
she's a random chatter 12

Jan 29th, 2018
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  1. app tl. really not that accurate .
  3. so mc thinks it's now or never to get rid of stalker and stalker kinda blow of at him for what he did. how he will kill him. mc thinks how prbly stalker is like he lost his everything and how mc too is there since he doesn't want to lose smth. fmc thinks she shouldn't have said anything to gg cause it seems that he hates the random chat and seems disappointed. how he will see her as weird and hate her and tells herself to stay strong. fmc cries and tells him not to worry about it and forget and gg calls the stalker a lame fuck. how she shouldn't feel guilty cause she's the victim. how the random chat is okay and stalker is the problem and how all will be okay. he thanks her for telling him and how all will be okay and not to worry when she said she gave the number to that guy and more bs from gg about this. here stalker talks shit about himself, how he is and how he looks and how lame he is and that. mc cusses and stalker blame mc for this happening. how mc briked him first and he's self defensing here. gg tells fmc how he doesn't know but he will with fmc always from now on and she thanks him. mc wonders about fmc and how prbly it might have went a bit better and not to worry how fmc is with gg. how he wanted to be in gg's shoes, but that's not smth for him. how gg is the one to heal fmc and not him, and what he can do is only this and cries(here gg grabs fmc's hand and mc is down). stalker talks more shit in how mc prbly thinks he's a weird guy but blame it on him wanting to meet with fmc and is all on mc. the guy goes more how fmc liked him too and found him noice and how she had a crush on him and loved to meet her irl. how he too would have liked her if it wasn't for mc. mc tells him those were just texts and how he didn't even knew what fmc was like or if she was real. how fmc wouldn't have liked him at all since he's a damn stalker. mc trolls him more about how big of a loser he is, but wonders why he taunts stalker like this and then calls him a lame fuck. mc wonders why stalker is quiet and how prbly he took damage there. kinda imagines talking to himself and more deep bs. mc then tells stalker to gtfo cause cctv and call the cops. stalker calls him crazy and asks why he does this and mc think how he doesn't know why but smth how he didn't want to be friends with fmc(or her with him). gg kinda tells fmc how he was here from a bit earlier to score points. stalker kinda wants to see mc's phone for her number and mc is all 'all i can do is this'. talk abut the rain and fmc thinks she feels okay thanks to gg. stalker commends mc for his fighting and bs about if mc hit him and how this is between students. how mc started first and now he has to go find fmc. how fmc will worry about stalker being hurt or him of her seeing him. apparently mc has only 3 numbers in his phone. kinda wants mc to wake up to tell him smth. blonde girl demands to know if stalker is the guy that hurt mc or that.
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