
RansomWare Monitor

Nov 16th, 2018
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  1. ########################################################################################################################
  2. # Start of the script - Description, Requirements & Legal Disclaimer
  3. ########################################################################################################################
  4. # Written by: Joshua Stenhouse
  5. ################################################
  6. # Configure the variables below
  7. ################################################
  8. # Step 1. Specify the HoneyPot and Witness File & Folder locations along with the testing interval in seconds
  9. $HoneypotDir =@("C:\","C:\DIR2\","C:\DIR3\")
  10. $HoneypotFile = "~HoneypotFile.docx"
  11. $HoneypotWitenessDir = "C:\zzRansomTester"
  12. $TestInterval = "5"
  13. # Step 2. Specify the SMTP Email Settings
  20. $SMTPSSLEnabled = "FALSE"
  21. ################################################################
  22. #After Testing, find & remove 2 Shutdown Safety Guards Below (marked with @@@@@@)
  23. ################################################################
  24. ########################################################################################################################
  26. ########################################################################################################################
  27. $HoneypotWitnessFile = $HoneypotFile
  28. $emailsetting = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage
  29. $$EmailTo)
  30. $Emailsetting.from = $EmailFrom
  31. $Emailsetting.IsBodyHTML = "TRUE"
  32. $smtp = New-Object System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient($SMTPServer, $SMTPPort);
  33. if ($SMTPSSLEnabled -eq "TRUE")
  34. {
  35. $smtp.EnableSSL = "TRUE"
  36. }
  37. $smtp.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($SMTPUser, $SMTPPassword);
  38. ################################################################################################
  39. # Starting Continuous Loop of Ransomware Check
  40. ################################################################################################
  41. Do {
  42. for($i=0; $i -lt $HoneypotDir.length; $i++){
  43. # Testing to see if file exists first, the extension may of changed or it may have been deleted
  44. $TestHoneypotPath = test-path ($HoneypotDir[$i]+"\$HoneypotFile")
  45. if ($TestHoneypotPath -eq $False)
  46. {
  47. # File not found or renamed from original file
  48. $HoneyPotFileFound = Get-ChildItem $HoneypotDir[$i] | Sort {$_.LastWriteTime} | select Name -expandproperty Name -last 1
  49. $HoneyPotFileLastWriteTime = Get-ChildItem ($HoneypotDir[$i]+"\$HoneyPotFileFound") | select lastwritetime
  50. $HoneyPotFileOwner = get-acl ($HoneypotDir[$i]+"\$HoneyPotFileFound") | select owner
  51. # Configuring email settings
  52. $EmailSubject = "Potential Ransomware Infection Found"
  53. $EmailBody = "Honeypot file "+$HoneypotDir[$i]+"\$HoneypotFile on $env:computername has been deleted or file extension changed.
  54. Found $HoneyPotFileFound instead, modified by $HoneyPotFileOwner @ $HoneyPotFileLastWriteTime indicating a possbile ransomware infection."
  55. # Outputting to screen
  56. write-host $EmailBody
  57. # Stopping loop of script
  58. $StopScript ="Y"
  59. # Disabling File share service
  60. #--------------------Stop-Service "LanmanServer" -force –PassThru
  61. # Building email Subject & Body
  62. $Emailsetting.subject = $EmailSubject
  63. $Emailsetting.body = $EmailBody
  64. # Sending Email
  65. Try
  66. {
  67. $smtp.send($Emailsetting)
  68. }
  69. Catch [system.exception]
  70.  {
  71.  # Trying to send email again if first attempt fails
  72. sleep 10
  73. $smtp.send($Emailsetting)
  74.  }
  75. Finally
  76.  {
  77.  }
  78. # Finished sending email
  81. write-host "SHUTDOWN HIT"
  82. <#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
  83. Set-Service RansomMonitor -StartupType Disabled
  84. stop-computer -Force
  85. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#>
  87. }
  88. ################################################
  89. # If the Honeypot file does exist running a comparison of the Honeypot and test files
  90. ################################################
  91. if ($TestHoneypotPath -eq $True)
  92. {
  93. # File found so comparing files
  94. try
  95. {
  96. # If file is currently being encrypted the get-content can fail, so adding try command with a wait
  97. $ReadHoneypotFile = Get-Content ($HoneypotDir[$i]+"\$HoneypotFile")
  98. }
  99. catch
  100. {
  101. sleep 60
  102. $ReadHoneypotFile = Get-Content ($HoneypotDir[$i]+"\$HoneypotFile")
  103. }
  104. # Reading test file
  105. $ReadHoneypotWitenessFile = Get-Content "$HoneypotWitenessDir\$HoneypotWitnessFile"
  106. # Comparing files to check for modifications
  107. if (Compare-Object $ReadHoneypotFile $ReadHoneypotWitenessFile)
  108. {
  109. $HoneypotFileMatch = "FALSE"
  110. }
  111. else
  112. {
  113. $HoneypotFileMatch = "TRUE"
  114. }
  115. ################################################
  116. # If the Honeypot and test files do not match
  117. ################################################
  118. if ($HoneypotFileMatch -eq "FALSE")
  119. {
  120. $HoneyPotFileLastWriteTime = Get-ChildItem ($HoneypotDir[$i]+"\$HoneypotFile") | select lastwritetime
  121. $HoneyPotFileOwner = get-acl ($HoneypotDir[$i]+"\$HoneypotFile") | select owner
  122. # Configuring email settings
  123. $EmailSubject = "Potential Ransomware Infection Found"
  124. $EmailBody = "Honeypot file "+$HoneypotDir[$i]+"\$HoneypotFile on $env:computername has been modified by $HoneyPotFileOwner @ $HoneyPotFileLastWriteTime.
  125. Indicative of a potential ransomware infection."
  126. # Outputting to screen
  127. write-host $EmailBody
  128. # Stopping loop of script
  129. $StopScript ="Y"
  130. # Sending email
  131. Try
  132. {
  133. $smtp.send($Emailsetting)
  134. }
  135. Catch [system.exception]
  136.  {
  137.  # Trying to send email again if first attempt fails
  138. sleep 10
  139. $smtp.send($Emailsetting)
  140.  }
  141. Finally
  142.  {
  143.  }
  144. # Finished sending email
  147. write-host "SHUTDOWN HIT"
  148. <#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
  149. Set-Service RansomMonitor -StartupType Disabled
  150. stop-computer -Force
  151. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#>
  154. }
  155. ################################################
  156. # If the Honeypot and witness files MATCH then no ransomware infection detected and script loops to the start where it sleeps for the $TestInterval
  157. ################################################
  158. # if the files were found and do match
  159. if ($HoneypotFileMatch -eq "TRUE")
  160. {
  161. # Files do match, repeating test in
  162. $Message = "No infection detected, repeating in $testinterval seconds"
  163. write-host $Message
  164. $StopScript = "N"
  165. }
  166. # End of Honeypot File does exist below
  167. }
  168. # End of Honeypot File does exist above
  169. sleep $TestInterval
  170. #
  171. }
  172. }# End of Do Loop
  173. Until ($StopScript -eq "Y")
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