
Felicia for foreveryours

Nov 7th, 2015
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  10. [center][size=6][font=georgia][i]A Polite Tempest[/i][/font][/size][/center]
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  12. [right][i]Mage[/i][/right]
  14. A resident mage of Wind Blown, Felicia is regarded by her fellows with respect and a touch of trepidation. While always serene and polite, Felicia is nonetheless an accomplished and powerful magic user. Older inhabitants of Wind Blown will recall the circumstances of her birth: she was laid in an egg that levitated of its own accord, and hatched with a howl of wind and a clap of thunder, as if Sornieth itself was welcoming her.
  16. For some mages, magic is an art or skill. For Felicia, magic is an extension of herself, as much a part of her as her tail or feathers. She can change the local weather to suit her needs or float without need of flying without even thinking about it. Residents of Wind Blown know better than to sneak up on Felicia and surprise her, even for a birthday: only a few remember her last surprise party, but those that [i]do[/i] recall being a good deal more surprised than Felicia, in the end.
  18. While she's always willing to help her neighbours out with problems of a thaumaturgical nature, Felicia has something of a wanderer's spirit and prefers to spend much of her day farther afield. Those seeking Felicia's company are liable to find her far away from the daily hubbub of clan life: walking the boundaries of Wind Blown, assessing the state of the clan's protection spells, or monitoring the activity of wild magic in the area.
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  22. [url=][size=1]Bio[/size][/url][/right]
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