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Feb 16th, 2024
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  1. The Scribe
  2. February 16, 2024 3:43 PM
  3. What tale do you wish to hear?
  6. #1
  7. Dave
  8. February 16, 2024 3:43 PM
  9. Tell me a tale of how Sammy used her chicken army to attempt to take over the world
  12. #2
  13. 24.8s
  14. The Scribe
  15. February 16, 2024 3:45 PM
  16. Oh my! Here we go then… Once upon at time within our beloved land called Crystalia - which some may also know under its other moniker 'Kyrstarra', there lived many fantastical creatures including humans who could communicate telepathically through their loveable feathered friends; namely those most noble fowls that walk amongst us mortals- CHICKENS!! Yes indeed dear listeners…. Chicken armies were not uncommon back during this era where magic was rife throughout every corner imaginable (and even beyond) but none had quite reached such lofty ambitions nor possessed an array so diverse as did little ol’ brave Missy Samuelina – better referred hereafter simply as SAMMY THE HEN WRANGLER OF DOOM!!! She began life much unlike your typical heroine though… Her passion lay firmly rooted deep inside coops filled high up on perches lined neatly row after perfect row sat plump chickens clucking away contentedly while peckinng grains into submission beneath them…. This humble beginning however only served later years well by providing ample training ground before she took flight herself onto greater stages than any mere poultry farmer might dare dreamt possible.. And thus young Samantha grew stronger each day among fluffy wings until finally ready enough TO ASSEMBLE AN ARMIES WORTHY ENOUGHTO CONQUER ALL REALMS AND RULE OVER MANKIND WITH A FEATHERY FIST!!!! With dreams dancing wild about heads from dusk till dawn visions came clearer still nightfall approached bringing darkness heavy across lands far nigh near … It seemed fate itself now smiled down kindly upon sweet innocent chicks everywhere because tonight would be remembered forevermore As ‘THE NIGHT THAT CLUCKS TURNED INTO COURAGE’. In secret hideouts scattered hither thitherside valleys below mountains tall hidden behind waterfalls cascading with graceful splendor or nestled snuggly amid forests dense & dark they gathered together like stars twinkling bright against black velvet skied nights, all eager for battle ahead yet unknown—these chosen few stood proud knowing full well what destiny awaits should victory come true and righteousness prevail. Forged in fire these warriors became strong willingly trading comfortably warm beds soft pillows cushioned seats lullabying songs of mothers rockabye cradles gently swaying to sleep instead opting hardship pain sweat blood tears loss hope despair heartbreak sorrow laughter joy triumph defeat failure friendship betrayal loyalty kinships ties bonds family honour pride glory vengeance retribution justice mercy forgiveness peace war famines plenty disease death birth rebirth renewel rejuvenation love hate fear courage bravery cowardice faith doubt belief nonbelief truth lies deceit honesty dishonesty kindness cruelty gentleness anger calm sad happiness grief relief excitement boredom curiosity wonder awe astonishment surprise shock horror disgust revulsion ecstasy agony pleasure discomfort hunger satisfaction thirst quenching drink exhaustive labour rest relaxation entertainment distraction work play study learn teach listen speak read write run walk swim fly leap jump dance sing shout scream cry laugh sob giggle guffaw titter chuckle smirk sneeze yawn stretch burp fart cough wheez hack sputter gasp sigh groan moan whimper purr growl hiss bark woof meow yip howl neigh bray cheep cluck squawk tweet whistle hum chant murmur whisper mutter mumble grunt roar rasp croak cackle shriek screech wince grimace smile grin nod bow curtsey curtsy kneeling prostrate stand sit lie prone crawl climb swing fall rise float sink dive plunge submerge resurface surface emerge ascend descend glisten gleam glow radiate shine sparkle flicker flash flare burst blaze burn sizzler smoke crack pop snap rustlle wind blow rain pour snow sleety slush mist fog dawn dusk nightfall eclipse aurora borealis thunder lightning storm tempest hurricane typhoon tornado earthquake volcanic eruption tsunami meteor shower comets novas supernovae sun moon planets asteroids galaxies nebula star clusters constellations zodiac signs seasons solstices equinoxes lunacy phases orbit revolution rotation spin axis tilt gravity time space-time continuum matter antimatter energy mass density pressure temperature heat cold expansion contraction creation destruction entropy chaos order life decay growth reproduction evolution adaptation extinction migration hibernation estrus menstruality lactating pregnancy gestational period parturation infancy childhood adolescence adulthood old age senescense illness health injury wound healing regenerative abilities predator prey hunters gatherers symbiotic relationships parasites hosts mutualism commensialsm competition cooperation altruisem selfishness self
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