
Johtoverse 2.0 Lore

Sep 23rd, 2017
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  1. Johtoverse 2.0 Lore
  2. -Most of the cast are Age 17-19.
  4. -Camilla(39)
  5. -Subaki(32)
  6. -Aversa(42)
  7. -Gangrel(31)
  8. -Hans(33)
  9. -Zola(29)
  10. -Validar(62)
  11. -Jalen(19)
  12. -Rhiannon(18)
  13. -Lucina(18)
  14. -Dio(19)
  15. -Corrin(18)
  16. -Severa(19)
  17. -Inigo(18)
  18. -Owain(18)
  19. -Soleil(20)
  20. -Chrom(38)
  21. -Robin(39)
  24. -For the most part, Corrin/Lucina will be dealing with the game's story as Jalen and Rin will do other stuff. Said other stuff is pretty much dealing with the Terrible Trio, Camilla mentoring them, Dio being a fucking dickhead, meeting Cynthia(Who goes on her own quest to fuck the 3 Legendary Beasts)
  26. -Where as mostly everyone will go through development....Dio won't and might even regressed(From being somewhat depthful of a character to just outright despising Jalen due to his multiple losses.)Eventually, he will join Team Rocket.
  28. -Validar was stopped by Chrom, Robin(Former member of TR and Validar's youngest daughter and favorite...making Aversa her older sister.)Xander(Camilla's older brother and the new Viridian Gym Leader) and Camilla 20 years ago.
  30. -Lucina's the daughter of Chrom(Current Kanto Champion) and Robin(Former TR Admin)
  32. -The parents of Inigo, Severa, and Owain don't know that they are part of Team Rocket, Only Soleil is well-aware of them and is searching for them.
  34. -Former TR members are Cordelia(Admin, Left when shit got too hairy) Tharja(Grunt and was more loyal to Robin, hence her leaving TR when Robin did) and Robin.
  36. -Team Rocket will be more involved in the story.
  37. >Ecrutrek[AversaHans leads a team to try and look for the 3 beasts. Jalen and Rin aids Cynthia to stop them and awaken them in the process]
  38. >Olivine[As it turns out, someone sneaked into the Lighthouse and poisoned Amphy there, Police work shows it was a work of a Team Rocket.]
  39. >Cianwood[As it turns out, it was Dio who is confronted by Jalen as him, Rhiannon, and Lucina take down the Cianwood Rocket Base]
  41. -Severa is a bitch at 1st, but her love for Jalen will redeem her faster than the other 2 and she will leave them(And Team Rocket by extension) quite early on. Mind you, she will still be very tsun-tsun for him, but she will also be more nicer to Rin once she realize that she don't have to compete with her for him.
  43. -Lucina is unaware of her relations to TR through her mother, she just dislike them and want to put them for more selfish, glory-seeking reasons.
  45. -Laslow don't really like Jalen, Calling him the boorish oaf and is jealous of his 'success' with the ladies(When really, Jalen's not that good with them either, he just gets Severa in this world and that's enough to make Laslow have distain for him)
  47. -Remind me to skip Sully, Tharja, and Sakura's gym battles. We won't skip them, but we will just skim over the gym battles. I'll make sure to make them stand out.
  50. (Try to think of more stuff to add)
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