
Kraton Reed Character Sheet, Jedi Lord Quest

Jun 5th, 2016
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  1. Name: Kraton Reed
  2. Current Titles: Jedi Lord of Telos IV
  3. Gender: Male
  4. Species: Zabrak
  5. Lightsaber: Dual Guard Shotos, white
  6. Preferred Fighting Style: A unique variation of Form VI Niman that incorporates a great deal of martial arts, specifically Zui Quan or the Way of the Drunken Fist. While Kraton is already a skilled duelist his connection with the Force grows stronger when he reaches an inebriated state, turning him into an even deadlier combatant.
  7. (+10 to all combat rolls when drunk, -10 to virtually all other rolls he must personally undertake)
  8. (Some opponents might underestimate Kraton's ability to fight while drunk)
  9. Bio: Once a Jedi Master who served the Republic, Kraton Reed's compassion for the countless people suffering under the yoke of the Sith Lords caused him to break away from convention and raise an army of his own. Gathering together many Republic and ex-Republic soldiers as well as a handful of other dissatisfied Jedi, Kraton Reed led an assault that went deep within Sith territory. In the course of his struggles against the Sith Empire, he forged his own small kingdom on the Outer Rim world of Telos IV. He continues to watch over its people while planning against against his Sith foes...
  11. Telos IV
  12. Region: Outer Rim
  13. Sector: Kwymar Sector
  14. Climate: Temperate
  15. Population: Several Hundred Million
  16. Capital: Citadel Station, a massive sprawling city that hovers above the planet's surface
  17. Notable Quirks: A very beautiful and rural world for the most part, with many untapped natural resources.
  18. Loyalty: Superb, most of the populace happily accept Kraton as their lordly protector
  19. Defenses:
  20. -A series of Forts located at strategic points throughout the planet’s surface
  21. -A surface to orbit planetary Ion Cannon
  24. Special: Is now home to a rebuilt Jedi Temple, located around it’s Northern Pole
  26. Ferro
  27. Region: Outer Rim
  28. Sector: Illisurevimurasi sector
  29. Climate: Temperate
  30. Population: Under a hundred thousand
  31. Notable Quirks: A planet covered largely in untamed wilderness, especially many ancient forests and jungles.
  32. Loyalty: The people here hold no ill will against you but do not necessarily look upon you as their leader either
  33. Vigilance Outpost (Under Construction / 2 weeks): An Observation outpost that allows Reed's forces to spy on fleet movements in the surrounding Sectors.
  34. Defenses: One Thousand soldiers, base is relatively well hidden.
  36. Reed’s Army
  37. -6 Jedi Knights, 1 Jedi Padawan, and thirty Force Initiates who have only just begun their training
  38. -27 thousand soldiers (ex-Republic war veterans and trained volunteers with various Republic and salvaged Sith military hardware)
  39. -10 thousand Armored Division (Ten walkers crewed and supported by Ex-Sith Soldiers)
  40. -10 thousand TSF Paramilitary officers (Telos Security Force)
  41. -300 Mandalorian Supercommandos
  43. Reed’s Fleet
  45. -Raider Corvette: (Very fast Anti-Starfighter vessel)
  48. -10 Hammerhead-class Cruisers (Troop/Supply Transport)
  51. -132 Aurek Starfighters (Excels in dogfighting)
  54. -20 TSF Aurek starfighters, most of which have been upgraded
  55. -4 Captured Sith Transport Ships (Armored Troop/Supply Transport)
  57. (Fleet can only hold approximately 10 thousand soldiers)
  61. Reed's Retinue of Followers
  63. Trask
  64. Gender: Male
  65. Species: Trandoshan
  66. Lightsaber: Single Blue Saber
  67. Fighting Style: Form V Djem So, with an even greater emphasis on brute force to the point where he often uses his own claws to strike at his enemies.
  68. Bio: A rather boisterous man who appears to have a simple mind but a large heart, Trask was the very first Jedi Knight to heed your call to strike back against the Sith.
  70. Jaina Charr
  71. Gender: Female
  72. Species: Human
  73. Lightsaber: Single Yellow Saber
  74. Fighting Style: Form IV Ataru, incorporating a great deal of Force assisted acrobatics to surprise her foes and cut them down quickly to avoid drawing out a battle.
  75. Bio: A Corellian woman who claims descent from smugglers, Jaina certainly seems to possess a smuggler’s charm. She has a way with words, and a tendency to maneuver herself into and out of trouble with surprising ease.
  77. Janus
  78. Gender: Male
  79. Species: Mirialan
  80. Lightsaber: Single Green Saber
  81. Fighting Style: Form III Soresu, though it is a more physically taxing variation of the style that emphasizes evasion and fluidity of motion while striking back with precise attacks when an opportunity presents itself.
  82. Bio: An nonchalant man devoted to the Light Side of the Force, Janus is an optimistic soul who is quick to lend a helping hand to those around him. He has shown a great interest in training the Mirialian Force Initiates, and is eager to see his home world free of the Sith’s tyranny.
  84. Sayla Tann
  85. Gender: Female
  86. Species: Chiss
  87. Lightsaber: Single Purple Saber with a curved hilt
  88. Fighting Style: Form II Makashi, using a very simple but effective combination of precise feints and parries to efficiently strike down enemy combatants
  90. Bio: A bold young woman, Sayla is a Jedi Knight who seems to thrive on the excitement that her lifestyle provides for her. Despite the air of youthfulness about her, Sayla is a capable duelist and a compassionate friend to those who earn her trust.
  92. Lo Rai
  93. Gender: Male
  94. Species: Arkanian
  95. Lightsaber: Single Blue saber
  96. Fighting Style: Form VI Niman, with a strong emphasis of using the Force to overwhelm his foes. He appears to have recently acquired some devastating Dark Side techniques including Force Lightning.
  97. Bio: A young and handsome man who was once a quiet member of the Jedi Archives, Lo Rai’s demeanor has recently changed greatly after researching the Telosian Sith Holocron. He has now became a rather bombastic individual, with a vocal distaste for the High Council an obsession with uncovering the secrets of the Dark Side. His intentions appear to be good and he seems loyal to Lord Reed, yet it remains to be seen whether he has a strong enough will to resist the Dark Side’s temptations.
  99. Kota Vam
  100. Gender: Male
  101. Species: Togruta
  102. Lightsaber: Single Green Saber
  103. Fighting Style: Form III Soresu, often facing down his foes like an unmovable wall, blocking and parrying aside their attacks until they have tired themselves out and are left vulnerable
  104. Bio: A stern man who has an intimidating aura about him. While he may appear cold and aloof at times, this Jedi Knight is nonetheless a skilled warrior and arguably a wise man you can count on for advice.
  106. Arnet Yar
  107. Gender: Male
  108. Species: Human
  109. Lightsaber: Single Blue Training Saber
  110. Fighitng Style: Form I Shii Cho, currently quite inexperienced but appears to have developed a great enough grasp of lightsaber combat to hold his own against common soldiers.
  111. Bio: An adolescent who grew up in poverty on Citadel Station, Arnet was astonished when the Jedi who liberated his world showed up at his doorstep. He is fascinated by the Force and is eager to train under his Master Kota Vam, though he has much to learn.
  114. Commander Stryker
  115. Gender: Male
  116. Species: Human
  117. Weapon of choice: a sawed off Scattergun
  118. Bio: A grizzled military officer who wishes to atone for his years of service under the Sith by fighting under Lord Reed. Blessed with decades of brutal military experience, Stryker is a fierce leader who despite his gruffness cares deeply for the soldiers under his command.
  120. Commander Skrillex
  121. Gender: Male
  122. Species: Twi’lek
  123. Weapon of Choice: a Heavy Blaster Pistol
  124. Bio: A veteran soldier who resigned from his post in the Republic to answer Reed’s call to arms. Tends to carry himself as if he was just another common soldier despite his admittedly high rank, and is known to have a passion for loud guns and loud music.
  127. Reed's Allies
  129. Sun Vike
  130. Gender: Male
  131. Species: Epicanthix
  132. Lightsaber: ???
  133. Fighting Style: ???
  134. Bio: A Jedi master who is steadfastly loyal to the Republic and the war effort against the Sith, Sun Vike is a man who is fiercely devoted to his various duties. Appears to have a strong sense of honor as well as a firm commitment to the Jedi Code.
  136. Fianna
  137. Gender: Female
  138. Species: Echani
  139. Lightsaber: ???
  140. Fighting Style: ???
  141. Bio: Dutiful Padawan to Sun Vike, Fianna is a girl who appears to show little emotion or enthusiasm as if she herself were a droid. While she appears quite humorless, she is nonetheless clearly devoted to her master and the war effort against the Sith Lords.
  145. Neutral Forces
  147. Bwuno the Hutt
  148. Gender: Male?
  149. Species: Hutt
  150. Weapon of Choice: ???
  151. Bio: An eccentric and wealthy crime lord who currently operates on Citadel Station. Known to engage in a number of business enterprises including arms trafficking, slave trafficking, drug trafficking, and various forms of gambling. Also rumored to have ties to the wider Hutt Cartel.
  153. Arlia Sitra
  154. Gender: Female
  155. Species: Twi'lek (Rutian)
  156. Lightsaber: Single Red Saber
  157. Fighting Style: Form II Makashi, though she also excels at catching foes off guard and conducting ambushes
  158. Bio: Raised from childhood to serve as a Sith Assassin, Arlia was someone who took great pride in her abilities and who tirelessly pushed herself to becoming stronger and embracing the ways of the Sith. Although she was often proud of her strength and skill, she rarely felt satisfied and thus always longed to prove herself to her Mistress, Countess Dalca, and prove that she too could be a Sith Lord. Those dreams of hers seem to have been dashed after she was captured by Reed and his Knights, and now she finds herself questioning what the future has in store for her. Unbeknownst to her, the Dark Side of the Force appears to have great plans for her...
  160. Enemies
  162. Lord Ramana
  163. Gender: Female
  164. Species: Togruta
  165. Lightsaber: ???
  166. Fighting Style: Rumored to be a master of Form VII Juyo
  167. Bio: Ruler of the sectors to the East and South of Reed's domain, as well as the former ruler of Telos IV. Very little is known about her aside from apparently being one of the most feared combatants in the Sith Order. She apparently only rose to her station a few years ago after killing her own master, which Commander Stryker claims occurred when she physically threw her master off of a bridge.
  168. Is said to have a bitter rivalry with Countess Dalca, who was once her co-Apprentice
  170. Countess Dalca
  171. Gender: Female
  172. Species: ???
  173. Lightsaber: ???
  174. Fighting Style: ???
  175. Bio: Ruler of the sectors to the West and North of Reed's domain. She is said to be the Countess of Serenno, a position she apparently gained rightfully. She is said to have a bitter rivalry with Lord Ramana, who was once her co-Apprentice. She is the master of Arlia Sitra and is responsible for sending her to assassinate Lord Reed.
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