

Nov 3rd, 2020 (edited)
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  1. „What mat­ter?” Amy sorp­tion soup-filled bun, while asked.
  2. Annie also put down the chop­sticks, looks at Mag.
  3. Mag looked at Irina, then said with a smile: „Then I and your moth­ers must go out, dur­ing this pe­riod, I will en­trust Elder Sis­ter Miya and Big Sis­ter Sisi take care of you, Ok?”
  4. „Do you...... also want to save the world?” Amy raised the head fiercely, in the eye some­what an­tic­i­pated, is some­what star­tled.
  5. „Yes, when the world needs us, is we should stand to save its time.” Mag nods with a smile.
  6. „I? Amy now super pow­er­ful, can save the world?” Amy full of an­tic­i­pa­tion asked.
  7. „Amy now is not good, Amy was too small, waited for Amy to grow up.”
  8. „Wants the long multi- great abil­i­ties to cal­cu­late that grows up?” Amy pur­sues asks.
  9. „Must wait 18 years old to be good, at that time Amy wanted to han­dle any­thing to make the de­ci­sion, be­cause at that time you are an Sir.” Mag puts out a hand to touch the head of lit­tle fel­low with a smile, soft gold hair, if as be­fore kit­ten along slid­ing.
  10. „18 years old?” Amy look­ing pen­sive.
  11. „When will you come back?” Annie asked in the sign lan­guage, in the limpid eye pupil some­what wor­ried.
  12. „Waits for Annie drew Young Lady Black Cat time, we came back.” Mag looks at Annie say­ing that he saw the Annie pic­ture Young Lady Black Cat draft last night, seems like also the good ap­pear­ance, if Young Lady Vicke saw, should like.
  13. Annie clever nod, on the face re­vealed let the smile that the per­son felt re­lieved, in the sign lan­guage ex­pressed that she will look after good Amy.
  14. „These two small stones you wear on the body, when re­gard­less of do not pick, knew?” Irina puts out two pinky sizes the blue crys­tal neck­laces, hangs on the neck of Amy and Annie re­spec­tively.
  15. „What is this?” Amy traces that mild crys­tal.
  16. „This is the charm amulet, we in the side, it will not pro­tect you.” Irina full is looks at Amy that fa­vors to drown, un­avoid­ably some­what is at heart guilty.
  17. Was born from Amy now, she ac­com­pa­nies in her time is very few, even if these days of rec­og­niz­ing each other, her most time are also busy with the night elf mat­ter, have not given Amy enough com­pan­ion.
  18. The lit­tle fel­lows al­ways are so sen­si­bly clever, will never de­mand any­thing on own ini­tia­tive.
  19. Also be­cause of so, there­fore makes one love dearly.
  20. Waits for this time mat­ter to set­tle, she must ac­com­pany her to grow up in her side well.
  21. „, Is good to float to fer­ment.” Amy takes back the vi­sion, looks at Mag and Irina, on the small face full is the earnest ex­pres­sion: „That...... you must come back ear­lier, the bas­tard fires off goes home, Amy and Elder Sis­ter Annie also you came back to­gether the eat­ing meal food.”
  22. „Good, Amy and Annie were clever­est.” Mag nose acid, is smil­ing the nod.
  23. Had the break­fast, Mag had raised two rou­ji­amo and cage soup-filled bun went to the next door magic po­tion shop.
  24. The gate of po­tion shop is open­ing, Mag passes through the gate time, is preg­nant be­gin­ning the stom­ach Sisi ob­vi­ously is giv­ing the Lulu re­or­ga­ni­za­tion travel bag.
  25. „Is this prepa­ra­tion goes out?” Mag looks that Lulu that bulging travel bag and stands in nearby big iron ham­mer, some­what un­ex­pected ask­ing.
  26. „Goes to the ham­mer­ing.” Lulu sim­ple and hon­est say­ing with a smile.
  27. „Boss Mag.” Sisi and Mag greet, first grips the travel bag, this con­tin­ues say­ing: „This does not see the City Lord's man­sion in­di­ca­tion com­mand, Lulu planned that fol­lows Mas­ter Mobai to join Chaos City sol­dier Fac­tory to­gether, may go to a north bound­ary.”
  28. „Lulu, walked!” In Mobai the air/Qi full sound re­sounds from out of the door, the probe head looks to­ward, sees Mag, is some­what sur­prised: „Boss Mag? You came back.”
  29. „Shortly after yes, just came back.” Mag nods.
  30. Looks at the en­trance at the back of a sim­ple travel bag, car­ries Mobai of heavy ham­mer, with my hum­ble home preg­nancy lovely wife, goes to the sol­dier Fac­tory re­port Lulu, in the Mag heart some­what touches un­avoid­ably.
  31. „Piti­fully, it seems like must wait for rain­bow fried rice that fin­ishes this to come back to eat you to make.” Mag frank say­ing with a smile.
  32. „All right, is all right does not fear, when you come back, fried rice man­ages enough.” Mag nods with a smile.
  33. Lulu looks at Sisi, some do not aban­don touches her head, was bends down to kiss her belly gen­tly.
  34. „At­ten­tion se­cu­rity, I and child and oth­ers you came back.” Sisi stands on tip­toes the tip of the toe to put out a hand to touch his face, said in a soft voice.
  35. Lulu is laugh­ing fool­ishly nod, said: „That...... that I first walked.”
  36. „Un, relax, I will look after my.” Sisi nods.
  37. Lulu raised the heavy ham­mer to shoul­der on the shoul­der, raised the travel bag to go out sin­gle-hand­edly, said with Mag: „Boss Mag, see you later.”
  38. „Brave sol­dier goes to bat­tle, with­out the good wine ful­fills, only then rou­ji­amo two, two, take care.” Mag puts out is rais­ing rou­ji­amo, hands over the hand of Mobai and in Lulu re­spec­tively.
  39. „Drank to mess things up, has rou­ji­amo enough!” Mobai frank say­ing with a smile, took up rou­ji­amo to nip one di­rectly, a face sat­is­fied nod, „this may be more in­ter­est­ing than the liquor! Walked!”
  40. „Thanks.” Lulu ex­presses grat­i­tude, looked at Sisi again, keeps up with the Mobai foot­steps quickly.
  41. One high one is short two peo­ple, car­ries the equally matched heavy ham­mer, is nip­ping rou­ji­amo, walks away in morn­ing sun.
  42. Sisi is purs­ing the lips, looks at the Lulu back, on the face left be­hind one line of clear tears even­tu­ally.
  43. „This is the break­fast that gives you to bring.” Mag hands over soup-filled bun in hand, has handed over a hand­ker­chief while con­ve­nient.
  44. „Thanks.” Sisi the face have not wiped off the tear stains on face, re­ceived the steamed stuffed bun that Mag hands over with a smile, a lit­tle sur­prised looks at Mag: „How does Boss Mag re­mem­ber sud­denly to us de­liv­ers the break­fast?”
  45. Al­though their neigh­bor­hood re­la­tions are very good, Annie can also bring the break­fast to give her fre­quently this mas­ter to eat, but Mag de­liver the break­fast to come per­son­ally, is the first time.
  46. „Out­side is cold, be not freez­ing, went to sit eats while says.” Mag said with a smile, looked at Sisi al­ready the quite promi­nent belly.
  47. „Good.” Sisi raised the steamed stuffed bun to enter the po­tion shop.
  48. „I want to hold you and Miya two chil­dren look after sev­eral days, I must go out.” Mag sits down op­po­site of Sisi, comes straight to the point to say.
  49. Sisi hear­ing this some­what sur­prised looks at Mag: „Goes far? Re­cently the way of the world was not peace­ful, where is Boss Mag this plan goes to?”
  50. „The lovely wife who even Lulu can my hum­ble home be preg­nant goes to front­line sol­dier Fac­tory, al­though I do not have the strong point, but cook­ing skill is still per­mis­si­ble, if can give the of­fi­cers to pre­pare food to the front­line, per­forms the pygmy ef­fort.” Mag said with a smile.
  51. „This......” Sisi gawked star­ing, is hav­ing a look at vi­sion firm Mag, in the eye were many sev­eral points of re­spect, the nod said: „Good, Boss Mag feels re­lieved to go by all means that two chil­dren felt re­lieved that gives us.”
  52. „Thanks.” Mag nods with a smile, sets out to put out one bunch of keys to place on the table, „, if comes across any­thing, must lead the child to hide in restau­rant, I asked Princess Irina to arrange sev­eral array, restau­rant should be the Chaos City safest place.”
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