
FEF6re: Siegfried Jubastacheit (KingMurdoc)

Apr 6th, 2019 (edited)
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  1. Name: Siegfried Jubastacheit
  2. Class: Knight->Great Knight
  3. Character Specific Skill: Imbue
  4. Affinity: Light
  5. Personal Fault: Exposed: When not within 3 spaces of 3 allied units, lose 2 DEF.
  6. Personal Skill: Stand Firm:When under 50% HP, gain 2 DEF.
  7. Personal Skill: Patience: +15 Hit on counterattacks.
  8. //Personal Skill: TBD
  10. Preferred stats: HP, DEF
  12. Weapon profs: Spear (C) Lance (D)
  14. Level: 12
  15. Total Level: 12
  17. Base Stats:
  19. HP: 22 (80%)
  20. STR: 5 (50%)
  21. MAG: 0 (+2) (40%)
  22. SKL: 3 (+1) (40%)
  23. LCK: 1 (10%)
  24. DEF: 9 (60%)
  25. RES: 1 (+1) (40%)
  26. SPD: 2 (10%)
  28. CON: 9
  29. AID: 8
  30. MOV: 4
  32. Character Creation: +2 MAG, +1 SKL, +1 RES, +5% SPD
  33. First class lvl2: +HP, +SKL, +LCK
  34. Talisman: +3 RES
  35. First class lvl3: +HP, +MAG
  36. First class lvl4: +STR, +MAG, +SKL, +LCK, +DEF
  37. First class lvl5: +HP, +STR
  38. First class lvl6: +HP, +STR, +DEF, +RES, +SPD
  39. First class lvl7: +HP, +STR, +DEF
  40. First class lvl8: +HP, +MAG, +SKL, +DEF, +RES
  41. First class lvl9: +DEF, +RES
  42. First class lvl10: +HP, +MAG, +DEF, +RES, +SPD
  43. First class lvl11: +HP, +STR, +SKL, +SPD
  44. First class lvl12: +HP, +MAG, +SKL, +RES, +SPD
  46. Current Stats:
  48. HP: 31 (80%)
  49. STR: 10 (50%)
  50. MAG: 7 (40%)
  51. SKL: 9 (40%)
  52. LCK: 3 (10%)
  53. DEF: 14 (60%)
  54. RES: 10 (40%)
  55. SPD: 6 (15%)
  57. CON: 9
  58. AID: 8
  59. MOV: 4
  61. [code]Inventory:
  62. Name Type () RNG MT WT CR Hit QL
  63. Iron Javelin Sper (E)1-2 5 6 0 75 24/40
  64. Iron Lance Pier (E) 1 7 7 0 80 35/40
  65. Steel Pilum Sper (C) 2 8 10 0 70 24/30 [E] (2 Attacks, no more)
  66. Vulnerary (2/3)
  67. Door Keyring (0/5)
  68. [/code]
  70. Battle Stats (Iron Javelin):
  71. AT: 15
  72. Hit: 94
  73. AS: 6
  74. Eva: 15
  75. Crt: 4
  76. DG: 3
  78. Battle Stats (Iron Lance):
  79. AT: 17
  80. Hit: 99
  81. AS: 6
  82. Eva: 15
  83. Crt: 4
  84. DG: 3
  86. Battle Stats (Steel Pilum):
  87. AT: 18
  88. Hit: 89
  89. AS: 6 - (10-{9+2}=0!) = 6
  90. Eva: 15
  91. Crt: 4
  92. DG: 3
  94. Bio:
  96. A lesser heir of a minor noble house in the Reich. Not being particularly high up in the family and not showing any real talents for administration or political scheming, his only real use to the heads of the family was to be married off to some noblewoman as a political foothold. Seeking to extend their power into the relative vacuum in Overseasland, his selected bride-to-be was a scion of one of the houses that had already established themselves there. In theory, it was the perfect match; Lord Jubastacheit would lose little in the way of political acumen, and Lord Peritz would finally find a husband to settle his daughter down with. Siegfried, however, was not fond of the idea. A marriage to a strange woman, so he could be a proxy for his father? It wasn't long after catching wind of this that he formally joined the Reich military, hoping for an assignment that would bring him far away and riding on what reputation he had as a loyal, dependable fighter to quickly get it.
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