
i heart gay people

Mar 30th, 2019
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  1. Hajime is the first person to beat Shun in academics.
  3. Normally people occupy their time with friends and studying. But Shun didn’t have that. He lived a protected life as a rich young master, to the extent that he didn’t know how to take a train. He couldn’t busy himself with studying because he had a photographic memory. So unlike others he had lots of spare time and he found other ways to occupy himself like his only precious hobby, human observation. It gave him his fond detachment from humanity.
  5. In high school in Japan, the academics results are posted in the hallway. So it’s literally just like in the hallway and students crowd around to see where their names are. So for Shun with a super memory he probably constantly scored first in his year without fail, always remaining at the top of the list.
  9. 1. Shimotsuki Shun
  11. 2. Nagasaki Hiroto
  15. 1. Shimotsuki Shun
  17. 2. Yukihiro Yuki
  21. And so on.
  23. So imagine Shun just goes and sees the academic results as usual one day and finds for once in his whole life, his name is not on the top.
  25. 1. Mutsuki Hajime
  27. 2. Shimotsuki Shun
  29. He sees he’s below another person, ‘Mutsuki Hajime’.
  31. He, Shimotsuki Shun, is below another.
  33. No way, sensei! Mutsuki, it’s Mutsuki. The only one nationwide that can put his name in front of mine.
  37. That’s what Shun means when he says Hajime is the only one nationwide that can put his name in front of his. The high school Shun is in, is the most prestigious high school in Japan. It’s basically the best high school in Japan.
  39. Shun has a super memory so he scores 100% on the memory part without fail, which is a huge component of academics. But academics requires thinking too. Shun is very intelligent, so he aces that as well.
  41. Yet Mutsuki Hajime beat him. That means not only did he score 100% on the memory part without a super memory like Shun, that also means he beat Shun in the thinking part and could be more intelligent than Shun.
  43. Hajime makes Shun have a flaw. He’s no longer the best, no longer perfect. He was distant from humans because with all his abilities life was boring for him. Hajime is the first person to beat Shun and make Shun realize there are things for him to work on.
  45. Hajime made Shun feel human.
  47. And then before he even got to know what the guy looked like (Shun asked Kai what impression did he get from Hajime, which means he didn’t meet or even see Hajime in person before) he disappears unpredictably to go become an idol.
  49. Not only is that interesting because that means Hajime is no normal person and could have been feeling bored with academic life like Shun, it also means Shun has basically lost his only rival.
  51. Being talked to during November, I don’t usually listen, but they said that Mutsuki Hajime would be there so I got interested.
  53. November is studying period for exams and the talent scout basically told Shun his only rival in academics, the only person nationwide who could put his name in front of his, is gone, to become an idol.
  55. Ever since I came to the dorm, my dream came true - making a bond with Hajime, Mutsuki Hajime became reality and I got to meet the members of the unit.
  59. And since Shun’s dream is to form a bond with Mutsuki Hajime, he took the opportunity to follow Hajime, admiring him and wanting to form some sort of relationship with him. So it was Hajime beating him that made Shun, who called people distantly like ‘Friend A’, want to form a bond with him, which he had never wanted to do with anyone before, male or female.
  61. Parents? If it’s about my parents, they’re actually happy that I finally got interested in a stranger.
  63. Hajime probably was all Shun wanted and more. He probably exceeded Shun’s expectations as a human and let him learn more about the humans he loved, like aina mentioned. Hajime is Shun’s first human relationship in his life, besides with his family.
  65. Hajime is Shun’s exception.
  67. To Shun, the most important thing to him is to be free and loving Hajime gives him freedom. For the first time, he wants to bond with a human, it’s beyond his human observation. He brings out sides of Shun beyond his young master side, his observant side. He gives Shun passion which he never had before he met Hajime.
  69. Shun probably feels free in his love for Hajime. He can fanboy all he wants, he can declare his love all he wants, he can love freely. He can express his emotions freely, because for the first time he’s interested in a human beyond observation. He can be human and not perfect with Hajime because Hajime is the first person who made him feel human.
  71. And it was Hajime - who was the reason why he became an idol. Shun who didn’t even know how to take a train before moved all the way to Tokyo to become an idol so he could form a bond with Hajime. And while that was his original intention, it also brought him out of his boring life in school, it let him meet new interesting people, it let him do things he had never done before because he finally has the passion and the desire to do them. Hajime basically gave Shun the freedom that is important to him.
  73. Shun has the deepest respect for Hajime for being the first and only one to beat him in academics, to beat him with his super memory. That’s why Hajime is the only one he will listen to, his exception. And Shun was served all his abilities and blessings on a silver platter while Hajime worked hard to get to where he was, yet doesn’t let himself get carried away with his achievements like Shun. Shun probably admired him for that, found him amazing, and grew to love him.
  75. Hajime is the only one Shun is willing to be subservient to, because Shun sees Hajime above himself. He feels Hajime is better than him and so that’s why he’s content and happy to be a fan of the idol Hajime. He’s happy to be able to be a fan of someone, because that means he admires someone and if he admires someone it means they’re better than him which he previously thought was impossible.
  77. As for romantic love it’s probably mixed in somewhere in there, as Shun grew to know Hajime. Hajime being his first human relationship probably contributed a lot to that. If you know Durarara it’s like Shizuo and Izaya. Izaya is a human observer like Shun. Shizuo was Izaya’s first human relationship after his change, the first person to affect Izaya emotionally after the incident which changed him, and Izaya loves him and hates him for that.
  79. Shun probably fell in love with Hajime somewhere along the way, because Hajime made him discover so much, changed him in ways he never expected he could. There’s no solid reason for why Shun grew to love Hajime but it probably has something to do with Hajime being his only exception.
  81. Hajime is his first human relationship and so it’s like Shun is putting all his eggs in one basket. Hajime is his first everything - first human relationship, first friendship, first person he wanted to be friends or bond with, first person who beat him in academics, first rival, first dream, first idol, first love. That’s why not only is he Shun’s exception, he’s Shun’s first, literally Shun’s Beginning (Hajime means Beginning).
  83. And that’s why Shun’s heart is especially fragile to Hajime, why he’d do things like panic and cry and become desperate like when he didn’t get a ticket for Hajime’s handshake event, when Hajime was angry with him, and the recent one when the Hajime DVD got stuck in the computer. It’s like Shun is just discovering what it’s like to be in a relationship, to be emotionally affected by someone you care about and love, through his feelings for Hajime. So he can’t control his feelings and emotions and be his calm self when it concerns Hajime.
  85. He’d do literally anything for Hajime, do whatever Hajime wants, because he feels so much for Hajime because all his feelings as a human being have been taken by Hajime being his first human relationship and first everything.
  87. As for Hajime he’s blind and dense and doesn’t understand Shun’s love for him is romantic. Shun probably doesn’t want to trouble Hajime with his feelings, so he expresses them as a fan and so that’s what Hajime thinks, that Shun’s love for him is just a fan’s love.
  89. Shun wants to spend his life serving Hajime but Hajime doesn’t want to be served. He always tells people not to call him King. He was a lone wolf despite having people as his servants but he seemed to want to be normal.
  91. Uuh……, ah no, in this case, am I the one that’s unusual? Come to think of it, for a very long time, it was simply hard for me to be together with everyone else. Haa… That’s right, I’ve started to remember. I felt cut off……no doubt, in many ways.
  93. ..u, ugh…! Nothing has changed, if I can say so myself. Whether it’s now or back then. For me, even if I’ve acted aloof, it’s not that I wanted to stand out but somewhere along the way, it (the attention) gets out of the line and that’s why I’m noticeable. That is all……and yet, a King? Good grief…..the people are saying whatever they want.
  95. I’m not a King or anything . I’m just a brat who doesn’t even know what he wants to do.
  99. So it’s sad but Shun being a fan of him is probably confusing him and maybe annoying him because he’s a distant person like Shun was.
  101. Hajime also has no idea of his own value. He knows people call him King but doesn’t know his own value.
  103. The gathering will gain more value if I go? What’s that? Besides not getting the point, I just don’t give a damn at all.
  105. Hajime has impeccable confidence and aura of a King but probably doesn’t think highly of himself. So if Shun wants to serve him, then he wouldn’t understand why and Shun’s passion towards him would only puzzle him.
  107. Hajime also doesn’t know love. Actually he doesn’t know the teenage things, since he was a lone wolf. For example he didn’t know what was pocky game (which has two people biting the ends of a pocky stick until one of them breaks it off) He doesn’t know the social customs and probably doesn’t know about romance. He also seems to be bad with emotions which I explain in this post here
  111. Hajime is also not the type to bond with people. Like when Haru said he wanted to know what Hajime was thinking Hajime said something like ‘I am my own person’ and didn’t seem to care whether they saw each other often or not.
  113. Haru: Our home is the same, our school is the same, work too. In the end, when we wake up each day we’ll mainly spend time with each other.
  115. Hajime: What you’re saying makes me feel sick
  117. Haru: Ha ha ha, you don’t need to have that obviously resentful expression. Anyway, the first time that we came back, it came up that even though I like being with others, with the distance with you that’s suddenly become closer, I still can’t understand it. That’s why it’s unusual, I want to know what Hajime’s thinking of…
  119. Hajime: …That’s your own problem isn’t it. Haru, you really like to go on and on. Each time it’s like this, you’ll think about it over and over, or it’s an act. In the future you’ll definitely be some super annoying old man.
  121. Yeah he basically has no mercy at all (why do you love him Shun??)
  123. In episode 11 Haru said it’s not something Hajime can tell him about because they’re friends, and we see Hajime is already being distant and several steps ahead of everyone else while musing about their future.
  125. But Hajime even if he doesn’t seem to reciprocate Shun’s feelings has his own way of responding to Shun which he doesn’t do with anyone else.
  127. Hajime: Sorry, I don’t think I understand that. But, hearing that convinces me that I want to meet up to your expectations. Though I don’t know what you expect from me
  129. Shun: Ahaha. Don’t mind my expectations, and just be the way you are. Such, is my expectation from you, and what I like about you!
  131. Translation source:
  133. This is very significant and suggests just as Hajime is Shun’s exception, Shun could also be an exception for Hajime. Hajime is a guy who lives in his own world, a King, who lives for himself.
  135. Hajime: Hey Haru, I don’t understand at all why you care about this, and why this is necessary at all. Don’t you understand me the most? I am my own person, if I want to be alone then what other people say isn’t needed at all. I don’t think it’s necessary to prove that. There’s absolutely no need for me to say it, I’m clear on myself.
  137. Haru: Uwa… So confident in yourself… But, if it’s as Hajime says, rather than your own self, isn’t it more like a king’s aura… Ow!
  139. Hajime: Anyway, that’s how it is. Seeing all of their faces each day it’s already become normal. And then by the way, your face, I think it’s already been promoted to the background section.
  141. Haru: Background… I don’t know if I should be happy or not, really such a subtle thing. But, I see… For Hajime living with everyone else together isn’t a burden huh. I see, I see, if I know that then I’m happy. Ow! Hajime… just now you used so much strength to hit me!
  143. Hajime: If you’re so upset then don’t say anything right. Just now seeing your stupidly happy little face put me in a really bad mood.
  147. (Reading this, compared to how he treats his best friend Haru and how he iron claws Arata and Koi I think Hajime is unusually gentle with Shun already)
  151. And yet he says Shun’s words convinces him that he wants to meet up to Shun’s expectations.
  153. The Black King wants to live up to someone else’s expectations which means for probably the first time in his life he’s not just considering himself but someone else in his perception of himself, something he doesn’t do even with his best friend Haru.
  155. It also emphasizes that Hajime doesn’t see himself as the King people and Shun see him as and supports the previous point of Hajime just not understanding why Shun loves him so much.
  157. And if he doesn’t understand, then he can’t reciprocate Shun’s feelings.
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