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a guest
May 23rd, 2018
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  1. Story: Create Account
  3. As a prospective Kinfo Member
  4. I want to register to use the service,
  5. So that I may celebrate the past and share the present with my family online.
  8. Scenario: User supplies all requisite information
  10. Given the user has entered invitation code and his or her first name, last name, gender and email address
  11. When the user attempts to create an account
  12. Then the system creates a new Member with the indicated attributes
  13. And the system signs the new Member in
  14. And the system displays an indication that the Member is signed in
  15. And the system sends the Member a 'Welcome to Kinfo' email message
  18. Scenario: User supplies invalid email address
  20. Given the user has entered an invalid email address
  21. When the user attempts to create an account
  22. Then the system informs the user that the supplied email address is invalid
  23. And the system offers the user the option to re-enter his or her email address
  26. Scenario: User supplies email address of an existing member or relation
  28. Given the user has entered an email address that is already on record
  29. When the user attempts to create an account
  30. Then the system informs the user that the supplied email address has already been used
  31. And the system offers the user the option to enter a different email address
  34. Scenario: User omits to supply required information
  36. Given the user has omitted to supply his or her first name, last name, gender and email address
  37. When the user attempts to create an account
  38. Then the system informs the user of the missing required information
  39. And the system offers the user the option to enter the missing information
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