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Timebomb command v1.2

a guest
Jul 30th, 2020
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  3. * Created by k6ka#1014
  4. * Code is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license
  5. * Give credit where credit is due!
  6. * See for instructions
  8. Version 1.2 dated July 30, 2020
  9. }
  11. {//;Check to see if the user left the command blank}
  12. {if;>;{argslength};0;
  14. {//;Check to see if the user ID is valid}
  15. {set;~victim;{userid;{args};quiet}}
  16. {if;{get;~victim};==;;
  17. ❌ | Oops, I couldn't find the specified user in this server. Please specify a valid username or user ID.;
  19. {//;If user tried to blow up blargbot}
  20. {if;{get;~victim};==;134133271750639616;❌ | You thought you could trick me into bombing myself, {usermention}?!;
  21. {//;If user tried to blow themselves up}
  22. {if;{get;~victim};==;{userid};❌ | Please, {usermention}! Pick a friend if you have to!;
  23. {//;If user tried to blow up a bot}
  24. {if;{userisbot;{get;~victim}};==;true;❌ | I'm not bombing one of my own kin, {usermention}! Pick a *human* to blow up.;
  26. {//;Else, let the show continue}
  28. {//;First, set the wire color}
  29. {set;~wireColor;{randchoose; 🔴 ; ⚪ ; 🔵 }}
  31. {//;Then we get the text version}
  32. {set;~wireColorText;
  33. {switch;{get;~wireColor};
  34. 🔴 ; red;
  35. ⚪ ; white;
  36. 🔵 ; blue;
  37. ❌ **FATAL ERROR**: No wire color was set!!!
  38. }
  39. }
  41. {//;Sends the first message to the channel the command was used in}
  42. {set;~msgid;{send;{channelid};💣 | {randchoose;
  43. ね, {usermention;{get;~victim}}, there's a stowaway in your pants! It's a bomb on a one minute timer. There are three wires: red, white, and blue. Click on the colour emoji below to cut that wire and try to defuse the bomb!;
  44. Hey {usermention;{get;~victim}}, someone shoved a bomb down your pants! There's one minute to go on the fuse, and there are three wires: red, white, and blue. Quick, click on the colour emoji below to tell me which wire to cut!;
  45. Watch out, {usermention;{get;~victim}}! There's a bomb strapped to your undies! The timer is set for one minute, and there are three wires: red, white, and blue. Click on the colour emoji below to cut that wire.;
  46. *Achtung!* There's a bomb down your pants, {usermention;{get;~victim}}! There's a one minute fuse on it, and there appears to be three wires: red, white, and blue. Given where it is, you should let me cut one of the wires for you{semi} click on the colour emoji below to tell me which one to cut!;
  47. Hey {usermention;{get;~victim}}, I saw someone put a bomb down your pants. One minute fuse, three wires: red, white, and blue. Time is running out! Click on the colour emoji below to cut that wire.
  48. }}}
  50. {//; Add the corresponding reactions to the message}
  51. {reactadd;{get;~msgid}; 🔴 ; ⚪ ; 🔵 }
  53. {//;DMs the initiating user the colour of the correct wire}
  54. {if;{flagset;q};==;true;{//;Don't send DMs - user has set quiet mode};{dm;{userid};Hey, don't tell {usernick;{get;~victim}}, but it's the {get;~wireColorText} wire.}}
  56. {//; Wait until user reacts one of the emojis provided}
  57. {void;
  58. {waitreaction;{get;~msgid};{userid;{get;~victim}};🔴 ⚪ 🔵 ;{set;~reaction;{reaction}}
  59. }
  60. }
  62. {//; Get the content of the reaction}
  63. {switch;{get;~reaction};
  64. 🔴 ; {//; User reacted red}
  65. {if;{get;~reaction};contains;{get;~wireColor};✅ | {execcc;bomb-successmsg};💥 | {execcc;bomb-failmsg} (You should have picked the {get;~wireColorText} wire) };
  66. ⚪ ; {//; User reacted white}
  67. {if;{get;~reaction};contains;{get;~wireColor};✅ | {execcc;bomb-successmsg};💥 | {execcc;bomb-failmsg} (You should have picked the {get;~wireColorText} wire) };
  68. 🔵 ; {//; User reacted blue}
  69. {if;{get;~reaction};contains;{get;~wireColor};✅ | {execcc;bomb-successmsg};💥 | {execcc;bomb-failmsg} (You should have picked the {get;~wireColorText} wire) };
  70. {//;User didn't react in time}💥 | {randchoose;
  71. Oh come on, {usermention;{get;~victim}}, you could've at least picked something! Well, now you're dead. You see that? Guts everywhere.;
  72. Too slow, {usermention;{get;~victim}}. You were a sitting duck waiting for the bomb to go off. Try to save yourself next time!;
  73. Well, it looks like {usermention;{get;~victim}} failed to pick a wire in time. Their indecisveness sure paid off. With their death!;
  74. Please, {usermention;{get;~victim}}, you could've at least tried! Oh well. As the saying goes: you'll always lose if you don't try.;
  75. Hello? Earth to {usermention;{get;~victim}}? You were just bombed! Next time, you should tell me which wire to cut to try to save yourself from annihilation.}{//;Display the wire they should've cut after the fail message} (You should have picked the {get;~wireColorText} wire)
  76. }
  77. }
  78. }
  79. }
  80. }
  82. {//;If command was left empty}
  83. ;{embed;
  84. {embedbuild;
  85. title:💣 Tick, tick... BOOM!;
  86. description:Type ``b!{commandname} <username>`` to throw a bomb at someone! They have one minute to cut the correct wire or they will be blown to smithereens! Mentions will work, as will user IDs.;
  87. color:e09040;
  88. footer.text:Version 1.2
  89. }
  90. }
  91. }
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