
Swords of Xiphia

May 17th, 2015
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  1. The sword of Nāmaka
  2. Little historical record of the early merfolk history remains. This sword, recovered from the tomb of the great queen Nāmaka on one of their early civilizations hints at a time now dimly if at all remembered. Inscribed on the curious metal of the blade which shimmers gold and green is the legend of ownership unreadable by all but the most astonishingly esoteric scholars. Nāmaka is remembered in history for having briefly united several small kingdoms through her willingness to endure tremendous hardship. This blade, found in her tomb excavated by a team of archeologists, is testament to that time.
  4. Those who have examined it closely report that it shows no signs of age however, despite having spend the better part of 2300 years in Nāmaka's tomb under sixty fathoms of water. This sword passes some of it's enduring qualities on to it's master.
  7. Dha Khomek Sobar
  9. A blade with a bloody history, Khomek Sobar was quenched in the body of it's maker when the pirate who had ordered the sword grew impatient with the constant delays in it's completion. Handed over to a second master for decoration, the sword had already acquired it's distinctive and disturbing attitude even as it was painstakingly turned into an object of art. Adorned with beautiful images of Neptunians and the sea, it was handed over to it's first owner, who soon found it leading him into a Marine base where he fell in battle. A Marine took up the sword next, and soon found herself lead into a nest of pirates. Though each user of the blade found it a peerless weapon without equal, they also found it leading them to their dooms.
  11. Dha Khomek Sobar leads it's wielder unerringly into needless trouble and foolish battle, to sate it's own bloodlust and boredom. Most of it's owners would have agreed that the sword has some kind of mind and intelligence-but it's agenda is purely one of blood and war, and it cares nothing for the survival of those who wield it. Indeed, it seems to regard their deaths as a mere punctuation in it's own personal story of bloodshed.
  12. Dha Khomek Sobar may be compelled to negative effect, but may not be invoked to positive effect.
  14. Together, these two swords for the basis for the upgrade of the Heart of Blades stunt to Soul of Blades: Nāmaka and Sobar. What does this entail? We have options.
  16. Upgrade option 1. Each consequence inflicted on it's master enables The sword of Nāmaka to add +1 to defense with combat, up to a maximum of +3. All attacks with Dha Khomek Sobar have Weapon (2), but it may be compelled without paying a fate point and cannot be invoked to benefit Xiphia.
  18. Option 2: As above but a flat +2 to defense in all situations where Xiphia has taken a consequence.
  20. Option 3: Alter existing Heart of Blades stunt to give +1 to defense and create advantage when Xiphia is using these swords. Low cost alternative, not particularly megastunty.
  22. Option 4: Add one or the other effects from Option 1 or 2 to the existing stunt, or it's modified version from Option 3.
  24. Option 5: Pay a fate point to inflict mental stress via martial prowess by giving someone a close shave. Possibly add another effect for a true Megastunt.
  26. Option 6: No mechanical effect for now-Xiphia just gets shinier swords.
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