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Megabound Chapter 4: Terri

a guest
Feb 24th, 2016
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  1. Chapter 4:
  2. The bus was reaching the Law Enforcement building, which appeaed to be about a mile away. Unlike what Becky said, Portland didn't seem to have any thugs roaming the streets. The sky was a dark blue with heavy rain falling, even though the sky was dark, there would be no need of a flashlight outside, as the many lights shining from the large array of stores, apartments, restaurants, and other buildings.
  3. The group started regretting taking a slow school bus to the crowded city, since many drivers enjoy taking out their anger on the sluggish bus by honking or throwing offensive hand gestures, some more violent drivers bashed into the bus with their vehicles. Not only that, but the bus's heater appears to stop working if it's on for too long, making the bus feel almost as cold as it was outside.
  4. "So where's the Law Enforcement Building again?" Becky asked as she felt like she was driving in circles
  5. "The adress is 1021 4th Avenue" Alex says while holding the machine, which started beeping, beeping rapidly after each beep.
  6. "That not one of those Figures again, we already fought two of them today" Kayla asks
  7. "No, for once, it's actually good news, we just need to take a left turn on the road, then we'll be at the Law Enforcement Building!" Alex exclaims as the bus gets near the building. They reach a building that says "Multnomah County Courthouse" and the machine starts beeping even faster, Alex clicks the green dot again, showing a person with kind of long, red hair and green eyes. He was wearing a judicial robe.
  8. "Should we go in?" Kyle asks the group, they reply with a nod, and get off the bus. Like what Becky promised, she went inside the building with them.
  9. As they walk inside the building, they hear the slam of a gavel, and saw the person they were looking for, and fitting his location, he is a judge. Unlike other Courthouses, there was only one table were the people involved in the crime and their lawyers, the judge stood in front of the table, and everytime he slammed the gavel, he would strike a pose.
  10. "It has been decided, for the crime of littering, the suspect has to do the time! Hope to see you in thirty years! I am Judge Terri and always, have a good night, well except for the criminal." Terri hit the gavel onto the table and struck a dramactic pose.
  11. "But Judge Terri, isn't thirty years the sentence for a murder?" the suspect's lawyer stood up, and looked slightly enraged
  12. "Good that you noticed that. Littering is not only the murder of our planet, but also the murder of every human on this planet, so thank you for correcting me, lawyer. The sentence shall be changed from thirty years to forever! Now go away, I'm tired." Terri went into the judge's room as the jury exited the building and the police took the serial litterer. The group decided to wait until Terri came out of the room.
  13. An hour passed, and Kyle was losing his patience.
  14. "It's been an hour already, Ii'm going in there." Kyle broke into Terri's room. Terri was watching Law & Order. "Get off your butt, we need to save this miserable planet!"
  15. "Hey, I'm studying, I may look like a professional law person, but I'm still in law school!" Terri stood up and turned off the television "I've been studying way too long, I need to go to sleep"
  16. Alex and Kayla rushed into the room "Wait! We need you!" Kayla yelled from asross the room
  17. "Hm," Terri stopped to think "Let's make a deal, if you win the Lightning Round, I'll help you, if you lose, then I'll go to sleep"
  18. "Ok, what could go wrong?" Kyle said
  19. "Glad you asked, welcome to, the Lightning Round" Terri slammed his gavel on the table, the room transformed into what looked like the Courtroom, the floor looked different though, three trap doors were on the ground with a letter on each door, spelling "LAW" "Ok, black hair, why shouldn't all of you go to jail?" Terri asks as the group stands behind a table.
  20. "Well, we haven't done anything wrong and it would be immoral of you to send us to jail?" Alex's brown eyes met the floor.
  21. "That's funny, I just sent a person who just littered to jail for a lifetime!" Terri slammed the gavel, and the "L" door opened "Ok, you, why shouldn't all of you go to jail?"
  22. "Well, we're just children." Kayla's point looked like it almost convinced Terri, but he slammed the gavel and the "A" door opened.
  23. "Ok, bus driver, why shouldn't I send every one of you to jail?" Terri was ready to slam the gavel again.
  24. "We'll buy cookies if you don't send us to jail!" Backy's point immediately convinced Terri.
  25. "Oh my gosh, cookies!" Terri slammed the gavel, and the Courtroom transformed back into his room, and they all walked outside to the Courtroom "So what do you need?"
  26. Alex was still confused from what just happened, so Kyle took over
  27. "Well, before we give you an answer, have you heard of the Mega Man RPG Prototype?"
  28. "Yes, I am known as The Law! Well, actually, MegaBossMan." Terri slammed the gavel and struck a pose.
  29. "That's good." Alex explained to Terri about the alien race killing the Earth, and revealed their identities.
  30. "Wait, the MusicalKitty and NetWoman I knew were adults. You're like, what, five, maybe six?" Terri asked skeptically, which put Kayla in a bad mood
  31. "Wanna fight, grandpa!" Kayla curled her hands into fists, but was interrupted by rapid beeping.
  32. "Oh gosh, it's a red dot, get ready to fight." Alex and Kayla grabved the nearest things they could find, a blender and a loaf of bread. A ball of light appeared in front of them, it was Hephaestus, but without his visor, revealing his orange eyes. Unfortunately, he was attached with limb enhancements, and was accompanied by a larger Figure, he has a large frame with pure white hair and bright yellow skin, he wore what looked like a black leather jacket and skinny jeans.
  33. "What's the problem with them, their just children." the larger Figure was about to teleport away
  34. "Helios! They're stronger than you think, they beat Hera, an ordinary human child couldn't do that!" Hephaestus pointed his arm, which now had an arm cannon, at the children.
  35. "Interesting, I'm always ready for a challenge," Helios made a swirl pattern in the air with his fingers, which formed "Brass" Knuckles made from what looked like electricity "Let's fight!" Helios dashed to Terri, ready to throw a punch. Terri dodged elegantly and bashed Helios with a gavel, but appeared to be unscathed.
  36. "You're not gonna beat me this time!" Hephaestus shot a large orb of solar energy at Alex. Alex successfully blocked the orb with the blender, with the cost of the blender. Kayla, however, bashed Hephaestus in the side with the loaf of bread, surprisingly, Hephaestus fell to the ground. Hephaestus charged his arm cannon, but Kayla kicked the arm cannon, damaging it to a point that it cannot function.
  37. "I- I actually did that, on my own?" Kayla was about to celebrate, but Hephaestus pulled out what looked like a pistol and shot blasts of solar energy, Kyle quickly jumped in front of Kayla, taking all of the blasts until he fell unconscious.
  38. "Oh gosh, I don't feel good about this," Becky ran to the jury stands and hid behind the seats. Kayla threw the loaf of bread to Alex and started dragging Kyle's unconscious body to the jury stands. Terri dashed to Hephaestus and bashed the pistol out of his hands.
  39. "Becky, catch this pistol and start shooting Helios!" Terri threw the pistol to Becky, who was still in the stands
  40. "But I never used a gun before" Becky examined the green pistol, finding a big, red button that says "Shoot" "Oh, of course." Becky aimed the gun at Helios, who was fighting Alex, and started shooting blasts of solar energy at him.
  41. "Ow, I'm gonna have to deal with you later" Helios slammed his fist on the floor, sending him in the air and creating a shockwave on the floor, shocking Terri, Kayla, and Alex
  42. "Kayla and Alex, go help Becky, I'll deal with Hephaestus." Terri ran to Hephaestus and bashed him in the side with the gavel, which left Hephaestus unable to move "An elegant defeat by the elegant me" Terri struck a pose as Hephaestus teleported away, and dashed to Helios. Alex took the pistol, leaving Becky to go to the other side of the courtroom, and Kayla was bashing Helios with the loaf of bread
  43. "It's funny you think I'm actually as weak as Hephaestus, a loaf of bread would never hurt me!" Helios pushed Kayla away and dashed to Alex.
  44. "Wait, what's this button?" Alex found a blue button on the pistol, as he pressed it, a blast of ice flew around Helios, freezing him at his feet.
  45. "I'd rather retreat now than be defeated by you, but just because I'm running, it doesn't mean you win!" Helios teleported away.
  46. Becky currently was shocking Kyle with the defilibrator.
  47. "I'm guessing we won?" Kyle asks, seeing everyone except for Hephaestus and Helios.
  48. "Yes." Alex answered, putting the pistol in his pocket. Terri turned to the group
  49. "I don't know if you heard, but I'm known as MegaBossMan
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