

Mar 6th, 2018
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  1. # -- Code made by Ulti_Mate -- #
  2. # please do not copy!
  4. # command report (code)
  5. command /report [<player>] [<text>]:
  6. permission: "report.send"
  7. trigger:
  8. if {report.delay.%player%} is 0:
  9. if player-arg is a player:
  10. if player-arg is set:
  11. if arg 2 is "KillAura":
  12. add 1 to { arg%}
  13. add 1 to {}
  14. set {report.delay.%player%} to 1
  15. send "&f>>&c Reported %player-arg% for %arg 2%" to player
  16. loop all players:
  17. if loop-player has permission "report.see":
  18. send "&f>> &c%player% has reported &6%player-arg% &cfor &a%arg 2%" to loop-player
  19. if arg 2 is "Reach":
  20. add 1 to { arg%}
  21. add 1 to {}
  22. set {report.delay.%player%} to 1
  23. send "&f>>&c Reported %player-arg% for %arg 2%" to player
  24. loop all players:
  25. if loop-player has permission "report.see":
  26. send "&f>> &c%player% has reported &6%player-arg% &cfor &a%arg 2%" to loop-player
  27. if arg 2 is "Fly":
  28. add 1 to { arg%}
  29. add 1 to {}
  30. set {report.delay.%player%} to 1
  31. send "&f>>&c Reported %player-arg% for %arg 2%" to player
  32. loop all players:
  33. if loop-player has permission "report.see":
  34. send "&f>> &c%player% has reported &6%player-arg% &cfor &a%arg 2%" to loop-player
  35. if arg 2 is "Speed":
  36. add 1 to { arg%}
  37. add 1 to {}
  38. set {report.delay.%player%} to 1
  39. send "&f>>&c Reported %player-arg% for %arg 2%" to player
  40. loop all players:
  41. if loop-player has permission "report.see":
  42. send "&f>> &c%player% has reported &6%player-arg% &cfor &a%arg 2%" to loop-player
  43. if arg 2 is "chat":
  44. add 1 to { arg%}
  45. add 1 to {}
  46. set {report.delay.%player%} to 1
  47. send "&f>>&c Reported %player-arg% for %arg 2%" to player
  48. loop all players:
  49. if loop-player has permission "report.see":
  50. send "&f>> &c%player% has reported &6%player-arg% &cfor &a%arg 2%" to loop-player
  53. else if arg 2 is not "chat" or "killaura" or "speed" or "fly" or "reach":
  54. send "&7---------------------------------------------------"
  55. send "&f>> &cthis is not a reason! &a (%arg 2%)" to player
  56. send "&f>> &c reasons: &a killaura, chat, speed, reach, fly"
  57. send "&7----------------------------------------------------"
  60. else:
  61. send "&7---------------------------------------------------"
  62. send "&f>> &c who do you want to report?" to player
  63. send "&f>> &a must be online player!"
  64. send "&7---------------------------------------------------"
  65. else:
  66. send "&f>> &c/report (onlineplayer) (reason)" to player
  67. else if {report.delay.%player%} is 1:
  68. send "&f>> &cyou have to wait between the reports! &a(dont spam)"
  69. # here you can set how many time player must wait before the reports.
  70. wait 5 seconds
  71. # here you can set how many time player must wait before the reports.
  72. set {report.delay.%player%} to 0
  73. stop
  74. # Check command
  75. command /check [<player>] [<text>]:
  76. permission: "report.check"
  77. trigger:
  78. if player-arg is a player:
  79. if player-arg is set:
  80. send "&7----&a%player arg% &chistory&7----"
  81. send " &c times reported:"
  82. send " "
  83. send "&cKillAura: &a%{ arg%}%"
  84. send " "
  85. send "&3Reach: &a%{ arg%}%"
  86. send " "
  87. send "&2Fly: &a%{ arg%}%"
  88. send " "
  89. send "&eSpeed: &a%{ arg%}%"
  90. send " "
  91. send "&5Chat: &a%{ arg%}%"
  92. send "&7---------------------------------"
  93. send "&f&lTotal: &a%{ arg%}%"
  94. send "&7---------------------------------"
  95. if arg 2 is "clear":
  96. if player has permission "report.clear":
  97. set { arg%} to 0
  98. set { arg%} to 0
  99. set { arg%} to 0
  100. set { arg%} to 0
  101. set {} to 0
  102. set { arg%} to 0
  103. set {report.delay.%player arg%} to 0
  104. send "&7>>&a you cleared &c%player arg%&a's report stats!"
  105. else:
  106. send "&f>> &cwho do you want to check?" to player
  107. stop
  108. else:
  109. send "&f>> &Cthis is not a online player!"
  110. on first join:
  111. set {} to 0
  112. set {} to 0
  113. set {} to 0
  114. set {} to 0
  115. set {} to 0
  116. stop
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