
PixelCNS log file successful load

Nov 18th, 2020
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text 38.35 KB | None | 0 0
  2. 0.015 [ PixelCNC v1.43a Trial 64-bit - Jul 1 2020 ]
  3. 0.015 [ Charles Van Noland - ]
  4. 0.015
  5. 0.015 exe: C:\PixelCNC (64-bit)
  6. 0.015 user: C:\Users\Lunty Laptop\AppData\Roaming\Charles Van Noland\PixelCNC
  7. 0.015 log: 201118-212457
  8. 0.015 --- initializing ---
  9. 0.015 configuration...
  10. 0.015 config_init: default version #143
  11. 0.015 loaded 5.258kb from "C:\Users\Lunty Laptop\AppData\Roaming\Charles Van Noland\PixelCNC\config.dat"
  13. 0.031 magic: DEF7C0DE / version: 01.43
  14. 0.031 size: 12.000 12.000 0.500 / origin: 0.500 0.500 12.000
  15. 0.031 units:1 / ppi: 80 / quality: 1.000
  16. 0.031 ...loaded configuration version #143
  17. 0.031 script...
  18. 0.031 arg0 is "null"
  19. 0.031 arg1 is "null"
  20. 0.031 arg2 is "null"
  21. 0.031 arg3 is "null"
  22. 0.031 system...
  23. 0.042 ...initialized SDL
  24. 0.043 system version: 2.0.10
  25. 0.048 ...initialized SDL_image
  26. 0.048 ...initialized SDL_ttf
  27. 0.049 system memory 16268mb
  28. 0.627 GL_RENDERER: GeForce GTX 1050/PCIe/SSE2
  29. 0.628 GL_VERSION: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 399.24
  30. 0.629 GL_VENDOR: NVIDIA Corporation
  31. 0.630 OpenGL version integer: 46
  32. 0.631 ...found 'glGetStringi' (#0)
  33. 0.644 including multisampling buffer attribute...
  34. 0.780 ...created workerthread OpenGL rendering context
  35. 0.788 ...created window OpenGL rendering context
  36. 0.788 8 logical cpus detected
  37. 0.789 starting thread00...
  38. 0.790 starting thread01...
  39. 0.791 starting thread02...
  40. 0.792 starting thread03...
  41. 0.793 starting thread04...
  42. 0.793 starting thread05...
  43. 0.794 starting thread06...
  44. 0.794 starting thread07...
  45. 0.796 ...initialized libcurl
  46. 0.797 ...initialized system
  47. 0.797 created mutex #0
  48. 0.798 created mutex #1
  49. 0.798 created mutex #2
  50. 0.798 created mutex #3
  51. 0.799 input...
  52. 0.799 event...
  53. 0.799 text...
  54. 0.799 system fonts (C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\)...
  55. 0.801 ...#0000: AGENCYB.TTF
  56. 0.801 ...#0001: AGENCYR.TTF
  57. 0.801 ...#0002: ALGER.TTF
  58. 0.802 ...#0003: ANTQUAB.TTF
  59. 0.802 ...#0004: ANTQUABI.TTF
  60. 0.803 ...#0005: ANTQUAI.TTF
  61. 0.803 ...#0006: arial.ttf
  62. 0.803 ...#0007: arialbd.ttf
  63. 0.804 ...#0008: arialbi.ttf
  64. 0.804 ...#0009: ariali.ttf
  65. 0.804 ...#0010: ARIALN.TTF
  66. 0.805 ...#0011: ARIALNB.TTF
  67. 0.805 ...#0012: ARIALNBI.TTF
  68. 0.805 ...#0013: ARIALNI.TTF
  69. 0.806 ...#0014: ariblk.ttf
  70. 0.806 ...#0015: ARLRDBD.TTF
  71. 0.806 ...#0016: bahnschrift.ttf
  72. 0.807 ...#0017: BASKVILL.TTF
  73. 0.807 ...#0018: BAUHS93.TTF
  74. 0.808 ...#0019: BELL.TTF
  75. 0.808 ...#0020: BELLB.TTF
  76. 0.808 ...#0021: BELLI.TTF
  77. 0.809 ...#0022: BERNHC.TTF
  78. 0.809 ...#0023: BKANT.TTF
  79. 0.809 ...#0024: BOD_B.TTF
  80. 0.810 ...#0025: BOD_BI.TTF
  81. 0.810 ...#0026: BOD_BLAI.TTF
  82. 0.810 ...#0027: BOD_BLAR.TTF
  83. 0.811 ...#0028: BOD_CB.TTF
  84. 0.811 ...#0029: BOD_CBI.TTF
  85. 0.811 ...#0030: BOD_CI.TTF
  86. 0.812 ...#0031: BOD_CR.TTF
  87. 0.812 ...#0032: BOD_I.TTF
  88. 0.813 ...#0033: BOD_PSTC.TTF
  89. 0.813 ...#0034: BOD_R.TTF
  90. 0.813 ...#0035: BOOKOS.TTF
  91. 0.814 ...#0036: BOOKOSB.TTF
  92. 0.814 ...#0037: BOOKOSBI.TTF
  93. 0.814 ...#0038: BOOKOSI.TTF
  94. 0.815 ...#0039: BRADHITC.TTF
  95. 0.815 ...#0040: BRITANIC.TTF
  96. 0.815 ...#0041: BRLNSB.TTF
  97. 0.816 ...#0042: BRLNSDB.TTF
  98. 0.816 ...#0043: BRLNSR.TTF
  99. 0.816 ...#0044: BROADW.TTF
  100. 0.817 ...#0045: BRUSHSCI.TTF
  101. 0.817 ...#0046: BSSYM7.TTF
  102. 0.818 ...#0047: calibri.ttf
  103. 0.818 ...#0048: calibrib.ttf
  104. 0.818 ...#0049: calibrii.ttf
  105. 0.819 ...#0050: calibril.ttf
  106. 0.819 ...#0051: calibrili.ttf
  107. 0.819 ...#0052: calibriz.ttf
  108. 0.820 ...#0053: CALIFB.TTF
  109. 0.820 ...#0054: CALIFI.TTF
  110. 0.820 ...#0055: CALIFR.TTF
  111. 0.821 ...#0056: CALIST.TTF
  112. 0.821 ...#0057: CALISTB.TTF
  113. 0.822 ...#0058: CALISTBI.TTF
  114. 0.822 ...#0059: CALISTI.TTF
  115. 0.822 ...#0060: cambriab.ttf
  116. 0.823 ...#0061: cambriai.ttf
  117. 0.823 ...#0062: cambriaz.ttf
  118. 0.823 ...#0063: Candara.ttf
  119. 0.824 ...#0064: Candarab.ttf
  120. 0.824 ...#0065: Candarai.ttf
  121. 0.825 ...#0066: Candaral.ttf
  122. 0.826 ...#0067: Candarali.ttf
  123. 0.827 ...#0068: Candaraz.ttf
  124. 0.827 ...#0069: CASTELAR.TTF
  125. 0.828 ...#0070: CENSCBK.TTF
  126. 0.828 ...#0071: CENTAUR.TTF
  127. 0.828 ...#0072: CENTURY.TTF
  128. 0.829 ...#0073: CHILLER.TTF
  129. 0.829 ...#0074: COLONNA.TTF
  130. 0.829 ...#0075: comic.ttf
  131. 0.830 ...#0076: comicbd.ttf
  132. 0.830 ...#0077: comici.ttf
  133. 0.830 ...#0078: comicz.ttf
  134. 0.831 ...#0079: consola.ttf
  135. 0.831 ...#0080: consolab.ttf
  136. 0.831 ...#0081: consolai.ttf
  137. 0.832 ...#0082: consolaz.ttf
  138. 0.832 ...#0083: constan.ttf
  139. 0.832 ...#0084: constanb.ttf
  140. 0.833 ...#0085: constani.ttf
  141. 0.833 ...#0086: constanz.ttf
  142. 0.833 ...#0087: COOPBL.TTF
  143. 0.834 ...#0088: COPRGTB.TTF
  144. 0.834 ...#0089: COPRGTL.TTF
  145. 0.834 ...#0090: corbel.ttf
  146. 0.835 ...#0091: corbelb.ttf
  147. 0.835 ...#0092: corbeli.ttf
  148. 0.835 ...#0093: corbell.ttf
  149. 0.836 ...#0094: corbelli.ttf
  150. 0.836 ...#0095: corbelz.ttf
  151. 0.836 ...#0096: cour.ttf
  152. 0.837 ...#0097: courbd.ttf
  153. 0.837 ...#0098: courbi.ttf
  154. 0.837 ...#0099: couri.ttf
  155. 0.838 ...#0100: CURLZ___.TTF
  156. 0.838 ...#0101: DUBAI-BOLD.TTF
  157. 0.838 ...#0102: DUBAI-LIGHT.TTF
  158. 0.839 ...#0103: DUBAI-MEDIUM.TTF
  159. 0.839 ...#0104: DUBAI-REGULAR.TTF
  160. 0.839 ...#0105: ebrima.ttf
  161. 0.840 ...#0106: ebrimabd.ttf
  162. 0.841 ...#0107: ELEPHNT.TTF
  163. 0.841 ...#0108: ELEPHNTI.TTF
  164. 0.842 ...#0109: ENGR.TTF
  165. 0.843 ...#0110: ERASBD.TTF
  166. 0.843 ...#0111: ERASDEMI.TTF
  167. 0.844 ...#0112: ERASLGHT.TTF
  168. 0.844 ...#0113: ERASMD.TTF
  169. 0.844 ...#0114: FELIXTI.TTF
  170. 0.845 ...#0115: FORTE.TTF
  171. 0.845 ...#0116: FRABK.TTF
  172. 0.845 ...#0117: FRABKIT.TTF
  173. 0.846 ...#0118: FRADM.TTF
  174. 0.846 ...#0119: FRADMCN.TTF
  175. 0.846 ...#0120: FRADMIT.TTF
  176. 0.847 ...#0121: FRAHV.TTF
  177. 0.847 ...#0122: FRAHVIT.TTF
  178. 0.847 ...#0123: framd.ttf
  179. 0.848 ...#0124: FRAMDCN.TTF
  180. 0.848 ...#0125: framdit.ttf
  181. 0.849 ...#0126: FREESCPT.TTF
  182. 0.849 ...#0127: FRSCRIPT.TTF
  183. 0.849 ...#0128: FTLTLT.TTF
  184. 0.850 ...#0129: Gabriola.ttf
  185. 0.850 ...#0130: gadugi.ttf
  186. 0.850 ...#0131: gadugib.ttf
  187. 0.851 ...#0132: GARA.TTF
  188. 0.851 ...#0133: GARABD.TTF
  189. 0.851 ...#0134: GARAIT.TTF
  190. 0.852 ...#0135: georgia.ttf
  191. 0.852 ...#0136: georgiab.ttf
  192. 0.852 ...#0137: georgiai.ttf
  193. 0.853 ...#0138: georgiaz.ttf
  194. 0.853 ...#0139: GIGI.TTF
  195. 0.853 ...#0140: GILBI___.TTF
  196. 0.854 ...#0141: GILB____.TTF
  197. 0.854 ...#0142: GILC____.TTF
  198. 0.854 ...#0143: GILI____.TTF
  199. 0.855 ...#0144: GILLUBCD.TTF
  200. 0.855 ...#0145: GILSANUB.TTF
  201. 0.855 ...#0146: GIL_____.TTF
  202. 0.856 ...#0147: GLECB.TTF
  203. 0.856 ...#0148: GLSNECB.TTF
  204. 0.856 ...#0149: GOTHIC.TTF
  205. 0.857 ...#0150: GOTHICB.TTF
  206. 0.857 ...#0151: GOTHICBI.TTF
  207. 0.858 ...#0152: GOTHICI.TTF
  208. 0.859 ...#0153: GOUDOS.TTF
  209. 0.859 ...#0154: GOUDOSB.TTF
  210. 0.860 ...#0155: GOUDOSI.TTF
  211. 0.860 ...#0156: GOUDYSTO.TTF
  212. 0.861 ...#0157: HARLOWSI.TTF
  213. 0.861 ...#0158: HARNGTON.TTF
  214. 0.861 ...#0159: HATTEN.TTF
  215. 0.862 ...#0160: himalaya.ttf
  216. 0.862 ...#0161: holomdl2.ttf
  217. 0.862 ...#0162: HTOWERT.TTF
  218. 0.863 ...#0163: HTOWERTI.TTF
  219. 0.863 ...#0164: impact.ttf
  220. 0.863 ...#0165: IMPRISHA.TTF
  221. 0.864 ...#0166: INFROMAN.TTF
  222. 0.864 ...#0167: Inkfree.ttf
  223. 0.864 ...#0168: ITCBLKAD.TTF
  224. 0.865 ...#0169: ITCEDSCR.TTF
  225. 0.865 ...#0170: ITCKRIST.TTF
  226. 0.865 ...#0171: javatext.ttf
  227. 0.866 ...#0172: JOKERMAN.TTF
  228. 0.866 ...#0173: JUICE___.TTF
  229. 0.866 ...#0174: KUNSTLER.TTF
  230. 0.867 ...#0175: LATINWD.TTF
  231. 0.867 ...#0176: LBRITE.TTF
  232. 0.867 ...#0177: LBRITED.TTF
  233. 0.868 ...#0178: LBRITEDI.TTF
  234. 0.868 ...#0179: LBRITEI.TTF
  235. 0.868 ...#0180: LCALLIG.TTF
  236. 0.869 ...#0181: LeelaUIb.ttf
  237. 0.869 ...#0182: LeelawUI.ttf
  238. 0.869 ...#0183: LeelUIsl.ttf
  239. 0.869 ...#0184: LFAX.TTF
  240. 0.870 ...#0185: LFAXD.TTF
  241. 0.870 ...#0186: LFAXDI.TTF
  242. 0.870 ...#0187: LFAXI.TTF
  243. 0.871 ...#0188: LHANDW.TTF
  244. 0.871 ...#0189: LSANS.TTF
  245. 0.871 ...#0190: LSANSD.TTF
  246. 0.872 ...#0191: LSANSDI.TTF
  247. 0.872 ...#0192: LSANSI.TTF
  248. 0.872 ...#0193: LTYPE.TTF
  249. 0.873 ...#0194: LTYPEB.TTF
  250. 0.873 ...#0195: LTYPEBO.TTF
  251. 0.874 ...#0196: LTYPEO.TTF
  252. 0.875 ...#0197: lucon.ttf
  253. 0.875 ...#0198: l_10646.ttf
  254. 0.876 ...#0199: MAGNETOB.TTF
  255. 0.876 ...#0200: MAIAN.TTF
  256. 0.877 ...#0201: malgun.ttf
  257. 0.877 ...#0202: malgunbd.ttf
  258. 0.877 ...#0203: malgunsl.ttf
  259. 0.878 ...#0204: marlett.ttf
  260. 0.878 ...#0205: MATURASC.TTF
  261. 0.878 ...#0206: micross.ttf
  262. 0.879 ...#0207: MISTRAL.TTF
  263. 0.879 ...#0208: mmrtext.ttf
  264. 0.879 ...#0209: mmrtextb.ttf
  265. 0.880 ...#0210: MOD20.TTF
  266. 0.880 ...#0211: monbaiti.ttf
  267. 0.880 ...#0212: msyi.ttf
  268. 0.880 ...#0213: MTCORSVA.TTF
  269. 0.881 ...#0214: MTEXTRA.TTF
  270. 0.881 ...#0215: mvboli.ttf
  271. 0.881 ...#0216: NIAGENG.TTF
  272. 0.882 ...#0217: NIAGSOL.TTF
  273. 0.882 ...#0218: Nirmala.ttf
  274. 0.882 ...#0219: NirmalaB.ttf
  275. 0.883 ...#0220: NirmalaS.ttf
  276. 0.883 ...#0221: ntailu.ttf
  277. 0.883 ...#0222: ntailub.ttf
  278. 0.884 ...#0223: OCRAEXT.TTF
  279. 0.884 ...#0224: OLDENGL.TTF
  280. 0.884 ...#0225: ONYX.TTF
  281. 0.885 ...#0226: OUTLOOK.TTF
  282. 0.885 ...#0227: pala.ttf
  283. 0.885 ...#0228: palab.ttf
  284. 0.886 ...#0229: palabi.ttf
  285. 0.886 ...#0230: palai.ttf
  286. 0.886 ...#0231: PALSCRI.TTF
  287. 0.886 ...#0232: PAPYRUS.TTF
  288. 0.887 ...#0233: PARCHM.TTF
  289. 0.887 ...#0234: PERBI___.TTF
  290. 0.887 ...#0235: PERB____.TTF
  291. 0.888 ...#0236: PERI____.TTF
  292. 0.888 ...#0237: PERTIBD.TTF
  293. 0.888 ...#0238: PERTILI.TTF
  294. 0.889 ...#0239: PER_____.TTF
  295. 0.889 ...#0240: phagspa.ttf
  296. 0.890 ...#0241: phagspab.ttf
  297. 0.890 ...#0242: PLAYBILL.TTF
  298. 0.890 ...#0243: POORICH.TTF
  299. 0.891 ...#0244: PRISTINA.TTF
  300. 0.892 ...#0245: RAGE.TTF
  301. 0.892 ...#0246: RAVIE.TTF
  302. 0.893 ...#0247: REFSAN.TTF
  303. 0.893 ...#0248: REFSPCL.TTF
  304. 0.893 ...#0249: ROCCB___.TTF
  305. 0.894 ...#0250: ROCC____.TTF
  306. 0.894 ...#0251: ROCK.TTF
  307. 0.894 ...#0252: ROCKB.TTF
  308. 0.895 ...#0253: ROCKBI.TTF
  309. 0.895 ...#0254: ROCKEB.TTF
  310. 0.895 ...#0255: ROCKI.TTF
  311. 0.896 ...#0256: SCHLBKB.TTF
  312. 0.896 ...#0257: SCHLBKBI.TTF
  313. 0.896 ...#0258: SCHLBKI.TTF
  314. 0.897 ...#0259: SCRIPTBL.TTF
  315. 0.897 ...#0260: segmdl2.ttf
  316. 0.897 ...#0261: segoepr.ttf
  317. 0.898 ...#0262: segoeprb.ttf
  318. 0.898 ...#0263: segoesc.ttf
  319. 0.898 ...#0264: segoescb.ttf
  320. 0.899 ...#0265: segoeui.ttf
  321. 0.899 ...#0266: segoeuib.ttf
  322. 0.899 ...#0267: segoeuii.ttf
  323. 0.900 ...#0268: segoeuil.ttf
  324. 0.900 ...#0269: segoeuisl.ttf
  325. 0.900 ...#0270: segoeuiz.ttf
  326. 0.901 ...#0271: seguibl.ttf
  327. 0.901 ...#0272: seguibli.ttf
  328. 0.901 ...#0273: seguiemj.ttf
  329. 0.902 ...#0274: seguihis.ttf
  330. 0.902 ...#0275: seguili.ttf
  331. 0.902 ...#0276: seguisb.ttf
  332. 0.902 ...#0277: seguisbi.ttf
  333. 0.903 ...#0278: seguisli.ttf
  334. 0.903 ...#0279: seguisym.ttf
  335. 0.903 ...#0280: SHOWG.TTF
  336. 0.904 ...#0281: simsunb.ttf
  337. 0.904 ...#0282: SNAP____.TTF
  338. 0.905 ...#0283: STENCIL.TTF
  339. 0.905 ...#0284: Swkeys1.ttf
  340. 0.905 ...#0285: sylfaen.ttf
  341. 0.906 ...#0286: symbol.ttf
  342. 0.906 ...#0287: tahoma.ttf
  343. 0.907 ...#0288: tahomabd.ttf
  344. 0.907 ...#0289: taile.ttf
  345. 0.908 ...#0290: taileb.ttf
  346. 0.908 ...#0291: TCBI____.TTF
  347. 0.909 ...#0292: TCB_____.TTF
  348. 0.910 ...#0293: TCCB____.TTF
  349. 0.910 ...#0294: TCCEB.TTF
  350. 0.910 ...#0295: TCCM____.TTF
  351. 0.911 ...#0296: TCMI____.TTF
  352. 0.911 ...#0297: TCM_____.TTF
  353. 0.911 ...#0298: TEMPSITC.TTF
  354. 0.912 ...#0299: times.ttf
  355. 0.912 ...#0300: timesbd.ttf
  356. 0.912 ...#0301: timesbi.ttf
  357. 0.913 ...#0302: timesi.ttf
  358. 0.913 ...#0303: trebuc.ttf
  359. 0.913 ...#0304: trebucbd.ttf
  360. 0.913 ...#0305: trebucbi.ttf
  361. 0.914 ...#0306: trebucit.ttf
  362. 0.914 ...#0307: verdana.ttf
  363. 0.914 ...#0308: verdanab.ttf
  364. 0.915 ...#0309: verdanai.ttf
  365. 0.915 ...#0310: verdanaz.ttf
  366. 0.915 ...#0311: VINERITC.TTF
  367. 0.916 ...#0312: VIVALDII.TTF
  368. 0.916 ...#0313: VLADIMIR.TTF
  369. 0.916 ...#0314: webdings.ttf
  370. 0.917 ...#0315: wingding.ttf
  371. 0.917 ...#0316: WINGDNG2.TTF
  372. 0.917 ...#0317: WINGDNG3.TTF
  373. 0.918 ...freed 537 filepath strings
  374. 0.918 user-installed fonts...
  375. 0.919 enumerated 318 total fonts
  376. 0.919 created mutex #4
  377. 0.919 created mutex #5
  378. 0.920 render...
  379. 0.920 vertex size: 20
  380. 0.920 ...found 'glGetStringi' (#1)
  381. 0.921 0 = [GL_AMD_multi_draw_indirect]
  382. 0.921 1 = [GL_AMD_seamless_cubemap_per_texture]
  383. 0.922 2 = [GL_AMD_vertex_shader_viewport_index]
  384. 0.923 3 = [GL_AMD_vertex_shader_layer]
  385. 0.923 4 = [GL_ARB_arrays_of_arrays]
  386. 0.924 5 = [GL_ARB_base_instance]
  387. 0.925 6 = [GL_ARB_bindless_texture]
  388. 0.926 7 = [GL_ARB_blend_func_extended]
  389. 0.926 8 = [GL_ARB_buffer_storage]
  390. 0.927 9 = [GL_ARB_clear_buffer_object]
  391. 0.927 10 = [GL_ARB_clear_texture]
  392. 0.928 11 = [GL_ARB_clip_control]
  393. 0.928 12 = [GL_ARB_color_buffer_float]
  394. 0.929 13 = [GL_ARB_compatibility]
  395. 0.929 14 = [GL_ARB_compressed_texture_pixel_storage]
  396. 0.930 15 = [GL_ARB_conservative_depth]
  397. 0.930 16 = [GL_ARB_compute_shader]
  398. 0.931 17 = [GL_ARB_compute_variable_group_size]
  399. 0.931 18 = [GL_ARB_conditional_render_inverted]
  400. 0.932 19 = [GL_ARB_copy_buffer]
  401. 0.932 20 = [GL_ARB_copy_image]
  402. 0.933 21 = [GL_ARB_cull_distance]
  403. 0.933 22 = [GL_ARB_debug_output]
  404. 0.934 23 = [GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float]
  405. 0.934 24 = [GL_ARB_depth_clamp]
  406. 0.935 25 = [GL_ARB_depth_texture]
  407. 0.935 26 = [GL_ARB_derivative_control]
  408. 0.936 27 = [GL_ARB_direct_state_access]
  409. 0.936 28 = [GL_ARB_draw_buffers]
  410. 0.937 29 = [GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend]
  411. 0.937 30 = [GL_ARB_draw_indirect]
  412. 0.938 31 = [GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex]
  413. 0.938 32 = [GL_ARB_draw_instanced]
  414. 0.939 33 = [GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts]
  415. 0.939 34 = [GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility]
  416. 0.940 35 = [GL_ARB_ES3_compatibility]
  417. 0.941 36 = [GL_ARB_ES3_1_compatibility]
  418. 0.941 37 = [GL_ARB_ES3_2_compatibility]
  419. 0.942 38 = [GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location]
  420. 0.943 39 = [GL_ARB_explicit_uniform_location]
  421. 0.944 40 = [GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions]
  422. 0.944 41 = [GL_ARB_fragment_layer_viewport]
  423. 0.945 42 = [GL_ARB_fragment_program]
  424. 0.945 43 = [GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow]
  425. 0.946 44 = [GL_ARB_fragment_shader]
  426. 0.946 45 = [GL_ARB_fragment_shader_interlock]
  427. 0.947 46 = [GL_ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments]
  428. 0.947 47 = [GL_ARB_framebuffer_object]
  429. 0.948 48 = [GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB]
  430. 0.948 49 = [GL_ARB_geometry_shader4]
  431. 0.949 50 = [GL_ARB_get_program_binary]
  432. 0.949 51 = [GL_ARB_get_texture_sub_image]
  433. 0.950 52 = [GL_ARB_gl_spirv]
  434. 0.950 53 = [GL_ARB_gpu_shader5]
  435. 0.951 54 = [GL_ARB_gpu_shader_fp64]
  436. 0.951 55 = [GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64]
  437. 0.952 56 = [GL_ARB_half_float_pixel]
  438. 0.952 57 = [GL_ARB_half_float_vertex]
  439. 0.953 58 = [GL_ARB_imaging]
  440. 0.953 59 = [GL_ARB_indirect_parameters]
  441. 0.954 60 = [GL_ARB_instanced_arrays]
  442. 0.954 61 = [GL_ARB_internalformat_query]
  443. 0.955 62 = [GL_ARB_internalformat_query2]
  444. 0.955 63 = [GL_ARB_invalidate_subdata]
  445. 0.956 64 = [GL_ARB_map_buffer_alignment]
  446. 0.956 65 = [GL_ARB_map_buffer_range]
  447. 0.957 66 = [GL_ARB_multi_bind]
  448. 0.957 67 = [GL_ARB_multi_draw_indirect]
  449. 0.958 68 = [GL_ARB_multisample]
  450. 0.959 69 = [GL_ARB_multitexture]
  451. 0.960 70 = [GL_ARB_occlusion_query]
  452. 0.960 71 = [GL_ARB_occlusion_query2]
  453. 0.961 72 = [GL_ARB_parallel_shader_compile]
  454. 0.961 73 = [GL_ARB_pipeline_statistics_query]
  455. 0.962 74 = [GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object]
  456. 0.962 75 = [GL_ARB_point_parameters]
  457. 0.963 76 = [GL_ARB_point_sprite]
  458. 0.963 77 = [GL_ARB_polygon_offset_clamp]
  459. 0.964 78 = [GL_ARB_post_depth_coverage]
  460. 0.964 79 = [GL_ARB_program_interface_query]
  461. 0.965 80 = [GL_ARB_provoking_vertex]
  462. 0.965 81 = [GL_ARB_query_buffer_object]
  463. 0.966 82 = [GL_ARB_robust_buffer_access_behavior]
  464. 0.966 83 = [GL_ARB_robustness]
  465. 0.967 84 = [GL_ARB_sample_locations]
  466. 0.968 85 = [GL_ARB_sample_shading]
  467. 0.968 86 = [GL_ARB_sampler_objects]
  468. 0.969 87 = [GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map]
  469. 0.970 88 = [GL_ARB_seamless_cubemap_per_texture]
  470. 0.970 89 = [GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects]
  471. 0.971 90 = [GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counter_ops]
  472. 0.972 91 = [GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counters]
  473. 0.973 92 = [GL_ARB_shader_ballot]
  474. 0.973 93 = [GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding]
  475. 0.974 94 = [GL_ARB_shader_clock]
  476. 0.975 95 = [GL_ARB_shader_draw_parameters]
  477. 0.976 96 = [GL_ARB_shader_group_vote]
  478. 0.976 97 = [GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store]
  479. 0.977 98 = [GL_ARB_shader_image_size]
  480. 0.977 99 = [GL_ARB_shader_objects]
  481. 0.978 100 = [GL_ARB_shader_precision]
  482. 0.978 101 = [GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object]
  483. 0.979 102 = [GL_ARB_shader_subroutine]
  484. 0.979 103 = [GL_ARB_shader_texture_image_samples]
  485. 0.980 104 = [GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod]
  486. 0.981 105 = [GL_ARB_shading_language_100]
  487. 0.981 106 = [GL_ARB_shader_viewport_layer_array]
  488. 0.982 107 = [GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack]
  489. 0.982 108 = [GL_ARB_shading_language_include]
  490. 0.983 109 = [GL_ARB_shading_language_packing]
  491. 0.984 110 = [GL_ARB_shadow]
  492. 0.984 111 = [GL_ARB_sparse_buffer]
  493. 0.985 112 = [GL_ARB_sparse_texture]
  494. 0.985 113 = [GL_ARB_sparse_texture2]
  495. 0.986 114 = [GL_ARB_sparse_texture_clamp]
  496. 0.986 115 = [GL_ARB_spirv_extensions]
  497. 0.987 116 = [GL_ARB_stencil_texturing]
  498. 0.987 117 = [GL_ARB_sync]
  499. 0.988 118 = [GL_ARB_tessellation_shader]
  500. 0.988 119 = [GL_ARB_texture_barrier]
  501. 0.988 120 = [GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp]
  502. 0.989 121 = [GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object]
  503. 0.990 122 = [GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32]
  504. 0.991 123 = [GL_ARB_texture_buffer_range]
  505. 0.992 124 = [GL_ARB_texture_compression]
  506. 0.992 125 = [GL_ARB_texture_compression_bptc]
  507. 0.993 126 = [GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc]
  508. 0.994 127 = [GL_ARB_texture_cube_map]
  509. 0.995 128 = [GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array]
  510. 0.995 129 = [GL_ARB_texture_env_add]
  511. 0.996 130 = [GL_ARB_texture_env_combine]
  512. 0.996 131 = [GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar]
  513. 0.996 132 = [GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3]
  514. 0.997 133 = [GL_ARB_texture_filter_anisotropic]
  515. 0.998 134 = [GL_ARB_texture_filter_minmax]
  516. 0.998 135 = [GL_ARB_texture_float]
  517. 0.999 136 = [GL_ARB_texture_gather]
  518. 0.999 137 = [GL_ARB_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge]
  519. 1.000 138 = [GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat]
  520. 1.000 139 = [GL_ARB_texture_multisample]
  521. 1.001 140 = [GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two]
  522. 1.002 141 = [GL_ARB_texture_query_levels]
  523. 1.002 142 = [GL_ARB_texture_query_lod]
  524. 1.003 143 = [GL_ARB_texture_rectangle]
  525. 1.003 144 = [GL_ARB_texture_rg]
  526. 1.003 145 = [GL_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui]
  527. 1.004 146 = [GL_ARB_texture_stencil8]
  528. 1.004 147 = [GL_ARB_texture_storage]
  529. 1.005 148 = [GL_ARB_texture_storage_multisample]
  530. 1.006 149 = [GL_ARB_texture_swizzle]
  531. 1.006 150 = [GL_ARB_texture_view]
  532. 1.007 151 = [GL_ARB_timer_query]
  533. 1.008 152 = [GL_ARB_transform_feedback2]
  534. 1.008 153 = [GL_ARB_transform_feedback3]
  535. 1.009 154 = [GL_ARB_transform_feedback_instanced]
  536. 1.010 155 = [GL_ARB_transform_feedback_overflow_query]
  537. 1.011 156 = [GL_ARB_transpose_matrix]
  538. 1.011 157 = [GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object]
  539. 1.012 158 = [GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra]
  540. 1.012 159 = [GL_ARB_vertex_array_object]
  541. 1.013 160 = [GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit]
  542. 1.013 161 = [GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_binding]
  543. 1.014 162 = [GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object]
  544. 1.014 163 = [GL_ARB_vertex_program]
  545. 1.015 164 = [GL_ARB_vertex_shader]
  546. 1.015 165 = [GL_ARB_vertex_type_10f_11f_11f_rev]
  547. 1.016 166 = [GL_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev]
  548. 1.016 167 = [GL_ARB_viewport_array]
  549. 1.017 168 = [GL_ARB_window_pos]
  550. 1.017 169 = [GL_ATI_draw_buffers]
  551. 1.018 170 = [GL_ATI_texture_float]
  552. 1.018 171 = [GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once]
  553. 1.019 172 = [GL_S3_s3tc]
  554. 1.019 173 = [GL_EXT_texture_env_add]
  555. 1.020 174 = [GL_EXT_abgr]
  556. 1.020 175 = [GL_EXT_bgra]
  557. 1.020 176 = [GL_EXT_bindable_uniform]
  558. 1.021 177 = [GL_EXT_blend_color]
  559. 1.021 178 = [GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate]
  560. 1.022 179 = [GL_EXT_blend_func_separate]
  561. 1.022 180 = [GL_EXT_blend_minmax]
  562. 1.023 181 = [GL_EXT_blend_subtract]
  563. 1.023 182 = [GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array]
  564. 1.024 183 = [GL_EXT_Cg_shader]
  565. 1.025 184 = [GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test]
  566. 1.026 185 = [GL_EXT_direct_state_access]
  567. 1.026 186 = [GL_EXT_draw_buffers2]
  568. 1.027 187 = [GL_EXT_draw_instanced]
  569. 1.027 188 = [GL_EXT_draw_range_elements]
  570. 1.028 189 = [GL_EXT_fog_coord]
  571. 1.028 190 = [GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit]
  572. 1.029 191 = [GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample]
  573. 1.030 192 = [GL_EXTX_framebuffer_mixed_formats]
  574. 1.030 193 = [GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled]
  575. 1.031 194 = [GL_EXT_framebuffer_object]
  576. 1.031 195 = [GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB]
  577. 1.032 196 = [GL_EXT_geometry_shader4]
  578. 1.032 197 = [GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters]
  579. 1.033 198 = [GL_EXT_gpu_shader4]
  580. 1.033 199 = [GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays]
  581. 1.034 200 = [GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil]
  582. 1.034 201 = [GL_EXT_packed_float]
  583. 1.035 202 = [GL_EXT_packed_pixels]
  584. 1.035 203 = [GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object]
  585. 1.036 204 = [GL_EXT_point_parameters]
  586. 1.036 205 = [GL_EXT_polygon_offset_clamp]
  587. 1.037 206 = [GL_EXT_post_depth_coverage]
  588. 1.037 207 = [GL_EXT_provoking_vertex]
  589. 1.038 208 = [GL_EXT_raster_multisample]
  590. 1.038 209 = [GL_EXT_rescale_normal]
  591. 1.039 210 = [GL_EXT_secondary_color]
  592. 1.039 211 = [GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects]
  593. 1.040 212 = [GL_EXT_separate_specular_color]
  594. 1.041 213 = [GL_EXT_shader_image_load_formatted]
  595. 1.042 214 = [GL_EXT_shader_image_load_store]
  596. 1.043 215 = [GL_EXT_shader_integer_mix]
  597. 1.043 216 = [GL_EXT_shadow_funcs]
  598. 1.044 217 = [GL_EXT_sparse_texture2]
  599. 1.045 218 = [GL_EXT_stencil_two_side]
  600. 1.045 219 = [GL_EXT_stencil_wrap]
  601. 1.046 220 = [GL_EXT_texture3D]
  602. 1.046 221 = [GL_EXT_texture_array]
  603. 1.046 222 = [GL_EXT_texture_buffer_object]
  604. 1.047 223 = [GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1]
  605. 1.048 224 = [GL_EXT_texture_compression_latc]
  606. 1.048 225 = [GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc]
  607. 1.049 226 = [GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc]
  608. 1.049 227 = [GL_EXT_texture_cube_map]
  609. 1.050 228 = [GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp]
  610. 1.050 229 = [GL_EXT_texture_env_combine]
  611. 1.051 230 = [GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3]
  612. 1.051 231 = [GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic]
  613. 1.052 232 = [GL_EXT_texture_filter_minmax]
  614. 1.052 233 = [GL_EXT_texture_integer]
  615. 1.053 234 = [GL_EXT_texture_lod]
  616. 1.053 235 = [GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias]
  617. 1.054 236 = [GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp]
  618. 1.054 237 = [GL_EXT_texture_object]
  619. 1.055 238 = [GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent]
  620. 1.055 239 = [GL_EXT_texture_sRGB]
  621. 1.056 240 = [GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode]
  622. 1.057 241 = [GL_EXT_texture_storage]
  623. 1.057 242 = [GL_EXT_texture_swizzle]
  624. 1.058 243 = [GL_EXT_timer_query]
  625. 1.059 244 = [GL_EXT_transform_feedback2]
  626. 1.060 245 = [GL_EXT_vertex_array]
  627. 1.060 246 = [GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra]
  628. 1.061 247 = [GL_EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit]
  629. 1.062 248 = [GL_EXT_window_rectangles]
  630. 1.062 249 = [GL_EXT_import_sync_object]
  631. 1.063 250 = [GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip]
  632. 1.063 251 = [GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat]
  633. 1.064 252 = [GL_KHR_context_flush_control]
  634. 1.064 253 = [GL_KHR_debug]
  635. 1.065 254 = [GL_EXT_memory_object]
  636. 1.065 255 = [GL_EXT_memory_object_win32]
  637. 1.066 256 = [GL_EXT_win32_keyed_mutex]
  638. 1.066 257 = [GL_KHR_parallel_shader_compile]
  639. 1.067 258 = [GL_KHR_no_error]
  640. 1.067 259 = [GL_KHR_robust_buffer_access_behavior]
  641. 1.068 260 = [GL_KHR_robustness]
  642. 1.068 261 = [GL_EXT_semaphore]
  643. 1.068 262 = [GL_EXT_semaphore_win32]
  644. 1.069 263 = [GL_KTX_buffer_region]
  645. 1.069 264 = [GL_NV_alpha_to_coverage_dither_control]
  646. 1.070 265 = [GL_NV_bindless_multi_draw_indirect]
  647. 1.071 266 = [GL_NV_bindless_multi_draw_indirect_count]
  648. 1.071 267 = [GL_NV_bindless_texture]
  649. 1.072 268 = [GL_NV_blend_equation_advanced]
  650. 1.072 269 = [GL_NV_blend_equation_advanced_coherent]
  651. 1.073 270 = [GL_NVX_blend_equation_advanced_multi_draw_buffers]
  652. 1.074 271 = [GL_NV_blend_minmax_factor]
  653. 1.075 272 = [GL_NV_blend_square]
  654. 1.076 273 = [GL_NV_clip_space_w_scaling]
  655. 1.077 274 = [GL_NV_command_list]
  656. 1.077 275 = [GL_NV_compute_program5]
  657. 1.078 276 = [GL_NV_conditional_render]
  658. 1.079 277 = [GL_NV_conservative_raster]
  659. 1.079 278 = [GL_NV_conservative_raster_dilate]
  660. 1.080 279 = [GL_NV_conservative_raster_pre_snap_triangles]
  661. 1.081 280 = [GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color]
  662. 1.081 281 = [GL_NV_copy_image]
  663. 1.082 282 = [GL_NV_depth_buffer_float]
  664. 1.082 283 = [GL_NV_depth_clamp]
  665. 1.082 284 = [GL_NV_draw_texture]
  666. 1.083 285 = [GL_NV_draw_vulkan_image]
  667. 1.083 286 = [GL_NV_ES1_1_compatibility]
  668. 1.084 287 = [GL_NV_ES3_1_compatibility]
  669. 1.084 288 = [GL_NV_explicit_multisample]
  670. 1.085 289 = [GL_NV_feature_query]
  671. 1.085 290 = [GL_NV_fence]
  672. 1.086 291 = [GL_NV_fill_rectangle]
  673. 1.086 292 = [GL_NV_float_buffer]
  674. 1.086 293 = [GL_NV_fog_distance]
  675. 1.087 294 = [GL_NV_fragment_coverage_to_color]
  676. 1.088 295 = [GL_NV_fragment_program]
  677. 1.088 296 = [GL_NV_fragment_program_option]
  678. 1.089 297 = [GL_NV_fragment_program2]
  679. 1.089 298 = [GL_NV_fragment_shader_interlock]
  680. 1.090 299 = [GL_NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples]
  681. 1.090 300 = [GL_NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage]
  682. 1.091 301 = [GL_NV_geometry_shader4]
  683. 1.092 302 = [GL_NV_geometry_shader_passthrough]
  684. 1.092 303 = [GL_NV_gpu_program4]
  685. 1.093 304 = [GL_NV_internalformat_sample_query]
  686. 1.094 305 = [GL_NV_gpu_program4_1]
  687. 1.094 306 = [GL_NV_gpu_program5]
  688. 1.095 307 = [GL_NV_gpu_program5_mem_extended]
  689. 1.095 308 = [GL_NV_gpu_program_fp64]
  690. 1.096 309 = [GL_NV_gpu_shader5]
  691. 1.096 310 = [GL_NV_half_float]
  692. 1.097 311 = [GL_NV_light_max_exponent]
  693. 1.097 312 = [GL_NV_multisample_coverage]
  694. 1.098 313 = [GL_NV_multisample_filter_hint]
  695. 1.098 314 = [GL_NV_occlusion_query]
  696. 1.099 315 = [GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil]
  697. 1.099 316 = [GL_NV_parameter_buffer_object]
  698. 1.100 317 = [GL_NV_parameter_buffer_object2]
  699. 1.100 318 = [GL_NV_path_rendering]
  700. 1.101 319 = [GL_NV_path_rendering_shared_edge]
  701. 1.101 320 = [GL_NV_pixel_data_range]
  702. 1.102 321 = [GL_NV_point_sprite]
  703. 1.102 322 = [GL_NV_primitive_restart]
  704. 1.103 323 = [GL_NV_query_resource]
  705. 1.103 324 = [GL_NV_query_resource_tag]
  706. 1.104 325 = [GL_NV_register_combiners]
  707. 1.104 326 = [GL_NV_register_combiners2]
  708. 1.105 327 = [GL_NV_sample_locations]
  709. 1.105 328 = [GL_NV_sample_mask_override_coverage]
  710. 1.106 329 = [GL_NV_shader_atomic_counters]
  711. 1.106 330 = [GL_NV_shader_atomic_float]
  712. 1.107 331 = [GL_NV_shader_atomic_float64]
  713. 1.108 332 = [GL_NV_shader_atomic_fp16_vector]
  714. 1.109 333 = [GL_NV_shader_atomic_int64]
  715. 1.110 334 = [GL_NV_shader_buffer_load]
  716. 1.110 335 = [GL_NV_shader_storage_buffer_object]
  717. 1.111 336 = [GL_NV_stereo_view_rendering]
  718. 1.112 337 = [GL_NV_texgen_reflection]
  719. 1.112 338 = [GL_NV_texture_barrier]
  720. 1.113 339 = [GL_NV_texture_compression_vtc]
  721. 1.114 340 = [GL_NV_texture_env_combine4]
  722. 1.114 341 = [GL_NV_texture_multisample]
  723. 1.115 342 = [GL_NV_texture_rectangle]
  724. 1.116 343 = [GL_NV_texture_rectangle_compressed]
  725. 1.116 344 = [GL_NV_texture_shader]
  726. 1.117 345 = [GL_NV_texture_shader2]
  727. 1.118 346 = [GL_NV_texture_shader3]
  728. 1.118 347 = [GL_NV_transform_feedback]
  729. 1.119 348 = [GL_NV_transform_feedback2]
  730. 1.119 349 = [GL_NV_uniform_buffer_unified_memory]
  731. 1.120 350 = [GL_NV_vertex_array_range]
  732. 1.120 351 = [GL_NV_vertex_array_range2]
  733. 1.121 352 = [GL_NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit]
  734. 1.121 353 = [GL_NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory]
  735. 1.122 354 = [GL_NV_vertex_program]
  736. 1.122 355 = [GL_NV_vertex_program1_1]
  737. 1.123 356 = [GL_NV_vertex_program2]
  738. 1.124 357 = [GL_NV_vertex_program2_option]
  739. 1.124 358 = [GL_NV_vertex_program3]
  740. 1.125 359 = [GL_NV_viewport_array2]
  741. 1.125 360 = [GL_NV_viewport_swizzle]
  742. 1.126 361 = [GL_NVX_conditional_render]
  743. 1.126 362 = [GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info]
  744. 1.127 363 = [GL_NVX_multigpu_info]
  745. 1.127 364 = [GL_NVX_nvenc_interop]
  746. 1.127 365 = [GL_NV_shader_thread_group]
  747. 1.128 366 = [GL_NV_shader_thread_shuffle]
  748. 1.128 367 = [GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced]
  749. 1.129 368 = [GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent]
  750. 1.130 369 = [GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap]
  751. 1.130 370 = [GL_SGIS_texture_lod]
  752. 1.131 371 = [GL_SGIX_depth_texture]
  753. 1.131 372 = [GL_SGIX_shadow]
  754. 1.131 373 = [GL_SUN_slice_accum]
  755. 1.132 374 = [GL_WIN_swap_hint]
  756. 1.132 375 = [WGL_EXT_swap_control]
  757. 1.133 ...found 'glActiveTexture' (#2)
  758. 1.133 ...found 'glGetStringi' (#3)
  759. 1.134 ...found 'glGenBuffers' (#4)
  760. 1.134 ...found 'glDeleteBuffers' (#5)
  761. 1.135 ...found 'glBindBuffer' (#6)
  762. 1.135 ...found 'glBufferData' (#7)
  763. 1.136 ...found 'glGetStringi' (#8)
  764. 1.136 ...found 'glCreateShader' (#9)
  765. 1.137 ...found 'glDeleteShader' (#10)
  766. 1.137 ...found 'glShaderSource' (#11)
  767. 1.138 ...found 'glCompileShader' (#12)
  768. 1.138 ...found 'glGetShaderiv' (#13)
  769. 1.139 ...found 'glGetShaderInfoLog' (#14)
  770. 1.139 ...found 'glCreateProgram' (#15)
  771. 1.140 ...found 'glAttachShader' (#16)
  772. 1.140 ...found 'glDetachShader' (#17)
  773. 1.141 ...found 'glLinkProgram' (#18)
  774. 1.141 ...found 'glGetProgramiv' (#19)
  775. 1.142 ...found 'glGetProgramInfoLog' (#20)
  776. 1.142 ...found 'glUseProgram' (#21)
  777. 1.143 ...found 'glDeleteProgram' (#22)
  778. 1.143 ...found 'glGetUniformLocation' (#23)
  779. 1.144 ...found 'glUniform1f' (#24)
  780. 1.144 ...found 'glUniform1fv' (#25)
  781. 1.145 ...found 'glUniform1i' (#26)
  782. 1.145 ...found 'glUniform3fv' (#27)
  783. 1.146 ...found 'glUniform4fv' (#28)
  784. 1.146 ...found 'glUniformMatrix4fv' (#29)
  785. 1.147 ...found 'glEnableVertexAttribArray' (#30)
  786. 1.147 ...found 'glDisableVertexAttribArray' (#31)
  787. 1.148 ...found 'glVertexAttribPointer' (#32)
  788. 1.148 ...ARB_shader_objects supported
  789. 1.149 ...found 'glGetStringi' (#33)
  790. 1.149 ...found 'glGenFramebuffers' (#34)
  791. 1.150 ...found 'glDeleteFramebuffers' (#35)
  792. 1.150 ...found 'glBindFramebuffer' (#36)
  793. 1.151 ...found 'glBlitFramebuffer' (#37)
  794. 1.151 ...found 'glFramebufferTexture2D' (#38)
  795. 1.152 ...found 'glFramebufferRenderbuffer' (#39)
  796. 1.153 ...found 'glCheckFramebufferStatus' (#40)
  797. 1.153 ...found 'glGenRenderbuffers' (#41)
  798. 1.154 ...found 'glDeleteRenderbuffers' (#42)
  799. 1.155 ...found 'glBindRenderbuffer' (#43)
  800. 1.155 ...found 'glRenderbufferStorage' (#44)
  801. 1.156 ...found 'glRenderbufferStorageMultisample' (#45)
  802. 1.156 ...ARB_framebuffer_object supported
  803. 1.157 ...found 'glGenerateMipmap' (#46)
  804. 1.157 ...found 'glTexImage2DMultisample' (#47)
  805. 1.158 image...
  806. 1.158 created mutex #6
  807. 1.170 (img_rasterize_vert) compile status = SUCCESS
  808. 1.170 ...compiled "img_rasterize_vert"
  809. 1.171 (img_rasterize_frag) compile status = SUCCESS
  810. 1.172 ...compiled "img_rasterize_frag"
  811. 1.173 (img_rasterize) linking status = SUCCESS
  812. 1.173 ...linked shader program #0 = "img_rasterize"
  813. 1.174 (img_convolve_vert) compile status = SUCCESS
  814. 1.175 ...compiled "img_convolve_vert"
  815. 1.175 (img_convolve_frag) compile status = SUCCESS
  816. 1.176 ...compiled "img_convolve_frag"
  817. 1.177 (img_convolve) linking status = SUCCESS
  818. 1.177 ...linked shader program #1 = "img_convolve"
  819. 1.178 (img_minkowski_vert) compile status = SUCCESS
  820. 1.179 ...compiled "img_minkowski_vert"
  821. 1.179 (img_minkowski_frag) compile status = SUCCESS
  822. 1.180 ...compiled "img_minkowski_frag"
  823. 1.181 (img_minkowski) linking status = SUCCESS
  824. 1.181 ...linked shader program #2 = "img_minkowski"
  825. 1.182 (img_inflate_vert) compile status = SUCCESS
  826. 1.183 ...compiled "img_inflate_vert"
  827. 1.183 (img_inflate_frag) compile status = SUCCESS
  828. 1.184 ...compiled "img_inflate_frag"
  829. 1.185 (img_inflate) linking status = SUCCESS
  830. 1.185 ...linked shader program #3 = "img_inflate"
  831. 1.186 model...
  832. 1.186 (mdl_origin_vert) compile status = SUCCESS
  833. 1.187 ...compiled "mdl_origin_vert"
  834. 1.188 (mdl_origin_frag) compile status = SUCCESS
  835. 1.188 ...compiled "mdl_origin_frag"
  836. 1.189 (mdl_origin) linking status = SUCCESS
  837. 1.190 ...linked shader program #4 = "mdl_origin"
  838. 1.190 (mdl_shaded_vert) compile status = SUCCESS
  839. 1.191 ...compiled "mdl_shaded_vert"
  840. 1.191 (mdl_shaded_frag) compile status = SUCCESS
  841. 1.192 ...compiled "mdl_shaded_frag"
  842. 1.193 (mdl_shaded) linking status = SUCCESS
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  918. 1.327 ...font texid[24]
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  920. 1.328 view...
  921. 1.329 (view_vert) compile status = SUCCESS
  922. 1.329 ...compiled "view_vert"
  923. 1.330 (view_frag) compile status = SUCCESS
  924. 1.330 ...compiled "view_frag"
  925. 1.331 (view) linking status = SUCCESS
  926. 1.332 ...linked shader program #6 = "view"
  927. 1.332 mesh...
  928. 1.332 toolpath...
  929. 1.378 toolpath structure size:9437264b
  930. 1.379 cnc...
  931. 1.379 Version is "null"
  932. 1.379 FileExtension is "null"
  933. 1.379 ReadStart is "null"
  934. 1.380 ReadStop is "null"
  935. 1.380 UseRelativeCoord is "null"
  936. 1.380 UseToolChange is "null"
  937. 1.381 UseSpindle is "null"
  938. 1.381 UseCoolant is "null"
  939. 1.381 UseComments is "null"
  940. 1.382 CommentBegin is "null"
  941. 1.382 CommentEnd is "null"
  942. 1.382 UseSequenceNums is "null"
  943. 1.383 SequenceComments is "null"
  944. 1.383 SequencePrefix is "null"
  945. 1.383 SequenceDigits is "null"
  946. 1.384 SequenceStart is "null"
  947. 1.384 SequenceInc is "null"
  948. 1.384 Delimiter is "null"
  949. 1.385 EndOfBlock is "null"
  950. 1.385 UsePlusSign is "null"
  951. 1.385 TwoDigitTool is "null"
  952. 1.386 Units is "null"
  953. 1.386 ModalMotion is "null"
  954. 1.386 ModalCoord is "null"
  955. 1.387 ModalCenter is "null"
  956. 1.387 ModalSpeed is "null"
  957. 1.387 ModalFeed is "null"
  958. 1.388 SpeedScale is "null"
  959. 1.388 SpeedMin is "null"
  960. 1.388 SpeedMax is "null"
  961. 1.389 SpeedDecimals is "null"
  962. 1.389 SpeedTrailingZeroes is "null"
  963. 1.389 FeedScale is "null"
  964. 1.390 FeedMin is "null"
  965. 1.390 FeedMax is "null"
  966. 1.390 FeedDecimals is "null"
  967. 1.390 FeedTrailingZeroes is "null"
  968. 1.391 MotionScaleX is "null"
  969. 1.391 MotionScaleY is "null"
  970. 1.392 MotionScaleZ is "null"
  971. 1.392 MotionDecimals is "null"
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  973. 1.393 ArcFormat is "null"
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  977. 1.394 ArcPlaneXY is "null"
  978. 1.394 ArcSignedRadius is "null"
  979. 1.395 ArcMaxAngle is "null"
  980. 1.395 CodeRapid is "null"
  981. 1.395 CodeLinear is "null"
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  983. 1.396 CodeArcCCW is "null"
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  986. 1.397 CodeXYPlane is "null"
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  990. 1.398 CodeRelative is "null"
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  992. 1.399 CodeSpindleCCW is "null"
  993. 1.399 CodeSpindleOff is "null"
  994. 1.399 CodeToolChange is "null"
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  996. 1.400 CodeCoolantFlood is "null"
  997. 1.401 CodeCoolantOff is "null"
  998. 1.401 CodeEndProgram is "null"
  999. 1.401 RegisterX is "null"
  1000. 1.402 RegisterY is "null"
  1001. 1.402 RegisterZ is "null"
  1002. 1.402 RegisterI is "null"
  1003. 1.402 RegisterJ is "null"
  1004. 1.403 RegisterK is "null"
  1005. 1.403 RegisterR is "null"
  1006. 1.403 RegisterSpeed is "null"
  1007. 1.404 RegisterFeed is "null"
  1008. 1.404 RegisterTool is "null"
  1009. 1.405 PrefixBlock is "null"
  1010. 1.405 PostfixBlock is "null"
  1011. 1.405 ToolChangeBlock is "null"
  1012. 1.406 SpindleCWBlock is "null"
  1013. 1.406 SpindleCCWBlock is "null"
  1014. 1.406 SpindleOffBlock is "null"
  1015. 1.407 CoolantMistBlock is "null"
  1016. 1.407 CoolantFloodBlock is "null"
  1017. 1.408 CoolantOffBlock is "null"
  1018. 1.408 RapidBlock is "null"
  1019. 1.408 LinearBlock is "null"
  1020. 1.408 ArcBlock is "null"
  1021. 1.409 CNC_SEQUENCE is "null"
  1022. 1.409 CNC_UNITS is "null"
  1023. 1.409 CNC_DISTANCE is "null"
  1024. 1.410 CNC_PLANE is "null"
  1025. 1.410 CNC_TOOL is "null"
  1026. 1.410 CNC_FEED is "null"
  1027. 1.411 CNC_SPEED is "null"
  1028. 1.411 CNC_X is "null"
  1029. 1.411 CNC_Y is "null"
  1030. 1.411 CNC_Z is "null"
  1031. 1.412 CNC_I is "null"
  1032. 1.412 CNC_J is "null"
  1033. 1.412 CNC_K is "null"
  1034. 1.412 CNC_R is "null"
  1035. 1.413 CNC_GCODE is "null"
  1036. 1.413 cam...
  1037. 1.413 created mutex #7
  1038. 1.413 contour structure size: 768kb
  1039. 1.414 project...
  1040. 1.414 created mutex #8
  1041. 1.414 (canvas_slices_vert) compile status = SUCCESS
  1042. 1.415 ...compiled "canvas_slices_vert"
  1043. 1.416 (canvas_slices_frag) compile status = SUCCESS
  1044. 1.416 ...compiled "canvas_slices_frag"
  1045. 1.417 (canvas_slices) linking status = SUCCESS
  1046. 1.418 ...linked shader program #7 = "canvas_slices"
  1047. 1.419 (canvas_mesh_vert) compile status = SUCCESS
  1048. 1.420 ...compiled "canvas_mesh_vert"
  1049. 1.420 (canvas_mesh_frag) compile status = SUCCESS
  1050. 1.421 ...compiled "canvas_mesh_frag"
  1051. 1.422 (canvas_mesh) linking status = SUCCESS
  1052. 1.422 ...linked shader program #8 = "canvas_mesh"
  1053. 1.423 (toolpath_vert) compile status = SUCCESS
  1054. 1.424 ...compiled "toolpath_vert"
  1055. 1.424 (toolpath_frag) compile status = SUCCESS
  1056. 1.425 ...compiled "toolpath_frag"
  1057. 1.425 (toolpath) linking status = SUCCESS
  1058. 1.426 ...linked shader program #9 = "toolpath"
  1059. 1.427 (simulation_vert) compile status = SUCCESS
  1060. 1.427 ...compiled "simulation_vert"
  1061. 1.428 (simulation_frag) compile status = SUCCESS
  1062. 1.428 ...compiled "simulation_frag"
  1063. 1.429 (simulation) linking status = SUCCESS
  1064. 1.430 ...linked shader program #10 = "simulation"
  1065. 1.431 ...layers freed
  1066. 1.431 [STATUS] idle...
  1067. 1.431 tools to inch defaults
  1068. 1.432 starting canvas update job...
  1069. 1.433 gui...
  1070. 1.433 ...program initialized
  1071. 1.434 project_updatecanvas... (mode:0)
  1072. 1.434 generating 960x960 = size:12.000000x12.000000 ppi:80 scale:1.000000 quality:1.000000
  1073. 1.435 starting download...
  1074. 1.436 ...downloading ""
  1075. 1.437 --- entering main loop ---
  1076. 1.439 ...job_updatecanvas done (0.004s elapsed)
  1077. 1.474 performed
  1078. 1.474 download failed: Couldn't resolve host name (
  1079. 1.788 setcanvasdepth...
  1080. 1.788 canvas:960x960 sz:12.000x12.000x0.500 org:0.50,0.50,1.00
  1081. 1.789 updating simulation size/offset/zscale...
  1082. 1.789 simulation depthmap size:1024x1024 ppi:85
  1083. 1.790 ...simulation offset: -6.000000 -6.000000 -0.500000
  1084. 1.791 updating operation max z depths...
  1085. 1.791 ...project_setcanvasdepth done
  1086. 1.792 generating simulation render model (depth:1024x1024 mesh:102x102 thresh:0.500000 step:10.000000)
  1087. 1.793 r_modelnew = 0
  1088. 1.793 generating simulation slice-stack model... org:-6.000000,-6.000000
  1089. 1.796 ...simulation model generated
  1090. 1.796 r_modelnew = 1
  1091. 1.796 creating canvas slice-stack model...
  1092. 1.797 ...canvas model created
  1093. 1.806 regengridmodel: units=1 size=12 scale=1.000000,0.250000 subdiv=1.000000
  1094. 1.807 r_modelnew = 2
  1095. 1.807 regenaxes: scale=0.125000
  1096. 1.807 r_modelnew = 3
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