
theory of how the hazbin/Helluva human world works

Nov 2nd, 2020 (edited)
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  1. from /hhg/ - Hazbin Hotel #444 Sexual Pizza Music Edition, #445 and #446
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  3. ok here my theory.
  5. in this world demons and angel are real, the angels must have interactive with the humans before they start doing it less and less.
  7. same goes for the demons(?... maybe) because of that, the government must know what is going on and they decided to hide the truth from the people.
  9. because if anyone know if demon's are real, a lot of people will make deals with them to get what they want. and for people who found out that angels are real, they will do anything to try to talk to them or try to talk to god.
  11. I mean they will do ANYTHING! we all seen what the real world crazy christians people to get the point across about god.
  13. because of all of this, they send the men in black or some other government agencies to keep it quiet. I bet they already know about people who made a deal with stolas.
  15. and as well the imps, they are easy to cover up but sooner or later... they need to kill them.
  17. or the imps are going to do something that will destroy all the hard work that the government is trying to hide.
  19. that my theory I guess
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  21. I thought something similar when the helicopter destroyed the house and the end of the episode near the end. Nice.
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  23. I forgot to talk about that but thank you to bring up that anon
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  25. It'd make for an interesting episode if I.M.P had to deal with some sort of secret human organization that hunts demons or something
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  27. that be cool to see
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  29. I like this, also wasn't it mentioned by blitzo in his Instagram? They were worried since a picture of him got attention in the human world.
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  31. yes
  35. stolas got mad at blitzo because of that
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  37. Here's something though: if blowing the whole family and their house sky-high was actually someone trying to put a halt to evil underworld shenanigans, then they've basically gone full grimderp SCP Foundation "liquidate the whole village they might have seen something"-mode.
  39. Think about it: if those chucklefucks ACTUALLY knew anything about the supernatural/demonology/whatever, it seems like "you can't hurt an imp with fire" would have been a pretty basic lesson, like "if a=b and b=c then a=c" from math class or "rocks only roll downhill" from geology. It just makes sense without even really having to think about it. I don't think the "Root of Evil" they worshiped actually exists, I think they were akin to The Sect of Nacozari or Terri Hoffman's cult. Some narcissistic, deluded jackamohomo convinced themselves the voices in their head were real, or that their warped and screwed up interpretation of a hodgepodge of different religious/mystic beliefs actually made any sense, and then just started carrying out the rituals that they were really pulling out of their mentally-ill ass. The Root of Evil is nothing but psycho-mom's own madness that she dragged her latest partner and their impressionable kids down into. They may have thought they were doing something supernatural by getting all Leatherface family on random folks out in the woods, but they weren't, because the god they were burning sacrifices to isn't real.
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  41. holy shit, I didn't think like that but that is really interesting
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  43. Kind of a "happy" coincidence. They (correctly) believed in Hell and demons on top of (incorrectly) believing in other nonsensical crap, and then lo and behold, some demons show up armed and ready to kill. Validates their whole belief system even if most of it was wrong. And then they all died. And seriously, if any characters are going to show up down in Hell after IMP whacks them, it's going to be these guys. They had a human corpse on the dinner table and human skin taxidermy on the walls. They're damned for sure.
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  45. yeah, I can see that
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  47. A good theory, but equally likely that their god is real and just didn't give a fuck.
  48. I mean think about it, in a world where this stuff exists, what's one group of assholes who believes in you if they're caught?
  50. Better to let them die and go whisper in the ear of some other schizo, clean slate.
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  52. >*Ring Ring*
  53. >*Ring Ring*
  54. >*Click*
  56. >"Hello~"
  58. >"Hey Stolas, it's me, Root"
  60. >"Oh hello dear, to what do I owe the pleasure~?"
  62. >"You know those imps who use your grimoire to murder people?"
  63. >"They killed on of my worshippers, and her family ended up as collateral damage too."
  65. >"Soooooo?"
  67. >"So I'm afraid I'm going to need some compensation here."
  69. >"Well then..."
  70. >"Would a cup of coffee do it?"
  72. >"Sure that sounds fine."
  74. >"See you on friday then?"
  75. ---
  76. Proceeding further down this same line of inquiry, how often would you think that looney mystics accidentally get lucky and get in contact with Hell? The fact that the means of opening a portal between Hell and Earth is a book and not some magic crystal or sacred candle or some such crap implies that the method is actually knowledge that can be quantified and written down and learned.
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  78. that got to be very annoying for some government agencies.
  80. imagine just finish a job and you are ready to go home... and out of nowhere your boss just told you a teen just open a portal to hell because he want to edgy & cool.
  82. must be a nightmare to deal with
  83. -
  84. >Bathe a fresh suit of clothes (no mixed fibers) under the light of a full moon
  85. >Sleep on a freshly dug grave for 3 nights
  86. >Burn 6 grain of black gunpowder on the edge of a bronze knife
  87. >Sacrifice a black cat
  88. >Place its remains in a cauldron along with 7 branches of palo santo
  89. >Carve the sacred symbols into your palm
  90. >Recite the ancient words in the language of the Dubzchekumites
  92. >Turns out only like, two of those seven steps were actually necessary, but you still managed to open a portal to Hell and unleash Forcas, demon knight and master of pyromancy
  94. >Oh shit bro you can't get the portal closed
  95. >Oh shit bro the demon is lighting everything on fire and you can't control him no matter what spell you try to cast
  96. >Oh shit bro all the rest of the information in this book you found at the Psychic Eye Reader's Room in between the patchouli oil and lumps of rose quartz is complete bullshit
  97. >I warned you about them demons bro
  98. >I warned you
  99. ---------------
  100. I like to imagine that there's an anti-demon division in heaven that operated since medieval times that's dormant because no demon was spotted in such a long time
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  102. Ok, so... here some theory that I think of.
  104. 1. has the government use demons as a weapon or hired a demon as a agent?
  106. 2. I think some part of the world or people had made deals with demons for trading stuff
  108. 3. if C.H.E.R.U.B. are helping human for trying to get them into heaven, that mean there other angels who are trying to stop human using demons for stuff
  110. 4. there must be other Ars Goetia demon's who made deals with human before because in the helluva boss pilot, stolas was talking to a political person about global warming.
  112. and 5. are there other things are real?... like myths and legends monsters or something.
  114. that all I can think off
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  116. what do you think of my theory/ideas that I posted?
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  118. Your third thought, about CHERUB making an active effort to get humans into Heaven, is interesting because it would imply a fifth-columnist situation in Heaven where the underclasses (I'm assuming cherubs and whatever those little goat angels are=imps and hellhounds, bottom of the totem pole) are attempting to undermine their corrupt rulers.
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  122. I can see that, do the fact that the exterminators look like killer robots & not like angels.
  124. that mean there something going on in Heaven.
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