
MGNW NPC list for people too cool to attend sessions on time

Nov 24th, 2016
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  1. List of named characters appearing in MGNW thus far, by faction and relevance.
  2. Use ctrl+f for quick searching:
  9. Jordan Ramses, Eversor of Eighth: A cheerful, big-hearted and wide-minded Magical Girl veteran, with the reputation of a troublemaking hedonist, PTSD episodes, and and a life of regrets. She is a walking death flag, but fate had something else in the store for her. A really aggressive combatant that uses magic knives, and teleports a lot. Has a history of losing herself in trance and attacking friendlies.
  11. Liese Brandt, Vindicare of Twelth: A rather serious and pragmatic person with some surprising odd interests, descending from a military family. Also the party nerd, sent to Romania to investigate the Witch, observe it, and document it. Very defensively built and not too flashy, uses a rifle most of the time. Tactics consist of getting the enemies to run at her, and shooting them in the face.
  13. Eriko [REDACTED], Callidus of Seventh: A Callidus of the social kind. An expert in mental magic to the point of minmaxing, which is ironic, because she's quite the pure, emotional, and genuine person outside of work. Not too useful in combat, if not for her ability to completely bypass my encounters by telling people to go home and repeatedly attempting to mindfuck Witches. She also has a gun.
  15. Oriana Belmonte, Eversor of Fourteenth: The responsible and religious big sister of the party. Has the reputation of a dildo, which is only partially deserved - she spares others the uncomfortable things, like paperwork. Quite the balanced, fast and hard hitting Eversor, fighting with a massive fan and liberal use of wind magic. Also the only person in the party that can magically heal others.
  17. Emiri Akiyuki, Vindicare of Ninth: A somewhat disturbing and pessimistic blaster Vindicare that has bad luck in life, and often says sour things to complement her psychosomatic addiction to orange juice. A gambit build using a magic bow, underpowered for the most of the game compared to the others, which really just helps lift the character up. Later can fly and drowns enemies in exploding magic arrows.
  19. Fuyuki Kagamine, Callidus of Ninth: A Callidus of the sneaky and stabby kind. Honorary Eversor, actually terrifying in combat if she gets the jump on someone. A much better person than you would expect from someone with that kind of a build. Generally very honorable and professional. Can also teleport, in case being invisible is not subtle enough.
  24. =The First=
  26. Debora Debris
  27. - Vanus
  28. Magical Girl Revolver Ocelot. Technically recruited by the First in 1880 and some, but her wish seems to have made her repeatedly travel forward in time. In the times of the Officio system, the First no longer wanted her and passed her to one of the other incubators.
  29. Formerly a member of the other cell in Romania, Itzli's cult in Brazil, the Eleventh Officio that would become the cult, the American army in Vietnam, and probably a lot of other things she didn't tell you about, all during less than five years of her lifespan.
  30. After she revealed herself as a sleeper agent of Itzli's cult, she was mercifully taken in by the Twelfth, first imprisoned in a Silent Room, and then sent straight to the Black Rose. She used its resources to try and lift some people from the cult to the Black Rose and a general better state of being, which worked well until she got hesrself exiled out of the Officio for assisting your group in the murder of her direct superior.
  36. =The Second=
  38. Artoria Pendragon
  39. - Eversor, Equerry
  40. Sister(?) of Oriana's Warmaster, and a relative of Okada. A stick in the mud.
  42. Fafnir
  43. - Librarian, Culexus
  44. A prison warden with a dragon mask-like helmet. Reasonably chill and a believe in letting things develop naturally, while giving people means to do whatever they want, as long as she doesn't have to expend any effort herself. She has dropped Spatial for Karmic, which is obvious in the system, but her being not so great in combat wasn't so clear IC.
  46. Elysia Baker
  47. - Eversor, Inquisitor
  48. Tagged along with you in Bengal. Strong as well as quite Callidus-y for somebody from the Second, knows some mental magic. Hasmallim uses her for recon and sneakier kinds of hunting rogues. Seems to harbor some sympathy for the rogues, but won't let her prevent it from suggesting execution as often as possible.
  50. Hephe Hrunting
  51. - Eversor, Instructor
  52. The weaponsmith that made Emiri's bow for her. Fancies herself a smith of people as well. Has strong wind-up punches.
  54. Isolde Andalus
  55. - Eversor, Squad Leader
  56. Offensively Irish and cheerful. Likes to use a lot of slang, though it's unclear whether it's genuinely the closest thing to english she can muster, or whether she's having a giggle.
  57. The girl you rescued from Alcyone's barrier, after slaying the horrible malmutated shadow of her body, controlled by the Evil Nut. She was only able to survive the ordeal because her oath had to do with purity, and her Soul Gem is hard to corrupt.
  59. Virginia Fragapane
  60. - ????, Judge
  61. The dildo that conducted the trial with the heretics you've caught. Speaks quite Britishly.
  62. In the end, she was probably wrong in her assessment of the trial's result, since Vivian still lives as far as you are aware.
  64. Atlanta Bradamante
  65. - Eversor
  66. Ended up being Emiri's final match in a tournament she had no business competing in. Haughty, polite, and outwardly chivalrous, but not above playing dirty. Strong and ultratough but slow, clearly trained more for Barriers, where few things can significantly hurt her.
  67. Also fought Oriana in the second part of the entrance exams, flanked by two neophytes. The result was similar, but with more blunt trauma.
  69. 'Green'
  70. An Eversor in a green costume, Emiri fought her in the tournament. Not to be confused with Karin.
  71. 'Yellow'
  72. An Eversor in a yellow costume, sent Emiri into the loser's bracket.
  73. 'Jodie', 'Marissa'
  74. Random mooks you've talked to in the Second
  76. 'Eva'
  77. Isolde's former second in command. Hearty. Used a big sledgehammer. Corrupted by an Evil nut. The squad also included:
  78. 'Burdine'
  79. Quarterstaff and blast using Eversor. Very professional. Died fighting Birdo, it seems.
  80. 'Amy'
  81. Sickle and shrouding blast girl. A lovable scoundrel. Corrupted by an Evil nut.
  82. 'Astra'
  83. Used a big sword. Dark Angels kind of a character. Corrupted by an Evil Nut.
  84. 'Jane'
  85. Used a mace. Neophyte, seemed to be some kind of a mongrel in the Second's families. Died fighting Birdo, it seems.
  87. See also: Okada Pendragon, Laura
  92. =The Fourth=
  94. Annabelle Angelis
  95. - Vindicare
  96. The rogue who fled the Fourth and stole a perfectly good empty Ironform of her dead friend while she was at it. It had been slightly implied that she was only willing to do this because she was mad at the Fourth for possibly committing experiments with her friend's Ironform and grief seed, but maybe that never happened.
  97. Hye helped her find a familiar corresponding to her friend's appearance in the Cult of Itzli, and they tried to shove it into an Ironform - and they would have gotten away with it, if not for you pesky kids and your power outage. Annabelle seemed pretty sad about the whole thing, surrendered, and even helped you clear the mess.
  98. Apparently, she wasn't executed on sight, her contract was reestablished with presumably a few more clauses, and she now serves on an internship in the Second as a knight repentant. Huh. Quartus hasn't forgiven her, but maybe he thought her friend's wish 'to serve even in death' had influenced Annabelle's actions.
  100. Nepthys Darwishi
  101. - ???, Skitarii
  102. Also called Neptis, who cares. A mechanic of loose approach to ethics, although it seems the Second tolerates her completely. Pretty significantly helped you save Vivian.
  106. =The Seventh=
  108. Linhua Tung
  109. - Venenum, Apothecary
  110. Hye's old teacher. Like any Apothecary, she is sour and strict.
  111. It would be revealed that she had an interest in Hye's research, especially parts related to mechanical wiring of Soul Gems. This would serve as the potential motive for murder. Fortunately, she managed to stop herself short of going full retard.
  112. She needed the data to save a man she was in love with, who had been used for fleshmetal-grafting research by the Thirteenth, as a punishment for her leaving the Officio. Seeing that Linhua wound up alive and with all the data by the end of Eriko's sidestory, she might be able to pull it off and give him back a solid form without having him be reborn as a Beast of Nurgle or something.
  113. Turns out she was Sa's sister the entire time. Fancy that.
  115. Pham Vinh
  116. - Eversor
  117. A mook with visions of Ophelia's lance. Rough around the edges and not an amazing person all in all, but equipped with common sense and useful to have around.
  118. From Vietnam, it seems she had been born to a whaling family and wished to get a life. In the japanese onsen she shared with you, she went on to explain that she is from a village of war cripples and genetic rejects, which helped prod her into that sort of a wish.
  119. Before your arrival, Sa gave her a laundry list of things that would be allegedly useful to do in order to spice up her favor with the Sanguinists, which included assassinating Hye Kong and convincing Linhua Tung to defect. She managed to pull off the first, but not the second.
  120. Her soul gem is now submissively linked to Eriko's, and her sentence only has a few months left to go. She could certainly be released early on account of good behavior, if this worked that way.
  121. For being a something of a no-nonsense self-serving savage, Pham can be pretty wise sometimes. Maybe the distance she keeps from your party's internal issues lets her see them more clearly, and comment on them more aptly.
  123. 'Mona'
  124. - Vindicare
  125. Surname unknown, but seemed caucusian. Somewhat quiet but blunt when she spoke. Could access other people's Inventories.
  126. It would turn out that she helped Pham convince Linhua, since she was looking to leave the Officio herself. Barely evaded execution on account that it would not be fair since Pham got spared. Her position is probably a lot worse than Pham's, though.
  128. 'Nastasja'
  129. - Eversor, Squad Leader as of the end of Eriko's backstory.
  130. A Russian Eversor. Likes to brew vodka out of dead Familiars. Probably the strongest girl in the cell by the time you arrived, but you've never seen her fight.
  132. 'Li'
  133. - Vindicare.
  134. A Chinese sniper with an extremely colorful, parrot-like costume. Since she mentioned sparring with Sa, who was rather midrange oriented, she might have some melee skills as well.
  136. 'Laxmi'
  137. - Eversor, Neophyte.
  138. A young Indian Eversor from the Bengali cell. It does not seem that the bad company she was sent to finish her training in has rubbed on her too much, since she seemed to have some ethics.
  140. See also: Sa Yenlong
  145. =The Eighth=
  147. Margaretha 'Maggie' Mook
  148. - Eversor, Squad Leader
  149. The leader of the other cell in Romania. Fast, and contrary to what some others have claimed, definitely an asset in a fight.
  150. Has a habit of antagonizing people, but turns out to be nice. A little naive.
  151. Maggie is a Squad Leader proper these days. She and her squad helped you with the oil rig OP involving Okada Pendragon.
  153. Minnie Minion
  154. - Vindicare
  155. Tall, ugly, and might have a speech impairment. A good shot with a shotgun, though.
  156. Usually seen around Maggie, though she didn't come to your wedding with her.
  158. Juliet 'Julie' Jackson
  159. - Eversor
  160. Magical Girl Samuel L. Jackson. Frequently seen around Vinnie. Although she never put her back into it in your vicinity, she is actually pretty strong.
  161. Julie seems to have a fascination with religion and more esoteric interpretations of the Leticio, making the levels of her loyalty questionable. She went into Israel as an ambassador of the Eighth, when in reality she represented the interests of Annie May Springfield. Due to the way things turned out, she probably did her job decently well, without having to lift her finger outside of combat.
  162. Originally met as a member of the other cell in Romania.
  164. Vincenza 'Vinnie' Vagh
  165. - Callidus
  166. Magical Girl Vincent Vega. Frequently seen around Julie.
  167. Jokes around a lot. Seems to have absolutely abhorrent luck, attracting stray bullets and getting constantly caught up in unrelated shit hitting unrelated fans, and making other people from the Eighth treat meeting her as a bad omen. She has mentioned dying several times, but being still around, she probably isn't incompetent.
  168. Vinnie had been put to work in Mexico, when critical numbers of rogue Magical Girls started swarming the border town of Reynosa, and helped you investigate the theft of Eightball's enriched uranium, as well as deal with the aftermath.
  169. Originally met as a member of the other cell in Romania.
  171. Ronnie Redshirt
  172. - Eversor
  173. Has a pink mohawk. You didn't really run into her until very late into your stay in Romania. Seemed like a very cautious person.
  175. 'Donnie'
  176. - Vindicare
  177. Ronnie's coworker, who is apparently such an operationally operational operator, you have never even met her.
  179. 'Riddick'
  180. - Culexus
  181. Brought Eightball to your location in Romania, to make Debbie's interrogation possible. Knowlegeable about Maerorus. You don't know whether she is someone special or whether Eightball just chose her as his assistant due to the job at hand.
  183. Carmen Flores
  184. - Eversor, Squad Member
  185. First of Jordan's squaddies. Brash and impetous, enjoyed going first into the fray in Lebanon. Seems level-headed outside of combat situations, if perhaps a little dumb.
  187. Veronica Lovelace
  188. - Eversor, Squad Member
  189. Second of Jordan's squaddies. The smart one. Works well in a group, being able to heal and not get hit. Seems like a timid type, but really isn't.
  191. Christina Smith
  192. - Eversor, Squad Member
  193. Third of Jordan's squaddies. Proud and serious, fights with anchor. Seems to be the straight woman of the group. Seems to be a bit of a romantic.
  197. =The Ninth=
  199. Kharn Valnikov
  200. - Eversor, Warmaster, Maerorus
  201. The canon character you had your OCs, like, totally beat in a fanfiction match to maintain the self-imposed illusion of your party mattering in the grand scheme of things. Hopefully won't have to appear again.
  203. Haruha Whitecastle
  204. - Vindicare, Squad Leader.
  205. Emiri's former squad leader. A bit of a dildo, in a good way.
  206. Being a precure facecatch, it seems she does some unarmed combat too.
  208. 'Hana'
  209. - Vindicare
  210. A girl with a skimpy zulu warrior costume. Actually got to the grand finals alongside Emiri, and without getting eliminated at that.
  211. Uses bolas and summons lots of wooden puppets that she used to swarm Atlanta with before finaly getting smashed in the face.
  213. Mysterious Midget Culexus
  214. - Culexus
  215. Some loser Emiri totally beat in the loser's finals.
  216. Also helped QB rig the tournament and KIND OF lost on purpose (she would have lost anyway because Emiri rolled ridiculous damage on the opening magic blast), but only Emiri knew that.
  221. =The Tenth=
  223. Karin Yazaki
  224. - Venenum
  225. Was sent to Romania by dickbutt as a punishment over her refusal to do shady work. Briefly dyed her hair green to attract Alcyone's familiars, resulting in the obvious nickname. While she was arguably doing her job, did not hesitate to recruit half a mafian family for it, getting a bunch of their grunts killed and/or corrupted by Evil Nuts.
  226. No hard feelings. Later stated to be fine.
  228. Carol 'Karoru' Bakuhara
  229. - Vindicare
  230. Emiri's nemesis. Assisted in the massacre of her original squad. Has a very fantasy barbarian-ish costume, conjures a lot of weapons and throws them in battle. Convinced that her magic makes her go fast, when it's in actuality time magic.
  231. As fate would have it, a relatively decent person for being in the Tenth, it seems she is a pariah.
  233. see also: Mitsuko Tomoe
  238. =The Twelfth=
  240. Miroslava Bychová
  241. - Eversor
  242. Member of the other cell in Romania. Speaks... slowly, might have autism.
  243. Used to have and might have retained a death wish. More intelligent and observant than she'd give herself credit for, but doesn't have the verbal skills to get her points across.
  244. It seems that since your ways parted, she has been doing some sort of a secret assignment.
  246. Zlata Zora
  247. Miroslava's former coworker. Eversor. Fond of Shakespeare. Dead before you could encounter her.
  249. Aneta Xavier
  250. - Vanus, Librarian
  251. Liese's boss. A narcoleptic NEET. Difficult to read. While she gave Liese a job and doesn't seem to have a stake in the plot, she dealt with you ruthlessly and smugly.
  253. Francesca Xavier
  254. - Vanus
  255. Liese's coworker. Aneta's niece.
  256. Very useless. Probably not a horrible person, but not somebody emotionally helpful for Liese either.
  261. =The Fourteenth=
  263. 'sister' Therese Stridberg
  264. - Eversor, Squad Leader
  265. Your former and Oriana's present Squad Leader.
  266. Therese is lazy and pretty useless in anything not related to killing Witches or pressing buttons on an arcade stick, but she's a decent person.
  268. 'Ada'
  269. - Eversor, might be a Squad Leader?
  270. Met applying for the entrance exams into the Second, a second year in the row. Built her own team.
  272. 'Eloise'
  273. -Eversor
  274. A member of Ada's team.
  276. 'Gia'
  277. A member of Ada's team.
  279. 'Georgina', possibly 'Giorgina'
  280. - Eversor
  281. Barely out of basic training, but already invited to take the exam. Since Ada didn't have space left for her, Oriana took her up for team battles. Can do some binding, hits hard bad at dodging.
  282. Different people pronounce her name differently, so you aren't sure how it's written.
  284. =The Sixteenth=
  286. 'Jean'
  287. A hardass that came into a magical girl tournament despite being a normie.
  288. Uses a hardsuit, a big gun, and some grenades. Seems that he passes for a foot soldier in the 16th.
  293. =Rogues (Itzli's cult)=
  295. Roxanne Rodriguez
  296. - ????, used to be a squad leader?
  297. Magical Girl Clown. She does the Witch Flesh. Being a veteran from the eleventh, she is pretty seasoned, and implied to be on a high position within the cult.
  299. Laura Roncevaux
  300. - Eversor
  301. Served in the cult cell in Siberia, uses a spear and berserker trance.
  302. You saved her from execution in a trial in the second, getting her sentenced to 'only' three years in the Eye, which is what she did before being branded a heretic anyway. If she actually survives this, she's probably going to become some sort of an incredible badass.
  304. 'Vivian'
  305. - Vindicare
  306. Served in the cult cell in Siberia, uses a staff and lightning magic. Got nommed by Jordan.
  307. You got her absolved of the really serious charges, and managed to convince the 12th to take her up. Now she only has to wait three years for her girlfriend to come out of the dimensional hellprison. There is absolutely nothing that could possibly go sideways with this plan.
  312. =Rogues (Others)=
  314. Mitsuko Tomoe
  315. - Venenum, formerly an Apothecary, maerorus
  316. Not related to Mami Tomoe in any way.
  317. The scientist whose research led her to flee the Tenth and, with the help of Itzli's cult, program her Witch to pull the Lance of Ophelia out of the immaterium, exploiting some sort of a loophole in the Law of Cycles, whatever all that nerd stuff meant. Said procedure required someone else to Witch out yet retain human form and mind. By her own account, all this was done to taunt Ophelia and the magical girl gods by extension, and make the Holy Quintet visit the mortal world.
  318. The person responsible for nearly everything bad that happened to you since the story's inception. The procedure left her as a Hyades-pattern maerorus herself, because some people just get it all. Cheerful, somewhat smug and verbally aggressive, displays blatant disregard for lives of others.
  319. Momentarily incapacitated by means of her torn-apart human body being in the Tenth, while her grief seed is sealed on the other side of the planet. Expect her back soon.
  321. Hye Kong
  322. - Vindicare, formerly of Seventh
  323. Wore a hardsuit. Had a lot of ideas at all times. Not all of them were good ideas, like sitting in Siberia trying to stick an omega-class familiar into an ironform because a decent anti-magic field will be able to suppress it. The supporting NPC we have needed, but did not deserve.
  325. Okada Pendragon
  326. - Eversor, formerly Rank Leader of the 11th, maerorus
  327. A fugitive of indecipherable motives, with a high bounty tag on her head.
  328. Dressed like a samurai. Misses one eye and one hand, instead keeping various weapons concealed in the sleeve. Uses lots of wind magic. Would allegedly fight anyone just for the hell of it, but some clues imply she is a bit of a martial philosopher.
  329. Underwent the procedure voluntarily. Not associated with Itzli's cult, somehow. Works a little with the Sanguinists, however.
  331. Sa Yenlong
  332. - Vindicare
  333. A scholar of esoteric lore, she was probably working as a sort of a middlewoman between various rogue magical girl organizations even before she left the Seventh. She was assigned to a cell in Bengal as a punishment for her shady dealings, which really did not help tie her down at all, because she has eventually managed to get the Squad Leader on her side.
  334. Although Sa was an extremely ruthless and evil person, it seems she was surprisingly close to Okada Pendragon, caring for her in her hideout in Bengal, and helping her fight off the raid from the Second before having her own Gem rewired. Several NPCs have stated that Sa is stupid strong, good thing you ended up not having to really fight her.
  335. She was Linhua's sister the entire time. Fancy that.
  337. 'Samten'
  338. - Eversor?, formerly of Seventh
  339. A Japanese Buddhist monk living in a temple in Kolkata. Bald. Seemed to owe some sort of a debt to Sa. Her shadiness is questionable, but you let her go in the end.
  341. 'Luca'
  342. - Vindicare
  343. Alongside two meguca whose names you didn't figure out in Kolkata, got killed by the party. Her body had later been eaten at a cultist rave, while the soul gems of her and the others await execution, or already underwent it.
  344. Luca used the little shotgun that Jordan picked up. There was also an eversor with nunchaku and a blaster vindicare with dash.
  348. =Witches=
  349. Alcyone
  350. - Beta
  351. The Witch of Mitsuko Tomoe. Your first arc bait boss. Scary, even for a Beta. Between a Witch Kiss powerful enough to sway minds of weaker Magical Girls, her Familiars having the ability to propagate it, feed themselves, and become pseudo-witches rather fast, the Familiars themselves being an incredible bitch to deal with when tackled head on, and her Barrier location constantly changing making a purge impossible, she was trouble.
  352. Was quite tzeentchian, with heavy bird representation, herself being a chicken skeleton. Also had a thing for spears, likely as a result of her being pre-engineered to create the Lance of Ophelia from the first meguca that would come far enough. Also had a thing for rocks, particularly green rocks, possibly since Itzli's cult helped to pre-engineer the Witch.
  353. Had another, humanoid body you'd call 'Birdo', who served as a steward and micromanager in her Barrier. This was actually Mitsuko's own body, she needed it and some machinery within the Barrier to regain her human form and mind, once the deed was done.
  355. Aurora
  356. The Witch of Zlata. A typewriter that kept vomiting papers, which would become very pointy airplanes. Her Barrier was a huge cube of gym ladders, and her familiars were six-armed monkeys. They seemed to be somewhat intelligent and tactical compared to others you have met.
  358. Eriga
  359. - Beta
  360. The Witch of Hye Kong. A literal patchwork chimera with damn strong jaws. In her RTS-themed Barrier, her familiars could become unreasonably strong had you taken a bit longer.
  362. Regina
  363. - Beta
  364. A fisher king themed Witch with various other Arthurian influences and rather unfitting theme of electricity. Your mid-campaign big boss. A Questing Witch, which apparently means she is a goon for Oktavia - she has been sent to take the lance from you. Theoretized to be previously someone in the Second. Very understanding, articulate, and intelligent, might as well be mentally human. Can go Super Saiyan.
  366. Šárka
  367. Slug witch with vore fetish, cooking-themed Barrier full of frying pans, and disturbingly sexual-tinged familiars. Unsubtly modeled after Sakura Matou. Tutorial boss.
  371. =The Incubators=
  373. Hasmallim
  374. The Second. Elysia's boss, invited you to court.
  376. Quartus
  377. The Fourth. You haven't really met him, but he's the guy mad at Annabelle.
  379. Kelzang
  380. The Seventh. Eriko's Incubator. A pretty nice guy, but nice does not mean stupid.
  381. It could still be argued that Eriko's entire sidestory was his fault for being too lax with his contractees.
  383. Eightball
  384. The Eighth. Jordan's Incubator. A pretty chill if rude dude as far as you've interacted with him. Speaks in black racial stereotypes.
  385. In reality, he's petty and greedy and works his employees for all they've got. Though everyone from the Eighth you ran into did not speak of him well, they're quick to admit it could be worse.
  387. Kyubey
  388. The Ninth. Emiri's and Fuyuki's Incubator. A straight to the point kind of a guy. He also has a huge murderboner, and you are basically lucky that you got him killed in Siberia, because he would probably insist you kill everybody in the facility and double tap their corpses.
  390. Jyubey
  391. The Tenth. You've never met him but he's a huge dickbutt, everybody knows that. Sent Green to Romania to clean up his own mess.
  393. Juunibey
  394. The Twelfth. Liese's Incubator, sometimes called Woland. You haven't really met him yet, but according to everything, a huge asshole of a boss desiring nothing less than perfection from his employees.
  396. Pius
  397. The Fourteenth. Oriana's boss. You haven't really met him yet.
  402. =Others=
  404. 'Vance'
  405. A woodsman that patrols the road to the Second Officio, they probably employ more scary, loud, and rude people like him. In reality, he's a lumberjack and he's alright. Since Isolde did not want to talk about Barriers in his presence, in his unknown how much in the know he is, but it's clear he has done this job for a really long time now.
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