

Apr 20th, 2017
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  1. [b]Name:[/b] Zeke Sieghart
  2. [b]Alias:[/b] The Gladiator, The Warlord, The Duelist, The Prime Knight
  3. [b]Gender:[/b] Male
  4. [b]Age:[/b] 26
  6. [b]History:[/b] [spoil]As far as upbringings go, Zeke's birth and childhood were fairly boring. While a few hundred years ago, his ancestors were noble warriors and knights within the Kingdom of Camelot, the past few generations of his lineage have been part of a group of Desert Dwellers who split their time living within the confines of the city of Oasis and amidst the ruins and sands of the open desert. The traveling caravan had, for many generations now, been made up of pure-bloods and half-breeds of several different shapes and sizes, all merely seeking to get by and hopefully make a living off of diving through ruins. It is due to this upbringing that Zeke's outlook on the dichotomy among the various races and factions of the world has remained fairly neutral. Having been born within the confines of Oasis, and brought into the caravan at a young age as an assistant to the small-job workers, Zeke ended up having to grow up at a somewhat rapid pace, lest the oppressive rays of the sun or the perils of some ancient ruin get the better of the small human. However, it was within the hallowed walls of the time-weathered ruins that Zeke managed to locate a trinket that would aid him for many years to come. In his early teenage-years, during one particular delve into a set of ruins with his parents, the young Sieghart child happened across a rather large bracelet which, as the teen's hand grew closer to the object, sprung from the ground and clasped itself around Zeke's wrist. Having seen a few of the travelers and mercenaries aboard the caravan having similar trinkets, Zeke quickly recognized the object to be one that imbued its owner with the energies of the demonic spirit that inhabited the item. Taking it as a stroke of luck, Zeke mostly shrugged as he made his way out of the ruin, unknowing that along with the powers within the bracelet, the small twinkle of magic within the boy had awoken when the trinket attached itself to him. Zeke showed the bracelet to the appraisers within the caravan's company, who immediately confirmed Zeke's suspicions about the object. Not wanting to fiddle with the powers of the spirit inside, Zeke spent several years continuing his spelunking and hunting with the desert folk, discovering his ability to slightly adjust the earth around him as he made treks across the sands and beneath the dirt. Training this ability during his free time, which he could not discern any demonic power behind, Zeke's ability to manipulate the sand around him made him perfect as both a scout for the caravan, as well as a messenger since he was able to cross the sands faster than the bulk of the company. His various treks across the desert and into the smaller towns nearby have caused Zeke to be fairly known around the area, to the point where at least most towns people recognize his face if nothing else. Now, in the prime of his life, Zeke has acquired a rather solid control of his powers of Geomancy; while recognizing the spirit within the bracelet and the powers it has tempted the man with on several occasions. Having only chosen to use the powers of the Chimera stowed within his accessory when he needed to keep himself alive, the Artificer spends most of his time away from the caravan's company, delving into ruins to discover lost treasure or simply exploring the countryside. After all, why should the ongoing rivalries between Demons, Humans, and Angels dampen his enjoyment of the world.[/spoil]
  8. [b]Appearance:[/b][spoil][image][/img][/spoil]
  9. [b]Appearance description:[/b] Nothing is really different from the picture so I don't think I have to go into any detail here?
  10. [b]Likes:[/b] Warmer Climates, Fresh Meat, Loot(ing)
  11. [b]Dislikes: [/b]Killing without purpose, Acts of Mind Control, Undead, the Ocean
  12. [b]Alliance:[/b] Oasis, no personal attachments
  13. [b]Race:[/b] Human
  14. [b]Item bag:[/b] Basic Adventuring Supplies, Rope, Salt, Salt Brick
  15. [b]Home: [/b]Currently residing in Oasis
  16. [b]Weapon: Image:[/b] [spoil][img][/img][/spoil]
  18. [b]Rank:[/b] B
  19. [b]Demonic Energy:[/b] Chimera
  20. [b]Item appearance:[/b] Large Bracelet Worn on Left Wrist
  21. [b]Appearance: [/b]Hair gets slightly longer, physical appearance grows slightly sharper, purple markings appear below eyes
  23. [b]Demon Traits: [/b]
  24. [spoil]--Debilitation Prevention: While invoking the strength and fury of the Chimera, Zeke ceases to be affected by the debilitating effects of his injuries. While he still takes the damage from blows, his fighting ability does not lower.
  26. --Steadfast: Channeling the solidarity and resilience of the might Chimera, Zeke is able to treat any surface he steps upon as if it were flat ground; allowing him to walk freely upon it, and resist most attempts at making him lose his balance.[/spoil]
  28. [b]Magic:[/b]
  29. [spoil]--Meggido Flame: As if to invoke the lion head of the mighty Chimera, with a bit of rune magic, Zeke produces a gout of flame extending from his palm.
  31. --Hydro Cutter: Channeling the ferocity of the Goat's head, Zeke is able to produce a high-pressure jet of water able to serve as an extension to his weapon, letting him cut objects at a slight distance
  33. --Storm Call: Invoking the serpent tail known to the Chimera, with a wave of his hand followed by a trail of faint purple runes, Zeke is able to cause several arcs of electricity to release from his location before converging on a target
  35. --Geomancy: Allows for use of Earth Magic; The only magic native to Zeke[/spoil]
  39. [b]Strength:[/b] Good at climbing and hiding due to time spent searching old ruins in the Desert; Has built up a slight resistance to Magic for the same reasons
  41. [b]Weakness:[/b] Tends to get over-confident when fighting (and exploring), occasionally biting off more than he can chew; Occasionally falls into a sort of "Rage" while fighting, focusing solely on winning despite the injuries he may take
  43. [b]Powers/abilities:[/b]
  44. [spoil]--Scorpion Sting: Mimicking the poisonous tail of the Chimera, Zeke's use of his demonic powers can be channeled into his spear allowing him to inflict a debilitating poison that steadily saps the stamina out of those he hits. Contact with the tip of his spear is required for the poison to take effect.
  46. --Falling Sky: Utilizing the idea of the draconic wings on the Chimera, Zeke is seemingly able to run upon the skies. Though not true flight, Zeke is able to spring off the air as if it were a normal platform; allowing for aerial travel.
  48. --Onrush: An ability to represent the Chimera's Bull head, this technique of Zeke's allows him to unleash a massive blow upon an enemy of his choice. The drawback to this explosive assault is that it requires Zeke to preoccupy himself for two posts, one to build up the energy required of it, and another to adopt the appropriate stance and line up the attack. Onrush is easily avoidable, as when using it, Zeke has to move in a straight line. Against all but the strongest of foes, this attack is almost always a sure-kill move.[/spoil]
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