
Snacking with Sis

Sep 24th, 2016
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  1. >"*sigh* who am I gonna do it with?" Groaned Leni as Lori and bobby went off on their date
  2. >Lens walked up the stairs, Her head slumped, a bag of hishims cookies dangling from her right hand
  3. >"I can't do this on my own" she thought to herself, slowly plodding her way back to her room
  4. >"What's the matter Leni?" asked Lincoln, poking his head out from his room "You seem a bit down"
  5. >"Lori and I have this thing we do once a month" Started Leni "But she said she has do cancel this time so she can go on a date with Bobby..... Something about Sinks and mayonnaise"
  6. >"Once a month?" Asks Lincoln, Hoping it's not what he thinks it is "What do you mean?"
  7. >Leni pulls Lincoln in close, Not wanting any of the other sisters to hear
  8. >"Well" She whispers into his ear "on the 5th of every month, Lori and I have a little 'junk food' Picnic in our room"
  9. >"So.... why not just do it on your own" suggested Lincoln, Relieved that he was wrong
  10. >"Alone?" replied Leni "It's no fun if you do it alone."
  11. >"I see" Said Lincoln as he pried himself free "well, I wish there was some way I could help you"
  12. >As Lincoln walked back to his room Leni had an idea
  13. >"WAIT!" She shrieked, Causing Lincoln to jump in surprise
  14. >"WHAT?!" Replied Lincoln, His heart racing from the shock
  15. >"YOU can do it with me!" squee'd Leni, grabbing her brother by the hand
  16. >"Wait, Me?" Asked Lincoln as Leni dragged him to her room "Why not Luna or Luan?"
  17. >"Lori doesn't want the other sisters to know" Explained Leni "Do you know how mad they'd be if they knew we did this and STILL kept our figures?"
  18. >Knowing there was no way out of this, Lincoln gave up and went along with Leni
  20. >Upon entering Leni's room Lincoln could see a massive spread of junkfood on the bed
  21. >Donuts, snack cakes, chips, soda, The works
  22. >"You and Lori eat all this?" Asked Lincoln, amazed by the quantity of food
  23. >"Well, Not all of it" Replied Leni as she pushed Lincoln onto the bed "We usually get full around halfway through"
  24. >Leni began taking off her dress
  25. >"What are you doing?!" Asked Lincoln as he covered his eyes
  26. >"huh? oh, I'm just changing into my nightgown" Replied Leni, removing her bra and putting on the dress
  27. >"Ready?" Asked Leni as she jumped on the bed
  28. >"R-Ready" Replied Lincoln, not sure what to expect
  29. >"Annnnd...Dig in!" exclaimed Leni, grabbing a handful of chips and downing them quickly
  30. >Lincoln took a cookie, and ate it slowly, not really sure if he should be doing this
  31. >Noticing her brother wasn't really getting into it, Leni decided to try and have some fun with him
  32. >"Hey Linc" Said Leni grabbing a Twulky "Watch this!"
  33. >Leni put her head back swallowed the Twulky whole, causing Lincoln to blush at the sight
  34. >"Lori said that being able to do that would make me very popular with the boys" explained Leni
  35. >"What do you think?"
  36. >Lincoln just stared at her, wide eyed and trying not to drool
  37. >"That was uh... that was pretty good" Said Lincoln, grabbing an éclair and taking a bite
  38. >As he took a bite some of the cream started to leak from the other end, falling onto his pants
  40. >Noticing this, Leni got on all fours and crawled across the bed towards Lincoln
  41. >Her nightgown hung a bit, revealing some cleavage
  42. >"uh, w-what" Mumbled Lincoln, his face starting to go a little red
  43. >coming close to Lincoln, Leni put a finger to the cream on his pants and took a taste
  44. >"mmmh, Nice and sweet" commented Leni, before going back to her sitting position
  45. >Lincoln's face had gone fully red, and his breathing had gotten a bit shallow
  46. >He put his hand over his crotch, trying to hide the erection he was now sporting
  47. >"I think I'll have one myself" Said Leni as she picked up an éclair of her own
  48. >"Y'know what my favorite way to eat one of these is?" She asked
  49. >Lincoln just shook his head, trying to calm down
  50. >"Like this" Said Leni, sucking all the cream out of the éclair
  51. >As she pulled her face away to take a breath, Lincoln could see a little cream on her Lips
  52. >"L-Leni, you've've got something on uh" Stuttered Lincoln as he pointed towards Leni's Lips
  53. >"oh, Thanks Lincoln" Replied Leni, licking the cream from her Lips
  54. >"Hey Linc, Want some of my Donut?" Asked Leni
  55. >"What?" Replied Lincoln, His boner flaring up again
  56. >"My donut" repeated Leni "My puffy cream filled Donut"
  57. >"I.......I gotta go!" Shouted Lincoln as he bolted from the room, covering his crotch
  58. >"huh...." Said Leni, sitting there holding a Boston crème donut "What was that all about..."
  59. >Not paying it too much mind, Leni continued eating
  61. >Fast forward to the next day
  63. >Lincoln came downstairs into the kitchen, ready for some breakfast
  64. >"Hey Lincoln" Said Lori, holding a box
  65. >"Good morning Lori" Replied Lincoln with a yawn "What'cha got there?"
  66. >"Just some Crème filled donuts" replied Lori, opening the box "You want one"
  67. >"uh, i uh" mumbled Lincoln, His face going bright red "excuse me please"
  68. >Lincoln ran from the kitchen, his hands covering his crotch
  69. >"huh..." Said Lori, taking a bite of a donut "Guess he doesn't like Boston Crème"
  71. END
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