
Text Adventure Chapter 10 Log

May 15th, 2014
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  1. >The rest of the train ride passed more or less without a hitch.
  2. >You missed most of it because you fell asleep, however.
  3. >You had thought to ask Pinkie about her trip with Sir Quacksalot, but damn your brain just told you to fucking go to bed, it’s like you were idolizing a brilliant azure pony or something.
  4. >In any case, you wake up to find yourself staring into big, bouncing blue eyes.
  5. >”Nonnynonnynonnynonnynonnynonnynonnynonnynonnynonnynonnynonny--”
  6. >Your eyes shoot open in irritation.
  7. “I’M UP! Fuck, I’m up..”
  8. >”You slept like a rock, Nonny! I should know, I’ve seen lots of rocks sleep in my childhood, and you beat ‘em all! Anyways it’s time to go, we’re here!”
  9. >Indeed, when you rose your head above the seats, you saw the rest of your group standing outside all geared up, looking rather impatient. It also looked like Berry was trying to give AJ a little of her flask, to her dismay.
  10. >Chuckling at the scene, you get yourself up and ready with all your shit, and you head out as Pinkie bounces behind you.
  11. >Just in time, it looks like too, as the train began to speed away the second you got off.
  12. >”It’s about time, Anon. I was getting a little worried you stayed up too late talking to me.”
  13. >Redheart chides you as you walk up to her, with that cute heart-melting smile of hers.
  14. >As you stand with your group, the five of you look around.
  15. >In front of you lies the Everfree Forest, your main destination. Looks a bit dark due to the thick foliage.
  16. >Applejack did offer to train you before you started, and that’d probably be a good idea.
  17. >Do you want to go in or spar first?
  19. --
  20. >Taking out your phone, you quickly snap a picture of the entrance to the forest, thinking it was a lot scarier than any of Earth’s trees.
  21. >You decide it was time to get a bit of training under your belt.
  22. “Hey AJ, before we go, could you give me that spar we were talking about earlier?”
  23. >”Oh, that, you were serious? Hah, Ah’d be lying if ah said it wouldn’t be a good time. Let’s do it.”
  24. “Oh, is it alright if I play some music for it?”
  25. >She gave you a confused look, as well as the rest of the party that had decided to sit and watch.
  26. >Pinkie had somehow found a barrel of popcorn she was sharing with the rest.
  27. >”What do ya’ll mean by that? Are ya gonna play an instrument while yer fightin’?”
  28. “Not exactly…”
  29. >You take out your phone again and scroll down your long list of songs, finding the perfect one. []
  30. >As it begins to play, you crack your knuckles and neck, readying yourself for the highly surprised AJ.
  31. >”Uh, ah don’t know how that little square box can do that, but it’s sure gettin’ me pumped, alright. Ya ready?”
  32. “Yeah, It’s about time I showed you my Bro fu.”
  37. Applejack’s HP: 220/220 / Current weapon: Hooves
  38. Anonymous’ HP: 100/100 / Current weapon: Fists
  40. Anonymous’ move. (Use >attack/other with ability/equipped weapon, last digit determines amount of damage plus multipliers for weapons during battle. Tutorial battle will utilize two digits.)
  43. [BATTLE]
  44. Anonymous removes his faithful Sir Quacksalot from his inventory, giving it a little quack before he throws it at Applejack.
  45. >84<
  46. Applejack gets hit square in the face, the hard bill poking her in the eye. Quack.
  48. Applejack’s HP: 136/220
  49. AJ is attacking. . .
  52. Applejack rushes you down like a mad dog eye twitching from the impact. Ducking down she spins and prepares to deliver a buck. [Ability: Treekicker] [CRITICAL HIT]
  54. Treekicker does heavy damage [1.5x and has 3 turn cool down]
  55. Critical Hit for ability is 2x
  56. Dubs is 2x
  58. >132<
  60. Anon: 0/100
  62. >You fall down, heaving as a hoof extends to help you up.
  63. >"Don't be ah filly Anon. I went easy on ya', even if ya' hit me in the eye with that damn duck."
  64. >You grab her hoof and lift yourself up with AJ's support.
  65. >"Maybe one day you'll beat me."
  66. >She flashes you a cocky grin, and you scoff in return.
  67. >Walking over to retrieve Sir Ducksalot and move back towards your nurse.
  68. >"Oh don't fret sweetie, she won't admit it but you actually hit her pretty hard with that thing."
  69. >The rest of the group moves onward, Twilight rolling her eyes as Rainbow and AJ discuss when they should spar and who would win.
  70. >Together, you all enter the Everfree.
  71. >"Hey Twi?"
  72. >She perks up to AJ's voice and looks back towards her.
  73. >"What is it Applejack?"
  74. >"Well, ah was thinking. Do you think Zecora might know a way tah find this thing with one of her fancy voodoo tricks or somethang?"
  75. >The group ponders this, everybody giving their own opinion of which route is best.
  76. >What do you think, the castle or this 'Zecora'?
  79. >You prepare to speak, but first look over AJ and yourself, making sure you areboth alright.
  80. >She looks fine, no innuendo intended, as do you.
  81. >Clearing your throat you speak up.
  82. "I don't know who this 'Zecora' character is, but if she can help us we might as well go see her. Right?"
  83. >Everybody seems to nod or mumble in agreement and the party proceeds to Zecora's.
  84. >Whoever or whatever that is.
  85. >Red leans into you, grabbing your attention as she speaks.
  86. >"She is a Zebra, by the way. Specializes in potions and the like."
  87. >Huh, sounds like an alchemist.
  89. >You walk up to AJ, giving her a pat on the back.
  90. >"Yes, Anon?"
  91. "I just wanted to say, good fight."
  92. >You extend out a hand as she eyes you curiously.
  93. >She smiles and extenders her hoof, accepting your handshake.
  95. "Hey, Twilight. Do you have any location spells in case our party get split up or lost?"
  96. >"Yes, I can use it as long as we are close enough to each other. I don't suggest straying too far though."
  97. >You make a mental note not to wander away, and proceed to Zecora's.
  99. >Kick Fluttershy in the jaw.
  100. >Would you like to proceed with this action? Y/N.
  103. >You push back your sudden unexplained anger, and choose not to assault the fragile pegasus.
  104. >However, you decide to make conversation with her.
  105. "So, Fluttershy, do you have a pet?"
  106. >"Well, uhm... I-I have a few.”
  107. >More info is needed. This is vital information for the mission.
  108. “Such as?”
  109. >She stammers and speaks in an inaudible tone.
  110. “Huh?”
  111. >The last thing you hear before you give up is a high pitched squeak.
  112. >How rude.
  114. >Looks like that plan didn’t work for now.
  115. >Maybe you can keep that as an objective for later.
  117. [Quest added: Get Fluttershy to open up]
  118. Objective: Have at least one full conversation with Fluttershy.
  120. >To pass the walk a bit faster, you decide to have some semi clean fun with Berry.
  121. >The two of you talk about many interesting things such as your past experiences and outrageous stories.
  122. >You both end it with a stronger bond.
  124. >There is still about a mile or so until you arrive, or so Twilight says.
  125. >You’d like to play some music or a music video, but you never saved any to your phone that would fit the situation. You have not internet access either, so you can’t find any music to play for the whole group.
  126. >You settle for just kissing Redheart on the cheek.
  128. >Many more steps later, you arrive at Zecora’s hut.
  129. >Twilight turns to you.
  130. >”Here we are!”
  131. >She knocks on the door, and waits for the occupant to answer.
  132. >Is there anything you wanna do in the few seconds it will take for the zebra to answer.
  134. >A question comes to your mind.
  135. “Hey, you said this is a zebra, right? Are zebras any different than ponies or anything?”
  136. >Unsurprisingly, Twilight is the first to answer.
  137. >“Other than their appearance and their place of origin, no. They’re pretty much black and white earth ponies.”
  138. >Interesting.
  140. >You get the urge to consult the dark powers.
  141. >Pulling out Sir Ducksalot, you hold him up to your ear.
  142. “What is the answer to life, master?”
  143. >Quack.
  144. “Thank you.”
  145. >You put him back where he belongs.
  147. >The door opens; a zebra about the same size as the rest of the ponies is on the other side.
  148. >“Hello my dear, who is this strange creature you have brought here?"
  149. >She eyes you curiously and you feel a nudge from Red indicating you should introduce yourself.
  150. "Hi, I'm Anon, nice to meet you Zecora."
  151. >What’s with the rhymes?
  152. >You go to continue your speech, when your friend decided to speak for you.
  153. >Quack.
  154. >You pull out Sir Ducksalot to avoid accidentally releasing his lion's roar upon the world again.
  155. >Zecora smiles, looking upon your best friend.
  156. >"Such a cute toy, with bill of orange. What is his name? For..."
  157. >You wait for her to speak, but instead she seems lost in her own little world.
  158. >Her face contorts in frustration and then a wave of irritance washes over her features as she stares, deadpan, ahead.
  159. >"...I strongly dislike you."
  160. >What did you do?
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