
MM3D Any% (No CT Escape)

Aug 29th, 2017
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  1. MM3D Any% without CT Escape (About 5 seconds slower but a way better route)
  2. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. - Quit game after making file to change options
  4. - Press A and B a lot
  5. - Talk to Grandma twice for 3rd day
  6. - Dance the day away with the Scarecrow
  7. - Activate CT owl
  8. - 99 rupees in Stock Pot
  9. - Buy Bomb Bag
  10. - Magic
  11. - Play a song using Deku bubbles while you wait
  12. - Memories of a gooder game
  13. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. - Song of Healing
  15. - Straight to Termina from SCT
  16. - EQUIP: Bombs on I
  17. - Farm for a bomb drop
  18. - Skull Kid CS Skip with Bomb Timestop
  19. - Song of Soaring, activate Swamp owl
  20. - Soar to CT
  21. - MV Early
  22. - Activate MV owl
  23. - Get 10 deku nuts
  24. - Longjump to Lens cave, Lens of Truth
  25. - EQUIP: Lens on X
  26. - Climb wall, Gamestabled Mask
  27. - Soar to CT
  28. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  29. - EQUIP: Goron Mask over Lens
  30. - Roll to GB entrance, GB Early
  31. - Zora Mask
  32. - EQUIP: Deku on Y, Zora on II
  33. - Soar to Swamp
  34. - Should be Day 2 by now, Red Potion and heal Koume/Kotake/whateverthefuck
  35. - Pictobox + boat ride escape
  36. - Deku Palace, backflip on door and to the flower
  37. - Cutscene
  38. - To Woodfall
  39. - Roll to log and longjump across (you can longjump to the flower and fly over but it's 6 seconds slower)
  40. - Zora longjump to skip hookshot (hold A to do dive animation)
  41. - Do 2 Goron punches or 1 pound as the dinalfos attacks
  42. - Fairy Bow
  43. - EQUIP: Bow over Deku
  44. - Woodfall BK Skip with GM
  45. - Odolwa and his remains
  46. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  47. - Enjoy your 3 1/2 minute cutscene right after the first fun part of the run
  48. - GM to Woodfall fountain
  49. - GM for AE to Ikana fountain
  50. - Activate Ikana owl
  51. - GM into Gibdo house (there's a pattern developing)
  52. - Gibdo Mask
  53. - Soar to MV
  54. - EQUIP: Gibdo Mask on X, Bottle on Y (or vice versa)
  55. - Catch fairy and ESS dupe over Gibdo Mask
  56. - EQUIP: Zora Mask, Goron Mask, Bow, Gibdo Bottle
  57. - Roll to grotto encased in ice, GM into the grotto
  58. - Get some deku sticks (need 3-4 for Garo Master and 1 for Goht)
  59. - Set Tatl alarm for 6am
  60. - Catch HSW whenever you reach a cycle
  61. - Invert time and soar to Ikana
  62. - Stone Tower, optional GM to skip jumping
  63. - Break 2 boulders and GM to climb Stone Tower
  64. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  65. - Erosion
  66. - Zora dive to switch, another small key
  67. - Goron Void
  68. - Punch out 2 of the thingys and GM to skip Mirror Shield
  69. - EQUIP: Bombs, Nuts, Sticks, Deku
  70. - Flower Slide under the gate
  71. - Garo Master, use nuts and 4 sticks or 3 sticks + Kokiri Sword jumpslash)
  72. - Light Arrows, soar to entrance
  73. - EQUIP: Bombs, Goron Mask, Light Arrows, Bow
  74. - Invert STT
  75. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  76. - Enter ISTT
  77. - ISTT BK Skip with GM
  78. - Immediately turn up left and shoot the 3 eyes on Blue
  79. - Sometime after shooting Blue, shoot Red's tail with a Light Arrow
  80. - Shoot Red with another Light Arrow as Blue is being to fly at you
  81. - Down Blue, end first phase
  82. - Giant's Mask
  83. - EQUIP: Giant's Mask over Bow
  84. - Really stupid fight, don't miss a boulder
  85. - After downing Red with the second(?) boulder, SoDT to 5am
  86. - Twinmold's Remains
  87. - Roll to Ikana
  88. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  89. - EQUIP: Goron Mask, Bow, Stick, Light Arrows/Bombs
  90. - Action swap to thaw Goht
  91. - Another stupid fight, 5/4/5 arrows + LA or 3/2/3 arrows + Bomb
  92. - Goht's Remains
  93. - Soar to MV
  94. - EQUIP: Gibdo Bottle
  95. - Catch HSW whenever you reach a cycle
  96. - Either leave (as human!) and mash Ocarina or invert and guarantee a GM later
  97. - Invert to fix time
  98. - EQUIP: Zora Mask somewhere
  99. - SoDT to midnight+ if you got 3rd day
  100. - Gyorg's Remains
  101. - Optional fairy if you lost one
  102. - Soar to CT
  103. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  104. - Enter CT or use GM if it's not Final Hours
  105. - EQUIP: Zora Mask, Bow, Light Arrows, Goron Mask
  106. - Goron roll to Majora
  107. - Don't get owned
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