
Libi is just along for the ride

Jul 10th, 2017
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn sat on a bench in the park, a taffy pop poised in her mouth with her fingers pinching the white stick. Her eyes were set on a group of guys across the path bunched together who were clearly up to no good.-
  2. Tsaaq: ((I think London got raped and robbed by some downtown people here.))
  3. Tsaaq: ((Annoying af.))
  4. Alexithymiaa: (I know, thats why I NPC'd this group of hoodlums.)
  5. Tsaaq: ((How'd you find out! I basically had to ask -.-))
  6. Alexithymiaa: (She posted it on the news thing)
  7. Tsaaq: Libi groaned, leaning on her drumset halfway through putting it away. She'd be almosta week sober and... Kind of a worse person for it. And only sober in reference to alcohol. Anything else she'd grab if she had the chance. "Why the fuck did we even come out here?" She asked. // Her bandmate Steve shrugged his shoulders. "When I posted the secret show location on Vampire Freaks I thought people we show up!" He said with a shrug. // Libi growled, picking up one of her cases and tossing it in his direction. "All of our shows are secret shows! Shithead!" She scoffed, pushing past Steve. She heard their murmurs as she stormed away. Including: 'Lighten up' and 'What the fuck is her problem?' and 'What isn't her problem?' Libi inhaled deeply as she went towards the path, seeing Quinn in the distance. She approached her.
  8. Alexithymiaa: -She chewed on the tip of the taffy pop as she watched the assholes across the way heckling each other, seeing an approaching figure out of the corner of her eye and turning to see Libi on her way over. She sent her a small smile before turning back to the jerks because she didnt really trust them to keep her attention off of them for longer than a second because she was fairly certain they were going to do something bad any second now.-
  9. Tsaaq: She came over to Quinn and plopped down beside her. She pulled her drumsticks from her back pocket of her shorts and drummed her own thigh. "Hey Q." She greeted before looking over at the guys. "What the fuck are you looking at?" Libi asked, completely clueless.
  10. Alexithymiaa: -She smirked, moving her hand to tuck her hair back behind her head. "Those guys over there. They look so incredibly sketchy and I know they're going to do something. Like break something or tag something. I don't know. I just wanted to make sure it wasnt that bad before I ditched out. What're you doing here?"-
  11. Tsaaq: "Who cares if they do something?" Libi asked with a scoff. "Since when do you care about that shit anyways?" She continued to inquire. Libi lightly drummed her thigh and grumbled. "My band had a show and nobody fucking showed up because we suck." She answered bitterly.
  12. Alexithymiaa: "Since whatsherstupidface got raped here a few nights ago. I don't know, it just made me kind of uncomfortable." She shruggled easily, pushing the taffy pop back into her mouth before turning her head to look at Libi. "I didn't even know you guys had a show. Where did you post the details?"-
  13. Tsaaq: Libi blinked slowly, her expression still blank. "Ohhh nooooo." She dragged out in a nasally pitch. "So fucking worried cause it happened to this bitch. Not like it was happening already or anything." She scrunched up her nose as she frowned. "Fucking Steve posted it on Vampire Freaks. Nobody fucking uses that anymore. Not anybody who lives here. Fuck." Libi twirled her drumstick between her fingers then dropped in. She scoffed and kicked it away from their bench.
  14. Alexithymiaa: "Not her specifically... but... there's also a reward for whoever can turn in who did it." She paused, turning to watch the guys again. "Like a pretty big reward." She swirled the candy around in her mouth, furrowing her brows. "Maybe he should post it someplace people would actually see it. And you should definitely tell your friends directly cause I'd have gone."-
  15. Tsaaq: She rose and eyebrow at Quinn. "What would you do with that kind of cash? Doesn't your family already have money?" She asked. "Yeah Steve isn't exactly an expert in PR. So I should've expected him to fucking eat shit when we needed him not to suck." Libi sighed.
  16. Alexithymiaa: "Not that kind of money. And that would pay for med school and then some. I wouldn't have to worry about scholarships or grants or anything like that." She gave a quick shrug, watching the men turn off the path in their group to head back through the bushes. "We should follow them."-
  17. Tsaaq: Libi slouched dramatically on the bench. "Oh my god." She whispered, trying not to groan. "But I hate people so much." Libi complained. "What if they're going somewhere annoying...? Like a trap house?"
  18. Alexithymiaa: "Would you stop complaining and come on?" She asked, pushing up from the bench and crouching down as she moved forward quickly, trying to stay out of view of the dudes. She ducked down behind the bushes, peering over the top and waving Libi on.-
  19. Tsaaq: She groaned again and began to walk behind Quinn. She didn't bother to hide or anything as they moved. She looked over to Quinn and shrugged her shoulders as she went to stand by the bus while looking down at the blonde who was crouching. "Now what?" She asked.
  20. Alexithymiaa: (I have the best mental image of Quinn going mission impossible and Libi just being super fucking obvious)
  21. Alexithymiaa: "Get down." She hissed through her teeth, waving the brunette down to her level. "You don't want them to see you, do you?" She asked, but then realized Libi might not take that as a rhetorical question. "Just get down. We need to follow them and see if we can find out if they did it. Don't you want that money?"-
  22. Tsaaq: She crossed her arms over her chest as she watched the males. "What would they do to me?" Libi inquired in a monotone. "I don't know... What would I even do with it?" Libi asked as she sighed and got down on the ground
  23. Alexithymiaa: "It's not what they would do to you. It's what they wouldn't do if they knew someone was watching. C'mon Lib." She rolled her eyes before lifting her head above the bushes again just a little to try to see what they were up to which just appeared to be drugs they didnt want to do out in the open. "What would you do with it? It's two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. What wouldn't you do with it?"-
  24. Tsaaq: "Ughhhhhh." She dragged out and sat on her heels as she peeked above the bush. "I don't know..." Libi murmured. "I'd probably spend it on something stupid." She said softly as he she watched the group. "I guess you can have my half. It's dumb for me to have any."
  25. Alexithymiaa: "You get half if we do this together. That's how it works." She ducked her head back down when one of them turned around, hiding her face from them and lowering her voice even further. "It doesn't look like they're doing anything other than drugs. I guess this was hopeless...."-
  26. Tsaaq: Libi pursed her lips at Quinn. "I'll put it in your pocket when you're not looking then." She said. She looked at the guys then at Quinn. "So, you didn't inherit your dad's sleuthing skills."
  27. Alexithymiaa: -She sat down on her butt in the grass, turning her head to glare at Libi. "Hey, at least I tried. And I'm not giving up just yet. Just maybe like... for tonight."-
  28. Tsaaq: "How about... Clues or something?" She asked in a monotone. "Like the crime scene. I don't know. I'm not an expert at this shit." She shrugged, staring upward as she went lay on her back on the grass.
  29. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah. But I don't know where specifically it happened and we can't really search the whole park. Maybe we should come back during the day so it'll be easier to see things and we won't miss anything?" She asked unsurely.-
  30. Tsaaq: Libi groaned a little and covered her eyes with her hands, making whining noises. "I barely even want to do it." She replied. "I don't know. Yeah I guess that's the way to go."
  31. Alexithymiaa: "Do you really have anything better to do tomorrow? We can get lunch afterwardddd." She spoke in a sing songy voice, trying to bribe her so she didnt have to do it alone, but honestly she'd do it alone if she had to.-
  32. Tsaaq: "I don't even care." Libi shrugged. "Yeah, whatever. Sure. I'll do it." She told her with a dramatic. "Not because you offered me food. Just so I don't have to sit at home." Libi told her.
  33. Alexithymiaa: "Good. Then I'll come pick you up tomorrow and we'll come back here and poke around for clues." Satisfied with their plan, she pushed up to her feet, dusting any dirt off her butt. "I'm ready to head out. What about you?"-
  34. Tsaaq: Libi inhaled deeply as she spread her arms out. "I think I'm just gonna lay here for a while..." She answered in a bit of a daze. "I'll see you tomorrow and shit."
  35. Alexithymiaa: "Okay. Let me know if you need anything. I can always come back." She gave an easy shrug before turning away from Libi, making her way down the path so she could head out to her car and go home.-
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