

Apr 11th, 2014
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  1. (OCN)KyadCK: on to Factions... this is fun
  2. (OCN)KyadCK: 1) world is 500 radius
  3. (OCN)KyadCK: 2) as result, nether is 64 radius
  4. (OCN)KyadCK: 3: when you first join, you get zero faction power
  5. (OCN)KyadCK: 4: you may have a max of 5 power
  6. (OCN)KyadCK: 5: you may have a minimum of -5 power
  7. (OCN)KyadCK: 6: a death means -2 power
  8. (OCN)KyadCK: 7: you gain 2 power per hour
  9. (OCN)KyadCK: 8: 10 people per fection max
  10. (OCN)KyadCK: 9: max faction power of 50
  11. (OCN)KyadCK: 10: max land claim per faction of 25
  12. (OCN)KyadCK: 11: must have 2 people to claim land
  13. (OCN)KyadCK: 12: claimed land does NOT need to be adjacent to other claimed land
  14. (OCN)KyadCK: 13: you MAY claim from other factions if their power is too low
  15. (OCN)KyadCK: 14: Firespread and TNT are both ENABLED
  16. Paradigm: lol
  17. (OCN)KyadCK: 15: you may only fhome if you are both A: outside of enemy faction land and B: at least 32 blocks from any enemy
  18. (OCN)KyadCK: 16: death puts you back at the faction home. not your bed
  19. (OCN)KyadCK: 17: no /home or /spawn
  20. Paradigm: 32 blocks is a lot :D
  21. (OCN)KyadCK: 18: faction name is limited to 3-8 characters
  22. (OCN)KyadCK: use acronyms
  23. (OCN)KyadCK: 19: Server will be set to hard difficulty, creepers will kill you if you have no armor
  24. (OCN)KyadCK: 20: there is only a small 80x80 safezone in the center of the map. this is the only safezone in the entire place
  25. (OCN)KyadCK: 21: the only staff that will have any power on PvP itself will be admins. mods will be normal players, and can go to the lobby to ban people if needed
  26. (OCN)KyadCK: oh, and we may decide to make some faction stuff, like creating or renaming, cost gold
  27. (OCN)KyadCK: "enjoy"
  28. (OCN)KyadCK: evil enough? :P
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