
  1220. 07-30 11:10:49.181 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+CRSM=178,28613,12,4,24\r
  1221. 07-30 11:10:49.201 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +CRSM: 144,0,FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF\r\n0\r
  1222. 07-30 11:10:49.201 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+CRSM=178,28613,13,4,24\r
  1223. 07-30 11:10:49.221 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +CRSM: 144,0,FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF\r\n0\r
  1224. 07-30 11:10:49.221 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+CRSM=178,28613,14,4,24\r
  1225. 07-30 11:10:49.231 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +CRSM: 144,0,FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF\r\n0\r
  1226. 07-30 11:10:49.231 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+CRSM=178,28613,15,4,24\r
  1227. 07-30 11:10:49.241 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +CRSM: 144,0,FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF\r\n0\r
  1228. 07-30 11:10:49.241 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+CRSM=178,28613,16,4,24\r
  1229. 07-30 11:10:49.261 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +CRSM: 144,0,FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF\r\n0\r
  1230. 07-30 11:10:49.261 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+CRSM=178,28613,17,4,24\r
  1231. 07-30 11:10:49.271 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +CRSM: 144,0,FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF\r\n0\r
  1232. 07-30 11:10:49.271 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+CRSM=178,28613,18,4,24\r
  1233. 07-30 11:10:49.291 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +CRSM: 144,0,FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF\r\n0\r
  1234. 07-30 11:10:49.291 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+CRSM=178,28613,19,4,24\r
  1235. 07-30 11:10:49.301 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +CRSM: 144,0,FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF\r\n0\r
  1236. 07-30 11:10:49.301 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+CRSM=178,28613,20,4,24\r
  1237. 07-30 11:10:49.321 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +CRSM: 144,0,FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF\r\n0\r
  1238. 07-30 11:10:49.321 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): parse_pnn_record():the first ons byte is 0xff !
  1239. 07-30 11:10:49.321 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): parse_pnn_record():the first ons byte is 0xff !
  1240. 07-30 11:10:49.321 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): parse_pnn_record():the first ons byte is 0xff !
  1241. 07-30 11:10:49.321 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): parse_pnn_record():the first ons byte is 0xff !
  1242. 07-30 11:10:49.321 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): parse_pnn_record():the first ons byte is 0xff !
  1243. 07-30 11:10:49.321 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): parse_pnn_record():the first ons byte is 0xff !
  1244. 07-30 11:10:49.321 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): parse_pnn_record():the first ons byte is 0xff !
  1245. 07-30 11:10:49.321 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): parse_pnn_record():the first ons byte is 0xff !
  1246. 07-30 11:10:49.321 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): parse_pnn_record():the first ons byte is 0xff !
  1247. 07-30 11:10:49.321 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): parse_pnn_record():the first ons byte is 0xff !
  1248. 07-30 11:10:49.321 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): parse_pnn_record():the first ons byte is 0xff !
  1249. 07-30 11:10:49.321 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): parse_pnn_record():the first ons byte is 0xff !
  1250. 07-30 11:10:49.321 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): parse_pnn_record():the first ons byte is 0xff !
  1251. 07-30 11:10:49.321 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): parse_pnn_record():the first ons byte is 0xff !
  1252. 07-30 11:10:49.321 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): parse_pnn_record():the first ons byte is 0xff !
  1253. 07-30 11:10:49.321 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): parse_pnn_record():the first ons byte is 0xff !
  1254. 07-30 11:10:49.321 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): parse_pnn_record():the first ons byte is 0xff !
  1255. 07-30 11:10:49.321 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): parse_pnn_record():the first ons byte is 0xff !
  1256. 07-30 11:10:49.321 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): parse_pnn_record():the first ons byte is 0xff !
  1257. 07-30 11:10:49.321 D/RILJ ( 1697): [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_VOICE_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED
  1258. 07-30 11:10:49.321 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0070]> OPERATOR
  1259. 07-30 11:10:49.321 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+CGSMS=3\r
  1260. 07-30 11:10:49.321 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0071]> DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE
  1261. 07-30 11:10:49.321 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_curr_operator_name():called
  1262. 07-30 11:10:49.321 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0072]> VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE
  1263. 07-30 11:10:49.321 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0073]> QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE
  1264. 07-30 11:10:49.321 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_gprs_reg_state():called
  1265. 07-30 11:10:49.321 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_gsm_cdma_reg_state():called
  1266. 07-30 11:10:49.321 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< 0\r
  1267. 07-30 11:10:49.321 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_network_select_mode():called
  1268. 07-30 11:10:49.321 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1269. 07-30 11:10:49.321 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1270. 07-30 11:10:49.331 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+CGREG?\r
  1271. 07-30 11:10:49.331 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0013]< OPERATOR {TELUS, , 302220}
  1272. 07-30 11:10:49.331 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +CGREG: 1,1\r\n0\r
  1273. 07-30 11:10:49.331 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1274. 07-30 11:10:49.331 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1275. 07-30 11:10:49.331 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+CREG?\r
  1276. 07-30 11:10:49.331 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0014]< DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, null, null, 9}
  1277. 07-30 11:10:49.331 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +CREG: 2,1,"2BC4","04BA6A0F"\r\n0\r
  1278. 07-30 11:10:49.331 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1279. 07-30 11:10:49.331 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1280. 07-30 11:10:49.341 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1281. 07-30 11:10:49.341 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0015]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, 2BC4, 04BA6A0F, 9, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 289}
  1282. 07-30 11:10:49.341 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1283. 07-30 11:10:49.341 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT\r
  1284. 07-30 11:10:49.341 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0016]< QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE {0}
  1285. 07-30 11:10:49.341 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< 0\r
  1286. 07-30 11:10:49.341 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1287. 07-30 11:10:49.341 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0017]< REQUEST_SET_PREFERRED_NETWORK_TYPE
  1288. 07-30 11:10:49.341 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1289. 07-30 11:10:49.341 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+CGREG?\r
  1290. 07-30 11:10:49.341 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0019]< OPERATOR {TELUS, , 302220}
  1291. 07-30 11:10:49.341 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +CGREG: 1,1\r\n0\r
  1292. 07-30 11:10:49.341 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1293. 07-30 11:10:49.351 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1294. 07-30 11:10:49.351 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+CREG?\r
  1295. 07-30 11:10:49.351 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0020]< DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, null, null, 9}
  1296. 07-30 11:10:49.351 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +CREG: 2,1,"2BC4","04BA6A0F"\r\n0\r
  1297. 07-30 11:10:49.351 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1298. 07-30 11:10:49.351 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1299. 07-30 11:10:49.351 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1300. 07-30 11:10:49.351 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0021]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, 2BC4, 04BA6A0F, 9, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 289}
  1301. 07-30 11:10:49.351 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1302. 07-30 11:10:49.351 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+CRSM=192,12258,0,0,15\r
  1303. 07-30 11:10:49.351 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0022]< QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE {0}
  1304. 07-30 11:10:49.401 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +CRSM: 144,0,621C8202412183022FE2A503DA0104\r\n0\r
  1305. 07-30 11:10:49.401 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+CRSM=192,28480,0,0,15\r
  1306. 07-30 11:10:49.401 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0024]< SIM_IO IccIoResponse sw1:0x90 sw2:0x0
  1307. 07-30 11:10:49.441 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +CRSM: 144,0,621E8205422100220383026F40A503\r\n0\r
  1308. 07-30 11:10:49.441 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+CRSM=192,28617,0,0,15\r
  1309. 07-30 11:10:49.441 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0025]< SIM_IO IccIoResponse sw1:0x90 sw2:0x0
  1310. 07-30 11:10:49.441 D/GSM ( 1697): Invalid or missing EF[MSISDN]
  1311. 07-30 11:10:49.491 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +CRSM: 144,0,62248205422100040483026FC9A509\r\n0\r
  1312. 07-30 11:10:49.491 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+CRSM=192,28589,0,0,15\r
  1313. 07-30 11:10:49.491 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0026]< SIM_IO IccIoResponse sw1:0x90 sw2:0x0
  1314. 07-30 11:10:49.491 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0074]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6f17 path: 3F007F20,0,0,15
  1315. 07-30 11:10:49.501 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_restricted_sim_access():called
  1316. 07-30 11:10:49.521 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)%% +HTCUCSQ: 16\r\n
  1317. 07-30 11:10:49.541 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +CRSM: 144,0,62228202412183026FADA509DA0101\r\n0\r
  1318. 07-30 11:10:49.551 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+CRSM=192,28618,0,0,15\r
  1319. 07-30 11:10:49.551 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0027]< SIM_IO IccIoResponse sw1:0x90 sw2:0x0
  1320. 07-30 11:10:49.601 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +CRSM: 144,0,62248205422100050483026FCAA509\r\n0\r
  1321. 07-30 11:10:49.601 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+CRSM=192,28433,0,0,15\r
  1322. 07-30 11:10:49.601 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0028]< SIM_IO IccIoResponse sw1:0x90 sw2:0x0
  1323. 07-30 11:10:49.671 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +CRSM: 106,130\r\n4\r
  1324. 07-30 11:10:49.671 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+CRSM=192,28619,0,0,15\r
  1325. 07-30 11:10:49.671 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0029]< SIM_IO error: GENERIC_FAILURE
  1326. 07-30 11:10:49.742 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +CRSM: 144,0,62248205422100100483026FCBA509\r\n0\r
  1327. 07-30 11:10:49.742 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+CRSM=192,28435,0,0,15\r
  1328. 07-30 11:10:49.742 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0030]< SIM_IO IccIoResponse sw1:0x90 sw2:0x0
  1329. 07-30 11:10:49.802 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +CRSM: 106,130\r\n4\r
  1330. 07-30 11:10:49.812 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+CRSM=192,28486,0,0,15\r
  1331. 07-30 11:10:49.812 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0031]< SIM_IO error: GENERIC_FAILURE
  1332. 07-30 11:10:49.882 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +CRSM: 144,0,62218202412183026F46A509DA0101\r\n0\r
  1333. 07-30 11:10:49.882 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+CRSM=192,28621,0,0,15\r
  1334. 07-30 11:10:49.882 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0032]< SIM_IO IccIoResponse sw1:0x90 sw2:0x0
  1335. 07-30 11:10:49.882 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0075]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6f14 path: 3F007F20,0,0,15
  1336. 07-30 11:10:49.932 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +CRSM: 144,0,621C8202412183026FCDA503DA0101\r\n0\r
  1337. 07-30 11:10:49.932 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+CRSM=192,28613,0,0,15\r
  1338. 07-30 11:10:49.932 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0033]< SIM_IO IccIoResponse sw1:0x90 sw2:0x0
  1339. 07-30 11:10:49.982 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)<< +CRSM: 144,0,62258205422100181483026FC5A509\r\n0\r
  1340. 07-30 11:10:49.982 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668249)>> AT+CRSM=192,28472,0,0,15\r
  1341. 07-30 11:10:50.032 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +CRSM: 144,0,621C8202412183026F38A503DA0101\r\n0\r
  1342. 07-30 11:10:50.032 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+CRSM=192,28438,0,0,15\r
  1343. 07-30 11:10:50.092 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +CRSM: 106,130\r\n4\r
  1344. 07-30 11:10:50.092 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+CRSM=192,28437,0,0,15\r
  1345. 07-30 11:10:50.172 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +CRSM: 106,130\r\n4\r
  1346. 07-30 11:10:50.182 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0034]< SIM_IO IccIoResponse sw1:0x90 sw2:0x0
  1347. 07-30 11:10:50.182 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0035]< SIM_IO IccIoResponse sw1:0x90 sw2:0x0
  1348. 07-30 11:10:50.182 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0036]< SIM_IO error: GENERIC_FAILURE
  1349. 07-30 11:10:50.182 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1350. 07-30 11:10:50.182 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_restricted_sim_access():called
  1351. 07-30 11:10:50.182 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1352. 07-30 11:10:50.182 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+CGREG?\r
  1353. 07-30 11:10:50.182 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0037]< SIM_IO error: GENERIC_FAILURE
  1354. 07-30 11:10:50.182 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +CGREG: 1,1\r\n0\r
  1355. 07-30 11:10:50.182 E/GSM ( 1697): Exception in fetching EF_CSP data GENERIC_FAILURE
  1356. 07-30 11:10:50.192 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1357. 07-30 11:10:50.192 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0042]< OPERATOR {TELUS, , 302220}
  1358. 07-30 11:10:50.192 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1359. 07-30 11:10:50.192 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+CREG?\r
  1360. 07-30 11:10:50.192 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0043]< DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, null, null, 9}
  1361. 07-30 11:10:50.192 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +CREG: 2,1,"2BC4","04BA6A0F"\r\n0\r
  1362. 07-30 11:10:50.192 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1363. 07-30 11:10:50.192 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1364. 07-30 11:10:50.202 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1365. 07-30 11:10:50.202 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0044]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, 2BC4, 04BA6A0F, 9, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 289}
  1366. 07-30 11:10:50.202 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1367. 07-30 11:10:50.202 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1368. 07-30 11:10:50.202 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0045]< QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE {0}
  1369. 07-30 11:10:50.202 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1370. 07-30 11:10:50.212 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+CGREG?\r
  1371. 07-30 11:10:50.212 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0046]< OPERATOR {TELUS, , 302220}
  1372. 07-30 11:10:50.212 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +CGREG: 1,1\r\n0\r
  1373. 07-30 11:10:50.212 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1374. 07-30 11:10:50.212 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1375. 07-30 11:10:50.212 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+CREG?\r
  1376. 07-30 11:10:50.212 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0047]< DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, null, null, 9}
  1377. 07-30 11:10:50.212 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +CREG: 2,1,"2BC4","04BA6A0F"\r\n0\r
  1378. 07-30 11:10:50.222 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1379. 07-30 11:10:50.222 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1380. 07-30 11:10:50.222 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1381. 07-30 11:10:50.222 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0048]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, 2BC4, 04BA6A0F, 9, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 289}
  1382. 07-30 11:10:50.222 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1383. 07-30 11:10:50.222 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1384. 07-30 11:10:50.222 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0049]< QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE {0}
  1385. 07-30 11:10:50.222 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1386. 07-30 11:10:50.232 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+CGREG?\r
  1387. 07-30 11:10:50.232 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0050]< OPERATOR {TELUS, , 302220}
  1388. 07-30 11:10:50.232 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +CGREG: 1,1\r\n0\r
  1389. 07-30 11:10:50.232 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1390. 07-30 11:10:50.232 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1391. 07-30 11:10:50.232 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+CREG?\r
  1392. 07-30 11:10:50.242 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +CREG: 2,1,"2BC4","04BA6A0F"\r\n0\r
  1393. 07-30 11:10:50.242 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0051]< DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, null, null, 9}
  1394. 07-30 11:10:50.242 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1395. 07-30 11:10:50.242 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1396. 07-30 11:10:50.242 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1397. 07-30 11:10:50.242 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0052]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, 2BC4, 04BA6A0F, 9, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 289}
  1398. 07-30 11:10:50.242 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1399. 07-30 11:10:50.242 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1400. 07-30 11:10:50.242 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0053]< QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE {0}
  1401. 07-30 11:10:50.252 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1402. 07-30 11:10:50.252 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+CGREG?\r
  1403. 07-30 11:10:50.252 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0054]< OPERATOR {TELUS, , 302220}
  1404. 07-30 11:10:50.252 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +CGREG: 1,1\r\n0\r
  1405. 07-30 11:10:50.252 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1406. 07-30 11:10:50.252 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1407. 07-30 11:10:50.272 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+CREG?\r
  1408. 07-30 11:10:50.272 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0055]< DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, null, null, 9}
  1409. 07-30 11:10:50.272 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +CREG: 2,1,"2BC4","04BA6A0F"\r\n0\r
  1410. 07-30 11:10:50.272 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1411. 07-30 11:10:50.272 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1412. 07-30 11:10:50.282 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1413. 07-30 11:10:50.282 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0056]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, 2BC4, 04BA6A0F, 9, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 289}
  1414. 07-30 11:10:50.282 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1415. 07-30 11:10:50.282 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1416. 07-30 11:10:50.282 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0057]< QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE {0}
  1417. 07-30 11:10:50.282 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1418. 07-30 11:10:50.282 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+CGREG?\r
  1419. 07-30 11:10:50.282 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0058]< OPERATOR {TELUS, , 302220}
  1420. 07-30 11:10:50.282 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +CGREG: 1,1\r\n0\r
  1421. 07-30 11:10:50.282 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1422. 07-30 11:10:50.282 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1423. 07-30 11:10:50.292 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+CREG?\r
  1424. 07-30 11:10:50.292 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0059]< DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, null, null, 9}
  1425. 07-30 11:10:50.292 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +CREG: 2,1,"2BC4","04BA6A0F"\r\n0\r
  1426. 07-30 11:10:50.292 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1427. 07-30 11:10:50.292 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1428. 07-30 11:10:50.292 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1429. 07-30 11:10:50.292 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0060]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, 2BC4, 04BA6A0F, 9, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 289}
  1430. 07-30 11:10:50.292 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1431. 07-30 11:10:50.292 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1432. 07-30 11:10:50.292 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0061]< QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE {0}
  1433. 07-30 11:10:50.302 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1434. 07-30 11:10:50.302 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+CGREG?\r
  1435. 07-30 11:10:50.302 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0062]< OPERATOR {TELUS, , 302220}
  1436. 07-30 11:10:50.302 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +CGREG: 1,1\r\n0\r
  1437. 07-30 11:10:50.302 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1438. 07-30 11:10:50.302 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1439. 07-30 11:10:50.302 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+CREG?\r
  1440. 07-30 11:10:50.312 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0063]< DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, null, null, 9}
  1441. 07-30 11:10:50.312 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +CREG: 2,1,"2BC4","04BA6A0F"\r\n0\r
  1442. 07-30 11:10:50.312 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1443. 07-30 11:10:50.312 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1444. 07-30 11:10:50.312 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1445. 07-30 11:10:50.312 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0064]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, 2BC4, 04BA6A0F, 9, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 289}
  1446. 07-30 11:10:50.312 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1447. 07-30 11:10:50.322 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1448. 07-30 11:10:50.322 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0065]< QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE {0}
  1449. 07-30 11:10:50.322 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1450. 07-30 11:10:50.322 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+CGREG?\r
  1451. 07-30 11:10:50.322 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +CGREG: 1,1\r\n0\r
  1452. 07-30 11:10:50.322 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0066]< OPERATOR {TELUS, , 302220}
  1453. 07-30 11:10:50.322 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1454. 07-30 11:10:50.322 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1455. 07-30 11:10:50.322 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+CREG?\r
  1456. 07-30 11:10:50.332 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0067]< DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, null, null, 9}
  1457. 07-30 11:10:50.332 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +CREG: 2,1,"2BC4","04BA6A0F"\r\n0\r
  1458. 07-30 11:10:50.332 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1459. 07-30 11:10:50.332 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1460. 07-30 11:10:50.332 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1461. 07-30 11:10:50.332 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1462. 07-30 11:10:50.332 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1463. 07-30 11:10:50.342 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1464. 07-30 11:10:50.342 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+CGREG?\r
  1465. 07-30 11:10:50.342 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0068]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, 2BC4, 04BA6A0F, 9, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 289}
  1466. 07-30 11:10:50.342 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +CGREG: 1,1\r\n0\r
  1467. 07-30 11:10:50.342 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1468. 07-30 11:10:50.342 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1469. 07-30 11:10:50.342 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+CREG?\r
  1470. 07-30 11:10:50.342 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0069]< QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE {0}
  1471. 07-30 11:10:50.352 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +CREG: 2,1,"2BC4","04BA6A0F"\r\n0\r
  1472. 07-30 11:10:50.352 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1473. 07-30 11:10:50.352 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0070]< OPERATOR {TELUS, , 302220}
  1474. 07-30 11:10:50.352 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1475. 07-30 11:10:50.352 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1476. 07-30 11:10:50.352 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1477. 07-30 11:10:50.352 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+CRSM=192,28439,0,0,15\r
  1478. 07-30 11:10:50.362 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0071]< DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, null, null, 9}
  1479. 07-30 11:10:50.372 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0072]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, 2BC4, 04BA6A0F, 9, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 289}
  1480. 07-30 11:10:50.372 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0073]< QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE {0}
  1481. 07-30 11:10:50.372 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmSST] Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[1 home null null null Unknown:0 CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false] newSS=[0 home TELUS 302220 HSDPA:9 CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false] oldGprs=1 newData=0 oldMaxDataCalls=1 mNewMaxDataCalls=1 oldReasonDataDenied=-1 mNewReasonDataDenied=-1 oldType=Unknown:0 newType=HSDPA:9
  1482. 07-30 11:10:50.372 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmSST] RAT switched Unknown:0 -> HSDPA:9 at cell 79325711
  1483. 07-30 11:10:50.372 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmSST] updateSpnDisplay: changed sending intent rule=2 showPlmn='true' plmn='TELUS' showSpn='false' spn='null'
  1484. 07-30 11:10:50.442 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +CRSM: 106,130\r\n4\r
  1485. 07-30 11:10:50.442 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)>> AT+CRSM=192,28436,0,0,15\r
  1486. 07-30 11:10:50.442 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0074]< SIM_IO error: GENERIC_FAILURE
  1487. 07-30 11:10:50.482 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] get all active apn types
  1488. 07-30 11:10:50.482 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - SIM not loaded
  1489. 07-30 11:10:50.492 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(default): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=true apnContextState()=IDLE
  1490. 07-30 11:10:50.492 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:default
  1491. 07-30 11:10:50.522 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] handleMessage msg={ what=270352 when=-34ms obj=android.os.AsyncResult@40f21f68 }
  1492. 07-30 11:10:50.522 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onDataConnectionAttached
  1493. 07-30 11:10:50.522 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668250)<< +CRSM: 106,130\r\n4\r
  1494. 07-30 11:10:50.522 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] overall state is IDLE
  1495. 07-30 11:10:50.522 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:dun
  1496. 07-30 11:10:50.522 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - SIM not loaded
  1497. 07-30 11:10:50.522 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(dun): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
  1498. 07-30 11:10:50.522 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0075]< SIM_IO error: GENERIC_FAILURE
  1499. 07-30 11:10:50.532 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:dun
  1500. 07-30 11:10:50.532 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:supl
  1501. 07-30 11:10:50.532 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - SIM not loaded
  1502. 07-30 11:10:50.532 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(supl): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
  1503. 07-30 11:10:50.532 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:supl
  1504. 07-30 11:10:50.542 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:hipri
  1505. 07-30 11:10:50.542 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - SIM not loaded
  1506. 07-30 11:10:50.542 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(hipri): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
  1507. 07-30 11:10:50.542 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:hipri
  1508. 07-30 11:10:50.542 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnsOfAvailability skipped apn due to isReady==false: state=IDLE apnType=default
  1509. 07-30 11:10:50.542 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:mms
  1510. 07-30 11:10:50.542 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - SIM not loaded
  1511. 07-30 11:10:50.562 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(mms): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
  1512. 07-30 11:10:50.562 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:mms
  1513. 07-30 11:10:50.672 D/GSM ( 1697): [ApnContext] set reason as dataAttached, for type default,current state IDLE
  1514. 07-30 11:10:50.672 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] trySetupData for type:default due to dataAttached
  1515. 07-30 11:10:50.672 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] trySetupData with mIsPsRestricted=false
  1516. 07-30 11:10:50.672 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - SIM not loaded
  1517. 07-30 11:10:50.672 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:dun
  1518. 07-30 11:10:50.672 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - SIM not loaded
  1519. 07-30 11:10:50.672 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(dun): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
  1520. 07-30 11:10:50.672 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:dun
  1521. 07-30 11:10:50.712 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:supl
  1522. 07-30 11:10:50.712 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - SIM not loaded
  1523. 07-30 11:10:50.712 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(supl): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
  1524. 07-30 11:10:50.712 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:supl
  1525. 07-30 11:10:51.303 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:hipri
  1526. 07-30 11:10:51.313 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - SIM not loaded
  1527. 07-30 11:10:51.313 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(hipri): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
  1528. 07-30 11:10:51.313 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:hipri
  1529. 07-30 11:10:51.353 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnsOfAvailability skipped apn due to isReady==false: state=IDLE apnType=default
  1530. 07-30 11:10:51.353 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:mms
  1531. 07-30 11:10:51.353 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - SIM not loaded
  1532. 07-30 11:10:51.353 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(mms): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
  1533. 07-30 11:10:51.353 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:mms
  1534. 07-30 11:10:51.403 D/GSM ( 1697): Invalid or missing EF[MAILBOX]
  1535. 07-30 11:10:51.403 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0076]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6f18 path: 3F007F20,0,0,15
  1536. 07-30 11:10:51.403 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_restricted_sim_access():called
  1537. 07-30 11:10:51.403 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668251)>> AT+CRSM=192,28440,0,0,15\r
  1538. 07-30 11:10:51.463 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668251)<< +CRSM: 106,130\r\n4\r
  1539. 07-30 11:10:51.463 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0076]< SIM_IO error: GENERIC_FAILURE
  1540. 07-30 11:10:51.473 D/GSM ( 1697): [SIMRecords] No SPN loaded in either CHPS or 3GPP
  1541. 07-30 11:10:51.473 D/GSM ( 1697): SIMRecords: record load complete
  1542. 07-30 11:10:51.483 D/GSM ( 1697): [IccCard] Broadcasting intent ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED LOADED reason null
  1543. 07-30 11:10:51.483 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] handleMessage msg={ what=270338 when=-8ms obj=android.os.AsyncResult@40f336d8 }
  1544. 07-30 11:10:51.483 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onRecordsLoaded: createAllApnList
  1545. 07-30 11:10:51.483 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] createAllApnList: selection=numeric = '302220' and carrier_enabled = 1
  1546. 07-30 11:10:52.064 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] createApnList: X result=[[ApnSettingV2] Telus SP, 502, 302220,, null,,, 80, null, -1, default | supl | mms, IP, IP, true, 0, [ApnSettingV2] Telus SP Tether, 503, 302220,, null,,, 80, null, -1, default | supl | mms, IP, IP, true, 0, [ApnSettingV2] Koodo SP, 504, 302220,,,,, 80, 80, -1, default | supl | mms, IP, IP, true, 0]
  1547. 07-30 11:10:52.144 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] getPreferredApn: X found apnSetting[ApnSettingV2] Telus SP, 502, 302220,, null,,, 80, null, -1, default | supl | mms, IP, IP, true, 0
  1548. 07-30 11:10:52.154 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] createAllApnList: mPreferredApn=[ApnSettingV2] Telus SP, 502, 302220,, null,,, 80, null, -1, default | supl | mms, IP, IP, true, 0
  1549. 07-30 11:10:52.154 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] createAllApnList: X mAllApns=[[ApnSettingV2] Telus SP, 502, 302220,, null,,, 80, null, -1, default | supl | mms, IP, IP, true, 0, [ApnSettingV2] Telus SP Tether, 503, 302220,, null,,, 80, null, -1, default | supl | mms, IP, IP, true, 0, [ApnSettingV2] Koodo SP, 504, 302220,,,,, 80, 80, -1, default | supl | mms, IP, IP, true, 0]
  1550. 07-30 11:10:52.154 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onRecordsLoaded: notifying data availability
  1551. 07-30 11:10:52.154 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:dun
  1552. 07-30 11:10:52.154 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(dun): possible=true isDataAllowed=true apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
  1553. 07-30 11:10:52.154 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:dun
  1554. 07-30 11:10:52.224 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:supl
  1555. 07-30 11:10:52.224 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(supl): possible=true isDataAllowed=true apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
  1556. 07-30 11:10:52.224 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:supl
  1557. 07-30 11:10:52.224 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:hipri
  1558. 07-30 11:10:52.224 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(hipri): possible=true isDataAllowed=true apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
  1559. 07-30 11:10:52.224 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:hipri
  1560. 07-30 11:10:52.294 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnsOfAvailability skipped apn due to isReady==false: state=IDLE apnType=default
  1561. 07-30 11:10:52.294 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:mms
  1562. 07-30 11:10:52.294 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(mms): possible=true isDataAllowed=true apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
  1563. 07-30 11:10:52.294 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:mms
  1564. 07-30 11:10:52.304 D/GSM ( 1697): [ApnContext] set reason as simLoaded, for type default,current state IDLE
  1565. 07-30 11:10:52.304 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] trySetupData for type:default due to simLoaded
  1566. 07-30 11:10:52.304 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] trySetupData with mIsPsRestricted=false
  1567. 07-30 11:10:52.304 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] isEmergency: result=false
  1568. 07-30 11:10:52.304 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] buildWaitingApns: Preferred APN:302220:302220:[ApnSettingV2] Telus SP, 502, 302220,, null,,, 80, null, -1, default | supl | mms, IP, IP, true, 0
  1569. 07-30 11:10:52.304 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] buildWaitingApns: X added preferred apnList=[[ApnSettingV2] Telus SP, 502, 302220,, null,,, 80, null, -1, default | supl | mms, IP, IP, true, 0]
  1570. 07-30 11:10:52.304 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] trySetupData: Create from mAllApns : [[ApnSettingV2] Telus SP, 502, 302220,, null,,, 80, null, -1, default | supl | mms, IP, IP, true, 0][[ApnSettingV2] Telus SP Tether, 503, 302220,, null,,, 80, null, -1, default | supl | mms, IP, IP, true, 0][[ApnSettingV2] Koodo SP, 504, 302220,,,,, 80, 80, -1, default | supl | mms, IP, IP, true, 0]
  1571. 07-30 11:10:52.304 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] Setup watingApns : [[ApnSettingV2] Telus SP, 502, 302220,, null,,, 80, null, -1, default | supl | mms, IP, IP, true, 0]
  1572. 07-30 11:10:52.304 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] setupData: apnContext=state=IDLE apnType=default
  1573. 07-30 11:10:52.304 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] checkForConnectionForApnContext: apnContext=state=IDLE apnType=default NO conn
  1574. 07-30 11:10:52.314 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] findReadyDataConnection: apn string <[ApnSettingV2] Telus SP, 502, 302220,, null,,, 80, null, -1, default | supl | mms, IP, IP, true, 0>
  1575. 07-30 11:10:52.314 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] setupData: No ready GsmDataConnection found!
  1576. 07-30 11:10:52.314 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] findFreeDataConnection: NO free GsmDataConnection
  1577. 07-30 11:10:52.314 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] createDataConnection E
  1578. 07-30 11:10:52.314 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDC-1] DataConnection constructor E
  1579. 07-30 11:10:52.314 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDC-1] DataConnection constructor X
  1580. 07-30 11:10:52.314 D/RILB ( 1697): registerForRilConnected h=Handler ($SmHandler) {40f7d6c8} w=262149
  1581. 07-30 11:10:52.314 D/RILB ( 1697): Notifying: ril connected mRilVersion=2
  1582. 07-30 11:10:52.314 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDC-1] clearSettings
  1583. 07-30 11:10:52.314 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDC-1] Made GsmDC-1
  1584. 07-30 11:10:52.314 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDC-1] DcDefaultState: msg.what=EVENT_RIL_CONNECTED mRilVersion=2
  1585. 07-30 11:10:52.334 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] createDataConnection() X id=0
  1586. 07-30 11:10:52.334 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] setupData: init dc and apnContext refCount=0
  1587. 07-30 11:10:52.334 D/GSM ( 1697): [ApnContext] setState: INITING for type default, previous state:IDLE
  1588. 07-30 11:10:52.334 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(default): possible=true isDataAllowed=true apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=true apnContextState()=INITING
  1589. 07-30 11:10:52.334 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:default
  1590. 07-30 11:10:52.344 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDC-1] DcInactiveState msg.what=EVENT_CONNECT.RefCount = 0
  1591. 07-30 11:10:52.344 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDC-1] Connecting to carrier: 'Telus SP' APN: '' proxy: 'null' port: 'null
  1592. 07-30 11:10:52.344 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0077]> SETUP_DATA_CALL 1 0 null null 0 IP
  1593. 07-30 11:10:52.344 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_config_and_activate_pdp():called
  1594. 07-30 11:10:52.344 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_config_and_activate_pdp():0,
  1595. 07-30 11:10:52.344 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] setupData: initing!
  1596. 07-30 11:10:52.344 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:dun
  1597. 07-30 11:10:52.344 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(dun): possible=true isDataAllowed=true apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
  1598. 07-30 11:10:52.344 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:dun
  1599. 07-30 11:10:52.354 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:supl
  1600. 07-30 11:10:52.354 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(supl): possible=true isDataAllowed=true apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
  1601. 07-30 11:10:52.354 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:supl
  1602. 07-30 11:10:52.354 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:hipri
  1603. 07-30 11:10:52.354 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(hipri): possible=true isDataAllowed=true apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
  1604. 07-30 11:10:52.354 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:hipri
  1605. 07-30 11:10:52.364 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnsOfAvailability skipped apn due to isReady==false: state=INITING apnType=default
  1606. 07-30 11:10:52.364 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:mms
  1607. 07-30 11:10:52.364 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(mms): possible=true isDataAllowed=true apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
  1608. 07-30 11:10:52.364 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:mms
  1609. 07-30 11:10:52.514 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668252)%% +HTCUCSQ: 17\r\n
  1610. 07-30 11:10:52.825 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0078]> REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1611. 07-30 11:10:52.835 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_neighbor_cell():called
  1612. 07-30 11:10:52.835 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668252)>> AT+Q3GNCELL\r
  1613. 07-30 11:10:52.835 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668252)<< +Q3GNCELL: "04BA6A0F",34,2,417,32,416,29\r\n0\r
  1614. 07-30 11:10:52.845 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0078]< REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1615. 07-30 11:10:52.875 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0079]> REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1616. 07-30 11:10:52.875 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_neighbor_cell():called
  1617. 07-30 11:10:52.875 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668252)>> AT+Q3GNCELL\r
  1618. 07-30 11:10:52.885 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668252)<< +Q3GNCELL: "04BA6A0F",34,2,417,32,416,29\r\n0\r
  1619. 07-30 11:10:52.885 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0079]< REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1620. 07-30 11:10:53.015 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0080]> SIGNAL_STRENGTH
  1621. 07-30 11:10:53.015 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_signal_strength():called
  1622. 07-30 11:10:53.015 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668253)>> AT+CSQ\r
  1623. 07-30 11:10:53.015 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668253)<< +CSQ: 17,99\r\n0\r
  1624. 07-30 11:10:53.025 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0080]< SIGNAL_STRENGTH {17, 99, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}
  1625. 07-30 11:10:53.025 D/RILB ( 1697): getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType=''
  1626. 07-30 11:10:53.425 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0081]> REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1627. 07-30 11:10:53.425 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_neighbor_cell():called
  1628. 07-30 11:10:53.425 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668253)>> AT+Q3GNCELL\r
  1629. 07-30 11:10:53.425 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668253)<< +Q3GNCELL: "04BA6A0F",34,2,417,32,416,29\r\n0\r
  1630. 07-30 11:10:53.425 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0081]< REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1631. 07-30 11:10:54.326 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0082]> REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1632. 07-30 11:10:54.326 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_neighbor_cell():called
  1633. 07-30 11:10:54.326 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668254)>> AT+Q3GNCELL\r
  1634. 07-30 11:10:54.326 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668254)<< +Q3GNCELL: "04BA6A0F",33,2,417,34,416,28\r\n0\r
  1635. 07-30 11:10:54.336 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0082]< REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1636. 07-30 11:10:54.346 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): @(t=1343668254)>> 0
  1637. 07-30 11:10:54.806 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): at_notify_g23_hind():Try to open /sys/module/pm/parameters/idle_sleep_mode
  1638. 07-30 11:10:54.806 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): at_notify_g23_hind():Close /sys/module/pm/parameters/idle_sleep_mode complete
  1639. 07-30 11:10:54.806 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668254)XX +HIND: 2\r\n
  1640. 07-30 11:10:54.806 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): hind_thread():Signal arrived
  1641. 07-30 11:10:55.517 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668255)%% +HTCUCSQ: 16\r\n
  1642. 07-30 11:10:55.737 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): at_notify_g23_hind():Try to open /sys/module/pm/parameters/idle_sleep_mode
  1643. 07-30 11:10:55.737 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): at_notify_g23_hind():Close /sys/module/pm/parameters/idle_sleep_mode complete
  1644. 07-30 11:10:55.737 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668255)XX +HIND: 3\r\n
  1645. 07-30 11:10:55.737 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): hind_thread():Signal arrived
  1646. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): qmi_read_thread():qmi read thread got [[STATE=busy
  1647. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): CID=60
  1648. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (18)]] data from qmi fd 13.
  1649. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): @(t=1343668256)< 13:STATE=busy
  1650. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): CID=60
  1651. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): 0
  1652. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388):
  1653. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): @(t=1343668256)%% STATE=busy
  1654. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): CID=60
  1655. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): 0
  1656. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388):
  1657. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): qmi_read_thread():qmi read thread is waiting in poll() now!
  1658. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): qmi_read_thread():poll got data to read from 13
  1659. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): qmi_read_thread():qmi read thread got [[STATE=up
  1660. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): CID=60
  1661. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ADDR=
  1662. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): MASK=
  1663. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): GATEWAY=
  1664. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): DNS1=
  1665. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): DNS2=
  1666. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (119)]] data from qmi fd 13.
  1667. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): @(t=1343668256)< 13:STATE=up
  1668. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): CID=60
  1669. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ADDR=
  1670. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): MASK=
  1671. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): GATEWAY=
  1672. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): DNS1=
  1673. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): DNS2=
  1674. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): 0
  1675. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388):
  1676. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): qmi_notify_pdp_change():qmi_idx=0, cid=60, data_conns_actived=1
  1677. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): qmi_notify_pdp_change():RIL_STATE_GPRS_ACTIVATED=1
  1678. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): qmi_notify_pdp_change():ril.set.default-route is 1
  1679. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): @(t=1343668256)%% STATE=up
  1680. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): CID=60
  1681. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ADDR=
  1682. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): MASK=
  1683. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): GATEWAY=
  1684. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): DNS1=
  1685. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): DNS2=
  1686. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388):
  1687. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/RILJ ( 1697): responseDataCallList ver=2 num=3
  1688. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/RILJ ( 1697): [UNSL]< UNSOL_DATA_CALL_LIST_CHANGED [DataCallState: {version=2 status=0 retry=-1 cid=60 active=2 type='IP' ifname='rmnet0' addresses=[] dnses=[] gateways=[]}, DataCallState: {version=2 status=0 retry=-1 cid=0 active=0 type='' ifname='rmnet0' addresses=[] dnses=[] gateways=[]}, DataCallState: {version=2 status=0 retry=-1 cid=0 active=0 type='null' ifname='rmnet0' addresses=[] dnses=[] gateways=[]}]
  1689. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] handleMessage msg={ what=270340 when=0 obj=android.os.AsyncResult@40fc55b8 }
  1690. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onDataStateChanged(ar): E
  1691. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onDataStateChanged(ar): DataCallState size=3
  1692. 07-30 11:10:56.078 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] Number of DataCallStates:3Unique count:2
  1693. 07-30 11:10:56.088 E/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onDataStateChanged(ar): No associated DataConnection ignore
  1694. 07-30 11:10:56.088 E/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onDataStateChanged(ar): No associated DataConnection ignore
  1695. 07-30 11:10:56.088 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onDataStateChanged: Data Activity updated to NONE. isAnyDataCallActive = false isAnyDataCallDormant = false
  1696. 07-30 11:10:56.088 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): @(t=1343668256)<< 0
  1697. 07-30 11:10:56.088 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388):
  1698. 07-30 11:10:56.088 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): qmi_read_thread():qmi read thread is waiting in poll() now!
  1699. 07-30 11:10:56.088 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): qmi_read_thread():poll got data to read from 13
  1700. 07-30 11:10:56.088 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): config_and_activate_pdp_rsp_handler():0,[60],[-1],[-1]
  1701. 07-30 11:10:56.088 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): config_and_activate_pdp_rsp_handler():out_pdp=60,rmnet0,
  1702. 07-30 11:10:56.088 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0077]< SETUP_DATA_CALL DataCallState: {version=2 status=0 retry=-1 cid=60 active=0 type='' ifname='rmnet0' addresses=[] dnses=[] gateways=[]}
  1703. 07-30 11:10:56.088 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDC-1] DcActivatingState msg.what=EVENT_SETUP_DATA_CONNECTION_DONE
  1704. 07-30 11:10:56.088 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDC-1] onSetupConnectionCompleted received DataCallState: DataCallState: {version=2 status=0 retry=-1 cid=60 active=0 type='' ifname='rmnet0' addresses=[] dnses=[] gateways=[]}
  1705. 07-30 11:10:56.088 D/GSM ( 1697): addr/pl=
  1706. 07-30 11:10:56.088 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDC-1] updateLinkProperty old != new
  1707. 07-30 11:10:56.088 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDC-1] DcActivatingState onSetupConnectionCompleted result=SUCCESS SetupResult.mFailCause=NONE
  1708. 07-30 11:10:56.088 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDC-1] notifyConnectionCompleted at 1343668256101 cause=NONE
  1709. 07-30 11:10:56.108 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onDataStateChanged(ar): X
  1710. 07-30 11:10:56.108 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] handleMessage msg={ what=270336 when=-18ms arg1=60 obj=android.os.AsyncResult@40fca020 }
  1711. 07-30 11:10:56.108 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] isDataSetupCompleteOk return true
  1712. 07-30 11:10:56.108 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onDataSetupComplete: success
  1713. 07-30 11:10:56.108 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] notifyDefaultData: type=default, reason:simLoaded
  1714. 07-30 11:10:56.108 D/GSM ( 1697): [ApnContext] setState: CONNECTED for type default, previous state:INITING
  1715. 07-30 11:10:56.108 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] return link properites for default
  1716. 07-30 11:10:56.118 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] get active pdp is not null, return link Capabilities for default
  1717. 07-30 11:10:56.118 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(default): possible=true isDataAllowed=true apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=true apnContextState()=CONNECTED
  1718. 07-30 11:10:56.118 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:default
  1719. 07-30 11:10:56.158 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] overall state is CONNECTED
  1720. 07-30 11:10:56.158 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] startNetStatPoll
  1721. 07-30 11:10:56.168 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0083]> REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1722. 07-30 11:10:56.178 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_neighbor_cell():called
  1723. 07-30 11:10:56.178 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668256)>> AT+Q3GNCELL\r
  1724. 07-30 11:10:56.178 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668256)<< +Q3GNCELL: "04BA6A0F",29,0\r\n0\r
  1725. 07-30 11:10:56.188 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0083]< REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1726. 07-30 11:10:56.378 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0084]> REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1727. 07-30 11:10:56.378 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_neighbor_cell():called
  1728. 07-30 11:10:56.378 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668256)>> AT+Q3GNCELL\r
  1729. 07-30 11:10:56.378 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668256)<< +Q3GNCELL: "04BA6A0F",29,0\r\n0\r
  1730. 07-30 11:10:56.378 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0084]< REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1731. 07-30 11:11:03.735 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  1732. 07-30 11:11:03.745 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  1733. 07-30 11:11:03.835 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0085]> REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1734. 07-30 11:11:03.835 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_neighbor_cell():called
  1735. 07-30 11:11:03.835 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668263)>> AT+Q3GNCELL\r
  1736. 07-30 11:11:03.835 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668263)<< +Q3GNCELL: "04BA6A0F",33,0\r\n0\r
  1737. 07-30 11:11:03.835 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0085]< REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1738. 07-30 11:11:03.855 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  1739. 07-30 11:11:03.865 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  1740. 07-30 11:11:04.075 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  1741. 07-30 11:11:04.085 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  1742. 07-30 11:11:04.206 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0086]> REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1743. 07-30 11:11:04.216 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_neighbor_cell():called
  1744. 07-30 11:11:04.216 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668264)>> AT+Q3GNCELL\r
  1745. 07-30 11:11:04.216 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668264)<< +Q3GNCELL: "04BA6A0F",33,0\r\n0\r
  1746. 07-30 11:11:04.216 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0086]< REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1747. 07-30 11:11:04.466 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  1748. 07-30 11:11:04.476 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  1749. 07-30 11:11:06.597 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668266)%% +HTCUCSQ: 15\r\n
  1750. 07-30 11:11:11.231 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] handleMessage msg={ what=270368 when=0 arg1=1 }
  1751. 07-30 11:11:11.301 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] handleMessage msg={ what=270368 when=0 arg1=1 }
  1752. 07-30 11:11:11.361 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] handleMessage msg={ what=270368 when=0 arg1=1 }
  1753. 07-30 11:11:12.602 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  1754. 07-30 11:11:12.662 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  1755. 07-30 11:11:13.883 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0087]> REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1756. 07-30 11:11:13.893 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_neighbor_cell():called
  1757. 07-30 11:11:13.893 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668273)>> AT+Q3GNCELL\r
  1758. 07-30 11:11:13.893 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668273)<< +Q3GNCELL: "04BA6A0F",33,0\r\n0\r
  1759. 07-30 11:11:13.893 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0087]< REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1760. 07-30 11:11:14.834 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  1761. 07-30 11:11:14.854 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  1762. 07-30 11:11:15.375 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  1763. 07-30 11:11:15.375 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0088]> REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1764. 07-30 11:11:15.385 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_neighbor_cell():called
  1765. 07-30 11:11:15.385 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668275)>> AT+Q3GNCELL\r
  1766. 07-30 11:11:15.385 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668275)<< +Q3GNCELL: "04BA6A0F",33,0\r\n0\r
  1767. 07-30 11:11:15.385 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0088]< REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1768. 07-30 11:11:15.415 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  1769. 07-30 11:11:15.465 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  1770. 07-30 11:11:15.465 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  1771. 07-30 11:11:15.835 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0089]> REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1772. 07-30 11:11:15.845 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_neighbor_cell():called
  1773. 07-30 11:11:15.845 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668275)>> AT+Q3GNCELL\r
  1774. 07-30 11:11:15.845 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668275)<< +Q3GNCELL: "04BA6A0F",32,0\r\n0\r
  1775. 07-30 11:11:15.845 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0089]< REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1776. 07-30 11:11:16.136 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  1777. 07-30 11:11:16.176 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  1778. 07-30 11:11:17.016 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  1779. 07-30 11:11:17.056 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  1780. 07-30 11:11:39.598 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668299)%% +HTCUCSQ: 16\r\n
  1781. 07-30 11:11:42.601 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668302)%% +HTCUCSQ: 17\r\n
  1782. 07-30 11:11:45.604 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668305)%% +HTCUCSQ: 16\r\n
  1783. 07-30 11:11:48.607 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668308)%% +HTCUCSQ: 15\r\n
  1784. 07-30 11:11:55.244 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  1785. 07-30 11:11:55.244 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] handleMessage msg={ what=270353 when=0 arg1=23594 }
  1786. 07-30 11:12:06.605 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668326)%% +HTCUCSQ: 16\r\n
  1787. 07-30 11:12:06.905 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] handleMessage msg={ what=270368 when=-1ms arg1=1 }
  1788. 07-30 11:12:15.353 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0090]> REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1789. 07-30 11:12:15.363 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_neighbor_cell():called
  1790. 07-30 11:12:15.363 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668335)>> AT+Q3GNCELL\r
  1791. 07-30 11:12:15.363 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668335)<< +Q3GNCELL: "04BA6A0F",32,0\r\n0\r
  1792. 07-30 11:12:15.363 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0090]< REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1793. 07-30 11:12:15.393 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  1794. 07-30 11:12:15.413 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  1795. 07-30 11:12:15.493 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  1796. 07-30 11:12:15.513 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  1797. 07-30 11:12:21.609 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668341)%% +HTCUCSQ: 15\r\n
  1798. 07-30 11:12:27.115 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] handleMessage msg={ what=270368 when=0 arg1=1 }
  1799. 07-30 11:12:39.016 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] handleMessage msg={ what=270368 when=0 arg1=1 }
  1800. 07-30 11:12:51.619 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668371)%% +HTCUCSQ: 14\r\n
  1801. 07-30 11:12:52.560 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] handleMessage msg={ what=270368 when=0 arg1=1 }
  1802. 07-30 11:12:55.262 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  1803. 07-30 11:12:55.262 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] handleMessage msg={ what=270353 when=0 arg1=23595 }
  1804. 07-30 11:12:57.615 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668377)%% +HTCUCSQ: 13\r\n
  1805. 07-30 11:13:06.623 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668386)%% +HTCUCSQ: 12\r\n
  1806. 07-30 11:13:13.060 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] handleMessage msg={ what=270368 when=0 arg1=1 }
  1807. 07-30 11:13:15.362 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0091]> REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1808. 07-30 11:13:15.372 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_neighbor_cell():called
  1809. 07-30 11:13:15.372 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668395)>> AT+Q3GNCELL\r
  1810. 07-30 11:13:15.372 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668395)<< +Q3GNCELL: "04BA6A0F",25,0\r\n0\r
  1811. 07-30 11:13:15.372 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0091]< REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1812. 07-30 11:13:15.392 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  1813. 07-30 11:13:15.412 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  1814. 07-30 11:13:15.552 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  1815. 07-30 11:13:15.602 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  1816. 07-30 11:13:27.023 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] handleMessage msg={ what=270368 when=0 arg1=1 }
  1817. 07-30 11:13:55.271 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  1818. 07-30 11:13:55.271 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] handleMessage msg={ what=270353 when=0 arg1=23596 }
  1819. 07-30 11:14:00.626 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668440)%% +HTCUCSQ: 11\r\n
  1820. 07-30 11:14:01.076 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): at_notify_g23_hind():Don't need to restore idle sleep mode!
  1821. 07-30 11:14:01.076 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668441)XX +HIND: 0\r\n
  1822. 07-30 11:14:01.737 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668441)%% +CREG: 1,"2BC4","04BA6D2F"\r\n
  1823. 07-30 11:14:01.737 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668441)>> AT+UPSC\r
  1824. 07-30 11:14:01.737 D/RILJ ( 1697): [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_VOICE_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED
  1825. 07-30 11:14:01.737 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0092]> OPERATOR
  1826. 07-30 11:14:01.737 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668441)<< +UPSC: 417\r\n0\r
  1827. 07-30 11:14:01.737 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0093]> DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE
  1828. 07-30 11:14:01.737 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_curr_operator_name():called
  1829. 07-30 11:14:01.737 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0094]> VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE
  1830. 07-30 11:14:01.737 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668441)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1831. 07-30 11:14:01.737 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_gprs_reg_state():called
  1832. 07-30 11:14:01.737 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668441)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1833. 07-30 11:14:01.737 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_gsm_cdma_reg_state():called
  1834. 07-30 11:14:01.747 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0095]> QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE
  1835. 07-30 11:14:01.747 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_network_select_mode():called
  1836. 07-30 11:14:01.747 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668441)>> AT+CGREG?\r
  1837. 07-30 11:14:01.747 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0092]< OPERATOR {TELUS, , 302220}
  1838. 07-30 11:14:01.747 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668441)<< +CGREG: 1,1\r\n0\r
  1839. 07-30 11:14:01.747 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668441)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1840. 07-30 11:14:01.747 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668441)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1841. 07-30 11:14:01.747 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668441)>> AT+CREG?\r
  1842. 07-30 11:14:01.747 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0093]< DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, null, null, 9}
  1843. 07-30 11:14:01.747 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668441)<< +CREG: 2,1,"2BC4","04BA6D2F"\r\n0\r
  1844. 07-30 11:14:01.747 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668441)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1845. 07-30 11:14:01.747 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668441)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1846. 07-30 11:14:01.757 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668441)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1847. 07-30 11:14:01.757 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0094]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, 2BC4, 04BA6D2F, 9, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 417}
  1848. 07-30 11:14:01.757 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668441)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1849. 07-30 11:14:01.757 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0095]< QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE {0}
  1850. 07-30 11:14:01.757 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmSST] Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[0 home TELUS 302220 HSDPA:9 CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false] newSS=[0 home TELUS 302220 HSDPA:9 CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false] oldGprs=0 newData=0 oldMaxDataCalls=1 mNewMaxDataCalls=1 oldReasonDataDenied=-1 mNewReasonDataDenied=-1 oldType=HSDPA:9 newType=HSDPA:9
  1851. 07-30 11:14:01.767 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0096]> REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1852. 07-30 11:14:01.767 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_neighbor_cell():called
  1853. 07-30 11:14:01.777 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668441)>> AT+Q3GNCELL\r
  1854. 07-30 11:14:01.777 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668441)<< +Q3GNCELL: "04BA6D2F",20,0\r\n0\r
  1855. 07-30 11:14:01.777 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0097]> REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1856. 07-30 11:14:01.777 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_neighbor_cell():called
  1857. 07-30 11:14:01.777 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668441)>> AT+Q3GNCELL\r
  1858. 07-30 11:14:01.777 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0096]< REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1859. 07-30 11:14:01.777 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668441)<< +Q3GNCELL: "04BA6D2F",20,0\r\n0\r
  1860. 07-30 11:14:01.777 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0097]< REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1861. 07-30 11:14:03.629 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668443)%% +HTCUCSQ: 8\r\n
  1862. 07-30 11:14:06.632 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668446)%% +HTCUCSQ: 9\r\n
  1863. 07-30 11:14:12.017 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668452)%% +CREG: 1,"2BC4","04BA6A0F"\r\n
  1864. 07-30 11:14:12.017 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668452)>> AT+UPSC\r
  1865. 07-30 11:14:12.017 D/RILJ ( 1697): [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_VOICE_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED
  1866. 07-30 11:14:12.017 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0098]> OPERATOR
  1867. 07-30 11:14:12.017 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668452)<< +UPSC: 289\r\n0\r
  1868. 07-30 11:14:12.017 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0099]> DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE
  1869. 07-30 11:14:12.017 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_curr_operator_name():called
  1870. 07-30 11:14:12.017 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0100]> VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE
  1871. 07-30 11:14:12.017 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668452)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1872. 07-30 11:14:12.017 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0101]> QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE
  1873. 07-30 11:14:12.017 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668452)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1874. 07-30 11:14:12.017 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_gprs_reg_state():called
  1875. 07-30 11:14:12.017 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_gsm_cdma_reg_state():called
  1876. 07-30 11:14:12.017 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_network_select_mode():called
  1877. 07-30 11:14:12.017 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668452)>> AT+CGREG?\r
  1878. 07-30 11:14:12.017 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0098]< OPERATOR {TELUS, , 302220}
  1879. 07-30 11:14:12.027 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668452)<< +CGREG: 1,1\r\n0\r
  1880. 07-30 11:14:12.027 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668452)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1881. 07-30 11:14:12.027 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668452)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1882. 07-30 11:14:12.027 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668452)>> AT+CREG?\r
  1883. 07-30 11:14:12.027 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0099]< DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, null, null, 9}
  1884. 07-30 11:14:12.027 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668452)<< +CREG: 2,1,"2BC4","04BA6A0F"\r\n0\r
  1885. 07-30 11:14:12.027 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668452)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1886. 07-30 11:14:12.027 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668452)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1887. 07-30 11:14:12.027 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668452)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1888. 07-30 11:14:12.027 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0100]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, 2BC4, 04BA6A0F, 9, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 289}
  1889. 07-30 11:14:12.027 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668452)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1890. 07-30 11:14:12.037 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0101]< QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE {0}
  1891. 07-30 11:14:12.037 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmSST] Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[0 home TELUS 302220 HSDPA:9 CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false] newSS=[0 home TELUS 302220 HSDPA:9 CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false] oldGprs=0 newData=0 oldMaxDataCalls=1 mNewMaxDataCalls=1 oldReasonDataDenied=-1 mNewReasonDataDenied=-1 oldType=HSDPA:9 newType=HSDPA:9
  1892. 07-30 11:14:12.147 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0102]> REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1893. 07-30 11:14:12.157 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0103]> REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1894. 07-30 11:14:12.157 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_neighbor_cell():called
  1895. 07-30 11:14:12.157 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668452)>> AT+Q3GNCELL\r
  1896. 07-30 11:14:12.157 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_neighbor_cell():called
  1897. 07-30 11:14:12.167 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668452)<< +Q3GNCELL: "04BA6A0F",20,0\r\n0\r
  1898. 07-30 11:14:12.167 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668452)>> AT+Q3GNCELL\r
  1899. 07-30 11:14:12.167 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0102]< REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1900. 07-30 11:14:12.167 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668452)<< +Q3GNCELL: "04BA6A0F",20,0\r\n0\r
  1901. 07-30 11:14:12.167 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0103]< REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1902. 07-30 11:14:15.370 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0104]> REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1903. 07-30 11:14:15.370 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_neighbor_cell():called
  1904. 07-30 11:14:15.370 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668455)>> AT+Q3GNCELL\r
  1905. 07-30 11:14:15.370 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668455)<< +Q3GNCELL: "04BA6A0F",22,2,416,15,417,11\r\n0\r
  1906. 07-30 11:14:15.380 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0104]< REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1907. 07-30 11:14:15.380 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  1908. 07-30 11:14:15.420 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  1909. 07-30 11:14:15.541 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  1910. 07-30 11:14:15.571 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  1911. 07-30 11:14:17.723 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668457)%% +CREG: 1,"2BC4","04BA6D2F"\r\n
  1912. 07-30 11:14:17.723 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668457)>> AT+UPSC\r
  1913. 07-30 11:14:17.723 D/RILJ ( 1697): [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_VOICE_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED
  1914. 07-30 11:14:17.723 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0105]> OPERATOR
  1915. 07-30 11:14:17.723 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668457)<< +UPSC: 417\r\n0\r
  1916. 07-30 11:14:17.723 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0106]> DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE
  1917. 07-30 11:14:17.723 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_curr_operator_name():called
  1918. 07-30 11:14:17.723 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0107]> VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE
  1919. 07-30 11:14:17.723 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0108]> QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE
  1920. 07-30 11:14:17.723 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668457)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1921. 07-30 11:14:17.723 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_gprs_reg_state():called
  1922. 07-30 11:14:17.723 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_gsm_cdma_reg_state():called
  1923. 07-30 11:14:17.723 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_network_select_mode():called
  1924. 07-30 11:14:17.723 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668457)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1925. 07-30 11:14:17.723 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668457)>> AT+CGREG?\r
  1926. 07-30 11:14:17.723 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0105]< OPERATOR {TELUS, , 302220}
  1927. 07-30 11:14:17.733 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668457)<< +CGREG: 1,1\r\n0\r
  1928. 07-30 11:14:17.733 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668457)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1929. 07-30 11:14:17.733 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668457)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1930. 07-30 11:14:17.733 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668457)>> AT+CREG?\r
  1931. 07-30 11:14:17.733 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0106]< DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, null, null, 9}
  1932. 07-30 11:14:17.733 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668457)<< +CREG: 2,1,"2BC4","04BA6D2F"\r\n0\r
  1933. 07-30 11:14:17.743 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668457)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1934. 07-30 11:14:17.743 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668457)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1935. 07-30 11:14:17.743 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668457)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1936. 07-30 11:14:17.743 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0107]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, 2BC4, 04BA6D2F, 9, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 417}
  1937. 07-30 11:14:17.743 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668457)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1938. 07-30 11:14:17.743 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0108]< QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE {0}
  1939. 07-30 11:14:17.743 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmSST] Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[0 home TELUS 302220 HSDPA:9 CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false] newSS=[0 home TELUS 302220 HSDPA:9 CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false] oldGprs=0 newData=0 oldMaxDataCalls=1 mNewMaxDataCalls=1 oldReasonDataDenied=-1 mNewReasonDataDenied=-1 oldType=HSDPA:9 newType=HSDPA:9
  1940. 07-30 11:14:17.963 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0109]> REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1941. 07-30 11:14:17.963 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0110]> REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1942. 07-30 11:14:17.963 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_neighbor_cell():called
  1943. 07-30 11:14:17.973 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668457)>> AT+Q3GNCELL\r
  1944. 07-30 11:14:17.973 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_neighbor_cell():called
  1945. 07-30 11:14:17.973 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668457)<< +Q3GNCELL: "04BA6D2F",15,0\r\n0\r
  1946. 07-30 11:14:17.973 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668457)>> AT+Q3GNCELL\r
  1947. 07-30 11:14:17.973 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0109]< REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1948. 07-30 11:14:17.973 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668457)<< +Q3GNCELL: "04BA6D2F",15,0\r\n0\r
  1949. 07-30 11:14:17.973 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0110]< REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1950. 07-30 11:14:22.657 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668462)%% +CREG: 1,"2BC4","04BA6A0F"\r\n
  1951. 07-30 11:14:22.657 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668462)>> AT+UPSC\r
  1952. 07-30 11:14:22.657 D/RILJ ( 1697): [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_VOICE_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED
  1953. 07-30 11:14:22.657 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0111]> OPERATOR
  1954. 07-30 11:14:22.657 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668462)<< +UPSC: 289\r\n0\r
  1955. 07-30 11:14:22.718 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0112]> DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE
  1956. 07-30 11:14:22.718 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_curr_operator_name():called
  1957. 07-30 11:14:22.718 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668462)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1958. 07-30 11:14:22.718 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668462)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1959. 07-30 11:14:22.728 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0113]> VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE
  1960. 07-30 11:14:22.728 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0111]< OPERATOR {TELUS, , 302220}
  1961. 07-30 11:14:22.728 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_gprs_reg_state():called
  1962. 07-30 11:14:22.728 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668462)>> AT+CGREG?\r
  1963. 07-30 11:14:22.728 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0114]> QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE
  1964. 07-30 11:14:22.728 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_gsm_cdma_reg_state():called
  1965. 07-30 11:14:22.728 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668462)<< +CGREG: 1,1\r\n0\r
  1966. 07-30 11:14:22.728 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668462)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1967. 07-30 11:14:22.738 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668462)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1968. 07-30 11:14:22.738 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668462)>> AT+CREG?\r
  1969. 07-30 11:14:22.738 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0112]< DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, null, null, 9}
  1970. 07-30 11:14:22.738 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668462)<< +CREG: 2,1,"2BC4","04BA6A0F"\r\n0\r
  1971. 07-30 11:14:22.738 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668462)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1972. 07-30 11:14:22.738 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668462)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1973. 07-30 11:14:22.758 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0113]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, 2BC4, 04BA6A0F, 9, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 289}
  1974. 07-30 11:14:22.758 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_network_select_mode():called
  1975. 07-30 11:14:22.758 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668462)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  1976. 07-30 11:14:22.758 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668462)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  1977. 07-30 11:14:22.768 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0114]< QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE {0}
  1978. 07-30 11:14:22.768 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmSST] Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[0 home TELUS 302220 HSDPA:9 CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false] newSS=[0 home TELUS 302220 HSDPA:9 CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false] oldGprs=0 newData=0 oldMaxDataCalls=1 mNewMaxDataCalls=1 oldReasonDataDenied=-1 mNewReasonDataDenied=-1 oldType=HSDPA:9 newType=HSDPA:9
  1979. 07-30 11:14:22.818 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0115]> REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1980. 07-30 11:14:22.818 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_neighbor_cell():called
  1981. 07-30 11:14:22.818 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668462)>> AT+Q3GNCELL\r
  1982. 07-30 11:14:22.818 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668462)<< +Q3GNCELL: "04BA6A0F",18,0\r\n0\r
  1983. 07-30 11:14:22.818 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0116]> REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1984. 07-30 11:14:22.818 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_neighbor_cell():called
  1985. 07-30 11:14:22.818 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668462)>> AT+Q3GNCELL\r
  1986. 07-30 11:14:22.818 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0115]< REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1987. 07-30 11:14:22.818 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668462)<< +Q3GNCELL: "04BA6A0F",18,0\r\n0\r
  1988. 07-30 11:14:22.828 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0116]< REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  1989. 07-30 11:14:24.629 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668464)%% +HTCUCSQ: 8\r\n
  1990. 07-30 11:14:26.121 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668466)%% +CREG: 1,"2BC4","04BA6D2F"\r\n
  1991. 07-30 11:14:26.121 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668466)>> AT+UPSC\r
  1992. 07-30 11:14:26.121 D/RILJ ( 1697): [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_VOICE_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED
  1993. 07-30 11:14:26.121 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0117]> OPERATOR
  1994. 07-30 11:14:26.121 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668466)<< +UPSC: 417\r\n0\r
  1995. 07-30 11:14:26.121 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0118]> DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE
  1996. 07-30 11:14:26.121 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_curr_operator_name():called
  1997. 07-30 11:14:26.131 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0119]> VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE
  1998. 07-30 11:14:26.131 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0120]> QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE
  1999. 07-30 11:14:26.131 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668466)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  2000. 07-30 11:14:26.131 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_gprs_reg_state():called
  2001. 07-30 11:14:26.131 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_gsm_cdma_reg_state():called
  2002. 07-30 11:14:26.131 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668466)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  2003. 07-30 11:14:26.131 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_network_select_mode():called
  2004. 07-30 11:14:26.131 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668466)>> AT+CGREG?\r
  2005. 07-30 11:14:26.131 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0117]< OPERATOR {TELUS, , 302220}
  2006. 07-30 11:14:26.131 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668466)<< +CGREG: 1,1\r\n0\r
  2007. 07-30 11:14:26.131 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668466)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  2008. 07-30 11:14:26.141 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668466)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  2009. 07-30 11:14:26.141 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668466)>> AT+CREG?\r
  2010. 07-30 11:14:26.141 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0118]< DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, null, null, 9}
  2011. 07-30 11:14:26.141 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668466)<< +CREG: 2,1,"2BC4","04BA6D2F"\r\n0\r
  2012. 07-30 11:14:26.141 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668466)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  2013. 07-30 11:14:26.151 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668466)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  2014. 07-30 11:14:26.151 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668466)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  2015. 07-30 11:14:26.151 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0119]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, 2BC4, 04BA6D2F, 9, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 417}
  2016. 07-30 11:14:26.151 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668466)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  2017. 07-30 11:14:26.161 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0120]< QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE {0}
  2018. 07-30 11:14:26.161 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmSST] Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[0 home TELUS 302220 HSDPA:9 CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false] newSS=[0 home TELUS 302220 HSDPA:9 CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false] oldGprs=0 newData=0 oldMaxDataCalls=1 mNewMaxDataCalls=1 oldReasonDataDenied=-1 mNewReasonDataDenied=-1 oldType=HSDPA:9 newType=HSDPA:9
  2019. 07-30 11:14:26.291 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0121]> REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  2020. 07-30 11:14:26.291 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_neighbor_cell():called
  2021. 07-30 11:14:26.291 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668466)>> AT+Q3GNCELL\r
  2022. 07-30 11:14:26.291 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668466)<< +Q3GNCELL: "04BA6D2F",17,0\r\n0\r
  2023. 07-30 11:14:26.291 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0121]< REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  2024. 07-30 11:14:26.401 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0122]> REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  2025. 07-30 11:14:26.411 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_neighbor_cell():called
  2026. 07-30 11:14:26.411 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668466)>> AT+Q3GNCELL\r
  2027. 07-30 11:14:26.411 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668466)<< +Q3GNCELL: "04BA6D2F",17,0\r\n0\r
  2028. 07-30 11:14:26.411 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0122]< REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  2029. 07-30 11:14:26.501 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  2030. 07-30 11:14:26.501 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  2031. 07-30 11:14:26.591 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0123]> REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  2032. 07-30 11:14:26.591 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_neighbor_cell():called
  2033. 07-30 11:14:26.591 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668466)>> AT+Q3GNCELL\r
  2034. 07-30 11:14:26.601 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668466)<< +Q3GNCELL: "04BA6D2F",17,0\r\n0\r
  2035. 07-30 11:14:26.601 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0123]< REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  2036. 07-30 11:14:27.342 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): at_notify_g23_hind():Try to open /sys/module/pm/parameters/idle_sleep_mode
  2037. 07-30 11:14:27.342 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): at_notify_g23_hind():Close /sys/module/pm/parameters/idle_sleep_mode complete
  2038. 07-30 11:14:27.342 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668467)XX +HIND: 3\r\n
  2039. 07-30 11:14:27.342 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): hind_thread():Signal arrived
  2040. 07-30 11:14:27.632 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668467)%% +HTCUCSQ: 9\r\n
  2041. 07-30 11:14:27.742 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  2042. 07-30 11:14:27.752 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  2043. 07-30 11:14:33.828 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668473)%% +CREG: 1,"2BC4","04BA6A0F"\r\n
  2044. 07-30 11:14:33.828 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668473)>> AT+UPSC\r
  2045. 07-30 11:14:33.828 D/RILJ ( 1697): [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_VOICE_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED
  2046. 07-30 11:14:33.828 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0124]> OPERATOR
  2047. 07-30 11:14:33.828 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668473)<< +UPSC: 289\r\n0\r
  2048. 07-30 11:14:33.828 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_curr_operator_name():called
  2049. 07-30 11:14:33.828 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668473)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  2050. 07-30 11:14:33.828 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0125]> DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE
  2051. 07-30 11:14:33.838 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668473)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  2052. 07-30 11:14:33.838 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_gprs_reg_state():called
  2053. 07-30 11:14:33.838 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0126]> VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE
  2054. 07-30 11:14:33.838 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668473)>> AT+CGREG?\r
  2055. 07-30 11:14:33.838 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0124]< OPERATOR {TELUS, , 302220}
  2056. 07-30 11:14:33.838 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668473)<< +CGREG: 1,1\r\n0\r
  2057. 07-30 11:14:33.838 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668473)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  2058. 07-30 11:14:33.838 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_gsm_cdma_reg_state():called
  2059. 07-30 11:14:33.838 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0127]> QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE
  2060. 07-30 11:14:33.848 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668473)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  2061. 07-30 11:14:33.848 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668473)>> AT+CREG?\r
  2062. 07-30 11:14:33.848 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0125]< DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, null, null, 9}
  2063. 07-30 11:14:33.848 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668473)<< +CREG: 2,1,"2BC4","04BA6A0F"\r\n0\r
  2064. 07-30 11:14:33.848 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668473)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  2065. 07-30 11:14:33.858 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_network_select_mode():called
  2066. 07-30 11:14:33.858 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668473)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  2067. 07-30 11:14:33.858 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668473)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  2068. 07-30 11:14:33.858 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0126]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, 2BC4, 04BA6A0F, 9, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 289}
  2069. 07-30 11:14:33.858 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668473)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  2070. 07-30 11:14:33.858 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0127]< QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE {0}
  2071. 07-30 11:14:33.868 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmSST] Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[0 home TELUS 302220 HSDPA:9 CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false] newSS=[0 home TELUS 302220 HSDPA:9 CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false] oldGprs=0 newData=0 oldMaxDataCalls=1 mNewMaxDataCalls=1 oldReasonDataDenied=-1 mNewReasonDataDenied=-1 oldType=HSDPA:9 newType=HSDPA:9
  2072. 07-30 11:14:33.898 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0128]> REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  2073. 07-30 11:14:33.898 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_neighbor_cell():called
  2074. 07-30 11:14:33.898 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668473)>> AT+Q3GNCELL\r
  2075. 07-30 11:14:33.898 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668473)<< +Q3GNCELL: "04BA6A0F",23,0\r\n0\r
  2076. 07-30 11:14:33.898 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0129]> REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  2077. 07-30 11:14:33.898 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_neighbor_cell():called
  2078. 07-30 11:14:33.898 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668473)>> AT+Q3GNCELL\r
  2079. 07-30 11:14:33.898 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0128]< REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  2080. 07-30 11:14:33.898 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668473)<< +Q3GNCELL: "04BA6A0F",23,0\r\n0\r
  2081. 07-30 11:14:33.898 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0129]< REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  2082. 07-30 11:14:36.641 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668476)%% +HTCUCSQ: 10\r\n
  2083. 07-30 11:14:42.637 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668482)%% +HTCUCSQ: 11\r\n
  2084. 07-30 11:14:45.630 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668485)%% +HTCUCSQ: 12\r\n
  2085. 07-30 11:14:51.636 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668491)%% +HTCUCSQ: 13\r\n
  2086. 07-30 11:14:52.677 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): at_notify_g23_hind():Don't need to restore idle sleep mode!
  2087. 07-30 11:14:52.677 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668492)XX +HIND: 0\r\n
  2088. 07-30 11:14:53.598 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668493)%% +CREG: 1,"2BC4","04BA6947"\r\n
  2089. 07-30 11:14:53.598 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668493)>> AT+UPSC\r
  2090. 07-30 11:14:53.598 D/RILJ ( 1697): [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_VOICE_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED
  2091. 07-30 11:14:53.598 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0130]> OPERATOR
  2092. 07-30 11:14:53.598 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668493)<< +UPSC: 416\r\n0\r
  2093. 07-30 11:14:53.598 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0131]> DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE
  2094. 07-30 11:14:53.598 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_curr_operator_name():called
  2095. 07-30 11:14:53.598 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0132]> VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE
  2096. 07-30 11:14:53.598 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668493)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  2097. 07-30 11:14:53.598 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_gprs_reg_state():called
  2098. 07-30 11:14:53.598 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668493)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  2099. 07-30 11:14:53.608 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_gsm_cdma_reg_state():called
  2100. 07-30 11:14:53.608 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668493)>> AT+CGREG?\r
  2101. 07-30 11:14:53.608 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0130]< OPERATOR {TELUS, , 302220}
  2102. 07-30 11:14:53.608 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668493)<< +CGREG: 1,1\r\n0\r
  2103. 07-30 11:14:53.608 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0133]> QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE
  2104. 07-30 11:14:53.608 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_network_select_mode():called
  2105. 07-30 11:14:53.608 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668493)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  2106. 07-30 11:14:53.608 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668493)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  2107. 07-30 11:14:53.608 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668493)>> AT+CREG?\r
  2108. 07-30 11:14:53.608 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0131]< DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, null, null, 9}
  2109. 07-30 11:14:53.608 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668493)<< +CREG: 2,1,"2BC4","04BA6947"\r\n0\r
  2110. 07-30 11:14:53.608 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668493)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  2111. 07-30 11:14:53.608 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668493)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  2112. 07-30 11:14:53.618 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668493)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  2113. 07-30 11:14:53.618 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0132]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, 2BC4, 04BA6947, 9, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 416}
  2114. 07-30 11:14:53.618 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668493)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  2115. 07-30 11:14:53.618 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0133]< QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE {0}
  2116. 07-30 11:14:53.618 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmSST] Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[0 home TELUS 302220 HSDPA:9 CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false] newSS=[0 home TELUS 302220 HSDPA:9 CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false] oldGprs=0 newData=0 oldMaxDataCalls=1 mNewMaxDataCalls=1 oldReasonDataDenied=-1 mNewReasonDataDenied=-1 oldType=HSDPA:9 newType=HSDPA:9
  2117. 07-30 11:14:53.638 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0134]> REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  2118. 07-30 11:14:53.648 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_neighbor_cell():called
  2119. 07-30 11:14:53.648 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668493)>> AT+Q3GNCELL\r
  2120. 07-30 11:14:53.648 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668493)<< +Q3GNCELL: "04BA6947",27,0\r\n0\r
  2121. 07-30 11:14:53.648 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0135]> REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  2122. 07-30 11:14:53.648 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_neighbor_cell():called
  2123. 07-30 11:14:53.648 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668493)>> AT+Q3GNCELL\r
  2124. 07-30 11:14:53.648 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0134]< REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  2125. 07-30 11:14:53.648 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668493)<< +Q3GNCELL: "04BA6947",27,0\r\n0\r
  2126. 07-30 11:14:53.648 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0135]< REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  2127. 07-30 11:14:54.639 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668494)%% +HTCUCSQ: 12\r\n
  2128. 07-30 11:14:55.279 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  2129. 07-30 11:14:55.289 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] handleMessage msg={ what=270353 when=0 arg1=23597 }
  2130. 07-30 11:15:00.635 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668500)%% +HTCUCSQ: 13\r\n
  2131. 07-30 11:15:10.264 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668510)%% +CREG: 1,"2BC4","04BA6A0F"\r\n
  2132. 07-30 11:15:10.264 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668510)>> AT+UPSC\r
  2133. 07-30 11:15:10.264 D/RILJ ( 1697): [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_VOICE_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED
  2134. 07-30 11:15:10.264 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0136]> OPERATOR
  2135. 07-30 11:15:10.264 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668510)<< +UPSC: 289\r\n0\r
  2136. 07-30 11:15:10.264 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0137]> DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE
  2137. 07-30 11:15:10.264 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_curr_operator_name():called
  2138. 07-30 11:15:10.264 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668510)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  2139. 07-30 11:15:10.264 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_gprs_reg_state():called
  2140. 07-30 11:15:10.264 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0138]> VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE
  2141. 07-30 11:15:10.264 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668510)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  2142. 07-30 11:15:10.264 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668510)>> AT+CGREG?\r
  2143. 07-30 11:15:10.264 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0136]< OPERATOR {TELUS, , 302220}
  2144. 07-30 11:15:10.264 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668510)<< +CGREG: 1,1\r\n0\r
  2145. 07-30 11:15:10.264 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_gsm_cdma_reg_state():called
  2146. 07-30 11:15:10.264 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668510)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  2147. 07-30 11:15:10.264 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0139]> QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE
  2148. 07-30 11:15:10.264 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668510)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  2149. 07-30 11:15:10.274 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_network_select_mode():called
  2150. 07-30 11:15:10.274 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0137]< DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, null, null, 9}
  2151. 07-30 11:15:10.274 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668510)>> AT+CREG?\r
  2152. 07-30 11:15:10.274 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668510)<< +CREG: 2,1,"2BC4","04BA6A0F"\r\n0\r
  2153. 07-30 11:15:10.274 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668510)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  2154. 07-30 11:15:10.274 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668510)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  2155. 07-30 11:15:10.274 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668510)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
  2156. 07-30 11:15:10.284 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0138]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, 2BC4, 04BA6A0F, 9, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 289}
  2157. 07-30 11:15:10.284 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668510)<< +COPS: 0,2,"302220",4\r\n0\r
  2158. 07-30 11:15:10.284 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0139]< QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE {0}
  2159. 07-30 11:15:10.284 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmSST] Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[0 home TELUS 302220 HSDPA:9 CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false] newSS=[0 home TELUS 302220 HSDPA:9 CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false] oldGprs=0 newData=0 oldMaxDataCalls=1 mNewMaxDataCalls=1 oldReasonDataDenied=-1 mNewReasonDataDenied=-1 oldType=HSDPA:9 newType=HSDPA:9
  2160. 07-30 11:15:10.314 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0140]> REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  2161. 07-30 11:15:10.314 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_neighbor_cell():called
  2162. 07-30 11:15:10.314 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668510)>> AT+Q3GNCELL\r
  2163. 07-30 11:15:10.314 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668510)<< +Q3GNCELL: "04BA6A0F",27,0\r\n0\r
  2164. 07-30 11:15:10.324 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0141]> REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  2165. 07-30 11:15:10.324 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_neighbor_cell():called
  2166. 07-30 11:15:10.324 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668510)>> AT+Q3GNCELL\r
  2167. 07-30 11:15:10.324 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0140]< REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  2168. 07-30 11:15:10.324 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668510)<< +Q3GNCELL: "04BA6A0F",27,0\r\n0\r
  2169. 07-30 11:15:10.324 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0141]< REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  2170. 07-30 11:15:12.646 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668512)%% +HTCUCSQ: 14\r\n
  2171. 07-30 11:15:18.642 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668518)%% +HTCUCSQ: 15\r\n
  2172. 07-30 11:15:21.635 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668521)%% +HTCUCSQ: 16\r\n
  2173. 07-30 11:15:24.638 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668524)%% +HTCUCSQ: 15\r\n
  2174. 07-30 11:15:26.490 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0142]> REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  2175. 07-30 11:15:26.490 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): ril_func_get_neighbor_cell():called
  2176. 07-30 11:15:26.490 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668526)>> AT+Q3GNCELL\r
  2177. 07-30 11:15:26.500 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668526)<< +Q3GNCELL: "04BA6A0F",30,2,416,25,417,24\r\n0\r
  2178. 07-30 11:15:26.500 D/RILJ ( 1697): [0142]< REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS
  2179. 07-30 11:15:26.510 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  2180. 07-30 11:15:26.530 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  2181. 07-30 11:15:26.630 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  2182. 07-30 11:15:26.630 D/GSM ( 1697): [GsmDCT] onReceive:
  2183. 07-30 11:15:30.644 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668530)%% +HTCUCSQ: 16\r\n
  2184. 07-30 11:15:36.640 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668536)%% +HTCUCSQ: 15\r\n
  2185. 07-30 11:15:42.646 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668542)%% +HTCUCSQ: 16\r\n
  2186. 07-30 11:15:48.641 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668548)%% +HTCUCSQ: 15\r\n
  2187. 07-30 11:15:51.644 D/HTC_RIL ( 1388): (t=1343668551)%% +HTCUCSQ: 16\r\n
  2188. ======================= KERNEL LOG ===================
  2189. <6>[ 120.501190] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_powerdown: disable CLK
  2190. <6>[ 120.501403] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 202ms --
  2191. <6>[ 121.538635] [AUD][audio_out.c:audio_open] register for event callback pdata c06e1090
  2192. <6>[ 121.539306] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable CLK
  2193. <6>[ 121.539520] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  2194. <6>[ 121.539642] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(14)
  2195. <6>[ 121.542236] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  2196. <6>[ 121.542694] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device speaker_mono_rx set 1
  2197. <6>[ 121.542907] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_rx, id 6, enable 1, opened 0)
  2198. <6>[ 121.543029] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device freq =48000
  2199. <6>[ 121.543365] [AUD] snddev_icodec: snddev_icodec_open: device speaker_mono_rx
  2200. <6>[ 121.543914] [AUD][afe.c:afe_enable] afe_enable: path 1
  2201. <6>[ 121.544128] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] opening module AFETASK
  2202. <6>[ 121.544250] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] module AFETASK has been registered
  2203. <6>[ 121.544494] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_enable] enable 'AFETASK'state[0] id[17227119]
  2204. <6>[ 121.551300] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] rpc event=0, proc_id=2, module=17227119, image=0
  2205. <6>[ 121.551452] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] module AFETASK: READY
  2206. <6>[ 121.551727] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_codec_config] afe_dsp_codec_config() cef71e78
  2207. <6>[ 121.551940] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_codec_config] afe_dsp_codec_config: sample_rate 30 ch mode 2 vol 4000
  2208. <6>[ 121.552093] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: msg_id 1
  2209. <6>[ 121.552307] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: device_id: 1 device activity: 1
  2210. <6>[ 121.552551] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] enable
  2211. <6>[ 121.552764] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] LPA codec is enabled
  2212. <6>[ 121.553009] [AUD] board_spade_audio: spade_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  2213. <6>[ 121.598205] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: set device speaker_mono_rx opened as 1
  2214. <6>[ 121.598602] [AUD] htc-acoustic: open
  2215. <6>[ 121.598724] [AUD] htc_acoustic_7x30: acoustic_ioctl update ACDB ID : (11, 6, 0, 607)
  2216. <6>[ 121.598968] [AUD] htc-acoustic: release
  2217. <6>[ 121.599121] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 5, dev 6, enable 1
  2218. <6>[ 121.599365] [AUD] audio_out: audio_enable
  2219. <6>[ 121.599487] [AUD] audio_out: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  2220. <6>[ 121.599731] [AUD][ATS][play_music][successful] at 116236656486 (2012-07-30 17:12:01.580309364 UTC)
  2221. <6>[ 121.599914] [AUD] audio_acdb: acdb: 3098 bytes for device 607, rate 48000.
  2222. <6>[ 121.600189] [AUD] audpp: audpp: enable
  2223. <6>[ 121.600311] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] opening module AUDPPTASK
  2224. <6>[ 121.600524] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] module AUDPPTASK has been registered
  2225. <6>[ 121.600799] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_enable] enable 'AUDPPTASK'state[0] id[17227122]
  2226. <6>[ 121.603546] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] rpc event=0, proc_id=2, module=17227122, image=0
  2227. <6>[ 121.603790] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] module AUDPPTASK: READY
  2228. <6>[ 121.608093] [AUD] audpp: audpp: ENABLE
  2229. <6>[ 121.608337] [AUD][audio_out.c:audio_dsp_event] CFG_MSG ENABLE
  2230. <6>[ 121.612060] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_write] AUDPPTASK command took 58 attempts: rc 0
  2231. <6>[ 125.561950] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 5, dev 6, enable 0
  2232. <6>[ 125.562225] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device speaker_mono_rx set 0
  2233. <6>[ 125.562316] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_rx, id 6, enable 0, opened 1)
  2234. <6>[ 125.562530] [AUD] snddev_icodec: snddev_icodec_close: device speaker_mono_rx
  2235. <6>[ 125.562744] [AUD] board_spade_audio: spade_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  2236. <6>[ 125.562866] [AUD][afe.c:afe_disable] afe_disable() path_id:1 codec state:1
  2237. <6>[ 125.563110] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_codec_config] afe_dsp_codec_config() (null)
  2238. <6>[ 125.563232] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: msg_id 1
  2239. <6>[ 125.563415] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: device_id: 1 device activity: 65535
  2240. <6>[ 125.563629] [AUD][afe.c:afe_disable] afe_disable() in_use:0
  2241. <6>[ 125.563751] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_put] closing module AFETASK
  2242. <6>[ 125.563964] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] disable
  2243. <6>[ 125.564086] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] LPA codec is disabled
  2244. <6>[ 125.564392] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: set device speaker_mono_rx opened as 0
  2245. <6>[ 125.564514] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  2246. <6>[ 125.564727] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 11, enable 0, opened 0)
  2247. <6>[ 125.564941] [AUD] audio_out: audio_disable
  2248. <6>[ 125.565063] [AUD][audio_out.c:audio_dsp_event] CFG_MSG DISABLE
  2249. <6>[ 125.565277] [AUD] audpp: audpp: disable
  2250. <6>[ 125.565399] [AUD] audpp: audpp: DISABLE
  2251. <6>[ 125.565521] [AUD][audpp.c:audpp_disable] Received CFG_MSG_DISABLE from ADSP
  2252. <6>[ 125.565704] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_disable] disable interrupt
  2253. <6>[ 125.565826] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_put] closing module AUDPPTASK
  2254. <6>[ 125.566040] [AUD][ATS][stop_music][successful] at 120202995598 (2012-07-30 17:12:05.546862099 UTC)
  2255. <6>[ 125.566253] [AUD] audio_out: ------------------------------
  2256. <6>[ 125.566436] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  2257. <6>[ 125.566650] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(7)
  2258. <6>[ 125.567321] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(31)++
  2259. <6>[ 125.768646] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_powerdown: disable CLK
  2260. <6>[ 125.768829] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 201ms --
  2261. <6>[ 126.104583] [AUD][audio_out.c:audio_open] register for event callback pdata c06e1090
  2262. <6>[ 126.105041] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable CLK
  2263. <6>[ 126.105255] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  2264. <6>[ 126.105377] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(14)
  2265. <6>[ 126.106323] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  2266. <6>[ 126.106719] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device speaker_mono_rx set 1
  2267. <6>[ 126.106933] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_rx, id 6, enable 1, opened 0)
  2268. <6>[ 126.107147] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device freq =48000
  2269. <6>[ 126.107269] [AUD] snddev_icodec: snddev_icodec_open: device speaker_mono_rx
  2270. <6>[ 126.108062] [AUD][afe.c:afe_enable] afe_enable: path 1
  2271. <6>[ 126.108184] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] opening module AFETASK
  2272. <6>[ 126.108398] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] module AFETASK has been registered
  2273. <6>[ 126.108520] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_enable] enable 'AFETASK'state[0] id[17227119]
  2274. <6>[ 126.114532] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] rpc event=0, proc_id=2, module=17227119, image=0
  2275. <6>[ 126.114807] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] module AFETASK: READY
  2276. <6>[ 126.115112] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_codec_config] afe_dsp_codec_config() cef71e78
  2277. <6>[ 126.115356] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_codec_config] afe_dsp_codec_config: sample_rate 30 ch mode 2 vol 4000
  2278. <6>[ 126.115570] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: msg_id 1
  2279. <6>[ 126.115692] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: device_id: 1 device activity: 1
  2280. <6>[ 126.116058] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] enable
  2281. <6>[ 126.116302] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] LPA codec is enabled
  2282. <6>[ 126.116577] [AUD] board_spade_audio: spade_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  2283. <6>[ 126.158203] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: set device speaker_mono_rx opened as 1
  2284. <6>[ 126.158508] [AUD] htc-acoustic: open
  2285. <6>[ 126.158630] [AUD] htc_acoustic_7x30: acoustic_ioctl update ACDB ID : (11, 6, 0, 607)
  2286. <6>[ 126.158843] [AUD] htc-acoustic: release
  2287. <6>[ 126.158966] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 5, dev 6, enable 1
  2288. <6>[ 126.159179] [AUD] audio_out: audio_enable
  2289. <6>[ 126.159301] [AUD] audio_out: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  2290. <6>[ 126.159484] [AUD][ATS][play_music][successful] at 120796440421 (2012-07-30 17:12:06.140123816 UTC)
  2291. <6>[ 126.159698] [AUD] audpp: audpp: enable
  2292. <6>[ 126.159820] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] opening module AUDPPTASK
  2293. <6>[ 126.159942] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] module AUDPPTASK has been registered
  2294. <6>[ 126.160156] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_enable] enable 'AUDPPTASK'state[0] id[17227122]
  2295. <6>[ 126.160461] [AUD] audio_acdb: acdb: 3098 bytes for device 607, rate 48000.
  2296. <6>[ 126.162872] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] rpc event=0, proc_id=2, module=17227122, image=0
  2297. <6>[ 126.163879] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] module AUDPPTASK: READY
  2298. <6>[ 126.168243] [AUD] audpp: audpp: ENABLE
  2299. <6>[ 126.168395] [AUD][audio_out.c:audio_dsp_event] CFG_MSG ENABLE
  2300. <6>[ 126.172119] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_write] AUDPPTASK command took 64 attempts: rc 0
  2301. <6>[ 126.882232] call alarm, type 1, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0xd0, 1343668326863000000 (s 1343668326863000000)
  2302. <6>[ 130.512268] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0xd0, 125133000000 (s 125133000000)
  2303. <6>[ 132.601928] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 5, dev 6, enable 0
  2304. <6>[ 132.602111] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device speaker_mono_rx set 0
  2305. <6>[ 132.602294] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_rx, id 6, enable 0, opened 1)
  2306. <6>[ 132.602508] [AUD] snddev_icodec: snddev_icodec_close: device speaker_mono_rx
  2307. <6>[ 132.602600] [AUD] board_spade_audio: spade_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  2308. <6>[ 132.602813] [AUD][afe.c:afe_disable] afe_disable() path_id:1 codec state:1
  2309. <6>[ 132.603027] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_codec_config] afe_dsp_codec_config() (null)
  2310. <6>[ 132.603210] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: msg_id 1
  2311. <6>[ 132.603393] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: device_id: 1 device activity: 65535
  2312. <6>[ 132.603515] [AUD][afe.c:afe_disable] afe_disable() in_use:0
  2313. <6>[ 132.603729] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_put] closing module AFETASK
  2314. <6>[ 132.603851] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] disable
  2315. <6>[ 132.604064] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] LPA codec is disabled
  2316. <6>[ 132.604278] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: set device speaker_mono_rx opened as 0
  2317. <6>[ 132.604522] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  2318. <6>[ 132.604705] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 11, enable 0, opened 0)
  2319. <6>[ 132.604827] [AUD] audio_out: audio_disable
  2320. <6>[ 132.605041] [AUD][audio_out.c:audio_dsp_event] CFG_MSG DISABLE
  2321. <6>[ 132.605163] [AUD] audpp: audpp: disable
  2322. <6>[ 132.605377] [AUD] audpp: audpp: DISABLE
  2323. <6>[ 132.605499] [AUD][audpp.c:audpp_disable] Received CFG_MSG_DISABLE from ADSP
  2324. <6>[ 132.605712] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_disable] disable interrupt
  2325. <6>[ 132.605834] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_put] closing module AUDPPTASK
  2326. <6>[ 132.606048] [AUD][ATS][stop_music][successful] at 127243004144 (2012-07-30 17:12:12.586870645 UTC)
  2327. <6>[ 132.606170] [AUD] audio_out: ------------------------------
  2328. <6>[ 132.606475] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  2329. <6>[ 132.606567] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(7)
  2330. <6>[ 132.607147] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(31)++
  2331. <6>[ 132.808410] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_powerdown: disable CLK
  2332. <6>[ 132.808654] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 201ms --
  2333. <6>[ 135.362976] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0xd0, 129984000000 (s 129984000000)
  2334. <6>[ 135.363250] call alarm, type 2, func ds2746_battery_alarm+0x0/0x24, 146706515864 (s 126706515864)
  2335. <4>[ 135.380676] [BATT] [x0]3 [x8]1b 10 8 60 5f b0 f2 1b b c2
  2336. <4>[ 135.380828] [BATT] V=3735(5fb) I=-351(fffffc87) C=690.0/1230(bc2) id=1(86) T=290(1b1) KADC=540
  2337. <4>[ 135.381072] [BATT]S=2 P=554 chg=0 cable=000 flg=110 dbg=0000 fst_dischg=571/702 [3638539009]
  2338. <6>[ 165.383117] call alarm, type 2, func ds2746_battery_alarm+0x0/0x24, 180002383783 (s 160002383783)
  2339. <4>[ 165.384765] [BATT] [x0]3 [x8]1b 0 8 50 60 10 f1 4 b b9
  2340. <4>[ 165.384918] [BATT] V=3750(601) I=-379(fffffc41) C=687.0/1230(bb9) id=1(85) T=290(1b0) KADC=581
  2341. <4>[ 165.385162] [BATT]S=2 P=554 chg=0 cable=000 flg=110 dbg=0000 fst_dischg=571/702 [3638569013]
  2342. <6>[ 175.283935] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0xd0, 169905000000 (s 169905000000)
  2343. <6>[ 180.018951] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0xd0, 174640000000 (s 174640000000)
  2344. <6>[ 187.026214] call alarm, type 1, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0xd0, 1343668387007000000 (s 1343668387007000000)
  2345. <6>[ 195.372955] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0xd0, 189994000000 (s 189994000000)
  2346. <6>[ 195.563110] call alarm, type 2, func ds2746_battery_alarm+0x0/0x24, 210006473140 (s 190006473140)
  2347. <4>[ 195.564819] [BATT] [x0]3 [x8]1a d0 8 40 5f 20 ef 7f b b1
  2348. <4>[ 195.565032] [BATT] V=3713(5f2) I=-417(fffffbe0) C=683.0/1230(bb1) id=1(84) T=290(1ad) KADC=537
  2349. <6>[ 195.565246] [BATT] ds2746_notify: 1 55 at 190202324212 (2012-07-30 17:13:15.546068643 UTC)
  2350. <6>[ 195.565490] [BATT] power_supply_changed: battery at 190202629388 (2012-07-30 17:13:15.546282266 UTC)
  2351. <4>[ 195.565795] [BATT]S=2 P=550 chg=0 cable=000 flg=110 dbg=0000 fst_dischg=571/702 [3638599194]
  2352. <6>[ 225.567260] call alarm, type 2, func ds2746_battery_alarm+0x0/0x24, 240187076167 (s 220187076167)
  2353. <4>[ 225.569091] [BATT] [x0]3 [x8]1a b0 8 40 5f 0 ee f4 b a8
  2354. <4>[ 225.569244] [BATT] V=3708(5f0) I=-431(fffffbbd) C=680.0/1230(ba8) id=1(84) T=290(1ab) KADC=535
  2355. <4>[ 225.569488] [BATT]S=2 P=547 chg=0 cable=000 flg=110 dbg=0000 fst_dischg=571/702 [3638629198]
  2356. <6>[ 235.295959] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0xd0, 229917000000 (s 229917000000)
  2357. <6>[ 240.018951] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0xd0, 234640000000 (s 234640000000)
  2358. <6>[ 247.065216] call alarm, type 1, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0xd0, 1343668447046000000 (s 1343668447046000000)
  2359. <6>[ 251.382385] [VIB]vibrator_enable, InputReader(parent:zygote): vibrates 0 msec
  2360. <6>[ 251.404663] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-148(parent:zygote): vibrates 10 msec
  2361. <6>[ 251.405914] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2362. <6>[ 251.414886] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2363. <6>[ 251.435302] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-148(parent:zygote): vibrates 30 msec
  2364. <6>[ 251.436462] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2365. <6>[ 251.465576] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2366. <6>[ 252.408355] [VIB]vibrator_enable, InputReader(parent:zygote): vibrates 0 msec
  2367. <6>[ 252.420928] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-149(parent:zygote): vibrates 10 msec
  2368. <6>[ 252.422760] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2369. <6>[ 252.431274] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2370. <6>[ 252.452117] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-149(parent:zygote): vibrates 30 msec
  2371. <6>[ 252.453948] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2372. <6>[ 252.482482] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2373. <6>[ 252.984497] [VIB]vibrator_enable, InputReader(parent:zygote): vibrates 0 msec
  2374. <6>[ 252.991790] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-150(parent:zygote): vibrates 10 msec
  2375. <6>[ 252.992614] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2376. <6>[ 253.002014] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2377. <6>[ 253.022796] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-150(parent:zygote): vibrates 30 msec
  2378. <6>[ 253.024841] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2379. <6>[ 253.053070] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2380. <6>[ 253.227508] [VIB]vibrator_enable, InputReader(parent:zygote): vibrates 0 msec
  2381. <6>[ 253.236419] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-151(parent:zygote): vibrates 10 msec
  2382. <6>[ 253.237182] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2383. <6>[ 253.246582] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2384. <6>[ 253.267333] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-151(parent:zygote): vibrates 30 msec
  2385. <6>[ 253.269104] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2386. <6>[ 253.297698] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2387. <6>[ 253.436004] [VIB]vibrator_enable, InputReader(parent:zygote): vibrates 0 msec
  2388. <6>[ 253.443359] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-152(parent:zygote): vibrates 10 msec
  2389. <6>[ 253.444030] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2390. <6>[ 253.453460] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2391. <6>[ 253.496551] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-152(parent:zygote): vibrates 30 msec
  2392. <6>[ 253.498474] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2393. <6>[ 253.526916] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2394. <6>[ 253.981994] [VIB]vibrator_enable, InputReader(parent:zygote): vibrates 0 msec
  2395. <6>[ 253.987915] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-153(parent:zygote): vibrates 10 msec
  2396. <6>[ 253.988891] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2397. <6>[ 253.998138] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2398. <6>[ 254.019104] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-153(parent:zygote): vibrates 30 msec
  2399. <6>[ 254.021240] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2400. <6>[ 254.049499] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2401. <6>[ 254.574310] [VIB]vibrator_enable, InputReader(parent:zygote): vibrates 0 msec
  2402. <6>[ 254.580200] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-154(parent:zygote): vibrates 10 msec
  2403. <6>[ 254.580963] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2404. <6>[ 254.590393] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2405. <6>[ 254.611328] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-154(parent:zygote): vibrates 30 msec
  2406. <6>[ 254.613311] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2407. <6>[ 254.641632] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2408. <6>[ 255.384948] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0xd0, 250006000000 (s 250006000000)
  2409. <6>[ 255.573120] call alarm, type 2, func ds2746_battery_alarm+0x0/0x24, 270190799311 (s 250190799311)
  2410. <4>[ 255.577056] [BATT] [x0]3 [x8]1a 90 8 40 5f 80 f0 5c b 9f
  2411. <4>[ 255.577178] [BATT] V=3728(5f8) I=-395(fffffc17) C=676.0/1230(b9f) id=1(84) T=290(1a9) KADC=551
  2412. <4>[ 255.577392] [BATT]S=2 P=547 chg=0 cable=000 flg=110 dbg=0000 fst_dischg=571/702 [3638659206]
  2413. <6>[ 257.229064] [PS][ISL29028] isl_irq: CONFIG = 0x66, INT_PIN = 0, INT = 0xc
  2414. <6>[ 257.229492] [LS][ISL29028] ALS_ADC = 0x085, Level = 2
  2415. <6>[ 261.082641] [PS][ISL29028] isl_irq: CONFIG = 0x66, INT_PIN = 0, INT = 0xc
  2416. <6>[ 261.083099] [LS][ISL29028] ALS_ADC = 0x08A, Level = 3
  2417. <6>[ 261.504150] [AUD][audio_out.c:audio_open] register for event callback pdata c06e1090
  2418. <6>[ 261.504943] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable CLK
  2419. <6>[ 261.505218] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  2420. <6>[ 261.505371] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(14)
  2421. <6>[ 261.506256] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  2422. <6>[ 261.506774] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device speaker_mono_rx set 1
  2423. <6>[ 261.507080] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_rx, id 6, enable 1, opened 0)
  2424. <6>[ 261.507354] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device freq =48000
  2425. <6>[ 261.507507] [AUD] snddev_icodec: snddev_icodec_open: device speaker_mono_rx
  2426. <6>[ 261.508270] [AUD][afe.c:afe_enable] afe_enable: path 1
  2427. <6>[ 261.508453] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] opening module AFETASK
  2428. <6>[ 261.508728] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] module AFETASK has been registered
  2429. <6>[ 261.508880] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_enable] enable 'AFETASK'state[0] id[17227119]
  2430. <6>[ 261.519683] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] rpc event=0, proc_id=2, module=17227119, image=0
  2431. <6>[ 261.520050] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] module AFETASK: READY
  2432. <6>[ 261.520263] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_codec_config] afe_dsp_codec_config() cef71e78
  2433. <6>[ 261.520568] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_codec_config] afe_dsp_codec_config: sample_rate 30 ch mode 2 vol 4000
  2434. <6>[ 261.520874] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: msg_id 1
  2435. <6>[ 261.521057] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: device_id: 1 device activity: 1
  2436. <6>[ 261.521362] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] enable
  2437. <6>[ 261.521697] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] LPA codec is enabled
  2438. <6>[ 261.521972] [AUD] board_spade_audio: spade_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  2439. <6>[ 261.558349] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: set device speaker_mono_rx opened as 1
  2440. <6>[ 261.558990] [AUD] htc-acoustic: open
  2441. <6>[ 261.559173] [AUD] htc_acoustic_7x30: acoustic_ioctl update ACDB ID : (11, 6, 0, 607)
  2442. <6>[ 261.559448] [AUD] htc-acoustic: release
  2443. <6>[ 261.559661] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 5, dev 6, enable 1
  2444. <6>[ 261.559997] [AUD] audio_out: audio_enable
  2445. <6>[ 261.560150] [AUD] audio_out: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  2446. <6>[ 261.560424] [AUD][ATS][play_music][successful] at 256197380364 (2012-07-30 17:14:21.540972207 UTC)
  2447. <6>[ 261.560729] [AUD] audpp: audpp: enable
  2448. <6>[ 261.560913] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] opening module AUDPPTASK
  2449. <6>[ 261.561218] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] module AUDPPTASK has been registered
  2450. <6>[ 261.561370] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_enable] enable 'AUDPPTASK'state[0] id[17227122]
  2451. <6>[ 261.561828] [AUD] audio_acdb: acdb: 3098 bytes for device 607, rate 48000.
  2452. <6>[ 261.563110] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] rpc event=0, proc_id=2, module=17227122, image=0
  2453. <6>[ 261.563995] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] module AUDPPTASK: READY
  2454. <6>[ 261.571563] [AUD] audpp: audpp: ENABLE
  2455. <6>[ 261.571777] [AUD][audio_out.c:audio_dsp_event] CFG_MSG ENABLE
  2456. <6>[ 261.577941] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_write] AUDPPTASK command took 96 attempts: rc 0
  2457. <3>[ 262.963500] binder: release proc 2790, transaction 104349, not freed
  2458. <6>[ 264.225158] [PS][ISL29028] isl_irq: CONFIG = 0x66, INT_PIN = 0, INT = 0xc
  2459. <6>[ 264.225677] [LS][ISL29028] ALS_ADC = 0x07E, Level = 2
  2460. <6>[ 268.274627] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Binder Thread #(parent:zygote): vibrates 0 msec
  2461. <6>[ 268.283630] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-162(parent:zygote): vibrates 1 msec
  2462. <6>[ 268.284790] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2463. <6>[ 268.285522] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2464. <6>[ 268.305267] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-162(parent:zygote): vibrates 21 msec
  2465. <6>[ 268.306640] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2466. <6>[ 268.326446] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2467. <6>[ 270.102630] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 5, dev 6, enable 0
  2468. <6>[ 270.102691] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device speaker_mono_rx set 0
  2469. <6>[ 270.102691] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_rx, id 6, enable 0, opened 1)
  2470. <6>[ 270.102722] [AUD] snddev_icodec: snddev_icodec_close: device speaker_mono_rx
  2471. <6>[ 270.102722] [AUD] board_spade_audio: spade_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  2472. <6>[ 270.102752] [AUD][afe.c:afe_disable] afe_disable() path_id:1 codec state:1
  2473. <6>[ 270.102783] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_codec_config] afe_dsp_codec_config() (null)
  2474. <6>[ 270.102813] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: msg_id 1
  2475. <6>[ 270.102813] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: device_id: 1 device activity: 65535
  2476. <6>[ 270.102844] [AUD][afe.c:afe_disable] afe_disable() in_use:0
  2477. <6>[ 270.102844] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_put] closing module AFETASK
  2478. <6>[ 270.102874] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] disable
  2479. <6>[ 270.102874] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] LPA codec is disabled
  2480. <6>[ 270.103118] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: set device speaker_mono_rx opened as 0
  2481. <6>[ 270.103149] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  2482. <6>[ 270.103179] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 11, enable 0, opened 0)
  2483. <6>[ 270.103210] [AUD] audio_out: audio_disable
  2484. <6>[ 270.103240] [AUD][audio_out.c:audio_dsp_event] CFG_MSG DISABLE
  2485. <6>[ 270.103240] [AUD] audpp: audpp: disable
  2486. <6>[ 270.103271] [AUD] audpp: audpp: DISABLE
  2487. <6>[ 270.103302] [AUD][audpp.c:audpp_disable] Received CFG_MSG_DISABLE from ADSP
  2488. <6>[ 270.103302] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_disable] disable interrupt
  2489. <6>[ 270.103332] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_put] closing module AUDPPTASK
  2490. <6>[ 270.103332] [AUD][ATS][stop_music][successful] at 264740288078 (2012-07-30 17:14:30.084154579 UTC)
  2491. <6>[ 270.103363] [AUD] audio_out: ------------------------------
  2492. <6>[ 270.103454] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  2493. <6>[ 270.103485] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(7)
  2494. <6>[ 270.103973] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(31)++
  2495. <6>[ 270.304870] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_powerdown: disable CLK
  2496. <6>[ 270.304901] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 201ms --
  2497. <6>[ 271.346343] [AUD][audio_out.c:audio_open] register for event callback pdata c06e1090
  2498. <6>[ 271.346801] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable CLK
  2499. <6>[ 271.347076] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  2500. <6>[ 271.347229] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(14)
  2501. <6>[ 271.350433] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  2502. <6>[ 271.350799] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device speaker_mono_rx set 1
  2503. <6>[ 271.350799] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_rx, id 6, enable 1, opened 0)
  2504. <6>[ 271.350830] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device freq =48000
  2505. <6>[ 271.350830] [AUD] snddev_icodec: snddev_icodec_open: device speaker_mono_rx
  2506. <6>[ 271.351257] [AUD][afe.c:afe_enable] afe_enable: path 1
  2507. <6>[ 271.351257] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] opening module AFETASK
  2508. <6>[ 271.351287] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] module AFETASK has been registered
  2509. <6>[ 271.351318] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_enable] enable 'AFETASK'state[0] id[17227119]
  2510. <6>[ 271.360168] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] rpc event=0, proc_id=2, module=17227119, image=0
  2511. <6>[ 271.360168] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] module AFETASK: READY
  2512. <6>[ 271.360351] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_codec_config] afe_dsp_codec_config() cef71e78
  2513. <6>[ 271.360382] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_codec_config] afe_dsp_codec_config: sample_rate 30 ch mode 2 vol 4000
  2514. <6>[ 271.360412] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: msg_id 1
  2515. <6>[ 271.360443] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: device_id: 1 device activity: 1
  2516. <6>[ 271.360443] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] enable
  2517. <6>[ 271.360565] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] LPA codec is enabled
  2518. <6>[ 271.360595] [AUD] board_spade_audio: spade_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  2519. <6>[ 271.398834] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: set device speaker_mono_rx opened as 1
  2520. <6>[ 271.399261] [AUD] htc-acoustic: open
  2521. <6>[ 271.399414] [AUD] htc_acoustic_7x30: acoustic_ioctl update ACDB ID : (11, 6, 0, 607)
  2522. <6>[ 271.399658] [AUD] htc-acoustic: release
  2523. <6>[ 271.399841] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 5, dev 6, enable 1
  2524. <6>[ 271.400115] [AUD] audio_out: audio_enable
  2525. <6>[ 271.400268] [AUD] audio_out: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  2526. <6>[ 271.400543] [AUD][ATS][play_music][successful] at 266037498773 (2012-07-30 17:14:31.381060098 UTC)
  2527. <6>[ 271.400817] [AUD] audpp: audpp: enable
  2528. <6>[ 271.400970] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] opening module AUDPPTASK
  2529. <6>[ 271.401214] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] module AUDPPTASK has been registered
  2530. <6>[ 271.401397] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_enable] enable 'AUDPPTASK'state[0] id[17227122]
  2531. <6>[ 271.401672] [AUD] audio_acdb: acdb: 3098 bytes for device 607, rate 48000.
  2532. <6>[ 271.402526] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] rpc event=0, proc_id=2, module=17227122, image=0
  2533. <6>[ 271.402832] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] module AUDPPTASK: READY
  2534. <6>[ 271.407196] [AUD] audpp: audpp: ENABLE
  2535. <6>[ 271.407348] [AUD][audio_out.c:audio_dsp_event] CFG_MSG ENABLE
  2536. <6>[ 271.410888] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_write] AUDPPTASK command took 55 attempts: rc 0
  2537. <6>[ 272.032348] [PS][ISL29028] isl_irq: CONFIG = 0x66, INT_PIN = 0, INT = 0xc
  2538. <6>[ 272.033325] [LS][ISL29028] ALS_ADC = 0x091, Level = 3
  2539. <6>[ 274.435791] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 5, dev 6, enable 0
  2540. <6>[ 274.436462] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device speaker_mono_rx set 0
  2541. <6>[ 274.437011] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_rx, id 6, enable 0, opened 1)
  2542. <6>[ 274.437316] [AUD] snddev_icodec: snddev_icodec_close: device speaker_mono_rx
  2543. <6>[ 274.437866] [AUD] board_spade_audio: spade_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  2544. <6>[ 274.438415] [AUD][afe.c:afe_disable] afe_disable() path_id:1 codec state:1
  2545. <6>[ 274.438690] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_codec_config] afe_dsp_codec_config() (null)
  2546. <6>[ 274.439270] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: msg_id 1
  2547. <6>[ 274.439575] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: device_id: 1 device activity: 65535
  2548. <6>[ 274.440155] [AUD][afe.c:afe_disable] afe_disable() in_use:0
  2549. <6>[ 274.440704] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_put] closing module AFETASK
  2550. <6>[ 274.441040] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] disable
  2551. <6>[ 274.441314] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] LPA codec is disabled
  2552. <6>[ 274.441833] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: set device speaker_mono_rx opened as 0
  2553. <6>[ 274.442413] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  2554. <6>[ 274.442718] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 11, enable 0, opened 0)
  2555. <6>[ 274.443786] [AUD] audio_out: audio_disable
  2556. <6>[ 274.444152] [AUD][audio_out.c:audio_dsp_event] CFG_MSG DISABLE
  2557. <6>[ 274.444702] [AUD] audpp: audpp: disable
  2558. <6>[ 274.445007] [AUD] audpp: audpp: DISABLE
  2559. <6>[ 274.445526] [AUD][audpp.c:audpp_disable] Received CFG_MSG_DISABLE from ADSP
  2560. <6>[ 274.445831] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_disable] disable interrupt
  2561. <6>[ 274.446411] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_put] closing module AUDPPTASK
  2562. <6>[ 274.446716] [AUD][ATS][stop_music][successful] at 269083671868 (2012-07-30 17:14:34.427507852 UTC)
  2563. <6>[ 274.447235] [AUD] audio_out: ------------------------------
  2564. <6>[ 274.447998] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  2565. <6>[ 274.448272] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(7)
  2566. <6>[ 274.452117] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(31)++
  2567. <6>[ 274.598449] [VIB]vibrator_enable, InputReader(parent:zygote): vibrates 0 msec
  2568. <6>[ 274.601470] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-163(parent:zygote): vibrates 10 msec
  2569. <6>[ 274.602447] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2570. <6>[ 274.611602] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2571. <6>[ 274.633819] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-163(parent:zygote): vibrates 30 msec
  2572. <6>[ 274.635223] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2573. <6>[ 274.654205] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_powerdown: disable CLK
  2574. <6>[ 274.654205] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 202ms --
  2575. <6>[ 274.664093] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2576. <6>[ 275.128692] [VIB]vibrator_enable, InputReader(parent:zygote): vibrates 0 msec
  2577. <6>[ 275.143035] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-164(parent:zygote): vibrates 10 msec
  2578. <6>[ 275.143859] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2579. <6>[ 275.153472] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2580. <6>[ 275.173706] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-164(parent:zygote): vibrates 30 msec
  2581. <6>[ 275.175262] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2582. <6>[ 275.204193] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2583. <6>[ 275.596313] [VIB]vibrator_enable, InputReader(parent:zygote): vibrates 0 msec
  2584. <6>[ 275.602966] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-165(parent:zygote): vibrates 10 msec
  2585. <6>[ 275.603912] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2586. <6>[ 275.613494] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2587. <6>[ 275.633636] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-165(parent:zygote): vibrates 30 msec
  2588. <6>[ 275.635345] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2589. <6>[ 275.663879] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2590. <6>[ 276.126434] [VIB]vibrator_enable, InputReader(parent:zygote): vibrates 0 msec
  2591. <6>[ 276.132537] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-166(parent:zygote): vibrates 10 msec
  2592. <6>[ 276.133544] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2593. <6>[ 276.142761] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2594. <6>[ 276.163208] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-166(parent:zygote): vibrates 30 msec
  2595. <6>[ 276.164886] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2596. <6>[ 276.193481] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2597. <6>[ 276.484863] [VIB]vibrator_enable, InputReader(parent:zygote): vibrates 0 msec
  2598. <6>[ 276.493316] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-167(parent:zygote): vibrates 10 msec
  2599. <6>[ 276.494323] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2600. <6>[ 276.503479] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2601. <6>[ 276.523773] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-167(parent:zygote): vibrates 30 msec
  2602. <6>[ 276.525177] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2603. <6>[ 276.554016] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2604. <6>[ 276.703582] [VIB]vibrator_enable, InputReader(parent:zygote): vibrates 0 msec
  2605. <6>[ 276.710144] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-168(parent:zygote): vibrates 10 msec
  2606. <6>[ 276.710968] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2607. <6>[ 276.720367] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2608. <6>[ 276.740844] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-168(parent:zygote): vibrates 30 msec
  2609. <6>[ 276.742156] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2610. <6>[ 276.771087] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2611. <6>[ 277.187072] [VIB]vibrator_enable, InputReader(parent:zygote): vibrates 0 msec
  2612. <6>[ 277.193542] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-169(parent:zygote): vibrates 10 msec
  2613. <6>[ 277.194671] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2614. <6>[ 277.203765] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2615. <6>[ 277.224517] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-169(parent:zygote): vibrates 30 msec
  2616. <6>[ 277.225524] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2617. <6>[ 277.254669] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2618. <6>[ 277.795135] [VIB]vibrator_enable, InputReader(parent:zygote): vibrates 0 msec
  2619. <6>[ 277.804382] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-170(parent:zygote): vibrates 10 msec
  2620. <6>[ 277.805358] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2621. <6>[ 277.814636] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2622. <6>[ 277.877746] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-170(parent:zygote): vibrates 30 msec
  2623. <6>[ 277.880737] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2624. <6>[ 277.907958] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2625. <6>[ 279.246856] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Binder Thread #(parent:zygote): vibrates 0 msec
  2626. <6>[ 279.366210] call alarm, type 0, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0xd0, 1343668479347000000 (s 1343668479347000000)
  2627. <6>[ 280.923767] [AUD][audio_out.c:audio_open] register for event callback pdata c06e1090
  2628. <6>[ 280.924407] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable CLK
  2629. <6>[ 280.924652] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  2630. <6>[ 280.924774] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(14)
  2631. <6>[ 280.925567] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  2632. <6>[ 280.925994] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device speaker_mono_rx set 1
  2633. <6>[ 280.926239] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_rx, id 6, enable 1, opened 0)
  2634. <6>[ 280.926483] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device freq =48000
  2635. <6>[ 280.926605] [AUD] snddev_icodec: snddev_icodec_open: device speaker_mono_rx
  2636. <6>[ 280.927276] [AUD][afe.c:afe_enable] afe_enable: path 1
  2637. <6>[ 280.927398] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] opening module AFETASK
  2638. <6>[ 280.927642] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] module AFETASK has been registered
  2639. <6>[ 280.927764] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_enable] enable 'AFETASK'state[0] id[17227119]
  2640. <6>[ 280.932342] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] rpc event=0, proc_id=2, module=17227119, image=0
  2641. <6>[ 280.932556] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] module AFETASK: READY
  2642. <6>[ 280.932678] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_codec_config] afe_dsp_codec_config() cef71e78
  2643. <6>[ 280.932922] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_codec_config] afe_dsp_codec_config: sample_rate 30 ch mode 2 vol 4000
  2644. <6>[ 280.933227] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: msg_id 1
  2645. <6>[ 280.933349] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: device_id: 1 device activity: 1
  2646. <6>[ 280.933563] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] enable
  2647. <6>[ 280.933776] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] LPA codec is enabled
  2648. <6>[ 280.933990] [AUD] board_spade_audio: spade_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  2649. <6>[ 280.978210] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: set device speaker_mono_rx opened as 1
  2650. <6>[ 280.978515] [AUD] htc-acoustic: open
  2651. <6>[ 280.978637] [AUD] htc_acoustic_7x30: acoustic_ioctl update ACDB ID : (11, 6, 0, 607)
  2652. <6>[ 280.978851] [AUD] htc-acoustic: release
  2653. <6>[ 280.978973] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 5, dev 6, enable 1
  2654. <6>[ 280.979248] [AUD] audio_out: audio_enable
  2655. <6>[ 280.979370] [AUD] audio_out: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  2656. <6>[ 280.979553] [AUD][ATS][play_music][successful] at 275616508782 (2012-07-30 17:14:40.960161660 UTC)
  2657. <6>[ 280.979766] [AUD] audpp: audpp: enable
  2658. <6>[ 280.979888] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] opening module AUDPPTASK
  2659. <6>[ 280.980010] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] module AUDPPTASK has been registered
  2660. <6>[ 280.980224] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_enable] enable 'AUDPPTASK'state[0] id[17227122]
  2661. <6>[ 280.980590] [AUD] audio_acdb: acdb: 3098 bytes for device 607, rate 48000.
  2662. <6>[ 280.981262] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] rpc event=0, proc_id=2, module=17227122, image=0
  2663. <6>[ 280.981475] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] module AUDPPTASK: READY
  2664. <6>[ 280.984619] [AUD] audpp: audpp: ENABLE
  2665. <6>[ 280.984741] [AUD][audio_out.c:audio_dsp_event] CFG_MSG ENABLE
  2666. <6>[ 280.987396] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_write] AUDPPTASK command took 44 attempts: rc 0
  2667. <6>[ 281.199127] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Binder Thread #(parent:zygote): vibrates 0 msec
  2668. <6>[ 283.551177] [VIB]vibrator_enable, system_server(parent:zygote): vibrates 0 msec
  2669. <6>[ 284.012084] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 5, dev 6, enable 0
  2670. <6>[ 284.012390] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device speaker_mono_rx set 0
  2671. <6>[ 284.012603] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_rx, id 6, enable 0, opened 1)
  2672. <6>[ 284.012817] [AUD] snddev_icodec: snddev_icodec_close: device speaker_mono_rx
  2673. <6>[ 284.012939] [AUD] board_spade_audio: spade_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  2674. <6>[ 284.013610] [AUD][afe.c:afe_disable] afe_disable() path_id:1 codec state:1
  2675. <6>[ 284.013763] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_codec_config] afe_dsp_codec_config() (null)
  2676. <6>[ 284.014038] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: msg_id 1
  2677. <6>[ 284.014190] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: device_id: 1 device activity: 65535
  2678. <6>[ 284.014465] [AUD][afe.c:afe_disable] afe_disable() in_use:0
  2679. <6>[ 284.017089] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_put] closing module AFETASK
  2680. <6>[ 284.017120] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] disable
  2681. <6>[ 284.017120] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] LPA codec is disabled
  2682. <6>[ 284.017242] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: set device speaker_mono_rx opened as 0
  2683. <6>[ 284.017333] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  2684. <6>[ 284.017364] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 11, enable 0, opened 0)
  2685. <6>[ 284.017395] [AUD] audio_out: audio_disable
  2686. <6>[ 284.017425] [AUD][audio_out.c:audio_dsp_event] CFG_MSG DISABLE
  2687. <6>[ 284.017425] [AUD] audpp: audpp: disable
  2688. <6>[ 284.017456] [AUD] audpp: audpp: DISABLE
  2689. <6>[ 284.017486] [AUD][audpp.c:audpp_disable] Received CFG_MSG_DISABLE from ADSP
  2690. <6>[ 284.017517] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_disable] disable interrupt
  2691. <6>[ 284.017517] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_put] closing module AUDPPTASK
  2692. <6>[ 284.017547] [AUD][ATS][stop_music][successful] at 278654503165 (2012-07-30 17:14:43.998369666 UTC)
  2693. <6>[ 284.017547] [AUD] audio_out: ------------------------------
  2694. <6>[ 284.017669] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  2695. <6>[ 284.017700] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(7)
  2696. <6>[ 284.018066] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(31)++
  2697. <6>[ 284.219207] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_powerdown: disable CLK
  2698. <6>[ 284.219512] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 202ms --
  2699. <6>[ 285.593597] call alarm, type 2, func ds2746_battery_alarm+0x0/0x24, 300198672845 (s 280198672845)
  2700. <4>[ 285.595977] [BATT] [x0]3 [x8]1a b0 8 60 60 0 f6 1 b 97
  2701. <4>[ 285.596282] [BATT] V=3747(600) I=-252(fffffd81) C=673.0/1230(b97) id=1(86) T=290(1ab) KADC=509
  2702. <6>[ 285.596771] [BATT] ds2746_notify: 1 54 at 280234001449 (2012-07-30 17:14:45.577593292 UTC)
  2703. <6>[ 285.597534] [BATT] power_supply_changed: battery at 280234733871 (2012-07-30 17:14:45.578356231 UTC)
  2704. <4>[ 285.598297] [BATT]S=2 P=537 chg=0 cable=000 flg=110 dbg=0000 fst_dischg=571/702 [3638689227]
  2705. <6>[ 285.936584] [VIB]vibrator_enable, system_server(parent:zygote): vibrates 0 msec
  2706. <6>[ 286.762664] [AUD][audio_out.c:audio_open] register for event callback pdata c06e1090
  2707. <6>[ 286.763183] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable CLK
  2708. <6>[ 286.763305] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  2709. <6>[ 286.763488] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(14)
  2710. <6>[ 286.764038] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  2711. <6>[ 286.764495] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device speaker_mono_rx set 1
  2712. <6>[ 286.764617] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_rx, id 6, enable 1, opened 0)
  2713. <6>[ 286.764801] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device freq =48000
  2714. <6>[ 286.764923] [AUD] snddev_icodec: snddev_icodec_open: device speaker_mono_rx
  2715. <6>[ 286.765350] [AUD][afe.c:afe_enable] afe_enable: path 1
  2716. <6>[ 286.765472] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] opening module AFETASK
  2717. <6>[ 286.765594] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] module AFETASK has been registered
  2718. <6>[ 286.765777] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_enable] enable 'AFETASK'state[0] id[17227119]
  2719. <6>[ 286.770629] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] rpc event=0, proc_id=2, module=17227119, image=0
  2720. <6>[ 286.770843] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] module AFETASK: READY
  2721. <6>[ 286.771057] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_codec_config] afe_dsp_codec_config() cef71e78
  2722. <6>[ 286.771179] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_codec_config] afe_dsp_codec_config: sample_rate 30 ch mode 2 vol 4000
  2723. <6>[ 286.771392] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: msg_id 1
  2724. <6>[ 286.771606] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: device_id: 1 device activity: 1
  2725. <6>[ 286.771728] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] enable
  2726. <6>[ 286.772003] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] LPA codec is enabled
  2727. <6>[ 286.772125] [AUD] board_spade_audio: spade_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  2728. <6>[ 286.808502] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: set device speaker_mono_rx opened as 1
  2729. <6>[ 286.808929] [AUD] htc-acoustic: open
  2730. <6>[ 286.809478] [AUD] htc_acoustic_7x30: acoustic_ioctl update ACDB ID : (11, 6, 0, 607)
  2731. <6>[ 286.809753] [AUD] htc-acoustic: release
  2732. <6>[ 286.810302] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 5, dev 6, enable 1
  2733. <6>[ 286.810607] [AUD] audio_out: audio_enable
  2734. <6>[ 286.811096] [AUD] audio_out: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  2735. <6>[ 286.811401] [AUD][ATS][play_music][successful] at 281448326405 (2012-07-30 17:14:46.791918248 UTC)
  2736. <6>[ 286.811920] [AUD] audpp: audpp: enable
  2737. <6>[ 286.812194] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] opening module AUDPPTASK
  2738. <6>[ 286.812683] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] module AUDPPTASK has been registered
  2739. <6>[ 286.812988] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_enable] enable 'AUDPPTASK'state[0] id[17227122]
  2740. <6>[ 286.813354] [AUD] audio_acdb: acdb: 3098 bytes for device 607, rate 48000.
  2741. <6>[ 286.815460] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] rpc event=0, proc_id=2, module=17227122, image=0
  2742. <6>[ 286.816314] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] module AUDPPTASK: READY
  2743. <6>[ 286.820678] [AUD] audpp: audpp: ENABLE
  2744. <6>[ 286.820983] [AUD][audio_out.c:audio_dsp_event] CFG_MSG ENABLE
  2745. <6>[ 286.825622] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_write] AUDPPTASK command took 29 attempts: rc 0
  2746. <6>[ 286.936889] [PS][ISL29028] isl_irq: CONFIG = 0x66, INT_PIN = 0, INT = 0xc
  2747. <6>[ 286.937530] [LS][ISL29028] ALS_ADC = 0x06F, Level = 2
  2748. <6>[ 287.849426] [PS][ISL29028] isl_irq: CONFIG = 0x66, INT_PIN = 0, INT = 0xc
  2749. <6>[ 287.850067] [LS][ISL29028] ALS_ADC = 0x094, Level = 3
  2750. <6>[ 289.849334] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 5, dev 6, enable 0
  2751. <6>[ 289.849761] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device speaker_mono_rx set 0
  2752. <6>[ 289.850250] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_rx, id 6, enable 0, opened 1)
  2753. <6>[ 289.850769] [AUD] snddev_icodec: snddev_icodec_close: device speaker_mono_rx
  2754. <6>[ 289.851074] [AUD] board_spade_audio: spade_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  2755. <6>[ 289.851593] [AUD][afe.c:afe_disable] afe_disable() path_id:1 codec state:1
  2756. <6>[ 289.852111] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_codec_config] afe_dsp_codec_config() (null)
  2757. <6>[ 289.852416] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: msg_id 1
  2758. <6>[ 289.852935] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: device_id: 1 device activity: 65535
  2759. <6>[ 289.853302] [AUD][afe.c:afe_disable] afe_disable() in_use:0
  2760. <6>[ 289.853820] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_put] closing module AFETASK
  2761. <6>[ 289.854095] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] disable
  2762. <6>[ 289.854644] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] LPA codec is disabled
  2763. <6>[ 289.855072] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: set device speaker_mono_rx opened as 0
  2764. <6>[ 289.855651] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  2765. <6>[ 289.856170] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 11, enable 0, opened 0)
  2766. <6>[ 289.856475] [AUD] audio_out: audio_disable
  2767. <6>[ 289.856994] [AUD][audio_out.c:audio_dsp_event] CFG_MSG DISABLE
  2768. <6>[ 289.857269] [AUD] audpp: audpp: disable
  2769. <6>[ 289.857788] [AUD] audpp: audpp: DISABLE
  2770. <6>[ 289.858093] [AUD][audpp.c:audpp_disable] Received CFG_MSG_DISABLE from ADSP
  2771. <6>[ 289.858612] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_disable] disable interrupt
  2772. <6>[ 289.858917] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_put] closing module AUDPPTASK
  2773. <6>[ 289.859436] [AUD][ATS][stop_music][successful] at 284496391592 (2012-07-30 17:14:49.840227576 UTC)
  2774. <6>[ 289.859741] [AUD] audio_out: ------------------------------
  2775. <6>[ 289.860412] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  2776. <6>[ 289.860687] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(7)
  2777. <6>[ 289.861694] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(31)++
  2778. <6>[ 290.063293] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_powerdown: disable CLK
  2779. <6>[ 290.063812] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 202ms --
  2780. <6>[ 290.688446] [PS][ISL29028] isl_irq: CONFIG = 0x66, INT_PIN = 0, INT = 0xc
  2781. <6>[ 290.689331] [LS][ISL29028] ALS_ADC = 0x083, Level = 2
  2782. <6>[ 294.339172] [PS][ISL29028] isl_irq: CONFIG = 0x66, INT_PIN = 0, INT = 0xc
  2783. <6>[ 294.339538] [LS][ISL29028] ALS_ADC = 0x09A, Level = 3
  2784. <6>[ 295.305969] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0xd0, 289927000000 (s 289927000000)
  2785. <6>[ 295.757965] [PS][ISL29028] isl_irq: CONFIG = 0x66, INT_PIN = 0, INT = 0xc
  2786. <6>[ 295.758819] [LS][ISL29028] ALS_ADC = 0x063, Level = 2
  2787. <6>[ 300.019989] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0xd0, 294641000000 (s 294641000000)
  2788. <6>[ 300.690826] [AUD][audio_out.c:audio_open] register for event callback pdata c06e1090
  2789. <6>[ 300.691345] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable CLK
  2790. <6>[ 300.691375] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  2791. <6>[ 300.691375] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(14)
  2792. <6>[ 300.692047] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  2793. <6>[ 300.692443] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device speaker_mono_rx set 1
  2794. <6>[ 300.692474] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_rx, id 6, enable 1, opened 0)
  2795. <6>[ 300.692504] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device freq =48000
  2796. <6>[ 300.692535] [AUD] snddev_icodec: snddev_icodec_open: device speaker_mono_rx
  2797. <6>[ 300.692932] [AUD][afe.c:afe_enable] afe_enable: path 1
  2798. <6>[ 300.692962] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] opening module AFETASK
  2799. <6>[ 300.692993] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] module AFETASK has been registered
  2800. <6>[ 300.693023] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_enable] enable 'AFETASK'state[0] id[17227119]
  2801. <6>[ 300.697265] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] rpc event=0, proc_id=2, module=17227119, image=0
  2802. <6>[ 300.697296] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] module AFETASK: READY
  2803. <6>[ 300.697326] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_codec_config] afe_dsp_codec_config() cef71e78
  2804. <6>[ 300.697326] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_codec_config] afe_dsp_codec_config: sample_rate 30 ch mode 2 vol 4000
  2805. <6>[ 300.697357] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: msg_id 1
  2806. <6>[ 300.697387] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: device_id: 1 device activity: 1
  2807. <6>[ 300.697387] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] enable
  2808. <6>[ 300.697509] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] LPA codec is enabled
  2809. <6>[ 300.697509] [AUD] board_spade_audio: spade_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  2810. <6>[ 300.738189] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: set device speaker_mono_rx opened as 1
  2811. <6>[ 300.738281] [AUD] htc-acoustic: open
  2812. <6>[ 300.738281] [AUD] htc_acoustic_7x30: acoustic_ioctl update ACDB ID : (11, 6, 0, 607)
  2813. <6>[ 300.738311] [AUD] htc-acoustic: release
  2814. <6>[ 300.738311] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 5, dev 6, enable 1
  2815. <6>[ 300.738342] [AUD] audio_out: audio_enable
  2816. <6>[ 300.738372] [AUD] audio_out: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  2817. <6>[ 300.738372] [AUD][ATS][play_music][successful] at 295375328350 (2012-07-30 17:15:00.719194851 UTC)
  2818. <6>[ 300.738403] [AUD] audpp: audpp: enable
  2819. <6>[ 300.738403] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] opening module AUDPPTASK
  2820. <6>[ 300.738403] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] module AUDPPTASK has been registered
  2821. <6>[ 300.738433] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_enable] enable 'AUDPPTASK'state[0] id[17227122]
  2822. <6>[ 300.738464] [AUD] audio_acdb: acdb: 3098 bytes for device 607, rate 48000.
  2823. <6>[ 300.740478] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] rpc event=0, proc_id=2, module=17227122, image=0
  2824. <6>[ 300.740600] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] module AUDPPTASK: READY
  2825. <6>[ 300.744079] [AUD] audpp: audpp: ENABLE
  2826. <6>[ 300.744201] [AUD][audio_out.c:audio_dsp_event] CFG_MSG ENABLE
  2827. <6>[ 300.747070] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_write] AUDPPTASK command took 23 attempts: rc 0
  2828. <6>[ 301.841491] [PS][ISL29028] isl_irq: CONFIG = 0x66, INT_PIN = 0, INT = 0xc
  2829. <6>[ 301.842559] [LS][ISL29028] ALS_ADC = 0x090, Level = 3
  2830. <6>[ 303.771881] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 5, dev 6, enable 0
  2831. <6>[ 303.772369] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device speaker_mono_rx set 0
  2832. <6>[ 303.772949] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_rx, id 6, enable 0, opened 1)
  2833. <6>[ 303.773590] [AUD] snddev_icodec: snddev_icodec_close: device speaker_mono_rx
  2834. <6>[ 303.773925] [AUD] board_spade_audio: spade_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  2835. <6>[ 303.774536] [AUD][afe.c:afe_disable] afe_disable() path_id:1 codec state:1
  2836. <6>[ 303.774841] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_codec_config] afe_dsp_codec_config() (null)
  2837. <6>[ 303.775482] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: msg_id 1
  2838. <6>[ 303.776031] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: device_id: 1 device activity: 65535
  2839. <6>[ 303.776367] [AUD][afe.c:afe_disable] afe_disable() in_use:0
  2840. <6>[ 303.776977] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_put] closing module AFETASK
  2841. <6>[ 303.777282] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] disable
  2842. <6>[ 303.777923] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] LPA codec is disabled
  2843. <6>[ 303.778503] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: set device speaker_mono_rx opened as 0
  2844. <6>[ 303.779144] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  2845. <6>[ 303.779479] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 11, enable 0, opened 0)
  2846. <6>[ 303.780090] [AUD] audio_out: audio_disable
  2847. <6>[ 303.780670] [AUD][audio_out.c:audio_dsp_event] CFG_MSG DISABLE
  2848. <6>[ 303.780975] [AUD] audpp: audpp: disable
  2849. <6>[ 303.781311] [AUD] audpp: audpp: DISABLE
  2850. <6>[ 303.781921] [AUD][audpp.c:audpp_disable] Received CFG_MSG_DISABLE from ADSP
  2851. <6>[ 303.782257] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_disable] disable interrupt
  2852. <6>[ 303.782867] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_put] closing module AUDPPTASK
  2853. <6>[ 303.783264] [AUD][ATS][stop_music][successful] at 298420219720 (2012-07-30 17:15:03.764055703 UTC)
  2854. <6>[ 303.783874] [AUD] audio_out: ------------------------------
  2855. <6>[ 303.784698] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  2856. <6>[ 303.785034] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(7)
  2857. <6>[ 303.786224] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(31)++
  2858. <6>[ 303.988189] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_powerdown: disable CLK
  2859. <6>[ 303.988800] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 202ms --
  2860. <6>[ 307.109313] call alarm, type 1, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0xd0, 1343668507090000000 (s 1343668507090000000)
  2861. <6>[ 310.358581] [PS][ISL29028] isl_irq: CONFIG = 0x66, INT_PIN = 0, INT = 0xc
  2862. <6>[ 310.360443] [LS][ISL29028] ALS_ADC = 0x029, Level = 1
  2863. <6>[ 311.372406] [PS][ISL29028] isl_irq: CONFIG = 0x66, INT_PIN = 0, INT = 0xc
  2864. <6>[ 311.373291] [LS][ISL29028] ALS_ADC = 0x0DE, Level = 3
  2865. <6>[ 312.959320] [VIB]vibrator_enable, InputReader(parent:zygote): vibrates 0 msec
  2866. <6>[ 312.961303] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-172(parent:zygote): vibrates 10 msec
  2867. <6>[ 312.961883] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2868. <6>[ 312.971405] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2869. <6>[ 312.991668] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-172(parent:zygote): vibrates 30 msec
  2870. <6>[ 312.992431] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2871. <6>[ 313.021911] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2872. <6>[ 316.987243] call alarm, type 0, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0xd0, 1343668516968000000 (s 1343668516968000000)
  2873. <6>[ 321.470581] [AUD][audio_out.c:audio_open] register for event callback pdata c06e1090
  2874. <6>[ 321.471710] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable CLK
  2875. <6>[ 321.472045] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  2876. <6>[ 321.472595] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(14)
  2877. <6>[ 321.474060] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  2878. <6>[ 321.475982] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device speaker_mono_rx set 1
  2879. <6>[ 321.476013] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_rx, id 6, enable 1, opened 0)
  2880. <6>[ 321.476043] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device freq =48000
  2881. <6>[ 321.476074] [AUD] snddev_icodec: snddev_icodec_open: device speaker_mono_rx
  2882. <6>[ 321.476440] [AUD][afe.c:afe_enable] afe_enable: path 1
  2883. <6>[ 321.476470] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] opening module AFETASK
  2884. <6>[ 321.476531] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] module AFETASK has been registered
  2885. <6>[ 321.476562] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_enable] enable 'AFETASK'state[0] id[17227119]
  2886. <6>[ 321.486022] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] rpc event=0, proc_id=2, module=17227119, image=0
  2887. <6>[ 321.486053] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] module AFETASK: READY
  2888. <6>[ 321.489013] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_codec_config] afe_dsp_codec_config() cef71e78
  2889. <6>[ 321.489044] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_codec_config] afe_dsp_codec_config: sample_rate 30 ch mode 2 vol 4000
  2890. <6>[ 321.489105] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: msg_id 1
  2891. <6>[ 321.489135] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: device_id: 1 device activity: 1
  2892. <6>[ 321.489196] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] enable
  2893. <6>[ 321.489318] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] LPA codec is enabled
  2894. <6>[ 321.489349] [AUD] board_spade_audio: spade_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  2895. <6>[ 321.528411] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: set device speaker_mono_rx opened as 1
  2896. <6>[ 321.529235] [AUD] htc-acoustic: open
  2897. <6>[ 321.529510] [AUD] htc_acoustic_7x30: acoustic_ioctl update ACDB ID : (11, 6, 0, 607)
  2898. <6>[ 321.530029] [AUD] htc-acoustic: release
  2899. <6>[ 321.530334] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 5, dev 6, enable 1
  2900. <6>[ 321.530883] [AUD] audio_out: audio_enable
  2901. <6>[ 321.531158] [AUD] audio_out: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  2902. <6>[ 321.531463] [AUD][ATS][play_music][successful] at 316168388652 (2012-07-30 17:15:21.511980494 UTC)
  2903. <6>[ 321.531982] [AUD] audpp: audpp: enable
  2904. <6>[ 321.532470] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] opening module AUDPPTASK
  2905. <6>[ 321.532775] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] module AUDPPTASK has been registered
  2906. <6>[ 321.533447] [AUD] audio_acdb: acdb: 3098 bytes for device 607, rate 48000.
  2907. <6>[ 321.533752] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_enable] enable 'AUDPPTASK'state[0] id[17227122]
  2908. <6>[ 321.536804] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] rpc event=0, proc_id=2, module=17227122, image=0
  2909. <6>[ 321.537597] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] module AUDPPTASK: READY
  2910. <6>[ 321.541778] [AUD] audpp: audpp: ENABLE
  2911. <6>[ 321.541809] [AUD][audio_out.c:audio_dsp_event] CFG_MSG ENABLE
  2912. <6>[ 321.545684] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_write] AUDPPTASK command took 66 attempts: rc 0
  2913. <6>[ 324.570587] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 5, dev 6, enable 0
  2914. <6>[ 324.571136] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device speaker_mono_rx set 0
  2915. <6>[ 324.571685] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_rx, id 6, enable 0, opened 1)
  2916. <6>[ 324.572265] [AUD] snddev_icodec: snddev_icodec_close: device speaker_mono_rx
  2917. <6>[ 324.572601] [AUD] board_spade_audio: spade_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  2918. <6>[ 324.573272] [AUD][afe.c:afe_disable] afe_disable() path_id:1 codec state:1
  2919. <6>[ 324.573822] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_codec_config] afe_dsp_codec_config() (null)
  2920. <6>[ 324.574188] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: msg_id 1
  2921. <6>[ 324.574737] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: device_id: 1 device activity: 65535
  2922. <6>[ 324.575073] [AUD][afe.c:afe_disable] afe_disable() in_use:0
  2923. <6>[ 324.575683] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_put] closing module AFETASK
  2924. <6>[ 324.576019] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] disable
  2925. <6>[ 324.576660] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] LPA codec is disabled
  2926. <6>[ 324.577178] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: set device speaker_mono_rx opened as 0
  2927. <6>[ 324.577819] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  2928. <6>[ 324.578399] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 11, enable 0, opened 0)
  2929. <6>[ 324.578765] [AUD] audio_out: audio_disable
  2930. <6>[ 324.579345] [AUD][audio_out.c:audio_dsp_event] CFG_MSG DISABLE
  2931. <6>[ 324.579650] [AUD] audpp: audpp: disable
  2932. <6>[ 324.580261] [AUD] audpp: audpp: DISABLE
  2933. <6>[ 324.580596] [AUD][audpp.c:audpp_disable] Received CFG_MSG_DISABLE from ADSP
  2934. <6>[ 324.581176] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_disable] disable interrupt
  2935. <6>[ 324.581512] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_put] closing module AUDPPTASK
  2936. <6>[ 324.582122] [AUD][ATS][stop_music][successful] at 319219047844 (2012-07-30 17:15:24.562914345 UTC)
  2937. <6>[ 324.582427] [AUD] audio_out: ------------------------------
  2938. <6>[ 324.583312] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  2939. <6>[ 324.583618] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(7)
  2940. <6>[ 324.584838] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(31)++
  2941. <6>[ 324.786956] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_powerdown: disable CLK
  2942. <6>[ 324.787567] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 203ms --
  2943. <6>[ 325.060729] [PS][ISL29028] isl_irq: CONFIG = 0x66, INT_PIN = 0, INT = 0xc
  2944. <6>[ 325.061706] [LS][ISL29028] ALS_ADC = 0x04F, Level = 2
  2945. <6>[ 326.493041] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0xd0, 321114000000 (s 321114000000)
  2946. <6>[ 326.493743] call alarm, type 2, func ds2746_battery_alarm+0x0/0x24, 330219638413 (s 310219638413)
  2947. <4>[ 326.499176] [BATT] [x0]3 [x8]1a d0 8 70 60 80 f8 1a b 90
  2948. <4>[ 326.499542] [BATT] V=3767(608) I=-199(fffffe07) C=670.0/1230(b90) id=1(87) T=290(1ad) KADC=516
  2949. <4>[ 326.500152] [BATT]S=2 P=534 chg=0 cable=000 flg=110 dbg=0000 fst_dischg=571/702 [3638730128]
  2950. <6>[ 336.438507] [VIB]vibrator_enable, InputReader(parent:zygote): vibrates 0 msec
  2951. <6>[ 336.443786] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-176(parent:zygote): vibrates 10 msec
  2952. <6>[ 336.444671] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2953. <6>[ 336.453887] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2954. <6>[ 336.474639] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-176(parent:zygote): vibrates 30 msec
  2955. <6>[ 336.475860] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2956. <6>[ 336.505187] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2957. <6>[ 338.808898] [VIB]vibrator_enable, InputReader(parent:zygote): vibrates 0 msec
  2958. <6>[ 338.810394] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-177(parent:zygote): vibrates 10 msec
  2959. <6>[ 338.812561] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2960. <6>[ 338.820526] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2961. <6>[ 338.840789] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-177(parent:zygote): vibrates 30 msec
  2962. <6>[ 338.841552] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2963. <6>[ 338.871002] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2964. <6>[ 339.416107] [VIB]vibrator_enable, InputReader(parent:zygote): vibrates 0 msec
  2965. <6>[ 339.421447] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-178(parent:zygote): vibrates 10 msec
  2966. <6>[ 339.422210] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2967. <6>[ 339.431671] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2968. <6>[ 339.451995] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-178(parent:zygote): vibrates 30 msec
  2969. <6>[ 339.452758] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2970. <6>[ 339.482238] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2971. <6>[ 339.728088] [VIB]vibrator_enable, InputReader(parent:zygote): vibrates 0 msec
  2972. <6>[ 339.729187] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-179(parent:zygote): vibrates 10 msec
  2973. <6>[ 339.730010] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2974. <6>[ 339.739410] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2975. <6>[ 339.759674] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-179(parent:zygote): vibrates 30 msec
  2976. <6>[ 339.760437] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2977. <6>[ 339.789825] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2978. <6>[ 340.009613] [VIB]vibrator_enable, InputReader(parent:zygote): vibrates 0 msec
  2979. <6>[ 340.012908] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-180(parent:zygote): vibrates 10 msec
  2980. <6>[ 340.013671] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2981. <6>[ 340.023040] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2982. <6>[ 340.043487] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-180(parent:zygote): vibrates 30 msec
  2983. <6>[ 340.044769] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2984. <6>[ 340.074096] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2985. <6>[ 340.212646] [VIB]vibrator_enable, InputReader(parent:zygote): vibrates 0 msec
  2986. <6>[ 340.218780] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-182(parent:zygote): vibrates 10 msec
  2987. <6>[ 340.219665] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2988. <6>[ 340.229003] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2989. <6>[ 340.249298] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-182(parent:zygote): vibrates 30 msec
  2990. <6>[ 340.250183] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2991. <6>[ 340.279541] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2992. <6>[ 340.414886] [VIB]vibrator_enable, InputReader(parent:zygote): vibrates 0 msec
  2993. <6>[ 340.423370] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-183(parent:zygote): vibrates 10 msec
  2994. <6>[ 340.424255] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2995. <6>[ 340.433837] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2996. <6>[ 340.453948] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-183(parent:zygote): vibrates 30 msec
  2997. <6>[ 340.454956] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  2998. <6>[ 340.484100] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  2999. <6>[ 343.065979] [AUD][audio_out.c:audio_open] register for event callback pdata c06e1090
  3000. <6>[ 343.066528] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable CLK
  3001. <6>[ 343.066650] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  3002. <6>[ 343.066894] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(14)
  3003. <6>[ 343.067474] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  3004. <6>[ 343.067901] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device speaker_mono_rx set 1
  3005. <6>[ 343.068084] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_rx, id 6, enable 1, opened 0)
  3006. <6>[ 343.068298] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device freq =48000
  3007. <6>[ 343.068389] [AUD] snddev_icodec: snddev_icodec_open: device speaker_mono_rx
  3008. <6>[ 343.068817] [AUD][afe.c:afe_enable] afe_enable: path 1
  3009. <6>[ 343.068939] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] opening module AFETASK
  3010. <6>[ 343.069152] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] module AFETASK has been registered
  3011. <6>[ 343.069244] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_enable] enable 'AFETASK'state[0] id[17227119]
  3012. <6>[ 343.073699] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] rpc event=0, proc_id=2, module=17227119, image=0
  3013. <6>[ 343.073913] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] module AFETASK: READY
  3014. <6>[ 343.074035] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_codec_config] afe_dsp_codec_config() cef71e78
  3015. <6>[ 343.074249] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_codec_config] afe_dsp_codec_config: sample_rate 30 ch mode 2 vol 4000
  3016. <6>[ 343.074462] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: msg_id 1
  3017. <6>[ 343.074584] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: device_id: 1 device activity: 1
  3018. <6>[ 343.074798] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] enable
  3019. <6>[ 343.074981] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] LPA codec is enabled
  3020. <6>[ 343.075195] [AUD] board_spade_audio: spade_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  3021. <6>[ 343.085205] binder: release 3399:3414 transaction 111627 out, still active
  3022. <6>[ 343.118133] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: set device speaker_mono_rx opened as 1
  3023. <6>[ 343.118469] [AUD] htc-acoustic: open
  3024. <6>[ 343.118591] [AUD] htc_acoustic_7x30: acoustic_ioctl update ACDB ID : (11, 6, 0, 607)
  3025. <6>[ 343.118835] [AUD] htc-acoustic: release
  3026. <6>[ 343.118957] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 5, dev 6, enable 1
  3027. <6>[ 343.119171] [AUD] audio_out: audio_enable
  3028. <6>[ 343.119293] [AUD] audio_out: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  3029. <6>[ 343.119506] [AUD][ATS][play_music][successful] at 337756462380 (2012-07-30 17:15:43.100115258 UTC)
  3030. <6>[ 343.119598] [AUD] audpp: audpp: enable
  3031. <6>[ 343.119812] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] opening module AUDPPTASK
  3032. <6>[ 343.119964] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] module AUDPPTASK has been registered
  3033. <6>[ 343.120208] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_enable] enable 'AUDPPTASK'state[0] id[17227122]
  3034. <6>[ 343.120422] [AUD] audio_acdb: acdb: 3098 bytes for device 607, rate 48000.
  3035. <6>[ 343.122253] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] rpc event=0, proc_id=2, module=17227122, image=0
  3036. <6>[ 343.122253] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] module AUDPPTASK: READY
  3037. <6>[ 343.125244] [AUD] audpp: audpp: ENABLE
  3038. <6>[ 343.125244] [AUD][audio_out.c:audio_dsp_event] CFG_MSG ENABLE
  3039. <6>[ 343.127990] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_write] AUDPPTASK command took 30 attempts: rc 0
  3040. <6>[ 345.238067] [PS][ISL29028] isl_irq: CONFIG = 0x66, INT_PIN = 0, INT = 0xc
  3041. <6>[ 345.238922] [LS][ISL29028] ALS_ADC = 0x0FB, Level = 3
  3042. <6>[ 346.079437] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Binder Thread #(parent:zygote): vibrates 0 msec
  3043. <6>[ 346.087890] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-184(parent:zygote): vibrates 10 msec
  3044. <6>[ 346.088653] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  3045. <6>[ 346.098022] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  3046. <6>[ 346.119018] [VIB]vibrator_enable, Thread-184(parent:zygote): vibrates 30 msec
  3047. <6>[ 346.119995] [ATS][set_vibration][successful]
  3048. <6>[ 346.149261] [VIB]vibrator_timer_func
  3049. <6>[ 346.152709] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 5, dev 6, enable 0
  3050. <6>[ 346.152954] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device speaker_mono_rx set 0
  3051. <6>[ 346.153198] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_rx, id 6, enable 0, opened 1)
  3052. <6>[ 346.153320] [AUD] snddev_icodec: snddev_icodec_close: device speaker_mono_rx
  3053. <6>[ 346.153533] [AUD] board_spade_audio: spade_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  3054. <6>[ 346.153717] [AUD][afe.c:afe_disable] afe_disable() path_id:1 codec state:1
  3055. <6>[ 346.153839] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_codec_config] afe_dsp_codec_config() (null)
  3056. <6>[ 346.154052] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: msg_id 1
  3057. <6>[ 346.154174] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: device_id: 1 device activity: 65535
  3058. <6>[ 346.154388] [AUD][afe.c:afe_disable] afe_disable() in_use:0
  3059. <6>[ 346.154602] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_put] closing module AFETASK
  3060. <6>[ 346.154693] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] disable
  3061. <6>[ 346.154937] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] LPA codec is disabled
  3062. <6>[ 346.155151] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: set device speaker_mono_rx opened as 0
  3063. <6>[ 346.155364] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  3064. <6>[ 346.155487] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 11, enable 0, opened 0)
  3065. <6>[ 346.155700] [AUD] audio_out: audio_disable
  3066. <6>[ 346.155822] [AUD][audio_out.c:audio_dsp_event] CFG_MSG DISABLE
  3067. <6>[ 346.156036] [AUD] audpp: audpp: disable
  3068. <6>[ 346.156158] [AUD] audpp: audpp: DISABLE
  3069. <6>[ 346.156372] [AUD][audpp.c:audpp_disable] Received CFG_MSG_DISABLE from ADSP
  3070. <6>[ 346.156494] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_disable] disable interrupt
  3071. <6>[ 346.156707] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_put] closing module AUDPPTASK
  3072. <6>[ 346.156829] [AUD][ATS][stop_music][successful] at 340793754875 (2012-07-30 17:15:46.137621376 UTC)
  3073. <6>[ 346.157012] [AUD] audio_out: ------------------------------
  3074. <6>[ 346.157287] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  3075. <6>[ 346.157409] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(7)
  3076. <6>[ 346.157806] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(31)++
  3077. <6>[ 346.358886] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_powerdown: disable CLK
  3078. <6>[ 346.359008] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 201ms --
  3079. <6>[ 346.375732] [AUD][audio_out.c:audio_open] register for event callback pdata c06e1090
  3080. <6>[ 346.376281] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable CLK
  3081. <6>[ 346.376373] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  3082. <6>[ 346.376586] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(14)
  3083. <6>[ 346.377075] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  3084. <6>[ 346.377532] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device speaker_mono_rx set 1
  3085. <6>[ 346.377655] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_rx, id 6, enable 1, opened 0)
  3086. <6>[ 346.377838] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device freq =48000
  3087. <6>[ 346.377960] [AUD] snddev_icodec: snddev_icodec_open: device speaker_mono_rx
  3088. <6>[ 346.378387] [AUD][afe.c:afe_enable] afe_enable: path 1
  3089. <6>[ 346.378509] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] opening module AFETASK
  3090. <6>[ 346.378723] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] module AFETASK has been registered
  3091. <6>[ 346.378906] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_enable] enable 'AFETASK'state[0] id[17227119]
  3092. <6>[ 346.383178] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] rpc event=0, proc_id=2, module=17227119, image=0
  3093. <6>[ 346.383392] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] module AFETASK: READY
  3094. <6>[ 346.383544] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_codec_config] afe_dsp_codec_config() cef71e78
  3095. <6>[ 346.383728] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_codec_config] afe_dsp_codec_config: sample_rate 30 ch mode 2 vol 4000
  3096. <6>[ 346.383941] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: msg_id 1
  3097. <6>[ 346.384063] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: device_id: 1 device activity: 1
  3098. <6>[ 346.384277] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] enable
  3099. <6>[ 346.384582] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] LPA codec is enabled
  3100. <6>[ 346.384674] [AUD] board_spade_audio: spade_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  3101. <6>[ 346.428314] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: set device speaker_mono_rx opened as 1
  3102. <6>[ 346.428771] [AUD] htc-acoustic: open
  3103. <6>[ 346.429077] [AUD] htc_acoustic_7x30: acoustic_ioctl update ACDB ID : (11, 6, 0, 607)
  3104. <6>[ 346.429260] [AUD] htc-acoustic: release
  3105. <6>[ 346.429595] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 5, dev 6, enable 1
  3106. <6>[ 346.429779] [AUD] audio_out: audio_enable
  3107. <6>[ 346.430084] [AUD] audio_out: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  3108. <6>[ 346.430236] [AUD][ATS][play_music][successful] at 341067192376 (2012-07-30 17:15:46.410906290 UTC)
  3109. <6>[ 346.430541] [AUD] audpp: audpp: enable
  3110. <6>[ 346.430694] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] opening module AUDPPTASK
  3111. <6>[ 346.430999] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] module AUDPPTASK has been registered
  3112. <6>[ 346.431152] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_enable] enable 'AUDPPTASK'state[0] id[17227122]
  3113. <6>[ 346.431518] [AUD] audio_acdb: acdb: 3098 bytes for device 607, rate 48000.
  3114. <6>[ 346.432495] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] rpc event=0, proc_id=2, module=17227122, image=0
  3115. <6>[ 346.432647] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] module AUDPPTASK: READY
  3116. <6>[ 346.440307] [AUD] audpp: audpp: ENABLE
  3117. <6>[ 346.440521] [AUD][audio_out.c:audio_dsp_event] CFG_MSG ENABLE
  3118. <6>[ 346.446685] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_write] AUDPPTASK command took 100 attempts: rc 0
  3119. <6>[ 351.051452] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 5, dev 6, enable 0
  3120. <6>[ 351.051940] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device speaker_mono_rx set 0
  3121. <6>[ 351.052490] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_rx, id 6, enable 0, opened 1)
  3122. <6>[ 351.053131] [AUD] snddev_icodec: snddev_icodec_close: device speaker_mono_rx
  3123. <6>[ 351.053466] [AUD] board_spade_audio: spade_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  3124. <6>[ 351.054077] [AUD][afe.c:afe_disable] afe_disable() path_id:1 codec state:1
  3125. <6>[ 351.054382] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_codec_config] afe_dsp_codec_config() (null)
  3126. <6>[ 351.054992] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: msg_id 1
  3127. <6>[ 351.055328] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: device_id: 1 device activity: 65535
  3128. <6>[ 351.055908] [AUD][afe.c:afe_disable] afe_disable() in_use:0
  3129. <6>[ 351.056488] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_put] closing module AFETASK
  3130. <6>[ 351.056884] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] disable
  3131. <6>[ 351.057464] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] LPA codec is disabled
  3132. <6>[ 351.058044] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: set device speaker_mono_rx opened as 0
  3133. <6>[ 351.058654] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  3134. <6>[ 351.058990] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 11, enable 0, opened 0)
  3135. <6>[ 351.059631] [AUD] audio_out: audio_disable
  3136. <6>[ 351.060211] [AUD][audio_out.c:audio_dsp_event] CFG_MSG DISABLE
  3137. <6>[ 351.060516] [AUD] audpp: audpp: disable
  3138. <6>[ 351.060852] [AUD] audpp: audpp: DISABLE
  3139. <6>[ 351.061462] [AUD][audpp.c:audpp_disable] Received CFG_MSG_DISABLE from ADSP
  3140. <6>[ 351.061798] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_disable] disable interrupt
  3141. <6>[ 351.062408] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_put] closing module AUDPPTASK
  3142. <6>[ 351.062774] [AUD][ATS][stop_music][successful] at 345699699699 (2012-07-30 17:15:51.043566200 UTC)
  3143. <6>[ 351.063415] [AUD] audio_out: ------------------------------
  3144. <6>[ 351.064239] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  3145. <6>[ 351.064575] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(7)
  3146. <6>[ 351.065795] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(31)++
  3147. <6>[ 351.267486] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_powerdown: disable CLK
  3148. <6>[ 351.267974] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 202ms --
  3149. <6>[ 352.832733] [AUD][audio_out.c:audio_open] register for event callback pdata c06e1090
  3150. <6>[ 352.833068] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable CLK
  3151. <6>[ 352.833099] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  3152. <6>[ 352.833129] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(14)
  3153. <6>[ 352.833526] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  3154. <6>[ 352.833801] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device speaker_mono_rx set 1
  3155. <6>[ 352.833801] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_rx, id 6, enable 1, opened 0)
  3156. <6>[ 352.833801] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: device freq =48000
  3157. <6>[ 352.833831] [AUD] snddev_icodec: snddev_icodec_open: device speaker_mono_rx
  3158. <6>[ 352.834045] [AUD][afe.c:afe_enable] afe_enable: path 1
  3159. <6>[ 352.834075] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] opening module AFETASK
  3160. <6>[ 352.834075] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] module AFETASK has been registered
  3161. <6>[ 352.834075] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_enable] enable 'AFETASK'state[0] id[17227119]
  3162. <6>[ 352.838165] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] rpc event=0, proc_id=2, module=17227119, image=0
  3163. <6>[ 352.838165] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] module AFETASK: READY
  3164. <6>[ 352.838195] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_codec_config] afe_dsp_codec_config() cef71e78
  3165. <6>[ 352.838226] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_codec_config] afe_dsp_codec_config: sample_rate 30 ch mode 2 vol 4000
  3166. <6>[ 352.838256] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: msg_id 1
  3167. <6>[ 352.838256] [AUD][afe.c:afe_dsp_event] afe_dsp_event: device_id: 1 device activity: 1
  3168. <6>[ 352.838287] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] enable
  3169. <6>[ 352.838409] [AUD][lpa.c:lpa_cmd_enable_codec] LPA codec is enabled
  3170. <6>[ 352.838409] [AUD] board_spade_audio: spade_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  3171. <6>[ 352.878173] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: set device speaker_mono_rx opened as 1
  3172. <6>[ 352.878540] [AUD] htc-acoustic: open
  3173. <6>[ 352.878753] [AUD] htc_acoustic_7x30: acoustic_ioctl update ACDB ID : (11, 6, 0, 607)
  3174. <6>[ 352.878875] [AUD] htc-acoustic: release
  3175. <6>[ 352.879089] [AUD] snd_soc_msm7kv2: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 5, dev 6, enable 1
  3176. <6>[ 352.879211] [AUD] audio_out: audio_enable
  3177. <6>[ 352.879425] [AUD] audio_out: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  3178. <6>[ 352.879516] [AUD][ATS][play_music][successful] at 347516472151 (2012-07-30 17:15:52.860216582 UTC)
  3179. <6>[ 352.879730] [AUD] audpp: audpp: enable
  3180. <6>[ 352.879852] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] opening module AUDPPTASK
  3181. <6>[ 352.880035] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_get] module AUDPPTASK has been registered
  3182. <6>[ 352.880249] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_enable] enable 'AUDPPTASK'state[0] id[17227122]
  3183. <6>[ 352.881652] [AUD] audio_acdb: acdb: 3098 bytes for device 607, rate 48000.
  3184. <6>[ 352.881927] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] rpc event=0, proc_id=2, module=17227122, image=0
  3185. <6>[ 352.882110] [AUD][adsp.c:adsp_rtos_mtoa_cb] module AUDPPTASK: READY
  3186. <6>[ 352.885131] [AUD] audpp: audpp: ENABLE
  3187. <6>[ 352.885131] [AUD][audio_out.c:audio_dsp_event] CFG_MSG ENABLE
  3188. <6>[ 352.887878] [AUD][adsp.c:msm_adsp_write] AUDPPTASK command took 49 attempts: rc 0
  3189. ======================= RUNNING PROCESSES ===================
  3191. root 1 0 368 220 c0110c80 0000873c S /init
  3192. root 2 0 0 0 c00acc3c 00000000 S kthreadd
  3193. root 3 2 0 0 c0098fb8 00000000 S ksoftirqd/0
  3194. root 4 2 0 0 c00a953c 00000000 S kworker/0:0
  3195. root 5 2 0 0 c00a953c 00000000 S kworker/u:0
  3196. root 6 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S khelper
  3197. root 7 2 0 0 c0056584 00000000 D kworker/u:1
  3198. root 10 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S suspend_sys_syn
  3199. root 11 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S suspend
  3200. root 335 2 0 0 c00e7b18 00000000 S sync_supers
  3201. root 337 2 0 0 c00e8888 00000000 S bdi-default
  3202. root 339 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S kblockd
  3203. root 353 2 0 0 c02774bc 00000000 S khubd
  3204. root 379 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S l2cap
  3205. root 380 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S a2mp
  3206. root 383 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S cfg80211
  3207. root 384 2 0 0 c00a953c 00000000 S kworker/0:1
  3208. root 399 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S iewq
  3209. root 403 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S modem_notifier
  3210. root 404 2 0 0 c00a953c 00000000 S kworker/u:2
  3211. root 424 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S qmi
  3212. root 438 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S rpcrouter
  3213. root 440 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S rpcrotuer_smd_x
  3214. root 452 2 0 0 c00a953c 00000000 S kworker/0:3
  3215. root 461 2 0 0 c0059cec 00000000 S krpcserversd
  3216. root 557 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S dalrpc_rcv_SMD_
  3217. root 565 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S charger_ctrl_ti
  3218. root 595 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S microp_work_q
  3219. root 602 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S detect
  3220. root 603 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S button
  3221. root 611 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S detect
  3222. root 612 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S button
  3223. root 614 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S HS_GPIO_DETECT
  3224. root 615 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S HS_GPIO_BUTTON
  3225. root 618 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S HS_PMIC_DETECT
  3226. root 619 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S HS_PMIC_BUTTON
  3227. root 623 2 0 0 c00e24dc 00000000 S kswapd0
  3228. root 625 2 0 0 c0132aa8 00000000 S fsnotify_mark
  3229. root 627 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S crypto
  3230. root 651 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S panel_on
  3231. root 656 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S vidc_worker_que
  3232. root 658 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S vidc_timer_wq
  3233. root 668 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S msm_hs_brcm_wq
  3234. root 679 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S kgsl-3d0
  3235. root 682 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S kgsl-2d0
  3236. root 726 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S spi_qsd.0
  3237. root 773 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S f_mtp
  3238. root 777 2 0 0 c029de90 00000000 S file-storage
  3239. root 788 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S diag_wq
  3240. root 796 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S atmel_wq
  3241. root 797 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S atmel_delayed_w
  3242. root 800 2 0 0 c00cde7c 00000000 S irq/168-atmel_q
  3243. root 835 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S isl29028_wq
  3244. root 852 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S ds2746-battery
  3245. root 858 2 0 0 c00a953c 00000000 S kworker/u:4
  3246. root 868 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S led
  3247. root 875 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S binder
  3248. root 897 2 0 0 c0474fec 00000000 S krfcommd
  3249. root 904 2 0 0 c00621a0 00000000 D voice
  3250. root 905 2 0 0 c00733f0 00000000 S acdb_cb_thread
  3251. root 910 1 308 156 c0110c80 0000873c S /sbin/ueventd
  3252. root 1039 2 0 0 c0316374 00000000 S mmcqd/0
  3253. root 1356 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S keychord
  3254. root 1357 2 0 0 c0180f30 00000000 S jbd2/mmcblk0p25
  3255. root 1358 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S ext4-dio-unwrit
  3256. root 1359 2 0 0 c0180f30 00000000 S jbd2/mmcblk0p26
  3257. root 1360 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S ext4-dio-unwrit
  3258. root 1362 2 0 0 c0180f30 00000000 S jbd2/mmcblk0p27
  3259. root 1363 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S ext4-dio-unwrit
  3260. root 1364 2 0 0 c0180f30 00000000 S jbd2/mmcblk0p28
  3261. root 1365 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S ext4-dio-unwrit
  3262. root 1372 2 0 0 c0316558 00000000 S sd-qd
  3263. system 1384 1 848 288 c032fb34 400b47d0 S /system/bin/servicemanager
  3264. root 1385 1 4044 788 ffffffff 400b0dd4 S /system/bin/vold
  3265. root 1386 1 7548 1128 ffffffff 40055dd4 S /system/bin/netd
  3266. root 1387 1 712 280 c0362108 4001f0d8 S /system/bin/debuggerd
  3267. radio 1388 1 11152 1248 ffffffff 400f8dd4 S /system/bin/rild
  3268. system 1389 1 61180 8440 ffffffff 400e17d0 S /system/bin/surfaceflinger
  3269. root 1390 1 174332 39072 ffffffff 400578f4 S zygote
  3270. drm 1391 1 13016 4060 ffffffff 401217d0 S /system/bin/drmserver
  3271. media 1392 1 35376 7116 ffffffff 400f272c S /system/bin/mediaserver
  3272. bluetooth 1393 1 1376 800 c0110c80 40068598 S /system/bin/dbus-daemon
  3273. root 1394 1 860 344 c0406414 4001c598 S /system/bin/installd
  3274. keystore 1395 1 1752 552 c0362108 400500d8 S /system/bin/keystore
  3275. compass 1396 1 3228 524 ffffffff 401117d0 S /system/bin/akmd
  3276. root 1397 1 5388 84 ffffffff 000083bc S /system/bin/rmt_storage
  3277. root 1399 1 3444 176 ffffffff 00008278 S /sbin/adbd
  3278. root 1509 2 0 0 c01226f8 00000000 S flush-179:0
  3279. system 1510 1390 288840 64544 ffffffff 400577d0 S system_server
  3280. bluetooth 1561 1 844 328 c00b12e4 400f9dd4 S /system/bin/brcm_patchram_plus
  3281. system 1582 1390 243064 47336 ffffffff 40058520 S
  3282. app_43 1652 1390 228072 42144 ffffffff 40058520 S
  3283. root 1667 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S hci0
  3284. bluetooth 1676 1 2172 1304 c0110c80 400f6598 S /system/bin/bluetoothd
  3285. app_22 1683 1390 210056 37740 ffffffff 40058520 S
  3286. radio 1697 1390 204084 41344 ffffffff 40058520 S
  3287. app_38 1714 1390 227300 70440 ffffffff 40058520 S com.cyanogenmod.trebuchet
  3288. app_42 1761 1390 182892 29080 ffffffff 40058520 S
  3289. system 1801 1390 194460 40216 ffffffff 40058520 S
  3290. app_66 1853 1390 202808 40424 ffffffff 40058520 S
  3291. app_11 1913 1390 183404 29812 ffffffff 40058520 S
  3292. root 2055 2 0 0 c023e180 00000000 S loop1
  3293. root 2058 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S kdmflush
  3294. root 2059 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S kcryptd_io
  3295. root 2060 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S kcryptd
  3296. root 2093 2 0 0 c0122700 00000000 S flush-179:64
  3297. app_54 2216 1390 210844 41372 ffffffff 40058520 S
  3298. app_64 2269 1390 195540 37884 ffffffff 40058520 S com.whatsapp
  3299. app_63 2598 1390 200072 45720 ffffffff 40058520 S com.facebook.katana
  3300. app_66 2665 1390 194500 38600 ffffffff 40058520 S
  3301. app_1 2714 1390 238492 71916 ffffffff 40058520 S android.process.acore
  3302. app_62 2912 1390 214256 55028 ffffffff 40058520 S
  3303. root 3082 2 0 0 c0122700 00000000 S flush-7:2
  3304. root 3113 2 0 0 c023e180 00000000 S loop2
  3305. root 3116 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S kdmflush
  3306. root 3117 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S kcryptd_io
  3307. root 3118 2 0 0 c00a7ed8 00000000 S kcryptd
  3308. app_66 3183 1390 192268 35776 ffffffff 40058520 S
  3309. app_35 3229 1390 185892 33184 ffffffff 40058520 S
  3310. app_66 3243 1390 191180 33844 ffffffff 40058520 S
  3311. app_49 3258 1390 185932 30256 ffffffff 40058520 S
  3312. app_15 3280 1390 187176 33628 ffffffff 40058520 S
  3313. app_7 3316 1390 189656 32656 ffffffff 40058520 S
  3314. app_71 3330 1390 197924 35784 ffffffff 40058520 S
  3315. app_8 3346 1390 184548 31396 ffffffff 40058520 S
  3316. app_43 3379 1390 187800 30968 ffffffff 40058520 S
  3317. app_68 3416 1390 183096 30108 ffffffff 40058520 S com.manor.currentwidget
  3318. app_78 3451 1390 212928 42804 ffffffff 40058520 S com.GetLogs
  3319. root 3482 3451 784 384 c003e5b0 4007ffb4 S sh
  3320. root 3505 3482 980 352 00000000 400a3598 R ps
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