
Lich Doctor Chapter Four

Jan 7th, 2013
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  1. >You are Anonymous.
  2. >And you're helping three fillies find their way home after they crash landed in your complex.
  3. >The walk to the access ramp was quiet. The only sound to be heard was the clopping of small hooves and the clicking of bony feet.
  4. >You lead the trio upwards through the facility along the stairways and hallways, having to carry the three ponies up the stairs because they were simply too short to effectively climb them.
  5. >Walking up the wide concrete ramp that leads to the surface, you reach a wide, sweeping corner with a large control panel built into the wall near the start of the curve.
  6. >Opening the access panel, you turn your head and look behind you to your followers.
  7. “You may want to cover your ears.”
  8. >They quickly comply, covering their ears with their hooves while sitting up on their haunches.
  9. >You d'awww inwardly at the sight before typing in a security code and slamming a large round red button with a leathery fist to activate the unlocking sequence.
  10. >A warning siren similar to that of a forklift blares out in the confined space, the concrete making the noise that much louder.
  11. >You hear a ripping sound similar to a tree falling as the hydraulic rams push up on the large steel bulkhead door.
  12. >The door opens similarly to how a cargo plane's tail hatch lowers, so there shouldn't be to much dirt that spi-nevermind.
  13. >Several large clods of dirt come tumbling down the ramp and slam into the curved wall with a dull thunk.
  14. >There must have been more dirt on that bulkhead than you thought there was.
  15. >You are NOT cleaning that up now.
  17. >Once the Siren had stopped and the door quit its ascent, you motion for the trio to go up the ramp ahead of you.
  18. >You decide to give the fillies a good fifteen foot lead before you begin to slowly walk after them.
  19. >You figure the noise of the sirens would have attracted attention, and it's best let the searchers see them first and then see you afterwards.
  20. >You feel that it's the best and simplest way to be associated as the one returning the trio.
  21. >Rounding the corner, you see a rather large gathering of ponies rushing towards the fillies but come to a grinding halt once they spot you.
  22. >You can see the fear in their eyes.
  23. >Great. Haven't even made it above ground yet and you're already scaring everyone. Fan-fucking-tastic.
  24. >You knew you should have developed a Glamour spell.
  25. >You knew you should have developed a lot more spells besides utilitarian ones, but now is a bit late for that.
  26. >Taking a better look at the group, you can see the white unicorn you had scried earlier at the forefront.
  27. >Seeing her in person, you can venture a guess that this unicorn, Rarity if memory serves, is definitely related to Sweetie Belle. Perhaps Rarity is Sweetie Belle's mother?
  29. >You push all of those thoughts out of your head. Now is not the time.
  30. >Now is the time for fulfilling the purpose of this facility. You had a contract to uphold, even if you had to do it with loopholes.
  31. >With the fillies already halfway up the long ramp, you begin ascending towards the surface, trying to appear non-threatening.
  32. >Upon reaching the edge of the bulkhead, the three fillies had difficulties climbing over the ledge of soil, but they were snatched up by various ponies before they could succeed on their own.
  33. >One of them was Rarity, and she grabbed Sweetie Belle, further strengthening your opinion of the two being related.
  34. >As you continue advancing, the ponies kept backing away slowly, still keeping eye contact with you. You eventually stop near the end of the ramp so that you are eye level with the ponies.
  35. >There was about ten yards between you and the ponies. Dead Man's Land had been established.
  36. >You survey the crowd and begin to think of a way to break the tension without having this blow up in your face.
  37. >Before you could start your diplomacy, Applebloom took it upon herself to speak first.
  38. >”Uhh...Everypony, that there's Mister Anonymous. He'd the one who helped us.”
  39. >Suddenly, the crowd erupts in chatter and you couldn't get a word in edgewise.
  40. >You caught snippets of the conversation and suddenly realized with a sense of sinking horror that there have been some serious misunderstandings.
  43. >An orange pony, who you learned was named Applejack, was shooting a death glare at you strong enough to send shivers down your spine.
  44. >No seriously, your spine was rattling.
  45. >But not out of fear, out of rising anger.
  46. “It was a dagger enchanted for HEALING! I didn't hurt them! Take a look for yourself!”
  47. >As you say this, you point at the singed line of hair on one of Scootaloo's legs.
  48. >All of the ponies looked at Scootaloo and saw that the leg was in fact not broken. All of the ponies except Applejack.
  49. >Applejack wouldn't listen to reason and ignored your evidence.
  50. >”That's not tha point! What makes ya think ya can just haul off an start cuttin' up somepony like that?!”
  51. >Calm down, you need to salvage this situation. You've waited too long to have a repeat happen.
  52. “Scootaloo and Applebloom were clearly in pain. I couldn't in good conscience let them suffer. If my methods seem excessive, so be it. But let it be known that I fulfilled my oath as a Surgeon this day.”
  53. >You say that last sentence with a far firmer voice to emphasize your point and you drew yourself up to your full height, just to add a bit more awe.
  54. >You let the effects of your last statement sink in, watching everyone's reaction at your revelation of being a doctor.
  55. >You could call yourself many things. Be it wizard, mechanic, musician, composer, poet, explorer, or what have you. But first and foremost, you attained mastery of medicine. It is your passion and your raison d'etre (well, WAS your raison d'etre). You would practice it even if it would end up being the death of you.
  57. >The ponies reactions vary widely from shock to curiosity to embarrassment to awestruck to the still enraged Applejack.
  58. >A purple unicorn called everyone in a huddle. The ponies discussed among themselves in hushed whispers and you did your best to eavesdrop without broadcasting it.
  59. >You now REALLY wished you had developed some spells for eavesdropping.
  60. >Aiming your hood to act like a parabolic dish, you could gather that the general consensus was that despite looking like a walking nightmare, you couldn't be that bad since you did return the three fillies safe and in good health.
  61. >Hearing that you were associated with medicine seemed to positively affect a zebra looking pony's opinion of you. You think you catch the zebra pony speaking in rhymes. That had to get annoying.
  62. >However, above all this, you're able to pick out Applejack's vehement protest of you.
  63. >It seems her version of a hushed whisper was a suppressed shriek.
  64. >After about a few minutes more of debate, it seems the ponies have come to an agreement.
  65. >A tan pony with a gray mane wearing glasses and some form of collar trots up to you, still visibly nervous of your presence.
  66. >The pony takes a breath to steady herself and then begins speaking.
  67. >”On behalf of the town of Ponyville, we would like to thank you for caring for three of our own. We owe you a debt of gratitude for your kind and selfless-”
  68. >You stop listening to whatever the pony has to say right then and there and latch on to what she just said.
  69. >A debt of gratitude. You could maximize on that. According to this pony, and entire town now owed you a favor. Fortune seems to favor you now.
  70. >You wait for the mare, you realize this because she sounds feminine, to finish her speech. As soon as she does, you put your plan into action.
  71. “I would like to cash in on that debt.”
  73. >The mare looks frazzled at your sudden request. The rest of the ponies recoil slightly with various reactions of surprise and curiosity.
  74. >You notice Applejack narrow her eyes at you while wearing an expression of suspicion.
  75. “I assure you that my request will benefit yourselves far more than it will myself.”
  76. >This seems to cause the ponies do double their previous reactions.
  77. >The bespectacled mare flounders for a moment before finding her voice.
  78. >”W-well, if Ponyville is able to complete your request, we shall do it to the best of our abilities.”
  79. >Hook, line, and sinker. If you had a face, you would be grinning from ear to ear.
  80. >Keeping up your momentum, you speak with a kind, but commanding tone.
  81. “I request that the leader of Ponyville and their lead scholar be brought to this spot one hour after dawn tomorrow morning.”
  82. >Hopefully this town can produce someone to fulfill your contractual obligations.
  83. >As the mare standing in front of you begins talking, a purple unicorn breaks away from the group and walks towards you.
  84. >”Mister Anonymous, I am the Mayor of Ponyville.”
  85. >...
  86. >Well then.
  87. >That explains why she was speaking for everyone.
  88. >You feel slightly silly now.
  89. >The purple unicorn has stopped walking alongside the Mayor and looks at you curiously.
  90. >The mayor turns to the purple unicorn and begins speaking again.
  91. >”And this is Twilight Sparkle. She is our town's Librarian and star pupil of Princess Celestia. You'll be hard pressed to find a finer scholar outside of Canterlot.”
  93. >The Mayor of Ponyville and the town Librarian in one spot? It really must be your lucky day.
  94. >Wait a second.
  95. >Celestia....
  96. >That name sounds familiar.
  97. >REALLY familiar.
  98. >....
  99. >Bah, now is not the time to think about that. Important things are happening.
  100. >Also, a thought just occurred to you.
  101. “Excellent. I expect to see you here tomorrow one hour after dawn, Mayor...?”
  102. >After a short moment, the Mayor realized she had forgot to give you her name.
  103. >Notably flustered she speaks up again.
  104. >”I apologize for my rudeness Mister Anonymous. My name is Mayor Mare.”
  105. >...
  106. >Fucking seriously?
  107. “Very well then. I shall see the two of you one hour after dawn. Until we meet again. Oh, and bring some history books. I might need them.”
  108. >Not giving the ponies a chance to respond, you hurriedly walk down the access ramp. At the start of the curve, you call out behind you.
  109. “You may want to cover your ears!”
  110. >As you pass the control panel, you slam your bony fist into a square, yellow button to lower the bulkhead.
  111. >You continue walking hurriedly along until the siren stops wailing in the distance.
  112. >Immediately after the sirens stop, you can no longer contain yourself and burst out in laughter.
  113. >MAYOR MARE!!!
  114. >That's the funniest thing you've heard in centuries!
  115. >You can't stop laughing!
  116. >This would hurt so bad if you still had lungs.
  117. >After about half an hour, you subdue your laughter enough to think coherently.
  118. >Oh god, you think you felt a few ribs fall off from laughing so hard.
  119. >You pick yourself up off the floor and begin the process of bringing your complex online and powered up.
  120. >Judging by the position of the sun when you were outside, you'd venture a guess that it was mid-afternoon.
  121. >It would take all night hard booting all the systems up from millennium of being offline, so you better get started right now.
  122. >As you head off to the Control Room, you let out a snort.
  123. >Mayor Mare.
  124. >Fukken priceless.
  126. >You are Twilight Sparkle.
  127. >It is early evening.
  128. >You are sitting in your home.
  129. >And you can't decide whether you are ecstatic or terrified.
  130. >You are having an internal debate over the subject now. The two sides of your brain are furiously battling it out.
  131. >On one hoof, Anonymous was extremely creepy looking.
  132. >But on the other hoof, Anonymous could be a new species!
  133. >But those eyes! Those fiery blue things! That CAN'T be natural!
  134. >But neither was that door! Not even all the artisans in Canterlot could match the sophistication of the mechanics I saw in that door!
  135. >But...he could be dangerous!
  136. >But you thought Zecora was when you first heard of her. And you know how that turned out. Zecora even pointed that out herself in the huddle.
  137. >But but but...he lives in a cave! Nothing good comes out of caves!
  138. >Okay, now you're clutching at straws. You saw the precision that cave was carved with. Nothing I know of could do that. Even Rarity recognized the talent it took to craft that cave, and she's a DRESSMAKER.
  139. >.....
  140. >What's that? Nothing to say?
  141. >*sigh* Fine, you win. But he still looks creepy...
  142. >Content with your intellectual victory against yourself, you decide to feel excited.
  143. >You spend the rest of the evening going about your usual routine. Before you turn in for the night, you decide to write a letter to the Princess detailing the encounter with Anonymous and everything that led up to it.
  144. >Since Spike is already asleep, you decide now is not the time to send the letter.
  145. >There will be time enough in the morning.
  147. >You rise from your sleep at the same time you always have and start the day off just like every single one before it.
  148. >You raise the sun just as your sister lowers the moon.
  149. >You are Princess Celestia.
  150. >And every day is the same.
  151. >Completely.
  152. >And utterly.
  153. >BORING.
  154. >It's the same thing, day in and day out.
  155. >Oh sure, you get the occasional foreign diplomat to entertain and treaty negotiations with neighboring nations, but for the rare few exceptions, your life is monotonous.
  156. >It has been for the past few thousands of years.
  157. >But you must endure the recursive nature of being the Leader of Equestria for your subjects.
  158. >They needed you to be strong for them. You couldn't let them down.
  159. >You know the slightest slip up in your appearance sends the public into a panic.
  160. >The Cake Incident is still fresh in your mind.
  161. >You shudder a little at remembering the fallout with the baker unions over that fiasco, but are interrupted from your reverie as a letter materializes in front of you in a puff of smoke.
  162. >Ah yes, Twilight's letters. A welcomed respite from the daily grind.
  163. >They were always surefire ways to turn boredom into a few precious moments of exciting news.
  164. >After finishing up the rest of your morning routine, you eagerly open the letter and examine it's contents.
  165. >You had just enough time to read it and savor it's contents before your duties for the day began.
  167. >...Oh my, it seems Ponyville had quite a scare. Three fillies were lost in the Everfree, but were found by....WHAT?!
  168. >You remember Anonymous. All the horror stories associated with that...thing.
  169. >You read the letter faster. Time was of the essence now.
  170. >Twilight Sparkle and Mayor Mare agreed to meet Anonymous in his cave one hour after dawn.
  171. >It's now fifty minutes after dawn.
  172. >A feeling of horror sinks into you as you realize that even if you teleported to Ponyville right now, you would most likely not be able to find Twilight in time to save her, much less be able to stop Anonymous alone if what you remember of that thing holds true.
  173. >You rush off to inform Luna and Shining Armor of the brewing calamity.
  174. >You suddenly wish your day was boring again.
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