

Jun 13th, 2011
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  1. function BEUDSuc()
  2. playerName = UnitName("target");
  3. class = UnitClass("target");
  4. race = UnitRace("target");
  5. if (playerName == nil) then
  6. NoClassQ = 1
  7. FakeRaid();
  8. return
  9. end
  10. if (race == "Blood Elf" or race == "Undead" and class == "Warlock") then
  11. result=".quest remove 10605";
  12. result2=".quest add 10605";
  13. result3=".quest complete 10605";
  14. result4=".quest remove 10605";
  15. result5=".quest remove 1472";
  16. result6=".quest remove 1476";
  17. result7=".quest remove 1474";
  18. outSAY(result4);
  19. outSAY(result5);
  20. outSAY(result6);
  21. outSAY(result7);
  22. outSAY(result);
  23. outSAY(result2);
  24. outSAY(result3);
  25. SendChatMessage("I have given you the first quest in the chain for Succubus called Carendin Summons, " ..playerName.. ". Please finish the chain and you will receive your Succubus pet.", "WHISPER", nil, playerName);
  26. print("\124cff00B4FF\124Hitem:19:0:0:0:0:0:0:0\124h Quest: Devourer of Souls (ID: 10605) completed for " ..playerName.. " port them to 'MagicQuarter'\124h\124r");
  27. else
  28. RaidNotice_AddMessage(RaidBossEmoteFrame,"The targeted player is not a Blood Elf or Undead Warlock, " ..myName, ChatTypeInfo["RAID_WARNING"]);
  29. PlaySoundFile("Sound\\interface\\RaidWarning.wav");
  30. end
  31. end
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