
Fool Moon, Part 21 (Hurt)

Jul 10th, 2012
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  1. >You rub your eyes, a bit confused.
  2. >Fluttershy, Fluttershy...
  3. >Your eyes widen as a few important facts burrow past your hangover.
  4. "Wait, she gets out today? She's okay!?"
  5. >Rarity winces at the volume of your voice, and Sweetie gets a little apprehensive.
  6. >"Well, yeah. After you..did what you did, she started recovering from the...uh...blood loss."
  7. >You notice the look on Sweetie Belle's face, and you smile at her.
  8. "Hey, Sweetie. Chin up. You've got nothing to be ashamed of. I'm as much to blame for what happened to her as you. Probably more. I hurt her first, remember?"
  9. >Rarity gives you a deadpan stare as she gets to her hooves.
  10. >"Anon, somehow I don't think that's comforting."
  11. >"No...I think I get it. Neither of us were ourselves, right? So it's okay, right? She won't be mad?"
  12. "I don't think Fluttershy CAN be mad."
  13. >Rarity mutters daintily to herself before coughing.
  14. "What?"
  15. >"Nothing, nothing. I'm sure she will not only be willing to forgive you, she'll try to apologize for something herself, the poor dear."
  16. >Rarity smiles at Sweetie Belle, pulling her sister into a hug.
  17. >"I'm overjoyed to know that she's alright. Thank you for telling me, Sweetie."
  18. >You get up, swiftly plucking your pants off of Rarity's back as she hugs her sister.
  19. >As you slide your pants up and adjust them, you feel something prod your shoulder.
  20. >Your shirt, clutched in Rarity's magical grip.
  21. >"Here you are, Anon."
  22. "Thanks, marshmallow."
  23. >"You can repay me by telling me how to get rid of this TERRIBLE headache."
  24. >You smile at her.
  25. "Hair of the dog."
  28. >"I have to skin a Diamond Dog!?"
  29. >She gasps in horror, and you stare at her blankly as you put your shirt on.
  30. "...No."
  31. >"Then what do you...why are you looking at me like that?"
  32. "Have you never had a hangover before?"
  33. >She sniffs and turns her nose up at you.
  34. >"I don't make it a habit to drink to excess!"
  35. "Okaaay then. Wow. I'm just gonna suggest coffee."
  36. >She glares at you flatly as you finish getting your clothing together.
  37. >"So then what's this hair of the dog?"
  38. >You start whistling and walking off towards the kitchen.
  39. "Can't tell ya."
  40. >Some breakfast couldn't hurt your head any worse.
  41. >You start rummaging around in Rarity's kitchen, looking for eggs.
  42. >Delicious eggs.
  43. >"Anon?"
  44. >You weren't a great cook, but scrambled eggs was something you could do.
  45. >"Tell me."
  46. >They had a skillet in the house, but no spatula...
  47. >"Tell me!"
  48. >Spatula, spatula, where WAS a spatula.
  49. >"Tell me tell me tell me tell me!"
  50. >There we are, spatula!
  51. >"Pleeeeaaaaase!?"
  52. >You look down into a pair of sapphire eyes and an adorable smile.
  53. >And you gently boop her on the nose with the spatula.
  54. "No. I'm making breakfast and we're going to go visit Fluttershy. I'll tell you about hangovers later."
  55. >Rarity frowns at you, and then twitches once she comes to a realization.
  56. >"I spent last night ON THE FLOOR! I must look HIDEOUS!"
  57. >She gallops upstairs, dashing past Sweetie Belle in a panic.
  60. "Is she always..."
  61. >"Uh huh."
  62. "Hmmph."
  63. >You turn back to your eggs, whistling to yourself as you sprinkle a bit of cheese from Rarity's fridge.
  64. >Which brings you back to your earlier speculations.
  65. >Ponies and milk...
  66. "Hey Sweetie?"
  67. >"Huh?"
  68. "Do you guys..."
  69. >You trail off, and Sweetie raises an eyebrow at you.
  70. "Where does this milk come from?"
  71. >Sweetie's confusion only deepens, and then her face grows horrified.
  72. >"Wait, wha....COWS. IT COMES FROM COWS!"
  73. "So ponies don-"
  74. >"NO. WHY WOULD WE!?"
  76. >Sweetie's expression of absolute horror only deepens.
  77. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry! Sorry, alright! Don't freak out on me!"
  78. >You turn back to your eggs, grumbling to yourself, as Sweetie continues to stare.
  79. >"So all this time, you thought we...I mean we..with the milk..."
  80. "Yes. I did. I'm an idiot."
  81. >"Okay, dropping the subject."
  82. "Thanks."
  83. >You cook in silence for a while until Sweetie puts her hooves on the counter to prop herself up.
  84. >"So...what are you making?"
  85. "Just eggs."
  86. >"Can I help?"
  87. "I don't see why no-"
  88. >"No, Sweetie, you cannot help Anon cook breakfast."
  89. >Rarity comes in from the other room, still holding her head in pain and annoyance.
  92. >"Awww, why not?"
  93. >"Because last time you burned...whatever it was you were trying to make."
  94. "No need to be so harsh, marshmallow."
  95. >Rarity glares at you, while Sweetie smiles.
  96. "Eggs are almost done, every...uh, pony take a seat. Let's eat and get ready to go."
  97. >"Will you tell me what you meant by 'hair of the dog,' so I can kill this headache?"
  98. "That depends, you see any Applejack D-"
  99. >"I have to SKIN APPLEJACK!?"
  100. "....No. Nevermind, let's just get some food. You'll feel better after you eat."
  101. >You pull the skillet full of eggs off the stove and ladle a few onto Rarity and Sweetie's plate.
  102. >You'll eat the rest out of the skillet, fuck plates.
  103. "Sweetie, can you get Rarity and I some water?"
  104. >"Sure Anon!"
  105. >The little filly jumps out of her chair and runs to the fridge, pouring all three of you some water to drink.
  106. >Water and Eggs, the breakfast of champions.
  107. >"Anon, was this...NORMALLY what you had for breakfast back home?"
  108. >You loo up at Rarity, your mouth already halfway stuffed with scrambled eggs.
  109. "On days after a really good haul, yeah."
  110. >"Haul?"
  111. >You turn and look at Sweetie Belle and mouth 'highwayman' at her.
  112. >Recognition dawns on her face and she shuts up.
  113. >"Anonymous, I don't mean to insult your favored morning food, but you can't...well you can't simply eat eggs every morning."
  114. "Will Equestria run out of chickens if I do?"
  115. >"Well, no, but-"
  116. "Then I'm eating eggs every morning."
  117. >Rarity sighs while you scarf down your breakfast.
  118. >You want to face Fluttershy on a full stomach.
  119. >Especially if her other friends would be there.
  120. >Like a certain blue bitch.
  124. >CAN YOU FEEL IT?
  126. >Yes, you can feel it.
  127. >"Anonymous, I think I'm going to die."
  128. "You aren't gonna die, Rarity."
  129. >"My head. Is. Killing. Me."
  130. "I told you to drink more water."
  131. >Sweetie Belle's just giggling at her sister as the three of you trudge towards Ponyville General.
  132. >The walk had been murder, but at least you were here now.
  133. >And once you were inside that cool, closed off hospital, you'd be at peace.
  134. >No more headac-
  136. >No.
  137. >Anything but...but...
  138. >Her.
  139. >"Hello, Pinkie Pie."
  140. >Rarity speaks through gritted teeth, and you both glance at each other, grimacing.
  141. >Pinkie Pie comes out of fucking NO WHERE and wraps her arms around the both of you in a hug.
  142. >"How're my two favorite lovebirds doing today!?"
  143. "Pain."
  144. >"Agony."
  145. >Pinkie blows a raspberry and frowns at you two as you cringe.
  146. >"Awww, did you two have too much to drink last night? Well don't worry, your Auntie Pinkie Pie's got just the thing to fix you right up!"
  147. "...You don't even know how old I am."
  148. >"Lovebirds?"
  149. >Pinkie Pie ignores your confusion as she pulls a pair of cupakes from...
  150. >You decide you don't want to know where she kept those things.
  151. >The perfectly pink pair of pastries go plummeting down your gullet as Pinkie shoves a cupcake into your mouth and Rarity's snout, nearly choking the both of you.
  152. "HRRRGH"
  153. >You clutch at your throat and start coughing while Rarity confronts Pinkie.
  154. >"Pinkie! You could have just choked us!"
  155. >"Nopey dopey. You just feel like you're choking! But instead, your hangover's gone! The choking's just a side effect I havn't gotten rid of yet. They're a work in progress."
  160. >You bend over, trying not to throw up Pinkie's cupcake surprise.
  161. >"See, side effect! I bet his headache's gone though!"
  162. >You look up at the grinning pink mare.
  163. >For the first time, you start to think that changing forms and ripping her in half would not be a bad idea.
  164. >Rarity takes note of your expression and grins sheepishly at Pinkie Pie.
  165. >"Pinkie, dear, I think you should have waited before trying this recipe on...err, humans."
  166. >Pinkie puts a hoof to her chin, thinking.
  167. >"Hmmmm. But that wouldn't be any fun, and Anon would be stuck with his headache!"
  168. >Pinkie turns and bounces past you towards the hospital.
  169. >You keep coughing, trying not to vomit up the mass of frosting and pastry you're sure is obscuring your esophagus.
  170. "Can I..."
  171. >"No, darling."
  172. "Can I please..."
  173. >"No."
  174. "Just a tiny stab?"
  175. >"No."
  176. >Rarity glares at you, and you sigh, rubbing your throat.
  177. >The little pink party pony was right, though.
  178. >Your hangover was completely gone.
  179. >Something else worries you a bit.
  180. "What was that about lovebirds?"
  181. >Rarity's face looks concerned.
  182. >"I havn't the faintest idea. The, umm...reward I gave you was...private."
  183. >She starts blushing, and you grin at her.
  184. "Kisses are private among ponies?"
  185. >", but I...oh my."
  186. >Rarity's blush deepens, and your grin widens.
  187. >"UGH! Can we just get to the hospital already!?"
  188. >You frown and look at Sweetie Belle, who's glaring at you.
  189. "Promise is a promise, I guess. Let's get goin'."
  193. >The three of you waltz into the hospital in the wake of Pinkie Pie's thunderous entrance, and the hospital foyer shows it.
  194. >There were streamers everywhere, as well as a few balloons, and what you think might have been cakes at one point smeared on the walls.
  195. >The orderlies lay sprawled around the foyer, looking like a bomb went off inside the hospital.
  196. "Uh..."
  197. >One of the orderlies looks at you and points down the west hallway without making a sound.
  198. "Thanks, I guess?"
  199. >"So...much...frosting..."
  200. >You and Rarity and Sweetie carefully scoot around the bodies of orderlies.
  201. >Once you're behind the safety of the west hallway door, you give Rarity a confused stare.
  202. "What just-"
  203. >"Pinkie."
  204. "How is she not in jail?"
  205. >"Same answer, darling. Now come along. Let's go see Fluttershy. I'm sure she'll be overjoyed to see you!"
  206. "I'm...not so sure."
  207. >"Whatever makes you say that?"
  208. "I tore up her wing, remember?"
  209. >"Anon, that wasn't you. Fluttershy knew that BEFORE I did, remember? She was helping you. I'm sure she's more worried about you than you are about her."
  210. "Sounds awful when you put it that way, marshmallow."
  211. >Rarity rolls her eyes and trots ahead of you.
  212. >You smirk and walk after her, whistling to yourself as you push the double doors open.
  213. >Streamers and more balloons greet you as you walk in, ducking your head to avoid a streamer to the face.
  214. >There's the mare of honor, sitting up in her bed, face hidden behind her mane.
  215. >You watch her turn her head, eyes widening, as you, Rarity, and Sweetie enter the room.
  216. "Fluttershy, h-ACK."
  217. >Your breath explodes out of you in a great gasp as a blue and rainbow blur slams into your chest.
  218. >"YOU!"
  222. >You hear another set of hooves coming from beyond the swinging doors as Applejack bursts out of them after Rainbow.
  223. >"What are YOU doing here!?"
  224. "Visiting Fluttershy, what's it look like!?"
  225. >"Now hold up, Rainbow, this ain't the time nor the place!"
  226. >Rainbow ignores her friend, flying up in your face and slamming both her hooves in your chest.
  227. >"You don't belong here! Let Fluttershy see her FRIENDS!"
  228. "I AM her friend, you crazy cyan cu-"
  229. >Rainbow turns and bucks you in the face.
  230. >You fall on your ass, sliding a bit on the floor.
  231. "What the hell is your problem!?"
  232. >"YOU'RE MY PROBLEM!"
  233. >Rainbow slams into your chest at that same breakneck speed, laying you out on your back.
  234. >Now you're mad.
  235. >You sit up and wait for Rainbow to come back around, then jam your shoulder into her stomach as she passes over you.
  236. >The cyan mare lets out a grunt and slams into the wall, before jumping up on her hooves and snarling at you.
  237. >"That all you got, freak?"
  238. "Plenty more where that came from!"
  239. >You clench your fists, then freeze when an orange blur comes between you and Rainbow.
  240. >"Non o' that, y'all. Not here. Not right outside, when they can see us."
  241. >"You're on HIS side, Applejack? After all I told you!?"
  242. >"I ain't on nobody's side, Rainbow. There's no reason we can't be 'civil about this."
  243. "Right, civil. No need for me to turn little blue here inside out."
  244. >They both glare at you, and you sneer back.
  245. "Seriously, what the hell did I do to you guys?"
  246. >"Do you REALLY not know?"
  247. "Would I be asking if I did?"
  248. >"After all you've done to Fluttershy, you really have no idea?"
  249. >You tense.
  250. "I told you, I couldn't control that."
  254. >"Couldn't you!?"
  255. "Of course I couldn't! Are you dense, Rainbow? Did all that happened in the past week or two just fly past you?"
  256. >Rainbow snarls at you, and Applejack sighs.
  257. >"She ain't jus' talkin 'bout what you did to her wing, Anon."
  258. >"I'm still mad at him about that, too! This freak is dangerous! Why can't anyp0ny see that!?"
  259. "I'm not dangerous ANY MORE, you stupid horse!"
  260. >Rainbow's eyes narrow, but Applejack puts a hoof in front of her.
  261. >"T'aint the point we're here to make, Rainbow."
  262. >"It might not be the point YOU'RE here to make, Applejack, but it's the point I'm here to make. I'm not gonna sit by while this thing hurts are friends and turns them into liars!"
  263. >You glare at Rainbow.
  264. "Are you serious? Is that what all this is about? Rarity not telling you everything? Me stealing? We handled all tha-"
  265. >"Not just THAT! You made Fluttershy lie too! You almost KILLED her, for Celestia's sake!"
  266. "Well Sweetie helped with that, and I don't see you tackling her into walls or trying to poison HER liver!"
  267. >Applejack mumbles something that you have to strain to hear.
  268. >"Sweetie's a pony, darlin'."
  269. >Rainbow grimaces.
  270. >"You hurt Fluttershy first! It's your fault Sweetie went nuts anyway!"
  271. "What!?"
  272. >"Blue-"
  273. >Applejack puts a hoof in front of Rainbow's mouth.
  274. >"Enough o' that, Rainbow. Nop0ny can prove that. Anon, Rainbow's gettin' off topic. We're just here to talk, bout how you're hurtin' a mutual friend of ours."
  275. >Applejack puts on an easy smile.
  276. >"Ah ain't here ta talk 'bout you and Fluttershy. That's up to y'all."
  277. >Her grin drops.
  278. >"Ah'm here ta talk to ya 'bout you and Rarity."
  281. >The orange pony doffs her hat.
  282. >"See, after last night, Ah went home and did some thinkin'. Ah started thinkin' bout that monster that killed and ate mah cattle."
  283. >You gulp.
  284. >"Bout that same monster that tore up mah big brother and put me in the hospital."
  285. >The orange pony scowls and moves closer to you, putting her snout on your nose.
  286. >"Bout that same monster that's 'pparently kissin' one o' mah best friends."
  287. " did do you know about..."
  288. >"The kiss? Featherweight gave a little picture to Rainbow here. Free o' charge. I'm an easygoin' pony most o the time, Anon, but when some strange creature comes lyin', cheatin', stealin', and killin' his way through mah town ah get upset. And Ah get more upset when that creatures starts makin' moves on mah friend."
  289. "So all that last night was..."
  290. >"Gettin' a feel for ya. Ya don't seem bad, Anon. Ya really don't. But like Rainbow said, yer dangerous. Too dangerous for her, or anyp0ny, really."
  291. >Rainbow, an orange hoof in her mouth, glares at you and nods vigorously.
  292. >"So we wanted ta talk to ya today, 'afore you went and checked on Flutters. We got an ultimatum for ya."
  293. "Ulti what?"
  294. >Rainbow wriggles her mouth free.
  295. >"A threat!"
  296. >AJ rolls her eyes.
  297. >"Nothin' that aggressive. We jus' wantcha to stay away from Rarity, thas all."
  298. "And if I don't? If I say fuck you and the horse you popped out of?"
  299. >Applejack's eyes grow very, very cold for a split second, like frozen limes.
  300. >Rainbow grins and slams her hooves together.
  301. >"Things might get a bit ugly for ya."
  305. >AJ sighs, and that coldness disappears.
  306. >"But ah don't want it to end up like that. Ah jus' wantcha ta understand. Ah'm tryin' ta keep mah friends safe. And you ain't safe. Yer trouble, s'what you are. Ever since you popped up, you've been trouble."
  307. Those green eyes bore into yours.
  308. >"She don't need that. None of us do, do we?"
  309. "I get where you're coming from. I do, really. But still, I have to say..."
  310. >AJ's eyes start moving from side to side, trying to get a read on you.
  311. "Fuck you and the horse you popped out of."
  312. >AJ sighs.
  313. >"Well, ah've said mah piece. Rainbow?"
  314. >She takes her hoof away from Rainbow, and in a second, the blue pegasus is hovering in your face.
  315. >"I don't like you."
  316. "Feeling's mutual."
  317. >"You got one of my best friends to lie to me, to all of us. All we've done together, all the bonds of friendship and that other fancy crap Twilight talks about, you just tore it apart!"
  318. >Rainbow pokes you in the chest, and you resist the urge to growl.
  319. >"You're a monster. You're evil. The worst kind of evil, like Discord. It's not enough that you did all the horrible things you did to AJ, and Twilight, and other ponies, but you had to hurt Fluttershy!"
  320. "I told you, I couldn't-"
  321. >"Not that, you idiot! You HURT her. Badly. Worse than the stupid wing!"
  322. "How did I..."
  323. >Rainbow punches you in the chest.
  324. >You wince and recoil, and the blue pegasus is in your face again.
  325. >"You and Rarity. You and that...ugh!"
  326. "What the hell did Rarity do?"
  327. >"She kissed you, is what she did!"
  330. >Things start to come together for you.
  331. "Wait, you mean...Fluttershy..."
  332. >"Yes! For Rarity!"
  333. "Since when?"
  334. >Rainbow groans in exasperation.
  335. >"Forever ago! Before you even showed up! She's just been too shy to say anything!"
  336. "Wait, she likes mares?"
  337. >"She's always been like that! Even in Flight Camp! I'm her best friend, and she tells me everything! And you and your little...whatever this is has been screwing with her head!"
  338. >You hold a hand to your forehead, annoyed.
  339. "Let me get this straight. Fluttershy likes Rarity. Applejack wants me to stay the hell away from Rarity because I'm..."
  340. >"A freakish abomination 'gainst Celestia an' nature."
  341. "...that. And you want me to stay away because our mutual friend is crushing on Rarity."
  342. >"Right."
  343. "Did you ever stop to think how Rarity might feel?"
  344. >"Yup."
  345. >"That's...huh?"
  346. "What if Rarity doesn't like mares?"
  347. >"That's besides the-"
  348. "Do you like mares?"
  349. >"No, bu-"
  350. "Coulda fooled me."
  353. >"What's THAT supposed to mean?"
  354. "It means you don't have the right to dictate who your friends fall for. Fluttershy got hurt, okay. That's life. It happens."
  355. >" j-"
  356. "Fuck you, Rainbow. You too, Applejack."
  357. >Rainbow fumes, gritting her teeth.
  358. "Fuck you for wasting my time with this shit. And fuck you for trying to run your friend's lives. If you'll excuse me, we have a mutual friend who's getting out of the hospital today, and I'd like to join that crazy party of Pinkie's in the next room."
  359. >Rainbow fumes and flies up in your face.
  360. >"No, buck YOU, Anon, you selfish prick! You got three of my friends sent to the hospital, you're putting another friend of mine in danger, and you're breaking my best friend's heart!"
  361. >You stare coolly into her purple eyes.
  362. "Get out of my way."
  363. >"No."
  364. "Rainbow, if you don't move, I'm going to make you move. No one here would like that."
  365. >Rainbow grits her teeth.
  366. >"Why? Why are you so bent on hurting us?"
  367. "Hurt's got nothin' to do with it."
  368. >"THEN WHY?"
  369. "Cuz I'm a selfish prick. I love her. And I'm not gonna leave her because one of your friends is lovestruck and because you're too dense to realize I'm not a threat."
  370. >Rainbow twitches, and you lean in to her face.
  371. "Now move."
  372. >The cyan pegasus' wings twitch, and she floats to the right of you.
  373. >Applejack eyes you coolly as you approach, reaching up a hoof to her hat.
  374. >"We ain't finished with this, sugarcube. Ah respect yer 'gumption, but we still ain't done."
  375. "No, we're done. Trust me."
  376. >She smirks.
  377. >"Izzat so?"
  378. "Damn right it is. Out of the way."
  379. >Applejack tips her hat and trots to the side.
  380. >You walk into the next room.
  383. >A storm of crazy colors and screaming fillies assaults your ears as you make it into the next room.
  384. >You spot Pinkie toting Applebloom and Sweetie on her head like a makeshift filly hat.
  385. >Rarity sits next to Fluttershy, chatting.
  386. >Twilight walks up to you, sipping on a bit of punch.
  387. >"Hello, Anon! I just want to...well, apologize for the magical prison and the-"
  388. "So you're not here to accuse me of a bunch of things I couldn't control and punch me in various organs?"
  389. >"Wha!? No, I-"
  390. "Good"
  391. >Twilight eyes you for a second, then puts a hoof to her forehead and sighs.
  392. >"They tried to threaten you, didn't they?"
  393. "You know about it?"
  394. >"Not much. There's just been about you since the whole...Sweetie incident."
  395. "Talk, huh?"
  396. >"Well, Blueblood blamed the whole thing on some weird human thingy you did to Sweetie. He kept talking about how 'it' came 'with you' the night you both got pulled out of the grove."
  397. >Your eyes narrow as you remember the necklace.
  398. "Did he now?"
  399. >"Just crazy ranting. He still blames you for the whole thing, and I guess Rainbow and Applejack sorta...took it to heart."
  400. "Have they been talking to Blueblood?"
  401. >Twilight eyes you strangely.
  402. >"Well, they might have. I don't know. Why?"
  403. "Nothing. Thanks for the heads up, Twilight. And don't worry. We just had a nice, civil conversation. Nothing to get upset about."
  404. >"Okay then."
  405. "I'm gonna go talk to Fluttershy, alright?"
  406. >She nods and goes back to the punch bowl.
  410. >You leave the purple mare to her punch, moving past her to the bed where Fluttershy and Rarity sit.
  411. >Rarity turns towards you immediately, eliciting a wince from Fluttershy.
  412. >"Anon, darling! Welcome back. What did Rainbow Dash and Applejack want?"
  413. "Nothing important. Hey Fluttershy. How are you feeling?"
  414. >"Oh, um, hello Anon. Good, thank you."
  415. >She smiles at you, and you smile back.
  416. >You were right. There isn't a way in the world Fluttershy's even CAPABLE of hatred.
  417. >Let alone hatred at you for the wing thing.
  418. >Or whatever had crawled up Rainbow and died.
  419. "You ready to get out of here?"
  420. >She nods, her pink mane bobbing up and down.
  421. >"Oh, yes. I need to get back to all my animal friends. I'm, um, sure they've been taken care of, but I'm still, um, worried."
  422. >Rarity smiles.
  423. >"Fluttershy, I'm SURE they will be fine."
  424. >Fluttershy smiles back at Rarity, before an idea seems to strike her.
  425. >"Um...Rarity, if it's not too much trouble, could, well I need to...oh dear..."
  426. "I think she wants to talk to me alone, marshmallow."
  427. >Fluttershy nods at you thankfully, and Rarity gives you a puzzled look before trotting away.
  428. >"...thank you..."
  429. "No problem."
  430. >"We"
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