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- Building configuration...
- Current configuration : 12314 bytes
- !
- ! Last configuration change at 18:08:32 UTC Tue May 25 2021
- !
- version 17.5
- service timestamps debug datetime msec
- service timestamps log datetime msec
- service password-encryption
- service call-home
- no platform punt-keepalive disable-kernel-core
- no platform punt-keepalive settings
- platform console serial
- !
- hostname WLCA4B4.392B.E4D8
- !
- boot-start-marker
- boot-end-marker
- !
- !
- enable secret 9 $9$3P5IbwgQ.2wwpk$2huADuuPLXTKZZrTFNekZUMF3aHfzof5COBEO/URBbw
- !
- aaa new-model
- !
- !
- aaa authentication login default local
- !
- !
- !
- !
- !
- !
- aaa session-id common
- no fips authorization-key
- !
- !
- ip dhcp pool default-pool
- network
- default-router
- dns-server
- !
- !
- !
- ip name-server
- ip domain timeout 1
- login on-success log
- !
- !
- !
- !
- !
- !
- flow exporter default-flow-exporter
- destination local wlc
- !
- !
- flow monitor default-flow-monitor
- exporter default-flow-exporter
- record wireless avc basic
- !
- !
- !
- parameter-map type webauth day0_web_auth_"Guest"
- type consent
- !
- access-session mac-move deny
- password encryption aes
- !
- crypto pki trustpoint SLA-TrustPoint
- enrollment pkcs12
- revocation-check crl
- !
- !
- !
- crypto pki certificate chain SLA-TrustPoint
- certificate ca 01
- 30820321 30820209 A0030201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 0B050030
- 32310E30 0C060355 040A1305 43697363 6F312030 1E060355 04031317 43697363
- 6F204C69 63656E73 696E6720 526F6F74 20434130 1E170D31 33303533 30313934
- 3834375A 170D3338 30353330 31393438 34375A30 32310E30 0C060355 040A1305
- 43697363 6F312030 1E060355 04031317 43697363 6F204C69 63656E73 696E6720
- 526F6F74 20434130 82012230 0D06092A 864886F7 0D010101 05000382 010F0030
- 82010A02 82010100 A6BCBD96 131E05F7 145EA72C 2CD686E6 17222EA1 F1EFF64D
- CBB4C798 212AA147 C655D8D7 9471380D 8711441E 1AAF071A 9CAE6388 8A38E520
- 1C394D78 462EF239 C659F715 B98C0A59 5BBB5CBD 0CFEBEA3 700A8BF7 D8F256EE
- 4AA4E80D DB6FD1C9 60B1FD18 FFC69C96 6FA68957 A2617DE7 104FDC5F EA2956AC
- 7390A3EB 2B5436AD C847A2C5 DAB553EB 69A9A535 58E9F3E3 C0BD23CF 58BD7188
- 68E69491 20F320E7 948E71D7 AE3BCC84 F10684C7 4BC8E00F 539BA42B 42C68BB7
- C7479096 B4CB2D62 EA2F505D C7B062A4 6811D95B E8250FC4 5D5D5FB8 8F27D191
- C55F0D76 61F9A4CD 3D992327 A8BB03BD 4E6D7069 7CBADF8B DF5F4368 95135E44
- DFC7C6CF 04DD7FD1 02030100 01A34230 40300E06 03551D0F 0101FF04 04030201
- 06300F06 03551D13 0101FF04 05300301 01FF301D 0603551D 0E041604 1449DC85
- 4B3D31E5 1B3E6A17 606AF333 3D3B4C73 E8300D06 092A8648 86F70D01 010B0500
- 03820101 00507F24 D3932A66 86025D9F E838AE5C 6D4DF6B0 49631C78 240DA905
- 604EDCDE FF4FED2B 77FC460E CD636FDB DD44681E 3A5673AB 9093D3B1 6C9E3D8B
- D98987BF E40CBD9E 1AECA0C2 2189BB5C 8FA85686 CD98B646 5575B146 8DFC66A8
- 467A3DF4 4D565700 6ADF0F0D CF835015 3C04FF7C 21E878AC 11BA9CD2 55A9232C
- 7CA7B7E6 C1AF74F6 152E99B7 B1FCF9BB E973DE7F 5BDDEB86 C71E3B49 1765308B
- 5FB0DA06 B92AFE7F 494E8A9E 07B85737 F3A58BE1 1A48A229 C37C1E69 39F08678
- 80DDCD16 D6BACECA EEBC7CF9 8428787B 35202CDC 60E4616A B623CDBD 230E3AFB
- 418616A9 4093E049 4D10AB75 27E86F73 932E35B5 8862FDAE 0275156F 719BB2F0
- D697DF7F 28
- quit
- !
- service-template webauth-global-inactive
- inactivity-timer 3600
- linksec policy must-secure
- linksec policy should-secure
- voice vlan
- memory free low-watermark processor 33061
- !
- license udi pid C9800-AP sn FGL2415L0ZW
- device classifier
- username admin privilege 15 secret 9 $9$iQylvrz0aLSoDU$SSqiSqJ5veitMw7zTiDCMsiG.k16O5cBvjZsz/axVUw
- !
- redundancy
- mode sso
- !
- !
- !
- !
- !
- !
- !
- !
- !
- interface GigabitEthernet0
- mac-address 0000.5e00.0101
- ip dhcp client client-id GigabitEthernet0
- ip dhcp client broadcast-flag clear
- ip address dhcp
- no negotiation auto
- !
- ip http server
- ip http authentication local
- ip http secure-server
- ip http secure-trustpoint CISCO_IDEVID_SUDI
- ip http client source-interface GigabitEthernet0
- ip forward-protocol nd
- ip tftp blocksize 8192
- ip route GigabitEthernet0 250
- ip dns server
- !
- !
- !
- !
- !
- !
- control-plane
- !
- banner exec ^C
- ########################################################################################################
- # #
- # Welcome to the Cisco Catalyst 9800-AP Embedded Wireless Controller command line interface. #
- # #
- # Please see command reference guide for the complete list of supported commands for this release: #
- # #
- # #
- ########################################################################################################
- ^C
- !
- line con 0
- exec-timeout 0 0
- stopbits 1
- line vty 0
- length 0
- transport input ssh
- line vty 1 4
- transport input ssh
- line vty 5 15
- transport input ssh
- !
- call-home
- ! If contact email address in call-home is configured as [email protected]
- ! the email address configured in Cisco Smart License Portal will be used as contact email address to send SCH notifications.
- contact-email-addr [email protected]
- profile "CiscoTAC-1"
- active
- destination transport-method http
- ntp server
- ntp server
- ntp server
- !
- !
- !
- !
- !
- wireless aaa policy default-aaa-policy
- wireless cts-sxp profile default-sxp-profile
- wireless management interface GigabitEthernet0
- wireless profile airtime-fairness default-atf-policy 0
- wireless profile flex default-flex-profile
- description "default flex profile"
- wireless profile image-download default
- description "default image download profile"
- image-download-mode http
- wireless profile mesh default-mesh-profile
- description "default mesh profile"
- wireless profile policy Guest
- no central association
- no central dhcp
- no central switching
- http-tlv-caching
- ipv4 flow monitor default-flow-monitor input
- ipv4 flow monitor default-flow-monitor output
- no shutdown
- wireless profile policy "Panic! at the Cisco"
- no central association
- no central dhcp
- no central switching
- http-tlv-caching
- ipv4 flow monitor default-flow-monitor input
- ipv4 flow monitor default-flow-monitor output
- session-timeout 86400
- no shutdown
- wireless profile policy default-policy-profile
- no central association
- no central dhcp
- no central switching
- description "default policy profile"
- dhcp-tlv-caching
- http-tlv-caching
- ipv4 flow monitor default-flow-monitor input
- ipv4 flow monitor default-flow-monitor output
- no shutdown
- wireless tag site default-site-tag
- description "default site tag"
- no local-site
- wireless tag policy default-policy-tag
- description "default policy-tag"
- wlan Guest policy Guest
- wlan "Panic! at the Cisco" policy "Panic! at the Cisco"
- wireless tag rf default-rf-tag
- description "default RF tag"
- wlan Guest 2 Guest
- no security wpa
- no security wpa wpa2
- no security wpa wpa2 ciphers aes
- no security wpa akm dot1x
- security web-auth
- security web-auth authentication-list authentication_login_day0
- security web-auth parameter-map day0_web_auth_\"Guest\"
- no shutdown
- wlan "Panic! at the Cisco" 1 "Panic! at the Cisco"
- security wpa psk set-key ascii 8 UE`EhdGie]_FIEMO_CPHNdBMTYJX\bAAB
- no security wpa akm dot1x
- security wpa akm psk
- no shutdown
- ap dot11 24ghz rf-profile Low_Client_Density_rf_24gh
- coverage data rssi threshold -90
- coverage level 2
- coverage voice rssi threshold -90
- description "pre configured Low Client Density rfprofile for 2.4gh radio"
- high-density rx-sop threshold low
- rate RATE_12M supported
- rate RATE_24M supported
- rate RATE_6M supported
- tx-power v1 threshold -65
- no shutdown
- ap dot11 24ghz rf-profile High_Client_Density_rf_24gh
- description "pre configured High Client Density rfprofile for 2.4gh radio"
- high-density rx-sop threshold medium
- rate RATE_11M disable
- rate RATE_12M mandatory
- rate RATE_1M disable
- rate RATE_24M supported
- rate RATE_2M disable
- rate RATE_5_5M disable
- rate RATE_6M disable
- tx-power min 7
- no shutdown
- ap dot11 24ghz rf-profile Typical_Client_Density_rf_24gh
- description "pre configured Typical Client Density rfprofile for 2.4gh radio"
- rate RATE_11M disable
- rate RATE_12M mandatory
- rate RATE_1M disable
- rate RATE_24M supported
- rate RATE_2M disable
- rate RATE_5_5M disable
- rate RATE_6M disable
- no shutdown
- ap dot11 24ghz shutdown
- ap dot11 24ghz rate RATE_12M supported
- ap dot11 24ghz rate RATE_24M supported
- ap dot11 24ghz rate RATE_6M supported
- ap dot11 5ghz rf-profile Low_Client_Density_rf_5gh
- coverage data rssi threshold -90
- coverage level 2
- coverage voice rssi threshold -90
- description "pre configured Low Client Density rfprofile for 5gh radio"
- high-density rx-sop threshold low
- rate RATE_12M mandatory
- rate RATE_24M mandatory
- rate RATE_6M mandatory
- tx-power v1 threshold -60
- no shutdown
- ap dot11 5ghz rf-profile High_Client_Density_rf_5gh
- description "pre configured High Client Density rfprofile for 5gh radio"
- high-density rx-sop threshold medium
- rate RATE_12M mandatory
- rate RATE_24M mandatory
- rate RATE_6M disable
- rate RATE_9M disable
- tx-power min 7
- tx-power v1 threshold -65
- no shutdown
- ap dot11 5ghz rf-profile Typical_Client_Density_rf_5gh
- description "pre configured Typical Density rfprofile for 5gh radio"
- rate RATE_12M mandatory
- rate RATE_24M mandatory
- rate RATE_6M mandatory
- no shutdown
- ap dot11 5ghz rate RATE_12M mandatory
- ap dot11 5ghz rate RATE_24M mandatory
- ap dot11 5ghz rate RATE_6M mandatory
- ap country ID
- ap tri-radio
- ap tag-source-priority 2 source filter
- ap tag-source-priority 3 source ap
- ap location name Default_Location
- description Default_Location
- ap profile default-ap-profile
- description "default ap profile"
- mgmtuser username admin password 8 NVVMZEaEXR`]ILeYgVV\FdibLiFPXOgPT secret 8 J]DT\fPgLVC^\MQUThUQhegfeeU]KKcXP
- end
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