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Mar 2nd, 2013
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  1. 4:57 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: ok
  2. 4:57 PM - Pocket: ok
  3. 4:57 PM - Pocket: hey hans, did u just ban me?
  4. 4:57 PM - Hans: I had you banned yes.
  5. 4:58 PM - Toxic entered chat.
  6. 4:58 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: i invited Toxic
  7. 4:58 PM - Pocket: was a doing something?
  8. 4:58 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: ok
  9. 4:58 PM - Hans: Duh.
  10. 4:58 PM - Pocket: i*
  11. 4:58 PM - Hans: You have been abusing a LOT
  12. 4:58 PM - Pocket: i was just killing when i was banned
  13. 4:58 PM - Pocket: is that a new rule?
  14. 4:59 PM - Pocket: ?
  15. 4:59 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: he is busy and i think he will be back in a sec
  16. 4:59 PM - Toxic: Well, my friends that was on the server said you were abusing. They said you were nocliping and killing people.
  17. 5:00 PM - Pocket: not while noclipped
  18. 5:00 PM - Toxic: Also they said you were killing in godmode
  19. 5:00 PM - Pocket: i taunted and blew someone up
  20. 5:00 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: there is a comment on teh steam group page ntw
  21. 5:00 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: wit hsome evidence
  22. 5:00 PM - Pocket: yes i know
  23. 5:00 PM - Pocket: i was taunting
  24. 5:00 PM - Pocket: then he ran right up to me so i would get banned
  25. 5:00 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: Toxci
  26. 5:00 PM - Toxic: Yes?
  27. 5:00 PM - Pocket: he was angry with me for killing him alot fairly earlier
  28. 5:01 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: anybody you know that we can invite to the chat
  29. 5:01 PM - Pocket: so he took some shots and i'm "banned"
  30. 5:02 PM - Pocket: is that why u banned me?
  31. 5:02 PM - Pocket: is that "A LOT" of abuse. as you put it
  32. 5:03 PM - Crafter entered chat.
  33. 5:03 PM - KCUROV entered chat.
  34. 5:03 PM - Crafter: :P
  35. 5:03 PM - KCUROV: wot is dis
  36. 5:03 PM - Pocket: hi crafter and kcurov
  37. 5:03 PM - Crafter: elloes
  39. 5:04 PM - Pocket: this would be like everyone
  40. 5:04 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: somebody is banned
  41. 5:04 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: for a week
  42. 5:04 PM - KCUROV: Mhmm
  43. 5:04 PM - Pocket: except maby junkatron
  44. 5:04 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: for aboose
  45. 5:04 PM - KCUROV: I'm sure we all know who it is, correct?
  46. 5:04 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: yes
  47. 5:04 PM - Toxic: Obviously
  48. 5:04 PM - Crafter: :P
  49. 5:04 PM - Pocket: i did not abuse tho u just banned me out of random
  50. 5:04 PM - Pocket: i was flamethrowering a sniper and got banned
  51. 5:05 PM - Pocket: is killing against kcurov's new rules?
  52. 5:05 PM - Toxic: Well
  53. 5:05 PM - KCUROV: You've been abusing in the past.
  54. 5:05 PM - Toxic: Like i said
  55. 5:05 PM - Toxic: Yeah
  56. 5:05 PM - KCUROV: And, we have just decided on banning you.
  57. 5:05 PM - Crafter: ye
  58. 5:05 PM - Pocket: by shooting a sniper?
  59. 5:05 PM - Toxic: And like i said my friends told me you have been abusing
  60. 5:05 PM - KCUROV: Lying is another reason for your ban.
  61. 5:05 PM - Crafter: yep
  62. 5:05 PM - Pocket: how do i lie
  63. 5:06 PM - Hans: You have been denying all of this crap for a while.
  64. 5:06 PM - Pocket: there was 1 guy
  65. 5:06 PM - Hans: You could at least be honest with us.
  66. 5:06 PM - KCUROV:
  67. 5:06 PM - Pocket: you can check the comments on the page
  68. 5:06 PM - Pocket: yes red that
  69. 5:06 PM - Pocket: so your banning me for him
  70. 5:06 PM - Hans: For a lot of people.
  71. 5:07 PM - Pocket: you seem to have really strict rules here
  72. 5:07 PM - KCUROV: Our proof of you lying and abusing lies within this link.
  73. 5:07 PM - KCUROV: ohi hans
  74. 5:07 PM - Hans: Hi.
  75. 5:07 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: ya Kc
  76. 5:07 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: look at the people
  77. 5:07 PM - Pocket: lying?
  78. 5:07 PM - Pocket: how
  79. 5:07 PM - Crafter: theres proof dam
  80. 5:07 PM - KCUROV: Plus, you were disobeying an admin earlier
  81. 5:07 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: mods and admins
  82. 5:07 PM - Crafter: :P
  83. 5:07 PM - KCUROV: I'll be back in a second
  84. 5:08 PM - Hans: I understand that you only do this when I am not on the server.
  85. 5:08 PM - Pocket: how
  86. 5:08 PM - Hans: Because I only get reports right after i leave.
  87. 5:08 PM - Pocket: i killed like an idler and 1 person
  88. 5:08 PM - Pocket: with a taunt
  89. 5:08 PM - Hans: Bull.
  90. 5:08 PM - Pocket: and the dude was angry at me for killing him earlier
  91. 5:08 PM - Pocket: so he ran into me while i was taunting me so i could get banned
  92. 5:09 PM - Pocket: how else would he get screenshotts, he's constantly taking them?
  93. 5:09 PM - Toxic: *You ran into him
  94. 5:09 PM - Pocket: opposite of the above^
  95. 5:09 PM - Hans: So tell me, why would vince be so mad about you killing one person and an idler.
  96. 5:09 PM - Pocket: not vince
  97. 5:09 PM - Pocket: the other dude
  98. 5:09 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: Kraft pug
  99. 5:09 PM - Crafter: :p
  100. 5:09 PM - Pocket: yea
  101. 5:09 PM - Hans: Why would he want you banned for no reason< huh?
  102. 5:09 PM - Pocket: cause i was dominating him
  103. 5:10 PM - Hans: He is not that kind of person.
  104. 5:10 PM - Pocket: thats why i'm talking to you hans
  105. 5:10 PM - Pocket: who
  106. 5:10 PM - Hans: kraft.
  107. 5:10 PM - Pocket: because he gets really competitibe
  108. 5:10 PM - Pocket: competitive*
  109. 5:10 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: anybody have kraft on their friends list?
  110. 5:10 PM - Crafter: no
  111. 5:10 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: if so invite him
  112. 5:11 PM - Toxic: I don't think so
  113. 5:11 PM - Toxic: I can just add him and just invite him here
  114. 5:11 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: he is not on hans said
  115. 5:11 PM - Pocket: so your banning me for a supercompetetive guy and killin an idler
  116. 5:11 PM - Hans: I just checked.
  117. 5:11 PM - KCUROV: Kraft isn't on
  118. 5:12 PM - Pocket: seems legit
  119. 5:12 PM - Toxic: ah
  120. 5:12 PM - Hans: Listen, pocket.
  121. 5:12 PM - Pocket: i am
  122. 5:12 PM - Hans: If you stop denying it, we will leave the ban at ONE week.
  123. 5:12 PM - Hans: Just accept it and don't do it anymore, got it?
  124. 5:12 PM - Pocket: denying what!
  125. 5:13 PM - Hans: God damn dude
  126. 5:13 PM - KCUROV: Ugh
  127. 5:13 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: guys
  128. 5:13 PM - Crafter: ...
  129. 5:13 PM - KCUROV: You've been denying abuse this entire time.
  130. 5:13 PM - Pocket: i am not denying anything
  131. 5:13 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: is it ok if i invite callum?
  132. 5:13 PM - KCUROV: And, you were disobeying admins
  133. 5:13 PM - KCUROV: quote "idk im getting banned anyway"
  134. 5:13 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: he might have something to say
  135. 5:13 PM - Hans: Go for it hungry
  136. 5:13 PM - Crafter: ye
  137. 5:13 PM - Pocket: he wasnt there
  138. 5:14 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:. entered chat.
  139. 5:14 PM - Pocket: how would he know?
  140. 5:14 PM - Hans: Welcome to hell, callum
  141. 5:14 PM - Pocket: he wasnt there
  142. 5:14 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: thanks :3
  143. 5:14 PM - Pocket: lol
  144. 5:14 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: lol hans
  145. 5:14 PM - Hans: :P
  146. 5:14 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: ok Callum
  147. 5:14 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: we have a problem
  148. 5:14 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: Pocket has been banned for a week
  149. 5:14 PM - Pocket: there banning me for no reason
  150. 5:14 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: for abusing and he thinks it is bull
  151. 5:14 PM - Pocket: they say "abuse"
  152. 5:14 PM - Pocket: and "denying"
  153. 5:14 PM - Pocket: but its all bull
  154. 5:15 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: im pretty sure like everyone has seen you abuse
  155. 5:15 PM - Pocket: they dont even tell me what i'm doing
  156. 5:15 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: so would you like to give some examples?
  157. 5:15 PM - KCUROV: Yes we have, Callum
  158. 5:15 PM - KCUROV: And we have proof of it.
  159. 5:15 PM - Pocket: i would love to hear you try
  160. 5:15 PM - KCUROV:
  161. 5:15 PM - KCUROV: Example A
  162. 5:15 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: lol
  163. 5:15 PM - Pocket: ok
  164. 5:15 PM - Pocket: how many times have i explaned that
  165. 5:15 PM - Pocket: 2
  166. 5:15 PM - Pocket: i dont wanna make it a third
  167. 5:15 PM - Pocket: scroll up and read
  168. 5:16 PM - KCUROV: You were in the RED team spawn, taunt-killing with godmode.
  169. 5:16 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: :L
  170. 5:16 PM - Hans: Stop playing dumb, pocket.
  171. 5:16 PM - Pocket: scroll up and read
  172. 5:16 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: i am pretty sure Kraft pug does not lie
  173. 5:16 PM - Pocket: why, do u know him?
  174. 5:16 PM - KCUROV: I've known Kraft for a bit and he's nice
  175. 5:16 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: also KC if you have stuff to do do not make this stop you g ahead and do it
  176. 5:16 PM - KCUROV: Aight
  177. 5:17 PM - KCUROV: I'll leave in a bit then
  178. 5:17 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: k
  179. 5:17 PM - KCUROV: And, because of me Kraft is donator, Pocket.
  180. 5:17 PM - Pocket: he got superconpetetive and tried to ban me
  181. 5:17 PM - Pocket: thats the shortened version for you
  182. 5:17 PM - Hans: I feel like this is high council judging someone for death or something lol
  183. 5:17 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: donator and mods can not ban
  184. 5:17 PM - Pocket: i know
  185. 5:17 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: lol hans true
  186. 5:17 PM - Hans: Mods can.
  187. 5:18 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: can we?
  188. 5:18 PM - Pocket: he posted that thing so i would get banned
  189. 5:18 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: did not know taht
  190. 5:18 PM - Pocket: see the logic?
  191. 5:18 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: that*
  192. 5:18 PM - KCUROV: Pocket, if he wanted you banned he would've told me
  193. 5:18 PM - KCUROV: But, he hasn't come running up to me saying "POCKET DOMINATED ME LET'S BAN HIM"
  194. 5:18 PM - Pocket: he did
  195. 5:18 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: lol
  196. 5:18 PM - KCUROV: No, he posted proof of you abusing.
  197. 5:18 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: makes perfect sense
  198. 5:18 PM - Pocket: he wouldnt have said that
  199. 5:19 PM - Hans: Ok, this is going nowhere. I have made my decision, so it is done either way. Just come back in a week and deal with it.
  200. 5:19 PM - Pocket: if you wanna get someone banned dont say its because of domination
  201. 5:19 PM - Pocket: say its because of abuse
  202. 5:19 PM - KCUROV: Oh, and you wouldn't have dominated him if it weren't for the taunting and godmode.
  203. 5:19 PM - Pocket: ok
  204. 5:19 PM - Pocket: no
  205. 5:19 PM - Pocket: he was dominated long before
  206. 5:19 PM - Pocket: thats how he got supercompetitive
  207. 5:19 PM - KCUROV: 1:09 PM - Hans: Why would he want you banned for no reason< huh?
  208. 1:09 PM - Pocket: cause i was dominating him
  209. 5:19 PM - KCUROV: sorry
  210. 5:19 PM - KCUROV: wat
  211. 5:19 PM - Pocket: ok just refund me, and i'l never see you guys again
  212. 5:19 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: dat evidence
  213. 5:19 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: soo
  214. 5:19 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: Hans
  215. 5:20 PM - Hans: Yea, hungry?
  216. 5:20 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: should i kick Pocket from the chat
  217. 5:20 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: orrr
  218. 5:20 PM - Hans: Let him ramble if he likes.
  219. 5:20 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: ok
  220. 5:20 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: :3
  221. 5:20 PM - Crafter: :3
  222. 5:20 PM - Toxic: Mhm
  223. 5:20 PM - Pocket: refund me my keys and i will never haf to see u guys again
  224. 5:20 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: :3 x3
  225. 5:20 PM - Hans: he can come back in one week, it is not that bacd.
  226. 5:20 PM - Hans: *bad
  227. 5:21 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: Pocket it is not you
  228. 5:21 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: it is what you do
  229. 5:21 PM - Pocket: yes but if you ban me for this, then i'l surely get banned for nothing later
  230. 5:21 PM - Pocket: what i do defines me
  231. 5:21 PM - KCUROV: "banned for nothing"
  232. 5:21 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: "nothing"
  233. 5:21 PM - Toxic: You were banned for a reason.
  234. 5:21 PM - Pocket: for someone elses competeitveness
  235. 5:21 PM - Hans: I probably would have made the ban shorter if you had said "I am sorry, it will not happen again."
  236. 5:21 PM - Pocket: are you gunna ban me for that?
  237. 5:21 PM - KCUROV: Are we honest men, or are we devils?
  238. 5:21 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: devils
  239. 5:21 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: :3
  240. 5:21 PM - Hans: xD
  241. 5:21 PM - KCUROV: noh u dont sey dat
  242. 5:22 PM - Pocket: because it didnt happen
  243. 5:22 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: im sorry it wont happen again :L
  244. 5:22 PM - Pocket: i'm sorry it wont happin again
  245. 5:22 PM - Pocket: there
  246. 5:22 PM - Pocket: ya feel better now?
  247. 5:22 PM - KCUROV: Pocket, it's too late for that as it seems
  248. 5:22 PM - Pocket: for you
  249. 5:22 PM - KCUROV: 1:21 PM - Hans: I probably would have made the ban shorter if you had said "I am sorry, it will not happen again."
  250. 5:23 PM - KCUROV: "probably"
  251. 5:23 PM - KCUROV: inb4 r u gona ban me for dis
  252. 5:23 PM - Toxic: :/
  253. 5:23 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: are we executing him for one week then ressurecting him
  254. 5:23 PM - Pocket: for real guys?
  255. 5:23 PM - Pocket: without the words abuse, and denying explain why i am getting banned
  256. 5:24 PM - Toxic: Killing people in godmode.
  257. 5:24 PM - Toxic: And noclip killing
  258. 5:24 PM - KCUROV: Abusing, lying after you've been caught, and disobeying admins.
  259. 5:24 PM - Hans: And godmode taunt killing in spawn
  260. 5:24 PM - Pocket: that is the word abuse
  261. 5:24 PM - KCUROV: Abusing as in what Toxic&Hans said
  262. 5:24 PM - KCUROV: Pocket, in our case abuse is killing people with the commands
  263. 5:24 PM - Pocket: hhow am i lying
  264. 5:25 PM - Toxic: *sigh*
  265. 5:25 PM - Pocket: yes sigh
  266. 5:25 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: *sigh*
  267. 5:25 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: lesigh
  268. 5:25 PM - Pocket: you guys are so hard to find out why i'm banned
  269. 5:25 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: le sigh*
  270. 5:25 PM - Crafter: *le sigh*
  271. 5:25 PM - KCUROV: Ugh, again I have to post this.
  272. 5:25 PM - KCUROV:
  273. 5:25 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: le sigh x3
  274. 5:25 PM - KCUROV: In that you were lying
  275. 5:25 PM - Crafter: XD
  276. 5:25 PM - KCUROV: Gotta go
  277. 5:25 PM - KCUROV: bye
  278. 5:25 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: bah
  279. 5:25 PM - Crafter: ok
  280. 5:25 PM - Pocket: i was not lying in that
  281. 5:25 PM - Pocket: tho
  282. 5:25 PM - KCUROV disconnected.
  283. 5:26 PM - Pocket: i just looked over it for the 10000-000th time
  284. 5:26 PM - Crafter: o.o
  285. 5:26 PM - Pocket: yes
  286. 5:26 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: i gtg t dinner bye sorry
  287. 5:26 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: to*
  288. 5:26 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: bah
  289. 5:27 PM - Toxic: Bai
  290. 5:27 PM - Hans: Bai
  291. 5:27 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR: bai
  292. 5:27 PM - Hungry Blanket TϟR disconnected.
  293. 5:27 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: i feel left out of the bai group
  294. 5:27 PM - Pocket: hey guys, refund me my donator keys and you never have to deal with this conversation ever again
  295. 5:27 PM - Hans: When you get banned forcefully, there is no refund.
  296. 5:28 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: or you could deal with the ban and come bck next week and not abuse
  297. 5:28 PM - Pocket: I DONT ABUSE THO
  298. 5:28 PM - Toxic: Oh my..
  299. 5:28 PM - Pocket: btw hans, r u a scammer?
  300. 5:28 PM - Toxic: 5:24 PM - Toxic: Killing people in godmode.
  301. 5:24 PM - Toxic: And noclip killing
  302. 5:28 PM - Toxic: Thats abuse
  303. 5:28 PM - Hans: Oh, yes. I scam people all the time.
  304. 5:28 PM - Pocket: cause theres proof
  305. 5:28 PM - Hans: You didnt know?
  306. 5:28 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: same :3
  307. 5:29 PM - Pocket: deep in the comments
  308. 5:29 PM - Pocket: thats not cool dude
  309. 5:29 PM - Toxic: Oh
  310. 5:29 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: its good fun to scam a few buds now and them
  311. 5:29 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: then*
  312. 5:29 PM - Toxic: I got a strange sapper for a key
  313. 5:29 PM - Hans: everyone scams
  314. 5:29 PM - Toxic: Does that count as a scam?
  315. 5:29 PM - Pocket: wow
  316. 5:29 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: meh it means the dude was an idiot
  317. 5:29 PM - Pocket: i see i was out of my 15 keys
  318. 5:30 PM - Crafter: :P
  319. 5:30 PM - Pocket: and i would like you to refund them
  320. 5:30 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: we're off topic btw :P
  321. 5:30 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: ok back on
  322. 5:30 PM - Hans: orly.exe
  323. 5:30 PM - Toxic: okai
  324. 5:30 PM - Pocket: btw i got a screenshot of this conversation
  325. 5:30 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: nope.exe
  326. 5:31 PM - Pocket: you might get steambandded
  327. 5:31 PM - Hans: LOL
  328. 5:31 PM - Toxic: lmao
  329. 5:31 PM - Toxic: how?
  330. 5:31 PM - Pocket: you are not so bright are you
  331. 5:31 PM - Toxic: just because we banned you?
  332. 5:31 PM - Toxic: are you retarded?
  333. 5:31 PM - Hans: I need to screenshot this, now
  334. 5:31 PM - Pocket: for no reason
  335. 5:31 PM - Pocket: its alright hans
  336. 5:31 PM - Pocket: i already did
  337. 5:31 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: shoutout to people
  338. 5:31 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: take it now ^
  339. 5:32 PM - Toxic: Well i dont care about steamrep
  340. 5:32 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: Nor do i
  341. 5:32 PM - Hans: Me neither
  342. 5:32 PM - Hans: Nor do my key buyers.
  343. 5:32 PM - Pocket: well
  344. 5:32 PM - Pocket: i hope you like tradeing
  345. 5:32 PM - Pocket: cause you wont be able to
  346. 5:32 PM - Pocket: might even be banned from steam!
  347. 5:33 PM - Hans: pocket i love you
  348. 5:33 PM - Hans: this is greqat
  349. 5:33 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: wowz
  350. 5:33 PM - Toxic: they are just a bunch of nerds saying that "this and that guy is scammer" and shit
  351. 5:33 PM - Hans: *great
  352. 5:34 PM - Hans: Imma post these to the group for the publics lawls
  353. 5:34 PM - Toxic: lol
  354. 5:34 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: btw hans will you ever fix the tags :3
  355. 5:35 PM - Pocket: lol hope you do
  356. 5:35 PM - Pocket: cause you scamm people
  357. 5:35 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: ill give you a key if you can do it in the next year :P
  358. 5:35 PM - Hans: Ill ge around to it, it is things like this that take my time up.
  359. 5:35 PM - Hans: xD
  360. 5:35 PM - Pocket: and deserve retribution
  361. 5:35 PM - Toxic: How does he scam?
  362. 5:35 PM - Toxic: yExplain how
  363. 5:35 PM - Pocket: he admited it
  364. 5:35 PM - Toxic: explain*
  365. 5:35 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: hans scammed me out of my scrap metal
  366. 5:35 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: im nothing...
  367. 5:35 PM - Toxic: and then gave it back
  368. 5:36 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: :P
  369. 5:36 PM - Pocket: got a shot of the scamm out of scrap
  370. 5:36 PM - Pocket: just keep going
  371. 5:36 PM - Pocket: cmon guys
  372. 5:36 PM - Toxic: Oh and i also admit it so your just gonna go on steam rep for false report
  373. 5:36 PM - Toxic: ?
  374. 5:37 PM - Pocket: lol
  375. 5:37 PM - Hans: Pocket. Listen to me and listen good. You have a lot of growing up to do before ANYONE will ever give you a tiny ounce of their respect. You act like you posess the intellect and maturity level of a 5 year old.
  376. 5:38 PM - Toxic: ^
  377. 5:38 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: ^
  378. 5:38 PM - Pocket: lol
  379. 5:38 PM - Pocket: that would be abuse and could get you further banned
  380. 5:38 PM - Pocket: i am warning you
  381. 5:38 PM - Hans: You just proved my point
  382. 5:38 PM - Toxic: wut
  383. 5:38 PM - Hans: Thanks.
  384. 5:39 PM - Pocket: np
  385. 5:39 PM - Pocket: lol
  386. 5:39 PM - Pocket: anything else you have to admit to?
  387. 5:39 PM - Toxic: i hack
  388. 5:39 PM - Hans: I hack too
  389. 5:40 PM - Pocket: lol
  390. 5:40 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: i use speedhax
  391. 5:40 PM - Hans: I have one more thing to admit to as well
  392. 5:40 PM - Pocket: you guys...
  393. 5:40 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: and nawclipz
  394. 5:40 PM - Toxic: i also stole a dollar from my moms purse
  395. 5:41 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: i stole a creme egg when i was 5 :3
  396. 5:41 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: i didnt know you had to pay :P
  397. 5:41 PM - Toxic: i use reDarkstorm
  398. 5:41 PM - Toxic: for hax
  399. 5:42 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: i use
  400. 5:42 PM - Hans: i have something terrible to admit to
  401. 5:42 PM - Hans: I own a well kept server with well trained admins who tell me everything I need to know. I have a good community of honest people. And worst of all, I care about my players
  402. 5:42 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: oh my god...
  403. 5:42 PM - Pocket: honest?
  404. 5:42 PM - Hans: ban me now
  405. 5:42 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: im going to throw up
  406. 5:42 PM - Pocket: good?
  407. 5:42 PM - Pocket: well trained?
  408. 5:42 PM - Pocket: i'm confuzed
  409. 5:43 PM - Hans: Give me proof that shows anything else
  410. 5:43 PM - Pocket: lol
  411. 5:43 PM - Pocket: i got all your confessions
  412. 5:43 PM - Pocket: and will file them appropiate
  413. 5:43 PM - Hans: they are jokes, child
  414. 5:44 PM - Pocket: dont blame me
  415. 5:44 PM - Pocket: blame yourself
  416. 5:44 PM - Pocket: yourselves
  417. 5:44 PM - Hans: ok, ill be waiting for my ban
  418. 5:44 PM - Pocket: its plural
  419. 5:44 PM - Hans: ill be sure to thank you
  420. 5:44 PM - Toxic: also mine and callum.
  421. 5:44 PM - Hans: O, great pocket
  422. 5:44 PM - Pocket: lol
  423. 5:44 PM - Pocket: yep
  424. 5:44 PM - Pocket: dude
  425. 5:44 PM - Pocket: i'm not a god
  426. 5:44 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: what
  427. 5:44 PM - .:♠CallumRaggo6♠:.: i was playing gmod :P
  428. 5:44 PM - Hans: lol
  429. 5:45 PM - Toxic: what if you are though
  430. 5:45 PM - Pocket: am i?
  431. 5:45 PM - Toxic: nop
  432. 5:45 PM - Pocket: i dont think so
  433. 5:45 PM - Toxic: your just a kid on the internet like us
  434. 5:45 PM - Pocket: god would not have made you angry in the first place
  435. 5:45 PM - Hans: im not mad im laughing my ss off
  436. 5:45 PM - Hans: *ass
  437. 5:46 PM - Pocket: i hope you are
  438. 5:46 PM - Pocket: i'm trying to be a comedian when i pass highschool
  439. 5:46 PM - Hans: good for you
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