

Nov 20th, 2012
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  1. sollux x karkat
  3. Karkat, grumbling angrily to himself ((as per usual, of course)), rapped his knuckles on the door of Sollux's hive. "Fuck, thiiiiiis." He'd actually been really fucking cozy, sitting half in his pod and half out, lazily fucking around on his laptop. Gamzee had, at one point, tried to goad him into some conversation about miracles or something like that, but he'd de-railed that train before it left central station. "God-fucking-dammit, Thollux," he swore at the still-closed door, tapping his foot angrily. This was a stupid idea. Really stupid. He could be at his hive, chilling. Maybe sleeping. He needed more of that. Evident by the darker grey bags under his eyes. Nope. He was at the hive of one Sollux Captor, waiting for his stupid two-toned eyed face to open his fucking door. Who in their right mind would visit Captor, of all people? Curiousity killed the Karkat. Adurr.
  4. 2ollux had not been sure that he would actually have taken the bait, but he was secretly pleased none the less. He slid from his uncomfortable position where he had been crammed beneath the computer mucking with wires and pulled himself along to the door: unsure why he did not just open it from where he had been until he realize how sore his previous position had made him. The door was pulled open and the darkness of his hive, previously only broken by the blaring blue of several monitors behind him, was beat back by the intruding shine of an outside light. He seemed to grimace before he stepped back and muttered to himself about him being too slow. "Do you work on one thpeed thetting?" was his grumpy reply, but wasn't it Karkat's job to be the bitchy one? Even he had to admire the irony of it. His work had him in a foul mood and he'd only just gotten Aradia off of his back. "...Come in, KK."
  5. Karkat's arms were crossed over his chest, his pointy teeth poking over his bottom lip like they usually were. The ever-present scowl wasn't a stranger either, and he sighed in a grumble as the door was FINALLY opened. "Don't you fucking start with me, lithpy." Hey, making fun of people was all he had. Invited in, he stepped inside, arms still crossed, mood still shit. Then again, it usually was. Scowling, he glanced around the hive. "Tho where'th your thpecial vithitor, Thollux?" he toyed, the glow from the monitors a sight for sore eyes. The gentle buzz from Sollux's honeycomb CPU was a bit unnerving, but he tried to ignore it. Fucking mind honey. And his creepy-ass lusus that ate it. Shudder.
  6. 2ollux shut the door behind him, as he knew that Karkat would not have bothered. "That would be you." he uttered at last as he stepped around him, walking slowly away towards a collection of unopened cans that had been stacked in a seemingly obnoxious pattern. He swiped two and carried them back toward his companion, looking evenly on towards him for a moment before one hand extended in offer. He tried to put the insults out of his mind. They came and went, with Karkat. "Welcome to the thentral cove, KK. It wath about time you got here, there wath nothing elth to do but network." Use him for entertainment? Oh, yes, please. He went to the wall and popped a switch: blaring harsh white lights which flickered before settling permanently on above their heads. The hive was nice enough... Definitely the dwelling place of the socially inept. No, that wasn't even right. He socialized plenty. There was just more units in there than a headcount of trolls, was all. At least Karkat made it two.
  7. Karkat's brow arched at the statement, although it was hardly a change from his usual glower. Why the fuck would Sollux lie? ...and why would he make it so intricate that he'd outright refuse to program something for him? Sollux was an ass, but he was normally a pretty helpful ass. Eyes on the can, taking it begrudgingly, he popped it open and took a sip. Tasteless sludge. At least it was better than what Gamzee drank. Squinting as the lights came on, he sheilded his eyes a little. Nngh. He liked keeping his hive dark. Not so dark that he couldn't see, but not as bright as a fucking Alternian sunrise. "So why the fuck did you con me out here? I don't for a single fucking second believe you actually have anything interesting to show me." And, normally, Sollux would tell him when he discovered something interesting. And rarely, if ever, did it actually involve Karkat moving.
  8. 2ollux had something of a motive to go from, and he worked relatively well with what he had been given- not that it was very much to begin with. He watched as Karkat popped the can and began to drink, his own remaining untouched as red and blue gaze lingered a little too long on the movement the other's throat made when he swallowed. He did not plan on informing him about the contents, of course. Karkat was just going to have to figure it out on his own after he had, heh, slept it off. "You have a dirty mouth, KK." he commented, though had he not been the one contemplating bringing pails into the conversation if the troll had not gone over for the sake of curiosity? He had the picture saved somewhere... He knew he could have spammed it onto his screen. Well, later. There was always later. For a little while. "The truth ith I wath very bored. Theeing you theemed like a good idea." Cryptic.
  9. Karkat wiped the back of his mouth on his sleeve, letting the taste of the sludge settle in his stomach. Ugh. He rolled his eyes. "Wow, fucking a+ observational skills there, Sherlock. What else are you going to point out? That my sign's grey? That I have horns? That your hive is fucking covered in bees and disgusting mind honey?" Narrowing his eyes, he sighed. "Bored? You? Now that's something I don't believe for a second." Sollux always had something interesting going on. Be it with programming or one of the other trolls. "Another second, in addition to the incredulous one I mentioned just a few moments ago. You lie to me to say you're busy with company, and I'm your company. You have a really round-about fucking way of doing things, Captor." Unless he was more psychic than he let on, being able to predict the... future... That one didn't even make sense. Scratch that.
  10. 2ollux did always have something interesting going on, that was the funniest part of their situation. Karkat had all of the answers laid out before him like a naked spread of cards, and he just wasn't reading them. "I knew you would not have come over if I gave you a choith," came his lisped reply, an adjustment made to his glasses as he stood before the other and waited for him to finish that can. His of course would be ready and waiting for an offering, just in case. It was not every day that he attempted something like what he planned to do, and it was not for just anyone that he would have considered it. Karkat was the untouchable one. Logic said he had to have him, some part of him, a bit of Karkat that nobody else could touch or even glance at. So he fed him sopor slime tinged with a little bit of this an' this for flavouring, not that Vantas seemed to appreciate it, but it went down all the same. He knew because he could not stop staring at his throat. "Wath I wrong, KK?"
  11. Karkat wasn't daft, or inept, or naiive. He just had a really fucking hard time believing that Sol wanted any of that. The mushiest stuff Karkat watched in those romcom's he loved so much. So he put it out of his mind. He rolled his eyes again, grunting a non-committal response. He didn't know about that. For the longest time Karkat had known where Sollux's hive was, he just never had the motivation to visit. Maybe if Sollux hadn't had to trick him, it mighta not been the case. His thoughts were muddled, but he gave it no thought. Instead of coming to the conclusion that he was drinking a can full of sopor slime, he attributed it instead to the confusion and anger he was experiencing surrounding the situation. "Maybe if you weren't so fucking secretive about it. No, that's cool, don't even bother with the 'hey Karkat, you wanna come over and play some games' or something. Just cut right to the fucking creepy-ass chase, huh." Angry drink, and the can was empty. Slamming it onto the desk, he folded his arms in his usual grumpy stance. Hmph. And what did the little freak have to say for himself?
  12. 2ollux approached when that can was slammed down, hardly a glance passed over it as the loud noise assaulted his ears. "Vantath," he said with the utmost sobered expression as could be mustered when glee filtered through and caused a ruckus in his gut. His plan was coming along so nicely, everything falling into place. His hand had gone out and by that point he had attempted to touch him, laying a hand upon his cheek in a manner that was surprisingly gentle. The contact was so light that it might as well not have landed at all. "What did I tell you about thinking too much?" Hot and red, the hand that had rested on his cheek only moments before was pressed to the back of his neck: drawing him quickly towards him with a strong grasp made all the more so with the pressure applied by psionics. With his two-toned gaze aglow with the power he wielded, he was a sight: tongue against teeth as he dragged the troll in towards his mouth. When they touched, he wasn't sure if he bit him or kissed him.
  13. Karkat, by this time, was really starting to feel the sopor slime taking over. He had no idea what it was, but he was going the rational route and attributing it to the buzz of the bees, the smell of the mind honey, and the warmth from all the CPUs around him. And then... what the fuck. Twitching as Sollux's hand touched him, he bared his pointed teeth a little. Finding it nearly impossible to resist as his knees began to feel weak, trying to push the other troll away. ...when that didn't work, he gave a breathy sort-of grunt; their mouths touching and Karkat's heart skipping a beat. Heavy eyelids scrutinized Sollux, managing to pull away enough to mumble "Sollux... what.... the fuck...." before he felt his knees giving out, half-collapsing onto the other male troll and gripping at his shirt to keep from crumpling to the ground completely.
  14. 2ollux grabbed hold of him when he saw him buckle and he stepped in towards him: supporting him half with his own body, half with the push of a weight to the air that should not rightly have existed. With his arms wrapped neatly around him, he eased the other troll down onto the large seat upon which he had done all of his latest work: courteous enough to leave him on cushion for what he had planned, instead of the hard floor. Of course, that was always an option if the cushion proved too soft to support their combined weight... "I thaid not to think, Kay-kay." he tutted with a click of the tongue snapped across the roof of his mouth. He let him down and leaned back, his knees in the seat between Karkat's legs. How easily he would be able to move him... Oh, and look at that face. Look at how confused he was! He removed the glasses from his nose and set them to the side. "Try to relax. I am going to take good care of you."
  15. Karkat could only grunt and grumble vaguely at this point, struggling to keep his wits about him. Or what was left of them. Shuddering as he was laid onto the cushion, he tried to roll away - but obviously unable to as Sollux was .... almost sort-of pinning him. Blocking exit, anyway. He stared up at him groggily, eyes narrowed not only in sleepiness, but also in what he hoped looked like comtempt. "Captor... what are you... what's going on...." His words were a tired growl, and he exerted a lot of effort to lift a hand, fisting it into the other troll's shirt weakly. "Tell me.... I don't... like this, Captor..." He didn't. He was confused, concerned, and maybe - but don't tell anyone - a little scared.
  16. 2ollux nudged his knee up high between Karkat's thighs as he crawled up closer towards him and watched: watched the changes in his expression, from the tiny to the drastic. Watched and listened and found himself again staring at the motion of Karkat's throat when the apple bobbed beneath his gray skin. He wanted to touch it but it would wait. "Don't think." he mumured as he settled over him on hands and knees, and he wondered if he had told him that already. In his current state of mind, he could not be sure. He bent his head and pushed into the hand by his belly, allowing that small grip as his own touched over the metal workings of the guy's jeans. This again. Like in his dream. His palm turned to mimic that fuzzy memory and the button was pushed through the hole: releasing quickly, zipped tugged fast. He wanted to feel his skin, and everything that was in his way had to go. "Don't shut your eyeth... I want to thee them." His hand slid down into that fabric and his thin fingers splayed out beneath to cover more ground where they had delved. When his head bent, he finally got to touch that throat- laying his lips upon it, the points of his teeth just barely grazing as he dragged his mouth over his neck. He sought the bend of his shoulder and shifted his weight away from the knee that had been placed between Karkat's legs. That way, he was free to move it against him where he barely missed his own hand. With his hand cupped, he all but covered his groin that way. What he didn't cover, his knee was pressed tightly up against. Ohh, he had found that spot... That spot in the dream, where tiny punctures were made as white broke into gray and tore a reminder Karkat would not be able to walk off or wash away. When his mouth opened it was with a smile, but when it closed, Karkat's shoulder was set harshly in his bite.
  17. Karkat felt himself twitch as the knee came in contact with his pants, the rubbing action against his nook making him shudder again. Suppressing another growl was a chore, and the semi-pained expression was quite clear. Confusion very evident, and that minor fear he was trying to hide not so hidden anymore, he groaned out his concerns. "C...aptor...." Wanting to close his eyes but finding himself, for some reason, unable to do so, he tried to tighten his grip. When that failed, he growled some more and attempted to speak again. "S-Soll - ah." Cut off by the hand in his pants, his own pointed teeth sunk into his bottom lip. It was confusing as fuck how wrong it felt - but he couldn't stop the other troll. Weakly, his legs bent a bit - trying to gain some sort-of footing to squirm away. But he was pinned. Not only by the hands around - and on - him, but the mouth. "Captor," he breathed angrily. "Fuck... fucking stop...." Another shudder tore through him, this one escaping on a heated breath as the fangs grazed him. "I... c-command... you...." And then he was bitten. A sharp cry left Karkat, pulling on Sol's shirt more and lifting the other hand to attempt to grip at his hair. To get him to get off him. His shoulder ached, and it slowed his attempts even more. Yellow nails instead bit into skin beneath the black shirt, Karkat's actions severely interrupted by the bite and the attentions nether-wise. "Stop..." This was so weird. This was so wrong. He didn't want any of it. It was like the time he thought he'd downloaded some cheesy human romcom but it turned out to be something actually very similar to what was going on right now. "Get.... get off me, Captor...." How fitting of a last name it seemed to be. Karkat certainly was being held captive.
  18. 2ollux felt his 'command' was the perfect cue. The irony of the timing was... mm, impeccable. How could he explain what he had seen before he woke? It was unbelievable. Karkat's hissing and demands were hardly a surprise. The only bad thing would have been if the guy had just rolled slowly over and used the word 'please'. That would have put him off, taken him aback, and possibly just ruined everything. It was not like he wanted him to be against it, he just did not want to hear him being so agreeable. It was so unlike him, after all... It would be unsettling. He moved his hands to push Karkat's shirt up over his head to get his arms up and restrain them the same way, one palm down in the fabric between to keep him there... the other, of course, shared his mind's wanderlust. Back right into those pants as his knee retreated to give it space. Down over him, around with his wrist turned. His fingers stretched and pushed between his cheeks to feel him, just following the heat to the hottest point of his body. He wanted him to squirm just like in the dream. It was all he had been able to think about, interrupting everything that he did. Everything triggered a memory. "Kaykay," he whispered as his face settled back down against his throat. "You're tho warm down there..." His finger pushed against him and he applied only enough pressure to keep Karkat on his toes, but not enough to push inside of him. That was not his intention yet. Aradia taught him that.
  19. Karkat swallowed a frightened noise, hands shaking helplessly as they were done up over his head. He blushed. Red. A furious and angry colour, a shameful and embarrassing colour. Karkat the mutant. Mutant blood boiled throughout his body, and he wore the symbol of grey to hide it. No one knew. Terezi and Vriska hinted at it, but he'd always played it off coolly. But now Sollux would see it - actually see it - and... bluh. Not to mention it was spilling out of his shoulder at an alarming rate. Squirm he did, furiously trying to hide his face from the other troll, biting his lip again to cover up those horribly offensive noises. He was scared. And there was nothing he could do to protect himself. "C-Captor... s...stop, right n-now...." It was too far gone at this point, and Karkat knew that - but that didn't keep him from trying his hardest to put an end to this very offensive and awkward charade. "J...jus..t sto -" His words got caught in his throat as Sollux whispered his name again, once more trying to inch away. Now from the... hand... that was... in a place most uncomfortable. Weakly struggling, the sopor slime doing a splendid job of keeping him rather defenseless, he breathed something that sounded oddly like a whimper. From Karkat? Never. Twitch. Breath. "Wh... what are.. you d....doing...."
  20. 2ollux was more than a little amused that when Karkat's body twitched, so did that part of him twitch as well- right against his finger, like it was almost kissing his skin. His grin was wide in response: all teeth. Without his glasses, the blue and red that focused heavily on the wound he had inflicted was piercing. Nothing lay between he and the sight of that blood. "Red?" It was a tone of curiosity, one that had not really come from him before. He let go of that shirt and he retracted his hands, but oh how they refused to be still. When they moved to their next destination, it was the band of his pants. It seemed he was intent on seeing more of Vantas... Every inch of his scrawny little body, from the red of his startling blood, to the finest hairs on his body as he yanked to remove the pants from his hips and was forced to sit back just to manage it. He knew he would not fight. The slime saw to that. Again: Aradia. He had a lot to thank her for, he realized. Not that she'd care...
  21. Karkat grumbled in a tired, angry way at the question of his blood, unable to think of any excuses in his muddled thoughts. Godfuckingshitdammit. Still heavy on his cheeks, he could almost feel it burning through his whole body. He hated it. He hated himself. For a number of reasons. And he covered it up so well with all the anger and the cursing and... the capslock. He felt the shirt be released but he could barely do anything about it, feeling too drugged to even try and defend himself again as his pants were tugged down. The only thing given in response to that was a bleak " stop..." and even that was muffled by the slime. ...and a frustrated, defeated groan. He would never have pinned Aradia for helping Sollux with something like this. Never in a hundred sweeps. Weakly trying to kick Sollux away and cover his shame, he gave another frustrated cry. "Why... are you doing.... this.... Captor..." The silence from the Gemini had been so unnerving. "An... answer me...!" Arms finally found a use, Karkat sluggishly drawing them down over his face, to attempt at covering his exposed skin. Oh, he'd fight. It'd be a losing battle, but drugged or no, the Cancer would fight.
  22. 2ollux hadn't exactly been straight up with Aradia when he'd asked her to teach him some things. What had he told her? It was for roleplay. Innocent, new knowledge for an innocuous roleplay with a new friend... He didn't have very many reasons to lie, so why shouldn't she have believed him? When Karkat tried to kick him, he just used the motion against him: pushing under that raised knee to force it back - hiking his ass up as his own physical hands were replaced with the psionic. Red and blue glowed eerily from his mismatched eyes, fainter still than the glow of the unformed shape of pressure that formed at the backs of Vantas' legs. His corporeal hands worked to expose him completely. Shoes had to removed, as well as anything inside of them... Then the pants that had gathered around his ankles. "Kaykay I thaid not to fight... It will make it worthe for you, I hear."
  23. Karkat, foiled, groaned again in frustration and anger; legs hiked like that. He shook his head, trying to bargain with the other troll. "C...Captor -" Awkwardly working his hands out of the shirt he had been bound with, the sluggish motions brought him to try and keep his pants on, or cover his bulge, or do whatever they could. Question ignored, his irritation was flaring as a small spark in the back of his head, fighting against the sopor slime. "Y-you're.... gonna get it.... Wh-when I can... move again.... I fucking p-promise you..." Still red as a beet, he was actually fighting off the extremely strong urge to cry in frustration and defeat. He'd never had this happen before, obviously. Even his fights with his lusus hadn't been this traumatic. And crabdad could beat the shit out of him. "I'll... k-kill you, Captor..." Struggling against the invisible hands, he groaned again, the attempt he made to shift his weight completely useless. Fuck...
  24. 2ollux eased his legs apart with a gentle push of the mind and crawled forth: moving over top of him, uncaring for where he tried to put those hands. "Will you...?" he asked of him quietly, lisp lacking in his carefully constructed sentence as he bent and raked the sharp ends of his teeth gently over top of one of Cancer's ears. "Red-blood?" Every mind had a distinct flavour: too good not to snap open for the juice of the meat waiting inside. Gemini had climbed atop him and listened to him groan, but now it was time to really get him sounding out. Karkat's voice was a necessity for the game. He wanted to hear him say things that no other troll would have dreamed of, because he had... and once he had a taste of something, he hated to let it go. With a turn of the head his mouth had returned: kissing harder against him, teeth tucked just barely under gray flesh. His hands were between them, and the only hint as to what they were doing came with the soft noise of metal dragging over metal.
  25. Karkat, with great effort, pulled his hands up to cover his face, shuddering as Sollux grazed his ear. "Yes," he spat, but cringed visibly at the mention of his blood. His horrible, mutant blood. Disgraceful. Shame was evident in his next vocalization. "St...stop..." he breathed, still struggling to try and kick at something. He stilled, though, at the sound of Sollux's zipper. Hands fell to uncover his eyes now, looking at the Gemini with traces of confusion and a very faint smattering of fear. "C....Captor... nn.... no...." Oh gog, it was just like those movies. Those horrible movies that Equius and Gamzee and sometimes even Terezi showed him once in a while. He mostly tried to ignore them, but Karkat's interests lay mostly in the romcoms. He never knew that... those movies... weren't entirely what he wanted to see until it was too late most of the time. "Stop... right now... D-don't..."
  26. 2ollux did not want to imagine Equius, or Aradia, or Eridan, or any other compliant grub at that moment. His fixation was strictly with Karkat, and the fight Karkat liked to put up (even if he did keep telling him to stop resisting) (he knew that he wouldn't). He licked his lips, turned his head and then licked the blood that was already drying in the bite he had left behind. His shirt would probably only barely cover it up the next day. Somehow, that made him happy. Their dirty secret, his and Karkat's. Red blood. His teeth imprinted so neatly in his skin, red on gray, white showing in a slow-curving grin that vanished only when he was forced to take his fingers in his mouth. "Shhh," he hushed him and the clarity of his pronounciation was likely startling; a definite lack of lisp missing to slur that one sound. A wet finger pressed until he felt the muscle giving and the stubborn digit refused to slacken until heat had enveloped it. He would stop when the full length of the longest finger had been buried. "I won't tell, Kaykay." he promised in a quiet tone. "Our thecret... I'll make it good."
  27. Karkat's hands were still over his mouth, eyes closed to the sights of what was going on. This wasn't happening. His dream self got rid of the stupid yellow outfit, put on his normal clothes. And this was happening in a dream. Fuck. "O-oh gog, n-" Stiffening as much as his numb body would allow, trying to squirm away from the intrusion, he bit his lip hard enough to make himself bleed. "Nn- stop..." Words were useless, he knew, but fuck if he'd quit trying. It was the worst thing that he'd ever experienced, by far. Make it good? Their secret? Hands, wobbling in their tremors, bit into Sollux's shoulders, still weakly attempting to push him away. They crawled to his neck, too kittenish to strangle him. Slowly they worked to his hair, able to barely make a fist. "Sol - ss.... stop...."
  28. 2ollux's mind pushed and so were Karkat's legs: caressed with binds of red and blue where he hugged the knees, his tongue out against his mouth when he spoke. If he licked his hand instead, he didn't care. He sunk into him and buried his finger as far as it could reach, and in his other hand he sought to make him beg. Fingers best described as spindly at their best were hot where they wound around his dick, maybe a little moist with sweat. He was nervous. Maybe it didn't show, maybe he did too well a job when it came down to that, but this was his first time doing it too. Surely Karkat would have to realize that-- someday, if not tonight! "Don't cover your mouth, I want to hear the thoundth you make." he grunted as his index, still moist from his mouth, rubbed just outside: not yet daring to join the first when he started to pull and push, imitating the thrusting his own hips itched to start. It was that red. That red on his shoulder, the red on his cheeks, the red hot noise of his --
  29. 2ollux --> pleas. His dick throbbed and he just finger-fucked him like that, keeping his legs apart while he had to focus to do it; body above his, with his weight pushing on the hands that he tried to move in sync. He would get the hang of it. With practice, he could perfect it. Karkat was going to be his.
  30. Karkat had enough presence of mind, still, to challenge the order. "So fu.... fucking m-make me s....stop, Captor...." To prove his point, one of the hands slugged itself back, clamping over his mouth as the candy-red blood trickled down his chin from the pinprick bite marks his fangs had left in his lower lip. Christ, though - it was hard to focus on anything other than the feeling of the other troll doing what he was... doing... to him. Behind that hand, however, he was palming curses the Mother Grub herself would have shunned. Eyes screwed shut, his other hand still gripping as it was able to in Sollux's hair. So it was Captor's first time being a rapist, huh? Well awesome. What sort-of unspeakable fallacy did Karkat commit to be his fantastic first attempt? What the fuck did Sollux see in someone as brash, snarky, loud, awful, and contemptuous as Karkat? Few knew it was a farce. Sollux and Karkat may have been close friends... but this was taking it way too far.
  31. 2ollux bit his hand harshly when he was dared to make him stop - the wrong thing to say to Captor, apparently. One finger became two and even with how rough he could be in those small points, it was very gently that he kissed at one horn: tongue swiped against the smooth length of one nub. He liked that his horns were so small and fat. He liked that when Karkat cursed, he did it with his face so full of red, and all of it was directed at him.That was the best part. All of the attention was on him. He had cancer's focus. He and his fingers which scissored him wide, he and his psionics as red and blue kept his legs apart in a paltry pose better suited to a slut. Karkat was not a slut. If anything, Sollux actually wondered if he was a virgin. He was a virgin. Nobody really knew it, but maybe nobody really cared. This was important. It was important to Sollux that if Karkat was his first, he wanted to be Karkat's. The hand around him squeezed him as he closed his thin lips around one horn and sucked crudely at the bright tip, smothering it against his warm tongue as the hand around him gave him a healthy squeeze. He wanted to see if Karkats could also purr.
  32. Karkat howled a bit at the bite to his hand, pulling it away as quickly as he was able ((quicker than most of his actions had been, at this point)) and hissed. Not only because of the goddamn fingers in him, but because of the frustration at the situation as a whole. A-and then the tongue on his horn - "N-no... nngh..." Particularly erogenous area, the horns were. Troll anatomy was fucking obnoxious. Managing to keep his noises down until the horn-thing, he blushed, if possible, harder. "Fuck, f-fff...ffuh..." It had opened the floodgates for more noises, more curses. Even the hand on his... what did the humans call it, - dick - hadn't elicted as much of a reaction. Karkat was far too stubborn to give in to a terrorist. But now... "Gog-dammit-Captor," he breathed in one difficult breath, shuddering on the gasp he took to regain his oxygen footing. "Jegus... - nngh... st...stop...."And... erhem. Karkat hadn't gotten intimate with anyone. He was a loner. And troll relationships were confusing and not worth his time. Especially.. not.. when they delved into this level. The hand that had been bitten now lifted to Sollux's head again, gripping into his hair once more to pull him off. An attempt to, anyway. Red, watery tears of pure frustration and malice were clouding his vision, knowing better than to spill over his eyelids. Deep breaths littered with obscenities and shudders were thrown into the other troll's neck - the closest part of Sollux he could reach.
  33. 2ollux drew his teeth together at the tip and were cushioned by the constant push of his tongue, leaving the dragging sensation given little more than a tease. No pain, but everything to gain. Drawing his mouth down after he sought to suck at the brightly coloured appendage like he meant to take from it the very honey of a comb. Heh. "Whath wrong, KK?" he asked of him with a self-satisfied grin on his face. "You're breathing tho hard. Do you think you could get uthed to thith?" Let him curse all he liked, he still held him in his hand, and he could tell that he was enjoying himself. When he lowered his head it was to lick at his face: swiping his tongue over a closed eye to clean up any tears that did try to escape, then down over his mouth. It didn't last long. He kissed him only once, and then it was his teeth, sharp as they drew down to pin the flesh and tease the smallest drops of that beautiful, tacky red.
  34. Karkat's body was on fire. And not the kind of satisfying heat you'd get from a workout or anything. It was terror and discomfort, and of course a heaping spoonful of anger. Groaning again at the tongue, his eyes were still closed, and he continued to grip the best he could into Sol's hair. It... okay. This wasn't nearly as bad as he was making it seem. It just.. the way that it had happened? The way that it had started? Fear was a much more prominent feeling than lust or sensuality right now. It was overpowering the mood that Sollux so desperately wanted to gain from Karkat. It was unlikely though that the Cancer would ever feel anything beyond this primal fear and uneasiness at this point. But, that was impressionable. Probably. Used to this? Being lured into a false sense of security and taken advantage of? Sure. And while he was at it, he'd take all the wigglers to Earth and give them magical fucking pony rides. "N...never..." The sound was pushed out just before the bite, causing another little yelp from the troll. Fuuuuck fuck. Fuck. He just wanted to be back in his hive.
  35. 2ollux ignored the shuddering, or at least seemed to, before he was kissing him - leaving the blood and bumping noses. "Kay-kay," he humphed on his next breath, mismatched eyes shut as his focus shifted entirely to what he felt and not what he saw. He had thought that if he could just engage him, things would change. Maybe he was wrong? "I really like you." He withdrew his hands to take hold of him, gripping his shoulders and rubbing down his arms. He'd fought the pull of his hair with a cringe, but the tighter that Karkat pulled on it the more it really did hurt to keep resisting. He all out grimaced as he did open his eyes, but the glasses were gone and he couldn't remember if he had taken them off or if it was possible they had just fallen off somewhere along the line.
  36. Karkat's racing heart calmed down half a tick, and he regarded him with extremely dubious caution as he pulled back. Drugged, sleepy, dubious caution. He laughed humourlessly. "You h...have... a fucking odd way... of showing it..." Karkat was... very much a confused thing right now. The spinning of the room around him wasn't helping, and the sudden cease of every attention the gemini had on him was like being dumped into a cold lake. Everything had done a complete 180, and he wasn't sure if he should have been grateful or even more worried. Was... Sollux red for him? Karkat understood that the relationship they had was very seriously steadfast between pale and ashen, but he'd never considered the possibility... He was trembling, but it was hard to tell if it was from fear or rage. "S-so... what are..." Bluh, that had been a long blink. Fucking sopor slime. " going... to do to me, Sollux..." Asking was a bit of a gamble, wasn't it? Might as well press his luck.
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