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Jan 23rd, 2019
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  1. [19:59] Capoke: also, any pointers for going for GS since I got rejected like 2 months ago?
  2. [20:00] BingBon: hmmm
  3. [20:00] BingBon: well let me start by asking what you're looking to become an upper for
  4. [20:03] Capoke: Honestly probably mostly the whitelist extension I guess, but well
  5. [20:03] Capoke: several other things as well
  6. [20:04] BingBon: it's good to give honest answers, that's a positive :)
  7. [20:04] BingBon: so I'm going to ask why you want more WL time
  8. [20:04] BingBon: as a follow-up to that answer
  9. [20:05] Capoke: Managing dungeons, pop in other clans to visit, stuff like that
  10. [20:05] Capoke: I like giving away dungeon stuff in /games :p
  11. [20:06] Capoke: also running dungeons myself
  12. [20:06] BingBon: let me ask then, have you considered the private runs we have available in Hyrule for that?
  13. [20:07] BingBon: We have an annex which can be gotten for things like that for those with that kind of interest
  14. [20:07] Capoke: Yeah, I like doing it with friends though
  15. [20:08] BingBon: for privates you can include any players you want in your run, including non-clannies
  16. [20:08] BingBon: if your friends aren't in Hyrule
  17. [20:08] Capoke: Ah, cool
  18. [20:08] Capoke: didn't know about that part
  19. [20:08] BingBon: we can grant them a WL into the annex for the duration of the run and you guys can run it together
  20. [20:09] BingBon: and privates in the annex do not count against your WL time
  21. [20:09] BingBon: so if you do it there you don't have to use WL credits for those dungeon runs
  22. [20:09] Capoke: I run about 4-5 dungeons at a time
  23. [20:09] Capoke: there enough of those?
  24. [20:09] BingBon: I can't help you with that part I'm afraid, we only have 1, maybe 2 if I weren't so lazy extra places to run things
  25. [20:10] Capoke: hmm, but of a problem there then
  26. [20:11] BingBon: One part of that which doesn't make sense to me is why do 4-5 at once instead of running 4-5x as many turns in 1 to finish 4-5x faster and then get just as much loot in the same amount of time
  27. [20:12] Capoke: I do do that
  28. [20:12] Capoke: I BK them all at once since BKers are usually busy
  29. [20:13] BingBon: and your friend circle has no boss-killers I take it
  30. [20:13] BingBon: so you hire out
  31. [20:13] Capoke: yep
  32. [20:13] Capoke: usually between 2-3 BKers
  33. [20:14] BingBon: from a clan perspective I'm a little less sympathetic to that not because I think it's a bad practice
  34. [20:14] BingBon: but because that sounds like something WL time is used for, which is personal, non-clan activities
  35. [20:15] Capoke: Also. Brally and a few others wanted a discord as well, if you haven't been told by them yet :|
  36. [20:15] BingBon: not as yet :)
  37. [20:16] BingBon: but back to this other question, what aspects of upper characteristics do you think you hit well on?
  38. [20:16] Capoke: Brally's on, if you want to ask him, maybe he can provide details I missed
  39. [20:16] Capoke: and uh
  40. [20:16] BingBon: Based on my notes, part of the reason you were denied was because you have a tendency to have more solo or out-of-clan things that get more of your energy and interest
  41. [20:17] Capoke: I did teach Brally how to dungeon run a bit
  42. [20:17] BingBon: which there's nothing wrong with, but it does beg the question as to what from this clan keeps you here vs just going off elsewhere where the restrictions are looser
  43. [20:17] BingBon: I like having you here, don't get me wrong, it's just that's the natural question
  44. [20:17] BingBon: (and I don't want you to leave is implicit in that)
  45. [20:18] Capoke: I've made friends here. Was just a random join at first, but it gets hard to leave friends behind
  46. [20:18] Capoke: Especially if the friends aren't in any other channels that you're in
  47. [20:18] Capoke: Hard to have a conversation starter if there's nothing to converse about in the first place
  48. [20:20] BingBon: yeah, I know that feeling
  49. [20:21] BingBon: I think what I would like to see from you for eventual GS approval is putting some of your energy into things that benefit the clan as a whole more directly
  50. [20:21] BingBon: I think your presence in chat is great, you're fun to talk to and hang out with
  51. [20:21] Capoke: I'd host contests but...
  52. [20:21] Capoke: You know
  53. [20:21] Capoke: Lack of discord :P
  54. [20:21] Capoke: Discord would help a lot
  55. [20:21] BingBon: but a lot of the leaving to farm dungeons and wanting to still keep /clan access to chat feels like you're focused on getting what you want out of all aspects of things without the give-back options
  56. [20:22] BingBon: I'd be interested to see what your ideas are for a discord for contests that can't be achieved natively, we could talk about that in more detail if you think you could make something happen on that en
  57. [20:22] BingBon: d
  58. [20:22] BingBon: it would have to be pretty convincing since I've run many many contests with only KoL and tons of success
  59. [20:23] Capoke: imo with discord it's easier to reach out to many people at once
  60. [20:23] BingBon: but that aside, you could do things like encourage clannies to go into our own dungeon instances
  61. [20:23] Capoke: Including people not currently in the clan
  62. [20:23] Capoke: Oh, I do that plenty
  63. [20:23] Capoke: I even tell them how to prepare lol
  64. [20:23] BingBon: the thing about people not in the clan though is that's not typically how Hyrule works
  65. [20:23] BingBon: the majority of our members are on in KoL when they're playing
  66. [20:23] Capoke: Fair enough
  67. [20:23] BingBon: they're not elsewhere
  68. [20:24] BingBon: I guess another question on that is "have you tried running an event without a discord?"
  69. [20:24] BingBon: or is it more conjectural?
  70. [20:24] Capoke: Yeah, not in KOL though
  71. [20:24] BingBon: giving some things a go with some real energy would be great
  72. [20:24] Capoke: Took a while to coordinate everything
  73. [20:25] System Message: The system will go down for nightly maintenance in 5 minutes.
  74. [20:25] BingBon: and if you failed to attract much of an audience without a discord, that would make your argument much less theoretical to me as well
  75. [20:25] BingBon: for getting one
  76. [20:25] BingBon: (obviously no sabotaging it by not trying et cetera)
  77. [20:25] Capoke: I have
  78. [20:25] Capoke: I did a few for a game a few years ago
  79. [20:26] BingBon: oh sorry, I meant specifically here in Hyrule
  80. [20:26] Capoke: aighty
  81. [20:26] BingBon: also, do you run much in our own basements or just advise?
  82. [20:26] Capoke: Advise, I've ran it like twice
  83. [20:27] Capoke: planning to do a slime tube potentially though
  84. [20:27] BingBon: OK, I think then seeing you more active in our own dungeons and maybe trying to put on some events just with the message board and possibly some help from me to advertise via announcement would make y
  85. [20:27] BingBon: our application for upper a lot stronger
  86. [20:27] BingBon: I'm someone who likes to see actions most of all
  87. [20:28] BingBon: and actions that are integrated with clan life is a big thing that differentiates uppers
  88. [20:28] BingBon: I think those are some concrete steps you could take which would help your case a lot
  89. [20:28] BingBon: because I think you have the chatting and sense of community down well
  90. [20:28] BingBon: you are definitely a great clannie in that respect
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