

Feb 12th, 2020
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  1. "Not now. But, later, for certain." Spoken as her gaze shifts towards Haseo. Remembering him, albeit briefly, as one who delivered an abundance of supplies to the tower. Be it a whim, or not, she remembered the little things.
  3. Saying nothing more to the smith as she slithers on, to impede the path of Beatrice and Terran.
  5. Looking towards her ilk briefly, as yet another catches her attention. "Silence irks me, so I will make assumptions: capture them. I'll deal with the other."
  7. Slithering around to face a hooded figure. One who's features almost fit a description given prior. Yet, unable to tell entirely due to the hood.
  9. "...and who may you be?"
  10. (Veles)
  12. Andrew squints at the demons in the area, but more so focused on the one in front of him. He was curious as to while they were here and while did it look like Beatrice was begin held up by the duo.
  14. "Who I am right now isn't of importance; however, I'm curious as to while you're out here harassing folks? by the city bridge no less. We can cut any bs in the middle and get right to the point and explain why you feel the need to capture people?
  16. That's not a good look on you, but I doubt you care how your image looks at this point. I highly suggest you let them go and you go on about your business."
  17. (Andrew Mercia)
  19. question an order had been given. Thus, the naga's azure petals begin to flutter, surrounding the area with a flurry of sapphire flora. "It is of importance, ah well. Frenerid- you have your duties."
  21. Licking her lips as she slithers onward, corrupting the very lands within her trail, lunging directly towards Andrew. The telepathic message is received, but Veles? Can't help but wish to progress things.
  23. While her desire for samples has all but diminished, the desire for subjects overshadowed it greatly.
  25. Not being one of many words, she aims to strike. More than prepared for another batch of humans to arrive. For once one shows, many follow.
  27. ...and that is precisely why this location continued to be her favorite hunting grounds.
  28. (Veles)
  30. It wasn't an easy fight by any means, and that...
  32. Evokes an exuberant amount of joy.
  34. From the first time she'd hunted in these lands, to the time she'd delved into a tomb containing one of Indras' shards, she'd been working. Perfecting a virus, and today? It evolves.
  36. Bursting into clouds of poison as those heated sands draw near, the naga skirts away. Mending wound after wound, snapping her bones back into place as her elongated spine is dislocated from various blows. Filling the woodlands with toxic plant, after toxic plant, until the field of battle is set up to her liking.
  38. And despite her wounds...
  40. She strikes.
  42. Growing a vine from beneath the scales of her palm, lunging it towards the other. Narrowly missing her attempts to spread the infection, giving him a chance to escape.
  44. "...lucky, lucky."
  46. Hissed, as her attention is diverted. Licking her lips as the meat market begins to pile,enjoying how easy it is to get the humans to congregate in one location.
  48. By simply attacking one of their own.
  49. (Veles)
  51. Andrew couldn't help but stand his ground his boy being young caused his body to receive more damage than he would have liked. He couldn't do anything about that, but he learned a lot from this encounter and the next time they met the same result wouldn't occur he could promise that much at least.
  53. He'd picked himself up from the ground and left her with words before stepping off to the side. He wouldn't allow this to stand in the future.
  55. "You can call it luck, but it's faith. You won't be so lucky the next time that's a promise I'm making to you right now. Don't allow this victory to give you a---"
  57. He said to much as it is even with the power given to him by Vrona it wasn't enough to bring the demon down; however, this isn't something that will hold him back from push forward. He'd learn from this enough and better prepare the next time they meet.
  59. He'd gruntat the pain, but it wasn't anything he couldn't fix himself.
  60. (Andrew Mercia)
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