
Twilight Trouble

Nov 1st, 2016
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  1. Krazar77
  2. then stop doing it
  3. 6:07
  4. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  5. ...
  6. 6:07
  7. Krazar77
  8. and plus, it kiiiiiiiiiiinda makes you look like they are just cheap knock offs
  9. if you cant take criticism then thats obviously another problem
  10. Seriously meeston. Ask yourself this question. Whats the difference between century kaizer ghidorah and actual kaizer ghidorah
  11. 6:12
  12. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  13. well uhhh, I am not going to talk in chat as I don't want to be kicked due to arguements later
  14. 6:12
  15. Krazar77
  16. Its not an argument
  17. Im simply asking you a question
  18. and I said I wanted you to become a better character creator and rper did I not?
  19. Ill repeat the question. Whats the difference between century kaizer ghidorah and actual kaizer ghidorah
  20. Welcome to WZRP Chat!!!! (mot) <(hai)
  21. 6:14
  22. X Jay's Wing X
  23. hi o/
  24. 6:14
  25. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  26. hi Fr0st
  27. Krazar77 has been slashed by Gigan!
  28. 6:15
  29. Lord Ghetsis
  30. Lawl no difference
  31. Krazar77 has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  32. 6:15
  33. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  34. I see you created page for your several characters, is CenturyMegaguirus is one of them? @Fr0st
  35. pages*
  36. 6:16
  37. Krazar77
  38. Meeston
  39. Answer the question
  40. 6:16
  41. DrGodzilla120
  42. If you look on Meesmoth's backstory with CenturyBato.
  43. It's the exact same as Mothra and Battra.
  44. 6:16
  45. Krazar77
  46. ^
  47. Answer my question meeston
  48. Or ill answer it for you and it wont be pretty
  49. 6:17
  50. Lord Ghetsis
  51. Its gonna be savage
  52. 6:17
  53. X Jay's Wing X
  54. Bruh
  55. did you know that Harry Potter used that term 25 years before anyone else
  56. 6:18
  57. Lord Ghetsis
  58. Noh@Jay
  59. 6:18
  60. X Jay's Wing X
  61. "Blah blah blah! Can I have a word with you, Mr. Potter?" Evil Reporter Lady asked
  62. "Yeah, you can have a word," said Harry savagely. "Goodbye."
  63. Harry Potter doesn't play games with reporters
  64. 6:20
  65. Lord Ghetsis
  66. Lel
  67. 6:21
  68. Krazar77
  69. Meeston
  70. Answe
  71. the question
  72. 6:21
  73. X Jay's Wing X
  74. Also this quote came from Order of the Phoenix:
  75. "[Something Ron said that I forgot]," Ron ejaculated.
  76. 6:21
  77. Krazar77
  78. ..
  79. wat
  80. 6:21
  81. Lord Ghetsis
  82. I think he's avoiding
  83. 6:22
  84. X Jay's Wing X
  85. I have never ever seen
  86. ejaculated as a term for talking
  87. 6:24
  88. Krazar77
  89. Ill answer the question for you then meeston
  90. Nothing
  91. 6:24
  92. X Jay's Wing X
  94. 6:24
  95. Krazar77
  96. In both personality, and in appearnce, they are copy cats
  97. 6:25
  98. X Jay's Wing X
  99. wait no its a play
  100. Yeah, but this happens a lot more than just with this one character
  101. 6:26
  102. Krazar77
  103. there not original, and have nothing new to offer.
  104. 6:26
  105. X Jay's Wing X
  106. Its usually cause someone wants to use a character but someone else already uses them
  107. 6:26
  108. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  109. ^
  110. 6:26
  111. Krazar77
  112. but at least with said character they have something that changes them
  113. not just in personality
  114. 6:27
  115. Lord Ghetsis
  116. Just make your own authentic Kaiju
  117. 6:27
  118. Krazar77
  119. ^
  120. meesmoth doesnt count
  121. 6:27
  122. Lord Ghetsis
  123. I made Hellghidorah which is not really a ghidorah
  124. 6:27
  125. Krazar77
  126. he is basically mothra
  127. 6:27
  128. Lord Ghetsis
  129. Just a monstrous draconic demon
  130. And Izilbolgia is an eldritch entity
  131. Whose physical form is like a demonic octopus
  132. 6:28
  133. Krazar77
  134. oh god
  135. 6:28
  136. X Jay's Wing X
  137. Why is he called Hellghidorah
  138. If he's not a Ghidorah xd
  139. 6:29
  140. Lord Ghetsis
  141. Because (wynaut)
  142. 6:30
  143. Krazar77
  144. (Commander Booker) * looks over his wounds, patches the one on his right arm up, wrapping some medical wrap over it*
  145. 6:30
  146. Lord Ghetsis
  147. Hellghidorah has six heads, legs, wings and tails
  148. 6:30
  149. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  150. 6:30
  151. Lord Ghetsis
  152. Because 666
  153. 6:30
  154. Krazar77
  155. (Commander Booker)* ties a not to keep it from falling off.
  156. (commander booker) <(Wonder if well ever get out of this hell zone in one peace.
  157. (Commander Booker)<(now for damn sure im not, I got slashes on my slashes.
  158. 6:32
  159. Lord Ghetsis
  160. Where is Booker now?
  161. 6:33
  162. Krazar77
  163. still in colorado
  164. You are now away.
  165. but they are taking a break from heading towards the center of the city
  166. (Commander Booker)*closes his eyes, actually contemplating something the KDF commander told him before they left*
  167. (commander booker)<(hmm.
  168. Gallibon the Destroyer has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  169. 6:36
  170. Gallibon the Destroyer
  171. Greetings and salutations
  172. o/
  173. 6:36
  174. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  175. o/
  176. hi gallibon
  177. I think you forgot about the character list in my wall yesterday
  178. 6:37
  179. Gallibon the Destroyer
  180. Eh, it's not biggie.
  181. *no
  182. 6:40
  183. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  184. or you're actually going to do it after the RP ends?
  185. 6:40
  186. Gallibon the Destroyer
  187. I guess so.
  188. 6:41
  189. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  190. okay than
  191. 6:42
  192. Gallibon the Destroyer
  193. Just waiting for Jay to get back...
  194. And of course, some warmup and a recap before continuing said RP.
  195. 6:42
  196. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  197. X Jay's Wing X*
  198. ah
  199. 6:43
  200. Gallibon the Destroyer
  201. ....Don't tell me how to spell his name while I'm just calling him by his nickname.
  202. 6:43
  203. Lord Ghetsis
  204. Lawl, its an habit of his @Gallibon
  205. 6:43
  206. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  207. no I am actually pinging him*
  208. 6:45
  209. Gallibon the Destroyer
  210. k
  211. 6:45
  212. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  213. X Jay's Wing X you there man?
  214. 6:46
  215. Gallibon the Destroyer
  216. Eh, I can wait.
  217. 6:46
  218. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  219. ok
  220. 6:50
  221. Lord Ghetsis
  222. So
  223. Krazar you want to continue the RP?
  224. 6:51
  225. Gallibon the Destroyer
  226. Why are only four people showing up on Live! Chat?
  227. 6:51
  228. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  229. ^
  230. 6:51
  231. Gallibon the Destroyer
  232. Oop nvm
  233. 6:51
  234. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  235. it does not list me btw
  236. 6:51
  237. Gallibon the Destroyer
  238. Now it says six.
  239. 6:51
  240. Krazar77
  241. which one
  242. 6:51
  243. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  244. lol who's the 6th one? (there's only five users in chat)
  245. 6:52
  246. Krazar77
  247. ...
  248. 6:52
  249. Gallibon the Destroyer
  250. Did you forget to count yourself?
  251. 6:52
  252. Lord Ghetsis
  253. Plant fauna
  254. 6:52
  255. Krazar77
  256. jay, you,me,ghetsis,gallibon, and draco
  257. k
  258. There just taking a break right now
  259. 6:52
  260. Lord Ghetsis
  261. Hmmm
  262. You could make the plants attack another area
  263. 6:52
  264. Krazar77
  265. Im doing some things for the final thing. so its fine
  266. 6:52
  267. Lord Ghetsis
  268. I will send in Sam and Raiden
  269. Like a filler RP
  270. 6:53
  271. Krazar77
  272. well they are in whyoming
  273. 6:53
  274. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  275. on my user list it only says DrGodzilla, Gallibon, Krazar, and Fr0st (including me)
  276. 6:53
  277. Krazar77
  278. and jay and gali sent some people there
  279. 6:53
  280. Gallibon the Destroyer
  281. As well as Gojiran.
  282. I think.
  283. 6:53
  284. Krazar77
  285. he only sent them to colorado
  286. 6:53
  287. Gallibon the Destroyer
  288. Or am I thinking of the wrong RP?
  289. Oh
  290. Ah.
  291. 6:53
  292. Krazar77
  293. *in whyoming, things arent looking to hot*
  294. 6:54
  295. Lord Ghetsis
  296. I'll send Raiden to Whyoming then
  297. Just as backup
  298. And because Maverick wouldn't ignore something of that magnitude
  299. 6:54
  300. Krazar77
  301. * as the vines in that city are smashing down buildings. the massive plant fauna numbers have increased*
  302. *and its just all out hell*
  303. 6:54
  304. Lord Ghetsis
  305. *A metal ball flips through the air, having been dropped from a Maverick tiltrotor*
  306. 6:55
  307. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  308. Rosa Biollante was on that plant fauna RP, I think.
  309. 6:55
  310. Lord Ghetsis
  311. *It lands with a crash, creating a small crater as it landed before it straightens up*
  312. 6:55
  313. Krazar77
  314. (fauna Beast) *roars loudly, charging forward and jumping onto a solider*
  315. No, she wasent
  316. she isnt even major
  317. 6:55
  318. Lord Ghetsis
  319. (Raiden) "Dammit, this place has gone to hell!"
  320. 6:55
  321. Krazar77
  322. so she is not included
  323. 6:55
  324. Lord Ghetsis
  325. (Raiden) *Draws his HF blade*
  326. *Another figure lands beside him on all fours, a HF chainsaw on its back*
  327. 6:56
  328. Krazar77
  329. *the fauna beasts turn towards raiden, looking MUCH differant*
  330. 6:56
  331. Lord Ghetsis
  332. Bet you know who this is
  333. 6:56
  334. Krazar77
  335. wolf
  336. 6:56
  337. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  338. but she's still on that RP, and it counts as an appearance (whatever if it's major or minor)
  339. 6:56
  340. Lord Ghetsis
  341. Bladewolf yep
  342. 6:56
  343. Krazar77
  344. No she doesnt
  345. she showed up as a cameo
  346. 6:56
  347. Gallibon the Destroyer
  348. brb, supper
  349. 6:56
  350. Krazar77
  351. nothing more
  352. nothing less
  353. 6:56
  354. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  355. see ya Gallibon
  356. 6:56
  357. Lord Ghetsis
  358. Bladewolf: "Current directive states to eliminate all threats in the area"
  359. (Raiden) "That's what I have in mind"
  360. 6:57
  361. Krazar77
  362. *they look the same but with more armor, almost looking much faster too*
  363. *a few have sharpened blades that pulsate red on there arms*
  364. 6:58
  365. Lord Ghetsis
  366. plays*
  367. 6:58
  368. Krazar77
  369. (Bladed fauna beast)* looks at raiden, full well knowing who he is*
  370. 6:58
  371. Lord Ghetsis
  372. Bladewolf: "Targets identified. Unidentified species of plant life"
  373. 6:58
  374. Krazar77
  375. (Bladed fauna beast)* looks at the large tendril vines and sends something*
  376. 6:59
  377. Lord Ghetsis
  378. (Raiden) *Blurs forwards, drawing his HF blade, the sword crackling with lightning*
  379. 6:59
  380. Krazar77
  381. (Bladed fauna beast) *roars, his other bladed brothers and sisters charging forward*
  382. 6:59
  383. Lord Ghetsis
  384. (Bladewolf) *Attaches the chainsaw to its tail and flips forward like a wheel, the HF chainsaw glowing*
  385. Krazar PM
  386. (Bladewolf) *Slashes and spins witht he HF chainsaw*
  387. (Raiden) *Slices at several plant fauna*
  388. 7:01
  389. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  390. i'mma do another solo-RP while waiting for Fr0st
  391. 7:01
  392. Krazar77
  393. *some fauna beasts line up, firing out beams of acidic sap*
  394. (Bladed fauna beast) 6 *squares off with raiden, his blade at the ready*
  395. 7:02
  396. Lord Ghetsis
  397. (Bladewolf) *Launches several heat blades at them*
  398. (Bladewolf) *Does a blitz move his form glowing orange as he leaps in a zig zag motion*
  399. (Bladewolf) *Closes in on the shooters*
  400. (Raiden) *Swings his blade at the beast*
  401. 7:03
  402. Krazar77
  403. (Bladed fauna beast)*actually blocks the blade, sparks flying*
  404. (Bladed fauna beast)*pushes off against raidens blade*
  405. 7:04
  406. Lord Ghetsis
  407. (Raiden) *Is already spinning and kicks the beast a few steps back*
  408. (Raiden) *Moves in close again, holding his blade but has something planned*
  409. 7:04
  410. Krazar77
  411. (Bladed fauna beast)* dodges some of the kicks, gets hit square in the face*
  412. 7:05
  413. Lord Ghetsis
  414. (Raiden) *Pretends to swing his blade*
  415. 7:05
  416. Krazar77
  417. (Bladed fauna beast) * jumps back*
  418. (Bladed fauna beast)*roars*
  419. 7:05
  420. Lord Ghetsis
  421. (Raiden) *Drops at this time and slides along the ground attaching his smaller sword to his heel*
  422. (Raiden) *Kick slices him while sliding*
  423. I fucking love how you can attach blades to your heels in the game
  424. 7:06
  425. Krazar77
  426. (Bladed fauna beast)* growls in pain, but wraps its body around his leg and sword, looking raiden dead in the eye*
  427. 7:06
  428. Gallibon the Destroyer
  429. back
  430. 7:06
  431. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  432. wb
  433. 7:06
  434. Krazar77
  435. *loud roars are heard as two buildings crash down on said area*
  436. 7:06
  437. Lord Ghetsis
  438. (Raiden) *Lifts himself up and kicks the beast in the face*
  439. 7:07
  440. Krazar77
  441. *three larger fauna beasts transform there hands into cannons, along with turning some of there backs into railgun like things*
  442. *they charge up there energy attack, there canon arms glowing green in unison to the railguns*
  443. *the canons fire first, firing a concussive green ball of energy*
  444. *which explodes on another building that falls on the same building raiden was trapped in*
  445. 7:08
  446. Lord Ghetsis
  447. Wait when was he in a building?
  448. 7:08
  449. Krazar77
  450. oh
  451. 7:08
  452. Lord Ghetsis
  453. I thought the fight was outside XD
  454. 7:08
  455. Krazar77
  456. wait
  457. they are
  458. two buildings feel on them though
  459. 7:09
  460. Lord Ghetsis
  461. (Raiden) *Decides to activate RIPPER mode*
  462. 7:09
  463. Krazar77
  465. 7:09
  466. Lord Ghetsis
  467. (Raiden) *Red mist floats up his form* "I think its time for LET 'ER RIP!"
  468. *His eye glows red as his faceplates shift over*
  469. (Raiden) *Bursts out of the rubble and blurs towards the monsters*
  470. 7:10
  471. Krazar77
  472. *they even fire there railguns at even more buildings, one fires directly into the two buildings that fall on raiden*
  473. 7:10
  474. Lord Ghetsis
  475. (Raiden) *Leaps onto the buildings and runs across them*
  476. 7:11
  477. Krazar77
  478. (Large Fauna beast) 1 *looks at the cyborg, slashing the building he is on,*
  479. 7:11
  480. Lord Ghetsis
  482. (Raiden) *Leaps easily across the rubble*
  483. 7:11
  484. Krazar77
  485. (Large fauna beast)*opens his mouth and fires a ball of energy*
  486. 7:12
  487. Lord Ghetsis
  488. (Raiden) *Leaps over it and kicks downwards, slicing with the blade on his heel*
  489. 7:12
  490. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  491. I wonder where is X Jay's Wing X at
  492. 7:12
  493. Lord Ghetsis
  494. (Raiden) *Activates Blade Mode and does rapid slashes*
  495. 7:14
  496. Krazar77
  497. (Larger fauna beast) 2 *takes note of his other allies fight*
  498. *the 1st fauna beast is basically getting sliced up*
  499. (Large fauna beast) 1 *tries to grab at raiden*
  500. 7:16
  501. Lord Ghetsis
  502. (Raiden) *Slices at the hand, his blade now glowing yellow from the heat*
  503. (Bladewolf) *Sneaks up on the other beast and stealth attacks by pouncing on its back and slashing with its chainsaw*
  504. 7:17
  505. Krazar77
  506. (Large fauna beast)*roars in rage, pulsating with yellow energy. fires off a pulse of yellow*
  507. 7:17
  508. Lord Ghetsis
  509. (Raiden) *Is launches off by the blast*
  510. (Raiden) *Lands on the ground and leaps back up before running towards the beast*
  511. 7:18
  512. Krazar77
  513. (Large fauna beast) 2* growls in rage. sends off organic missiles from his back, whcih fly towars bladewolf*
  514. (Large fauna beast) 1* blasts a beam of energy once more, sweeping it across raidens location*(
  515. 7:19
  516. Lord Ghetsis
  517. (Bladewolf) *Avoids each one and hops over the last one before stabbing his chainsaw into the beast's head*
  518. 7:19
  519. Krazar77
  520. *some vines burst forth, going in an arc and slamming into multiple buildings at once*
  521. 7:20
  522. Lord Ghetsis
  523. (Raiden) *Dodges and uses ninja run to run up the beast*
  524. 7:20
  525. Krazar77
  526. (Large fauna beast) 2*roars in pain, grabs wolf with his hand, quickly slams him down on the ground*
  527. 7:20
  528. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  529. test
  530. 7:20
  531. Krazar77
  532. (Large fauna beast)* slams his foot onto wolf, trying to crush him *
  533. *the vines rear up and slam down hard onto the ground, sending all the compatansts into the air. as well as severeal buildings*
  534. 7:22
  535. Lord Ghetsis
  536. (Bladewolf) *Dodges the foot and stabs his chainsaw into the ankle*
  537. 7:23
  538. Krazar77
  539. (large fauna beast) 1 *roars in pain*
  540. 7:23
  541. Lord Ghetsis
  542. (Raiden) *Grabs the head of the second fauna beast as he leaps across onto it*
  543. (Raiden) *Grunts and strains as he propels his own legs into the air and suplexes the beast*
  544. 7:23
  545. Krazar77
  546. *the vines rear up once again and slam into raiden*
  547. 7:23
  548. Lord Ghetsis
  549. Like the Metal gear exelcus
  550. 7:24
  551. Krazar77
  552. (Large fauna beast) 2 *roars as he is suplexed. slowly rises once again*
  553. 7:24
  554. Lord Ghetsis
  555. (Raiden) "Argh!" *Is knocked away by the vines*
  556. (Raiden) *Rights himself and runs towards the second beast*
  557. 7:24
  558. Krazar77
  559. *the vines are very huge and buly*
  560. *bulky*
  561. >huge and bulky
  562. :3
  563. 7:24
  564. Lord Ghetsis
  565. (Bladewolf) *Slashes at the ankles of the first beast*
  566. Dat's what she said
  567. 7:25
  568. Krazar77
  569. (Large fauna beast) 1 *roars, going on his knees. slams his cannon into the ground, firing a ball of energy into the ground, which sends a pulse through the ground*
  570. 7:26
  571. Lord Ghetsis
  572. (Bladewolf) *Is blasted away the pulse, letting out a mechanical yelp*
  573. (Bladewolf) *Fires heated knives at the first beast*
  574. (Raiden) *Throws a smoke grenade which engulfs the second beast*
  575. 7:27
  576. Krazar77
  577. (Large fauna beast) 1 *snarls*
  578. (Large fauna beast) 2 *looks around, his thermal vision looking around*
  579. 7:28
  580. Lord Ghetsis
  581. Good luck
  582. 7:28
  583. Krazar77
  584. *but because raidens a cyborg.. he cant see at all right now
  585. 7:28
  586. Lord Ghetsis
  587. Like Monsoon said. Red phosphorus, infrared is useless!
  588. 7:28
  589. Krazar77
  590. *along with the smoke blocking his vision*
  591. 7:29
  592. Lord Ghetsis
  593. (Raiden) *Blurs up and around is body, spinning and slicign with his blade like a tornado of death*
  594. 7:29
  595. Krazar77
  596. (large fauna beast) 3 *appears and smacks bladedowolf from behind*
  597. 7:29
  598. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  599. X Jay's Wing X you there?
  600. 7:29
  601. Lord Ghetsis
  602. (Bladewolf) *Yelps as he is knocked away again*
  603. 7:30
  604. Krazar77
  605. (Large fauna beast) 1* roars in pain and fury, slams his own body into the ground and severeal buildings to get raiden off*
  606. 7:31
  607. Lord Ghetsis
  608. Raiden is on beast 2
  609. XD
  610. Bladewolf was attacking beast one
  611. 7:31
  612. Krazar77
  613. oh
  614. yeah thats right
  615. beast 2
  616. 7:31
  617. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  618. I guess Fr0st's not on his PC as he can't hear my pings
  619. 7:31
  620. Lord Ghetsis
  621. (Bladewolf) *Gets up and runs around Beast 1*
  622. 7:32
  623. Krazar77
  624. (Large fauna beast) 1 *blasts at the ground*
  625. *the third blasts bladewolf as well*
  626. 7:32
  627. Lord Ghetsis
  628. (Bladewolf) *Dodges and leaps into the air, activating blade mode*
  629. (Bladewolf) *Slashes at rapid speed, carving huge chunks off with the HF chainsaw*
  630. 7:32
  631. Krazar77
  632. *from the moments time, multiple large tendrils burst from the ground, going higher and higher and higher*
  633. 7:32
  634. Lord Ghetsis
  635. *The heat from it burns the wounds of the beast*
  636. 7:32
  637. Krazar77
  638. (Large fauna beast) 1* roars in pain and rage*
  639. (Large fauna beast) 1 *is basically getting raped by chainsaws and knifes*
  640. 7:33
  641. Lord Ghetsis
  642. (Raiden) *Decides to end it quickly and runs to the head of the beast 2 and stabs his blade in, gritting his teeth*
  643. (Raiden) "Come on, just die!"
  644. 7:34
  645. Krazar77
  646. (Large fauna beast) 2* hisses *<(Yoooooooooooouuuuuuuuuu DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE FiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiRST!
  647. *the fauna beast glow a bright orange*
  648. 7:34
  649. Lord Ghetsis
  650. (Raiden) "The hell I will!" *Drives his blade in deeper into his head*
  651. 7:34
  652. Krazar77
  653. (Large fauna beast) 2 * continues to glow, every inch of its body glowing brighter and brighter*
  654. (Large fauna beast) 2 *explodes, killing himself and doing some damage in the area around him*
  655. 7:35
  656. Lord Ghetsis
  657. (Raiden) 'Shit. Woaaaah!" *Flies into a building, crashing through a wall*
  658. (Raiden) *The cyborg picks himself up and uses one of his repair nanopastes to fix the damage*
  659. 7:36
  660. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  661. test
  662. 7:36
  663. Lord Ghetsis
  664. (Bladewolf) *Stabs his blade into the head of the first beast*
  665. 7:36
  666. Krazar77
  667. *the vines continue to rise up and up and up*
  668. (Large fauna beast) 1 *does the smae thing 2 did, 3 does the same thing as well*
  669. *they both explode*
  670. 7:38
  671. Lord Ghetsis
  672. (Bladewolf) *Leaps off just in time, having seen what happened earlier. The AI had stored the data and learned from it*
  673. 7:38
  674. Krazar77
  675. *at the same time, 5 large, pulsating, bulky vines slam down onto areas of the city, slamming down like a deck of cards, crushing buildings and other stuff*
  676. >Large, Pulsating, Bulky
  677. thats what she sa*shot*
  678. 7:39
  679. Lord Ghetsis
  680. (Raiden) *Leaps out of the building* "Shit, where the hell are those coming from?"
  681. Yes, to me
  682. Jkjkjk
  683. (Bladewolf) "Answer: Inconclusive"
  684. (Bladewolf) *Does not know either*
  685. *The robot and cyborg both regroup*
  686. 7:41
  687. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  688. Oh well
  689. 7:41
  690. Krazar77
  691. *they rise back up once again and depart*
  692. *the entire city of wyhoming is pretty much destroyed at this point*
  693. *someone tries to get on raidens comms*
  694. *in colorado*
  695. (Commander Booker)<(I wonder if this will work. RAIDEN!
  696. 7:42
  697. Lord Ghetsis
  698. (Raiden) *Opens the screen and it says Unknown but he can still hear the voice*
  699. (Raiden) "Who is it?"
  700. (Raiden) "Booker, its you"
  701. 7:43
  702. Krazar77
  703. (Commander booker)<(The one and only sugar pop.
  704. 7:43
  705. Lord Ghetsis
  706. (Raiden) "I've found more of those plant creatures in Whyoming"
  707. 7:43
  708. Krazar77
  709. (Commander Booker)<(and thats sugar daddy booker to you. *chuckles at the joke*
  710. (commander booker)<(And?
  711. (commander booker)<(did you beat the shit out of them.
  712. 7:44
  713. Lord Ghetsis
  714. (Raiden) "Found anything on them yet?"
  715. (Raiden) "I dispatched them. They seemed like a different variant"
  716. 7:44
  717. Krazar77
  718. (Commander Booker)<(well, we now know of what is motivating these things. Not sure if it controls them either
  719. *he shows a picture of*
  720. (Commander booker)<( I have no clue what it is but it looks like a man in a suit
  721. 7:46
  722. Lord Ghetsis
  723. (Raiden) "Alright. I will send the image over to MSC"
  724. 7:46
  725. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  726. "There is currently no text in this page. You can search for this page title in other pages, search the related logs, or edit this page."
  727. 7:47
  728. Krazar77
  730. (Commander Booker)<( So, how are you?
  731. 7:47
  732. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  733. ok
  734. 7:48
  735. Krazar77
  736. (commander Booker)<(Other then the whole, hentai plant monster thing
  737. 7:49
  738. Lord Ghetsis
  739. (Raiden) "I don't know. I enjoy cutting down these monsters"
  740. 7:50
  741. Krazar77
  742. (Commander Booker)<(I think everyone can say that.
  743. (commander Booker)<(Im fine, fighting off these beasts, ripped one of the massive one heart out
  744. (Commander Booker)<(Oh and I watched my best friend die in my arms
  745. 7:52
  746. Lord Ghetsis
  747. (Raiden) "Well we have to eliminate this threat as quickly as possible"
  748. 7:53
  749. Krazar77
  750. (Commander Booker)<(Yep. Also raiden *walks off to somewhere private* I need to talk to someone about this
  751. You are no longer away.
  752. 7:53
  753. X Jay's Wing X
  754. back
  755. 7:53
  756. Krazar77
  757. (Commander Booker)<( Before me and my men departed off, are commander told us something
  758. 7:53
  759. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  760. and now Gallibon's brb, bad timing
  761. and now Gallibon's brb, bad timing
  762. :|
  763. 7:53
  764. Lord Ghetsis
  765. (Raiden) "?"
  766. 7:54
  767. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  768. oh wait never mind
  769. 7:54
  770. Krazar77
  771. (Commander Booker)<( he said something about the sky turning as dark as death. then afterwards, not to use mechas
  772. 7:54
  773. Gallibon the Destroyer
  774. back
  775. 7:54
  776. Lord Ghetsis
  777. (Raiden) "What? Did he mention anything about...Metal Gears?"
  778. 7:55
  779. Krazar77
  780. (commander Booker)<(Something is going on, and Ive known something has for the past 2 years.
  781. 7:55
  782. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  783. continue RP?
  784. 7:55
  785. Lord Ghetsis
  786. (Raiden) "Did he mention anything about the Patriots?"
  787. 7:55
  788. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  789. test
  790. 7:55
  791. Krazar77
  792. (Commander Booker)<(He said nothing about those, he just said do NOT use mechas.
  793. (Commander Booker)<(when we were forming or organization. I was going to become commander, but our current commander, Commander duglis, appeared out of nowhere and took command
  794. 7:56
  795. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  796. chat crashing, ugh
  797. 7:57
  798. Krazar77
  799. (commander Booker)<(Ill talk to you about it later, tell me any other information if you get any. Booker out
  800. 7:57
  801. Gallibon the Destroyer
  802. Yo Jay, you here?
  803. jw
  804. 7:57
  805. X Jay's Wing X
  806. here
  807. 7:57
  808. Gallibon the Destroyer
  809. good
  810. 7:58
  811. Lord Ghetsis
  812. (Raiden) "Raiden, out"
  813. 8:00
  814. Gallibon the Destroyer
  815. Anywho;
  816. I'll resume my PR once eveybody whose also involved in it is ready.
  817. 8:01
  818. Lord Ghetsis
  819. *Raiden and Bladewolf are picked up in a Hammerhead Chopper by Doktor*
  820. 8:01
  821. X Jay's Wing X
  822. wait
  823. 8:01
  824. Gallibon the Destroyer
  825. *RP
  826. 8:01
  827. X Jay's Wing X
  828. we have everyone here?
  829. 8:01
  830. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  831. yes
  832. 8:01
  833. Gallibon the Destroyer
  834. Yes.
  835. Me, you, Krazar and Meesmoth.
  836. 8:01
  837. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  838. ^
  839. unless there's somebody else I can't remember*
  840. 8:02
  841. Gallibon the Destroyer
  842. I'll wait until you guys are ready though.
  843. 8:02
  844. Krazar77
  845. Im ready
  846. 8:02
  847. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  848. * ShodaiMeesmothLarva is ready, waiting for the RP to start
  849. 8:02
  850. X Jay's Wing X
  851. I forgot
  852. There were so many chars I forgot only 4 users were here
  853. 8:02
  854. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  855. ?
  856. 8:02
  857. Gallibon the Destroyer
  858. lol
  859. 8:02
  860. Lord Ghetsis
  861. Why is everyone else away
  862. ShodaiGoro
  863. Gojiran103
  864. Flaredragon000
  865. 8:02
  866. Gallibon the Destroyer
  867. Because it's a Tuesday I guess.
  868. Or maybe their busy.
  869. 8:03
  870. Lord Ghetsis
  871. Thegoldnguy
  872. Maybe
  873. 8:04
  874. Gallibon the Destroyer
  875. Okay, so everybodies ready to continue?
  876. 8:04
  877. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  878. yes
  879. 8:04
  880. Gallibon the Destroyer
  881. In that case; allow me to recap.
  882. 8:04
  883. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  884. okay
  885. 8:04
  886. X Jay's Wing X
  887. I think we had
  888. BirthGoji for Krazar
  889. Shameless Fox, Wolf Queen, Redflag Horowitz, Leatherback and Otachi for you Gallibon
  890. I have no clue for Meesmoth
  891. 8:05
  892. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  893. Century-Keizer Ghidorah
  894. 8:05
  895. Krazar77
  896. another century rip off
  897. 8:05
  898. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  899. test
  900. 8:05
  901. Krazar77
  902. jk
  903. jk
  904. jk
  905. 8:05
  906. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  907. Century-Keizer Ghidorah
  908. 8:06
  909. Gallibon the Destroyer
  910. And you had Jay, FeMUTO and CenturyMegaguirus
  911. 8:06
  912. X Jay's Wing X
  913. And I'm using Jay, Mimikyu, CenturyMegaguirus, Female Muto, and a few more that I haven't put in yet
  914. 8:06
  915. Krazar77
  916. Century (Foxmask) *shows up and beats everyones asses*
  917. Jk
  918. jk
  919. 8:06
  920. Gallibon the Destroyer
  921. Oh god, that gives me an idea for a later joke
  922. 8:06
  923. X Jay's Wing X
  924. lol I'd actually expect someone to do that
  925. 8:06
  926. Lord Ghetsis
  927. Triggered
  928. 8:06
  929. Gallibon the Destroyer
  930. Anywho; now for my recap;
  931. *LAST TIME ON RP*
  932. 8:07
  933. Krazar77
  934. Yo gali
  935. 8:07
  936. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  937. I have plans to use 15Goji or even Female SpaceGodzilla into the RP
  938. 8:07
  939. Gallibon the Destroyer
  940. ?
  941. 8:07
  942. Krazar77
  943. is xendrax ever gonna show up again
  944. 8:07
  945. Gallibon the Destroyer
  946. Oh yes.
  947. 8:07
  948. Krazar77
  949. k
  950. 8:07
  951. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  952. * ShodaiMeesmothLarva is testing chat if works properly
  953. 8:07
  954. Krazar77
  955. (Birthgoji) * glares at the three breach kaijus*
  956. 8:07
  957. Gallibon the Destroyer
  958. Okay yeah, let's just start now.
  959. 3
  960. 2
  961. 1
  962. 8:07
  963. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  964. ok
  965. 8:08
  966. Krazar77
  967. (Birthgoji) *roars a challenge to all three*
  968. 8:08
  969. Gallibon the Destroyer
  970. GO!
  971. 8:08
  972. Lord Ghetsis
  973. Gallibon
  974. Its open to Kaiju yes?
  975. 8:08
  976. Gallibon the Destroyer
  977. Omega! (PRGoji) *glares at (BirthGoji) *
  978. 8:08
  979. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  980. (Century-Keizer Ghidorah) *blasts Jay with his Gravity Beams*
  981. 8:08
  982. Gallibon the Destroyer
  983. Omega! (PRGoji) <(I'm your problem now.....)
  984. 8:09
  985. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  986. (Century-Keizer Ghidorah) *Looks at (Otachi) *
  987. 8:09
  988. Krazar77
  989. (Birthgoji) *charges forward, slamming his bulk into omega*
  990. 8:09
  991. Gallibon the Destroyer
  992. Omega! (PRGoji) *cracks knuckles*
  993. 8:09
  994. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  995. (Century-Keizer Ghidorah) *is being hit by a corona ray from his back*
  996. 8:09
  997. Gallibon the Destroyer
  998. Omega! (PRGoji) *swings his tail at (BirthGoji) *
  999. 8:09
  1000. X Jay's Wing X
  1001. Electric Orb! (Jay) <(.................................) *reverts back to normal form, the eye in his sword turning back to normal as he casually blocks the Gravity Beams with a wall of ice*
  1002. 8:09
  1003. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1004. (Female SpaceGodzilla) *lets out an roar to CKG*
  1005. 8:10
  1006. X Jay's Wing X
  1007. (Mimikyu) *slashes at Otachi with shadowy claws*
  1008. 8:10
  1009. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1010. it's not GKC by the way
  1011. 8:10
  1012. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1013. Where did FSPG come from? XD
  1014. 8:10
  1015. Lord Ghetsis
  1016. Wait Gallibon
  1017. Is the RP open to users who want to join with Kaiju?
  1018. 8:10
  1019. X Jay's Wing X
  1020. I think
  1021. 8:10
  1022. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1023. (Century-Keizer Ghidorah) *roars at the SpaceGojiran* <(Get outta here, unless if I kill you.)
  1024. 8:10
  1025. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1026. It's open to anyone, really.
  1027. 8:10
  1028. X Jay's Wing X
  1029. This IS supposed to be a clusterfuck (At least I hope so)
  1030. 8:10
  1031. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1032. Yes it is.
  1033. 8:10
  1034. Lord Ghetsis
  1035. Oh lord
  1036. A clusterfuck
  1037. In that case
  1038. 8:10
  1039. X Jay's Wing X
  1040. So bring in like 3 if you want
  1041. or more
  1042. 8:11
  1043. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1044. (Female SpaceGodzilla) <(Enough with that "Ghidorah" shit, You really think you're stronger than me?)
  1045. 8:11
  1046. Lord Ghetsis
  1047. *A bald man lands headfirst into the fray and picks himself up*
  1048. 8:11
  1049. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1050. (Century-Keizer Ghidorah) *blasts FSG with his Gravity Beams*
  1051. 8:11
  1052. X Jay's Wing X
  1053. (CenturyMegaguirus) *flies past Redflag Horowitz, ramming into him*
  1054. 8:11
  1055. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1056. finally FSG's quote
  1057. 8:11
  1058. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1059. (Redflag Horowitz) *lands down*
  1060. 8:11
  1061. Lord Ghetsis
  1062. (???) "Oh I'm not at the market?"
  1063. 8:11
  1064. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1065. (Redflag Horowitz) <(Yep. Were boned.)
  1066. 8:12
  1067. X Jay's Wing X
  1068. (Muto) *smashes Leatherback with a giant claw*
  1069. 8:12
  1070. Krazar77
  1071. (Birthgoji) *is hit by the tail, snarls and blasts omega point blank with his (AB) *
  1072. 8:12
  1073. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1074. (Century-Keizer Ghidorah) *grabs Shameless Fox, throws him into (MUTO) *
  1075. 8:12
  1076. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1077. (Leatherback) *hands become eletrical*
  1078. 8:12
  1079. Lord Ghetsis
  1080. (???) *Smooths out his hero costume*
  1081. 8:12
  1082. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1083. (Leatherback) *begins to shock (Muto) *
  1084. 8:12
  1085. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1086. (Female SpaceGodzilla) *deflects the Gravity Beams*
  1087. 8:12
  1088. Lord Ghetsis
  1089. (???) *Turns to one of the Kaiju* "Hey can you tell me where I am?"
  1090. 8:12
  1091. X Jay's Wing X
  1092. (Muto) *Leatherback's skin begins to corrode upon touching her*
  1093. 8:12
  1094. Lord Ghetsis
  1095. Don't worry, this character isn't going to be a serious one
  1096. 8:12
  1097. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1098. (Female SpaceGodzilla) *blasts Otachi and Leatherback with Corona Ray*
  1099. 8:13
  1100. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1101. (Otachit) *to (???) in a rude manner* <(PISS OFF!)
  1102. ....
  1103. * (Otachi)
  1104. (Otachi) *flies up in the air*
  1105. 8:13
  1106. X Jay's Wing X
  1107. (Muto) *sends a beam of red from the eye on her skeletal side of her face at Otachi/Leatherback*
  1108. 8:13
  1109. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1110. (Century-Keizer Ghidorah) *grabs Female SpaceGodzilla, throws him into a building*
  1111. 8:13
  1112. Lord Ghetsis
  1113. (???) "Wow, I didn't know giant monsters were so rude. Did you miss out on the market bargain too?"
  1114. 8:13
  1115. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1116. her*
  1117. 8:13
  1118. Krazar77
  1119. (Birthgoji) *speaks, it sounding very stern, and aggressive* <( They dont call me Atomic guardian for nothing imposter.
  1120. 8:13
  1121. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1122. (Otachi) and (Leatherback) *are both hit by the beams*
  1123. 8:13
  1124. Lord Ghetsis
  1125. (???) *Has the same blank expression on his face*
  1126. 8:14
  1127. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1128. (Century-Keizer Ghidorah) *walks towards (MUTO) * <(You're next, Earthling.)
  1129. 8:14
  1130. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1131. Omega! (PRGoji) *to (BirthGoji) * <(I'm no imposter.....)
  1132. 8:14
  1133. Lord Ghetsis
  1134. Krazar PM
  1135. 8:14
  1136. Krazar77
  1137. k
  1138. 8:14
  1139. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1140. (Female SpaceGodzilla) *stands up, now focused the two Breach kaijus and CKG*
  1141. on the*
  1142. 8:15
  1143. X Jay's Wing X
  1144. (Jay) <( *begins to glow with dark energy, his eye turning into pitch-black orbs*
  1145. 8:15
  1146. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1147. Omega! (PRGoji) <(I'm one of the worst there is.)
  1148. 8:15
  1149. Lord Ghetsis
  1150. (???) "Hey you should stop fighting, you're going to wreck the city"
  1151. 8:15
  1152. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1153. Omega! (PRGoji) *four arms spread out*
  1154. 8:15
  1155. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1156. (Century-Keizer Ghidorah) *charges his Gravity Beams, sees Jay going to attack*
  1157. 8:15
  1158. Krazar77
  1159. (Birthgoji) *rolls his eyes, blasting him square in the chest as he spreads his arms out*
  1160. 8:15
  1161. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1162. (Female SpaceGodzilla) *roars at the two Breach kaijus*
  1163. 8:15
  1164. X Jay's Wing X
  1165. (Mimikyu) <(Hey, don't ignore me!) *slashes Leatherback again, slashing his back with claws*
  1166. 8:15
  1167. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1168. Omega! (PRGoji) <(I was going to attack Nagoya at first, but I figured this spot would do.)
  1169. 8:15
  1170. Lord Ghetsis
  1171. (???) *Walks up to CKG and gives him a light punch on the leg*
  1172. 8:16
  1173. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1174. (Century-Keizer Ghidorah) *is annoyed, blasts (???) with gravity beams*
  1175. 8:16
  1176. Lord Ghetsis
  1177. *The "light punch" had so much force and a loud cracking sound was heard*
  1178. 8:16
  1179. Krazar77
  1180. ONE PUNCH!
  1181. 8:16
  1182. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1183. Omega! (PRGoji) *blasts his somewhat toxic AB at (BirthGoji) *
  1184. 8:16
  1185. Lord Ghetsis
  1186. (???) *Punches the beams away* "Hey, stop that"
  1187. 8:16
  1188. X Jay's Wing X
  1189. (Jay) *screams as he grows in size, his features becoming more wolf-like*
  1190. ONE PUNCH!!!!!
  1191. 8:16
  1192. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1193. (Female SpaceGodzilla) *blasts CKG with Corona Ray* <(I've seen Ghidorahs like you, but not that weak.)
  1194. 8:16
  1195. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1196. (Leatherback) *slams both his fists down on the ground at (Jay) , making a shockwave*
  1197. 8:16
  1198. Lord Ghetsis
  1199. (???) "Guess I'm going to have to kick your ass now"
  1200. 8:17
  1201. Krazar77
  1202. (Birthgoji) *is hit by the toxic Ab, shakes his head and does a gravity defying drop kick*
  1203. 8:17
  1204. Lord Ghetsis
  1205. (???) "Consecutive normal punches!" *A wall of red fists smash into CKG*
  1206. 8:17
  1207. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1208. (Century-Keizer Ghidorah) *three heads look at Jay, but is smashed by a wall of red fists*
  1209. 8:17
  1210. Krazar77
  1211. Yeah CKG is dead
  1212. 8:17
  1213. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1214. (Wolf Queen) *fires railgun at CenturyMegaguirus*
  1215. (Wolf Queen) <(Enough cheap tricks!)
  1216. 8:18
  1217. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1218. (Century-Keizer Ghidorah) *lets out an angry roar, before grabbing Leatherback and throws him into (???) *
  1219. 8:18
  1220. Lord Ghetsis
  1222. 8:18
  1223. X Jay's Wing X
  1224. Aspect of the Wolf! (Jay) *completely ignores Leatherback, running up to Omega PRGoji and slashing a wide arc across his chest*
  1225. 8:18
  1226. Lord Ghetsis
  1227. (???) *Leaps out of the way, scratching his bald head*
  1228. 8:18
  1229. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1230. Omega! (PRGoji) *is hit, but just cackles*
  1231. 8:18
  1232. X Jay's Wing X
  1233. (CenturyMegaguirus) *gets hit by a few shots, screaming in pain*
  1234. 8:18
  1235. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1236. (Female SpaceGodzilla) *Fires her corona ray to Otachi*
  1237. 8:18
  1238. X Jay's Wing X
  1239. (CenturyMegaguirus) *stabs her stinger into Wolf Queen, draining her energy*
  1240. 8:19
  1241. Lord Ghetsis
  1242. (???) *Punches CKG's beam back into one of his heads, blowing it off*
  1243. 8:19
  1244. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1245. (Century-Keizer Ghidorah) *blasts Shameless Fox with Gravity Beams*
  1246. 8:19
  1247. X Jay's Wing X
  1248. (Mimikyu) *sends a concentrated beam of darkness at FSG from behind*
  1249. 8:19
  1250. DrGodzilla120
  1251. I use Saitama.
  1252. 8:19
  1253. Lord Ghetsis
  1254. Oh
  1255. 8:19
  1256. X Jay's Wing X
  1257. Waa wa waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  1258. 8:19
  1259. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1260. (Female SpaceGodzilla) *is unexpectly hit by a beam from behind*
  1261. 8:19
  1262. DrGodzilla120
  1263. You can borrow him, though, I guess XD
  1264. 8:19
  1265. Lord Ghetsis
  1266. Dammiy XD
  1267. Sure we can share him
  1268. 8:19
  1269. DrGodzilla120
  1270. Alright. Good with me.
  1271. 8:20
  1272. X Jay's Wing X
  1273. And of course
  1274. 8:20
  1275. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1276. (Century-Keizer Ghidorah) *is now focused on the two breach kaijus and Jay*
  1277. 8:20
  1278. Lord Ghetsis
  1279. You can borrow Boros at times if you want
  1280. 8:20
  1281. X Jay's Wing X
  1282. Its Meeston's char Saitama goes after
  1283. JK JK
  1284. 8:20
  1285. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1286. ...
  1287. 8:20
  1288. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1289. (Leatherback) *leaps up*
  1290. (Leatherback) *lands down near Pearl Blizzard*
  1291. 8:20
  1292. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1293. (Century-Keizer Ghidorah) *roars at Jay* <(Do you think our battle is over?)
  1294. 8:21
  1295. X Jay's Wing X
  1296. (Mimikyu) <(Let's see how you like a taste of your own medicine!) *begins to transform, now looking like FSG but with scribbles for eyes and a crudely drawn-on mouth*
  1297. 8:21
  1298. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1299. (Pearl Blizzard) *fires facial maser beam at (Leatherback) *
  1300. 8:21
  1301. X Jay's Wing X
  1302. Pearl Blizzard's here?
  1303. 8:21
  1304. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1305. Yes.
  1306. 8:21
  1307. Lord Ghetsis
  1308. Wait DrG PM
  1309. 8:21
  1310. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1311. (Female SpaceGodzilla) *roars at her clone*
  1312. 8:21
  1313. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1314. She was the first good guy to show up here, lol
  1315. 8:21
  1316. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1317. (Century-Keizer Ghidorah) *blasts Jay with Gravity Beams again*
  1318. 8:21
  1319. X Jay's Wing X
  1320. test
  1321. 8:22
  1322. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1323. (Otachi) *flies up* <(Geez, this battle looks like so much fun.)
  1324. 8:22
  1325. Lord Ghetsis
  1326. (Saitama) *is standing on Otachi's head* "Yeah"
  1327. 8:22
  1328. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1329. (Otachi) <(But it's so hard to chose WHO to fight....)
  1330. 8:22
  1331. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1332. (Female SpaceGodzilla) *responds to Otachi* <(Unless if I kill you first.)
  1333. 8:22
  1334. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1335. (Otachi) <(You? Kill me? HA HA HA!)
  1336. 8:22
  1337. Lord Ghetsis
  1338. (Saitama) "But I'm going to have to ask you to stop"
  1339. 8:22
  1340. Krazar77
  1341. brb
  1342. 8:22
  1343. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1344. k
  1345. 8:22
  1346. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1347. (Female SpaceGodzilla) *blasts Otachi with Corona Ray*
  1348. aww
  1349. 8:23
  1350. Lord Ghetsis
  1351. (Saitama) *Punches the ray back into her face*
  1352. 8:23
  1353. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1354. RP is paused*
  1355. 8:23
  1356. Lord Ghetsis
  1357. K
  1358. 8:23
  1359. X Jay's Wing X
  1360. Is Saitama really going to be here
  1361. 8:23
  1362. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1363. OH MY GOD stupid chat crashed
  1364. &gt;:(
  1365. 8:23
  1366. Lord Ghetsis
  1367. He's there as a joke
  1368. 8:23
  1369. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1370. I'm waiting for Krazar to get back.
  1371. 8:23
  1372. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1373. ^
  1374. 8:24
  1375. Lord Ghetsis
  1376. He's too OP for a direct fight
  1378. Too OP for Kaiju that is
  1379. 8:25
  1380. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1381. Jay, you still with us?
  1382. Just checking.
  1383. 8:26
  1384. X Jay's Wing X
  1385. yee
  1386. 8:26
  1387. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1388. I'm here too
  1389. 8:26
  1390. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1391. good
  1392. 8:27
  1393. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1394. lol Otachi and Leatherback rarely attacks CKG and FSG even they're being grabbed and thrown
  1395. multiple times*
  1396. 8:29
  1397. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1398. I didn't even know FSPG was attacking them until you said so.
  1399. You are now away.
  1400. You are no longer away.
  1401. You are now away.
  1402. You are no longer away.
  1403. 8:34
  1404. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1405. {{Quote|Enough with the "Ghidorah" shit, You really think you're stronger than me?|Female SpaceGodzilla to Century-Keizer Ghidorah}}
  1406. I acutally added that quote as I am going to do a solo-RP called CKG vs. FSG
  1407. but instead I used it on this RP*
  1408. 8:37
  1409. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1410. So....
  1411. 8:38
  1412. X Jay's Wing X
  1413. krzr pls
  1414. pls
  1415. 8:38
  1416. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1417. Btw Jay
  1418. Nvm, I forgot what I was going to say.
  1419. 8:41
  1420. Krazar77
  1421. yeah i have to leave in ten minutes
  1422. 8:41
  1423. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1424. ...
  1425. 8:41
  1426. Krazar77
  1427. srry
  1428. 8:41
  1429. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1430. aww man, so another day instead?
  1431. 8:42
  1432. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1433. k
  1434. Krazar77 has been slashed by Gigan!
  1435. 8:42
  1436. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1437. See ya
  1438. I can wait still.
  1439. 8:42
  1440. X Jay's Wing X
  1441. oh noooo
  1442. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1443. Oh well
  1444. This gives me more time to recollect on what's going on though at least, lol
  1445. 8:43
  1446. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1447. Oh well that ended the RP being continued for 24 hours once again
  1448. 8:43
  1449. X Jay's Wing X
  1450. TBH I'd say we're only like 20% through the RP
  1451. 8:43
  1452. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1453. ^
  1454. 8:44
  1455. X Jay's Wing X
  1456. The fight has barely begun
  1457. 8:44
  1458. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1459. ^
  1460. 8:44
  1461. X Jay's Wing X
  1462. I still have characters to add in
  1463. 8:44
  1464. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1465. ^
  1466. 8:45
  1467. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1468. That isn't a bad thing, right?
  1469. 8:45
  1470. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1471. (hmm) 15Goji or the two Earth Defenders?
  1472. 8:45
  1473. Lord Ghetsis
  1474. I can end it quickly by having Saitama oneshot everyone :3
  1475. .
  1476. Jkjk
  1477. 8:45
  1478. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1479. ...
  1480. Meesmoth and CenturyBato*
  1481. 8:46
  1482. X Jay's Wing X
  1483. And then Slayer blinked.
  1484. 8:46
  1485. Lord Ghetsis
  1486. D
  1487. XD
  1488. XD XD XD
  1489. XD XD XD XD XD
  1490. 8:46
  1491. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1492. I wonder what we should call this RP (which barely started)
  1493. 8:46
  1494. Lord Ghetsis
  1495. I made stairs
  1496. 8:46
  1497. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1498. To me, I feel that were actually about 50% in the RP.
  1499. My RP, anyways.
  1500. 8:46
  1501. Lord Ghetsis
  1502. World War Clusterfuck 2?
  1503. 8:47
  1504. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1505. 25% on me @Gallibon
  1506. I wish I could introduce CenturyKiryu on this RP, but I'm unable to because he's a Earth Defender like Meesmoth and CenturyBato
  1507. 8:49
  1508. Lord Ghetsis
  1509. Gallibon
  1510. Maybe you should organize a location
  1511. And factions
  1512. Like earth defenders vs invading Kaiju
  1513. brb
  1514. 8:49
  1515. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1516. The location is Vichy, France.
  1517. Did everybody forget where it was at? lol
  1518. 8:50
  1519. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1520. see ya
  1521. You are now away.
  1522. Lord Ghetsis has been slashed by Gigan!
  1523. You are no longer away.
  1524. 8:51
  1525. X Jay's Wing X
  1526. Well, it is a huge clutsterfuck already
  1527. Adding CenturyKiryu wouldn't hurt
  1528. Besides, I'm gonna add like 3 more evil kaiju into the mix in the next part
  1529. 8:51
  1530. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1531. I keep forgetting the location due to it's a less-known city
  1532. 8:51
  1533. X Jay's Wing X
  1534. I'm still thinking Twilight Trouble
  1535. 8:51
  1536. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1537. I like using lesser known locations.
  1538. And that title will work.
  1539. 8:52
  1540. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1541. I have one or two characters going to join in
  1542. 8:52
  1543. X Jay's Wing X
  1544. I bet it will be the longest page when finihsed
  1545. 8:52
  1546. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1547. And yay! More evil monsters. Then we can balance it out more.
  1548. 8:52
  1549. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1550. I'm not sure if it's 15Goji, CenturyKiryu, or the two Earth Defender moths
  1551. 8:52
  1552. X Jay's Wing X
  1553. I also did that thing with Jay because of something
  1554. 8:53
  1555. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1556. Andlol, CenturyMegaguirus must really hate Redflag Horowitz
  1557. 8:53
  1558. X Jay's Wing X
  1559. It will explain why he was gone for 2.5 months
  1560. 8:53
  1561. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1562. She rammed into him four times.
  1563. 8:53
  1564. X Jay's Wing X
  1565. lel
  1566. 8:53
  1567. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1568. 15Goji is neutral: CenturyKiryu and the two Earth Defender moths are Earth Defenders
  1569. so I can't select which characters I am going to join in
  1570. next*
  1571. 8:54
  1572. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1573. Just make sure you remember who your using.
  1574. I'm good with all of mine here.
  1575. 8:55
  1576. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1577. I know which are my current characters: CKG and FSG
  1578. 8:55
  1579. X Jay's Wing X
  1580. I got 2 good guys (Jay&Mimikyu) 1 Wild Card (FemaleMuto) and 1 baddie (CenturyMegaguirus) so far
  1581. 8:55
  1582. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1583. both are my most-used villains, I think.
  1584. 8:55
  1585. X Jay's Wing X
  1586. I made a massive update to Jay's page that added about 15,000 bytes
  1587. 8:55
  1588. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1589. For me it's;
  1590. 3 Bad Guys (Otachi, Leatherback and Omega PRGoji)
  1591. 8:56
  1592. X Jay's Wing X
  1593. I'm gonna add 3 more Bad guys later on tho
  1594. 8:56
  1595. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1596. I am thinking when I used 15Goji, he could attack neutral characters instad
  1597. instead*
  1598. 8:56
  1599. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1600. And 4 good guys (Shameless Fox, Wolf Queen, Redflag Horowitz and Pearl Blizzard)
  1601. 8:56
  1602. X Jay's Wing X
  1603. Femuto is neutral
  1604. 8:56
  1605. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1606. so he could be the one that 15Goji attacks
  1607. she*
  1608. 8:56
  1609. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1610. k
  1611. 8:57
  1612. X Jay's Wing X
  1613. >Female Muto
  1614. >Call it a He
  1615. jk jk
  1616. 8:57
  1617. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1618. xd
  1619. 8:57
  1620. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1621. but if I used CenturyKiryu or the two ED moths, they'll fight evil characters instead*
  1622. earth defender*
  1623. 9:00
  1624. X Jay's Wing X
  1625. ah
  1626. 9:01
  1627. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1628. so it's a little bit complicated which characters I'll join in next*
  1629. 9:01
  1630. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1631. Let's just hope this RP doesn't end up like this.
  1632. 9:02
  1633. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1634. Let's hope so, but it depends if the users on the event took a offline break
  1635. 9:02
  1636. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1637. >inb4 tomorrow one of has to leave the RP 20 minutes in and the cycle happens over and over and over
  1638. jk
  1639. jk
  1640. 9:03
  1641. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1642. yeah
  1643. You are now away.
  1644. Lord Ghetsis has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  1645. 9:06
  1646. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1647. back Ghetsis
  1648. You are no longer away.
  1649. 9:07
  1650. X Jay's Wing X
  1651. ew
  1652. don't bring up Lansing
  1653. 9:07
  1654. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1655. ^
  1656. 9:07
  1657. X Jay's Wing X
  1658. That was actually possibly the worst RP I've ever participated in
  1659. 9:07
  1660. Lord Ghetsis
  1661. Back
  1662. And what is Lansing?
  1663. 9:08
  1664. X Jay's Wing X
  1665. city in Michigan
  1666. Battle of Lansing
  1667. 9:08
  1668. Lord Ghetsis
  1669. I mean the RP
  1670. 9:08
  1671. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1672. Yep.
  1673. 9:08
  1674. Lord Ghetsis
  1675. What happened
  1676. 9:08
  1677. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1678. The Battle of Lansing!
  1679. 9:08
  1680. X Jay's Wing X
  1681. Like
  1682. 9:08
  1683. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1684. You wanna know what happened?
  1685. Okay;
  1686. 9:08
  1687. X Jay's Wing X
  1688. Everything that could possibly go wrong did
  1689. 9:08
  1690. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1691. The NE attacked a city and won, the end.
  1692. 9:08
  1693. X Jay's Wing X
  1694. lolno
  1695. Not that simple
  1696. 9:08
  1697. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1698. Lot's of boring and pointless fighting
  1699. 9:09
  1700. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1701. ^
  1702. 9:09
  1703. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1704. All my guys did was run around
  1705. *sighs*
  1706. 9:09
  1707. X Jay's Wing X
  1708. It took a month to complete
  1709. Everyone introduced ended up revealing all their abilities and super forms in the first fight
  1710. FoxMask was a douche
  1711. 9:10
  1712. Lord Ghetsis
  1713. So basically
  1714. 9:10
  1715. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1716. I am bringing in a neutral or a earth defender character to help the current Earth Defenders in the RP
  1717. 9:10
  1718. Lord Ghetsis
  1719. DBZ
  1720. :43
  1721. :3
  1722. 9:10
  1723. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1724. .....FXM was in the Lansing RP?
  1725. 9:10
  1726. X Jay's Wing X
  1727. Was FoxMask a douche in DBZ?
  1728. YES
  1729. 9:10
  1730. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1731. He was?
  1732. 9:10
  1733. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1734. such as Jay, or Shameless Fox, etc
  1735. 9:10
  1736. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1737. When?
  1738. 9:10
  1739. X Jay's Wing X
  1740. And he was a douche!
  1741. 9:10
  1742. Lord Ghetsis
  1743. Well replaceFXXM with Vegeta
  1744. 9:10
  1745. X Jay's Wing X
  1746. Right in the beginning
  1747. 9:10
  1748. Lord Ghetsis
  1749. FXM*
  1750. And yeah
  1751. 9:10
  1752. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1753. Oh right
  1754. He didn't do much in it though.
  1755. 9:11
  1756. X Jay's Wing X
  1757. Literally
  1758. The NE's guys were destroying Lansing
  1759. The heroes were fighting the NE
  1760. FoxMask saw this
  1761. 9:11
  1762. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1763. um if I used Meesmoth and CenturyBato they could be allies with Jay or the mechas by Gallibon?
  1764. 9:12
  1765. X Jay's Wing X
  1766. And then said "If you don't destroy my churches you can fuck these guys up"
  1767. and then he left and let the NE start a one-month war with the Earth Defenders for one city
  1768. And yes, FoxMask actually had churches of people worshiping him in this RP
  1769. and it was never brought up again
  1770. 9:13
  1771. Lord Ghetsis
  1772. Wow
  1773. God complex much
  1774. 9:13
  1775. X Jay's Wing X
  1776. They didn't even follow through!
  1777. Lansing got entirely blown up so all of his churches got destroyed anyways!
  1778. 9:13
  1779. Lord Ghetsis
  1780. XD
  1781. XD XD XD
  1782. #Rekt
  1783. 9:14
  1784. X Jay's Wing X
  1785. Also Vehk had a big fight with DrG because it was taking so long
  1786. Vehk dropped out
  1787. 9:14
  1788. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1789. In hindsight;
  1790. I should have dropped out of the RP too.
  1791. 9:14
  1792. X Jay's Wing X
  1793. Me Gallibon and DrG continued for like 2 more RP sessions
  1794. 9:14
  1795. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1796. It took WAAAAAAY to long.
  1797. 9:14
  1798. DrGodzilla120
  1799. Well, no.
  1800. 9:14
  1801. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1802. *too
  1803. 9:14
  1804. DrGodzilla120
  1805. Vehk had a fight because he was bullshitting abilities in the middle of the RP.
  1806. 9:15
  1807. Lord Ghetsis
  1808. Typical vehk
  1809. 9:15
  1810. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1811. Ugh, we're going to discuss that event?
  1812. 9:15
  1813. X Jay's Wing X
  1814. Then IIRC we just entirely gave up and said Lansing got destroyed anyways so it didn't matter who won
  1815. 9:15
  1816. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1817. even I was not here when that happened*
  1818. 9:15
  1819. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1820. ^
  1821. @jAY
  1822. *Jay
  1823. And what are you talking about? @Meesmoth
  1824. 9:15
  1825. Lord Ghetsis
  1826. DrG PM
  1827. 9:15
  1828. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1829. I was not here when the Battle of Lansing happened*
  1830. I was not here when the Battle of Lansing happened*
  1831. 9:16
  1832. X Jay's Wing X
  1833. 6:43
  1834. Fr0stfur
  1835. Either way Lansing is blown up, lol
  1836. 9:16
  1837. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1838. Well, you weren't there, simple.
  1839. 9:16
  1840. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1841. I left on October 2015, came back on May or June 2016
  1842. 9:16
  1843. X Jay's Wing X
  1844. Also nothing really came of it
  1845. It was one city that never even got liberated on-screen
  1846. 9:17
  1847. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1848. I don't even remember much from it anymore other than is was long.
  1849. *than it
  1850. 9:18
  1851. X Jay's Wing X
  1852. Baymax and Obsidian were having some 8-hour long fight scene
  1853. 9:18
  1854. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1855. Baymax was funny though
  1856. 9:18
  1857. X Jay's Wing X
  1858. Crystalleon was fucking up Nekrodrake
  1859. 9:18
  1860. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1861. 8-hour battle scene?
  1862. 9:18
  1863. X Jay's Wing X
  1864. Yes,
  1865. 9:18
  1866. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1867. that's pretty damn long
  1868. 9:18
  1869. X Jay's Wing X
  1870. the battle probably did total at 8 hours of RPing.
  1871. If not more.
  1872. 9:19
  1873. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1874. Once the RP was over all I could say was;
  1875. "I need a drink."
  1876. jk
  1877. jk
  1878. 9:20
  1879. Lord Ghetsis
  1880. That's what she said @Meesmoth
  1881. :3 :3 :3
  1882. 9:20
  1883. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1884. "The connection has timed out
  1885. The server at is taking too long to respond."
  1886. 9:21
  1887. X Jay's Wing X
  1888. I don't even know what Gallibon was doing
  1889. 9:21
  1890. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1891. this keeps happening on me
  1892. 9:21
  1893. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1894. Oh yeah
  1895. 9:21
  1896. X Jay's Wing X
  1897. I don't even think DrG was having an NE guy fighting his guys
  1898. 9:21
  1899. Lord Ghetsis
  1900. I've taken part in the NE arc and...
  1901. 9:21
  1902. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1903. Not even I knew who what I was doing.
  1904. 9:21
  1905. Lord Ghetsis
  1906. I don't remember that part
  1907. 9:21
  1908. X Jay's Wing X
  1909. You just sort of beat up on your own chars for a while IIRC
  1910. 9:21
  1911. Lord Ghetsis
  1912. My characters invaded another city
  1913. 9:21
  1914. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1915. I didn't really get to fight anybody there really.
  1916. Sans Makia vs. Trahir in a Yo Mama fight.
  1917. No really.
  1918. 9:22
  1919. Lord Ghetsis
  1920. Hey guize guess wut
  1921. 9:22
  1922. X Jay's Wing X
  1923. Actually Gallibon
  1924. 9:22
  1925. Lord Ghetsis
  1926. I'm going to make a Neo Neo Empire arc
  1927. 9:22
  1928. X Jay's Wing X
  1929. I think you dropped out in Episode 4 of 6
  1930. 9:22
  1931. Lord Ghetsis
  1932. And its gonna be TWICE as long
  1933. 9:22
  1934. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1935. Yeah, I did.
  1936. 9:22
  1937. Lord Ghetsis
  1938. MWAHAHAAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  1939. 9:22
  1940. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1941. Pfffft
  1942. Tengen Toppa Lazengann has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  1943. 9:23
  1944. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1945. Sorry, were not falling for that again. :P
  1946. 9:23
  1947. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1948. hi ttl
  1949. 9:23
  1950. X Jay's Wing X
  1951. hi o/
  1952. 9:23
  1953. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1954. o/
  1955. 9:23
  1956. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1958. 9:23
  1959. Lord Ghetsis
  1960. o/
  1961. 9:23
  1962. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1963. ALL RIGHT!
  1964. 9:23
  1965. X Jay's Wing X
  1966. We should do another MIW
  1967. 9:23
  1968. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1969. ...
  1970. as in MIW IV?
  1971. 9:23
  1972. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1973. A couple good things happened today.
  1974. 9:23
  1975. X Jay's Wing X
  1976. yes Meeston
  1977. Idk if Krazar's doing another but I think I'm gonna do my own
  1978. 9:24
  1979. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1980. (hmm) I think you should ask Krazar about it first, he said MIW III is the last chapter in the trilogy
  1981. 9:24
  1982. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1983. Why not make up your own?
  1984. 9:24
  1985. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  1986. ^
  1987. I was going to say that
  1988. 9:24
  1989. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1990. Wouldn't that be easier?
  1991. 9:25
  1992. X Jay's Wing X
  1993. make up your own what?
  1994. 9:25
  1995. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1996. MIW type event
  1997. 9:25
  1998. X Jay's Wing X
  1999. Yeahhhhh but
  2000. 9:25
  2001. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  2002. I'm trying to do my own, but it keeps getting canceled
  2003. 9:25
  2004. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2005. It is Krazar's still.
  2006. 9:25
  2007. X Jay's Wing X
  2008. It wouldn't be the same if it wasn't on Monster Island
  2009. 9:26
  2010. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2011. So you'd either have to ask him or something.
  2012. 9:26
  2013. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2016. 9:26
  2017. Lord Ghetsis
  2018. He hasn't been on
  2019. For the whole day
  2020. 9:26
  2021. X Jay's Wing X
  2022. He's not the only one that can do crazy-epic horde battles on Monster Island
  2023. He's just been the one that's organized all of the ones we've done
  2024. 9:26
  2025. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2027. 9:26
  2028. Lord Ghetsis
  2030. 9:27
  2031. X Jay's Wing X
  2032. rekt
  2033. 9:27
  2034. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2035. norekt
  2036. 9:28
  2037. Lord Ghetsis
  2038. (Shrek) t
  2039. 9:29
  2040. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  2041. Althrough mine is similar to Gallibon's All Out Hell/Midnight Mayhem trilogy
  2042. 9:29
  2043. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2044. Funny thing is
  2045. Both of those were unplanned.
  2046. And yet, they turned out so well.
  2047. 9:30
  2048. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  2049. I guess that proves unplanned RPs is much better than the planned onews
  2050. ones*
  2051. 9:31
  2052. Lord Ghetsis
  2053. Sometimes
  2054. Krazar's new arc is very fun
  2055. With the plant fauna monsters
  2056. 9:31
  2057. X Jay's Wing X
  2058. The only reason I'm considering doing my own MIW is because I'm building up a few villains and I'd need a massive full-scale battle to use them to fulleffect
  2059. yeah @Ghetsis
  2060. 9:31
  2061. Lord Ghetsis
  2062. The Raiden and Bladewolf missions are fun
  2063. Ye@Jay
  2064. 9:32
  2065. X Jay's Wing X
  2066. Just found this on HP's Tvtropes page
  2067. 9:32
  2068. Lord Ghetsis
  2069. (Godzilla) <(Somebody once told me, the world is gonna roll me. I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed"
  2070. 9:32
  2071. X Jay's Wing X
  2072. "... You treat it regularly?"
  2073. "Polished it last night," said Cedric, grinning.
  2074. Harry hooked down at his own wand. He could see finger marks all over it. He gathered a fistful of robe from his knee and tried to rub it clean surreptitiously. Several gold sparks shot out of the end of it. Fleur Delacour gave him a very patronizing look, and he desisted.
  2075. 9:32
  2076. Lord Ghetsis
  2077. :3
  2078. I read that in the goblet of fire
  2079. 9:32
  2080. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2081. I hit my brother with my truck today. It felt good.
  2082. 9:32
  2083. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  2084. I kinda want doing a unplanned own version of the Midnight Mayhem/All Out Hell trilogy
  2085. 9:32
  2086. Lord Ghetsis
  2087. Wat @TTL
  2088. 9:33
  2089. X Jay's Wing X
  2090. "Harry hooked down at his own wand. He could see finger marks all over it."
  2091. 9:33
  2092. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2093. Yeah.
  2094. 9:33
  2095. X Jay's Wing X
  2096. wat
  2097. 9:33
  2098. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  2099. but again it keeps getting canceled
  2100. 9:33
  2101. Lord Ghetsis
  2102. XD XD @Jay
  2103. 9:33
  2104. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2105. I was trying to go to work and he jumped on the hood of my truck to stop me.
  2106. 9:33
  2107. X Jay's Wing X
  2108. IKR
  2109. 9:33
  2110. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2111. I kept going
  2112. 9:33
  2113. X Jay's Wing X
  2114. i found the Ron quote
  2115. "You mean we're not allowed to use magic!" Ron ejaculated loudly."
  2116. 9:33
  2117. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2118. Why would he want to do that?
  2119. 9:33
  2120. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2121. Because I didn't take him to our grandma's house when he asked
  2122. He wanted to go to avoid a fight with our parents.
  2123. 9:34
  2124. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  2125. can anyone kick me after I said this:
  2126. 9:34
  2127. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2128. Because he fucked up and lost his job at TACO FUCKING BELL
  2130. 9:35
  2131. Lord Ghetsis
  2132. He didn't poison them?
  2133. XD
  2134. 9:35
  2135. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  2136. Battle of Regina Island kick me now
  2137. 9:35
  2138. X Jay's Wing X
  2139. lol why
  2140. 9:35
  2141. Lord Ghetsis
  2142. He didn't poison anyone with the tacos
  2143. It was unusual
  2144. And he lost his job
  2145. 9:35
  2146. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2147. wat
  2148. 9:35
  2149. X Jay's Wing X
  2150. i guess if you want me to
  2151. jk jk
  2152. 9:35
  2153. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2154. brb, dishes
  2155. 9:35
  2156. Lord Ghetsis
  2157. Only explanation I have because tis taco bell
  2158. its*
  2159. 9:35
  2160. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  2161. see ya Gallibon
  2162. 9:35
  2163. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2164. GALLIBON
  2166. 9:36
  2167. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2168. ?
  2169. 9:36
  2170. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2172. 9:36
  2173. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2174. ALRIGHT!
  2175. AWESOME!
  2176. 9:36
  2177. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2179. :P
  2180. 9:36
  2181. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2182. SIR YES SIR!
  2183. 9:36
  2184. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2185. Also....
  2186. 9:36
  2187. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  2188. RP anyone?
  2189. 9:37
  2190. X Jay's Wing X
  2191. NO.
  2192. 9:37
  2193. Lord Ghetsis
  2194. Lel
  2195. 9:37
  2196. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  2197. ok
  2198. 9:37
  2199. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2200. That awkward moment when you introduce ShinGoji in San Francisco after you forgot your parents went on a trip to San Francisco for the weeked....
  2201. 9:37
  2202. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  2203. :D
  2204. 9:38
  2205. X Jay's Wing X
  2206. wow rude
  2207. 9:38
  2208. Lord Ghetsis
  2209. hey mum, did you happen to see a giant lizard during your trip
  2210. 9:38
  2211. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  2212. ^
  2213. :D
  2214. 9:38
  2215. Lord Ghetsis
  2216. Ok, cool, just making sure
  2217. XD
  2218. 9:38
  2219. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  2220. Why it can't be just Tokyo Bay instead? @TTL
  2221. 9:39
  2222. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2223. because fuck you, that's why.
  2224. 9:39
  2225. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  2226. Uhhh, I don't think it's a valid reason.
  2227. 9:39
  2228. Lord Ghetsis
  2229. Yee it is
  2230. Lel
  2231. 9:40
  2232. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2233. It's the most valid reason ever reasoned by an unreasonable Viking who lives in Oklahoma.
  2234. 9:40
  2235. Lord Ghetsis
  2236. Brb
  2237. 9:40
  2238. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  2239. se eya
  2240. 9:41
  2241. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2242. So.... Yeah. That's my reason and I'm sticking with it
  2243. Lord Ghetsis has been slashed by Gigan!
  2244. 9:42
  2245. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2246. And also, I will not destroy the Golden Gate Bridge as ShinGoji.
  2247. because that would be an inversion, and I LOVE INVERSIONS
  2248. You are now away.
  2249. 9:43
  2250. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  2251. no one in RP wants to destroy the GGB expect me IMO
  2252. Lord Ghetsis has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  2253. 9:43
  2254. Lord Ghetsis
  2255. Back
  2256. 9:46
  2257. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  2258. and now the GGB killed chat
  2259. You are no longer away.
  2260. 9:47
  2261. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2262. Yep.
  2263. That's why I won't destroy it
  2264. 9:49
  2265. DrGodzilla120
  2266. 9:43
  2267. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  2268. no one in RP wants to destroy the GGB expect me IMO
  2269. Sending this to the FBI.
  2270. Have fun in federal prison, you piece of shit.
  2271. 9:49
  2272. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2273. XD
  2274. 9:49
  2275. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2276. back
  2277. Thegoldnguy has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  2278. 9:51
  2279. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2280. o/
  2281. 9:51
  2282. Thegoldnguy
  2283. yoyoyo
  2284. 9:51
  2285. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  2286. hi goldn gate bridge
  2287. 9:51
  2288. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2289. o/
  2290. 9:51
  2291. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2292. His name is GOLDN!
  2293. GET IT RIGHT!
  2294. jk
  2295. jk
  2296. 9:51
  2297. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2298. ......
  2299. 9:51
  2300. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2301. Even though it's true...
  2302. lel
  2303. 9:52
  2304. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2306. 9:52
  2307. DrGodzilla120
  2308. Meeston the Terrorist
  2309. 9:52
  2310. Lord Ghetsis
  2311. Hopefully Goro gets on soon
  2312. 9:52
  2313. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  2314. ...
  2315. 9:52
  2316. DrGodzilla120
  2317. Allahu Gutierrez
  2318. 9:52
  2319. Lord Ghetsis
  2320. Hey DrG
  2321. Guess what
  2322. 9:52
  2323. DrGodzilla120
  2324. ?
  2325. 9:52
  2326. Lord Ghetsis
  2327. Rukia x Renji
  2328. * Lord Ghetsis runs
  2329. 9:52
  2330. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  2331. Ugh I hope I can do my own version of Gallibon's unplanned trilogy
  2332. 9:52
  2333. DrGodzilla120
  2334. Hey, Ghetsis
  2335. Guess what
  2336. I'm sending 3 nukes to your area right now
  2337. 9:53
  2338. Lord Ghetsis
  2339. Wut
  2340. Shit
  2341. 9:53
  2342. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  2343. #MeesmothRPTrilogy
  2344. and now RfDG killed chat too
  2345. 9:56
  2346. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2347. Murderer
  2348. 9:57
  2349. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2351. 9:59
  2352. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  2353. #RevengeForDesireeGoji2
  2354. 10:00
  2355. Lord Ghetsis
  2356. #No
  2357. 10:00
  2358. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  2359. #TooLateNowUnplanned
  2360. 10:01
  2361. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2362. #WeAreNotSane
  2363. 10:02
  2364. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  2365. lol that has nothing to do with RfDG @Gallibon
  2366. 10:04
  2367. DrGodzilla120
  2368. #IayUckedfayAninejayUtierrezGay
  2369. 10:04
  2370. Thegoldnguy
  2371. #NeitherDoHashtags
  2372. 10:05
  2373. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  2374. ...
  2375. RP anyone? (last question)
  2376. (I'll be using CenturyGoji)
  2377. Thegoldnguy has been slashed by Gigan!
  2378. Thegoldnguy has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  2379. 10:10
  2380. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  2381. ...
  2382. oh well never mind than
  2383. 10:11
  2384. Thegoldnguy
  2385. megh
  2386. 10:13
  2387. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  2388. eat lunch, if someone wants to RP with me than just ping
  2389. brb
  2390. 10:19
  2391. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2392. test
  2393. Thegoldnguy
  2394. i gtg guis g'night
  2395. 10:26
  2396. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2397. o/
  2398. 10:26
  2399. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2400. o/
  2401. Thegoldnguy has been slashed by Gigan!
  2402. 10:32
  2403. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  2404. back
  2405. chat dead
  2406. 10:39
  2407. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2408. test
  2409. 10:48
  2410. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  2411. test
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