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saucy kitty fanfic

a guest
Apr 27th, 2015
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  1. Faptain Sass Badger : oh honey, you can't drop the soap
  2. (Voice) Kiloechovin: MEDIC!
  3. (Voice) GoldBunny: Spy!
  4. spaceB : even if you are slippery
  5. (Voice) Kiloechovin: MEDIC!
  6. spaceB : i got rough hands
  7. Faptain Sass Badger : (✿ ♥‿♥)
  8. (Voice) Kiloechovin: MEDIC!
  9. Player Nudibranch left the game (Nudibranch timed out)
  10. *DEAD* Faptain Sass Badger : lemme check them rough hands
  11. JDO : he placed his rough hands on her soapy mounds, she arched her head back and moaned a random name from AC
  12. Player Kiloechovin left the game (Disconnect by user.)
  13. Player Adolfin joined team BLU
  14. Adolfin was moved to the other team for game balance
  15. JDO : ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  16. Faptain Sass Badger : omfg JDO
  17. spaceB : lol
  18. Player turrtleman2 has joined the game
  19. Player JackDaniel's has joined the game
  20. Player [Soft_Talker] Chuck Pheltnic has joined the game
  21. Faptain Sass Badger : ''a random name "from AC im dying
  22. Newman Biggio has found: The Bazaar Bargain
  23. GoldBunny : lol why are the snipers getting all the medical attention?
  24. Player turrtleman2 joined team BLU
  25. (Voice) Newman Biggio: MEDIC!
  26. liamhgoodwin : ikr xDS
  27. Newman Biggio : because they hax
  28. Faptain Sass Badger : cause they're hot
  29. spaceB : cause pocket sniper best strat
  30. GoldBunny : shouldnt it be the other way around?
  31. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Help!
  32. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Help!
  33. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Incoming
  34. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: MEDIC!
  35. Player [Soft_Talker] Chuck Pheltnic joined team RED
  36. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Incoming
  37. (Voice) turrtleman2: MEDIC!
  38. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Help!
  39. Player JackDaniel's joined team BLU
  40. GoldBunny : lol
  41. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: MEDIC!
  42. (Voice) Newman Biggio: No
  43. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Help!
  44. GoldBunny : dat phlog doe
  45. spaceB : i know
  46. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Help!
  47. spaceB : it's really dumb
  48. (Voice) a9inchchode: MEDIC!
  49. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Help!
  50. Player Vom1tus has joined the game
  51. [Soft_Talker] Chuck Pheltnic : fair and ballanced
  52. (Voice) Newman Biggio: Thanks!
  53. Player Vom1tus joined team RED
  54. (Voice) Zack (Buying Trading Cards): MEDIC!
  55. (Voice) Zack (Buying Trading Cards): MEDIC!
  56. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Help!
  57. (Voice) Adolfin: MEDIC!
  58. (Voice) Newman Biggio: MEDIC!
  59. (Voice) Zack (Buying Trading Cards): Thanks!
  60. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Incoming
  61. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Help!
  62. (Voice) GoldBunny: MEDIC!
  63. (Voice) Zack (Buying Trading Cards): MEDIC!
  64. *DEAD* Faptain Sass Badger : NOOOOOOO
  65. spaceB : :)
  66. Newman Biggio : kritz against sentry
  67. Faptain Sass Badger : HE DROPPED THE SOAP
  68. spaceB : <3
  69. Faptain Sass Badger : (✿ ♥‿♥)
  70. liamhgoodwin : lol gg
  71. liamhgoodwin : REKT
  72. Faptain Sass Badger : *insert moaning here*
  73. liamhgoodwin : oh god xD
  74. JDO : he knew he had been had, he began to feel dizzy. In the back of his mind he knew the ubi beer had been laced with a roofie.
  75. JDO : She told him to bit the pillow, and take a deep breath, by the end of the night, he'd be nothing but suds and whimpers.
  76. (Voice) Newman Biggio: Thanks!
  77. JDO : ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  78. Player Teddie has joined the game
  79. (Voice) a9inchchode: Thanks!
  80. Player Newman Biggio left the game (Disconnect by user.)
  81. Faptain Sass Badger : plz copy paste this in my chat JDO i need this somewhere
  82. (Voice) turrtleman2: MEDIC!
  83. JDO : u got it bae
  84. NaSeR has earned the achievement Where Eagles Dare
  85. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Help!
  86. Faptain Sass Badger : (✿ ♥‿♥)
  87. (Voice) Zack (Buying Trading Cards): MEDIC!
  88. (Voice) a9inchchode: MEDIC!
  89. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: MEDIC!
  90. spaceB : lol
  91. *DEAD* DALLAS SUCKS : lol
  92. *DEAD* Faptain Sass Badger : (◕︵◕)
  93. Player Teddie joined team BLU
  94. (Voice) NaSeR: MEDIC!
  95. Faptain Sass Badger : im gonna take a screenshot everytime
  96. spaceB : everytime i "drop the soap"
  97. *DEAD* Zack (Buying Trading Cards) : I got stuck D:
  98. Zack (Buying Trading Cards) : under a fire extinguisher
  99. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: MEDIC!
  100. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: MEDIC!
  101. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Help!
  102. JDO : she spread him open like a turkey waiting to be stuffed. with every passonate thrust, she screamed another random AC guys name.
  103. JDO : SpaceB was in tears, but deep down he knew he loved it
  104. JDO : ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  105. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Spy!
  106. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Help!
  107. Faptain Sass Badger : JDO LOL
  108. Player Kumas Tacos left the game (Disconnect by user.)
  109. spaceB : lmao
  110. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: MEDIC!
  111. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Help!
  112. Player Teddie joined team RED
  113. Teddie was moved to the other team for game balance
  114. Teams have been switched.
  115. Zack (Buying Trading Cards) : Need a weapon? Just ask! I accept weapons, scrap, and trading cards (1 scrap = 1 card).
  116. (Voice) Faptain Sass Badger: MEDIC!
  117. (Voice) Faptain Sass Badger: MEDIC!
  118. (Voice) JDO: Thanks!
  119. spaceB : woah man!
  120. GoldBunny : no amex?
  121. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Help!
  122. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: MEDIC!
  123. (Voice) JDO: MEDIC!
  124. (Voice) Faptain Sass Badger: MEDIC!
  125. Player Macon Laufs has joined the game
  126. (Voice) Adolfin: Spy!
  127. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: MEDIC!
  128. (Voice) JDO: Thanks!
  129. Player Macon Laufs joined team RED
  130. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: MEDIC!
  131. NaSeR has earned the achievement Backdraft Dodger
  132. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: MEDIC!
  133. *DEAD* Faptain Sass Badger : (✿ ♥‿♥)
  134. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: MEDIC!
  135. (Voice) JDO: Thanks!
  136. *DEAD* Faptain Sass Badger : demo lol
  137. (Voice) GoldBunny: Spy!
  138. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Spy!
  139. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Spy!
  140. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Incoming
  141. (Voice) turrtleman2: MEDIC!
  142. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Help!
  143. *DEAD* Zack (Buying Trading Cards) : ....
  144. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: MEDIC!
  145. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Help!
  146. (Voice) GoldBunny: MEDIC!
  147. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: MEDIC!
  148. Zack (Buying Trading Cards) : random crits are a fair and balanced part of the gam
  149. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Help!
  150. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Incoming
  151. (Voice) a9inchchode: MEDIC!
  152. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Spy!
  153. (Voice) GoldBunny: Spy!
  154. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Spy!
  155. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Spy!
  156. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Help!
  157. (Voice) Faptain Sass Badger: MEDIC!
  158. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Incoming
  159. Player CrowKnight has joined the game
  160. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Spy!
  161. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: MEDIC!
  162. Player CrowKnight was automatically assigned to team RED
  163. Player PizzagonTV has joined the game
  164. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Spy!
  165. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Spy!
  166. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: MEDIC!
  167. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Help!
  168. Player Charizard has joined the game
  169. (Voice) turrtleman2: MEDIC!
  170. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: MEDIC!
  171. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Incoming
  172. (Voice) a9inchchode: Thanks!
  173. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: MEDIC!
  174. (Voice) a9inchchode: MEDIC!
  175. (Voice) a9inchchode: Thanks!
  176. (Voice) Faptain Sass Badger: MEDIC!
  177. (Voice) JDO: Thanks!
  178. (Voice) JDO: MEDIC!
  179. *DEAD* Faptain Sass Badger : worth
  180. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: MEDIC!
  181. Player Charizard joined team BLU
  182. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Incoming
  183. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: MEDIC!
  184. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: MEDIC!
  185. Player PizzagonTV joined team RED
  186. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Help!
  187. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: MEDIC!
  188. spaceB : JDO didnt you have sniper unusuals?
  189. tebischiore has earned the achievement Communist Mani-Fisto
  190. (Voice) Faptain Sass Badger: MEDIC!
  191. *DEAD* JDO : sold em
  192. *DEAD* Zack (Buying Trading Cards) : Need a weapon? Just ask! I accept weapons, scrap, and trading cards (1 scrap = 1 card).
  193. *DEAD* JDO : Im selling everything mate
  194. *DEAD* JDO : even my ausie rifle
  195. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Help!
  196. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: MEDIC!
  197. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Help!
  198. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: MEDIC!
  199. (Voice) PizzagonTV: Thanks!
  200. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: MEDIC!
  201. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Spy!
  202. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Spy!
  203. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Spy!
  204. (Voice) GoldBunny: Spy!
  205. *DEAD* Faptain Sass Badger : well, shit. Now he established dominance over me.
  206. spaceB : there are 2 types of people. those who like to be dominated and those who dominate
  207. Faptain Sass Badger : (✿ ♥‿♥)
  208. Faptain Sass Badger : and what about those who enjoy both...?
  209. spaceB : :D
  210. *DEAD* JDO : Ill have to write in a role reversal chapter
  211. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Spy!
  212. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Help!
  213. JDO : and I fall into the third option (lenny)
  214. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: MEDIC!
  215. Faptain Sass Badger : incredible
  216. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Incoming
  217. (Voice) a9inchchode: MEDIC!
  218. (Voice) Zack (Buying Trading Cards): Thanks!
  219. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Help!
  220. (Voice) PizzagonTV: MEDIC!
  221. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Incoming
  222. (Voice) a9inchchode: MEDIC!
  223. Player NickelFinger has joined the game
  224. (Voice) a9inchchode: MEDIC!
  225. (Voice) a9inchchode: Thanks!
  226. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: MEDIC!
  227. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: MEDIC!
  228. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: MEDIC!
  229. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: MEDIC!
  230. Player turrtleman2 left the game (Disconnect by user.)
  231. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Help!
  232. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Spy!
  233. PizzagonTV : tf2ez
  234. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Help!
  235. Player NickelFinger joined team Spectator
  236. GoldBunny : wat
  237. (Voice) liamhgoodwin: Help!
  238. (Voice) JDO: Thanks!
  239. Player BMT has joined the game
  240. spaceB : HEHE
  241. Player GHDW left the game (Disconnect by user.)
  242. spaceB : IM SOAP NOW
  243. Player Innnnss left the game (Disconnect by user.)
  244. Player JDO joined team RED
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